Transfer and Posting of Bal Bhavan Instructors
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No. 343/DSE/Dte.Estt./A32019 GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION Puducheny, dt. 06.03.2019 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: DSE - Dte. Estt. - Transfer and posting of Bal Bhavan Instructor in various Cort, Primary Schools- Orders - Issued. The following Bal Bhavan lnstructors are transferred and posted in the sam€ capacity in th€ forenoon session to handle art classes in the resp€ctive Primary Schools noted against each as mentioned in the ann€xure to this Omce M€morandum. 2. The Bal Bhavan Instructors are not entitled for dmwal ofTA/DA and Joining time, as the lransfer is ordered on their own requesi. 3. This order will lake immediate effect. 4. This issues with the approval ofthe Director ofschool Education, Puducherry. ;:r4F,,ffil\** To The lndividual concemed. Copy to: l. The Dy. Director (Elementary Education)/ Women, Puducherry 2. The ChiefEducational officer, Puducherry. J. The Head oflnsritution concemed. 4. The Director ofAccounts and Treasuries. Puducherrv- 5. The PA lo DSE/PA to DDA/ Computer Se v/ "tion. Annerure to the 0.M. No. .113/l)SE/Dre. E\fl/A-1/2019 darcd BAL BIIAVAN INSTRUCTOR (LIBRARY SCIENCE) st. Name 0f the Bal Bh{van Present of Working at Govt. Prim{ry Rcmarks No. lnstructors& (;ovt. Primary School School to which Disciplines fransferred CPS,Arachikuppam GPS,Kanniakoil Nct\ly I'osted BBI (Libray Sciencc) tsAL tsHAVAN INSTRUCTOR (INSTIIUMENTAI, MTJSIC) VIOLIN st. Namc of the Bal tshavan Present of Working at Covt. Primary School Remarks No. Instruclors& Disciplines Govt. Primarv School to $hich translelled V. IIIANIGAC}IALAM GPS, Dharmapuri GPS. Vice Thiru. S. BBI (lnstrumental Music) Muthupillaipalayam Sattiamourthy Violin transfcrred 2 K. MINATCIIY , BBI CPS. Vennila Nagar GPS, Vicc l hiru. G. (lnstrumcnlal Music) Thattanchavady(V) Tamodarane Violin transliirrcd l G. TAMODARANE , BBI GPS. Vadamangalam GPS, Pettuchettipet Ner.lly Posted (lnstmmental Music) - Violin BAL BIIAVAN INSTRUCTOR (WESTERN MUSIC ) sl. Namc ofthe Bal Bhavan Pres€nt of Working at Govt. Primary School Remarks No Instructors& Disciplincs Govt. Primary School to which transferred P. R J,\RATIIINAM CPS, Aariyapolayam Cl'S, Pudupalayam Ncwly losted BBI( Wcstern Music)- Near D T Drunrs 2 G. I'ALANI,BBI(Western GPS, Arunthathipuram CCPS,Soucilabai, Pdy Newly Posted Music) -Kevboard 3 A. AtsERY DAN]hl- BOY GPS, Mangalam CPS, Cunrlupalalam Vice Tmt. J. BBI( Westem Music) - Srikala Guitar translerred )$n" BAL BHAVAN INSTRUCTOR ONSTRUMENTAL MUSIC) MIRUTIIANGA]II sl. Name ofthc Bal Bhavatr Present of Working at Covt. Primary Remarks No. lnstructors& Govt. Primar'v School School to which l)isciDlincs transferred I K. KAMARA.I , BBI GPS, Chinakalapct GPS, Solainagar Newly Postcd (lnstrurnental Music) - Miruthansam 2 M. PRASANNA , BI]I GPS,Saram SNGGPS, I'dY Ncwly Posted (lnstrumental Music) - Miruthansam 3 N. BATHMANABAN , GGI'S, Bahour GPS. Seliayamedu Newly Posted BBI (lnstrumcntal Music) - Miruthancam 4 M. ANGAPPAN, BBI GPS. Konpakkam GPS, Saram Vice Thiru. M. (lnstrurnental Music) - Prasanna Miruthangam transferred BAL BHAVAN INSTRUCTOR (INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC) VEENA