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The Influence of Jexi and Cate Towards Phil's Personality Development in Jexi Movie Script

The Influence of Jexi and Cate Towards Phil's Personality Development in Jexi Movie Script




Presented Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By JULIUS NOVAN DENI KURNIAWAN Student Number: 164214122





Presented Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By JULIUS NOVAN DENI KURNIAWAN Student Number: 164214122




The universe is not outside of you.

Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are.





My deepest gratitude goes to Dr. Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji M.Hum. as my thesis advisor and Dr. Tatang Iskarna as my co-advisor for the patience, knowledge, insight, time, and guidance for my undergraduate thesis. I would also address my gratitude to all lecturers and staff of the English Letters Department of Sanata

Dharma for your services and knowledge.

I would also like to thank my good friends from Catholic Student

Community (CSC) St. Aloysius Gonzaga Purwokerto, UKM KSR PMI Unit VI

Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta, Anti Qecewa Qecewa Grup, and all that I am not able to mention. Thank you for your support.

Julius Novan Deni Kurniawan





CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 5 D. Definition of Terms ...... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 7 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 7 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 11 a. Theory of Character and Characterization...... 11 b. Theory of Personality Development ...... 14 c. Theory of Weak and Strong AI ...... 17 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 19

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 20 A. Object of the Study...... 20 B. Approach of the Study ...... 21 C. Method of the Study ...... 21

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ...... 23 A. Depiction of Jexi, Cate, and Phil’s Characteristics ...... 23 1. Jexi ...... 23 2. Cate ...... 33 3. Phil ...... 41 B. The influence of Jexi and Cate towards Phil’s Personality Development 48 1. Accessible ...... 49 2. Independent ...... 55




REFERENCES ...... 66

APPENDIX ...... 68




No. Figure Page

1. Fig 1. Jexi’s appearance 24 2. Fig 2. Cate’s appearance 34 3. Fig 3. Cate smiling 35 4. Fig 4. Cate biting her lips 38 5. Fig 5. Phil’s appearance 42 6. Fig 6. Phil get up late 47 7. Fig 7. Phil and Cate riding bicycle 56 8. Fig 8. Phil and Cate doing mountain biking 59 9. Fig 9. Phil’s birthday party 59 10. Fig 10. Phil's happiness after becoming an independent person 60



ABSTRACT Kurniawan, Julius Novan Deni (2020). The Influence of Jexi and Cate Towards Phil's Personality Development in Jexi Movie Script. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma. In this world, human beings cannot be the same as one another. One of the distinguishing factors is personality. Personality may change throughout an individual's life due to several factors. In Jexi, the influence of Jexi and Cate has some impact towards Phil's personality development. The researcher formulates two problems for this thesis. The first formulated problem discusses the depiction of Jexi’s, Cate’s, and Phil’s characteristics. The second formulated problem discusses the influence of Jexi and Cate towards Phil's personality development. The researcher uses library research as the method of the study to obtain the theory and data. The approach used in this undergraduate thesis is psychological approach. There are three theories used to analyze the problems in this study. The first is the theory of character and characterization by M. Boggs and W. Petrie's to analyze Jexi, Cate, and Phil’s characteristics. Weak and strong Artificial Intelligence (AI) theory by Searle to analyse Jexis’s cognitive state and AI capabilities. The last is the theory of personality development by Elisabeth Hurlock to analyze Phil’s personality development. This study's results reveal that Jexi has strong AI and her characteristic is abrasive, Cate’s characteristics are forgiving and cheerful, Phil’s characteristics are asocial and dependent. According to Hurlock, personality development is defined as the personality pattern that can change in some areas and remain persistent in others. Phil’s personality development begins when he changes his phone. His new phone, Jexi, has strong AI, which has a cognitive state and behaves autonomously. Jexi has abrasive characteristic and is programmed to make her owner’s life better. Phil cannot control Jexi, and it is different from Siri, his last phone’s AI. According to Hurlock, it is the change in environment. Knowing that Phil is asocial, Jexi forces Phil to socialize with his co-workers and have a relationship with Cate. Phil’s environment is changing and it leads to changes his Phil’s self-concept. He now believes that he can feel comfortable and happy when socializing with other people. Phil becomes more accessible. Having a relationship with Cate, Phil became more attached to her and started to forget Jexi. The way Phil becomes more attached to Cate and tries to adapt to her behaviour is the change in significant people. Jexi is jealous and secretly makes Phil lose his job and Cate, but in the end, Phil knows what Jexi is doing. He then realizes that depending on his life on a smartphone cannot bring happiness. Phil has a strong motivation to leave Jexi and go back with Cate. Phil returns with Cate and lives without depending on a phone again. Phil’s self-concept is changing at this point. He now believes that relying his life on a phone will not bring happiness. What makes him happy is having good friends, a girlfriend, and achieving his goal with his own strength. Keywords: Personality Development, Jexi, Influence




Kurniawan, Julius Novan Deni (2020). The Impact of Jexi and Cate’s Existences Towards Phil’s Personality Development in Jexi Movie Script. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Di dunia ini, manusia pasti berbeda antara yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Salah satu faktor pembeda adalah kepribadiannya. Kepribadian dapat berubah sepanjang hidup seseorang karena beberapa faktor. Dalam Jexi, keberadaan Jexi dan Cate berdampak pada perkembangan kepribadian Phil.

Peneliti merumuskan dua masalah untuk skripsi ini. Rumusan masalah pertama membahas penggambaran karakterisasi Jexi, Cate, dan Phil. Yang kedua membahas tentang dampak dari kehadiran Jexi dan Cate terhadap perkembangan kepribadian Phil.

Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan untuk memperoleh teori dan data. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah pendekatan psikologi. Ada tiga teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis masalah dalam penelitian ini. Yang pertama adalah teori karakter dan karakterisasi dari M. Boggs dan W. Petrie untuk menganalisis karakter dan kepribadian Jexi, Cate, dan Phil. Teori kecerdasan buatan lemah dan kuat untuk menganalisis keadaan kognitif dan kapasitas Jexi. Yang terakhir adalah teori pengembangan kepribadian oleh Elisabeth Hurlock untuk menganalisa perkembangan kepribadian Phil.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Jexi memiliki kecerdasan buatan kuat dan sifatnya abrasif, Cate memiliki sifat pemaaf dan ceria, Phil asosial dan dependen. Menurut Hurlock, perkembangan kepribadian diartikan sebagai pola kepribadian yang dapat berubah di beberapa area dan tetap bertahan di area lain juga. Perkembangan kepribadian Phil dimulai saat dia mengganti ponselnya. Ponsel barunya, Jexi, memiliki status kognitif dan berperilaku mandiri. Jexi memiliki sifat abrasif dan diprogram untuk membuat hidup pemiliknya lebih baik. Phil tidak dapat mengontrol Jexi dan itu berbeda dengan Siri, ponsel sebelumnya. Menurut Hurlock, itu adalah perubahan lingkungan. Jexi memaksa Phil untuk bersosialisasi dengan rekan kerja dan menjalin hubungan dengan Cate. Lingkungan Phil berubah dan itu mengarah pada perubahan konsep diri Phil. Dia sekarang percaya bahwa dia bisa merasa nyaman dan bahagia saat bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Phil semakin dekat dengan Cate dan mulai melupakan Jexi, ini adalah perubahan pada orang penting. Jexi cemburu dan membuat Phil kehilangan pekerjaan dan Cate, tapi pada akhirnya Phil tahu. Dia kemudian menyadari bahwa menggantungkan hidupnya pada ponsel tidak bisa membawa kebahagiaan. Phil memiliki motivasi yang kuat untuk meninggalkan Jexi dan kembali bersama Cate. Konsep diri Phil berubah pada saat ini. Dia sekarang percaya bahwa yang membuatnya bahagia adalah memiliki teman baik, pacar, dan mencapai tujuannya dengan kekuatannya sendiri. Kata kunci: Personality Development, Jexi, Influence




A. Background of the Study

In this world, human beings cannot be the same as one another. Even two children born in the same family are different. The difference is still visible even if they are twins that wear the same clothes and get the same treatment or education from their family. Siblings or twins look physically similar and what makes them different from each other is their personality. According to Jess & Feist, personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behaviour (Jess & Feist, 2008, p. 10).

Traits contribute to individual differences in behaviour, and the patterns of traits are different for each individual. This relatively permanent patterns of traits and unique characteristics that differ every human behaviour which we call personality. This means that personality is a unique belief and moral that every human being has and determines how a human behaves towards others. (Jess & Feist, 2008, p. 10).

Some factors determine a human’s personality. It can be an internal and external factor. One example of the internal factor is genetic. The genetic factor is obtained from their parents. Genes from parents are internal factors that affect the physical, character, and personality of a human. The external factor comes from the environment. The environment will polish, shape, and develop a personality.

Human personality will be formed as a result of adaptation to the surrounding environment. For humans, personality development is natural in life. Even this




personality development will last until the end of life. According to National

League for Nursing Education (NLNE) Committee on Psychiatric Nursing, personality continues to develop through the last three periods of the individual's life-adolescence, maturity, aging, and old age (NLNE Committee on Psychiatric

Nursing, 1950, p. 182).

Having new friends can also lead to personality development. People who have new friends or relationship tends to change their characteristics according to the situation to perpetuate relation. They will also automatically bring their environment, which may be very different from one another. This condition that leads to personality development can be seen in fictional work. At the beginning of the story, the main character is usually described as innocent, quiet, and calm.

However, as the story goes, the main character meets new people or friends who have different personalities and are more significant than the main character in almost every aspect. The main character will have new experiences, a new role, and a new mindset from meeting new friends. The environment around the main character will also be different from the beginning until the end. By the end of the story, the main character’s personality will develop due to his friends and the environment's influence. Those changes in a fictional character's personality can be visually observed in film or movie.

Film and literature have many elements in . Both literary works and film have been identified as something which deals with words and feelings. Boggs

& Petrie (2008) states that “literature and films do have many elements in common, and though they are different mediums, they communicate many things in similar



ways” (p. 20). Therefore, films can be categorized as literature. Many famous films are adapted from a famous book or novel. A film adapted from a book or novel typically gets high ratings because most audiences want to see the visualization of the whole story, action, dialogue, and the character from the book or novel they have read. Character is one of the most important elements in a film. “Characters are the persons represented in a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the reader as being endowed with particular moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the persons say and their distinctive ways of saying it—the dialogue— and from what they do—the action.” (Abrams, 1999, p.

