Chapter-2 A Biographical Sketch of the Story Writers: The chapter deals with the life, date and works of the writers under study, viz. Banamali Bishwal, H.V. Nagrajarao, Radhavallabh Tripathi, Dr. Rabindra Kumar Panda and Prashasya Mitra Shashtri. These stalwarts of literature have contributed immensely to the Sanskrit literature in all different genres. Under their leadership Sanskrit writings have achieved a new direction and maturity. These Sanskrit scholars have made a name for themselves by achieving so many awards in the field of Sanskrit writing. What is special about them is their amazing ability to develop the art of writing in Sanskrit with utmost perfection and felicity. Most of these writers chosen for the present research are the academicians of highest order working at the top universities in India and abroad. Their love for teaching Sanskrit literature has been instrumental in promoting Sanskrit as a discipline of learning among the students. With their knowledge and skills they have been teaching and guiding research students in Sanskrit. Their personal and professional life history makes an interesting reading to the students of Sanskrit literature. 2.1 Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi: his life and works:

Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi is one of the senior-most professors of Sanskrit in the country. He is one of the pioneering creative writers in modern Sanskrit writing. He is equally adept at creative and critical writing in both the languages-Sanskrit and . The sheer volume of his creative writing makes him an outstanding personality in the field of Sanskrit and Hindi literature. Prof. Tripathi has written 163 books, 215 research papers and critical essays. He has also translated more than 30 Sanskrit plays and some classics from Sanskrit into Hindi. He has contributed a number of original stories written in Hindi in renowned Hindi magazines. He is much-admired for his original contributions to the study of Natyashastra and Sahityashastra. This great literary genius was born in Rajgadh in Madhya Pradesh in the year 1949. Dr. Tripathi completed his post graduation in Sanskrit and then went on to do his PhD in the year 1972 and he also received the degree of D.Litt. in 1981 He has worked as Dean, Faculty of Arts in Dr. Harisingh Gour University for nearly two terms; and as

27 the Vice-chancellor for different universities. Most notably he rendered his services as the Vice-Chancellor of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan (Deemed University) at Delhi for five years (2008-13). Dr. Tripathi worked as the Head of the Department of Sanskrit at Dr. H.S. Gour University (Sagar University) from July 1980 to 13th August 2008. He also worked as Visiting Professor at Silpakorn University, Bangkok on deputation by ICCR, New Delhi. He was nominated as Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. Prof. Tripathi has travelled to various countries i.e. Holland, Austria, Germany, Thailand, UK, Nepal, Bhutan, USA and other countries on various academic assignments. He has delivered more than a dozen key-note addresses and more than 30 special lectures in International/National seminars etc. He has been the recipient of more than 30 national and international awards for his literary output including the for Sanskrit Poetry and Shankar Puraskar of K.K.Birla Trust for his Natyashastravishvakosha. He has organized more than 30 International and National Conferences and Seminars. With his innovative skills, he has also designed new teaching aids and material for instruction, and cultivated new areas of study. 2.2. Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi’s contribution to Sanskrit literature:

Dr. Tripathi’s major works are: Vedic World View and Modern Science, Sixty Years of Sanskrit Studies (1950-2010), A New Bibliography of Sanskrit Drama, Natyasastra and the Indian Dramatic Tradition : Vedic Foundations of Indian Sastric Tradition, Vedic volumes. His creative acumen has helped in unearthing and editing the rare manuscripts of yesteryears. Dr. Tripathi has actively engaged in working with the National Mission for Manuscripts and under its auspices his book Natyapradeepa of Saunderamishra was published. Natyapradeepa is an unpublished and ground-breaking work on the fine art of dramatics. The original author Sundaramishra actively explored Sanskrit drama during the sixteenth century presenting fresh explanations on a number of aspects including the theoretical framework of the art of drama writing. The critical of text of Natyapradeepa of Saundaramishra edited by Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi is a gem of Sanskrit dramatic art and his gift to the world of Sanskrit literature.


