Tuvalu Priority Infrastructure Investment Plan 2020–2025
Tuvalu Priority Infrastructure Investment Plan 2020–2025 Ministry of Finance December 2020 This document was prepared by the Tuvalu Ministry of Finance, with the support of the Pacifi c Region Infrastructure Facility (PRIF). The Tuvalu Infrastructure Investment Plan 2020–2025 developed in this document was endorsed and adopted by the Tuvalu Cabinet in December 2020 as a guide to public infrastructure investment planning and budge� ng, and development partner support. PRIF is a mul� partner coordina� on and technical assistance facility that supports improved infrastructure development in the Pacifi c. PRIF partners include the Asian Development Bank, Australia’s Department of Foreign Aff airs and Trade, the European Investment Bank, the European Union, the Japan Interna� onal Coopera� on Agency, New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Aff airs and Trade, the US State Department, and the World Bank Group. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily refl ect the views and policies of PRIF member agencies. None of the above par� es guarantees the accuracy of the data included in this publica� on or accepts responsibility for any consequence of their use. The use of informa� on contained in this report is encouraged with appropriate acknowledgement. The report may only be reproduced with the permission of both the Tuvalu government and the PRIF Coordina� on Offi ce on behalf of PRIF members. For more informa� on, please contact: Government of Tuvalu PRIF Coordina� on Offi ce Ministry of Finance c/o Asian Development Bank Government Building, Vaiaku, Funafu� , Tuvalu Level 20, 45 Clarence Street moresi.k.l@gmx.com Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia enquiries@theprif.org www.theprif.org Contents Abbrevia� ons iv 1.
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