Untitled by Jim Gray As "Best in Show." the FAU Alumni Association Provided (] Cosh Oward 01 $100 for the Chosen Work

Untitled by Jim Gray As "Best in Show." the FAU Alumni Association Provided (] Cosh Oward 01 $100 for the Chosen Work

OPINION FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS Support the Arts An interview with Student Art Exhibition Men's tennis team, and Humanities. Danciu. at Ritter Art Gallery. 23-5, page 5 page 6 page 8 page 10 -A-: Atlantic du 'V~"'.N""'I ftob, 6. 1"17 .- ,;(The 'Weekly new_paper of Florida Atlantic Univenity . Henry, OJito receIve• awards IV..,,,,,,,,,y Rc:la"o"~I_·Fln<"'" A'-Ie \:n._}", 1987 Kc.n«h II; .... ,11 ...... lindo>o.""".., Awa<d. of $1.000l'ioa. ~..,h ...,,~ p<c....-!11M:r...tho C " COIl.-oao""", of Fn- !? cia) ",,114.'" s.bn II; H~ for Sd><ol.oN.,. aNi ", M."" A 0,_ tot ~" WHAT'S Tho .." _...""'to....".., al4bl.<l'I cd '" 1913 h<-... f,,""", FAU l'~ HAPPENING _ ," thnooojth .. 'UO.(A)('l e<>- W.lcomeBact'Th S 5- "" fund. arc ~ 10 ....., ~. ~ l~.,c Q "'_ "'""'''''I ...........:..l.. ~mo"""""lllhr..., . One ~ P'~' N Wednesday May • of ,I>< ."'....... ,,,en r.,.. ",hobo.o", ,he: "'...., f.. _,­ "'" dcry '0 d<09Ic:<dd ~ ..-h><'''''''hI _ 'n A<n>dC ten.. ............1,''''. s.bn II; t1C'W) ""'" """,,eel her Su........ cal.,...la hours, ,-_"r """,~.... ApnI~~ '.~ 7 _.' 7~, """" ...~and'- ,l.. l>ccn , ,,.. • I .......... tlr II< II "-< "" '. .of f" \,. Il\e rau o! IYll:l 1;"" l> , Q\::>e" May 1 a:.>d 16 I,om Ii member ", Sill"'" Tl><,. Tau. ,lie p.m, "udn,gn' hon<>r"'y nu"" ,,"'''''y Pr_ .....nrolh t f'AU. """f)'.' 'ended P"I'" Be..,,, I"",,,.. C<>Iqc and TOMORROW: ,he U""e"'ot) of M"'~,I'U'. She u· J>C"'~ '0 JO'" the nu..,"11 ....rf a' Come pelrly 01 'he Owl"a N_I IkI"""'" Hooptlal "ftc.. Il""""",,n.. "nd to ul""''''ely enroll'" the Un,,"e,· pub will. Tl Shan. a ,<><:tln' ,eg pla", _ ......uu: MATVT'E "'y of M,~m, '0 beilin ..udi"" 'o..... rd geeband Shawume" 01 9 p,m .........",.1 c."",. Sabra Henry Mirto Ojito and a,e only $2 10' "ek.,. Hen,y and he, ~...t>a.... Oon ar<! ""h~mi .Iuden'. and S1 10' non Oj"o ....vcd ,n 'hio """'n'ry rmm in'ernal IU Clum",,1 2) in .nd 'I>.>t can ... "~","",, improvc.."'''' fo,'I\<: ~i<Ic:,," of ~kc W,,.,h. Her..-he.. ..."den'., a.. ...... 10 b,'ng you, Cuba on M.y II. 1980. du,lnl ,he adva"""" ", new.wrilc". _job""" I>cld 100<1 "fall. Il I'''e. ,,'" I""" r""linl pa,d foe .hp o ••,ud.nl .nd ,"cpfoll"". An"" .nd Oco'llc Mu,iel _'loft. She wa. 16 y.,a.. old rot .b mon'''', She ~1,., pan"'ipataJ '0 know th~'throulh myjob a. ajaur. SI""""lan. I...~ In 110<:_ Ra'on••• <10 Wi,~ ,den'UlcOhOtl , ••pin"ion••, ....,11 u pia". f,,' on. flIoIlio 1>""""'." 'oCUb.! and i" the noli" I.. I>.>'·e the po...e,'o h,in, .bou, "", brocl><' and ~",e..·in-'"'''' 11.....1<1 " ...."'." ",jou"",l"m. al"'''''y.he 1Ia. Ibdio M,,"i p.-<>;CC' ••pon....."" by '~e c~.ngc< Il>.>t ... ,11 improve ,he lore or aoo J."", Ric"..<>Id made " I<JQ<I ...n. U.'>. 