His prominent work; Natyasastra and the Indian Dramatic Tradition, A New Bibliography of Sanskrit Drama is yet another of the classic book written by Dr. Tripathi. This book throws light on the range and variety of Sanskrit drama that have enriched the Sanskrit literary world. What is displayed in plenty in this book is the scholarship of the author and his comprehensive understanding of dramaturgy. His another work ‘Vada in Theory and Practice’ is an excellent example of the author’s erudition. This book focuses on the great Indian practice of ‘Vada’ meaning debates and deliberations. The spirit of debating and questioning is typical of India’s rich and varied philosophical canvas encompassing moral, ethical and religious dimensions of Indian thought system. This book has outstanding merit as a classical work art as it rightly highlights how India’s ancient literary works are woven around the techniques of dialogues and debates. Another gem of Dr. Radhavallabh Tripathi is ‘ Vedic Foundations of Indian Sastric Tradition. This book revolves around the prominence of Vedic literature and its crucial role in the growth of Indian Sastric traditions. The book exhibits in great detail the development of a range of ideas in Sanskrit critical theories in the areas of Vyakarana, Nyaya , Mimamsa, and Alamkarashastra. The book also outlines the constant evolution of these Sastric traditions in its existence since ancient times. Another work on the same theme is ‘Vedic World View and Modern Science’. This work evaluates the relationship between age old Vedic world view with the modern science. The author successfully brings out the parallels in seemingly two dissimilar concepts. ‘ Kamasutra of Vatsyayana’ by Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi provides a wonderful interpretation of this ancient book in the art of lovemaking. Prof. Tripathi critically analyses and documents the aspects related to sex, love and various techniques and festivities prevailing in the ancient times. ‘Smitrekha’ by Prof. Radhavallabh Tripathi is an anthology of short stories published in 2011. This book shows versatility of Dr. Tripathi who explores all the different genres of Sanskrit and Hindi literature ranging from dramatic art, literary criticism, poetic art and fiction. ‘ Smitrekha’ consist of six short stories viz. ‘Abhinandanam’, ‘Ekam Rupyakam’ , ‘ Viva’, ‘ Paravartanam’, ‘Karuna’ and


‘Smitrekha’. These stories deal with the day to day issues of modern day life. They also expose the ills of our education system. These stories are based on modern themes and they successfully establish Dr. Radhavallabh Tripathi as a foremost litterateur in Sanskrit. He has also contributed in the field of prose writing. His two works named Upakhyanmalika and Vikramcharitam are the prominent books of prose writings. These books follow the Akhyan style in prose writings. They are much admired for its inevitable style of prose writings. His other major books are: A Bibliography of Modern Sanskrit writings (2002), Svarupaprakasha: A seventeenth century Advaita text (2010) Published by Rashtriya Sanskrit sansthan new Delhi, Natyalalitakalasamgrahah : Quations on Sanskrit Dramaturgy, (2012) Sahitya Academy Delhi, Itihasapuranakhyanasangrahah: A selection of Itihasa and Puranas 1999 Sahitya Academy Delhi Anaychha : A short Novel In Sanskrit, (2011), Abhinavashukasarika A collection of short stories, Mimamsa sholka vartikam (2014) published by Rashtriya Sanskrit sansthan new Delhi, Rashtravani, a book of Sanskrit poetry 2010 published by Rashtriya Sanskrit sansthan New Delhi, Adikavi valmiki Sanskrit text with Hindi translation (2014), Adhunik Sanskrit Sahitya Sandarbh Suchi -- A biblioography Of Modern Sanskrit Writungs (2012) Rashtriya Sanskrit sansthan new Delhi. His latest contribution in the field of sanskrit poetics is AbhinavaKavyalamkararsutram which consist of definitions and characteristics of various forms of poetics. In this book he evaluates elements of poetics from the modern stand points. His another master piece, Abhinava Sanskrit Sahitya ka Itihas, written in Hindi deals with the history of Modern Sanskrit writings. Radhavallabha Tripathi has also enriched the field of poetry by penning the poems of highest quality. His poem collections Sandhanam (1989) and Lahridashakam(1991) are famous for his style and modern concepts. Sandhanam has total 55 poems and majority of the poems deal with the day to day issues of common people. His collection Lahridashakam has ten Laharikavyas depicting various themes. All his Kavyas portray the pictures of contemporary social life as well as the struggle of common man in the society. Many of his poems in the collection launch satire on the harsh reality and the naked truth of the life as well as on the political scenario of our