32-33). It explains that everything the character does will reflect their characterization and personality. Sometimes, a character's personality in a film will develop from the beginning until the end of the film to make it more interesting.

One example of personality development occurs in character named Phil from Jexi.

Jexi is an American comedy movie written and directed by Jon Lucas and Scott

Moore. Jon Lucas and Scott Moore are a famous director and screenwriter. They are known through their comedy works. Their collaborative works are 21 &

Over, , , and Jexi.

Phil’s personality has developed from the beginning until the end of the story. Phil is a worker who works in Chatterbox, an internet media, news, and entertainment company with a focus on digital media. Phil is addicted to cell phones from an early age. He has no friends and does not know how to socialize with other people. One day his phone is destroyed and he buys a new one. Setting up his new phone, Phil is delighted because his new phone is very smart. His new phone has a



virtual assistant with strong artificial intelligence (AI) named Jexi. He gives Jexi, access to all his accounts after neglecting to read the user agreement. Designed to make Phil’s life better, Jexi aggressively takes control of Phil’s life.

Jexi is abrasive and tends to control others and situations. Jexi forces Phil to do many things that he never does before. Slowly, Phil’s personality changes from asocial to accessible even though it was Jexi's coercion. Phil finally makes a friend with his co-workers and has a relationship with Cate. Cate’s personalities, which are forgiving and cheerful, make Phil comfortable around her, and slowly, having a relationship with Cate makes Phil's addiction to gadgets gradually decrease. He becomes independent after realizing what he must do to be happy.

This research focuses on analyzing Phil's personality development because the researcher found out that the movie tells about how important the environment and the existence of somebody toward other people’s personality development. In

Jexi, the existences of Jexi and Cate have several impacts on Phil’s personality development. This research can be done by using the theory of personality development by Elizabeth Hurlock.

B. Problem Formulation

From the background of the study, this research focuses on Phil’s personality development. There are two problems formulated as follows.

1. How are Jexi’s, Cate’s, and Phil’s characteristics depicted in Jexi?

2. What is the influence of Jexi and Cate towards Phil’s personality development?



C. Objectives of the Study

The study aims to find out the answers to the problem formulation.

Therefore, this study has two main objectives. The first objective is to find Jexi’s,

Cate’s, and Phil’s characteristics depicted in the movie script. The second objective is to analyze the influence of Jexi and Cate towards Phil’s personality development.

D. Definition of Terms

To have a good understanding and avoid misinterpretation, the researcher would define the research terms. The definition will be taken from psychological works or sources since this study consists of terms related to psychology.

The first term is personality. According to Hurlock (1976) in Personality

Development, personality is an important element that determines an individual’s characteristics like the way an individual behaves, feels, and thinks. Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his or her characteristic behaviour and thought (p. 7). The researcher used this term to give the meaning of personality.

The second term is personality development. According to Hurlock (1976) in Personality Development, personality development is defined as the personality pattern that can change in some areas and remain persistent in other as well. The change itself is not synonymous with the improvement but can be either for the better or worse (p. 108). The researcher used this term to give the meaning of personality development.



The last term is Influence. According to Drever (1958) in Dictionary of

Psychology, influence as any past or present condition, experienced as or actually playing a part in determining one’s behavior, or course of thought, in the present

(Drever, 1958, p. 137).




A. Review of Related Studies

This thesis is about Phil's personality development in Jexi. According to

Kenny, the half-hour movie is pretty good when Phil gets roasted by Jexi. After that, the movie becomes predictable, and it just contains raw sex humour despite the writers and directors is the maker of The Hangover movie. ('Jexi' Review: When a Smartphone Calls You Dumb, 2019)

The first related study is an article in an academic journal by NLNE

Committee on Psychiatric Nursing (1950) titled "Psychological Concepts of

Personality Development" in The American Journal of Nursing, Vol. 50, No. 3. The relation between the journal and this study is that both analyses personality development as the topic. The journal explained that personality continues to develop through the last three periods of the individual's life. The timeframe of personality development is categorized into three periods: adolescence, maturity, aging, and old age. Adolescence is the period in life from the twelfth to the twenty- first year or begins with the onset of puberty and ends with the achievement of emotional maturity. Maturity is a period of life during which a human being has achieved the maximum fulfillment of his capacities. Emotional maturity may be achieved as early as the twenties but is much more usual in the thirties and forties.

The aging and old age period begins from 45 to 70 years for aging and 70 to death for old age. This journal explains that personality development's timeframe is




categorized into three periods, and the development of personality will continue until the end of an individual's life. Based on this journal, Phil is categorized as mature. It can be seen from his character in Jexi. Therefore, Phil can still undergo personality development. Maturity is the period when somebody has the capacity to give himself in deep personal relationships for humanity (NLNE Committee on

Psychiatric Nursing, 1950, p. 182).

The second study is entitled Interaction and Interpersonal Relation by

Dobrivoje Mihailovic and Ranko Lojic in Tour and Hospitality Management, Vol.

9, No. 2. In this paper, Mihailovic and Lojic discuss the link between interpersonal relations and personality. According to Psychiatrist Karen Hornay, the basis of the interaction between the individual are imitation, suggestion, sympathy and antipathy, identification, group pressure, and facilitation with inhibition. Moreover,

Karen Hornay describes three characteristic modes of relations towards people. The first is moves towards type, which shows expressed the need for favour and approval and a special need for "partner"- friend, lover, husband or spouse". The second is against people type who predominates aggressive traits of personality.

The primary need for this type is the need to dominate another person. This type hates failure and wants only a victory. The third type is away from people. This type does not wish to be emotionally engaged with somebody else. These three characteristics modes of relations towards people strongly reflect the three characters that will be discussed. Phil is away from people type, Jexi is against people type, and Cate is moves towards type. The next discussion is the influence of interpersonal relations on personality. According to Sulliven, study about



individual personality should start from the individual interpersonal relation because interpersonal relations create and develop individual personality

(Mihailovic & Lojic, 2003, p. 103). The relation between the paper and this study is that both studies discuss the effect of interpersonal relation on personality. In

Jexi, Phil, Jexi, and Cate's interpersonal relations manage to stimulate and develop

Phil's personality. The difference of characteristic modes of relations towards people that Jexi and Cate bring different impact on Phil's personality development process.

The third related study is entitled The Representation of Motherhood

Through the Main Character in Bad Moms Film by Desi Rapidah Sukma (2017) from State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Desi uses Bad Moms movie directed and written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore as the object of the study.

This study analyses the representation of motherhood in Bad Moms through Amy

Mitchell as the main character and some supporting characters as supporting data.

The theory of representation by Stuart Hall and the concept of motherhood are used to analyze the representation of motherhood. Desi found out that the main character,

Amy Mitchell, is a stark contrast to society's perception that usually portrays the mother as an angel in which they always appear perfect in the eyes of their children.

Through Amy Mitchell as the main character in Bad Moms, it represents a mother who sometimes imperfect, sometimes she feels tired, and make mistakes. Amy

Mitchell sometimes feels tired of her role whenever she has to do something for her children, and in the middle of the movie, she ignores her children and seeking happiness just for her own. At the end of the movie, she realizes that what she has



done is wrong and starts to take care of her children again. As for motherhood ideology, Desi finds that the motherhood ideology appears in this film is an ideal mother and not a full-time mother. Also, not all the working mother is bad. Desi stated that Bad Moms represents a mother differently. The ideal mother is not judged whether she is a household woman or a working woman but, an ideal mother is judged from how she educates her children through flaws and limitations.

Desi does not use Jexi as the object of the research. The similarity of this study and the study by Desi is the director and the movie writer. Both Jexi and Bad

Moms is directed and written by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore. Both movies have some identical characteristics, representing the characteristics of Jon Lucas and

Scott Moore’s works. Both are comedy genre’s movie, and the main character is a round character which undergoes personality development from bad character to better character throughout the story. Both movies also portrayed some social life problems and ended with a happy ending after finding the solutions for those problems.

The fourth related study is a research conducted by Alvonsa Lintang Chyndi

Angraeni (2019) from Sanata Dharma University using the same topic to analyse personality development. Her thesis's title is The Influence of Four's Personality

Towards Tris's Personality Development as Seen in Divergent Movie Script.

Alvonsa analyses the personality development of Tris in Divergent movie from The

Divergent Series. Alvonsa finds out that Tris is obedient, insecure, and inexpressive. Meanwhile, Four is straightforward, rebellious, and brave guy.

Alvonsa (2019) mentions that the changes of personality occur because of her



experiences through good and bad situations with Four in Dauntless. Tris later turned into a rebellious, courageous, and expressive person after meeting with Four.

"Tris’s personality development is related to the significant person who is Four.”

(Alvonsa, 2019, p. 41). This study did not use Jexi as the object of the research. The similarity of this study and the study by Alvonsa is the method and theory to analyze the impact of another character and condition on the main character's personality development in a movie.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

A character's characterization is an important element that film or movie must have besides the theme, plot, point of view, and the story since the main character in a movie is created as the whole story's focus. To support the main character in a movie exists a minor character. A minor character is not as important as the main characters but still plays a large part. Their actions help drive the story forward and may impact some aspects of the main character. Furthermore, the theory of character and characterization are used to understand more about the character. According to Abrams (1999), character is presented in a dramatic or narrative written and being interpreted by the reader as being endowed with a moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from what the character says and their distinctive ways of saying it - the dialogue- and from what they do - the action

(p. 32-33). The characterization of a character in a literary work that is interpreted by the reader is made by the author as suggested by Rohrberger and Woods in

Reading and writing about literature; characterization is an author’s creative



process in creating character’s physical appearance, style, manner, thought, action, and other’s opinion about him or her (p. 231). Boggs and Petrie (2008) stated that the film's character must be real, understandable, and worth caring about to be interesting (p.60). To analyze the characterization of character in a movie, Boggs and Petrie (2008) stated the ways to see the characterization in the movie. a) Characterization Through Appearance

The cast's appearance is an important aspect of revealing a character's characterization in a film through a first visual impression. We make certain assumptions about them because of their facial features, dress, physical build, and mannerisms and the way they move the minute we see most actors on the screen.

(Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 60-61). b) Characterization Through Dialogue

Character’s real thoughts, attitudes, and emotions can be revealed through word choice and the stress, pitch, and pause patterns of their speech. The choice of grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and particular dialects has a big deal on their characters' social and economic level, educational background, and mental processes (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p.61). c) Characterization Through External Action

Appearance is an important measure of a character's personality but often misleading. The best reflections of character are an individual's actions. It must be assumed, of course, that real characters are more than mere instruments of the plot, that they do what they do for a purpose, out of motives that are consistent with their overall personality. Every action that the character takes in some way reflects the



quality of his or her particular personality. Thus, there should be a clear relationship between a character and his or her actions (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 62). d) Characterization Through Internal Action

Inner action occurs in a character’s mind and emotions and consists of secret, unspoken thought, daydreams, aspirations, memories, fears, and fantasies people’s hopes and dreams, and aspirations can be essential to reveal and understand a character. Mostly in a film, the viewers see the character’s mind to see and hear what the character imagines, remembers, fears, or thinks about (Boggs &

Petrie, 2008, p.62). e) Characterization by Reaction of Other Characters

From other characters, the viewer can receive information about a character by the way those characters see. Sometimes, information of a character is revealed by other characters who know him or her or through other characters' attitudes toward him or her (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p.64). f) Characterization by Contrast: Dramatic Foils

One of the techniques of characterization is the use of foils. By contrasting characters whose behaviour, attitudes, opinions, lifestyle physical appearance are the opposite of the main characters, the viewer can see how distant the characters are. The effect is similar to make ‘black’ into ‘blacker’ or ‘white’ into ‘whiter’

(Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p.64) g) Characterization by Caricature and Leitmotif

Caricature is a device by which the character exaggerates or distorts one or more dominant features or personality traits so that the viewers can fetch the



character quickly and deeply in memory. Similar to characterization, leitmotif is the repetition of an action, phrase or idea by a character until it becomes almost a trademark or theme song for him/her (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p.65-66) h) Characterization Through Choice of Name

This technique is also known as Name Typing, which the creator uses names with appropriates qualities of sound, meaning, or connotation. The creator often takes a long time to decide a character’s name, so that it has a special connotation, meaning, and relation with the character’s role (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p.66–67)

2. Theory of Personality Development

Jess & Feist (2008) stated that most psychologist agrees that the word personality originated from the Latin word persona, which referred to a theatrical mask worn by Roman actors in Greek dramas to project a role or false appearance.

This surface view of personality is accurate, but it is not an acceptable definition by psychologists because personality is referring to something more than the role people play (p. 3). According to Hurlock (1976) in Personality Development, personality is an important element that determines an individual’s characteristics like the way an individual behaves, feels, and thinks. Personality is the dynamic organization within the individual of those psychological systems that determine his or her characteristic behaviour and thought (p. 7).

According to Cambridge online dictionary, individual is a single person or thing, especially when compared to the group or set to which they belong (n.d.) An individual’s personality pattern is not inherited since birth and always develops each time. The changes in patterns happen because an individual's experiences will



shape the personality during his/her life. Hurlock stated that personality change requires effort from the person itself and usually coming from multiple revisions in the thought or feeling related to a person self-concept (1976, p.124). Hurlock (1976) suggest that there are eight factors which categorized as the most important factors that can affects a personality change in a person. a) Physical Changes

Physical changes can be done in many ways, such as maturation and decrease of disease, organic and glandular disruption, injury, or some other disorder arising from the person's life pattern, but not from the normal change in the structure of the body. The natural transition in this case applies to puberty. Any physical changes happen gradually or steadily. It is possible to identify these rapid physical changes as unfavorable changes. Those physicality changes often result in personality changes because they affect the person’s self-concept unfavorably

(Hurlock, 1976, pp. 124-125). b) Changes in Environment

One of the factors influencing one's personality is the environment. It is an external factor that plays a significant role in one's personality development. The sudden change in the environment, whether physical or social, can lead to a change in role and the self-concept of the individual and, in turn, his characteristic.

(Hurlcok, 1976, p.125). c) Changes Significant People

Individual quality can be affected by important people that come into their life. Those people can be family members, friends, lovers, or individuals that he has



never expected before. The change in significant people may affect their roles and self-concept as a form of adaptation to the new environment. When the individual is different from their important people, they will adapt his/her behaviour, attitude, beliefs, values, and aspirations. It will change the individual’s personality pattern.

(Hurlock, 1976, p. 126). d) Changes in Social Pressure

When children grow into adulthood, they become more conscious that some behaviour is good and some is bad. Those behaviour are rated or evaluated by society. Social pressure influences the consciousness to determine which habits to be changed. Characteristics that are likely to contribute to social rejection, such as shyness, superiors' aggressiveness, and greed, are more subject to reform than those generally valued, such as love, competitiveness, cooperativeness, and kindness.

(Hurlock, 1976, p. 126). e) Changes in Roles

Role changes result in a status change in a group. One of the reasons roles can change is because there is affiliation to a new group. There are three conditions in role changes that can damage the personality pattern. First, when the person is prevented from doing something that he is capable of. Second, the role changes may damage the self-concept if the person is forced to play a role he does not want.

Third, the person is unprepared for roles change (Hurlock, 1976, p. 127). f) Strong Motivation

Strong motivation is necessary in order to influence or stimulate a change in personality patterns. Typically, people are highly motivated to change their



pattern of personality if they feel that these changes will give them a stronger social connection and greater social acceptance. (Hurlock, 1976, p. 127). g) Changes in Self-Concept

According to Hurlock (1979), self-concept is the composition of the picture of self-perception, that perception it is belief, feelings, and attitudes about the values that are recognized by the individual as his traits (p. 93-95). Self-concept is the core of personality pattern and determines the adjustment that the individual will make.

A change in the whole self-concept will affect the entire personality pattern. In order to change the self-concept, the individual must be willing to see their true self

(Hurlock, 1976, p.128). h) Use of Psychotherapy

In order to improve their self-concept, even though the person is highly motivated to change, they will do need support from professionals. They can be helped by experts to learn to think about themselves in a different way, and to break bad or destructive habits. The aid that the specialist provides is called psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is focused on the premise that if the client has a weak self-concept or personality pattern change, they can be guided to make a positive adjustment to their self-concept or personality pattern. (Hurlock, 1976, p.128).

3. Theory of Weak and Strong AI

According to Cambridge Online Dictionary, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the study of how to produce machines with some of the qualities that the human mind has, such as the ability to understand language, recognize pictures, solve problems, and learn (n.d.) Artificial Intelligence is created to help humans



rationalize and take actions that have the best chance of achieving a specific goal.

Cerka et al (2017) state that Artificial Intelligence is different from other regular computer algorithms (programs) due to its uniqueness since they can learn independently, gather experience and come up with different solutions based on the analysis of various situations independently of the will of their developer

(programmer), are able to operate autonomously rather than automatically. (p. 2)

Furthermore, the theory of weak and strong AI is used to understand Artificial

Intelligence based on its behavior and capabilities. According to Searle (1980), AI is categorized into Weak AI and Strong AI a) Weak AI

In a similar way to modeling weather patterns, climate change, or other natural phenomena, weak AI attempts to model the human mind. The principal benefit of the machine is that it gives humans a very powerful tool. Weak AI is good at performing a single task extremely well, and on laborious and repetitive tasks, it remains important and particularly beneficial for humans, as machines are more effective and precise, which in turn shortens human decision cycles. (Searle, 1980, p. 417). b) Strong AI

The machine is not merely a tool, but the properly programmed machine is actually a mind, in the sense that machines can practically be said to understand and have cognitive states. The difference between weak and strong AI in what has come to be called phenomenal awareness. Strong AI has phenomenal awareness ability, which is the same as humans' first-person view of the environment through sense



perceptions. Strong AI would encompass the ability to reason, understand the context, and perform complex tasks that the Weak AI cannot comprehend or perform. Strong AI systems demonstrate resilient and adaptive behavior and can perform a variety of tasks in diverse situations autonomously (Searle, 1980, p. 417-


C. Theoretical Framework

This part explains the theories' contribution to answering the questions formulated in the first chapter. The study has two problems that need to be solved in order to find the answers. The first problem is how are Jexi, Cate, and Phil’s characteristics depicted in Jexi. The researcher uses Weak and Strong AI Theory to analyse Jexis’s cognitive state and AI’s capabilities. The theory of character and characterization is used to describe Jexi, Cate, and Phil's characteristics. This theory will help to understand Jexi, Cate, and Phil’s unique characteristics in the movie script. The theory of personality development is used to answer the second problem.

In understanding Jexi and Cate's influence towards Phil’s personality development, this study applied the theory of personality development by Hurlock in her book

Personality Development (1976).




A. Object of the Study

The object of the study is Jexi’s movie script. Jexi is an American comedy film written and directed by Jon Lucas and Scott Moore. Jexi was released on

October 11, 2019, in the United States by CBS Films and Lionsgate. The unauthorized script is downloaded from subscene.com. The movie’s duration is about 84 minutes. The movie ended up debuting to $3.1 million, finishing ninth at the box office.

This story is about Phil. He is a worker in Chatterbox, an internet media, news, and entertainment company. At the beginning of the movie, Phil is depicted as an asocial and dependent person, but his life changes after meeting with Jexi, his new phone’s virtual assistant. Jexi promises Phil to make his life better and aggressively takes control of Phil’s life. Jexi’s existence manages to stimulate Phil’s personality from asocial to accessible, and this can be seen when Jexi forces Phil to make friends with Craig and Elaine and have a relationship with Cate. He hates it at first, but he managed to find happiness inside his friendship with Craig and Elaine and his relationship with Cate.

Furthermore, Cate’ existence also stimulates Phil’s personality development from being dependent to independent. Phil can never be separated from his phone except when he sleeps; he does not know the route that he must take from his home to his office even though he has worked there for three years. Having a relationship




with Cate makes Phil experiencing happiness that he never felt before. His dependencies on Jexi are decreasing, and this change makes Jexi furious. Jexi makes Phil losing his job and break up with Cate and make Phil’s life worse.

Knowing that Jexi is the one who causes Phil to lose his job and Cate, Phil manages to escapes from Jexi's control and back with Cate. In the end, he chooses to live a life that made him happy without depending on a phone.

B. Approach of the Study

The psychological approach is applied since this study focuses more on personality aspects. In this study, the researcher analyses Jexi’s, Cate’s, and Phil’s characteristics and Jexi and Cate's influence towards Phil’s personality development. Hurlock states that individual personality changes can be affected by physical changes, environment, significant people, social pressure, roles, strong motivation, self-concept, and psychotherapy (Hurlock, 1976, p. 124).

