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C-All (08-25-05).Indd Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, VA August 25, 2005 • C1 'FIK?<IE'<:B &+$-)% Worldwide Exposure! All classifieds in this section also appear weekly on the Rappahannock Record web REGULAR CLASSIFIED RATES: $6 for up to 25 words; $4 to repeat same ad second week and each successive week, or $40 pages at www.rrecord.com. You can add a color photo linked to your classified for only $25 for up to 13 for 13 weeks. $.24 per word for ads over 25 words. Personals, Card of Thanks, In Memorials and Work Wanted ads must be weeks. Classified deadline: 12 noon Tuesday. Display ad deadline: 5 p.m. Monday. Call 804-435-1701 or paid in advance. 10 percent discount for cash, non-refundable (no discounts on credit card sales). CUSTOM CLASSIFIED 1-800-435-1701. RATES: $9.00 per column inch for Legals, Notices, Resolutions, Memorial and other custom classifieds. Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate $119,000! 4AC Waterfront fl agpole $119,000! 4AC Waterfront fl agpole ***NEW CONSTRUCTION*** 1940s RIVAH COTTAGE. New kitch- shaped lot, Great Wicomico River, shaped lot, Great Wicomico River, 3000sf contemporary Cape Cod en/family room. 2BR/1BA. Spectacu- w/50’frontage. Septic installed, elec- w/50’frontage. Septic installed, elec- 3’MLW, Coan Harbor Estates lar sunsets/waterviews w/o waterfront tricity on site. Call Tom Kimmitt, tricity on site. Call Tom Kimmitt, $699,000 price! $189,500. Catherine Bennett, Middle Bay Realty, 1-877-983-7273 Middle Bay Realty, 1-877-983-7273 Realtor. Melrose Plantation Real Es- or visit www.northernneckrealestate. or visit www.northernneckrealestate. NEW LISTING, CARTER CREEK tate. 800-711-4620. www.Melrose- )SA"ELL+(ORSLEY com(June-30-13t)photo-on-line com(June-30-13t)photo-on-line Outstanding estate size Plantation.com..(Aug-25-13t) $150,000. Large house, small price. 6.2AC waterfront lot w/pier permit 2AC WATERFRONT lot on Myer $150,000. Large house, small price. 4.5’MLW, 375’ waterfrontage 2EAL%STATE ,TD Updates galore. Heritage Point Prop- Updates galore. Heritage Point Prop- Creek. 4BR septic, 2-4ft. MLW. Par- erty owner’s only pool, marina, boat $895,000 tially cleared. Reduced for quick sale erty owner’s only pool, marina, boat View These Fine Properties @www.HorsleyRealEstate.com ramp. Catherine Bennett, Realtor, ramp. Catherine Bennett, Realtor, to $220k. Call Ken Michaels, Realtor, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800- NEW LISTING 804-761-1763, Bay Meadows Real Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800- .61AC waterfront lot, on pond 711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation. 711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation. Estate..(July-28-tf) com..(Aug-4-13t) w/long and wide view and com..(Aug-4-13t) community amenities including 3BR, 2BA Home: Corrottoman Circle, $325,000. Wonderful Rappahannock $325,000. Wonderful Rappahannock Potomac River Beach, Cubitt Kilmarnock. Currently under construc- River lot with endless sunset views. River lot with endless sunset views. Creek tion. Great room w/cathedral ceiling 1.77± wooded acres. Very exclu- 1.77± wooded acres. Very exclu- dock and ramp and fi replace, large front porch, back sive. Private boat ramp nearby. Sally sive. Private boat ramp nearby. Sally $145,000 deck. 804-435-0937 or 804-436- Rohlfi ng, Realtor. 800-711-4620 or Rohlfi ng, Realtor. 800-711-4620 or 4051..