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New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’S Republic of China

New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’S Republic of China

χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹þह≻๔႓೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰܧ❵䶦Ⱋ ADB-Tongji Urban Knowledge Hub Publishing Project

ᰭҠ೻ጯࣾᆂᵵҸⵁ⾣㈨݄ Series of the Best Urban Development Case Studies

͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of

亣ธ܎ ͨ㑃 ڝ ⢸ Editors Lan Wang and Stefan Rau

i ©χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹喑ह≻๔႓

❵ᱰ᝭ᰶ喑 Ꭱܧ❵ হప࢝ݤڞ͚ࡻϧℾ

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© Asian Development Bank and All rights reserved. Published in 2018. Printed in the People’s Republic of China. The views expressed in this contribution are those of the contributor and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of Tongji University and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. ADB or Tongji University do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of information in this document and cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, or losses, which emerge from its use. By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term "country" in this document, ADB and Tongji University do not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. This work is avaiable under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 IGO license(CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO) http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/igo. By using the content of this publication, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license. For attribution and permissions, please read the provisions and terms of use at https://www.adb.org/terms-use#openaccess. This CC license does not apply to non-ADB copyright materials in this publication. If the material is attributed to another source, please contact the copyright owner or publisher of that source for permission to reproduce it. ADB cannot be held liable for any claims that arise as a result of your use of the material. Findings, interpretation, and conclusions expressed in this document are based on information obtained by the authors. Notes: In this publication, “$” refers to US dollars. ADB recognizes “China” as the People’s Republic of China and “Macau” as Macau, China. Corrigenda to ADB publications may be found at http://www.adb.org/publications/corrigenda


亣ธ܎ͨ㑃 ÿ ڝ⢸͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ ̷⊤ह≻๔႓ܧ❵⹫  *4#/

ē ŗ͚ćĔ ŗ⢸ćŘ亣ćĕ ŗ೻ጯ㻱ܿ喒ⵁ ⾣喒͚పŘ೻ጯᐧ䃫喒ⵁ⾣喒͚పĖ ŗ 56

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JW ఫ㶕㉏ᑂ

Y 㑖⪒䄚㶕

YJJ Ꮌ̭喍χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹喎

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 ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ̻ᐭࣾ὎ᐼ ڝ ⢸

Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧ۾㉔ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ⩌≟⁔  亣ธ܎喍4UFGBO3BV喎

 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ ॡ㑇哆


 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻  ⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏ 䗾ᓤ倅 ᱻ᫝䭠 䉧 ᬧ

 ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏ थ侙ᮀ ۜᮀᭌ ॡᮀ㢶

 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻  䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏ 㾦䓽≟ ҂ᮀ⋈ 䗦 ⢶

Ϙąⵁ䃕чڞ䭱ᒂ喟Ąχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹 ह≻೻ጯⴒ䃳 


W Tables and Figures

Y Abbreviations

YJJJ Foreword by Asian Development Bank

YW Foreword by Tongji University

YWJJ Acknowledgments

YJY Executive Summary

 Introduction to New Towns and New Districts

 Planning Concept and Development Model of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China Lan Wang

 Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, Mixed-Use, Green, Livable New Districts Stefan Rau

 Introduction to the Three Chinese New Town Case Studies Fulong Wu

 Case Studies of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China

 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area Degao Zheng, Xinyang Li, Wang He

 Taihu New Town: Planning and Implementation Timeline of Taihu New Town Xiao Sima, Xiaoxing Feng, Xiaoli Wu

 Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan toward Sustainable Development Yunzhou Zhan, Xiaotao He, Yu Zou

 Appendix : ADB–Tongji Urban Knowledge Sharing Seminar

iii ఫ㶕㉏ᑂ

Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧ۾㉔ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ⩌≟⁔ Ƞ㐬㞟Ƞ჉ᅲࡧ喑ᰶⱭᅧᏓ჉ϧ⮱⾧䬡̻ᐧま۾㉔ఫ ৵侙ⷔ⩌ᔮࡧ喟 ⮱䕇䖀䘪᣽ࡴγ᪡͗ࡧഌ⮱჉ᅲᕔ⩕ڞచȠⅡᇥВࣷ㵹ϧ̻㜗㵹䒓ڙ ఫ Ꭱ䘪ᒵӬݖڕఫ ৵侙ⷔ⮱䒨䒕̻䒛⍎᰺ߎ ȠᅧᏓ჉ϧȠ㵹ϧࣸສ⮱೻ࡧ۾㉔ఫ ᑄ㣞ൎͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤࡧ喟᫝ಸ㐬㞟Ƞ ఫ ᑄ㣞ൎͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤࡧ喟᠒ᰶ㐬㞟⾧䬡Ƞ⠙⿸ѼႲࣷ⩢䒓᰺ߎ⮱㶄ࡧ ఫ ᑄ㣞ൎ↰䗓ࡧ喟㻱ܿ㐬㞟Ƞ⩌ᔮ倅᩵ȠᅧᏓ჉ϧȠ㵹ϧࣸສ⮱᫝ࡧ ϑ䕇Ƞ㜗㵹䒓̻㵹ϧڞڙ๗䭠㘪ࣾ⩢Ƞ⧵ڠఫ ᑄ㣞ൎ↰䗓ࡧ喟๗䭠㘪͸೻喑 ᐧま౴ͧ㞯㘪ᐧまڲఫ ᑄ㣞ൎ↰䗓⹫ࡧ喟᝭ᰶᅸ䶣䘪䨧䃫γ๗䭠㘪Წ喑ࡧ ఫ ఫძᵦጯ∂䄚ࡧ喟჉ᅲᄼࡧ喑䔯वₒ㵹ᝃ侾㵹⮱ᰶ䋐㶄䖀হх㒻Ꭼ౧

͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ ఫ ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喑͚๛ౝࡧ ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻᫝ᐧ⮱ᅲѼࡧ ఫ ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻䛺ᐧऻ⮱͚ᓰ೻ࡧ

ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏ 㶕 㶕 ࡄጊᐧま䷻䆹ᣔݣ᝸∂ࣷㆨಸ 㶕 ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧᐧ䃫⩕ౝ䔯჉ᕔܳᲽ ㏼≻ឭᱜᠴᴴڠ㶕 ⣝ᰶᅲѼࡧⰥ 㶕 ᫲⍥ᐭࣾͨ䷅ࣷᐭࣾ䶦Ⱋᐧ䃛

ఫ ఫ ࡄጊౕఈጊⰮ⮱ࡧѺ ఫ ࡄጊౕ᜽ᓤ㐢ౝࡧ⮱ࡧѺ ఫ ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ᫝࣬೻⩕ౝጰᅭ㻱ܿఫ ఫ ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ᫝࣬೻㐬ౝ㈨㐌㻱ܿఫ ఫ ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬࣬೻೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿౌౝҬ⩕⣝⟣ఫ ఫ ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧౌౝҬ⩕䔯჉ᕔܳᲽ ఫ ࡄጊᆞ͉ϔ͇చࡧ  ᎡऱㆨЮ͇ౝ౴ϔթ ఫ ࡄጊᆞ͉ϔ͇చࡧ  ᎡऱㆨЮ͇Ꭰ౴ᅞ͇ϧ᪝ ࣬ߠߕ߈ᅞ͇ᗲۢڕఫ  Ꭱࡄጊ ఫ   Ꭱࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ߠߕ߈ᅞ͇ᗲۢ ㈨ڠ䃖䉦Ƞღ⼜⢴Ƞ䨭ਜ਼ࢂФ͸䬡⮱ܧఫ  ౌౝ ㈨ڠఫ  Ꭱࡄጊ (%1 ̻ధჇ䉱ϔែ䉱͸䬡⮱ ڒఫ  Ꭱࡄጊ䉏ᩬᩣ iv 5BCMFTBOE'JHVSFT

&DP$JUJFTJO&VSPQF$PNQBDU .JYFE6TF (SFFO -JWBCMF/FX%JTUSJDUT Fig. 1: Hammarby Sjöstad: Compact and Green, Livable, with Human-Scaled Spaces and Buildings /93 Fig. 2: Parks, Waterfronts and Pathways for Pedestrians and Cyclists Enhance the Livability of the District /94 Fig. 3: Light-rail and Ferry Service to Hammarby Sjöstad Is Convenient All Year /94 Fig. 4: Freiburg Rieselfeld: New Green, Compact, Human Scaled, Pedestrian-Friendly Urban District /96 Fig. 5; Freiburg Rieselfeld: Green Spaces, Blocks with Many Individual Buildings and Tram Service /96 Fig. 6: Freiburg Vauban: Planning the Green, Eco-Efficient, Human Scaled Pedestrian Friendly New District /97 Fig. 7: Freiburg Vauban: Solar City Focused on Producing Solar Electricity and on Public Transport, Bicycles and Pedestrians /97 Fig. 8: Freiburg Vauban: All Roofs with Solar Panels and Energy and Resources Efficient Buildings /98 Fig. 9: Tuebingen French Quarter: Livable District with Attractive Streets and Plazas Nice for Walking and Cycling /99

Introduction to the Three Chinese New Town Case Studies

Fig. 1: Wuxi Taihu New Town Central Area /104 Fig. 2: New Residential Area of Jiading New Town /105 Fig. 3: Reconstructed Central Area of Beichuan New Town /106

Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area Tables Table 1: Method of Controlling Architectural Style in Beichuan /115 Table 2: Suitability Analysis on Development Land in Beichuan Town /119 Table 3: Relevant Economic & Technical Indexes, Existing Residential Areas /121 Table 4: Themes of Tourism Development and Suggestions on Projects /128

Figures Fig. 1: Location of Beichuan in Sichuan Province /111 Fig. 2: Location of Beichuan in Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang District /112 Fig. 3: Layout of the New Town According to Overall Planning for the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction /114 Fig. 4: Green Area Layout of the New Town, Overall Planning for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction /116 Fig. 5: Land Use Status Quo According to Overall Planning of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County /118 Fig. 6: Suitability Analysis on Land Use in Central Urban Area of Beichuan /119 Fig. 7: The Gross Domestic Product per Land Area of Enterprises in Shandong Industrial Park of Beichuan, 2011 /120 Fig. 8: The Average Number of Employers of Enterprises in Shandong Industrial Park of Beichuan, 2011 /120 Fig. 9: The Employment Situation of Beichuan, 2011 /120 Fig. 10: The Employment Situation of New Beichuan Town, 2011 /120 Fig. 11: Relation between Land Transfer Fee, Plot Ratio, and Unit Sale Price /121 Fig. 12: Relation Between Local Gross Domestic Product and Fixed Assets Investment, 2004–2011 /121 Fig. 13: Financial Revenues of Beichuan from 2004 to 2011 /121

v ఫ ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬࣬೻೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿౌౝҬ⩕㻱ܿఫ ߕ⾧䬡≩ڞڙఫ  㺬ᇥ೻ࡧ࡮ႄᒏ ఫ ᫝࣬೻ࡄ䘕᫲⍥о䬟Ꮣմ❴ࡧᕨᎠ䲏ఫ

ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏ 㶕 㶕  Ꭱ䪬̶㻿ऱౝጯ㐩व჋߈ᢿऺ

ఫ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ࡧѺ⹧ᘼ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻๔θ䃝 ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿᕨҀᵳ᳣ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ౌౝݖ⩕㻱ܿఫ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ߌ㘪㏱ఏ㻱ܿఫ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿ⾧䬡㐀Ჱఫ 䃫᫪㏔䙺Ҁ㈨ڞڙఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻䖀䌜ϑ䕇㻱ܿఫ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻㐬ౝ㈨㐌㐀Ჱ⹧ᘼఫ ఫ  ๗⎃᫝೻Ⅱ㈨㐩व᪡⇨ 䃫᫪ज䓫ᕔڞڙఫ  ⩌ᔮ೻㻱ܿ᣽倅 ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ᚏ㵹㈨㐌㻱ܿ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ᚏ㵹᰺ߎ㞯◦ ⩕㘪⎽ݖ⩌ںఫ ܳጰᐼ㘪⎽䃫㒛Ƞज ఫ  ๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ノ⤳ҀݣᱧᲱ ఫ ឭᱜ䌜㏬喟э㐌㻱ܿÿ⩌ᔮ჎㻳ÿᠴᴴҀ㈨ÿ㻱ܿᰡ᫝ ఫ  ๗⎃᫝೻ᵥᓰࡧ೻ጯ䃫䃎хࡃ᫦ᵵ

̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏ 㶕 㶕  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䒕䖀ϑ䕇  त㏬჏≮➦ᒮ

ఫ ఫ 䪬↌̶㻿≟ࡧഌ⾧䬡ࣾᆂ㐀Ჱఫ ఫ ̷⊤ጯࢳ⁎ᕨҀ㻱ܿᕨఫ ఫ ̷⊤ጯ೻Ύ㻱ܿҀ㈨ఫ ఫ ଶჇࡧࡧѺఫ ఫ ̷⊤ࡧഌ㻱ܿ⹧ᘼ㡶ఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ఫ ̷⊤ጯ࢘ᭌ೻হ䗷ࡧ䛺◦೻䩴ܳጰ⹧ᘼఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ఫ ̷⊤ጯ೻䩴Ҁ㈨㻱ܿఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ఫ ଶჇࡧ೻ΎҀ㈨㻱ܿఫ ఫ ̷⊤ጯ᫝೻ࣾᆂ㻱ܿఫ vi Fig. 14: Land Use Planning Map for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County in Overall Urban Planning /126 Fig. 15: Public Open Space on the West Bank of the River /127 Fig. 16: General Plan of the Tourist and Leisure Resort, North of the New Town /127

Wuxi Taihu New Town: Overall Framework of Taihu New Town Planning Table Table 1: Ranking of Cities’ Comprehensive Strength in River Delta Region, 2012 /132

Figures Fig. 1: Location Map of Taihu New Town, Wuxi City, Province /132 Fig. 2: Planning and Implementation Timeline of Taihu New Town /133 Fig. 3: Taihu New Town Planning, Overall Framework /134 Fig. 4: Taihu New Town Low-Carbon Eco-City Land Use Plan /135 Fig. 5: Three Functional Zones of Taihu New Town /135 Fig. 6: Spatial Structure Diagram, Taihu New Town /136 Fig. 7: Supporting System on the Public Facility Level of Taihu New Town /136 Fig. 8: Road Traffic Planning Map, Taihu New Town /137 Fig. 9: Green Space System, Taihu New Town /138 Fig. 10: Comprehensive Improvement for River System of Taihu New Town /138 Fig. 11: Eco-City Planning Improves the Accessibility of Public Facilities /140 Fig. 12: Non-Motorized Transport System, Taihu New Town /141 Fig. 13: Convenient Bus Stops and Traffic Service Node for Non-Motorized Transport of Taihu New Town /141 Fig. 14: Distributed and Renewable Energy Production Compact Combined Heat Power and Photovoltaic Cells /143 Fig. 15: Construction Management System and Institutional Arrangements, Taihu New Town /146 Fig. 16: Technical Route: Traditional Planning, Ecologic Survey, Indicator System, Planning Update /148 Fig. 17: Optimization Plan for Urban Design in the Core Area of Taihu New Town /150

Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan toward Sustainable Development Table Table 1: Passenger Flow of Metro , 2011 /166

Figures Fig. 1: Spatial Development Structure, Yangtze River Delta Region /153 Fig. 2: History of Comprehensive Plans, Shanghai, 1949–1999 /154 Fig. 3: Shanghai Urban-Rural Planning System of 2006 /155 Fig. 4: Location of /156 Fig. 5: Draft Shanghai Region Development Plan, 1959 /156 Fig. 6: Distribution of Satellite City and Suburban Key Town in Shanghai, 1985 /156 Fig. 7: Town System Planning, Shanghai, 2001 /157 Fig. 8: Urban-Rural System Plan of Jiading District, 2006–2020 /158 Fig. 9: New Town Development Planning of Shanghai /159

vii ఫ  ଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿ᜽᩵᭫㦄 ఫ   Ꭱ̷⊤䗷ࡧ᫝೻す̭ȠιȠ̶ϔ͇℁䛺 ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤䗷ࡧ᫝೻ౝ౴ϔܧ ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤  ͗ጯ㏔В̷ᐭࣾࡧౝ౴ϔթ ఫ ̷⊤䗷ࡧ᫝೻ऱㆨϧऐअࡃᗲۢఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ఫ  ᒞ৺̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻॥ᑂᅲѼᘼᙬ⮱఍㉍ܳᲽ ఫ ᒞ৺̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻॥ᑂጒ҉ᘼᙬ⮱఍㉍ܳᲽ ఫ   Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ͚ᓰ೻Ƞ͚ᓰ೻ক䓦ౝࡧȠ᫝೻ᇄѺჳᏓ ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻ϧ౴ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ҆䛼ࢍᕨᐧ䃫⩕ౝ℁䛺 ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯଶჇ᫝೻⣝⟣ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ℁䛺 ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯऱࡧጯ㏔Ƞࡧ㏔ࡨ䮏᪝㐌䃎ఫ ఫ   Ꭱ̷⊤ጯऱࡧ䛺◦͚႓᪝㐌䃎ఫ ఫ ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻䌜㑾ჳᏓ㐌䃎ఫ ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻ܧ㵹Ⱋ⮱ౝ㐌䃎ఫ ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻ܧ㵹᫦ᐼ㐌䃎ఫ ఫ ࢳᎡଶჇ᫝೻㏼㥒ᕔౝ಄ܧ䃖䲏⼜㐌䃎㶕 ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻⼻ᩣࢳᎡ㐌䃎㶕 ䷊थࢳᎡ㲺䉱䛾ڙఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ ఫ  ᎡଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧౌౝҬ⩕⣝⟣ఫ ఫ  ᎡଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧౌౝҬ⩕⣝⟣ఫ ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧ೻ጯ䃫䃎᩵᳉ఫ ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧࡄ䘕㔮೻ጋᶒᮜࡧ⣝⟣⚔❴ࣷᒞ׼ఫ ఫ  ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧ䖀䌜㈨㐌ܳᲽఫ̻᩵᳉ఫ ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧ㐬ౝ㈨㐌㻱ܿఫ ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧͨ㺮ᮜ㻯㞯◦⣝⟣ఫ ᰺ߎ䃫᫪⣝⟣ࣷ᩵᳉ఫڞڙఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧͨ㺮 ఫ 䪬̶㻿㚦ౝ㻱ܿఫ ఫ ̷⊤๔䘪ጯᝅ⪒㻱ܿఫ ఫ ଶჇᬳᆞ๗Ѐౝࡧ㻱ܿ⩕ౝᠩवఫ ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧౌౝҬ⩕㻱ܿఫ ఫ 㪝㬨⊉⇬㏬⣝⟣⚔❴ ఫ ଶჇࡧ㪝㬨⊉⇬㏬ౌౝҬ⩕⣝⟣ఫ ㈨ܳᲽఫڠఫ ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻̻ጯഌᔘ䕌䖀䌜হ䒕䖀ϑ䕇

viii Fig. 10: The Planning Achievements of Jiading New Town with Pleasant and Green Environment /159 Fig. 11: Primary-Secondary-Tertiary Industrial Structure, Shanghai New Town, 2010 /160 Fig. 12: Average Output of Built-Up Land, Shanghai Suburban New Town, 2010 /160 Fig. 13: Average Output Value of Land of 31 Development Zones Above Municipal Level in Shanghai /161 Fig. 14: Population Change, New Town, Suburban Shanghai, 2000–2010 /161 Fig. 15: Factor Analysis of Appeal of New Town for Residents in Suburban Shanghai /162 Fig. 16: Factor Analysis of Appeal of New Town for Job Opportunity in Suburban Shanghai /162 Fig. 17: Job Density of Central City, Surroundings of Central City and New Towns of Shanghai, 2010 /162 Fig. 18: Per Capita Construction Land of New Towns in Suburban Shanghai, 2010 /163 Fig. 19: Ratio of Remaining Construction Land to Total Construction Land of New Towns in Suburban Shanghai, 2010 /163 Fig. 20: Proportion of Current Construction Land of New Town in Suburban Shanghai, 2010 /163 Fig. 21: Number of Municipal and District-Level Hospital in Different District of Shanghai, 2011 /163 Fig. 22: Number of Key Secondary School in Different Districts of Shanghai, 2011 /164 Fig. 23: Density of Road Networks of New Town in Suburban Shanghai /165 Fig. 24: Travelling Destination of New Town in Suburban Shanghai, 2010 /165 Fig. 25: Way of Travelling of New Town in Suburban Shanghai, 2010 /165 Fig. 26: Statistics of Assigned Area of Operational Land in Jiading New Town over the Years /168 Fig. 27: Annual Tax Revenue of Jiading New Town over the Years /169 Fig. 28: Financing Amount of Companies in Jiading New Town over the Years /169 Fig. 29: Land Use of the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town, 1996 /172 Fig. 30: Land Use of the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town, 2010 /173 Fig. 31: Urban Design of the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town /174 Fig. 32: Photos and Satellite Image of Zhouqiao. Restored and Revitalized Historic Jiading of Jiading New Town /174 Fig. 33: Analysis and Effect of Road System in the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town /175 Fig. 34: Planning of the Greenfield System in the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town /176 Fig. 35: Present Main Scene Node of the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town /177 Fig. 36: Present Situation and Effect of the Main Public Service Facilities in the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town /177 Fig. 37: Planning of the Hinterland of Yangtze River Delta /178 Fig. 38: Strategic Planning of Shanghai as a Metropolis /179 Fig. 39: Land Use of Jiading, , and in One Image /180 Fig. 40: Land Use Planning of the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town /181 Fig. 41: Present Situation Along Wenzaobang /182 Fig. 42: Present Land Use Situation Along Wenzaobang Street in Jiading District /182 Fig. 43: Analysis of the Relationship between Expressway and Rail Transit in New Towns in Suburb Shanghai and in the Central City /183











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x xi Ꮌ̭喍χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹喎

℁ϷᎡ᭜͚పᩦ䲖ᐭᩫ  কᎡ喑ౕ䓴ࣨ⮱  Ꭱ͚喑͚ప㏼≻ࣾᆂȠ೻䩴ࡃ⮱䕌Ꮣহ㻱὎ݺ᝭᱗ᰶȡ͚ప೻䩴ϧऐࢍ ϻ  Ꭱ⮱  ̷ࡴݝ  Ꭱ⮱ 喠 Ꭱ͚ప೻䩴ϧऐᰶ᱈ϻ  Ꭱ⮱  Ϭ෋㜠  Ϭȡ Ꭱݝ ϻ  Ꭱ⮱  ٰ෋䪬ͧ  ᎡڒᎡ䬡喑͚ప೻䩴ϧऐ㔨Ժ喠ϧ౴ (%1 ᭜䓴ࣨ⮱  Ժȡ೻䩴ᅲℾϧ౴जᩜ䙺ᩣ  ⮱  ٰ喑Ꭳᰶ᪝⮫̴ϧ㙞⻨䉘ఝȡ㮪♣͚ప೻䩴ࡃःᓄγजૉ⮱᜽㐖喑ѳϺ䲏͡Ɑ䃥็ᠾᝅȡ͚ప䃥็๔೻ጯ⌞ऄ䰫 ф֒ᏤȠⵡ౼೻䩴჉ᅲ⣜ධȡ͚పΌ䲏͡Ɑ͒䛺⮱೻ጯⅡ↎ᴀহⅡ䉱⎽⼭㑧䬛䷅喑ౕ͚ڙ䱫ᒞ৺喑೻ጯ⾧⅁↎ᴀ͒䛺ᒞ৺ ప  Ꮤ䓴⮫̴ϧऐ೻ጯ͚ᰶ  Ꮤ೻ጯᄳ䪬᱌䲏͒͡䛺Ⅱ䉱⎽ⴚ㑧䬛䷅ȡ͚పិጒ͇ࡃহ೻䩴ࡃ҉ͧ㏼≻⹫чࣾᆂ⮱ͨ㺮 侞ߕ߈喑䃥็పუₐ⍡᱈ϻ䔆̭ࣾᆂ὎ᐼ͚॥ः㏼侹হ᪆䃚ȡ

͚ప㏱㏴ノ⤳೻ጯ෋䪬⮱ͨ㺮᫦∂ͧ㻱ܿহᐧ䕍᫝೻᫝ࡧ喑᠀ᆂ࣌ᰶ೻ጯࡧഌহ䔉䗷᫝೻䩴喑ऻ㔲䕇䓴䖀䌜হϑ䕇ധ ȡ̷⊤䕇䓴᫝೻᫝ࡧᰶᎼ჋᫪೻ጯহࡧഌ㻱ܿ喑᜽ͧ὎㠰喠हᬣ̷⊤Ό̻➦ݘ㏼ڲ⵭䃫᫪䔋ᣒጯ͚ᓰ喑䌊⻨ᣔݣౕ䕇ࠑ㠰డ ≻ᐭࣾࡧⰥ䔋喑͑㔲Ⱕᓄ⯷ᒝȡ

ȩ㏟㺮喑͚పϻ͸ݺВప  Ꭱ 䓾ᎡᲒ喑͚ప䒙अγ೻䩴ࡃহࣾᆂᩬゃ⮱䛺ᓰȡᵦᢛȨపუ᫝ಸ೻䩴ࡃ㻱ܿ ϔᕨթ͚ͧᓰ䒙ा჋⣝ᰡ倅䉕䛼⮱෋䪬喑ϻ㏼≻হ⣜ධ㻿ᏓᲒ䄡䘪ᰡजᠮ㐚ȡౕ೻ጯ㻱͚ܿᑧ䄰⣜ධহ⹫ч㐡Ꮣ喑䔆⩌ڲ ࠲ღᕔহ》ζ߈ȡ᱙Γ͚す̭䘕ܳ⮱̶ヴϸ㏺ᕔ᪴」ắ䔝ڤ⻺䒙अ࠲᠙㜡߈λ䃖೻ጯহ᫝೻᫝ࡧअᓄᰡͧ჉ᅲȠ㐬㞟喑ᰡ γ͚పহ⁔≟⮱᫝೻ࣾᆂ喑すι䘕ܳ⮱̶͗х⻭⮱ᵵҸⵁ⾣ᆂ⹧γ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱჋䌢ȡ䔆ψ᜽᳉ᰫౕ  Ꭱ  ᰵङᐭ ⮱χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹  ह≻๔႓೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰⵁ䃕чᆂܧȡ᱙ΓΌ᭜Вₑͧധ⵭⮱ȡ

ᎡᲒ喑χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹̭Ⱑ๔߈ᩜᠮ͚ప⮱೻ጯࣾᆂ喑ᕨ䉤䷊䊲䓴  Ϭ㒻ٰ喑ឭᱜᤡߖࣷ䉱ߖ䷊䊲䓴  ̴㒻  ȡ᜾Йᒵ㜗䆗㘪̻ऱ೻ጯ䔈㵹⼜Ხव҉喑䛴⩕็⻺᫦ᐼӰ䔈೻ጯࣾᆂ᜽჉ᅲȠᰶ⹫ч࠲ღᕔȠᰶ㏼≻》ζ߈Ƞᰶ⣜ධजٰ ⮱݈᫝ᕔ㼐۠᫦ᵵܧᠮ㐚ᕔᎣ㘪䔯Ꮑ⅁Նअࡃ⮱ౝ᫦ȡχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹ᄳ䕇䓴䶦Ⱋ㐔㐚ᩜᠮ͚ప೻䩴ࡃᐧ䃫喑䔆ψ䶦Ⱋᆂ⹧ 㘪Ꮑᄦ⣜ධহ⹫ч㏼≻⮱ᠾᝅȡ

Ѓపუ⮱ݖڣ᱙Γᬕౕэ᧚͚ప೻䩴ࡃ䓴⼸͚⮱㏼侹হ᪆䃚喑Ӱ䔈ࢄࢄव҉হⴒ䃳ϑ≮ȡχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹ധλχ๗ౝࡧ ⯷喑ᣕᎬₑΓȡ



xii Foreword by Asian Development Bank

As the People’s Republic of China (PRC) marks the 40th anniversary of its opening up and reforms this year, we all agree that the pace and scale of its economic development and urbanization during the past 40 years is unprecedented. The urban population increased from 19.4% in 1975 to 56.1% in 2016. By 2030, we expect the PRC’s urban population to reach 1 billion from about 790 million in 2016. Between 1990 and 2005, the urban population doubled and per capita gross domestic product (GDP) tripled. Disposable incomes of urban residents averaged CNY 33,616 in 2016 increasing by CNY 9,489 from 2012, and millions have been lifted out of poverty. Despite these achievements, many challenges remain. Pollution haze affects most large cities in the PRC, putting major strain on public health and livability. Serious urban water pollution and water scarcity also affect 30 of the 32 cities that have over 1 million residents—all of which will face severe long-term water shortages. Other countries are eager to learn lessons from the PRC on modeling industrialization and urbanization as key drivers for economic and social development.

A key instrument the PRC has used for organizing and managing urban growth is the planning and construction of new districts that expand both existing urban areas and suburban new towns connected by road and transit infrastructure within commuting distance to the urban core. Shanghai stands as a model for its organized urban and regional planning through new districts and new towns, sometimes connected to and catalyzed by special economic zones.

In recent years, the PRC has shifted the focus of its urbanization and development policies from GDP-centered development towards achieving better quality urban and social development through the introduction of the National New-Type Urbanization Plan 2014-2020. This transformation includes a commitment to make cities, new districts, and new towns livable, green, inclusive, and competitive by emphasizing environmental and social dimensions in city planning. In this volume, three introductory articles provide an overview of new town development in the PRC and Europe, followed by three good practice case studies of new towns and new districts in the PRC. These cases were originally presented during the ADB–Tongji Urban Knowledge Hub Seminar in November 2013, and this volume builds on them.

For over 25 years, ADB has been supporting urban development in the PRC with more than $6.8 billion in loans and more than $61 million in technical assistance grants. We are proud to have been actively working with cities on multidisciplinary approaches to promote their development as livable, socially inclusive, economically competitive, and environmentally sustainable climate resilient places. ADB will continue to support the PRC’s urbanization with projects that demonstrate innovative solutions to environmental and socioeconomic challenges.

This report shares knowledge from lessons learned from urbanization in the PRC. It is a contribution to the South– South cooperation and knowledge exchange promoted by ADB to benefit other countries in Asia and the Pacific.

Ayumi Konishi

Special Senior Advisor to the President, Asian Development Bank

xiii Ꮌι喍ह≻๔႓喎

ᩦ䲖ᐭᩫВᲒ喑͚ప೻䩴ࡃ䔈⼸⮱䕌Ꮣ͸ᔘহ㻱὎͸๔䘪᭜टᬍݺҸ⮱喑⃼Ꭱ䘪ᰶ  ̴В̷⮱᫝෋೻ጯϧऐȡ͚ ప೻䩴ࡃ䔈⼸ᬏःᓄγ᭫㦄⮱᜽ᅞ喑Ό䲏͡Ɑ͒ረᠾᝅ喑ₐౕ㏼ࢳ᫝፥ᔮ̸⮱䒙ಸࣾᆂȡ͚ప⮱೻䩴ࡃ჋䌢ᑂ䊤ప䭲⹫ч喑 ȡͧₑ喑χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹হह≻๔႓㖁व᜽⿸Ąࡧഌᕔ೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂⴒ䃳͚ᓰą⧵ڠ∋ݘ᭜ࣾᆂ͚పუহప䭲ᱧᲱ⮱Ꭼ➦ ಸᵵҸ喑ᕨ㐀হᣕᎬ͚ప೻ጯࣾᆂহᐧ䃫͚⮱᜽ߌ㏼侹ȡڥ喍В̸キ⼝೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ喎喑ᬕౕⵁ⾣͚ప೻䩴ࡃࣾᆂ䓴⼸͚⮱

҉ͧ೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ⮱ധ⵭喑ह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏ౕ೻ጯহࡧഌⵁ⾣䶳ഌᰶⱭ⌞ࣇ⮱႓ᱜധ⵭喑᭜ᰶⱭ͝ჹ჋ 䌢㏼侹⮱ⴒ䃳͚ᓰ喑ౕప䭲̷Ϙᰶ䒰倅⮱ฝ㾶হᎬ∈⮱႓ᱜ㖁㈨ȡ Ꭱ㖁वప᪆⻾᪴㏱㏴ౕह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓ 䮏䃫⿸Ąχ๗ౝࡧ̓⩹᪴ࡃ䖄ϔԊ៑͚ᓰąȡ Ꭱह≻๔႓ឬߋγВ೻ጯ㻱ܿͧͨ䷅⮱͚䲋䃧ಈ喑ा䲋≟ࣾᆂ͚పუϸ ప䃥็೻ጯ⮱䶳ᄩ᎟䘕হឭᱜ俕᎟ͫߋ೻ጯ㻱ܿڕ㏺͚ప⮱೻ጯࣾᆂ㏼侹ȡहᬣ喑ह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏⃼Ꭱ䘪ͧ పऱౝ⮱ऱㆨ೻ጯ㻱ܿ჋䌢䶦Ⱋȡڕദ䃚⤚喑Ꭳឬ៲γ

ВิוᎡχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹͉χᅭ倅ノ䃬䬛ह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏喑ጹ᱈ധλह≻๔႓ጟᰶ⮱ⵁ⾣߈䛼হⴒ䃳  ̻ह≻๔႓व҉㏱ᐧ̭͗䲏ाχ๗ౝࡧ⮱೻ጯࣾᆂⴒ䃳͚ᓰ喑䔆Ό᭜χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹⮱す̭ ใ೻ጯᐧ⿸⮱ϑ≮㑾㐉ڲ̻ࣷప ࡧഌᕔ೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰȡ䔆͗ᐧ䃛ᓄݝह≻๔႓⮱⼜Ხ৺ᏁȡहᎡ  ᰵ喑χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹  ह≻๔႓Ąࡧഌᕔ೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾ͗ हᣕߕ᱙ౝࡧ೻ጯ⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂȡڞᆂⴒ䃳͚ᓰą᜽⿸喑㜡߈λӰ䔈೻ጯࣾᆂ䶳ഌ䛹⮱ⴒ䃳ϑ≮喑

χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹  ह≻๔႓Ą೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰąౕχ๗ౝࡧэ᧚হܳϘजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱೻ጯᰭҠ჋䌢喑࠲᠙̶⻺ⴒ䃳ϔ৮喑 ࢠప䭲ⵁ䃕чȠᰭҠᵵҸ្ॷহ೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ㑾〆ȡౕ䓴ࣨ܍Ꭱ͚喑Ą೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰą⃼Ꭱ䘪ᵦᢛᒀᎡ೻ጯࣾᆂ⮱ͨ㺮䃛䷅喑 䶳ഌ⮱႓ᱜⵁ⾣㔲Ƞ㻱࣯̻ܿ㔲হ჋᫪ノ⤳㔲喑ͫߋ೻ጯᰭҠ჋䌢⮱ప䭲ⵁ䃕ч喑Ꭳ䖡䔶ᰭҠ೻ጯࣾᆂᵵҸহ䶮ڠ䖭䄤Ⱕ ࣾ㶕ᒝ䃮Γȡ ᎡȠ Ꭱহ  Ꭱ೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ᜽ߌͫߋγͨ䷅ܳݘͧĄܳϘχ≟হ๗Ꭰ∸ౝࡧजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂᰭҠ ೻ጯ჋䌢㏼侹ąĄ⹫чহ䄽㻳㻿̸⮱ⅡΎऑ䩴Ԋ៑̻ࣾᆂąĄ೻ጯ䒙ಸ喟㻱̻ܿ㲺䉱ą⮱ప䭲ⵁ䃕ч喑̻чА㶕࠲᠙χ≟ᐭࣾ ೻ጯჅঅȡڠใ೻ጯࣾᆂ̀უȠχ㵹ౕࡻ䶦Ⱋ⮱Ⱕڲ䨣㵹ჅঅȠప

Ჽহރᰶ➦㞟⮱᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ҉͚ͧప೻䩴ࡃ⮱䛺㺮䃛䷅䔈㵹ڤᎡ喑೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ⶛Ⴧᄳ͚ప೻䩴ࡃࣾᆂ䓴⼸͚  ᣏ䃕ȡ೻ጯᩬᏉౕ೻ࡧ䓦㑅ᝃ䗷ࡧᐧ䃫᫝೻ᝃ᫝ࡧ喑҉ͧ⾧䬡᠀ᆂȠϔ͇ࣾᆂহϧऐ䯳㖇⮱䛺㺮ゃ⪒ȡ೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ̻χ ᐭࣾ䨣㵹೻ጯࣾᆂ̀უव҉喑ᵦᢛ➦Ⴧᴴ۳喑ౕ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧᐧ䃫჋䌢͚䔶ः̶͗䶦Ⱋ҉ͧ᱙ᎡᏓ⮱ᰭҠ೻ጯࣾᆂᵵҸȡ≟ 䶳ഌ̀უȠᵵҸ㻱ܿጵȠ჋᫪ノ⤳㔲ぶ喑ᄦᰭҠ჋䌢ᵵҸ⮱㻱ܿȠ჋᫪হ䛾㲺䉏ߎ䓽ڠₑധ⵭̷喑೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ䖭䄤Ⱕౕ ᵵҸ្ॷȡहᎡ  ᰵ喑೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰͫߋγڠぶ᫦䲏䔈㵹ܳᲽহ䃱Ф喑ᕨ㐀᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ㻱ܿᐧ䃫⮱㏼侹হ᪆䃚喑Ⴙ᜽Ⱕ҉ ͨ䷅ͧĄ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ喟ᠾᝅ̻ᱧ䕴ą⮱すఈᅷప䭲ⵁ䃕ч喑ܳϘ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ㻱ܿࣷ჋᫪⮱㏼侹হ᪆䃚喑Ꭳ჋ౝ㔰ᄌ Ϙ͚ᓰąव҉喑仃⁎ͫߋĄ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ喟ᠾᝅ̻ᱧڞγ̷⊤হᬍ䩎⮱ᰭҠ჋䌢ᵵҸȡहᬣ喑̻χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹Ąࡧഌⴒ䃳 ⮱Ȩ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂȩ᭜χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹  ह≻๔႓೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ⮱ᵵҸⵁ⾣㈨ܧ䕴⮱ᒞ׼ᕊ㔰ąᥱᒞᆂȡ᱙⁎ᣕ ݄͸̭ȡ᱙Γധλ᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂᵵҸ្ॷ喑Ꭳⅴ䯳ప䭲ⵁ䃕ч⮱ࣾ㼭䃕䃧喑ᣏ䃕͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧౕ㻱ܿহ჋᫪᫦䲏⮱ ݆࣌Ƞᱧݣহ➦◦喑߈Ⅿэ᧚जӈՌ䞡হᣕᎬ⮱㻱̻ܿ჋᫪ゃ⪒ȡ

Ѓࡧഌⴒ䃳͚ᓰ⮱ᵤڣ㞜ສࣾᆂᔮ߬喑᜽ͧχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹ܧ⣝Ꭱ᜽⿸⮱χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹  ह≻๔႓೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰॵ  ೻䩴ࡃ䔈⼸͚⮱᜽ߌ㏼侹喑Ꭳ́ࣷᬣэ᧚⮱ࡧഌⴒ䃳ڲᲬȡ䔆̭೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ⮱ᐧ⿸喑ᒏ᜽γ̭͗㘪์ࣷᬣࣾ⣝হᕨ㐀ప ใ೻ጯࡃ⮱᜽ߌ㏼侹喑Ӱ䔈χ๗ౝࡧᰡສౝ჋⣝Вϧͧ᱙Ƞ䉱⎽㞯ڲव҉Ꭰझȡ೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰᄳ̭ຯᬏᒭౝᕨ㐀হэ᧚ప ㏓হ⣜ධࣸສ⮱जᠮ㐚೻ጯࣾᆂȡ


χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹  ह≻๔႓Ąࡧഌᕔ೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂⴒ䃳͚ᓰąͨШ ప倅ぶ႓ᵎ೻Ύ㻱ܿ႓⻾͇̀ᠴᄩ༁অчͨШڕ ह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏᪆ᢵ

xiv Foreword by Tongji University

The unprecedented speed and scale of urbanization in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) resulted from the country’s reform and opening up policies that started around 1980. Each year since then, urban population has increased by more than 10 million people. While urbanization in the PRC resulted in remarkable achievements, it also led to severe challenges.

Since 2014, the PRC’s urbanization policies have undergone major reforms under the new normal, characterized by slower economic growth. The country’s urbanization practices caused widespread concern among the international community over the sustainability of its future urbanization. To study best practice solutions and share knowledge on urban sustainability, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Tongji University jointly established the Regional Knowledge Hub for Sustainable Urban Development in the PRC, or the Urban Knowledge Hub, in 2010.

The College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) of Tongji University is a knowledge hub with solid academic foundation and extensive practical experience in urban and regional planning and research. The CAUP enjoys a high reputation and entertains an extensive worldwide academic network. In 2008, UNESCO established the Asia-Pacific World Heritage Conservation Center in CAUP. In 2009, Tongji University hosted the China-Africa Forum on urban planning, introducing the PRC’s urban development experience to developing countries in Africa. The CAUP serves as a training center on urban planning for leaders and technical administrators from cities all over the PRC. The CAUP also undertakes a variety of urban planning projects with a wide portfolio across the PRC.

The Urban Knowledge Hub disseminates knowledge through international seminars, case study reports, and an urban knowledge website. Since 2010, the knowledge hub has invited researchers, planning practitioners, and urban administrators to its annual workshops. Topics included historic preservation and development of Yangtze Delta water towns, planning and financing of urban transformation, efficient urban infrastructure, and utility service provision.

The 2013 topic was "New Towns and New Districts in China – Challenges and Opportunities". Many cities in the PRC plan and build new districts expanding urban areas or new towns in suburban areas as important instruments and strategies for organizing urban expansion, industrial development, and population growth. Urban Knowledge Hub experts from Tongji and ADB developed criteria for selecting the three case studies for the seminar and this book from all over the PRC. By invitation, academic experts, urban planners, and implementation managers analyzed and evaluated the best practice cases.

The case study reports in this book give an overview of features and lessons learned from the planning, construction, and operation of the projects. In September 2013, the fourth international seminar was held in cooperation with ADB’s Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative that funded a photo exhibit of new towns and new districts. More than 130 experts from the PRC, Europe, and India took part. This volume results from the 2013 Urban Knowledge Hub activities and workshop.

The Urban Knowledge Hub is a regional knowledge cooperation platform that will continue to identify key challenges as well as summarize and disseminate successful experiences promoting people-oriented, resources-saving, and environment-friendly sustainable urban development.

Zilai Tang

Director, Asian Development Bank-Tongji University Regional Knowledge Hub for Sustainable Urban Development in the PRC Director, National Steering Committee of Urban and Rural Planning Education in the People’s Republic of China Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai

xv 㜡 䅏

᱙Γ⩞χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹喍Asian Development Bank,"%#喎হह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏喍College of Architecture and Urban Planning,$"61喎㖁वܧ❵喑ͧχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹হह≻๔႓㖁व᜽⿸⮱Ąࡧഌᕔ೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂⴒ䃳͚ᓰ喍͚ ప喎ąव҉᜽᳉͸̭ȡ䄒೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ᜽⿸λ  Ꭱȡ㜗᜽⿸͸݊喑೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰࢠ⃼Ꭱͫߋⵁ䃕ч喑㖇♓͚పВࣷχ≟ ೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䲏͡⮱ᠾᝅȡڲ㠰డ

Ϙⵁ䃕чÿÿĄ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ喟ᠾᝅ̻ᱧ䕴ąλ̷⊤ह≻๔႓᜽ߌڞᎡ  ᰵ喑೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰすఈᅷࢄࢄⴒ䃳  ⎃ፚ䃟Ꮤ喑䮼ऻ჋ౝ㔰ᄌγ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻হᬍ䩎๗ܧϧธڠღₐ᭜ധλₑ⁎ᎡᏓⵁ䃕ч⮱᜽᳉ȡ ็ऺⰥڲߋ喑᱙Γͫ Ϙ͚ᓰ喍Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative,3,4*喎Ӱ᜽γⵁڞ䉱ᐧ⿸⮱ࡧഌⴒ䃳ܧহప䉏ᩬ䘕ڞ᫝೻ȡ⩞͚ࡻϧℾ ⮱᫝೻ᥱᒞᆂȡڠ䃕ч̻ࣷᵵҸⵁ⾣Ⱕ

γ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱ᰭҠᵵҸ្ॷȡ೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰఏ䭌᜽অ࠲᠙ह≻๔ۆ䉎⡛⮱҉㔲Йݝч҉្ॷ喑Ꭳ᧝ܧ᱙Γ҉ͧ ᪆ᢵহᲒ㜗χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹⮱亣ธ܎喍4UFGBO3BV喎Ƞ⣈ͪχe⯛༲eႶ⻾៶喍.BSJBڝ⢸႓⮱਽ၽᲒ᪆ᢵȠ⢸ьᑧ᪆ᢵȠ ᪆ᢵহ亣ڝ⢸γ䉎⡛ȡܧღ⮱᪟Ⴧ䘪҉ڲ1JB"ODPSB喎ȡ䄒ఏ䭌ϻⵁ⾣ᵵҸহ҉㔲⮱䔶᠖喑ݝⵁ䃕чႶᢿ្ࣷॷ᪡Ҁ㐀Ჱহ ॷ⮱ͨ㑃ጒ҉ȡ្ڲธ܎ౕ䧌χ䒶Ƞᒚ㠦㠦হ⣈ͪχe⯛༲eႶ⻾៶⮱ࡼߖ̸喑Ⴙ᜽γΓ

ॷ⮱㑃្ڲ͚⒅ਟᅁ喍4BOHBZ1FOKPS喎ͧ᱙Γڣ᣽ӈγᠴᄩ喑❴ܧχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹⮱ノ⤳Ƞឭᱜহ㵹ᩬϧঅͧ᱙Γ⮱ 㐆εγ❴ܧ༁Γ䃝ᒚ䰴ь᪆ᢵΌᄦ᱙Γ⮱ڇݣ᣽ӈγ჊䉢⮱ᠴᄩহᩜᠮȡह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏䮏䪬ᱻᡜႴ᪆ᢵȠ 䛹᫜㦯ٸ喍8FOEZ8BMLFS喎হ㢻៶e䭬㟆᝻喍4BSB"G[BS喎҉ͧ჎⽬ϧ喑᣽ӈγᰶФթ⮱䃱䃧ȡٸ↰๔߈ᩜᠮȡ⍖䔗e ཉeࢎ䔗命喍,SJTUJOB,BUJDI喎Ƞͥᆞ℁๵ၽ喍)JOBLP.BSVZBNB喎ͧႹ઱្ॷ䉕䛼᣽ܧγ჊䉢ᘼ㻮ȡ⣈ͪ᫜ᅁe๔࢘ 䛹᫜㦯ᖖe侙༮៶喍$ISJTUJOF.BSWJMMB喎ϻᱽ᫆ⅴ㑃Ƞ䃱䃧Ƞٸ喍.BSJDFMMF%BWJE喎Ƞ䱟᫜e䉊໛㦈䄧喍3VUI#FOJHOP喎হ e㒄ќ➦e䗀喍.BSLٸጒ҉হᵎᄦ݆⩞Ⴖཉe㜺ᅁкᓤ喍"OOB4IFSXPPE喎Ƞ䭇ⷷহ侙❴ܧ᣽ӈγᩜᠮȡ❴ܧᐼݝᰭ㏵❴ 3PCFSU%Z喎᣽ӈᩜᠮȡ

ͨ㑃  ҉㔲喟 ह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏᪆ᢵ ڝ ⢸ 亣ธ܎喍4UFGBO3BV喎 χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹͉χᅭ೻ጯࣾᆂ̀უ

Ꮌ喟 ᄼ㺬ₒ喍"ZVNJ,POJTIJ喎 χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹㵹䪬➦ݘ倅㏔䶫䬛 ਽ၽᲒ ह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏᪆ᢵ

҉ 㔲喟 ॡ㑇哆 ѓ᪓๔႓႓䮏ጡ➦䰤➦ᐧま႓䮏㻱ܿ㈨᪆ᢵ 䗾ᓤ倅 ͚ప೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏̷⊤ܳ䮏䮏䪬 䉧 ᬧ ఈጊⰮ㐢䭠ጯޜ⼅Γ䪬喑࣌ࡄጊጯޜጯ䪬 ᱻ᫝䭠 ͚ప೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏̷⊤ܳ䮏喑倅㏔೻ጯ㻱ܿጵ थ侙ᮀ ⌞ౠጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏䮏䪬 ॡᮀ㢶 ⌞ౠጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏ᕨ㻱ܿጵ ᅭ䪬ޜᮀᭌ ᬍ䩎ጯ㻱ܿᅭ᫝೻ܳᅭۜ 㾦䓽ጋ ̷⊤೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏ޜᕨጒ⼸ጵȠᕨ㻱͚ᓰͨШ थᕨ㷮ߖ⤳ȠᕨጵߋͨШڙ҂ᮀ⋈ ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻ࣾᆂᰶ䭽 䗦 ⢶ ̷⊤೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏ጒ⼸ጵ

xvi Acknowledgments

This is a joint publication of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP) of Tongji University as part of their cooperation on the Regional Knowledge Hub for Sustainable Urban Development in the People’s Republic of China. Tongji University and ADB established this Urban Knowledge Hub in 2010 and has held annual workshops focused on key sustainable urban development challenges in the PRC and Asia at large.

This book builds on the results and findings of the Urban Knowledge Hub’s fourth annual South-South Knowledge Sharing Seminar held in November 2013 in Tongji University on the topic "New Towns and New Districts in the PRC— Challenges and Opportunities". More than 130 participants enjoyed the presentations and ensuing field trips to Shanghai Jiading and Wuxi Taihu New Town. The Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative (RKSI) funded by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) contributed to the workshop and funded a photo exhibit on new towns in the PRC.

Authors who attended the seminar and delivered introductory speeches prepared best case studies on new towns and new districts in the PRC. The Urban Knowledge Hub team, namely Zilai Tang, Weiqiang Wang, Lan Wang from Tongji University, and Stefan Rau and Maria Pia Ancora from ADB contributed with the selection of case studies and authors and inputs on the overall structure and content of the workshop and this book. Stefan Rau and Lan Wang edited the report with support from Yahui Zhong, Esther Peng and Maria Pia Ancora.

Leadership was provided by the ADB management and technical and administrative staff, namely Sangay Penjor, who provided valuable guidance and support throughout the preparation of the book. Prof. Zhenyu Li, Dean of CAUP and Prof. Zhengwei Peng, Secretary of Party Committee of CAUP also provided full support. Wendy Walker and Sara Afzar provided valuable comments as peer reviewers, Kristina Katich, Satoshi Ishii, Hinako Maruyama, provided valuable comments that improved the quality of the report. Maricelle David, Ruth Benigno and Christine Marvilla provided support from compilation of materials, comments, formatting to final publication. Anna Sherwood, Lei Kan, and Mark Robert Dy provided publication support and proofreading.

Editors/Authors: Lan Wang Professor, College for Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University Stefan Rau Senior Urban Development Specialist, East Asia Department, Asian Development Bank

Forewords: Ayumi Konishi Special Senior Advisor to the President, Asian Development Bank Zilai Tang Professor, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

Authors: Fulong Wu Professor Bartlett School of Architecture, University College of London Degao Zheng Director, Shanghai Branch, Chinese Academy of Urban Planning & Design Wang He Vice Secretary-General, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province; Former Vice Mayor, Beichuan County Xinyang Li Senior Planner, Shanghai Branch, Chinese Academy of Urban Planning & Design Xiao Sima Director, Shenzhen Urban Planning and Design Institute Xiaoli Wu Deputy Chief Planner, Shenzhen Urban Planning and Design Institute Xiaoxing Feng Deputy Director, New Town Division of Wuxi Planning Bureau Yunzhou Zhan Chief Planner, Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Institute Xiaotao He Director of Chief Engineer Office, Shanghai Jiading New District Development Company Yu Zou Engineer, Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

xvii 㐩 䔝

䋐喑㔹䔆᱙Γᖝᖝ᭜ᄦₑ⮱ఋᏁȡ᫝ڡప䭲⹫чᄦ͚ప᭜ຯ҂ౕ䓴ࣨ  Ꭱ䛹ःᓄጒ͇ࡃহ೻䩴ࡃ᜽ߌ⮱ᩲθ䊷Გ䊷ᙌ 䋐͸ัȡहᬣ喑͚పຯ҂㻱ܿ೻䩴ࡃ䔈⼸⮱̸̭ڡ೻᫝ࡧᄦ͚ప೻ጯࣾᆂহពᑍ⮱҉⩕ͫ䋠䒨䛺喑䔆Ό᭜ప䭲⹫ч➦ݘᙌ ȡ◦⧵ڠ⮱⤰ڕ⮱  Ϭ೻䩴ᅲℾ喑Ό᜽ͧܧ⣝⊹䭣⃢喑Вღ㏠  Ꭱ䶱䃎

≺೻ጯহ䯳㖇㏼ڡγᩦ䲖ᐭᩫᩬゃ䊤喑᫝ܧ䩛侞ߕ߈ȡ㜗䗀ᄼᎠ  Ꭱ᣽ڠ͚ప⮱ጒ͇ࡃহ೻䩴ࡃᝅ⪒᜽ͧࣾᆂ⮱ γጕ๔䉎⡛ȡϻ  Ꭱݝ  Ꭱ喑͚ప⮱೻䩴ࡃ⢴⩞ 喊᣽倅ݝ 喊喑ᄩ㜡  Ꭱܧᄦ͚ప⮱㏼≻෋䪬๴䔦҉ ೻䩴ϧऐ㏓  Ϭȡϻ  Ꭱݝ  Ꭱ喑೻ጯ᪝䛼ϻ  ̷͗ࡴݝ  ͗喑ᐧݣ䩴᪝䛼ϻ  ͗෋㜠  ͗ȡ ᱾ा೻ጯ䒙⼨喑͚ప೻䩴ϧऐ䶱䃎ౕ  Ꭱ䓫ݝ  Ϭ喑 Ꭱ䓫ݝ  Ϭȡۉ⩞ϧऐᄳᠮ㐚

೻ጯࣾᆂҬϬ̴ϧᥳ㙞γ䉘ఝ喑Ό̺ͧ᫚ป๔⮱͚ϔ䭣㏔ፓᲒγ⺼⹶喑ᩦ઱γ᲎Уȡ♣㔹喑⹫чጛ䌊Ƞᅞ͇হ᰺ߎ̺ ጛ䌊ͧ  Ժ喑ڒγ͚ప⹫ч㏼≻ࣾᆂ䲏͡⮱͒䛺ᠾᝅȡ Ꭱ喑೻Ύᩣޔ౴ぶȠࡧഌࣾᆂ᭫㦄̺Ꭰ㶎হ೻Ύጛ䌊喑䘪ߍ ≯ℾጒౕ᪆㗟Ƞദ䃚Ƞᅞ͇Ƞࡨ⫄হ⹫чԊ䯉ぶ᫦䲏⮱ᱧчΌ̺౴ぶȡ⣜ධᖣࡃ喑๖♣ౌౝহ㕂ౝۉℾࣷۉᠮ㐚ព๔ȡ́ ๞喑೻ጯࣾᆂহពᑍᑂࣾ⮱⾧⅁ȠⅡহౌฑ↎ᴀ喑ጒ͇↎ᴀ喑В̺ࣷजᠮ㐚ᕔ⮱ϑ䕇㐆೻ጯ⩌≨⣜ධহᅲℾ䏘Ҁ֒ᏤፓᲒ ጕ๔⮱ᠾᝅ喑䔆ౕ๔೻ጯᅑͧ᭫㦄ȡ

ౠ喑ϻ  Ꭱ̭͗ϧऐϲͧ  ̴⮱⍁䩴ࣾᆂ᜽̭͗೻䩴ᅲℾ䓫ݝ  ̴⮱๔䘪ጯ喑᜽͚ͧప䃥็೻ጯࣾᆂ᩵Ь⌞ λ᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂȡ䔆Ό᭜䕇䓴хᘍᩬゃӰ䔈➦₷ౝࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ喑ڠ⮱Ấ὎͸̭ȡ೻ጯ⮱䓾᱌೻ጯࣾᆂट喑׼̷⊤喑ͨ㺮᭜ ᝃ℄䗨䔆ψࡧഌ喑ⰡᣒӰ䔈γ䔆ψ೻䩴⮱ࣾᆂȡڲऐߍጒࡧȡ᫝೻ᰶᬣѺλ䔆ψࡧഌܧຯ㏼≻➦ࡧȠ㏼≻ឭᱜᐭࣾࡧহ

๔೻ጯ⮱᫝ጒ͇ࡧȡव⤳ᰶᎼ⮱೻ڒ⊹᱾ۉ㜗  ̓㏗  ᎡА݊喑ጒ͇ࡃᝅ⪒ᣕ䔈হ॥ᑂγపใែ䉱喑๔䛼ߠߕ߈ϻ ጯ㻱ܿߍ̷ᑂ䉱ࣾᆂ⮱хᘍᩬゃ喑Ϻ᭜͚ప೻䩴ࡃ䔈⼸⮱ͨ㺮➦ᒮȡ͚ప೻ጯࣾᆂ⩞В̸̶⻺ࣾᆂ὎ᐼͨᄩ喟̭᭜ࢳट೻ࡧ ᐭࣾ喑䔆࠲᠙᠀ც䖀䌜喑ᄦ͸ݺ⮱ѻᅯࡧ䔈㵹倅ჳᏓੳ͇হѼႲᐭࣾ喑ࡴ㏔ധ⵭䃫᫪喑ᐭᆂࢳटԊ៑হ඘ںহ⣝ᰶ೻ࡧ⮱ 䛺ᐧ喠ι᭜᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿহᐭࣾ喑Ⱑᣒព๔⣝ᰶጯࡧ喑㏱㏴ጒ͇ȠѼႲহੳ͇ࣾᆂᒩₑܳ⻨喠̶᭜䕇䓴ౕ೻ጯ⮱䓦㑅ࡧহ䔉ٲ ϑ䕇䔋ᣒ᫝೻̻ጯࡧȡڞڙ⩞䌜Ꭳ́๔็᪝ᬣՆڙ೻ጯ⮱䗷ࡧᐭࣾ᫝೻喑䔋ᣒ㏼≻≨ߕ喑Ꭳ⩞ϑ䕇᎟䖀Ƞ倅䕌⻨

᱙Γ࠲᠙͑͗䘕ܳȡす̭䘕ܳͧ᫝೻᫝ࡧϸ㏺喑࠲᠙᣼䔝͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧͨ㺮➦◦⮱ϸ㏺ᕔ᪴」喑℁䒰⁔≟⮱᫦∂ࣷ䶦 Ⱋ჋Ҹ喑ᕨ㐀͚ప⮱̶͗ᵵҸⵁ⾣ȡすι䘕ܳ࠲᠙̶͚͗ప᫝೻᫝ࡧᵵҸⵁ⾣្ॷȡ

Ȩ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ̻ᐭࣾ὎ᐼȩ̭͚᪴ᕨ㐀䖀喑̶͗ͨ㺮೻ጯ㻱ܿ⤳䃧ᒞ৺Ɑ͚ప᫝೻⮱᜽ᒏȡすڣౕڝ⢸ ̭͗ᒞ৺᭜೰℁ᅩ∪e䰺ࡻᓤ⮱⩝చ೻ጯ⤳ᔢ喑䄒⤳ᔢ䃑ͧ᫝೻䩴Ꮑัλ䗷ࡧѺ㒛喑䕇䓴▘䒓̻๔䘪ጯ䔋ᣒȡѼႲ⹫ࡧ⩞⾧ 喑ѳ̻ѼႲࡧܳᐭ喑В⶛Ԋጒ͇↎ᴀ̺ᒞ৺䗨䛹ȡすι͗ᒞ৺᭜ᴜڲ⻨ౝȡጒ͇ࡧౕ䕇ࠑ䌊⩕ڞڙ࠲డ喑Ϙᰶ㐬㞟⩝ۉౝহ ϑᄩाᐭࣾȡڙᬻ೻ጯ⮱ᙬᮜ喑Վᄩ↪䒓ͧᄩा⮱䖀䌜㑾ᵩহฺᱯ倅ᅯᐧまȡす̶͗ᒞ৺᭜㒻ప᫝೻ጯͨͶ͚⮱ٶጰ㺬㕣

͚䖀䌜̻ᐧま➖Ԋᠮ̭Ⴧ⮱㑀۟ፓ喠䖀䌜ϑࣶऐ͸ڣ㜗䏘➦㞟喟⩞ც䭁⮱䖀䌜㏱᜽ᑧ๔⮱䖀䌜ϑ䕇㑾喑ڣ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧᰶ ➦ࡧഌ᭜ܳᐭ⮱ȡϻ᱙Γ͚ᆂ⹧⮱ᵵҸᲒⰸ喑̭ψڙ䬡ԊᠮⰥᄦ䒰ც䌊⻨喑̭㝙ౕ _N ͸䬡喠ጒ͇ȠѼႲȠੳ͇Ƞߋ ࡄጊᵵҸ͚ȡౕڣᒮጟᓄݝᩦ઱ȡҸຯ喑᫝೻⮱㶄ࡧ䲏⼜হ䖀䌜㐡Ꮣౕ㻱὎̷ᰡߍϧᕔࡃ喑ϻ㔹呀ߞϧЙₒ㵹হ侾㵹喑ᅑ

Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ۾㉔亣ธ܎ắ᠙γ䓴ࣨ  Ꭱ⁔≟जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ㗹ᮜ̸೻ጯ⮱ࣾᆂắۢȡౕЃ⮱᪴」Ȩ⁔≟⩌ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ 䃑⮱೻ጯजᠮ㐚ڙ喑ప䭲ܧγ䛺◦㻱݆ܿ࣌喑Ꭳ̶ౕ͗ᰭҠ჋䌢ᵵҸ͚ߍВ䄡ᬻȡЃᠴܧ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧȩ͚喑Ѓ᣽ ಸȠ倅ჳᏓȠ⌤वҬ⩕ȠВϑ䕇ͧᄩा⮱೻ጯ喠ₒ㵹ࣸສহϧᕔࡃᅧᏓ೻ጯ喠ᓄ۾㉔ࣾᆂ݆࣌࠲᠙喟჉ᅲᕔহ࠲ღᕔ೻ጯ喠 ⯷λ⩌ᔮ㈨㐌᰺ߎ⮱㐬㞟⣜ԊȠ㘪䔯Ꮑ⅁Նअࡃ⮱೻ጯ喠䉱⎽ȠⅡহ㘪⎽倅᩵⮱೻ጯ喠ჹᰶ》ζ߈হ㏼≻็ٰࡃ⮱೻ጯȡ

᭜  Ꭱ㖁वప⣜ධ̻ࣾڣЃắ䔝γजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂຯ҂᜽ͧ倅Ꮣጒ͇ࡃহऻጒ͇ࡃపუ⮱᫝೻ጯࣾᆂ⮱ͨ㺮㠰ᐼ喑ᅑ 䩛ࣾᆂⰛᴴহͨ㺮ڠᆂ๔чВᲒȡ䔆ψపუᄳ䌕႓⻾হ࣯̻ᐼ㻱ܿ᫦∂Ꮑ⩕ݝౝ᫦⮱ "HFOEB 䶦Ⱋ͚喑Ҹຯ⶛䃑হੳჇ ⣜ධ䉕䛼ᠴᴴȡ̭㈨݄⮱Ą⩌ᔮ೻ጯąጟᐧ᜽喑ຯ⁔≟Ƞᬒ᱙Ƞ䴖పȠ᫝ߍಎহ㒻పぶౝ⮱䃥็೻ጯ䛴ःγ㐩व೻ጯࣾᆂ ಸ೻ࡧ۾㉔䃎ܿ喑䛴⩕ᰡߍ⩌ᔮ倅᩵⮱㻱݆ܿ࣌ȡ䔆ψ㻱݆ܿ࣌࠲᠙჉ᅲȠ㐬㞟হ࠲ღᕔ⮱೻ጯắᔢ喑䄒ㆨ೻ጯ⩞̭㈨݄ xviii Executive Summary

This book responds to growing international interest to understand how the People's Republic of China (PRC) has been creating its industrialization and urbanization success story over the past 40 years. New towns and new districts have been instrumental in urban development and expansion in the PRC, making them particularly interesting. There is also an increasing global interest on how the PRC is planning for the next stage of urbanization to accommodate another 300 million urban residents projected by 2030. The PRC’s industrialization and urbanization strategy has been a key driver of development. Since Xiaoping Deng promoted the reform and opening up policy 40 years ago, emerging urban and agglomeration economies contributed extensively to the PRC’s growth miracle. From 1978 to 2016, the PRC's urbanization ratio increased from 17.9% to 56.1%, which led to an urban population of about 790 million by 2016. Between 1978 and 2013, the number of cities rose from 193 to 658 and the number of townships rose from 2 173 to 20 113. As rural-urban migration continues, urban population is projected to reach 816 million by 2020 and 1 billion by 2030. Urban development lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. It also generated well-being and improved conditions for a growing middle class. However, social disparity, unequal access to jobs and services, significant regional imbalances, and urban-rural disparities are now creating severe socioeconomic challenges. The growing urban–rural income gap is at a factor of 2.75 (2013). There is also unequal access to education, training, jobs, health, and social security for rural people and for rural-urban migrants. Environmental degradation, loss of natural land and farmland, pollution of air, water, and soil caused by urban development and sprawl, industrial pollution, and unsustainable transport present very serious challenges toward ensuring livability and human health, especially in the large cities. Shenzhen, now a metropolitan city of more than 10 million urban residents that grew from a fishing town of 30 000 in 1978, became one of the models for many urban developments that followed in the PRC. The recent urban development history of cities, like Shanghai, is mainly about the development of new districts and new towns. It is also about the development of special districts facilitating growth through favorable policies such as special economic development zones, economic and technological development zones, and export-processing zones. New towns are sometimes within or next to such zones, directly catalyzing the development of these towns. Since the early 1980s, the strategy of industrialization has facilitated and has attracted large amounts of foreign investments, followed by a large influx of labor from rural areas to the new industrial zones of the big cities. Formalized urban planning and favorable policies attracting investments and development remain to be key features of the PRC’s urbanization. Three main modes of physical development dominated the pattern of urban growth. First is the redevelopment of historic and existing urban areas. This includes road widening, high-density commercial and residential developments on former low-rise areas, historic preservation with infrastructure upgrading, and infill redevelopment. Second is the planning and development of new districts, directly expanding existing urban areas to organize industrial, residential, and commercial growth separate from one another. Third is the development of new towns in peri-urban and suburban locations away from the city that are linked to economic activities and connected by trunk roads, highways, and, most times, public mass transit. This book comprises two sections. The first section, Introduction to New Towns and New Districts, includes introductory papers that describe key characteristics of new towns and new districts in the PRC, compare approaches and project examples in Europe, and summarize three case studies in the PRC. The second section, Case Studies of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China, presents three case studies. Lan Wang summarizes in her paper, Planning Concept and Development Model of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China, that three key urban planning theories influence the shape of new urban areas in the PRC. The first influence is Ebenezer Howard’s Garden City idea in which new towns are in a suburban location linked by train with the metropolis. The residential communities, surrounded by open space and farmland, have green commons. Industrial areas are within commuting distance but separate to ensure that industrial pollution does not affect the neighborhoods. The second influence is Le Corbusier’s vision of a Radiant City with a car-oriented grid of thoroughfares and high-rise building complexes. The third influence is the New Urbanism movement in the United States with ideas of transit-oriented developments. Robust road networks comprising wide roads with requirements for substantial setbacks for buildings and comparably large distances between road intersections, typically between 300 and 500 meters, characterize the developments of new

xix Ჱ᜽喑䔆ψ೻ࡧ͚ᰶ倅ჳᏓȠ⌤व⩕䕁ᐧま喑Вࣷ⩞㐬㞟⾧䬡Ჱ᜽Ƞ̻Ӭᢤϑ䕇Ⱕ䔋ᣒᎣ㘪᣽ӈ㐬㞟ܧ㵹᰺ߎ⮱䔯वₒ㵹 ⮱೻ጯ⣜ධȡ

喍᫜ᓤ਒ᅁᦖጯ⮱৵侙ⷔ⩌ᔮࡧ喎喑̶͗Გ㜗ᓤప喍ᑄڥ⦌γ⁔≟⩌ᔮ೻ጯࣾᆂ⮱ఈ͗ᰭҠ჋䌢ᵵҸ喑̭͗Გ㜗ܧЃ᣽ 㣞ൎጯ⮱ͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤࡧ̻↰䗓ࡧ喑ఫძᵦጯ⮱∂䄚ࡧ喎ȡ䔆ψ⩌ᔮ೻ጯࣾᆂ⮱ᲝܧᵵҸ䘪Ꮑ⩕γ̷䔝݆࣌喑Ꭳᆎ㣤₷㢐ȡЃ 喑͚ప᭜॓чͧ᫝ಸ೻䩴ࡃ⮱̸̭䭣⃢䰭㺮ღ㏠  Ϭ೻䩴ᅲℾ䔆ᵤ⮱᱗Გ喑ࣺᕊⰛݺͨᄩ⮱В䰭Ⅿͧᄩा⮱Վᄩܧहᬣ᣽ ც䭁䖀䌜Ƞ䊲㏔㶄ࡧȠ⩕䕁ܳ⻨⮱೻ጯ὎ಸȡ

ॡ㑇哆᪆ᢵ⮱Ȩ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂȩ̭᪴喑ᕨ㐀γ᱙Γ᝭䔶⮱̶͗ⵁ⾣ᵵҸ喑఍ͧႰЙА㶕γ͚పᰭ䓾ࣾᆂ͚х䉕 হᰭҠ⮱჋䌢ȡ

হపѼᝬহ೻Ύᐧ䃫䘕ᑿڞ䓾ᎡᲒ喑͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧᐧ䃫̭Ⱑౕ䊝ᰡߍᰶݖλजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱䖀䌜喑䃥็ጟ㷘͚ࡻϧℾ 䔈ࣾᆂ݆࣌⮱➦ᒮȡٵγ̭ψۆĄѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ጯąࣾᆂ䶦Ⱋȡ᱙Γ͚᣽ݝ⮱̶͗ᰭҠ჋䌢ᵵҸ᣼ڒ



䗾ᓤ倅Ƞᱻ᫝䭠Ƞ䉧ᬧ⮱Ȩࡄጊ᫝࣬೻  ⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏ȩ̭͚᪴⮱ࡄጊ᫝೻喑᭜̭͗᜽ߌ⮱Ҹ 㖁㐉ᕔহजڤک॥ᑂ߈喑␎ٲ喑⩕䕁⌤वȡႰ⮱㐬㞟ᐭᩫ⾧䬡㑾㐉۾㉔ၽȡႰ჉ᅲ喑㐬㞟⣜Ԋ喑ₒ㵹᫦Ӭ喑೻ጯጰᅭ䯳͚ ᒀౝᄾ᪝ℾ᫼ÿÿ㒹᫼ÿÿ␎ٲ䓫ᕔ喑䯳ౕ͚̭᲎᭫㦄⮱㐬㞟⇠䖀হጯ͚ᓰ㐬䖀ȡႰ⮱㶄ࡧহ䖀䌜ᅧᏓ჉ϧ喑ᐧまহᮜ㻯 ៶೻ጯധ⵭䃫᫪ឭᱜȡႰ⮱Ⱋ⮱᭜֒Ꮴ⮱㕹ѼᎠ㶎ȡࡄጊౝัૉ侙ิڤ⮱э㐌➦㞟ȡႰ⮱ᐧま⣜ධࣸສ喑ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ㞯㘪喑 䯲ᆞ㘶͉䘕喑 ᎡĄeą๔ౝ䰴ऻ҉ͧ䛺㒛ࡧᲒᐧ䃫喑䖢ᓗγᰭ᫝⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢȡऄ▫ϧঅ࣯̻γᥙ䓮⮱۠ゃȡపუ ᫦হែ䉱㔲⮱࣯̻喑㻱ܿڠധ䛾Ƞప䭲ࣾᆂव҉цѡВࣷ䌕Ⱞ㐀ᄦव҉цѡᩜᠮγ᩾ᤡጒ҉ȡ㻱ܿ䓴⼸࠲᠙⹫ࡧȠݖ⯷Ⱕ ប㵹⮱䕌Ꮣ̸݈γ㏗ᒂȡ

ࡄጊ᫝೻⮱䃫䃎᭜䲋፥᜽ߌ⮱喑҉㔲᣼䔝γͧ䔈̭ₒ॥ᑂϔ͇হ᫲⍥͇ែ䉱Ⱋݺ᝭䔈㵹⮱≨ߕ喑В㼐۠䓾᱌ᠾᝅ喑჋ 喑ᆞࡧϧऐ⼭⪼喑بᠮ㐚㏼≻হ೻ጯࣾᆂȡͨ㺮ᠾᝅ͸̭᭜㑧ᄾᅞ͇ᱧчহᅲѼϧऐȡ҉㔲ᕨ㐀䖀喑䞡λࡄጊౝ⤳Ѻ㒛ռ⣝ ㏼≻ࣾᆂ⮱䶱᱌Ⱋᴴज㘪䓴λႼ๔ȡ


➦䔈⮱೻ጯࣾᆂ㻱ܿͧٵथ侙ᮀȠۜᮀᭌহॡᮀ㢶᣼䔝⮱ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喑᭜̭͗పუ㏔ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰䶦Ⱋ喑В㐩व 䩛㐖᩵⩌ᔮ᩵⢴ᠴᴴȡᬍ䩎᭜̭͗倅⻾ឭݣ䕍͇๔䘪ጯ喑䌊̷⊤̺ݝ̭͗ᄼڠ䔈⮱जᠮ㐚㻱ܿ᫦∂হ̭㏱ٵᒮ喑Ꮑ⩕γᰭ ᬣ䒓⼸喑Ѻλ͚ప͉䘕⮱䪬̶㻿䯳㖇ࡧȡ๗⎃᫝೻ัλ䪬↌Вࢄ喑䕇䓴䔆͗䶦Ⱋ喑䄒ࡧഌ⇬Ɑ๗⎃͉ࡄᇥ㏬ពᑍ喑Вᬻ᭫ ⮱ܳࡧắᔢ݈ᐧγ̶͗ܳࡧ喑͚䬡ࡧഌ͚ͧ๛ੳߎࡧ喑͑䓦ܳݘͧι㏔ੳ͇Ƞ᪴ࡃ͚ᓰহ䗨䛹͚ᓰȡ

ϑ䕇Ƞ㜗㵹䒓ڞڙచ喑̭͗࠲क़䖀䌜Ƞڙ㐬ౝ⮱䔋ᣒ㈨㐌喑⇬⎃হ⇠䖀⮱␕Ⅱڞڙᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻⮱ͨ㺮➦◦࠲᠙̭͗ ⎽হϧ㵹䕇䖀㑾㐉⮱ᑧ๔⮱ϑ䕇㈨㐌喑᭜೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱̭͗ᑧᰶ߈⮱ᵳ᳣ȡౌౝݖ⩕হᐭࣾჳᏓ䃫䃎᣽倅γ㘪⎽হ䉱 㘪⎽ӈᏁ䘪䛴⩕γ倅ᴴ۳喑ᎣҬ⩕γధҀᏌ➖㐩व⩌ں᩵⢴喑ᰶߖλₒ㵹হ侾㵹ȡ᫝೻⮱䃫䃎倅᩵㞯㘪喑ᐧまহܳጰᐼज ᐧ䃫ক᱌䒰䪬喑Вڲ喑ѳ⩞λܳ䭣⃢㻱ܿ䓴λᏋ๔喑๔䲏⼜⮱ܳ䭣⃢჋᫪䲏͡Ɑ๔䲏⼜ࡧഌڕノ⤳㈨㐌ȡ㮪♣㻱݆ܿ࣌֒ ౕࣷ᫝೻๔㠰డ⮱䃥็ࡧഌहᬣᐭ໸჋᫪㻱ܿ⮱ᠾᝅȡ


ࡧഌࣾᆂ喑࠲᠙⹫чহ㏼≻ࣾᆂ喑ᅞ͇হϔ͇ࣾᆂ喑ౌ⧵ڠ◦⮱̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻្ॷ喑䛺ۆ㾦䓽≟Ƞ҂ᮀ⋈হ䗦⢶᧝⩞ 喑ڡࢳटᗍͲ⮱೻ጯ͚ᓰᓄݝᡜڣ᰺ߎധ⵭䃫᫪ȡଶჇ᫝೻Ѻλ̷⊤㺬ࡄ䘕喑ڞڙౝݖ⩕喑㐩वϑ䕇㻱ܿ喑ВࣷଶჇ᫝೻⮱

xx towns and new districts in the PRC. Industrial, residential, commercial, and institutional areas are separated. In the case studies presented in this book, however, some of these features have been improved. For example, human scale block sizes and road dimensions encourage walking and cycling, especially in Beichuan. Stefan Rau offers an overview of sustainable development as context for urban development in Europe in the past 25 years. In his paper Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, Mixed-Use, Green, Livable New Districts, he identifies key planning principles and illustrates these along with three best practice cases. He observes that there are internationally accepted principles of sustainable urban development, and they include concepts of the livable and inclusive city; compact, high- density, mixed-use and transit-oriented city; pedestrian-friendly and human-scaled city; green, climate resilient city that benefits from ecosystems services; resources, water and energy efficient city; and the competitive, economically diverse city. He outlines how sustainable development emerged as the primary paradigm for new urban developments in highly industrialized and post-industrialized countries, especially since the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development. These countries applied interdisciplinary and participatory planning methods in local Agenda 21 programs, such as the identification and agreement on key development goals and key environmental quality indicators. A series of eco-cities were built, and many cities in Europe, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and the United States adopted integrated city development plans that targeted more eco-efficient planning principles. Planning principles include the concept of livable, green, and inclusive cities comprising a series of compact urban areas with high-density mixed-use built developments and walkable urban environments structured by green space, connected by public transport, and served by green mobility. He presents four best practice cases for European eco-city development—one from Sweden (Stockholm Hammarby Sjöstad) and three from Germany (Freiburg Rieselfeld, Freiburg Vauban, and Tuebingen French Quarter). These are distinguished and award winning examples of eco-city developments applying the above principles. He asks if the PRC may reconsider its currently predominant supply-driven urban model with wide roads, superblocks, and separation of uses for its next phase of new-type urbanization to accommodate the next 300 million urban residents. Fulong Wu’s paper, Introduction to the Three Chinese New Town Case Studies, summarizes the three selected case studies in this book, as they represent good and best practices among recent developments in the PRC. Recently, new towns and new districts in the PRC have been following a more sustainable development path. Many were included in the “Low-Carbon Eco-City” development program by the PRC’s Ministry of Housing, Urban and Rural Development. The three best practice cases presented in this book feature some advanced development principles.

Three Case Studies of New Towns and New Districts in the People's Republic of China

Beichuan New Town, as presented by Degao Zheng, Xinyang Li, and Wang He in Beichuan: A New Town Rising from Post-Disaster Rubble, is a successful example of a livable, green, pedestrian-friendly, concentrated, and compact city layout with mixed uses. It has an attractive, connected, publicly accessible network of green open spaces focusing on a significant river greenway and a city center greenway. It has human-scaled blocks and streets, buildings and landscapes using traditional features of the local ethnic minority, the Qiang people. It has environment-friendly low-carbon eco-efficient buildings and urban infrastructure technology. It aims at a healthy job-housing balance. Beichuan is located in the east of the Himalayan Mountains, and was constructed as a relocation town after the devastating earthquake of 12 May 2008 following a state of the art planning concept. The affected people took part in the decision to relocate. National funds, international development partners, and inter-provincial twinning partnerships supported the relief effort. The planning process included the participation of the community, stakeholders, and investors, and the plans were implemented in record speed. While the Beichuan New Town design is very successful, the authors describe current activities to attract further investments in industries and tourism to address the recent challenge of achieving further economic and urban growth. A key challenge is the lack of jobs and residential population. The authors conclude that economic development expectations may have been overly ambitious given the remote location and sparse population base of this mountainous region. Wuxi Taihu New Town, presented by Xiao Sima, Xiaoxing Feng and Xiaoli Wu, is a national low-carbon eco-city demonstration project featuring sophisticated and integrated urban development planning, which applies state of the art sustainable planning methods and a set of key performance eco-efficiency indicators. Wuxi Taihu is a major metropolis with high-tech manufacturing. It is less than one hour away from Shanghai and within the Yangtze River Delta Agglomeration Region in Eastern PRC. The city is in the south of the Yangtze River. Through this project, the city expands toward and

xxi γजᠮ㐚ࣾڒౝᴴΌ㷘Ԋ⪆喑㔹᫝೻ࡧ㷘㻱ܿ᜽̭͗э㐌⮱͚ప᫝೻喑᠒ᰶც䭁⮱侙䌜হ๔಄⮱㶄ࡧ喑ᰭ᫝⮱᫝೻㻱ܿߍ ᐧまȡଶჇВ↪䒓ڞڙ◦చȠ㞯㘪ᐧまহ倅䃫䃎Ⅱ۳⮱䛺ڙݖ⩕ȡͨ㺮➦◦᭜చ᳄ںᆂ⮱ٰ㉍喟⩌ᔮᮜ㻯䃫䃎হ㔮ᬔᐧま⮱ ᰺ߎহധ⵭䃫᫪ⅡᎠ᭫㦄㥪ऻλ͚ᓰ೻ࡧȡڞڙऺ喑㮪♣䔆̭᫝೻Ⱋᴴϧ㓑ᰶ  ̴喑㕹Ѽ℁Ҹ倅喑ѳܧϔ͇হⵁࣾ䯳㖇㔹

ጕಸϔ͇䯳㖇⮱͚ᓰ喑͚ప䛺㺮⮱㏼≻ᑂ᧻Ƞ䛾㲺͚ᓰȠⵁ͚ࣾᓰহϑ䕇᳏㏪ȡ᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱㻱⤰ڕ≟᭜䪬↌̶㻿⊤̷ 喑㏼ࢳγϻĄ࢘ᭌ೻ąݝĄ᫝ڤহᐧ䃫ጟ᜽̷ͧ⊤೻ጯࣾᆂ⮱䛺㺮ᝅ⪒ȡ̷⊤䗷ࡧ⮱᫝೻ጟ᜽̷ͧ⊤೻ጯ݈᫝হ䒙ಸ⮱ጒܿ ೻ą⮱䒙ಸ喑ღ㏠γᵥᓰߌ㘪喑ᣕᎬγܳ᪐ᐼ็͚ᓰ⮱⾧䬡㐀Ჱȡ


ౕ䓴ࣨ⮱  Ꭱ䛹喑᫝೻᫝ࡧጟ᜽͚ͧపノ⤳๔㻱὎೻ጯহጒ͇ࣾᆂ⮱ᰶ᩵὎ᐼȡ♣㔹喑䃥็䔆ψ䓴ࣨ⮱᫝೻᫝ࡧ䲏͡ Ɑ㻱὎⮱ᠾᝅ喑ࢠ䃥็೻ጯ䖀䌜হ㑀۟ፓ䲋፥ც喑ᄦₒ㵹হ侾㵹㑧ͼ॥ᑂ߈ȡ䃥็᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ᐧ䕍ᅧᏓ๔喑⩇㜠ᄩ㜡ѼႲ ࢂٰহጒ͇⩕ౝӈ䓴λⅯȡ㐩व㔰㭾͚పऱౝᒀݺ㻱ܿ⮱ѼᝬȠੳ͇হጒ͇ࣾᆂ䶦Ⱋ喑ӈ䓴λⅯ⮱ᠾᝅౕ  Ꭱᰶज㘪 ᰭҠ჋䌢႓ݝ⮱ڲȡ㔰㭾ݝᣒ̸Გ  Ꭱ೻䩴ࡃ⮱䛺㺮ᕔ喑᜾ЙౕᏁᄦᠾᝅᬣᏁᒀឬ䃑䓴ࣨ⮱䩆䄜喑॥ःϻప䭲হపޔчߍ ㏼侹᪆䃚ȡ

䮼Ɑ͚ప䌢㵹ᰡߍजᠮ㐚হᅧᏓ჉ϧ⮱὎ᐼ喍ຯࡄጊ喎喑᫝ಸ೻䩴ࡃ㻱ܿ喍ÿ喎͚ज䶱㻮⮱᭜̭᲎ᰡजᠮ㐚 ᄾВۼ⮱೻ጯࣾᆂহᩦ䕍ᄳಇᠮᰡजᠮ㐚⮱ࣾᆂ὎ᐼȡ᫝ಸ⮱᫝೻᫝ࡧज㘪чڲ⮱䖀䌜ȡ᜾ЙजВͽ㻯ౝ䃑ͧ喑᱗Გ  Ꭱ ⮱೻ጯ౧᝭䃖ϧᙌݝ㜿䔯হܧᰶ॥ᑂ߈喑㥒䕍ڤ䒓ͧᄩा喑㶄ࡧᰡᄼᰡ᫦Ӭ㵹ϧ喑㶄䖀㻱὎ᰡߍϧᕔࡃ喑ᄦₒ㵹হ侾㵹↪ ȡڕႶ

㘪⎽Ƞᮧ㘪⩢㑾Ƞ⩌ᔮ⼨ߕȠ㞯㘪ᐧまҬ⩕⮱෋䪬হ⩌ںȡ⩞λजڤ᫝೻᫝ࡧϺᄳ᭜͚ప೻ጯࣾᆂ̸̭䭣⃢⮱ͨ㺮ጒ ᒮȡຯ҂ᄦ䓴ࣨ  Ꭱ⮱᫝೻➦ڣᰶ᩵᣽ӈ⩌ᔮ㈨㐌᰺ߎ⮱㐬㞟ധ⵭䃫᫪㈨㐌⮱䛴⩕喑᫝೻᫝ࡧज㘪Ҭᰡ倅⮱⾧⅁䉕䛼᜽ͧ ᰡߍजᠮ㐚হ჉ᅲȠ㻱὎ᰡϧᕔࡃȠ䔯व䊷Გ䊷็⮱㔮ᎡϧᅲѼ喑Όᄳ᜽ͧ೻ጯ㻱ܿ㔲হノ⤳㔲⮱䛺ڣ᫝ࡧߍВ䄰᪡喑Ҭ 㺮Шߎȡ

ᄾ⍖ბ⅁Ҁᢿᩫȡ䔆ᄳӰ䔈ѻᒞ৺Ƞѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ጯ⮱ࣾᆂ喑㘪์ᰶۼᎡ  ᰵ喑͚పౕȨጡ叻ࡼჇȩ͚ឬ䄧᭫㦄  ᰶ⹫ч࠲ღᕔ⮱೻ጯহ೻Ύࣾᆂȡڤ᩵হजᠮ㐚ౝݖ⩕ౌౝȠⅡহ㜗♣䉱⎽喑ᰭ㏵ፓᲒᰡߍᎠ㶎হ

xxii along the northeastern shoreline of Taihu Lake. A clear zoning concept creates three sub-districts, the middle one with the central business district, and the others with secondary business and cultural centers and neighborhood centers. Key features of this new town include a connected system of public green spaces and waterfront parks along the lake and rivers and a robust transport system with road, public transport, bicycle, and pedestrian path networks that provides a strong framework for urban sustainability. Land use and development density designs promote energy and resource efficiency, walking, and cycling. The new town design is energy efficient with high standards for buildings and distributed renewable energy supply. It is served by an integrated solid waste management system. While the planning principles are sound, the phased implementation of the large area has been challenging with long periods of construction in large areas due to an ambitious phasing plan, simultaneously starting in many areas of the large territory for the new town. The report on Shanghai Jiading New Town, presented by Yunzhou Zhan, Xiaotao He and Yu Zou, focuses on aspects of regional development including social and economic development, employment and industrial development, land use, integrated transportation planning, and public service infrastructure of the Jiading New Town, which is located in the northwest of Shanghai. The historic town center of Jiading was revitalized and landmarks were preserved while the new urban area is planned as a conventional Chinese new town with wide roads and large blocks, and more sustainable development elements like ecological landscape design and reuse of old buildings have been added in the recent efforts. Key features are landscape parks, energy efficient buildings, and key public buildings with high-level architectural designs. Jiading is known for its automotive industry and research and development cluster. While this new town has a target population of 800 000, the jobs-housing ratio is high while the level of public service and infrastructure significantly lags behind that of the central city. Shanghai is the focus of the Yangtze River Delta Global Mega-Agglomeration, a key economic powerhouse, finance center, research and development center, and transportation hub in the PRC. The planning and construction of new towns and new districts has been a key strategy to organize urban growth of Shanghai. The new towns in suburban Shanghai serve as vehicles for urban innovations and the transformation of Shanghai. They transformed from satellite cities to new towns that accommodate core functions and promote a decentralized polycentric spatial structure.

Conclusion by the Editors

New towns and new districts have been an effective model to manage the PRC’s massive urban and industrial development in the last 40 years. However, many of these past new towns and new districts face challenges of scale, i.e. many of the urban roads and setbacks are very wide and unattractive for walking and cycling, and development blocks are very large. Many were built on large scales and development blocks are very large, even creating an oversupply of residential units and industrial land. This challenge of oversupply is likely to further accelerate by 2030, when considering cumulatively all currently planned housing, commercial and industrial development projects of all cities in the PRC. The challenge will be to acknowledge past mistakes and apply lessons learned from both international and domestic best practices in light of the magnitude of urbanization expected over the next 32 years. As more sustainable and human-scaled models are implemented in the PRC, i.e. in Beichuan, and a more sustainable path is foreseen in the New-Type Urbanization Plan, 2014–2020, we can be optimistic that a more sustainable pattern of urban development and redevelopment will be applied in the next 35 years. New-type new towns and new districts are likely to be less car-oriented with smaller, more pedestrian-friendly blocks, and more human-scaled streets, attractive for walking and cycling, generating urban places where people feel comfortable and safe. New towns and new districts will remain to be key instruments for the next phase of urban development in the PRC. They will likely feature better air quality due to increased use of renewable energies, smart grids, eco-mobility, energy- efficient buildings, and green infrastructure systems that provide ecosystems services effectively. Adjusting the new towns and new districts from the past 35 years to be more sustainable and livable, more human-scaled, and accessible also for an increasing number of elderly people will also become an important task for urban planners and managers. In December 2015, the PRC committed itself, through the Paris Agreement, to significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This will promote low impact, low-carbon eco-city developments that efficiently and sustainably use land, water, and natural resources, ultimately leading to a more balanced and socially inclusive urban and urban-rural development for the PRC’s urban billion.

xxiii xxiv ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ̻ᐭࣾ὎ᐼ


1 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ̻ᐭࣾ὎ᐼ ڝ ⢸

2 ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ̻ᐭࣾ὎ᐼ

کγౕ๔䘪ጯ䗷ࡧ㻱ܿᐧ䃫ܧ᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂᄦλ͚ప೻䩴ࡃ䔈⼸ࣾᡒⱭ䛺㺮 䲖⮱হᎠ䖀䌜ȩ̭Γ͚᣽ ҉⩕ȡ䓴ࣨ  Ꭱ䬡喑͚ప೻䩴ࡃ⢴В⃼Ꭱ  ⮱℁Ҹ 䶫೻ጯহΎ᱾х◦⮱᫝೻䃎ܿ喑䔆⻺㷘⼝ͧ⩝చ೻ጯ⮱ ᰶ➦Ⴧϧऐ㻱὎Ƞ⩕ౝᲱ᜽হࣾᆂᒏᐼȡ䰺ࡻᓤڤ෋ߍ喑㔹᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ᭜೻ጯ⾧䬡᠀ᆂȠ᣽倅೻䩴ࡃ⢴⮱ ᫝೻ थ喑ౕѓ᪓ক䓦ᐭᆂγ᫝೻ᐧ䃫჋ڙ㺮ᒏᐼȡᢛపუࣾᆂহᩦ䲖༁অч೻ጯহᄼ೻䩴ᩦ䲖 䕇䓴䃫⿸᫝೻ᐭࣾͨ ࣾᆂ͚ᓰ䄫䷅㏱λ  Ꭱ⮱䄰ᴒ喑ౕ  ͗Ⱞহ㜗⇨ 侹喑ᐭड़γᒞ৺̓⩹็͗పუ⮱᫝೻䓽ߕȡ͚ప᫝೻ ࡧ⮱  ͗ౝ㏔ጯ喑 В̷⮱ౝ㏔ጯౕ㻱ܿᐧ䃫᫝ হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿহᐭࣾ喑౴ౕ̭Ⴧ⼸Ꮣ̷Ռ䞡γ㠞ప᫝೻ 㻱ܿᐧ䃫γ  ͗᫝೻ᝃ᫝ ὎ᐼȡڞ೻᫝ࡧ喠 ͗Ⱞч೻ጯ γऱ⻺㻱ڒࡧ <>ȡ๔㻱὎䕍೻⮱侞ߕ߈ͨ㺮࠲᠙̶͗᫦䲏喟ŗВౌ ౕ㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ᫦䲏喑᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿ㏠ 喠Řͧϔ͇ࣾᆂ᣽ӈ ܿᕊ䌜হ݆࣌ȡ䰺ࡻᓤ⮱⩝చ೻ጯ㐀व೻Ύх◦Ƞߌڒౝឦ⼌҉ͧౝ᫦ᩬᏉͨ㺮䉏ᩬᩣ 㐬ౝ͟㖁̺हߌ㘪⾧䬡ぶ䃫ᘠڞڙ䬡喑࠲᠙ጒ͇হᝬౝϔ͇喠řᄦϧऐჳᏓ倅হ䃫᫪㔮 㘪ܳࡧহ䃫㒛๔ಸ⾧ ࡃ⮱㔮೻᣽ӈϧऐ⪼㼐⮱⾧䬡喑Ꭳ䄂ఫ䕇䓴᫝೻᫝ࡧϔ ౴㷘̺ह⼸Ꮣ䛴㏠ȡѳ͚పϧऐ㻱὎๔হჳᏓ倅⮱ࢸ ࣺਧᬔ೻ᩦ䕍ȡ఍ₑ喑᫝೻᫝ࡧᐧ䃫᭜͚ ߈喑ᐭࣾੳᄨⅯ倅ែ䉱ఋ្喑Вࣷᄦ↪䒓᪴ࡃ⮱ᣕሴ喑ڒ⮱䉏ᩬᩣ⩌ ᬻ೻ጯᄦ͚ప㻱ܿ⮱ᒞ৺喑Ҭ᫝ٶపᔘ䕌হ๔㻱὎೻䩴ࡃ䔈⼸⮱䛺㺮㏱᜽䘕ܳ喑Ό᭜䄒䔈 हᬣ⩞λᴜጰ㺬㕣 Ҁ㶕ڤ⮱ᵥᓰᣕߕ߈ȡ ೻᫝ࡧ⮱㻱̻ܿ䰺ࡻᓤ⮱⩝చ೻ጯⰥ䌊⩇䔉ȡ⼸ Ꭱᩦ䲖ᐭᩫݺ喑͚ప᫝೻ͨ㺮Вጒ͇࢘ᭌ೻ ⣝ͧ喟๔ᅧᏓ⮱䖀䌜㐀Ჱহ倅ჳᏓ⮱倅ᅯᅲѼẩႴȡ㒻  ϑᄩाᐭࣾ喍5SBOTJU0SJFOUFEڙ㺮ᒏᐼ喑В๔ಸ䛺ጒ͇ͧϔ͇ᵥᓰ喑В⩌ϔ࣌᫆҉ ప᫝೻ጯͨͶ͚⮱ͨͧ ͧ䔶౭⮱䛺㺮ӊᢛȡ Ꭱऻ䮼Ɑ䃎ܿ㏼≻ाጯ౧㏼ %FWFMPQNFOU喑50%喎Όౕ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧᐧ䃫͚ऄ ⮱䒙䒕喑ऱ⻺ᱧݣহᩬゃ䃫䃎ᣕߕγ᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂȡ ݝ䛺㻳ȡ㻱ܿ䕇፥࠲क़䗷ࡧౝ䧮喑ᐧ⿸ͨ೻ࡧহ᫝೻͸≺ Ꭱ͸ऻపᰶౌౝ᝭ᰶᱰᰶ֬Ҭ⩕ݣᏓ⮱ᐧ⿸喑ᐭ 䬡⮱㖁㈨喠ౝ䧮〆◦কడ䕇፥㻱ܿͧ㐩वᐭࣾȡ䮑γ䔆  ᰶ̭Ⴧ⮱㻱ܿ➦◦喑ڤᕔ͸ใ喑̺हㆨಸ⮱᫝೻Όڞड़γౌౝጯ౧喑䮼ࢠౌౝឦ⼌᜽ͧౝ᫦ᩬᏉ೻ጯᐧ䃫⮱ ψ 䛺㺮䉱䛾Გ⎽ȡ Ꭱ⮱Ѽᝬᩦ䲖喑ࢂѺܳ䙺Ѽᝬ䒙 ᵦᢛ̺ह⮱㼓྿喑䔈㵹ߌ㘪ጰᅭহ⾧䬡䃫䃎ȡҸຯ喑倅 अͧѼᝬጯ౧ࡃ喑Ӱ䔈γᝬౝϔ͇⮱㨙߰ࣾᆂȡౕ䔆ᵤ 䧮᫝೻㻱ܿധλ䔆̭ࡧഌᕔϑ䕇䃫᫪ፓᲒϧ≮হ䉱᱙⮱ ⮱㗹ᮜ̸喑̺हㆨಸ⮱᫝೻হ᫝ࡧౕ  Ꭱݺऻ̺᫚ մ䃫喑㻱ܿγੳߎȠੳ͇হᅲѼぶߌ㘪 <>ȡ᫝೻হ᫝ 䃫᫪⮱౴ڞڙڲȡ̺हλ͸ݺͨ㺮ͧϔ͇᰺ߎ⮱࢘ᭌ೻喑䔆ψ᫝೻ ࡧ⮱᪡Ҁ㻱ܿ䄂ఫ჋⣝ౕ̭Ⴧ⾧䬡㠰డ⣝⊹ হ᫝ࡧ᜽ͧ᫝ಸ⮱ᝬౝϔᐭࣾ䒪ҀȠ⣝Аϔ͇᠀ᆂ⾧䬡 㶎䙺㒛喑Ꭳౕ㻱͚ܿ䃫Ⴧܳ᱌ᐭࣾ䔈⼸ȡ थ὎ᐼ㷘䛴㏠喑ࢠ㻱ܿܿڙহౌౝឦ⼌⮱ͨ㺮Გ⎽ȡ ౕᐭࣾ὎ᐼ᫦䲏喑ᐭࣾ थ䔈㵹ڙᕔ䉕⮱ᐭࣾڞڙᰶࡷڤ⩞Ⴧ㠰డ⩕ౝ喑̭ܧ᫝̭ឦ᫝೻᫝ࡧㆨಸ࠲᠙喟ВᅲѼͧͨȠᝬౝϔᐭ Ⴧ ࣾͧᵥᓰ喑В๔႓ᵎࡧͧͨҀ喑Вੳߎ⻾ឭͧϔ͇ധ⵭喑 ノ⤳হᐭࣾ喑ᐭᆂ䉱䛾ウᣗȠ䶦Ⱋ᠈ᴴぶጯ౧㵹ͧȡѳ थ͸ใ喑෋䃫γڙВᩬᏉ䘕䬕䓮౭҉ͧड़ߕࡧ喑Вࡧഌᕔϑ䕇䃫᫪҉ͧᵥ ̺ह◦ౕλ喑͚ప๔䘕ܳ೻ጯౕᐭࣾ ڙᱧᲱ喑ᄦᐭࣾܧ≪ᓰࣾᆂ◦喍Ҹຯ倅䧮᫝೻喎ȡౕ̭ψ೻ጯ⮱䊲๔᫝೻ᝃ᫝ ᫝೻ᝃ᫝ࡧノ⤳༁অч҉ͧᩬᏉ⮱ थ̻ऱ͗ᩬᏉ㕹㘪䘕䬕ڙࡧ喑䔆ψ҉ͧፓߕࣾᆂ⮱㺮㉍ज㘪ч᪡व喑ҸຯξࢄⰮ थ䔈㵹⯾Ⲑノ⤳喑Ꭳࡼߖᐭࣾ ᬳᬻጯॵ䉎᫝ࡧ࠲क़γᥙ䓮㔹Გ⮱ᩬᏉহ๔႓ᵎࡧ喑̷ 䔈㵹⇌䕇হࡼੳ喑ᣕ䔈᫝೻⮱㻱ܿহᐧ䃫ȡ ጯᲫ↌᫝೻В๔႓ᵎࡧহ็ٰᅲѼᝬౝϔᐭࣾͧፓߕȡ ౕ͚ప᫝೻㻱ܿহᐭࣾ⮱็ٰͨҀ͚喑ౝ᫦ᩬᏉ䕇⊤ ໸λ㠞ప⮱᫝೻䓽ߕ᣽ӈγₑㆨ๔ಸ䶦Ⱋ⮱㻱ܿহ ፥䉌䉐ड़ߕ䶦ⰛȠ⯾ノᐭࣾ喑䘕ܳౝ᫦ᩬᏉ᣽ӈ̭Ⴧݺ थࡼह䉌䉐㻱ڙ⮱Ą⩝చ ᱌䉱䛾ȡ᫝೻ᝃ᫝ࡧノ⤳༁অчহ᫝೻ܧᐭࣾ὎Წȡ᫝೻ắᔢ໸λ㠞ప႓㔲䰺ࡻᓤ᣽ ೻ጯ喍(BSEFO$JUZ喎ą喑ЃౕȨᬻᬒ喟̭᲎䕇ᒭⱌₐᩦ ܿ喑࠲᠙ݣჇ݊ₒ㻱ܿ㺮Ⅿ喑䖭䄤䃫䃎ࢂѺᝃͨᠮ䃫䃎

3 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

喑 䮼Ɑᄦႅౕ䬛䷅⮱ࣺᕊ喑͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿহו䊈喑⶛Ⴧᰭऻ㻱ܿ᫦ᵵ喠ౕᐭࣾ᫦䲏䉌䉐ౌౝᩣ《 ᥙ䓮Ⴖ㒛喑ധ᱙䖀䌜হധ⵭䃫᫪ᐧ䃫喑Ⴙ᜽ౌౝ⮱̭㏔ ᐭࣾᐭ໸ᰡ็᫝⮱ᅊ䄂ȡ᱙⁎χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹  ह≻๔႓ হᎠ᪡Ƞͨ㺮䖀䌜ᐧ䃫Ƞጯᩬധ ࡧഌᕔ೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂⴒ䃳͚ᓰ䔶ः⮱᫝೻ᵵҸ喑А㶕וᐭࣾ喍ࢠႹ᜽ౌౝᩣ ⵭䃫᫪䨧䃫喎喑Ꭳ̻⻮ϧᐭࣾੳࡼੳι㏔ᐭࣾ喍㣤ᓄౌౝ Ɑౕ᫝೻㻱ܿহᐭ͚ࣾ⮱็ٰ݈᫝ȡ᪡Ҁ㻱ܿহࢂ̭ͨ Ҭ⩕ᱰ喑ᵦᢛ㻱ܿ䔈㵹ᝬౝϔᐭࣾ喎ȡ Ҁᐭࣾ⮱ࡄጊ᫝೻ᣏ㉏γຯ҂Ԋ⪆ᒀౝ➦㞟喑Ӱ䔈᫝೻ В̷⊤ͧҸ喑҉͚ͧప᫝̭䒛᫝೻᫝ࡧᐧ䃫͚⮱ ϔ͇ࣾᆂȡᬍ䩎᫝೻䛴⩕γ็⻺⩌ᔮ㻱ܿ᫦∂হឭᱜȡ 䬡হᮜ㻯䃫䃎喑Вࣷᐭ⾧ڞڙγ㦄ऺ⮱Ą̭೻Ί䩴ą䃎 ଶჇ᫝೻ౕᄼᅧᏓ㶄ࡧȠܧ㵹㔲喑̷⊤ౕ  Ꭱ᣽ٵ γ݈᫝ȡܧࣾ䓽҉᫦䲏҉ ܧᐭࣾ喑̷⊤ጯ᣽ںȡ㏼䓴  ̓㏗  ᎡА⮱๔㻱὎ܿ ąᩬゃ喑ࢠ෋ߍ㐬ౝহᐭᩫ⾧ ᱙Γᣏ䃕͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢহᐭࣾ὎ᐼ喑ۼγ͚ᓰ೻ࡧ⮱Ąࣹ෋ࣹ ᄾᐭࣾᑧᏓহჳᏓ喑ӰҬᐭࣾ⾧䬡ϻ͚ᓰ೻ࡧ䒙 ߈Ⅿͧχ๗ౝࡧࣾᆂ͚పუ⮱೻ጯᐧ䃫᣽ӈ̭Ⴧ⮱Ռ䞡ȡۼ䬡喑 ݝ䗷ࡧȡ̷⊤ጯᩬᏉ჋᫪ᣕ䔈⮱Ą̭೻Ί䩴ą䃎ܿ ᫝೻᫝ࡧ᜽͚ͧప೻䩴ࡃ䛺㺮㏱᜽䘕ܳহᣕߕ߈喑䔆ᵦ⼨ ᰶ჋᫪᧺҉ᕔ⮱㻱ܿҀ㈨Ƞڤᰶ➦Ⴧ䷻ᵩ⮱᫝೻喑 Ḻλ͚ప⮱➦Ⴧᱧݣ喑࠲᠙ڤ䃖  ͗䗷ࡧऱ㜗䔶౭喑ᐧ䃫̭͗ Ꭳ᣽ӈ̭Ⴧड़ߕ䉱䛾ȡࡧᩬᏉ᜽⿸ᐭࣾᐧ䃫ノ⤳༁অч ౌౝҬ⩕ᱰឦ⼌ݣᏓȠౝ᫦ᩬᏉᄦλౌౝ⼌䛾⮱ᩜ䙺ᱰ Ҁ჋᫪㻱ܿহᐭࣾ喑࠲᠙ᵦᢛ⶛Ⴧ⮱䷻ ぶ <>ȡ䔆ψ➦Ⴧᱧݣ䃫䃎⶛Ԋγ᫝೻᫝ࡧᐧ䃫̻㏼≻ࣾڤथ喑ڙহᐭࣾ ЃపუহౝࡧౕՌ䞡͚䰭㺮ڣᵩݣჇγ㻱ܿ㑃ݣ᲎У喑㏱㏴γప䭲䃫䃎》䊈喑ӊᢛ䔶 ᆂ㉔ჳ㐀व喑ⰥοӰ䔈ȡ Ⴧ⮱䃫䃎᫦ᵵ⌞ࡃ჋᫪᫦ᵵぶ <喑>ȡ ∕ᘼݝⰥᏁ⮱㻱ܿҀ㈨Ƞౌౝ᝭ᰶݣহᐭࣾᱧݣ喑㐀व थ㐀व⮱ ᱙ప➦◦喑ᐭᆂजᠮ㐚⮱᫝೻㻱ܿহᐭࣾ喑ͧጯℾ᣽ӈڙ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧᐧ䃫ノ⤳༁অчহᐭࣾ ノ⤳̻䓽㥒὎ᐼ㲺वγᩬᏉͨᄩহጯ౧᝸⃢ȡ̭᫦䲏ᐭ ᰡສ⮱ᅲѼহጒ҉⾧䬡ȡ ᩬᏉ䓽҉ᰡߍᣒ䓾ጯ౧喑䓽⩕ጯ౧ڕथ⮱䓽҉℁Ⴙڙࣾ ጯڕ᝸⃢喑ᔘ䕌▢≨Ꮑᄦጯ౧अࡃȡओ̭᫦䲏जВ℁Ⴙ ౧䓽҉⮱ᱧᲱౕ㻱ܿহᐭࣾ᫦䲏㣤ᓄᩬᏉᰡ็ᩜᠮহࡼ ࣯㔰᪴⡛ ᜽Ą₨೻ą喤ٺᕔহ➦₷ᕔ喠हᬣ <> ᫝ࡻ㑾  ౝ㏔ጯζᐧ᫝೻᫝ࡧຯ҂䖬ٵᰶ̭Ⴧ⮱хڤ㻱ܿ჎ឦڣߖ喑Ҹຯ IUUQOFXTYJOIVBOFUDPN  ᰶᰡ็⮱⹫ч䉐Ш喑 ڤथΌⰥᏁڙᕔ⮱ᐭࣾڞڙᰶࡷڤ QPMJUJDTD@IUN ᰶݖλ䉜ᒨౝ᫦ᩬᏉ⮱㻱ܿহᐭࣾᘼఫȡ ぶ 倅䧮〆◦ক䓦ౝࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ̻㻱ܿÿÿ 䭵ᮕ ▬⢸  ڝ⢸<> ౕ䔆⻺㻱ܿহᐭࣾ὎ᐼ̸喑Вౌౝឦ⼌হౝϔᐭࣾ ധλϙ⇗倅䧮⮱჋䃮ܳᲽ <+>೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓ܷ     పᒵ็೻ጯ⊹⣝喑᠀ᆂγϔ͇ڕᵥᓰ⮱᫝೻হ᫝ࡧౕͧ 倅䕌䧮䌜ᄦ೻ጯ⾧䬡ᒞ৺⮱ⵁ⾣ᵳ᳣ࣷ჋䃮 <+>㻱ܿڝ⢸ <> ࣾᆂ⮱⾧䬡喑̭Ⴧ⼸Ꮣ̷㑀㼐γ㔮೻ࡧϧऐჳᏓ倅⮱ࢸ ߈喑᣽倅γᅲℾ⮱ᅲѼ䲏⼜হ৮䉕喑हᬣౌౝឦ⼌ፓᲒ ጵ     ⮱䉱䛾ᣕߕγ೻ጯ㏼≻ࣾᆂȡ᫝೻䕇፥᣽ӈ䒰͸㔮೻ᰡ <> 䗾ᓤ倅 Ᲊ჊͉ ᄨⅯ㞯◦ϑ䕇Фթ̻೻ጯߌ㘪Фթ⮱Ꭰ ใ倅䧮䒓〆̻ᱧ౧ぶϑ䕇᳏㏪ౝࡧࣾᆂ⮱ڲ㶎ÿÿᣏ䃕ప ٲ䔈⮱ധ⵭䃫᫪喑ᰡߍӬᢤ⮱䒓㵹⾧䬡喑ᰡߍٵߍ⣝А ⤳䃧̻჋䌢 <+>ప䭲೻ጯ㻱ܿ     㸂⮱ᅲѼ⾧䬡喑ѳ㻱ܿহᐭࣾ᫦䲏ႅౕ⮱䬛䷅Όᬒ⯷ܥ <> 8BOH- ,VOEV3 $IFO9#VJMEJOHGPSXIBU ᭫ȡౕ㻱ܿ᫦䲏喑㻱ܿ⩕ౝ⮱䓴๔㻱὎䕍᜽γౌౝ䉱⎽ BOEXIPN /FXUPXOEFWFMPQNFOUBTQMBOOFE ⮱⊗䉦喑๔ᅧᏓ㶄ࡧᄩ㜡ᄦᄼ↪䒓⮱ӊ䊃হₒ㵹⣜ධ⮱ TVCVSCBOJ[BUJPOJO$IJOBBOE*OEJB<+>3FTFBSDIJO ѻ৮䉕喑ϔ͇⾧䬡হᅲѼ⾧䬡⮱ܳ䯁ፓᲒ䕇ࠑ⮱䪬䌊⻨ 6SCBO4PDJPMPHZ   ,VOEV3-PDBMJ[JOHUIFQSPEVDUJPO 8BOH- ϑ <> $IFO9ڞڙহ䪬ᬣ䬡ȡౕᐭࣾᐧ䃫᫦䲏喑䔋ᣒͨ೻ࡧ⮱ࡧഌ PGHMPCBMDJUJFTBDPNQBSJTPOPGOFXUPXO ᰺ߎ䃫᫪ᐧڞڙγᄦᄼ↪䒓⮱ӊ䊃喑ޔ䕇ᐧ䃫␋ऻ喑ߍ EFWFMPQNFOUTBSPVOE4IBOHIBJBOE,PMLBUB<+>$JUZ 䃫⮱̺䋠ፓᲒ⩌≨̺Ӭহϧ⅁䯳㖇ఝ䯫ȡहᬣ喑䉚㒛᫝ $PNNVOJUZ     ೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱ᅲѼ➖͇᜽ͧែ䉱Ԋթ⮱̭⻺䛺㺮᫦ᐼ喑Ҭ <> 8BOH- )PDI$1SBHNBUJDSBUJPOBMQMBOOJOH Ѽ⢴ѻ喑䕍᜽ᰶẩᬍϧ⮱⾧೻䬛䷅ȡ͚ప $PNQBSJOH4IBOHIBJBOE$IJDBHP<+>1MBOOJOHڒᅲѼẩႴ⮱ ᔘ䕌೻䩴ࡃ㗹ᮜ̸⮱᫝೻ᐧ䃫喑ፓᲒγ๔䛼ౌౝহᝬϔ 5IFPSZ     ႅ䛼喑䰭㺮ౕ᱗Გ̭⃢ᬣ䬡䔈㵹⊵㼐ȡ䔆⻺᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ ᣕߕ⮱೻䩴ࡃ㷘͚ప႓ᱜ⩹⼝ͧĄౌౝ೻䩴ࡃą喑ࡧݘλ ᱾᱾ℾ䒙ࡃͧ೻ጯጯℾ⮱Ąϧऐ೻䩴ࡃąȡۉᑧ䄰ϧऐϻ

4 Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧ۾㉔ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ⩌≟⁔

Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧ۾㉔ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ⩌≟⁔ 亣ธ܎

5 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

Ⱕᄦλ᱗㏼㻱ܿ⮱೻ጯពᑍ喑㻱ܿᎣ჋᫪᫝೻᫝ࡧ ⤳ᔢ喑Ѓᄳ᪡͗ࡧഌ㻱ܿͧఈ͗ౝഌవ喑ࢠᵥᓰ೻ጯవȠ ⇬䋠Ƞ倅᩵́जᠮ 䓾䗷వȠ㐬ࡃవ̻ใడΎ᱾వ喑⩞͚ᓰाใ䒽ᄱ喑Ꭳٲ᝺㘪ᰶ᩵ౝᣔݣ೻ጯࣾᆂ喑हᬣ᣽ӈ 㐚⮱ጯᩬധ⵭䃫᫪̻᰺ߎȡ⤳ᘠ⮱᫝೻᫝ࡧᏁ᩵Ь֒Ꮴ 䧮䌜㏬䃫⿸᫝೻䩴ȡ䔆ψᑧᰶ߈⮱ࡧഌহ೻ጯ㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ ڙϑ䕇⮱ 䓾ᎡᲒ㷘䛺᫝ड़⩕喑ຯϷ㷘⼝ͧĄ೻ጯ෋䪬䓦⩹ąহĄڞڙजᠮ㐚⮱ࣾᆂ჋䌢喑⶛Ԋౕₒ㵹⣜ධࣸສ̻ 喑 ϑͧᄩा⮱ࣾᆂąȡ⩝ۉಸȠ⌤⩕ಸࣾᆂ喠Ԋ៑⩌ᔮ㈨㐌Ƞ۾㉔⣝ധ⵭̷჋ Вࣷ⣝ᰶ೻ጯࡧഌহ᫝㻱ܿࡧഌ͸䬡⮱㐬ౝ喠Ԋ៑᫝೻ ᬍᎼ⮱䗷ࡧ㏳ܳࣾᆂ໸λ  ̓㏗  ᎡАȡധλᑄ ߠ೰ᓤ·㣞➦喍'SBOL-MPZE8SJHIU喎ĄᎬϖ೻·ٸڝ ᄦ⅁Նअࡃ⮱ڣ䘕⮱㐬㞟⾧䬡̻⩌ᔮ㈨㐌喑ߍᑧڲ᫝ࡧ ϑ䕇ຯ䧮䌜Ƞ ጯą喍#SPBEBDSF$JUZ喎⮱⤳ᔢ喑䔆ᵤ⮱ࣾᆂज㻳ͧВڞڙ䔯Ꮑ߈喑᣽ӈⰥᏁ⮱⩌ᔮ᰺ߎȡ䕇䓴 䌜ϑࣶڙЃ ↪䒓ͧᄩा⮱䰺ࡻᓤ⮱⩝చ೻ጯ❵᱙ȡౕ倅䕌ڣౝ䧮Ƞ䒨䒕Ƞ๔ጡぶᔘ䕌ϑ䕇჋⣝᫝೻᫝ࡧ̻೻ጯ చࡧ喑ڙ䌜㈨㐌Ƞ䉚➖ੳ౧Ƞጒ͇ࡧহߋڙ䛺㺮ȡ ऐពᆂ倅䕌ڠࡧഌ⮱㉔ჳ䔋ᣒ喑䔆◦㜠 ᫝೻᫝ࡧᄦλᣔݣ೻ጯࣾᆂহពᑍ᭜ᓲ㺮⮱喑݆॓ 䮼ऻ䕍᜽γ⣝ౕ⮱Ą䓦㑅೻ጯąȡ䔆ψࣾᆂ὎ᐼᲮ̺जᠮ ᱗㏼㻱ܿᝃࡼ䄰⮱ᐭ᠀হࣾᆂчᄩ㜡㐀Ჱ䯫Вᠮ㐚喑᰺ 㐚喑̺ϲౌౝ䉱⎽ݖ⩕⢴ѻ̸喑㔹́⩞λᲮѻ⮱ჳᏓহ ϑ䕇䓽ౕڣߎ࡛ͼ喑⩇㜠ज㘪ፓᲒᬒऻ䯫В⊵䮑⮱⹫ч̻⣜ධ⮱䉌 ̭⁎ᕔࣾᆂ喑̺ᓲ㺮ౝ⊵㕄γ䓴็㘪⎽喑ᅑ 䲏ᒞ৺喑఍ͧധ⵭䃫᫪হౝ಄̭ᬓᰶγჇ䃧喑ᄳᒞ৺᪝ 䓀᫦䲏ȡ Аϧȡ㔰㭾᱗Გ  嗣  Ꭱ䬡ज䶱㻮⮱ᔘ䕌೻䩴ࡃࣾᆂ喑 χ๗ౝࡧ࠲᠙͚ప⮱೻ጯࡃ䔈⼸䘪ᄳ䲏͡ጕ๔⮱⣜ධ̻ ⁔≟喟 㠰ڥ⮱जᠮ㐚೻ጯࣾᆂ̻⩌ᔮ೻ጯ㻱ܿڡ⹫чᠾᝅ喑 Ꭱ䶱䃎᫝෋೻ጯᅲℾ  Ϭȡजᠮ㐚 ᫝ ᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ喑ᄦ᝭ᰶ۠ゃ㔲Გ䄡᭜̭䶦䛺㺮Шߎȡ ࢏ङᐭ⮱㖁वప⣜ධ̻ࣾᆂ๔ڲ☚Ꭱౕ䛹㏓  ⁔㒻೻ጯࣾᆂఋ䶫喟 чҬᓄजᠮ㐚೻ጯࣾᆂͧ๔็᪝ϧ᝭ᣒऄ喑᜽ͧ䒙ៅ◦ȡ ̓ڕጒ͇↎ᴀ喑㟞చ೻ጯ̻೻䗷ᬍᎼពᑍ ч䃛䃛⼸す  ᲎ÿÿȨ䛹㏓⣜ධ̻ࣾᆂა㼭ȩ喑Ҭ ϧЙ䔈̭ₒᘼ䃳ݝ䒙ाजᠮ㐚⮱ȠԊ៑㜗♣⮱Ƞ䉱⎽倅⩺ ڣ䃥็⩺̓ڕ㏗ᬖ᱌⮱᫝೻㻱ܿহ䃫䃎ࣾᆂ᭜ͧγఋᏁহ ᩵ݖ⩕⮱ࣾᆂহ⩌ႅ὎ᐼ⮱ᓲ㺮ᕔȡ⁔≟হ̓  㼐۠ᒀᬣ㔮೻ࡧ̻ጒ͇೻䩴⩌≨⣜ධ⁍ҠȠ̺֒ᏤȠ̺ Ѓ೻ጯ⮱ᒀౝᩬᏉȠЮ͇হጯℾ䘪࣯̻γĄ"HFOEBą ׼ѓ᪓Ƞݖ➖⊓হᰩᒨ᫜➦䔆ψᬖ 䃎ܿ⮱ݣჇȡڣ࢘⩌⮱䬛䷅喑ᅑ ᱌ጒ͇ࡃ೻ጯȡќᬻ㔝হѓ᪓҉ͧす̭ឦጒ͇ࡃ๔䘪 㜗  ̓㏗  ᎡА͚᱌䊤喑䃥็᫝೻ࡧ㻱ౕܿ೻ ⎽⮱ౌౝȠ㘪⎽ȠⅡহ̭㝙䉱ڲጯ喑䕇䓴ጒࢯহѼႲࡧ̺᫚ពᑍȡ㧥↪ߕ߈▘䒓ࣾᬻ ጯȠࡧഌȠ䗨䛹হᐧま ऻ喑ϧЙᘠݝजВិᅲℾহ↎ᴀ㵹͇䓮⻨᠒ൢ⮱ጯ͚ ⮱ݖ⩕̷䘪䖢ᓗγ⩌ᔮ倅᩵⮱݆࣌ȡ䔆ຄᐧま㘪⎽হⅡ ᓰ喑हᬣᄳጒࢯ̻ѼႲࡧࣷੳ͇͚ᓰ䯁ᐭȡܳ䯁⮱ࡧഌ 䉱⎽⮱㘪᩵᫝ᴴ۳喑Вᓤప㻱ჇͧҸ喑ᄳᐧま䯁☚ᕔ㘪 ⎽㘪⩌ںज⩕▘䒓䔋ᣒ喑Ꭳడ㐂Ɑ▘䒓〆◦ࣾᆂȡ೰℁ᅩ∪·䰺 ⮱㻱Ⴧϻ㺮Ⅿ̷ࡴݝ∂ᒸ喑В⶛Ԋᒀౝᄼಸज 㘪䛼ȡౕ㒻ప喑Ą㇫ᬻڒ⧵䔆ψ݆࣌ᬣ喑 ⩌ϔੳ㘪์ВԊ䃮Фᵩͧ⩢㑾ܧࡻᓤ喍&CFOF[FS)PXBSE喎す̭⁎᣽ Ȩᬻᬒ⮱⩝చ೻ጯȩ喍Garden Cities of ෋䪬ąহĄ㐬㞟෋䪬ąᐭ໸ᮛࣷ喑ᘼঠⱭ㒻ప᥿ᐰγ͸ڣऄₑ⓭ߞ喑ౕ ᏤȠ࢘⩌Вࣷ᪡͗֒ ݺВ↪䒓ͧᄩाȠౌౝহϑ䕇๔㻱὎ࣾᆂ⮱೻ጯᬍᎼព֒ڞڙᩦ઱ܧTomorrow喎̭Γ͚᣽ ϑͧᄩा⮱ࣾᆂহᰡͧڙᏤ⩌≨ȡ ᑍȡĄ᫝೻ጯͨͶą䓽ߕՎᄩВ ჳ䯳⮱䗨䛹ࣾᆂȡ㐬㞟ᐧま༁অч䖢ᓗजᠮ㐚⮱㻱۾㉔ 䮳℁❢ธ喍4JSٸ㏗  ᎡА喑೻ጯ㻱ܿጵ㞫ќ̓  ᠴᄩ݆࣌হ̭ຄ䃱ڠѓ᪓কడ䃫⿸㐬ࡃፓ⮱ ݆ܿ࣌喑ͧ㘪⎽㞯㏓ᐧまݣჇγⰥౕܧ1BUSJDL"CFSDSPNCJF喎᣽

6 Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧ۾㉔ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ⩌≟⁔

Ф㈨㐌喑ͧ䗨䛹ࣾᆂݣჇγजᠮ㐚⮱㻱݆ܿ࣌ȡ̭ψ೻ ጯ喑ຯ㟊ߍ਒喑᣽ܧ㐬㞟೻ጯ⤳ᔢ喑䃫Ⴧγ䯱ᓰ߰߰⮱ Ⱋᴴȡ͚పᩬᏉ̭ⰡՎᄩѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ۼ⍖ბ⅁Ҁᢿᩫݷ 䃥็೻ጯΌᐭ໸㻱ܿহ㥪჋䄂◦ࣾᆂ喑ःڲጯࣾᆂ喑ప ᓄγ䲋܎⮱᜽᳉ȡ ⁔≟⩌ᔮ೻ጯࣾᆂ⮱ⵁ⾣̻䄂◦䶦Ⱋ⶛⿸γ㠒᎟⩌ ಸ೻۾㉔ϑͧᄩा⮱ڙᔮ㻱ܿ⮱ͨ㺮݆࣌喟〆◦ক䓦В γ㠒᎟⻺ϑ䕇᫦ᐼ喑ፓᰶ倅ჳᏓ೻ጯ㖹⤳Ƞڒጯ⤳ᔢ喑㲺 చহ೻ጯ᰺ߎȡ̸᪴ᄳڙव⩕䕁Ƞₒ㵹ࣸສ⮱⣜ධȠ⌤ ᆂ⹧̶͗ᰭҠ჋䌢ᵵҸȡ

᫜ᓤ਒ᅁڥ⦌᫝ಸ⩌ᔮࡧ⮱ᰭҠ჋䌢ᵵҸ̭喟 喍B喎 ᦖጯ⮱৵侙ⷔ⩌ᔮࡧ喍)BNNBSCZ4KPbTUBE喎

᭜̭಄ጒ͇ࡧ喑ٵ᫜ᓤ਒ᅁᦖࢄ䘕⮱৵侙ⷔౝࡧ࣌ 㷘Ⅱഌ⣜㐂喑࣌䃎ܿ᭜᫜ᓤ਒ᅁᦖ⩠䄤  Ꭱຒ䓽 чͨߋᱰ⮱ຒ䓽᱾䔶౭ȡ Ꭱᐭ໸㻱ܿិ䔆❴ऄ↎ ᴀ⮱Ḃౝ䛺᫝ᐭࣾ᜽ͧ᫝೻ࡧȡ࣌㻱ܿ㏼䄰᪡ऻᘼ 䲏⮱⩌ᔮ೻ጯࣾᆂ喑᜽ͧ̓⩹̷ᰭ᜽ߌ⮱೻ጯڕ⣝჋ 㻱ܿ͸̭喑⩇㜠℁࣌䃎ܿ  ᎡႹጒ䔅㺮᣽ݺȡ৵ 侙ⷔ⩌ᔮࡧ఍ₑ䒙अ᜽ͧჹᰶ॥ᑂ߈⮱᫝ࡧ喍ఫ 喎喑

࠲᠙  ͗ѼႲࢂٰ喑ღ㏠㏓  ऺᅲℾ喑ͨ 喍C喎 ᰶ㒻ͪ⮱␕Ⅱڲ㺮᭜Ꭱ䒨უᏚ喠 ͗ጒ҉ᇄѺ喠 Ƞ㐬㞟Ƞ჉ᅲࡧ喑ᰶⱭᅧᏓ჉ϧ⮱⾧䬡̻ᐧま۾㉔ఫ ৵侙ⷔ⩌ᔮࡧ喟 చহ㐬㞟Ꮪ䮏ȡ ཮ೌӲ඄ǖJohan Fredriksson, ArikoganڙࡧȠ _ᅯ⮱ᐧま᣽Վᄼ㶄ࡧϧᕔࡃ⮱ჳᏓহ⣜ධȡ 㵹䘪իܧѼᝬ喑 ᭜व҉Ю͇᝭ᰶ喑 㞯㘪䒓जӈ᱙ࡧҬ⩕ȡ఍ₑ喑৵侙ⷔ  ⮱ڞڙ⮱ѼႲႅ䛼᭜  ϑ䕇Ƞ侾䒓হₒ㵹ȡڞڙथ᝭ᰶȡ̻ᠶ፥㻱ᴴ۳ᐧ᜽⮱ᐧ ाλڙ䔅ᰶ  ͧ͗ϧᝃ ⇩㘪⎽喑ຯ⩌ںԺȡᐧまͨ㺮Ҭ⩕ ৵侙ⷔ⮱๔䘕ܳ㘪⎽ӈ㐆Გ㜗ज͑ܧまⰥ℁喑䔆ψᐧま⮱⩌ᔮ᩵⢴倅 ᏤȠ᎟✒́ᰶݖλ⣜ධ⮱जᠮ㐚ᱽ᫆喑ຯ⣨⦰Ƞ᱕ᱽȠ ⅁Ƞ⛰᫆⩢↍Ƞ๗䭠㘪⩢↍Ƞ๗䭠㘪⩢↍Წ喑㞯㘪ᐧま֒ ᄾγ㘪⎽⊵㕄ȡ䄂◦ᏌⅡั⤳ࢯั⤳ᏌⅡऻϔ⩌ݣۼΌ ڲ䧏䧮̻ⴠᱽȡ㔰㭾ݝ䔆䛹͸ݺͧጒ͇↎ᴀࡧ喑䄒ࡧഌ ䷊ӈᯃ̻ݣۤ㈨㐌ڲϔ৮᜽ͧࡧޜ⮱ౌฑౕ᫪ጒݺ䘪㏼䓴ᒨᏂ⮱ԛฺۭࡃȡ ☚হݣۤ᩵᳉喑䔆̭ చ͒ᵩᠶ⚔倅ᴴ۳䔈㵹㻱ܿ喑ຯ ใ⮱㘪䛼Გ⎽ȡ৵侙ⷔ⮱Ⱋᴴ᭜ᒀౝ㘪⎽䰭Ⅿ̭ࡷ㘪ڙ䬡㈨㐌̻⾧ڞڙ చহᏚ䮏 㜗㐆ȡڙ㜠ᄾᰶ _N ⮱ᄼಸڲ ᄀ Nڙ⃼ᴸ 喍Ⱕᒀλ N ⮱ѼႲᐧま⾧䬡⮱ᐧまᕨ䲏⼜喎ȡ⣜ධ ৵侙ⷔ⮱ⅡӈᏁ̻ᏌⅡั⤳㈨㐌䛴⩕γ݈᫝⮱㞯 Ⱋᴴ᭜⩕Ⅱ䛼ϻ࣌Გ⮱Ꭰ౴⃼ϧ⃼๖ڣԊ៑᲎ҸԊ៑ᰶФթ⮱㜗♣ࡧഌ̺ऄᐭࣾⵡ౼ȡ㶒֬ᱧ Ⅱ㞯㘪ឭᱜ喑 喑ѻ㕄ڤݣ㺮ⅯВᐧ⿸㓑㥪⣜ධᰬАᄦ᱗㏼ᐭࣾ䓴⮱㐬ౝ⮱ᐭࣾ - ̸䭺ݝ -ȡⰛݺ喑䕇䓴Ҭ⩕㞯Ⅱக ᄾݝۼВ⶛Ԋক䓦ࡧഌ⮱⩌➖็ᵤᕔȡ Ⅱ侙ᶣВࣷۤ☚Ⅱ⌤वⅡ哆๡喑ϧ౴⃼๖⩕Ⅱ䛼 ϑ䕇᰺ߎ喑ϑ䕇 -ȡڞڙ৵侙ⷔຯϷϘ⩕ⱭᔘᢤӬݖ⮱ 䉦΅౽喑ϻ⌲ᮕݝ 䄒೻ጯ䕇䓴݈᫝⮱㜗ߕࡃౝ̸ノ䖀㈨㐌ั⤳ధҀᏌٺ䛴⩕䒨䒕Ƞጡธহ䒛⍎ȡ䒛⍎ڤጒ ϑ䕇Ƞᠩ䒓Ƞ㒻ͪ⮱㜗㵹䒓 ᐰ➖喑ϻᐧま䭱䓾⮱ರ౫ែᣤ◦៪॥ᩣ䯳ರ౫ऻܳͧजڞڙ⃼ᬒᒭ䔁ȡ჉ϧ⮱้⌞ ⮱ರڲౝ̸ರ౫マڒ㘉⮱ϧ㵹䖀䭺ѻγ⻮ϧ↪䒓⮱Ҭ⩕喍ఫ 喑 ⛰ರ౫Ƞ⩌≨ರ౫হ丌৮ರ౫ȡᢿڒ䖀হᑂϧ 䕇䓴៪∢ᄳರ౫ڤ॥⾧喑䄒ᩣ䯳ጒڤ᝭ᰶᅲℾ̷̻⤚ ౫ч㷘ರ౫ᩣ䯳ጒڲఫ喎ȡᠩ䒓⩞ࡧᩬᏉ㏱㏴喑䲏ा᱙ࡧ Გȡܧγᠩ䒓᰺ߎ喑ᰶ _ 䒳 ϻರ౫マ䛹៪॥ڒ᫼ȡ๔㏓  ⮱უᏚ䘪ߍ

7 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

喍B喎 喍C喎

⮱䕇䖀䘪᣽ࡴγ᪡͗ࡧഌ⮱჉ᅲᕔ⩕ڞచȠⅡᇥВࣷ㵹ϧ̻㜗㵹䒓ڙ ఫ ཮ೌӲ඄ǖArild Vågen

喍B喎 喍C喎

Ꭱ䘪ᒵӬݖڕఫ ৵侙ⷔ⮱䒨䒕̻䒛⍎᰺ߎ ཮ೌӲ඄ǖArild Vågen, Ankara

䃫᫪࠲᠙᪝ڞڙᎬ౧ក䕍Бϧᘶᗓ⮱ₒ㵹ⅈడ喍ఫ 喎ȡ ღ㏠  ऺ႓⩌⮱็᝭ڞ᫝ಸ⩌ᔮࡧ⮱ᰭҠ჋䌢ᵵҸι喟 ͗⹫ࡧ͚ᓰȠ็Ꮤ᪆യВࣷ ᓤపᑄ㣞ൎጯ⮱ͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤ喍3JFTFMGFME喎̻ ႓ᵎȡ 㶄ࡧᐧま䓴λ㐌̭喑⃼͗㶄ࡧ䘪㷘ܳᐭᎣ๔ٺ䗓喍7BVCBO喎ࡧ ͧ䖬↰ थȡ⻮㥒व҉ᐧまЮ͇㖁व䊤Გ䃫ڙਜ਼㐆γᐧまܧ䘕ܳ ڣᓤప㺬ࢄ䘕ᑄ㣞ൎጯ⮱ͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤ̻↰䗓͑͗᫝ࡧ 䃎হᐧ䕍็ẩᅯ⮱ѼႲẩ喑Ꭳ㖅䄤̭ऺᐧまጵ࣯̻ λ  ̓㏗  ᎡА͚᱌ᐭ໸㻱ܿᎣᐧ䕍ȡͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤѺ ͚喑፛ߖ㻱ܿহ䉱ߖ䄒ᐧまȡ䕇፥䖭䄤Გ㜗Ꭱ䒨უᏚ⮱ λᑄ㣞ൎ㺬䘕䓦㑅喑᭜̭͗㐬ౝᅲℾࡧ喍ఫ 喎喑᫮䓦ᅞ _ ऺ͇ͨчᵦᢛ㜗䏘⮱➦₷㺮Ⅿহ䶱ツᲒ࣯̻䃫䃎 ⦋͚̭͗ࢂٰȡͪڣ᭜䒨ጒ͇చࡧ喑Ꭳ⩞᫝ᐧ䒨䒕̻ጯ͚ᓰⰥ䔋ȡ↰䗓݆Ѻ হᐭࣾ喑ᐧ᜽ऻ͇ͨज᠒ᰶᎣᅲѼ ᰶ  ͗व҉ᐧま䶦Ⱋȡڞθ㺮ౝ喑ᓤప㐌̭ऻᩣ 㤟ᅁᓤۈλጯ͚ᓰ䭱䓾喑͸ݺ᭜Ꮜᐰ⮱ 䃥Ν̸̭᪡͗㶄ࡧ喑⃼͗ᐭٮȠ⌤⩕ಸ喑 ᰶᬻ⶛㻱Ⴧᐭࣾੳ̺۾㉔ఋ喑ᎣߍВᩦ䕍ȡ͑͗᫝ࡧ䘪㷘䃫䃎ͧ ग㘪᠒ᰶহᐭ̺ࣾ䊲䓴  ͗ౝ಄喑Вڲϑ䕇ͧᄩा⮱㵹ϧࣸສಸ㐬㞟೻ጯ⹫ࡧȡ ࣾੳౕ᳽͗㶄ࡧڞڙВ ͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤࢍౝ IN喑ღ㏠γ  ऺᅲℾࣷ Ԋ䃮็ᵤᕔȡ䔆ᅞ݈䕍γ̭͗㞜ສ⮱ᅧᏓ喑⇬㶄ₒ㵹ᬣ  ͗ధჇጒ҉ᇄѺ喑Ꭳ䉌䉐Ԋ៑䗨䓾 IN ⮱㜗 जࣾ⣝⃼䯁 _N ⮱ᐧま䷻ᵩ䘪̺̭ᵤȡ᝭ᰶᐧま Ԋ៑ࡧȡࣾᆂ὎ᐼ䖢ᓗ̭͗ᄼ೻ጯ㶄ࡧ⮱㈨㐌喑࡮ႄ 䘪㺮Ⅿ䓫ݝᓤప㞯㘪ᐧま⮱ᴴ۳ȡ♣ 䌜ऐ͸䬡⮱ₒ㵹䌊⻨̺䊲䓴 NȡܚՌ䃫䃎㇫ໆ⮱ϧ ᑄ㣞ൎ⮱ओ̭⩌ᔮࡧ↰䗓ࡧВᬍ䒓ࡧহ๗䭠㘪㔹㦄 θࡧ䛺᫝ᐭࣾ㔹᜽喑⣝ౕᐧ᜽ۈऺȡ↰䗓⩞̭͗Ꮜᐰ⮱ ڞڙచȠₒ䖀হჹᰶ॥ᑂ߈⮱ڙ㵹䖀Ƞ㜗㵹䒓䖀Ƞ㐬ࡃ

8 Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧ۾㉔ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ⩌≟⁔

ȠᅧᏓ჉ϧȠ㵹ϧࣸສ⮱೻ࡧ۾㉔ఫ ᑄ㣞ൎͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤࡧ喟᫝ಸ㐬㞟Ƞ ཮ೌӲ඄ǖNorbert Blau Luftfahrer

γ̭͗⌤व⩕䕁⮱Ƞₒ㵹ࣸສಸ⮱㐬㞟೻ࡧ喍ఫ 喎喑 䶦Ⱋϻ  Ꭱᐭ໸㻱ܿ喑 ᎡႹ᜽ᐧ䃫ȡ᪡Ҁ㻱 ф喍࠲᠙᱗Გᅲℾ喎হ⻮ᰶ㵹͇౴ᰶڙ᠒ᰶ  ͗Ѽᝬࢂٰ喑᣽ӈ  ͗ጒ҉ᇄѺ⮱ੳ͇ ̻ܿ჋᫪䓴⼸͚ 䬡喑Ꭳᰶ̭͚͗๛ጯ౧̻̭͗⹫ࡧ͚ᓰȡ↰䗓 ࣯̻ȡ⾧ڙߋ̻

喍B喎 喍C喎

ఫ ᑄ㣞ൎͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤࡧ喟᠒ᰶ㐬㞟⾧䬡Ƞ⠙⿸ѼႲࣷ⩢䒓᰺ߎ⮱㶄ࡧ ཮ೌӲ඄ǖAndreas Schwarzkopf, Dr. Neil Clifton

9 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ ᑄ㣞ൎ↰䗓ࡧ喟㻱ܿ㐬㞟Ƞ⩌ᔮ倅᩵ȠᅧᏓ჉ϧȠ㵹ϧࣸສ⮱᫝ࡧ ཮ೌӲ඄ǖAndreas Schwarzkopf ( ႑တӱቛ๖ )

㺮ϑ䕇᫦ᐼ᭜ₒ㵹ͨڲ喑㔹䘕 䕇⮱䌊⻨䘪̺ч䊲䓴 Nȡࡧڒᰶψࡧഌ䭽ݣ⻮უ䒓۳ڲĄᬍ䒓೻ą᭜ᠴࡧ 喑㻱Ⴧͨ᎟ٵ䒓ȡ։䒓౧䃫ౕࡧใడ喑Ꭳᰶ䒨䒕⩢䒓Ⱑ ̻㜗㵹䒓ȡϑ䕇㻱݆ᬻ⶛㵹ϧ̻㜗㵹䒓х⺮ڕౝࡧႹܳ ≩⩌㏓  ⮱ౕѼᅲℾВࣷࢠᄳ 䖀䕌Ꮣ̺ᓄ䊲䓴 LNI喑㷘⼝ͧĄ⇌䕇⾧䬡ąᝃڲ喑䲋፥᫦Ӭȡࡧڲ䕇ጯ ᅲℾᄳ䒓䒳։ᩫ 㶄䖀⮱䒲䖀䕌Ꮣ̺䊲䓴 LNIȡ᝭ᰶ㶄䖀䘪जӈ႖ၽ҆ڣѼ⮱ᅲℾहᘼᩫᐰҬ⩕⻮უ䒓喑ڒ Ϙহᠩ䒓ȡ⩕ౝ Й⣖㔺ȡͧ᣽ՎҬ⩕㜗㵹䒓喑ᐧまকడጰ␎㜗㵹䒓᳣ȡڞ喑Ꭳ࣯̻↪䒓ڲࡧใ⮱͑͗։䒓౧ౕ ⢴ϑ 䔆⻺᪡Ҁ⮱䲋ᱧߕϑ䕇⤳ᔢҬᓄ↰䗓ࡧ⮱⻮უ䒓᠒ᰶڞڙ᫦ᵵຯₑႶᢿ⮱Ⱋ⮱᭜ҬШ҂უᏚᝃጒ҉౧᝭̻ ጯͧڕ᭜ᑄ㣞ൎጯऱࡧᰭѻ⮱喑⃼ࡰϧϲᰶ  䒳喑㔹 ⃼ࡰϧ  䒳ȡ 䔈⮱೻ጯ̻ᐧまധ⵭䃫᫪ВٵĄ๗䭠㘪͸೻ą࠲᠙γ 㞯Ⅱ㞯㘪喍ఫ 喎ȡ᪡͗᫝ࡧ⮱ᐧま㺮Ⅿ㜠ᄾ䓫ݝᓤప㞯 ͚㜠ᄾ  ᎏᐧま㘪์䓫ݝ⩇㜠䊲䓴ڣ㘪ᐧま⮱ᴴ۳喑 ჋ڲĄ㷘ߕᐼᝬᅸą喍QBTTJWFIPVTF喎⮱ᴴ۳ȡ↰䗓ࡧ ᝭ᰶᐧま⮱ᅸ䶣౴㺳Ⰳᰶ๗ڲγ̭͗๗䭠㘪ᄼࡧ喑ࡧ⣝ 䭠㘪Წ喍ఫ 喎ȡ ᄦλࢂҀᐧまᲒ䄡喑䉱⎽᩵⢴⮱ᰭҠ჋䌢᭜䖢ᓗѻ 㘪㕄ᴴ۳喑⩞ᬏ᭜͇ͨࣵ᭜Ѽᝤ⮱व҉ᐧま᫦㻱ܿᎣᐧ 䕍⌤व⩕䕁ᐧまȡ ᝤᅲℾ䕇䓴⹫ࡧ㜗ࣾ㏱㏴ᄦᣒ䃧 हࡼੳȠᐧ䕍γЃЙ⮱Ѽᝬȡ䔆ψఈᅯѼႲẩ⃼ڞಈ喑 ϑ䕇Ƞ㜗㵹䒓̻㵹ϧڞڙ๗䭠㘪ࣾ⩢Ƞ⧵ڠఫ ᑄ㣞ൎ↰䗓ࡧ喟๗䭠㘪͸೻喑 ᄀ喑ϻ̭ბᝤݝ䔯व๔უᏚ⮱ฺᐼѼڙ཮ೌӲ඄ǖMangan 02 ᴸღ㏠γ  ຄ

10 Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧ۾㉔ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ⩌≟⁔

喍B喎 喍C喎

ᐧま౴ͧ㞯㘪ᐧまڲఫ ᑄ㣞ൎ↰䗓⹫ࡧ喟᝭ᰶᅸ䶣䘪䨧䃫γ๗䭠㘪Წ喑ࡧ ཮ೌӲ඄ǖAndrewglaser, Mangan 02

ϑͧᄩा⮱Ƞ㵹ϧࣸສ⮱㞯㘪᫝ࡧȡᑄڙბ喑̭䬡㞧ᱜ ぶ➦◦喑᭜ВڙႲぶऱ⻺ᝤಸ䘪ᰶ喑हᬣ䔅䃫ᰶఈ䬡ߋ ⮱䕇䷻⇆␑㈨㐌 㣞ൎ఍ₑ䊏ᓄγ䃥็⮱೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ̻჉ᅲ຃䶦喑㗜ڲ䬡ȡ≄Ⱂ↎Ⅱ䕇䓴ᐧま⾧ڞڙბВࣷ ⮱  ͗ⱌ⾧侙ᶣⰥ℁ Ⴧγ䄒ጯͧᐧ䕍倅Ꮣ㲺व᫝ࡧ᝭և⮱ߗ߈ȡڲऻज⩕λ۟≄侙ᶣȡᐧま⤳ั э㐌侙ᶣ㞯Ⅱ ȡ↎Ⅱ̻ᰶᱧᏌᐰ➖⩞ᐧまᏂ䘕⮱ರ ౫マᩣ䯳喑䕇䓴⇩⅁↍ϔ⩌⛰⅁ӈࣕᝬҬ⩕ȡᅸ䶣⮱๗ ᫝ಸ⩌ᔮ⹫ࡧᰭҠ჋䌢ᵵҸ̶喟 ⮱ࣾ⩢ ᓤపఫძᵦጯ⮱∂䄚ࡧڲ䭠㘪䯳☚கज᣽ӈ _- ࡴ⮱☚Ⅱ喑ᐧま ࢂٰ̻ᄼಸฺवӈ☚ࢂٰ㘪์᣽ӈ䷊ใ⮱⩢߈Ƞ☚㘪̻ ጯϧڕⅡȡᅸ䶣๗䭠㘪Წ㷲ᱧღ䛼䓫ݝ L8喑☚㘪Ƞࣾ⩢ ఫძᵦጯᰶ̭᝭᠒ᰶ  Ꭱࢳट⮱๔႓喑☚ 㘪␎䋠  ⮱ᐧま㕄㘪̻ᅲℾ㕄㘪ȡ ऐͧ  ϧ喑႓⩌  ϧȡఫძᵦ⮱∂䄚ࡧౕڞмᲬٶࢂٰ̻ ᑄ㣞ൎ⮱䔆͑͗᫝ࡧ᭜ᓤప᫝ࡧࣾᆂ⮱̭ψ჋䌢ᵵ  Ꭱ㻱ܿͧ⌤⩕೻ጯ⹫ࡧ喑Ꭳౕᓤప㐌̭ऻᩣఋ⮱ ݖ⩕⮱㐀Ჱȡᐧ᜽λںθࡧ⮱ധ⵭̷Ҭ⩕γ᝭ᰶजۈȠ⌤⩕ ݺ۾㉔ᰶ⩌ᔮȠ倅᩵Ƞ჉ᅲȠڤҸ͚⮱ᰭҠ㠰Ҹ喑

ఫ ఫძᵦጯ∂䄚ࡧ喟჉ᅲᄼࡧ喑䔯वₒ㵹ᝃ侾㵹⮱ᰶ䋐㶄䖀হх㒻Ꭼ౧ ཮ೌӲ඄ǖRamessos

11 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ᰶ  უ 喍喎㐬㞟ᐭᩫ⾧䬡㈨㐌喟㐬㞟⾧䬡᣽ӈ⩌ᔮ㈨㐌᰺ڲᎡ⮱∂䄚ࡧ⣝ౕᰶ  ऺᅲℾ喑ࡧ  Ꮴ喑⹫ࡧӬݖ䃫᫪喑⩌ᔮ䃫᫪喑Ҭጒౝ෋թȡ֒ڞڙ͚  ᭜᰺ߎ͇喑 ߎ喑ڣЮ͇喑᣽ӈγ  ͗ጒ҉ᇄѺ喑  ᭜ឭᱜ㵹͇হ⩌ϔ͇喑 ᭜䰣ਜ਼͇ȡ 喍喎࠲ღᕔ喟ᩜᠮ⻮㥒ᐧまव҉Ю͇ᄼ㻱὎⮱ែ䉱喑 Ⱕ℁λិౝ಄ਜ਼εੳ͇ᐭࣾੳ喑ఫძᵦጯᰡᙬᘼ ጯᩬᏉᰡիाλᣒऄₑ⻺ᒏᐼ⮱ϔᱰ㔹䲋ੳ͇ᐭࣾੳ⮱ ਜ਼㐆व҉ᐧまЮ͇喑ВӬ჋⣝ጯ䃛чݣჇ⮱⻮ ᣽䃛ȡܧڣᄳ ф⮱࣯̻ȡڙᰶᄼ㻱὎⌤⩕ᐧま⮱Ⱋᴴȡ䕇䓴็᫦৕䄏喑ጯᩬᏉᣕ 喍喎㻱ܿ䓴⼸͚㖇♓ᄼ㏱̻ ⩌ੳ͇⩕ᝤᝃ᝸ጒ 喍喎ᰶ》ζ߈⮱喟⌤व⩕䕁݈䕍γᅞ͇ᱧч喑ϔڒߕγव҉Ю͇⮱ᄦᣒ䓴⼸喑⩇㜠ᑂ 㞧ϧ҉ͧव҉㔲Вߗ߈䓫ݝᐧま⌤⩕⮱Ⱋ⮱ȡ䔆̭䓴 γ倅⻾ឭ͚ᄼЮ͇喑ᅲѼ̻ጒ҉⣜ධ॥ᑂγ倅ឭᱜϧ᝺ȡ ⼸͚喑ᒀᅭ呀ߞែ䉱ᒀౝ㏼≻喑჋᫪ᄼ㻱὎ܳ᪐ӈᏁ 喍喎ധλ䰭Ⅿ⮱जᠮ㐚ែ䉱喟࠲ღᕔ⮱ࣾᆂ喑౴ ㈨ȡڠゃ⪒喑㶕⣝͸̭ᅞ᭜䕇䓴ᩜᠮᄼಸ㜗㥒䒨ጒ͇̻䰣ਜ਼ 㶎⮱ӈⅯ ๔ಸ䔋䨮䊲ጯᝃੳ౧ȡ఍ₑ喑ᄼ㻱὎ڒੳ喑㔹̺᭜ᑂ ⡛ᵩ喑ᄦᅲℾᲒ ࣯㔰̭᪴ڤ⠙≺Ҭᓄᒀౝᅲℾ㏼ڒ䒨ጒ͇⮱㲺 䄡ΌᎣᬍ໕ⶺȡ [1] Ahrens G A, Ließke F, Wittwer R, et al. Sonderauswertung –”ϘȠ侾 zur Verkehrserhebung “Mobilität in Städten SrV 2008ڞ䄚ࡧ⮱ϑ䕇⤳ᔢ᭜䭽ݣ䒓䒳喑᣽Վ↪䒓∂ Städtevergleich[J]. Dresden November, 2009. Ϙ喑ጹ᱈ϧЙ㘪์ᠶ䰭ڞ䒓̻ₒ㵹ȡጯᩬᏉ๔߈ᣕᎬ↪䒓 [2] Fränne L. Hammarby Sjöstad–a unique environmental ͚ȡ఍ₑ喑∂䄚ࡧ⮱⃼ࡰϧڣ䒓喑ᒀౝᅲℾΌᎬ∈࣯̻⩕ project in Stockholm[J]. Alfaprint, GlashusEtt, Stockholm, ↪䒓Ԋᰶ䛼䭺㜠  䒳喑㔹᪡͗ఫძᵦጯ⃼ࡰϧ↪䒓Ԋ Sweden, 2007. ᰶ䛼ͧ  䒳ȡ⩞λ䒓≮䛼̺๔喑侾䒓ᝃₒ㵹䘪᭜᫦Ӭ [3] Freiburg. Rieselfeld[EB/OL]. (2015-05-04). www.freiburg.de/ .⮱䔶᠖ȡຯ᳉㺮։ᩫᝃ䨮㜗㵹䒓喑䃥็㜗㵹䒓ᶖजӈ rieselfeldڕႶ Ҭ⩕ȡ㜗㵹䒓ܧ㵹ౕ⩌ᔮࡧࢍ᝭ᰶܧ㵹᫦ᐼ⮱ 喑ఫ [4] Freiburg. Vauban[EB/OL]. (2014-11-21). www.freiburg.de/ vauban. ძᵦጯ⮱℁Ҹͧ 喑㔹ౕᓤప݆ͧ ȡ᪡͗∂䄚ࡧ [5] Gaffron P, Huismans G, Skala F, et al. Ecocity. Book I.[J]. 喑ₒ㵹Ҁ侹ᘶᗓ喑ᬣ䬡ⴚ́倅᩵喍ఫ 喎ȡ۾㉔ጰᅭ Facultas Verlags und Buchhandels AG, 2005. [6] Hall P G. Cities of tomorrow : an intellectual history of urban ⁔≟⩌ᔮ೻ጯ⮱㻱݆ܿ࣌喟 planning and design in the twentieth century[M]. Blackwell .Ƞ⌤⩕Ƞ㐬㞟Ƞ჉ᅲ Publishing, 2002۾㉔ [7] Hammarby Sjöstad Ekonomisk Förening[EB/OL]. www. hammarbysjostad.se. 㐩̷᝭䔝喑⁔≟᜽ߌ⮱⩌ᔮ೻ጯহ⩌ᔮ倅᩵೻ጯࣾ [8] Howard E. Garden Cities of Tomorrow[M]. London: Faber 䩛݆࣌喑䔆ψ݆࣌Ό䃥जВ͚ͧڠहҀ⣝γ̭ψڞᆂ䘪 and Faber, 1902. Ҁຯ̸喟 [9] Jessen J, Goerke P, Rau S. New Forms of Urban Mixedڤ㏼侹喑ڠపহχ๗ౝࡧ᣽ӈⰥ 喑ᅧᏓ჉ϧ喟ᄼ㶄ࡧ喑ᄼᅧᏓ㶄䖀喑 Use Districts: A European Comparison. For the Federal۾㉔喍喎㐀Ჱ .[౧᝭ݝϑ䕇〆◦Ƞ Government of Germany, Ministry of Construction[MڙᰶⱭₒ㵹ࣸສ⮱⣜ධ喑ϻѼ᝭ᝃߋ .చ䘪̺ч䊲䓴 _NJO ⮱ Stuttgart, Germany: Stuttgart University Press, 1996ڙ᰺ߎ䃫᫪ВࣷڞڙੳᏄȠ [10] Ledwoch, Sven. The “French District” Sustainable Urban ₒ㵹䌜⼸ȡ Neighborhood in Tubingen, Germany: GIZ[EB/OL]. http:// 喍喎⌤व⩕䕁喟೻ጯ⮱≨߈Ƞ᪴ࡃȠੳ͇ȠᅲℾࡧȠ www.thepep.org/ClearingHouse/docfiles/French_District_ ႅλ᪡͗ࡧഌ喑ᅲℾࡧ喑 Final_Draft_20121018.pdfڞᱧᲱ̻̺ឝℾ⮱䒨ጒ͇ݣ䕍 Όᅪज㘪ο̺᎟ឝȡ [11] Rau S. Eco-cities and Eco-Territories in China, Anڲ㜠ౕह̭ᐧま⩇ ϑ䕇হ⩌ᔮ⼨ Opportunity Amidst the Crisis[C]//Proceedings of ACE 3ڞڙ喍喎Вϑ䕇ͧധ⵭喟᫦Ӭᔘᢤ⮱ ϘȠ㜗㵹䒓⼌䉮Вࣷ䔿䔮᰺ߎȡ Milan Symposium for Architecture and Culture, edited byڞߕ喑ຯ䒓䒳 Marco Imperadori et al. Milan, Italy, 2009. 喍喎ᅧᏓ䔯჉Ƞ㵹ϧࣷ㜗㵹䒓ࣸສ⮱㶄䖀喟ϧ㵹䖀 [12] Rau S. Eight Points to Remember - City Planning 喑 Principles[C]//Proceedings of ACE 1 Macau Symposiumڕᄼ䌜䩆㥪ᰶ㜡喑ᮜ㞟х㒻喑೻ጯ㶄ࡧᄼ喑㵹ϧႶ̻ 䃫᫪ȡ for Architecture and Culture edited by Jose-Luis De Salesڞڙহٶ▜㶄ጰᰶੳ䨧Ƞᮜ㻯Ƞ⇬ 喍喎⩌ᔮ倅᩵喟⩕ౝ倅᩵Ƞ㞯㘪㞯Ⅱ⮱೻ࡧহ⩌≨ Marques, et al. Milan/Macau, 2007. ᫦ᐼȡ [13] Schulz, Brigitte. Die Tübinger Südstadt[J]. Bauwelt, 2012,1(2).

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[14] Stockholms stad. Stockholm växer. Hammarby Sjöstad. https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Tvärbanan_ ygg.stockholm.se/hammarbysjostad. Luma_November_2012.jpg&oldid=161684973 This file is licensed [15] Tübingen Universitätsstadt. Franz Viertel/ Loretto[EB/OL]. under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 www.tuebingen.de/franz_viertel. Unported. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ [16] United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN- deed.en) license. HABITAT). State of the Worldăs Cities 2012/2013: Prosperity ఫ 3喍b喎喟Hammarby Sjöstad ferry service linking for attractive of Cities. New York: Routledge, 2012. and convenient links to downtown. Photo taken by Ankara, [17] United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. available online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index. World Urban Prospects. php?title=File:Ms_Lisen_january_2011.jpg&oldid=162904311 This [18] United Nations. Department of Economics and Social file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Affairs. Population Division. World Population Prospects: Alike 3.0 Unported. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- The 2012 Revision. sa/3.0/deed.en) license. [19] United Nations. Department of Economics and Social ఫ 4喟Freiburg Rieselfeld aerial view of the new green, compact, Affairs. Population Division. The 2011 Revision of World human scaled, pedestrian-friendly urban district. Photo taken Population Prospects: Highlights[EB/OL]. http://esa.un.org/ by Norbert Blau Luftfahrer, available online at: https://commons. unpd/wpp/Documentation/publications.htm. wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Freiburg_Rieselfeld_2007. [20] United Nations. Department of Economics and Social jpg&oldid=142902813 Permission is granted to copy, distribute Affairs. World Urban Prospects[EB/OL]. http://esa.un.org/ and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU unpd/wup/Analytical-Figures/Fig_2.htm Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant ఫ❴❵ᱰ Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU ఫ 1喍a喎喟Hammarby Sjöstad aerial view of the eco-district Free Documentation License. This file is licensed under the taken by Johan Fredriksson, available online at: https:// Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hammarby_sj%C3%B6stad,_ (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en) flygfoto_2014-09-20.jpg. This work is licensed under the Creative license. Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view 5 a Freiburg Rieselfeld view of green spaces and residential a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ ఫ 喍 喎喟 blocks with many individual residential buildings. Photo taken by-sa/3.0/ by Andreas Schwarzkopf, available online at: https://commons. ఫ 1喍b喎喟Hammarby Sjöstad view of waterfront and human- wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Im_Freiburger_Stadtteil_ scaled residential buildings. Photo taken by Arikogan, Rieselfeld_mit_Neunaugenbach.jpg&oldid=154207766 This file is available online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index. licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 php?title=File:Hammarby_Sjöstad_Estocolmo_Suecia_rio. Unported (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/bysa/3.0/deed. jpg&oldid=96533959. This file is licensed under the Creative en) license. Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported (https:// 5 b Freiburg Rieselfeld view of light-rail tram service to creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en) license. ఫ 喍 喎喟 the new district. Photo taken by Dr Neil Clifton (http://geo-en. ఫ 2喍a喎喟Hammarby Sjöstad view of scaled public green hlipp.de/profile/135). Source From geo-en.hlipp.de (http://geo-en. spaces and waterfronts. Photo taken by Arild Vågen, available hlipp.de/photo/6218), available online also at: https://commons. online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File: wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Rieselfeld_tram_terminus_-_ Sjöstadsparterren_April_2012_03.jpg&oldid=98422881 This file is geo.hlipp.de_-_6218.jpg&oldid=155637125; transferd by User: licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 oxyman using geograph_org2commons (http://toolserver. Unported. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed. org/~magnus/geograph_org2commons.php). Creative Commons en) license. Attribution Share-alike license 2.0. ఫ 2喍b喎喟Hammarby Sjöstad view of scaled green spaces and 6 Freiburg Vauban infoboard of planning the green, eco- pathways. Photo taken by Arild Vågen, available online at: https:// ఫ 喟 efficient, human scaled pedestrian friendly new district. Photo commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Sjöstadsparterre taken by Andreas Schwarzkopf, available online at: https:// n_June_2015.jpg&oldid=163834277 This file is licensed under the commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Infotafel_in_ Creative Commons Attribution-Sre Alike 4.0 International (https:// Freiburg-Vauban_an_der_Endhaltestelle_Innsbrucker_Straße_2. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en) license. jpg&oldid=138838601. Category: Vauban (Freiburg im Breisgau) ఫ 3喍a喎喟Hammarby Sjöstad light-rail service for year-round This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- convenience. Photo taken by Arild Vågen, available online at:

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Share Alike 3.0 Unported https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ ఫ 8喍b喎喟Freiburg Vauban all roofs with solar panels in bysa/3.0/deed.en) license. the solar district and all buildings are energy and resources ఫ 7喟Freiburg Vauban solar city focused on producing solar efficient buildings. Photo taken by Photo taken by Mangan02, electricity and on public transport, bicycles and pedestrians. available online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index. Photo taken by Mangan02, available online at: https://commons. php?title=File:Vauban_in_Freiburg_september_2014_03. wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Solarschiff_ Solarsiedlung_ jpg&oldid=135228323 This file is licensed under the Creative Freiburg_im_Breisgau_september_2014.jpg&oldid=135161920 This Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International. (https:// file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en) license. Alike 4.0 International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- ఫ 9喟Tuebingen French Quarter view of plaza and scaled sa/4.0/deed.en) license. street and individual buildings of the livable district with ఫ 8喍a喎喟Freiburg Vauban all roofs with solar panels in the solar attractive streets and plazas nice for walking and cycling. Photo district and all buildings are energy and resources efficient buildings. taken by Ramessos, available online at: https://commons. Photo taken by Andrewglaser (talk), available online at: https:// wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:TuebingenFranzViertel1. commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:SoSie%2BSoSchiff_ jpg&oldid=158419078 Ą I, the copyright holder of this work, Ansicht.jpg&oldid=156661661 This file is licensed under the release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. (https:// In some countries this may not be legally possible; if so: I grant creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en) license. anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any Attribution: Andrewglaser at English Wikipedia. conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.ą

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͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ ॡ㑇哆

15 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

᱙Γ᭜χ≟ࣾᆂ䨣㵹  ह≻๔႓೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰ⮱᜽ ͗᫝ࣾᆂࡧഌᐧ⿸ܳࡧ㈨㐌 <>喍8V喑喎ȡ㏼䓴ຒ䯲 थౕ͚ప㻱ܿγڙथ喍ᕨ䘕Ѻλ㠞ప喑䄒ڙϘ͚ప᫝೻ࣾᆂⴒ䃳ȡΓ͚⮱̶͗ᵵҸ ㏠ጒ⼸৕䄏ڞ᳉͸̭喑ᬕౕ ᣽ӈγ͚ప̺ह᫝೻ࣾᆂ⮱㏼侹᪆䃚喑䔆ψ᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂ 䃥็⩌ᔮ೻ጯ喑᧲䪬䛴⩕㐩व⮱᫦∂჋⣝जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ喎 ⶛⿸γ̭ڲЃ৕䄏̀უ⮱ߗ߈喑ܳࡧ㈨㐌ڣ᫦ᐼ࠲᠙ࣾᆂϔ͇喑⌤वࣾᆂϔ͇̻ѼႲ喑Вౕࣷ㜗♣ ⊤ใ̀უহ ܳٲრऻ䕇䓴䯳͚䛺ᐧ᫝⩌≨ࡧᲒࣾᆂ᫝೻ȡ㮪♣᫦ᐼऱ ㈨݄⩌ᔮ㻱㠰ȡ䔆Ό᭜Ռ䞡ప䭲ᩬゃ⮱䘕ܳ᜽᳉喑▫ ᰶࡰ⻸喑ѳ䘪ϻ㻱὎হ➦ᒮ̷䄍䛷γ͚ప⮱᫝೻ࣾᆂȡ Ҁ⣝ౕᬍ䩎͚⦋ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ᕔ䶦Ⱋ̷ȡᅪノใప̀ ͚ప⮱Ą᫝೻ąắᔢ喑᝭ᠴ䒰ͧც∈ȡ᱙Γ᝭ᠴ⮱ უౕ᪡͗㻱ܿ䓴⼸͚ᒞ৺䶴๔喑ѳ๗⎃᫝೻⮱㻱ܿহࣾ Ą᫝೻ą̀ᠴ䕇䓴๔㻱὎పუᅯ䲏⮱㻱ܿࣾᆂ㔹᜽喑ѳह ᆂᰡ็⮱᭜͚పౌౝহ㏼≻ࣾᆂ⮱㐀᳉ȡ⩌ᔮ೻ᓄВ჋ ᬣࣵ㻳ౌౝጯ౧ͧᝬౝϔᐭࣾহጒ͇ࣾᆂͨ㺮侞ߕ߈⮱ ᫪喑ᒵ๔⼸Ꮣ̷᭜఍ͧ᪡͗๗⎃᫝೻ᕨҀ̷㷘㻳̭ͧ͗ ᫝೻ȡ䔆ψ᫝೻᱙䉕̷Გ䄡᭜㏼䓴ₐᐼ㻱ܿ⮱᫝ᅲℾౝȡ ᫝㏼≻⾧䬡ȡ఍ₑ喑⩌ᔮ㻱㠰ᄦ⩌ᔮ➦ᒮ⮱ࣾᆂ᫪ߍγ ᄦ͚ప᫝ ䷊ใ⮱㺮Ⅿ喑㔹̺᭜ϲϲ␎䋠λ⠙⿸⮱⩌ᔮࣾᆂ喑݆॓ںắ᠙䔆̶͗ᵵҸ⮱➦ᒮ喑♣ऻٵ᱙᪴仃 ೻⮱ࣾᆂ㏼侹ߍВᕨ㐀ȡ 䔆ᵤᒵღᭀ⩞λ㑧ͼ㏼≻≨ߕ㔹䖚䕴ఝධȡϻ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿ ᒮᲒ䄡喑ࡧഌ䃫䃎㔰㭾ݝ㐬㞟᏷䖀হ⇠䖀Ⅱ㑾⮱Ԋ៑➦ 䄒ౝࡧ↌ࢄⅡΎ⮱➦㞟ȡϻ㏼≻㻿Ꮣڒ㲺ܳٲᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻ হᐧ䃫喑 Ѓ䃥็ͨ㺮⩞ݣ䕍͇侞ߕ⮱᫝೻̺ह喑ڣᲒ䄡喑̻͚ప ๗⎃᫝೻Ѻλ䪬̶㻿⮱͚ᓰౝፓ喑ౝ⤳Ѻ㒛х䊷喑 ๗⎃᫝೻呀ߞᩜᠮす̶ϔ͇⮱ࣾᆂȡ᫝㏼≻࠲᠙䛾㲺͇喑 ᝭ั⮱ᬍ䩎ጯ喑㏼≻߈䛼ౕ䄒ࡧഌϓऺ݄ݺ㠲ȡᬍ ݈ᘼϔ͇喍ຯᬍ䩎ᒞ㻳ധౝ喎喑Ԏᖜឭᱜϔ͇喑о䬟ϔڣ㔹 ೻ጯࣾᆂ䛺 ͇喑Вࣷ⻾႓ឭᱜⵁ⾣ȡ᫝೻ࣾᆂहᬣ呀ߞᰡ倅⮱ᐭࣾڣλᝅ⪒ࣾᆂ䰭㺮喑䔶᠖ࣾᆂ᫝೻喑ܧ䩎ጯ ◦ΌⰥᏁ⩞࣌Გ⮱̷⊤ÿࢄϙ⇬㏬䓮㜠๗⎃䓦ȡᬍ䩎ጯ ჳᏓ喑ࣾᆂₒ㵹㈨㐌喑Վᄩ㐬㞟ܧ㵹ȡͧ჋⣝जᠮ㐚ࣾ ⮱ࣾᆂᓄ⯷λ͚๛ᩬᏉ⮱๔߈ᩜᠮ喑⩌ᔮ೻⮱ᐧ䃫ࢠͧ ᆂ喑᫝೻๔߈ࣾᆂധ⵭䃫᫪ᐧ䃫喑ࣾᆂⅡᓗ⣜হ↎Ⅱั ᒀౝᩬᏉ㣤ᓄ͚๛ᩜᠮऻ⮱᜽᳉͸̭ȡ⩌ᔮ೻⮱ࣾᆂВ ⤳ឭᱜȡ఍ₑ喑๗⎃᫝೻ౕ㏼≻ࣾᆂহ⣜ධᩦ઱͑͗᫦䲏 㻱ܿᑂ䶳ͧ➦ᒮȡ᫝೻ࢍౝ䲏⼜ცᎬ喑䓫ݝγ LNȡ ჋⣝γᰡҠ⮱Ꭰ㶎ȡ̻Вᒭ䲍ᝬౝϔᐭࣾᲒᣕߕࣾᆂⰥ ϻ᳽⻺ᘼͶ̷Გ䄡喑᫝೻㜗䏘ጟ㏼ࣾᆂ᜽̭ͧ͗೻ጯ喑 ℁喑๗⎃᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂ䔶᠖γღ㏠᫝⮱㏼≻᜽ܳȡ䛴ः㻱ܿ ⼜᭜ᬍ䩎ጯ⮱࢘ᭌጒ͇೻ȡ᭫㦄➦ᒮ͸̭ᅞ᭜ౕ᪡ ᑂ䶳⮱᫦ᐼⰥᄦ㉔ჳౝ㲺वγ჋Ҁ㻱ܿহ⣜ධᠴᴴȡ䲏ں㔹̺ ͧLN ⮱⩌ᔮ⹧㠰ࡧ喑ᝃ㔲घ҉⩌ᔮ೻喑᭜᪡͗ࢍౝ LN ᫝೻⮱̭䘕ܳȡౕ᫝೻ധ⵭䃫᫪ᰭ㏵Ⴙ઱喑ϧ ऐ᪝䛼䊷Გ䊷็Вऻ喑⩌ᔮ೻⮱ࣾᆂअᓄᰡߍजᣕᎬព ȡ⧵ڠใ⮱̭㜡ڲ⊤ᆂȡ᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂⰛݺ॥ᑂγ


ଶჇ᫝೻Ѻλ̷⊤ጯࡄ䘕喑᭜̷⊤ጯᩬᏉ㻱ܿ⮱Ί Ꮤ᫝೻͸̭ȡ ᎡݺݣჇ⮱̷⊤ࡧഌ㻱ܿጟ䔶᠖ଶ Ⴧ҉ͧ᫝೻䩴Გࣾᆂ喑В㑀㼐ጯࡧ⮱ϑ䕇᠒ൢȡౕ  ̓㏗  ᎡА喑ଶჇ㷘⶛⿸ͧጒ͇࢘ᭌ೻͸̭ȡ Ꭱ ఫ ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喑͚๛ౝࡧ ཮ೌઠᇸǖፕኁಆฝ Вݺ喑ଶჇ⮱ࣾᆂ䘪℁䒰㑀ᚏ喑Ⱑݝ䔆̭Ꭱ̷⊤ᄳ᫝೻

16 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ

ᐧ᜽⣜ධ⮱⩌ᔮ䉕䛼Όڣ䩴ࣾᆂ҉ͧ᫝⮱ࣾᆂゃ⪒ȡͧߍᑧ̷⊤⮱㏼≻》ζ߈喑 㘪喑㺮ҬଶჇ᜽ͧ჉ᅲ͸ౝ喑 ଶჇ⮱ࣾᆂऄݝγࡧഌᕔ⮱䛺㻳ȡ⣝䭣⃢⮱Ⱋᴴ᭜ᄳଶ 䰭㺮䛺㻳ȡ Ⴧࣾᆂ᜽ͧღ㏠  ̴ϧऐ⮱᫝೻䩴ȡহ̷⊤⮱Ძ↌ <> 8BOHFUBM喑 Вࣷࡄϙ㏼≻ឭᱜᐭࣾࡧ⮱᝭ౕ ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ ౝϓᎱ <> 8VBOE1IFMQT喑 ㆨѩ喑ଶჇ⮱㏼≻ 㐀Ჱͨ㺮⩞すιϔ͇ͨᄩ喑ࢍᕨ (%1 ⮱ ȡ᫝೻៲ Ӱ䔈ࡄጊ⮱ࣾᆂ᭜䰴ऻ䛺ᐧ⮱ᒀߎ͸ᕒȡࡄጊ̺᭜ ШⱭ䛺㺮⮱㏼≻㕹㘪喑᭜̷⊤⮱ݣ䕍͇ധౝ喑हᬣݣ䕍 э㐌ᘼͶ̷⮱᫝೻喑㔹᭜̭͗᫝ᐧ⮱࣬೻ȡࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ 㺮⮱ᅞ͇⍍䖀ȡⰛݺ㻱ܿⱭ߈λӰ䔈ѻⷠϔ ᭜ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬⮱㵹ᩬ͚ᓰȡౝ䰴ᦔ⃮γࡄጊᬔ౭喑ͨڣΌ᭜͇ Გ⎽ܳᲽ㶕ᬻ喑 ⣝ౕ⮱ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻䛺᫝䔶౭λⅥᬹ䩴⮱ओ̭㵹ᩬࡧഌȡڒచ⮱ࣾᆂ喑ᑂ䔈㘪⎽㞯㏓ឭᱜȡᩣ͇ ᭜᫝೻ᐧ䃫⮱䛺㺮Გ⎽ȡহ᫝೻᝭ౕ⮱ଶჇࡧ ࡄጊ⮱ࣾᆂҀ⣝γపუহ೻ጯ㻱ౕܿ䛺ᐧ͚⮱ౝѺȡ᫝ڒౝᩣౌ ᐼࣾ۾㉔Ⱑัλ᭫㦄෋䪬⮱⟣ᔮȡ ࣬೻᭜ധλ̭Ⴧ⤳ᔢ㻱ܿ㔹᜽喑䔆ψ⤳ᔢ࠲᠙̭ڒⰥ℁喑᫝೻⮱⼻ᩣᩣ Ѓ᫝ጒ͇ࡧ䛴⩕⮱㑾ᵩڣᎡ䛴⩕γ᫝⮱ᰡͧⰡᣒ⮱ウ᫦ᐼ喑䕇䓴ԎចȠՌ䉤হ ᆂ喑ᰡ็⮱ᐭᩫ㐬ౝ喑Ⱕᄦλ Ю͇էݥ⮱᫦ᐼⰡᣒウ䯳ݝγ  Ϭٰ䉱䛾ȡౕ䔆͸ݺ喑 ᐼ๔㶄ࡧ㔹㼭喑ᰡ∕䛺ᅲѼহੳ͇ߌ㘪⮱Ⱕᄦ⾱ᄼ⮱㶄 ౝ᫦䉏ᩬͨ㺮ӊ䲍ౌౝࣾᆂᲒ䬡ᣒ㣤ः䉱䛾喑᫝⮱Ⱑᣒ 䖀喑㕹Ѽࣾᆂ⮱Ꭰ㶎喑ᒀౝ᪴ࡃহ➦㞟⮱Ԋ៑喑Вࣷ䲋 ࣾᆂȡࡄጊ⮱䛺ᐧᓄВᰡສౝ㲺व䔆ψٵ䒨ౝ᫦䉏ᩬ⮱䛺䉌ȡଶჇ᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂह ᱧߕϑ䕇⮱хۼウ⮱᫦ᐼ㘪  ᠶ㻱ౕܿࣾᆂȡ᫝࣬೻ౕڕᬣᑧ䄰γᮜ㻯ノ⤳হ㻱ܿ䄰ᣔȡ♣㔹喑ଶჇ䔅᭜䲏͡Ɑ ➦ᒮ᭜఍ͧ᫝࣬೻Ⴙ ̭ψᠾᝅ喟̭᫦䲏⎽λᩦ઱⩌≨䉕䛼⮱ᠾᝅ喠ओ̭᫦䲏喑 Ꭱₐᐼड़⩕喑ࢍౝ LNȡϻ᳽⻺⼸Ꮣ̷Გ䄡喑᫝࣬ ଶჇ䰭㺮ᄳ᫝೻ϻጒ͇ധౝ䒙अ᜽჉ᅲ೻ጯȡ᫝೻⮱ࣾ ೻⮱ᐧ䃫जВ㻳̭ͧ͗๔ಸ೻ጯ䶦Ⱋȡ᫝࣬೻⮱ᐧ᜽喑 ᆂ॥ᑂγ䃥็ੳუౕౝ䧮〆䭱䓾䔶౭ȡ᫝೻᝭ᆂ⣝⮱⣝ ⻨̺ᐭ͚๛ᩬᏉВ̭ࣷψ⇬⊤ⰮЪ⮱๔߈ᩜᠮ喑℁ຯ喑 ᳽ጒ͇చ⮱ࣾᆂᓄ⯷λᆞ͉Ⱞ⮱ᩜᠮȡᅪノຯڲАࡃ⮱̭䲏喑⮱⶛䃖ϧ࢝䆎⌞ݨ喑ᴴᔄᕔ⮱ᐧまᰶଶჇ ࡄጊ࣬ Ѓ᫝೻喑ຯ̷⊤⮱ଶჇڣ䮏Вࣷͨ᎟䖀᫮䓦⮱㐬ࡃ䕇᏷ȡѳଶჇϺ䰭ᕊ ₑ喑ࡄጊ⮱ࣾᆂ̻⇬⊤ౝࡧ⮱ޔԊݖ๔ Ͱ㜠䪬̶㻿⮱᫝㻿㞟ჇѺȡ᫝⮱ࣾᆂゃ⪒㺮 ᫝೻Ƞᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻Вࣷᬳᆞ㟞ᶒ᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂ᝗♣̺ह喑⊤̷ౕڣ㔰 ᒏ᜽̶㻿ࡧഌ喑䔆͑Ꮤ೻ 䔆ψ᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂͨ㺮䲍ݣ䕍͇হ㏼≻ࣾᆂ侞ߕȡ㮪♣᫝ڡ䓾⮱㟼ጋহଶ͡ڣⅯଶჇ̻ ᰶ̭ψጒ͇Ю͇喑ѳ᫝࣬೻ͨ㺮᭜䲍ౝ䰴ऻ࣬ڲЃ䃥็᫝೻̭ ࡄጊ࣬ڣጯܳݘѺλ↌㟼Ⱞহ⊆↌Ⱞȡह͚ప ᵤ喑ଶჇ䰭㺮∕ᘼᝬϔᐭࣾহϔ͇ࣾᆂ⮱ࡼह喑ߍᔘ೻ ᩬᏉ䛺䓮᫝ᐧࣾᆂ㔹᜽喑఍ₑᅞ͇ᇄѺ̺䋠᜽ͧͨ㺮ᠾ ಸࣾᆂ喑჋䭲۾㉔䩴হϔ͇͸䬡⮱㲺वȡΌᅞ᭜䄡喑䓴ࣨ᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂВϔ ᝅȡᅪノ㻱ܿᄩ݆͚ᑧ䄰γ倅ჳᏓহ Ѓ೻ጯⰥ℁Ϻ♣ᒵѻȡ䰴ऻ䛺ᐧ䊤݊ڣ䰭Ⅿͧᄩा喑ᄩ㜡䕇ࠑ䌊⻨䓴䪬喑ѼႲࡧഌᐭ̺ࣾ䋠ȡ ᅲѼჳᏓহ͚ప͇ ᄾ喑ຯۼѼႲহϔ͇ࡧഌ⮱ܳ⻨喑᭜㐩वಸ჉ᅲ೻ጯࣾᆂ⮱ͨ㺮 ᭜⩞͚๛ᩬᏉ㉔ᕒែ䉱ᩜᠮ喑̺Ͳऻែ䉱ⰥᏁ ϑ ҂㐡ᠮ᫝࣬೻ࣾᆂ᜽ͧ͒ረ㔰侹ȡₑ⁎▫ऻ䛺ᐧ喑ज䉱ڞڙ䯉ⶺȡ᫝೻ₐౕߗ߈᣽倅ᐧま⣜ධ⮱䉕䛼喑Ⴙ઱ ⮱ Ռ䞡͸ั㞜็ȡౝ䰴㐆ࡄጊϧℾ⮱⩌≨ፓᲒγ▫䯫ᕔ⧵ڠ䕇㈨㐌ȡͧ॥ᑂᅲℾ喑⩌ᔮᩦ઱Ό᜽ͧ᫝೻䰭㺮 ٺ㺮䬛䷅喑఍ͧଶჇϺᰶጒ͇᫝೻⮱ᒏ䆎ȡ䮑γ㏼≻ߌ ⮱ऻ᳉喑▫ऻ䛺᫝䔶౭⮱۠Ⴧ᭜ᖝवᬣ჉̺́ज䖬ͨ

ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻᫝ᐧ⮱ᅲѼࡧ ఫ ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻䛺ᐧऻ⮱͚ᓰ೻ࡧ ཮ೌઠᇸǖፕኁಆฝ ཮ೌઠᇸǖፕኁಆฝ

17 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

⮱ȡ⾧䬡㻱ܿ㔰㭾γԊ៑ᒀౝ䖄ϔ⮱䰭㺮喑Όͧጒ͇ࣾ უᑂ䶳⮱㻱ܿ喑㮪♣ౕ▫ऻ㉔ᕒ䛺ᐧ⮱㗹ᮜ̸̺ज䖬 喑ѳΌͧᖏฺ㏼≻ፓᲒγ䪬᱌ᠾᝅȡٺ ᆂ喍䕇䓴㖁ߕࣾᆂϔ͇చ喎⪆䋠⾧䬡ȡ䕇䓴⩕ౝܳࡧহ 䃫䃎喑჋⣝γ᫲⍥Ƞጒ͇ࣷ⩌≨ࡧ⮱ߌ㘪ጰᅭȡࡄጊ⮱ Γ͚⮱̶͗᫝೻ग᭜҉ͧᵵҸⵁ⾣Вӈ࣯㔰Ռ䞡喑  $IFOFUBM Ѓ೻ጯज⩕Გฺݣ⮱ࣾᆂ὎ᐼ <>ڣᎣ䲋 ̭ܧ㥒䕍ڲࣾᆂ㶕ᬻ喑㻱ܿ㘪์ౕ➦₷ᗲ̸ۢ喑ౕⴚ᱌ ͗ᰶᎼ⮱ᐧ᜽⣜ධ喑ѳᖏฺ೻ጯࣾᆂ݆䰭㺮ᰡ็⮱ᬣ䬡喑  ȡ䔆ψ᫝೻᭜ౕᒀౝ➦₷⮱㗹ᮜ̸ࣾᆂ䊤Გ⮱喑 ఍ౕͧ䛺ᐧ᫝࣬೻⩌≨⾧䬡ऻ喑Ꮑ䄒䔪Ⅿ㏼≻䪬䔉ࣾᆂȡ ຯ䗷ࡧ㏼≻ጒ͇ࡃ喑㏼≻䛺㏱喑͚ᓰ೻ࡧใ᫝ੳ͇⁎͚ ㏼≻̺㍮㢐喑ࡄጊ⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂΌч᜽ͧ䬛䷅ȡ♣㔹喑 ᓰ⮱ពᑍВࣷ▫ऻ䛺ᐧ喑ࣺ᭍ܧపუহጯ౧͸䬡็ᵤࡃ Фթ喑ڤ㈨Вࣷ೻ጯ㻱ܿ⮱᎟䶱҉⩕ȡ䔆ψᵵҸ䶴ڠ䞡λᒀౝ⩌ᔮ㘳ᑞ㔹᩼ᙌ⮱⣝⟣喑ࡄጊᎣ̺䔯჉๔㻱὎ ⮱ ᭜χ๗పუȡ᱙Γ᝭ॵڣЃపუ႓΍喑ᅑڣࣾᆂጒ͇ȡᢏ㼭͸喑㜗♣⣜ධ⮱䭽ݣҬᓄࡄጊࣾᆂ䯫В जӈᄦ⚔হ ᫝೻ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿ᫦䲏ȡࣾᆂ⮱ധ᱙⧵ڠݣ⇬⊤ౝࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ䒕䔦ȡ݊ₒᐧ᜽ऻ喑ࡄጊ⩞λែ䉱 ⣝⮱ᵵҸᰡ็ౝฺ ᄾ䲏͡Ɑጕ๔䉏ᩬࢸ߈ȡͧᏁᄦᠾᝅ喑ࡄጊ䄂ఫᄨ 䓴⼸͚喑䬛䷅䶴็喑ຯౌౝノ⤳Ƞ㏼≻䛺㏱Ƞ⊵䉦Вࣷۼ⮱ Ⅿ᫝⮱㏼≻෋䪬ߕ߈喑Ҹຯݖ⩕᪴ࡃ䖄ϔࣾᆂ᫲⍥͇В ѼႲᐭࣾȡ᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂ喑ຯ೻ጯܳ᪐ࡃȠ䗷ࡧࡃВࣷѼ ࣹ䛺ᱧݣ侞ߕ喑ڒࣷᰡ᫝ጒ͇చȡ᫝ࡄጊݖ⩕͝ჹ⮱㜗♣䉱⎽হᒀౝ᪴ࡃ Ⴒᥙ䓮ぶ喑᭜⩞ᝬౝϔᐭࣾ᝭ፓᲒ⮱ᩣ ᮜ㻯喑㻱ܿᐧ᜽γ̭͗๔ಸ᫲⍥Ꮣմࡧȡ ␎䋠γₐౕቈ䊤⮱͚ϔ䭣㏔⮱䰭ⅯȡଶჇ᫝೻ᵵҸ͚喑 էݥহէߎ҉ͧⰡᣒែ䉱ᩜᦾ೻ጯࣾᆂ喑㔹ౕ䓴ࣨ喑ڒᵵҸᆂ⹧γ͚ప᫝೻ࣾᆂ⮱̺ह὎ᐼȡଶჇ᫝ ᑂ̶͗ ೻ᆂ⹧γ̷⊤๔䘪ጯౝࡧ⮱᫝೻ࣾᆂ᭜䲍ጒ͇ࣾᆂ侞ߕ喑 ౌౝᐭࣾͨ㺮䕇䓴䬡ᣒ㲺䉱᫦ᐼȡ᫝ᱧݣ⮱䛴⩕᭜॓㘪 ധ⵭䃫᫪ࣾᆂВጒ͇ࡧࣷጒ͇ࣾᆂ͚ͧᓰ喑჉ᅲ᫝ࡧহ ᩦअ᫝೻ࣾᆂ≨߈喑᩵᳉ᰶᒲ㻯ᄌȡࡄጊᵵҸᆂ⹧γప ࣾᆂ⮱ᠾᝅȡଶჇ⮱ࣾᆂⰛ უᏁᄦ▫䯫⮱㘪߈喑ᅲℾᓄВᥙ䓮ݝ᫝࣬೻ȡѳ䔆̭ᵵڣጒ͇ϔࡧ͸䬡⮱㲺व᜽ͧ ㏼⩌ڲڲ⹫ч࣯̻হ▫ऻᖏฺ䪬᱌㠰డܧݺ䲏͡Ɑࡴ㏔হ݈᫝⮱ࢸ߈ȡ᫝⻾ឭచࡧΌጟᐧ᜽喑᫝ ҸहᬣΌ᭫⹧ ⮱᫝೻喑ᘼͶ䛺๔ȡᬍ䩎 ≻ࣾᆂ⮱ᓲ㺮ᕔȡᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻ᵵҸ͚喑᫝೻҉ͧࡧഌڲ೻ϻ࢘ᭌ೻䒙अ᜽೻ࡧࡧഌ ᘼϔ͇⮱ࣾᆂज㘪ፓⱭ᳽ψ᫝㏼≻Ҁ݈ڣ๗⎃᫝೻᭜᫝ᐭࣾ⮱᫝೻ȡ Ꭱ喑㻱ܿ䃫ᘠ仃⁎㷘 ੳ͇⁎͚ᓰࣷ ᭜Ѽں喑ѳ჋䉕ᕔᐧ䃫ౕ݆  ᎡВऻȡ఍ₑ喑ᬍ䩎 ࣾᆂ⮱᝭䅀⮱ㆨѩĄऻ䗷ࡧࡃą⮱࢝䃝喑䗷ࡧ̺ܧ᣽ Ƞੳ͇হᅲѼ⩕䕁⮱⌤वҀȡहᵤౝ喑ڙ๗⎃᫝೻᭜す̶ϔ͇ÿÿ݈᫝ϔ͇ࣾᆂ⮱А㶕喑हᬣ Ⴒ⾧䬡喑㔹᭜ߋ ℾۉ೻䩴ࡃ⮱䓴⼸喑᪝Вࡰ䃎⮱ܧΌ᭜ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ጯ⮱⹧㠰ȡҸຯ喑๗⎃᫝೻ᄳ⩌ᔮᠴ ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻Όࣺ᭍ ᱾अ᜽γ᫝⮱೻ጯѼႲࡧȡ఍ₑ喑͚ۉᴴ㥪჋ݝ⩕ౝᣔݣ⮱ᅯ䲏ȡ๗⎃᫝೻ζःݝγ͚๛ᩬ ᜽ͧ೻ጯᅲℾ喑 ᱾䓮⼨㜠೻ጯȠ͚ᓰ೻ᅲۉ⩞ℾۉᏉ̺ह⮱̀䶦㶒ߖ喑ࣾᆂⰛᴴႼьÿÿౕ  ᎡⰛᴴ ప᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂ᭜ᒀౝ ೻ጯ͚ᓰ⮱䓴⼸ȡ䔆ψᵵҸ͚ͧప೻䩴ࡃߕᔮ⮱ܧϧऐ䓫ݝ  ̴ȡ䔆͗Ⱋᴴധ᱙̷ᘼঠⱭ᫝೻㺮ౕ̭ ℾᥙ ॥ᑂ  ̴ 䔈̭ₒⵁ⾣᣽ӈγ͝ჹᲒ⎽喑Όͧㆨѩ㗹ᮜ̸⮱᫝೻㻱ڲቚ᫝⮱ౝ᫦喑䕇䓴ࣾᆂ喑ౕ  Ꭱ͸͗ ϧऐȡ䮑ࣨ᫝⩌ᔮ➦ᒮ⮱఍㉍喑ϻႼ㻯ᅯ䲏Გ䄡喑䔆 ܿ᣽ӈγ㏼侹ȡ ͗Ⱋᴴᄦࡧഌ⩕ౝ⮱ᒞ৺̺ღᄼ㻾ȡ఍ͧ䄒ౝࡧ᱙ͧ ⡛࣯㔰᪴ ۉ᱾ౝࡧ喑ϧऐ倅Ꮣ䯳͚喑᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂᓲ♣чᄩ㜡ۉ ℾͧ䔯Ꮑ೻ [1] Wu F. Planning for growth: Urban and regional planning inۉϧऐ⮱ᥙ䓮喑В͇ࣷۉ᱾ౝࡧ⮱៳䓮喑 .ጯ⩌≨⮱䄰᪡ȡ㔹᫝㏼≻䶳ഌ喑ຯ䒜УȠ᪝ႄఫ׼হ China[M]. London: Routledge, 2015 [2] Wang L, Kundu R, Chen X. Building for what and whom? ⩢ᒞȠⵁ⾣̻ᐭࣾぶᎣ̺䔯व࣌Ѽℾ⮱ጒ҉䰭Ⅿȡౕ New town development as planned suburbanization in ڣᔮᙬᮜࣾᆂⰛᴴ⮱हᬣ喑⩌ᔮ೻䰭㺮␎䋠⩌ڣ⣝჋ China and India[J]. Research in urban sociology, 2010, 10: ็ᵤࡃϧऐ⮱⹫ч䰭Ⅿȡ᫝ࡄጊ࣬೻͒ᵩᘼͶ̷Გ䄡 319-345. ̺ツ᫝೻ȡႰ᭜ౝ䰴䓴ऻపუ᎟䶱⮱̭͗➦Ҹ喑ᓄ⯷ [3] Wu F, Phelps N A. (Post) suburban development and state λᑧᰶ߈⮱ᩬᏉᩜᠮ喑Вࣷࡄጊহ⇬⊤ౝࡧⰮЪ⮱व entrepreneurialism in Beijing's outer suburbs[J]. Environment ҉喑ࡄጊౕ▫ऻᓄВ䓲䕌䛺ᐧȡ㻱ౕܿ䔆⻺ᔘ䕌ࣾᆂ and Planning A, 2011, 43(2): 410-430. [4] Chen X, Wang L, Kundu R. Localizing the production of ⣜͚䊤ݝγͫ䋠䒨䛺⮱҉⩕喑۠Ⴧγ⩕ౝጰᅭহᐧま global cities: a comparison of new town developments ф࣯̻Ꮣڙධ⮱➦ᒮȡѳᒀౝ⹫ࡧ⮱࣯̻Ⱕᄦ̺䋠喑 around Shanghai and Kolkata[J]. City & Community, 2009, .䔈⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ喑ຯ㔰㭾ݝ 8(4): 433-465ٵ倅ȡࡄጊ⮱㻱ܿҀ⣝γ̺ ࣾᆂȠᒀౝ᪴ࡃԊ៑Вࣷ⣜ධ䉕䛼ȡ♣㔹喑ప۾㉔γ

18 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏


19 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏ 䗾ᓤ倅 ᱻ᫝䭠 䉧 ᬧ

20 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏

䩛䃺喟ڠ ᦅ㺮喟 ᫝࣬೻喑᭜ᠶ⚔⣝ ࡄጊ喑᫝࣬೻喑ᕨҀ㻱ܿڕࡄጊ᫝࣬೻᭜▫ऻᐯౝ䛺ᐧ⮱ 䔈⮱㻱ܿٵڣᐧ䃫Ⴙ᜽⮱ȡڲА೻ጯ㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ喑ౕⴚ᱌ 㐬 ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬Ѻλఈጊ⯳ౝ㺬ࡄ䘕喍ఫ喑ఫ 喎喑ڞڙ⮱ጰᅭ⤳ᔢ喑ፓᒏᐭᩫ⮱۾㉔ᔢ࠲᠙ಇᠮ䯳͚⤳ ౝ喑Ⱕᄦ⾱ᄼ⮱㶄䖀ᅧᏓ喑㕹ѼᎠ㶎⮱ᇄѺ䃫㒛喑᫝㒹 䌊⻨ᰭ䓾⮱๔೻ጯ㐢䭠ጯ͚ᓰ LN喑䌊⻨ఈጊⰮⰮч ䷻➦㞟⮱䷻䆹эឬВࣷ㐬㞟ѻⷠ⮱⩌ᔮឭᱜȡѳ▫ऻ䛺 ᜽䘪 LNȡ Ꭱ↣ጊ➦๔ౝ䰴͸ऻ喑⩞λࡄጊ ࣵڣᐧ㻱ܿ䃱ѝࣾ⣝㑧ͼϔ͇䯳㖇̻ϧऐ䯳㖇᭜ᒀݺࡄጊ᫝ 㔮࣬೻Ѻλౝ䰴᫚㷯ፓ̷喑ज⩕ౝ᲎Уᰶ䭽喑ѳ ࣬೻䲏͡⮱⾮ܧ䬛䷅ȡ᱙᪴䕇䓴͑䒛ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ᕨҀ㻱 ᭜͚పੜ̭⮱㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬喑఍ₑౕ▫ऻ䛺ᐧ䓴⼸͚㏼ ф࣯̻喑ᰭ㏵۠Ⴧᄳ࣬೻ϻᰟڙ㗹ᮜࣷ㻱ܿ➦㞟⮱ϸ㏺喑ᣏ䃕᫝೻㻱ܿຯ҂㘪์䪬䔉 䓴็ౝ◦⮱℁䔶Вࣷܿ ⣝喑ࢠڲࢄ LN ⮱࣌Ⴖ࣬叱ౌ䩴㠰డڣЃ᫝೻᫝ࡧᐧ ᆞ䩴ᥙ䓮㜠ڣౝजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂВࣷज㘪⮱䌜ᒱ䔶᠖喑ͧ 䃫᣽ӈ࣯㔰Ռ䞡ȡ ౕ⮱Ⅵᬹ䩴ȡ

ఫ ࡄጊౕఈጊⰮ⮱ࡧѺ ׭ኔ༹ဣࡀࣄDŽ2013.2030DžLjዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾูج཮ઠጲ຺ڹઠᇸǖጲࣼLj

21 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ Ҹ

͚䘕೻䩴ჳ䯳ፓ 䛺㺮ᄼ೻䩴 ࣾᆂ䒡 Ⅱ㈨ڡ䘕᫝͉ ⩺㺬䘕ᆞݺࣾᆂ䒡 Ⱞ ᆞౝ⩌ᔮ᫲⍥ࡧ 㻱ܿ㠰డ ͚ᓰ೻ጯ ጯ⩹ 䛺㺮ࡧ࣬㞯◦ ࡧȠ࣬喍ጯ喎⩹

ఫ ࡄጊౕ᜽ᓤ㐢ౝࡧ⮱ࡧѺ ௦൶ᇘࢇፕጺ༹ࡀࣄLjዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾڤ཮ઠጲׯڹઠᇸǖጲࣼLj

22 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏

⼸ᐧ᜽ͧ೻ᐧጒڣⰛݺࡄጊ࣬ഌ̸䓃  ͗䩴Ƞ͗ΎВࣷ  ͗ℾ᫼Ύȡ ͧ▫ऻ䛺ᐧጒ҉⮱ᠴᄩ᫦䦵喑ߗ߈ᄳ Ꭱࡄጊౝࡧ⩌ϔᕨթ  Ϭٰ喑ϧ౴⩌ϔᕨթ ᴴᔄȠោ䰴㇫⺋ᴴᔄহ᪴ࡃ䖄ϔᴴᔄ喍ఫ 喎ȡ  喑̶⁎ϔ͇㐀Ჱ ńńȡ ᎡᎡ᱘ᕨٰ  ⮱ጰᅭ⤳ᔢ۾㉔ϧऐ  ̴ϧ喑ࢍ ȡ  㻱݆ܿ࣌ 喟䯳͚͇ۉ͚䲋ڣϧऐ  ̴ϧ喑 ⩕⮱ጰᅭ⤳ᔢ喑͒ᵩᣔݣᐧ䃫۾㉔ϻ  ᎡВᲒ喑ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ᕨҀ㻱ܿࢳ㏼͑䒛ȡ 㻱ܿಇᠮ䯳͚ Ꭱ  ᰵ݊喑పߎ䮏፥ߎч䃛ₐᐼहᘼࡄጊ᫝ ౝᠴᴴȡᵦᢛȨ೻ጯ⩕ౝܳㆨ̻㻱ܿᐧ䃫⩕ౝᴴ۳ȩ  ౕ ࣬೻䔶౭͸ऻ喑 ᰵ  ᬒ喑ࡄጊₐᐼड़ߕ▫ऻ䛺ᐧ 喍(#喎喑ₑㆨᄾ᪝ℾ᫼ౝࡧϧ౴೻ጯᐧ䃫 ᕨҀ㻱ܿ喑 Ꭱ  ᰵ  ᬒ喑ఈጊⰮᩬᏉₐᐼឦ ⩕ౝजᩫცݝ N ϧ喑ѳ㻱ܿᄳϧ౴೻ጯᐧ䃫⩕ౝ ȡڲࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿȡ Ꭱ  ᰵ喑 ᣔݣౕ N ϧВฺ 㵹ౕܧ⮱೻䩴ᒏᔮҬ㐊๔็᪝ᅲℾ⮱۾㉔ࡄጊᐭ໸㑃ݣȨࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬࣬೻೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿ 䔆⻺Ⱕᄦ 䃫᫪হധ⵭䃫᫪⮱᰺ߎ᩵⢴ȡڞڙࣾᡒܳٲ喑ڲ喍喎ȩ喑Ꭳλ  Ꭱ  ᰵ  ᬒ䕇䓴ఈጊ ₒ㵹㠰డ ⰮᩬᏉឦฺ喑҉ͧᠴᄩࡄጊϷऻ  Ꭱ೻ጯࣾᆂ̻ᐧ  ⮱ᅲℾₒ㵹 NJO喑 ⮱ᅲℾₒ㵹 NJO喑 䃫⮱∂Ⴧ᪴Уȡ  ⮱ᅲℾₒ㵹 NJO ज䓫⹫ࡧ͚ᓰ喑ₒ㵹 NJO చ㐬ౝ喑ϻ㔹䊤ݝ䯳㖇ϧ⅁⮱҉⩕喑Όᰶݖڙ㻱ܿ⮱䃱䔝喑 ज䓫೻ጯڠ᱙᪴᠌䕇䓴̷䔝䓴⼸⮱ϸ㏺ВࣷⰥ 䦵ᄦࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喑̭͗➦₷⮱᫝೻⮱ᐧ䃫̻ࣾᆂ喑䔈㵹 λ᱗Გ⮱ੳ͇ᐭࣾȡ ⮱೻䩴ᒏᔮᬏԊ៑γ೻䩴⮱ᆞⅡᵩᅭ喑۾㉔ᕨ㐀Ꭳ䄂ఫᄦ⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧᄼ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱ䔈㵹 ओใ喑 ᣏ㉏ȡ 䔅๔๔䭺ѻγ೻䩴ധ⵭䃫᫪⮱ᐧ䃫䯫Ꮣ喑Ԋ䃮γᐧ䃫 ক᱌ȡ  ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ喟ᐯౝ䛺ᐧ⮱᫝೻ࡧ 㐬ౝڞڙ㻱݆ܿ࣌ 喟ፓᒏᐭᩫ⮱ 

䬡喑Ӱ䔈ᅲℾοߕϑ≮喑Όͧ⾧ڞڙ⩕λౝᒏౝ䆹⮱ᒞ৺喑 ᎡВᲒࡄጊ࣬ഌ⮱ᐧ ͧγᰶ᩵Ҭ⩞ ౝᐭࣾ喑㻱ܿ᥿ᐰγ̭㝙ᄼࡧ䃫䃎͚䃫㒛͚۾㉔䃫ͨ㺮䯳ౕ͚ϻ㔮࣬೻ᰟᆞ䩴㜠᫝࣬೻Ⅵᬹ䩴͸䬡⮱ᆞ γᰡߍ 㐬ౝ⮱և∂喑㔹᭜ᄳͨ㺮㐬ౝᠴᴴ䯳ౕ͚㜗ࡄाڞڙݺ⇠䅤ౝࡧ喑᭜▫ऻ䛺ᐧ⮱䛺◦ౝࡧȡ▫ऻ䛺ᐧ䶦Ⱋ ๛ చፓ̷喑ڙ࣬⮱ Ƞ ࢄ䉜⾬͚ᓰ೻ࡧ⮱⇬Ⅵᬹ⇠⣝ᰶⅡ㈨䃫㒛⮱ڕ喑ᕨែ䉱  Ϭٰ喑ܳݘࢍࡄጊ͗  ღڲȡ䄒ౝࡧ⮱ͨᄩϔ͇ጟ㏼ϻⅡ⩢㘪⎽Ƞ⴬ϔᐧ Ꭳᄳࢳटऑ䔦Ƞោ䰴㏗ᔢȠᝤใ≨ߕȠᅲℾо䬟ぶ Ϙڞ䬡⮱⾧ڞڙϔ৮ߍጒহ➦㞟᫲⍥ぶВ݊㏔ϔ৮ͧͨ⮱▫ݺ ̻␕⇠㐬ౝᰶᱧౝ㏱㏴ౕ̭䊤喑Ӱ䔈γ➦ۉᱽȠ ϔ৮ߍጒȠ᪴ࡃ᫲⍥ϔ৮Ƞᱽ᫆Ƞ ̻ᰶ᩵ݖ⩕喍ఫ 喎ȡ➦ۉᄩϔ͇ࣾᆂ᜽Вͨ ᱧᷝݣ䕍Ƞ⩢ၽ䙺ຄȠ➦㞟᪴ࡃ᫲⍥喍㔮࣬೻ౝ䰴䖄౭Ƞ ᫝࣬೻ᒀА᪴ࡃ䖄ϔ喎ぶι⁎ߍጒȠ➦㞟凉ᬻ⮱▫ऻͨ  㻱݆ܿ࣌ 喟Ⱕᄦ⾱ᄼ⮱㶄䖀ᅧᏓ ⚔ᥙ๔ٺᄩϔ͇ȡᆞݺ⇠䅤ౝࡧϧऐࣾᆂധ᱙Ԋᠮ⽠Ⴧ喑 ౕࡄጊ᫝࣬೻䖀䌜ϑ䕇㻱ܿጒ҉͚喑ͧ䖬 Ꭱᕨϧऐ  ̴ϧ喑ࢍࡄጊ࣬ഌᕨϧऐ⮱ 喠 ೻ጯϑ䕇ࣾᆂ὎ᐼ喑㐀व᫝࣬೻ᅲℾ჋䭲䰭Ⅿ喑᣽ܧ Ꭱᕨϧऐ  ̴ϧ喑ࢍࡄጊ࣬ഌᕨϧऐ⮱ ȡ γĄ倅ჳᏓȠ⾱䖀䌜ą⮱㑾㐉὎ᐼ喑᎟䌜㏏㏬ᕨҀ̷В ౕȨࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿȩ͚喑ᄳࡄ N ͧͨ喑ᵥᓰࡧ䖀䌜䬡䌊̺䊲䓴 N喑ᵥᓰࡧВ ጊ೻ጯᕔ䉕ჇͧĄࡄጊᩬ⇨Ƞ㏼≻হ᪴ࡃ͚ᓰ喑ጊ㺬᫲ ใౝࡧ䖀䌜䬡䌊В N ͧͨ喑ౕ̺෋ߍ䖀䌜⩕ౝ⮱ᗲ ⍥᰺ߎധౝহ㐢㺬ϔ͇ധౝ喑⣝Аࡃ㒹᫼᪴ࡃ೻হ⩌ᔮ ̸ۢ喑᭫㦄᣽倅ϑ䕇㑾㐉ჳᏓ喑᣽倅ϑ䕇㈨㐌ज䓫ᕔ喑 చ᳄೻ąȡ䓾᱌ Ꭱ͸ݺͨ㺮ᐧ䃫Ⴖᬹ⇠͉ᇥౝࡧ喑 हᬣⰥᄦ⾱ᄼ⮱㶄䖀ͧ೻䩴ᅲℾ᣽ӈγ̭͗ᅧᏓ䔯჉⮱ ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ LN喑Ⴖ㒛ϧऐ  ̴ϧȡ䔉᱌  Ꭱᐧ ϑᒭহᮜ㻯⾧䬡ȡ 䃫⩕ౝ㻱὎ LN喑ϧऐ㻱὎  ̴ϧȡ ⮱ጰᅭ⤳ᔢ喑ፓᒏᐭᩫ  㻱݆ܿ࣌ 喟㕹ѼᎠ㶎⮱ᇄѺ䃫㒛۾㉔䬡ጰᅭ̷ಇᠮ䯳͚⾧ౕ ⮱݆࣌喑ౕ೻ጯ͉ࢄٵ㐬ౝ喑Ⱕᄦ⾱ᄼ⮱㶄䖀ᅧᏓ喑㕹ѼᎠ㶎⮱ᇄѺ䃫 㻱ܿಇᠮВϧͧ᱙Ƞℾ⩌хڞڙ⮱ 㒛喑᫝㒹䷻➦㞟⮱䷻䆹эឬВࣷ㐬㞟ѻⷠ⮱⩌ᔮឭᱜ喑 㻿䃫㒛 LN ⮱ϔ͇చࡧ喑᣽ӈ㏓  ̴͗ᅞ͇ᇄѺ喑 হ⩌ϔ᰺ߎȠ㵹ڙȠ჉ᅲȠ㍮㢐Ƞ➦㞟Ƞ᪴ᬻȠ हᬣӊច命冮๔䖀喑⇬㏬ጰᅭЮ͇ߋڕ⮱ĄႶܧВ⍖უ჊ᕨ⤳᣽ ᰺ߎڞڙȠ䯳͚ᐭ᪋㐬ౝȠ᪴ࡃ᪆㗟ぶ೻ጯͨ㺮ڙহ䄽ą࡮ιႄͧᐧ䃫Ⱋᴴ喑ВĄВϧͧ᱙Ƞ⻾႓䛺ᐧą ᩬߋ

23 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

500 m N

200 m 100 m

0 500 m

ఫ ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ᫝࣬೻⩕ౝጰᅭ㻱ܿఫ ഺፃጲዎ၆ሚࢫዘॺጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2008.2020DžLjዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾجઠᇸǖԛ

24 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏

500 m N

200 m 100 m

0 500 m

ఫ ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ᫝࣬೻㐬ౝ㈨㐌㻱ܿఫ ഺፃጲዎ၆ሚࢫዘॺጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2008.2020DžLjዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾجઠᇸǖԛ

25 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ߌ㘪喑ᒏ᜽ࡷ⣜ᒏ᰺ߎፓȡ⩞⋱ࢇጯϧℾᩬᏉᤡᐧ⮱᫝ Ⱋᐧ䃫⮱㐀व喑̀䶦㻱̻ܿጒ⼸ᐧ䃫⮱㐀व喑㻱ܿᣔݣ ᰶ᫲⍥ ̻ᐧ䃫ノ⤳⮱㐀व喑ᩬᏉ۠ゃ̻ℾфᘼᙬ⮱㐀व喑㻱ܿکጊ๔䖀⇬㏬ͧ᰺ߎ⮫ༀᬒ፥⩌≨⮱ੳ͇䙺ຄ喑 ᰺ߎߌ㘪喑ᒏ᜽ओใ̭͗ࡷ⣜ᒏ⮱ੳ͇᰺ߎፓȡᅞ䓾䃫 ጰᅭ̻೻ጯ䃫䃎⮱㐀वȡ㏼䓴͑Ꭱ⮱㻱ܿᐧ䃫喑 Ꭱ 㒛⮱ੳ͇㶄হϔ͇చࡧज᣽ӈ̷̴͗ᅞ͇ᇄѺ喑᫦Ӭᅲ  ᰵ  ᬒࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ᐭ೻喑ᴴᔄⱭࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ₐᐼड़⩕ȡ 㵹᜽᱙ȡ ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻⣝⟣ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ䲏⼜䓫ݝ LN喑⣝⟣ϧऐܧℾᅞ͇喑Ό๔๔䭺ѻγᅲℾ⮱  ̴ϧ喍ఫ 喎ȡ  㻱݆ܿ࣌ 喟᫝㒹䷻➦㞟⮱䷻䆹эឬ ♣㔹᫝⮱ࣾᆂᒏ߬Вࣷࣾᆂ᲎У⮱अࡃᄳⰡᣒᝃ䬡 㻱ܿಇᠮ᪴ࡃэឬȠℾ᫼➦㞟⮱݆࣌喑ᠶ⚔ܥ᭫᫝ ᣒᄩ㜡ࡄጊࣾᆂჇѺ̻⾧䬡ጰᅭ⮱ᩦअ喑̻ₑहᬣ喑⩞ ࣬೻㒹᫼䷻䆹⮱㺮Ⅿ喑䕇䓴ᐧま䷻ᵩᣔݣゃ⪒喑ᄦ࣌ λ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ㑃ݣᬣ⮱➦₷㗹ᮜВࣷᅭ䭽ᕔ喑䲏 ⩌Ƞэឬࣷ⣝А㒹䷻ᐧまౕ⾧䬡̷䔈㵹ܳࡧጰᅭ喑Ꭳౕ ᄦ᱗Გࣾᆂ喑䄒㻱ܿጟ㏼ᬍ∂ᠴᄩऻ䛺ᐧᬣАࡄጊ䔈̭ ҀᲒⰸ喑ࡄጊ䲏͡ჇѺ᣽ࡴ⮱ڤₒ䪬䔉⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂȡ ڲᐧ䛺λᅲѼȠ䓦㻿䛺λڙₑധ⵭̷ᄦࢂҀᐧまᠶ⚔Ą 䘕ȠᏂ䶣䛺λ͚⃢Ƞᄼ৮䛺λᐧまą⮱݆࣌䔈㵹ᣔݣ喑 ๾ᱧВࣷ㑧ͼϧ⅁⮱ᠾᝅȡ ᰶ㐌̭⮱㒹᫼䷻䆹喑ࣵ᠒ᰶ͝ჹ⮱ᐧまڤҬ᪡͗࣬೻ᬏ ䷻ᵩ喍㶕 喎ȡ  㻱ܿ䃱ѝ 喟ᒀА᪴ࡃ䖄ϔ ࡄጊ㜗  Ꭱ↣ጊ➦๔ౝ䰴ВᲒ⮱ោ䰴᩾▫হ▫ Ҁ⣝γВ❞పͨͶͧᵥᓰ⮱ℾ᫼㇫⺋হВܳٲ㶕  ࡄጊᐧま䷻䆹ᣔݣ᝸∂ࣷㆨಸ ऻ䛺ᐧ喑

䃫䃎᝸∂ ䷻䆹ㆨಸ 䃫䃎ჇѺ ᩦ䲖݈᫝ͧᵥᓰ⮱ᬣА㇫⺋ȡ̻ₑहᬣ喑ࡄጊ҉͚ͧప

Ҁܳٲᄦ㒹᫼᪴ࡃ⮱эឬ̻ᑅយڣ࣌䆹Ҁ⣝ ࣌⩌㒹䷻ ♓◦ᐧま喑ͨ䷅㶄ࡧ ੜ̭⮱㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬喑 ⣝γ⹫чͨͶᵥᓰФթҀ㈨ȡ ㇫ࡻэឬ эឬ㒹䷻ 㗹ᮜᐧま喑ᐧ䃫ͨҀ  Ꭱ  ᰵ  ᬒ喑⍖უ჊ᕨ⤳ౕ㻳ᄌࡄጊᬣ᣽ ⣝А⑁㏻ ⣝А㒹䷻ ♓◦ᐧま喑◦Ⲉ͸ぁ ܧ喑㺮ᄳ᫝࣬೻ᐧ䃫᜽ͧĄ೻ᐧጒ⼸ᴴᔄȠោ䰴㇫⺋ᴴ Ბ⎼喝 ࡃጉ㒸᫻㜖⇧࣫▪ऺ䛹ᐦᕧѿ㻰ܾ DŽ2008.2020Dž喏͙఩೺ጮ㻰ܾ䃪䃍ⵀ ᔄȠ᪴ࡃ䖄ϔᴴᔄąȡᒀݺ喑͉ᇥ೻ࡧᵳ᳣ጟ㏼ᒏ᜽喑仃 ⾢䮎Ƞ ๔ጵ⮱䕇߈ࡼ҉̸喑ڲѼȡ͉ᇥ೻ࡧౕపڒឦᅲℾጟ㏼ 㻱ܿⅡᎠ倅Ƞ䃫䃎⤳ᔢ᫝Ƞᐧま䉕䛼ສ喑᜽ͧ೻ᐧጒ⼸ ߈Ꮣ๔Ƞ㐌ウ᩵⢴倅喑᜽ڒ㻱݆ܿ࣌ 喟㐬㞟ѻⷠ⮱⩌ᔮឭᱜ ᴴᔄ喠ᐧ䃫ߕঅ㠰డᎬȠែ  ᢿᩬゃ҉ͧ㻱ܿጒ҉⮱ᠴᄩ ͧោ䰴㇫⺋ᴴᔄ喠ℾ᫼⅁ᖜ⊀䗮Ƞౝ᫦➦㞟凉ᬻȠᐧまۼ㻱ܿ໸㏵ᄳపუ㞯㘪 䓴⼸喑ౕ㻱ܿጰᅭȠ ䷻䆹㐌̭喑᜽ͧ᪴ࡃ䖄ϔᴴᔄȡڕᢿ⤳ᔢ䉜⾬λ㻱ܿۼ᫦䦵喑ᄳ㞯㘪 䶦㻱ܿȠᐧまᣔݣぶ⣜㞯䕇䓴ጒ⼸ᣗ᫪Ƞ᫝ឭᱜᏁ⩕ ധλВ̷͑◦➦ᒮহ⍖ᕨ⤳ᄦࡄጊĄ೻ᐧጒ⼸ᴴᔄȠ̀ ܳٲҀᲒ䄡喑㻱ܿ ោ䰴㇫⺋ᴴᔄȠ᪴ࡃ䖄ϔᴴᔄą⮱㺮Ⅿ喑ࡄጊᏁᒀڤᢿ㥪჋ݝ㻱ܿᐧ䃫⮱჋ัȡۼぶᄳ㞯㘪 䕇䓴хࡃጰᅭ喑᣽倅㐬ࡃⅡᎠ喑䭺ѻ☚ᇈ᩵Ꮑ喠䕇䓴䃫 ᡃᣅ㜗䏘⮱᪴ࡃФթ喑ВᒀА᪴ࡃ䖄ϔͧ㺮Ⅿহᠴ䦵喑 ㈨ȡڠᢿ喠 ̸ౕ̭ₒࣾᆂ͚ั⤳ສԊ៑̻ࣾᆂ͸䬡⮱ۼ䬕Ἀ喑᣽ࡴϔ͇㘪㏔喑჋⣝ጒ͇㞯㘪ڒ㒛͒ᵩ⮱۳ ⣝⮱⤳ᔢВࣷ㐬㞟ₒ㵹Ҁ㈨⮱䃫䃎喑჋ٵ䕇䓴ᚏ㵹х ᢿ喠䕇䓴䰕Ⅱ⍄䔼Ƞᮧ㘪⩢㑾Ƞ̶㑾व̭ぶ  㻱ܿ䃱ѝ 喟Ąۤ㒻ϧąۼϑ䕇㞯㘪 Ƞڕ⮱ĄႶܧ䛺ฺᐧ䃫喠䕇䓴ౕᄳ䓾 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻⮱ᐧ䃫ധ᱙Ⴙ᜽γ⍖ᕨ⤳᣽ٺ䔯჉ឭᱜ喑Ԋ៑⩌ᔮ⣜ධᎣ䖬 喑ᐧま䃫䃎͒ᵩប㵹ప ჉ᅲȠ㍮㢐Ƞ➦㞟Ƞ᪴ᬻȠহ䄽ą⮱㻱ܿᴴ۳喑♣㔹喑ڤ▜⮱䖀䌜Ҭ⩕ -&% 㞯㘪  უ㐬㞟ᐧまᴴ۳喑Ӱ䔈⌲∮㘪⎽⮱ݖ⩕Вࣷᐧま⮱㞯㘪 ࡄጊ᪡Ҁ㏼≻჋߈ᅇ̺ᑧߟ喑ጒ͇ࣾᆂ》ζ߈̺䋠喑೻ ᢿȡ Ύጛ䌊䒰๔喑ࡄጊ䰭㺮ౕϷऻࣾᆂ͚䔈̭ₒࣾᆂ㏼≻喑ۼ ᣽倅೻䩴ࡃⅡᎠȡ̻ₑहᬣ喑㮪♣ࡄጊ͉ᇥ೻ࡧധ᱙ᐧ ऻ䛺ᐧᬣА⮱㻱ܿ䃱ѝ ᜽喑ѳ䯳㖇ϧऐ䒰ᄾ喑㑧ͼϧ⅁喑᜽̭ͧ͗Ąۤ㒻ϧą喑  ౕࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧ䔈̭ₒ⮱ࣾᆂ͚हᵤ䰭㺮䕇䓴㼓྿⮱ក ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿᄦႶ㒛ऄ▫㓑фȠ㥪჋ᤡᐧ䶦Ⱋ 䕍Ƞϧ⅁⮱㖇䯳Ƞ㏼≻⮱ࣾᆂᲒ݈䕍̭͗㍮㢐⮱࣬೻ȡ ҀᲒ䄡喑ౕϔ͇ࣾᆂȠᅞ͇ᇄѺ᣽ӈȠѼᝬᐧ䃫Ƞڤ Вࣷᣕߕ೻ጯߌ㘪⮱ᅪᔘᖏฺ䊤ݝγᒵສ⮱ᠴᄩ҉⩕喑 䔈⤳ᔢ̻჋᫪ᣗ᫪⮱㐀व喑㻱ܿ᫦ᵵ̻䶦 䉏ᩬजᠮ㐚ぶ᫦䲏喑ࡄጊ౴䲏͡᫝⮱ᠾᝅȡٵҀ⣝γܳٲ

26 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏


ఫ ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬࣬೻೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿౌౝҬ⩕⣝⟣ఫ ഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLjዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾجઠᇸǖԛ

27 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

 ⩕ౝࣷ⩌ᔮ᲎У̺ᩜᦾጒ͇᜽❴ࣾᆂ  ᱙ౝጒ͇Ю͇ࣾᆂ⒉߈๔

䓴⼸͚喑ใౝЮ͇䊤ڡᵦᢛఈጊⰮͨҀߌ㘪ࡧ㻱ܿ喑ࡄጊᆋλపუ㏔䛺◦ ౕࡄጊ▫ऻ䛺ᐧВࣷϔฺ͇ 侨Ю͇ڒᔮԊ៑ౝࡧ喑̺䔯჉ࣾᆂᄦ⣜ධ↎ᴀ䒰๔⮱ጒ͇ȡ̻ ݝγᒵ๔⮱҉⩕ȡѳ᭜ౕᄦᒀݺᆞ͉ϔ͇చ͚⩌ ₑहᬣ喑ᵦᢛಎᏓȠౝ䉕▫რぶ⮱㐩वܳᲽ喑ౕᒀݺⅥ ⮱ܳᲽजВࣾ⣝喑ϻ䪬䔉Გⰸ喑᱙ౝጒ͇Ю͇ࣾᆂ⒉߈ ಸЮ͇  უ喑ڒచЮ͇͚喑ใᲒቹڒ͚ጟ ᰡ๔ȡౕ  უጟڣϲᰶ LN जВᐧ䃫喑ڲᬹ䩴 LN 㠰డ ᐧ䲏⼜ LN喑ᅇᰶ LN ౌౝजВᐭࣾ喍ఫ 喑 ጟᐭጒ  უ喑ͨ㺮ͧᱧᷝㆨЮ͇喑ѳᮛ䕺ႅౕౝ౴ϔթ ϲ ̴ٰ NV喍ఫ喑ఫ喎ȡܧ㶕喎喑ज⩕ౝᄾ喑Ό̺䔯वᄦ⩕ౝ㺮Ⅿ䒰็⮱ጒ͇᜽❴ ѻ⮱䬛䷅喑䄰ᴒЮ͇⮱ϔ 㻱὎ࡃࣾᆂȡ 㔹⿸䋠᱙ౝЮ͇Ƞ䉱⎽ᝃ㔲ጯ౧⮱Ю͇ࣾᆂ߬๡౴䒰ສȡ უ喑ጟᐭጒ  უ喑ౕϔ͇䨫  ڞ䋠᱙ౝЮ͇ㆨ⮱Ю͇⿸ ㈨喑ͨ㺮⩌ϔ⩢ၽڠক䓦䪬㮦ぶ๔Ю͇ᰶܳጒࡼ҉̷̻ கУȡ⿸䋠᱙ౝ䉱⎽ㆨ⮱Ю͇ͨ㺮ͧ丌৮㢜৮ㆨЮ͇喑 უ喑Ⱋݺጟᐭጒ  უȡ⿸䋠᱙ౝጯ౧ㆨ⮱Ю͇ͨ  ڞ უ喑Ⱋݺጟᐭጒ  უȡ̻ₑह  ڞ㺮ͧᱽ᫆ㆨЮ͇喑 ᬣ喑⿸䋠᱙ౝЮ͇̻䉱⎽⮱Ю͇๔็ᆋλߠߕჳ䯳ಸ Ю͇喑ᄦӰ䔈ᅞౝ೻䩴ࡃΌᰶ䒰๔⮱ᣕ䔈҉⩕ȡ⿸䋠 ᱙ౝጯ౧ㆨЮ͇⮱ౝ౴ϔթ䒰倅喑᭜Ӱ䔈ϔ͇䯳㏓ࣾ ᆂ⮱䛺㺮ᩜᴞȡ


 ౝ౴ϔթ喍̴ٰ NV喎  ᱧᷝݣ䕍ㆨ ⩢ၽㆨ 丌৮㢜৮ㆨ ᱽ᫆ㆨ

ఫ ࡄጊᆞ͉ϔ͇చࡧ  ᎡऱㆨЮ͇ౝ౴ϔթ ഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLjجઠᇸǖԛ ዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ

ఫ ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧౌౝҬ⩕䔯჉ᕔܳᲽ ഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLjجઠᇸǖԛ  ዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ    㶕  ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧᐧ䃫⩕ౝ䔯჉ᕔܳᲽ    ܳࡧㆨಸ 䲏⼜喍IN 喎℁Ҹ  

䔯ᐧࡧ   Ꭰ౴ᅞ͇ϧ᪝喍ϧ喎  䭽ᐧࡧ     ᐧࡧ   ᱧᷝݣ䕍ㆨ ⩢ၽㆨ 丌৮㢜৮ㆨ ᱽ᫆ㆨ⺮

Ⅱഌ   ఫ ࡄጊᆞ͉ϔ͇చࡧ  ᎡऱㆨЮ͇Ꭰ౴ᅞ͇ϧ᪝ ഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLjجઠᇸǖԛ व䃎   ዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ Ბ⎼喝 ࡃጉ㒸᫻㜖⇧࣫࣫೺೺ጮᕧѿ㻰ܾ DŽ2011.2030Dž喏͙఩೺ጮ㻰ܾ䃪䃍ⵀ ⾢䮎Ƞ

28 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏

㏼≻ឭᱜᠴᴴڠ㶕  ⣝ᰶᅲѼࡧⰥ  ᅞ͇ᇄѺ̺䋠 ᅲѼࡧ ⩕ౝ䲏⼜喍IN喎 ღ⼜⢴ ᐧまჳᏓ ᒀݺ᫝࣬೻ጒ͇చࡧ⮱ࣾᆂВࣷੳ䨧⮱ᐧ䃫Ꭳ⇎ᰶ ⮪Ვಗ❴ࡧ   ÿ ᒵສౝ䊤ݝ॥㏠ߠߕ߈喑ϻ㔹Ӱ䔈᱙ౝ೻䩴ࡃ⮱Ⱋ⮱ȡ ᆞ͉ጒ͇చࡧ  Ꭱᅞ͇ϧ᪝ϲ  ϧ喑㔹Ꭰ౴⃼ ㏏ᬄ❴ࡧ   

   ੳ䨧㼐۠ᅞ͇ϲ  ϧ喑ᅞ͇ᇄѺ⮱㑧ᄾ̻ㆨಸ̷⮱ ⍖⇶❴ࡧ̭᱌͗ 䊸ह喑䘪ౕ̺ह⼸Ꮣ̷ݣ㏓Ɑ೻䩴ϧऐ⮱ᅞ͇⟣ۢȡ ⍖⇶❴ࡧι᱌    ᅞ͇ϺВใ͇ۉϻओ̭᫦䲏Გⰸ喑ᒀݺࡄጊ࣬ഌ䲋 Ბ⎼喝 ࡃጉ㒸᫻㜖⇧࣫࣫೺೺ጮᕧѿ㻰ܾ DŽ2011.2030Dž喏͙఩೺ጮ㻰ܾ䃪䃍ⵀ ᅞ͇ϧ᪝ࢍᅞ͇ϧ᪝⮱ 喑 ⾢䮎Ƞܧ࣬ใڕᅞ͇ͧͨ喑ܧ ͚Ⱞڣᅞ͇ϧ᪝ࢍᅞ͇ϧ᪝⮱ 喑ܧ㔹᫝࣬೻ใ LN ⮱जᐧ䃫⩕ౝ喑ᠶ⚔ _ ҉ͧᅲѼ⩕ ጯใᅞ͇ϧ᪝ࢍ็᪝喍ఫ 喑ఫ 喎ȡ఍ₑ喑ࡄጊڲ ღ⼜⢴ᠶ⚔  ᣔݣ喑ϲ㘪ღ㏠  ̴ _ ̴ϧȡڣౝ喑 䰭㺮䕇䓴ጒ͇Ƞ᫲⍥ぶധ⵭ᅞ͇ᇄѺ⮱ࣾᆂፓߕϧ⅁ 䮼Ɑࡄጊᒞ৺߈⮱䔈̭ₒព๔Вࣷ᫝ಸ೻䩴ࡃ䔈⼸ ⮱䯳㖇ȡ ⮱ߍᔘ喑ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧᄳ䔈̭ₒ䯳㖇ϧऐȡࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂᄳ̺ᓄ̺䲏͡ϧऐ㻱὎ᔘ䕌෋䪬̻ᰶ䭽⮱ᅲѼ ⩕ౝႅ䛼͸䬡⮱ⴈⰫ喑᱗Გϧऐឬ䒪⮱ࢸ߈ᄳ̺᫚ߍ๔ȡ ϻθす̭ϔ͇ हᬣᅲѼᐭࣾᑧᏓѻΌⰡᣒᒞ৺ᩬᏉ⮱䉏ᩬᩣ⯷喑̺ݖ ߠߎ䓀ܧ䒙⼨ᅞ͇ λ䉏ᩬ⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂȡ Ю͇ᝃࢂѺᅞ͇ ᵦᢛౌౝ㏼≻႓⮱㼐䛷喑ౕ䨭ਜ਼ФᵩᬏჇ⮱ᗲ̸ۢ喑 㜗݈͇ͨ㜗䄸㕹͇▢≨ᅞ͇ ღ⼜⢴䊷ѻ喑ౌౝܧ䃖䉦Ό䊷ѻȡⰥ℁ক䓦࣬ጯႶ࣬喑 ⯷ᕔᇄѺႶ㒛ᅞ͇ڙ 䃖䉦ܧѼᝬ䨭ਜ਼ࢂФͧ _ ٰ N喑㔹ౌౝڣ ᱗ᅞ͇ϧ᪝ 䃖䉦๔㏓ͧܧजВ䓫ݝ  ̴ٰ NV喑㔹ࡄጊ⮱ౌౝ ࣬ߠߕ߈ᅞ͇ᗲۢ  ̴ٰ NV喍ఫ 喎ȡ఍ₑࡄጊ䰭㺮㔰㭾ౕᅇ᱗ᐭࣾڕఫ  Ꭱࡄጊ ഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLjجઠᇸǖԛ ᐧ䃫⮱ౝࡧ喑䔯ᒀ෋ߍᅲѼ⩕ౝ⮱℁䛺ВࣷᐭࣾᑧᏓȡ ዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ


⯷ᕔᇄѺ 喎ڙ 

㜗䄸㕹͇Ƞ㜗݈͇ͨȠ▢≨ᅞ͇  ღ⼜⢴  喎ڲ䒙⼨ᅞ͇喍ጯใⰮܧߠߎ䓀  ღ⼜⢴  ߠߎ䓀ܧ䒙⼨ᅞ͇喍Ⱞใ喎 ღ⼜⢴   䨭ਜ਼ࢂФ喍ٰ N ߠߎ䓀ܧ䒙⼨ᅞ͇喍పใ喎

 喎ڲ䒙⼨ᅞ͇喍࣬ܧߠߎ䓀       ᱗ᅞ͇ϧ᪝ 䃖䉦喍̴ٰ NV喎ܧౝౌ

㈨ڠ䃖䉦Ƞღ⼜⢴Ƞ䨭ਜ਼ࢂФ͸䬡⮱ܧఫ   Ꭱࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ߠߕ߈ᅞ͇ᗲۢ ఫ  ౌౝ ჺ৯Ljዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ܈ਸ݀ഽںႎ၆׭ཱིجഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLj ઠᇸǖԛجઠᇸǖԛ ዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ


ߕγ㏼≻⮱៶ڲᅲѼᐭࣾᑧᏓռѻ ࡄጊ▫ऻ䛺ᐧ䲍ែ䉱៶ߕ喑ⴚ᱌  ۼࡄጊ͉㺬ᇥ೻ࡧ⣝⟣ጟᐧᅲѼ⩕ౝ IN喑࠲ ࣾᆂȡ㔹ౕऻ䛺ᐧᬣА喑ࡄጊᓄݝ⮱ែ䉱ₐౕ䔽ₒ ᠙ᄼ႓হᎩ٬చ⩕ౝ IN喑ͨ㺮䯳ౕ͚Ⴖᬹ⇠͉ ᄾȡ䰴ݺధჇ䉱ϔែ䉱䷊ࢍౝࡧ⩌ϔᕨթ⮱℁䛺ౕ ᇥౝࡧ喑ࢍ㻱ܿᅲѼ⩕ౝ⮱ ȡᒀݺᅲѼ❴ࡧВ _喑 ᎡధჇ䉱ϔែ䉱䷊᭜ౝࡧ⩌ϔᕨ 㵹݄ᐼ็ᅯѼႲͧͨ喑ღ⼜⢴ౕ็ᅯᐧま倅Ꮣ⮱䭽ݣ թ⮱  Ժ喑 Ꭱ᭜  Ժ喑㔹  Ꭱϲͧ  Ժ ጟևݝᲮ㜡喑ധ᱙ౕ  ጓठ喍㶕 喎ȡ㔹͚ᓰ೻ࡧ 喍ఫ 喎ȡ̸

29 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ


  ᵦᢛᒀݺࡄጊࣾᆂ䲏͡⮱ᱧ䕴̻ᠾᝅ喑ౕࡄጊ᫝̭ ೻ጯჇѺȠࣾᆂ䌜ᒱȠ⧵ڠ◦䒛⮱ᕨҀ㻱͚ܿ喑Ꮑᒀ䛺   ღȡౕ೻ጯჇѺ͚䰭㺮䔪Ⅿᠮ㐚⮱㍮㢐ࣾڲࣾᆂᵳ᳣ぶ

  ᆂ喑ౕࣾᆂ䌜ᒱ̷䰭㺮ౕࡧഌಸϔ͇͚ᄨឫ⾮ⵡऐ喑㔹 ࣾᆂᵳ᳣̷䰭㺮ݣ䃏ܳࡧࣾᆂ⮱̺हᩬゃȡౕ 䛾䷊喍Ϭٰ喎    ೻ጯჇѺ

  ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱͚ܿᄦࡄጊ⮱೻ጯᕔ䉕ჇѺͧĄࡄ ጊᩬ⇨Ƞ㏼≻হ᪴ࡃ͚ᓰ喑ጊ㺬᫲⍥᰺ߎധౝহ㐢㺬ϔ   Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ ͇ധౝ喑⣝Аࡃ㒹᫼᪴ࡃ೻হ⩌ᔮచ᳄೻ąȡ㔹䮼Ɑ䰴ऻ ౝѺጟ㏼䔉䔉䊲䓴̭͗ᮛڣᏓ⮱䓲䕌᣽ࡴ喑⧵ڠధჇ䉱ϔែ䉱 ᄦࡄጊ %1) ⮱♓◦ȡ఍ₑ䰭㺮ᄦࡄ⧵ڠ⩺పͰ㜠̓ڕధჇ䉱ϔែ䉱ࢍ (%1 ℁䛺 䕇೻䩴喑᜽ͧ

㈨ ጊ᱗Გ⮱ჇѺ䔈㵹䛺᫝ᕊ㔰喑ᄦࡄጊ೻ጯჇѺ⮱ᕊ㔰ͨڠఫ  Ꭱࡄጊ (%1 ̻ధჇ䉱ϔែ䉱͸䬡⮱ ഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLj 㺮㖇♓λВ̸ఈ͗᫦䲏ȡجઠᇸǖԛ ዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ  పუᒀА᪴ࡃ䖄ϔȠ㒹᫼᪴ࡃऺ೻

ₑहᬣ喑ࡄጊᩬᏉ⁍䨣㵹⮱էߎጟ䓫  ็Ϭٰ喑 ࡄጊ᭜↣ጊ➦๔ౝ䰴䔆̭䛺๔θУ⮱䛺㺮➖䉕䒪̻ Ҁ喑᭜㒹᫼᪴ࡃ⮱䛺㺮➖䉕䒪Ҁ喑᭜ࣺ᭍͚పϧℾь๔ ͧڒϬٰ喑 Ꭱ䉏ᩬᩣ  ͧڒ㔹  Ꭱ䉏ᩬᩣ Ϭٰ喑ࡄጊ䉏ᩬ⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䲏͒͡ረ㔰侹喍ఫ 喎ȡ ⮱ោ䰴᩾▫㇫⺋⮱䛺㺮⾧䬡౧᝭ȡहᬣ喑ࡄጊࣵ᭜̭Ꮤ  Ҁ⣝γ㒹᫼᪴ࡃ̻⣝А᪴ࡃ⮱㐀ܳٲᐯౝ䛺ᐧ⮱᫝೻喑  喑ധ᱙䓫ݝ⋣ڲव喑Ҁ⣝γĄ⣝А㒹᫼᪴ࡃ೻ą⮱⌞ᅯ   γĄ೻ᐧጒ⼸ᴴᔄȠោ䰴㇫⺋ᴴᔄহ᪴ࡃ䖄ϔᴴᔄą⮱  㠰喍ᱻᮀڥⰛᴴȡࡄጊᐧ䃫᜽ͧ㻱ܿጵ̻ᐧまጵव҉⮱  ᰶᲮ倅⮱ڤ㠰喑ڥ↌喑喎喑᜽ͧ⣝Аᄼ೻䩴ᐧ䃫⮱    ᪴ࡃФթȡຯ᳉ߍ̷᜽ͧោ䰴㏗ᔢ亳⮱㔮ࡄጊ࣬೻喑᫝ 喍Ϭٰ喎ڒ䉏ᩬᩣ  㔮͑͗࣬೻㖁व䊤ᲒᏁ䄒ᠶ⚔ĄᒀА᪴ࡃ䖄ϔą⮱Ⱋᴴ   ᲒჇѺȡ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ

ఈጊⰮ᫲⍥ധౝ  ڒఫ  Ꭱࡄጊ䉏ᩬᩣ ഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLjجઠᇸǖԛ ᰶᬻ᭫⮱ࡧѺх߬Вࣷ䉱⎽х߬ȡڤዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ ࡄጊࣾᆂ᫲⍥ ϻ᫲⍥ࡧѺ̷Გⰸ喑ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧѺλΊᄕ⇌ࡄ⣜㏬Ƞ ᵦᢛѻ䅤᩵Ꮑ⤳䃧⮱㼐䛷喑ధჇ䉱ϔែ䉱⮱ែ䉱᩵ 㒹᪴ࡃ᫲⍥䊝᏷হ↣ጊౝ䰴䖄౭࣯㻯㏬̶᲎๔哆䬕ᆞ᫲ ϔᕨթ෋ߍ䷊  ధჇ䉱ϔ喎䒰ѻ喑ែ䉱 ⍥䄂侹ࡧ㇫৮᫲⍥㏬䌜⮱ϑⅴ◦喑Ϸऻ䮼ⱭΊ⣜㏬ᩦ䖀⩌ڲ⯷㈨᪝喍ప ᕨ䷊ጕ๔⮱ധ⵭䃫᫪ែ䉱͸ऻ喍㟞γऻ  Ꭱ⮱䉱䛾喎喑 ᵯ⏗  ᰟᆞ  Ⅵᬹ喑ࡄጊ⮱᫲⍥ࡧѺх߬ᄳ䔈̭ₒҀ⣝ȡ ᄾȡ㔹ែ䉱ఋ្ক᱌䒰䪬喑ఋ្ক᱌ ϻ᫲⍥䉱⎽̷Გⰸ喑ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ࣷক䓦ౝࡧ᠒ᰶ⮱э㐌ۼፓᲒ⮱ऻ㐚ែ䉱 ⮱ᬣ䬡ᅞ᭜ѻ䅤᩵Ꮑ⮱ᬣ䬡ȡᑒ㶒ѻ䅤᩵Ꮑ䰭㺮ࣾᡒែ 㒹᫼᪴ࡃȠ๔⻦᪴ࡃȠ⩌ᔮ䉱⎽喑Вࣷᒀݺ⮱ោ䰴᪴ࡃȠ Ѓ෋䪬ȡ ೻䩴㻱̻ܿᐧ䃫⮱䉱⎽喑Ჱ᜽γ็ᅯ⁎็ᵤࡃ⮱᫲⍥䉱ڣ䉱᝭ϔ⩌⮱᩵ᏁВࣷែ䉱͸ใ⮱ ᫲⍥㕹㘪ጟ㏼̺ϲ䭽λ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱͚ܿ᣼䔝ڣₐ፥⮱೻䩴ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱ喑 ⎽喑ڒ䮼Ɑऻ䛺ᐧᬣА⮱ࡄጊ䔈 ᄾ喑ែ䉱ᄦ㏼ ⮱᰺ߎ㕹㘪喑ᄳ᜽ͧ᫝⮱᫲⍥Ⱋ⮱ౝȡ᫲⍥ౕࡄጊϷऻۼ䮼Ɑᆞ͉Ⱞऱㆨᄦऐᤡᐧᕔ䶦Ⱋ⮱䔽ₒ ෋䪬⨣䶵᱌喑䰭㺮 ⮱ࣾᆂ͚喑Ꮑᒀ᜽ͧࡄጊࣾᆂ⮱ͨ㺮ߕ߈͸̭喑ᣕߕࡄڒᑞ喑ࡄጊ䔈ۼࣾᆂ⮱៶ߕ҉⩕ᄳ≺ ႓΍ಸ᫲⍥䔈̭ₒाੳߎٶᄨឫ㏼≻जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱᫝ߕ߈ȡ ጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧ⮱᫲⍥ϻⰛݺ㻯

30 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏

ಸȠо䬟ಸ᫲⍥ࣾᆂ喑㔹䔆⻺ੳߎಸȠо䬟ಸ᫲⍥ᄳч ప  䃧ಈಸϔ͇ڕ䔈̭ₒ⾮ⵡጊ㺬ࡄ⮱㠰డ喑ᄳࡄጊ⮱ᒞ৺߈ᐣѥ㜠 㠰డȡ 䃧ಈಸϔ͇᱙䏘᝭䰭⩕ౝ̺็喑ѳजВፓߕক䓦Ѽ წȠ丽些Ƞ᫲⍥ぶϔ͇⮱ࣾᆂȡहᬣ䃧ಈಸϔ͇䒰ᄾऄݝ  㐢䭠㺬䘕➦㞟ϔ͇ധౝ ႐㞯अࡃ⮱ᒞ৺喑जВͧ೻ጯࣾᆂፓᲒᠮ㐚⮱ϧ≮喑఍ₑ ⮱ϔ͇͸̭ȡ⧵ڠ◦ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧϻႼ㻯ࡧѺ̷Გ䄡᭜㐢䭠㺬䘕ࣷ㐢Ⴖ ጟ㏼䔽ₒ᜽ͧ䷻ᮜх㒻⮱͚ᄼ೻ጯ䛺 ࡄ೻䩴ࣾᆂፓ̷⮱ፓߕᲮᵥ喑ϻࡄጊ㜗䏘Გ䄡喑ឬ៲Ɑ ⊤ࢄࢇ凹Вͫߋࢇ凹χ≟䃧ಈͧ䊤◦喑ፓߕγ倅〜 ⩞ᆞࡧ㏼≻ाᆞࡧᎠ࣌㏼≻㐩वࣾᆂ⮱䛺Ш喑᭜ࡄጊ჋ чᆂ㏼≻Ƞ᫲⍥ぶϔ͇⮱ࣾᆂ喑䕇䓴чߎȠ䙿Ꮔ丽些হ Ƞ⍖⇶Ƞᱧ౧ぶ̭㈨݄᰺ߎ䃫ٶጒ͇ࡃȠ೻䩴ࡃⰛᴴ⮱䛺㺮䒪Ҁȡࡄጊᒀݺ⮱ϔ͇ࣾ ჏ᝬȠ倅ᅁ๘Ƞᮜࡧ㻯⣝ ಸ ᫪ᐧ䃫喑ࢇ凹ₐౕ᜽ͧੳߎч䃛হ᫲⍥Ꮣմ⮱౐ౝȡࢇڒಸϔ͇ࣾᆂ⮱ⴈⰫȡใᲒቹڒಸࣷቹ⩌ڲᆂ䲏͡Ɑ 㖁ᕔ 凹ౝࡧᒀݺ᠒ᰶუᏚ᫲亳  ็უȠρᭌ㏔䙿Ꮔ  უȠڠ⎽Ю͇㮪♣ᰶ倅᫝ឭᱜЮ͇喑ѳ̻ౝ᫦ϔ͇Ƞ䉱 ಸЮ͇⿸䋠 ఈᭌ㏔䙿Ꮔ  უ喑Вࣷ  ͗倅ᅁ๘⤰౧Ƞ Ꮤᱧ౧喑⃼⩌ڲᑞ喑ᄦౝ᫦㏼≻⮱ፓߕ҉⩕ᅇ᱗᭫⣝ȡ ᱙ౝጯ౧̻䉱⎽喑᭜ፓߕࡄጊ㏼≻ࣾᆂ⮱ͨ㺮ߕ߈ȡ఍ Ꭱͫߋ䓾  ౧ч䃛ȡ Ꭱࢇ凹ౝࡧᣒᒲ⍥჏䓫 ₑ喑ࡄጊ䰭㺮⿸䋠λ䄒ㆨЮ͇⮱ദ㗟喑Ӱ䔈ϔ͇⮱➦㞟  ̴ϧ⁎喑Ꭰ౴⃼๖ᣒᒲ͚ใ⍥჏䊲䓴  ϧ⁎ȡ ࣾᆂ喑Вጒ͇ࡃӰ䔈೻䩴ࡃ喑В೻䩴ࡃᣕ䔈ጒ͇ࡃ喑В 䮼Ɑࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ϧᅲ⣜ධВࣷᒞ৺߈⮱᣽ࡴ喑ౕࡄ ጒ͇ࣾᆂ҉ͧ䓾᱌ࣾᆂ⮱ៀ᝸喑Ӱ䔈ϧऐ䯳㖇喑В೻䩴 ጊ᫝࣬೻ͫߋ⮱ࡧഌᕔч䃛Όॵ⣝䊷Გ䊷็⮱䊸߬ȡͧ ࡃ҉ͧ䔉᱌ࣾᆂ⮱Ⱋᴴ喑Ӱ䔈ጒ͇ࡃ⮱ࣾᆂȡ γ䔯Ꮑ䄒䊸߬Вࣷ᣽ࡴࡄጊࡧഌ㕹㘪⮱䰭㺮喑㻱ౕܿ᫝ ࣬೻㺬ᇥ೻ࡧࢄӔᐧ䃫Ҁ⣝㒹᫼䷻䴢⮱ࡧഌᕔч䃛͚ᓰ喑 ࢍౝ IN喑Ѻڣࡄጊ࣬ഌᩬ⇨Ƞ㏼≻Ƞ᪴ࡃ͚ᓰ 䙺ᐧ倅〜ძ亳ȠᏤҀо䬟ぶߌ㘪ȡ  䩛㞯◦䘕Ѻ喑ᰶݖλൾ䕍㞜ڠऐัࣷ䃫᫪䨫ڒపੜ̭⮱㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬⮱࣬೻喑ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧ λ᫝࣬೻ڕͧ҉ ऐᮜ㻯喑ᰶݖλፓߕ㺬ᇥࢄ䘕ౝࡧࣾᆂ喑हڒᄳ᜽ͧࡄጊͰ㜠᪡͗ጊ㺬㒹᫼㖇ᅲౝࡧ䛺㺮⮱ᩬ⇨Ƞ㏼ ສ⮱೻ጯ Ƞ᪴ࡃ͚ᓰ喑ጊ㺬ᆞࡧ䕇ᒭᎠ࣌ౝࡧ⮱䛺㺮䬕ᝤহ㞯 ᬣ̺Ѻλͨ㺮䒡㏬̷喑ᰶݖλᑦᕔᐧ䃫ȡ≺ ◦೻ጯȡ ധλВ̷ᕊ㔰喑ౕऻ䛺ᐧᬣА⮱ᕨҀ㻱͚ܿ⾮ܧᒀ  ႓΍ಸ㕹㘪 ڥА᪴ࡃ䖄ϔ⮱҉⩕喑ᑧ䄰᫲⍥ぶϔ͇ᄦࡄጊࣾᆂ⮱ፓߕ ႓΍ಸ㕹㘪⮱ᐧ䃫ധλ䄒೻ጯ⠙➦⮱ࢳट㺮㉍Ƞ 䔈⮱㻱ܿᐧ䃫⤳ᔢ喑䕇䓴㜗̷㔹̸⮱ٵ喑⻶ᠮ೻䩴㍮㢐ࣾᆂȠ᫲⍥ᑦᕔࣾᆂȠጒ͇䯳㖇ࣾ 㠰⮱⾧䬡჋䌢হ⩕҉ ᆂ⮱݆࣌喑ᄳࡄጊ೻ጯᕔ䉕ჇͶͧĄపუᒀА᪴ࡃ䖄ϔȠ ㏱㏴႓΍ᝃ㔲㜗̸㔹̷⮱㜗ࣾ႓΍喑႓΍ಸࡧഌ㕹㘪⮱ 㒹᫼᪴ࡃऺ೻喠ఈጊⰮ᫲⍥ധౝ喠㐢䭠㺬䘕➦㞟ϔ͇ധ ദ㗟ᄳज㘪ፓߕ᪝Ժλ᱙ౝ፥Ѽϧऐ⮱ϧ≮喑ϻ㔹ፓߕ ϔ͇⮱ࣾᆂȡڠౝ喠ࡄጊ࣬ഌᩬ⇨Ƞ㏼≻Ƞ᪴ࡃ͚ᓰąȡ Ⱕ ᆞ҉ͧ⮫უ❞పͨͶ᪆㗟⹧㠰ധౝহ͚ప࡮Ҡڵς ႓΍ಸڣࣾᆂ䌜ᒱ х⻭⹫ч᪆㗟ധౝ喑ᕨϧऐϲ  ̴҆ϧȡ  ᆞ᎟䘕႓䮏䔆̭䒪Ҁ喑ڵ೻ጯϔ͇जܳͧ᱙ౝಸϔ͇Вࣷࡧഌಸϔ͇͑⻺ㆨ 㕹㘪⮱ᐧ䃫喑̭᫦䲏䕇䓴͚పς ᩬ᎟䘕ȠЮ͇㏼㥒ノ⤳㔲Ƞ͇̀ឭᱜϧڇಸȡ᱙ౝಸϔ͇喑ຯጒ͇ȠᅲѼȠ̭㝙᰺ߎ͇ぶ喑⩞λ⩕ 㜗̷㔹̸ౝᄦ 䭌᎟䘕䔈㵹ദ䃚喑ओ̭᫦䲏喑⼜Ხ॥ᑂ㜗̸㔹̷ۈౝ᲎У⮱㏓᲌喑॥ᑂ⮱᭜᪝䛼ᰶ䭽⮱ᅞ͇ϧऐȠᅲѼϧ অহ ᆞᣒᒲ᫲⍥ڵऐȡࡧഌಸϔ͇喑ຯч䃛Ƞ႓΍Ƞ᫲⍥ぶ喑ᄦ⩕ౝ㺮Ⅿ䒰 ⮱㜗ࣾ႓΍ϧ㓑ȡ Ꭱ ÿ ᰵЪ喑ς ჋ ᆞ፥Ѽϧऐ⮱  Ժ͸็ڵᄼ喑ᄦ⣜ධᒞ৺䒰ᄼ喑ѳजВ॥ᑂф็⮱䃧ಈಸϧऐȠ႓ 㔲  ̴ϧ⁎喑᭜ς Ϭٰȡ  ڒ΍ಸϧऐহ᫲⍥ಸϧऐ喑ᄦλ⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧᰶⱭ㞜ສ⩌ᔮВ ⣝᫲⍥ᩣ ⮱▫ۼ▫㔰㭾γ䭟ܳٲࣷ᪴ࡃ⺭䉸⮱࣬೻ࣾᆂ喑᭜̭᲎जӈ䔶᠖⮱ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱȡ ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻⮱䔶౭̻ᐧ䃫喑 䔈⮱೻ٵγ䯳㖇ϧ⅁喑Ӱ䔈೻ጯ⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ喑ࡄጊ᫝࣬ 㺮Ⅿ喑᭜▫ऻ䛺ᐧ⮱ᴴᔄᕔጒ⼸ȡहᬣ喑ࡄጊͧ ⮱⾧䬡ጰᅭȠ⣝А㒹᫼⮱ᐧま䷻ᵩȠ۾㉔೻䰭㺮ϻࡧഌಸϔ͇͚ᄨឫ⾮ⵡऐȡ఍ₑ喑ౕऻ䛺ᐧᬣ ጯ㻱ܿ⤳ᔢȠ Ѓ೻ጯ႓΍⮱ڣА⮱ࡄጊᕨҀ㻱͚ܿ喑ധλᄦࡄጊ೻ጯჇѺ⮱㔰㭾喑ゃ 㐬㞟ѻⷠ⮱⩌ᔮឭᱜぶΌₐౕ䔽ₒ᜽ͧ ܿγ䃧ಈಸȠ႓΍ಸВࣷо䬟ಸ⮱ࡧഌಸϔ͇喑Вࡧഌ ỉᵤȡࡄጊጟ㏼㷘͚ა䘕⶛ჇͧĄ̶ധౝ̭⿄ऐą喍❞ప ಸϔ͇⮱ࣾᆂӰ䔈೻ጯ⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂȡ ͨͶ᪆㗟ധౝȠ⹫чͨͶᵥᓰФթҀ㈨⮱ധౝȠᐭᆂℾ

