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11-26-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 11-26-1907 Journal Publishing Company

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AS TREASURY SWAMPED TWELVE THOUSAND THREATEN TO CHALLENGE CONSTRUCTION BUREAU EMPLOYES LOCKED IN LOUISVILLE STRIKERS. EXPERT TESTIFIES : WOMAN'S CONDITION WITH APPLICATIONS ATTACK FRENCH CAMP ENTIRE PANEL FOR BIAS REPLIES TO CRITICISM SAFE ALMOST SUFFOCATE ATTACK CROWDED CAR TO Fact That She Was Allotments So Far Confined to Fanatical Raiders Ruthlessly Action of Court in Allowing American Fleet, Ship For Ship, Robbers Proceed to Hotel, Unknown Number of People .In- Instances Secretary of a Club to Show Banks Who Desire to Use the Slaughtered At Close Range Members to Be Questioned Has No Superior Anywhere, Calmly Divide Swag and cluding Police, Injured By Ab- As Basis of Additional By Heavy as to Politics Denounced as By Iden- That Her Condition Was 'Bonds Artillery Fire; 1200 Declares Rear Admiral Make Off Hotly Pursued Bullet, Stone and Club; ' normal. Circulation. Die in Battle. Unwarranted. Capps in Annual Report. Posse of Officers, tity of Victims Kept Secret. Morning Hnerlal Wlra 1 I Br Morning Journal Usarla! Ltated Wire. H Morning Journal special Wire.) I Br Morning Journal Noarlsl ImmI Wlra lr Journal Lasted Morning Special Wlrn.J I Lena Wlra.) Iwd I Br Morning Journal Ipeetal Leased Wifw.l Br Jouraat Lhh Br Maraa sarán MaHal Washington, Nov. Ü5. That Mia. Washington. Nov. 2T. A more con Maghlnia. Algeria. Nov. 25. Ten Georgetown. Ky., Nov. 25. State's Washington, Nov. Ü5. From time BlonmiiiKton, ills., Nov. 25. The Iouisv ire. Ky.. Nov. 25. The most fident In regard to the success of Attorney up Annie M. Bradley was tnsatu at the tone thousand of the iiercest Franklin Intimated at the lo time during the past iew monihH State bank, at Clinton, was held serious riot thus far of the street car time she shot former Hen.-uo- Brown. the new loans prevailed at 14' treas- tiil.esin.-- suouped down on tile Caleb Howers murder trial today that there have appended n various pub-lir- a and robbed of JÜ.üuO In coin shortly strike occurred tonight, and at a re- of Utah, in this city on December K ury department today than at any French camp yesterday and were he would, this afternoon, tile a mo- Hons comineáis concerning alleged before 5 o'clock this afternoon by two sult two men are known to be shot, last, was the opinion of Dr. W i'lam lltive since the announcement of th beaten olT wilh a loss of killed tion challenging the entire Jury panel defects in vesself of the navy and par- men who made their escape. Jt was two policemen were injured by stones Barton, of the medical department of liMins a .week ago. I lie visits of Mr. Tim liuiitliiK continued lor a long In the box on the ground that the ticularly buttleanlpn and armored Just a few minutes after closing tima and clubs and two more men and a fleorgetown university ami a lul-I- st Morgan on Friday and Saliuilay were tune and vaa ciouiitet.-t- ..n the pa.t of Jurors were required upon qualifying cruisers. To answer these Uear Ad- when the men appeared in the bank woman are reported to have been in nervous diseases, exr-- a: followed today by a visit from James Ihe tribesmen apparenily with total to stale their political altiluilions. lie As- esd I miral Capp, chief of the bureau of and with drawn revolver forced shot. A number of heada were crack- the trial of Mrs. Bradley 1 1 lay. Dr. K Kurgan, president of he First tllsreuarit ior lln-i- lives. At onetime contends that this was unprecedented, construction anil repairs, na aevoiea sistant Cashier William Argo, Cashier ed by the police. The condition of Barton's tostlmony followel l!:e leail-In- g Bank or Chicago. Mr. Forgan Ihe French Inlanlry were In danger unwarranted and illegul. Young Coitel-yo- u much of the larger part of his annual Murnhy and Bookkeeper John lust named three can not be ascertain- to him of a hypothetical ..K-silo- saw the president. Secretary of being surrounded, hut tiny tinally Slates Attorney Franklin today filed nport to the tjecretary of the navy. to enter the big vault which they had ed, as the street ear on which they of l.soo words covering thn hisiorv of and Treasurer Treat, and ex- disengaged themselves front their per- several sensational aitlduvils attack- Just made. Just locked. The bulk oí the money were riding was hurried to the car Mrs. Bradley's relatlyns Willi .senator pressed his belief that the banks ilous posiil.m by a most bralllant ing the eligibility of Jurors. Some of Admiral Cappa courts responsibility had already been placed in the cur- barn, and the Identity of the victims Brown from the duy he met I im lo throughout the country would soon be charge of the Spuhls. The lout of the them quoted Jurors Wayland and Fer- fur the. designs such as they are, and rency safe and the lime lock set, but were kept a secret by the street car the day of the tragedy. In a position to resume cash pay- Arabs as completed by vigorotw guson as having said that If they were puya the highest tribute to his pre- $2,200 in gold and silver remained on company. Dr. Barton diagnosed Mrs. Bradiev'a ments. The subject Is of peculiar In- shelling by the artillery. The French selected us Jurors on a Bowers Jury decessors in office. He declares that tins counter. This the robbers shoved That the unknown people wera ailment as being puerpalal Insanity, terest to the treasury officials, se loss was einlit killed. they would clear him, regardless of niir battleship fleet Is fullv equal In into a bax and took with them to the I badly by caused by whut he Indicated as the as. for nearly a month government the law uiid evidence. num- Hotel Henion they prev- either shot or Injured stones declining aa a di- The sensation of day was an af- all respects to that of any equal where had Is positively by reputable sault on her nervous sywtem due to receipts have been the de- iously engaged room. They ar- asserted ha-- l per- scarcity of currency. fidavit from tloehel, brother of ber of ship In any other navy a had physicians who were passengers on the abortions which she had rect result uf the Arthur signed during the same period. He fur- ranged the money in rolls so that It formed upon her. In explaining why-h- Distillers, brewers and others who am the murdered senator, to the effect the car and escaped injury. rev-atiu- e LAND FRAUD GASES re- ther quotes one of the most distin- could be easily carried and were Just looked uon her as an aim irtnal required to purchase Internal that W. Wilson, of Wlllianistow n, a to when officers The trouble occurred on Ihe Fourth .! not been to publican attorney, went with tha sher- guished foreign authorities on that about leave the hotel a woman, he said she waa Jn'eiest in stamps have able presence attempt- avenue line, near Kentucky street, woin.-n- , currency quantities iff Into Grant county to summon the point as follows: learned of their and neighborhood, things that do not attract tnd secure in sulilclent The extraordinary high figures for ed to break In the door. Before they fashionable residence Instanced tUe fact that sli wan sec- from the banks 'With which to pur- venire and rode In a buggy with W. II. United Ktutes ships n fiords food for succeeded. ' however, the robbers shortly before 7 o'clock this evening. retary of a club as an evidence of her chase these stamps and as the collect- Oreen, the brother-in-la- of Powers, thniiKht, for both In ships with high Jumped from a window onto an A southbound car loaded full was abnormality. Dr. Barton was on the ors are not allowed under the law to III advising anil aiding him in the selec- power guns or Impervious to vital in- roof, taking only 17(10 in gold suddenly, attavked by 600 or "00 strike stand practically the entir; day and received certified checks or anything tion of a venire and that two qualified per-ton- al bv jury at long; range, the United States and leaving 11,500 In silver In the sym put tuners. . A bail of stones, pistol was subjected to a severe but lawful money, except at their Jurors were summoned placing en- MO new Is superior to any other. In the room; It was dark when the men shots and, cluhs was poured Into the by the district attorney, iildeil risk, the result lias been that themselves in the way of the sheriff world." ea peil from the hotel and all trace of car. The conductor and a policeman by the government Insanity experts, even a sufficient amount of stamps to on their advice. Iteferrlng to the criticisms of the them was lost. A posse was organized aboard returned the fire, but to what Dr. Hmlth Kly Jelleffe of New York cover immediate needs has been diffi- Killing of Agent Walker Makes At Ihe convening of the court this says: went in pursuit. Balti- cult to oblan. The government Is In- afternoon the roll call of the second hntdeships. ASmlral Capps and ' effect il'not known.' The motorman and Dr. Kdward 8. Brush of "The chief c. i. uctor hopes that Before the highwaymen left the nurried tha car out of range, although more. Dr. Barton proved lo be a good sisting that depository bunks ahull, us the Government More Deter venire from Oram county was cnlled. he has demonstrated fully and clearly bank building they called up the tele, himself and a man and a woman pas- witness for the deten. ma soon as possible, meet the demands for About half nsked to be excused and that such serious faults as may exist phone operator and requested her to senger are declared to have been showed hbj conulusions as to currency In this respect. There seems mined Ever most of them were. On aflldavll of In j some une to bank to release ' was un to be a general desire among the Than to Prose Caleb Powers a motion lor further battleships and armored cruisers send the striiQk by bullets. Mrs. Bradley's insanity and com- were not due to tne arnurary metnoiis the three bank officials imprisoned In Twenty policemen arrived oh the shaken by Ihe n. The bankers in New York, Chicago and time for consideration of Ihe of the board of construction or to the the vault. Charles Parker, collector scene a few In automo enmc Into court today look- other cities and financial cute Law's Violators. monwealth aliidavits was granted and minutes later defendant given S o'clock to- bureau of construction and repair, but for the bank, was the only person who biles and surrounded about a hundred ing pale and haggard, evidently in an- centers to resume currency payments counsel was until wholly in knew combination to the , ey all questions at the earliest possible moment, and morrow morning. were almost due to defects the vault', the mob an nearby. The ticipation that after the Upm-la- l sea-goin- g a (Br Morning Joaraal Leased Wire 1 were questioned Individ- material and tht insistence of and after a short time he waa found mob. broke through the cordon, fight of her insanity, or insanity at the time Mr. Forgan visit was made with a The Jurors military fea- and hurried to the assistance of the of of act, was view of learning the views of Ihe Denver, Nov. 5. Judge Hubert E. ually as to the charges made by lh officers that certain ing fiercely; and although many head the commission the the Lewis, In S. de- oiig-In- nl imprisoned men. When Parker lit case. While treasury officials on this particular the United Stales district commonwealth. W. an land tures Rhould b embodied in the were cracked, all got away save P. oarariount issue the at court, today any auld on desfjn or by that changes cov- opened the vault door the men were em- r In. am she evhittited' the keenest Inter sub led. announced that trials of nied recollection of having M. Allen, a dlachargad street car Chl- the Colorado would day Uoebcl killing ering the same should be made,, and almost suffocated. ' ab- est in all that waa said, she generally Mr. Forgan reported that the land fraud cases the of ihe that ploye, who waa shot through the cago would be able to resume, begin on December and ordered tloehel ought to have been killed and under these last conditions the domen, and four prisoners. Sergeant seemed in a condition of mental de banks 1, chanres obviously 4nvoived a very v Two eiusprsls raptured, jection. As has been the cuas through- on an understanding with the hunks In HI defendant who have not already that the senator Would be killed before litooniliigtoii. 111., Nov. 20. The Wlckham and Policeman Brown were cities, within next week or pleaded to to ippeur nlaiit,, or tntit II on Ihe Jury ha would onsldei'uble cost," by clubs. out the trial, aha dlspluyed ppnch emo- other the the Indictments two men suspected of being Clinton severely Injured stones and tion upon hearing reference, to Ihe ten days nt the latest. Minneapolis in court next Monday. clear the man who killed Ooebel, He M. FWM-d- passing on a bi- he" bo-- . biunk robbefs were arrested at 1:30 a youth, love that existed' between haednd and St.- Haul banks, he said, were December 11 baa bean set fur the hail said, though, trat Hid not morning, one at Kenney and the cycle, was shot It) inn foot. Of the ronde... through ciult ready lo resume at any time, and date of convening lleve (luetic! would ever lake his sent this save will Brown as known - the of another other at ripauld-lng- They are now en identified injured, all Allen their letters. While today she shed might- take the Initiative n this re- grand Jury whose wurk Is expected to as governor and bet a drink on It. STARTS route to Clinton. recover. His condition is critical. no tears she frequently bowed her sct very anon. It is believed among be moro than that of Ihe John Kergusan denied anv recollec- 6NZI11 head and closed her eyes for long tha treaaurv incluís that a complete .Jury which Indicted sevenly-- t hree men tion of having sold that Jack (iilnn periods, apparently oblivious to nil understanding was arrived lIMwH last summer fur alleged land frauds. killed Goebel. NO ENGLISH SPEAKING that was going on around her. When the banks of New' York.' Prtiljldi'lplllu, Tha killing of Joxcph A. Walker, fed- Juror James W. Elliott admitted Baltimore. Cincinnati. .: Chicago. Si. that he had said in Willl.unstow n Inst ON NEW LIST DISGRACED BROKER the session of th day was over her eral secret crvica agent, at t lie Hes- SMALL REVOLT CARDINALS lace had a distinct expression of sad- Louis, New Orleans ami Wn Fran- perus mine, near Durango, recently, Thursday: cisco, by which there will be a general "If I get on that Jury. I'll acquit ness. - when lie waa conducting an Inquiry Dr. D. Evans, di- resumption- r currency payments Powers." nt I .nek Britton medical In ihe line of his duly, will probably British Catholics Disappointed rector of the New Jersey state hos- within the next few days nn.l .sisslbly be Investigated ItiMiiKiillhHi by Sovereign the lose of Ihe present week. bv Ihe grand Jury. of POISON pital for the insane, will go on the before Chief K. Wllklo, of the service, Pontiff. SWALLOWS stand tomorrow, nd Inter Dr. Charles The reporta received at the treasury Adventurer Leads Handful of! department from Chicugn, New York was In conference here today with D. Mill, of Baltimore, medical officer District Attorney M. MAD EV MEXICAN of the Mount Hopa Retreat and St. and Boston thnt currency payments Earl Cranslon Men Against Seaport Town; j Rome, Nov. 25. The selection of will are an the Increase and that the sit- - and Lucien I'. Wheeler, head of the Inuitnh'i Kunfturhim nf thut fltv agents In new cardinals again has caused dis be called. They will testily for thejuallon at these cities and in fact all employed ttie Investlgatlcn Driven Off By Police. satisfaction among the Knglish-speak-In- g Charged With Obtaining $5000 defense. For the prosecution ur. ulher points Is rapidly Improving. of land frauds In reference the Catholics who are not represented Smith Ely Jelleffe. of New York, and ' It is learned that New York and Walker case. In the new list. Especially is this the By Fraud, New Yorker Kills Dr. Krward 8. Brush, of Baltimore, Chicago are at present making dally RUNS AMUCK II! Hjr Morning JnimI Snsclnl leased Wlra. case with Kngland. which has been will give testimony later. Drs. Kvans shipments of large sums to thn crop SOUTHERN PACIFIC ROAD ltio de Janeiro, Nov. 25. A Brazil- without a cardinal since the'death of Himself When Police Come and Jelleffe were both witnesses for moving centers or tne west and aouin. ian, Sebum I ne de Magali, w ho recent- Cardinal Vaughan. According to defense in the Thaw case, but they and it Is confidently believed that CHARGED WITH CRUELTY ly published In some American news- statements made at the Vatican It was to Arrest Him. are on opposite aides of the Bradley will be continued In papers a proclamation Inviting sub- found almost Impossible to give er case. increasing amounts until normal con- scriptions to aid in an expedition in cardinal to America, as all the ditions are again reached or until the Company loii' Twenty liiillcliiienls s Latin-America- Ols-y- necessity passed. Keeping CHIlIc on overthrowing one of the state of Dra- n countries would also I By llamlag Jnamal pastal Imm4 Wire. Or. flier Siil.KKna, for them has for t ars Be. in, landed yesterday at Bahla and claim their right to one, declaring New York. Nov. Ü5. Bather than Denver, Colo., Nov. 25. In compli- In addition to the discussion of cash I .cgal Limit. later embarked on a tngboat with four themselves badly treated because a face charge of obtaining $5,000 on a ance with a subpoena served today. resumption Mr. Forgan left tangible Hi us, Kev. Dr. David pastor of the evtitt-ne- or his visit In a subscription Sdn , Francisco, Nov. 25. The trial Canadians and four Kngllshmen for cardinal had been granted to Brasil forged bill of lulling. Louis ra a t'tter, of the Pncitlc company on Basilio Rodriguez Fires Hote the tuwn of Ilhens, a seaport about a'one. mining broker, swallowed a quantity Unity church of this city, left here by tha Chicago Hearing house banks Southern W asn new one-ye- ar twenty charges of violating the law 12.1 miles from Bahia. Arriv- of poison at hla home nere tonigni on an afternoon train toifay for for $2.500.nO of Ihe distant governing transportation nt : Kills Four ing, band, was well a later. At the Ington. where he will be a witness In certificates. Additional amounts of the tat One Man, Wounds the little which and died few mlnutea tle, commenced . a de- In the trial of Mrs. Bradley. Last Sat ih. certificates kre steadily coming before a Jury this armed, attacked the town, where lime two detectives were the house morning In Judge Dd Haven-- ' HI ra us ar- urday Dr. Utter aald he had been to Ihe treasury as securliy for l.nnk .lettart and is Slain by Alamosa City tachment of police and a number of IS and about to place under al- of the AGED MERCHANT rest. asked by the prosecuting attorneys in note Irculaf ion. These represent menl I'nlted States clr ult court. Inhabitants offered resistance. (i:e go Washington by Secretary Cortelyou The corporation Is charged with keep of party was killed :id William H. Avta. of the firm of a telegram to to and lotments made Ing Marshal., the attacking t give he would not i bout middle of last week rattle, in a car. In transit, ioagrr l and company his testimony, but the nt another was made prisoner. The f William Ii. Avis go Subscriptions per than twenty-eig- hours. tele-stap- nego ns he did not think he could reach for Ihe Panama ! of the party fled, culling the charaed the mining broker with gover tiating a loan of SJ.OoO on a bill of Washington in time. Wher. served cent bonds are also arriving In large Mnrnhig 'Jwaal apéela! Leased Wlr communications. The SLUGGED BYTHUG with summons, which arrived in numbers. These subscriptions are an DEAD IN (r cup-lur- e lading for ore said to be worth 17,000 the THIRTEEN Denv.'r, Colo., Nov. 25. A special has Issued orden for the the mall today. Dr. Utter hurriedly numerous that It Is not expected that men who escaped. and supposedly shipped from the to tha Denver Post from Alamosa, of the west.- Avia states that not long after made preparations and departed on It will be possible to open, schedule TENEMENT HOUSE FIRE Colo., says that after setting fire to the bmn waa negotiated he discovered the first train for the east. Mrs. and classify the bids before cloning the Palmer hotel early this morning IMPRISONED BANKER thai the bill of lading was worthless. Bradley told Dr. Utter, when he was the treasury department on Saturday and attempting to commit suicide. Negro Loots Kansas City Store The Htraus family said tonight that located In Salt Lake, of her relations night after the time for subscriptions Victims All Imllon Inismillarlis are Haslllu Bodriguex. a government for- RELEASED ON BAIL the dead man had lost about $200.600 with Senator Brown, and h will tes expires at noun. It may Indeed Illumed for llolucnusi. est reservo agent from Kspanolu. N. After Murderous Attack On In the recent decline In Wall Street ttfy regarding the statements made to more than one day to complete M., stabbed C. B. Anderson, of Cold- - been depressed. The him at various Intervals by both the and comparison of water, Mich., lo death, seriously and had much the classification New York, Nov. 25. per Pres-1.- 1. family said they nothing of his Woman and the senator. in to which bids Thirteen stabbed and assaulted four other men New York. Nov. 25. Former Proprietor With Coupling Pin knew bids order determine sons lost lives nt Maxwell, of the Borough Bank trouble over the loan from avis. are the highest. their and several others and tlnnlly attempted to kill City Mar- dally cash statement of the were Injured early today In a tene- shal John Baumasler, who was at- of Brooklyn, under Indictment for IN The ment house fire nt 109 Klghth and aiand larceny and forgery and who Morning Jonraal prial ! Wlra 1 THANKSGIVING TURKEY DEFENSE SCORES treasury does not yet show the effect tempting to arrest him. The marshal In Bt payment Second avenues. All Ihe dead are Ital- and killed Basilio Rodrigue. ha been locked up several, days Kansas City, Nov. Í5. Kdward TRIAL BANKER of any considerable for the ians seven of are then shut seventy-seve- HOUSE OF WALSH be- and them children. was undoubtedly Insane. .liiauit of ball, was released tonight, landman, aged n years, SENT TO WHITE new certlficatea. This Is partly The bodies were found huddled to who bonds of (30.000 having been lur-nine- d. twenty years has ..kept a cause onlv 25 per cent of the face Morlrlrne started the lire in nr woh for gether on the top story of the build room In the hotel by hurling a lighted at 1107 Kast Kighteenth - value of the amount sold Is paid into terror-strt- peo- clothing store 111" Testimony of Former CalilT Hejcot- ing to which the t ken la in n to Ihe floor Then siasning his in city, was brutally as- lrcilent 'iiets Annual Prexrnt the treasury In cash, while the remain. ple by dames, street, this Matul Admirer. nl on (round of liMoniprlonry. hud been driven the throut he rushed from the r.H.m and National Billiard lTuwnprtil. saulted by a negro tonight who enter- From Ing ?i per cent Is left with the banks which rushed up from the lower floors. In room occu 25. De Oro, mer- Is In a con- broke In the door the St. Ixuiis, Nov. Alfredo ed the store and struck the aged on deposit. It also due They died before they could reach by Nation, or Littleton. game m pied I.eonaid t New York, won the thirtieth with a coupling pin. resulting Westerly. K. I., Nov. 15. The Chicago, Not. IB. The cross-exa- siderable measure to Ihe time requir- Ihe Hie escapes. Hague, of Durango. three-cushio- chant Ala., and J. W. of the national n billiards In his death. The negro, a tall mulat- Thanksgiving turkey which Horace ination of Fred Mrljine, former cash- ed for advices from one office to an- Some of them were burned alive, both repeatedly atvl here by Colo. He slabbed championship tournament to, under the pretense of making a Vance annually aenda to the president ier of the Chicago National bank, gave other nf the transfer of funds. while others were overcome the n tied to stairway where lie ice by defeating John O. Morgan, of un- cash de- ttc the high purchase, remained In the store oí the I'nlted Htatea was shipped by the attorneys for John B. Walsh, on Although applications and smoke. Anderson who hud recently been Klmlra. .N. Y.. 60 io 1. IV Oro's found alone with land- him to Mr. Hooecvelt today. .This trial on charges with misapplication posits for the new treasury certificates The police are or the opinion that as a engineer at F.dlth. 5, average .&(; Morgan's high til he himself by sawmill inn waa occurred, and y'ear's bird, however, was raised by J. of tha Institution, an op are being received at the treasury In the lire whs started Incendiaries in M.. was on way to his averaga man, when the assault funda of tha on N. and his home run 4. .42. the store was robbed. The negro es- II. Brown; It weighs I pounds, la of portunity to acora several points to Increasing numbers from Individuals the Oulseppe Cuilanis saloon the jat Cold water. .Mich. He plunged his a mrxture day. most Important rame when as well as from national banks. It is ground flour or the building. neck, severing caped. the bronae variety and has Tha ago men were knife In Anderson's the PARDON FOR AUSTRIAN Two other merchants In that imme- of the wild blood. the explanation by Mi.ane or the re- learned that no allotments have thus Thiee weeks three Jugular vein. Anderson plunged down diate neighborhood have been as- port to the clearing house association far been made except to banks thst raiiKht robbing a rafe in ihe saloon the Htafrwav. breaking his neck. are now awaiting I MILITARY OFFENDERS saulted similarly by negroes, within waa excluded by the court on the Ui.ilrn to use them as a basis for cir and trial. P. Mllburn. of Alamosa, wa the ILLINOIS CENTRAL The police believe the fire may Kod-!rlgu- six months, one of whom ground that the former cashier culation. All applications receiveu that 'next to meet the maniac and the last hd have been the work of friends of these face, died from the Injuries he suffered. . INJUNCTION MODIFIED not personally made out these docu from lit'ilvlduals and from banks men. stablied him In the and ricr from I"mm Jscf' Armj menta. The objections by the defense whoee limit under the law has been . j should, r. !' May Ui PcaM-e- - lo Buying Wlvcr. being laid for the I 111 meantime a rail for help had Sw Treasury came after McLane had testified that reached are aide ITe-l.lei- il. the Native The treas- May being, and are made Vnakunr IHncs Mill. been sent to City Marshal Panmaster. 1b1. Washington. Nov. 2i Mutual Urn Insurance Mock Hr Wablh had directed him to treat the time if allotments H. F. Yoa-kui- 30.-Oii- O It will Washington. vN..v. 25 - man to to ury department today purchased Voted lu hliaretK.hlcrV .Meeting. numeroua memorandum notea'of the to them at all. it if believed com- The first rescind the call ounces allver at in. cent to be as long as the present strong chairman of the executive was Charles a bartender, who recognition of of till bank aa direct loans tha parties nol of Island, at- - lunch-eo- n Vienna. N'o. 25. In per fine ounce, ounces to be were signed In demand contlnuea for them from mittee the Hock attempted to grapple with Bodriguex sixtieth 2u.0u hoM names lo them today, but bad r 'he commencement f the delivered at Denver and 100.000 Chicago, Nov. 2J. The Mutual Ure tha bank reports sent to the clearing banks desiring them for circulation with the president The .Mexican seised a larg wa'.-- Mar of hla reign. Emperor Francia be delivered at New Or- Insurance company 'a Interests In the comptroller nothing to s.y in miineci'on witn til Pitcher and stunned Kweita with M Joseph Issued a nt exten- ounces to were freed house, and to the of the blow. By Ibis has decree Illinois Central railroad currency. attorneys Secretary Cortelyou In issuing I ne cer- - , time Baumaster arrived sive military amnesty, granting free leans. from th operation vt the Injunction The Walsh ar upon uie miersiaie com, and flreii four bullets Into the erased gued waa to Increase the . pardon resumption of civil recently Issued by Hmyvesant Fish on that aa McLone had not made tlficates ntissioiK-rs- jmani Itotlrlguei psld no mention to and the out the reports In person himself. M of outstanding currency, and this ob- nxhta to all deserters, fugitives and RATE WAR CUTS FARE motion of the latiera attorney thla accomplished ine l,u:, ,s inn I low. i n u p mar- testimony regarding them waa Incom- le L .It Is said, can be Hal-s- - Ml-- ii I'nnd. vadera of mlHtarv aervlce at home afternoon. The life Insurance com- Issue of bank Cliurch to shal, who. clubbing his revolver, ACROSS CONTINENT pany owns 5. So petent, and this view was upheld by through the Increased New York. Nov. i". 'I lie board nt Ihe skull. i.i abroad Those who have fled shares of Illinois notes, present at least tne crushed maniaca to return, to Aus- Central and with this released he in- Judge Anderson. and for the foreign missions of the Presbyterian 'road are Invited V cfTorl" of the treaury officials will be tria. who fled to junction now effects 2M.Í31 shares. nder Hcuti church has authorized a spe. cam- Thus thousands Owing to was direction. 14,.".-l- o. America avoid military service, Pan Francisco. Nov. IS. admitted that the bank examiner in that paign rr the raising f almost in controversy east of Ihe memorandum note K- FRISCO POLICE CHIEF many of whom are now thought to be Ihe railroad rate ofTrmVofficer familiar with to he used In rea. where the Chicago, which has resulted in the wife and the collator il on which field Is now regarded as especia ly In country, ble ar REDUCED TO CORPORAL branded that '"' of a ten-doll- rate be-- were based. He also admitted t ' , succumbs paralysis they EMBEZZLING CASHIER promislng. return peacefully to their native ...... nt Var York, and to that he did not turn over cashier's oiintrv. York CRIME from Cincinnati and the New checks to Walsh personally. bu gave i ACKNOWLEDGES Vesuvius isln Active. Ittmi Pending Trial I Cefltral lines, tne foumern Nov. ÍS. Mrs. Ihe private book l'ier In- feavenworth. Km.. them to banker's Naples. Nov. Mount Vesuvius, oh t 'oftoptracy t lia. ge. with ri el company filed notice the Colo-n- B. B. McKay. g FISHING VESSEL LOST has R II. II. Loughborough, wife of keeper. after two months of inactivity. Is emii-Itn- commer.-- commission that was Ala . Nov. JV In the . terstate Loughborough, commanding offi- The questioning f McLane Anniston. d'-n- - Sen Kian.i-x-o- Nov. The sixty FEAR ten-doll- ar clouds of smoke, ii WITH 75 MEN, IS ithev wIM ue the rate for suspended temporarily and Mc- I'nited States coirt today William II. wf I cer at Fort Leavenworib. died today. here I. considerable roaring fi om .lavs' lesve abeme havint: expired. i on business from Calt-- . . a basing rate Mrs. Loughborough had been suffer- Kay railed to the stand. Nothing ma Lawyer, late cashier of Ihe defunct fissures around Ihe old crater. i'hlef ol Polite Dinan reported forma, reducing the second clans rate developed his answers be- of Ala., rharged with three eff-ct- ing from organic heart disease and terial from bank Atlalla. lor duty this morning to Chief Hrggy. are en- York lv Nov. St. Pierre. Xov. IS. Fears to New to was etrk-ke- with paralysis while in fore adjournment was taken. embesjilemenl of the funds of the In He was noltlled that he had been ed of French was taken to avoid cw tertained for the safety the This action Manila summer. Hhe came across Previous to Mrl-an- e a appearance stitution In conjunction with rrmet f.overiHHf 'it iiam. In rank from sergeant to Cor I I. fact lest 'iihlng which left St. confusion resulting from the w 1s now Washington, Nov. Captain K I vessel Argler. ihe Kan the Pacific with her husband when he today, several men hoa names were President Iwls Ink', who leo and was then upended from Pierre two mom ha ago for France. uhat the fu'l local fares fmm was signed to notes testi erving a term or rive years, entered K. lorn. now on Ihe retired lift of the ,ihF force until legal decision are e Chicago Chi- brought Ms regiment here, but memorandum Aboard the vessel were evtniy-fi- FrancisA to and from were un plea or guilty. Sentence was de- - Buy, has be, n appoliit.-- governor fjra,hcd on the charge f consniracy leaving cago to New York a less than ihe o III she had to remain In a hospital fied that such signatures men. bound home, and since -. in San Francisco for a lime. authorized by them. rerred. Guam, vice t omnnnaer i. M m.' peijury fending him port nothing has been heard of her. preven! through regal rat- THE XLBUQUEBQUE MORNING JOURNAL TUESDAY NOVEMBER 26,

of etxaplng gas led to an en-- j A Lazy P Íhóiit foiled into hi apiri- - liter . TRUST-COM- end he found unconscious BRYAN ADDRESSES ilk bs only tired liver, or starred 'MONTEZUMA i j COPPER II hl hed with the gas flowing from Mver. wouíd ba a tupid as four )et. Hop in enret rained for his) It wll u I . .1 MB jrecoxery. avaga thing vo beat a weary or Marred iscnor KrimhullT is a Hnan-- I THE man ba lagged fu hi JAffA iiaid and is about 2 y fur old. because work. So ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO v J ta treating tbe lagging, torpid liver It is - - r great mttake to lash it with strong Capital and Surpluá'100,000.00 p nmrn dv Cinm-- Mini llallriiad Il i 1. MUI. CI - A torpid i Í Moiirit'tmrv. Al., Ntv. 2.. iiov- drastic liver but an GROCERY CO. i i -- i. r iinrii ii rn.r nn-- tda niKnfl .l f the Indication of an enreebled ULUULU Ul rjir-ta- 1 Ml; pttmd by th body who organs are weary with over -- His Good Things to Kii of AiMmti Urges the Members to Stand work. Start wiib the stomach and allied Eat. INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPd (orf. It i fhn wtn trata organs On of digestion and nutrition. Put Squarely the ''Love Thy them in working order and see bow j w k. J PIat-l,"1- your w11' Neighbor ns. Thvsf-lf- k!' br IWca s Golden Medical Dixrover- - form, ba made many marvelous cures of "liver : WOMAN RIVAL j ,' j trouble My success; 1 SLAYS . iu wondeful control of the. , organs of digestion aod nutrition. It re the Br Mnü Minul Ipntel Wire. THANKSGIVING GIVES i i enaducting w SENATOR CLARK Ka itlmr-- e. Vox. 2S. MHilInri) hy l4 A usa attalaa hi bis afalrs la VUtt m . -- ! s erTe Bend blm la aiiitr, fur ixoilloa of tru.u I I f C ' " i ITI Jiiif rMff thiii her hustiand tions SHOPPING áTlAII i Sjntem t.rn fít.fii rv Mr, jVork. re ih at ' Bland. the from on.r. i hi r.akrr ' as mw hll tonluht at th- - con- - iMus accutnulatlona,lni and so relieves the n iHnr uica. A wt auw r l isj aw BULB IfCsfa I ful. Ak If J.i dhrit and killed Mr Brrí. Today U'ltiitiiur M9KÍoii of ih intrrmitional liver of tbe burdens imposed upon It by MADE EASY ann bri Unprcfit-- i our n i nniiwn awfocmuori or tot defection or olner organs. Declares Production ! lint í'r'h!j.l. The -' North (wen 1 Amfrio. which han In Jf ,M h, utteror bad tatte In tbe ssotb- - !! Pi ruriH in Air. Hrí.n home und " xlon hfie for four lay. Mr. Bry- - ,.- - able At Present ices; Only in hi prerHp .f fhc hunhanrtlan Apok n nn,.n..u rm a... NATIONAL iiit "C'hrii and the l.lfe of ; STATE BAN 1 foul ereata. eoatlpid or Irrerular bowels. f i Mr. Aiaiih. he man Tnn j Alen. Mr. n 1 a 1 : . : and i'H the "o-o-f feel weak. urea. Or wDOfi V. r or AUititR(iK Restoration cf Public Confi- ifi hy a Hhm 1 iuUI i fraauent h"us exit anl '"' rmiion, u H'nd SrI nifrfia ionn Kel- - .rr-rt-.- l. Imii)-ijtl- beadarbea, pain er d:Mretii of Is not a Safe Piare to deposit year awaer. !" n rr .tHr th 1., 'small IX dence C.m Briim Rel;ef. n Mr. Mih wnt l lh? nHr ti . j..i...i ,u. i.ihii.,.i V ' t' V "V' "X jf Everything Necessary Capital l,so.s. Proflta, aaJ .i- - iJ L . ii,r. ... IL r. tbfoat after eating, and klntyl symptoms for tne Tnanksgiviní? 2 I B Xi ril Urmal fewM I 4 Mir i d. r that, that hv any Ilih"i A Anufi--- '. N" Í Vrnfd ? j on tout, Dinner K'trmrr TWO CANDIDATES WOULD plmrorm. tln-r- - in ourn- - jirinewiii rrurw up'huui oi lj.i l'failf-- uif4 r VV A i'ljuk. of and that no , lim...,.ii. 11 V ,' ". Sfnal lion 't, 1 11 SUCCEED JOHN MITCHELL! that thw platfoim not &JT-- n ' ' il M"r'Mwjil IiwoTrr. rtrLajxf? onls'"r , ..p.-r f rti1.i'ir it mtii.jrx Arifni. hv n wmmt in 1 , tñ - were eitendM TTiZ7tSZSU TI'RKEV im Ariíck 'kiJ.iv. Whn mk- J.oh loM or ms NATIONAL ( fjr-in- li Francisco. Anirol-f- 'er UK KKNS O FIRST BANK i íji t on rn inn I'.allot Mill (tul fi ir Annual I ilon l.emer. St.. biliousness weak tkCSH TKK fr . MimmapolK Al- - aod stomach. Avoid all I on Jit he jí id of I'llllnl Mlnr MorLi-r- f'sul. Ahury Pnik. ln, . bany con- - bot bread and biscuits, griddle eakei and "Finttnt h onditiouM win Mho and Detroit for holdin the vennon in The matter ivaa other Indifeulble food and take tbe "Golden Ju" noon llii. -- - I n , ri,i .. ,1 IT. i - Sltdlcal regularly and stick tolls ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO- í r; g ut tn Nov. The to the commit- not hr, wn! to-!- ("tiii-- - Worker-unio- n ese until you are Tigoroaa aod fu'f r , nf the Mn- airona'. ií,,i u .'lifiiU nr-- non-secr- --e Tbe is T nlll hold their annual election "lil.coerr IIMt Bi:Mi At I II I.OH .R ffituatfsn in i . (1;ceric of oofiji irir wcond week in TIW T IQ A M -l C" T D la a extract native medici- IKI.mH TOM4TCIKH IK itui-- m, m WW Iimbi-r- and THHI fl SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT irs. ftrtnir a nioiifil j jm f nal roots ello a full list of Its logmlienta AM ALL I LI.KT K t bottle-wrapp- er : AHI. aii Killfl (l4'rfi head-iuartc- printed on acb uir lift tlnnal r in thin city PEDESTRIAN WESTON and attested h ? out ii u ri'I lo the, ht'n jdiffererít liaalii. i 0 under oatk. Its Irirredients are endorsed f a hiuy t urtatlifjent in and extolled by tbe Biott medical bfn 1 tic or wan i eminent Ihf ltHtiflhtS fllll.fM. nt nomtnaMoiiit made writers of tbe ace and are recommended to public today I h i at ihc headouartera of; Ind. Nov. IS. Kdward h dluraiLMl fur whb h It l rurii.-- f.rMl ucl ion Mine Worker Tlie fnynonI.rt', Veitin. the .!. STR AHRfRRIK PKAKH ri-f- at am, j the nominatlotf ...... AMPLE MEANS AND FAOLITirJ JrofTi, pr (tit m ... . rtiuAm h.' Ii...i.i. ..k. .. , h f h e rl hv ftillv live ihiiiikinjl I THKtl. SIMM F t.Kft.--l it WITH CXSCKPASSED rh. c iwruniii T lr non-secr- ' iitornohil.-a- . composition for this MKUICIK BtNANAn . t.HAI'K IK1 IT mn who wilt he loled for having re- - carriatíe and on CPI.KH at IS ont it t n U r , toot,h. me IlKtM.l.ii e, ,H .i.n, a, more .i(en from each lined Ktr..i mrouah unid) r uuv txiMPOaiTioa. l.TS;si, KAIMNK, 11. " ,anla I, fle llf.N, KTI'. . . , ' he would iai. came into Importe at The Bank of Commerce of Albuquer nhi 1:30 o'cl'ak toniffhl feeling airongnndj !o tr hit hy Th f(tiaiiréj HtriiigrH'jr. There are but two' candidate who hop to aucceed John Mitch not a hit tired, (hough he hud walked i tt ha1 arnhirioua (n i'reldcnt dia-- inn r.ffn mt ell, who will retire next April. Thee from l.lgonier íiri. e mulnlghi, a j in fill k.UKKV DKPAKTMKNT l.itlnfcr th prii-- ith Th rtujl thjt runce 01 aixtynine hp went AND HALF UHiRiw niKV iiriimn mii latends to jyepoaiwrw Fvery Proper AcroninuMlaUG and Solicits isndidste are Thoma L. vie mile. SA K 1 : ion van 'V i tnnuiitd. lwia. Immediately 10 a hotel, w lie nap lilLLlUN r t IHlll HI K VII f.AHUkt Aoraunu. Capital, $ SO.OOO.OO. Officera and Jilrc-lora- Kolornon Kix provident of the organization, V. here HV Ol It I AH KM Ihw ifndlTiAvi ii likaly ihitil and a i rwiuciii: w h. hlrickier. teAltlcikt anil asiiU-r- ? W j. n' ir ui II. Wileon. who ha for enia lfivxi rulaiifwn, .ate supper and; ll.AMlHT.Hr.NT AI.HAVM OX tli t j J f.oid. TTf.t8r ih"ir mofiry fcr several ed. AltMAM. Asalatant taslilcr; William Molotush, Otrnrge Aruot, J. Haldrldi held the office of eecreiary-ireasuri- T C licfi eahi uy o v ee-to- n v, , ir"(it..r, of the I tilted Mine Worker tw noura aiecp. I .nwanui, VIVIIIMUI. left at Í 3 S o'chM-- for ('henter- - POUNDS OF WOOL ton. ninetc n mile) away, where he to arrive before 1 o'clock to-- ! KMI Tfl AT SfW CAMtV ME OAGENETTE ENDS1 ELKS CONVENTION NEXT morrow rnfirniti It, will rent onlll IIAtK - YFAR nOF TH HA I AQ' "''l'k when he will atari on the VJULO IV fALLnOj list BHK ot hiH Journey to Chicago. FROM CORONA ;ntni ihIj.'c ftrritfra allfi.-,- l Willi GOVERNMENT SETTLES ( ilAiJ TROUBLE tiiuliricnlloii of lca lly. OLD CLAIM WITH BRYAN I a (HUGE riituhurg. Nov. 25. At a meeting SHIPMENTS OF THE Lincoln. Neb., Nov. 25. The offi- j of the officers of the grand lodge of IN no cers of FLEECY PAST YEAR: f K,k' hr,i t"r'' '"'" " report was the llrvan regiment, the Third AlbuqucjQue Man IPcrcuooeoUíICILj rec eived from the, w hich .Nebraska, have been allowed $5.229 ti committee by . n e i iaa 10 ine poMilouiiiett or the national government. The al- I . . , . ...iltlla IM 1 lowance tic for Malcontent Utes to jyj ta I rae. a a runteinion anil it Has time between enroll- Enterprising Town in Eastern'? t cll, ment and mustering Into govern- I "lrPU i" nuiii ine next convention 01 the 11 Qruilh ...... Kpanlah-Americn- On m ; ' .1. ment during n BKTTKR XO Work R'lluiit uuu 111 ",r " - mi .Mui aervhe he New Mexico Has Grown to TH' AW I UKR Is uuuui lt. war. Colonel Kryan en- ATK. BKI1IK. hereby given that my entire stock of Gro- Dakota. rolled in the militia June 11. and was 600 Population; Something ceries at 122 South Second street, will be INJUNCTION AGAINST mUKieieil into the national wrvice fl"vF "sijoui About Los' Tanos. closed out at cost, going on now. , I II urrti" ' MoraiMf Jiral Nimclal I mi Wire) .PRESSMEN UlooULVLD du him lu this alluvrunce. . This Nov. ;r, Tlie tomium-Moii.- r means a saving' of .from 20 to Ncln-aU- a i. ot Indian it tl 11 i r haw lieen ad- - f:htion lti-nl- Imperial Cmpnm4fmr Maralog Oosraal i The 50 per cent, arid affords an to lay of the arilxal of I3i of the I iniloir Ihmmi. llalli In Lincoln. Neb., Nov. 2.1 The offi- Corona. '. M.. Nov. 23. In suite of Jaffa Grocciy Co. opportunity l'te ludían at luphl Mrlkca Ii) Ordi-r- . cial canvass nt November election ihe fact Is in :t. rrcwnl fonrl that thin town in the heart Good a winter's supply of provisions, at Tittle S I.. whir. they have agreed to ac-i- i vote was couipleted today, and the of, the eastern New Mexico homeaeek-e- r' Tliinxs to Ku pi mu k on a r Hi .md. The Infur-lo.ifi'i- i, result annoiuiced for Ihe head of Iho paradixe. t.SOO.000 Votiuds or less than half price, Everything in the stock .N'eur ,lc-C'mI- I. JIaU i foni iroin riiipci I Heiidfiil f Turk. Nor. Ji. Juelice llckeis. t'nr Ji.atice of the supreme wot.J, viere shlpiied from Coiona last Orders rillud game 1 I In de- r is in Irniliin .11. mi nt uiitenetie. who the "dpreiiip court, ioda' court. Iteeae I república n I received ii-a- und fully IVO.OuO sheep. All of as Received. s) firt class condition, fresh and good, It Iiiim preMilhot on to gu to nied the application of S. Ijiwrice I w lili I goes ja the Indiana lii.SST; fuKionim ). 77.H91; to show that there still means . 1101K Fell, pi hi of Tyimih-cla- e I economy without privation, . in Infm tu litar them of the atlt-- i tlie lulled tirave 1 prohlliit Ion I. IV.IMt: Steti-hln- something doing in the sheep line in I of .ule of the aoveinmcnt which op-- j Amctlca. for the continuance (siichiliat ), I.2'i0. Keese'a pin- - jtliis part of, the territory. Apparently t of an liijiiiii t Ion poo d i iitiln r Huliilai'iii e 10 them ao reatrainliig the Inter- ralliy la 24.4ti. w.r lo.iniij ln i, ,K tnat it is 'una n in- -: remain in lilleea. Tln'iej national I'llnling 1'ienKiiien anil I big enough to hold the farmer and or w of America cri i ihe in.ili .intima ho have I'nion North and ( P'vclanil Ulna K A t. sheep men. too. There ia one ad- - DITCH COMPANY. ld.-d Wi other allied printers' union re- not yi hia jiemiianlnn. 'from Wlnnnii. Minn.. Nov. 2.' Through ieu"la1' l"ul New Mexico that there filling In v out an an agieemenl made 1:11 -- ec- : 1. no vu im iioinestead-cr- a Im- -i 10. irv ni r.nepirn. ot cltv. nuiii capacity, BrighaJ January with the typothetae. have Sjeen coming into dis- C. N. retary of tills CHINESE SETTLE FOR Ju-tl- .e Sleeker, the exeiiilive comniitlce of hornier who leccntly Ihe National Kdin allonal eseociatfuii, trict In a steady stream for several 'appeared for ecral of the pi Inters' past and et Is - DEATH OF MISSIONARY tonight announced that Cleveland hi. ; )'! there apparently WANTS EXEMPTION mil. in 111111. n1l. il in hla ai aumetit been upon almost a much open country as ever. :: the court milite time aao decided lite place for Corona, that the the convention In 180S. al milea from Cariacao and in I . liioirt had no Im idictioti 10 arant an mile from Tórrame. Is h.aulifullv lt. Itclatitc. of mi Woniuii. Main In InJ 1111 lion and I . . Hint the of '"'"'d In the Corona ya ley. a protect-Krasnova.s- ltiii-r- siu.iHHi 111 i i SieT"larv Tnfl Has Close l.ii Haniaai-- t an j u in Ion wan illegal. Mr tall. - 2 w THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING r Xilx-- i la. Noy. zr,. "' acres ith four JOURNAL Si.- kh-- ilei laied that non could not pnssea leadingff"'- to it'0 norm, District Court for San Juan ihe fot.ed to woik was learned la. lav that th. iniin in me Will give a TREE SCHOLARSHIP (worth $27.50), jod for .M. xli o Mo.. N.iv. - Kl. when they did nil which Secretary south and west. This is the point aimr and jwait to Mr Fell Taft and w nere new County Holds montfia' tuition, in the . I.ei'.V (helnnt wete liei.iv pnlil aiaiied that Ihe traveling to Mimcow had a narrow es tne Dawson line will tin- -' Concern Must - hud Violated til. II as ally hy guv juncina li'llieiitu cape j Join the main Pile of the Kl Paso ALBUQUERQUE tlliitlol mi. t'liliiM.- ei iinteni an .! net ice Met 'all in il. 'living- from being wrecked yesterday at BUSINESS COLLEGE for of Iheli Ihe mo. hits, In lain! Southwestern. ' Begin Entirely New Action in l.itmrfi the death anni. tin foi a out inn, hi t ihe injunc- the switch front of Taft's In course To the most popular young; Ml 'hcMnul, a t.-- became open I the of only eighteen,1 lady receiving; he highest Dim l.leanur I't. sto Ian tion ncit tmlav that lie hud train but was discovered month. grown votes now in w . kill.-i- l 111 Corona has to a tumula-- the Premises. netneen and tlie last of lite vear. .m,iry. who l.len vi-- just a. minute neroie the train ceme i suhtx-rlptio- n dm. ht In refeii ni e to tlie i ti n.e of 800 ' one year's f ifiw III IHW.'i lltlllllg the ont-l.i- . aiong Had the train switch !!"." "J still For pay In advance) . .íido volea lto. (valduv or himtlng force in con-- 1 taken the I ciibsa-rlptlo- :ik the mid have collided with long suiiirlsing rale Kor months' t pay in advance) . ,íi0 volea Ira t to n an jiil lite i,jnunit nt lie Ihe monthly ,,f railway Imperial rerrespoadeaea S HnltesTiption iiij 'lllllg of freight cars. e,cpt the Marahw tlearaai. For montha' (pay In advance) . . J5 vote i ia. ttoii station here are I3.Mhi. Farmington. N. M., Monthly mu i a m i n. about acroid-- j Nov .'J In the KulmTliMloa (pay In advance) ft votes nr.iiT nni ad j ...... v liwiii iviiuliuii iWLLnn So,..nn, nereas a ; vnuiinge i.itcn company Single paper i vote POSTOFFICES yecr ago they were hardly t'iOO. iugalnst San OPERA HOUSE FOR BERLIN BRITISH NAVY BUYING lMUKt ' Juan in which the Cot lids out. Í1II name and addn-- of tlie young; ktdy FOR NEW MEXICO' Hood w heat tan be grown in this plaintiff to e.scaoe the mvm.M yoa desire to win iriie. Mail tu Joumul liiimotiatcly: ! FUEL OIL FROM TEXAS' eiion without irrigation and truck "r .0 taxes. Judge Mi Fie in the farming has proved extremely succes- -' district court Weld Name tin, v ': TN linurafii that the company ... . Addresa i ful. Trade is good In all lines and Improperly In court t .1 a,! i Isperlal l,l.Nttcb Im Ihe Waralsa and would pull Hii)t 4Mrl. i up-l- new inr ( OuiMtl .m U V .v - I . "uní,, ui nve an. nave to commence a aitlon. say in what it t a trut-i(- h cininclil la (am Washii.m.m ,..,i,iJ ttfilui' i I !tóo-e- ,Hui,,.m" ,hat ere '""l-- ny in fiMiitf, iiidt an 4iit- - rcaj roin Pian rtliur to has been established at Man . - '! ...... ".k . J taJrr: "J" Ainciitfi I I re-- ,o carry nc- - h. - im lr m! a iilniul. velt countv, Jasnt-- r M Himi ,. . "". . "". i.s..... oui tne pies, nt ' "?"'"," " "ien.i - ne sga.n-- t J, master The p,..,ofi e , sAanches L. . " - .. ' "" Post- "on would hold t them. Th in r id of "nil r rvn lint. ii ha .t "' - . "u'II!r" aoes a goori unen na nan six years w h tt h it 'm 'i HiJt4l tii i m ' . inmismx ftn a London. N .v The sailing t Tremomin" ñ l'""; -- i of he s,mrh,' nd geek a h.u-- l ( Wt $ (HMt t'lltl v j admii ait ..w m d tanW Pe- ,,o,.,,uL.. , Atkinson has a livery b f II Six "f IM steamer. ar.nolnted , ' im and an ther years' exemption on the I'UMiiil-- nil) sHtlI'M . e tri. inn lot !'.''!:'.-l?t- U , round, b- - j l'..rt Attl.ur, Texas, marks McKinlev v I. e violélt".,,' i ""'a, market condncted it has nlarged and I'.i.ii of four 1hiit.irt'i, anil mi a - couniv J -- jlt lew d. part ii it- in the navv. - ' " ' ncujannn r. .xuaiiis piovci, me'"'"nncn. yvssewsor REPORT OF CONDITION llrulsh Mendricks THE. fiii.ii; tt (rrMiiif! In ., pHifr. woultl " it - n , - m -i mi-- - - tlie tost lime admir-si- . ui- i iioit;, me- pa ,iy s t i "h n ft !ti- rMu r thai the nir."!- taxes ul niK. Hi iir..l, hii tii.-- th.- ii ot put. IK- . . - experiment f ... iieneni the traveling and ".00U. Affidavits were produced from f; " !.. i of Hu- Mi ir..p'HiMn itiíi ol a cniso of oil p. ,,wn hip. increasing tourist trade. At pies- - Itluens to the edect that theie v kihI ! t?iti i i OCmUUdLT DUniiCU bT has Il also Hlllli ipat. d lh ,t the - . . . a. a. ii'niii iv comion-- 1 no or hy M hi H ii .'.', fetlol- Am., a a.. eniiir.eiiirni extension !tTtif - aiutv ii i i.ruiinir or a hiui tArLUU NU U L LAN hostrtry. the liornl hotel, near Ine ditch company slm-- ls2. Iiistrict fie. t i.f admit nil v ...u licit lio.. ; the depot. Resides Its big farming and i Attorney Head handled the case for The First National Bank Wi.l l.e ,l, , n,i.,,.,.,l ish.-e- and cattle Interests Corona h.--i I he count v. i In- - Mr.. ' m. ttu rea .ma r.'.pjjt c- - J. II. Itlnke lal,ifullv liiinrttl hand In the minina business The i . th- n I, lb 1,11 CUBAN tu ot - lliiii-- naw lor I m I t IlL'tiiing lire lil, t ill f ron Queen Copper company., OKI AHOMA MNF"? MIIQT DIPLOMAT . , -- .... " i AT ALBUQCERQL'B. Tllgl lt,isiii-r- liornas ' Mais, manager, is prose- - i "'wv IS TSRRITORT Of NW MEXICO. AT jctring active operations and much de-- ! HAVE STATE LINE DEPOTS' TBI axmu or bckines acocst it, imt v lotnnent Work has lu., . a.,n..- ' DIVIDEND Whiie j FOR TRLST attempting to light a fire'en.mgh to demonstrate that its ow n- - BKSOIBAEB. morning. r--. giseaonts TRIES fVH'PM.lV . . . " Jlr who Sre principally Knglishmen. lUillnWil t im,,Uviiin III Prrvcit lans ana .. 11.141 1ST II SUICIDE v. v.' I v.rorniTAnc;L I J ''se, 7S seenreg n,t n L' Uno " living at ri.uth Kdtth h,ne a mine and a valuable one. of Tvvo-Ci--nt tare I vtw. Overdraft, and aasscwrg .. as. si 'street, ullowrd public gtatea bon.ia secura its a match to come in. The schiad facriiiie have r. faltad ta etrmlattoa .. . ss Monnict wnh th oil can. which ex-- I "tiy been enlntg-- d by a n, w add!- -' t'Ditad Slates bonds to United gtstea dcpoalui. .. ss Pi; v . - i. us. n . H s a tew - pioded. settina fire to her clothes ...! ItVoial building J.'xtO feet in dimen.l Guthrie. Okla.. Nov. 25. An order Ce iiu is aa t'nited States bonds .. inm st i i Xtoada. seevrttvaa, .. ..n AM, . irfhetmg fai-- M Issued ata 14 174 14 I f..r serious burns about the The enrollment of over be tomorrow requiring a.l - 1001"! Banktsg kouaa, furallsra snd futures SS "vuif-- cf disci ction Youth- 'the Ir.oi i .,nv Hut for her presenc of seeps toe two teacners MKianoma rauroaiis a.ung an inter- - rraas ...i"!""" .. II l I .1 i.,i.,vana hu. Ihw aational banks (not reserve ageats) ,. SS 4 lili. .nil. III ir. ri n.h to pay nimd Mm. Hl.ike undouht.-dl- I ' state business to build on III .I. would stations tbe J from stats bstfks snd S ful Lo at ion Cou:ibfi!'n p,..itor. I 4 p. , j i -- ksnkrs 1.1 II ,,r;i i.f have been fai.,1!) burned A W tute line at points Intersected by the Ivis from spprovsd reserra i t .o r i i., lub M Ttll hi' lilx TVMlx acaals .. 1(7 i;s t ri.-mt- ni of partly filled who was standing i l NOW l XI 111. I srmus routes, is the announcement Ckecks and other Items ""' t!i- - tl.l-- water t ruk "' II sss Bíoas Out the Gas. t lue to th- - i N". lili.Vi.- - -- ,it : in- - irbaaa- -i for clearing k.'SM "' into this Mrs. Klike lumoed Tmiist. M. t ... "f the corporstion conimiselon ..... ' . 17.171 i i e . v to . h i ' Notes ti for In. !.. Ve:,ig. Neighbors were sltracted by crt T.iiios ) a new town nine The impottance of the depart si other aallntiil banks 14.SSS SS house M her miies tan ;n'rtt. rraciioasi sapor rtiif.i. Mii ii,;.ii. n. andlirni gntr her attention until the ar- - id .Vnita It.'sa. on the R.H lslaniL,ure is odvious. t nder the bresent arrenrjr. alrksls aad esata. . 1.117 ti Hr wraiag Sprrlal I VI Irs 1 '. Ul n Bios, rsworv la bask, vts: Mat nipanv. a i rival of John V. that ban recently been put mar- - hedule the Interstate passenger Hperlo vv ; .v VV. liriK-io- li. Pearce. Mrs im the rate .i on ;'. !..m-- i a lfl I1S1 171 Sm. iii Hlake was comfortably last Lei Homese-eker- are Hied un Is three cents. In spite f.f the fact Legal nK ii.unt-'lio- r S llolll i:utiin, rtina la that. Uador sotes S4I SS ili.i nt of the t'ulii.ii o r d v iMght. and the Physician rly every iiuarter section riorlU. many of the states traversed ' s i., tt here. w., . might In hi- - a re aitendina 'in the found et ..f Mi 'say. that the statement would I"""- - east and west of heie. The soil maximum rate is the same as in Okla sdsrasttoa read wttk TJattsg llf.lll i no l i t lie t n- - ivirent ttiat she Ststoa trsassrar (I par with gas ui d on He els lot he, I j , rl''fl nd t"41'' crops pro-- homa, I asst of airéala .loa) - i m a her hands at a of the ac-- have been two cents. nabie to change ss ni...! tu a while h, rctnt ,1Uld last season, II. Its . '.idem is .Mr. in the imluding the schedule, corporation I ,! I ..n ,,i Im- - - ur.irue t;ike. who is the commis to s. lion- lie n.-,o,i- neans. sugar cane. Toal.. IH-- . , - conductor on the Noma Ke arrived "' sioners resorted to the st.tte.line .11 lióle", one ,,f wH- - ail- "nd r, ;...Kt water pot only .ILisim ii .. I I item the west "w ,r'n ss the solution of the propo- - to th puhlii. and 1 Ist . , reached everywhere st a depth of - uantLiTiaa. ' ' e. I I InmI , I .sttii.n, Al tttrv l'.lerut tion Ihe er- Capital lo s 'r IS We Sell . :v leei. stack pal la - tit ' - .. ss CM Ill he. a 'UO UNITED STATES WANTS is j.ler requires the erection of a sub- ts The town laid out on the farm - s ss inl it r il f J..h .,..- - t "i ""- - " is- snail JJ 41 .ided grofl'ta.' uia' i;"."." ".Vg" is lot MECHANICS IN ARMY ",' Ui. Ik. ,h 'Uil said .. 1.141 71 iol l,"te WS ait K- ñ,ñ, . i .e -k Island at this Kfri ".IT.ZLTVZrJ' 'J - outstaadlsg ,. tss ss so Aiiuro I'a.iio - a neat depot buildma a dav "T? u is noonnai canas . 1,11,1 71 - with pxrs 1 i " s..,. bans, ana baakara ' ii.- ulill lea. g "...d n.ght operator on hand and a new , . taS II e u ti i. a n New Urilcn StalMms Krr ta-- ""Z 'klahoma lori!m Ark.msjs :l 71 le. - whl ntiilt as ..n ...... l.SSS SSf ' .- i ng tjigiKM-r- rs ' .1 al t tie I L I,, Id ni- t- in .il.le leas p.itnts. mil pav the old rate. ( . I.l7a.l II . lrr ornrt.4 ckotks .. I despite 411 71 In this coonlrv the thr existence of ihe reduced ! ewrsiaadiag I ' V."'.".".!.'.'.".'""""" 4S ntl oo Hiiianr ! earn or tne I IT I, iiim.wt as as the town K four states it- U l.ieutei.ant IU in charge of the nave II 71S 17 - ..r ! ;and the Ia Tants. Ksrmer wilt he i"urisi oeen nuving tickets o - 1. :::::: M 711 SS ' .1 I h on the positive 'i arm recruiting stations in by W C. neare-- t guarantee Ve .sued shortly Hurnett. ,r" l"" the slate line and ir'::. SO I Mexico, H IH ft. with headquarters at J A. Jackson, an experienced bu-in.- -. nen jotving tnetr no lli ur. the tram In Total that if it does not give satis- Ka.t (entral avenue, announies , man preparing to open a general heir dest. nation in "le adjoining a call w .ll.tss.lfl it Mi in i ne snt Hots hit. tgaxtna. .1 .1 Í ha- - - (- , Tarrltorv sf K.w hM faction we will i comi-ar.- put in a tele-.i.i- e me j - --WT return the rirpnone win tor tM, )t rrs-- k K- l - M electricians, fuemen and mat hinisia. i i hone svsteti, connex w itb, ,nl ktr- esahlor is. -- o aansoa sang. .V"l,r i here ting the esisscted the of the department swaar that ih. .... 7. So eolaaas r tM- - M't ttl' entire amount of To re, run. of this kind il as necessarv . . , V. C. ! w il, w sag .i " ta of my kssrw Lo4o 't money paid ' The do awav Uh this pro. e.ture boiiof in. sot K I atlttS to make a eclal appltcalinn through Hu.nttt lieal Kstate comnanv will a, - Oirrsci Attsati flUNg U CVaosioe . --a. tta I' ' u.od us for it. We mean this the deparhmeet at Washington ;..pen an oftice in lx Tanos in charge ,a jrwmt m ajáUU i . Sgrata I - J dex-,'- -f J BATxrOt.rvs. elit.-- The recruiting stations in New Prank J. de llouwiere. Swair.s" mt4 ara f. w u l h i f ii i ' - and go-o- i . rr.ncavior, .si a ask all a l many men i,v ' ' i those who are jico ate sending into r.t.., .4 Pais V. aV arattLl-S.-t- , Hit l W s - ....-,- oi. t pi j'he srmy Just now. and ne Blaart SVaa aV-k- ea T," mni ta. isanma- - W3 abserlbsg s--s t m1. a II t 11 a- -- sick and need strength to try IU.I Is kefd husy receiving hor was 4 So a saraia bo ss4 kor.r. them ael -- ' asea, ,at .1 f I. ata Ibis Í4k a of A. root. IS I. i -- . ' in n nmo ir. that ihe Im men were taken on In A!bu.,uerv,ueT1'wlag as'.btsg t rioar n la4 a r4 ik.rS tut reomres SM-t-C- 11! e, - PliTCAao. lit n;ri 1 I hi.-.-- ! it with this understanding. add .U to " " ewo-- 4 fc. as " ""-- "i ox sa r sd . ie.ierdav. la in the station iHttin Siotary fllUS ... - . '' sa moo So pal por- - : - itrta 1. .1. " . m- lasnrs ta llnHer " " e Hit- i. putiintit a 'Jl J. H. O'Riellv o- Druaaists in iiiiuna éiie-- br )aktsa hiBo lord a Harkt-- s C- at orro. ttallup. .Suris Fe and Lae T ui i!-- . T'ia- - . saoiod litar rogaaiar. a. I k tha Moaix fTnip at t h ih At at vt S.BXII K. X. JI. H u Itisiig Cw. jttiaxti v4axt Ais i lt IMS l ftl x t sa - I L.


ri CHICAGO council begs mm Declaring Sunday Law Obso- CLOSING OUT SALE OF RETAIL DEPARTMENT lete City Dads Ask Tempe- STOVES AND RANGES, ENAMEL AND TIN-WAR- E, rance Crusaders to Call Off PLATED WARE, HOUSE FURNISHING Closing Campaign. Saloon Reduction GOODS, CUTLERY OF ALL KINDS. BUILDERS 25 to 50 Per Cent on AND SHELF HARDWARE. MECHANICS TOOLS, IB. Moraine Sawlal Umi Wlre.l Nv-lntl- 5- - The,.city council ETC., ETC. mmeht bv a unanimous vote asked the rhk-HB- Iatw and Order leaKue to ahandi.ti lt campaign asra4nst Sunday Llo-on- sub- s and lt the question be WHITNEY COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT mitted to a vote of cltteena at the next Terms 'Cash Terms Cash iiertion. In the name resolution the SOUTH FIRST a ilermen averted that the Sunday 115 .inalna- - law now on the statute book ) Copied without debate and by a viva voce voi. Officials of the league spent today rlasslfving the evidence secured by volunteer detectives yesterday ,h(.r against one an1 preparing warrants naaaa"JgfWJrtaaw"aB hundred and forty saloonkeepers. Ar- mttma rests are not expected before Wednesd- ay- J ,. i class. is a Oreen Room saloon and still another ' ucm siiPRFMF The fact that the animal - r ,i ...... ,..i.,- - TI í nRAnni I t. 1 l I miV' W W ' thoroughbred prove that It broke mio me rear ui wi O .1 D does not been made as n. COURT JUSTICE NAMED is of a hign grane. A inoroughbred, store. No arrests have n wery cxfilr"' to command a fancy price, should be yet. ooutnwesiei Dre ice vo endowed with all the principal char- Overcoat Honililicun acteristics of its .breed. Sheep men Is roar motarme k ji.M'ldi f. Helm. Veteran pwni tow Mora- I.cuiUt. Honored by governor should bear this in mind when they Intoteral.lef Ke and mM a Itiichtcl. are asked high prices for thorough- ine Journal una ads. Makers of the Celebrated breds. JÉ!. Weather "There are now about 30.00 sheep TUB W E A T II E II MAM Iii'iiver. Nov. 5 Oovernor Hiiort In the Del Kio country ready to be Nolii-- of Creditors' Meeting. Pilsenerfic Culmbacher "rain Hti1 now, inutb i"M-- r nfl (h today appointed Judge Joseph C. dipped. About the same rAimber is In the district court of the Second frepulnn" .tuft melt) of nil Helm, of this city, associate Justice of expected a few days." of territory of una Í wuather. lge here in Judicial district the the supreme court to succeed Ju New Mexico, sitting for the trial and Pul iv-- r mlnl ''vf wn Charles Caswell, deceased. Judge For (lie Public mhI. hearing, of causes arising under the ::::::BEER:::::: Juat aui'h ctmdít ion and Helm has been a leader In the republican An Independent and ably edited constitution and laws of the Vnited hava ma'l mpl pniviaiMn tr bar since com- a great ytnir omftrt and appearance. party, and at the newspaper which commands States Hera ar ing to Colorado from Iowa In 1875. In circulation is probably the most potent In the matter of O. A. Burtner, Bank- is:' he was elected an associate Jus- Influence for good in the Uiilted States rupt. In Bankruptcy. and suoreme court, and later today. The power for the better things A. I Renowned for Purity, Flavor Quality tice of the - To the creditors of O. Burtner. as chief Justice. He resigned In public affairs and policies, for In- In the county of Handsome served bV HUCtl a of Albuquerque, from the bench In 18! to run for Klunrp i&'hleh la wielded and territory of New Mexico, de- Chicago Record- - governor against Waite. but was newspaper as The In the district aforesaid, bankrupt: he has been Herald can scarcely ne exaggerateo, Warm and feated. Since that time In Whereas, on the 25th day of I law. Judge and much of that strength comes 8 Im J. M. MOORR, Tie rraaldeat aaa active In the practice ut Chicago daily A. D. 1907, In the above court O. BKOOKS, President. Manas. was In Chicago In 1 14 8 . the case of this leading bank- M R. BCMMER8, Jtaeratarr. Stylish Helm born in- and In the above cause, the said from the fact that It Is absolutely set Mil ' dependent, fearless and fair. It la not rupt was granted leave to correctly vatican'organ any except forth ehedule. and to describe in ll defends the mouthpiece of Interest ren- Overcoats public. The Kecord-Heral- d his schedules a certain Judgment portuguese that of the No. 282. A. M. MOORE REALTY CO. dictator champions cause of the good, the dered In Cause entitled. JOHN They'll ItiiiH-- nut t1d Winter, but the vs. A. clean, the beneficial In every matter of O. Stein, plaintiff, O. Burtner. para yuur piH'kt-b'ik- . city, state, or national moment, ft Is defendant, rendered by the district 'I'hat'a one rat fcatura ahuut Itome, Nov. 25. The situation In ESTABLISH ED MM. TEI.EPnONR 1. ynur la with the knowledge on the part of Its read- court of Franklin county. In the state thla attir Portugal is being followed here ers It cares not whom It hits or of Kansas, on the 25th day of Sep- IKCORTO RATED 1MI. IK Will GOLD AYR alwaya auf from fnkn. Interest, the Queen of that Yu'rt aura of tha lnt goftda the keenest enemies It makes so long as It Is A. D. 1903. at the September v being of the Duch- what tember. rnw K'H.da doprmtahl, Portugal a sister battling for the welfare of the com term of said court, for the sum of HI Clothing and tha mora Queen Dowager compañía. ess of Aosta. and the munity, which glve The Kecord-Heral- d thirteen hundred and seven (11.807) FIRE IN81RANCEI Agenta for tha but Fir Inauranca ynur invraiinatn and impara tha and aunt of King victor unnnnun. much of the Influence It enjoys. It dollars, with Interest from said date Ik mora our nmney mavIiik prlrra ac- tta past An organ of the Vatican says that gives in Its news columns the most 8 per cent LOANS i Hv nefotlated loans un Alhuquerqu real e.tate for atatnl out In yiuir favor. i until paid, at the rate of Tall-orii- cording to news recently received from complete and Impartial reports oT po- per annum, together with costs of suit, twenty years, without a Inula luai to lusnar. Milium or LtiK ut In Portugal has events, evidence of Its and rahric tha beat (r-fft- Lisbon, the situation litical another and. In every detail. exaggerated by the enemies of splendid news service. ABSTRACTS! Abatracti of tltla furnlahert on Berlnallllo cuuntr pruparti oa been dictatorship Whereas, the undersigned Referee Premier Franco, whose In Bankruptcy was by said court short Botica. Tha oaly sat of atntract buuka that U up to data, Prlcaa the tyranny " was necessary to destroy to give notice, as required by reasonable. X $10.00, $12.50 of local yetty parties. SOUTHWESTERN NOTES law, for a hearing thereon, and do all other and further acts required to be $18.00, $30.00 SENATOR DOLLIVER done by law. In the premises, and You can"! keep Wlllard down. Wll- - Whereas, the said O. A. Burtner Nmw wtierVa lb man thul EULOGIZES COLLEAGUE lard is to have a brand splinter new, was by said court, heretofore duly SPECIAL THIS WEEK Washington ran t la Oirmait anllMIrd lierrf newspaper, with a complete a bankrupt. Apparel Vonr itletiatire ! hui lug la part plant. It will be going by the first of Therefore, notice Is hereby given FOR RA LB. FOR BALK. Fashioned of ur prttt.t. to Kf-i-ltt- -t ks Iowa llcpublhuiiM December. meeting of will on propartr. eloae lUlmUe (iovtinor that a the creditors tS.IM.M. Tk Nei-- property flt.oOt.M. Tlualneea Allison hm lo be held at the office of the under- West Tijeras avenue: eevnn ronmi In; hulttlnice now occupied and Sam Kimball, an old living - 1 liiuiiiiin. farmer signed Referee in Bankruptcy, In and bath; lata hern and hutías for pavtna- per cent oa, nine mile east of Dvming. was rak- e tote, three Iota left ua oor- - room No. . In the- Barnett building, ervunt.: thr-- At thla llh vacant ing bay on bis farm when the mules )ra ON t,T. lnyulre at office. Council Hlufl's. Iowa. Now 25. Sen- the southwest corner of Central )rlca for TEN DAVg "or. M. ran away and threw him from t lie MANDELL TE the , Second In city of NKI-- I I KTII I INK HIUKH lIMh'l nik; ator J. I. Dolllver spoke before rake-- breaking his leg. Mr. Kimball street. the rottawattomiH county Aliisun club was Albuquerque, county of Bernalillo, tonight in the new theater In this city, unconscious when found, but will and territory of New Mexico, on the recover. - opening the campaign for the 10th day of December, A. D. IH07. at Fi,4M.a. Seven-roo- frame, modern. ij.MMt M. A flv room modern eot- of Senator William II. Allison. 10 o'clis-- In the forenoon, at which on North Eighth at ret t; pay- - tage, nearly new; cluee In; two of his The epidemic of burglary which has menta to buyer. lota, Senator Dolllver gave much Ve- time creditors may attend, prove their suit the eulogy Alli- appeared in Silver City and Uis address to an of Senator gas appears to have over claims, appoint a trustee, examine the son. Senator Dolllver spoke of v4iat spread all " bring the territory. Hillshoro got a good bankrupt and transact such other I.ÍOfl . Four room eottasa oa PRESCRIPTIONS? he characterized as attempts to as may come before a t; larga tur- touch of It during the week. A man business properly Hooaee for Rent In different parts of Fourteenth tree lot. Senator Allison Into the factional a saW meeting M. E. HICK BY. the city; furnlahed aad tinturó- of party in Iowa, intimating swiped saddle, bridle and blankets COMPANY! moil the off a citizen's horse while it stood Referee in Bankruptcy. la he d. WILLIAMS DRUG that Governor Cummins had broken 23, D. l Kl MOM: TM peo- hitched In the street: another Albuquerque, N. M.. Nov. A. 117 WKKT t KM UAI, AV lAl'K. Tr faith nlth Allison, and asking the 1126-27-- ple to take up the gauntlet for their marauder tried to break Into the 1H7. veteran leader and return him to the I'nited Stales senate. MttMXIIHT 1 THB ; ONOMIHT THIt'M OMlMleT TUB Kt'ONOMINT Q T'tHK NEW AMERICAN SOPRANO J J MAKES IN NEW YORK I DEBUT Wotnen'a fold Weitlher t.olf (.loves fur (lluves. Wool (un. ma Now York. Nov. 25. The American (old Wcnlhcr. tli'lmt nf MiHH Mary took plm1-- ' cíarilen j Lined ('hhIiiiicic utid Silk nt the Manhattan opera notice tonight. A big line of Chlhlren's j Her voice, a pure aoprano. I one of THE ST Miltitis. a bin lot ol coioim (treat flexibility and Mian (lardnnr'a and Mlsaes' Wool Uloves, manner of xlnicinK ai u eay and j ami all sixes at 35c, ."die, Kiacrful as her aitinir in which latter! all colors, 25c. 35c and i ALBUQUERQUE'S EXCLUSIVE DRY OOODS HOUSE. I Kite I . ami l ". art. one of the foremoat KllvUV-TO-WKA- H CJAHMILNTS EX1.1'SIVFI-T- , 5 i IMtY GOODS. .MII.I 1NKKY AMI WO.MKX S tf the modern m'hool of (p-- tic. era tip Mar Mis 'Harden ttaa riioNK ouni.its hi.i.ko ruo.M ni.v. mail oiidkkk i eoided a demonHtratlve welcome. The oct'HHion f the Itrxt apiMiarunca of the new atar vaa made notable Tiy tlie Hint production In America of! READ CAREFULLY Women's Coats-Spec- ial Values Masenet'a lyrical opera. "Thaia," Inj I Thla la Not M arelraaly 're paired Adverl laeiiiml. I hey which Mina (larden had the title role. Another e.k ..f value, in Wo.....,,, f.,1.1 And .rest hroad.-lo- h. el Kvt-r- drpartment haa ffart-- d thoughtfully aelft'ifd hargimia ,.,. most 111 demand -l- ona HI- -k fuals "f e lime, then e.n ''I Silks & , the carefully, aunty (hu cine Dress In Ihat all the ptoipia Il...d Goods real bargain aettaonahlr gooda of the klnda and me the L'.els: huy and uae now. It Ik aa with th tiafarltn that tve noir thfa dpartincitt'a - SHEEP IN ARIZONA rattt Kiat Our ara contract with our patrons; what wa proiniao -v ti..- , imi'-- and suhaianllal IncrfaJie tn volume nf huatm-a- from to ara-ani- i. advertlaemrnia kl :.. -- e .,.,. of l i.u.k .tun. W tteMfV ihia ta laitiely we faithfully acconiptlih, who acan llema llaird hi'iu may iom .,. ,".. .,..1 (.raid. and -- - the roault of our ttrrla endfavir to and alt the .r I..lined .HI, ,Hel I... ' aho hi coniprphniaive nt of illk and w míen n d. mi .,.,,ti. i fui "r"-"- L' anortme with the fullee, conflth nee that no unreal lndLicttiiiiil haa proncnl' ir, - ,, - k n t hy any !. . I I -- ara r ha- k .ail. fKt'mlfd atore In any Ameritan city. ,.f hla.-- l.r...d...dh and ni; t,.ll trlinin.d llh elet, aoulaehe and Hide l.lsld applied I" .l.el.ii. hi ald-l- l lliiined GOOD INVESTMENT THIS W'KKK'X I'UH'IN; Wll.l, OFF Eft ItKAI. HA VINO. A f.K KAT HII.K (HAI E. 1 lel.ath Pla.k llro.ol. ra and II 75 4ualliia I'lald Mlkn. Fancy ISilka. Persian. I'rlntrd M;vr i mili. IMRV. I.-- an foaia. I - " U'Hii ImpihI!). H'htic and Kffrrta a f..rm rutin, in l.a.k Klther . Hluk I" l ll" perl.-- 3 ln...w dieplay. !. or .... ,,r I.U.k ...un indi. lie "lnil I.ot Inrludfa Htlka Hvlttm KeRularly up tu II prttrd In this aatv for - nniy RAr 1. ledll Cull .Mould aee tl.eia- foal. fmré t't ee. 17 ft Bureau of Animal Industry Man l t 2 TaJara tn about 20 ptrcea Hllk Hp hug tvnularly up to 91 09, prit-e- Huts mIuiiI In thla ( only JM yard aalr II- .. h KKTH. TOT' (lllf. a mi - One hundred eui IIII.IIHr.XH J HfHI.H Wl l.iU Declares Business Will Be ,oi I Tak-- In : pic-- allk aelllnc regularly up to iiu. priced in thU lis end aale for only SHc. yard lur entire lot itlvld.-- lulo ioui lot. a. folio. litfle liee Kalheri'd fT i "Bt. Made of all wool, l.di.-- il. ll. and to Fr afternoon, evrnina; walata and cwm. ami for handanie Itnlna:, etc.. Lot l.lllle Tot.' I.onir Profitable For Years S na-pa-t up to . rímica $1 3 yarda of th and rhtrBt Fall Hilka. careful) r from our ""t are mcdiiltn-hH-- e Ituiluree. s.ifth O fori-lp- alrtd ..ur fin tt"n. reaiilat ato It of ihr flnt fatria that domeatlr: and loorna product Come, a of handsome and allka In colora dcaigna, n- - From pint choir delranlr and In and enry ,, ehorl -.I. and reefer. III ll.- f"lk. aellllia reaulat a ill aa on of grvateat JOur .'at thia ale d"n the of our great allk aalea. rhol. e In Itlla a.le ..t e kiii nit elylee ly "f IJr. ft. W. A. of Walker, the liurrau . .li'.n and fan. "f hiiIiii.iI recently appolnt-ei- IJUik "(all'-red- and m"re er- - ,( 1 of I hltilren'. rteelel. a.i"it. material.. IndtiMiv. l (ll mlftliire..rnl.t .tt an.J . value., in thl. "ale '' I'nited ttheeji liiKector. with Dress ( State Goods mi. mi. kiinte Y .u ere apt find li hi adtiarteri in I'rem ott. aiivancea the a,l-- ... - I i ftnmd-c-lod- k ..f lie. made "f ..." lei pinion industry III our mi íír na of fircaa I'attfrna. rcnmatiiig of Fanev Htrtpd 1I1.111 a..rt I...I In 1.. of tel.. l wn that the aheep Jut ).iur . :.a iii Uní ale continue to Imnrove for many yea ra 'hvkri nml I'lalti loiha, Worstpda and Importrd Mohatra, riml nd eiilna u. t7 and each tMiltrrn fn"Ugfl ifooda to make lireaa. We lit all thta wfi-- iJ" tlie are acrtlt and prove profitable to those engaged kt-- - aii'( tí V'u aatintfe a. ni .or i rular iiim prt. Imt ill gi an indiicrment tli- IK.NTIHf. (is.aa Ti ; Kt,l aiir. a in a Tu it. tt up .trr-a- thua anyn- an &.:itfti v -r IIMM.N raaka trw. aavina: wanting e hilr. The V.l.le. In hl.l, anide eV- of - fill In a I- - U0 lva h pattern la aiclualve, being only one a tre.le.t ..l. ! " tonv ervation with Frewolt lrcaa I'aMern. of kind. Ill f I...OI..OII- - IH. I. Hie le.llv worth 11 I ' J'iirnal-.MInt- ..ore. lle. ' '' In r repreneatatise. he one "f -- ur -- wool .hevlol n.- -i 1. "ii' 'me )RM4 Kvei made fall and '"' i ll - "Id: ""lie-- i ralsiiiit I now one of ( 4HHM rTROKIINAKV MM I.I.. k Mil. T l.rown Mi.t.iie. la "fin "r Inik .olor plld .I...... la-.-l hnaht-rve- d a U-- mads and linil...l In maimer. the important Ipdiastrlea of the ter- A ifKular hwrt for tlanr' What tuav autumn It snip... .Vestir ritory. In my opinion It Is deatlned ha iwvTi tn our fraa ihi Htore The greats tl( raffing, tha faster tha prove fu-tu- "ahort rmla" arcum'ilatr. We ahall hav a log general rtear-u- nf all Hi Hals " more profitable la Imported London 26-inc- even -' Paris and '' Mrmnanta of lrfta fall In let hrr- Hut that'a not alt The Popular h Length Coat. rnra to ena:aTed In It than lr'd In't faiirh-w- A l(o-th- t una- - e an Múdela f r t.. the W aha II ala off r "irti.ri aiua' tn much anted tt half frli-- i. 111. ai In past. east fciira'-rdiuar- the The iwple f the til te a wk of Valuta In Drraa Uoola. Tea. by all meana. Modela for tli i e lliree Iffeet. are beginning to appreciate T'mi1 ! I .. .I.atw-- It? hrre! tarlj Keml filled lined I Hi. I. hie.. kel. n, Is increas-- I' l.k: ..tin I niton. The demand for it ?eW I ITIM.M ftr. rollar and reer. lull plaited .h.rl. tllinm.d .l' K more li- -r constantlv. This has become Hiri-- a tu .pislal at t.w.nd II.h.ij years. f and artth orplatd. If ffat net. grrn. (lay Cut Class For Table Decorations ll IS, Carent durlna: the past two and Bford miiturva 3 tm hea wide. The In-- I through an er.vr dmand for mutton is also f Our t.urer eluiM- - u. over !. ..ilh "f "ut nu . T( kiitx. l..v. iea King In Woid prlce are Me HfcIOT. tie. and la lh. ui lia, ara are vu all the of the aiiHIS'. na Ki(land. nia.klna ihlnl -.! . error - Ie lhaa wkol,..le pro Nos. In tder i.i m-.- . lo . i.mioI all he.l.... Iii n.v.l.l.H- also j.mh1. r ni.alna- I1n. - - All H!a k f the ataftl att-- a for l ealda tula fciv III allow ,.u an :a per vnt redu. tloB r a r ar.v .no o "!- "I 'ol h'vit: in ar (hi. ful Ulasa iul. elta , eina.e. find a very fair arrade of sheep It ard. i.,...... l. l. Uorih '! to 1:1.11 til U in wool growers and aiktng aktrta Oet torarr at ic niakinc aril. le. n.atked. this territory. The ... are a very Intelltjent class of men. . U I."" ll awa AT ., to II..i lo ! I' 111 M SKINT ata and I a disposittin among them In- - go Mh HHfM . e. alaa nottce Ot II h. for nkirta to pretty Houaea ant h.ldrrn J( J . II " line qu.lilr . hill-- ii'iia 'n M. k oi bi.a. m.nnt.h to improve their floiks by the Intro- my ? jarda, rf ll Vr,.;. k o,l. prellv in del. Home plain. ..r m.llure. or lo. .. N.l-p.e- prUea and bal duction of thoroughbreds. While the or .iMim The vli.i.l oí a In aeveial .le. lorrv l.lfc Bl et. irimn.ed wllB tállela auk hand. i;.i ai.l grade whole, i.k oroatri int rh-l.- -e of sheep here, taken as a I and thel at Ha! uf lié. Al. a.I.e. KaU.t lio la Olerv l.hea IMI.Iiei. hii s fairly Is room The moat the aaaoa la otr I there much for' rmarkaht lrm Vu . M-- r-- ur Youln per rt. ' Ph-o- Have and I'ur Cat Ulaea Where II Improvement. Mutton huer are pi. er Alt ahort nip uf OMorad Icrraa tiiie that hata c( umulaied dur- Ka.: WlttttV TOI.OKI.ll (II T. Ilea. . l n . or U- -l on ing th paei artki k 11., ...1,1, ,ti, .. lolh or rorerl ' el...I d..ul nxlous to purchase the the fr til., (. ln m hre-..- from Ja. keia to (ml lei,ih market, it is a noticeable fact NH I M Jtl. -d m.lel. I.nin. r.nie and .AT m.MAVT rN It. 17 r,a 'hat thev now pass up sheep with Nl tteauiai pri.ea, .ud here al .!" In ih J.. all kin.l f and rlora- auffn int l" wrlnk:-- better bred ir fatla Black Taffeta , necks for the aittrta and enttr autta and r anmf opp.riuniila Ina K.le will l e ni tn.ed this enure week with tha muttons. ii.i. ftr - Al l.non o mother ha ri(tiT- a 1riaMi t mmr ll will wau ..f(h I XTItt I.IHHI I l I.. ,. re,., nona re.ul.r prl.e. a. u.t erk W. base ee.rn. latt nu" all ka ear( . lfn p- - "II is a mistake to believe that ,Hii, n.aktng a T1rt to fine puking but th chotcvt f- -r In-...- will Bold maikiee. thai In Tain Unea, -- atrial Ti ! ailk .kina. and a few that ix that is necessary Pr the improvement fin.ia" wilt go t.. tht etr'ettt ahopna II Hualtir ' km. nd Toael.. f the grade f a n.N-- ts to introduce . ..; a s"m iliorooahhre.l buck. In lb Pun f thoroughbred rare hae TilfS te taken that the animal has INK HUH IAIMM, Sll. m rm0llT 'he . . irmr of jf mutton "f l' MIIIT M , THF ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1907