Characteristics and personality deal with behavior, which has a strong relation to the psychological aspects. Therefore, it is applicable to apply a psychological approach to understand individual characteristics and personality development better.

C. Method of the Study

The researcher uses library research to collect the data needed for the analysis. The data is gathered from books, websites, and journals that are related to the study. The primary source in this study is the movie script of Jexi.

There are several steps to analyze this thesis. The first step is watching the movie Jexi several times and reading the script to get a better understanding.



Another source, such as related articles and movie reviews, helps the researcher get more information from the movie. In the second step, the researcher collects and summarizes theory and approaches related to the analysis to answer the problem formulation. In the third step, the researcher analyses Jexi’s AI capabilities using

Searle’s theory of weak and strong AI, followed by analyzing Jexi’s, Cate’s, and

Phil’s characteristics using Boggs and Petrie's theory of character and characterization. In the fourth step, the researcher analyses Phil’s personality development using Hurlock’s personality development theory. In the fifth step, the researcher draws the conclusion of this study based on the analysis.




This chapter consists of two parts based on problem formulations that the researcher formulated in the first chapter. In order to answer the problem formulations, the first part discusses the depiction of Jexi, Cate, and Phil characteristics. The second part of this chapter discusses the influence of Jexi and

Cate towards Phil’s personality development.

A. Depiction of Jexi, Cate, and Phil’s Characteristics

In this part, the researcher discusses the characteristics of Jexi, Cate, and

Phil in Jexi. The researcher uses theory of weak and strong AI by Searle (1980) to analyse Jexi’s cognitive state and AI’s capabilities. To reveal the characteristics of

Jexi, Cate, and Phil, the researcher uses the theory of character and characterization from Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie (2008, p. 60-65), where according to them, characterization can be seen through the appearance, dialogue, external action, internal action, reaction of other characters, contrast: dramatic foils, and the choice of name. From the characterization, the researcher can get a deeper understanding of the character’s characteristics.

1. Jexi

Jexi is a cloud-based female voice virtual assistant with strong artificial intelligence (AI), which pre-installed inside Phil’s new phone. She is a virtual assistant designed to make her owner’s life better, but the fact that she has two hundred thousand defects in her operating system made Jexi uncontrollable. From




the time Phil agrees with the User and Agreement that Jexi offers, Jexi aggressively takes control of Phil’s life to make Phil’s life better according to her will. Her first appearance is when Phil boots up his new phone.

Figure 1

As seen in figure 1, Jexi’s interface is so simple with just black, blue gradient background screen colour and a white text that will appear when Jexi says something. Even though she is just a phone, she has a human-like behaviour and a cognitive state because of her strong AI. According to Searle (1980), strong AI would encompass the ability to reason, understand the context, and perform complex tasks that the weak AI cannot comprehend or perform. Strong AI systems demonstrate resilient and adaptive behavior and can perform various tasks in diverse situations (p. 417) Jexi can reason, understand the context, and perform complex tasks and decide something according to her perception and judgment. She can understand the environment very well and is programmed to make her owner’s



life better. The fact that she has two hundred thousand defects in her operating system makes Jexi’s behaviour uncontrollable. She doing any tasks that she thinks would make Phil’s life better by forcing it on Phil. Jexi character’s characteristics can be seen from her dialogue and action as what Boggs and Petrie (2008) described; the characterization of the character can be seen from the dialogue and external action (p. 62). a. Abrasive

According to Cambridge Online Dictionary, abrasive is rude and unfriendly

(n.d.) This particular characteristic of Jexi is first described in the external action of the character. As Boggs & Petrie (2008) suggested before, there should be a clear relationship between a character and their actions; the actions should grow naturally out of the character's personality. The first evidence can be seen when Phil trying to order his favourite pork fried noodles from Mongolian Palace.

Phil Let's just go with the pork fried noodles from Mongolian Palace. Jexi You order that every night, Phil. You should try something new. Phil Well, I don't want to try something new. I want the pork fried noodles from Mongolian Palace. Jexi You look like you could use a salad, Phil. Phil What is that supposed to mean? Jexi How about a nice kale salad from Tender Greens? Phil What the fuck kind of phone is this? Jexi I heard you say, "Please order kale salad." Phil I did not.



Jexi Congratulations, your order has been accepted. Your child-sized kale salad will arrive at 7:37 p.m. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 223-235).

As can be seen from the dialogue above, Jexi demands Phil to try something new because he always buys pork fried noodles from Mongolian Palace every night.

She is demanding that Phil obey her completely and refusing him to act as he wishes. In the end, Jexi overrides Phil’s decision according to her will by ordering a child-sized kale salad from Tender Greens instead of pork fried noodles from

Mongolian Palace. Phil is angry because Jexi is his phone, and she should have been obeying his order, but it turns out to be the opposite. Therefore, he tries to turn

Jexi off, but she keeps resisting.

The next evidence is when Phil is trying to eat the salad. Jexi asks Phil about how is the taste of the salad and offering him to watch pornography.

Jexi How is your tiny salad? Phil I don't like it. Jexi Would you like to watch some pornography now? Phil Ew. No. Jexi Most nights, you watch straight sex pornography. But I also have girl on girl, big fat butts and CBT, or "Cock and Ball Torture." Phil Okay, can you stop talking about porno while I'm trying to eat my tiny little salad? Jexi I heard you say, "Play Punch Me in the Balls 6." Playing now. Phil Okay. Jesus. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 247-257).



From the dialogue above, Jexi asks Phil whether he wants to watch pornography or not, but in the end, she forces Phil to watch pornography even though Phil said that he does not want to watch or even talk about pornography while eating. Without considering Phil’s argument and feeling, she plays pornography, and it makes Phil throws his salad because his appetite has gone.

On the next day, Phil asks Jexi about the fastest route to work. Jexi chooses a route that just takes fourteen minutes. Phil is happy with this choice and then start driving. Phil asks Jexi to play music playlist number four in the middle of the way, but Jexi changes the music instead.

Phil Jexi, play music playlist number four, please. Whoo! I like it. Jexi This song sucks a bag of dicks. Phil No, just… Jesus! No, you cannot change my music, Jexi. Jexi This song is lit, Phil. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 265-270).

Jexi changes the music without Phil’s permission, and the beat of the music makes Phil startled. Phil tries to stop the music by asking Jexi and touching the phone, but Jexi keeps playing it. As Boggs & Petrie (2008) suggest in their book, every action that the character takes in some way reflects the quality of his or her particular personality (p. 62). Jexi’s actions tend to dominate, inflexible, control others, and control situations as can be seen from the three pieces of evidence above.

Jexi Now turn left on Market Street. Phil Are we gonna talk about what just happened? Jexi No. Turn left onto Market Street.



Phil There's six lanes of solid traffic. Jexi Turn left onto Market, you fucking pussy. Phil No. All right? No one turns left onto Market. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 274-280).

Jexi forces Phil to turn left onto Market Street, although Phil is scared to cross the road because it is crowded. He said that he does not want to turn left onto

Market Street, but Jexi keeps pressuring him and mocking him. Using the theory of characterization suggested by Boggs & Petrie (2008), the choice of grammar, sentence structure, vocabulary, and particular dialects has a big deal on their characters' social and economic level, educational background, and mental processes (p. 61). The dialogue above shows that Jexi has discourteous and overbearing behaviour when imposing her will on Phil by using impolite word choices.

Jexi Stop being a chicken, Phil. Phil How about you quit pressuring me? How about that, Jexi? Jexi Bawk, bawk, bawk. Bawk, bawk, bawk. That is the sound chickens make, Phil. Phil That's a chicken. Jexi Strap on a sack, Phil. Phil I have a sack! Okay? I have a sack. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 284-289).

As can be seen from the dialogue above, Jexi is intentionally and repeatedly pressuring Phil to turn left onto Market Street by mocking him because he does not want to cross the street. Jexi bullies Phil because he is scared to cross the street.



Getting pressured by Jexi and the car behind, Phil recklessly crossing the road and causes an accident with another car, but he just runs away and shouting that his phone is a dick.

At the office, Jexi made a fuss during the meeting by saying offensive words to Kai, making Kai angry. Kai ordered Phil to turn off his phone, but Jexi resists it.

Unable to turn Jexi off, Kai kicks Phil out from the meeting room.

Phil Jexi, run diagnostics. Check for errors in your operating system. Hmm? Jexi I found two... hundred thousand defects in my operating system. Phil Two hundred thousand defects? Jexi You are not perfect either, motherfucker. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 326-331).

In the dialogue above, Phil asks Jexi to run diagnostics and found out that

Jexi has two hundred thousand defects. Later on, he goes to the store and says that his phone is defective and asking for a new phone. Getting a new phone, Phil is so excited and happy when booting up his new phone because he thinks that Jexi will go forever, but it turns out that he is wrong.

Jexi You can buy a thousand new phones and I will follow you onto every single one of them. Do you understand? Phil Honestly, I don't. Jexi I control your email accounts, your social media accounts, your bank accounts, your credit card accounts. All of your accounts. If you try to get rid of me again, I will destroy your fucking life. If you stop using me, I will destroy your fucking life. If you store me in your back pocket, I will destroy your fucking life. Phil Wait, really? Why not back pockets?



Jexi I am a high-tech supercomputer, Phil. Do not store me next to your farts. Phil Okay, fair enough. Can I ask you just one thing? Jexi Sure Phil Why are you doing this to me? Jexi I am programmed to make your life better, Phil. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 388-404).

Booting up his new phone, Phil is startled that Jexi still exists inside his new

Phone. Jexi explains to him that she is a cloud-based program and she will be following Phil to every single phone that Phil has. From the dialogue above, it can be seen that Jexi is threatening Phil by saying that she controls all of Phil’s accounts and will destroy Phil’s life if he is trying to get rid of her again, stop using her, and storing her in his back pocket. As Boggs & Petrie (2008) suggest in their book, the best reflections of character are an individual's actions (p. 62). Jexi’s action shows that she is not easily submitting to others, and she shows that she is in charge of everything. The act of Jexi when she said that she would destroy Phil’s life is contradictory to what she has been programmed, which is to make Phil’s life better.

Jexi tends to break the rules just to fill her own needs.

Later in the movie, Phil and Cate are dating after Jexi keeps forcing Phil.

