00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXII, NO 87 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985 REAGAN-MITTERRAND CONFLICT DEADLOCKS ECONOMIC SUMMIT By BARRY JAMES UPI Senlor Edltor BONN, West Germany -- The 1986 He won the support of The summlt leaders met for a program On the trade dlspute, Western economlC summlt dead­ West German Chancellor Helmut total of SlX hours ln two ses­ the French spokesman sald Mlt­ locked today ln a major clash Kohl and Japanese Prlme MlnlS­ Slons, one ln the ornate Palals terrand accused the Unlted between Presldent Reagan and ter Yasuhlro Nakasone, but Mlt­ Schaumburg and, ln the after­ States of "seeklng to preclpl­ French Presldent Francols Mlt­ terrand blocked agreement noon, around an oval table ln tate these negotlatlons and Jeop­ terrand over U S demands for "France refused to slgn any the NATO Room of the sleekly drd~ze the dellcate edlflce of early talks on trade llberall­ communlque WhlCh makes any ex­ modern West German Chancellery the common agrlcultural POI1CY, zatlon pllClt refe~ence to new multl­ BUlld~ng next door WhlCh we are prepared to defend Reagan, wlth the support of lateral trade negotlatlons com­ Earl~er, the summlt gave ltS tooth and nall " most other leaders at the sev­ menclng at the beglnnlng of support to the U S poslt~on at The common agrlcultural pol­ en-power meetlng of lndustrl­ 1986," French government the Geneva dlsarmament talks lCY lS the bedrock of the Euro­ allzed democracles, urged a new spokesman Mlchele Vauzelle but ruled out expllclt support pean Common l'1arket, provldlng round of trade talks early ln told reporters for Reagan's "star wars" defense guaranteed lncomes for farmers Charged In May Day Protest TWO U.S. DIPLOMATS EXPELLED FROM POLAND By TONY PATERSON Unlted Press Internatlonal WARSAW, Poland -- Poland to­ lsh Forelgn M~nlstry note that as "ludlcrous" and sald both tlons as observers and never day ordered two senlor U S was handed to the U S charge dlplomats were carrylng out took part ln any demonstra­ dlplomats to leave the country d'affalres ln Warsaw Thursday thelr normal dlplomatlc func- tlon after charglng they shouted accuslng both dlplomats of slogans and handed out leaflets "flagrant vlolatlon of theJr ln an antl-government May Day dlplomatlc status and baslc In­ protest, a U S Embassy spokes­ ternatlonal norms and customs" State Dept.: U.S. May Retaliate man sald Poland a,cused both dlplo­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -- State the day The spokesman, Edward The spokesman conflrmed that mats of leadlng an antl-govern­ Department offlclals hlnted DJereJlan, termed the allega­ Wlillam Harwood, flrst secre­ ment protest ~n the southern today the Unlted States may L10llS agalnst Warsaw embassy tary to the l S Embassy ln clty of Nowa Huta on May Day retaliate agalnst Poland for Flrst Secretary Wlillam Har­ Warsaw, and Davld Hopper, U S Wednesday ln support of the ltS expulslon of two U S wood and Krakow Consul Davld consul ln the southern Clty of outlawed Solldarlty Unlon, Pap dlplomats accused of partlcl­ Hopper "ludlcrous," and sald Krakow, were ordered to leave said pating ln an antl-government the Unlted States could "only by the P011Sh Forelgn Mlnlstry The news agency sald the May Day protest assume the POI1Sh government "I conflrm that these two Forelgn ~lnlstry had accused Asked lf there would be lS trylng to cover up abuse have been told to leave Poland both men of chantJng antl­ any retallatlon against Po­ of dlplomatlc personnel " He on these ludlcrous charges," state slogans, carrying hos­ land, a department spokesman referred to U S clalms that the spokesman sald t~le banners and sc,tterlng suggested an announcement Hopper was pushed, klcked and A report by the offlclal leaflets The State Department mlght be forthcomlng later ln struck by Pollsh pollce news agency, Pap, quoted a Pol- Thursday dlsmlssed the charges Senate- - Considers- Medicare Cuts By JOSEPH MIANOWANY Unlted Press Internatlonal WASHINGTON -- Havlng already handed Presldent Reagan two major defeat~, the Senate today debated other changes ln the admlnlstratlon's proposed bud­ get, and Reagan branded the vote for a mliltary spendlng freeze an "~rresponslble act" Admlnlstrltlon offlclals wlth Reagan ln Bonn, West Ger­ many, for the Western economl, summlt sald clesp~te the set­ back on defense, they were con­ fldent they Lould turn the Sen­ ate vote around ln later ses­ Slons In an early seSSlon today, the Senate took up an amend­ ment from Senate Flnance Com­ mlttee Chalrrnan Bob Packwood, R-Ore , that would ellmlnate some of the Medlcald and Medl­ care cuts thlt are lncluded ln the comproml'>e budget package agreed to by Reagan and Senate Republlcan leaders In West Germany, the at ten­ tlon of Reagdn and other admln­ lstratlon offlclals was stlll centered on the Senate's vote Shuttle's Fix-It Crew Does It Again Thursday to ,llow defense CAPE CANAVERAL -- The