Ik uf riimtlilprable Interest. lleitor ileneriil Hoyt. atlrne) Inter- (nutters. h repeat mateiueiil ested in the lniii:tmiitx iKulnxi the - 'lnni I to be offered the Htiplp, Duller- - 'i' , "re- arriving- In (position of attorney areneru! of the Santa Ke toiiii.v. W. A Hitwklna, at. I AnVFRTKFIWFNTÍl sir territory ami ailiio fonalderable itifor- - forney lor tin- - 'uilK" lnti-rcn- IrtllDNAl AÍFIFH - wens I Ik- - i i i - Hrrlvi-i- l evers- - I n bJ- 1 ( matlon to h ii ile uf the ailinln- In New here thm I i I IjI 111 I IVMi I i.1 lt i utioii mid uarilruliirlv nf tin- - at- - I tie. an dlil 'hurlen A Sriesn. who hH MUI IIIIIJI ini Llifliklll turnev general uf the t'nlteil istales been In Washington Tlminas H. 'h- - ' towiinl Sppi ial Attorney Mrllarg muí M ron I aim here. It I" un(lernlriiJ the I'rp-Di.lm- " liirfletmenlii. Indi- - that Attorney FrHnklln, nf Kl Puno, SUCCEED e.itliia Hint Mellar haa I he aunuort: who I aaiiclat.-- l will) Mr. Hawkins j HELP WANTED II ÍL.:;iJIORAGE nod hatklng of the attorney general the practice. of law. will iilxo be. Female SS 1 Planos, household he illxiati h follón: here tomorrow. gen-- WANTED roods, t W'ANTKU Woman to do rookiug. and ! rsaaonabls Washington, Nov. 23 A nnoiim The I'nlled Sltilex grand Jury will eral ti.iuework. S'iod wages. Apply all stored saf;y at rates. t (40. The Security Warehouse A Improva. waa made at the Whiltv lluuxe reconvene here tomorrow.'' What thlx 4?i .North rtt'ceiid xtre.o. tf j (x 1 Property Loans mnt Co. Offices In the Grant Blocs. tonight that Major William H H lurv will do entirely unknown, and WAXTÉI- l- oTrl fia7 "ñeraí k JuVeVorkTAp- - Personal FULL leweilyn. I'nited tiliile dixtrlet II Ix nuppoxeil to depend lo a large: ply Hue Wext nlrHt avenue. tf-- k a lor New .Mexlin. anil his fin, extent on the attitude of the solicitor W'AÑTÉnSlrf for generaf"TioueworkT Murad u i Llewellyn, aurveyur genit- general toward tlie action Lhu.x far mall family, il Weat Tijeras. It! Money to Loan PROFESSIONAL CARDS. al, both Koiigh JUdi-re- . rexlgn taken and to hlx llew ul what remuinx WAÑfKtr desiring "nm On Furniture, Pianof, Orrans, Hore, uuulil TURKEYS Ladies Inter lno on lh office, to 1 to be done atyla in millinery at low tiricia, tu call Wapns knrt ether Chattel; take effeit Januarj p. ariiHiiini-enieii- l liineh-en- n Minx C. Crane's ladlea' tallurlng and a ATTOltSÍEl'S. Tlie a . at Salaries and Warehouse fulluwed DUCKS parha-s- . Hotn-e- . dresamaking Alao avprantiixai low as J 10.00 and as hirt) $160.00. ATTORNEY GENERAL a! tlie While at which the wnnli-- TALKS 512 North Sseund street. Tele- quickly made and atrictly R. I. lew ellMix. (iuvernnr i'llllV. CaiiUlin GEESE phone tf Loans are BRIAN .1. private. Time: One morth to one Attorney at Law. Of THE RECENT CHANGES David Leahy and Holicftor (cnenil CLANCY DOES your lloyt weie prexellt. All tin- - piutlix SPRINGS yoer glvea. OcoAm to remain 'n Office In First National Bank Bulldh,. -ft tonight ii. LOST AND FOUND ponhe.sRlon. Our rstes are reseontble Albunuerirue. New Mexico. for Santa Fe to take pari , see us hefora borrowing in Die aettlement of the big pulilliul HENS CoHTTñtha 'vTchdtVP4lh vVard School, Call and Pit IC?.Vs" A j fí iiCHiiKtfK Local Attorney for Phelps and judii rexull-- e a sold ehaia and lockeL b Steamship tickets to anj from all liiltiri which has Plndnr will OK. L. B URTON i n Ihe resignation of the 1.0 KNOWANYTHING rewarded lr returning to Mrs. U. Wjln- - part ií the world. b. MocIkc Say' They rue Confi- ytxii, i iv V, pai v opuer Ave. THE HOUsEHCJ-- LOAN CO I'hyslcian and Surgeon Highland Office. 10 S. Leahy, wax tilxu a LOST Within last month, a pair of garnet Rooms 8 find , Grant BIdg. Walter strs.t C'aiitain who Albuquerque, N. M N. dent Indictments Against Hough will be npioint-- dis-Ir- prayar beads, gold links; also gold chain OFFTflDS. Phone loii. Uider. crasa, e PRIVATE l ittoi nev to xiu cced Major Llew - ana inner win &e rawaracd upon r OPEN EVENlNtlU. K. HVZ7 turn of them tT Ihts efflee. u DU, . J r I hat Company Will Be Dis el yn. Iixi Monday A. It. Fall reaign-i-- d 20JH West Central rtivaiLiHH aim raurirena ,v; the offii e of allomey general uf ; Ana Roomtf 6 and 8, N. T. Armljo RuIIdlaif FOR SALE - ,T missed. the territory and the next day Leah Will Real Estate HELP "'""M ""'Musi ' iat:iro. wax TULlJ-Pract- to eucceed biin. hut KAI.fS Two modern holmes. JÍÍEJty.- - DBA SHADRACIiA ica n o iiuallfy A the of re- bolli for also two ""vnió First" elaa "mim-- r t take "V Limited l Aupl) at W eent White Hotixe eolifereni ex Leahy i houses for I1.6HU; must be suld before c.nlia.1 of :.u ilrllllnK Eve. Tlul IHftiiit Attorney Frank District Attorney 'Has Had No . Ear. Nodi Thrn.l Ix to become rllxlricl atloru-- and F 1. Co., ;lii v. Hold. n26 ftonwirU'itr Ktioi. Oculist foe I'l.iiMV. uf IIiIm illy, i tu be offered iwn be- and J tirlst Santa Fe eniA W. Clancy will he appointed aituiru-- HA l.K uiodern brick; Low- WAN'f KI unmarried men I Fill of lines. Offlca West Certral ari he iuiijun of iilluiiiiy general oí general Infoi mation Indicating That: lands. I.'.iMiu. l'orterfleld ,l.V, 216 W tween th aes of L'l and 35; cltlsens J1H l"ld. SiHti-s- . of nood character and Xew Mi'Xli ii ilium the n niKiiiilliui of No I daiialfon Maili-- . '6 th fnlted Attorney Generalship Will! KOK " tempetate iiablls. who can read, speak and JiulK-- ' A tl. Full, la SAl.K Two nica homas In high- apply lo HOMKOPATHH. the etHtemcnl Nu expi.iiiatlun of tlie lands at a bargain. Must sell. Will wrlin Kimllsh For information Ix R...iullllig Kaat Central ave- DRS. BRONSON WKONaUA- made by the Kl Tliliea of Hun- - offered, but back of tlie action In Be Him, consider ofTer. Albuquerque In officers, 2t - I'un Offered Haltsrs. nue. A tlimilliiue, N. M. . tf Homeopathlo ilav, follow Ins; an Interview with J inline the xtoiy which hud tlx beginning In ALLEGES car. Went fiold iv,nu. reporta I'helpK. Dodge , SHE Physicians and Surg Dons. Ik Ihe that t'o Fail. While .!udne Fall not limited - Orer Vann'a drug tora, pkos-Offic- e of New- York, who have Invexted emne ilispHU-hi!- WANTED Miscellaneous to Hun eflert, Ihe upiiari'iiHy When fIihuti VVaNhlnKtoii RENT Dwenings iand residence, 621. Alhui mllile mllllona In New Mexico development, Htiitcrtii-ut- whl( h Jt!0? anil in'wspajií'i' Hy WANT Kl il man or wwriiiin in fj' it erque, Ifnii i tlie tinprrHsiun tluit "if IUK',m-il-'i- i had been engaged lu entciprlxex In HuiT h- - Im li Miict ftcil JijiIkh A. H KhII FíJit ÜKNT Twenty-acr- e ranch, near ni NM. a to lepiftM'lit oll fHlribllstied mull Ú. i rom him. The Tune conflict nun land laux. Willi. mi Xt-v- ctly. Han- - - DR. W. .nine the hs Hllonn-- Krii'ial f Mexico, the Alfalfa and orchard. nler i i une i h cunan tl rapid sfll- SHERIDAN" relat-lit- f TO LIVE hull' tiitemf Ms by Jii.Ik.' Full notice lo Curry. Attorney WITH & tit-- t i nay Homcop iloveruor l.isi Tii;xht. li.Mtrf t Auriiy Frank W. k'n (,Mri,,trnt''Armio ulldinff. r him i im fruit. o prr thlo y tu ehanai'-- i in Octiera) l fm7níH7.eit x tenet nccfi-lai- the reeent made xeiit I'ctun í'liini'V cxpl 'MSHf-r- Kiirprlsc ul t hit Mnt-nifiil- Kofi HKNT- - f''nur room h'iw7 toUHllv.mailf; rupllal or pr Physician and Surgeoe. ahlnijiun. by Mr. of ni'Piith K. anil Franklin, tl'iril'in and Ormhv Mcilatg. xpecial and khI( tluit h" tii.fl V)H4l ubno-luifj- tilitu fr Apply NmvhJi Htl. tf Ail'IrfKi Tln'mH. Occidental Life Building, Altiiqnsr. i m y N M tf uiinel Un Í I inline and ruin-fan- igentx. to Invextlgate. with V ft H KST iiKxIt-r- n ly pa Jitin iihI. Alliinjiiermi qua Kew Meilcri. Telenhnne the nxiilt nn fnilmatlun fium nay source "' In to I'helps t I 4 H. WA"Ñt"k- 7- 'l'- d" reuard Ihe Dudar hut .nineteen inilj. incnix were re- Unit wmji cmiihíiU'i orí in ptrtd i KttBi liCdd. Inquire 1' wmIiik '"' i mil n bfit'K crino: t hu.113 WtgiL wu X'H til veterinaryT" land IndletineiitH. Thewe slute-i- turned. Following t h la came the (l HIS FOLKS rauliun, leiiiml. tf tirenii Minn in atd. Hi.tla " r - rii'iii.,11 the attorney general-- ! AihuiutM-iiiif- ' wm. i it n ate of onlrternlil- Kenenil FOIl HKNT IIouhui, 4. 6. and 8, bélcex charge by Uovcriiur Clin)- ihat while uhlfj. . . p.-- r I t s In New Mexico Juki now slid ure! iiliHi-u- t 110 to .;) iiK.nth W M MiMilliuii, W A J 'i mi luti uh housekeeper. Veterinary. he wax fi'om Santa r e. Mcllarg IwiVf .it- TEl Hivin in full: ' "1 ntithitiK- nil to Huy about! esiwi linkr. Jll inl Ave "H M ,' tare Morn Journal. IJ Phone HQS. Residence 4flf 8. Bdlth. had iixui ped the fiiuctlonx of Ihe gm txabl Mr. v, "fin- ral Wt That no further Investigation will itiatlfi." t'laui tin; KO H H ÉN- T- Fuiir "rum furnf s hVd"hoiBB on WA.VTKI) A ouhk ma it w oiilil It k k " eruor In urdering IIii.imio In tlie teiil-Inri- I :'"""""nK'jTiM'H. la- made Inlo the uiTalis of Hlmrlct A- nIiniIi rollón tliat knuw noihiriffj H Ik h lamia. Apply i'. A. Unynuida, hutel nl in out ati) tlniiK Atltlieits lm;i oitli emong cer- - Peculiar Complaint in llome VV It I.lewellwi. but lieaxury wliai.-t- iili'iLit tt. j hiivt- Im. lu Id v Suit for Navaji,. tf Keynlh afreet UK. . iC. I. thai tain In Ihe teirllnry Curry KRAFT SuMi uur (i.'iiei'al Kill no 1. 'iiin tt hi liCM' that I hint bt'ii FOH HK.VT One 4 n.'M houie, mod- - W A.NTKD Hats ami iM.niiets tOmnieü ami Dental Rurgeen. came to Hud tuld the -j Divorce in Ihi' land in the WaxhlnKlon rn)HhltTM In roiint'cti'tn wJth Uih n- District Court; tra. im ii.Bhff., 1:5.00. W. V. FuIibIIp, tiiudt; i'iüc and iiivurti hy New t oik trim Room 3, Burnett Building. Pkons fraud chariie territory prexldeht i u New Mexliu. and Hi) about It. and xaiil alxo that h ton ritut liiivi' iiHclvnl no rn M.tiirh Hi'ond atrt'et. tf mtr tjuUlh ThirJ. 74 4. that elal Aaenl wax of iiuiinalion Appointment msde hr mall. Mi liaig III nut remain very minli there in, Juxtiflciilluit for iiioxl from any nourt-- to t hat eftVrt. i Demurrer' in Damage Suit; I'llll H EST Modern sis 'iiim cuttago, close V A X T K - Tu i eiit a pi H ii" le t care lunger In haul a Fe. In the tdatemont the nineteen Indicluieulx. Then ll wax liac no ldia uf the HtniiTi' f these t III. riuts.'h, 3- snd 4 Orant building. If iiaranteeit. IK, Sonih Küilh 1V ASSAY KKS. uf Altoiney A. II. Fall thai Ihe president discovered thai inn' District Court Notes, FOR H EN-- Large hern wlttl stalls ..r WÁ VTKIiVVaVhiiíír'aiitl IronliiK íy while W JtSNKS 4 3 n: The ultorin-- aeneral will ronfer till. of the lii.llctnii'iili wax ugainxl hix nial five horses end plenty of room for vebi-e'.u- woiiiHn. Non h Kevent h street. Assayer, Mining Sc. Metallurgical week Hllh Curry, mid f'ollege elaxmate. Cleveland Dodge, , Isrge hay loft and eorral. Address 1. WANTBlJ-H.jVaesi)ltbl- for líRht delivery. Engineer. tioveinor aoine PREPARING TO GIVE I. Morning um III of hi xpeechex (lie rt J.. Journal. . Wanner Hunlwa re C tí definite nrti.ui will tie taken the ulle Cruelty, iiihiimiin trealnii'iit. " 609 West Fruit avenue, Postofflcs Bm Dodge up a an TÚ HKNT Fur a term of vaars, WA X 'í' K í'. 'i" o realimutinn of Jiniae Fall a' that lime. had held aa model of CURRY A RECEPTION muí rompi-llin- her to live privets do up lace curtains, also 1,3, or at ornee oí tr. ti. Kent, 111 It In reliably reported thai l)lirl t At honext buxinesx man. Alioul the xame Mth his paretilH are the uiiiiin.lsi uimn residentes of 18 rraims. smple grounds, work by the riay. I' hone Ht; or 3d snntn Third street. torney will be tliu- - (lie irexiU-M- tieiirU tluit suitable for a sanitarium, ten minutes from North Seventh street. Frank flamy tendered IihIk' which Mm. .Minnie Hell Cullister KeeKx the trolle). CIVII, Ml IiiiiI Hevi-iM- l - 1 . Boarders for the beat table KMilNKKHR. the ofllee uf torney general fur the lie.'ii In WiiuhltiKtiin timen üe eil from Colllxtei-- 4 I.mI(íc- OiiI l'i'iilc lu ;tliir ,J Inuti William Also room eottnge ssme locality. hoard in the city. Also a few fin rooms anil imtl tío! to nee liitn, u vat In the le- - or nn Hunry eiTT ROSS nl Minimi to t.ifci ilie tiov Ia flri'innn Albuiiueriue fire Address csll fur rent. 61 S Kast Central avenue. Jnilae John Franklin, coiiimel for lil i ii..iim The Iniliel meiit e iIhI m il eruor llil .Morning inirtriiini A Hint vmih filed yeHteiilay County Surreyor, the I'heliiK Dudae Interests, I author- - to ve Ihiit WANT KD Empty baga ut lia tin s Coal Attorney before U. S. Laad Depart- h. lie relnxed lielli In the iliiti li t i nurt by Klock & thvpn, Yard. lly lor Hie Male nn-ii- t tliat u luiiil Mii'l BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. ment. Land Scrip Civil i i'reeldenl linilKe iik gr.iftir. invileil IochI Hlt.'rney. i epieseiit inn .Mr, t' for sala. í ÍT" 1 WANTED lloueevelt rannot afford o keei In him lo the White limine lo tell hiH Hpnlat rfirreMindfnc Mornlr.g Jonreal. OAicTiVS TT O f h Va fh ,""o w nwYwi n h e I Lumber teams to haul lumber gtneerlng. Hn-la- l The cmiile ere married our In .New Agent , I oí from mill Cnchlti Canon Do Mexli'ti Alellam lile of the Hlory. Omine loM him he Snnta Fe. N. M Noy. 2 5 lodger 4. IHH.V Mr.--. to sel half or all an established irrw-Iti- 'i Oold Ave., Opposite Morning Jounui and hla umsIwIiiiiI. whom- - h I'.illiHicr left mercan tll bust nena in very mingo, 23 miUs: good roada and goerl wa- et'tlon, IiiiiI never been III New .Mexico. ere Isnied and iliHtrlliulml hen- to- go- desirable her hiisbiuid March in, this year, II ter. Address Domingo Lumber Co., Thorn- raya, have bi en violailoiiH ol ail known on pcoplu location; rent rea an nu hie. Hiña capital - night calling the of Maílla ing to live with her father at Hlue-wat- Oil hand'i Ad drees A, nf ton, N. M. ethlrn of the legal fraternity. They lliiiiiilMirli- for Mellaril. Fe to gulher al the Htatlon tomorrow cre Journal tf BARGAINS IN KEAL EST ATI will be removed, Herordilltf to the As result of h tieriiitiiil liHiiihy Doilgi morning to welcome tioyetuor t'urry Judge Abbott nelerday afternoon FOR SALE. rhel4 enunnol. into rlrc uno-tune- e connectei) MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Rooms the nltii mi hii ieiinn from Washington. The a ". V. Jl room brick, .Mollun wllhbe (III week In I heard demurrer.' filed by flinO cellar. to& ta. made hese nincleeii in. II. tíllenla tlie irehl-i- li ', (ciu-ra- l ÍÍÁIK M ! .Kolicilor lloyt, Spe Hrown Mr. in- - 'woflK Vl'FF lil.s"nd"ilthHit KOK HUNT near car line. Sania for the miaehltiK of Ihe In te.) S.ill, ninl Thointon lo tlie, Sir nil Mimaheil nl itlrri lli in lloU i u ..... , mude at r.K South Kroudway. Mrs. !1 , i i fi 4 Hi t cial .Miorney Aieriaru. tel s .i eii n,.,..!..., ..r i ti In, Hi. a Hunt. unci ..i Apple at 91200 room frame. north Ith atretL tinenta returned, aaalllnl the I'help-- K djr. tu go to Kuntii Fe. Attorney fteiieral ah,, rnev t,enliy ami othetH of tlipit,, ,..m,,l n. H,'..n. ,.. n,' Ituthei ford. 5 Hoio h A mo at reel. tf 60 ft. lot. city water. lioiiitii Miu.e, and JuiIk" Fianklin by $:tiHM) llouiiiiMi'te Htnrk .Mcllarg. however patty arc expected to urrlsii here at agreement. No To LOAN - on' Aihuquertnio rénl Vm HRNT Fui nisherí suitable for 1(i:,1 ahí nulo roof adobe, par nill Join hia Judice W, A. decision was readied & 1 imrlner. III lie tin estate Apply itunkin i'k, VHK HM-- . t ami Mdlarg mi the ground 11 lo'rliick. by rom Ken! lrmrn. At Attslltle shopn; easy terms. Ilawklnn. there. lie In eonliili-n- that the court. r.nt'.. Murk f - tlie direct of his own tiio.l.-i- tw- I lu- will be Oicnti.-eo- when The doilgerH Isaiii'd tonltiht Knit )ti;"l Tw. unf urnUlufl $1900 4 room frame. Highlands,- attorney II k I mm l h U t. the niotiun to tiuanli la male. mid Ihe general's intcresta a ileiie tluil eyeryhody follow lhe,f.-,an- lil.lier rooms. Noi Mnt aire ir.'7 in, cement walara. as a g I FOR SALE i S ; understood iIihI result of Ihe hand ti give the aoiernor a mu.-lil- w,m i by Ahh.oi Miscellaneous FOfi UKN T k- furniahfd front room, 8 3 room frame, near hopi; eaiy heard Jmlro li Hi evetHl confcei iH es held lit ! plar-oii- s - bal h. jri at tiiinlly ; iiu -- terms. .liMlae Fall Talk. Washing. rccc-i- ion. Toda v Judge Abbott will he - rilll SAI.K 1..0ÍUS and HlrnilnK- itn allda. - South Hlx' h !i,iy ajkr.f).jM-ni.iTi.,- Ion thin ueek all except three or lour ham KulIclN H Tl rl hne WiHiidolle i hlik- 2 al ni y flume, moilern. lnr'.i with lieAce lloiiil TI.a . atrl. When tliu Wasliliigion dleiialih be Q llrr-l- .1: lí KNT Kiii'iiiuhf it V. 1. of the nineteen Indictments will rol-Wt- J . Pll, ,'hr"ltl Kirft room for one or two CentiH n'nr park Hbove waa SlJcaUAY LAW HI" AKIWfi canuiiu. mMeen cases, and ll ; .tu,,-- - lointi'd read lo Attorney disinlesed. The federal court will be Knit laiar lot f latng Ii.'iim snd nnd ifi ti lu light. 41 f .t h k dwellln,;. curijer A. II. Kali, w Is tielieved thai tlie day will Month iu- lot. lli neial of Xi gin It seaelons In Santa Fe on No- - entire i,uMi-)- I. ay aono. f..r your K.lith Hii'ol Iftt location In tliy. l.iet nlghl. COMES UP TODAY be lakeil these l. TtKXT-Frot- room, 3 atory, cement block. he a.tld: ember anil ll Is said that tlie mo- matters. rtnillHI- 101.", Norlll K Ik ll t tl slll-e- n.'N Kofi room and pon h. southern 13150' y lai-- t Iliisbiiml 4 7 dwellllng. N. Ktrat atreet. 'W'nen nu axlied tne bight (IihiiiIsk líenles liaigcs. Kl S.ÍI.K Team, new rAttiron xpoatirr Wmt Fruil av, tions to will be made then. At lit and harness. ft room new brick cottage, bi4- - nhoiit Hie of nnnwer to tin. sensational i 701 uvp-n.- K( t; H K NT- -T ti i u i n m reioilrd aiolntment The reported intention to dlHtiii III alo heap. West Lead f h'd rooina for ern, close In. aliy to an Juilge ralji W Hear ( use i;alnst charges by Mrs riii'-nt- r no in- i'iiI'Iiiiii la auci eed me at made Juanita lie Ph. n?s houafkff tina nil ñera dweltl&g. I the indictments, seem to Indicate that M. I nr-- - 36ft room, I atory, brick 'ol i ifjiieiil of New Mi'XI.o, knew I.. ce Ibis Afternoon. dllla. In her ,uir for -r- illk.-M fol valida apply. 70 Knst Central vi- in. HMtiKfleil t tut I dhorce from li .AI.K Tlianksaivins: modern, close In. - the president is lust lilt nuf. ho wao to be aMilnled lo aiie- Zacharlai Padilla, hay been filed iu a Imo s ihoroushKred hroiize toins for tf 7 room modera, Mlorney has been riere- - tin-- i f2.00 brick dwelling, i d Llewellyn. b'H I wax not in a n The case charging violad,!! of the district court. 'Ihe charges of t,rrot tig 1' K.tT'. tf KOK lí KN- T- Km niniied l oom a Murk nd hard wood floors, near - t ill ills duty, d,.ea ex M car line. bul this not Sunday law. I.. Fee, ki-- t a half to make tlie matter nubile. against the' adultery, aban...umeiii, . , v n. . r. Man's Ii. to Kaimus i'iry. from ponióme. nil West 2Si0 S mom brick cottage, modtra plain w li t.lcweil.NU and sou - cruelty and avenur. Ik a his are popular candy and soda Wtjier mer- de-n- iiL'7 tf "Llewellyn to be I'lmbHed to vinUll.iit of innrrlagi- vows are lr '' Mouth Waller. Fourth Ward. to resign. The only explanation ob- HKNT o $2000- - ft omet limit elxe, anil Hole will be mi chaiil. who was tirresied Sunday,! (. Mr. pniltlbi It" HA "sail. Ilr- - ami l.rl.lle. also FOR A Vrntl?man oct up t nlre room frame cottage, bath, etc.. I avers that he wan r point Is ii ut Hi" n , no N. liiillo-- inveiiiHllun uf uU iifluirK tainable mi that cliMiged ullli having sold glass of a e ul,lr net of liurm-i- and ItiiwKy harnrss. front rinun; modern r(nveiiiftn,; alrk ltth atreet. kind and husband, Wr-s- t hanges ailvl--- on il i WmI- hut U .VI pnaon need apply. 610 tVai $2100 4 room brick, hath, llgbta Tin' miim ral i iiini'laiutx mada to the' were deemed ble soda water to a customer of the - ' on Is II M. Millón. I'll Wesl Avr ivt. tf electric that tlie (onlraiy. Ins wife guilty RlONT North Hecond d i on nl ol nli eiidy of the altitude taken b Attor ton drug store, was ester-- 1 Ii -- Good work cam. wagon FÓU Funlahed nxmna. A tw street lii JuMUt lino loutinued of abandonment and vioialion of her SAl.K ni,' $10(i 7 room frame, ñvu'h bi rii lnv t laati'd ney licncral Kmiaparte In support uf day morning by Juilxe 4'raig unlll - atid harness Apply Hankln IV... room nh'ly furnished r'Hima with um of bath; bath. etc.. - ,,r I at ram nrea; nn In- Arno street. "Mr the Holli'ltnl- Kineriil the ,,ti, .Mcllarg A i district o'ci'M'k afternoon, when Ihe mot-to- r " AlllOJo blork If hrnt and all cinvrnlf llot, tins Jlt'K. I'udilla lira a fur a dii.-io-n of valida. Hotel Craig e, S Ave., between $''6D0 6 room brick, modern, 0. Walltr. n.iiioH lu la Minily n'-- i M:i.lor Is tllr.ctly i rl In H. LK room I. 4 iver lour li'l.mani will be In ii the court room in Ita-fa.- FOK Kurn iturt also a - I,io,ertv owned by Han l. . Flrat and Second. good ' Mi'Xti o mat-- i lio- lot - l I. I ' Pmlilla at h'Mifíe ni.nii-rn- close Some bualnese pro pert lee aa4 IP lu lo tin r: if. Hi' under uf the ail.irney pi ei net No. V.'ili-llrl.- rmtni r. (onutv. fr l FOFI Nicely" furnlstied" raacbee i I l hete both RRNT ri.omb.iTh. for in k in m v i nl tu. I'. ii til ularly (ten. ral Aiiitlv at .Ifurnal aula. lived. Mhe Hllegt-- ' I eij. and use of Invi-x- l Mi. l A HPKf IAI.TT IV RKIf'K that the I'r"l"Tt HAI.K Or - h mk for Pti.l kiiii. 3 trlr. llshta kitchen if lente and I 14 valued iiti.iion, r Kant t'oal avenue. liatid ehargi'M. In eonneitiun witii IN IMIKK OH I'l.AHTlKIXI. BI.SU I t 141, lis at about hile in ctliluf Winrht-t- rifle; latrnt A. FLEISCHER ATIDIIM'iK (.Villi It IiIm answer Za, lint la It Wnut i nwivi- - FUR HKNT Modern anil board, t HMM'tal agenta I AM.KI.O. Padilla states bin in. i'M Val ronmt III' of Ihe government l MUI I. It VM .11 IM MlsTI Jf 1 REAL KHT ATF, INKI RAM NIKKTV l: IM. is not I : ovt-- r - per month. Mrs, Eve Craig, 101 h, w ho i iu Fe." property value l.',,iioii tuikrvi f.r ThanksKiv- nae Santa Ii i vVTHtCKinft limit h oni1 etret npatatra BONUS, l.OANH. Asked II Ho. rial Atloriov MrllillK In ant icipailon of the nitiyal if Wat. our Thanksgiving 'haves A So.llilo. of tb;.s . ity, are i hk C K. tllrklr. íihniir 8H. tf l v l..m,., ,., S..- - ' 12!5 S. Second. 74. wuuld be renioied, Judga Fill replied: llovrriiur 'im ..n.l of ii'ii.'i'iii.' Itr'tlham' Ifirlian ntl,,rne f.,r I'adll';!. Koh""iA 7e "Flrnt-cla- i mar. Ilunter't Phone I tin t;ni know of my own knowhu'g- - w..n ml, 31 Br.iBilway. tc'., If CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO. i ha l Mi. .Vbllarg will be rituiiK'd to Kelt iJA I .E A II kintla uf fruit and alinde Mneeeaeore lr Mrlial at Kakia I'lilliKl'Hi. lint he will leave New tr flitwrrlnf ahrulia. r ((. HnJ and Harheehl ..lonil Mcxiro I'I'iIimIjIv in a lior time." postal and Kill call. A. W. Huddlth. U WIKII I.MI h IIKAI.KKS IN Snuth Kdith. WINES. : LIQUORS & CIGARS Read Fall lo Meet ( ulll. KOK HA l.K t'hfup, bay mar'; fwir Morning journal Wants!; an Apply to W 1. Tight. lrni vraityjr, hall We handle everything in our Una. Write Alt ii lu (ii lii lal Fall will liii for Cuta log us and Price List, - K i3 R hTv L RV- - A nyt hind you want Illustrated i b-- a Huntar'i mil)-- iliiieinoi I'unv in Haul. F coi yard, .110 North Itroadwtty. Issued lo dealers I'Time ahmil hix realgiiat lull ax the The Alue- waiKn Telephone UK fTTTi sÁ'T.K 2 ih.'rnuahUrfd ain(la luail uf tho I'M-- i t liwnt ol . COrtNKFl Flf.HT hT. AND COPÍ'EIl AVI5. the hrown U n horn corkrrt-ia- Tha srandair tiiiiluii, mi WednexdRt uf Una wiek. OF of thra hirda 1nik flmt prlxe Ma1ian lie ha rei elvi-- a Ituin HUMr flard-n- . N. T.. f. K quirk - 11'oiii-xtln- tin- atiurni'i grn-i-ia- l aula. 91 to Mch. 8Htiafarti-- tiara n- tu tnii'l him on Ihe Jilh. iiiol A. ?... T. J. HoDtirll, Oarcia htatlnn, 1- - RUGS $3.50 and up will piub.iblv leave for Santa Ki In Knowledge uiia P. l.. .V M Personal iiu-- r a, tli at tliat thinv KtItKAI.E At an.Tiftra; V "d 'Tío- atlui,e- gt'li-l.llhi- will la' Prrnal knon ledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of tpw mer. B""d aa nw fall at Mil-- f ttb-i- l " Jlldii-l''.i'- i t piudl.v II WmI Vntral avnua. CARPETS 35c yd. at thai time. ibi'laled tliii competitive age and when ol ample character it places its al per fortunate 19 GAUUP "No Millón hax bien KMt hAIK Kitrai-te- hnr. for & no t Hurt i. v. Ill M II hi UK tl' Ml' tA9C$iot in the front ranks of 11 00; can for iirdrr by nut lr p. Up until I sec UIIV.' pnatal uf W P. Allan, O. Boi 202, and (j .Y Tha Well Informed of ihe World. N. M tl lb Ittiirt A val fund ii prrjonal knowlrdge m really essential lo the aihjevemrnl of ihe Í'ilt HA l.K A r imlmllla tank h i. ltd--.- -l III! t t. and aultBtrurture WxIkuiK V hull. COAL r.iii ! Inglietl rllence in beU of erlurL K efhth )4xf, 1' (U'O I) 14 l(l. l.- MM I'PKMI cxi any iitinun V..rth atreft; tf IK in- i.i II s hh iicd t A Knowledge of Forma, Knowledge of Function and Knowl- t . i It'r finii ii..: ttir "i il. .t I porK who WiiN In.juteil l DAVIS & ZEARING 3 t ni in New edge of Products are all of tlie utmost value and in question! of life and health i'iiunic. K' ihI t.l .M.viti. extln-tir- . nf hi Wiurhrj-tr- r i 11. t llhe ulilli l. n.l. n. I'i Hiik '.ttrii wliolengne terhedy remenihered : ÍUJ Vseel vlien a tine and it dewed k should he lliat Syrup r hunting j finlsl Avenue N( "ijiiii i ikiw Wt k .i tl' iur Pirr.nt rri ntl. i' N-nn- IhipiI (IimI - I AI.Bl KKQ1 F, LW MKXICO t I ol and ol m inulat tuted Cililotnia tg byrup hao ritn- flrnl I lit'i i tl ii w ii riK l.liur by the t Lo, u an di itir ll ,f f I hi hi 1 i f l him, Ihe litllh'l i.ukIi n (ut ti h k MiM' rlliKal ptodutt wlmh has met with the approval of (lie most eminent physkstnt and ,. i f xplntlitnc u t .1.1 t tn.-- Imt tf tin Ni v M. hnnd nml urtriiUr Inhl" utuvcrMl action, beiatue it is temedy of Whirl, win a ll i.t ..I. H i l'l lll)K tit gies jtil jj hi.t rin. ratluT iicrtirn-nr- f t km y ALBUQUERQUE 1 t'iMl h." Im i'niMil Mi i Known Excellence Known Component luir thr ljst - Quality, Known and ii t tvr ft..- ' ti f im rn r tul w t n $ 6.50 - - and lias won the valuable patronage of millions of tlie Well Informed of n K .Mn! iiit'l (Ii.- gitii' ii- Parts the; Frank ll.i Mimiil iuk f,iitnl Employment Office world. lio know ol llinrown personal knoledge and fiomactual use tliat it U the first ,ii j at the .'iit.K llii nuninir aiiii Arlnljn l'r.-nil- . traai Blnrr. i mile eeM v.f II-- J I. It I. Ilí I Dlltkllll (Ml llHIIlU. and Im-- I i4 l.ii in v Uxatixet, lot vwikh no rxtravagant or wucasonabie cUitiu ate made, fourteen Cemeer ml Xr4 mmi teatral Ase. i left ii li. He lltrjiratiliK eun itle l.y Ilie PER TON OF A !l III t ÍI W .1 - Al HI III I.KUI K. . WtaMl iliM' "'1 tl ' I'M I - I ' Hut .i!oa!le temedy has hern long favorably known rilel- nlHe. .1 iilicr J'hn KiMnKhii .I lit and !!l inhl, i)ihi tit. urkler tlie name of Srup of Fi and h i attained lo wotld-K,- e raids aa4 ( ' s I Mldrra. v it ,t r It Iihm k ih ii .rl is re t i - s at i e(dam e a the most excellent family laxative. At its pure Mr Utile mtiw sai 'I '''if ( ( 'lllllll 'n.'M h ll Mr. William H ri N I KifiH striMrt. ' tl Ii, i M ( )M - laxative jmri. iplet, ol 'tamed from Senna, are v ell known to physKJans W Vs. iJiel itnrr she hsrl a LBS. .t' i B . 2,000 Hi- - 1 e SH.J I l'l. V' lll ittttiT If- . . ., 1,a VI 11 I.ll. T1A ( tl.J. Irl I. A I ll, 1.. w K . Srr-r- rtuill tJu. J t Sll I'hinit-Tl.h- 'i A - ! ll (! etth Ren- In tV l'l Ir l f- . I ...... I .1 l t c. . í J hr a aurrj'ir rj mc iiusc ririunaic liante le .rup fe; Ir:igl snu tal. eith.Hjt Ilie sid of a d.w lor. enrl my ftl K. y lirnr-- s - hss . f i I i N-nn- Mile brn ninr 1': "! 1. ti.i ut 4. I Jixu of at m lully de niive.ol the remedy, ihs rsi.tdhr toe l:mrty us. of ' - th.- hafn. eru. nn. H rh'I i his This rente.!), is f.rr y - a hut doubtless Muí alway he called for by the shorter svrui'. sa.e ell (.. J ,4 tl K II i a. ..j. .in .t tl V .sis. SAME AS SOLD -- dies . i l i A- - Syrup of and beneficial s.nt! Kr native f ig - to pet its I ' -t M Ufa fill. till if. i effects, alwal note, when purchaúnft the fuB W at. h nur Tr,ankRi ins; BY THE t. Jll.ltfr H,i Kl'H ' enu-tit- . 5 - n un a ln.llnin. tl.'M .llitills- - l ll.4-i- h name ihe Comjiany - California I hj Syrup i ' ..ll'l Pl V 1' . t I II iKr ' " .,n.l eti'.'li'tltU .r. I n rstnte.1 raí fnwl- ns,-rr Itaae. - sivrv r--- i nirrBiiMi xiMiirn OTHER DEALERS 'i . i ti- ' i ' ' ' j ' i it (I if. n.t r KlHTV U TUIKf sntlM-- v.mi rail Ktf Svnini nf run tm 1 SlalSBIS iMe a intiniiK .MU. B til,' of by the ful name Syrup of ,in Tiki Tut K siisi m FOR $7.50 mow awai.L. r. ti. a to.Mnaa. Figi and Laxa: of Senna. i t; .lliiM M.I M ll'I KI I TMI o s a r M ! l.imi si IMi site Mi IHI' (s- j till Hill IN HIK H 1.1. IHIVK.- - l. IM. Ml. Ml Ilk. I. W.L K iO l 0O4T4 IMIHIMHI I jWHEN YOU GET I TRIMBLE SCO. la Ihi real I n.fM laikipta 4miry ft. I tu-- a at- "'-i ( -- tf ' j.m t Isi arl h dak- - a MA RRIED 4v A et I fiii-- ...aj . , I tha hrom .f r ft nts. .i j j V i M- 113 North i mrt. I f 'ía, K'W'i'ni'i ra;a 4 Second St. 1 ") .f fit nit lf It, j t ha tw ai ' r i' f th-- 'it of ..f" iUt rrsiri f.irn i y i he J m t ( u Armr hi. h é aj t trivü'ir f I a e Phone 3 ar t bMiM i( i V f t h IH-I'- epa--, III mi "iTii-- r f !(i t ; i. T are I jWa er f. he tnsr cd aM 'H t 1' reut KT V4 l i h. ' Mh ll SAN FRANCISCO. CAU I "r,t th kt,t fWlMI tef, i. ' 1 Ik sr.i. In ll, is , i f il;.. ,r.- - !. n. an hra.'hful and .,,,1, i.,n the 1 a- - ft ..,l,h I. Nest s LOUISVILLE, KY. NEW YORK, NY iiJ aiH at Ihe ieirr fruni n LONDON. ENGLAND. m rta!,er r. ii termsca7sii h, is 4f d 9 n- - au4 PIONEER BAKERS' Jk-- k'r "I ell ibfirmeri a UrUr. !'R1B ft f, aoiTU llasr TKE.aT


