Feb. 28 Spectrum
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TODAY’S EDITION See page 2 for information on Civil War artist’s appearance. PECTRUM Spectrum will resume S publication March 14. VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY http://www.spectrum.vt.edu VOLUME 25 NUMBER 23 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2003 General Assembly Adjourns after Adopting Internal search Budget to Address Revenue Shortfall announced By Ralph Byers, dents. The budget language also allows the two-year institutions, will produce $2 mil- for vice provost director of government relations institutions to increase tuition sufficiently to lion to defray debt-service costs. The 2003 General Assembly ad- cover increases in health-care costs and the The inconsistency of the state’s policies By Clara B. Cox journed February 22, after adopting a bud- institutions’ share of salary increases. over the last 10 years with respect to tu- A Search Committee has been formed get to address the largest revenue shortfall The budget also imposes an additional fee ition—which included increases, freezes, and an internal search has begun for a vice in the state’s history. on out-of-state students to help pay debt service rollbacks, and then increases—prompted the provost for outreach and international affairs For higher education, the major is- budget writers to instruct the Joint Subcom- to replace C. Clark Jones, who is retiring at sue was the amount of tuition flexibility mittee Studying Higher Education Funding the end of the fiscal year, Provost Mark the institutions would be granted to re- GENERAL ASSEMBLY Policies to recommend to the next General McNamee announced today. cover a portion of the $305 million cut in Assembly a tuition policy as part of higher “We decided to look inside the univer- General Fund support being imposed. UPDATE education’s base-adequacy guidelines. The sity community to fill this position for several Although the institutions argued budget also provides an increase of $4.5 reasons,” McNamee said. “Certainly, we have strongly that tuition decisions should be million in student financial aid to be allo- a number of highly talented faculty members left to the individual boards of visitors, in on the new facilities authorized by the voters in cated to the institutions. and administrators who are dedicated to out- the end the General Assembly opted the recent general-obligation-bond referendum. The General Assembly provisionally reach, recognize the value of an international against flexibility, mandating a 5-percent This fee, based on a $1.67-per-credit fee on out- approved 2.25-percent salary increases for approach in all three parts of our mission, and cap on tuition increases above the annual- of-state students at four-year institutions and a faculty and staff members, to be effective understand the importance of sharing our ized 2003-03 tuition rates for in-state stu- $1.50-per-credit fee on out-of-state students at (See GENERAL ASSEMBLY on 3) knowledge throughout the world. With the university undergoing so much change and with the budget a continuing concern, we also felt that an internal search could provide us with candidates who would have the institu- Four CALS dean candidates to interview in March tional knowledge to carry us through these The Provost’s Office has announced 16 through 19; Hackney, March 23 through 26; a member of the faculty of the Center of critical times.” that four candidates for the position of dean and Weiss, March 30 through April 2. Excellence in Equine Science at Rutgers. The vice provost for outreach and inter- of the College of Agriculture and Life Scanes was educated in the United Kingdom Quisenberry is dean of the College of national affairs is responsible for the plan- Sciences will be on campus for interviews in with degrees awarded from Hull University, and Agriculture and director of the Montana ning, marketing, delivery, and oversight of March. the University of Wales (U.K.). Scanes was an Agriculture Experiment Station. She was head the university’s outreach, economic develop- The candidates are Colin Guy Scanes, associate professor in the Department of of the Department of Entomology at the ment, and international activities and pro- interim director of the Center for Designing Physiology at Rutgers and served as chairman of University of Nebraska-Lincoln before going vides executive leadership and vision to a Food for Human Nutrition and former the Department of Animal Sciences from 1981 to Montana State University. She has served range of programs, services, and activities. associate dean of the College of Agriculture, through 1995. eight years in department-level administration Among its units are Outreach Program Iowa State University; Sharron Quisenberry, In 1995, Scanes became professor of animal/ and nearly four years as dean and director. Development in continuing education and dean of the College of Agriculture and director nutritional physiology in the Department of Quisenberry has planned and implemented public services; Economic Initiatives and Mar- of the Montana Agriculture Experiment Animal Science at Iowa State University. His