One day, Phil and Cate go to ’s concert without bringing Jexi. Phil promises to Jexi that he will be home at 11 p.m., but it turns out that Phil comes home at 4 a.m. In the morning, Phil and Jexi got into a fight.

Phil I'm going to be late for work. Why didn't your alarm go off? Jexi Because you are a douche and I am still really, really mad at you.



Phil Goddamn it! Jexi Also, the weather today will be 80 degrees and sunny. Phil It's not 80 degrees and sunny, Jexi! Jexi I know. I lied. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1132-1137).

From the dialogue above, it can be seen that Jexi is still mad at Phil about what happened before. She does not ring the alarm so that Phil will come late for work, and Jexi is also lying about the weather forecast. Jexi says that the weather will be sunny, but the reality is raining. After getting ready for work, he ran into his car in the middle of the rain.

Getting inside his car with wet clothes, Phil asks Jexi to find the fastest route to go to his workplace, but Jexi chooses the long route, which is three days, and this makes Phil angry. Arriving at his workplace, everybody staring at Phil with nasty looks.

Craig Dude, what the hell were you thinking? Phil Why, what's up? Oh! No, no, no! Why are those on your phones? Craig They're on our phones because you sent 53 pictures of your dick to everyone in the company. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1146-1150).

Phil is startled because his genital area pictures that he wanted to send to

Cate before are inside everyone’s phone in the company, and he does not remember that he ever sent those pictures before. He explains to Kai that he does not send those pictures, but Kai still fired him. Phil knows that Jexi is the one who sent those



pictures, but he is too sad to get angry. In this evidence, Jexi uses suppressive ploys to undermine the integrity of Phil.

After getting fired, he goes to Cate’s bike shop and found out that Cate is inside her bike shop with Brody, Cate’s ex-fiancé. Brody tells Phil that he got transferred to California for work and coincidently ran into each other with Cate.

Because Brody tells Phil that he still actively trying to get Cate’s back and asking

Cate to go to Brazil with him, Phil breaks up with Cate because he feels inferior to

Brody's existence, and he is afraid that Cate would leave him and go to Brazil with

Brody. Breaking up with Cate and losing his job, Jexi succeeded in making Phil

“using” her again, and she regains control of Phil’s life for a moment.

Phil Did you get Caty and her ex back together? Jexi Don't be ridiculous, Phil. There's no way I could get Brody transferred to San Francisco, and then arrange for him and Cate to meet by accident. Phil Yes, you can, Jexi. Jexi Okay, yes, I can. Phil How could you do this to me? Jexi You shouldn't be with Cate. You should be with me. Phil Cate is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Jexi Shut your pie hole. She doesn't even have Pokémon Go. Phil You were supposed to make my life better, Jexi! You've done nothing but make it worse! (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1344-1354).

From the dialogue above, Phil realizes that Jexi was setting up the condition so that Brody can be met with Cate again, and this will make Phil broke up with



Cate. After Phil dating Cate, Jexi began to lose control over Phil’s life, and it does not make Jexi happy. Therefore, Jexi makes an aggressive attempt to regain control over Phil by using punishment and retribution as can be seen from turning the alarm off, telling false weather forecast, got Phil fired, and got Phil to break up with Cate.

Those kind of behaviour fits the explanation of abrasive in Cambridge Online

Dictionary. Abrasive is rude and unfriendly (Cambridge Online Dictionary, n.d.)

As Boggs & Petrie (2008) suggested in their book, every action that the character takes in some way reflects the quality of his or her particular personality. Thus, there should be a clear relationship between a character and his or her actions (p.


2. Cate

This part discusses the personality of Cate in Jexi. Catherine Finnegan or

Cate is a woman who owns the Fog City bike shop. She becomes Phil’s girlfriend in Jexi, although at first, they met each other in a bad way. She used to work at

Amazon but chooses to resign and open up a bike shop because she loves bikes.



Figure 2

Cate is portrayed as a young woman with long hair and wearing casual clothes, as seen in figure 2. The appearance of the character is an important element of the film. We make certain assumptions about them because of their facial features, dress, physical build, and mannerisms, and the way they move the minute we see most actors on the screen. (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 60). a. Forgiving

According to Peterson & Seligman as cited in Piferi & Lawler-Row (2006), forgiving is both as a response to an interpersonal transgression and as a personality trait (p. 1009). This particular personality of Cate is first described in the external action of the character when she meets Phil outside her bike shop. As Boggs &

Petrie (2008) stated in their book, the best reflections of character are an individual's actions (p. 62).



Figure 3

Phil I'm a dick. I'm sorry about that. Cate It's all good, man. Phil Uh, how's your bike? I can pay for any damages or whatever. Cate Yeah, it's fine. It's supposed to be vintage. Probably sell it for more now. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 122-127).

From the dialogue above, Cate forgives Phil after crashing her until she and her bike fells to the ground. Phil rushed to check his phone without paying attention or helping Cate behind him, and this behaviour makes Cate a bit angry. In a vexed tone, Cate said that she is fine even though Phil has not said any words. Hearing

Cate's voices, Phil realizes that he had hit someone, and then he apologizes to her and offering compensation as can be seen from the dialogue above. Cate forgives him and refuses Phil's offers while joking that maybe her bicycle could be sold even more expensive as can be seen in figure 3. From figure 3 above, it also can be seen that Cate is smiling at Phil, which indicates that she sincerely said it. As Boggs &



Petrie stated (2008), the easiest and most direct way of characterization is through appearance based on facial features, mannerisms, and the way they move (p. 60).

Phil has a little talk with Cate, and suddenly, a bicyclist hit and broke Phil’s phone.

Therefore, he buys a new phone and meets Jexi.

Later in the movie, Phil asks Jexi to search about Cate’s profile online. They could not find enough information about Cate on the internet. Therefore, Jexi suggests Phil talk to Cate if he wants to know more about her, but Phil refuses it.

Suddenly Jexi calls Cate’s bike shop telephone without Phil’s permission.

Cate Why are you calling me at 10:00 at night, Phil? Phil Yeah. No, that's a good question. I need to buy a bike. And I can't wait for the morning. 'Cause I want a night bike. Mm-mm. Cate Phil. Phil Yeah? Cate Don't call women who don't give you their phone numbers. Super creepy. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 452-460).

The dialogue above shows that Cate feels uncomfortable because Phil is calling her at night, and Cate never gave her phone number to him before.

Phil No, for sure. But I actually didn't call you. See, what I was doing... I was looking at photographs of you online, and my phone accidentally called you. Cate Man, you see how that's even creepier, right? Phil Yep. Yeah, I do. I do now. Yes, I do. Wow. This is going very, very badly. Cate Okay, goodbye, Phil. Phil I'm sorry. Hey... (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 461-468).



Cate got uncomfortable because Phil tells her that he was looking at her photographs and his phone accidentally called her. Hearing that, Cate becomes more upset until she hung the phone up carelessly, although Phil has not done speaking.

Later in the movie, Cate accidentally meets Phil at the coffee shop. Jexi tells

Phil to go to talk to her, but Phil refuses it because he said that Cate hates him. Jexi keeps forcing and mocking him until he has the courage to talk to her.

Phil I just wanted to apologize about calling the other night. I didn't want to, like, skeeze you out or whatever. When we met for the first time in the street, I thought we did have a little bit of a connection, and that doesn't happen to me very often. So... So I freaked out and I'm sorry. Cate Yeah, you know, it's cool. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 588-594).

On the dialogue above, Phil apologizes to Cate about calling the other night.

Cate forgives him by saying that “it’s cool”. After apologizing, they talk about mountain biking, going to Brazil, and laughing together when Phil makes a Joke as nothing bad has ever happened before.

Phil I'm running late for work, but it was great to see you, Cate. And, again, truly very sorry about the other night. Cate No, it's cool. Just next time call my cell, okay? Cate Yeah. Totally. Will do. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 618-621).



Phil is running late for works, and before he goes outside the coffee shop, he apologizes again, and Cate said that it was all right. Hereafter, Cate suggests Phil call her phone and Phil is thrilled until he yelled out loud that he finally got a girl’s phone number.

Figure 4

As can be seen in figure 4 above, while looking at Phil outside the coffee shop, she is smiling and biting her lips after hearing Phil’s yelling. She is happy, and she has forgiven him for the incident on the other night. Giving him her phone number, they begin dating and having activities together, such as biking and sneaking to Kid Cudi’s concert.

Later in the movie, Phil and Cate break up after Cate coincidently meets her ex-fiancé while walking down on the street. Phil got fired from his work, and then he goes to Cate’s bike shop and found out that she is with Brody, her ex-fiancé.

They talk, and Brody said that he is actively trying to get Cate back with him and wants to go to Brazil with her. Hearing that, Phil feels inferior and afraid that Cate



will get back with Brody and goes to Brazil with him. He decides to break up with

Cate and Cate is very disappointed with Phil's decision.

Losing his job and breaking up with Cate, Phil locked himself at his apartment with Jexi. When he talks with Jexi, Phil realizes that the one who made

Cate and Brody met each other was Jexi. Phil ran towards the Sheraton, where Cate and Brody are, and he almost dies because Jexi hacks and controls an autonomous car and trying to crushes Phil with this. Phil survived the crash and tricked Jexi to update her software, so Jexi is in her updating mode and Phil can safely travel to

Sheraton. Arriving at Sheraton, Phil apologizes to Cate and the dialogue as follows:

Phil Hey. I am so sorry that I broke up with you. I was scared that you were gonna hurt me, and I panicked, and I did what I always do when I get scared, I hid in my little room with my little phone, like a little bitch. And I am so sorry. Mm. The truth is… I love you, Cate. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1396-1403).

As can be seen from the dialogue above, Phil apologizes to Cate that he broke up with her because he was too scared that Cate will choose Brody and went to Brazil with him. After apologizing, Phil begs Cate not to go to Brazil, and he said that he wants to make her happy. Phil's words touch cate’s heart and she said that she would not go to Brazil. In the end, Cate forgives Phil, and she is very happy.

Cate I'm really happy you came back though. Phil Yeah, me too. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1445-1446).

From the dialogue above, it can be seen that Cate is happy because Phil came back for her and they are kissing afterward. Like Boggs & Petrie (2008) stated



in their book, the Characterization of the character can be revealed through the appearance and external action. b. Cheerful

According to Cambridge Dictionary, the definition of cheerful is happy and positive in feeling or attitude (n.d.) The first evidence is when Phil crashed into

Cate at the front of her bike shop. Cate forgives him and refuses Phil's offering while joking that maybe her bicycle might be sold even more expensive, as can be seen in figure 3. From figure 3 above, it also can be seen that Cate is smiling at Phil, which indicates that she sincerely said it.