0<",,,,,,,,,,,,,, to b"""""'" "".... to membe.."fmy commu.."y. "'" C'OUn REMINDER: Mi". A Ojllo CM,nc<l. bachdo' of A' FAU.he boopn ", ...It·w",,,.. .,n Cuba f,on, W_""'nl'on. D.C. try. 0' ev~~ ,he ...hole ".."k! rom ""mn'unica'..... FAU with. 1he Srud..n' Gov.rn.....nl Pr0­ Ma'e<:.' ,he ..udcnt ""wopape'. ,he A,t"",i, r"ee" wi'h ,"~ ."n,,, "Iumen' l'acI< polm ."e""'lIc of 3.bl In Slut. """'in, up ,n ",.pon.,b,"'y .,..,h Pc''''',,". Ojito·. "wn wurd. bat u· ...t.o""ve' 1 dte my COItt, 1001. gram Boa'd h(UI chano&d iln ~nroll· con'..mpo.ary IIltn _fl_ I.om I>e«mbcrof 191$6, She i, no.... ••"nc."", un,,' ,he bee.n", aJ"or·;n· ......... ~'" 1clIdcnhj;p """,,toe>..., """"'ld 'l1\c,e i. no money i.. "' Bu' ,t.o... h cd on full """"'.nJ,,p., ''''' Unlve..'· chid in ,he sumnle' or 19110 A Ii"" to be .n "",'ve membe, or my com· <>f '~.""e'. .nd WednOf'Ckrya '0 Tueeday•. Th. ~he • I", c."", l.m PI_n'oHon will be On. 'y of Mu.m, he'" up<cl> '0 member of ''''0 """'" """.,",e•• PI" ""'''''y••nd I think ,he bat way 'odo oac"r",e.•._ love. And the"" .......I. ,...,eiv., lhe m ."of.". dcl"'c ,n in· f.il~r"lty mo~c Cn::rzy Summe' .,n Tu-..day. T"cu K_ .nd PI" K.ppa PI... >he " i. I" rcpre>cn' It by be,n. Iy the dirfe....""" for me." '~"\lI"on.1 ••,..heo by .... of 1988. May 12. Faculty. S'oll and n."", .1>0 served .. p_Klene .r'he Cenecr I.. """'............. It. IQCal .epone•• 0<>­ Senlo. C"'z..... a,.. S2. Con.red Prio. '0 enrollin...' FAU """ .,......... for PclICc Ed"".''''''.nd " ... 'nv<>lvcd n_ 'bc .,.,.,.,.... can ''''''' .nd ...lyon OJ,,,, and he, hu>ban<!. O"'t<' G,an ." ...""",a'e of af1~ dq:,..,., ., Miami in. """,be.. or can,,,... orpn''''ion>. r """"'Id like '0 n..ke my romn,,,ni'y n'ni••1..., ,,, FAU alumn.... live I" Is Publ1c S3 and Slud.n.. w"h o.dc Com......n"y CoIl,,1l" Iden"Uc:a\Jon a •• alway. 1._, In addila>n1O he.. FAU ""'''''lie,. >he benet. ,fpoooiblo. by o.:kI.... any ;...,., Mi"m, QUOTE: OUte,aLa 10••he F.d.,al Social Science Dean named Cen,o.. lor o...e.:- Control hovo pcosx-d on ."ponded ...l<l. '"Dr C_''''', .....-.nk ,nee<=l, ,he Dcpof1mcn< of Pol,,,eal Sc",,,,,,, <!<thnIbOn 01 AIDS In a move thot (Un,venuy RcI",,,",.~Dr Robef1 e...- tho boun<loca ofX\'CI'aI __ Earlie, he had "'''IN'' Gcot1I.. In· 'nc...... II.. oflhc In wtll ....,o.d.d Car"n.• ""''''''''.. r....,,) .. d,,,,,opl,nc> _ "'..,.'" pleal.cd ......, t.o ...tUle ofTcdl~ ,n tho Orad""e nunu- 01.,......" by 20 po,eenl d ..... Uo,,,,,..ily Nonb"e>I. "'" ...... cqxod _ ..,...,....""'..... dea" of the "'" .,<Cal '0 join u•. W., .,."""" Dr Cicy PI."",.................. cta",,,,,,,,, and mok. ""porlanl SOCIal ",~ CO"for~ of Socia' Science ., I-"l.ot>ola Catl,n ... bq,n d",OQ" FAU by 0'-"'" S<'hool. '" .. SUle bo....h.. avaIloblo '0 'llOU&<lnd<r Col""" luly I .. l'Uly•.,cl.."" UlliVCD"Y. F'omotlo ol~~ ... l'he ....... A'..... "" U'''''''''''Y .. a .aIary of ed de"n'''on of eond,uonB $63.000. He ....ill tq>lacc Dr. Robe" Huctst--n. who_ .....-I __ Dr C..hn """ ""rved _ h.i..... I"ie e..