VOLUME XXII, NO 87 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985 REAGAN-MITTERRAND CONFLICT DEADLOCKS ECONOMIC SUMMIT By BARRY JAMES UPI Senlor Edltor BONN, West Germany -- The 1986 He won the support of The summlt leaders met for a program On the trade dlspute, Western economlC summlt dead­ West German Chancellor Helmut total of SlX hours ln two ses­ the French spokesman sald Mlt­ locked today ln a major clash Kohl and Japanese Prlme MlnlS­ Slons, one ln the ornate Palals terrand accused the Unlted between Presldent Reagan and ter Yasuhlro Nakasone, but Mlt­ Schaumburg and, ln the after­ States of "seeklng to preclpl­ French Presldent Francols Mlt­ terrand blocked agreement noon, around an oval table ln tate these negotlatlons and Jeop­ terrand over U S demands for "France refused to slgn any the NATO Room of the sleekly drd~ze the dellcate edlflce of early talks on trade llberall­ communlque WhlCh makes any ex­ modern West German Chancellery the common agrlcultural POI1CY, zatlon pllClt refe~ence to new multl­ BUlld~ng next door WhlCh we are prepared to defend Reagan, wlth the support of lateral trade negotlatlons com­ Earl~er, the summlt gave ltS tooth and nall " most other leaders at the sev­ menclng at the beglnnlng of support to the U S poslt~on at The common agrlcultural pol­ en-power meetlng of lndustrl­ 1986," French government the Geneva dlsarmament talks lCY lS the bedrock of the Euro­ allzed democracles, urged a new spokesman Mlchele Vauzelle but ruled out expllclt support pean Common l'1arket, provldlng round of trade talks early ln told reporters for Reagan's "star wars" defense guaranteed lncomes for farmers Charged In May Day Protest TWO U.S. DIPLOMATS EXPELLED FROM POLAND By TONY PATERSON Unlted Press Internatlonal

WARSAW, Poland -- Poland to­ lsh Forelgn M~nlstry note that as "ludlcrous" and sald both tlons as observers and never day ordered two senlor U S was handed to the U S charge dlplomats were carrylng out took part ln any demonstra­ dlplomats to leave the country d'affalres ln Warsaw Thursday thelr normal dlplomatlc func- tlon after charglng they shouted accuslng both dlplomats of slogans and handed out leaflets "flagrant vlolatlon of theJr ln an antl-government May Day dlplomatlc status and baslc In­ protest, a U S Embassy spokes­ ternatlonal norms and customs" State Dept.: U.S. May Retaliate man sald Poland a,cused both dlplo­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -- State the day The spokesman, Edward The spokesman conflrmed that mats of leadlng an antl-govern­ Department offlclals hlnted DJereJlan, termed the allega­ Wlillam Harwood, flrst secre­ ment protest ~n the southern today the Unlted States may L10llS agalnst Warsaw embassy tary to the l S Embassy ln clty of Nowa Huta on May Day retaliate agalnst Poland for Flrst Secretary Wlillam Har­ Warsaw, and Davld Hopper, U S Wednesday ln support of the ltS expulslon of two U S wood and Krakow Consul Davld consul ln the southern Clty of outlawed Solldarlty Unlon, Pap dlplomats accused of partlcl­ Hopper "ludlcrous," and sald Krakow, were ordered to leave said pating ln an antl-government the Unlted States could "only by the P011Sh Forelgn Mlnlstry The news agency sald the May Day protest assume the POI1Sh government "I conflrm that these two Forelgn ~lnlstry had accused Asked lf there would be lS trylng to cover up abuse have been told to leave Poland both men of chantJng antl­ any retallatlon against Po­ of dlplomatlc personnel " He on these ludlcrous charges," state slogans, carrying hos­ land, a department spokesman referred to U S clalms that the spokesman sald t~le banners and sc,tterlng suggested an announcement Hopper was pushed, klcked and A report by the offlclal leaflets The State Department mlght be forthcomlng later ln struck by Pollsh pollce news agency, Pap, quoted a Pol- Thursday dlsmlssed the charges

Senate- - Considers- Medicare Cuts By JOSEPH MIANOWANY Unlted Press Internatlonal WASHINGTON -- Havlng already handed Presldent Reagan two major defeat~, the Senate today debated other changes ln the admlnlstratlon's proposed bud­ get, and Reagan branded the vote for a mliltary spendlng freeze an "~rresponslble act" Admlnlstrltlon offlclals wlth Reagan ln Bonn, West Ger­ many, for the Western economl, summlt sald clesp~te the set­ back on defense, they were con­ fldent they Lould turn the Sen­ ate vote around ln later ses­ Slons In an early seSSlon today, the Senate took up an amend­ ment from Senate Flnance Com­ mlttee Chalrrnan Bob Packwood, R-Ore , that would ellmlnate some of the Medlcald and Medl­ care cuts thlt are lncluded ln the comproml'>e budget package agreed to by Reagan and Senate Republlcan leaders In West Germany, the at ten­ tlon of Reagdn and other admln­ lstratlon offlclals was stlll centered on the Senate's vote Shuttle's Fix-It Crew Does It Again Thursday to ,llow defense CAPE CANAVERAL -- The seven-man crew of the shuttle Challenger posed lnslde the spacelab spendlng to grow only wlth In­ module before thelr launch on the 17th shuttle mlSSlon Standlng, left to rlght, are Don Llnd, flatlon next year Taylor Wang, Norman Thagard, Wllllam Thornton and LodewlJk Van Den Berg, seated, left to rlght, "It's not that severe, but are Commander Robert Overmyer and pllot Frederlck Gregory, ThlS week's fllght has lnvolved a lt lS an lrresponslble act," serles of repalr Jobs, and today was no exceptlon See Page 4 (UPI Photo) Reagan sald of the vote LOCAL NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985 Play Review New Books Available Performers Get Their At The Li brary The followlng novels are avallable for Act Together For checkout at the Grace Sherwood Llbrary "Blrthrlght," by Joseph Amlel Beautl­ 'Getting My Act Together' ful, rlch and lnteillgent Deborah de Kron­ By PATTY EVERETT engold has everythlng, or so it seems But her chlldhood equll1brlum lS shattered By curtaln tlme on crltlc's nlght, the when she learns she lS adopted, and when, cast and crew of KwaJaleln Communlty The­ upon the deaths of her mother and her em­ ater deflnltely had thelr act together, plre-bulldlng grandfather, the wlll namlng and the flve new actors -- plus two -- to Deborah as helr mysterl0usly dlsappears the local stage dellvered a dynamlc per­ Her malevolent father, Leslle, lnherits formance of Nancy Ford's muslcal arrange­ everythlng, leavlng Deborah wlth nothlng 'TIent of Gtetchen Cryer's "I'm Gettlng My except her resolve to clalm her blrthrlght Act Together and Taklng It on the Road " After movlng to New York, she bUllds a fl­ Transformed by the KCT stage crew, the nanclal emplre to rlval Leslle's -- and to hlgh school Multlpurpose Room Monday eve­ brlng hlm down nlng took on the amblance of a cabaret by "Men and Angels," by Mary Gordon Whlle scented candlellght as Pat Mastro as rock her husband lS on sabbatlcal, Anne Foster, and roller Heather Jones belts one out for an art hlstorlan and mother of two, lS the women of the '80s Llke a professlonal, A "hlP" Dr Tom Krakowlak plays the forced to hlre a llve-ln baby sltter The Mastro's verbal sparrlng effectlvely deals crazy drummer ln KCT's "I'm Gettlng My sltter, Laura, unknown to Anne, was an a blow to the "tradltlonal" male/female Act Together and Taklng It on the Road" abused chlld who has become a rellglous roles, and by performance's end, Joe, as The play opens tonlght at the hlgh school fanatlc convlnced she can "save" Anne and manager of Heather Jones and the Llberated Multlpurpose Room and wlll run May 4, 10, the chlldren Laura makes Anne uneasy, but Men's Band Plus Two, lS down for the count 11 and 17 Tlckets wlll be sold Saturday as Anne's work draws her deeply lnto the But he has not gone down wlthout flght­ on Macy's porch from 10 a m to noon llfe of the dead artlst Carollne Watson, lng, and desplte hlS defeat, John Glarra­ (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) the sltuatl0n wlth Laura and Anne's lden­ tano as Joe -- the embodlment of a man tlflcatl0n wlth Carollne fuse, and Anne cllnglng to tradltlonal values and stereo­ must confront her own hatreds and the mys­ typlcal roles -- renders a brlillant per­ tery of parent/dl1ld connectlons formance that helps to glve the audlence Worship Services ltS money's worth CATHOLIC Complete wlth three-plece sUlt and dark Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) glasses, Glarratano captures the essence 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel of the Just-flew-ln-from-L A -type look Sunday Masses wlth a natural and effortless quallty H1S 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel WHAT'S NEW dlalogue, lnterspersed wlth Just the rlght 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel AT amount of "Babys," "Babes," and "Sweet­ 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center hearts" further adds to the total plcture Monday-Frlday Masses * SUR F WAY * of a manager of a hot muslcal property 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel And the "hot property," Heather Jones, Confessl0ns becomes a blt too hot for Joe to handle as Monday-Frlday, 9 am, Blessed Sacrament she struggles, through her muS1C, to get Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's offlce, call DRYGROHR\ ~'. ;000-- her act together and "deflne" herself 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call 84535 ~ Her act, a comblnatlon of vlgnettes beforehand CANNED SOUPS ~ from the past and scenes from the present that have blended to psychologlcally shape CHURCH OF CHRIST * Macaronl & Bean the slnger, are presented wlth whlmsy by Sunday worshlp lS held at 9 a m ln * Ham & Bean Mastro and her Llberated Men's Band Plus Room 20, George Seltz School Vls1tors are * Mlnestrone Two welcome For more lnformatlon, call 82613, Mary Gollaszewskl and JUdl Slavln as 82639, or 82451 the "Plus Two" of the band are lndeed =~~ pluses -- to both the performance and to CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS FROZEN" REFRIGER-UED FOOD Heather's cause Not only does thelr slng­ Servlces are held