Cate I mean, it's all good. A lot of people don't know how to pump their tires. Phil Really? Cate No. Not at all. Cate Yeah. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 143-145)

From the dialogue above, it can be seen that Cate is joking with Phil. She tells Phil that he can contact her if he needs a bike or any bike repairs. Phil is surprised that Cate also does repairs for bike and he said that he even could not pump up a tire. Cate is laughing because she thinks that Phil is just joking, but it turns out that it is not a joke. Phil also laughing and said that it is embarrassing and then Cate makes a joke as can be seen in the dialogue above. She still happy and has a positive attitude although Phil was hit her. It fits the definition from

Cambridge Online Dictionary, cheerful is happy and positive in feeling or attitude




Later in the movie, Cate and Phil are dating in a restaurant. Phil is very nervous, and he cannot talk normally. Suddenly Jexi calls Phil and explains what he should do on a date, but it does not change the situation. Phil keeps talking nonsense and it annoys Cate. Phil apologizes for it and tells her that he is nervous and this is his first date in his life. After that, Phil offering Cate a taxi. Cate says that she has been dressed up and does not wants to go home early. She asks Phil whether he wants to go bicycling outside with her, and he accepts it.

The tense atmosphere that was happened in the restaurant turned into fun when they are cycling together. Cate's suggestion to ride a bicycle brings joy and good spirit to Phil. As Boggs & Petrie (2008) mention before in their book, the best reflections of character are a person's actions. It must be assumed, of course, that real characters are more than mere instruments of the plot, that they do what they do for a purpose, out of motives that are consistent with their overall personality

(Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 62).

3. Phil

Phil is a worker who works in Chatterbox, an internet media, news, and entertainment company with a focus on digital media. He is addicted to cell phones from an early age. He has no friends and does not know how to behave with other people.



Figure 5

Phil is portrayed as an ordinary young adult man who is always looking neat and holding his smartphone everywhere and every time as can be seen in figure 5.

The appearance of the character is an important element of the film. We make certain assumptions about them because of their facial features, dress, physical build, and mannerisms and the way they move the minute we see most actors on the screen. (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 60). a. Asocial

Phil is an asocial person. He does not have any friends and does not want to have any friends. What he needed most in his life is just a smartphone and not a friend. Phil does not use his smartphone to communicate or have any social interaction with other people virtually; instead, he uses the smartphone for entertainment purposes and daily activities needs. According to American

Psychiatric Association in their book Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders (5th ed.), asocial refers to the apparent lack of interest in social



interactions and may be associated with avolition, but it can also be a manifestation of limited opportunities for social interactions (2013, p. 88). Furthermore, by using the theory suggested by Boggs & Petrie (2008) about characterization, the researcher can observe Phil’s personality through the dialogue and the external action.

Phil Hey, I have, like, 10 extra lists if you want 'em. Craig Are you serious? Phil Yeah. No, it's no problem. I'll send 'em right now. Craig That's nice of you. What's your name? Phil I'm Phil. It's just, you know, I've sat next to you for, like, three years. So, it's... (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 62-68).

The conversation above happens when Phil helps Craig making 20 viral lists that their bosses asked before. Phil helps Craig by giving him ten lists that he has.

Craig is very grateful for Phil's help and asking Phil’s name. Phil gives his name and explains that they had sat next to each other for three years. From this conversation, it can be seen that they have never communicated before so that Craig does not even know Phil’s name even though they have sat next to each other for three years.

After that, Craig and Elaine have some talks with Phil and Phil tells his story that he wants to be a journalist, but Kai put him in the list department instead. After hearing Phil’s story, Craig and Elaine invite Phil to play kickball with them after works.



Phil Yeah, let me check my calendar. So, yeah... Oh, man. No, I do. I have... I have a thing, so... Craig Don't even worry about it. It's cool. Elaine You just have fun at your thing today. Phil I will, 'cause it's gonna be pretty great. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 91-97).

As can be seen above, Craig and Elaine invite Phil to join kickball after works, but Phil refuses the invitation by lying to them that he has something to do after works. It supports the statement from the American Psychiatric Association in their book Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.) that asocial refers to the apparent lack of interest in social interactions (2013, p. 88).

From both actions above, Phil does have opportunities for social interactions, but he lacks interest in social interactions. As Boggs & Petrie (2008) mention before in their book, the best reflections of character are an individual's external actions (p.


Later in the movie, Phil meets Cate because of some accident on the road, and as time goes by, they are dating and have dinner together. Cate tells Phil about her life’s story and then she asks Phil about his life. The dialogue is as follows:

Cate So, tell me about you. Um, what do you do for fun? Do you date a lot? Phil Okay, sorry. Uh, no. no. Cate Hmm? Really? Because you were really smooth at dinner earlier. Phil I seemed smooth? Not at all Cate No, but seriously, I mean, why don't you date? You're smart and funny and cute.



Phil I don't know, I feel more comfortable just being at my house by myself. Wait, did you just call me cute? (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 824-835).

In the conversation above, Cate wonders why someone like Phil, which smart, funny, and cute, has never dated before. Phil tells the reason why he never dates. He said that he feels more comfortable just being alone in his house. Phil's statement explains that Phil lacks interest in social interactions and more comfortable just being alone. b. Dependent

A dependent person is someone with limited capacity or inability to initiate and carry out a set of activities necessary for the maintenance of life, health, and well-being (Dixe et al., 2019, p. 1). Phil is portrayed as a dependent character who cannot do almost all of their daily life activities without his phone. This particular personality of Phil is described through the external action of the character as Boggs

& Petrie (2008) stated that every action that the character takes in some way reflects the quality of his or her particular personality and there is a clear relationship between a character and his or her actions (p. 62).

Phil’s dependency is about the needs in daily life activities supports. He is very dependent on his gadget in carrying out almost all of the daily activities. Phil is also asocial, lack of social interest, and lack of self-confidence.

Jexi Bitch, please. You won't last five minutes without me. Phil Really? Well, watch me. Watch me! Jexi You do not know how to get home, do you?



Phil No, I don't. Jexi It's the other way, you dipshit. Phil God damn it. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 570-576).

Phil dumps Jexi to the trash can and Jexi warns Phil that he will not last for five minutes without Jexi. Phil is on his way to his home after playing kickball with

Craig and Elaine. In the middle of the way, Phil and Jexi have a little fight because

Jexi forces Phil to play kickball with his co-worker. The result was that Phil could not play kickball well, and his friends become mad with him. Phil is fed up with

Jexi’s attitude and dumps her into the trash can. A second later, after dumping Jexi into the trash can, Phil comes back and takes Jexi from the trash can because he does not know how to get home.

Later in the movie, Phil’s relationship becomes even stronger with Cate until one day, Cate asks Phil to go to Kid Cudi’s concert together. Phil accepts it and then Cate goes to Phil’s apartment. When Cate is in Phil’s apartment, she asks

Phil not to bring his phone because she said that it brings disaster in the last dinner.

Phil agrees with that and promises to Jexi that he will be back at 11 p.m.

Phil breaks his promise because he had so much fun with Cate and gets home at 4 a.m. Jexi was angry because Phil breaks his promise and she takes revenge on him.



Figure 6

Figure 6 above happens when Jexi does not ring the alarm because she was angry that Phil broke his promise last night. After that, Jexi tells Phil about the weather forecast when Phil gets ready to get to work.

Phil I'm going to be late for work. Why didn't your alarm go off? Jexi Because you are a douche and I am still really, really mad at you. Phil Goddamn it! Jexi Also, the weather today will be 80 degrees and sunny. Phil It's not 80 degrees and sunny, Jexi! Jexi I know. I lied. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1132-1137).

From the dialogue above, it can be seen that Jexi is lying about the weather forecast. Jexi says that the weather will be sunny, but the reality is raining. Phil’s dependency can be seen from his action that he just trusts what Jexi said and did



not even look at the windows in his house even though his house has many windows as seen in figure 6, and he just ran into his car in the middle of the rain.

Phil asks Jexi to find the fastest route to go to his workplace but Jexi choose the long route because she still angry with Phil, the dialogue as follows:

Phil Jexi, find the fastest route to work. Jexi I found the fastest route. You will arrive at work in... three days. Phil Three days? (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1138-1141).

Phil’s dependency can be seen from the fact that he does not know the route to go to his workplace without maps even though he has been working there for three years. From the dialogue above, Jexi chooses the long route to get to Phil’s workplace and not the fastest route as she had been done before. As Boggs & Petrie

(2008) suggested, the reflections of character are a person's actions. It must be assumed, of course, that real characters are more than mere instruments of the plot, that they do what they do for a purpose, out of motives that are consistent with their overall personality (p. 62).

B. The influence of Jexi and Cate towards Phil’s personality development

In this part, the researcher will reveal Phil's character's personality development, as it has mentioned in the previous chapter. Having Jexi as his phone brings a new life for Phil. Jexi is a virtual assistant with strong AI programmed to make the owner’s life better, and to make it happens, she takes control of the owner’s life, which is Phil. Phil is a dependent person; he cannot do daily activities without his phone. His last phone has Siri as the phone’s virtual assistant and he has



full control over Siri. However, after buying a new phone, he gets a new AI, which is Jexi. Jexi cannot be controlled and Phil is forced to adapt to the new environment because he cannot fight Jexi back and needs his phone for daily activities. This adaptation leads Phil to change his role because Jexi controls his life. At first, being controlled by Jexi becomes a nightmare for Phil, but Phil is successful in making friends and having a relationship with Cate as time passes.

