Restricted Minimum days Entry From last Interval Application Insect Formulation/Acre lb ai/Acre Acres/Gallon Application/Comments (hours) to Harvest thrips 0.375-0.75 DO NOT graze or feed vines treated with 24 14 Orthene 97 6-12 oz Orthene. (of digging) Treat with foliar when gamma- (R) 0.01-0.015 24 14 25% of newly emerged Prolex/Declare 1.25 CS 1.02-1.54 oz 83-125 leaflets show damage In-furrow application/ 12 14 from thrips. Admire Pro 4.6F 7-10.5 fl oz lambda-cyhalothrin (R) 0.02-0.03 DO NOT graze or feed vines treated with 24 14 Warrior II 2.08 CS 1.28-1.92 oz 66.6-100 Warrior. (See Generic Insecticides) (R) DO NOT apply more than 7.5 lb/acre. DO 48 90 Thimet 20 G 5.5 oz/1,000 ft of row NOT graze or feed treated hay or forage to livestock. threecornered beta- (R) 0.014-0.019 12 14 Alfalfa Hopper Baythroid XL 1 EC 1.8-2.4 oz 53.3-71 (R) 0.033-0.1 DO NOT graze or feed treated hay or forage 12 14 Brigade 2 EC 2.1-6.4 oz 20-60 to livestock. (See Generic Insecticides) 1 DO NOT apply during bloom. 12 14 Sevin XLR or 4 F 1 qt 4 Sevin 80 S 1.25 lb (R) 0.015-0.03 DO NOT graze or feed treated hay or forage 12 21 Asana XL 0.66 EC 2.9-5.8 oz 22-44 to livestock. (See Generic Insecticides) lambda-cyhalothrin (R) 0.01-0.026 DO NOT graze or feed vines treated with 24 14 Warrior II 2.08 CS 0.96-1.6 oz 80-133 Warrior. (See Generic Insecticides)

Potato leaf Hopper acephate 0.75 DO NOT graze or feed treated hay or 24 14 (prior to Orthene 97 0.77 lb forage to livestock. digging)

carbaryl 1 DO NOT apply during bloom. 12 14 Sevin XLR or 4 F 1 qt 4 Sevin 80 S 1.25 lb esfenvalerate (R) 0.015-0.03 DO NOT graze or feed treated hay or forage 12 21 Asana XL 0.66 EC 2.9-5.8 oz 22-44 to livestock. (See Generic Insecticides)

gamma-cyhalothrin (R) 0.0075-0.0125 24 14 Prolex/Declare 1.25 CS 0.77-1.28 oz 100-167 -91 PEAnut PEAnut InSECt COntROl

Restricted Minimum days Entry From last Interval Application Insect Insecticide Formulation/Acre lb ai/Acre Acres/Gallon Application/Comments (hours) to Harvest

Potato leaf Hopper lambda-cyhalothrin (R) 0.015-0.025 DO NOT graze or feed treated hay or forage 24 14 (cont.) Warrior II 2.08 CS 0.96-1.6 oz 80-133 to livestock. (See Generic Insecticides) (R) 0.35 DO NOT graze or feed treated hay or forage 48 21 Lannate 2.4 LV 12 oz 10.6 to livestock.

Cutworm beta-cyfluthrin (R) 0.008-0.014 12 14 Baythroid XL 1 EC 1.0-1.8 oz 71-128 bifenthrin (R) 0.033-0.1 DO NOT graze or feed treated hay or forage 12 14 Brigade 2 EC 2.1-6.4 oz 20-60 to livestock. (See Generic Insecticides) carbaryl 2.0 Observe plant response precautions. DO 12 14 Sevin 80 S 2.5 lb NOT apply during bloom. Sevin XLR or 4 F 2 qt 2 esfenvalerate (R) 0.03-0.05 DO NOT exceed 0.15 lb ai per acre of Asana 12 21 Asana XL 0.66 EC 5.8-9.6 oz 13.3-22.1 per season. DO NOT feed or graze vines (See Generic Insecticides) treated with Asana. gamma-cyhalothrin (R) 0.0075-0.0125 24 14 Prolex/Declare 1.25 CS 0.77-1.28 oz 100-166 0.09-0.11 12 14 Steward 1.25 SC 9.2-11.3 oz 11-14 lambda-cyhalothrin (R) 0.015-0.025 DO NOT exceed 0.12 lb ai per acre per 24 14 Warrior II 2.08 CS 0.96-1.6 oz 80-133 season. DO NOT graze or feed vines treated (See Generic Insecticides) with Warrior. zeta- 0.8 EC (R) 0.008-0.025 DO NOT graze or feed treated hay or forage 12 7 Mustang Maxx/Respect 1.28-4.0 oz 32-100 to livestock.