ln Room 18, George ~ lng add strong harmony to the band's num­ Seltz School Prlesthood meetlng lS at 8, MEAT ITEMS bers, but the two lend a Jazzy, upbeat Sunday school at 9, sacrament serVlces are quallty to a dlalogue that lS often loaded at 10, and the Rellef Soclety meets at * Quarter Pound Hot Dogs EID:lked Center CUt Pork Loln wlth lntenslty 11 a m Vlsltors are welcome For more In­ * Pork Front Feet - S/Cut & Haw Style Mlke Mlnardl as the electrlc gUltarlst formatl0n, contact Mark Hanson, 82885 * plays a dellghtful stralght man to the SerVlces on ROl-Namur are held at 8 a m * Chlcken Turnovers zany, bubble-maklng drumMer (Dr Tom Kra­ ln the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call * Crlspy Mlnl Drum kowlak) who, wlth Just one too many buttons Len Cooper, 99660, for lnformatl0n, and * Varlety Pack left undone on hlS shlrt, a huge gold me­ Rlchard Smlth, 99467, for transportatl0n daillon and too-dark sunglasses, lS the THESE ITEMS epltome of Daddy Cool The wagglsh antlcs PROTESTANT of the two also lmpart comlC rellef to the Sunday mornlng worshlp serVlces wlll be confllct as the battle of wliis rages be­ held at 8 and 11 a m at the Island Memorl­ tween Joe and Heather al Chapel Chaplaln Davld Johnson wlll Roundlng out the cast of the Llberated preach the sermon entltled "Antlclpate Men's Band lS the planlst, played wlth sen­ the All-Important Moment," based on SltlVlty by Blll Mastro In a trlbute to Luke 22 1-5 Holy Communl0n wll1 be serv- Surf And Sun hlS star, Mastro del1vers a touchlngly ed AS OF 12 Ol A M soulful rendltlon of "In a Slmple Way I Speclal mUS1C at both serVlces wll1 be Frlday, May 3, 1985 Love You" It lS wlthln thlS scene that the Pam Thomas slnglng In addltl0n, the Chap­ Dally ralnfall audlence sees a hlnt at role reversal as el ChOlr wlll slng "Heavenly Llght" at the Monthly total the 25-year-old confesses to Heather, 39, 11 o'clock serVlce o 95 Yearly total 28 67 that he lS ln love wlth her But for all Sunday school classes for all ages are TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN Heather's newfound llberatlon, she cannot held at the George Seltz School at SunrIse 6 32 a m accept hlS feellngs 9 30 a m Adults are present to ass 1St new­ Sunset 6 59 p m comers ln flndlng thelr classrooms Mastro, however, succeeds ln dellverlng MoonrIse 7 25 p.m the powerhouse performance that her role The Sunday evenlng worshlp serVlce on Moonset 6 32 a m demands She lS a woman of the '80s who has ROl-Namur wlll be held at 6 30 ln the Com­ HI Tlde 4 21 a m 6 4'-4 39 p m 5 5' declded to assert herself, and she does so munlty Center and wl1l be led by Chaplaln Lo Tlde 10 38 a m 0 2'-10 37 p m o 4 wlth the proper amount of fanatlclsm worthy Bennett SUNDAY Gospel serVlce wlll be held Sunday eve­ a crusader wlth a new cause In the robust SunrIse 6 32 a m Moonrlse 8 28 p m manner ln WhlCh she dellvers her numbers nlng at 7 ln the Chapel JOln us for an Sunc,et 6 59 p m Moonset 7 26 a m lnformal tlme of song and worshlp are the strength and character of her con­ HI TIde 4 56 a m 6 4'-5 17 P m 5 2' Free nursery serVlce lS avallable each vlctlons reafflrmed La TIde 11 17 a m o 3'-11 12 p m o 6 Wlth mUS1Clans Paul Delacruz and Larry Sunday mornlng at the Island Nursery be­ MONDAY Marlno addlng thelr recorded mUS1C to the tween t~e hours of 10 45 a m and 12 15 SunrIse 6 32 a m MoonrIse 9 32 p m productlon, KCT's productlon of "I'm Gettlng p m Sunset 7 00 p m Moonset 8 24 a m My Act Together and Taklng It on the Road," A Thought For The Day HI TIde 5 33 a m 6 3'-5 52 p m 4 8' produced by Stan Gollaszewskl and dlrected Presldent Andrew Jackson sald, "There L" TIde 11 58 a m o 6'-11 43 P m o 9 by Sherry Sherrlll, becomes a SOphlstlcated FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 performance of muslcal that lS belng bliled are no necessary eVlls ln government Its for a "SOphlstlcated audlence " eVlls eXlst only ln lts abuses " COMMENTARY HOURGLASS , PAGE 3 ERMA BOMBECK: AT WIT'S END

ThlS lS an offlClal notlce' kets agaln -- the soft woolly turned cold l Or that cute llt­ Next Thursday, anyone hav­ ones that used to be folded tIe ple pan that sald 'PIES lng anythlng belonglng to the at the end of my bed They BY ER}~' that one of the klds Bombeck household can return were "borrowed" when someone carrled off? Not to mentlon sald ltems wlth no questlons got out-of-town guests who the sUltcase that you loaned asked Everythlng wlll be ac­ crashed I'm reduced to throw­ a guest who bought too many cepted, regardless of condl­ lng my bathrobe over the bed souvenlrs durlng a V1Slt " tlon, wlth no reprlsals when a chlll hlts I have been marrled 38 I hate to resort to thls And wouldn't lt be wonder­ years and I no longer have a klnd of publlc proclamatlon ful to walk by the bookshelves can opener, a cookle sheet, a but I no longer have enough and see books agaln? One by halr dryer, a JUlcer, an um­ kltchen utenslls to get a meal one they seem to have devel­ brella, a wok, a parlng knlfe All my bread pans, cake pans oped legs even the cook­ that wlll cut through mar­ and baklng dlshes have been books that were stored ln the garlne, a beach towel, or a carted away by our klds who kltchen The warranty manuals yardstlck ln the house took ho~e leftovers My cof­ are stlll wlth me but one For awhlle, my husband and fee mugs are roillng around can read Just so much flctlon I consldered gOlng on the under the brake pedals of a I got the ldea of an "honor nev' "Newlywed Game," but we thousand cars day" from a llbrary somewhere weren't sure we would under­ So, all of you out there My pans and sklilets dlS­ that begged people to return stand the questl0ns who are holdlng half of my appeared durlng the last camp­ books they have had for years The house lS beglnnlng to house hostage, please brlng lng trlp one of them took They would forego the fees have a hollow sound, llke the ltems back to where they The sllverware has been M1SS­ Just to get the bools back when the realtor walks you belong lng Slnce one of them enter­ And I sald to myself, "Erna, through a house that lS not No chlldren, please talned for more than four peo­ how would you llke to see occupled But all that lS ple your whlte sweater that Marge gOlng to change come next Copynght 1985 I'd llke to see our blan- wore home one nlght when lt Thursday I lust know lt News Amerlca Syndlcate


By WILLIAM F BUCKLEY JR The hassle over the ltlner­ our own government has not matter of Watergate coarsened ary of Mr Reagan as he Jour­ changed They are stll1 Re­ our senslbliltles, so that In­ neys to Europe lnvltes reflec­ publlcans, and Democrats run stead of worrylng how to redeem tlon on annlversarles and what Congress, not communlsts or promlses made, we worrled they reveal Maolsts about executlve lnltlatlves Ten years after V-E Day, we No one, on the 10th annl­ that mlght be taken to redeem had Just flnlshed teillng the versary of the fall of South those programs In 1973 we SOVlet Unlon, our wartlme ally, Vletnam, 15 suggestlng that voted $2 3 blillon ln ald of that we dldn'l glve a damn what we have anythlng ln common South Vletnam's armed forces they thought about lt, we wlth the people who conquered In 1974, we cut the flgure ln were gOlng to conclude a peace South Vletnam, Laos and Cambo­ half, ln 1975, by another treaty wlth Hest Germany (our dla -- and, lncldentally, the thlrd Southeast ASla learned wartlme enemy), whlch we pro­ Unlted States Nor were we what lt can mean to rely on the ceeded to do We had been In­ wrong ln predlctlng what would Unlted States And other coun­ tlmate frlends of Adenauer, happen lf the North Vletnam­ trles have learned, though most the leader of Hest Germany, ese took over the South Peter of them have no alternatlve from vlrtually the beglnnlng Berger, the socl010glst and than to hope that the Unlted we wrote some stlff laws -- no phl10sopher, has sald reso­ States wlll llve up to ltS Germans would be allowed to nantly that anyone who can't obllgatlons publlsh and clrculate NaZl tell the dlfference between "Flnally, howevel traglc propaganda We hanged a few authorltarlanlsm and totall­ the outcome," wrltes Professor crlmlnals (and were a llttle tarlanlsm could not tell the John Roche, who served Lyndon unhappy about dOlng so, Slnce reconclle oneself wlth coun­ dlfference between Salgon and Johnson durlng hls Vletnam there were jUrlsts who sald we trles one has defeated, than Ho Chl Mlnh Clty years, "I wlll argue to my wlth countrles that have de­ were vlolatlng our own constl­ But the lntrospectlon to dYlng day that thlS was the feated us True, the Germans tutlonal guarantees agalnst ex wInch we have been glven, on most ldeallstlc war we have and the Japanese, though de­ post facto jUstlce) thls 10th annlversary of our ever fought, fundamentally feated, came around qUlckly, At the other end of the defeat ln Southeast ASla, de­ a war for an abstract~on the world we also dld a spot of but that was because, ln order votes very llttle tlme -- freedom of a bunch of unfa­ to reconclle themselves wlth hanglng, but then propped up have you notlced -- to the aw­ m~llar ASlans at the end of the same emperor under whose thelr own defeat, lt was neces­ ful betrayal of 1975 We no the world " How strange those dlVlne benedlctl0n the Japa­ sary that they should publlcly longer stood to lose Amerlcan sounds, whlch antedated the nese bombed Pearl Harbor and abomlnate thelr older leaders soldlers ln 1975 They were perlod durlng WhlCh the Amer­ So that lt was all but lmpOSS1- launched thelr ravenous war long Slnce gone But Congress lcan ~nteillgentsla for the agalnst Manchurla, Chlna, the ble, a year or two atter the stood there Presldent Ford most pari persuaded ltself that Phlllpplnes and Southeast ASla war's end, to flnd a German begged lt to act Congress the Vletnam War was the hlgh But a few years of Douglas who professed veneratl0n for all but laughed at the call moment of lmmorallty But that MacArthur and we were the fast­ Hltler, or a Japanese who pro­ to redeem the pledges we had hlgh moment came not whlle we est of frlends, and flve years fessed veneratlon for TOjo so solemnly made to the South were flghtlng, but when we after V-J Day we were sendlng And so we became frlends wlth Vletnamese after -- as well abandoned our wounded For people we struggled so hard to Amerlcan troops to defend, to as before -- the Treaty of that reason the focus w~ll be thelr death, the South Koreans kl11, ln a war that brought Parls The general flt of on Europe thls season, not on and the Japanese agalnst com­ death to 55 ITllll0n people lconoclasm, brought on by the Salgon, or Da Nang, or any munlst aggressl0n from North But 10 years after the Vlet­ unpopular war and exacerbated cemetery ln South Vletnam whele Korea nam war, we do not recognlze by the apparent moral lnSOUC1- the bones lle of men who How much eaSler lt lS to the government of Vletnam And ance of Rlchard Nlxon ln the trusted us