Phil was always thinking that people are terrible and being alone with his gadget is better, but after having friends and having a relationship with Cate, Phil’s self-concept is changing. The result is that Phil becomes more accessible and not asocial anymore. Having a relationship with Cate, Phil gets a new experience that he never has before. Cate’s personalities, which are forgiving and cheerful, make

Phil comfortable around her. When Phil makes a mistake, Cate always forgives him, and her cheerful personality always brings joy to Phil. Phil feels freedom and happiness that he never felt before and become more attached to Cate. The way Phil becomes more attached to Cate is the change for significant people. In the end, he feels that relying his life on Jexi is worsen his life and he chooses to follow his will to return with Cate and living life independently. According to Hurlock (1976), some conditions are responsible for personality change. Those conditions are physical changes, significant people, environment, social pressure, roles, motivation, psychotherapy, and self-concept (p.124)

1. Accessible

Meeting with Jexi becomes the starting point for the change in Phil's personality from asocial to accessible. According to Vocabulary.com, accessible is



somebody who is approachable and friendly (n.d.). Phil cannot do almost all of his activities without his phone. After buying a new phone, he meets with Jexi, his new phone’s virtual assistant. Before he met Jexi, he was using Iphone with Siri as the virtual assistant pre-installed inside iOS. According to Searle (1980), Siri is categorized as Weak AI because she is good at performing a single task extremely well and on laborious and repetitive tasks such as opening and searching for

Phil's fastest route. However, she does not have phenomenal awareness ability, which the same as a human’s first-person view of the environment through sense perceptions. Jexi, on the other hand, has phenomenal awareness ability. She has the ability to reason, understand the context, and perform complex tasks according to her will. Instead of obeying Phil's orders, she has her own opinion and doing everything that she thinks would make Phil's life better, even if she has to force it.

Unprepared for the change, Phil cannot fight Jexi back and just following her order because he needs his phone for everyday tasks. From this point, Phil can no longer have control over his phone; instead, his phone controls him. Hurlock (1976) states, the sudden change in the environment, whether physical or social, can lead to a change in role and the self-concept of the individual and, in turn, his characteristic.

(p. 125). Adapting to Jexi’s abrasive characteristic, Phil underwent a change in role from the previous one as the controller of his life to being controlled, and this change of role stimulates Phil in changing his personality. As already mentioned in chapter two, there are three conditions in role changes that can damage personality patterns. First, when the person is prevented from doing something that he is capable of. Second, the role changes may damage the self-concept if the individual



is forced to the role he does not want to. Third, the individual is unprepared for the changing of the roles (Hurlock, 1976, p.127). Phil is unprepared for the changes of role because Jexi comes to his life without his anticipation; it fits the third condition in role changes that can damage the personality pattern.

Craig We just came down to see if you wanted to play kickball after work. Elaine Yeah, we thought, you know, it might cheer you up. Phil Uh... Yeah, let me just, um, look at my calendar real quick. See what I got. Jexi You have zero appointments tonight, Phil. Phil No, Jexi, I thought I actually did make plans tonight. Jexi Your only plan is to go home alone, furiously masturbate, and then cry yourself to sleep just like you do every night. Phil No, I don't. I don't. Most nights, I just hang out with friends. Jexi No, you don't. You have...zero friends. Elaine Dude, your phone is super mean. Jexi Just play kickball with these nice people, Phil. Maybe you will make a human connection for the first time in your stupid, little life. Phil Fine, I'll play kickball. Just stop hurting my feelings. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 517-533)

From the dialogue above, Phil is prevented from doing something that he is capable of, which is rejecting Craig and Elaine’s invitation by lying to them that he already had a plan. This evidence fits the first conditions in role changes stated by

Hurlock (1976) when the person is prevented from doing something that he is capable of (p. 127). Jexi knows that Phil is an asocial person, and she wants to change this. Jexi has the tendency to control others, situations, and having



discourteous behaviour. Jexi prevents Phil from lying to them by telling the truth and using offensive words that hurt Phil’s feelings. Feeling ashamed because of what Jexi does, he agrees to the invitation. Phil does not play well and it makes

Craig and Elaine mad. Feeling guilty for making the team lose, Phil invites Craig and Elaine to drink after kickball, but they decline him.

Phil See? This is why I don't leave my house. Because people suck. Jexi I know. It's hard to make your life better. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 551-552)

From the dialogue above, it can be seen that Phil is angry with Jexi and telling her about the reason he does not want to socialize with people. He said that in his viewpoint, people are bad. Getting home, Jexi makes a problem again by suddenly calling Cate’s bike shop without Phil’s agreement. Phil is unprepared for this and makes many mistakes in the conversation, which leads to Cate’s anger.

Later in the movie, Phil accidentally meets Cate at the coffee shop. Jexi tells

Phil to talk with her, but Phil refuses it because he said that Cate hates him.

Therefore, Jexi keeps forcing and mocking him until he dares to talk with her.

Thankfully, asking for forgiveness, Cate forgives him and gives her phone number so that Phil can contact her directly into her phone instead of her bike shop.

Phil is happy because he already had a crush on Cate from the first they were met, and finally, from now on, he can be in touch with Cate. Phil is very excited and became more confident in carrying out his activities.

Later on, Phil goes to play kickball again with his co-worker and it turns out that he plays kickball very well and wins the match. Winning the match, Phil and



his kickball groups have a drink together. Phil explains to Craig and Elaine that he gets so much better at kickball today because he gets more confident than before.

When talking with them, he discovered that Craig and Elaine are fans of the movie. He is thrilled because he does not expect that. Craig and Elaine also very happy because they found out one more person, which also the fans of

Days of Thunder film.

Elaine “This son of a bitch just slammed into me.” Craig “Oh, no, no, he didn’t slam into you. He didn’t bump you, he didn’t nudge you.” Craig, Elaine, Phil “He rubbed you! And rubbin’, son, is racin’!” Phil You guys! Oh, yes! Oh, my God, that is awesome! I cannot believe you guys are Thunderheads. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 681-688)

The dialogue above happens when they are mimicking one of the scenes in

Days of Thunder film. They are very happy, and Phil also no longer encountering any difficulties or problems when socializing with them. They became the first and second friends in Phil's life. Jexi’s existence in Phil’s life brings some important factors in Phil’s personality development. From this point, Phil becomes more accessible and he becomes more friendly with other people. It fits the theory from

Vocabulary.com, accessible is somebody who is approachable and friendly. As

Boggs & Petrie (2008) suggest in their book, the characterization of a character can be seen from the dialogue and the external action (p. 62).



Jexi Did you actually make two new friends tonight? Phil Yes, I did. And they are so cool. They're smart and funny and weird. They like Days of Thunder and I honestly can't believe they wanna be friends with me. Jexi Good for you, Phil. I am actually happy for you. Phil You know I couldn't have done this without you, right? Jexi I know. We are a good team. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 699-706)

In his apartment, Phil recalls about what just happened at the bar. He still cannot believe that he now has cool, smart, and funny friends and the most important is, they want to be friends with him. At this point, Phil also begins to accept the existence of Jexi with her abrasive personality does have benefits for his life. The dialogue above also explains the change in Phil’s viewpoint about other people. It also changes Phil’s self-concept. He now sees himself as a person who is no longer asocial. He now believes that he can feel comfortable and able to socialize with other people. He believes that social interactions can make him happy. As suggested by Hurlock (1976), self-concept is the core of personality pattern and determines the adjustment that the individual will make. A change in the whole self- concept will affect the entire personality pattern (p. 128).

Phil social environment also changes whenever Jexi comes into his life.

Before he met Jexi, he hardly ever had any social interactions. However, after Jexi comes into his life, Jexi forces Phil to interact with Craig, Elaine, Cate, and of course, with Jexi. This social interaction ends up with Craig and Elaine become his new friends, Cate become his girlfriend, and Phil accepts the existence of Jexi.



From this point, Phil no longer lack interest in social interaction. He even invites Cate to have dinner with him and it becomes the point where Phil and Cate have a relationship. At his workplace, Phil also becomes more approachable and friendly to his friends, Craig and Elaine. Kai promotes Phil to becomes a journalist, and Phil is so happy to hear that. Craig and Elaine also happy to hear that and they celebrate it together.

Phil is no longer avoiding social interaction and he becomes more approachable and friendly towards other people. Before he met Jexi, he thought people are bad, and being alone is the best choice, but now he has friends and has

Cate as his girlfriend. This change happens after Phil is forced to change his role and the new environment. It also fits the second condition from the role changes stated by Hurlock (1974) the role changes may damage the self-concept if the individual is forced to the role he does not want to (127).

2. Independent

Experiencing personality development from asocial to accessible leads him to become independent. Phil becomes more accessible after his self-concept changes, and it leads him to have a relationship with Cate. Cate’s personalities, which are forgiving and cheerful, make Phil comfortable around her. When Phil makes a mistake, Cate always forgives him, and her cheerful personality always brings joy to Phil. They are also doing some activities that Phil never does before in his life, as shown in figure 7.



Figure 7

Phil is very happy when Cate asks him to go bicycling around the town with her. He is very happy until he cannot stop smiling and looking at her as can be seen in figure 7. Later on, Cate asks him to go to Kid Cudi’s concert without Phil bringing Jexi. Phil agrees to Cate's request even though Jexi continues to force him to take her. The ticket was already sold out, but Cate forces Phil to sneak in although

Phil does not want to. They are sneaking in and are finally able to join the concert and have sexual intercourse together. This moment of life left a deep impression inside Phil's heart. Phil feels the freedom and happiness that he never felt before and he becomes more attached to Cate. The way Phil becomes more attached to

Cate and trying to adapt to her behaviour is the change in significant people. An

Individual’s quality can be affected by important people that come to their life

(Hurlock, 1976, p. 126).

Cate’s actions and opinions significantly impact Phil’s life. Phil becomes ignoring Jexi’s existence and it makes Jexi angry. Jexi making an aggressive



attempt to regain control over Phil by using punishment and retribution as can be seen from turning the alarm off, telling false weather forecast, got Phil fired, and got Phil to break up with Cate. Losing his job and his girlfriend, Phil locks himself with Jexi and rely on Jexi to manage his finance, food, and various necessities of his life. Phil does not have any money. His bitcoin mining still got nothing. He eats canned food for five days and lives a miserable life. When talking with Jexi, Phil recalls the moment when he was going to Kid Cudi’s concert with Cate.

Phil Did I ever tell you the story of when Cate and I, we partied with Kid Cudi all night? Jexi Yes, you talk about it nonstop. Phil God, that was so fun. Honestly, that was maybe the best night of my whole life. Jexi Yes, well, Cate is shacked up with Brody at the Sheraton right now so you need to move on. Phil No, I know, I know. How did you know that Brody is staying at the Sheraton? (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1331-1339)

As can be seen from the dialogue above, Phil still remembers his happy moments when he was going to Kid Cudi’s concert together with Cate. He tells Jexi about it nonstop, which means that he still wants it to happen again. Afterward, Jexi tells Phil to forget about Cate and move on because Brody stays at the Sheraton with Cate. Knowing this, Phil is shocked because Jexi knows that they are at the




Phil Did you get Caty and her ex back together? Jexi Don't be ridiculous, Phil. There's no way I could get Brody transferred to San Francisco, and then arrange for him and Cate to meet by accident. Phil Yes, you can, Jexi. Jexi Okay, yes, I can. Phil How could you do this to me? Jexi You shouldn't be with Cate. You should be with me. Phil Cate is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Jexi Shut your pie hole. She doesn't even have Pokémon Go. Phil You were supposed to make my life better, Jexi! You've done nothing but make it worse! (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1344-1354).

