Anthony Wood Kimarie Clement A Review of the Financial Regulatory Framework of Barbados Abstract It is well established in the literature that the financial system plays a pivotal role in the development process. Thus, it is incumbent on gov- ernments to have strong and effective regulatory regimes in place to protect investors, ensure orderly functioning of financial institutions and markets, and maintain confidence and stability in the financial system. An area of regulation receiving renewed attention in recent times is the institutional structure of financial regulation; specifical- ly, whether the existing institutional arrangements for regulation are resulting in comprehensive and effective regulation of the financial system. These discussions have been driven to a large extent by chang- es in the structure of the financial services industry globally and the disruption to financial systems in many countries. While the type of institutional structure may not be the main de- terminant of regulatory effectiveness, an inappropriate or outmoded structure can impede the attainment of regulatory and supervisory goals. The aim of this paper is to examine the adequacy of the finan- cial regulatory framework in Barbados. Specifically, the paper seeks to determine whether the current architecture of financial regulation provides suitable coverage of all areas of regulation, and whether the Anthony Wood, Lecturer in Economics, The University of the West Indies. Kimarie Clement, Bank Examiner, Central Bank of Barbados. Corresponding author: <
[email protected]>. Monetaria, January-June, 2015 Central Bank’s responsibility for prudential regulation and monetary policy is appropriate and in keeping with best practice. Data were ob- tained via an interview survey with managerial personnel of the regu- lators (Central Bank of Barbados, Financial Services Commission and Fair Trading Commission) and selected financial institutions during the period July to September 2014.