The United States Vs Billie Holiday
THE UNITED STATES VS BILLIE HOLIDAY Screenplay by Suzan-Lori Parks Based on the Book, “Chasing the Scream” by Johann Hari FINAL PICTURE SCRIPT OVER BLACK: IN 1937, A BILL TO FINALLY BAN THE LYNCHING OF AFRICAN- AMERICANS WAS CONSIDERED BY THE SENATE. IT DID NOT PASS. BILLIE HOLIDAY ROSE TO FAME IN PART DUE TO HER SONG STRANGE FRUIT, A LYRICAL, HORRIFYING DESCRIPTION OF A LYNCHING. FADE IN: NEW YORK CITY MAY 3, 1957 A1 INT. TBD JANKY APARTMENT/RADIO STATION - NIGHT A1 BILLIE, strung out, but dressed to the nines, forces a smile as she sits for an interview with REGINALD LORD DEVINE - an aging white gossip columnist. Think Skip E. Lowe. MISS FREDDY, her devoted stylist, stands by watching. Reginald grabs an item from his bar, sets it on his desk next to the recorder, then places the microphone on top of it. REGINALD DEVINE I’m going to put this up here so I can get both of us. Reginald then starts recording. Reginald and Billie both have drinks. REGINALD DEVINE (CONT'D) My next guest has played Broadway. She’s sold out Carnegie Hall. She played in Hollywood movies opposite the likes of Louis Armstrong. I am Reginald Lord Devine - and oh my god. Oh my god. I can’t believe we have the opportunity to interview, as I live and breathe, the legend, the lady, my hero - Miss Billie Holiday, Miss Lady Day. Which do you prefer, honey? FREDDY She’d prefer you pay her her money first. Reginald grabs the cash from his desk drawer, hands it over to Freddy.
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