Haverford News Volume 39—Number 9 Ardmore, Pa, Wednesday, December 10, 1947 33.00 a Year
HAVERFORD NEWS VOLUME 39—NUMBER 9 ARDMORE, PA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1947 33.00 A YEAR Special Program Week's Film Fare Features Comedies Cap and Bells Nears Finish of Rehearsals• Initiates Drive The Film Club announces an ambitions program for For "King Lear" Performances This Week To Raise $5,000 the coming week. On Wed- .s nesday evening at 7:30, there Last Tuesday's Collection was will be two showings in the Tragedians Rehearse ' New Staging Devices devoted to the Haverford Em- Union of "The New Tobacco- Anti'Cast of Fifty ergency Relief Drier. The pro- land U. S. A.", sent by Ches- gram, though varied in content, terfield. to Highlight Tragedy stressed a single inescapable On Thursday and Friday BY WILLIAM PENICHE point—the need throughout the evenings at 7:30 in the world is greater this year than Union, the Chesterfield film King Lear, considered by ever before; we must give all will again be presented. In some to be William Shakes- we Can. addition, the program for peare's greatest work, Is to be Films Show Why these evenings will include presented by Cap and Bells in First on the program was Dr. the Marx Brothers in "Duck conjunction with Bryn Mawr's Howard Comfort, a member of Soul)," W. C. Fields in "The Varsity Players, in Roberts the finance committee of the Barber Shop," and a French Hall, at 8 p. na., on Friday and Philadelphia Community Chest, surrealist film, "Le Chien Saturday, of this week. who described his experiences Andalou," with a scenario by "Space Stage" to be Used .