30 country. The most important and reputed book of his poem is Geetadheevaram . This book establishes poet as the first rate poet of modern time. It is written in the style of Jaydeva’s Geetgovindam. This book has received acclaim and specialattention among the Sanskrit scholars for its unique style and lyrical and expressive quality. It is called Ragkavya and is sung by particular raag. Each small Song or Geet in the collection is followed by particular metre. Whole poem is a allegorical poem. The poet has delineated the struggle of human beings which is described as Dhivarah and the struggle of the life is compared as an unfathomable ocean. It is full of philosophy of life. Dr.Abhiraj Rajendra Mishra is all praise for Radhavallbha’s Geetadheevarm :

ಯչ֠ֆ։֠֗֒ե ᮧօ֑֠֟֊᳟֑ե ֐֛֞շ֟֗շᳱᳶֆ֐֡֌չֆ֫ ֒֞։֞֗᭨֔֏զ ֊֞֝ᮢ

շ֞֝֟֌ ֚ե֘֠֟ֆ ֘֞᳡ֆ֠ ո֔֡ շ֟֗ᮧ֟ֆ֏֧᭜֑֟֌

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(Mishra, 371 ᭭֗֞֟֏֐֞֊֞֝֊֡֏֞֗շ֑֫֝եᮕ᭠ևզֿರ

2.3. H.V. Nagrajrao: his life and works:

H.V. Nagaraja Rao is a big name in the world of Sanskrit literature. H.V. Nagaraja Rao is a versatile and extremely talented author. He has explored rare and unusual themes in Sanskrit literature and has made important contributions to all different genres of Sanskrit literature, especially he is considered to be a distinguished voice in poetics and classical Sanskrit grammar. His mastery on the Geeta and the Upanishads made him the world famous. He was born on 10th September, 1942 in Kolar district of Karnataka. After finishing his primary education, he shifted to Mysore to study Sanskrit and enrolled at Maharaja’s Sanskrit College in 1958. His major areas of interest were Sanskrit grammar and the poetics. He achieved the degree of e M.A. (Sanskrit) from the University of Mysore, securing four gold medals. He left for the greener pastures and went on to accomplish post graduation in Asian Languages from the University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A. He started working at the Oriental Research Institute, Mysore as a research assistant and worked as an editor of Sanskrit texts. He also rendered his services as the Deputy Editor of Ancient Indian Project of Sahitya Akademi. He also got an opportunity to teach Sanskrit

31 as a visiting professor at the University of Chicago. He also worked as a fellow to Hebrew University of Jerusalem and presided over the World Sanskrit conference at Edinburg in 2006. Presently he is an honorary editor of Sudhrama , a Sanskrit newspaper published from Mysore. He has also done a valuable work as a translator. He has received many awards for illustrious career in the field of Sanskrit. Shekhavati Sanskrit University, Bhivani, Haryana gave him the award of MaharsiVedavydsa Prashasti in 1996 for the best Sanskrit Essay. The Seer of Svarnavally in Karnataka felicitated him with the title of Kavyashastra Vichaksana. He received the most coveted Sahitya Akademi award for his Sanskrit translation of Sarthah, a Kannada novel of Dr. S. L. Bhyarappa, published by Prakashan in 2006.

2.4. H.V. Nagaraja Rao’s contribution to Sanskrit Literature:

He is an extremely productive writer writing Sanskrit poetry, short stories, critical essays, and even commentaries. He has written three plays: Vidulaputriyam, Samudyata and Damptyakalahah, which werepublished by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai in the year 1996. His two short stories : V aranveshanam and Malavika were issued in 1974-1975. His novel Runvimuktih became quite famous among Sanskrit lovers and even translated in other regional languages. His other contributions are: Upakhydna-yugmakam a travelogue - and prose writing- Siddha-gangaayahShuddhachetanah abiography of Shivakumar Swamiji of Siddhaganga. He has also edited Subhashitakaustubha and Anyapadeshashatakam of Nilkantha Dikshita. He has also done a remarkable work as a translator. He undertook the translation of H. M. Nayale’s celebrated Kannada work ‘Namma Maneya Deepa ’ and gave the title Asmakam Grhusya Dipah in Sanskrit. He made the name for himself by translating the short stories of eminent Hindi story writer, Premchand. He has also translated so many Sanskrit classics into Kannada, viz, Varadarajastavah of Appaya Dlksita, Ramayanasarasamgraha and Raghuvirastutih of Nilakantha Diksita, Bhavanalahari of Gaurishankara Swami,and Shivapadadikeshantastotram of Shankaracharya. The following is the list of books published under the banner of Sudharma Prakashan : Bhallatashatakam, Anandasagara - Stavah,Varadaraja - Stavah, Anyapadeshashatakam (Anyopadesasatakam ), Asmakam Gruhasya Dipah, Subhashitakaustubha, Rupaka


Chatushtayee (Four Sanskrit Dramas), Haribhattana Subhashita (Kannada translation), Dasavatarastotra (Translation - Sanskrit & Kannada), Vipahchika , Sukti-Dvishati (with Kannada Translation), Kathalahari, Runavimuktih , and Vicharalahari. Kathalahari of Nagrajrao published in 2009 is an exquisite collection of short stories. This is an excellent book on modern story wring. This book contains 14 stories. These stories are truly modern in the treatment of themes and the development of characters. Kathalahari is an ideal example of laghukatha as it fulfills all the characteristics of Katha. Accept the last story Devayani all the stories are short in size and quite meaningful. Majority of his stories deal with the issues of women and their place in the contemporary society. His stories also unveil the social evils and problems that are prevalent in our modern society. S. Ragnatha has also recorded that his stories expose the ills and issues of contemporary society. ಯ֛֟֗֗֞֟֗᭒ս֧ֈ֚֐֑᭭֞ ֐᳒֌֞֊֚֐֑᭭֞ ֟֗ֈ֧֘չ֐֊֞᭠ֆ֒ե

᭥֏᳞֞֐֞֊֚֐֑᭭֞ թ᭜֑֞ֈ֑զ է᳒ֆ֊֠֊֊֢ֆ֊֚֞֐֞֟վշ֚֐֑᭭֞զ֚

 ( Rangnatha,1 ᭑շ֧֔֝֟᭭֐֊֭ᮤ᳥֡ե֘᭍֑֞զֿರ֚

2.5. Prof. Banamali Bishwal his life & work :

Prof. Banamali Bishwal is a prolific writer and eminent personality in the academic world of Sanskrit literature. Porf. Banamli Biswasl is a scholar par excellence in the Sanskrit literary world as he has contributed immensely to the different genres in the field of creative writing in Sanskrit. Although Prof. Bishwal’s areas of specialization are Grammar and Samkhya-yoga his focussed areas of interest are varied which include Classical Literature, Modern Sanskrit Literature, Vedic studies, Philosophy and Religion etc. He has made special contribution in the field of journalism and manuscriptology. He was born on 4th May, 1961, in the village named telia in the state of Odisha. Prof. Bishwal has a glittering academic journey which started from Puri and ended with the highest qualification in Sanskrit literature from the University of Pune. He took his first degree in Sanskrit from Jagnnath Sanskrit University Puri in the year 1982. Then he did his M.A. and M. Phil from the University of Poona with flying colours. He went on to do his PH.D as a UGC JRF fellow from the same University of Pune. He was appointed as a lecturer in Sanskrit at Rashtriaya Sanskrit Sansthan, Allahabad in the year 1988. He

33 also served here as reader and professor in the subsequent years. He shifted his services to Sanskrit academic world in Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan Shri Raghunath Kirti campus Devaprayag. He has done a remarkable job as PhD research scholar and research guide. Around thirty students have got their research degree under his able guidance.

