J 16» 1929» O. J. Badertscher? 2,721,290 - VACUUM SERYO BRAKE for MOTOR DRIVEN VEHICLES Filed, Dec
J 16» 1929» o. J. BADERTscHER? 2,721,290 - VACUUM SERYO BRAKE FOR MOTOR DRIVEN VEHICLES Filed, Dec. 2. 1926 a ‘Sheets-Sheet 1 July 15, 1929» o. J. BADERTSCHER ' > 3,721,290 VACUUM SERVO BRAKE FOR MOTOR DRIVEN VEHICLES Filed Dec. 2, 1926 s Sheets-Sheet 2 ' __V.7’ - QW/15%;“; - July 16, 1929» > o.‘ J‘. BADERTSCHER ‘ 1,721,290 VACUUM SERVO BRAKE FOR MOTOR DRIVEN VEHiCLES Filed Ded . 2. 1926 3 §heets~$heet 3 19 18a 110 - > 7]] 1/4 _ 115a 22' ' "I’Alfll/l I . Patented July .16,‘ 191-29.. _ v ' > .w . v i 5,721,290 NITED STA Ties,‘ IATENT OFFICE. » OTTO 3'. BADEBTSCHER, OE ZURICH, SWITZLEBILAND. vacuum sERvo-BIiAxE roiz mo'ron-nmvnnvnnrcnns; Applicatio 11 ?led December 2, 1926, Serial No. 152,090, and in Switzerland Ibecember 14‘, ‘1925. Vacuum servo-brakes on motor driven ve-' and requires as littld'power as the accelera hicles are known with which the action of tion.Constructional ' examples of the. subject' the s'ervo-brake-is controlled either by means matter of the present invention are illus 60 . of the brake pedal or by actuating levers or trated on the] accompanying drawings, in 5 pedals specially provided to that end‘. These known arrangements 'pre sent various dis-. which: ‘ _ ' advantages. In case a special controlling de Fig. '1 shows in a diagrammatic manner " one constructional example of the braking vice, such as a‘ hand lever or a pedal, is 65 provided , it involves an undesirable increase‘ arrangement according to the present in '10 of the levers an d handles already present, vention; _ ' L p ‘ in large numbers in a modern car and the ' Fig.
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