The KwaJale1n Hourglass 1S an unofflclal pub11cat10n author1zed under the provIsIons of AR 360-81 It IS pub11shed by Global Assoc1ates Monday through fr1day (exclud1ng holIdays) at the d1rect~on of the commandlng offIcer, U S Army KwaJale1n M1sslle Range, Marshall Commandlng Off,cer Col Wlillam A Spln Islands, under contract DASG60-82-C-0063 Th1s 1S an offset publlcat10n, w1th a dally Publ,C Affalr~ Off,cer Pat Robb1ns c1rculatlon of 1,950 The Vlews and opln10ns expressed hereIn are not necessarlly those Ed1tor Courtney Danko of the Department of the Army Communlcatlons should be addressed to the Hourglass, P 0 Local News/Feature WrIter Patr1cIa Everett Box 23 APO SIn Frannsco 96555, or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Matenals appeanng Copy Ed1tor C1rculat1on Jeanne V,ncent 1n the Hourgldss may not be repr1nted wlthout the approval ot the command1ng off1cer, Spor ts WrHer Ruth Horne U S Army Kwa]ale1n M1sslle Range All want ads and not1ces must be subm1tted on GA Form 8028 R-4 by 12 30 p m the work1ng day pr10r to publ1cat1on WORLD/LOCAL NEWS PARE 4, HOURGLASS, FRlpAY, MAY 1 1985

News Briefs Shuttle Fix-It Men Amputee Awaits Charges Salvage Another In Houston Crime Spree INSTITUTE, W Va (UPI) -- Unlon HOUSTON (UPI) -- A double amputee in a Carblde Corp today postponed for 24 wheelchair robbed a hamburger stand at gun­ hours the resumptlon of methyl lsocya­ Scientific Instrument pOlnt, rolled lnto a nearby dlscount store nate productlon at ltS Instltute pes­ By AL ROSSITER JR and shot a woman in the chest, then forced tlclde plant, cltlng mlnor mechanlca1 Unlted Press Internatlonal two people to asslst hlS escape, authorl­ problems After maklng MIC for 17 tles sald today years, Carblde halted productl0n at CAPE CANAVERAL, F1a Challenger's re- Edward Gale Crawford, 33, whose legs Instltute Dec 3, the day the same palrmen salvaged another sClentlflc lnstru­ are amputated above the knees, was arrested deadly chemlca1 leaked at ltS plant ment today, assurlng the Natl0na1 Aeronau­ In the blzarre spree Thursday nlght and In Bhopal, Indla, kl111ng up to 2,500 tlCS and Space Admlnlstratlon of a rlch charges are pendlng, po11ce sald people and lnJurlng about 200,000 research harvest from the week10ng, The man arrlved at Mary Ann's Old Tlme more $220 ml1110n shuttle mlSSlon Hamburgers about 7 pm, pOlnted a 38-ca1- * * * The squlrre1 monkey that had been slow lber plsto1 at owner Mary Ann Rowell, and BONN, West Germany (UPI) -- The ln adaptlng to spacef11ght showed more lm­ robbed the restaurant of about $100, sald Unlted States fal1ed today to Wln provement, drlnklng so much water he set Sgt Brlan Foster off an alarm 11ght A second monkey and 24 support for lts trade embargo agalnst "He sald, 'Glve me all the money ln the Nlcaragua from ltS SlX key a111es at rats also were dOlng well ln the ShlP'S reglster, "' Rowell sald "He and I made eye contact He had horrlb1e eyes He look­ the Bonn economlC summlt space1ab module Commander Robert Overmyer, Wl111am ed 11ke he hated me, hated my guts" * * * Thornton and Taylor Wang began thelr Shlft WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The unemploy­ Foster sald the suspect then crossed at mldmornlng, rep1aclng Fred Gregory, Nor­ ment rate In Aprl1 held steady at the street In hlS whee1chalr to the park­ man Thagard and LodewlJk Van Den Berg 7 3 percent for the thlrd stralght lng lot of a dlscount store and waved a Thagard performed the latest repalr Job month, as new Jobs In constructlon, passlng car to a stop The gunman pOlnted He swapped out a bad computer cable con­ medlca1 and buslness serVlces offset a gun at the woman motorlst and started to tro11lng an advanced Indlan cosmlC bay de­ losses at factorles and farms, the get In the back seat tector mounted outslde the space1ab mod­ Labor Department sald today The drlver, Jennlfer Westerhoff, sald ule ln Challenger's cargo bay she had tlme to thlnk about what was hap­ * * * "Oh boy, that's fantastlc," sald J N WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Washlngton and penlng whlle the man got hlS whee1chalr In­ Goswaml of the Physlca1 Research Labora­ Teguclga1pa are dlscusslng a formal to the car pledge by the Unlted States to send tory, Ahmedabad, Indla "I declded lt would be a lot more dan­ gerous to have hlm wlth a gun to my head," troops to help Honduras In the event That followed the repalr by Wang Thurs­ lt lS attacked by a communlst natl0n, day of complex equlpment. she sald "I ducked, then, and put the car senlor Honduran offlcla1s sald Thurs­ lnto drlve " OffiCials Say Westerhoff sald she Jumped from the day * * * movlng vehlc1e The car smashed lnto a ATLANTA (UPI) -- Acqulred lmmune trash can, and Westerhoff fled on foot as Weinberger Djdn't the man trled to get out of the car deflclency syndrome cases among hemo­ Foster sald the gunman got back lnto phl11ac patlents who apparently con­ hlS whee1chalr and rolled about 100 yards tract the deadly dlsease through trans­ Threaten Senators lnto the parklng lot and confronted a wom­ fusl0ns of blood products appear to an wa1klng to her car He shot her once In be stabl11z1ng or dec11nlng, federal With Closing Bases health offlcla1s sald Thursday The tne Chest WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The Pentagon Thurs­ natlona1 Centers for Dlsease Control day strongly denled a report that Defense offered no reason for the apparent Secretary Caspar Welnberger threatened dec11ne, WhlCh began In late 1984 senators wlth the closure of ml11tary bases Omelek Met Rocket ln thelr states lf they falled to support From GLOBAL OPERATIONS hlS budget '~e has not threatened anybody wlth the A metero10g1ca1 rocket launch opera­ closlng of bases," Pentagon spokesman Ml­ tl0n from Ome1ek Island lS scheduled Small-Arms Range for Monday, May 6 From EC chael Burch sald of Welnberger "That's not hlS style of deallng wlth Congress He In connectl0n wlth thls operatl0n The small-arms range wl11 be In op­ cautlon areas wl1l eXlst ln the ocean eratl0n between the hours of 9 and doesn't use strong-arm tactlcs llke that" The Washlngton Tlmes sald Welnberger wlthln an area deflned by the fo110w­ 11 a m Saturday, May 4 lng coordlnates 1031N, 16753E, 0950N, A hazard area wl11 eXlst at the threatened "a number of Republlcan senators" Wednesday wlth the closlng of bases In 16850E, 0903N, 16744E, also that por­ northwest end of KwaJa1eln Island at tl0n wlthln a clrc1e havlng a radlUS of the small-arms range and extendlng thelr states lf they voted to freeze ml11- tary spendlng next year 2,560 meters (1 4 nautlca1 ml1es) 1,650 meters from the ls1and, ocean­ around a pOlnt at 0903N, 16744E slde All personnel and water craft Senate Republlcan Leader Robert Dole of Kansas sald Welnberger met wlth several Re­ The KwaJa1eln Atoll cautl0n area lS are advlsed to stay out of the hazard that portl0n wlthln the conflnes of area Red warnlng flags wl11 be post­ publlcan senators on Capltol Hlll Wednesday but denled the Pentagon chlef made any thlS clrcle shown on the dlagram below ed at the small-arms range durlng the Omelek Island lS a take-cover ls1and operatl0n Questl0ns concernlng thlS threats Welnberger and Dole met agaln Thursday, Burch sald for thlS operatl0n All non-essentla1 operatl0n wl11 be answered by call1ng personnel and craft must stay out of the Central Pollce Statl0n at 84445 Although Welnberger supports the ldea of base closlngs, Burch sald, the secretary lS the above cautlon areas between the against such a move thlS year and next be­ hours of 3 and 7 a m Monday, or untl1 cause there would be "no lmmedlate savlngs," the restrlctl0ns are 11fted and lt would cost too much to lmplement See dlagrams below showlng the ocean and KwaJa1eln Atoll cautl0n areas 1982 High-Technology

Conspiracies Disclosed t. lit...410 .. ~ ...._ ...,. By RICHARD C GROSS Unlted Press Internatlonal WASHINGTON -- An aborted bld to ShlP

KWAJALfl'l SL AND U S hlgh technology to the Sovlet bloc three years ago led the U S Customs to flve slmllar consplracles and the arrest of at least 10 people, government offl­ Financial News clals sald Thursday In the 1982 case, WhlCh was not prevl­ Dollar closlng In ous1y dlsclosed, three men In the Los An­ Tokyo was unaval1ab1e geles area were arrested and convlcted of , 10 and In Zurlch was trylng to send SOphlstlcated ml111meter 2 69 SW1SS francs wave test equlpment to the Sovlet bloc

CLOSING METALS through a company called Cosmotrans, In 2,.0 .. 1'(1-'111'1) Gold "41~ cot. 1 Zurlch, SWltzerland, the offlcla1s sald --="'"'OJEl'!AIC off 0 50 at 312 75 Shlpplng labels falsely clalmed the Sllver $250,000 worth of equlpment bUllt by the up 0 025 at 6 205 Hughes Alrcraft Co was destlned for a ma­ Jor Israell electronlCS company, the offl­ cla1s sald 30 Industnal S up 4 97 at 1247 24 One offlcla1 sald the breaklng of the 20 Trans up 6 53 at 584 48 case led lnvestlgators to flve other con­ 15 Utllltles up 1 43 at 154 95 splracles lnvo1vlng l11ega1 exports of 65 Stocks up 3 42 at 507 12 electronlc test equlpment to the Sovlet lIeu 'ASS Volume 94,870,000 shares bloc The lndlvldual cases and those arrest­ SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY ed were not ldentlfled SPORTS HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985, PAGE 5 Swim Team To Hold Sports Schedule Championship Meet FRIDAY, MAY 3 By SUE COFFEY - Dally 5 15 Av~at~on vs Med~care KwaJaleln SWlm Team Brandon 5 15 Leftovers vs Mar~ners I Ragan 5 15 Spartans I vs L~manman Barracudas, Mako Sharks and P~ranhas SATURDAY, MAY 4 w~ll all be compet~ng for the champ~onsh~p Dally 5 15 Kolohe vs Neu-Wave t~tle dur~ng the f~nal sw~m meet of the Brandon 5 15 Leftovers vs Medicare 1985 spr~ng season Saturday, May 4 Ragan 9 00 A's vs Astros The Fam~ly Pool w~ll be an exc~t~ng SUNDAY, MAY 5 place to be as there are sure to be sp~r~t- Dally 1 45 Kanes vs Entertainers ed races w~th all three teams str~ving to 3 15 Kolohe vs Chaos add po~nts 4 45 Na Ali~ vs R F Hazards After 15 weeks of pract~ce the sw~mmers Brandon 1 45 Spartans II vs F Flintstns should be at the~r best A large number of 3 15 Gag vs B 0 personal best t~mes and new pool records 4 45 Nipper's Rev vs Spartans I are expected Ragan 1 45 Spartans I vs Almost Angels Don't m~ss the act~on -- be there to 3 15 Spartans II vs Deja Vu support your favor~te sw~mmers MONDAY, MAY 6 The meet w~ll beg~n at noon Sw~mmers Dally 5 15 Heaven Help vs Mariners II should report at 11 am, and meet off~- Brandon 5 15 Chaos vs Neu-Wave c~als at 11 30 a m Ragan 5 15 Red vs Wh~te TUESDAY, MAY 7 Dally 5 15 Leftovers vs Av~at~on Specia I Services Offers Brandon 5 15 Keones vs Kolohe Left flelder Lee Allas grabs the ball Ragan 5 15 Almost Angels vs Sptns II for the Leftovers on Ragan Fleld The Left­ Daytime Swim Classes Ro~ 5 15 Ro~ Islanders vs Wackers overs shaded the Wahlnes 5-4 In Thursday's By GLEE JEWELL WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 Women's Dlvlslon softball match Dally 5 15 Spartans II vs B 0 (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) Beg~nn~ng Monday, May 6, advanced be­ Brandon 5 15 Med~care vs Spartans I g~nner- and ~ntermed~ate-level sw~mm~ng Ragan 5 15 Astros vs Ind~ans classes w~ll be conducted at the Adult THURSDAY, MAY 9 Softball Roundup Pool Dally 5 15 Gag vs Fredd~e's Fl~ntstns By RUTH HORNE Classes w~ll meet Monday, Wednesday and Brandon 5 15 No-Ko-R~ vs Enterta~ners Fr~day for three weeks Ragan 5 15 Leftovers vs Deja Vu The Leftovers edged by the Wah~nes w~th Advanced beg~nners w~ll meet from 9 45 FRIDAY, MAY 10 a run ~n the bottom of the seventh ~nn~ng to 10 30 a m and work toward ~mprov~ng Dally 5 15 Kanes vs R F Hazards for a 5-4 w~n ~n Women's D~v~s~on softball sw~mmers' crawl strokes, learn~ng elemen­ Brandon 5 15 Chaos vs Nah Thursday on Ragan F~eld tary backstroke and add~t~onal safety Ragan 5 15 Almost Angels vs Wah~nes Darlene Koen~g's double ~n the bottom sk~lls * * * of the s~xth brought ~n two runs for the Intermed~ates w~ll meet from 10 30 to The water polo champ~onsh~p game w~ll Leftovers to t~e up the game Debb~e Daly's 11 15 am, and ~nstruct~on w~ll emphas~ze be played Sunday n~ght at the Fam~ly Pool base h~t brought ~n the w~nn~ng run K~m ~mprov~ng sw~mm~ng stroke techn~que and at 7 30 The Alum~num Team w~ll meet the Mor~tomo also added to the Leftovers' of­ the learn~ng of add~t~onal strokes Golden Team for the t~tle fense, h~tt~ng 2-for-3 There ~s no cost for these classes of­ * * * In a f~ne effort for the Wah~nes, Can­ fered by Spec~al Serv~ces Tw~l~ght Golf League schedule for the dace Bell h~t 2-for-3 w~th a home run for To s~gn up, call Glee Jewell at 82847 week three RBI, R~ta Helsel was 2-for-2 w~th a FRIDAY, MAY 3 sacr~f~ce, Jan~ce Grandf~eld h~t 2-for-3, NBA Playoff Action 4 30 Ch~l~ D~ppers vs H~gh School Blue and J~ll Sm~th added a double 5 00 AFRTS vs Pretenders * * * NEW YORK (UPI) -- Larry B~rd descended MONDAY, MAY 6 The Mar~ners II, w~th bats s~zzl~ng, to earth Thursday n~ght 4 30 G B of F~re vs H~gh School Gold ended the B 0 's w~nn~ng streak w~th a 14- The magn~f~cent Boston forward was held 5 00 E T vs Hole-Em 4 clobber~ng Thursday on Brandon F~eld ~n to two po~nts ~n the fourth quarter wh~le TUESDAY, MAY 7 C D~v~s~on softball act~on the P~stons' Terry Tyler scored 16 of h~s 4 30 AFRTS vs Ch~l~ D~ppers Sato Jat~os -- w~th a double -- and Lar­ 18 po~nts ~n the f~nal per~od, carry~ng 5 00 19th Holers II vs H~gh School Blue ry Hanog were both 3-for-3 at the plate Detro~t to a 125-117 v~ctory over the WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 Allen Mohang and Br~stol DeB rum each h~t Celt~cs ~n the~r Eastern Conference sem~­ 4 30 B~rd~e Seekers vs Green Shooters 3-for-4 w~th a tr~ple for a powerful Mar~n­ f~nal ser~es 5 00 Tw~l~ghters vs M~sf~ts ers offense The P~stons tra~l the best-of-seven se­ THURSDAY, MAY 9 For the B 0 , Les Sm~th made a worthy r~es 2-1 w~th Game 4 ~n Detro~t Sunday 4 30 Ros~e's Cant~na vs 0 B Angels effort, h~tt~ng two tr~ples ~n two at-bats B~rd, who stung Detro~t for 42 po~nts 5 00 Pretenders vs D~vot Construct~on for three RBI ~n Game 2, d~d not make a f~eld goal ~n FRIDAY, MAY 10 * * * the f~nal per~od H~s only po~nts ~n the 4 30 19th Holers I vs H~gh School Gold The Nah pounded the Keones for an 11-2 last per~od came on a pa~r of free throws 5 00 Hole-Em vs Green Shooters v~ctory ~n A D~v~s~on act~on Thursday on w~th 1 21 left -- the Celt~cs' f~nal po~nts Dally F~eld Tyler, a 6-foot-7 reserve forward, made Lead~ng the Nah's offense were Don Hul­ the P~stons' last e~ght baskets ~n help~ng NHL Playoff Results lum, 2-for-3 w~th a double and a sacr~f~ce, hold the Celt~cs at bay after scor~ng Just NEW YORK (UPI) -- Th~s was the~r cup Steve D~hel and Tracy Walker, each 3-for-4, two po~nts ~n the f~rst half and none ~n As long as they play hockey ~n Canada, the and Langr~ne Lorenn~J, 2-for-2 for three the th~rd quarter battle w~ll never be over RBI Center B~ll La~mbeer led Detro~t w~th But Just th~s round was enough for For the Keones, Al~ka Ka~w~ h~t 2-for-3 27 po~nts wh~le guard Is~ah Thomas scored Quebec and brought ~n both runs for h~s team 26 and guard John Long 20 Denn~s Johnson When Peter Stastny scored at 2 22 of led Boston w~th 27, ~nclud~ng 15 ~n the overt~me Thursday n~ght ~n the stor~ed th~rd quarter, wh~le B~rd had 25 and Kev~n Montreal Forum home of the Canad~ens, he A Final Word For McHale 24 l~fted the Nord~ques to a 3-2 tr~umph over In the other quarterf~nal playoff game the~r archr~val and ~nto the Stanley Cup Rust Man Triathletes ~n Denver Thursday n~ght, Lafayette Lever sem~f~nals scored 22 po~nts and Wayne Cooper h~t a By LYNN CHRISTENSEN And the Quebec Nord~ques won the battle pa~r of cr~t~cal baskets ~n overt~me to of Quebec Th~s ~s ~t' The Rust Man/Rusty Lady l~ft the Nuggets past the Utah Jazz 131-123 In tak~ng the Adams D~v~s~on champ~on­ compet~t~on ~s th~s Sunday for a 2-0 ser~es lead sh~p ser~es 4-3, the Nord~ques won three Part~c~pants' tra~n~ng ~s over, rest, t~mes ~n overt~me They w~ll face the relax and hope that on Sunday the w~nd ~s Baseball Roundup Ph~ladelph~a Flyers ~n the best-of-seven almost non-ex~stent, and that ~t doesn't Wales Conference f~nals The Nord~ques ra~n unt~l you are on the runn~ng course NEW YORK (UPI) -- P~nch h~tter Juan Ben­ have the home-~ce advantage w~th Game 1 Dr~nk plenty of water before, dur~ng ~quez s~ngled home Regg~e Jackson with two Sunday n~ght at Le Col~see and after the compet~t~on, but espec~ally out ~n the n~nth ~nn~ng Thursday n~ght, In the Campbell Conference f~nals, the dur~ng the event You can dehydrate very rally~ng the Cal~forn~a Angels to a 3-2 defend~ng Cup champ~on Edmonton O~lers eas~ly ~n our heat and ~n an event of v~ctory over the Toronto Blue Jays w~ll have home-~ce advantage aga~nst the th~s nature Ben~quez's s~ngle to center gave Cal~for­ Chlcago Black Hawks The Ollers have been If th~s ~s your f~rst tr~athlon, have n~a ~ts seventh v~ctory ~n ~ts last e~ght ~dle s~nce last Thursday when they complet­ fun and set your goal on f~n~sh~ng w~thout games and snapped Toronto's seven-game w~n­ ed a four-game sweep of W~nn~peg ~n the collaps~ng n~ng streak Smythe D~v~s~on f~nals Ch~cago cl~nched Late entr~es w~ll be accepted through W~th Cal~forn~a tra~l~ng 2-1 ~n the the Norr~s D~v~s~on berth Tuesday aga~nst Saturday Contact Lynn Chr~stensen, 82711, n~nth, Ruppert Jones opened with a s~ngle M~nnesota, tak~ng that best-of-seven for ~nformat~on and was sacr~f~ced to second by Doug Dec~n­ ser~es 4 games to 2 ces Jackson walked, chas~ng St~eb, 1-3, and Rob W~lfong and Ben~quez del~vered s~n­ Golf Course Closed Drivers, Golfers Watch Out For gles Pat Clements, 2-0, was the w~nner The golf course w~ll be closed Sunday, In other Amer~can League games, Boston May 5, from noon to 4 p m for the KwaJa­ Rust Man/Rusty Lady Participants n~pped Seattle 2-1 and Oakland downed M~l­ le~n Golfers' Assoclatlon Fun Tournament waukee 5-4 There were no games ~n the Na­ There w~ll be a shotgun start and all tees Sunday Between 330 And 6 p m t~onal League wlll be taken FEATURES PAGE 6, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985 Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers Re­ cently my husband was dl­ agnosed as havlng lnopera­ ble cancer The doctors say he has SlX months at the most to Ilve The news has devastated us both and we are unable to be obJ ectlve Our teen-age daughter lS eager to go to college, but her father's lllness and death wlll make thlS lmposslble I am over 50 and have no worklng Eo rly Bird Bowlers Celebrate Skllls What do you thlnk I wear my regular socks Cherle Anderer (left) and Ruth Kadas show off the about puttlng ln hlS over the pantyhose so the cake they recelved for belng on the flrst-place team obltuary (WhlCh we are guys at work won't catch for the season In the Wednesday Early Blrd Bowllng now wrltlng together) a on They would thlnk I was League The thlrd member of the team, Pat Dotson, was Ilne that says, "No flow­ "AC/DC," lf you know what absent from the awards banquet for the September 1984 ers, please Contrlbutlons I mean through Aprll 1985 season The league -- KwaJaleln's to our daughter's educa­ What I want to know lS only