-ncd hlo. """"<>tal <locr.rce ,n Ieod>ng 10 dlagnO&l& 01 AIDS Amcncan ..,..c"""",," _ Cla""""'" voce pt't>O<Icn< 1'0<",-",,,,, .ifa, .... U...-n"y ..nee 1981 .. prof....--and would add d.m.n"a and .,....~oftheDopattmenIofM"-;' Al""il and arncc Ja_1Y "'" """"n "" . O.u- ScbooI. h"..-.ofocicftc<: <mI<>a<Jf>on. n... ...... p.brut>on ') .s.u<fb and prof."....,,- ,n the Scl><tol ... utbanplanrur,. .. Columbia UfUve<' will be Pt_ntod '0 a eon v'lII .. ""''''I ,,.,., rro.... r... 0( PUb"e _ t!m-,..........,_ Alfa,.. ~"} O~....., academic .rr.... S<'hool of An:f>,rcc-w,e t..-ence 01 health ofllac' F""" 19n-1I:! he "'-" .m,_ ,,"" _ Plannml. and 10.. U<ldcra_ t>. <r>anrh. and 0lJI_ the "Y Aon<la ... 1bc """""""'''' "'.. made b)­ Uni'..,.. of _ d"""" a' IIhoo,. I"."""e or '" GI<pee\<><:! Dr. Robert Catlin FAU ""'""Ie... Helen """"""'h......, ,,"-""'oaK profC>M><. 'he<> cl>lu........ of Tho Hew y",l i,.... Teclu>oIo&Y '" CIl.ocac<> EDITOR'S NOTE: GET A JOB,! Comown' _ ......... lot ,he .Alkal Sun .,,~. sUlDlDer~ You U geI money !\WelCOlDe to the long. hot and "'*"" bmo. CoNoctOo>g ... 1<:,.." at 393-37$0 l"'Iot" 2 News Shelf Poli-Sci Award to Engineering grants Ph.D. Thomas (Un"·~.....y Rd....-l-lbomas G n-na..• pol..oeal """"""" rna,.... • n-"'-~""'-tfl Flo..... A,I ,ie U"'VC:"'''y ..he of lhe Cotle(il. EngI_lOng ot ....-wlll> "" April 24. '"'. no"d<> A,kznu., Un''''''<1Ily named ohrr 1917 rtt""'" of "'" 'ao:­ wem CI""Orct.d "'" Apnl 24 ....1<"" L. !Joe"'" Awan! Ia I"oh....... 1987 'CI M. Sm Y .....ng Kong 5<:""""",. I-Ie ~..... "'- ""'" • H.. It-C":i,,UOf. Dr Tsuno· Police CRAIG DORFMAN """"'" .... """"""""y - .... r:ampoa chow Suo "",d 'h"" 'he """"""y (April 10, •.-arch do_ by Yonv con NEWS EDITOR 11M: """"". Award. ..-__ '"bu''''' '0 on oc<!ton Blotter .....,...... ..,"" _ ..... 11)' !fer- ...01 .....'ng p.<>IG'CI 'hct ...,11 .The Uvely and Lurid at FAU m.n ."" l q,,~U"" Bech,. IS h.lp .Pe'e'd up hl.-aavtnl:l ,....'••,,'.cd Iy to • acn..... or '--=ue ope,obona Q'I -.. ~.- ~ an<t- "'-... • PAU ;0,-;.. '" Ment.1 l-I""I'h Cc..."r ""'rl he: could poI"ical "'ienee. who In .ecognilion 01 ,he ,mparl",n.,. 01 YClng·.'~ wo.k. 'here An FAU ...ITm<:fllb<" """'" 'odoe ° "'" ,..noponed back '0 ,he 8row>1nl ~....ion of,..,.,.", ", """ie"ane<Ir ffice by waa", '.p,_n''''''''e born 'he U.S. Coasl Gua,d ,n a!tend",n'" polo.,., .. '0 """"" ...""........... Coun'y Shc,-;rr. off"'" invohme in publ", .IT..",. a' lhe g,oduot,on c:eremonyon April 24. n,. "os,,_nlOll..,.. wem • ro".... boyf"""" ."" h,s ",,,,,,,.. ..........i"" "The .wan! .....al..t>lo>.hcd to ~ M, Oulnc:y Robe. depu,y ch'el In ocecmPl:l.ophy ot the U.S, 1'''U,c.'''' l'or ,he , ,h,cc monoh, 4110117 Coasl Guo.d Reaearch and De"elopemn' c.n,.,. G.oton. ,he ""~ hoI"e """'" ~I"& ".,iou, A beloved h.",..c, ."" hi, ~c .nd encou......, ''''' """y or ..... po'. ',cms on he, ca, on elIm.,..> .no,t., wc", _en from ,he l.~no,tl')' room 'icip,nion in " ...".ica.

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