sl. Name ofthe Bal Bhavan Present of Working Govt. Primrry Remarks No. hstructors& Disciplincs at Govt. Primary School lo rvhich School transferrcd P. MERCIER . BBI GPS, Muthialpct GPS, Vice Tmt. (lnstumental Music) - Reddiyarpalayam C. Mary t'hilomine Vcena dahlia transfened 2 D. AYANARAPPAN , GPS, Poraiyuryet GPS, Navarkulam In the existing BBI (Instrumental Music) - vacancy Vccna l S. VIJAYALACHOUMY, GPS, Villianurpet GPS. Odiampet ln the existing BBI (Instrumental Music) vacancy -Veena ?-\.* BAL BIIAVAN INSTRUCTOR (VOCAL MUSIC) st. Name of the llal Bhavan Prescnt of Working at Govt Primary Rcmarks No, Instructors& Disciplines Govt. Primary School School to which transfcrred M. SN RASWATI{Y , I}BI GPS. Sulthan pct CPS, Moolakulam Newly Posted (Vocal Music) 2 S. TI IIRUVAIiASI, tstsI GPS, Manaveli(A) GPS, Vicc l mt. (Vocal Music) Kakayanthope V, Sivasankari transl'errcd 3 R. SIVACOUMAR , BBI GBPS, Villianur GPS, Indiranagar Vice Tmt. (Vocal Music) V. Guida transfened 4 D. VEMBOU BI]I CPS, ManavelilV; GPS, Govindasalai Ne\ ly Posted (Vocal Music) 5 G. JAYASHRI , BBI GPS, GPS, ChinnaKalapet Vice Thiru. K. (Vocal Music) Ganapathichettikulam Kamuaj tmnsferrcd BAL BHAVAN INSTRUCTOR (CREATIVE ART ) sl. Name of the llal Bhavan Prcscnt of Working Govt. Primrry School Rcmarks No, Instructors& at Govt. Primrry to which transfcrred Discirrlines School 2 E. SAN'I'IIAKUMAR, GPS, Gandhi Nagar CPS, Meenachipet Newly Posted BBI (Creative Art ) 3 B, I,INGESAN . BBI GPS, l'udukuppam(A) GPS, Arunthathipuran Vice Thiru. (Crealive Ar1) G.Palani transfcrrcd 4 S. SATTIAMOURTHY , GPS, GPS, Sanarapet. Vice Tmt. A. BtsI Muthupillaipalayam Velanganny (Creative Art ) transfcrred 5 V. VADIVELANE , BBI CPS. Edayarpalayam GPS, ln the cxisting (Creative An ) Vccrampattinam vacancy N\.* tsAL BHAVAN INSTRUCTOR (TAILORING) st. N{mc of lhe llal Bhavan Prcsent of Working Govt. Primary School Rcmarks No. Instructors& at Govt. Primary to rrhich transferred Disciolines School I V. CUIDA , BBI Gl'S, Indira Nagar GPS, Thattanchavady(P) Vice Tmt. V. Lada ('lailorins) transferrcd 2 ts, MANIMEGAI,AI . GPS, GPS, Uppalam Neuly Iostcd BBI 'lhcngaithittu ( lailoring) 3 J. MARIE ROSILINE Gl'S, Boomianpet CPS. Fllaipillaichavady In the existing CANNOUX,I]I]I vacancy (Tailorine) 4 J. SRIKALA , BI]I CPS. Gundupalayam GPS, VeIlrlilanagar Vice Trnt. K. (Tailoring) Minatchy transferrcd BAl- tsHAVAN INSTRUCTOR (DANCE ) sl. Namc of the llal llhavan Prcscnt of Working at Govt. Primary Rem{rks No. Instructors& Disciplines .Govt, Primary School School to which transferred C. MARY PHILOMINE GPS. Reddiyarpalayam CPS. Boomianpct Vice Tmt J. Marie I)HAI-h, BBI(Dance) Roselinc Cannoux tmnsfered ) A. VELANGANNY, CPS. Sanarapet GPS, Oulgaretpet In the existing vacancy BBI(Dance) 3 V. SIVASANKARI, Gl'S, Kakayanthopc GPS, Manaveli(A) Vice Tmt S. BBI(Dance) Thiruvarasi lransfered 4 C. KICHENANE, CPS. Ellaipillaichavady GPS, Velarampct Newly Postr.'d BBI(Dance) 5 I). PANGAJAVAI-I-I Office ofJawahar Bal GPS, In the existing vacancy BBI (Dance) Bhavan, Puduchcrry. Murun gapakkam o S. STJMATHY , CPS, GPS, Pcriyar Nagar Nedy posted lllll(Dance) Thattanchavady(V) '7 V. I-ADn, BDI(Dance) CPS. MuLhirapalyam Ollicc ofJawahar Vice. Tn1t. D. Bal Bhavan, Pangaj avalli Puduchcry. transl-erred. 