women's league -- held ltS banquet at the Yokwe tlonal fund would be why the manufacturers Yuk Club Aprll 17 The followlng offlcers were elected greatly appreclated " don't advertlse pantyhose that day for the next season Mable Plerce, presldent, Would lt be tacky? -­ for men They make a lot Kay Gallant, Vlce presldent, Plmvat Lachman, treasurer, Brokenhearted And In A of sense It's a darned and Randle Coons, sergeant-at-arms Fog shame that a person llke (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) Dear Frlend Yes, lt me has to walk around would be tacky Your daugh­ scared that lf I had a ter should lnvestlgate sudden heart attack or got student loans and part­ lnto an accldent, the doc­ On This Date In History tlme work You, my dear, tors or nurses would In 1494, on hlS second expedltlon to the New World, should get some career thlnk I was klnky Columbus dlscovered Jamalca counsellng at once Today, Please prlnt my letter In 1841, the lsland of New Zealand was proclalmed 50 lS "mlodle age II and urge other men to try a Brltlsh colony pantyhose Also, encourage In 1919, U S alrplane passenger serVlce began Dear Ann Landers Last the manufacturers to take when pllot Robert Hewltt flew two women from New York October my wlfe and I were thlS bold step Anony­ to Atlantlc Clty lnvlted to a Halloween mous ln Worcester, Mass In 1968, the Unlted States and North Vletnam party She went dressed Dear Worcester If agreed to open peace talks ln Parls as a football player and sklrts for men catch on, In 1979, Margaret Thatcher and the Conservatlve talked me lnto gOlng as a pantyhose cannot be far Party won the Brltlsh general elect lon, maklng her cheerleader When she behlnd Meanwhlle, lf you the flrst woman prlme mlnlster of a major European suggested I wear a palr flnd them comfortable, natlon of her pantyhose because and your wlfp doesn't my sklrt was so short I mlnd. lt'S nobody's bUS1- thought she was crazy, ness but after I put them on Your Indilidual they felt terrlflc They GOlng to a weddlng? also kept my legs warm I Glvlng one? Ann Landers' Horoscope asked her to get me some "New Brlde's GUlde" wlll ===== Fraftces Drake =====::::::=::::=== of my own (In a larger answer qucstlons about to­ FOR "ONDAY, MAY 6, 1985 slze) and she sald OK I day's weddlngs For a copy, have been wearlng panty­ send $2 plus a long, self­ ARms SCORPIO (Mar 21 to Apr 19) (Oct 23 to Nov 21) hose ever Slnce addressed, stamped e~ve­ Don't push for what you want Though It'S a lucky day finanCially, In the summer when lt lope (39 cents postage) to today You could be m too much of a you could still find yourself In an lS hot and humld, my Ann Landers, POBox rush Benefits come through mends argument WIth a close tie about the trousers don't stlck to 11995, Chlcago, III and romance IS also lIkely use of JOint funds my legs llke they used to 60611 TAURUS SAGITfARruS (Apnl20 to May 20) (Nov 22 to Dec 21) A shght UTltatlOn about money You'll receive love and affectIOn qUickly passes Behmd-the-scenes today and should plan a special Minimizing Tax On House Sales career moves are favored Some outmg Towards rughtfall, curb a fmanclal luck IS possible tendency towards Itchy feet By WILLIAM A DOYLE GEMINI CAPRICORN (May 21 to June 20) (Dec 22 to Jan 19) Q My wife and I are about to sell a profit Your profit will be the A competitive attitude WIth a close You may feel lIke glvmg a co­ our home for $180,000 We plan to difference between the $180,000 tie spells problems Work together for worker a piece of your mind Don't move to a dlfferent state and selling pnce and your "basis" mutual happmess Good news comes Loved ones WIll e11Joy a qUiet mght at purchase a home for Your basiS IS the pnce at which you from a distance home together approxnnately $85,000 We are acqUired your home, plus the cost of CANCER AQUARruS both retired and have very little all additIOns and Improvements (June 21 to July 22) (Jan 20 to Feb 18) assets other than the proceeds Surely, you made some additIOns and Someone at work IS dIfficult to get Be sure to accept party mVitatlons from the sale of our present home IIDprovements to the house over the along With, yet SOCial graces put you Smgles meet WIth romantic introduc­ How can we llUIUIIllZe the caPital years you have owned It In good stead WIth busmess contacts tIOns Everung restlessness could be a gains tax: on the sale, above and Get out paper, pencil and all you meet today problem othelWlse beyond the U25,OOO records and receipts you can lay your LEO PISCES )otID once-m-a-lifetlDle rebef that IS hands on Add Up your purchase pnce (July 23 to Aug 22) (Feb I 9 to Mar 20) ~ permitted to semor citIZens? and every d1IDe you ever spent adding A pushy mend embarrasses you Career developments are In your A If the profit from the sale of your to and-or IIDprovmg the house Along OthelWlse, the way IS clear for happy favor now, but there stIlI could be one home IS more than $125,000, there's WIth many other people, you mIght be romantic and leisure events Love unexpected happening RaISes are no legItlIDate way you can duck amazed when you learn the high basIS should blossom soon forthcoming paymg tax However, If your profit IS of your home VIRGO YOU BORN TODAY are an IdealISt $125,000 or less, you pay no tax In your case, If your home's basiS (Aug 23 to Sept 22) who IS community mmded You work Anyone 55 or older who sells Ius or adds up to $55,000, you'll have a While all IS happy on the home well WIth groups and are at your best her pnnclpal reSidence after livmg m $125,000 profit on the sale Usmg the front, there could be a minor mishap when inspired You should always It for three of the five preVIous years once-m-a-lJfetlIDe exclUSIOn, no tax by mghtfall Be careful not to break tru~t your intuitIOn Your work IS IS allowed to take that will be due something of value often ahead of Its tlIDe, yet you have once-m-a-llfetlme "exclUSIOn" and If your basiS IS, say, $50,000, you'll LmRA the ability to make the average not pay tax on Up to $125,000 of the have a $5,000 profit That profit will (Sept 23 to Oct 22) person understand your message profit from the sale be a long-term capital gam, only 40 Though care IS needed With Creative purSUits are also likely to Your letter mdlcates you believe percent of which IS taxable In thIS finances today, It s apple blossom appeal to you Intenor deSign, mUSIC, your profit will be more than example, you would add $2,000 to time as far as your love life IS palntmg and acting are pOSSible $125,000 AIe you sure of that? The your taxable Income and pay concerned The accent IS on fun' livelihoods entire $180,000 sellmg pnce won't be whatever tax IS due COMICS --HO FRIDAY t~Y 3 1985 PAGE 7 GARFIELD




!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!L.!::~~~sc::"'m":::y=jfhe Crossword By EU.JnIe Shelfer: ACROSS 34 Pony DOWN 19 Lepre- 1 Confidence Express 1 Lobb) chaun's game letters? 2 Slueld home I 5 Harvest 35 Ceremony wearer 20 Obstacle godoes5 36 DISpatches 3 Frt!"d. 21 Back tc:.J.k ~ 8 MOlSt 37 ItalIan SPirit 22 Above • 12 Fanciful sallSage 4 Ya~ht 23 Suppose 14 Curved 40 Haggerty or basm 25 Elaborate I moldmg O'HerlIhy 5 Producer speeches 15 Victor 41 Poems PI crrunger 26 Author Herbert 42 Man's tall, 6 A ISS O'Cdsey creatIOn sdk 7 r mbmg 27 A,..l urian J....,====.."...... -:-=~.....r.....-=---:-:...... z~-i 16" make topper 8 ;"asquer- lad) Brant Parker and Johnny Hart the - of 47 Prong ade 29 Edge ;':"~~~~:~--==--=----:;;i:I"'"'~------~--~--' It" 48 Sail a costume 31 Overhead 17 "Who am - vessel 9 EXCited railways argue?" 49 Leadlng 10 Interlock 33 Black 18 CrlE'S, as player 11 Dogs and board a horse 50 Baden or cats cleaner I "0 Trc 'rE' Ems 13 Clears as 34 HOlISehold often 51 Discharge profit 36 Indlra's ~plllcd I\vg solutIon time 24 min. garment 23 War god 37 Drunkards 24 Recorded 38 Entrance proceed- 3~ Smger mgs Horne LL::;=::!~~:::==~~====~;:~~!2~~~~=====J'-:~=:;~~~~~:-::L: 2528 LetterDIligent 40 angelHmdu B C Johnny Hart after pi 43 Flummery _------., 29 Pickler's 44 Inept solutIOn actor GOr ANY Sf£5NA'(' 30 Cherrucal 45 Luzon ';;iuFf IN lHfRE sillf~ natIve AI3o::::l[}"r ME? -~- 32 Efflca- 46 Asian ClOlIS festlval CLASSIFIED PAGE 8, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985

OFFICIAL NOTICES FOR SALE TIME FOR SPRING CLEANING' Please don't THE BANK OF HAWAII IS REQUESTING ALL RESI­ pcs PATIO SALE TODAY AND Saturday at throwaway good stuff, or pack away thlngs dents to please turn In excess cOlns, es­ Tr 588 (Lagoon slde), 8 a m -6 pm, assort­ you know you won't use Donate useful ltems peclally pennles, to the bank We are furn­ ed men's/women's clothes, 3 gUltars, RCA to Bargaln Bazaar and let someone else en­ lshlng all retall facliltles on lsland, and b/w 9" TV, assorted plants, blg and small, JOY For plckup Tues call 83579, 82531 we are constantly runnlng out of COlns You mlscellaneous ltems need not wrap the COlns -- Just brlng them WINDSURF CLUB MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT, May 7, In We wlil count and wrap and elther de­ DARK BROWN FRINGED OVAL shag rug, 9x12, 441B, at 7 New wlndsurf T-shlrts wlil be POSlt or glve you currency Your cooper a­ $40, large free-standlng storage cablnet, avallable and glant party for departlng tlon lS appreclated (Bank of Hawall) $25, plcnlc table w/benches, $30, assorted wlndsurfers to be planned roll-up shades, bar, $15, avallable by 6/20 EFFECTIVE MAY 1 AT KWAJALEIN ISLAND Nursery Call 82774 THE COMMODORE USERS CLUB wlil meet Monday, School, rates wlil be as follows $1 25 May 6, 7 pm, Rm 105, hlgh school Any­ per hour up to three hours, $3 50 a ses- MAGNAVOX STEREO SYSTEM, beautlful plece of one lnterested lS welcome Questlons, call Slan, $7 a day (KINS) furnlture, AM/FM radlo, 8-track tape player, 82950 cassette hook-up, record player, $350 Can THE }OLLOWING IS A LIST OF LOST AND FOUND be seen at 2l2A W83777, H82840 DEADLINE FOR KGA FUN TOURNEY extended En­ ltems currently belng held at the KwaJaleln try deadllne 12 30 Sunday, May 5 If you Pollce Department Items may be clalmed by UPRIGHT PIANO, $500, Orlental-style desk want to play, call Bobbl, W81140/60, caillng the KPD and maklng arrangements to wlth carved panels, $400, antenna, for flee H82421 Fee payable at check-ln tlme Shot­ meet wlth the found property offlcer In Call 83369 gun start at 1 30, check In NLT 1 p m accordance wlth the provlslons of LEOI 190- 17 and 190-18, those ltems of found prop­ BARGAIN BAZAAR HAD A COMPLETE SELL-out of SUPERSWIMMERS JOURDANS wlil be on Macy's erty valued at $25 or less, and all bl­ the brand new dresses from Kosrae Orlglnal porch Sat , 5/4 from 10 a m -noon to accept cycles left unclalmed for 30 days wlil be prlce was up to $45, we have them for $15, your pledges There wlil be a plcnlc for sold at auctlon Alcohollc beverages and and now there are more Come In the look all Superswlmmers who have collected and tobacco, monles and ammunltlon wlil not be You wlil be pleasantly surprlsed turned In thelr pledges at Emon, 5/11, 2-5 sold at publlc auctlon The next auctlon wlil be held on May 4, 10 am, rear of SUPREME SLEEP WATERBED w/all acc, cost $425, MEMBERS, HUSBANDS, GUESTS Yokwe Yuk Wom­ the KwaJaleln Pollce Department sell for $200, AM/FM cassette stereo w/ en's Club dlnner meetlng featurlng KwaJ Found Property speakers, $100, SanSUl turntable (llnear), Communlty Theater group and honorlng 1985 1 tape player $125, speaker-amp control center, $85, Can­ women graduates of KHS, May 16, YYC Soclal 1 crescent wrench on A-I camera, 3 lenses, plants 82617 at 7, dlnner at 7 30 Call 82478 for res 1 rug Blcycles PATIO SALE, 102A Today untll ? Plants, WOMEN'S PROTESTANT FELLOWSHIP BOARD MEETING B2136 4283 B5400 SWlm team sUlt, SWlm flns and floats, muu­ wlil be held on Monday, May 6, Fellowshlp B2371 B4323 6943 muu, lots of other good thlngs Center, 7 p m Call Judy, 82352 B2402 B5430 7420 B3421 B5055 9726 AC, 9000 BTU, $300, fan chalr, $65, beaded MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP SPECIAL SALE 1$3980 2 no decal (EC Servlces) curtaln, $15, weed wacker, $25 Call John, Sunday, May 5, 2-5 pm, MP Room W99106, H83825 DURING THE FOUR- to slx-week rehab of the TICKETS FOR MOTHER'S DAY BRUNCH on sale Famlly Pool, beglnnlng May 6, the followlng PATIO SALE CHILDREN'S CLOTHES, sz 6-8, now For them, call your favorlte Shrlner rules wlil apply at the ADULT POOL The Flsher-Prlce toys, puzzles, woman's dress­ Adult Pool faclilty lS avallable to bache­ es, sz 9-11, menswear, sz 34-36, mlcro­ lors and bachelorettes over the age of 18 wave popcorn popper, Trlvlal Pursult game, KEEP KWAJALEIN CLEAN for unsupervlsed sWlmmlng and sunbathlng traverse rods Sat, 5/4, 8-11 a m 475B Dependents over age 18 may use the pool for lap SWlmmlng only There lS no llfeguard on CAL-20 SAILBOAT, EXCELLENT CONDITION Call duty at thls faclilty The buddy system 83773 days, or 82282 evenlngs shall be In effect at all tlmes The beach­ front area behlnd the pool lS off-Ilmlts LOST for SWlmmlng, surflng and snorkellng The WOULD THE INDIVIDUAL WHO ACCIDENTALLY(?) lounge chalrs provlded for sunbathlng are plcked up the whlte Bass sandals from Golf to remaln In the pool area for the patrons Course locker area please return them? Call of the faclilty SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Be­ 82202H P S My doctor says the lncubatlon glnnlng May 6, the pool wlil be used from perlod for meshuggener lS 10 days Hurry 8 45-11 15 a m on Mondays, Wednesdays and Frldays, 8 45-9 30 a m on Thursdays, and WANTED 10 15-11 a m on Saturdays Water exerClse MAN'S OR WOMAN'S USED BIKE, ABLE to wlth­ classes -- 8 45-9 30 a m on Monday through stand one more year Wlil pay now to re­ Frlday, and 10 15-11 a m on Saturday Ad­ serve untll your future PCS date Call Les­ vanced Beglnner SW!mmlng class -- 9 45- lle after 5 30 p m at 82521 10 30 am, Monday, Wednesday, Frlday In­ termedlate sWlmmlng classes -- 10 30-11 15 3'x8' DOOR, REASONABLE CALL W81404, H84693 am, Monday, Wednesday, Frlday Durlng these classes, half of the Adult Pool wlil HELP WANTED be avallable to the adult publlc Persons HOURGLASS NEEDS TYPISTS APPLY to Global lnterested In enroillng In the sWlmmlng Personnel, 83388 classes should contact Glee Jewell at 82847 (Speoal Servlces) COMMUNfIY ACTIVITIES PARENTS OF ISLAND NURSERY SCHOOL chlldren BEGINNING TODAY, FOM CREWS wlil requlre ac­ Please remember our May Day celebratlon~ cess lnto occupled houslng unlts for the Sunday, May 5, 4 30 pm, KINS Tonight At The Movies purpose of lnstaillng plastlC solar screen fllm The fllm wlil be applled on the In­ HAM RADIO LICENSES -- Exams for all classe~ Yokwe Yuk - My Frlend Fllcka terlor slde of all east, west and south of amateur radlo operators wlil be admln­ 6 30 ------G wlndows under a contlnulng government-ap­ lstered June 20 A ranced reglstratlon re­ Once Upon A Tlme In proved energy conservatlon project Tenants qUlred before May 10 Info, H82202, W81550 Arr,erlca are requested to remove all curtalns and 8 30, 12 30 ------R drapes from those wlndows In addltlon to ALL KENTRON PERSONNEL Don't forget to slgn any other personal ltems such as self­ up for Kentron's 13th annual Coconut Open Tradewlnds - A Woman In Red stlcklng decals or contact paper ltems To golf tournament to be held Saturday, May 11 8 00 ------R mlnlmlze resldent Lnconvenlence and to ex­ Send or brlng all entrles to the Com Cen­ pedlte work It would be appreclated If any ter, Bldg 1008 Entry deadllne lS May 9 Tonight On Television ltems of furnlture In front of wlndows be Kwajalein moved for easy access It lS expected that SQUARE DANCERS SAVE THE DATE OF MAY 14 to 1+ 55 General Hospltal the crews wlil be able to complete one celebrate the graduatlon of thls year's 5 40 Reggle quarters per day Tenants wlil be contact­ class Dinner, danclng and fun at the YYC 6 05 Suzanne Pleshette ed by telephone for notlflcatlon of sched- Watch Hourglass for more detalls 6 30 CBS Weekly News uled work (FOM) 7 30 MlsslsslPPl FOOD SERVICES THE LAST RACE OF THE SPRING SERIES wlil be 8 20 Knlght Rlder held Sunday, May 5 Sklppers' meetlng at 9 10 Scarecrow And Mrs Klng ~~~~~~~ 12 30 p m at the Small Boat Marlna There 10 00 Once Upon A Spy wlil be wlnd' 11 40 Donahue (Marnage) YOKWE YUK CLUB 12 30 "Once Upon A Spy" l ADVANCED DIVER COURSE INSTRUCTED BY Joe 3 May 1985 Roi-Namur Come over, relax and enJoy our speclal Barton, sponsored by KSC May 7, 9, 11, 12, 5 35 General Hospltal ! 13 Slgn-up de tal Is and texts at George 6 20 New Tech Tlmes pupu extravaganza and mUSlC Tonlght ~ from 5 - 7 P m Z Seltz, Rm 18, Mon , May 6, 6-7 p m Call 6 50 Thrlilmaker Sports Joe, days at 81122 for lnformatlon 7 10 MlsslsslPPl ~ 4 May 1985 8 00 Dynasty Dlsco mUSlC from 9 p m untll mldnlght:J 2 MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP Commlttee meet­ 8 50 Scarecrow And Mrs KlnO Lng wlil be held Tuesday, May 7, at 1 p m 9 40 "Walklng Through The Flre" ~~~~~ at 411C ENTERTAINMENT HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985, PAGE ~ Television May 4 - 10 Movies May 4 12 ROI-Namur My Frlend Fllcka, Teen Center, 1 p m S Tln Man, Rlchardson Theater, 7 30 p m AM P M SATURDAY A Splderman, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 7 30 Chlldren's Programs 10 00 Hee Haw T Supergirl, Teen Center, 9 30 p m 11 00 Flght Back/New Zoo Revue 10 50 Soul Train Just The Way You Are, Rlchardson Theater, 9 30 p m 11 50 Hee Haw 11 35 Conquest Of The Deep S Golden Voyage Of Slnbad, Teen Center, 1 p m 12 40 Soul Train 1 05 Dlsney "Apple Dumpllng Gang" U Once Upon A Tlme In Amerlca, Yokwe Yuk Club, 2 p m 1 25 "Poor Little Rich Girl" 1 55 Pete's Place N Hotel New Hampshlre, Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m 2 45 Dlsney '~dventure In 2 20 We Got It Made My Frlend Fllcka, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m Satan Canyon" 2 45 Rublk, The Amazlng Cube M Just The Way You Are, Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m 3 35 Baseball Managers 3 10 Oh, Madellne o My Frlend Fllcka, Rlchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 4 05 Baseball San Dlego vs Atlanta 3 35 Suzanne Pleshette T Splderman, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m 6 35 Channel 9 Vldeo Features 4 00 Pro Bowlers Tour U Once Upon A Tlme In America, Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 7 00 60 Mlnutes 5 10 Washlngton Week E Superglrl, Tradewinds Theater, 8 p m 7 55 Entertalnment ThlS Week 5 40 The Masters -- Final Round W The Golden Voyage Of Sinbad, Rlchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 8 45 Allce 7 35 CBS Weekly News E Once Upon A Tlme In Amerlca, Tradewinds Theater, 8 E m 9 10 Mlke Hammer 8 35 Solld Gold T Superglrl, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 10 00 The Rousters 9 25 Allce H Tln Man, Tradewinds Theater, 8 p m 10 50 Buck And The Preacher 9 50 Rousters F The Golden Voyage Of Slnbad, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m 12 35 New York Hot Tracks 10 40 "Hang 'Em Hlgh" R Hotel New Hampshlre, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 1 45 MUS1C Store _1~10_N~w_Y£r~ ~o~ !r~c~sLM~s~c_S~oEe__ I Runaway, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m ------SUNDAY S Just The Way You Are, Richardson Theater, 7 30 p m 7 00 Rellglous Programs 7 00 ReligiOUS Programs A My Frlend Fllcka, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 8 50 60 Mlnutes 8 25 CBS Weekly News S The Golden Voyage Of Slnbad, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 9 45 "Two Crosses At Danger Pass" 9 25 Macbeth 11 15 Pete's Place 11 40 Three's Company 11 40 We Got It Made 12 30 Woody Herman/Ad Llb THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD John PhlllP Law, Caroline Munroe 12 30 Wlld Klngdom 1 45 Wlld Klngdom Adventure RT 105 G 12 55 E/R / Hlt Clty 2 10 Explorers An amulet dropped by an albatross is retrieved by Captain 1 45 Olymplc Boxlng 3 00 01ymP1C Boxlng Sinbad The eVil Prlnce Tom Baker, accompanied by Takis Eman­ 2 35 Pro Bowlers Tour 3 50 Baseball Managers uel, knows that the amulet lS part of a medalilon which will 3 45 Washlngton Week 4 20 Baseball San Dlego vs