Gnuspeech TRAcT Manual 0.9 TRAcT: the Gnuspeech Tube Resonance Access Tool: a means of investigating and understanding the basic Gnuspeech vocal tract model David R. Hill, University of Calgary TRAcT and the \tube" model to which it allows access was originally known as \Synthesizer" and developed by Leonard Manzara on the NeXT computer. The name has been changed because \Synthesiser" might be taken to imply it synthesises speech, which it doesn't. It is a \low-level" sound synthesiser that models the human vocal tract, requiring the \high-level" synthesiser control inherent in Gnuspeech/Monet to speak. TRAcT provides direct interactive access to the human vocal tract model parameters and shapes as a means of exploring its sound generation capabilities, as needed for speech database creation. i (GnuSpeech TRAcT Manual Version 0.9) David R. Hill, PEng, FBCS (
[email protected] or © 2004, 2015 David R. Hill. All rights reserved. This document is publicly available under the terms of a Free Software Foundation \Free Doc- umentation Licence" See see for the licence terms. This page and the acknowledgements section are the invariant sections. ii SUMMARY The \Tube Resonance Model" (TRM, or \tube", or \waveguide", or transmission-line) forms the acoustic basis of the Gnupeech articulatory text-to-speech system and provides a linguistics research tool. It emulates the human vocal apparatus and allows \postures" to be imposed on vocal tract model, and energy to be injected representing voicing, whispering, sibilant noises and \breathy" noise. The \Distinctive Region Model" (DRM) control system that allows simple specification of the postures, and accessed by TRAcT 1is based on research by CGM Fant and his colleagues at the Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology Speech Technology Laboratory (Fant & Pauli 1974), by Ren´eCarr´eand his colleagues at T´el´ecomParis (Carr´e,Chennoukh & Mrayati 1992), and further developed by our original research team at Trillium Sound Research and the U of Calgary).