All4boats after school programs invite you at CATAMARAN TRAINING & PARTY WEEK


The Saronic feature some of the best off-the-beaten-path destinations in all of . This route is perfect for those looking for an authentic Greek island sailing experience.

The sailing consists of calmer seas, shorter sail times, and opportunities for longer swim stops between islands.

The Saronic Archipelago is renowned for its lush landscape, stunning neoclassical architecture, and vibrant restaurant and nightlife scene.

These islands give you the opportunity to visit archaeological sites, cliff jump into the Aegean, hike ancient paths, and take donkey rides through cobblestone streets.


Sailing Time Between Islands: 2-4 Hours Winds & Sea Conditions: Generally Mild Architecture: Colorful, Neoclassical

Powered by The Program

17 Octomber – Check In – marina Alimos, Athens Saturday We set sail to the island of (aprox. 3 hours of sailing)

18 Oct omber – Breakfast in Aegina and then we sail to (aprox. 3 hours Sunday of sailing)

19 Oct omber – On the 3rd day we will stop for a swim in the bay of Nspathi Monday and then we will be on the way to , the longest leg of the expedion

20 Oct omber – On the 4th day, afer breakfast in Spetses we will sail to Tuesday for a night anchorage in the north bay of the island

21 Octomber – For the 5th day we will have to reach the beauful iland of Wednesday (the island with the best sunset view from ene Greece!) 22 Octomber – It is m to think about the return trip so we will be on the Thursday way back to Poros or Aegina depending on preferences and also on the weather

23 Octomber – On Friday we will make the trip back to Alimos, Athens. Friday

24 Octomber – Morning disembarkaon roune y 10am. Saturday

Powered by The Boat – Bali 44.0

Powered by The Boat – Bali 4.0

Powered by The Boat – Bali 4.0

Powered by Participation Fees

Fees - per person for 7days event Bali 4.0/4.1 (2017-2019) – accommodaonin double cabin with 650 EUR* private bathroom (skipper included)

Fuel 30 EUR* Cleaning 30 EUR Boat franchise insurance 45 EUR Food for breakfast/Drinks on board 45 EUR*


Oponal pesonalized MUSTO T-shirt 80 EUR*

* The 650 EUR will be invoiced in RON and will be paid by bank transfer. The remaining 150 EUR will be collected on board in Greece for these consumables and service (this amount can be modified by crew members decision). • Total final price can be adjusted according to client’s needs. • Crew members can decide to procure optional personalized t-shirts for the expedition.

Powered by Additional Details

-Possibility to assist with flight ticketing* and other travel formalities through a local partner in Bucharest, Romania. -Transportation: once you will arrive in Athens Airport, you can take the X96 bus (cost of 6 EUR/person) until EDEM bus station for Kalamaki, Alimos marina. It will be a 30 minutes bus ride (or you can share a taxi for about 30-35 EUR). - Communication between crew members will be set-up via whatsapp chat group (discussion about arrival time in Alimos, exact meeting location in the marina and other administrative details will be carried out in time for the start of the event). -Food and Beverage budget* on board of vessel can be adapted, depending on crew members needs. -Every day/evening (except Dokos bay) the vessel will reach a new island and for dinner the crew will have the opportunity to taste the amazing Greek food dishes (this is not included in the Participation Fees and we estimate a necessary budget of aprox. 20 EUR/pers./dinner) -You will be on good hands with the Skippers which are fluent in Romanian /English language and have extensive regatta experience as well as thorough knowledge of the Greek islands (Saronic, and Ionic archipelagos).

*comes with additional cost

Powered by Summary

- 7 days sailing event - catamaran vessel – Bali 4.0/4.1(2017-2019) in great condition, (if you wish we can change the boat model according to your wish) - superb sailing conditions in the Mediterranean sea, - crew of 8 members + skipper - professional skippers with experience both for regattas and Greek islands, - discover 5(five!) islands in the gorgeous Saronic archipelago - 5 different marinas

Overall, a memorable adventure in 2020 you will never forget!

Powered by Thank you for your time and we look forward having you on board!

Contact details:

Aldea Andy Cristian - Program Manager Phone: +40 722 350 144 Nautic School E-mail: [email protected] Web: