OPINION FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Support the Arts An interview with Student Art Exhibition Men's tennis team, and Humanities. Danciu. at Ritter Art Gallery. 23-5, page 5 page 6 page 8 page 10


Atlantic du 'V~"'.N""'I ftob, 6. 1"17 .- ,;(The 'Weekly new_paper of Florida Atlantic Univenity . Henry, OJito receIve• awards

IV..,,,,,,,,,y Rc:la"o"~I_·Fln<"'" A'-Ie \:n._}", 1987 Kc.n«h II; .... ,11 ...... lindo>o.""".., Awa

C " COIl.-oao""", of Fn- !? cia) ",,114.'" s.bn II; H~ for Sd>- W.lcomeBact'Th S 5- "" fund. arc ~ 10 ....., ~. ~ l~.,c Q "'_ "'""'''''I ...... :..l.. ~mo"""""lllhr..., . One ~ P'~' N Wednesday May • of ,I>< ."'...... ,,,en r.,.. ",hobo.o", ,he: "'...., f.. _,­ "'" dcry '0 d<09Ic:

<'''''''hI _ 'n AdC ten...... 1,''''. s.bn II; t1C'W) ""'" """,,eel her Su...... cal.,...la hours, ,-_"r """,~.... ApnI~~ '.~ 7 _.' 7~, """" ...~and'- ,l.. l>ccn , ,,.. • I ...... tlr II< II "-< "" '. .of f" \,. Il\e rau o! IYll:l 1;"" l> , Q\::>e" May 1 a:.>d 16 I,om Ii member ", Sill"'" Tl><,. Tau. ,lie p.m, "udn,gn' hon<>r"'y nu"" ,,"'''''y Pr_ .....nrolh t f'AU. """f)'.' 'ended P"I'" Be..,,, I"",,,.. C<>Iqc and TOMORROW: ,he U""e"'ot) of M"'~,I'U'. She u· J>C"'~ '0 JO'" the nu..,"11 ....rf a' Come pelrly 01 'he Owl"a N_I IkI"""'" Hooptlal "ftc.. Il""""",,n.. "nd to ul""''''ely enroll'" the Un,,"e,· pub will. Tl Shan. a ,<><:tln' ,eg pla", _ ...... uu: MATVT'E "'y of M,~m, '0 beilin ..udi"" 'o..... rd geeband Shawume" 01 9 p,m ...... ",.1 c."",. Sabra Henry Mirto Ojito and a,e only $2 10' "ek.,. Hen,y and he, ~...t>a.... Oon ar.>t can ... "~","",, improvc.."'''' fo,'I\<: ~icld 100<1 "fall. Il I'''e. ,,'" I""" r""linl pa,d foe .hp o ••,ud.nl .nd ,"cpfoll"". An"" .nd Oco'llc Mu,iel _'loft. She wa. 16 y.,a.. old rot .b mon'''', She ~1,., pan"'ipataJ '0 know th~'throulh myjob a. ajaur. SI""""lan. I...~ In 110<:_ Ra'on••• <10 Wi,~ ,den'UlcOhOtl , ••pin"ion••, ....,11 u pia". f,,' on. flIoIlio 1>""""'." 'oCUb.! and i" the noli" I.. I>.>'·e the po...e,'o h,in, .bou, "", brocl><' and ~",e..·in-'"'''' 11.....1<1 " ...."'." ",jou"",l"m. al"'''''y.he 1Ia. Ibdio M,,"i p.-<>;CC' ••pon....."" by '~e c~.ngc< Il>.>t ... ,11 improve ,he lore or aoo J."", Ric"..<>Id made " I. 0<",,,,,,,,,,,,,, to b"""""'" "".... to membe.."fmy commu.."y. "'" C'OUn REMINDER: Mi". A Ojllo CM,nce«mbcrof 191$6, She i, no.... ••"nc."", un,,' ,he bee.n", aJ"or·;n· ...... ~'" 1clIdcnhj;p """,,toe>..., """"'ld 'l1\c,e i. no money i.. "' Bu' ,t.o... h cd on full """"'.nJ,,p., ''''' Unlve..'· chid in ,he sumnle' or 19110 A Ii"" to be .n "",'ve membe, or my com· <>f '~.""e'. .nd WednOf'Ckrya '0 Tueeday•. Th. ~he • I", c."", l.m PI_n'oHon will be On. 'y of Mu.m, he'" up '0 member of ''''0 """'" """.,",e•• PI" ""'''''y••nd I think ,he bat way 'odo oac"r",e.•._ love. And the"" ...... I. ,...,eiv., lhe m ."of.". dcl"'c ,n in· f.il~r"lty mo~c Cn::rzy Summe' .,n Tu-..day. T"cu K_ .nd PI" K.ppa PI... >he " i. I" rcpre>cn' It by be,n. Iy the dirfe....""" for me." '~"\lI"on.1 ••,..heo by .... of 1988. May 12. Faculty. S'oll and n."", .1>0 served .. p_Klene .r'he Cenecr I.. """'...... It. IQCal .epone•• 0<>­ Senlo. C"'z..... a,.. S2. Con.red Prio. '0 enrollin...' FAU """ .,...... for PclICc Ed"".''''''.nd " ... 'nv<>lvcd n_ 'bc .,.,.,.,.... can ''''''' .nd ...lyon OJ,,,, and he, hu>banMiami in. """,be.. or can,,,... orpn''''ion>. r """"'Id like '0 n..ke my romn,,,ni'y n'ni••1..., ,,, FAU alumn.... live I" Is Publ1c S3 and Slud.n.. w"h o.dc Com...... n"y CoIl,,1l" Iden"Uc:a\Jon a •• alway. 1._, In addila>n1O he.. FAU ""'''''lie,. >he benet. ,fpoooiblo. by o.:kI.... any ;...,., Mi"m, QUOTE: OUte,aLa 10••he F.d.,al Social Science Dean named Cen,o.. lor o...e.:- Control hovo pcosx-d on ."ponded ...l _ "'..,.'" pleal.cd ...... , t.o ...tUle ofTcdl~ ,n tho Orad""e nunu- 01.,...... " by 20 po,eenl d ..... Uo,,,,,..ily Nonb"e>I. "'" ...... cqxod _ ..,...,....""'..... dea" of the "'" .,ola Catl,n ... bq,n d",OQ" FAU by 0'-"'" S<'hool. '" .. SUle bo....h.. avaIloblo '0 'llOU&lacc Dr. Robe" Huctst--n. who_ .....-I __ Dr C..hn """ ""rved _ h.i..... I"ie e..-ncd hlo. """"<>tal ng 10 dlagnO&l& 01 AIDS Amcncan ..,..c"""",," _ Cla""""'" voce pt't>Oaon. n...... p.brut>on ') .s.u,rcc-w,e t..-ence 01 health ofllac' F""" 19n-1I:! he "'-" .m,_ ,,"" _ Plannml. and 10.. U. anrh. and 0lJI_ the "Y Aon<:! Dr. Robert Catlin FAU ""'""Ie... Helen """"""'h...... , ,,"-""'oaK profC>M><. 'he<> cl>lu...... of Tho Hew y",l i,.... Teclu>oIo&Y '" CIl.ocac<> EDITOR'S NOTE: GET A JOB,! Comown' _ ...... lot ,he .Alkal Sun .,,~. sUlDlDer~ You U geI money !\WelCOlDe to the long. hot and "'*"" bmo. CoNoctOo>g ... 1<:,.." at 393-37$0 l"'Iot" 2 News Shelf Poli-Sci Award to Engineering grants Ph.D. Thomas

(Un"·~.....y Rd....-l-lbomas G n-na..• pol..oeal """"""" rna,.... • n-"'-~""'-tfl Flo..... A,I ,ie U"'VC:"'''y ..he of lhe Cotle(il. EngI_lOng ot ....-wlll> "" April 24. '"'. no"d<> A,kznu., Un''''''<1Ily named ohrr 1917 rtt""'" of "'" 'ao:­ wem CI""Orct.d "'" Apnl 24 ....1<"" L. !Joe"'" Awan! Ia I"oh...... 1987 'CI M. Sm Y .....ng Kong 5<:""""",. I-Ie ~..... "'- ""'" • H.. It-C":i,,UOf. Dr Tsuno· Police CRAIG DORFMAN """"'" .... """"""""y - .... r:ampoa chow Suo "",d 'h"" 'he """"""y (April 10, •.-arch do_ by Yonv con NEWS EDITOR 11M: """"". Award. ..-__ '"bu''''' '0 on ocIG'CI 'hct ...,11 .The Uvely and Lurid at FAU m.n ."" l q,,~U"" Bech,. IS h.lp .Pe'e'd up hl.-aavtnl:l ,....'••,,'.cd Iy to • acn..... or '--=ue ope,obona Q'I -.. ~.- ~ an1nl ~....ion of,..,.,.", ", """ie"anelo>.hcd to ~ M, Oulnc:y Robe. depu,y ch'el In ocecmPl:l.ophy ot the U.S, 1'''U,c.'''' l'or ,he , ,h,cc monoh, 4110117 Coasl Guo.d Reaearch and De"elopemn' c.n,.,. G.oton. ,he ""~ hoI"e """'" ~I"& ".,iou, A beloved h.",..c, ."" hi, ~c .nd encou...... , ''''' """y or ..... po'. ',cms on he, ca, on elIm.,..> .no,t., wc", _en from ,he l.~no,tl')' room 'icip,nion in " ...".ica.. ! I""k!o:n' invol"ed. ofdonn 21. The ...m..c.·.ow left Ing 01 C,all Drll' In On Ocean En"I,onmen'." I' p.ovld.... a ""'c 'ha' w'" w.i"cn In 1'",,,,," tha' him rhe'" b«.u"" or lhe Ioc he Thom••• who h•• m.in,.i""". J.6 Itr.odc poi'" .~C P"U. "'rvod as Iheo,ellcol model 10. emplncol dO'a gothe.ed m 0 /Olnl ,_ OOn· w., IcO on the c.."'p1.i....no·. COf. m..d","hcwinlon'hebaf'SoflhcCIII" ...&"., ducled by f'AU "'nd Ihe eoa", Gua.d In Ihe .pring 011985. U.· ".., _co wU ' .....I.,ed by ,he F"'U each nllht. No """ In ,he

F'or t...... who wan' '0 Ie"h Card.."". 627-4'-18. Art classes offered

Creo"".,y canllnu_al the Boca Roton MWIOtUm 01 An. M"nl' a,eo ,esoden.. who ..udy painting. drawing. bat'k ond labn", dy.,ng- w,lI1» able '0 =nUn". dUring- on eXHa.~ w_k_­ $\On "I cia...... by !Iv. popul", all lnstruetOfTl 01 'he Boca ROlon M...... um 0( All ..a,ung Monday. "'loy I hh 'htC>Ug!h F'Tiday, lune PIP_4400._~ I9Ih, RegISt'OlIOn .. nc:rw open All d ..... OTe OV'Olloble 10 _ryon. 0" a 11_ co...., I,"" serve bIt ll·~. An) 'W. An) dri.·..r. I..... I).... " I·a)....,n.... 1.0..' Monllll) I"lo)n~nt.~ H...... a.-<:I Bus", "'" W""",,,. 0 non-aedll co ..... '"" be heki lor AX ..._b ....",ng Th",sd<:ry May 7 onde-ndtng-I,,,,,. II. I..,,,, 6 30 p n, ,,,,hi 9,30 p.r.." ,n Toem 123 al Palm Beach lun.,. C '_... 42 XI CongT_ Av..nue, Loko Worth

P_.,;tlatoon 1_..ra lot nanda ,-.MInts; prer_"" .., al ony Palm 6eacl, Iwl>Of CoIM.ge eampus The luruor ee.a-also <:on P'OVIde ",Iorma"an co"",ern""" lactL.t_ovOllable lor I'" han CALL US FOR dKXIpped 1"0' lullhe. tnlOl",ollon an cou,se der,,,ia. coli the MAYFAIR PLAZA no"da A,Ian..", Un,_,~,1y Small B""'.... D.V1tIop....nl C."'er 885 S.E. 6th AYE., FREE '" Patm Beach Go'de...., 627·~278. OT Boca RQ1on. 338-2273. PHONE QUOTES DELRAY BEACH The cot""", provldes "n opporlu""y '0 tearn ,he rundamen. US IN..rthbound l\er<>M from &janjtles) 272-2588 '015 01 ma"lng ond o",",allng a busin_ al hOM•. Top""," will ondud.. _1/·...... "'e"•. markeUng and p,omollon. plonnlng and "'anOQ..men'. !lnanelal ",tormollon and r..lK>UT.....

A.AmericonHeart It I~ Bpa,acued by- 'h.. Florida A,lanlic Unlv.T."y Small *** WANTED *** V Auoclatlon Sus",_ o..v.lopm..n, C.nleT and The U.S. S'non 6ualn_ Ad· "'1"'lIIra"on. and <:o·.pon.."ed by 'he Palm a.cr",h lunlor Col. News Writers leg.. Co"hnulng EcIucallon Depa"men'. Please contact Craig or Kristen at 393-3750 we're FIghting For Your We Opinio

EDITORIAL: For our own good. ••

n.e Su begun mov;nll '0 ,he """Ie, or'he political con­ tinuum n:ccnlly. E""'YO"" ocemsentalic .bout Mikhail Gorbooohev's>l""" but imminent ",fOfTJl "f....communi.. gQvernmenl" poIic..... While rnany have been c>u bten rnovi"ll ."",y fcdom Of' "'hieh it i. based. Yes, folk•• Am<'ic. i. doing the communi...h"m". W.,ch whal you o.Io.'he sodomy pOlk<: "LOY he _1OI\i"g_ WalCh what you read. the Meese commis.ion mig'" be lO<>It.,ninll· Firs. of .11. ,bo Con"i,,,,;,,,, of~ Unite i< A"",rica_who",!he rules...., rnadelObe bro""n. n",,,,, are .I"'ady law. govem;ng fTee speech and the FCC =ntly impoood new ....nd.«I. on .11 nodio 'i""" "'sa,..,ing ~ni'y. The new FCC "'gula'ion em...... from an inv....isation in'o e con'BClo'" ,,'.thead, ba;.cd ,n..re~ Le' C.n,,,,' plain... Also. SIC",'. <.bow 100:; INCREDIDLE ,.",ing.<. both in New Y<><:1>« ,~Philadelphia Thi. obviously mealtS lIt:O many pcr\,ta, and " i. vp '0 ,hem ,,, ,,,,,ak op no'" anv<:rp<>wer ,he few '~a' "I'I"'>C we pay dc.rly r"r,orn in'o ,he boom­ .n back and .....~ for ,he big A~",rocan 'heir "'"e. l:loc".., Edi'"r. ~l", ,ha' ,,·c·'" al-..y. readi"g buc~. Ilk it·, wc:lf~.-c Let 'hem-.how Obsceni'y is in ,he mind of ,he beltolc Arglla..... Sup­ ,114, i, i••Imply 'rying 10 procn' shelle", chilVi>m. 'hey will be in f",qu"e ••hoek when ,hey en'e< 'he noal ""rid ,,,''' ,Ite <"On".... 0' ,t>eoc s ...... old In f..rc:,~n POf"'C' No malic, OOW you .lIcc i,. " ."nks of CENSORSHll' Then: "n:: a "'.'" ",,,,'cn'lOn' ".n:, I) We """" ,JtIll"~",, ,,, ge' nuclc.r ,0p"",,1a<')' o"c, ,he boy' Wi,h Ill. our lIcf'e",", bunch of\ll",leo:,ed burcaucr,," in Washington. and bet:;lo>e n",a..,. ""ppu<1,ng.n ,t>e h,uc>l ,hrea' 'n ,his .""n,<)'·, p",,'er orthud1!'-"t. 2) We need ",re') ;, '''''' pc",ple don', e"cn '!>,nk ,,, be ...i!l",S '" g" down '0 Cen,,,,1 ,,_, ,i><", ..'u""' The)' 1<1 ,he People '" j!;<>Vernmen' all o"c, ,lie ...... m'ry a", ''Y'ng '" 'oIl""'" ,lIei, 1·1"" about Mr Buckt.y·, ...>l'" nK>nlls on ,he peoplc 'hey a..vcrn. Thcy a", 'elling ,he vcry people lhey An",,,o,, a"" fight Hccon'end,'''''' govcm,ncn, Icad ,10<:", .",ond by ""',,'' On C~n'l1Il A"",,,,,,,,? He "')" th", ...,.., on ,he", 'h,ng' ,Io<:,r """" and ,.11 ,t>elll ..."a, '" rep""""n, how ,t..y should livc And ,I..n i< ,he poin"ha' man) ,f'lte S~noLIl'old be ,he ,,,her Wa) This oppn:...,v."""", .~ould "'" be allowed '" creq> ;n'o ,hIS ctl<, 'ha' lif.>Iyl•. Be glad lha' ,10<:", a-<­ h,,>'c , ...... hlc '" San otego a,1d San 'h. 1I"""rnn""", i. ,he 1'''''1'10. The An,onio. In ""~1i'y. the Unl1<: Game•• and ",.p ""''''5 r"r y"" '0 'urn "m TIle aIIC"",';"e would be I",''' ...... ,l'''''f''le to"".11 ,..,"" ond pa<"n bl."", or takc <>nlc... horn. If" "n', dl"".."",". g"","'phic"Uy '01T""ne ""~c pic yo::.' '" no. do "r d'e. I'nr ",. workin", rn, }"'" 'lten i,', you, r.oll Be yOUr _njudgeor your fon,ily·' judge. bccau>c when earth h~. fi""l1y b«n new 'Olalitanan 'hinking. many will wan'. new <10''''''. abou\ nuck:1or ....p"".,""'1' u,.". unlike !lu."ia "'hieh Chi"" and ,f you ulua-conscrv..ivc """"'­ men'. ,he glJVemmcnt will won be making" law ,elling .veryone wh., '" do and It<>w '0 do I,. Question my e'pcli.ncc '''a' n><»l cnUes. I reel il i. ,mpo"."l r.... u' '0 que,_ II i< up '0 ,10<: Amenta~ people '0 1<11 ,lie sovcmme~' "'''OI '0 do. '''WSpO""" pro"ide ,he llbeml. ··Id. ,ion our """,ic'y'~ value, ... ,h", we (Anyone ",member tha'~J values 'b,._.~n'i'nod"lOn.'i,,· vlcw-points may feci <"omro,,"Mc "'hen "", No... ,. ,he ,ime '0 """,,10 away frolll UncI. Sot<> befo", hi. &np g... which a", "iIal '0 ,h" gene",,,o..·, gene...""" become. ,he p"'dom,,,,,,,, 'i~"'er. grow'h I once e~." ""w.n ."",Ic in p'>pula"on "f"""'lety, A """ic'y ,ha' a L,oi~I!""" Coil"&" (New Ju..,y) doc. u'" change i.~...asnan, ", 'he In ",.pon"" '0 ,he Ie"er ·'No paper en'i".... '"The diffc",,,,,,. bet. "',nd, 'ha, ",.kc i, 01'. Gran'cd 'hOI OfJl'l>"" rOf ,helland....."ppcd.·· whle" wee" "'. wi,h men and "'< w"" t a", "'" allloral or ma'c"~I",ic, nor appeared in ,he SUN on Ap,,,1 g. 1 ...... "nen.·· A"yo"" who objeoolS '0 "n Om I" "''''<'tionary. I reel'''''' i, i.ou, "'u,, ep,n;"n. Tbc. "",,~, .niele on Na,i"",,' Orgasm Week do,y "' An""ic.n you'" ,o"'" his own VICW ,ha, ,he SUN >hould "'ad coUcgc pa""", f ,I>< if our P'lren", ~.,u",.", 'hose ,h , t"lC sbuullick '0 more con"''''.''ve ",- hill" "",ho<>l friend'. You may"be > bt

Cd"••·," "",,' ...... r"'.hK J\I.-I,,"'" It.... Sntilh E.~lctl" H"ard """" "--",,,., Kris,,," 1'"le,"""" . Craig Onrr"'an Today w-e stand In ,,-,,,,,",,,,,,,, • ""'K ,;~"",,,, """... Julie O'An'ico Anlhon}' L"d"ro'"1l " ...... "'...... ".." ",...., '''''''K solidarity w-ith the MII:1lcl A""nslo UIIl K'e1s<:hm"r 35 million black South T,""...... " ""'<"".K, ...... Jill SinH... M. Cooecllina Rom...... Africans w-ho are denied E.~lel1c I'\""rd ,."...... ,...... c•..., "•....,,, C...:i1 C. Komcr.. "'nren lJIenlc" C"'"lo,... the right to participate J ....' \ViIlh"ns Anlholl)" L"deronllll . Cind)' Pr'n.. In a free and democrati.c ., "...... " """ "' _"".". ,,' ,.. u..__...... _.<0."..-.._...... 0 __ 04 _'''OJ " ...... "... "..."...... s..,,'" ~"'" society••. ..,_...... " L...• ..... "- ...._. l'l.3,..,,' _,'*, JU-,J7M. 0fTk. ___ ...... •..rI.• a.m.'. < p...... , . " . . • . . ..., . l\by 6. 1987 PII~" S Much ado about Arts and Humanities

PAOI.() AGOSTINO c ".Se ~·TAFt· WRITER "''''' supc.bly amonged. ,he ....'10""'" w.re .ichly live and ""'''nIcd_.., ,he m,,_ ",I ..-IIr" ,I,r simpllci',.,!!"Fr.1I ",,,I 'Mul mood. "II .,,,,mbinins;n c'e.,ins ""''''''''rJ TIt.-r ''r,...""rJ ,,'i,h "n' an impc«able " ..... brillian, pc.fo._ ,li>1inll"i>llIn/l "",yr..1ter ,II.. IIift. 'if A" ",.... ,h. lIu"'.n",.. ure ,ha' ""''''')' Io.c> """",tt"nsof i"""I.,.....bIc ,h"" '-u'ure pi.... '" ,\""',,,". and ""'..... TI>e .udience·, ",,,,,,ion. pmphm""'"'''''11. ""II r'r<"OII",:..J hope. 'he:y OOild lhao bOrne 1''''1''''<'. ,hat 'u"""ndlns commn"nl'y. I< in pcnl. and 00.... of I.ngh,e•. 'ed In ,he: 1.",1,•. •• pr<:c;a,_ of'he An, lind Human;';"s ,he: "r"", maliplay or roman· nre be,ns "n.ion>...heming ...... hi""''''''''. F.,.. in."ance. ""'. ,he p...",.,.ro vival of ,h. An,. II i. nor 'rue '''"' di,,,,,,,,ion be'ween An.nd popula, and >paring ",i,. Yc'. ,be 'he."e', di'prol"'nionctl em, in f"oo, foe ,echnological p,og'", ",ill .I.va,. enll"",. H...a,.., "An live. "n ,he: .bili'y '" ""...in ,""I> a h,gh q ....h'y W. h. In" "'ooi!>m. FAU', Humannies del"'nmen'. Thi. ,I><: ",nsi,;vi,;", of indi"idna" '0 'h,e,h"ld of aelion. M.n f."e of pe«onnance i, I>cinit jeop;o'd,.", ,nl' i""",a"ngly di""""Ilan'ro ","h 1'"""""" di.play. a f"ndan",n,.1 Ikau'y. TIU'h.•nd Vin.... On' i, i. '''''m...'v., tlUly from ,he: my'hic.1 by ,he Uni>,...i'y·, dimini>l>ing finan_ ,he: ....y>lNk. and d"'lnll of Ii f., Th. ,n,'"ndc""andi"ll or,he Univ....i'y·. ' ...e ,ha' a, ec"""mie ""mpc,ihon ",1..,1on ,.. ,hinilS by >lel'l'inll ....~ . cial ,nppon. 1'""..', ,ec.n' ' ...... n"'n of ,he: v".1 rol. in • f'ee .nd <> '0 'pca~. f.om ,ha' which 'hey It i, '""nmben' npon ,he >tuden" CII,h<>I'" Ch"",h·. di>lOI'I',ov.1 of "",i.'y. It i. nor • eoi""idc...e '''"' ,,,,vl'·al'a~.,ong",'''.' "" m .•• ...... , wo II t=porl"" '0 'hi, GI<"«•. Fo, " "'•• al"" ,he Greeks ...... -on'" n",,,, f",.,.,fnl. peopl.. in pe,Ie.... bea,,'y ,. ,.. be hbe 'ed ,ha, ",••n .",...I,n lose_regardl.,.. 1'_"" """idem R.'Vn·. ""'.n' ....11<> ".""""od 0I"Y:' dee...."'" alloca,i"" of "l'Y ""' lISa prod"'" ofa "v.I",,_ "a'"re "'.rmen. I" popula••nl'nr•. fnnd, '0 ,he Hnmani,;e,. Wi,hou' ,.... nnde""ood '''"' ,he ...rvival of. self­ ",ith .uch mallen. And. of"""....,. men fn:c '''''",,,,Ivu from my'hica' f""," "' 'ion i. """,he:t. And of gov.rned """Ie,y <: ,he: roll",,,,,,. on W.1l S,~. I"'w.", di...... tdinS .v.ry'hing. mellie ofi.. eili>.en" a menl. fo.god by p,ov'ding n,o.e eOu..... in even .e...renee from ,II<: Be.",iful.·· ...ppon 'he: .... _lun>lleg"""'m v"'l.nce in ci'ies and ....oorb;". dlUp and """f>ed 'h",ogh drama·••a,,,",_ Ilo."...... F,...... AeeoulWing. Ma._ ",i'll<:, and die••nd "'"h ,hem. ,II<: _r~p'"" To """,ive • Iibe",1 "'uc.t;"n •• ~ ,,, ""hool ..nd ,he •. and ,..... ,ic crfec'. kcting. COO"""",. Sciences. and ",he, ond ha.e ",••",ne. f,,, , ...,h """"nnnily ,.. receive truly liberal .....,..,,, "rll... m",lia man.", "'" a '0 _ Ir,he indivKluallacks.n nndc""an· ""'''' of ,..."'...... "'"'~e' f·il..,1f ha""fnl, demo'T",ie """"'y dc>poiled of'ru'h ,nppOn (0. ''''' H"mani,k. be ,,...,,...~"o...li>,.d, """".,.. con· wo"de, he: " ••he: Ioo~. ~no ,ha, '0 i...... i, i, im".....an' and be""r",hol. "00 be"'y c"n nor I""I! .ndure. n>adc ...n '0 ''''' PC""""" tcSf>Ott­ cern, de","nd g",n' ,.",iom. and """no...., g....'iflca"on. When >he Art> H"",.vn.: i, ~ !»nef,,1 aOO .ibl. fo. il> .n",i••l. If we••• •• ,..... Un;v....i'y 'y"."" ad""", aoo lind ,he: H"m"n"i." on ,he Uni""",i· ,,,,,,'iv. "'hen i, c:o...... , ,he._ The roc.n' FAU The.,,,, p",senta­ ""''''be", <>f • Un,v...i'y. arc '0 chanll"" ""h ,he: .."nomic ,ideo;. ,he 'y hee...... ".n....'Clhlng"". Ion· ..,,,,, '''li<,l:i...,ion, mu" be .."unctl in ne' ..Ivc., .nd ,he ""'" .cr..g. from • f..... ,ndivid"als ""Ins in ,he_rd ,,,i,,a~ingly demon..",,'c> 'ne high un,,,,,, w ..h ,II<: song. and m....., be • in dang....f '""m ofUnive.....1S'''''lOcaknl.'ins If'he " .... mod... bccutnr> ,he: ""'" 'l"an"y of An ""hl.v.bl. by FAU "'-~"ned ",i,h. """s.nial "l""ude 10' bein" .,,"'1'...... ;""". ,he profi' ,.'nm. of 10 p.od""'ion. "'....anl of n•• AM .nd 1I...... n"i.. "ude"". The ""'u'" pon..~yed" high il> ...epl,,,n,·· Sandinista human rights violations continue

",\RT nU'ALMA Chile'. "'''''cI>cd hnman "RIM' r=onl ...... ol"'_'b...... ~1> mid·lnl. "'"...., STAn' WRITEII i, well ""bltci""d In 'he p",••• San­ .., poli'i",,1 oppo_n,. "'"' .."".Iy d,,,,,,,, "",, of,.rro. and rc_ 5alazu WII> ••pla'mng .....w ""'I"""'ib/c r.,..,....tnal ...... ri,y i. the ,ecotd 01 ol."gh'e. ""'. ""hieved. A """'.men,she anea<.Ic Borge.nd "",IT_ Nicara,n. hefo... ,he ...... , New \'or~ Tin,,,, ro..,.".pondcn, cd by 10)'.1 pany membe.., The Coun of,,," PcopIcoorOnISSCl'g""'" Wh,le Wa, "'I~ins. "lien.. of'he p"",ary ,,,,,I fo, INIny ron'rol ,thin a gli"'pX-of'he """'PC of,,," ~illing: Sand,m Moni."y of ,he In'••io, MINT i. 'he l Dim::to c fo,·. 5"". Socu'''y (DOSIo"). U:Ic 5lcndin..... M....Y". 21>,n N"""oGi ~-+ ,n home anddral\Scd he.""". Fano•• '0 ...."', police. I' i••k>aely modeled C'udlWl Patio, .nd do>.e n",.e ,n • w.i"ns jeep. C"""'.pcion·s P"'S­ ali..- Cuba', nDU>riou. in"'mal """"n­ >ca".red 'ow", in ,he ""'e< ..... ofpnli'ic... kininpearricdou' .....,ned a' ,he MII'ITagen" as ,hey vi>.<>rs.·· The DOSE has approximate­ va p,bon i" 1979. o...pilc.'he p_ Alva••nga ....'" roundcxl lop in Jalapa o. sa"c,ion.d by 'he DGSE. d""", aw..y. "Why don', youj..... kill ly 4.000 addi,i"".1 Nic••aguan Df ",Ialiv.. and ""v.....1 hnman ,igh" p.ov;nce. ace.."", of collabo""ion How.....,•. ,his may be only. f...... ion ,II<: whole f.mily ., """" and SC" i, n",mbe",. -..., 'en "n,.,. ,be ....mbe. o'S..nin,ions on beh.lf of .1>.. wi,h C_... n:bcls. and cxccUlod. Of. of ,he 'NC nu",be•. In 1984. ,he ov." ",,,h1" Fanot"·. broohe,. Oom- or ...."" poIi<:e unde. Somo"". pri.."...... 0"'" eighty ""'...... n'ed f..lolly 'he:y die. •....,..'cd """"""nlS of ,he "'sin,.. ",sullins ou'.ry fod ,be S> The nex' day C""""pc",n ",en' '0 .nd hold ,hem indc:r.n"nly. To 'hi. dinisla> to ··atT...•• OClSEComman· ..m".nces ,n lino'.'" .nd a ....~ o( Ml/'olT ..,."', doc n.. i"'l.ire .bou, he. 'wo impr'...... end. i, op:rale. ni.... ~nown in,er· nleQnlooex fOI" _ins '''" ~illinS. M"'agalpa. and so..... ",v.alins ,cooimony, In­ """•. The I"'licc blun'ly ....,d he, she roga'ion/de'.n'ion f..ilit"'" .nd a Afte. IS dlIy.ofhousc .~. he w ... apcc,o. aaldizon', d.partm.n' woold nev•• _ Domingo o. Fa..... ntunhe, of"ande>line """". The bcsl relea""" '0 C"ba nn,ll ,hinss C<>Olod oec...ionally. ,he DOSE abandons v.rifoed _ ..... It"nd«:S is EI Chipol•• down, T<>nf....ion ad­ an "Id Somo.a 'on",e cen'er ,I>a" .., hi. old posi'ion in ,he DOSE. .n uamplc ofoul,SpOlocn <;ri,'" of,,," ....ve. got beyond Thomas 8oll.b6r.o'ion ",i'h ,he ",bol•. no...... "'•• ,he Saooini..a. in a •eg;...... GWkleI"pe C""'.ll . r... "n,il Baldi,un·. defec,ion. M... Solan. refnsed and WII< .v.n· ,imil.. man....'. A' EI Cl>ipole. ,he In Illg .. Thom•• Bo'lle establi"'­ coIT"" wo.~.r in D'pil,o. di greed It migh, .>oem ...... ing ,h., v.ry 'l DOSE "'8nlarly <:oral""', "'Y"IlOI<>&;. cd ."ic, high·le.eI c:ontrol ove. wi,h • DOSE offkc, at>ou, libera'ion f...... r 'h.... a,roci,ies gain ...... h and F."", remained in pri..... ",i,""", cal .00 ""y.....1 '''nn", of poli'ical poli,ical ~illinilS' tPa>l gove.nmen" ,hcol01lY "n"....n tigh" ,i•• statlns 'ha' all ".pcciol 00' managed '0 I>rea~ .way. DOSE I...~ of "'PO'1i"ll. ,he prin..ry ...... n been a 'n:nd 'o..."n:! op:n pcc' me"""..... (Le. m.gal poli'i.al ~ilI· .gen.. foil"""'" M... C....lla.­ for ,he ....w. bl..t ...... ' is a v.ry ef_ ",Ie and a new a".n'ion '0 human DOSE f""ili,ie. (0' obvious re...... ins) WO'llld have '0 be .l'I'r'Oved by knme ..nd ,h",w • I",,,ad. in after fectl..., disinfOnnation carnpo'sn wag_ "RIM' In Cenlral ..nd Sou,,, A . Iti.offie•. Thi. measure I..wered ,he he,. He< .ix.nd 'wel....,y...okl boy. ed by ,he DOS!:! '0 div.n anen'lon ,""'" are .. """pie of .....able e p-- Sandini..... hnman righ.. viol.,i,,,,. profile. if "'" the p<>c.....f DOSE ""_ ....'" ~,lIod ..nd.he ",••eri'ic.lly in_ aw.y from ,he:m...lv... "".r '" the ,ion, '0 Ihis .hirt. S.ndini..a d<> "'" "op III faJ... 'mpri""".....n' .nd ,i.i';"•. The follo",i"g a", a few of j"red. The 'uwn., pwopl'" we•• nor ··50mici.. ~ille..•· among the "'bel<. l'Iicarag"" .nd General Pinocl>et'. 'onu.e 1>1.0, ••'end '0 i...l""''''....1 ,he docnmen'ed ea....plc$ "r DOSE allowro '0 ""'OVc< ,he child",n·. More abou, ,hi. dn:epion in '''" ....., m,T'lary While pnI",,~I t'll', mg. Imn.....iatcI lie he .I .. hod·,.. ror ,i. d.y,. "'&imc ;" Chil•. ,. " "".pee,a ...... 10""'. edillon of 'II<: Swl Atlantic Sun Editorial Policy Statement LE7TER POLICY Summer Se.mester. 1987 It ....iIl be "'" policy or II", Allaillic s.,,, '0 do ,.... follo"";ng 'hrouit""'" ,his ..._e•. The A,/antie Sou, t ..couragu u"u, ,,, ,1<.. EJitol"/rom ,1 dele.mined by >tuden..• ...ggcslion< body. 100uld be ,...a,cd "" s""h; j)Toacld..... 'imely issues wi,,,,,,,, ,.gard ..'0 whethe.,he;. iDCln.ion La ,he Sun may cause ...... rove..y; Thtl dtodlintl to ffUI''t lellen i~ Ww"..sd<>y oji...... -u'" 4:30p.m. 1» To prin, ,,1/ .nic"'" submi"ed (...~ing inr...... ide...... cdi';ng.nd •.,...., ""IlIi",,,,..n

Will> ,hi•• we wi'" you .11 • sood ...... r: Exap'ions /0 thl. policy .....y ~ mud.. '" ,lrt dise....',.... of''''' EJj,or s.,,, St." In Ooi../ Features~---- Featuring: An interview with Danciu _ •• 1'1oc ....y iud! "Wc'", ...... _ ••ri~y J. DOtIERTY and ...... """'. __ wiIJo the _ ";I.Y"""'''-_~__ STAFF WIlITEll _ of • ..-.~ _ ,oOt.clop.",... day IA...... (,) pI'COly -""yby _ '_'y_the__y""in. .,..,...... -,_ b tho fin. ,,"'" o..""n"",no of Tnn...... of ...... Emil [)ou>c he ,..,.. inr<><:a'lO~.··U""7_"",,1'1IoOd1<> ...... ~ ofBoca _ idt <. Danciu ,lor COO" """""it." ... recent !i.(l doori· ....,...,....bmayo<. D>onc... ~ fo.- ,he ...... hi. om"" i.. the C~y Hall buIld;...... of.... ~....,.... 0-.0 a>oc<_ ,he _ on .0.1""1. 1981. H.c _ cd.noD "".. ,Itao • ""....,n >pirio _ ,n;>I •.rdev.k>pmco'II1 he Boca RaIOoo 'hrc .."-",,, ,,"'hlel. he held 15 ","..mod ,,, ,he .-""i' ", .. h ,toe "Itt­ ...... AI'...... '" dl no!. OOft>c;" how ~ fd, ,,, The ''''un: of If<>ca RaIon _ .he: Ia red Da...,;.....,....""',, .. vcry fine <:<>rn­ When 1 'l"""'loncUd "f ,he r ,ha, • am the .....yor mun;,y; ,t>c """Ii'y "rlire i. ,"'at and de.e1upmc of ,he eMy. Danci.. _ed • nd • can do _'hint r"".",= ci.y.·· wc".., I""'" ..>ake ~ .. II"'" boil bcne•. lhe ci')' 1"'...)' S5-90 """"'... ".., ,no ...i1ion ol' .._n.hip_ i""""ve on ,. 6<:.ck>p«l . nea,'y ~c when • ~I.'''''' Cily The improve ,No. Danci.. lui. "ICily .,'''''...... 1 can', I><>Id up P"".re:... unl)' 'hl"I),"" c... "l' H.II. Tha. I•• wl,h ,,'" e.""",ion of. .("'ad)' btl.... InellA!<' bea<:h ..enouri>h· do;. ". con,rol he ...me pl_ miMlnll r""" ,he fron< ~ "Ie"'. _"'OWn ,ha, A. ,he l...... lcw WD wlro<;.. 11,0., """,),thln... ci'y • bobjc<:' of a mayo< """,ibed ,he n.i,ion. "ju.. I>CCdJ. '" ,row .mol .lOl:CeCd. few ...... 1 ...... cd W, kIW;>W how o..nd.. ""w f'AU roni". Into ,he Boc. '1")'In. '0 ..... how evcl")'l>ody r""t> Tl>< """ i'em "" '-" ,,, 1><1 ... ,,, -.. we .I_y e '" be: """min. aoc. Roo".. ~ the __p of ,.." in O<>vo'_n ~..C""""_ _1O_""""""'....)'... Nve ..... lell Doone;" wi of hup<> 10 ....' toea.. ;...., ,he eMy """ --H. addedmap."•••,.~ • ..,..,.J commu..ity. Boca Rolon Mayor Emil Dandu ...... "We',., ....i bal•. ~'~'elY _ .... 10 offer eve<)l'I>'", doe .....joyabIe... _ Dane,.. _ "'" ".~ hi.h.,_..... "'" ...... re: ••'. "'" A Pf"PCI>"I_ "" Ihc Plan­ Res- _""'. ".~ "'" .....,...,in. kind of mayo< "iffc~'"had _Iced """'" ni... Council _ """ ",Mh ovcnll_ ,..",a1 n.. C<>UIOCil _ ••...., Boca ....1"inoo~ f'AU","C<}",PlJIO'Unoto hI> ""..m 10 ,"" .....,..,..•• orr"", .tIc:< ,hal •. beine ...... ,..)~. "The main Raton .... _I I. ,he _vdopi,. ...nhe...... he __than dl he of 1M __n.·- 0-.0... >aid A ...,l'ad,_"" ... ~ "''''''p_Ihc_. __ ..... _ deal b. e..y ..... had .....,,* ~ _ ,,,,,,,,-od in .mpon ,)'. ,he ,,__ _ h T.~ ."'" J.,boav,lIc ,,, Life Victoria Johnson ...... h'''ooy _"..J iI_ Boc;o _"'" i~ .., Iona<' _ ...... ­ .. p,..de .nd mode...r., ,""" "I ~., a dMe fcch.. for f'AU•• Staff Writer ""'" c ..y .... -.. all ,he Odt,.._ .._...... 11>."" a .re>< _ '" ,he COIl'. If _mayor Thr dod __...... ar ...... Financial planner essential Efforts to ensure

HCI''\' NcOl. thc fi_1aI pI_ ....1,.....".., yOU. you'.-e- "tho I, compIc. """. Ii-.c""_'~ le' bu' ...... I " 'c '0 _Ii, y.... Florida's future PRt:."i." REI.t:A.."" wlth)'OU 10 -'fir)'OU< .nd ob~,vu. Thi. vlnI hi. ''''/'0'1.,.rd..~,r>r<'0..' yo... ,cliremcn' The",.re. n.."'b'" of f"'-...... y....·11 bu.)' """""'..Ic ..... ",,,a,,,, fo, li""ne,..1 'r<:i, check''', """"",..._ P<",ic""'. /I. 11 "d~1 pla"n•• ~I,,-, inl".,"" be...... ,,,,,,, ",.Ide..' ,,, """"'" Oawn•• I...... "" ""..lpIO< wllh.n ",. h.y<: 'k"'ll k,"'.. lc-.l.., "fall ...... ":<'h "f.. non. '0 "01...'" ,h., " '.'I""'>lb,"')' t,,, ,he ""...,.,11.... of ro"... app",-hl.., ... n,.. ,••. doesn', ..f ro '''''.1 """"'''1' rrom ,n.,. '0 .. .apable "f MIa",ina '0 ..... p.... "",ural 'c••. pan",..I",l)" ,he know ,he ,Ilrrcre""c ""'w""" a '1'Ow'h .,.,.h l1..w. t...... i...""....."'. u. "",~. >perina'" .he ""ar 1""1-'''"'' ....'c, .e rtt> ,h., ....., ."...... ,'""k ...... conv.n.ble bond .roc "" n....)' or"" here: '" ,he Ii.... pl""", "" ;<,lea why ••c'Y"...·• bee.. 'alk,n. Ne... y....·U ..~no ,'-' '''e. "" ,,....., pooplc !l ...... ,ronable .. "h ,"'= f'u'ure: A w,"'.n """"" of.he !lvi"ll '.. pWcny. ""'""""'" WM 16 """,1 It ".c'Y I,~cly , cach <:oJ.... be<:.. ""n:c-no ,.. 1910, M .... of 'heenC> the m,»"", "",)" _ fa: plU1 romm "", E "Ial. "Tho: Sun...... Rcp>r<. f'!o<">o.la I' of CP.... C ...... "'" only fina""..l pl ""..... FS..n,,>c· W1>",h T"""",· 1""'>9"'1'0'" 1'10<.... !hal , ...... Da..· rna")' _ s...a 8 ,. hke p«> ed. Ihc 1aicnI. n(...... , px>t "',,1<1..... ",,,,,," people. a~ noo ...", .. hat finan- AR..... _ysi' or yo...... k:-o ""'""",..""''''' )' uf'the mad<: '''''''y .. ,II he ''''-!hal dun> 'hey .-.....mend you or ,he m,ne ,he ...... ")' of ,he <:oIk:<'uvc .... com " ocIucM _ ~ ~ •Ii_. pl help _ )'OU<"" _"*"",,,'''''''.,~r...... ,ia1 pl...ne. On _ "''''''' """d. f"" only r"'..re: ., ""There no >Ore """tal ice> m ' he i nne<'> h •• CPA )' paIh '0 • beI..< ,....-...... V'" ... ~c ,he _ ,hal .... ~00ft>"" yOU.,.,..,. .,...... ,,.. ... """""" .....hich • pc<' _ for ,he "" "'" .helf 'n>cy y be ,he ...... f~ ,he """"'" W1u<:h 1""" ••'" "'Ia>.> _ ~Ii_-.uoI of or ..... a""""",,,,,,,, oomplo>l'l you< Ii...... ,.... JOaI•. """'.,.".,."ve ...... , ,hey e"'"an. "'~­ from >ita,,"8 "' ,he be""r.. ~ f"" ...... ,)' "*-I "" ...... ",...,..I_i....h"'" .... be Ilk •..-adofd"t".. aID<>a .. a.."., ,he Ii..."",... pi'" i. _,.y.-_ ",n>rt_? •• _ "The need "" P ,.vol.ood. n:cc:.~c no' n>mm'''''''''''. A h)_. ,he """"""to ...... -o...en....,..d...... of~>bl.... the founh ...... ,he "&)'. lI.o,., w,II>. ro..."""" it .. "",,, '0 coon _ ....pic...... fee ph» """""..._ pia"""" ~ ron>...'ed...... _ r...... ,.,. ..."",or_""", T he<.y__ 1""'" S,,,,,,, df,,""'e ...... _ to takc"-.-..c.. But .."h.... de"""'....'" .y...... and take """,,-01 or • ""'.....,.. ro..lhc plan """ "' ""n, ___ '" f""". you' r...... ,.... plune< <:an deknn.ne ,'" comm, ", ...... 0.- .U "f'he ...... ,he Comm'''"" ...... "'... ~ iI. ,.... _ ..,ll of "'" ~ be Ihc Ii"""" -'" of ""'..."''''" ..-too "-Idc's J><">- _ )'OU,"""" .fyOU<""'.. I, IS """"",iai .... C'C>InlOD ,·01,· many >lq». Mmay be '-&I>< .",= pl.n w,lI be de.-clopo. ,lie .ime: of , of 'h""" .. mpIc """"'...... _c, .....y be: called upon 10 help pie""" w,'h ....y pl.n""", y '" F...., """01 .he..... a", de•..,.<>pod 100<.""" or 1cs..1.,on. """.. be Whe", do, II... weI ...... """"" Where ><:ka .~:omrnenich the ...... """"fined ,,, e ...,.... I>cyun<:<'d. '0 be up<- ...."'be. bc:<:n mu>l he 'ca"...... ha' .11 oconomic wh,.,h aoJIl,.,,> >p«ilk . l be,.., '" A he """""'" ...... lIy "'lJlOhaul.. he: fon"..I.,"" .ro-' i. lhe y you set no!. p<-. '" Hu...." and "")',,,,,,1 "'" lIDci- '.s"lame ""..._ rron' ~""',I"II'hrc from f'oi... A ". Po,n' II I rr"",. " .....Joln' co",,,,I,,,,,,,,,_I, no N..t. you. V,"'...lcction "f. n""",,'.l pi.... 'II"", ..·,11 ".~. t" he "''''e wi,h It ...",~ ..faprit>< .....ion Th"l""""I"" p«>vid<> 'hrc ....WC' '"quooion ,hn:c- A.... it ._1<1 be ••v"'w ""ulaT ,..." .ha"Co>e> "'...... n"nl",i'y .,f ...ion. • """. ,,"'p or .,"', ""'"., A..y n..mhe, of c gc. In yoo, obJCC"~"Y. ,,,,,,pee.,,,,,, ..... e.""ric""" The .ped.1 ,,,,,,aJa,., '" 1'...."". Cop''''' or 'he: ...... n "nd r~nlie, While ,he "",...1 pl.n,,'ng pro",,.... Ilfc (bini",. """;"lIe. ,11""".)aroOn.1 linall".1 pll",";nll ,I>c Flo, c...I",""",n' " ,''' ... inr"nn~,lo" elln he .o...n f",m: ..n'.....c fo, ..eh i"dlvid l. ,h" """"""'Y (I",,,,,,,,,, "" •. 11 .....,..""'«><1<: V,,,,, fi ...'.....1 '''''''c,> in ,he r..,ure e<>nd I" '..c>..' Ih." "",,·,hir<,l of eh~nlle.'. c"'me"O> .'" ""'1'Ida1\l "The r. "" 1..· c,e.) c 1lI """.....I'...c a '''"y vCI")' w.,11 <: la In ,he S'.'e loa, been A~v...,'Y C"n.",illJoy So aivc ca.dul 'hough' '''''clI'',iz«l •• haYln•• ··hlgh Floc of 'tcp,,,,,,,n'.Ii,'.' 1i....""..1 d hich """,Ide>. ,"'= Ir P'''''''I • fi"" .,.1 pl... 'OS"'he, ,,, "",,,,,ri.... fi ..."",lal pl.n wllh ,I>c '01...".,.,.. f,,< de"cL"",nen' 11 T.n."",..... PI '2\111 boockllrou r , . -...... "" qui'••n .. _na1<.", ,,, ,l.h, fina"",.1 p1"n"", ?~~~ ~~~:N food, .~~":~~:~..,~:~:.~ " Poet's Corner ST"t'" WRlTEN flU"''''''''' of pepeciaIly the .-(pid<. .. _. ' ...... ,.._... _'7. odven;".d_._althem...... aR' 01""" _ by ,nJ up' fc...... <1""';01 ,rip is ,,,, /Nfl.." I.t 1«1 "non. iraQ. ''''tIP I would ...n. buy. H...... ,~cr. ""nil)'. """'-I and .... I't'di ibu';¥c M,."""... Itou. _ ""'" _,N _ """N" _ omiltJ,,/I..·.,...... ,~i> ~ >U><)' """ ju..ic" Q('tIc: ...hole proce... liven ,be "'UCS'''' • - ...., mu<1.. '0{jI...Jo. I t<"" ,_ my,l_ forC<>U!""'" ..,I\lell.", ""'" di"".rtlcd. food ro,,...,..n;e,; ...... 1<1 he1i'a'c 10 ob­ ,,'$ M...y cou_ have :0. "01... cl<>fe t<> j being tcd • .i.uble htlt>d_ ,,_. ID ...... _. Tl>MI<••i v ..... I ...... Jo't« ""!' ""'-' .,...,...-ry I" """""'" ,It

PARH A MASTF.R Of' ...ccouNTll'fC , ...-00d ,.,...... , /told JfO". ID Itftp .-..... till _ ~ oaoRUAT Of Toes _ ...... ,.."...... ,I~- Fl.ORIOA $TA T1! U",VE5UlTY -...... ' _, _ N1IJ 1 J,npr_rif '-8 ID ... , ....TfUftI 10* so/Ily 1D.f1- .,.., M.#", or~, r'" )AAY" l'SU.. I' oe....,"'" -.. ""OS'.... 'M' ...... ~ _IN _,.,...-.J_"''''-oJ"~. .--,pt"'eoo"~'"",_,c deS"'" , ,..S <>< ...... ~al~. cou"""<><~' Tltoo Ii:<>fd, s ...... I.., '''' W 71trooq:h tit.. low""" ,,1Wl.. ",o&,am 011.... ,Ito> 10Uo.. I"S ~a...ase.. ,..,,,, "'of'" "'_. ,"-i"lJ .. m..,.... '''$'''~'''''''''''' ,.....,1../1 doy. A "a.I"""Uy .e"OKn..ed P'ol,a.n CARMt:I.IS£ .. 1><'/''''/1 '0 m, olWl )'<1M. Poe_e< ttvdoen.. 1<>< a ....de.' or ....e I.. a~<:oU"Il"S Q\oIolUle< ..vdoen" ,0,lI 1« CPA e""... KI'ttK S•.-""'''''y "Ulto>. a "P« ...... ,_•...",_I.!e<"...... op••ot> Gonod _'''''hie. 1« ,•.-,,,. &0<,,, ~ ...... F...... ,uJ a'" a'ai"""" I...... U...... UlIed ...-..u Feature writers

rsv .. _a'eoJ'" , .... S~"'IY '011;"1"111' 01 Talla...... ". FI«_. ""a. needed! ,he ~e...... ih'llI>e..cI>e. 01 ,Ito> Cull 01 _.k:o.....~h., 11 ... "luSUl' pla..".o II•• a.... •",,"y. Who should you call ? De"""",,,,,, 01 A~"OU<_ S...... , UtlI oI.y T4l1_..ee. FL UlO' 393-3754 ! (_Noa._ln. Student Government Program Board NEEDS YOU!

PART TIME HOURSl Get help with Getting Ready for the CLAST QUICK BUCKSl Reading. Writing. MathemoNcs Thls book Irlclude$In$tructlon cod sompIe QU&StIon$ created usIna the state CL.ASr specI1IcoIlons. Student Assistant lI's onIv $'&.95. osk tor It at vourbookslore. Needed H PublishIng 12165 SUl'V'lydole Blvd. Sulte N -H Company Cleorwater. FL 33575 Approx. 10-15 hours per week Some clerical skills Typing Deadline: Half Staff May 20. 1987 Needed for SGPB .... I =-~-__._--­ ~~ .... _--"._-..- -"...... ---'---"=====.::'-__---... - ;~-- ..... ""-..---- c_"'.- .... __ ---S."" wlldl",.....Iid 0"''''''01 <...... wl,h_-u._.todO). -eYUAR!:2~- 1no,...... e... Ro..Io.t.. POMPANO: ~, Call 393·3735 for further info. It. NELSON ••-«104n·llJ5 I x. N£U...AJlK.l-«104n·122lI OlI\

The Ritter Art Gallery presented ilS Iuried Student Art Exhibition from ApnJ 14 10 May 2. Students displayed then talents in works 01 postel. acrylic. and clay. among others. The exhibition was JUTied by Roger L Selby. Director of the Boca Raton Museum. who chose Untitled by Jim Gray as "Best in Show." The FAU Alumni Association provided (] cosh oward 01 $100 for the chosen work. Pic· tured are some 01 the many works thai were on display. Untilled Nancy Plck.rill Serigraph

VlCIOry W,eoth John C. Bro\1lDCUl Scldptm.e;'a1~~ --::::=- _

_.,--,'.'rn(It ..JoT G"~','_"" Oh Yeoh-Tal.l:Jn' Unlirled Theory Out th. Window 'Boul My Guy Groy 'im Kcrtberyn Sharp AJexoncha Lone Clay Sc\>lptu•• Po.t.1 Acrylic on Masonite Putting Pop In• perspective

LARRY SIEGEL 'nc:ltv>dual and c<>rnmUNry. I' • STAIT WlU'Tl::R talk mU»<:" not /USl.n 1M 01 To most musoca.l ...-ophyt_. "The fundam.ental questions. at least in my mind. are: what do we a comrroenlO'y. bu' In _ry thIngs mth.oul!he aangoe. Pop bonds ...... Floxy Music. Iy ~ <1I'lIO~In. !he Ionn oil an What w. (read·theyl hove In ...... mot.....1The pnmal_.,.· lOY or dllh""lty of g ..tllng lnvolv· OvisCoeoello. 0cMd e.-... ABC. abooolut. ~ n...... I ask ec"", 'occill Pap ....~'n­ you.,. lwenmg. 'adlo. !Ut.box. eel It lillie ume lor de<:OoOon. P.yche<:l"lic Fur.. OMD and VO": ·WAIlI WhoI""~lor?·' ddtingua&hable from lnlon..o..o.._ club. merybe >dty••ncrtlenuv.ly. __ ref\ectoon. pcDn•..gndiocy Bon lov:l. doooelorarion oil and k>r pop mond ol ~creation? Of ~_.a""'-.:d , ..ll1Ih ,n a ",ate of _ ...... Modonna. Gla.. T'llie. and ...... t.a and crilitiam? That 'hey ...... 1...... rover ol lncom· neglect••etu>quoslung control ol t.ov.rbc:>y (God. II huna _ The.~Pap. wtuch tn­ ~ld~or_...... youor.~. our own l_,ng ond thinking 10 _nl. ,...... na~ll _II ... cludn !he munk and Ita ...-. .v.n a, ,h. d.mand 01 lmp".on.d. ,.I.a..d and Who! l'b .... obout __ ~,_ the muhrtu<1 ..''''01· no,... mor""" conl.nl"",nl. in. Md""IJon. a piece ol Pop m .... llalenlng body·...lm...' ".,.ignlil. duced; 1IOVe. perMp". lor'" '0'· II' devoid 01 onythlng which b anCl.lllncenty (•.ad, In&ln<: The lundamen.al queallonoo. (It .. conjuring with au. p"',c.pllorw. 10k. 10 ~ ..... luhak..our body. mldlcrl IOU""'" Reggo. and High le. k>n<:ility. ".,u'. aU ,•• • 9O'nv wrong? How has 1M d,vId,ng 1ine-11I We.,he mY'lhlc<>1 .nough place '0 agh< A war haa been declared. I Tuesday. May 12: One Crazy at the Button South. hove _n th8 _my and tt. _my Is ..."houl Pop rm-= "'­ Summer. UC Auditorium. 7 p.m. gone lIot Clnd .e must do Saturday. May 23: som


~ ~ • Resum"s • ""anusc,ip,s • T,.nsc"pls • Form Lette.s • Term Pape.s • Photo·Copying 965·5952 PAULA M ....RIE t6~ Flonu "'....go All Su"" 2. Well Pat", e..aclt FL ~ :..c.:.-...... I

SINGERS AUDITION WALT DISNEY WORLD CO...... ll be holding e apoc:iat prole$Slonal eudltlon fora"NewCollegiate Vocal Ensemble" to be called The W .... LT DISNEY WORLD Splrfto' Am....~ Sl~.These multl-ta....nted. atlt&Ctlve, outgoing. energetic, vocal peraonalilieswill be featured In the WALT DISNEYWCRLO yaarlong saluta totheBlcentennlal 01 the U.S.Can.tilutlan. Up to 24 pPO" ar "".... photog<8ph. '" our quality. hoi NOlet­ Oller good lh", 6114/1T7 pIOo/ plue. In 30 ",I.ltll_ OFF! • Memorize at lea$t two vocal selectlo plzu ...... & audition. hnrl.. '_Id_ 4-IJ ".l$On. AII_nUo Un_..'fp. CALLnME: 391-9177 Femalea·9:oo ....M Malea-12:ooNoon 13~ NW 2nd Avo- L J (Callbacks 3:00 PM on audition day)

....UDITION SITE: \lAM-lAM SUn.-TIlud. Pin.. I..... DELIVERS"' FREE. WaltEifliSney World· An lq"." Opf>O""n,ry {mr>I"~,,, Sport Briefs Men's tennis team finishes at 23-5 Bike Ride Il~: IKVIN STA.... \\'Krn:K T"" No. 101 ....""""1 ","linl'''''''', Corn••pend ,h,_ doY" ~hJnd bars (handl.. Ix",,,. ,hall1!J Cd te,..... ".'" '~Iy d,."ned I....,,,,,,,,, ,he Ooeanslde B,te R,d. "ponso,ed by Glendole Fedefol Bonlt vi<1orio_ mod. Friday. Al"'l 17. to botnefll the A"",,"<:'<" South. Tu,k Wlll.ote place ave, Memo",,) Day W_It.n.gm In Boca ROlon ""d eyel.. cUong ...... <....,p...... ,.. _ ...... 1·' ,n .he _rue OC'OOQ" and ""._al WalefW<;ryIO ,,, 1eO'-" 8eoeh d<>ul>lc., ""''''' ,he No .1 Onubko. .po no,,,.., the tuQhlS '" l;I'" on.. No. I doubIn _I> Th 0cG0. .. des>g"""'" lor ,he ...... ced _ ,.... d,fference. "llx ...... ".ri • ~ ... ,hot ~ I,. "01" «:>c& but a pleoauJ<>bl H...... _ Rubon K~ ~."'" r""", • nde .. C'Omp~ly..pelVlSed by g.oup ~r,.and be",nd ,n ....., ohct.....leh I-t-. l\-& UppoI' v...tv<:..equ'pped w Ih ...·oter icpd ...r,d ...pan 100"'­ ~ P"f!lC,pams pay "V' t "",n.me" 1..""<1 A..scc.""on ...,hoo! ...... g,g ,"" "'.."·.....kcd ,cam 'n ,"" ""'~... pend 7-2 The N~" tQlI ,h "1""'0"01 Day We.okend, II the Ameuc:m Lung...... 'allen A"' <;;.".•,..~ 'of, oJ 6$9 ~644 ~'''lI ~nII''''' l~_..>p1..~ •• ,....ItI',".I"~ T"" Owl- ....en'...... ,I><" ,,",,'.....~~"pe"'~... 01·2 ~nd do,,,,, ..,,,'<1 doublc. <""'pe'i'~In '·0. Campus Recreation Update Th<", I"" "',n, 1I"c !'AU • 20'·5 "".""" ,,,,","d. ,"" l>e>I In FAU mol.lhot ...... >Qh' On ,he _i<>ruoI ~. ,he NCAA .oorn gnd ,he gytflffQIlI"rn In oddJU<>n .'"lhe c>l,ues. s...... ~'" Cornmmcc <""'...... e,.'" IfCIt..,..... <"hle"c gnd camp",,,, y ~"'" fmm 'he rou, ...,_ (E.\< tudenbno:>ble pnc;:ft. I'"or Iunh...- >nIOlmct'''''' c:01I com· Eo>f, Mod_.,.. _ South) ," ..'0 ,.... _.ee "'S""' ..~_,""...... ,... Iou...... ,... McDonalds Diving Championships "llx __ lOr • bod ... __ " nU::#HOTO The men _ ...... -... .. OWna!lI ...,., C_ Moore _ .••a..ncc. - FAU', i"",,,>thaI __I ...... Lon... 101 Mike " ..... s...... 0-,,""" Olympocgold rned<>hsl:G.eg ~and pCB' ...»50__·1'1" """".··"... """""r.1s 'l<:I.pt _ FAU ,""I No.1 ploy... K~rl -y pi>o) ,"" No.2 . >P"'- ,,1> Canoda and the U SA "" ther Mtalon Bay Aqur T su... 'n It wloo" led 2J on ,Ile _ .. 19-7....-- n>conI _l<"3rr"n. couIo:I o.n'e, lnecompe\UIOn w,ll tun horn May 7·10 (thIS ...._"..ncU. <:011>0<1<" ..,.. fo< • bod in , s..uu. I.....,) poll and No.2 ..fill.... pl.y"'. __tbIy ...... '0 ...,_. P,ellm,nan_ Will be g, 10:00 0 m. end I;nal:o al 4,00 p.m. on Ab."" Ch..... ~n """ , ...... , '" Eo>' """101 Gary Lonl", l.onao'. >ea>orI C..,,, Moore >IIkl. "1 ,,,,,,,, ""...... 'he 7th gnd 9th. On Scnu.day and Sunck>y tM p.ell""narl_will T"> s...e 1>-) c.,I;", in ,"" yc.r. .., ,...... 25-6. • ..."""...... Nn. I ,,"$ No. I be "" 10:OOg.rn. ond the I",gl:o"" 2,OOp,rn. T,c"".o.e avculable F.... U· ov... AbiIcncChr.....n 7.2 "... 0..-1'. No. I _bIe> I....m of odnard .. Ii.. """"·'...-en ""PJIO"C. wco"",. ba,","-Il on h .. or " m,n..,.. .. certa,nly "",tun, 10 Sup. Ray l..conard 10<>1< on.. World .t>a.. ed hcod ,"", -atd , "'-' bolt .. In ,he 1_ vcr.o> ."o...~o.,.-". 8o"n, C"""",1 '''''''''n a....) r;ltd lital ..... "'... 1<1 "">c no ...... 11..1e:. _ ...... ,,, av..~ "'_M...-v,n I~ in_oJl ..... 'oC' $' ..,,11_ re' ""'....-,Iat·.p ... ' .....e" "I"<"'> ,n prel"",,,,,,,,' "'",nl ...... nJ·.qcon ,"" ....""••""''''1< ,he: be ...... reconl' I, __ .1...."" """'> r..h' 'td>cuk.." ,'" 'V". men '0 be patd """""rd ha,.. l><"<:n ,n ,"" m,II"",. of " ne" for ,..... ""Ie: ._1<1 "'" ~n.!I..-onan.l Yoga Cla.ees nnl. "",,,",,,"$ I" ",-"n)' <".', ""..... ",,..nly ~''''''''''ll h,m ror ",k,,,,, ru.. ".' ,"" ~."""r Tl>< ,"'"tI"". ,,",yw_ in' b,'" the ,"'''' h ..b.>11. """,,,"II en'~"~'Otnl Tllt> n"x, ...... gn gl yoga clOl>Sea ....·,Ih 1'"...",11.. Pa.la Will begin ,he. InJul) t"h;.ld, ..y< Lcon:..d hi" p."'.... '" '0 'he 'an. ~"" 1>;.....<1""11 plo)" ,>rid ,~" ~)'~.n.! .'~n ""'~".tn,n& ,n t"'" .. 'a"" On !"riday. May8 I.om 9 ,g 10,30 a.m ...I d.'''.8' In h,. InJucd Dnd I-,-"",al'l' .,,,"'" In "ne mght Th.. "Ig_a... -e..... n w_ka for S13. plua a ,eglaUgllOn I" ,ho, ,tI.- H.ll.lcr/l ,,'"nJ r.th' ...ould HDIl.Ie.It,'" "cn I."nled h"n III """"I" "'" h.", '-'n .11" to '.le pi""" 1'01n', d""no: ItI.- r.llh, of $1 10' ""y .eald.....,.. and $3 1o. non-,"""d.."I•. CI-. Will T1", btll I..,."",,,, f~ 'I"""""" " "h.-l.""', be held 01 lhe Boca Ro,on Communlly 0."1.'. 1500 NW ,"".< I><"uu>c 01 'he ",,,,,.c.,r The >I'l" dec,,,,,,, ,n ...,,""'rd·, ...... ",11 lilh' ap,n.•"" ,I >0. " ....." Cro....lold Blvd,. Boca Ro,on I'"or lu"h,,, ",!""rnOllOn cali Leona,"". e)'<" ,nJury, MOM >ta,., 'n ''''''''Y. H.~ >I,ll ,h,nk> I1wrI Robe"o o..",n ""y. ,"", he: ",...n<• •.r'..... fl£hlcn...... ,naIdamoa<". Su. he ...ooord In h, r.Jht ~ lIIreoo """"'_. Lcanonl 00)" ,.,. .._ he rully ... >ho_'" m~ "'" be "'" r...... y ...... - -... try. _.··YOU·"' ..'".<__ IO . A',ne 0I0Ulh end oj Delray e.a.ch. dIKoun, Ccrtam<>Jan 'en. ",?"...,Iy ""_n r.Jht<"r _ "'""Y IM..."n .. W"-'"er '-nI Ik<- lr _ ...... s..pr ltay i.«JnonJ tabore OVa>1ahIe lor F"AU $o1Img Oub """..-.be.... Contod Bob c .-p Ile _ PU'...... " try 'Ile r..,...... , _ ...... "'" '-"" ~ ...... """'" "'"""-.1"" ""'" be ...... _ at Sunn-sail ... Apr" ,her.- ,11 l>e ~y of·It fo< !»'pc m,II""""", ->' 'tmeI- _·C'. ~ Over S2S mill.,. _ pUt '" Hoele. _ p h.it,. lr """"p ..,., .. """...... ,r..._.but.lO"..,. _ l..conanI ..... one r~."llxre ..... __ v.. on.. meo.... u.e nex' old he.,....., _ or ....,...... 10 &how .., mucl> hypo< lOr _h> ber"", ,bot lite wor\cI _ he could ..;n do ..."", he pa>pI<" pood in e.o.<"<:» 0($100 10 _ ..... l.corurd liJht could rao.d in LIte "'I' ..... 1*)'OfT ,n pror...... 1 bo~ina ...... -nJht r..,.. on doood-ci"",,, 'elev.."'" .11 .~"" Sundr

._. ",140 AS A /tAO/O FI~ T 01' "'U.; 7F 'lOU Ctf"~ THE INCOMPARABLE PlSltSO"'''''''TY ::r Fl!.G.L Ool'l'T UK"- rT, CQ1'If'ELUO TO VOICE. T!'I£ 0lA-I-. N£rf. ]:'l) 1'1';' t'£EUN(, ON THE LIKE TO SA)' TH.4T THIE 2E(.[HT FC<. ,tEWI.Al'fGl'I1~"'1 H'H'O"tlif.~L $.V T'oo.l 6U..tVSE. '1'1101: ,.. AT.ON Rt.4c-I'I.£S"'JK'l."T .... RAolo SOT",",CII>l "I

Delray Beach ___.v""..WP9.O'-...--,_.. __ ·CASHIERS ...... -- aoo-...,._ ... P..... ·WAlTERS/WAITRESSES --, un/l"", h<-".-jil" FI....·,bl.. htH"', __-.lJI"._r.-.~.. _.. .., 278-6631 ....___...... _-"­ TypiNG CONTINUING EDUCATION '.~' CONTINUING EDUCATION It £" ~ SPONSORS SPONSORS ". ~ .-' PREP COURSES ON FAU CAMPUSES ~" ..,,,..u," ...... - "'..., _, " _ GMAT GRE LSAT ACT _.c.o~_3p..... Prep Courseli on FAU Campuses flCE • • "75o'pg..,, CooII...... 3-.-. CLAST' SAT _-- TEST CAMPUS COURSES BEGIN p, ... _,.-. GMAT May (\0 TEST COURSES BEGIN ~.- Com-~-....",;,,1 Blvd M.y \I ~10)' I~ ----­ We>< P.Io" 8uch lIEPlLESENTI,.nON OF GRE Rtw;tl bl.... Mo, 7 CLAST MAY 7 ENTlIEPllENEURS BY !:ICC (Da.OC") "b) 6 EXI"EILIENCED Iusm6S C dud,nl' bf.n,i....n 10<"""',0<>. SAT f,n~neinl. eonll~<:ts. ~nd LSAT Bo<-a R...... May 6 ~ton & "~o1


BEER Dining & D,mcing 'til 5:00 ".m_ H ..ppy Hour 4-7 p.m. 5(: Enjoy 75 C drafts all night long l!~~BIG 10.oZ AEERFOl=lAN,CKEL PLAY BEAT THE CLOCK-Bar Drinks from 6-9 PM 50" JiL (l?j:zz~ 9-10 PM 75" OR CALZONE .~..... BE::E:R!50¢ 11)-11 PM $1.00 FREE DELIVERY· 994-0444 11

1 i\hy 6. I


As soon as I finished Advanced Training, the Guard gave me a cash bonus of$2,000. Then, under the New GI Bill, I'm getting another $5,000 for tuition and books. Not to mention my monthly Army Guard paychecks. They'll add up to more than $11,000 over the six years I'm in the Guard. And if I take out a college loan, the Guard will help me pay it back-up to $1,500 a year, plus interest. It all adds ul? to $18,OOO-or more -for college for Just a little of my time. And that's a heck of a better deal than any car wash will give you. THE GUARD CAN HELP PUT YOU THROUGH COLLEGE,TOO. When my friends and I graduated SEE YOUR LOCAL RECRUITER from high school, we all took part-time FOR DETAILS, CALL TOLL-FREE jobs to pay for college. 800-638-7600;" OR MAIL THIS They ended up in car washes and COUPON. 'In Ilaw." 7:17·5255. I'''~'''' Ihe.... 721 .550: Guam.•77 W57 VI'll.n Islands hamburger joints, putting in long hours ,S, C''''M'' 773-&l.3./k !'ole'" Jc"C'y' 800·.52-5794 In Alaska.c,';'~"h r''''' 1."",1 ph"n., di""'t,ory. for little pay. c 1!18f> [Jni,,'d S'a'"" G,ovemmcnt ". fepfe~nled br the ~'C"·'ar')" nf n~fcn... ,\11 ")thiS ' ...... rved. Not me. My job takes just one r------, weekend a month and two weeks a year. MAIL TO Army National Guard. PO Box 6000. CHhon, NJ 07015 I Yet, I'm earnin~ $18,000 for college. "",,,••, 0 '1 OF I Because I Joined my local Army ~",------National Guard. ,"'O"'O.... : They're the people who help our 'm'T..T<"'''..'T''~n''"''------I 'U""'''''''''';c- USCITIIE... eyES ONO II state dunng emergencies like hurri­ AiiEA COOl: PHOSE canes and floods. They're also an ~=,,",'""""oiii.rr'T"'T>'"·o'ii"...,....----'.iii"To"'"'O"''TIT,--- :

important part of our country's military OCCUPATION ~ ~ I defense. STUOf.NT C HIGH SCHOOL 0 COLLf.GE - I So, since I'm helping them do such "111011 MILITAIlYSEIlVICE CYES ONO _ I an importantjob, they're helping me IIIlANCIl IlANI( AFMIMOS " '...... I ..=::=~-.:.-.:.~.;;:::;':,______------.--.;-;.~~:::::;,-...... "....<--_. JI make it through school. L • ....ICL)C1J047NP