Atlanta lead to a fabulous treasure A ship's figurehead comes to 4 15 The Masters -- Flnal Round 6 50 Entertalnment ThlS Week llfe and a slx-armed statue does sword battle with Sinbad in 6 10 CBS Weekly News 7 40 Cheers action hlghllghts 7 10 Cheers 8 05 Mike Hammer Sunday, May 5, Teen Center, 1 p m 7 35 Falcon Crest 8 55 Falcon Crest Wednesday, Rlchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 8 25 "Mlstral's Daughter" Part 1 9 45 "Mistral's Daughter" Part 2 Frlday, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30 p m 10 45 Merv Grlffln 11 20 Merv Grlffln Sunday, May 12, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m ___ J!.15_"~1~tEal'~ Qa.!!J(.ht~r~ faEt_l __ MONDAY HOTEL NEW HAMPSHIRE Jodle Foster, Beau Brldges 2 15 Ryan's Hope 3 00 Ryan's Hope Comedy/Drama RT 110 R 2 40 Comedy Shop 3 25 Llvely Country Based on the best-selling novel by John Irving, the film 3 05 Latln Tempo 3 50 Art Hodes runs the gamut from madcap comedy to the poignant tragedy of 3 30 Sesame Street 4 20 Family Feud a famlly, the father wanting to open the hotel of his dreams 4 30 Famlly Feud 4 45 Donahue (Gays) where he spent hlS early llfe worklng the classy Hotel New 4 55 General Hospltal 5 35 General Hospltal Hampshlre, and hlS famlly's adjustment to thelr growlng-up 8 00 5 40 SOlld Gold 6 20 The Muppets periods 8 50 6 30 Thlrd Annual Amerlcan 6 45 Newhart Sunday, May 5, Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m Vldeo Awards 7 10 Perspectlve On Greatness Frlday, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 10 25 8 05 T J Hooker 8 05 Classlc Theatre "Meet 11 15 8 55 Star Search Danny Wllson" JUST THE WAY YOU ARE Krlsty McNlchol, Michael Ontkean 12 05 9 45 Donlhue (Amerlcan Famlly) 9 35 Slmon & Slmon Romantlc Comedy RT 95 PG ____l~ 15_A~e~1~a~ ~lie£ ~w~ris______lQ 15_Kgo~s_L~n£lgg ______A classlcal flutlst who wears a small leg brace continual­ TUESDAY ly recelves attention from young men whose attitudes change 2 15 Ryan's Hope/Lively Country 3 00 Ryan's Hope when they see her brace Whlle on a performlng tour through 3 05 Art Hodes 3 25 Comedy Shop Europe, she pays a doctor to put a cast on her leg to re­ 3 35 Electrlc Company 3 50 Latln Tempo place the brace, checks lnto a French Skl lodge and tells 4 05 Muillgan Stew 4 15 Famlly Feud people she's recoverlng from a skllng accident 4 35 Family Feud 4 40 Donahue (Glorla Stelnem) Saturday, May 4, Rlchdrdson Theater, 9 30 p m 5 00 GenEral Hospltal 5 30 General Hospltal Monday, Yokwe Yuk Club, 7 p m 8 00 5 45 The Muppets 6 15 60 Mlnutes Saturday, May 11, Rlchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 8 25 6 10 Newhart 7 20 Thlrd Annual Amerlcan Video Awards 8 50 6 35 Per&pectlve On Greatness 9 05 T J Hooker MY FRIEND FLICKA Roddy McDowall, Preston Foster 9 40 7 20 "Klnd Hearts And Cornets" 9 55 Best Of Carson Western Drama RT 90 G 11 30 9 10 Slmon & Slmon A dlsclpllned West POlnt-tralned soldler turns rancher and 12 20 10 00 Knots Landing trles to lmpart the same klnd of dlsclpllne ln hlS son 1 10 10 50 Donlhue (Underachievers) Saturday, May 4, Teen Center, 1 p m 11 40 "Klfld Hearts And Cornets" Sunday, May 5, TradeWlnds Theater, 8 p m ------WEDNESDAY- -- ~ ------Monday, Rlchardson Theater, 7 30 p m 2 15 Ryan's Hope/Pat Co111ns 3 00 Ryan's Hope Saturday, May II, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 3 40 Sesame Street 3 25 Pat Colilns 4 40 Famlly Feud 4 20 Famlly Feud ONCE UPON A TIME Robert DeNlro, James Wood 5 05 GenEral Hospltal 4 45 Donahue (Second Marrlages) IN AMERICA Crlme-Drama RT 143 R 5 50 PetE's Place 5 35 General Hospltal The film deplcts the story about the rlse and fall of 6 15 We Cot It Made 6 20 Rlpley's Belleve It Or Not several Jewlsh gangsters from 1921 to 1968 8 00 6 40 Rlpley's Belleve It Or Not 7 15 Boone Sunday, May 5, Yokwe Yuk Club, 2 p m 8 50 7 30 Boone 8 05 The Yellow Rose Tuesday, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 8 30, 12 30 9 40 8 20 Yellow Rose 8 55 "Helst" Wednesday, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 10 30 9 15 "Flctlon Makers" 10 30 Late Nlght Wlth Davld Letterman 12 15 11 00 LrttE Nlght Wlth Davld Letterman RUNAWAY Tom Selleck, Cynthla Rhodes 1 00 11 45 Donahue (MariJuana) SC1-Fl RT 100 R ____l~ 15_"!>,~t2:.0E. .~:.la~e!:s~ ______In the future, a cop speclallzes ln dlsarmlng robots that THURSDAY have gone out of control 2 15 Ryan's Hope 3 00 Ryan's Hope Frlday, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 2 40 Informatlon Features 3 25 Informatlon Speclals 3 35 One Of A Klnd/It Flgures 4 20 Famlly Feud SUPERGIRL Faye Dunaway, Helen Slater 4 25 Famlly Feud 4 45 Donahue (Comedlan Look-Allkes) Comedy/Adv RT 105 PG 4 50 General Hospltal 5 35 General Hospltal The teen-age couSln of Superman leaves her home ln Argo 8 00 5 35 New Tech Tlmes 6 20 E/R Clty, a fragment of Krypton that was "blown lnto lnner 8 30 6 05 Thrillmaker Sports 6 45 Hit Clty space" when that planet was destroyed, to retrleve her 8 55 6 30 Fall Guy 7 10 Fall Guy Clty'S mlsslng power source -- the Omegahedron She follows 9 45 7 20 Rellly, Ace Of Sples 8 00 Matt Houston lt to Earth, where she flnds herself suddenly ln possession 10 40 8 15 Matt Houston 8 50 Thls Savage Land of super powers 11 30 9 05 "Borgla Stlck" 10 30 Rellly, Ace Of Sples Saturday, May 4, Teen Center, 9 30 p m 1 10 10 45 Donahue (Westmoreland's Tuesday, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m Lawsult) Thursday, Yokwe Yuk Theater, 6 30, 8 30, 12 30 ____1115_"~oEg2:.a_S~1~k~ ______FRIDAY TIN MAN Timothy Bottoms, Deana Jurgens 2 15 Ryan's Hope 3 00 Ryan's Hope Drama RT 90 PG 2 40 LOUlSlana Cooklng 3 25 LOU1Slana Cooklng A deaf-mute overcomes hiS handlcap through his ingenious 3 05 Sesame Street 3 55 Famlly Feud Inventions and the support of the woman who loves him 4 05 Famlly Feud 4 20 People's Court Thursday, Tradewlnds Theater, 8 p m 4 30 People's Court 4 45 Donahue (1960s ActivlStS) 4 55 General Hospltal 5 35 General Hospltal 5 40 E/R / Hlt Clty 6 20 New Tech Tlmes MoVie Ratl nq System 8 00 6 30 CBS Weekly News 6 50 Thrlilmaker Sports 9 00 7 30 M1SS1SS1PPl 7 10 M1SS1SS1PPl G General vlewlng audlences 9 50 8 20 Dynasty 8 00 Dynasty PG Parental gUidance suggested Some materlal may not be 10 40 9 10 Scarecrow And Mrs Klng 8 50 Scarecrow And Mrs Klng sUltable for children 11 30 10 00 "Walklng Through The Flre" 9 40 "The Stoolie" R Restricted Under 17 requires accompanying parent or 1 15 11 50 Donahue (Thankless Jobs) guardlan ____l~ !!.O_"~alk2:.n£ !h.E.0~gE. !h~. !>.E.e.::. ______AFTV programs and scheduled startlng tlmes subject to change ENTERT AINMENT PAGE 10, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985 TELEVISION PROGRAM GUIDE Showbiz Kwajalein Roi-Namur A Conversation Saturday Saturday HEE HAW Jo~n~ng the regulars are Lou~se Man­ Ht.t. HAW Tne regulars are Jo~ned by George Jones, With The New Fallon drell, Ronny Robb~ns, and the M~ll~on Dol­ Brenda Lee, the Moonsh~ne Cloggers and the By GWEN JONES lar Band Dew Drops SOUL TRAIN Passengers are L~llo and very spe­ SOUL TRAIN Host Don Cornel~us greets passengers (Brltlsh-born Emma Samms 101111 soon be seen as c~al guest, S~ster Sledge Jennlfer Holl~day and Kl~que Fallon, daredevll daughter of Blake and ex-wlfe NICKELODEON THEATRE "Poor Lutle R~ch G~rl " NICKELODEON THEATRE "Conquest of the Deep " A Alex~s and he~ress to the Carr~ngton dynasty on A lonely l~ttle r~ch g~rl runs away and ~s crew of d~vers may have to pay the ult~mate the n~ghttlme soap "Dynasty " She ~s stepp~ng befr~ended by two vaudevllilans who manage pr~ce when they try to flnd the awesome se­ lnto the hlgh-heel shoes and story l~ne formerly to put her lnto thelr act Sh~rley Temple, cret h~dden deep w~th~n the murky waters of occup~ed by Pamela Sue Mart~n, who left the se­ Al~ce Faye, Jack Haley, Mlchael Whelan a sheltered lagoon ries to produce and star in a feature film THE ROUSTERS (Ser~es Starts) A carn~val ~s the "HANG 'EM HIGH" (1968 Western) A cowboy ~s m~s­ (Reportedly, Samms landed th~s plum role sett~ng for th~s fast-mov~ng adventure se­ taken for a cattle rustler and murderer by which gets Ju~c~er w~th the upcoming "Dynasty" r~es Wyatt Earp III and h~s eccentr~c a posse and marked for lynch~ng Found by a splnoff called "" after she was spot­ brother Evan Earp are featured In th~s lawman soon after, he is taken ~nto custody ted by producer Aaron Spell~ng on another one of prem~ere ep~sode, Wyatt Earp III and h~s by a sher~ff who takes hlm to a nearby town hlS h~t shows, "Hotel" The voluptuous beauty clan turn the tables on a would-be assas­ for tr~al, and upon hlS arr~val, he ~s says she's never met the telemogul and f~gures s~n and, at the same t~me, battle a com­ brought before the Judge, who lS aware a her b~g break came atter a tete-a-tete with pet~ng carn~val for terr~tor~al r~ghts near traglc mlstake has been made He re­ Esther Shaplro, co-creator of "Dynasty" "BUCK AND THE PREACHER" (1971 Drama) As emanc~­ leases the cowboy, who takes a Job as (No matter The 24-year-old actress' star ~s pated slaves head West, they are set upon deputy so that he can avenge h~s near trag­ cllmblng "General Hosp~tal" fans are already by ruthless men h~red by Southern planta­ edy Cllnt Eastwood, Inger Stevens, Ed Beg­ w~ld about her ~n the role of Holly, the lntrigu­ t~on owners to force them to return to the ley, Pat H~ngle, Arlene Galonka, Ben John­ lng former g~rlfrlend of Luke Spencer and now cotton f~elds A black tra~lmaster teams son, Alan Hale, Jr ever-helpful wlfe of Port Charles' lnternatlon­ up w~th a fraudulent preacher to lead thelr NEW YORK HOT TRACKS Featured vldeo performances ally adventuresome pol~ce commlSS10ner Robert people out of danger -- and to take revenge Donna Summer w~th "There Goes My Baby," Scorplo Scorp~o lS portrayed by Austral~an on the murder~ng gang S~dney Po~t~er, JUll0 Igleslas and D~ana Ross ln a duet Trlstan Rogers, who happens to be Samms' off­ Harry Belafonte, Ruby Dee, Cameron M~tchell, "All of You," Pr~nce and the Revolutlon ~n screen love lnterest Denny M~ller, N~ta Talbot "Let's Go Crazy" (In