The Arts Catalyst Moon of the Republic for a Manifesto Manifesto for of the a Republic Moon Cover: Rocks off the coast of a small island David Given (
[email protected]) on the south coast of the Sea of Smyth. Parts: NASA, ESO/Serge Brunier of Smyth Sea Manifesto for a Republic of the Moon The Arts Catalyst CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 05 SPACE LAW from Whole Earth Catalog 07 MANIFESTO: FOR A REPUBLIC OF THE MOON Rob La Frenais 09 MANIFESTO: WE COLONISED THE MOON 18 MANIFESTO: DANDELION BOOST Agnes Meyer-Brandis 20 MANIFESTO: WELCOME TO THE REPUBLIC 22 OF THE MOON Liliane Lijn PRIVATE MOON: Leonid Tishkov 23 MANIFESTO: T HE MOON IN MY HEART Leonid Tishkov 24 MANIFESTO: D ROSOPHILIA TITANUS Andy Gracie 27 SUPERFLIES TO BE FIRST ASTRONAUTS ON TITAN: An interview with Andy Gracie 29 CONTENTS OCCUPY THE MOON Tony White 35 SECOND MOON Katie Paterson 42 MOONMEME 1992 — 2012 Liliane Lijn 44 HITCHHIKING TO THE MOON Joanna Griff in 47 THE SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE FOR RENEWED HUMAN EXPLORATION OF THE MOON Dr Ian A. Crawford 77 List of thanks/Colophon 96 ********************************** ************************************************************ ABOUT THIS BOOK / INTRODUCTION Manifesto for a Republic of the Moon is a mixture of scientific papers, images, poems rants and other expressions that could make up a picture of how it would be, a half- century or more on from the Moon landings, to occupy the Moon. Initially a curatorial project, Republic of the Moon was originally shown at FACT, Liverpool in 2011. Agnes Meyer Brandis' Moon Goose Analogue has subsequently been displayed in the Great North Museum, Newcastle as part of AV Festival 2012 and then toured to Z33, Belgium and shown in the exhibition A Space Odyssey 2.0 alongside Andy Gracie's Drosophilia Titanus.