LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version)
Thirteenth Series, Vol. XXVII. No. 11 MODday, July 29, _2 SraYllDll 7, 1924 (SlIka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Tenth Session (Thirteenth Lok Sabba) Gazettes & Debates Unit Parliament Libr~fV Uuilding Room 1't(' f B ·02.5 BlOCk 'Go (Vol. XXVII contains Nos. 11 to 21) LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 50.00 EDITORIAL BOARD G.C. Malhotra Secretary-General Lok Sabha Dr. P.K. Sandhu Joint Secretary P.C. Chaudhary Principal Chief Editor Y.K. Abrol Chief Editor Vandna Trivedi Senior Editor P. Mohanty Editor [ORIGINAL ENGUSH PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH VERSION AND ORIGINAL HIt«>t PROCEEDtNGs INCLUDED IN HINDI VERSION wu. BE TREATED AS AUTHORrrATlVE AND NOT THE TRANSlATION THEREOF.) CONTENTS [Thirteenth Series, Vol. XXVII, Tenth Session, 200211924 (Saka)] No. 11, Monday, July 29, 2OO2ISnIvIIna 7, 1924 (SaU) SUBJECT OBITUARY REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................. 1-3 WRITTEN ANSWER TO QUESTIONS Starred Question Nos. 201-220 ..................................................................................................... 3-28 Unstarred Question Nos. 2014--2243 ............................................................................................ 28-284 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA significant contributions during discussions on Foreign Affairs, Defence Policy, Land and Electoral Reforms and Freedom of Press, etc. 29, 7, 1924 Monday, July 2OO2ISravana (Saka) He adorned the office of the Governor of Andhra Pradesh from 1990 to 1997. He also held additional charge of Governor of Tamil Nadu during the year 1996- (The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock) 97. [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair) There was a unique blend of scientific temper and spirituality in the personality of Shrl Krishan Kant. He OBITUARY REFERENCE was a strong votary of integrating science with spirituality. He was a member of Science and Spirituality Committee [English] of the All India Sarva Seva Sangh.
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