Corn Earworm beta-cyfluthrin (R) 0.014-0.019 In recent years, have shown 12 14 Baythroid XL 1 EC 1.8-2.4 oz 53.3-71 reduced efficacy and can be expected to Consider treatment provide poor to moderate control. when total worms bifenthrin (R) 0.033-0.1 DO NOT graze or feed treated hay or forage 12 14 exceed 4 per row Brigade 2 EC 2.1-6.4 oz 20-60 to livestock. foot and foliage loss (See Generic Insecticides) exceeds 15%. carbaryl 1.0-1.5 DO NOT apply during bloom. 12 14 Sevin 80 S 1.25-1.9 lb Sevin XLR or 4 F 2-3 pt 2.7-4.0 esfenvalerate (R) 0.015-0.03 DO NOT exceed 0.15 lb ai per acre of Asana 12 21 Asana XL 0.66 EC 2.9-5.8 oz 22.1-44.1 per season. DO NOT feed or graze vines (See Generic Insecticides) treated with Asana. flubendiamide 0.0625-0.125 12 3 Belt 4 SC 2-4 oz 32-64 -92 PEAnut InSECt COntROl

Restricted Minimum days Entry From last Interval Application Insect Insecticide Formulation/Acre lb ai/Acre Acres/Gallon Application/Comments (hours) to Harvest

Corn Earworm gamma-cyhalothrin (R) 0.01-0.015 24 14 Prolex/Declare 1.25 CS 1.02-1.54 oz 83-125 indoxacarb 0.09-0.11 12 14 Steward 1.25 SC 9.2-11.3 oz 11-14 lambda-cyhalothrin (R) 0.02-0.03 DO NOT exceed 0.12 lb ai per acre of 24 14 Warrior II 2.08 CS 1.28-1.92 oz 66.6-100 Warrior per season. DO NOT feed or graze (See Generic Insecticides) vines treated with Warrior. lambda-cyhalothrin + (R) 0.06-0.1 14 Besiege 1.25 SC 6-10 oz 12.8-21.3 methomyl (R) 0.22-0.9 DO NOT feed or graze livestock on treated 48 21 Lannate 2.4 LV 0.75-3 pt 2.6-10.6 vines. methoxyfenozide + DO NOT feed or graze vines treated with spinetoram 0.0975-0.187 Intrepid Edge. 7 Intrepid Edge 3 F 4-8 oz 16-32 zeta-cypermethrin 0.8 EC (R) 0.02-0.025 DO NOT feed or graze livestock on treated 12 7 Mustang Maxx/Respect 3.2-4.0 oz 32-40 vines.

Beet Armyworm flubendiamide 0.0625-0.125 12 3 Belt 4 SC 2-4 oz 32-64 Consider treatment indoxacarb 0.09-0.11 12 14 when total worms Steward 1.25 SC 9.2-11.3 oz 11-14 exceed 4 per row foot and foliage loss lambda-cyhalothrin + exceeds 15%. chlorantraniliprole (R) 0.1 14 Besiege 1.25 SC 10 oz 12.8 methomyl (R) 0.45-0.9 Up to 8 applications of Lannate per season. 48 21 Lannate 2.4 LV 1.5-3.0 pt 2.7-5.3 DO NOT graze or feed vines treated with Lannate. methoxyfenozide 0.09-0.16 4 7 Intrepid 2 F 6-10 oz 12.8-21.3 methoxyfenozide + DO NOT feed or graze vines treated with spinetoram 0.0975-0.187 Intrepid Edge. 7 Intrepid Edge 3 F 4-8 oz 16-32 0.038-0.075 4 3 (nuts) Blackhawk 1.7-3.3 oz 14 (forage)

Fall Armyworm carbaryl 1.0-1.5 DO NOT apply during bloom. 12 14 Sevin XLR or 4 F 1.0-1.5 qt 2.7-4.0 Consider treatment Sevin 80 S 1.25-1.875 lb when total worms exceed 4 per row foot flubendiamide 0.0625-0.125 12 3 and foliage loss Belt 4 SC 2-4 oz 32-64 exceeds 15%. -93 PEAnut PEAnut InSECt COntROl

Restricted Minimum days Entry From last Interval Application Insect Insecticide Formulation/Acre lb ai/Acre Acres/Gallon Application/Comments (hours) to Harvest

Fall Armyworm indoxacarb 0.09-0.11 12 14 (cont.) Steward 1.25 SC 9.2-11.3 oz 11-14 Consider treatment lambda-cyhalothrin + when total worms chlorantraniliprole (R) 0.06-0.1 14 exceed 4 per row foot Besiege 1.25 SC 6-10 oz 12.8-21.3 and foliage loss methomyl (R) 0.22-0.9 DO NOT apply more than 3.6 lb ai per acre 48 21 exceeds 15%. Lannate 2.4 LV 0.75-3 pt 2.6-10.6 of Lannate per season. DO NOT feed vines after treatment with Lannate. methoxyfenozide + spinetoram 0.0975-0.187 DO NOT feed or graze vines treated with 7 Intrepid Edge 3 F 4-8 oz 16-32 Intrepid Edge. spinosad 0.03-0.05 4 3 (nuts) Blackhawk 1.7-3.3 oz 38.8-75 14 (forage)