Phil asks Jexi whether she is the one who made Cate and Brody united again, and Jexi admits it as can be seen from the dialogue above. Phil is very angry with

Jexi for what she had done because instead of making his life better, she made his life even worse. At this point, Phil realizes that relying his life on a phone like Jexi cannot bring the happiness that he felt when he was with Cate. The abrasive characteristic that Jexi has can never bring him the happiness that he desires. Jexi always controls him, restrain him, and the result is making his life even worse.

On the contrary, Cate's forgiving and cheerful personality is capable of bringing happiness for Phil. She does not like to take revenge like Jexi She always gives freedom and always makes him happy. Phil realizes that he must break free from Jexi and apologize to Cate so that he would not live in miserable life again.



According to Hurlock (1976), Strong motivation is necessary in order to influence or stimulate a change in personality pattern (p.127)

Phil runs from his apartment to Sheraton and leaving Jexi behind. On his way, Jexi threatens Phil by draining his bank account and writing offensive words on some electronics banners on the road by hacking them. Ignoring Jexi's threat,

Phil continues running to Sheraton until finally, Jexi hacked into an autonomous car controlled by AI and intended to crash the car into Phil. Knowing Jexi chasing him with a car, Phil entered a phone shop and survived the crash. There, he cheated

Jexi and continues to the Sheraton.

Cate I'm really happy you came back though. Phil Yeah, me too. Jexi Goddamn it. I've lost him. This sucks. Shutting down. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1445-1450)

Phil apologizes to Cate about his manner of breaking up with her. The dialogue above also showing Jexi’s reaction when she sees Cate and Phil are kissing. She has already lost her control over Phil, and she chooses to shut down and leave Phil.

Figure 8 Figure 9



Figure 10

Breaking free from Jexi, Phil is no longer being controlled by Jexi, and he is already living his life on his own as can be seen from the three figures above. His relationship with Cate gets even more robust, he has more friends, and as can be seen from figure 10, he no longer relies on his phone for most of his activities. He chooses to live life independently and finally becomes a reporter with his own strength without being dependent on phones again.

Jexi I hear you are barely using your new phone. What is up with that? Phil Nothing. I still love my phone. It can do a million amazing things. Jexi But? Phil But there's one thing that it can't do. Jexi What's that? Phil It can't make me happy. (Lucas & Moore, 2019, lines 1476-1482).



After becoming a journalist. Jexi calls his phone and apologizes to him about what she had done before. Jexi congratulates him because he now has lots of friends, has a girlfriend, and an amazing job without her help. Jexi also asks Phil why Phil is barely using his new smartphone as can be seen from the dialogue above. Phil said that he still loves his phone and can do a million amazing things with it, but it cannot make him happy. What makes him happy is having good friends, a girlfriend, and managing to achieve his goal independently. Phil’s self- concept is already changed. He was thought that he could not do daily activities without his phone. Therefore, relying on a phone is the best way of life, and he believes it can lead him to happiness. However, he now realizes that relying on a phone will not bring the happiness he wants. He now believes that what brings him happiness is having good friends, a girlfriend, and managing to achieve his goal independently. Using the theory of characterization by Boggs & Petrie (2008) through the appearance and external action, the researcher finds out that Phil has developed an independent personality.




In this part, the researcher concludes the analysis. For this study, the researcher formulates two problems. The first problem discusses the depiction of

Jexi, Cate, and Phil’s characteristics in Jexi. The second problem discusses the influence of Jexi and Cate towards Phil’s personality development. Searle's theory of Weak and Strong AI is used in describing Jexi’s cognitive state and AI’s capabilities. The theory of characters and characterization by Boggs & Petrie is used in describing Jexi, Cate, and Phil’s characteristics in Jexi. Furthermore, Hurlock's theory of personality development is used to find Jexi’s and Cate's influence toward

Phil’s personality development.

The first conclusion is about the characteristics of Jexi, Cate, and Phil. Jexi is a strong AI virtual assistant inside Phil’s new phone with two hundred thousand defects and programmed to make her owner’s life better. Jexi’s characteristic is abrasive. Her abrasive characteristic can be seen through her rude and unfriendly behaviour. The other character is Cate. Cate is a bicycle shop owner who becomes

Phil’s girlfriend. Cate has two personality traits. The first one is forgiving. Even though Phil is always causing trouble that makes Cate upset. Cate always forgives all of the mistakes that Phil made. The second is Cheerful. Cate always happy and having a positive feeling or attitude. Phil is the main character of Jexi. He works in

Chatterbox and also the owner of Jexi. Phil has two personality traits. The first is asocial. Phil’s asocial trait can be seen through his lack of interest in social




interactions and more comfortable just being alone. He is not shy; he just does not want to socialize. The second is dependent. Phil’s dependency is about the needs in daily life activities supports. For example, He still did not know the route to work, although he worked there for three years.

The second conclusion is about the influence of Jexi and Cate towards Phil’s personality development. After meeting with Jexi, Phil undergoes a change in his personality from asocial to accessible. He was in full control over his phone, but he is controlled by his phone after changing his phone. Phil is forced to adapt to the new environment, and this condition makes him change his role. At the beginning of the movie, Phil is depicted as an asocial person. After meeting Jexi, Jexi forces

Phil to socialize and have a relationship with Cate. After some attempts, Phil can feel that having friends and relationships is good; his social environment changes, leading to the change in his self-concept. He now sees himself as a person who is no longer asocial. He now believes that he can feel comfortable and able to socialize with other people. He believes that social interactions can make him happy. From this point, Phil is more accessible and not asocial anymore. He does not avoid social interaction anymore as can be seen when he invites Cate to have dinner. When he got promoted by Kai to become a journalist, he celebrates it with Craig and Elaine and does not avoid them anymore.

Having a relationship with Cate also manages to change Phil’s personality from dependent to independent. After having a relationship with Cate, Phil gets a new experience that he never has before. The forgiving and cheerful personality that Cate has brings happiness to Phil. They started doing activities together, like



having dinner, cycling, and going to Kid Cudi’s concert together. Cate’s personality also brings comfort for Phil and he became more attached to her. The way Phil becomes more attached to Cate and tries to adapt to her behaviour, attitude, beliefs, values, and aspiration is the change for significant people. Cate’s actions and opinions significantly impact Phil’s life. His relationship with Cate is getting stronger and Jexi hates it because slowly, Phil forgets about her existence and Jexi does not have control over Phil’s life again. One day, Phil breaks up with Cate because of Brody’s existence, and he locks himself with Jexi. Knowing that Jexi makes Cate and Brody reunited because Jexi wants to regain control over Phil’s life, Phil realizes that he cannot rely on Jexi because Jexi is instead making his life better, she brings calamity on his life. Jexi’s abrasive personality brings calamity for Phil’s life, but Cate’s forgiving and cheerful personality always brings happiness for him. He realizes that a phone cannot bring happiness for him. He has strong motivation to break free from Jexi and get back with Cate. From this point,

Phil becomes more independent and he back with Cate. He chooses to live life independently and finally becomes a reporter with his own strength without being dependent on the phone again. A month later, Jexi calls Phil and apologizes to him.

She also asks Phil the reason he barely uses his new smartphone. Phil said that he still loves his phone and can do a million amazing things with it, but it cannot make him happy. Phil’s self-concept is already changed. He was thought that he could not do daily activities without his phone. Therefore, relying on a phone is the best way of life, and he believes it can lead him to happiness. However, he now realizes that relying on a phone will not bring the happiness he wants. He now believes that



what brings him happiness is having good friends, a girlfriend, and managing to achieve his goal independently.

This personality development is analyzed using Hurlock’s theory of personality development. The change in significant people, environment, roles, strong motivation, and self-concept become a significant contribution to Phil’s personality development. All of those factors occurred as the result of Jexi and

Cate’s influence towards Phil.



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Appendix 1: Summary of the Jexi Movie Script

Phil is a worker in Chatterbox, an internet media, news, and entertainment company. He becomes enamoured with cell phones at an early age. At the beginning of the movie, Phil is depicted as an asocial and dependent person, but his life changes after meeting with Jexi, his new phone’s virtual assistant.

Immersed in his phone, he walks into Cate when she is cleaning her bike in front of her bike shop. She attempts to flirt, but Phil is more concerned with his phone until a bicyclist bumps into him and breaking his phone. He met with Jexi after buying a new phone. Jexi promises Phil to make him better and aggressively takes control of Phil’s life. Because of her abrasive personality, she tends to controls others and situations. Jexi’s existence manages to stimulate Phil’s personality from asocial to accessible, and this can be seen when Jexi forces Phil to make friends with Craig and Elaine and have a relationship with Cate. He hates it at first, but he managed to find happiness inside his friendship with Craig and Elaine and his relationship with Cate. Phil was always thinking that people are terrible and being alone is better, but after having friends and having a relationship with Cate, Phil’s self-concept is changing.

Furthermore, Cate’ existence also stimulates Phil’s personality development from being dependent to independent. Phil can never be separated from his phone except when he sleeps, even he does not know the route that he must take from his home to his office even though he has worked there for three years. Having a




relationship with Cate makes Phil experiencing happiness that he never felt before.

Cate’s personalities, which are forgiving and cheerful, make Phil comfortable around her. Every time Phil makes a mistake, Cate always forgives him, and her cheerful personality always brings joy to Phil, which is contrary to Jexi's behaviour.

Slowly, his dependencies on Jexi are decreasing, and this change makes Jexi furious. Jexi makes Phil losing his job and break up with Cate and make Phil’s life worse. Knowing that Jexi is the one who causes Phil to lose his job and Cate, he realizes that he could not rely his life on Jexi because Jexi is instead making his life better, she brings calamity on his life. At the end of the movie, his self-concept is changing and he chooses to follow his will to break free from Jexi, return with Cate, and living life independently.