It. and not a s'ngle through train han been marked up on time on any of BITTER CONTEST 01! the roads for the past three days. WILLIAMS MAN IS San Francisco was selected for next year's meeting, and J. H. Case, for ESSENTIALS FOR THANKSGIVING of Abilene. Kas., was elected president for the coming year, with Colonel Ike COVER flf, I'ryor. of Texas, as first vice presi- UNDER ARREST dent. Uovernor Prince will be. the Thanksgiving Carvers Roasters chairman of the congressional com- Two ami lliroo-litei- v sits In The vsuvory'' Seamless Kiuim-cli- tl mittee, the most Important one in the,- - Ihixch, hi reasonable l'rvwil Stc'l Kohmotx; work of the congress. prices. all guaraní,-,- ! lo give Mailsfactlnii. MEASURE A prominent and much nought out Sensation Follows Apprehen-sion'- of figure in was Colonel the convention The I hopiM-rs- . Cutlery, I'liihllog lnwlioa and a William Harvey, sll-- I ,xl Table Pan. tlako ("Coin") of free Prominent Attorney variety Mm are ills, ver fame. "Coin" Harvey's fame, of oilier utciMK Useful for oiiiiIoo, phiyol HI . based on his little pamphlet that did Charged With Writing Ob- our More. MUSKOGEE CONGRESS to much to arouse sentiment on the silver question during the first Bryan scene Letters, Dining Room SCENE OF BATTLE campaign, still lasts, and hundreds shook his hand and welcomed him. He is now a modest country hotel man (Speelul CnrrfepnnUenre Mnrnina Joaraal.I Should be cheer- RAABE & MAUGER over in the state of Arkansas, and Williams. Ariz., Nov. 25. This town the most Hard Work and Hard Talking looks prosperous and contented even received one of the sensations of Its If his book's direful predictions didn't life this week with the arrest of C. i'. 115-11- 7 North First Street. Hardware and Ranch Supplies Required Before Convention come true. Silvernall. a well known attorney, on1 ful, and attractive room in Mr. J. F. Tully, of (llencoe, Lincoln the charge of having written and Declares in Favor of Certif- county, arrived on a belated train, maiiori fiftv obscene letters to va- - making the fourth representative for vious citizens of Williams, all reflect-- j the whole house, Good icates; Prince Heads Con- New Mexico at the convention. Mr. mg seriously on the enaraeier to some Tully was made vice president for of the most highly respected ladies of gressional Committee. the town. The letters were of a crim- - OH t ( IDKNTS AMI M'OII.IM' (MMItl IHillsKM liV (.KTTINÍ1 VIM K New Mexico. nature and evidently! cheer needs as a fitting I must tell you of this wonderful Inully lioeious revenge. I wide-awak- with the object of e city down here In an- written on (lly Will C. liarnos.) a great city, with a After detectives had worked the other letter, ir case for some time a bunch ot officers: accompaniment comfort- - Muskogee, Okla., Nov. 22. The it, and I r- grand country about heard went to Mr. Sllvernall's place and - cloning diys of the Transmlsslsslppi more than one delegate speak of his finding incriminating evl-- , sine, and rested htm, congress Tiave been busy ones Indeed, surprise at Its spirit growth. Hsni-- after a search among his pa hut when the session of today closed pers. He was placed under a $l,f,ui)j HARNESSOF I N. at noon practically the entire four bond and finally taken to the Flag-- 1 days' program had been completed, sta-f- Jail for safekeeping. and the great assemblage dispersed, .. i HK NOW HA IK A I Kl.f: H KVtS MAKING 1KI'HTMKNT TO OIR EPIC OF THE TfiunL'iiirlvlllir KllvCI. HIMINKNH HKI'AI K KK HVI W K IAN leaving the newly elected officers and j 1ST AMI MtKK All. OIK IMKVKII: plated knives j; IKATIIhK. HI- IT K I HON NII IN tVI-.K- a new executive committee to meet i Special sale of silver I.I1K lilt miTTUt 0sTKI anil forks, spoons, carving sets, etc. V MIIKK htllM trtOHV l.nllll-'- IIOOOM AT PHK IIMV AN In the afternoon and plan out the Thurs- - LOW A YO!' HA FOB THK IMIKIIH H HTMtM MA OK IIAKNf.SS. r. We are overstocked and until I work for the coming year. In 1,1 IHIVTtK KMHV INI II OF Ot H K O II m OOOII AMI IWIIK ÍIIU upon day next offer everything these OI H I (KI.K Mill! K. The debate the question of CANVAS i Id IIXIK 0 m endorsing administration's plan of on lines at sacrince prices. r,u the plated knives and solid nk-kl- silver Helling bonds and certificates brought Triple plated exciting forks, 12.75 n dozen. out an intensely and at times knives und forks, $4.00 a dozen muer aiseussion. ine resolution or Rogers' triple plated knives and by ex- - &c endorsement wan introduced Remarkably True to Life is forks, $4.75 a dozen. I'luted teaspoons KORBER COMPANY Governor Francis, of Missouri. from 50 cents a set. We have a hit J. The committee on resolutions, re- - DnlMinn a( 4kn Watlarn Trail of trlpple plated forlM, regular goods, fused to act on It and sent it back to,1 I aiming, ui mu iitoiuin i ium worth $5 and a set, ut this sale rhe house without nnv renort. ' $4 a set only. During this sale we 2 1 2 North Second Street, Albuquerque, N. M Mr. Francis was anxious t,o leave in Splendid New "Gadsden" shall make a discount of 20 per cent town on an early train, so the maiter on cut glass. Kverltt, Leading Jew- was taken up at once to accommodate in Douglas. eler, Central avenue. him. MIV(H) MUVr. WM.NtTH. (lovernor speech In fllOKK v I OH Francis' favor ISuei! CorrupaauViiea Morulax Juaranl.l CIIICKKN AMI Tl HKf of the bill was n masterly support of TilFIVXK4.I AT f. l. !'HTT CO.. though Douglas, Nov. 2!. Occupying the HM'HM MTHKKT. able .furniture and snow the administration. "Democrat space In the wall at MII'TII 1 urn," said he. "I love to honor a must conspicuous the first landing of the grand stair- Thanksgiving an- - tnan who can meet such an emer- lloor Watch for our white linen. We can sup- gency HooseVelt has this." way, midway between the tiled nouncement. Itenham's Indians. as of lobby and the mezzanine tloor O was the R" Quick lo Jump to his feet above in the new tiadsden hotel, in "VICT ii; ply the furniture latest :! Alva Adams, of Colorado, which opens Thanksgiving day, Is an 3 chairman of the resolulions commit- done by a famous Chicago u eloquent speech oil painting, tee. Jn splendidly artist, in which Is depicted a typical FLKS THEATER patterns and most artis- lie as bitterly denounced the bond and scone along the old southern overland Easy payments is the modern way of doing Issue as had de- certificate Francis trail. The exact spot selected by the L. OXR XHiHT.' designs, We show- fended it. Adams said that the1 one artist in his search for the local color tic are business. Many people amply able to pay blot on Cleveland's whole administra- necessary to such a work Is a canyon tion was his famous bond issue. on the big ranch of Colonel John ing new styles in Buffets, cash avail themselves of plan Speaker after speaker rose, and the Slaughter, the well knon ranchman Monday, Dec. 2 the easy paymens majority democrats some to support, of San Bernardino, near this city, others to denounce. Governor Francis along which wended the old trail ii Extension Tables, China We are glao. to sell you a VICTOR in that way and his train didn't connect. It was pioneer days. no time for him to leave, and he was The artist hag been most happy in .H. M. AITKIS On'KRM Closets, Chairs and Rugs. In the thick of the fight for three, handling the color of this section of hours. Loud calls for the blind sena- the southwest. On each side of the JOHN L. KEARNEY which is leading up a hroad can- Our prices are the lowest, : : : : tor from Oklahoma brought Senator trail II ABI.K'H SEE : US ABOUT IT TODAY yon low lying ranges. IN KK AKII COME (ore out, who took the president to are mountain (KKATKhT MIKU'AI.f SHOW task for the bond business, and plain- The light yellowlst glare seen upon the, ly set forth his opposition. The dele- bare mountains of this vicinity when JSHKI) toa end the sunshine is playing upon them Is ESTABI gates from the Indian Territory 1100. & V. COM) AVIC of the new slate shouted for Senator the Interpretation given by the artist LEARNARD LINDEMANN guide and minis- with patches of sage brush here and (men, who is their to one side of the trull. Along a ter. To the surprise of, all, he took there Mayor the old thoroughfare, which In the the administration's side in a splen- early days was the great highway to Albert Faber did speech. the west, a hah' doren "prairie achoon- - Try a Morning Journal Want Ad "I hate dirty water," said he, "hut being up winding! Is I not ers" are driven the Of when my house on fire care way. j MILLINERY of they use so the 308-31- 0 Central Ave. BASE Klylea what kind water been most modest j THE WM. FARR COMPANY at low Price put Tho artist has L' fire is out." his brush, preferring to portray simply Wholesale and Retail Tailoring and DressinuUltig. His speech turned the tide, and at country. Had he de-- j Tokio color of the DEALER IN FKKSH MALT MEATt p. m. very excited the , BURNER AMI 6:50 a tired and sired to have turned out a more spec-- SaoMft n MISS crowd of 4.000 people saw' the vote tacular work he could have painted ' CRANE 75 People Por Cattle and Hog the Biggest Max-- II .V. Phone 1 1. counted that carried the endorsement Lieutenant Colonel V. St. tjeorge HEATERS tn of the administration by a majority of who St. Elmo Club & Sample Rooms kst Prices Patd. hni. Cuoke and his Mormon battalion, a (. ihi.v iviiiki. mi'nif ami three to one. Is 1M6 established the trail, when j mkkhimi;ntof Joeeph I In rnet t. Proprietor, Il was a splendid fight, and one they blazed the way from Santa Fe xf.k. kamoi m bai.-i.k- t I 12 Contral Avonua. $15 to $18 to tdk i'kani t n Wt É. ITOTI & GRADI worth the whole trip here witness. to the confluence of the Gila and the iii. i k kiiiiion iiokt LIQCOP.3 SERVED. NorIn Third a I root Hut Francis missed his train. Colorado rivers. Had he wished the CHOICE Ali A. Gertig - PRICES Ihe popular games. Keno every Mon- Perfect Condition . St oik- on the Philippine. artist could truthfully have presented day. Thursday Saturday nights. & (iROrtHIKM, rKOtlKIONW, ORAIK, H.T Stone, Mis- on the! and C0NJRACT0R BUILDER nd h u.l. Kin linn of Importad Wlnaa, 1,1- - Senator William J. of these same prairie schooners 75c$1.00-'-$L5- 0 souri, told us In the morning of his defensive with a band of murderous! hliop 410 V. (,pH-- r Ave. quura and ('Kara, Placa your ordart Urn tilla Una trip to the Philippines this summer. redskins about them, instead of peace- I 'hone H47. with ui His speech was a grand tribute to the fully moving along the trail, for In the Kraia un nulo al Mniun'i smurjav I BORRADME & CO. administration and its policy In the early days the emigrants on tnis lam- - .at 8 o'clock. ARTHUR E. WALKER B. RUPPE 9 m m mm ff V A GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY on islands. He frankly said he went therelous trail were ever the alert for lire Insurance. Secretary 1 roving many to uom prejudiced against the whole tiue-- Apaches and railed THF PRFCHRIPTiniM Hi Ave. Wholesale Merchants Itiilldlng AswM'lailnn. Plume M5. He how, he of reach the destination oí their golden i Hon. told when heard 1 1 'JIT". Vi"t IVnirnl Avttiir. in Uatto crater, where dreams In the far west. Hut he was DRUGGIST 5 Wool, Idea ami 1'iMta the battle the content to paint west as he has a men and women were shot down, he 'he A army was 8'1'Ilng on ly the great wagons 203 West Central Avenue 'Read Morning Journal Wants! AIJirOl'KRyi'K IiA VVAiA TRY JOURNAL WANT AD! felt the American forever that bore the hardy pioneers of those TURKEYS disgraced. Hut after seeing the peo over pie against whom they fought, after days and their families the arid up the almost perpendicular plains iif California. walls to the crater, he realized that F he was wrong; that the army was 1 right and that no one but an Amer B p r itan soldier could have climbed up, FRUIT GROWERS III 205 there in the face of such a deadly fire: 204 and up such steeps. ' As for (leneral Wood he said he al- West Cold So. Second ways disliked him, felt he was a poser, I UL'nIJI In I IlltJ f OMINd IN' Ml K AMI FAT AM HVt.. THE RA CKET 4 A a fakir and unjustly promoted over j I.IMI IIIK : KNTN WI SH, I.IVK and better men. UIIUHIIILHIIUII H braver j W MIillT. OKIIFIt KAKI. Y AH III t iiut, he said, after being a month with .Wood he was not only proud of L Kt I'l'I.V IH l.MT:i. him as an officer and man, but knew him to be a gentleman Alamogordo Association is an officer and soldier In every sense of the word and a man whom he and Formed With Object of Ex- 4 all Americans should be proud to honor. perimenting in the Culture of lie found nothing to crIHcise in the T management of aflairs In the Islands, Cantaloupes Around City, X praised, the Filipinos and mid they The Monarch Grocery should be granted the right' of x It pos- Just as soon as was Hmm-Iu- I MonilM Joaraal.l ' rfTBwalr' Company x Y sible. j Alamoxordo. X. M., Nov. 23. As a Senator Stone Is a splendid speak- result oí me visii nrrr u m . nuuie er, rapid In his delivery and forcible dels, I epreselit ing I.yon Urol hers, of in hi language. He has a long lock New York, who control most of the T of hair thai continually falls aero cantaloupe crops of the I'ulted Mtates. 307 West Central Avenue his face, und which he as continually j the Alamogordo Fruit Growers' osso-push- buck after the manner of jciation has been formed with the Phone 30. t the world over, and one Jed of thoroughly testing the melon Is forced to wonder If he would loselgrowlng posslhllltieii of this section. It his Inspiration If by chance the long is the object of the Lyon concern lo to him, be (encourage melon growing here with The Y foretop should, unknown RACKET .ut off some day. Just as tie steppea " ,h. iU .,,.k the shipments east from California IF SHE KNOWS Colo, -Measure on Maieootiri. and those from Kocky Ford. -to- ITioe 2 TO te Already acres of ground I'rince made a twenty-minu- has Men!s Made speech upon statehood for be, n pledged for the use of the melon GOOD BAKING .New Mexico, which met with much grower. favor. The governor Is well known , What WmM rmm mr Suits I all ihe members ot the congress. tit s riM of burn ur slit what would you f having been Its fourth president years do to rnv the paiar Such Isfur'.t an ago Its first vice president at the lubu lo war ml mnr timo in any TinMr I it iiol alnuil lime J,"i ere orilering thai new null dial toil ivsnl and iihould be pr.partd nresrnf time i "" rvno for them for lirtsimas'.' I ChamborlsWs sppllvd on soft eloih He came '.,., right from .New Tnie, fh. ..,.,.,,. AMI OF ( Ot KMK S UK IMIRg, York, and tonight for Kansas, . , , M , Ue liave M IUlt A I O.'S line of Maniples, lite In iui c ainl olilesl - l, fliy. ra. lh paria lo hal without leaving SHE I I. MIT RKADILT luilorlog iHiien In ( lilcago. 1 In- y make I lie rlglit kind nl Hie rltlii a-- , . Shy on Itallroa.l Talk. aj-- For by all drusflals. I anil guáranle Hem. Hie thing that lmresed me great- VOL tOH BKIM.IMI ly ns the absolute desire In avoid HOI SHIOI O IMI'I OMtIV BK4.INS AT Ulieu you order a Milt or (hrrrnal from us )ou , sn l i,ni It THK t.KlMIKV rRK Mink 1'l.nri I AW Mr HM YA OKITK. llial all I bnl counis lor ,iuUly Is in your garment. any resolutions aimed at the railroads. StKV IKHIIIM IRII'S TO Till Resolution after resolution tabled MIONF.. II.M II4KKMS FX KB K - by the committee on the subject f J nm.ll M A HOI K HI KK I", an ktyo ir it la A f.lT-Ti- lower fares, nigncr lasanon. ,uir-,.- , a A IT (O f.Kot F.MIFX AHK TO BK. - etc.. of the railroads. The general IIIIM1 OIT tK Vl WT.- sentiment was that enough along those nuc: litar, ion D. H. BOA TRIGHT lines had been done, and It as best it. to let things settle down a bit and find INSURE YOUR HEALTH -- e ere on the a hole t.ui ii 'KM'i: m su, sonn om iut Just ahere D at ur h stiu it profvition. j COMFORT I'iiom: luis I remarked upon this sentiment in j the committee rooms, and Jovernor I stormy days A. lams wild it was ail the more re- - y wearing a x markahie in thjt prul.ably not a man ftsvt) of the Hventy-ta- o members had a I x railroad pa ahit h. uf.n a eh,-- i FRENCH BAKERY proved lo be the truth. loru ery Trael is light these 0) lor EmI Central. rtMaa mi. X obvious reasons, and If times bad beer. ft butler ihw loan roulda I hnve held I the croad. Gean Itqht je f AID WOMlll. falling off in travel; Mill As showing Ihe Durable , aiix I toa giaairnTanaaiaml are left Albuquerque on the falifomiaj tt otv I Min.nbaauuM, limited, between and Trim- - . U Irrtteltona or krMwM I and there I - CoarantMd I mt m Momnronoa, aere but six engers on J III'1 Il .Id there 'WltiatCntacj- Ihe entite Ira.n. Think of that for j 0. (..( , I. limited train of sis cars. a ipaiaaiur 1 aoWHaianiaa Xor Is ihe g.xid oil snta ihe . I n, In nl,n vrtvn, , trains, freither ! n..0. lot Y,t, MMMiiMtmMiiiMiitiimitiinnTiT nlv rad that has laie ai a. t Mua 4 Thl toa n has five roads running Into tarimat n unnaav L

i '..-.ff- - !!

. j


the Houthweoi'Tti Pioneer." lni'luil-'.- l lawney, an Kngllahman nerving in the In aril, le are Mhort ket, he of Auatrlan army. Their marriage u the by 18115, HEED OF ATTENTION i lllnjoe. Charle Ornl, Oliver I'er-r- y BRITISH RELIVE WAR diaaolved divorce In and Mr. YVIggin. Kmtth etlmpon, Major Trelawney died the aame. year. Klf-t- Her aon. whom Napoleon tiad creat- Llewellyn, Mai Front, Bar piarried and other. The paper contain Rood ed Count da Bechevet,- a ti many Interesting; anwdoico imneried tled Hungarian, and died laat Auguat. Ith early day In New Meloo. IN From hi death aroae the present ault TO VISITING INEVITABLE to aettle Ihe dlipoaal of hia mother wealth, derived partly from Napo- león' generoaity, partly huah money Iras and partly the handaome aettlement DUII6AN STILL IN from Clarence Trelawney. 1 STRANGERS The fact wa brought out in court FARJAST that very little of the money would remain for the three children of the ELECTRICAL STUDIO Count de Bechevet, hecuuxe the eatate JAIL WAITING FIGHT waa heavily encumbered with mort- REAL ESTATE MAN MAKES AMERICA MUST gage held by an Insurance company, ;0ver Farr's Meat Market, LONDON PREDICTS which petitioned the court for the VALUBALE SUGGESTIONS JAPAN, 1- aetllement. 217 -2 So. Second. I L Rolierta la very much Inter-cale- d Iord only place in the Oi conization Needed to Show Sailing of Battleship Fleet and in a new mechanical target The which he hopea will make the Kng- you can have Military and Naval Activity in liah aobiiera the beat mnrksmen In city where Peonle Interested in Albu condl-(lor- the world under actual war your photograph' taken J Craig Orders Him to Nippon Cited As Evidence. of querque and Vicinity, What! The Invention haa been donated to after the show Supply a $300 Bond to Keep Conflict. the Hrltlah nation by the Inventor, Advantages Offers. Coming aaf-l- y Mr.' .Solano, and It la to be kept Day or Night. the Peace Before Being Giv guarded from foreign Hplea. The Ma la no target conaiata of a bank a well-know- n (ilv llola rt llriMlcrlcU.) "llanlly a ila paaaca." ealil twenty-fou- or thlrty-al- x en Libeity, Nov. 24. In Engliah of earth, r Remember the Number Aituiqiieifiie iihI eaiate man Iomlon. the lx inche high, of aufficlent thick-ne- a yeaterday. "Unit I do mil have a cull naval cirrlea the belief la apreading to atop a bullet. The effect of In 1'realdenl ftooaevelt 1- from aome iiihm Trom other alalia who that anlte of green background of European -2 So. SECOND I Maurice J. Imnnigan. the railway the Amer- the 217 Inirrcatcd In Alliuiiuenjite, Hiid aaaurance to the contrary, lanriacape la with gran, aand mall clerk who waa arrealeil Hunda) I to atay in gained loor, iiartlrularly In fHrmltia: ican haltlealilp Kquadron y the Mini-le- brown-gre- noil, gives the effect tin- - Oraii'l on complaint of Mlaa Annie C. Indefinitely and la not go- or lnml In thla aritloii of lllo the Pacific an background, while atone y. .,- : Í -- ''rmm, I I Mm to a dry good clerk, who charge ing merely maneuvering of Indian Xr": II valley. Very often find take there for gravel repreaent a rocky, J. or roughly e life becauae sé thi-a- he her men for a drive through the that threatened DUrpoae. background, an meen at she refuaed to accept hia attention, la A proof thla, Kngliah naval offi- tnmiiittf Iiiouk viillry. Knowing; them what advantage of a dlatance. Acroaa theae different fdi tiling In thl dlalrlrt offer r'rom Mill held In Ihe city jail in default of cial aav. la the fact that the Amer- Imnnigan and attorney ap strip of earth . little toy modela of IN BUYING POOR the 1 very afl.lom get any re- bond. hi ican goxernment haa ordered more guna can be trit peared before Judge Craig, 111 precinct nece-a- r Infantry, cavalry, and :; sult ao fur aa my pemoiiiil Limine than twice the amount of coal diapoaed in any formallon, with other f m "y'A.i !jK I nt ütl court, yeaterduy afternoon and In roneerned, for my htiaiiipaa la for the crulae of the fleet. object incidental to any particular entirely in clly renl etnti; hut pleaded hot guilty to the charge car- Two hundred thousand tuna of Ih ried In the warrant. Mlaa Motiley ap- ahlpped landscape or to warfare. when a mil n mean hUHlne and American coal are to be from ot a bbick apeck TINSMlf It peared and told the court her, alory; Va., twenty-thre- e Instead of firing HING looking- for a home. acema a xhame Norfolk, on hoard a piece cardbward, the t a very dlaagreeahle alory of Hnnoylng on ttt white to allow ti in to go a way to aome large Hrltlah leamera, but although la at- culminating In' IJtinnlgan a markaman given toy soldiers lo fire other loiiilllv dimply for luck of attention, thla Would lie an ample aupply for the model hills Ih ot kill on Hiimlay If at grouped among the and tention. At1iiiiiicriiic fairly well threat her morning. fleet during the whole ttuiae, muat In After hearing ' evidence, Judge valley of various countries which mlvertlaeil. although we need mote the b remembered that an equally large to port, Craig ordered Dunnlgan to anpply a li.ia been or- he may be culled on shoot. advert taina; of iho rlKht and could amount of Welah coal With the war target a man learns YOU rAV IN THK COI KSl! OF well Klii iil a well orgnnlxed ailveril- - l.'tmi peace bond, In default of which dered from KngliHh firing. wii to to shoot at the mark which he will TEN YKAKH MOKK THAN THE n K pulan, audi a hd heen he remanded Jail. Line laat It la the general belief here tain have to hit service conditions I COSIT, YOU hiiim-he- I many night he had not been able to anpply foreseeing under John L. Kreaney and Jane Griffith in Mayor of Tokio. HOt I HAVE ANI y Oakland. Oil., and Prealilent Itooaevi lt. thin namely, a speck of color dirricuit to The another western cliy. the bond. war with Japan Ih unavoidable at CUT ONLY Hl'l'lt HKHVH'K AS ' Mlaa Monley la itimoat aoon, discover, to calculate dlatance from, "However, aa roattlt of the adver proalrated aome time, dealrea It to come It THK WORST CAN OIVB YOU. a of and pub- I and difficult to aim at because and literury program will follow the he has told which in reality tlslng Kel. a many people reault Ihe threat, the partly hecauae Japan atill weak a sim- secret more licity following iMinnlgan'a nrreat. Ac- financially war with ltuala, merges Into a background of nanituet. Hntake has divulged. He then In THAT 1SNT (OOIÍ "TINSMITH ure coming her, and more and after her ilar color. The war target, therefore, men are coming who are looking for cording to her atory he hit been forc- and partly becauae a war coming Juat forms the mayor that unless he forces KNNB." NOR VKKY OOOO ing hi attention on her for more would is devised first, to train the soldier's At the Presbyterian church Frhiay hi daughter, Oloto, to wed him; he furma, No lngle Indlildual, ami no before a prealdentlal election enemy will n (tK.NKlS ANY KOKT, IM than u year, and he had made pinna accept office for eye to discover lint as he evening class of Mexican boya will will turn him over to the Mikado aa OF ITT hulf doaen Indlvliluiila. Mm though aurelv force him to of war; speak for the cause of temperance In to leave the city wllhln a ahoit time w I aiippnaed to be appear under the condltlona traitor. None of tríese dreadful things they arc etigiiKi'd In the real ealale another term hich second, at teaching him to an oratorical contest given under the ltC UUAKANTKK OIK VYOKK. In order to eacuoe htm. The opinion hi I it alma take place, however, and everylhlng can afford to Hhow iheae acere ambition. Judge from hia enemy auspices of the Menaul Mission school. valley, and It of the police a to the condition of j Japan la not unaware of the hia distance end happily. The manic la by W. F. men through the aeenia That AMen, I atrerTgtheii- - In by when he haa Righted him as he will Mis of the school, haa fféen Petera unit atil.1 In ha liinulnl to me I huí I he time ha come when Diintilgan'a mind ha been dungera of the alluatlon proven iiart' appeur In war. and, third. It alms at couching the youth, who will make' ,, I we aome irovleloii for ed a a reault of ihe hearing. At one! the fact that Ihe ahipyard of that ,.,llrtiy. The com,,any unua- - ahoul.l tmike to hit difficult, iom a, .01 Hie ,.. L I o I III mutter, which la time the two were engaged, bul thla country are turning out crulaera und training the soldier the io .,y we )Hancpd UI)(I contains a l.iklng care of thl mark of a man In a mod- cvciniig- one of th grout eat Itilereal to all engagement waa later broken off by baitleahlti a fat aa their capacity indefinite ri mil; number of clever comedian and good I n, ern "Invisible" servce uniform. Nothing can do more for Mlaa Motiley. luiitiliiii however, re will permit, und nearly all the new As Thanksgiving approaches' It be- singer, together with a large chorus STAR TINSHOP uccept young lady' 22.tMiO of prelty young women. The produc- i lie npliulldliig of the illy t tin n a fuaed to the de hattlcNhln are of ton, or 4,tm' Kwlsa Corthesy, comes evident that the grand Thanks- A engineer named Is - 1IS-U- 1 I i cree and peralaled In preaalng hia ault. Dreadnought, tion new In every particular. Mr. 7 North First Street. v tr farming community aroiiml ton larger than the who hn lived in tlfls country for sev- giving benclit bull of the l Mlaa Monlev ha borne I Tie affair ill while aince the Ituaalan war h- - ha John U Kearney, a great favorite and ni. When the Klo rumie valley eral years, ha patented a remarkable Henevolent society will be the (RAABK MAUGKK) Alhu-iiieri- aome In an to popular is aaid be ex- formina; latida are developed alíeme for time effort added to her nHW home cruiaera f engine it- - i moat successful nnd brilliant nflulr of comedian, to publicity. She la an 'a very mode) of a turbine which ceedingly amusing In the portrayal of will he a clly. und we can eanipe ntiracllve the Hrltlah Terrible type and claimed will revolullonlne marine en the kind on record. The hearty co- afford to let the clly advertlae ilaelf. young woman of plcualng appearance large number of torpedo boat. operation of every one ahould be given the role of Marcus Orlando Kidder F. STÜECKCL, and aililreaa, an iiecomplialieil lilil- - ciirioualy enough, la gineering. and creates no end of laughter J. Prop. I'nlll that tint., cornea we ought lo do and Then, Japan A working model, which weighs tu the public spirited ladies who have from we tiiialen II. alelan. She had planned lo go tolHhowlng feverlah haate In what I the nrTair oft charire to the end that the the amusing situutiona in which he Is what inn lo pounds, develops 12 horse I in near to com only thirty may e a success, placed. Mr. Kearney a "I am aware that Ih Commercial tiermany the ruture termed eompletlng the XortiflcutloiiH power when driven at 4.000 revolu- 'ball great both so valuable píele her mualcal education. of Island which Japan cially am llnancially. adjunct to any musical organization, eliih'a tnenilierhli la comparatively Formosa, an tion a minute, and 1 H power I. Ik a millstone hore , and hi coming here will be a sure The Boon the Bath Tub around . of final and thai the club under hitherto considered ' I It A cap- i(':j .j D. H. Cama expected home welcome and a crowded house, heavy expeiine, ao that at preaeut her neck. large naval harbor patentes propose puriluislng Ir. - larga auma able of accommodating the biggest The this wurk from Magdalena and vlcin- can not afford to attend an obsolete torpedo boat, w Ub ll he Ity, whei he and hia brother, Lee of money on wmk of thla kind. It battleship being constructed on the (he new type of CHYSTAIj HAS IIFST SANTA FE OFFICERS tor- intend to fit with Cams, ii well, known atock broker of HI aeoni to me that the time la here, eastern Hide of the Island, and a !t down Clyde at Mi OF SEASON' pedo on aide, engine, ind send the Plttaburg; Pit., have been hunting. Mr. With such a really show ns however, when the cluh ahould make station the southern a speed unknown. ('urn goes to Paso clever Ma engineer are working hitherto lil and then to Crystal night an effort lo alrengthen working while Japanese bus heen patented In Diego. sailing , the presented last and night and on on The Invention Sun Cal., from there with no opposition, a was case power. The foundation for thla la of dav the fortification a company to Horn to a, the sidos, every country, and around Cap und New lust week, modern cour.n In Increiiaed memherhlp, and the southern and easier those work It Ivas been registered, at Som- after which he will hUii t on u the little continu- at preaent I ee no belter way than to III ALBUQUERQUE nearest the Pacific coast of the. Culled - ous ahould do the huslnrs this week. erset House. " i tbr of 'the world. Dining his stay reduce the monthly duea for hfkimIi.Ii States. Kallroad construction Is also In Albuquerque Mr. Cams was w Cutter and Klwood'a refined com- I re- , la re- open member. helleve IhHt a malí proceeding at a pace which and'Develop-men- t with Ihe city that he Invested edy sketch, which the show. Is consid- The Excelsior Alining charmed very It young duction In the pieaent duea would markable In view of what are company, oj.Aatlng mine In the considerable money in reul estate here. nice. In a fellow lets hrlng a very largely Imieaaed tneiti-herahl- p ered the possibilities of the Island. district, near Orogrande, himself Into the apartments of a col- mem-her- a Numerous (Tast point enor- Hllver Hill, lege latch-ke- y, at once, and when Ihe Officials From Another significant Is.thut gone hunda jif a receiver. friend with a private mous of provision and ammu- haa tilo Ihe and Is aa an escaped convict by tire aecured the real can oulcklv stores It la alleged that the assets ot the taken he brought annul, Thla reduction, I and West'.Arrive in City On nition are helps- accumulated on the the friend's sister. Both olo and the com pan Vj are K0U with fl tbilitlea of MAYOR OF TOKIO IS heliete, would be far more limn made Island, und no real explanation of this Alamogordo. concluding duet were good, and tho $7.0.00. Judge Mann, of fancy tip in the number of monthly lúea Regula Tour of inspection fact la forthcoming. appointed 11. H. Major receiver. bit of rifle shooting Introduced po-x- li w Hrlt- was , paid. Hut whether the cluh la In u ' ' Another fact hich show that most acceptable. inn to undertake work of thla kind Monday. ; lah business men consider war. If not Madam Lazette's trained birds anil and carry It out or not. it atomic! be likely, at leant possible, is the circum- LAUG MAKER dogs were the prett lest novelty yet done, for whether It la done by Ihe stance that the underwriter who have LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST seen here. The madam dresses in la tilfhtjr approclato at al) tlmM. unleu or a of commerce, or There waa ipilie a Utile gathering of Hrltlah vessel carrying fetching spangles her stage is thpr ta aomuihliiff tha mauar with the tub cluh chamber insured the and or Ita pJpea. aaaaon oí yaar m-r- a I i III w At thla the of organisation, t' n tit' ii t Huilla IV coal for fleet to point j decked ith costly nnd glittering up- - what kind an officials the the American ' tha Kreattmt c&rf. oí th annitary aqulpmant clly yesterday. Inserted In the puratus cages. dogs im tigementa to lake cate of vlallora In Ihe Pacific have THK tt'KATHKR and The are well ncupy. Thra muat ba no leaking; who mean liiiatuea are becoming a C. V. Kouns, superltilendcnt of policies the clause that they are to be Pnrlp'c Qiifrficc- - 'rained and amusing and do many U hatha or plpea. no cleflotant faucet a or drtitia Vital neceaalty here." tranaportaiion for Ihe aystcm, was In null and void In case any vessel is Very prising feats. As to the Australian Call ua In and let ua namtna your Plumb I'orevast. tng. be aupptwa It the city en route to l.os Angeles and captured and sunk by a belligerent. -- Mi cockatoos they are a hit. Kither po- t- It vy all riyht, but Washington. Nov, 2 New xlco f,,l lirwitirv Torro fo w Indo-v- a San Francisco. i umu fnmlnr com ian't? with open yu could and Arizona: Fulr Tuesday and iui viyiiAii uuiusib i" fion of the act would make a hardly the fnul odors that aurely M. .. Henil, mechanical superinten- Dreadnaught Wednesday. plete number of itself. to The giant battleship Elks' Theater Next, Week. ong at one. THEY ALL READ IT dent of tlie coast lines, also arrived which It had been hoped wua to be ,Mr. Joe ft. Scottl'a Illustrated her,, from l.os Angeles. pride of Hrltlah navy, la a R llfeld ha returned from a visit for this week I a touching and nicely II. W. Sharpe. general superinten- the the In Cttlifornlu. ballet called, Standard Plumbing and dismul failure, ua It proven to be of several weeks - pictured Illustrated "A dent of the weatern grand division, has Harry Sweatman, advaiicp man- Utile Child Shall Lead Them." ahaolutuly unmanageable, all denial uger of Rich- - with two of his assistants. James notwithstanding. Deputy I'nlled Ktatea Marshal Ja. the Unites production of The heavy portion of the bill fell to heating Company New from the admiralty yesterday for Oallup. ard Corle' operatic farce, "The Mayor Kuin, of the Mexico division, and Time and again the Dreadnought Smith left the lot of Mr. Hlchard Mandeli, a FROM CHICAGO TD Frank I.. Mera, of the It io (Irandu of Tokio," arrived in Albuquerque most peculiarly gifted character actor, - ha been modified, new ruddeia, Watch for our Thanksgiving an- esterday to arrange for the appear-- j division, were In the city. K J. lilb- new propellers three successive sets who. with the assistance of Harry l)e son, superlnlemleiit of Ihe Alhutiuor-ipi- e nouncement. Henham'a Indians. ance of the company at Klka thenter Voy, presented climax and of the latter have been fitted, nder 3. the main olvialon, cume ill on No. 2 ycsier-da- y 'wife, on Tuesday night. December associate scene of tjie great psycho- SCHWARTZMAN & WITH various pretexts, hut with the one ob- IL I. Mcleod und of 8t. The storv of the Carle opera la laid and fetiirned to Wlnslow on No. ject of overcoming those qualities New Hrunswlck, Cunada, were logical play. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. COAST I John. In Japan and deals with the hard won- WEST CENTRAL THE lust night. It Impossible laat night. Hyde." Mr. Mantlell makes hi tu AVEM'K W It which make either fol arrivals here times of u stranded comic opera or-- ! PHONIC - Itniwn tllatrict nasMenifer and sliln to maneuver with ordinary derful changes In full view of the au- j YV, V. trav- the Coin., ganizallon. All the survivors of the freight ogenl, and (arable, shin or to enier a harbor a that V. M. Ooodllme, of Ouray, dience, and they are truly remarkable. eling freight ami passenger agent, arrived here last night from the west- troupe that left San Francisco, sixty F.very one Interested In psychology MEATS, & Shuernea. sour-face- d POULTRY FISH both Willi lieailipni riera al Kl Puso, at ern part of the territory. strong, are. the impressarla, a will be drawn toward the Crystal this Aa an anchored fortress the Dread- love-sic- k Morning Journal Busy Break- - were here In conference. wardrobe mistress, a week to study this unique creation and nought mav be of value as a harbor Mr. Mrs.. Cooper, of song book boy, a souhrette, with I I n ' ' 1111 "Mill M.lf HI. I .1 and UfHtiion will attend to witness " I, llllillllll ahlp. but sbe will evidently e lit-- the curious the ing Few On the'in - pciim, defense Odin, Ind., have arrived In Albuituer-lii- Shakespeareun ambitions, and nine ! awful of the thing. Dr. B.M.WILLIAMS a Records iur never travel fur from home. Pal- horror to make tlielr home here. tic glass known as tlte "peanut ' Two very good moving pictures m K N T 1 M T Santa Fe Route From One locomntlves. passenger and freight marshal, let." At the time the remnant of complete the bill. cars and other equipment for the The great international horse show, Harry Hugh. Cnltcd Stnl the company turn up In a public gar Tonopah luirse achieved left last night for Itoswcll to serve den at Tokio, in the first act. they are, End to Another. and Tidewater 'tiilriiad. Ihe at which American subpoenas for the federal court. whf a ,)Um.h of NBvaJfl are road which runs from l.uillow, Cal., to triumphs laat year, will be repeated for a nival party traveling in lnR th,.(v t,.1VB , th(1 8lM.orri, j for THIewatcr, Nev.. connecting with a In London next year. It will again be J. P. Archuleta, the well known dlsgulae. and given the beat the city heinir aame hogs. It rs renorted that In proportion lo Its circulation, branch toad to (loldfield, have been held at tilvmiiia. Kensington, and aa merchant of Cabezón, arrived in the affords. Incidentally the. Mayor of numerous other bands are runging tl u mme copies of the Morning Journal passing through Allnuiuernue before. It will cover a week in Ihe city last night on it business trip. Tokio la entangled with Kuaalan through the mountains killing off the sea-io- n by by Harvey hilclN'. 1'he Tnnopah and middle of the fashionable I.ondon spy the name of Ivan Orfulltch, deer right and left. A systematic ROOM it-t- i . BARNFTT BriI.OINO are sold ihe s.nsicio than - w of an other paper between Chicago, Tlilewater road haa been In operation The regular meeting of Ihe Wood- and Oeneral Satake. a conspirator ho search is being made for such red- l.os Ángeles and San Francisco. a abort time, tin liecember ft the The management are prepared to men circle will Im held this arter-'na- s entered into an engagement won: skins and the authorities are deter- ALU) til More copies of the Morning Journal Santa Fe will inaugurate a through anend 1150.0110 on the organization noon nl 2:30 o'clock In Odd Fellows' Ivan to betray government cereta. mined to stop the slaughter of the Kigtt re sold on Santa Fe Irania In New ser Ice from l.os Augelea to and IJii.ttort In prizes the largest hnll. The mayor has the itnfortunate habit game. , Foundry and Machine Works .Mexico and Aiimoni Ihan of all Ihe i iolillleld. via l.llillnw lui.t llilewater. um ever offered at any horse show of talking in his sleep, and Satake. K. V. HAI L. ITuprlrlor 'The f.i, i Tonopah Tlde-iual- Special Federal Attorney Ellsworth convince him that during one of i Watch for our Thanksgiving an- - Iron and Hrara l'i.tlnga. Coal nd oilier New Mexico and AiUona new that the and In the world. Ingalls. depredation Or.. line, which la allied Willi the IHiriii" the New York horse show of Indian claim. these somnambulistic conversations nouueemcnt. Hcnham's Indians. Lumber Pulley.. irte. Bar. Babbitt papers coitil.iiied. a left yeslcrdnv for Watrous on ..fliclnl Metsl. Columna'r. and Iron Front for wi: demand Morning Jour- Santa Fe. will make lis t.t minus ut there will lie a conference between Inga. Repair un The for the horfce business. Mining ntl Mllltn. Ma nal is growing rapidly on the Sania F. l.uillow. Ca!., means much for that deputation of Hrltlah breeder chinery tur snvrlahy. tolMIKV, F:a.t Hide train At present S.'.tt coplea are sent jlutle low n. The Santa Fe ha creeled with the most prominent American John Orr. of Kngb'. formerly with' i nauroaa raea, AiMnuemiaj, .w Max. out by the local office of the Harvey ta hun.lsoine depot theie. and il la re- - and Canadian breeders with a view Swift and company and well known In new aciWce alone, and Ihe twelve .ported tlniT tlie Harvey system will to America being ugain strongly rep Albuquerque. Is visiting hta friend In m ws butchers under direction of Mr. erect a hotel, as the hotel Ih illtics at resented at the London show. Oils city II present ate Very limited. L. B. i'tio inn. local news iii.iniii.'i lot formerly Acting Engine PUTNEY at- - fif senior Direct Solar the aM. in have their banda' full A romantlor niece secret history William llonililn. KMTABLIMHKI 117S only dail II 1)11. Ihe rtecpnd Kmplre was tiartner In the llorabin-Mct.affe- y Mer- lending to ihe lain for the MS of French Kel-ne- r. newspaper In New Mexico ' hidden belling a próstilo lawsuit cantile company tit Thoreait and Wboleul 0 Floar. Feea aa4 Oral a ImiiiI last hia new home Ore-Tent- Ageat fur Mltrhell W.goa. When I lie thiough are start- I 'nets Hie Indian' heard In the lnndon courts. It was left night for Will Create Immense Land Values By Irrigation h trains In franela,-,- at I. u cut-of- llulr. Klixabclh Howard, Ihe San ed over the Ft nearly the storv rf Steam-Powe- r. Al Rt qi FK)t R ' ac was be- the Cost of half u htiixt' c.1 c.'piti of Hie Morning The American Indian beautiful Kngllshwoman who P. A. Angus, formerly chief oper- Journal will to at once placed on site from lime Immemorial I go hore- - loved bv Ihe Fnineror Napoleon 111.. i ator at Kl Faso and un cxerlenced In- headed In all kinds of weather ia wever Ispfore marriage with Kugenle de n on the irnlii, and the number will hl telegraph man. has assumed the tos-lio- SANTA FE TIME TABLE. ín- - falling or bald-- Í de- crease rapi-H- as the ). uiurid troubled with hair Monillo. The legal ouesllon to be oí wire In the local offices ll esa chief t I eaea cided wa Ihe division of her fortune of the Fostnl Teb graph and Cable Fuel Required j .No be- The Morning J n. t lie first The i lose iitmostihcre enured by disposal of ITOO.IKHI. which once company. - - head-gea- la freh newspaper ini-- i CKers on tlO' our "civilized" conducive longed to her. '.. Ilf.o Ilia limile ' get niter llllerilig .to the breeding of In I in He.--i ma germs Klitubeth Howard .was a fnmnu The I.K-a- l lodge of the Ancient Order' Entirely automatic, verr simple, no mirrors, cheap to Mexico, l kept file on 'which dig Into Ihe si alp ami thrive deml-mondul- sixty year of I'nited Workmen, of which the late 1 Nee ll mi the ' construct and cannot get out of order; any size from to limited and tna ptown one of Uic un ihe sap of the hair-too- l. ago. She wan an rxuuialtely beautiful Km Fitick was for twenty year a a l re- will Woodmen horse-powe- r; most popu ar t. .. i o i m f he Humen Thla true Causa of totldn. of woman, wealthy amU fascinating, and memker, assemble at 10,000 will run night and day by power non-- ; morning to at- serv o-- thrutig't New M Xlco. ceñí iliac. veiy and explain tlte she kept a ort of salon" ln'lodon hall at o'clock this The rtM'ii ' sucres of nil. haiV-vlgor- s which for fashionable men. During his tend the funeral of the deceaaed. storage. To secure capital to dev.lop the' enormously -' . ,,..,-- , Th M ! ntng J mi I print Ih. tr.ated balilucs as a function. ti illa- exile in u.u .i.....-o- - (Effective November 107.) i inuyn ,.hllpM KrHnk, - mnd Andrea Velas- rich profitable industry the , ..; , I. new s. ortt r. ew of the great emperor, irequenieu , ..- , Ba am.. O.Vrt la n dir.-c- t ex-- j Mo. I. I; tro t.. Xcwbio's Herplclilc" hoiiHe. and waa given financial as ,Mr,,.par-Itlal- ly Bowthera Cai. Erp !: ' her Iterdav morning for having been i - P i germ. It destroys No. t, It Is the only sp. r Se "M.X- mlniitor of the sistance by the beautiful Khxabeth. shot. c. Here was given wr-- j Cllfornla Limits ....11 I p tM. bt that comes ttlixwn,' nc.r telling Ihe cmu and permits the hair to When he bemme president of the mission to sink Ave day for the city SUN POWER COMPANY No T. North. CI. Fut M.II ..1. :tt lt:i g tn Nw . Msg. I ie people e cry t h ;tig l t la happen-i- gtow us mitote intended, republic he Installed Miss Howard on atsrounl ot having ueen inioxicaieo. Et T. A CUy Bxp,.l :4i U:t log. It la hrtpp, i So'. I bv leading druggists Send 10c apartment at St. Cloud, took her with Fran the WaU while - Of Philadelphia, Pa. Ihe Morning Ji.nuui ll I lea aetl in atampfl for sample, to The He.pi-- ' him on hi Journey and gave her the An escort of the Knlght of Colum- No. J. Oncsgo r.t Matl.... t a I tl -. al- wire report of the .v- tie. I Fres ts i lie Co.. l"elroli. Mich. Two sizes, position of a morganatic wife", hu will attend the funeral of Kmil No. 4. Chlcsgo Urn It. f Ma :t more than three time. Urue any and $1 0, H. H Hriggs A Co., though she w aa never married to him. Plnck this morning. The escort will Capitalized at $1.000,000, offers stock at Mat. Oil K.a. Clt mp.. ' t:i other telegraphic rewv .ruio-- In t tie ape. tal agents The marriage of the emperor wilh consist or It. P. Hall. t. A. rem taw Switk two fert ttorie. fugenle d Monlljo (the silll living Henrv Wallenhorst. Dave Beanvey, Ckl, Dm. rtt A gang of twelve men and six team Kugenle) put an end tn Icharle NaMun. John f. Heaven and 1 Per Value N& It eoaaect. at UnrLCtlllllwith knack mile-lon- g $ 00.00 Share. Par tr' aie i.uay putting In a Santa i tha reign of Mis Howard, wjiom It William Keleher. o ta r. atop, at all laeh. patata I TELLS STORY OF Fe sitting at the thriving little town necessary to depose her became from j William given sixty day of Whitewater on the Mlver City n..f li.-t.- l nitre beside Naimleon. who EARLY NEW MEXICO - Craig yester-- And will give one share free with each share purchased. bran. h. A ifipsof I nlted Mal.a geo - ,. Kmoeror of the French. !ln tail hv Police Judge logical aurveyoia are Iday morning for drunkenness and !. lainiwd at, Th 4.iv Klliabeth was nalurallv weapon. .Niiby wa Wri'e for complete information ahd booklet showing plant FREUCH FEIILE Whitewater and altogether they say , cumeilci I rri- - InP r,a.tln k futl,IUJ,. she threatened to publish!' Trade Journal it is leaping me sirenuoua me. , to arrested for creating disturbance at in operation. lr A ts oil lle ao I Svimr jIh. ,mirror Otters I. her and jthe Santa Fe station and flourishing a i world pills: 1'i.SSST. A nmitiLS nCK. expose hi amour to all the 'pair of brae knuckles. Tkt' Mltk In r bA4-- ruaá liv km- - Her apartment were twice ransacked ifvil Ifttwi Tl UK. ( i a.t- i m k.fjM 4. feWM ., iff ma-- i sirste m t ihe ecret police for Heseion of) fhe annual hannuet and reception SUN COMPANY (Hruif, a' prrf4 Sotith-ie- r Uto. l r--l rm f Hallsrd . sa Mm ', POWER The current number of the ,,,r dangerous letter. of the Masonic lodge of Albuouernue wr a til i rm. ttitM mm rhw-jtlm- . (rt4Mab Miller, a weekly trade Jour- nft cur. ItenUfit. ear. .n4 , Kinsllv aha was induced tn keen i ni Ka. held innata Ib Mnlc Tem- - - Tacony, Philadelphia, Pa. aa Um tpttaa rmm T4mn W Ik nal, piiltli-he- .t at m I'aul. Minn., :v;,uv."T.r.r:eh ..4 u 5- '- nf -- iP,e. i. be)ng rwrd i.h ufTV aiwci CO . L two pace to comment on New v... mA - I,, it. kajax. u.ta kt'lHr itlit oí i ouiiffM a MPiurfiira. irfHi.diun!Mir n mi mhuiu inu JJri,. o wn.l.r the t.lie. 'The Last ofihjj M O tlte It Ca. jAflcfuarda ah mrTtfd Clrnc Tre- ihrir ven. An Inieretiin muical i THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL', TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1907-

GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON RANGE mihi n Va ONE WEEK Commencing Today ON E WEEK AT OUR STORE AT OUR STORE C sac Facts About The Great Majestic Range FIREE It is thfi nnlu iniipp in Ihfi woild madñ of Mallíínhlp. i and Charcoal Iron, It has, beyond any question of a doubt, the largest $ 7.5 O S ET and best resei voir. It uses about half the fuel used on other ranges, and OF does better woik by far. WARE The Majestic All Copper Nicklctl Reservoir heats the With every Majestic Range sold during this Cooking water quicker and hotter than any other, It is the only Exhibition, we will give absolutely FREE one handsome reservoir with a removable frame. set of ware as shown. This ware is worth $7.50 if it The Charcoal Iron Body of the Great Majestic Range is worth a cent. .It is the best that can be bought. We lasts three times as long as a steel body. don't add to the price of the range and tell you $7.50 Being made of non-breaka- material, there is prac- you are getting the ware free, but sell all Majestic tically no expense for repairing the Majestic. Ranges at the regular price. You get the ware free. As for baking, it is perfection, not only for a few Remember this is for exhibition ''week only. Ware will months, but for all times to come. is on exhibi- not be given after this week. This ware A Great Majestic Range lasts three times as long as store, and must be to be apreciated. tion at our seen . a cheap range, but it don't cost three times as much. Come in any day during the week. Make our store your headquarters. Have coffee and biscuits with us. IMMMH-- We don't ask you to take our word fur any of the alune statements, lull If jnu III full at our store, a man from the factory, where Majestic range are nutrir-- . will in. to your mhI Inflic- Come if you intend to buy or not; the information tion that these hip absolute fact.-:-, hii.I II show yon many mora reasons why the tlreat Majestic ICungc In absolutely the best that gained will serve you in the future. money can buy. 1 W EVERYBODY WELCOME ptnt Nverburn Wired, Dripping P.m. . Wj EVERYBODY WELCOME THE WAGNER HARDWARE- - CO.j H 321-32- 3 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE J) , - T- -TJL jfm..,!.,!. :

sub- Wlicn Tlu-- Mrouslit tin- - liiiplre! Hlll.KI course, he refers to the high duty on legtxlatlon would come with the the permanent committee will be l l,ue-r- - that Home. Mes.-- and C. Chaven works of art brought In by private Institution of such a department, It Is mitted to a general assembly consist- will alvt- - a tlHtien in llarelaa llatl evening In no duty on -- ijt-i- PRESIDENT'S IDEAS owners, although there claimed that capital would invest CROP STATISTICS ing of a larger number of delegates His little wife stood weeping In the f Novcmi-.-- ill., -t inualu. AdinisslMn such things when purchased and im- thousands of dollars in mines and min- from the poers, which delegates will shinlow of the door. II I .a l lea free. ported Into the country for public in- ing where hundreds are now grurig-ingl- y have power to negotiate treaties bind- saw his form will exhibited And when she nppeiir i All In stitutions where they be Invested ing upon their respective govern- treuilil.-- more. kinds window shadea stock free to the people. During sessions medical she all the and mario to Kutrolln Furul-ilur- e several the ments. They brought him on a w indow blind order. Prominent educators declare that profession had urged the creation of a The 1'nlted States today Is the only company, west end of viaduct, STIR UP THE the system of education in this country department of public health with a FROM ALL THE that did a window screen. j, every- government having a comprehensive And everybody yield. d to the pathos is a horiKe podge of a little of secretary at its head. There is today A 1 I I. I. MKT OK K O It no and thorough system of gathering of the scene. TKKTH thing and that two institutions of a national quarantine law, and the As, knows, learning work along the name lines. spread of yellow fever, small pox, crop statistics. everybody "He called lied out at home." they They say that proficiency In one sec- diphtheria, cholera and other contag- the monthly reports Indicating the salil,. "and then the team DEMOCRATS tion of the country does not neces- ious diseases is prevented through WORLD character of the cotton or tobacco came on. sarily mean proliciency in another and rigid quarantine laws. Mill, there Is crop are awnlted with Interest; and And when they finished bruising him 4'rnin s. , .) hold that a comprehensive system un- - a conflict between the various states cotton, particularly, tne world over, the spark of life was gone. 4i.iM ( nutm $0 der the wise control of the federal on this matter of quarantine and he because this cnuutry supplies the bulk He was so young 'twas sad to see him .Mtlrt I- .Hiñera, Kwrlft from...... I.JVI government would be to the very; cause of these conflicts or authority of that staple. Vpon this report the meet so hard a fate. r.ilulr-- Kitriiclltia O INTERESTS SAID TO great advantage of all students. It la 'and of opinion there are diverse COMPREHENSIVE SCHEME prices are put up or depressed, us best But twenty hundred fans declare that AH Work 4ijirunlrMl that there should be a de- - latlons, to the end that in some suits the operations of the big specu- Keddy touched the plate!" hav- - Is of grain, al- DRS. & of education and art tlons their enforcement is relaxed OF VICTOR EMANUEL lators. The same true II Inning ham Age-1- 1 era Id. C0PP PETTIT FAVOR CENTRALIZATION Ing control of a great national muse-- 1 while In others the restrictions are though In that case the world's price Kts.m It, N. T. Arniija Building um, national theater, national art gal- - made unduly severe. The medical Is largely fixed In Liverpool. I'nder lery and national university w here practitioners assert that all this would the operations of this International XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Strong Demand for New Gov- higher education could be secured be avoided and far better sanitary United States at Present Has Institute, these crop reports are to the same line that Is worked out rangements enforced if the whole be supplied by every government, and of Art, In the government aided institutions question were turned over to federal Only Accurate System of when the wheat report from this ernment Departments of Kurope. authority. Under existing conditions g counfry, for Instance, Is available, a There also is a considerable element. "orne states establish quarantine regu-amon- Gathering Crop Statistics in report will be in the hapds of The Home Education, Mines .and cer-o- similar Restaurant which may be included many latlons that hold ships in port a f the Institute from every other wheat the railroad companies that have lain number of days for thu protection Existence, producing country on earth. This of legislation. the People, while in states in a suffered the effects state what-partme- give no quarantine nt will the world accurate Informa which contends there should be a de- - higher altitude produc- 207 West Gold Avenue.. pas-rota- tion as grand totul sec-- ever is imposed. This enables to fhe of I. of transportation with a I (Hpeelal rarreapoodeara Moraiag Journal. XM-r- ('arrrapoadtac Muraina Jourii sengeis. from infected ports to land tion of any particular grain. In this at its head. The department ' re- way speculator n Washington, Nov. ill. The speecne of commerce and labor, these personaland Immediately return south by rail. Washington, Nov. 22. As the the operations of that President Roosevelt ha dellve. .1 say, knows nothing about transporta- - carrying meir mtwiion nn mem sult of the development of the idua of grain will be checked and It will be during the past summer have-- Indi- tlon problems. With the advent of There Is no means of detecting the an Impossible for them to arbitrarily fix Large, Well Lighted Room part iooking to passengers or crews of such vessels American citixen and the activity of the price, regardless of the conditions cated a policy on his the rate law and the probable amend- the government supplement- tlie centralisation of more power In ments that w ill be marie to It Increas- after they have once landed, and those American In any particular country. It matters Prompt, Courteous Service the federal government at Washing- ing the control of the central govern- advocating a federal quarantine de- ed by that of King Victor Kmmanuet little whether the estimate would be ton, and this attitude of Mr. Roosevelt ment and with the adoption of the partment point to this us an Instance of Italy, the beneflclnl operations of a little short or a trifle large, as the Music While You Eat has been the cause of considerable general scheme looking to the greater of how the situation could be con- whole world would have the advattr were In our own agricultural department. In i i itlcistn. particularly: on the part of1 development of the Inland waterways. trolled if the whole matter the tnge of the general estimate and Patronized by the Best People those democrats who still adhere to the lltne has come, they argue, w nen hands of the federal government. collecting and disseminating- crop prices would be fixed by the Inevltablo the time honored doctrine of "states' this great question should be under the The writer makes no attempt to my Information and statistics for the ben- law of supply and demand. Number 1 Meals liKhts." Those, however, who have control of an executive ot'llcer who efit of our own people Is to be trans It also Is the purpose of this Insti- given some study to the question of should have peculiar fitness for deal- to create these various cabinet posi- formed Into a world work. A mo- (level- - tions, but merely caHs attention to the tute, aa Its operations become centralization of power are compelled, ing with the immense Interests that ment's consideration of this project oped, to take up the study of the con- Breakfast 25c to admit that the resnsibijity lor the' would como under his supervision. fact that they have been suggested and will show every and agricul- 6 to 9 di- being The fact they farmer ditions and adaptability of the soils of' Breakfast trend of public sentiment In this Those who advocate this department are urged. that turalist that If all the nations of the growth lion, public has are being urged shows that the people the various countries for the ré so far as sentiment hold that the Interstate commerce t earth combine to obtain and circuláis of crops; to study and report Dinner and Supper ..35c any way moulded, is due In quasi-Judici- body. themselves, and not the preside certain in been commission, a accurate data as to the condition of on of and vege- Dinner 12 to 2 a great measure to the arguments of! not competent to deal with the great re thinking In the direction of crom, the diseases animal centralization". of P"w, r- They may the the value of those crops table products to the general better- Special rates by the inlluential men In both parties who problems forced upon the country by will depend entirely upon the law of are seeking legislation t)iat will be of reason of the Interstate character or n ment of conditions everywhere and the i supply and demand ami not upon the Supper to 7:30 material assistance to certain Indus- -' American commerce and that with a means such centralization,""'""'",'"", protection of one part of the world ....5:30 argument put ... -'- - price arbitrarily fixed by speculator from the Infected conditions that may week or month. tries in which they are Interested and federal department presiding over ' lorwaro " ideas of which hese various propositions is an argu-wou- ld In New York. Liverpool. London. I'arls exist In another part. If the scheme the development of this enormous industry state lines part or Berlin. they are prominent exponents. Much be Mill further wiped out ndim" 'or the very policy on the The Idea of the Interna- as outlined by Mr Lubln while In along these lines probably will be at- -: a central control exercised that would ' the president. tional Institute of Agriculture was Washington recently Is can led to Its MYERS, Proprietress. tempted during the coming session of beneficially both to the trans-- j conreived by David Lnbln. of Sacra- logical this international MRS. A. F. result mento, out gen- congress, just t it ha been attempted portation companies and the general Mil 11 M K.N Pal. He worked the Inslitute will he of incalculable value in the past. This centralisation scheme public. Prominent among the advo l'llti:iAT WORK l 1.1KIW eral scheme and pointed out to the lo the American people. I nder pres- vYYyyyyrxoryx'CDOOr llnils expression In propositions that cates of this department is liepreseni- - government at Washington the bene- ent conditions the price of gral-i- . for! have been made from time to time t, . W f,KII..4,.l fits to be derived by concert of action Instance. Is forced down on repil is of ; Kun says: Near Iai-bl- looking to the creation of new cab- "VL Inn' . The 8 Bernardino on the part of all countries. Mr. n enormous crops In the Argentine inet portfolio, and today there are bill In the coming congress for the ly 400 workmen are now employed on was advised to have some Euro- or In tranacaurasii. while the lour different propositions for increas- creation of this cabinet position. jthe Santa Fe Improvements In this pean government tske the initiative, real truth as to crop conditions thvre ing the ofiicial family of the president. of congress. and armed with letters giving hi in a may foe people behind The western members r(t. tr)H f,trve being entii My outside not be known for weeks after which means that the regardless of political aftillatlon. are tn)( nhop force proper Introduction, selected Italy as "bears" In the grain market have W'Vn Ready of of the for control i.guijr these moves desire federal a department of nitnes the place and started for Itome. The Su- h niiinip over the matters that might properly; for nny New work is going forward the profits of their raid - and mining. For years they hveW(h rui(h ,n M) ,Mrts of the yards scheme was appreciated at home by illation of prli-es- it Is hellev. I. will b come within the purview of such cab- to a the Italian foreign office, a protocol inet urged the creation of bureau h,re PW ,rill.K1I In and new Impossible under the new members. preside over the work but now they , was prepared and subsequently was al arrangement ', a d A merk n A rt. 1 bud the mineral inter-- em-es- ts signed by forty independent nail-oi- Thanksgiving Art an-- looked upon by are Insistent that Yesterday tully 2" men were countries Already Ihe Ruiopcai. sre education is of the country have developed so , ny and five Itrltish colonies. many inlluenilil people as a matter of - n cmr,l.u Md Curi preparing for the colle. of then rapidly t hat nothltox short of a depart- Mr. Llitiln some time sgo was ap h i nni-- nt such Importance in American lite that com-- roundhouse and Information. The Frem in position to fill Thanksgiving ment will sufHi e. The respective ( w , pointed by President as the Is well In Its work, and the We Arc a your rntiie there should be a department devoted two advanced to Ita management and development. mitteeaof the new yard Improvements. . gang American member of the permanent pl-t- meets with the hcnr!V approval mjlrr. No tiouMc at all when you mn find everything 'nly recently Ambassador Henry invoked ? fa'ttn committee which will e stationed at of the asrlriiltiinilists of titer-prisin- g White. t Paris, made the statement Thr:prr home ar.d in charge of the work of nation. In re;.t j I at one pLiiT, Heplinne or ran onn of our so- country; kj:: the Institute. He Is now In this coun- portl-- of that there was no art In this and her colonies this the licitors your md'M. I onk at thn list; Itukrys, diessed nr hut Ita proper development tad been try conferring with the authoritien pr. parat-'- i y work is well The neglected and that the American and getting his Instructions. The same ,s true nf Italy In li'iiimin live, Du Grcso. Chickens, K.huis City Meats, Flor- id-- a care-lu- have ahso- -' M,-,-- was crude and In need of l allurgy. they contend. Is made a ode,"! maintained for some time All. members of this liwtnute thse preparatory are ii,,t so K m-s- ns lutely no diplomatic or advat.-ed- . gov o Bananas, Apples training Ceraldlne Ferrar, the Issue and the country suffers by rea- - ' which a large amount of, txilltlral statu" well but fhe is ida and Mexican Oíanlos, Gupes, fine American prima dona. educated lack of proper federal su- - money regularly turned I.Ke here The protocal signed by the power prosecuting them with a d.iermina-li.-- n Per- son of the pay-- Malacas California Giapes, Fnmianits, abroad, after a short tour of her ,,,rvtion. not only of the methods em- - aside from the regular Santa Fe j confines their duties to agricultural of Its share as epec-li-'- as Gmi'Cs land, returned to fcurope and de- ployed but of the administration of rolls. affairs solely. The Italian foreign of- possible in adding Its crop nifotina-tlo- n simmons and fears. Gieen Beans, Gieen Corn, Celery, clared people had for-- , l that the American the mineral lands of the country With The track changes are going fice this month Issued a call for. the lo the geto-rs- fund al an earlv no appreciation of music and were r.onry snd tho uddiMonsl ward rapidly. The new freight lead at permanent com m III.- - to meet ,r dav In of roiir-- e. where sil Cranhenies, fuH:pkins. Hubhaid Squash, Fiesh Toma- Is- - " i ltula. king In the artistic sense, bhe said ptre " the east end Is now complete and now Home next April. This committee wilt of h-- r - reform are little "he again In na- " -- - - . Dates, Fus, ail kinds of nuts and would never sing y put- repr- H l toes relators, Anassf 4 Yterrf workmen were consist of one sentatfve from headway has n but the Sweet live land of want of ap- Other Tl di- because this r- .u-- S in what Is as the new rountrv apd wiil prepare and of dealing fairly Coro-mnts- preciation. Trr... r'T. .... - of lnr knon each Impórtame wl'h the Candies. , Cookies, fruit Cakes, Mince Meat, are a Brrtril-- a a PowdereI. for the rrmt north lead, from the esst end of the gest plana for the work of the Insti- grain growers of li..ia grent wheat The .question nsturallv nrlses. be--- n t iimt-fl- t etc, th-s- T merit f Alien s yards lo the network of tra. ks Inside tute. Suggestions have in Is parent sre kinds of cheese, e criticisms of two Americans who' after lb. rnmirc so sf that nrf S.eet Cidt i, Bokd Cien, ten. Fooi-Kss-lrr has cnmid rar aftw yrmt kr the shop encloaure. from msny governments, and the tsl-- i not to nice that govern- have spent of time abroad. sb i riecearv much their nn arstlfied r"a I" asokr. hrs ara Isn foreign office - now In posses- - ment of the of acting J. Pieipont Morgan has mini-"- - uitf aa simmit a x gov- invR jMt a.K Hit or' sion of a large of official pa- -' Tli- -' Intei nati-.os- l lns.ili.te ""id that the treatment by the dratifrlr as wltlXHit th dally as of Alies a l. WK HltK Aa TOwrKM R rumber promptly. TROTTER & HA WK1NS fceal- - pera that will give this committee promises to work out great resmta for ernment of those who would bring Knnl-Kae- It la a wkoleanm a. T STIi,M OH 1M. IHM K tla. abundant up-'- which to go -l works of country has In axle powdrr to a aSakea lala H It I.I HK.HT TMri material the American tiller of the 109-11- 1 art into this - anti If lMI N. 2d St. done more than anything- e'.se to pre- lha aSoea. aalrk has (Iraa f M ead eoaa - tTTn O ( OsT MUX HOT MrTHfM to work to carry out the general to tired aad fort la a' aarta of. T . III,1 scheme to which the varitas nations Watch r our Thank-s- i Ing vent the development of the artistic trt lot hKrtrltmm rTT T taste of the Amerlcsn . people. Of ttea world. It carea wkile v walk, l.siMHI. TN WOMi are committed. The con. Iiistons of' aouncemenu a Indian i tt L tup if ftliOUFRDUE MORNING JOURNAL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1907 . D ' ' OOOC&XMOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOC. to condition In cAncernliig t,h quently Immered down Into a report tlnue the fight better learned while in office m near that city. There a growm i.n- , tfct Mtiwcxt between frlendhlp and pol- that Icb did not kill in closing- - the saloon relation hand-io-ha- fight with hla bare ment In favor of Bishop's govern believe on Sunday, we expect to see the: Receivedl itic. Of courae the hand and consequently wa not dl and on Just In It noaad i it ax worth mention demócrata win In Tucson that morning Journal in frlendahlp, and all loyaltle record t Increasing th present White platform. The erfet of the Cup Chocolate 1 and aacrlflcea, a much a anybody, ing In view of would be to further I fublHura bf tha Moiue atandurd. Very few of the aloon license but with an earneatnes that muxt nruiHuni'i intimate think it a good curtail the number and thereby lower, Prepared with Milk and Re- - j Rruwsells Carra'ta. Price from , s Publishing Co. unle cost of police service. Blbee lin of Journal have been not lea tliatHateful than form to of killing a bear th , boat view. Sugar Instantaneous KO renta and up Iter yard for stairs. allocking to any old-ch- l rtnlltlclana on ha bitten If to death. rooms. W e liave a Hue line 11 Preetdent to halls and V MATfHBRSON. Nor would Mr. Lsoeb confesa the Try Hrusnolls AxniiiiHter ( W M. Editor among hi auditor he dwelt upon the of Heanilow and NI'DKK black-ta- il deer, the mountain goaia, iM'gc - ' H IIKNINU CII Kdltor college foot- Ituga. and Ingrain. incea ana quai- " ea and certainty with which an aheep or the Jack rab- Akron. Ohio, two ills- - ' MAIU'Ur) P. KKI-Lr..- ., .Bualneaa Manager the mountain game kill- ity are right. See our window can be corrupted through ball team played a without lili week of Kockers, Flexures, bit. game you ahoot. or a single player. Evi- New Stock of play elaee matter at the recognition an obligation to grant "How much did ing Injuring lilunkcis. Conifortera, Sloven and , Knterea Mn4 of anvtaav?" asked one baffled Inquirer. dently the milksop are no longer oitoMce I AltMiuarUe. I, at.. l4ef at favor to tlmae whoae game. Tucson Chi- Jange. of March 1. official claim "I hot aa many I thought ad barred from the f I'wirw 17. . Preserves I campaign help In time of need. visable," replied loeb oracuiariy. le u-- CASH OR PAYMENTS. tm. MOKVIVI1 JOtKVal. IN THK "The friend," he aalil, "who come There I a good deal of curiosity Just arrived Look them I .4II1U M'l Bl l AS PI'K Or XfcW hunt what thl new era In White Tactful. FUTRELLE FURNITURE CO., I THK l IM IVI K to me and axk me to uae my office ' MFXH II, rroMTIM House nunnery portend. Hilhertol Omission of the words. "In Ood We : over, r TNt Bt HI-- N rRTV Al.l. THK to grant him favor falla far below the never en- $10 gold West End of viaduct. rl TUB - modesty and mystery have Trust," from the new pieces; 1IIIK, AM, THK KtTHl Of atandurd for friendship that I aet up. shrouded a White House shoot. .Some wa doubtless prompted by the fear ltVrW)CXXX30QQO II HI MA PABTV WHt.M Till AKE mod- any one KK.HT. We to In politic that are disposed to regard Loeb' of the coiner to give credit to have learn an oblique for some- and Cortelyou shared New Breakfast aliould not aak esty as favor unless Roosevelt friend and friend body higher up. but th favorite equally In credit- El Taso Times, j rlrcHl.llen thai ar other papar la game the eelirirMetle. Tha ale pafter la btw Meilee should not give that which the peo- theory I that Iieb hot more Foods feaued aeary day la Iba ar. ple, if the fact were known, would than the president and think that a peaceful life In Wyoming not readily have them beatow." The In th Interest of "A horne," khvs the Coming in every day, Tha Maralnr Jon ra I baa biabar aim the White House It would be better Tribune, "may his head off. but lalloa ralUiff tii.a la aerardea la aar Mhf old achool which ha many urviv-oi-- s not to dwell on that fact. he doesn't run upft a bill for repairs. 14 pr la Albaaneraaa ar aaa laer dalle la had and ha other notion, and The bitter of I hi remark leave We have made arrange- f Meilee.' Ike American tone will cry of Ingrati Tblng" I Torget. us with the Impression that the writer; Mr, did and raiae the o- - ments with Matthew to anybody repudiate If you see a tall fellow ahead of a hu an automobile on nis nunii. tude agalnxt who crowd.. conlno Hun. his and TI.KMS OP H'BatBlFTION. of purllaun aervtce. ut handle dairy buttert the claim The A leader of men marching fearles Iijr mall una year. In advance. IS ter Irrelevance of uch aervlce to the and proud. Walt h Her (inm. will have it fresh twice a ally, le carrier, oaa month.. as MCPARTLAND'S HATS whose mere A temperance iMily, by malt, una month & efficient and honeal performance of And you know of a tale Chicaan lecturer telling aloud sert air of that tow n 1 so week, I beyond compre that the public dutle the Would cause hi proud head to In an- full of alcohol 'hat person coming; Aim artKgl NLW Mriii O - l hension of the member of that achool, guish be bowed. from prohibition communities are a'- 3 1 2 West Central Phone 1006 and their fiercest hatred I aroused a pretty good plan to forget It. fected thereby us soon a they en'er If populattcn KIIT-X- OF Hl M WUiF.MIAT. when the man whom ttiey "miide" the city. Now watch the coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo If you know of a skeleton bidden of Chicago Ino-eas- Tucson Citizen. that Is, elected or helped lo elect re away The rfeiuucrutlc parly throughout MMfffS fuse their requcHta for place abd pat- In a closet, and guarded," and kept A Hot Hnncli. í re- of the be fouiftry ha generally been ronage mi the ground that he I a from the day our ild frlenil and brother whoae ahowlng, ouill. Mr. Frank Longfellow Moore. I garded ai the moni Milking "frightful trustee, not of a party. out or the In the dark; and THESE SAVE TIME display. has purchased the Miniums .ew ainpl" llial could bo fuinlxhed of whose sudden public. Would cauae grief and aorrow and and henceforth will mould public rK y00 uric IN A BMAIX TOW" AM) GOODS I lie fatal cnnaeuueiicea nf bud nuin dismay, In busy little railroad iimd MARi to ur.T WHAT oo : RUBBER STAMP lifelong that it-- :::::: It. cePn,ernf A..zona. Frank u WANT Hpeeial allrnliou la mall ordera Hgcinenl, but the republican party In WHAT AHK TIIKV IX)H? It'a a pretty good plan to forget northern CO. S w Molcu iireaenla a raee In till ' tBlTHIMU, r. a,VAAi a. each you know of a thing will dark- messeiiKPra of thought and a charter katt V. Line Hulera, tl.oe Une which It rieccaiary for the If that of World, fair llanr. with Irtlrrlnx, each intki'i Preda detalla of the treasury plan en the Joy member of a benevolent association Model Hatera with letlerins, each liatlomil democracy In take a buck woman, a, girl or a known us the Missouri Kiver each SI. .Mi to restore normal condition in the Of a man or a printer Castor Hack, for Kuhher hlamn. title Several year hro, however, & HI rip for Kulilx-- r HI amp., earb .., cal. The democratic njmpiithy with boy. Pirate. IB. H. BRIGGS CO. Rarka Mc i money market ar still unobtainable hi tours, g from I will wipe out a amlle, or the h disnensed with annual slamiM tic, 3Wr 4 ha cauae of aeceealon put a hundlcup That i and so the New York Herald tell u, . way annoy which took him from the Rocky, Ink Pans, earb least nRIIHRKT Kuhher Htumi under bichea Ion, per line te upon the democratic parly during the and when the Herald, irttn It almost A fellow, or cause any gladnes to coast of Maine to the peaceful waters! 1nUUUIOIO S'i 10c snow bank proprietor Aiaarade Pbaraaaey, Oold ., h additional Una . . .' laxl half century, audi aa would be mean and machinery for clov, of the Pacific and from the of Maker, mliinlted good plan to forget It. of to the sunny southern A'nua and Urat Street. llookblnder and Kuhher Mamo vary difficult If not Impossible for Hu I It'a a pretty the Dakota Caa-- Hit. Unix. telling the new unable to dig It Selected. coast and settled In Williams. Frank lliMnd Pharmacy, Comer f Kaat H. S. LITHGOW I'hone Juuraai bert and ablet of ninniigeia to carry out. It Is hardly worth while for oth- u alJ. hem mentioned in nollllca. "! aH Broadway. BUccvaafully, but thn republican party er to try. The bunkera, who, after tírele a the next candidate on the for delegate lo con- BEAUTY In thla territory never worked ut audi closely con- prohibition ticket , PARISIAN PARLORS all, are the people moat What the Editors Here's suc.-ess- YARD IS THE PLACE iliaadvantage. on contrary, all gres from Arizona. W. Central Ave. I'bone BALDRIDGE'S the cerned, do not even know the esen-- t old man. Wlnslow Mall. 3li 3. the condition, have b I'll In Km favor. la of term Sun k of Windowa, Doors, characteristic the short ofthe Southwest HeadMhe For Slilnjtlcs ami Ijrg;e The territory I liulu rally republican, Kick HAIR GOODS REDUCED - treasury certificate. Thla dlalralnx diaeaaa raaulla fr'im Paints, Oils, Brushes. Cement, Building- Paper on Hand. by a very ettoiig majority, mid noth-In- n atomaeh, and can Will they be available a currency, dlai.rdarad condition of the Albuquerque, N. SI. Saying k lux rhnmberlaln'a Btomacll J. C. HAMHíIIMíK, 405 South Street, Hliorl of a genlua for blundering pub- Are ta curl br la or a reserve or as security for and I.lvar Tableta Get aampl at Mr. and Mrs. James Slaughter o rong-iloln- g re- nd on thr part of lic funds or a the basis of a new Is- any dril alore a nil 'ry It. publican maima,!-!-- could make It oth-rrwl- In- ltMCVclt' MlU'CI'IIJ. sue of bank note, tha Herald welcome And genlua ha been In The people of Arizona audi quire, and then adds: I'ntil Informa- Governor Joseph H. Klbbey buck af-t- r , e t no long thai no una with any tion on these points la forthcoming it an extended conference with Pres- su Douglas Dis- E. SCHEEIE knowledge of ealatlng public nentlment I Impossible to form an Idea touching ident Koosnvelt, the f. bcllevea there I any pronpect of re- patch. the probable Influence the measure Already the people of Arlxona have go In TO publican luoce'a New Mexico at the will exercise on the situation. That heard with pleasure of the result of next election, without a radical change audi Indispensable Information was his mission and he return to u with of management. The gang of corrup-lluiilxt- a not given simultaneously with the the promise of the president that he Extra Fine Minced Meat out will do all within hi power for in at pri'kent In control of the Hoosevelt-Cor-telyo- u announcement uf the gle tutehood for Arizona. Arlxona 1 2 1 -- 2c per pound, putty machinery have practically put scheme, appear to Indicate ciaxclto. the republican organ lint Ion of the either that It author were In a des FORTHANKSGIVING Inrrltiny nut ut buHlneaa, and every TIlHI "MHIcIhmmI ltlH'." pera Ip hurry to show the people that AND lime an effort haa been made by According to the Arizona Gazette, CHICKENS TURKEYS thr the administration was doing some- there was to be aome exceedingly EELEN Oci of In fuvor MEN'S REGAL SHOES ent elementa the parly thing or else that the treasury certifi- warm atatehood dope handed out to i .,....., k . i ..... V, pnl ' of belter condltlona, thop a ho cate are Intended not for bom but Kin ri'iiv l't..t n .,t u uinn tou ,1 ,,urn For the machine have imi ii able li of Governor Klbbey from hi Inter- for foreign consumption. with Hooaevelt down The Future Railroad Center ib'fiHl movemeiil the view the inroiiali This latter view may be the correct - up In Mississippi. The hopea of Arizona THANKSGIVING ab and of the confidence one. it is known that negotiation hud been raised to the top round by New Mexico which the reldent bun rcpoaed III with Hunk of Franc for n gold the Intimation of the (iuzette a to de- of the good new the governor would Regal Shoes are llii'in, anil m m matter of courae, every fell through it consequence of what Order Now loan hand out on his return to the bunk enough in experience of thin muí puta the parly the negotiators' Inability to give a of th itlo Saludo, consequently there signed just far at a allll greater illnadvantHge. was guarantee of the ('lilted States for the disappointment when Governor Cut-of- Klbbey to give any definite advance of each season Located on the Belen f of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe There are republican In New Mex- repayment of the loan. A the treas- fulled' Mall Orders Solicited. ico fila word from the president which would to be right in Railway. The new City of Belen is thirty-on- e mile south of Albuquer- who believe that in ury certificate ure based on the cred- Indicate an early of our every detail realization KtrO. 1021 No. onrlli St. rourae toward the men re- it of the country they may be accept atatehood hopes Hlsbee Itevlew. of style. That's why you Plume ' que, N. M. ; is at the junction of the main line of the Santa Fe system ferred to, the prelilent hua been able lo the Hunk of France a the se- leading East and West from Galveston and Chicago to San Francisco "pluylng política," and atood by thee curity required, I lent to Tin l'itcrrin'l. are certain to get this folor this Since t he statehood flurry and the and Los Angeles, from the Northern states to El Paio, Texas, and die men becauve he wunted to get the ai by a report pro-Je- d tie assumption that the panic over, financial are about the season's styles when you Republic of Mexico. , r vote of the territory In the niillimnl ha met with the approval of Mr. democrat might a well turn their , t 1 t MtS. convention. Hut In .iy riothlng of the P. Morgan, who ha been concern attention to prepatatioiiH for carrying buy Regáis, and not last by Help! Help! wrung that u li a RtalPigcnt would do In th territory ten thousand majority ed the Flench negotiation. at the next election. Itoawrll Record. year's styles, There is an the reputation of the prclclent of the If, therefore, the treasury ceiilfl- - We want everybody la Albuquerque t'nltcd HiatP", any man of ordi- cale were Issued merely to provide The. KInsv Hoy. exact and comfortable fit tn help ue redare our .lock to make e nwra for holiday gwoda. Tome ta- nary IntelllKcm can nun luce ;i security for French gold there would This Is a season m the year when appear I for every foot in Regal rtar and eava big moaey an t lolli-In- g, lilinnelf that It l not true If he be necessity to a sentliiieiitiil mother at tie ut pai ariunge school house with her Missy boy and Hhoea, llry Oooda, I nderwear, The will only atop long enough to look at t will find in Imiin dlaelly lie details of a plan for tells the teacher he la very high spir Shoes and you Hit estera, ate. matter ordinary level of w the from the their utlllxatlon In the l ulled States. ited, and must not be hipped: that he our large and varied p.ilm. Mr., Kooaevelt uaed to huve Should this be well founded can be ruled by klsse. And thla la (KOt KKIKS AT CI T THICKS urmlc of the year when the boy in Belen Town the reputation of being a ahrewd poli- Mr. Itoosovelt's plan may yet prove the time stock models suitable for school make a note of what the earn Coltoa Tomntoea, tician, and it la not In evidence that efflcufloua In relieving the money mother of the sissy boy ay, and re , any and every occasion, l KNTs CAN be hrt lot any of 111" former aluewS-iiea- ( rln;tency. Perhaps, says the Herald, solve to thump the sissy boy as soon and Improvement therefore If he were governed public would have greuter fulth in a they catch him on the play ground. the Arizonu hetitlnel. merely by a dcalre to get the vole of It If recent events had not proved Mr. Union New Mrxlco ill the convention he Itootevelt to be somewhat unfamiliar A Mean Way. Cash Buyers' Company Mould ' Hand In" with men w lume with matters. Had his An Knglish sclenlid say the pret- '" financial girls are always stupidest. That Prices, 3.50, 4.00, 5.00 MMtTII Hl'tlin gTKKK.T (Incorporated) . standing icnd Influence with the peo- knowledge tiest lit in tins respect been greater Is a uienn way for m nmn lo try to ple of the territory Would enable him he aould never have tried to "mon- smur himself with a jealous wife. 10 gel the votea for til in; but Innlead key with a buxxsaw" In the way he Phoenix Republican.