(July-28-8t) 804-462-5924. www.MelrosePlanta- 804-462-5924. www.MelrosePlanta- NEW WATERFRONT HOME 4.22 ACRES Great Wicomico Riv- tion.com..(Aug-4-13t) tion.com..(Aug-4-13t) HEATHSVILLE AREA er. Two excellent waterfront build- Construction is about to begin ing sites plus 1930s home, 2 rental Buy now choose interior decor homes. $649,500. Catherine Bennett, $549,000 Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800- 711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation. www.pleasantlife.com Call TOM or KEVIN com..(June-2-13t) MIDDLE BAY REALTY 4200±SF EXECUTIVE retreat. One Waterfront, Village and Golf course properties 1-804-761-4125 story. Taylors Creek, Weems, 2±AC. from Virginia's Potomac to the James River. www.northernneckrealestate.com No restrictions.Owner fi nancing. (Aug-28-tf) $374,500. Catherine Bennett, Real- 1.25± WATERFRONT Acres, Indian tor. Melrose Plantation Real Estate. Creek, Clifton Landing. Deep water, 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlanta- protected harbor, towering trees. 60ft. tion.com..(Aug-25-13t) RPA. $309,750. Catherine Bennett, 4BR, 1.5BA, 3-story farmhouse on Realtor, Melrose Plantation Real 4.02AC, 1514SF, Burgess area. Estate, 800-711-4620 www.Melrose- Maintenance free exterior, basement, "9Ê "1,/Ê*,/ /- Plantation.com..(June-9-13t) fenced backyard, storage/shed, in For the Elderly • Beautiful One Level Apartments 1.98AC WATERFRONT w/view of excellent condition. $178,500. Call and opening to Chesapeake Bay Kevin Kuykendall, Middle Bay Re- 7IGGINS!VEs+ILMARNOCK 6! without damage from Bay, small cab- alty, 800-529-5122 or 804-761-4125. in. Only $250,000, Frank Moss, Joe (Aug-4-4t) 435-7916Ê Self Realty, 1-800-833-0807 or 804- 4± ACRES: EXTENSIVE frontage on 529-7750..(Aug-18-2t) Great Wicomico River. 3 rental hous- 9OUCANAFFORDTOSITBACKANDENJOYQUALITYLIVING 11.8AC FARM: 350’+ waterfront, off es. Amazing possible building site. Rappahannock on Deep Creek. 6AC $649,500. Catherine Bennett, Real- &ORPERSONSYEARSYOUNGAND/VER cultivated, 5.8AC wooded. Well/septic tor. Melrose Plantation Real Estate. s3PACIOUSONE"EDROOM!PARTMENT installed. $625,000. Derwin Booker, 800-711-4620. www.MelrosePlanta- agent, 804-435-9610. Long & Foster tion.com..(Aug-25-13t) Real Estate..(Aug-25-13t) s)NDIVIDUAL0RIVATE%NTRANCES 7+ac. wooded home site, near s!LL-AJOR!PPLIANCES 1390SF 2-story home, Saluda: 3BR, marina, Lancaster 2.5BA, spacious eat-in kitchen, LR, County...$35,000 s(ANDICAPPED!CCESSIBLE5NITS den, UR, 2-car detached garage. Weems, 2 bdrm home...$114,000 0.636AC landscaped corner lot close Waterfront community, lot w/view, s)NDIVIDUAL7ASHER$RYER(OOK5PS to public boat landing. $189,500. Call community pier, boat ramp Cathy Rowe, Select Properties of VA, $155,000 s-INIBLINDSs#ARPET6INYL&LOORING 804-438-9882 crowe@pleasantlife. Ava Lewis, Bragg & Co. s#OMMUNITY,OUNGEs/N3ITE,AUNDRY com(Aug-11-3t) SS (804) 435-0850 1890s VICTORIAN 3BR, 2BA: Rap- 804-435-2299 ext. 106 *OEJBO$SFFL pahannock River sand beach, tidal (X) off 2ENTISBASEDONADJUSTEDGROSSINCOME!PPLICANTSANNUALINCOME pond, 2±AC. Charming coastal vil- 7.9AC WATERFRONT LOT: Headwa- MAYNOTEXCEED FORPERSONOR FORPERSONS lage. $550,000 Catherine Bennett, ters of Myer Creek, rich nature habitat. $IFTBQFBLF#BZ Realtor. Melrose Plantation Real Owner fi nancing! $225,000. Call Ken Estate. 800-711-4620. www.Melrose- Michaels, Realtor, 804-761-1763, Bay Protected Yacht Harbour Open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday • 9am to 5pm Plantation.com..(Aug-25-13t) Meadows Real Estate..