Velvetbean carbaryl 1 DO NOT apply during bloom. 12 14 Caterpillar Sevin 80 S 1.25 lb Sevin XLR or 4 F 2 pt 4 Consider treatment beta-cyfluthrin (R) 0.008-0.014 12 14 when total foliage loss Baythroid XL 1 EC 1.0-1.8 oz 71-128 exceeds 15% and worms are present. bifenthrin (R) 0.033-0.1 DO NOT feed or graze livestock on treated 12 14 Brigade 2 EC 2.1-6.4 oz 20-60 vines. (See Generic Insecticides) esfenvalerate (R) 0.015-0.03 DO NOT exceed 0.15 lb ai per acre of Asana 12 21 Asana XL 0.66 EC 2.9-5.8 oz 22-44 per season. DO NOT feed or graze livestock (See Generic Insecticides) on treated vines. flubendiamide 0.0625-0.125 12 3 Belt 4 SC 2-4 oz 32-64 gamma-cyhalothrin (R) 0.0075-0.0125 24 14 Prolex/Declare 1.25 CS 0.77-1.28 oz 100-166 lambda-cyhalothrin (R) 0.015-0.025 DO NOT exceed 0.12 lb ai per acre of 24 14 Warrior II 2.08 CS 0.96-1.6 oz 80-133 Warrior per season. DO NOT feed or graze (See Generic Insecticides) livestock on vines treated with Warrior. lambda-cyhalothrin + chlorantraniliprole (R) 0.06-0.1 14 Besiege 1.25 SC 6-10 oz 12.8-21.3 methoxyfenozide + spinetoram 0.0975-0.187 DO NOT feed or graze vines treated with 7 Intrepid Edge 3 F 4-8 oz 16-32 Intrepid Edge. zeta-cypermethrin 0.8 EC (R) 0.02-0.025 DO NOT feed or graze livestock on treated 12 7 Mustang Maxx/Respect 3.2-4.0 oz 32-40 vines. -94 PEAnut InSECt COntROl

Restricted Minimum days Entry From last Interval Application Insect Insecticide Formulation/Acre lb ai/Acre Acres/Gallon Application/Comments (hours) to Harvest

Red-necked bifenthrin (R) 0.033-0.1 DO NOT feed or graze livestock on treated 12 14 Peanut Worm Brigade 2 EC 2.1-6.4 oz 20-60 vines. (See Generic Insecticides) Treat when 50% of esfenvalerate (R) 0.015-0.03 DO NOT exceed 0.15 lb ai per acre of Asana 12 21 plants are infested. Asana XL 0.66 EC 2.9-5.8 oz 22-44 per season. DO NOT feed or graze livestock (See Generic Insecticides) on treated vines. flubendiamide 0.0625-0.125 12 3 Belt 4 SC 2-4 oz 32-64 gamma-cyhalothrin (R) 0.0075-0.0125 24 14 Prolex/Declare 1.25 CS 0.77-1.28 oz 100-166 lambda-cyhalothrin (R) 0.015-0.025 DO NOT exceed 0.12 lb ai per acre of Warrior 24 14 Warrior II 2.08 CS 0.96-1.6 oz 80-133 per season. DO NOT feed or graze livestock on (See Generic Insecticides) vines treated with Warrior. lambda-cyhalothrin + chlorantraniliprole (R) 0.06-0.1 14 Besiege 1.25 SC 6-10 oz 12.8-21.3 methoxyfenozide + spinetoram 0.0975-0.187 DO NOT feed or graze livestock on vines 7 Intrepid Edge 3 F 4-8 oz 16-32 treated with Intrepid Edge. zeta-cypermethrin 0.8 EC (R) 0.02-0.025 DO NOT feed or graze livestock on treated 12 7 Mustang Maxx/Respect 3.2-4.0 oz 32-40 vines. lesser Cornstalk 1-2 DO NOT apply more than 15 oz per 1,000 feet 24 21 Borer, Southern Lorsban 15 G 7.5-15 oz banded/ of row or 13.6 lb per acre of Lorsban per crop Corn Rootworm at planting 1,000 row feet season. For banded applications, use a 10" to Lorsban 15 G 7.5-15 oz/1,000 row 18" band. If banding on row spacings other than post planting feet in 10"-18" band 36", use 14.7 oz per 1,000 linear feet. DO NOT over fruiting zone feed or graze livestock on treated vines. lambda-cyhalothrin + chlorantraniliprole (R) 0.1 14 Besiege 1.25 SC 10 oz 12.8

Spider Mite bifenthrin (R) 0.08-0.1 DO NOT feed or graze livestock on treated 12 14 Brigade 2 EC 5.12-6.4 oz 25-60 vines. (See Generic Insecticides)

propargite DO NOT apply Comite more than twice per 48 14 Comite season. DO NOT graze or feed livestock on Omite 30 W 2 pt 1.64 4 treated areas or cut treated forage for hay. 3-5 lb 0.9-1.5 When temperatures are greater than 90 degrees F with high humidity, some leaf phytotoxicity may occur. Use minimum 20 gal water by ground, 5 gal by air. -95 PEAnut