fact, lt was a Jogglng-sult-clad Rogers NEW YORK HOT TRACKS Host Carlos de Jesus ~s MUSIC STORE Co-hosts K~m and Karen McCall pre­ who answered the door of Samms' Westwood condo­ Jo~ned by hlS very spec~al co-host Cynd~ sent Klm Sheppard, ROSle Leony and Rock minium on a recent morn~ng After he left, Emma, Lauper, for a look at the hottest v~deos Candy, and The R~sk who had on a lavender sweat top over wh~te pants, currently on the records charts Sunday was ready to talk about her l~fe and career ) MUSIC STORE Guests are Lydla Taylor, Tr~p, 'MACBETH" (1981 Drama) The Shakespeare classlc GWEN JONES How do you feel about the turn Clpveland, and Davld BOWle about Macbeth, a man who returns to h~s k~ng your career has taken? Sunday after a vlctorl0US battle, who ~s favored EMMA SAMMS Well, I Just got back to town at "Iwu LRO~SES AT DANGER PASS" (1977 Western) In by the klng and who turns on the monarch, 2 o'clock thlS morn~ng So at the moment I feel th~s ltallan-Span~sh Western, Alex M~tchell klll~ng hlm It lS one treachery after qu~te t~red The trouble lS I've been so ~ncredl­ returns to the town of Danger Pass 12 another unt~l Macbeth, tortured by h~s con­ bly busy, ~t really hasn't had a chance to sink years after he wltnessed the murder of h~s science, ~s caught by the loyal McDuff, who ~n I thlnk that ~f I were to sit down and think parents He now seeks revenge aga~nst the metes out the Just~ce he deserves Jeremy about my role on "Dynasty," ~t's another job and mao who k~lled them and h~s fam~ly Peter Brett, P~per Laur~e, S~mon MacCork~ndale ~t's a great honor, but ~t's also someth~ng that Martell, Antony Freeman, Nucc~a Card~nal~, AD LIB Host Phll Moore lntroduces hlS guests, ~f I let myself get too exc~ted and int~m~dated Lu~s Gaspar, Mara Cruz, Jesus Puente, An­ Esther Phlll~ps and Red Halloway, as they at the respons~b~l~ty, I'm not go~ng to do such ton~o P~ca perform "Pardon Me," "Crazy," "Watch lt a good Job Therefore, I'm go~ng to do my very AD LIB Ad L~b w~th Ph~l Moore and h~s perform­ Now " best to not let myself get nervous ~ng guests, L~nda Hopk~ns, Edd~e Harr~s, "MISTRAL'S DAUGHTER" (Part 2) (1984 Drama) Mag­ G J Have you encountered any d~fflcult~es John Heard, and Harold Jones, as they s~ng gle beg~ns a new modellng career ln Amer~ca tak~ng over the role of Fallon s~nce ~t was "No Need For You To Cry," "If I Do," "Feel­ wh~le, back ~n France, Mlstral's wlfe sends prev~ously played by another actress? ~ng," and "I'll Be There" a collect~on of h~s pa~ntlngs to a New York E S It seems that I'm only offered parts "MISTRAL'S DAUGHTFR " (Part 1) (1980 Drama) A exhlbltl0n after he tr~ed to burn them w~th dlfflcult sltuatl0ns When I took the part young French glrl arr~ves ln Par~s set on Stefanle Powers, Lee Remlck, Stacy ~each of Luke's glrlfr~end Holly (on "General Hosp~­ becom~ng a pa~nter's model, but f~nds the MERV GRIFFIN Merv's guests are Stefanle Powers tal") ~t was after the Luke-and-Laura love go~ng rough unt~l she meets the moody art­ Brlan Kelth and Helen Gurley Brown affalr had ga~ned tremendous popular~ty Now ~st M~stral Stefan~e Powers, Lee Rem~ck, Monday that was a real challenge for me With "Dynasty,' Stacy Keach, Robert Urlch, T~mothy Dalton DONAHUE Stars of the comedy show "Brothers" d~s­ ~t's pretty much the same th~ng The d~fference MERV GRIFFIN Merv's guest Bo Derek talks about cuss thelr show and the llfestyle of gays lS that th~s t~me I'm play~ng Fallon, Jeff's her performance ln her f~lm "Bolero " Dr Newton Da~ter ~s spokesman for the gay wlfe, lnstead of the new woman ~n h~s llfe Monday communlty G J How has the cast on "Dynasty" been DONAHUE Rep George M~ller of Cal~forn~a and FAMILY CLASSIC THEATRE "Meet Danny Wllson " A treat~ng you? John Buchanan d~scuss the~r v~ews of the slnger's rlse to success ~s hampered by a E S Just lovely On my f~rst day's work, Amerlcan fam~ly as be~ng every b~t as gangster Although the gangster prov~des the most of my scenes were w~th We were strong ln ltS cohesl0n as ~t ever was slnger and h~s plano-plaYlng manager the~r ~ntroduced and the next th~ng we knew we were Tuesday start -- the unwrltten contract offers ln a photo sess~on taklng a lot of plctures FAMlLY CLASSIC THEATRE "K~nd Hearts and Cor- 50 percent of any money earned to the blg wlth our arms around each other Then we were on nets " An enterpr~s~ng "black sheep" ~n an man All th~s lS lndeed bad news -- but the set ln a b~g klsslng scene John was very Engl~sh famlly dec~des to dlspose of e~ght there's more -- all are ln love w~th the charm~ng and comfortable to work wlth He relat~ves so that he may occupy the POS1- same woman Frank S~natra, Shelley Wlnters couldn't have been n~cer t~on and have the wealth that was den~ed KNOTS LANDING Val's JOY over the news of her G J Have you done anyth~ng d~fferent or h~m because hlS father was a poor Ital~an pregnancy ~s shortllved, the unexpected ar­ spec~al to prepare for h~s role? Alec Gu~nness, DennlS Pr~ce, Joan Greenwood r~val of Sumner's wlfe, Jane, upsets Abby's E S I read the book about "Dynasty," the KNOTS LANDING Ch~p's slster arrlves ~n Knots plans, and sends Karen lnto a deprefslon one wh~ch ~ncludes all the b~ograph~es of the Land~ng shock~ng D~ana w~th some cold over the pOSS~blllty of los~ng Mary Frances characters I've watched the show ~n the past truths about Ch~p, Val and Karen's famlly Tuesday but not on a regular bas~s What's truly amaz~ng become pa~nfully aware of Karen's ~ncreas­ DONAHUE Llor~a Ste~nem, edltor of Ms magaz~ne to me ~s that the show ~s so popular, one really ~ng dependence on p~lls dlscusses women's r~ghts and the ERA doesn't have to watch ~t regularly to be aware DONAHUE Dr L~nnus Pecaut and Larry Hawk~ns BEST OF CARSON Johnny's guests ~nclude Lynn Red­ of the story l~ne Because of all the press and zero ~n on k~ds who are underach~evers due grave, comedlan Bobby Kelton and the Oak­ people talk~ng about the show, I knew what was teleVls~on to boredom, or peer pressure ndge Boys go~ng on Wednesday Wednesday G J Is ~t ~rue that Aaron Spell~ng spotted lHt. HLlION MAKERS " (1967 '1ys-Drama) The DUNAHUE Dl~CUSS10n centers around problems wlth you for the role of Fallon when you were appear­ "SalDt," Slmon Templar, ~s mlstaken as au­ second marrlages and unreal~zed expectat~ons ~ng on "Hotel"? thor of a ser~es of mysterles by a gang "THE HEIST" (1976 Sus-Drama) A French gangster E S Yes, I belleve so At least that's what plann~ng to use plots to rob a h~gh securl­ lS obsessed w~th outdo~ng the crlm~nal deeds I read ln TV GUlde I haven't met hlm I've ty gem vault Roger Moore, Sylv~a S~ms of hlS hero, John Dlillnger On h~s heels lS guested tWlce on "Hotel " Really my lmpress~on of LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Dav~d's guests a tough pollce lnspector, Just as determ~ned how I got the role ~s that I went to meet Esther are comed~an-wrlter Carl Re~ner and s~nger to track h~m down Charles Aznavour, V~rna Shap~ro (co-creator of "Dynasty") I talked to Patty La Bell L~Sl, Robert Hasse~n her for a half-hour I th~nk she had the idea DONAHUE Mar~Juana ~s now overtak~ng corn as LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Presented Tony then and there My contract w~th "General Hosp~t­ Amer~ca's No 1 crop L~vely aud~ence part~­ Randall and comed~an Joe Hudson, w~th Da­ al" was up, and I was ln negot~at~ons, wh~ch was c~pat~on over legal~zatlon vs crl~nal~za­ vld's select~on of a new "catch phrase" that coord~nated w~th ABC ABC sa~d that "Dynasty" t~on 101111 sweep the country had been looklng at me, and why d~dn't I go over Thursday Thursday and talk to them before s~gn~ng a new contract "TttE BORGI" STICK " (1967 Mys-Drama) Th~s sus­ DVNAHUE Comed~an look-al~kes satlr~ze the preSl­ w~th "General Hospltal"? pense drama dep~cts underworld ~nf~ltr~t~on dentlal cand~dates and other lumlnar~es G J Doesn't your contract w~th "General Hos­ ~nto Amer~can business, wh~ch focuses atten­ HIT CITY Featured are v~deo performances by Cam­ p~tal" run out ~n June? What happens then? t~on on major cr~mes' blll~on-dollar ~nvest­ eo, Steve Arr~ngton, Planet Patrol and Thom­ E S What I'm go~ng to end up doing is work­ ment ln leg~t~mate secur~tles Don Murray, as Dolby ing on both shows, untll my story line on "Gene­ Fr~tz Weaver, Inger Stevens, Barry Nelson REILLY, ACE OF SPIES Llvlng ln New York ln 1924, ral Hosp~tal" is concluded I'm really pleased to DONAHUE Newsman and host of "60 M~nutes" M~ke Relily cont~nues hlS antl-Bolshevlk act~v~­ be able to do that It'll take qu~te a bit of Wallace d~scusses the W~ll~am Westmoreland t~es among the newly settled Russlan emlgre coord~n~t~on for ABC lawsu~t aga~nst h~m, the program, and CBS communlty L J Not [0 mention for you Friday Fnday E S You know what they say The best person ttil Cilt Host Warren Epps features v~deo perfor- DONAnUL Donahue's guests are 1960s act~v~sts to ask to do a favor lS a busy person I'm al­ mances by Herb~e Hancock and Duran Duran Abby Hoffman and Jerry Rub~n, who talk about ready busy so I m~ght as well be very busy With "WALKING THROUGH THE FIRE " (1979 Drama) A true thelr pollt~cal actlv~tles and lnvolvement "General Hosp~tal" ~t can mean memor~zlng 40 story based on the book by Laurel Lee A wlth drugs dur~ng the V~etnam War pages of dlalogue on a day-to-day bas~s Plus, young mother learns she has the often fatal "THE STOOLIE" (1974 Comedy-Drama) A palhd, dumb I'm produc~ng a charlty event Hodgk~n's d~sease Bess Armstrong, Tom Ma­ small-t~me hustler's pr~nc~pal lncome ~s de­ G J You're referr~ng to Starl~ght Foundat~on? son, R~chard Masur, J D Cannon r~ved from settlng up h~s frlends for arrest E S That's rlght It's a char~ty I co-found­ DONAHUE Guests are people who work at what ~s by a seedy detectlve Jackle Mason, Don ed three years ago to grant w~shes to chlldren seen by many as a thankless Job, such as Fraz~er, Marcla Jean Kurtz who're serl0usly and termlnally ill telephone operator or toll booth operator Program lnformatlon provlded by 000 Copyrlght, 1985, by Klng Features Syndlcate. Inc