2.6. Prof. Banamali Bishwal’s contribution to Sanskrit literature:

To his credit, he has already authored 84 books among them 30 original, 11translated, and 43- texts are edited. There are 100 Research Papers and articles along with 50 Book reviews to his credit. He is an eminent creative writer in Sanskrit, Hindi, Odia and English. His contributions to the field of Sanskrit language and literature are immense. His creative writings are compiled in nine collections of poems and five collections of short stories in Sanskrit along with two collections of poems and one collection of short stories in Odia. Amongst his creative works the collections of his poetry are Sangmenabhirama (1996),Vyatha (1997), Rutuparna (1999), Priyatama (1999), Valenetie Day Sandeshah (2000),Darubrahma (2001), Yatra (2002), Kvaasti me bharatam (2015), Vancha Tume..(collection of odia poetry 1999) and Kashchitkanta(collection of odia poetry 2000) etc. Similarly, his collections of short stories are: Neeravsvanah (1998), Bubhuksha (2001), Jagnnathacharitam (2003) and jijeevisha (2006). Several of his Sanskrit poems and stories are published in different leading periodicals like Durva, Sanskritapratibha, Sanskritamanjari,Ajasra, Parisheelanam, Lokasushree, Kathasarit and Padyabandha etc. Banmali Bishwal has also written some important scholarly books on Sanskrit grammar which show his multi disciplinary talent. His major grammar books are: Studies on Sanskrit Grammar and grammatical concepts (2006), Vyakaranatatvaalochanam (2006), new approach to Philosophy of Sanskrit Grammar (2007),Orissan Contributions to Sanskrit Grammar and linguistics (2007) .

He has contributed a lot by translating some of the major Sanskrit works into English like Yogaratnavali , Vakyavada, Tara-Arundhati , and Patralayah . His edited works are Pratidhvanih, Panjabi Sanskrit Pathamala part 1 & 2, Samskshepa Ramayanam, Jagannatha Subhashitam Vol. 1 & 2. He has also edited many chapters of


Laghusiddhantakumudi. He has also composed E-books of Sanskrit grammer viz. Vaiyakaranabhushana and Vaiyakaranamanjusha .

His collection of short story: Jijeevisha has received a lot of acclaim form the Sanskrit scholars. This collection contains 25 stories which are true examples of short stories written in Sanskrit. “These short stories fascinate us by the simplicity and lucidity of style and by their depth of humanity. Bishwal rejoices in little sorrows and joys of common man.” (Tripathi, 5) His stories are marked by the twin feelings of pathos and humour. They are gripping as they can be finished in one seating. His another collection of short stories; ‘Neeravasvanh’ published in 1998 is valued for its the portrayal of the country side in its full glory. The stories depict the lives of the downtrodden and the neglected sections of society. There are some stories which are replete with satire and irony. He has also gained name and fame as a Sanskrit Journalist and contributed voluminously on all possible aspects of Sanskrit journalism. He has edited around seventy titles of Journals, periodicals, magazines and felicitation Volumes. Prof. Bishwali is also associated with a number of projects of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan related to Sanskrit teaching and he has been awarded several times for his enormous contribution to Sanskrit literature. Giving glowing tribute to his art of story writing Dr. Panda has rightly observed: “It is interesting to say that the short stories of Dr. Bishwal do not look like armchair philosophy. I see in them fine a sense beauty and a sublime picture of truth.” (Panda, 207)

2.7. Dr. Prashasya Mitra Shastri: his Life & works:

Dr. Prashasya Mitra Shastri is a renowned Sanskrit poet and stalwart who won the Sahitya Akademi Award for Sanskrit in 2009 for his Anabheepsitam , a collection of short stories. His creative journey is marked by story writing, poetry collections and critical contribution to Sanskrit literature. There are a number of awards to his credit. Besides winning the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1990, he also won the Kalidas Puraskar

