FM 19-10: Military Police Law and Order Operations

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FM 19-10: Military Police Law and Order Operations 2 FM 19-10 FM 19-10 3 4 FM 19-10 *FM 19-10 Field Manual HEADQUARTERS No. 19-10 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington, DC, 30 September 1987 MILITARY POLICE LAW AND ORDER OPERATIONS Preface One of the most important missions the Army has is to maintain its readiness. Unit readiness rests on the morale, discipline, and training of its soldiers. It rests equally on having quality soldiers and their families feel good about life in the Army community. Our soldiers and their families must have a safe and secure environment in which to live, work, and train. The military police (MP) accept that challenge daily. MP protect the Army’s assets through active physical security measures. And MP undertake a vigorous economic crime program. They guard the Army’s people and installations against terrorist threats. Their initiatives in crime prevention and family advocacy and their “work friendly” attitude show they care about soldiers and their families. MP unstintingly fulfill their law and order mission, knowing it to be vital to the Army’s success in combat. This field manual (FM) discusses each element of the MP law and order mission. It addresses law enforcement operations, investigations, confinement of US military prisoners, and terrorism counteraction. This FM will assist MP in understanding how each of these elements is an essential part of their law and order mission. Commanders will find it useful in understanding how MP help support the fulfillment of command responsibilities. Because many aspects of the MP law and order mission are undertaken largely to provide a safe environment for the total Army community, much of the discussion in this FM is devoted to MP law and order responsibilities in a peacetime environment. The proponent of this publication is Headquarters, US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). Submit changes for improving this publication on Department of the Army (DA) Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) and forward it to Commandant, US Army Military Police School, ATTN: ATZN-MP-DML, Fort McClellan, Alabama 36205-5030. Unless otherwise stated, whenever the masculine gender is used both men and women are included. *This publication supersedes FM 19-10, 30 September 1976. 1 PART ONE THE MP LAW AND ORDER MISSION The MP Corps provides the Army a wide In a peacetime environment MP conduct range of diverse support. On the battlefield extensive law and order operations. These MP provide commanders combat, combat operations support commanders’ order and support, and combat service support. Both discipline in the field and on installations “an Arm and a Service,” the MP Corps plays around the world. The performance of these an important role in battle. But MP also play operations impacts even beyond the maintenance of law and order. Many an important role in supporting commanders peacetime law and order operations and beyond the successful resolution of battle. subelements embody basic methods, Through their law and order mission MP measures, and techniques MP use to carry out continue their active support of Army their BCC and area security missions. For commanders by ensuring the existence of the example, operating a traffic control post lawful and orderly environment units need to (TCP) is a measure basic to the MP missions maintain combat readiness. MP performing of BCC and area security. Operating TCPs is law and order operations extend the also basic to the MP law and order mission. commander’s command and control. They MP conducting law and order operations in a aid commanders in obtaining and peacetime environment are consistently maintaining combat proficiency. They exercising battlefield skills. prevent diversion of military resources. They suppress the chance for criminal behavior; In peacetime as well as in combat MP they protect and assist the military provide commanders with a well-armed, community. And they help commanders communications-intensive, and highly ensure US forces are disciplined troops of mobile asset. While combat ready, the MPs’ high morale. professional orientation ensures their ability to operate with restraint and authority, In a theater of operations MP conduct law within probable cause, and with a minimum and order operations only when the combat use of force. This makes MP ideally suited as commander requires it and when battle a response force in civil confrontations or intensity permits. During intense continuous disorders, in terrorist counteractions, and in combat, like that expected near a main battle low-intensity conflicts in a noncombat area. area or in a developing theater of operations, Away from conflict, wherever US forces are MP are most needed to expedite and conserve located, the MP Corps is the protector and vital resources for combat forces. In intense assistor of the military community. MP combat the commander’s priority of need is efforts are directed to ensuring a lawful and most often for MP combat and combat orderly environment. MP