(July-28-tf) South/Southwest exposure 1920sf. 3BR, 2BA home: All brick, 76 ACRE WATERFRONT Farm: Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club CALL NOW FOR OCCUPANCY INFORMATION large county kitchen, LR, DR, oak 7’MLW, 4600’ waterfrontage on Cock- fl oors, fi nished basement, 2 fi replac- rell’s Creek. Restrictions preclude only minutes away es, detached shop, 1.25AC. $189,500. subdivision. Call Tom Kimmitt, owner/ A Superb Residence Call 804-453-5390..(Aug-25-2t) agent, Middle Bay Realty, 1-800-529- 5122 or 804-453-9081 or visit www. High Ceilings – Huge Rooms northernneckrealestate.com (Nov-11- plus in-law Wing w/Galley Kitchen tf) 5600 sf Living Area – 1000 sf Decks 8 UNIT APARTMENT building. Prime downtown Kilmarnock location. Brick front. Rear parking. Excellent history. $1 million. Catherine Bennett, Real- tor, Melrose Plantation Real Estate, 800-711-4620 www.MelrosePlanta- tion.com..(June-23-13t) 9+ ACRES, 380±ft. protected shore- line, 5’MLW. Desirable Cox’s Farm Rd. location, Kilmarnock. $625,000. Pat Meeker, River Towne Proper- ties. (804)435-2482 or 804-436- 8828..(Aug-11-tf) A TRUSTED name in Virginia Real Es- tate Sales for over 60 years. Ownby & Associates, Inc. Farm, Land, Water- front properties. Call Diane Bennett Ph. 804-730-0500..(June-16-13t) APPRAISED OVER $400,000. For- mer R.J. Reynolds Company retreat converted to upscale 4BR/2BA home. $374,500. Catherine Bennett, Mel- rose Plantation Real Estate, 800- 711-4620 www.MelrosePlantation. com..(June-2-13t) (ISTORIC.ORTHERN.ECK Walk-Out “We are pledged to the letter and spirit of Virginia’s policy 188.2 Acres Basement Possibilities for achieving equal housing opportunity throughout the ± 3140ʼ Waterfront Commonwealth. We encour- age and support advertising and marketing programs in South-Southeast Exposure which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of )DEALFOR&AMILY#OMPOUND race, color, religion, national ADJOINING@7EST%ND0LANTATION origin, sex, elderliness, famil- ial status or handicap. !VERYPRIVATELOCATION NEAR-ILL#REEK)NGRAM#HESAPEAKE"AYS All real estate advertised -EADOWAND7OODLANDS herein is subject to Virginia’s fair housing law which makes Perfect for Horses!! it illegal to advertise “any pref- 3OUTH 3OUTHEAST%XPOSURES◆)DEAL%LEVATION erence, limitation, or discrimi- h,OWERv.ORTHUMBERLAND#OUNTY 2IGHTOUTSIDEOF+ILMARNOCK nation because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, elderliness, familial status or handicap or intention to make WOODED any such preference, limita- LOTS tion, or discrimination.” This newspaper will not know- ingly accept advertising $429,000 for real estate that violates the fair housing law. Our readers % #' '#&%)!&##$$ &!#%#)!&#$ are hereby informed that !!$ &$%!!!#" $# #! %! all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available !$%$$%#% % $ on an equal opportunity basis. &"% ! #%#! !&#$ "#%# For more information or to &%&# %$ &!& %)"!! % $!&#%$ ( "%$ file a housing complaint call Henrys Island Chesapeake Bay the Virginia Fair Housing !CRES◆7IDE"EACH◆ 7ATERFRONT Office at (804) 367-8530. 4HE4IDES)NN )RVINGTON MINUTES Toll free call (888) 551-3247. For the hearing impaired call (804) 367-9753. E-mail: Nelson B. Horsley, Jr. DIRECTIONS: FROM TAPPAHANNOCK/WARSAW: Take Rt. 3 into Kilmarnock, turn right on Rt. 200, 2.2 miles to Hills Quarter on the left. FROM MIDDLESEX COUNTY: Cross over Rappahannock River fairhousing@dpor.virginia.gov.
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