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Rappahannock Record, Kilmarnock, VA September 1, 2005 • C1 'FIK?<IE'<:B &+$-)% Worldwide Exposure! All classifieds in this section also appear weekly on the Rappahannock Record web REGULAR CLASSIFIED RATES: $6 for up to 25 words; $4 to repeat same ad second week and each successive week, or $40 pages at You can add a color photo linked to your classified for only $25 for up to 13 for 13 weeks. $.24 per word for ads over 25 words. Personals, Card of Thanks, In Memorials and Work Wanted ads must be weeks. Classified deadline: 12 noon Tuesday. Display ad deadline: 5 p.m. Monday. Call 804-435-1701 or paid in advance. 10 percent discount for cash, non-refundable (no discounts on credit card sales). CUSTOM CLASSIFIED 1-800-435-1701. RATES: $9.00 per column inch for Legals, Notices, Resolutions, Memorial and other custom classifieds. Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate $119,000! 4AC Waterfront fl agpole 1.25± WATERFRONT Acres, Indian 4200±SF EXECUTIVE retreat. One shaped lot, Great Wicomico River, ***NEW CONSTRUCTION*** Creek, Clifton Landing. Deep water, story. Taylors Creek, Weems, 2±AC. 3000sf contemporary Cape Cod protected harbor, towering trees. 60ft. No restrictions.Owner fi nancing. w/50’frontage. Septic installed, elec- 3’MLW, Coan Harbor Estates tricity on site. Call Tom Kimmitt, $699,000 RPA. $309,750. Catherine Bennett, $374,500. Catherine Bennett, Real- Middle Bay Realty, 1-877-983-7273 Realtor, Melrose Plantation Real tor. Melrose Plantation Real Estate. or visit www.northernneckrealestate. NEW LISTING, CARTER CREEK Estate, 800-711-4620 www.Melrose- 800-711-4620.
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