8 S. NALINI. BBI(Dance) Gl'S, Ariyur CBPS. Villianur Vice Thiru. R. Sivacoulnar transfcrrcd ,\fudot":,w (P. tYQUI$SLE) 1 Deputy I)ircctor (Admn) No. 343/DSE/Dte.Estt./A3/2019 GOVERNMENT OF PUDUCHERRY DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION Puducherry, dt. Ob .03.2019 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Sub: DSE - Dte. Estt. - Transfer and posting of Bal Bhavan Insfiuctor in Jawahar Bal Bhavan/ Mini Bal Bhavan - Orders - lssued. The following Bal Bhavan Inshuctors are transfened and posted in the same capacity in the Jawahar Bal Bhavan/ Mini Bal Bhavan in the evening session on all working days form Monday to Saturday noted against each as mentioned in the annexure to this Office Memorandum. 2, The Bal Bhavan lnstructon are not entitled for drawal ofTA/DA and Joining time, as th€ transf'er is ordered on their own reouest. 3. This order will take immediate effect. 4. This issues with the approval ofthe Director ofSchool Education, puducherry. Deputy Director (Admn) To The Individual concemed. Copy to: l. The Dy. Director (Elementary Education)/ Women, Puduchery 2. The ChiefEducational Oflicer, Puducherry. 3. The Head of lnstitution concemed 4. The Director ofAccounls and Treasuries. Puducherv. 5. The PA to DSE/PA to DDA"/ Computef Se ction-,u/ . Anncxurc to thc O.M. N(,. 3l3/DSE/Dtc. Estt/A3/2019 dlrtcd oL .03.2019 BAL BIIAVAN INSTRUCTOR (LIBRARY SCIENCE) sl. Name of thc Bal Bhavan Prcscnt working at Bal Bhavan/ Mini I{cmarks No lnstructors& Bal Bbavan/ Mili Bal Bhavan to Disciplines Bal Bhavan which transferred I D. PALANI Kalapct Lawspet Vice Thiru. M. BBI(l-ibrary Science) Djcavclou, transfcrred. 2 M. DJI]AVEI,OU I-awspet Kalapet( Scrvices Vicc'lhiru. D. BBI (Library Scicnce) Placed at JBB. Palani, transferred Puducherry) 3 V. RAVY Ilahour Ariyankuppam Vice Tmt. R. BBI (Library Science) llamady, transferred , 4 R. ILAMADY Ariyankuppam Bahour Vice Thiru. V. BBI (Library Science) Ravy,transfered BAL BHAVAN INSTRUCTOR (INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC) VIOLIN SI. Name ofthe Bal Bhavan Plescnt working at Bal Bhavad Mini Remarks No I nstructors& Bal Bhavar/ Mini Bal Bhavao to Disciplines Bal Bhavan \a,hich traosfcrrcd Flahour Ariyankuppam Vice Thiru G. THANIGACIIAI-AM Vengadcssane, BBI (lnstrumcntal truns1efied Music) Violin 2 G. VENGADESSANE , Ariyankuppam Bahour Vice Thiru. V. BBI (lnstrumental Thanigachalam, Music) Violin transferred .l K. MINATCIIY. BBI Kalapct Puduchcrry Vice Thiru. C. (lnstrumertal Music) Tamodarane, transfcrrcd Violin 4 C. TAMODARANE , Puducherry Kalapet Vice l'mt. K. Minatchy, BBI (Instrumental transfcficd Music) - Violin N\u- , BAL tsIIAVAN INSTRUCTOR ONSTRTJMENTAL MUSICI MIITUTIIANCAM sl. Name oflhe Bal Bhavan Prescnt working at Bal Bhavan/ Mini Remarks No lnslruclors& Bal tshavan/ Mini Bal Bhavan to Disciplines Bal tshavan which transferred l M. ANGAPPAN , BBI Ariyankuppam Kalapet Vice lhiru. D. (lnstrumental Music) - Arumugam, tmnsferred Miruthansam 2 D. ARTJMUGAM, I}BI Kalapct Villianur Vice Thiru. M. Prasanna (lnstrumental Music) - ,transferred Miruthanqam 3 M. PRASANNA , BBI Villianur Puduchcrry Vicc lhiru. K. Kamaraj, (Instrumental Music) - transferred Miruthanram 4 K. KAMARAI , BtsI Puduchcrry Ari)ankuppam Vice Thiru. M. (lnstrumental Music) - Angappan,