entomological-research programs in several keting Research; the Virginia Tech Southside Station; Cameron Ray Hackney, dean of the administrative assignments include executive areas including wheat, rice, forage crop, and Initiative; Commonwealth Campus Centers Davis College of Agriculture, Forestry and associate dean/associate director of the College livestock systems. She is nationally and in Abingdon, Richmond, Roanoke, and Vir- Consumer Sciences and director of the West of Agriculture/Iowa Agricultural and Home internationally recognized for her expertise in ginia Beach; Office of International Research, Virginia Experiment Station at West Virginia Economics Experiment Station, Iowa State plant/insect interactions and plant resistance to Education, and Development; and the Center University; and Mike Weiss, acting dean of University; interim director of the Plant Science insects. Currently, Quisenberry is serving on for European Studies and Architecture in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Institute and associate dean of the College of the National Academy of Sciences’ Board on Switzerland. at the University of Idaho. Agriculture, Iowa State University. He is Agriculture and Natural Resources and on the The vice provost provides leadership to Scanes is scheduled to be on campus currently interim director of the Center for Governor’s Economic Policy Advisory the Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference (J. McCormick) March 11 through 14; Quisenberry, March Designing Food for Human Nutrition. Scanes is (See FOUR on 3) Center; is leading the program planning for its successor, The Virginia Tech Center, which is scheduled to open in 2005; serves as the University selected as partner in Carnegie initiative spokesperson for outreach and international programming; and represents the university By Anna Kirsch, Tech Chemistry Professor Jim Tanko “One hope is that we may be able to at various functions and on such boards as the University relations intern described the CID as an opportunity for streamline our graduate program, which would Hotel Roanoke Conference Center Commis- The university’s Chemistry Department universities to participate in a discussion decrease the amount of time graduate students sion, Virginia Tech Corporate Research Cen- has been chosen to participate in a multi-year evaluating their goals for graduate education. spend fulfilling requirements of dubious value ter, and the Institute for Advanced Learning research-and-action project aimed at Tech’s Chemistry Department will have a seat at and replace them with requirements that support and Research in Danville. The position is also improving doctoral education at American the table to participate in the group dialogue the research mission,” Tanko said. (See INTERNAL on 4) universities. The Carnegie Initiative on the examining and assessing ideas pertaining to In addition to the 33 Partner Departments, Doctorate (CID) has selected 33 partner graduate education in chemistry. the CID has also selected 22 Allied Departments departments in chemistry, education, English, “In addition to sharing ideas and experiences who will help form a network in each discipline and mathematics to analyze aspects of their with other universities, we may implement some to provide further information collection and BOV Meeting doctoral programs and link specific activities ideas presented by others if they remain consistent dissemination about the study. to desired outcomes. with our goals and objectives and if we think that Funding for the project is provided by the Scheduled Carnegie Senior Scholar Chris Golde they would work in our environment,” Tanko Atlantic Philanthropies and the Carnegie The Board of Visitors will hold its said the project goals were to support and said. Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, quarterly board meeting on campus Sun- study experiments in doctoral education, to Tanko said he hopes the environment and which was founded by Andrew Carnegie in day, March 9, and Monday, March 10. document and analyze the character of those timing are right for substantive changes to occur 1905 and chartered by an act of Congress in The full meeting of the board will be initiatives and to help disciplinary in the Graduate School, which he believes will 1906. More information about the study and held on Monday, March 10 at 1 p.m. in the communities create models and evidence of help advance the university’s objective of participants is available at Board Room, 2100 Torgersen Hall. success to inform others in the field. becoming a top-30 research institution. www.carnegiefoundation.org. 2 SPECTRUM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2003 ACTIVITIES Big East Women’s Basketball Championship, TBA, Friday, 14 EVENTS Piscataway, N.J. Pay Date for Faculty and Staff Members. Friday, 28 Last Day to Resign. Pay Date for Faculty and Staff Members. Sunday, 9 Spring Break Ends. Saturday, 1 SEMINARS Women’s Month Begins. Wednesday, 12 Friday, 28 Spring Break Begins. YMCA Noon Slide Show, noon, Cranwell Center. MCBB, 12:20 to 1:10 p.m., Fralin auditorium: Jonathan Men’s Basketball, noon, Cassell Coliseum: Villanova.