help ensure support operations. MP are employed more commanders have troops, equipment, and often for battlefield circulation control (BCC), supplies when and where they need them to area security, and enemy prisoner of war maintain readiness. By their efforts to (EPW) operations and less often for law and preserve the law, MP help the commander order operations. But a commander’s need for ensure a high standard of order and law and order operations depends on the discipline within the commander’s units. By tactical situation. And it depends on the level their efforts to assist and protect the military of command involved and the location of the community, MP help ensure a high level of command on the battlefield. well-being among the commander’s troops. FM 19-10 5 THE MP LAW AND ORDER MISSION MP provide commanders with the support MP confine US military prisoners. MP take they need wherever and whenever it is counteractions against terrorism. And needed. In peace and war MP help always, MP are prepared to quickly expand commanders ensure a lawful and orderly their law and order operations into their military environment. MP enforce laws. MP full-scale battlefield range of combat, combat investigate disorders and suspected crimes. support, and combat service support operations. Military police help the commander get his people, supplies, and equipment where he needs them when he needs them. MP help relieve the commander’s burden of providing security and protection for critical persons, facilities, and equipment. MP are the initial response force to criminal and enemy attempts to demoralize, terrorize, or sabotage the military community or its operation. MP relieve commanders of the responsibility for detaining and safeguarding prisoners and MP reduce opportunities for crime. Only the magnitude and purpose inherent in each operation changes from peace to war. 6 FM 19-10 CHAPTER 1 The Provost Marshal’s Law and Order Purview The provost marshal (PM) for each command is that command’s advisor on MP CONTENTS combat, combat support, and combat service Page support operations. IMPLEMENTING MP OPERATIONS. ...9 In a theater of operations and in tactical ORGANIZING THE PM OFFICE . ...9 units the senior MP officer at each echelon is the commander’s advisor for MP operations. Military Police Company . ...9 He is a member of the command’s special Operations Section . ...10 staff. For example, the theater army PM is Administrative Section . ..l2 the theater’s senior MP. He is responsible for Physical Secruity/Crime staff supervision of MP matters at theater Prevention Section . ...12 army level. In theater army area commands Absentee/Deserter (TAACOMs) and corps, the MP brigade Apprehension Section . ...13 commanders are their commands’ PM. As Juvenile Section . ...14 PMs they serve on their commanders’ special Installation Confinement Facility . ...15 staff as planners for MP operations. At Military Police Investigation division level the senior MP officer is the Section . ...15 division PM. Patrol Section . ...16 On military installations outside a theater Game Warden . ...16 of operations the installation PM is the Traffic Section . ...16 installation commander’s advisor for MP law Military Working Dog Section . ...16 and order operations. As the chief law Special Reaction Team . ...16 enforcement officer on the installation the PM provides the installation commander with professional and technical advice concerning law and order objectives, policies, Provides staff supervision for the and directives. installation confinement facility. The installation PM— If an Office of Command Provost Marshal is established, the command PM would, in Advises the commander and staff about addition to the above, be responsible for MP abilities. command and control of operations to Prepares plans and policies. include administration, logistics, training, and administering of military justice for all Directs and reviews MP operations. assigned and attached MP units in the Maintains liaison with United States command. Army Criminal Investigation Command On installations the commander (USACIDC) support elements. determines the degree of law and order Assists and supervises interaction of needed to support order and discipline. The supporting and supported units. PM advises the commander on the means Coordinates with civilian law enforcement and methods needed to achieve the agencies, allied forces, and host nation commander’s needs. The PM implements the (HN) military and civil police. commander’s law and order policies and FM 19-10 7 THE MP LAW AND ORDER MISSION plans. The PM ensures MP plans and civilian police. Civilian police are normally operations supporting the commander’s plan led and directed by persons with many years are carried out. The PM recommends when of experience in dealing with people and law and where to concentrate the command’s MP enforcement. In coordination with the local assets. The PM supervises MP support on the civilian police executive, the PM establishes installation or within the command’s area of policies to guide MP when dealing with operation.
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