35 award from the govt. of Madhya Pradesh. He was felicitated for his remarkable contributions to Sanskrit literature. He has also bagged various awards from the Sahitya Academies of a number of states like: Delhi, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. He has worked as a professor and a senior academician in the Sanskrit Department of Feroze Gandhi College, Raebareli since 1973. 2.8 Dr.Prashasya Mitra Shastri: His contribution to SanskritLiterature:

He has made name for his two books; Narmada and Anabheepsitam , a selection of modern Sanskrit stories. His two other anthologies of the stories named; Anaghratampusham(1994) and Aashadhasya Prathm divase (2001). These anthologies have won the awards for its excellence in Sanskrit prose writing. The former won Goswami Giridhari Purshkar by Delhi Sanskrit and the latter one won the award for the best book from Rajasthan Sanskrit Academy. Both these books were published with the financial assistance from Rashtriya Sanskrit Shashthan, New Delhi. Anaghratampusham is an anthology containing 12 stories. These stories reflect the issues like various social problems, human weaknesses, and trials and tribulations of human life. The attitude of the author is idealistic and at times the author presents himself as an optimist. His prose writing is also marked by humour and irony and they have gained a lot of interest from Sanskrit lovers. One of his short story (Atilaghukatha) – Uchham padam was selected by the Delhi Sahitya Academy for the publication in the anthology of prominent story writing in India.

Prashsya Mitra Shastri’s fame as a prominent prose writer rests on Anabheepsitam his most celebrated collection of stories. Anabheepsitam is a collection of 12 short stories. All the stories are written in modern style and themes are also contemporary. All the stories of Prashsya Mitra Shastri deal with current problems and evils of modern society. Women and their problems are the focal points of his stories. His stories are written with great lucidity and devoid of complex and long and winding phrases. His poetic collections, Hasavilasa (1986) and Narmada (1997) have also won rave reviews from Sanskrit scholars. He is considered to be a leading humorist of Sanskrit writing. He is noted for his writing style which is simple, yet satirical and ironical. His poetry is simple, but possesses a variety of themes which is truly heart-warming. The eminent scholar of Sanskrit Jagnnatha Pathaka’s statement on his anthology


Anabheepsitam is remarkable. He says that the themes of the stories hold the readers fromthe beginning to end and further adds that Prashsyamitra is quite sensitive about the social issues of the contemporary society.

ಯըᳰֈֆզ է᭠ֆե ֑֞֗ֆ֭ շև֞֊շ֑᭭ ֚եᮧ᭭ֆ֡ֆ֬ ֌֞ւշ֞֊֞֐֬᭜֚֡᭍֑ե ե֒֟ᭃֆ֡եᮧ֑֟ֆֆե᮰֠֘֞֟ᳫօֿ֞է֟֌ռ֧֔ոշ֑֑᭭֞᭭ֈ᳥֣֟զ֚֐֞վ֑֚᭭ ( ֢᭯֐֧֟ᭃշ֑֞֟֊֒֠ᭃօ֧վ֞չᱧշ֞ᮧ֟ֆ֏֞֟ֆֿರ (Pathaka,7֚

