International Journal of Instruction January 2017 ● Vol.10, No.1 e-ISSN: 1308-1470 ● p-ISSN: 1694-609X pp. 55-70 Received: 01/01/2016 Revision: 11/08/2016 Accepted: 15/08/2016 Learning Geometry through Discovery Learning Using a Scientific Approach Akhsanul In’am Mathematics Department University of Muhammadiyah Malang Indonesia, Indonesia,
[email protected] Siti Hajar Islamic Junior High School Malang Indonesia, Indonesia,
[email protected] The objective of this present research is to analyze the implementation of learning geometry through a scientific learning consisting of three aspects: 1) teacher’s activities, 2) students’ activities and, 3) the achievement results. The adopted approach is a descriptive-quantitative one and the subject is the Class VII students of Islamic Junior High School in Indonesia. The data were obtained through direct observations in order to gain some knowledge of the teacher’s and students’ learning activities. The results of the students’ learning activities were obtained through geometry tests. The research results showed that the teachers were able to implement the preplanned learning activities and their leaning activities may be able to improve the students’ learning activities. Moreover, the five aspects of the scientific approach namely observing, asking questions, reasoning, attempting and presenting, were well implemented. The students’ activities were also done as planned and all the aspects of the learning activities as stated in the approach may said to be well implemented. The mean value of students’ learning results in groups was found to be 96; meanwhile their individual learning result was found to be 95.