International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing Vol. 13, No. 1, (2020), pp. 1695–1699 Superposition Theorem For Linear AC Circuit Using Triangular Fuzzy System 1J. Hellan Priya 2G.Veeramalai 1&2 Assistant Professors, Department of Mathematics, M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering (Autonomous), Karur
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[email protected] Abstract In this paper, a new approaches to solve linear network using triangular fuzzy superposition theorem of AC circuit and also establish the superposition theorem based problems on linearly independent current source or voltage source of linear network. A new idea is apply to find the optimal current source or voltage source in the given linear circuit using linear fuzzy systems and also numerical illustration are given. Keywords: Triangular Fuzzy system, AC Circuit, Linear Network, etc. INTRODUCTION: All the electrical problems cannot be solved by linear system. Many capabilities possess the nonlinear ones, which output and input are coupled nonlinearly. Even if the problem is solvable with a linear time variant system, the nonlinear device does it usually with a simpler structure in some cases just with several units. The Superposition theorem is applicable to linear network consisting of independent sources, linear dependent sources, linear passive elements and linear transformers. When the linear circuit has large number of sources is current or voltage source use superposition theorem to obtain the current or voltage in any branch of the circuit. Since the AC circuits are linear the superposition theorem applies to AC circuits the same manner to applied DC circuits. The theorem becomes important if the circuit has sources operating at different frequencies.