2.9. Dr. Rabindra Kumar Panda: his life & Work:

Rabindra Kumar Panda is an extraordinary talent who is at ease in all forms of writing, whether it is prose or poetry. A scholar in his own right, he is equally adept at critical writing with almost hundred research articles and more than 30 books to his credit. Dr. Panda is gifted with a rare creative fervor which is reflected in a number of anthologies of stories and poems. His major areas of interest are Nyaya, Vedanta & Alamkarashastra and Modern Sanskrit Literature. He was born in 1963 in a small village in the state of Orissa. His interest in Sanskrit literature was right from his childhood and his father Gadhadhar Panda inspired him to study Sanskrit. He did his graduation from Rashtriya Sanskrit Shashthan, Delhi in the year 1984. Then Rabindra Kumar Panda went on to do his post graduation in Sanskrit from Shri Jagnnath Sanskrit University in 1986. He had a brilliant academic career. He cleared UGC NET and pursued his career as JRF research fellow at M.S. University, Baroda. He completed his PhD. from M.S. University, Baroda in 1993. The same here he was appointed as a lecturer in Sanskrit Department of Sanskrit at M.S. University of Baroda. At present, he is the Professor and Head of the Department of Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit, Faculty of Arts, the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. His interest in promoting research among young Sanskrit scholars is reflected as has been guiding a number of students for their PhD degree. Under his chairmanship a large number of national and international seminars and workshops are organized. He has received a number of international and national awards for his contribution to Sanskrit literature. World education foundation Canada awarded him with Ramkrishna Sanskrit Award in 2003. The American Biographical Institute also awarded him World Medal of Honour in the same year. Delhi Sanskrit Academy honored him with All India Short story Prize in 2004 Dr. Panda has been awarded “Akhila Bharatiya Kalidas Award” by the Kalidas Sanskrit Academy, Ujjain for his collection of stories “Chhinnacchhaya ”. He was also awarded by the International Friendship Society, New Delhi for his overall

37 contribution to Sanskrit language and literature. Gujarat Sanskrit Sahitya Academy awarded his book, “Chhinnacchhaya ” as the best book in the in the year 2010.

2.10. Prof.Rabindra Kumar Panda’s contribution to Sanskrit literature:

Prof.Rabindra Kumar Panda has a remarkable journey as an outstanding creative writer in all areas of Sanskrit literature. He has more than 35 books to his credit which cover all the different genres of Sanskrit creative writing. His major publications include: Anandabodha Yati: Life and Philosophy , Some Aspects of Logical Grammar , Suvruttatilaka, Kavyadarshah, Kumarsambhavam etc. His major poem collections are Pratidhvanhih,Vanavalli,Urvee,Kavyakairavam ,Kavyamritatarangini,Bhavbhumih,Nirav svanah,Shatadalam and Balaka.Yo mad Bhakatah Sa Me Priyah is his anthology of short plays. Yo mad Bhakatah Sa Me Priyah of Dr. Rabindra kumar Panda is published by Arvachin SanskritSahitya Parishad, Vadodara in the year 2012.The author being a professor of Sanskrit discusses a wide range of issues related to the world of Sanskrit. Accept the dramas Nachiketa and Teeveem Sharanam gacchhaami , rest all are based on current issues of the academics and higher education. All the plays are written in very much in effortless language and have topical issues at the core. Author’s sheer love for Sanskrit and student-centered attitude is quite obvious in these plays. All the ten plays written by Dr.Panda are thought provoking and comprehensible. The main objective behind writing these plays is to promote the Sanskrit language andremove the fear and false impressions about the Sanskrit language among the people. Chhinnacchhaya, Shreemandiram and Kathakalika are Dr. Panda’s prominent anthologies of short stories. Samlapasaranih is a book on telephonic talk in Sanskrit between two protagonists. Dr. Panda’s very first anthology of Sanskrit Poetry, Pratidhvan published in 1996 was a stunning success. The poetry is filled with elements of Nature and his philosophical world view. The poet explored a variety of themes like pain and pleasure and different aspects of love. The same year saw the publication of his another collection of poetry, Vanavalli, which displays his maturity as a poet. The poet has dwelt on the theme of harsh and hostile conditions of life. Urvee is a wonderfully crafted anthology of poetry which displays poet’s poetic art at its peak. The collection contains more than 130 poems having a number of themes ranging from wealth, poverty, selfishness, dharma and many

