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Games for GNU/Linux and Steam Client

By Roy Schestowitz Created 06/01/2017 - 12:01am Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Friday 6th of January 2017 12:01:51 AM Filed under Gaming [1]

Intel?s Clear Linux to bring Steam integration for gaming [2]

Gaming on Linux was already taken to another level by SteamOS. But now Intel is all set to integrate Steam into its Clear Linux to make the existing gaming experience even better.

Intel?s open technology center has been working on Clear Linux distribution for a long time. The distribution is specifically designed to bring the best of Linux on Intel-powered hardware and targeted at workstation and server computing. However, apart from enabling enterprises with its open source offering, the chip maker has now started working on improving the Steam support.

Clear Linux comes with the latest Mesa stack that has Vulkan drivers. Notably, the distribution offers accelerated graphics but currently lacks the support for dedicated graphics.

No More Room in Hell 2 has a new teaser, should come to Linux [3]

No More Room in Hell 2 [Official Site] is not just a sequel, it's going to be running on an entirely different . The developer have said will be doing a Linux version, but their wording has been iffy.

The latest Steam Beta Client fixes a nearly 4 year old Linux issue, fixes other Linux issues[4]

Valve have been busy, as the latest Steam Beta Client makes some important improvements to the Linux client. The Steam Controller has also seen some improvements, like supporting configurations for XBox 360, , and Generic X-Input controller configurator support. Steam Linux Client Beta Adds Idle Detection, Updated Vulkan Loader & More[5]

Valve pushed out an updated Steam Linux client beta today that includes some useful changes for Linux gamers.

Valve Finally Makes Steam Work Out-of-the-Box with Open-Source Graphics Drivers[6]

Today, January 5, 2017, Valve's engineers working on Steam announced the availability of a new Beta build of the Steam Client, which appears to address a bunch of Linux bugs, as well as to add numerous Steam Controller improvements.

The new Steam Client Beta update brings quite a lot of changes (see them all in the changelog attached at the end of the story), but we're very interested in the Linux ones, which appears to let Steam work out-of-the-box with open-source graphics drivers on various modern GNU/Linux distributions, while implementing a new setting for older ones to improve the interaction between Steam's runtime and system's host libraries.


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Links: [1] [2] [3] [4] other-linux-issues.8855 [5] [6] 511568.shtml