of he hn aloud loyal to s that thce bus done, no mutter how sincere Onnm-rat- Want Ud. gentlemen of the teriltorml nui. lino might hae been hi dclre to correct The Tucaon democrat, in their city fa- Im'cuiik.. he believed them to be til sbus-- and effect reforms. It 1 to convention laM week, declared in Are the owners of the Belen Townsite, consisting of 1 000 business and vor of closing the saloons of that city fih lid, and true to him, whercaa they be Imped that Mr. Itoosevelt, taught Underwood lots, size feet, fronting upon eighty ninety-foo- on Sunday, also In favor of raising lh residence 25x142 and t bate lmply been trading upon hir by ha bitter experience, learned the SHloon tícente to fl.fno per annum. streets and avenues, right in the business center of the new city and filcminhlp to further their own wisdom of making haste slow iy in il The democrat of Tucson were the fight In directly upon the Santa Fe Railway depot grounds. The Atchison, 11 lifini'n of corruption auft wrong-ilo-Ing-an- d reconstruction, tint until sonic first to Inaugurate the this Typewriter territory against public gambling, an I Standard meanwhile It would aeem lllilli-.intalil- I Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company is now grading its extensive evidence of hli desli a lile now It seems that t bey prpfoeco I 'lie all liiipeai hnienl of hi peiilcHC-it- y change of lnellunl- - Is furthcoming, depot grounds and yard limits 800 feet wide and a mile long (capacity to aume that he were not aware the people may be cx used for of seventy miles of side track) to accommodate its immense passenger of the fait that thev had become mo his relief measures with ap- DISTINCT STEP I and freight traffic, Harvey eating house, roundhouse, coal chutes, unpopular In Hip leirltory ihc prehension. If not with distrust. (u!d not inriueiue aiij'tlitng. If the treasiiiy certificate are the - mr-r--C- l water tanks, machine shops, etc. la It ainiply a i aae of fiiendlilp r. Milt of a I.u It liinl i standing. wlih IN ADVANCE and tine of the morl biglily oniiiiPiiil-al.- . the Hunk of Frame, Mr. velt any I iiuulltlea in mil that nt plan will meet with xelieial Mpprnh-tlo- n THE CITY OF BELEN tMidiiig firmly by hl fileinN If lumrift. they are ilcxiaued (Auburn, N. Y.. ll'- fitixen ) lliiough ell a well g...i.l report, mi'iely to iliaw hoarded money from . but when It i oinea to Im an undotihlcil its hiding place the plan ma prove Chronic t Ueae may have "k "oW.W. a pi hllllldi'l. It l l In population of 1500, and several large Mercantile Houses, the .o I nol irloua fact bl frteml-lii- p inns as ni sntlpl) been an ilNeae in the Mtat, tht I'l, i. e Hie govt riiment In Mills t ciiinprtition bul tt '. certainly curable no. M. I. Belen Patent Roller with its 150 barrels a day capacity, winery, being a cloak lo cowr up enter-pilM-- Willi iallwa and linlu-- t i nil s Walley. ill ugglst. ua of a re- In the telle is the largest shipping point for Flour, 'i!i!i. at littenuera and i ilicanei the Inline money mniket. markable recovery In tlila city. There etc It Wool, Wheat, Wine, "Ic.l, h- - tilo it la lime to mil a no iiueatlon .ibout the genulneneas Beans, Hay and Fruit in New Mexico. From its location upon the li.,:i i. of the caae The patient, a lady. ! Loeb Evasive About connected with one of our prominent Becausq great trunk line leading north, south, east and west, to all points in the 't nallv a though the awol-le- n Popular of till tn'rllie She Kan III a hoapilal United States and Mexico its future growth as a commercial point can 1 i cM'ieiit were beginning to get hi llh Irnpay. and the albumen That Bear Hunt be estimated. All fast limited, mail, . :i r h e tine tale f affjlr a In uch enoruioua quuntltiea aa oí Manipulation, Total Visibility, Perfect not express and freight trains solidify In Ease t 'I he of to the tube will pass through Belen to Chicago, Kansas Gty, the ji nJ l.lerlln I It wa enpe. dally by Galveston and A t, leal ted the Susceptibility Speed, Firm- -- to Great I " p W.í h Sec- Tabulation, r la mii we helicie, la po-ht- u is good the retary Loeb haa Wyom- Hint faniltv. lien he the Pacific Coast. The water and the climate unsurpassed. .. i returned Irtm ..i i o.,, huperul bow put on a eclflc from California that 1 of ing In I in Construction, Neatness in Design, and $ public school house, ahrouded niti-r- and receded to be cm lug Krighl I ha- ness Belen has a 6.000 two churches, a Commercial lr-- ,n i if Ho- fieablent lii the by a report t hat he had lu.t a allcaed bear, ca.ine In that átate The c reated Cleaning. Club, three hotels, restaurants, etc. It needs right black-ta- il of Type for now good t a deer, Convenience a hindi.-- ' í.u fbttik" It - a. en in.nini i'.n aelonKhiiienl. . inptnma be- - aome Klu-c- I u i i.. ..., .i aoata. nioütitln and a ,ecoery wa newspaper and a good hotel. The lots offered are low in prices and proper Hie ' Kan to auoaiiie and mrn f.t flock of jack rabbit. pa-- lili complete. The I One-thir- d a ei ir t.i the ii J. .r b i er Mr. mtr adual flnl!v the terms are easy. of purchase money cash, two-thir- may roe Ieii' refusal to al,,. tient ha. aince aituallv paaaed for In-- j i. .. repon ' billi 'li a g. fat .la. r. n llaht on the -- If the Typewriter I if .!. ' liraiu e. you now use remain on note and mortgage for one year with interest at 8 per cent per . I 'em .n wheie nilt-- l ..f Xew .Mexico, and l, bae had loaded a drat The peciiU.irltv of Ilie treatment l and amuggler Irtu the hai k el lacks in any of these essential annum. Title perfect and warranty deeds given. Come early if you "in- h h- i ltofiitng do but cntian. lhat It line, not meiti lo wear out. the) o aa lo avoid the ni-n- ,,f In taking over elgh y " the choice lots. For ' I patient ciuca'tou wish to secure further particulars and prices of día ht ' h ex. eilic, biaffiilrieea." aald be dlxcovery or in new points, the UNDERWOOD is ' , The f -- it a bear - lots call in person wirte 'i ii h a pout Inn. an.l , llur- ii..t. Mr i eciflo la aald to le a lineal descent- or ta k. the machine you will eventually Ha al-i- a- hlmaelf ant of Itoberl Fulton, who gave in in't waa a aaowary i . i'abl). "plie.l ,ie firat tramhip Auburn A. frivoloua'y lter he i ' t far 1M:V Cuiten use a to to aome in aie ft tend Another recovery by Ful'.on" Henil i r ii i mi: uii.ti r him. that while he had ahol bear It w a. I Coinnouml The lady'a íiam la Mr. i n( lo be counted aa 4 k beau-- tt l.ea-c- r 11,11. The Belen Town and A erttttm-n- ; , ..I ht he had not a'am the h. according, I Hrlgtit'a riea-e--- : ,i,.' . When tu ,uim ,fr a,ne ''ni agn aeein to 'toHoyle He refuae--I t. Vla:n w hat i weakne or loaa of weight; Underwood Typewriter ,,, e dri I he meant be lht and h. a legend ; puffv hunda or eyelid.: Kidney r t i - Co. ie rll.r He helii I Improvement bi ih grew- un that h had cft'.aht t- -ir ank. third month, nr I ' a the r,nl,!. .fier the ei.te, ined at a jliti function t't , in a net hetera ehootl c it s. htdjn.av ahow ae.ltment; falling Mi..i,' Company ftleiula up in and In ihe.lhen been Informed hy cil intiahitanta dromeineae. one or more of theae of an be .Ie. ' Wyoming ( If ou hate any of thcae. aend ltr JOHN BECKER. Pres WILLIAM M. BERGER. Secretary .ur addre ahull rumor It h Gold Ave. Mtered another had th., riuthi.nmniiii 321 W. Albuquerque, N. M. oa the h caalon hr told h,":th bear alth a hook and tin. j 11 ,. rtlel'v Co. Ucgglaia. Albo iowta auaneibtag . ut what he had j Theae etaggerated iount, .- - querqiie, N THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1907 "

Sale Is Books, Station- BIG BANKRUPT SALE ery, Toys, Now Pictures, EVERYTHING REDUCED 25 TO 75 PERCENT Leather Goods, On etc. Newcomer's Old Stand E. J. Strong. Next to the Postoffice

Watch for our Thanksgiving an- work, is frenueiitly better paid thnn,tlr demand for wheat by the glutei nouncement. Keiilmm's Indians. lower grade professional men, who rwl of the Missouri. ' FARMERS nor-the- y ENJOYING have to put in years of mud y before "L'l In the Dakotas and In the BOSVTEl.i. at Tom oniric cw. are competent to undertake their ther wheat districts, they adopted at specialized work. j first a ruinous policy. Tins a to Vfall anil paeaengor Una between ftoawell Everything "It in. of, true," said Hecre-- rals wheat one year and then let the S. M and Turraiue, K. II , dally. Sunday j for the Retailer and Consumer tary Wilson, who I recounted an the land II till the fall of the next year, included. conecttAK Mlih alt trains on that Rix-- Kama K greatest expert In the world on ami- - necessity wax for a leRiimi-- i lalanil and t'entral H!lroali. I OV1K IN AMI INSI'l.l T til It UNPRECEDENTED The real Boawell ait 1 p. m. Lava Torranca cultural problems, "that we have sur-lnu- plant which would Miami the KI.MiANT LINE AHI INO MiTS so It onlirarrival of Rock UanU train dua it I 1. til t farm product and are able to vere northern climate, that m. Kunnlng tima helado ttia two polnta dispone necessary to let land i Contractors Sportsmen of them abroad. The time might not be the hours. Moaia furnielo-- at Camp Naedmora seems to be rapidly approaching, how. lie idle for h year. If It could be sown rrea cf charga. li uiain partlea accommo fver, when we may not be able to In clover roots of course it would be dated by notifying the company two days In And And PROSPERITY keep pace with the demand of our utilized when plowed under and yet a advanca. ' Increased population. The farmer has profitable hay crop could be secured been enabled to meet the demand at the same time. We scoured the KOHHKK IIAVK M'" i'HKnl Builders Rangers upon him. In spile of the tire norlh until at last we found a clo- -' TIIH SKItVICKSIH' Mil. CIIKISTIK! a scarcity of labor In agricultural dis. Ver at Tomsk, in Siberia, which ful-trlc- ts Of DF.NVKII. t IM. WHO IS SEVEN BILLIONS WORTH by the use of Improved machin-- , nils all necessary conditions. That SrHCIAIJST OX JlOliStllOU- - 111 R MOCK Or HI II lHtM' IIAKII- - Our mock vt .t Ns. Kill IS, KKOI.- - ery. were as in of all ARK If farms run they used seed has been put the hands ixu. OUI'RIHKM t:F.RVrillNO III I Ks, KNIthH unit AIIMI MIION la OF PRODUCTS LAST YEAR to be run there would be a terrible de-'o- ur experimenters and the work of MKRIT, )l A1.ITV, UU - 1 NtHU.1V, yeSV- flclt today In food supply. The w heat belt KG Al NOTIt k. lite moat romplele nud rarrfully aeleeied our supplying our northern ..r j years will and teaiaiueni William Morrla. farmer now, however. Is adopting new with a clover crop for off is hue of HK.II t.KAIH. on.l 1,1 ARAN. accompnsneu. deoeaeed. UH)IN THAT MIAMI THK latest machinery. now practically M. Morri and Deviaea, khllK. Secretary Wilson Declares my greatest necessity for tne. ne- - To Hattte Kvrutrlv I II liUOUl iu thin clly. light horses "The ti whom 11 may KST TKHT, Tl rtrr boii ' In and all In "v on the iufarm now have four heavy velopment of agricultural product ara nerehy nuiiii) that the alleged 111 r ec- - Tou WUIKeiS AllieriCa ones, and 1 plowed one fitrrowlthe United States." continued the teetarni-ii- t of A.: rate where - luet will and William Morrla. tbev plow two. Their harrows re retary, "Is In the south. We are en- late of ilia county ,.f iinallllo and Terri- - n.. I s ü.m- - 1(1 I better xlHan UKr'J HOyalty 111 two or three llrm-- as wide and they deavorlng to teach the people there tory of New afoxlco. aio-il- haa been pro- KAOKS, U.lfK BCRNKKS, t IMIK, Ull, AMI IIKAI'INtf KIO M IN I AIM I si lAKIria, StHK AMI I'KIIK.Si St I r , use machinery which was not even some modern methods. In this respect iluced and read In til Probata Court of the Al I. ITRSONH AMI t OMl IIONM ago. nortn, t'ounty of Bernalillo, of New Mex- uays ot yueen Bess. dreamed of two or three years they are far behind tne ami col ' TINY)' ARK, OHAMTt.W tKK, MKt II INII Al. hi I'Pl.ll- S A N II TIIOI.H OK Al l. IKM Kll'l IONH. We used lo cut our hay with a nar- ored agriculturalist In particular neeu ico, at a reKular trm tbTeof. held on tha mower, It. tossed It Into in the rudimentary pro- 4th day of Neovemlor. l'oir, and tha day of row dried Instruction the proving of ''! allrgiol lint will and enrka lahorliiiislv pitchforked It III to cess if scientific farming. They need M I K II I 1' M f, N T H Our American worklngmen today own use teatament II by or,lr it tha Judge of aald (' It O I' a hivmnv or tacked It bv hand. Now to iruw more corn for their court thereupon fueil for Monday, tha 9th fare better than Queen KlUabtth did," on Co. M A A N a a cease depending the A Mcintosh II II I. K II wagon field with will II. Hardware a drives across so they day of lieceinber, IH07. term of aald KKTAII. said Secretary Wilson, of - I l .w.U ... W ...... IL' I 1 If I I I tliiVfl VdSt II K II K O C K V It I t K H chief the Ihav court, at lo ooliH-- In the forenoon of aald nt of agriculture, In dairying and In K ViiX"'.? r"T.extraordinary throws the spread out hay on a amount to learn day. devel wagon, Is to barn, i or poultry anu eggs. Olven under my Imnd atol the aeat of this opment of farming in which driven the the production .the ITnltedV tongs court, tina 4th day of November, A.l. 1907. J where powerful bite out nair. e.i . . . In t tin ir in tv ... . n - A. B. WALK Kit. Clark. load at a time anil...dispose 01 it aimosj, a nmn.... nrmam Vrohata ..m.t ,,iihf,i II o c IUUIIU Kill lile labor. r you know that every time yo nv O MORNINO JOI KNAI. AV ANT AIIS table every day fn the homes of pros- without human rough or cold and let It run en thinking it BItINO RKkUl.TB perous American worklngmen. He hag Machinery Offsets I.atsir Scarcity. till Juat cure llfelf you are inviting pneu KOTICK fOR ft Bl H'ATIOH.' the best cuts of meat, the choicest po. "TTaa nf all et thla u V I n D mil monía, eonnutnption or eoine ulnar puun' Department of the Inteiior. Land Üfflca at pro-- : nary trouble? iiun't riak it. Put ymir Kanla Ke. N. M. Nov i. I9l7. THE "SHORT LINE" tatoes and a wealth of fruit and vege- chlnerv on the farm has enabled hereby Atanaclo tables queen to keep pace wl.h Notice la Km that which the of England. auction reasonable t'liaves. of Valencia. N M haa filed notice Mining R To the Camps of - ... , .- r WALL In offset- ,, - PAPE wnn money an ncr and Influence, the increase population, thus ' ffiLTV,nrt B.i!ti.. Bold of hla Intention 10 make final could not possibly have secured few ting the scarcity of labor caused by by ln4 j. H. oKielly Co. proof In aupport of hla Hultn. vlx: Honie Ne- T.Mli, 1Ü0.1, Colorado, Utah and NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED generations ago. the fact that men are attracted to j lead Kntry Nn. mmle April Í5. W "Our said secretary. large cities, where they pay prices for K ( HAM. Is f.r the S N.W ',. i, N B '4. Section Colora- a farms." the kp mkmiik THK HRITV i llnnvp SIV, vada; to Denver, T II K who Is quoted by Raymond t lie work with which cannot , IN I. Townehlp lu.N. and that aald AT In the farmer imímoivinu .i.ks II. W. H. t - compete. th proof will be made Otero. do Spilngs and hicago Tribune, "were never as val- possibly H. Albuquerijua, Pueblo, ' Ctaae. I'. Court 4.immniioior at ualile as today. In spite of a reduction "Few people understand the extent If yon need fornitura call L. N. M., on her .10, 1SII7. ' Dentin SI5-- 1 Kawaad. is by way of Santa Fe, In a number of the most profitable to which the prosperity of the farmer Keppeler, South lie harnea tha folloning vlineeaea to prove Lumb Co crops. This has been a variegated has gone. It sounds like n fairy tale, hla continuoua reablem-- tilioii. and cultiva- New Mexico, Albuquerque er year. of land, wx: Kmpiipula. Chavea. and the Production has decreased In and yet It Is true, that farmers of the Fnrnitum repairs, Cbaa. L. Keppeler, tion the , many respects, and yet the general WPt and cotton growers of the south (i7.1v gouth ttcraad. Panlallon Ohavec. lianlel Chavea. Nabor First St. and Marquette Ave. Albuquerq-jc- New Mexico money big Chaves, all "f Urania. N. M run of prices has been such that far--: today are supplying to run II. DENVER & RIO GRANDE MANUKI, UTIOKO. Reglatar. -- y.- - i mers are overwhelmed with their business houses of Broadway. The Watch for our ThanksKlving .v. a4st.- their own prosperity.'; I estimated last farmer does not speculate In stocks, nouncement. Indians. NOTICK t'Olt fl BI.H ATION. RAILROAD year a general farm production of He has learned to hang on to his Department of the interior, l.aiid Office at more times, his means of over Chaa. L. Kep- - Ke. N. M., Nov 1, than $6,500,000,000. The total product at and Mnttretaefl made at Santa tM7. m will run a good deal over $7,000,000,- - marketing are better than they used peters, 11-- 1 South Beroad. Nolle la hereby given Ibat Rafael Armljo, Through the feitile San 000 this year. The farmer is pros- - to be, but he is not personally of Albuquerque, X. M hrfB filed notice of ' The Way It's Dona chiefly because workingmen interested in the rise or full of stock THK KVKNT OF THK HKASON HAR-- ! hla Intention to muke final Ave year proof Luis Valley; also to the ,ne east, gen- - ITV BAI.I. IN Til K Kl.Krt HAI.I. ON in aupport of hia 'iHlm. vis: ltomeatead the cities are all employed at hlghlva,u''" 'n and he can INO NIliHT. IMIN'T KAIL TO Enlrv No. marte Seplember 1902. Co- 4 wageg. money to move Til tMiHt.ll 1. San Juan country of - I Laboring men are gett ing erally supply the his W . 4. Our lumbo.- la manufncttiriHi t nowadays. moving ATTKNI. the M.H K.Wf N'.'t Section otir much better prices for their work than own "ops t'rop Townahlp 10V.. Hanga I'W . and that aald lorado, own mills, from the nick, of thu money Is ever before and the result is they are frequently only a return to 1IKAI TV 'l I.Tt'HF proof will be made before II. W. S. Otero, Dony iu tun ner in tne siiajinwHC, mo sio naing tnetr money for better living :'no west or tunos loaneti 10 uie east vj t'ntted Htatea Court Commlialoner, at MRS. HELENA LEONARD ". , For Informal Ion os to rates, train cording to 'tho of govern than they were ever accustomed to, the farmers themselves." M on Dcemher J.I, 19HT. the and far Ursilusle of the l'rench Mehoot He names the following wllnceaea to prove scrilce, ilcMciiille lltcrutuiv, address ment's cxiert. A lante Ktock ot 'dry better than is the lot of the TsImki Wlicnl f'ir Corn anil l aiilc. l.ate of New York lly hia contlnwtua reaidpiua upon, and cultiva- spruce laboring man in any in Speaking change in agrlcul-tb- ? fafiaal t H' dimension oa naml. other nation of the The latest aclentinc atlliancca and tion of, the land, vlic Crua (lonaalea, K. tl. i Why buy world. turnal conditions in the west. Hecre- - methotla for treating tha face, hair Chavea. Proiiipio Itumaldo S. HOOPER nui. the hest 'when, It la bm .lu-illl- cs Pnlliy ,,f Protection. tary Wilson said: Farmers In Illinois and acalp. complexion ateamlng and bleach- - ttonzalea, all of OM AUuniuenitie. N. M. Acnt, cheap as lh other klndu "The republican policy of protec. land Iowa can no longer afford to raise I manimiring. and ahampooing. MANl'EL, B. OTPJRO. t.cnernl I'nsseimer and Ticket tlon of Ihe laborer and the manufae wheat In large quantities. It Is more Klectrolvtlc Automatic Water Maaaagc; Reglatar. lKN I H. tM. turer has been moro by to stock, r.lcctrlc Hair Oryer; Hadlo Xlell. than Justified profitable for them raise and one of tha laleat acletlflc diatoveriea In the the results of Ihe lust ten years, so!ao they raise corn and cattle. Devel-th- at Rio Grande Lamber Co now treatment of tha akin by colored light rayt the skilled laborer in certain opment of our arid regions In the and heat. X2S. X. hona I. Corner 3d and Marquuttu. favored lines of mechanics, who needs west through the progress of Irrigation til U K 3S and :t. BAKNKTT BI.DG. L1VGKI ANDPATTERSONBOAHDINO oTABlEB only 1S.H a few years' prepcratlon for his schemes ultimately will supply the en- - I'hoae 31I-S(- Mexlou 3 Vft Silver Avenue. Telephone 87. Albuquerque, New icz: tiJe jr i CL-OVIIS,-- NEW MEXICO

1,100 Population MONTH3OLD. Large Concrete Machine and 2 1 Stall Concrete Roundhouse SANTA FE TQWNSITE Car Shops $62,000 Harvey. House 1 00 Ton Ice Plant for R.R. Co. $30,000 Concrete Depot S;r $42,000 Concrete Coal Shutes $40,000 Recreation BldgJ,hw7 FOUR POINT DIVISION Numerous Other R. R. Bldgs. Clovis, New Mexico, is the New Sonta Fe Division Townsite, Situated Nine Miles West or Texico, New Mexico, on the Belen Cut- - Off ?4 The surface of the land on which the townsite is located is level. Clovis is situated in the best portion of the level plains country and is in the center of the best diy farmins; and stock raisins section of Eastern New Mexico. All this land is settled upon by homesteaders who are improving their land, The Santa Fe Land Impiovement Company have 213,000 acres of railroad scrip land, commencing five miles north of Clovis, New Mexico, which is considered the finest farming land in Eastern New Mexico, This laud will shoitly be open to homeseekersand sold in small tracts on terms to suit purchaser. The country-aroun- d Clovis, New Mexico, will command tiade for fifty miles to the north, thiity miles to the east, twenty miles to the south and twenty-ei- ht miles to the west. There is a settler on every 160 acres, which assuies its futuie rapid giowth and peimanency. Clovis is on the main transcontinental line of the Santa Fe which is called in this territory, the Eastern Railway of New'Mexico, or the Belen Cut-of- f, Clovis will be the division for the main line of the Santa Fe, the Pecos Valley line and the Brownwood Extension, thus making it a Division Point for thiee distinct lines of the Santa Fe System. The Pecos Valley tracks will be taken up between Texico, New Mexico, and Cameo, New Mexico, and be moved west eight miles to make Clovis the noithern division point of the Pecos Valley line. The Brownwood Extension will be run out of Clovis which will give a through line from California to Galveston, Texas. The Railroad Company has retained 320 acres for railroad purposes and there are extensive machine and car shops being erected at CIohs. Clovis will lie the first division point west of Amaiiilo, Texas, and the Santa fe have just completed a twenty-on- e stall concrete roundhouse, graded miles of siding and yards, aie electing a $30,000 conciete two-sto- iy depot and a $62,000 two-stor- y Harvey hotel and $40,000 three-stor- y recreation building for railroad employes. The recreation building will have a standard library, pool and billiaid halls, swimming pool, audituinim and living rooms for railroad employes. All these buildings are of solid concrete and the latest style of mission architects c. The Company is drilling ten latge wells to secute all the water that will be required for railroad purposes, the supply being inexhaustible. The Railroad Company will eiect a one-hundi- ed ton ice plant for icing tefiigeiator and passnimer cais. The concrete coal chutes, costing $42,000, are half completed and are the largest west of the Mississippi river. There aie numerous other railioad impiovements lo ho slatted, hut the engineers' reports have not been completed and we cannot give data on the same. As soon as the Belen Cut-o- ff and connecting lines of Clovis ate completed, the Company will put all of its extra Califronia fast passenger, freight and perishable fruit traffic on this line, which will be the shortest between Chicago and Southern California and Galveston, íeas, and New Orleans, Louisiana, and Southern California, It will also carry all the Pacific and Oriental mail which is now being largely handled by the Rock Island and Southern Parifio. Clovis has two national banks with $25,000 and $35,000 capital, respectively. There is a water, electtic light and ice company located in Clovis, owned and contioHed by ail-ro- ad officials, with equipment now in operation. A complete telephone system is in opetation connecting with all adjacent towns and the long distance lines, T hoi e ate tHity-fiv- o business houses, six hotels and rooming houses, four lumberyards, three livery stables, cold storaze and other buildings alieady elected. Clovis has eleven liundied popula- tion, is four months old and growing very fast, If you are looking for a business location or a new town for investments, look the situation over at Clovis, Tho lots being ofteied for dis- sale are all residence lots and can be purchased at ftom $70 to $90 per lot, one-ha- lf down, the balance in six months at 8 per rent inteiest. On all sales ovei $500 10 per cent count is allowed. On all cash sales, 10 per cent discount allowed. Clovis will make a city of ten thousand in a few years, This is the best proposition ever offeied in New Mexico for small investors and now is the time to purchase these lots, as the prices will double within six months' time,

GENERAL MANAGER for this propeity, will be here for about two weeks and will be located in the o0icc E. J. CARLIN of Maynard Gunsul, Albuquerque Club Bldg., Phone 145. Gill at above named office or phone your 3 address and Mr. E. J. Carlin will call and see you AGENTS WANTED. LIBERAL COMMISSION 3 i ri JJ 10 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1907

OHTKOPATH BADLY THE EDWIN CLAPP WOOL TRADE C. It CONNER, M.D.D.O. y NO USE flpeeUU.t. Your Money's Worth SHOE TOR MEN a mut 4, W. T. Arm lia Blag. CURTAILED TO PAY Pkiilm J'.'S art

f WIHIMt II IIDVMTl IN' NtHIMl, (OMIIINU) FOOLISH PRICES - I.M 4. J. W. BENNETT You I WITH MATI- KI Oil VI KMT Whether we have a special sale or not... may rest I .',TX ttHllMIt"KMM I K THE HIV IN t IM'f MIOEN. tM N. HKW IT, I'AIK AMÍ BM IKK lOOl.lOVIIOHT. ltoaton, Maaa., Nov, 25. Trade In assured that this store will alwaye give you the worth wool during paa week has been HRADQrABTRRg FOB the Far aartbiag area for PAINT- - NAVAJO BLANKKT8 AND i of money, We have decided to close out all our curtailed by the financial atringeney. NO ar PAPER HAM'1G Aa4 INDIAN AND MEXICAN GOODS. your Scarcity of money uncertainty as Prtr Uiat ara Ta w are Jml and a Mr "FMliali PrU-ea- aa E, & W. Collars, worth 25c everywhere, to the future have been rexponalble IkuM ikat Tm Higa. Have the Exclusive Agency - IMU.I.ARCI for holding up aeveral good-aize- d Call aa. Oarin prtttm right. FOR IIOl'CHNl'TS. ' OR A KNAP ALMONT AH UMI IF VOl' trades that have been under inapection OFT IN THE Hil.HKHT and exhauative teata. Theae' hold-up- a AKKITAHIK V HII FOR THF. KOTKH AMI Ai l Ol NTH 1 s. are probably but temporary, and the OF THK H. . IIAVFKKAMPF FHTATK cauae la not dtrectly the neceaaity for STACY & BKFOKK I DI MM K FKIOAV, NOV. tM. While They Last Only 5c ready money, but rather that the proa- - Co PKOI-ONAI- TO I'ULI.KIT WIIX ALHO The Ideal Shoe Store pectlve buyera are not certain that ' BK ONKIIIKKKII. CIII.I Kt TIIK Ml T there will be a market for the prod- - IN BCHINKM AGAIN AT BK ABI K TO NPFAK HPAKIKH AMI .! K LEO ll BTHi, Mgr., fl Hut t.alral A,. uct of the wool a few week or a APPKOVKII MONO. I.1HKRAI. (OMMIH-MO- few: AJIOKKHH J. A. MII.LFK, TKIH-TK- We few broken lines of suits and over- iiimiiliH hence, and even If they were; 325 So. SECOND ST. also have a succeaaful in finding a market there I willing PHONIC 1 coats on which we are to make price conces- an uncertainty aa to the ability of the MAITABP.K BALL,. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. piirchuHer to promptly pay for the The f.adl. will glv. a grand sions. ' All we can say is that gomia. Huya the Wool and Cotton Re- ball Wednesday evening, Deuembor lfela. porter. ttlk. Theater. Ticket. Charity Ball St. Lout 110. ., In Routheatrn is J. K Elder out uf the city Trade all gradea of wool has been mi. Kut pfi 2 hand-to-mou- l.ui hwtra t rduy on buslnex, or a character, no one (iiiuthtrn Hflfirtiv ...... Watch for our Thanksgiving an- seeming to courage C Chirk, of MjiK'tnlfiiH, X. M, Thanksgiving have the to branch Ki.uthfrn faclflc pfd ... 103 nouncement. Benham' Indiana. C out on account of the uncertainty of p"inhrn Ra II way 1 It Will Be to Your Interest apcnl ytrrdny in tlie city. the future. The present In giving no S.uihrn Kailway pfd ... .Hit m THIRD F.NTFRTAINMFNT OF THE Night, Elks TViiwaw fiHt 4k as !r. Iitilill'i. of this ilty, lift l.i"t Theater particular worry except na the lc Ifun Mllll AMI COI KHK ONORKUATIONAI. Tema atid Pacific .17 1 ( H F.NIIAY NOV. n i: h I f'T tiranía, X. M , on u budines vlewH of altogether too many HIKI TI KltMMI, ). people influence the In di Toledo. Hi t.uuU A Vf I'M .314 il i. l.OKFNZO ZIMRKV. II.U KTKATKD To making in line For the Benefit trade the llil.m ltiflflr ... I M AUMIMHION C call on us before your purchases our rection of umtaual coriaervatlani pra. litis Tl BE. t I..MS, II Piii'iick. a t) i ii ii ifr man Irnin Anyjrnton patiflo ...'.',,',. ... 78 Vi aaauranee no 3H of goods, We are also giving some excellent values in M . yes- thai cnmlltiona would be 1'nllfil Htutra Kfulty Km Pedro, N. visited thia pity OF THE worae I Professor Wilcox, who haa many terday. POOR alx weeka hence or alx montha nl(l Hiutfa Kulbr ,H IB Hosiery and Underwear and are certain that in this de- By the hence would be ti,' Mfcmr ( r Mheral I'nitfd KiHte Kubb;r pM .! endorsement from the eaetern press, The Woodmen Circle will noel thin purchaning of woola, and Koaton deal- - I'nllixl Htulea Kioel 13 a ayiucceaaful operator and Instruct- Hfti'rnimn it) oVIni k lit h Htt?l pM magnet-lam- , partment we excel. al l odd Non-Sectari- an era have auppllea In their warehouaea niil Htua or in hypnotism and pergonal hull. that not a few want ViiffinU nroltna (.'hemft-a- ... la in the city.. It la his Intention 1,. manufacturera Vir. ui .llrm I'heinU al pfl . . . .O 4 ftoeenflc Id, Hit lorn" badly, but through lack of courage WHoanh to start a clasa shortly. HI an In and ...... H visited hi mining properly Benevolent Society uncertainty aa to future financial ran-ditlo- UhomkIi pfd :.. ir.14 nouncement will appear later. Hell tun) on Sunday. they refrain from buying at the Wetla h'arg'i Emnm i.fd. 300 1 Mm KVfth'H Children's lanlii(f moment, except in auch piecemeal miniíhi-tir- Kleetiiu Jd 40 IF OV ARF XOT SATISFIED Ask to See Our Hose at Oc i lass mwi Haiiii'day murniiiK; 1 to juantitlea aa will curry milla Wa(rrn I'nlon t their Ulifpllnii 4k WITH THK MiOFI; OF VOl It 1? Woman cluli biill'l i ntf Kdilh atreet. Mr. and Mr. Skee will along from week to week. .No atock Krl fit i HOUSE, THY KOKHt'R & CO., AM) H B. for be at home to 721 la iVntral 11 r Hammond. I'mifr district their friend at accumulating In milla, and thla fact Uiaconafn Vntral pfd 2S( seli HA VF HI.U ÍSHOU I A SCIENTIFIC R. forest, Amo, la N. of Ihe M.inrilio niitlonul South a atrengthenlng feature In the wool N I' 1(M HUX.NKH. tf wm visitor here yesterday. market, notwithstanding the light I N pfd . 11 Ask to see our Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits and W. L. t.uffey, a null known lieei RAILROAD NOTES. trailing of the pant few week. lltrnl IallllT 11 Mlag Phllbrlrk e Kladrrgartfa. 618 W. Gold. l ii from Herlnaion. Ka., transad- - t'eni ral In-- lier pfd , 79 70 Overcoats. They cost a trifle more than some others, huslnes lii Alliuniieiqiie yeslerdiiy. (Vntral Mtal I AVatch for our ThankRilvlnsr an- - nl FINANCE AND Vntral pfd IK in long will to be C. Thayer, a Ket- - COMMERCE M'tf H but the run prove the cheapest for Charle clerk at K, II. Iewey. formerly ni;M chief Hhfffl.(d XI S 1 nrr. X. M . for Hie American Lumber clerk, han been appointed day baggage Totul aalea fur tha day. iJu.Iou .hares. you to buy, , company, spent yesterday in the city. ------musier here. New York, Nov. 2!i The etoek niur-ke- t Tuina Gutierre und Candelaria l.o- - St. IjoiiIm Wool. allowed no dlapoaition nt any time IihIo were urn ril ni a marrliiKe licence Klein, superintendent of the St. Lotila, Nov. 25. Wool quiet; A. K. W'nl-kc- r. John today to follow up the Hilvarce of Sat- medium grade and clothing. yesterday by Proba! Clerk Il.irvey sysiem In New Mexico, arriv- combing urday. The movement eeined to be 221 2.1 We; light fine, 2(1 & 21c; heavy ed here yesterday from El Paso, '11 Al MmhleU nil, returned from west- conaldered on aecond fine. 15 17c; tub' waahed, 26 4( 33c. SIMON STERN ern Arinona. He report that snow EGGS thought on - hs been fa)llnvall over tliut terri- W. M. Hrown, dlatrlct freight and the ground that a reauinp- Tlie Metals. DOCXDOCXXXOOOOOOOOOOOC tory. paMNcnger agent for the Santa V- - at llon of an active advance 111 at a New Yoik, Nov. 24. The Londniv Kl I'hmo, wuh a vleilor III the city would be premature before the bank- tin a with The Central Avenue Clothier The Itebckah will meet tula;ht In ing opera! lona of the country have market had aharp advance lili Kt'llon' ha L The member of apnt closing at f 1 and future It 40 Best in been real ored to normal. An early 10a. Locally the degree team are reuuested to Hi reaiiinpllon of payment by the market waa quiet ! K J. (lihaoii, Hiiperliiteliilent of Die cah the with quotations ranging from $31.0 te ml hanka all over the cnuntiy la The Ladles Aid aorlcly of the Alliuiiieriiie IIvIhIom. arrived in to $31.75. The City J lor with growing confidence, Meihodlat Episcopal will yenterday innrnlng from Copper waa higher In lamdon with church. hut the condltloiia which thia resump- 2 i t In WIiihIow. apot limited at i and future fill on ihlx afternoon the church tion may dtacloae are awaited before wa j l.ri. Locally the market firm and Shipped directly to us p.iilin. accklng to enter on apeculatlve com 1 1 1 qiinlcd :it 1 3.25 S. ii . yuperinten-den- t higher wilh lake It Kcj inour Lewlnsun, mana- in mechanical wax a 1 The assistant mitment. There renewal alan 1 .00 m 3.50; caBÍ- - Craige Hotel I.. left of l' coaxt linea, ar- d orne 13.75; elect rolytlo $3 from a Kansas ranch ger of the It. Putney company, the Santa of the urgent lltiuidationa In 1 Just Ing 1 2.75 41 13.75. Ia ikI w aa 5a lower j George K. last night for Wlnxlow, Arlx., on a rived here l.ixt night from I.oh An- ipecial atocka which waa auch an un- - lyinrton. Locally I'roii. business trip. gele on a tour of Inapectlon. aeltllng factor In the whole market at II 10 In the twice a week. luat aelllng market waa weak with quotations All imiiiiIii' of the A. 1'. W. are week. The out of loiina $ fi 4.30. Received I. I). II. Ilenjiimin, gi'iicKil manager waa ptad ranging from 4.20 Spelter Albuquerque's reipicflfil to meet this niornitig at the ace explanation of the wa higher at lfla in London, lo Why buy cold storage Finest lltl sharp, to altvnd the funeral nf of the lliirvev ayftem, arrived here weakneaH, which waa eHiieclullv pro til waa weak mid lower Cuaslsnmeul f Breakfast IriHl night from ll"h hia nounced In Mlaaourl I'acltlc. It wax cally the market European Hotel Krother fink. California w Knot quoted at $ 4.75r 4.H5. eggs at the J , - though! ith same price? t'vml.. J. I. Coriian, a well knouti local i ""i. II ii Jn ii ii en route to I 'til that the weakneaa of thia Sliver, liSc; Mexican do.lara, 4614. carpenter, lila non, lilnger Cor-l- i cago. .lock might owe Homelhlng alao to the Went Avenue and hange In peraonal In OOOOOOOCKXXXXX)OOOOOOC mixer n it. the hiiHchall plaer, leave today relatlonahina llNtn Mining HlfMk. Half block from Kan ta Fe Depot file Algodmiea and Totiipie Jamea A. Iale haa been appointed volved In the working out of conteata Adventure ,. 7r for proper-tie- . J. Ii. Kliennan. foreKt ranger fur private aect clary to Superintendent control nf related railroad A lldtlPt John Stein, of the Harvey ayalem, IHvldcnd poaHihllillea alao came AniMlKHtiiatXl Scotch Oats iliMrhl N't. 3, it the Manano na- 1 il vice Mr. Korhe, tra Deferred to Kan-kh- h inevitably Into dlacuaalon by reaaon of Atlantic Spot Cash Store tional forest, who xpent Sunday here, . City. the wide decline In that Mock. The Itlntchuin i Banner Oats rctiinieit to lila flu I ten yeaierduy. wholo Hat of railroad atoekx waa more (nlumci muí llorín Oddt . VANN DRUG CO M m. Mat. Arnot, of Kaa Vegaa, or leaa by thla I'lilfttiilal STEVENS, EICHAR & CO. H. W. Ship'. Kru'ra1 niipirInton affected ennaideration, VpiH--r Hun- Quaker Oats apeiit yeatenlay In the city vlaltlng lier t waa by nf tin wi'Hh'in Riaml (IIvíkIou which given freah ford the Only-We- - '4 tirother-ln-l- a w. m.m- - OITOSITE IHlSTOt't'KIi nnrcs. líenrge Artiol, V...... i.l..hl I u,. contenía of the regular weekly reporta Kraiiklin . 74 rriiE coli soda (.roaa-Kell- y iiger here for, the imii-- i --,,,,.. h urlll ,..n,,,.t r'r.nii Inim railroad Unfile oftlchila. Theae (It unity . 7 Watch V Cmw, Watch Our A JNiJI p. my. - . lilnn of Toilet Article Myera. of the lllo tlratnle illvialon were unite uniform In the admlaalon lula ftoyali- H4 lillMllte. ftlllitwlti U'ln KÍFCOM ST. CiOI.O AV. Miaa II. V. yea- -, Ihul arreara of were Mm' Mining . - B1NKERT BROTHERS 1 AMI Nome entertained i.will on a tour of inapi-ctio- of railroad trafile terdiiy at luncheon In honor of Kalher atari winked off or being rapidly cleared up Mm hlKuIl . I the "Horny Toad" Une. Mohawk . 4 Tlnimaa Iv slieininii, Manila-bi- ll and that Idle freight cara were ac- Ivvl MIRTH EltiHTH. m Kalher M'.nluna foal and fdt. and aeveral oilipra. tit her home, cumulating. I'uhliahed eallmalea of ntd iMtnilnlon MIOSE lil. 217 North Fourth atreet. SOUTHWESTERN NOTES the extent to which working forcea hKrum a 7V Major It, Ituppe and A. (1. had been cut down In Industrial I'mrroit The... E. It 7 a.taaaaaaaaaa4Haaaaaaiii SEE Anil-go- O.PRICE Cooke, vice (irenldciit of the Trea a made a formidable allowing gulnry 9 i ; Tucumcarl la a flint rlaaa allow i ml coupled with the heavy outward Htiannen and Copper Mining company. . . M THEATER opera tide of returning foreigner pointing Tamarack f CRYSTAL FOB KEAL ESTATE, LOT, HOI Sita) AHI) pent Sunday al Mr. Ituppe'a mine, on town and now wanta an houae. Trinity lop of Here la a chance for aome enterprla-In- g lo the aame concíllalo!! had a rather . Question . II. OHKMKIItH , Misr. KAM'HKH. tha. Sandia liiounlaln. depreaaing on pentlment. On 1'nllrd foptr 7' A double wedding occurred yealer-ila- y man. effect the I'. H. Mlninic . 33 account waa a atrong K Tli.nks-(Ivi- n SOUTH SECOND STREET. iiHiriiing at the Sail Felipe de Nerl oilier aide of the r. K 1MI , af Flower. 120 West Gold Ave. . 212 advance In copper, both In London and . 31 shouldfr imw tw- chuiclt In lil Town, Aiiguatliie Ho-- ! Alex Muhenon died In I'rcaeott aa Ilah of poiaonlug con New Yoik. Attention waa attracted Victoria . 4 elve riair atlenlloa. mero and Trlnldiid (iarcln and Salo- - the rcault ptomaine . - hv In a alao by report of the large number Winnna . 3i We sollill yaur earlr I'ullte Vaudeville for Ladle. Gentle- mon Carcia ami (utleirexi traded eating canned meat W.dvurlna .110 orders. MATTEUCCI i cal a u ra ut. of revocntlona of order In various men and Children. BROS. weir the i mi rm Inn partiea. line of wholeaale trade. Thla waa re- N.rth Hull Trlrcrsirti, TtlrplivBH, Jtnlge Ir.i A. Ahbolt. of the dialrlct Huttf foalltittn . US l eu n riiopniETons. The Tin li mi ari Water. Ic l'ow - garded aa algnlllcant of the extent to . 7 Commencing; Monday, .November 25. ourl, returned home ycaterday n- - and Navada inoi conaollila-tlo- n which the Uiat force had been cut . lug from he canyon, where er company ban effected a falumat and Ariaita tlrntl he' with the Turunii'Hii I'ubllc Ser- down In Itidualrinl enterprlaea, which Artsona . . us MR, RICHARD MANDELL accompanied lila ilaiighter. Miaa 'f made a formidable allowing and, Champion Grocery M vice company under the latter name. Abtiott. ami gueat. laa Al-H- Hi her i'oupled with the heavy outward tide l Ql K HHOI1JAI K MAHKtT. Presenting Own Creation I'all-fu- Ihll. who have gone to aoulheru i of returning foreigner pointing lo the fmillry. uf 622-413- The acrap between Yavapai Mo- Iraaral j 1 W. Ave. 1. and a:. IVES TUeraa I'lione 61. over ame eoncliialon had a rather depreaa- Tuikfyn. 244 fincy rhlrkfti. 18c; tod Dr. Mr. Hyde have countiea of Arixotia their rtati-ra- . dtKki. lT',Ci gevt Jeckyl and The funeral of the late I'.inll Kinck, boundary linea, by conaenl ing effect on aentlinelit. On the other hna. lar; in; THE FLORIST W now have full line of Monarch ' mutual ad- lav. who illrit Sunday nighl. will tie held be by lile of the account waa a atrong Melodies (íikmIm. AImi will umpired the department of In Uva I'aalary, AI.BC'Qt'KRQt'K. M. Scotti's Pictured Itraml Caiiiied ltexert. today, the cortege to leave the houae I vance in copper, both london and J. PaliK-- he Interior New York. waa attracted liana. He: r'.aifiB. kc. Itraml and Car llraml. Save' In the HigliUmla al o'clock, aervlcea Attention lirfifd Mrata Hid ar Carraaa. CUTLER AND ELWOOD nuMicy hy hiiylng tlie lianiilnii 1 n i I by largo . at at Hie m i' ii in e Conception chunli alao report of the number "tr; atc-ia- Jr. ti"g Hc; vial. linn-cry- . i . fca, Comedy Artists at t.'in. The iiilermeiit will be In ii is itovt; of revocation nf order In varloua Si iftr; multan Phrep). fc, mutton (goat), Sketch line of wholeaale trade. There wa a Tc , aprlng lainK l"c 1000 LBS. Santa Itarhara cemelerv. Main r.aiple In Albiiipicriiia Are M'ME, LA2ETTE 'I Mil- further ealng off of the premium on HauaagM. A Con- - he funeral of Karl Frederick -- klug I hat of I boWingna, c; frank- - NEW CALIFORNIA and Just Received, Large e Vuoiliiii .ale. urrency today thl waa the mot Pork aauaag. And Her AutraUn Cockatoo ler, aged twcnti-thre- year, who died and iJ'c. ; Within the laat few wecka, more Important development of the day. ftirtrra. Ki-tC- . ttiaae, it-- llvar aauaaga. Traineif Poodle. signment of Imported Sunday morning at hi" home, i sin people than tiaiial have complained of tv . Id i h id aaiiaa. Rt. K.i- -t avenue, Moving Pictures. Silver will lie held next freouent aneexing fita, titkllng In the AilHina Kf.rp I ; I hpare rtha. 1c prk hM ke. 10c. Latest Lucca Olive Oil. Sunday morning from the Frem h in apaama AiiialMamaltd i'opiwi 4Ti rala nor KM lb. Utdie Matinees Tuesday and Friday throat, hlopptige the noae. :o. l.tmo $1 irt; enrn. $1 CO. Adama undertaking parlóla. Interinen! ilrop- - mriiin far and Koiindrv .. ... fata. t.' English Walnuts Children' Matinee Saturday. of coughing, ralalng of mucoiia. Aiufit'-iii- i m y 'i Tú, in Kalrview cemetery. liev. Mr ltol-lui- ". r Koitinli pfd chp, II wheal. T. ping ill the throat and offeiiHie Amricnn oit.n Oil '.'1 Hay. & of A A. LOMMORI CO Flrat Melhodi"! church, A4) the breath, and have anked IhemaeUea Amriicn follón Mi pfd ...... I pland Lay, H per ton; bot-i- t w ill offl, I KELEHER lair t what In I lie mat ter. AMifrliND Knpr'a l m ha. $14 una IT ao per tun. in. THOS. F. com i - Now The kind that has Ddward T M.iilin. the actor. The tioiilde l Unit lliev are af- - iiFilian Mide pfd. S ti Hfmrn: In by 4 t Mil let. ltlT. ' 13 :. per (ba. California. Si 5 ltoitsi: m,.Kfns, lap Pealen win hum leiiilil mangled ait lllillif- - inn Native Sl-1U.K- S. ''V'feited with ratarrh and Ullleaa l,liiiH-f- . . that Fresh Delicious Flavor, pioi,in oi uwuimtle at nicrtt aM 111 pfd .. tf 1'? per lla. KOIIKS. IMIIIS, louiiialllair are taken to remedy their (...ctm-tt- r I' Xi lo I'.H.MS. aim wno die.i nere Amrttrtn Ho Iter. We want I.KITIIKU. Groceries and Provisions i on, ii Ion. ill,, tlixeaae will ln reae in tin l.oconi'itivt" lfi ..nK" St V J.Vv everyone to have a iiioiliing. i onto-etc- lie A V KN had to'eu with the and apread tliroiiah the delicate mu- (miliii Nml1tfifi ii Hctlnina. : KgX 108 W1T KNTKAI. lf-- i 'oin-truc- taste of them Phone 791. 323 S. li nvti sha pe i i Ion company lines paa- - AnuTican MtnrMttia ftiin(nn pfd IT r.a and we make Second St coiia membrane that the air H nal lor oer twelve eara. and ,i regard Hgi a Amrrti an H'igir Itrfinlna Cofft. and a ihroiilc and aerioua atage ! ll a special price of Am pfd I lo-- iit-f- I'll aa the InoM eXperlelii il railroai 111 w III Tot...... ÍSítliSr; roaaied of disease reetilt. o 1 New nucon.i Mtnlna 'I it . mot lia and java. 0 V 4Uc Market conMai't'it in Mexoo At the f ii Ml of TT A l awnplona ralarrh. take- - pla Uii. T n aadv ' uiddilitf Hv, in ei ail, mid be iihI'iI. There la no A t . hi-- pfd per ba 1 - Kuitr. I la lta nun nlng al t rio, k al In in ii Ii like It or Jllnt aa good. intili."' t I ,lnr ' Klotir best Kniimi patent. $J 10 100 20c POUND blKieniuker ami llealretr M 'fil ir iii.ii'IiIh te Con. epl ion ihllliti hell none can it place cure MnMlmorr 4 ho. "S Iba. native. : Ta l Iba. N. First St 5 that take and pf-- Green Front. 105 - Ml Ill Hull Mu uM l tr J- Mary -- or eg MtlNict I'oxver. o .ii-is. ,i toickl and at ao little 'in ela ote. the bride nf Mr M A Mi .M.k n It a pi d Ti annit - per h , í:,c. ra1iahea Till Thanksgiving, Regular Ske.a The ok t I h I lettuce 1t f inedlialed air illlM'tlHn 11 per -n green per J ta ,i lnn onion titlite halloing Vittilg ladv To. that doca not drug and de- - ,.f 'iclc,g .iftM .r doirn ic. trratlmnt 'rifri ii;ni j bun. ,'ji par lev, dosen price 25c. Call or phone ledo. Ohio !. Falliel Mm. lulu ' lH 'ho- . lilii- the loliia'li, but Ii breathed III. Msfki alld V' ituiit nea. . ,tc a i iiunrtiei ir noirn S. R. Dale Realty Co. i peí forma Cíe i i enioiiy. Mi , ' f ler due, tiv I. i k all diaea-.,- germn Heiiein bunt hea 3m . tin u p. ilosen bunchea. your order and have some only r 1 irr cash Alali-- i irl i ,. for .t and Mr hi. ,,(. Iri r!-- n : tHdeiluttd that max link ill the none, ttiloat and ' beet a. per d urn bum hea jitr . carrota. 1H Km Ik Hm,4wv, v A Keh-lle- h-- wm M Mil .tHi I'aul M 3' Í ill hi. m.tll - per hunt h. , ."ttt . nyater plama. per of the best grew and .ooHntig and iu allng tlie It tu TiMiia pfd . it'tim that this ttllg w lil tie aetxed lati l a hunt haa 3 per d"ien. a AMERICAN BLOCK tireakíaht nt.i: il n.iii ma m.'iii hr a ne h Ttt tit i it a A Ti m pfd a e ?a 'c; - per . per $1 year. tlii- home of Mra. Frank on Sofi'l It irCo-llv- . ' turnip, al ft éa bei cut. Solicits Your Busincs CEURILLOS LUMP J tompanv. ttie lotal i', ,oh .. ... 1 ' f ft 4tt er t a t, 1 9. arrola. p.r cwt. : l HvoiiM-l- II - A ANTHRACITE agenlii have ao linn con- d..i4d' Ki"d ltin : pa p t &a dry a ".. i I rani pr tat, onlona. Xalnrr In lffW. I e Hoi( hern I S fldeiM ill the mentí- of the ly takera, fine per c t. i, aweet p FURNACE Mtaa ir: H ani fri p. , ,.tnt pi Tf rit--d ... . i 1 : ' prise llo-- f . per 3. k, offer It mi trial to inn 'Il'lglrd MS kl lb. apinaA er lb. ic; dry MIXED rt ii '(!. liál ti rill it !)-- ; arui-- ulllfni, per hiFM,IIMitiniinmriiii talfhal anffi rer with the .tarctnert t 'i ta pfd . red 4r; dr., NUT All aPMM la w k I r in ALBUQUERQUE MirH iMioiin .ni ii a u to reltiltd It:' plllrlme pi ,,f mi t4 n .. , tn it. abate. tn A. J. MORELLI CLEAN GAS COKB iiirrn t.',41" aa. ka aa )M.r ton In aa. ka I Ml H Ml II.HIMI j i li- - mil t it lo Iickatjianna . a t? M KUCHA NT TAIM.K I3MITHI.NO COAL lllvlKIHl Ml for lite iiiiiiiii anvotie who U'Uiia. ttnlern 4". pi. k lea rc-n- I a"ur kraut. gt iiarrei. dill Hulls Cleaned j Ik not with lit,- lt You mid Kl" Itfandf aB. 'Ladles' and tlentlemen'a WOOD .atltied per gallon. . par II 70. ' l, iNxref Ui" i;in4lc pfd ..... MS 4t iata. cat. Prensed and Repaired a NATIVE KINDL1NO iiettaillly tan a'lol,! -l llvoinel I ii ; hfiui ... S a Iwilti i;,-- l nia Walk arlH ja--a aaaa I STUI'I'I iMMIOIt MH nllMII K an ofr.r like in: i,.w ,n, I Kti US af laa Mnrka atf MIIITH I'lllsT 3 t4lara m ttear t lathiag. dry gaila CASH GROCERY I it i m 1 111; II MtlT. be cured of catai rh. K.i. Ut pfd sad CO. l.ltl oil I Ki d pfd r: ah4Pffa. Having ax rva)l mt alhrr han L. TRIMBLE & COMPANY, Í amy yaa m aer-tra-- W. ;. ni K i 1M, . , ;siHj, j rt ateaaea ta I raa aell a ' Aa, W t 11 T fwr ala ifUMmrmwit far H i Aa. IIO.MKIt II. AItP. Mgr. I'l'lt 'id nil al aa uvi;nv. n:v.n sai.k ktabus W.H.Hahn&Co lti !) nal I'aprf n'jti S a gia ib Um avtat fe .tu. a a.M Klrst Clasa Turnout at Í I (VÍ ataay a 14 aa. a gA aa anan a aaitt tit r national p(. merrwl fe SIS Mart.le Ave. j Kea-sorab- a TKLITnONK l'air Aa. a mmm a er Aa. Rate. tt I'titnit V IW aia all a ln!iiati.rtal mmti A M THE DIAMOND PALACE ( romp pld gj aa iNiy'a kl bkmI. mA, Telofilmfw S. North Sm.nrt Slrre 'if. n'iniil kt a fr gk ga. I w i :T tt x ltevy awa'i It Aa line ptl fr .va .ailing Jeweler. (rniral xnue Kr-i- i iw.M'ha-i- . ".a 9 l af aa4e far at w. I aa ill fr EVERITT Mail ttcr I lib il ml u. KmiMi 'il e ( 4 MHH, l 4 4 a I lour Work. i 'inn a Nah!ii' ... el eialral. af fHM. ltrir W".bn Vntial ... I W iitrai M I.. ti ? NOTIIINf. MOflK AriIUlHI-- ' I W'nn f I tr M Tai ATiS ( HltlM M flMN Mi-- -- I M MK WAGNER t 11.11 pfdli:aill HARDWARE CO ' MH ty. iHVtl.S 4 .R. Swatresaars Alhilquerqae Hardware Co. HTH RT. Mii.iif fa. i4 U'HS ItH AND CUNTItAL AVB W Mirl KaiiMi Teiai .... T I , II.M.T THF Htm 4.. . . 1.7 HIIT Xa'iMftal S mu i hti :io. h Hittim Nai-na- H H f pt I , it MI Mote J Ill MT KAll ItOAU AVKIXCE. A IJ. H. O'REILLY & CO. lNK x V cvninl . . ; S NEW AND HANDSOMER STOVE OR RANGE WILL MAKE A IM.IIH r T ' la a t H "MMft m .r', SOTH K I R l HI M ATMIV N . OJ1 i n- - ff k GOOD BEGINNING. AND A Z a - .f 11 1. r r 11 rrfB letaritvnl f im n latid TOUR THROUGH THE HOUSE c,siiti. aui'.a t,, ltmv.iHf Oifta N af-.l- Wmk-II- pfd Ti V at . v. IM7. 1 11 1s4 J ... anta fa. íl. 4 Mtn. iiKiusi iRimriit in X i t , J j .Mt- ta keT-- given that Moa WILL DISCLOSE MANY NEEDED "HARDWARE N t , o-- ef ' -- l'ablo THINGS" It l'f. r, .1, . wf j ti no i. tit.ri. reglter4 eie.!. T in. muí lf W l tN ..f "iirr . v 4 ha f led attra tf I rliMt It.Ht . I htt wtfnti'm lo ma ftit fie ar prf WHICH MAY BE OBTAINED FROM US AT A SMALL OUT- . 71 Tí l in aupvau of hi ig H owieatead fu- fw.f. i im " rtatu rm.hiin ' and a. i ta.ta .i:m to " : a.a-- Mi I, J for tb K LAY. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE, frwad ti.-t- 'ar I I HkS N W K S W KK1, ae. ÍI i l at-- t r .... X 4 ,.f MS i W an that aad CROCKERY. GLASSWARE AND ALL KINDS OF TOOLS FOR X The ALBUQUERQUE INK II KIJIT IN I'w'iwii'.r. a at ... .. 1 - ? ni s. f.a Wf fat H W K Otero a lh' . IKttvq THE IT Itoadif ip-n- a rijrt r'mmiai-iH- al A urua. N THE MECHANIC. WE HAVE IN CONNECTION A TINNING fililí ut :t :s. ta I S P7. PLANING MILL Htnl i ;i ft A Na na aaea t tnf v It aaaaea to AND PLUMBING SHOP. ALL WORK ENTRUSTED TO US ..... y frm - .A. rlepuKtl -! ... I p e bia rontnu u l de vpna and H iwib.i rt-- f pfd . . . i " mtttatNll tut Iha laait aia Z:nvtana Una. WILL RECEIVE THE BEST OF ATTENTION. " i J l rrmrmw. rmmm 44 msmim ltf-- Mnai k a lata d 1J UH Ja A. J ra mi Ho. Joaa Iaraits Jar- - ft a l'and C p(4t f, ?S Aat-- ai KtMtfa alt f or4rrx V M i hi aa 14 r' .. MAM K L R OTtRa Megater