38 more. This collection of poetry makes the poet truly modern as most of the poems in the collection are non-metric. Shatadalam is a collection of seven Shatakkavyas. They are: 1. Sharadashataka 2. Svatantrashatak 3. Priyashataka 4. Utkalashataka 5. Sanskritshatak 6. jeevanshatak 7. Advaitshatak. All the Shatakakavyas stamp the poet’s authority as poet par excellence. The poetic collection, Bhavabhumih of Dr. Panda is the classic example of his poetic brilliance. Bhavabhumih of Rabindrakumar Panda is a collection of poems published by Arvachina Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad, Vadodara in the year 2012. It is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the eleven poems which are composed in various meters like Anushtubha, Indravajra, Upendravajra,Upajati,Vasantatilaka etc. The second part deals with the non-metric or free style poems. It has 124 short poems under two major headings viz. Hridayadutam and Bhavalahari. All the metric poems are mostly devotional or spiritual and others are in the praise of some great personalities like Narendra modi, Dr.Bhimrao, Sir Sayajirao etc. Chhinnachhaya published by Arvachina Sanskrit Sahitya Parishad , Vadodara in the year 2005is a collection of short story and this collection establishes Dr. Panda as a master craftsman even in the prose writing. This anthology of short story is followed by two other major collections of short stories viz. Kathakalika and Shreemandiram from Dr. Panda. These collections are written in simple Sanskrit prose for the connoisseur of Sanskrit prose. All the stories in the collection highlight different human miseries and despair. There is a variety of themes which are on various social issues like widow marriage, poverty, prostitution, terrorism, conflicts, female education, politics of power, human psychology and other philosophical themes. Dr. Suresh Ahuja has recently compiled all his three anthologies and edited with introduction and translation titled Ravinedrakathakunjah (2018) which definitely will help Sanskrit students and story lovers. Commenting on the versatility of Dr. Panda as a story writer Sudesh Ahuja remarks: ֗֊ಯթ֚֚եշ֔֊շᳱէ֟։շֆ֒շև֞յ֐ᱶ֊֞֒֠֌֞ᮢᲂշ֧֘֫֙օֈ֐ շ֡ᳯւֆ ֐֞֊֚֟շֆ֞Ა շ֧ ֟ռᮢ ն֒ ֘֫֟֙ֆ ֈ֟֔ֆ ֗ ֚֐֞վ շᳱ ֌֠փ֞Აֈե֘շ֡ᳯւֆտ֧֔ֆ֧֌֞ᮢᲂշ֧֫֔ոշ֊֧֚֘Ღ֏֞֗֞֟֏᳞֟Ღ (Ahuja, 4 ᮧֈ֞֊շᳱֿ֛֨ರ


He has also edited a number of critical books and contributed to prose writings. His major books are Studies in Vedanta Philosophy, Studies in Sanskrit Shastras, A survey of Post Shankara advaita Vedanta and Manusmriti. All these books reflect Dr.Panda’s scholarship, his understanding of classical literature and ancient philosophy and also his extraordinary erudition. To conclude, we can say that Sanskrit writing of 20 th century is making some head ways under the leadership of new generation of writers. Modern Sanskrit writers have contributed a lot by writing in almost all the aspects of literature. In the words of Dr. Satapathy: “Sanskrit being a pan Indian, the writers are spread out along the length and breadth of country. There are more than three thousand works available which are of a very high standard during the 20 th century.” (Satapathy, Preface)

Works cited: 1. Mishra, Rajendra, Geetadheevaranusheenam , in Modern Sanskrit Literature, Rajmangal Yadav, J.P. Publishing house, Delhi, 2015 2. Rangnath, S, “Introduction” in Kathalahari, H.V. Nagrajrao, Sanskrit Bharti, Delhi, 2009 3. Tripathi Radhavallabh, “Foreword” in Jijeevisha, Bammali Bishwal, Padmaja Prakashan, Alllahabad, 2005 4. Panda, Rabindrakumar, in Jijeevisha, Bammali Bishwal, Padmaja Prakashan, Alllahabad, 2005 5.Pathak, Jagannatha, “Preface” in Anabheepsitam, Prashsyamitra, Akshayavatprakashan,Allahbad, 2007 6. Ahuja, Sudesh, (ed.), Ravindrakathakunjah , Bhartiya book corporation, Delhi, 2018