seven-man crew of the shuttle Challenger posed lnslde the spacelab spendlng to grow only wlth In­ module before thelr launch on the 17th shuttle mlSSlon Standlng, left to rlght, are Don Llnd, flatlon next year Taylor Wang, Norman Thagard, Wllllam Thornton and LodewlJk Van Den Berg, seated, left to rlght, "It's not that severe, but are Commander Robert Overmyer and pllot Frederlck Gregory, ThlS week's fllght has lnvolved a lt lS an lrresponslble act," serles of repalr Jobs, and today was no exceptlon See Page 4 (UPI Photo) Reagan sald of the vote LOCAL NEWS PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1985 Play Review New Books Available Performers Get Their At The Li brary The followlng novels are avallable for Act Together For checkout at the Grace Sherwood Llbrary "Blrthrlght," by Joseph Amlel Beautl­ 'Getting My Act Together' ful, rlch and lnteillgent Deborah de Kron­ By PATTY EVERETT engold has everythlng, or so it seems But her chlldhood equll1brlum lS shattered By curtaln tlme on crltlc's nlght, the when she learns she lS adopted, and when, cast and crew of KwaJaleln Communlty The­ upon the deaths of her mother and her em­ ater deflnltely had thelr act together, plre-bulldlng grandfather, the wlll namlng and the flve new actors -- plus two -- to Deborah as helr mysterl0usly dlsappears the local stage dellvered a dynamlc per­ Her malevolent father, Leslle, lnherits formance of Nancy Ford's muslcal arrange­ everythlng, leavlng Deborah wlth nothlng 'TIent of Gtetchen Cryer's "I'm Gettlng My except her resolve to clalm her blrthrlght Act Together and Taklng It on the Road " After movlng to New York, she bUllds a fl­ Transformed by the KCT stage crew, the nanclal emplre to rlval Leslle's -- and to hlgh school Multlpurpose Room Monday eve­ brlng hlm down nlng took on the amblance of a cabaret by "Men and Angels," by Mary Gordon Whlle scented candlellght as Pat Mastro as rock her husband lS on sabbatlcal, Anne Foster, and roller Heather Jones belts one out for an art hlstorlan and mother of two, lS the women of the '80s Llke a professlonal, A "hlP" Dr Tom Krakowlak plays the forced to hlre a llve-ln baby sltter The Mastro's verbal sparrlng effectlvely deals crazy drummer ln KCT's "I'm Gettlng My sltter, Laura, unknown to Anne, was an a blow to the "tradltlonal" male/female Act Together and Taklng It on the Road" abused chlld who has become a rellglous roles, and by performance's end, Joe, as The play opens tonlght at the hlgh school fanatlc convlnced she can "save" Anne and manager of Heather Jones and the Llberated Multlpurpose Room and wlll run May 4, 10, the chlldren Laura makes Anne uneasy, but Men's Band Plus Two, lS down for the count 11 and 17 Tlckets wlll be sold Saturday as Anne's work draws her deeply lnto the But he has not gone down wlthout flght­ on Macy's porch from 10 a m to noon llfe of the dead artlst Carollne Watson, lng, and desplte hlS defeat, John Glarra­ (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) the sltuatl0n wlth Laura and Anne's lden­ tano as Joe -- the embodlment of a man tlflcatl0n wlth Carollne fuse, and Anne cllnglng to tradltlonal values and stereo­ must confront her own hatreds and the mys­ typlcal roles -- renders a brlillant per­ tery of parent/dl1ld connectlons formance that helps to glve the audlence Worship Services ltS money's worth CATHOLIC Complete wlth three-plece sUlt and dark Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) glasses, Glarratano captures the essence 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel of the Just-flew-ln-from-L A -type look Sunday Masses wlth a natural and effortless quallty H1S 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel WHAT'S NEW dlalogue, lnterspersed wlth Just the rlght 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel AT amount of "Babys," "Babes," and "Sweet­ 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center hearts" further adds to the total plcture Monday-Frlday Masses * SUR F WAY * of a manager of a hot muslcal property 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel And the "hot property," Heather Jones, Confessl0ns becomes a blt too hot for Joe to handle as Monday-Frlday, 9 am, Blessed Sacrament she struggles, through her muS1C, to get Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's offlce, call DRYGROHR\ ~'. ;000-- her act together and "deflne" herself 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call 84535 ~ Her act, a comblnatlon of vlgnettes beforehand CANNED SOUPS ~ from the past and scenes from the present that have blended to psychologlcally shape CHURCH OF CHRIST * Macaronl & Bean the slnger, are presented wlth whlmsy by Sunday worshlp lS held at 9 a m ln * Ham & Bean Mastro and her Llberated Men's Band Plus Room 20, George Seltz School Vls1tors are * Mlnestrone Two welcome For more lnformatlon, call 82613, Mary Gollaszewskl and JUdl Slavln as
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