31 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

㈨喑ڠ᫼ఏ㐀䔈ₒ⮱აэ᪆㗟ധౝহᆂ⹧͚పࣾᆂ὎ᐼȠࣾᆂ 㑾⮱䖀䌜ጰᅭ喑Ԋ៑ᐧまȠ㐬ࡃ̻䖀䌜͸䬡⮱⾧䬡 ᔢȠࣾᆂ䖀䌜⮱⿄ऐ喎ȡࡄጊᏁᒀВₑͧ๾ᱧ喑⼜Ხ㥪 Ш҂ϧ̺ᓄ䲋∂ᩦअᝃⵡ౼⣝ᰶ⟣ۢȠ䲏䆹̻⣜ධȡ⤳ ᩬゃᣗ᫪喑᜽ͧაэ㈨㐌㏏㞟᫲⍥䌜㏬ВࣷĄ̶ ᐧ䃫ᣔݣౝፓͨ㺮࠲᠙͉㺬ᇥ೻ࡧВ͚ࣷᓰ೻ࡧ㠰ڠ჋Ⱕ ⮱ᐭ㠯᫲⍥Ꮣմࡧ喑ᣔݣౝፓ䲏⼜ LNȡԊ៑ڲധౝ̭⿄ऐą⮱႓΍ധౝ喑᜽ͧᐧ䃫㈨㐌⹧㠰ಸ೻䩴⮱ డ ᱈ᆞ㲺ͅȠ⤳Ⅱϟϧ⮱ᆞⅡᵩᅭ喑Ԋ៑ڲ႓΍ദ䃚ധౝ喑᜽ͧ᪴ࡃ᫲⍥㈨㐌ℾ᫼᪴ࡃȠ䲋➖䉕᪴ Ꭳ㐡៑䄒㠰డ ࡃ䖄ϔ⮱႓΍ധౝȡ ক䓦ᆞҀ⮱Ḻ㷘䉱⎽Вࣷ⩌ᔮ⣜ධ喑᫝ᐧᐧまᓲ䶨᰺ϻ λ⣝ౕ⮱⾧䬡ᵩᅭ̻ᐧま㖹⤳喑ౕᐧま䷻䆹Ƞᐧま倅ᏓȠ ⮱䷻䆹̻ᐧまⰥࡼ䄰喑ڲо䬟ಸ㕹㘪 ⾧䬡㖹⤳ぶ᫦䲏ᓲ䶨̻Ԋ៑㠰డ  䮼ⱭϧЙ⩌≨ⅡᎠ⮱᣽倅喑Ꮣմо䬟ϔ͇ᄳчᓄݝ ⺮₏ᐧ䃫ⵡ౼࣌ᰶ㒹䷻㒹䆹ᝃ㔲䭨ᡎ೻ጯ̻ᆞҀ㻳㏬᏷ ᠒ᰶ 䖀⮱ᐧまᝃᲱま➖ȡڣ䓲䕌⮱ࣾᆂȡᄦλ⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ⮱͚ᄼ೻䩴㔹㼭喑 ऻ 喍喎Ӱ䔈ጒ͇చࡧᰡ᫝ౕڣ⮱⠙➦⮱᪴ࡃ䉱⎽Ƞх㞜⮱⩌ᔮ⣜ධ喑ᄳᰶߖλ చ  უЮ͇喑ѳڒ♣जᠮ㐚 ఈጊࡄጊ㏼≻ᐭࣾࡧ⣝⟣㮪ڣጒ͇ࡃᬣАࣾᡒऻࣾх߬喑䕇䓴᫲⍥о䬟ፓߕ ࣾᆂȡ ็᪝᱗ែϔᐧ䃫喑๔็᪝Ю͇ࢍ⩕ࡄጊ͉ᇥ೻ࡧ࣌᱙ᅞ ᩵⯷䒰ѻ喑ᄦౌౝ䉱⎽᭜Ხ๔ܧ೻ጯ㏠⯛ᅁጯ̻ࡄጊㆨѩ喑Ό᭜̭Ꮤ㏼䓴▫ ᒵ㉔ᑍ⮱ౌౝ䉱⎽喑ϔڝ᫝㺬 ⮱ᄼ೻䩴ȡ Ꭱ㏠⯛ᅁጯࣾ⩌⮱ ⮱⊗䉦ȡڡऻ䛺ᐧ㔹ᓄݝฺ  ㏔ౝ䰴ᦔ⃮γ๔䘕ܳੳ⩕ᐧま喑䛺ᐧጟҬႰ᜽̭ͧ 㻱ܿ䔽ₒᄦࡄጊᆞ͉ϔ͇చࡧ䔈㵹ᰡ᫝ȡӰ䔈ξⰅ ᰭ᫝೻ ࢄ䌜͉ӔЮ͇⮱ᅭ䘕䄰᪡喑ᒏ᜽̶᲎ፓ⟣⮱ጰᅭȡ⇬Ⅵ⤰ڕᏔ䯳͚γ๔䛼  ̓㏗  ᎡА䷻ᵩᐧま⮱ ፓ喑В⣝А㒹᫼⮱ᐧま䷻ᵩᰬАᒀڙੜ̭⮱㷲亝㞧ᱜ೻ ᬹ๔䖀ᒏ᜽Ю͇ߋ⤰ڕጯȡӊច䄒䛺ᐧ䓴⼸͚᝭ᒏ᜽⮱ ⇬䉱⎽喑㏠⯛ᅁጯゃܿγ͝ჹ⮱ ݺ⮱ጒ͇ᐧま䷻ᵩ喑ᒏ᜽⇬Ⅵᬹ⇠⮱㞜ສᮜ㻯喠हᬣٶ䷻♣ࡧ喑Вࣷ⇬⊤⮱㜗 㞯Ꮃ≨ߕВࣷ㍮ࡻ⮱ੳ͇≨ߕ喑॥ᑂক䓦ౝࡧϧ㓑Გₑ ξⰅ⇠ᒏ᜽⩌ϔȠᆂ⹧ȠҀ侹ϔ͇ፓ喑В  ϔ͇ᰬᢏ 䉦喑हᬣក䕍㷲亝㞧ᱜক᱘ࣷጰ䖀ఏ䴠ͽчক ᒀݺ⮱すιϔ͇喑Ӱ䔈ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧϔ͇ࡴ㏔喠⇬㦸უ⊴ٶౝ㻯 ᱘ .JTTJPO$PODFSU8FFLFOE ȡ㔹̻ₑहᬣ喑偲߈ ⇠ᒏ᜽о䬟᫲⍥ፓ喑ᣕߕࡄጊ᫲⍥͇ࣾᆂȡ ೻ጯ⩌≨Вࣷ೻ጯ৮❹ᒏ䆎⮱ក䕍喑ࣺ䓴Გᣕߕγ㏠⯛ ᅁጯすιϔ͇⮱᣽ࡴȡ  㺬ᇥ喟჉ᅲ᫝೻ࡧ о䬟ಸ㕹㘪҉ͧࡄጊ᫝࣬೻Ϸऻ䰭㺮䛺◦ࣾᆂ⮱㕹 㺬ᇥ೻ࡧ㻱ܿᐧ䃫⩕ౝ IN喑ᅲѼϧऐ  ̴ 㘪͸̭喑䰭㺮Вᐭ㠯ⅡᏀȠ䶧Ͷ⇠ক䓦͚ͧᓰ喑ࣾᆂо ϧȡ㻱ܿᐧ䃫჉ᅲ᫝೻ࡧȡ 䬟Ꮣմ᫲⍥喑ᄳࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ࣾᆂ᜽Во䬟᫲⍥ȠᏓմ᫲ 㻱ܿᐣ㐚͉ᇥᮜ㻯䒡㏬喑В⇠㺬͚๛㐬ፓ喑͑Ӕጰ ⍥ͧ➦㞟⮱᫲⍥Ⱋ⮱ౝȡ ᅭੳ͇҉ͧ⇠㺬ౝࡧ䒡ፓ⮱⾧䬡ጰᅭ喑ᐧま倅Ꮣजౕധ ᭫䒡ፓ⾧䬡ᒏ䆎ȡܥ᱙ᣔݣ倅Ꮣ⮱ധ⵭̷෋ߍ 喑В Ӕ⮱ᅲѼ⩕ౝ჉䔈㵹ੳѼ⌤वᐭࣾ喑͝ჹ䒡㏬͑͑ڣౕ 䬡ᵳ᳣⾧  ๡㥒ᐧ倅〜᫲⍥䃫᫪喑᣽ࡴࡄ〜ڣߌ㘪ጰᅭ̷喑͚ᓰ೻ࡧᒏ᜽  ͗ߌ㘪❴ࡧ喑࠲᠙ 䓦≨ߕВࣷᮜ㻯喑ౕౕ ͉ᇥВԊ៑ᒀА᪴ࡃ䖄ϔȠӰ䔈ጒ͇చࡧᰡ᫝⮱೻ࡧ喑 ጊ᫲⍥৮Ѻȡ 㺬ᇥ჉ᅲ᫝೻ࡧ喑ࡄӔᐭ㠯᫲⍥Ꮣմࡧহ㺬Ӕ㏼ᐭࡧ᫝ 㻱ౕܿ㺬㏢̶䌜㺬Ӕ㐀वᵯ㟞⇠Ⅱ㈨ᐧ䃫㐬ፓ喑҉ ࡧ喍ఫ 喎ȡ ͧ㺬ᇥᅲℾᝤใ≨ߕ⮱ͨ㺮౧᝭喑ౕ㺬㏢̶䌜͉Ӕᐧ䃫 ᫲⍥᰺ߎߌ㘪⮱ੳ͇᰺ߎ䃫᫪ፓ喑ڤکᒀౝᅲℾ᰺ߎ喑ͧ  ͉ᇥ ϻ㔹Ჱᐧੳ͇㐬ࡃⅡ㶄ȡ㺬㏢̶䌜ੳ͇㐬ࡃⅡ㶄̻㐬ࡃ ߕ⾧䬡≩ڞڙ喍喎Ԋ៑ᒀА᪴ࡃ䖄ϔ ᮜ㻯䒡㏬Ⱕϑ喑ᒏ᜽㺬ᇥ೻ࡧ࡮ႄᒏ⮱ 㻱ܿᄳ͉ᇥ㠰డܿܳͧᵥᓰԊ៑㠰డВࣷᐧ䃫ᣔݣ 喍ఫ 喎ȡ ⢴⼜ౝፓȡᵥᓰԊ៑㠰డ࠲᠙͉ᇥᐧ᜽ࡧ喍䮑γࡄጊᆞ͉ϔ 㻱ܿᒏ᜽  ͗В็倅ᅯͧͨ⮱ᅲѼࢂٰ喑ღ ͇చࡧ喎喑䲏⼜ LNȡԊ៑ᆞⅡ⣜Ƞ⩌ᔮ᏷Ƞо䬟 ͧ _喑ᅯ᪝В _ ᅯͧͨ喑ᅭ䘕ౝࡧजВ䊲䓴 ღ⼜⢴ౕ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿᰭ倅  ⮱ധ⵭̷ڣፓȠ⩌䪬㘷Ƞ䃫᫪䨫Ƞᮜ㻯䒡⮱᪡Ҁᵩᅭ喑Ԋ៑๔㜗⩞Ƞ  ᅯȡ ݖ⩕ౌౝ⮱Ⱋᴴȡओ⇬㺬ᆞ۾㉔ᄼ㻱᪡Ƞ⪼ჳⰥ䬡⮱⾧䬡㖹⤳喑Ԋ៑㒹䷻㒹䴢⮱ᐧま䷻ 䔯Ꮣ᣽ࡴ喑В䓫ݝ䯳㏓ ᵩ喑Ԋ៑̭⣜͑ፓ็᏷䖀⮱㐬ࡃጰᅭ喑Ԋ៑ᄼ㶄ࡧჳ䌜 ι䌜ᒏ᜽͚ѻჳᏓᐭࣾ⮱ᅲѼࢂٰ喑Ꭰ౴ᅯ᪝  ᅯ喑倅

32 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏

ఫ ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬࣬೻೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿౌౝҬ⩕㻱ܿఫ ഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLjዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾجઠᇸǖԛ

33 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

Ꮣᄼλ N喑ѻჳᏓᑧᏓᣔݣ喑ក䕍჉ϧ⮱ᅲѼ⣜ධȡ 䬡䙺㒛̭᝭͚႓Ƞ̭᝭ᄼ႓Ƞ⾧ڞڙᅲѼࢂٰক䓦㐀वౕ ̭᝭ࡨ䮏ȡ


͚͉ᇥڣࡄጊ᫝࣬೻᫲⍥⩕ౝIN喑 IN喑ͨ㺮ѺλࡄӔ⮱ᐭ㠯᫲⍥Ꮣմࡧ͚ȡ㻱ܿ ⻶ᠮᑦᕔࣾᆂȠ᪡Ҁᐭࣾ⮱݆࣌喑఍ౝݣ჉ᐧ䃫ᐭ㠯᫲ ⍥Ꮣմࡧ ఫ  ȡ 㻱ܿϲవჇࣾᆂ⩕ౝ喑̺㻱ჇࣾᆂᬣᎼ喑В䶦Ⱋͧ ᄩा喑ᐧ⿸̀უчੳݣᏓ喑ᣔݣࡄጊ᫲⍥ࣾᆂ̻ጰᅭ喑 Ӱ䔈᫲⍥⮱ᑦᕔࣾᆂȡ㻱ܿడ㐂➦Ⴧᆞ๡喑Вͨ㺮䖀䌜 ㏬喑ᄳ᫲⍥⩕ౝܳͧ  ͗ᐭࣾࢂٰ喑⃼͗ࢂٰ⮱ᐧ⩺ͧ 䃫⩕ౝ䲏⼜ᣔݣౕ _IN喑Ӱ䔈ВᐭࣾࢂٰͧࢂѺ ⮱᪡Ҁᐭࣾȡ 㻱ܿ㐀वⅡᏀȠ⍖⇶ぶх߬䉱⎽喑व⤳䃫㒛᫲⍥ᐭ 㒹᫼➦㞟喑㐀वᆞⅡ᪴ࡃ⮱ఈጊⰮоڒߕ⾧䬡 ࣾͨ䷅喑ក䕍㲺≩ڞڙఫ  㺬ᇥ೻ࡧ࡮ႄᒏ ഺፃጲዎ၆၆׭׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ2011.2030DžLjجઠᇸǖԛ ዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ 䬟Ꮣմ᫲⍥ധౝ喍㶕 喎ȡ

ఫ ᫝࣬೻ࡄ䘕᫲⍥о䬟Ꮣմ❴ࡧᕨᎠ䲏ఫ ൶׭๨ยऺLjዐࡔ׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾೌ्܈ઠᇸǖႎ၆׭ԛև୫ᆴႩှ

34 ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏

㶕  ᫲⍥ᐭࣾͨ䷅ࣷᐭࣾ䶦Ⱋᐧ䃛

ᐭࣾౝ◦ ᐭࣾͨ䷅ 䶦Ⱋᐧ䃛

ᎱȠᏓմᄼ䩴Ƞ倅ᭌ㏔ძ亳ぶۉⅡᏀক䓦Წ಄ о䬟ͨ䷅ ⩌ᔮ

䃫᫪Ƞੳ͇ౝϔぶڨ⫃᫲⍥Ꮣմ䃫᫪Ƞ⍖⇶Ꮣմٶ㻯͇ۉ䶧Ͷ⇠ক䓦 Ꮣմͨ䷅ ᄼಸཞͽо䬟Ꮣմ䃫᫪Ƞэ㐌

ξⰅᆞ͉Ӕ ᪴ࡃͨ䷅ Ꮣմ䙿ᏄȠ᪴ࡃо䬟䃫᫪Ƞ⑁㞧͚ᓰȠ᪴ࡃ݈ᘼ䃫᫪ぶ

⇠㺬Წ಄ 倅〜ჇѺ 倅〜о䬟ч᝭Ƞ倅〜Ꮣմ᫲⍥


䕇䓴ࡄጊ  ᎡВᲒ⮱͑⁎ᕨҀ㻱ܿ჋䌢Вࣷᒀ ㏼ᐭࡧ㺬ࡧ喟ܳ᱌ᐧ䃫喑➦㞟ࣾᆂ ݺ⮱೻ጯ჋䭲ࣾᆂࣾ⣝喑᱙ౌ䉱⎽⮱ᡃᣅ̻ݖ⩕᭜जᠮ  䩛喑ڠ㻱ౕܿ䔽ₒᄦࡄጊᆞ͉ϔ͇చࡧ䔈㵹ᰡ᫝⮱ധ⵭̷喑 㐚ࣾᆂ⮱ധ⵭喑೻ጯ৮䉕⮱㥒ᐧ᭜जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱ हᒏ᜽ఈጊࡄጊ㏼≻ᐭࣾ 㔹ࡧഌಸϔ͇⮱ࣾᆂ᭜ᣕߕ䄒ㆨ೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱ͨ㺮ڞ᠖ᱧड़ߕ㏼ᐭࡧ᫝ࡧᐧ䃫喑 ጒ͇⩕ౝᕨ䲏⼜ IN喑೻ጯᐧ䃫⩕ౝ䲏⼜ 䌜ᒱ͸̭ȡڣࡧȡ ͚͉ࡧ IN喑㺬ࡧ INȡ ⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ⮱೻ጯ䰭㺮➦㞟ࣾᆂ҉ͧᣕߕ喑㔹➦㞟ڣIN喑 ㏼ᐭࡧ᫝ࡧᐧ䃫⻶ᠮܳ᱌ᐧ䃫⮱݆࣌喑͒⺮ܳ๡ᐭ ࣾᆂ䰭㺮ᄦ᱙ౌ䉱⎽⮱⌞ݨ⤳㼐̻䓽⩕ȡౕ㻱͚ܿ喑ࡄ ࣾ喑䓾᱌जВड़ߕ㺬ᇥࢄӔ፥ͽౝࡧ⮱ጒ͇ࡧᐧ䃫喑͚ ጊ⿸䋠㜗䏘⮱᫲⍥䉱⎽Ƞ᪴ࡃ䉱⎽Ƞ࣌ᱽ᫆䉱⎽Вࣷጯ ᱌ᐧ䃫㺬ࢄӔ⮱ጒ͇㏱ఏ喑䔉᱌ᐧ䃫㺬ࡄӔ⮱ጒ͇㏱ఏ喑 ౧䉱⎽喑⼜Ხࣾᆂ䔯व㜗䏘⮱᫲⍥ϔ͇Вࣷ⿸䋠᱙ౌ࣌ 䓾᱌䰭㺮ᄦ᱗ᐭࣾ⮱ጒ͇㏱ఏ䔈㵹ᣔݣȡౕ㏼ᐭࡧ⮱ጒ ̻᫆ጯ౧⮱ݣ䕍͇喑В᫲⍥ധౝহ➦㞟ϔ͇ധౝ҉ͧ೻ 喑ࣾᆂ䔯व㜗䏘ጯ౧Ƞ㜗䏘䉱⎽⮱ϔ͇喑ࣾᆂ ጯࣾᆂ⮱Ⱋᴴȡ̷ڒ۳͇ व⤳⮱۾㉔䔈⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢȠٵϔ৮ߍጒȠ᪴ࡃ᫲⍥ϔ৮ߍጒぶϔ͇喑⺮₏ࣾᆂࢍ ೻ጯ৮䉕⮱㥒ᐧ࠲᠙➦ۉ ౝ๔Ƞ㕄㘪倅Ƞᄦ⣜ධᰶᒞ৺⮱ϔ͇ȡ ⾧䬡ጰᅭȠ⌲ᮝᬻ⶛⮱⾧䬡᳣ᲱȠ➦㞟凉ᬻ⮱⾧䬡䷻ᵩ Вࣷ㐬㞟ѻⷠ⮱⩌ᔮឭᱜぶȡ䕇䓴೻ጯ৮䉕⮱㥒ᐧ喑̭  㐀䄚 ᫦䲏जВͧ᱙ౝᅲℾ㥒ᐧ㞜ສ⮱ϧᅲ⣜ධ喑ओ̭᫦䲏Ό 侨喑᣽ࡴڒ侨喑॥ᑂ倅〜ϔ͇⮱ڒजВ॥ᑂক䓦ϧऐ⮱ ᝗㜠  ᎡᎡᏂ喑ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻፥Ѽϧऐጟ㏼䓫ݝ ೻ጯ᪡ҀФթȡ  ̴ϧ喑ౕ  Ꭱ LN ⣝⟣ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ⮱ധ⵭̷喑 ࡧഌಸϔ͇⮱ࣾᆂ䰭㺮В᱙ౝ䉱⎽Вࣷх㞜⮱೻ጯ 䃖喑⣝⟣ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ䓫ݝ LN喑 ৮䉕҉ͧധ⵭喑Ό䰭㺮݈ᘼ⮱ゃܿВࣷ㇫ᓰ⮱჋᫪ȡ䕇ܧࣵᰶ LN ౌౝ ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ㻱὎ጟ㏼⾮ⵡ  Ꭱ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ⮱䓾 䓴ࡧഌಸϔ͇⮱ࣾᆂ喑⩕ᰶ䭽⮱⾧䬡॥ᑂᬍ䭽⮱ϧऐ喑 ϔ͇ࣾᆂ喑Ӱ䔈೻ጯ⮱᫝ಸ೻䩴ࡃڠ䃖ͧࡄጊᩬᏉ㣤ᓄγ 䯳㖇ϧ⅁喑ᣕߕⰥܧ᱌ᐧ䃫㻱὎ȡLN ⮱ౌౝ 喑ࢂѺФᵩ䔉䔉倅λক䓦࣬ጯ喑 ̻᫝ಸጒ͇ࡃ喑჋⣝जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱Ⱋ⮱ȡڒ䃖ᩣܧϬٰ⮱ౌౝ  ᭫⹧γࡄጊх㞜⮱ϧᅲ⣜ධᄦౝ᫦䉏ᩬ⮱ᣕߕ҉⩕ȡ ̻ₑहᬣ喑ᵦᢛऻ䛺ᐧᬣАᕨҀ㻱ܿ⮱㺮Ⅿ̻ᑂᄩ喑 ࣯㔰᪴⡛ .ࡄጊ⼜Ხᐭࣾᐭ㠯ⅡᏀぶ⒉ౕ⮱᫲⍥䉱⎽喑Ⱋݺጟ㏼ᓄ [1] ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ [Z]. 2009 .喑۳ิౕⅡᏀক䓦䔈㵹᫲⍥о䬟͇ [2] ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬࣬೻೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿ (2011ÿ2030)[Z]. 2012⧵ڠݝф็ᐭࣾੳ⮱ [3] 䗾ᓤ倅喑Ѕⷷ喑ᱻ᫝䭠喑ぶ .Ąऻ䛺ᐧᬣАąࡄጊࣾᆂ䌜ᒱ ᔮ⮱ᐭࣾȡ ⮱ᕊ㔰 [J]. ೻ጯ㻱ܿ喑2011,35(Z2):110-114. ҉ͧ↣ጊ➦๔ౝ䰴͸ऻੜ̭ᐯౝ䛺ᐧ⮱࣬೻喑ࡄጊ [4] ႆᒑ喑⃤ч㞜喑ᱞၽ⦉ . ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ᕨҀ㻱ܿጒ҉὎ᐼ⮱჋ .᫝࣬೻Вែ䉱҉ͧߕ߈喑ᓄݝγ䌕䊷ᐼ⮱ࣾᆂȡ♣㔹ౕ 䌢̻Ҁч [J]. ೻ጯ㻱ܿ喑2011,35(Z2):17-36 㠰 [M]// ͚ప೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫ڥЃф็೻ጯㆨѩ [5] ᱻᮀ↌ . 㻱ܿጵ̻ᐧまጵव҉⮱ڣ፥ᔮ͸ऻ喑҉ͧহڒࡄጊ೻ጯࣾᆂₒ 䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 , ͚పᐧま䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 . ᐧま᫝ࡄጊ . ࡄϙ : ͚ప ڠ⮱⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ⮱ᄼ೻ጯ喑ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ຯ҂ᓄݝᠮ㐚⮱ ∕喑㐔㔹䊝ܧ̭᲎जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱ喤 ᐧまጒ͇ܧ❵⹫ ,2011.

35 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏ थ侙ᮀ ۜᮀᭌ ॡᮀ㢶

36 ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏

ᦅ㺮喟 ๗⎃᫝೻᭜ᬍ䩎೻ጯ⾧䬡⩞Ą䓽⇠ᬣАą䓵ाĄ๗  ๗⎃᫝೻喟㗖䉌Ąపუѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧąҬ ⎃ᬣАą⮱ᝅ⪒㞯◦喑 Ꭱ㷘పუѼᝬহ೻Ύᐧ䃫 প⮱೻ጯ᫝͚ᓰࡧ 䘕ᢵεĄపუѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧą⼝तऻ喑㏼ࢳγ⩞э ๗⎃᫝೻ᕨ䲏⼜㏓ LN喑ఈ䲏⣜Ⅱ喑㗹೻䲏 ♣㐌᫝೻ᐧ䃫ݝ⩌ᔮ᫝೻ᐧ䃫⮱䒙ಸ᣽ࡴȡౕᬏᰶႹ઱⮱ ⎃喑͉䗨㟼ࢄᱧ౧㏓ LN喑ࡄ䌊㔮೻ࡧ㏓ LN喑㜗 э㐌㻱ܿധ⵭̷喑๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ⿸γВ⩌ᔮ৕䄏ȠᠴᴴҀ ⣜ධ̻ϑ䕇᲎Ух䊷喑⣝⟣፥Ѽϧऐ㏓  ̴ϧ喍ఫ 喎ȡ ⎃Ą๗ܧ㈨ͧ䛺◦⮱⩌ᔮ㻱ܿ㑃ݣҀ㈨喑̻ᕨҀ㻱ܿȠ೻ጯ䃫䃎Ƞ  Ꭱ喑ᬍ䩎ጯ᫝̭䒛೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿ仃⁎᣽ 䶫ឭ ᫝೻ąᐧ䃫䃫ᘠ喑䕇䓴᫝⮱೻ጯ͚ᓰᐧ䃫៶ᐭ೻ጯࣾᆂکᣔݣᕔ䄓㏳㻱ܿぶэ㐌㻱ܿ㑃ݣҀ㈨Ⱕ䒲Ⱕ᜽喑 ᱜゃ⪒̻ノ⤳ゃ⪒ᐧ⿸ज᧺҉⮱ᠴᴴҀ㈨喑Ӱ䔈᱙ౝϔ ᵳ᳣喑㥪჋Ą೻ጯࢄ䔈ąᝅ⪒ȡ๗⎃᫝೻᭜ᬍ䩎೻ጯ⾧ ͇̻⩌ᔮ⣜ධ倅᩵㲺व喑䕇䓴㇫㏳ࡃ⮱೻ጯ䃫䃎Ⱑᣒᠴ 䬡⩞Ą䓽⇠ᬣАą䓵ाĄ๗⎃ᬣАą⮱ᝅ⪒㞯◦ȡ ᢿȠ⩌ᔮ㐬㞟⮱Ⴜ㻯ۼ᣽Վѻⷠ⤰ڕᄩ᫝೻⾧䬡ᐧ䃫喑ͧ⩌ᔮ᫝೻⮱ᐧ䃫ຍჇγധ⵭ȡ᱙᪴  Ꭱ喑ౕ 䕇䓴ᄦ๗⎃᫝೻⩌ᔮ㻱ܿ㗹ᮜࣷ㻱ܿ➦㞟⮱ϸ㏺喑ᣏ䃕 㗹ᮜ̸喑⍖უ჊ᕨ⤳㻳ᄌᬍ䩎ᬣ᣽ܧ喟Ąិ⇨⤳๗⎃হ䒙 喑ߍᔘᐧ䃫⩌ᔮ೻Ƞ᫲⍥হ⣝А᰺ߎ೻Ƞڒ⌞ღ㲺 ಸࣾᆂᑂाڲຯ҂ౕĄ᪡Ҁą㻳㻿̸ᄳĄ⩌ᔮ೻ąᐧ䃫Ⱋᴴ̻ 㵹㻱ܿҀ㈨喑ᐧ⿸̭᲎䲏ा჋᫪⮱ᰶ᩵䌜ᒱ喑ᄦప 倅⻾ឭϔ͇೻Ƞ჉ᅲ೻ȡąᔘ䕌೻ጯࡃ䓴⼸͚喑ᬍ䩎⮱೻⣝ڒ ᰶ̭Ⴧ⮱࣯㔰ᘼͶȡ ጯࣾᆂऄݝ䊷Გ䊷็䬛䷅⮱ݣ㏓喑ຯࡧഌ䬡೻ጯ⮱ᬍᎼڤЃ⩌ᔮ᫝೻ᐧ䃫ڣڲ 》ζȠ೻ጯ⮱㩀ᐣᐼពᑍȠ㕂ౝ䉱⎽⮱䓴Ꮣࢍ⩕Ƞ≮ഌ 䩛䃺喟 ⇨⤳̻⣜ධԊ៑ぶȡ Ꭱᰵᬒ喑పუѼᝬহ೻ڠ ᐧపუѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ڞᬍ䩎喑๗⎃᫝೻喑⩌ᔮ㻱ܿ Ύᐧ䃫䘕̻ᬍ䩎ጯϧℾᩬᏉカ㒟Ȩ ⹧㠰ࡧÿÿᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻व҉ᵳ᳣ࡼ䃛ȩ喑ᢵε๗⎃᫝೻ 䶦䛺㺮Ҭপ喑̭ڣቈ䊤⮱ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻ Ąపუѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧą⼝त喑䉸ε  ࢠ䕇䓴⩌ᔮ᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᣏ㉏̭᲎䒙अ䉱⎽㘪⎽ݖ⩕᫦ᐼȠ  ᬍ䩎喟ࢳट᪴ࡃᗍͲȠ㏼≻㍮㢐⮱Ą๗⎃ᬻ⤍ą ᣕߕ೻ጯ䒙ಸࣾᆂ⮱䌜ᒱȡ ᬍ䩎͉䌊̷⊤ LN喑㺬䌊ࢄϙ LN喑ࡄ᳂ 䪬↌喑ࢄ͡๗⎃喑᭜͚ప䓾Аℾ᫼ጒ͇⮱ࣾ⎽ౝ喑㉍ᰶ  㻱ܿᑂ䶳๗⎃᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂ̻䒙ಸ᣽ࡴ Ąᄼ̷⊤Ƞ冩ㆠ͸Ύą⮱㒻㾶喑᭜పუ㏔ࢳट᪴ࡃऺ೻ȡ ϻ఍ᓗэ㐌᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂ὎ᐼᐭड़᫝೻ᐧ䃫喑ݝ᫝೻ ጯഌᕨ䲏⼜ LN喑፥Ѽϧऐ  ็̴ϧ喠ጯࡧ ឬ៲⩌ᔮ⹧㠰೻ࡧᐧ䃫⮱᫝Ҭপ喑㻱ౕܿ๗⎃᫝೻⮱ᐧ LN喑፥Ѽϧऐ  ็̴ϧȡ 䃫͚䊤ݝγ䛺㺮⮱ᑂ䶳҉⩕ȡ ᐭᆂγ๗⎃᫝೻ắᔢ㻱ܿٵ䪬̶㻿ࡧഌ͚ᓰ೻ጯ͸̭喑ᬍ䩎ক䓦᠒ᰶ͚ప  Ꭱ喑㻱ܿ䘕䬕仃ͧ҉ ᰭ㞜ສ⮱㜗♣⣜ධȠᰭх⻭⮱ϧ߈䉱⎽Ƞᰭ≨䋰⮱ጯ ప䭲৕䄏ጒ҉喑ᄦ᫝೻⩕ౝࣾᆂ᫦ाࣷᵥᓰࡧߌ㘪ጰᅭ ౧ധ⵭হᰭࣾ䓫⮱㏼≻᲎Уȡ Ꭱ (%1 ᕨ䷊Ƞϧ౴ 䔈㵹ⵁ⾣ȡധλắᔢ㻱ܿప䭲৕䄏⮱᜽᳉喑㻱ܿ䘕䬕ᄳ γ  ᎡႹ᜽⮱Ȩ๗⎃᫝೻ܳࡧ㻱ܿȩȡڒ䪬̶㻿ᵥᓰౝࡧ  ܳݘͧ ᵥᓰᕊ䌜㲺ౕڒ%1Ƞጒ͇ᕨϔթȠ䉏ᩬᩣ) す  ѺȠす  ѺȠす  ѺȠす  Ѻ喑㏼≻ᕨ䛼Ƞጒ͇ϔ  Ꭱ喑๗⎃᫝೻ड़ߕᵥᓰࡧࣷ⇬⎃ౝࡧắᔢ㻱ܿ喑 ⾧թぶ็䶦ᠴᴴѺ݄͚ప೻ጯݺ࡮ऺ喑ᅑВ݈᫝Ƞ݈ᘼࣷ➖ ࣯㔰हㆨ೻ጯᐧ䃫㏼侹喑ݣჇγᵥᓰࡧౌౝ㐩वݖ⩕হ 㖁㑾ϔ͇ࣾᆂহ⣜ධ⇨⤳Ƞ๗⎃⩌ᔮԛฺ㔹䬨ऺ 㶕  ȡ 䬡ᒏᔮ᫦ᵵ喑Ꭳᄦ⇬⎃ౝࡧᐭࣾ᣽ܧγᬻ⶛⮱䃫ᘠȡ

Ƞ㝌ᆞȠझጋぶ  ͗೻ጯȡڡȠ⎃ጋȠଶڡ࠲᠙̷⊤ȠࢄϙȠᲚጋȠႮ∏Ƞ㟼ጋȠᬍ䩎Ƞ䩴↌Ƞ፥ጋȠࢄ䕇ȠយጋȠ∝ጋȠ㏺ 

37 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

㶕   Ꭱ䪬̶㻿ऱౝጯ㐩व჋߈ᢿऺ

ڒϧ౴ (%1 ጒ͇ᕨϔթ 䉏ᩬᩣ %1) ೻ጯ Ϭٰᢿऺٰ ᢿऺϬٰᢿऺϬٰᢿऺ

















Ბ⎼喝ȧ2013 Ꭰ↋㟻ⰭᎠ䞠Ȩȧ2013 Ꭰ⊅↋ⰭᎠ䞠Ȩȧ2013 Ꭰ̶⊣ጮᎠ䞠ȨȠ

ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ࡧѺ⹧ᘼ ઠᇸǖศᒰ๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾᆶ၌ࠅິ

γ჋᫪ڒᎡ喑๗⎃᫝೻ᕨҀ㻱ܿ݊ₒႹ᜽喑Ꭳౕ䮼ऻ ᫝೻ᐧ䃫ₐᐼड़ߕȡ๗⎃᫝೻⮱ऱ䶦㻱ܿΌ䔈  Ⴙ᜽γጯᩬጒ⼸Ƞᮜ㻯⣜ධぶ̀䶦㻱ܿ喑Вࣷ๗ 䭣⃢ȡڲᎡ  ⎃᫝೻⮱䛺㺮ߌ㘪ࡧȠ᎟䖀͑ӔȠ␕Ⅱౝࡧ⮱೻ጯ䃫䃎  Ꭱ喑⍖უ჊ᕨ⤳㻳ᄌᬍ䩎ᬣᄳĄ⩌ᔮ೻ą҉ 㺳Ⰳȡ ͧᬍ䩎Ąఈ೻ą喍ࢠ⩌ᔮ೻Ƞ᫲⍥হ⣝А᰺ߎ೻Ƞ倅⻾ឭڕ᫦ᵵхࡃ喑Ꭳ჋⣝γᣔݣᕔ䄓㏳㻱ܿ⮱  Ꭱ喑๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᠴᡒ䘕ₐᐼ᜽⿸喑ᴴᔄⱭ ϔ͇೻Ƞ჉ᅲ೻喎ᐧ䃫⮱仃㺮Ⱋᴴȡ⩞ₑ喑๗⎃᫝೻͚

38 ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏

䔈⤳ᔢহ᜽ٵᔮ೻ጯᐧ䃫⮱⩌ڥ⦌喑๗⎃᫝೻⮱⩌ᔮᐧ䃫ᬒ⯷ᓄ ᫝೻͚ࡧ喑ᬕౕՌ䞡⋣ڲγᰡ͝ჹ⮱⩌ᔮڒ⧵ ݝऱ㏔䶳ᄩ䛺㻳ȡ ߌ㏼侹喑ᣕߕ͑పౕࣾᆂ㐬㞟㏼≻হѻⷠឭᱜ᫦䲏⮱व ͧγᰡສౝ㥪჋๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫⩌ᔮ೻⮱ᕨҀⰛᴴ喑 ҉ȡ͑䶦৕䄏ጒ҉ᒏ᜽γȨᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻ÿÿపუѻⷠ 㚫ࢇ ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧ㻱ܿᠴᴴҀ㈨ࣷ჋᫪ᄩ݆喍喎ȩڥ⦌थȠڙᬍ䩎ጯλ  Ꭱܳݘ༁ច㠞పຒ䯲㏠ थႹ᜽γȨ๗⎃᫝೻⩌ᔮ㻱ܿ৕䄏ȩȨ͚⦋ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ Ȩᬍ䩎͚⦋ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ᐧ䃫ᠴᴴҀ㈨ࣷ჋᫪ᄩ݆喍ڙ ͚喑ࢍౝ LN ⮱ 喎ȩ͑͗䛺㺮⮱ᠴᴴҀ㈨喑Вᠴᄩ᫝೻⮱ᐭࣾᐧ䃫ڣ೻⹧㠰ࡧ㻱ܿ৕䄏ȩ͑䶦ጒ҉ȡ ͚⦋ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧλ  Ꭱ㻱ܿĄ㥪ၽąλ๗⎃ 喍ఫ 喎ȡ

ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻๔θ䃝 ઠᇸǖศᒰ๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾᆶ၌ࠅິ

Ꭱ㜠Ϸ喑๗⎃᫝೻⮱㻱ܿ㑃ݣノ⤳ጒ҉喑̭ ᕨҀ㔹㼭喑๗⎃᫝೻㏼ࢳγ⩞э㐌᫝೻ᐧ䃫ݝ⩌ᔮ  ᫦䲏ധλ๗⎃᫝೻ᕨҀ㻱ܿ喑Ⴙ᜽γ㘪⎽Ƞᚏ㵹ϑ䕇Ƞ ೻ᐧ䃫⮱䒙ಸ᣽ࡴ喑Ąѻⷠ⩌ᔮą䉸εγ᫝೻᫝⮱ᐧ䃫 喑В⩌ᔮ৕䄏ȠᠴᴴҀ㈨ͧ䛺◦⮱⩌ᔮ㻱ܿ㑃ݣҀ⋣ڲ ධᮜ㻯ぶ̀䶦㻱ܿ⮱㑃ݣ喠ओ̭᫦䲏喑В̷䔝͑͗ᠴ⣜ ᴴҀ㈨ͧᠴᄩ喑ᣕߕ᫝೻  ͗ᣔ㻱ࢂٰ㻱ܿ⮱䄰᪡喑 ㈨喑̻ᕨҀ㻱ܿȠ೻ጯ䃫䃎Ƞᣔݣᕔ䄓㏳㻱ܿぶэ㐌 ᬕ᭜ᄳ⩌ᔮᠴᴴ㥪჋ݝᣔݣᕔ䄓㏳㻱ܿᅯ䲏喑҉ͧౝ 㻱ܿ㑃ݣҀ㈨Ⱕ䒲Ⱕ᜽喑ͧ᫝೻᪡Ҁ䒙ಸ᣽ࡴຍჇγͨ ಄ܧ䃖᲎У͸̭喑Ⱑᣒᠴᄩ᫝೻⮱⩌ᔮᐧ䃫ȡ ധ⵭喍ఫ 喎ȡ

ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿᕨҀᵳ᳣ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

39 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

 ⾧䬡㻱ܿ  ೻ጯ㏱ఏ喟̶๔㏱ఏߌ㘪ᬻ⶛ ๗⎃᫝೻Вࡻ䄷䌜হ㵎⎃๔䖀ͧ⩹喑㜗͉ᒭ㺬ᄳ๗  ⰛᴴჇѺ喟೻ጯ⮱᫝͚ᓰࡧ ⎃᫝೻ܳͧߌ㘪ᬻ⶛⮱̶๔㏱ఏȡ ᫝̭䒛ᬍ䩎ጯ೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿᄳ๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿჇѺͧ ͉ࡧ㏓ LN喑В๗⎃ప䭲⻾ឭచͧ䒪Ҁ喑䛺◦ᐧ ᬍ䩎᫝⮱೻ጯ͚ᓰ喑ᄳឬ៲ᬍ䩎⮱㵹ᩬੳߎ͚ᓰȠ⻾ 䃫పუэᙌԎᖜ͚ᓰȠ倅᫝⻾ឭⵁࣾచȠ๔႓⻾ឭచȠ ᪆݈ᘼ͚ᓰহо䬟ᅲѼ͚ᓰぶ䛺㺮ߌ㘪喑᭜̭Ꮤᐭᩫ 䒜УచȠ᪝⴮䃫䃎చȠ݈ᘼϔ͇చȡ ᐼȠ⩌ᔮಸ⮱⣝Аࡃ᫝೻ȡᵦᢛ᫝೻ᕨҀ㻱ܿ喑䶱䃎 ͚ࡧ᭜᪡͗๗⎃᫝೻ᰭͧ䛺㺮⮱㏱᜽䘕ܳ喑䲏⼜㏓  Ꭱ᫝೻ᕨϧऐ㏓  ̴ϧ喑᣽ӈᅞ͇ᇄѺ  ̴͗ LN喑䛺◦ᐧ䃫๗⎃᫝೻䛾㲺ੳߎ͚ᓰȠ㵹ᩬ͚ᓰȠ ጓठȡ᫝೻⮱೻ጯᐧ䃫⩕ౝ IN喑ࢍᕨ⩕ౝ ᪴ࡃ͚ᓰহ჉ᅲ⹫ࡧȡ ⮱ 喠䲋ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ IN喑ࢍᕨ⩕ౝ⮱ 㺬ࡧ LN喑ВᆞⅡ೻᫲⍥ᏓմࡧȠ⻾᪆ϔ͇చͧ ప̭ڕ喊ȡ๗⎃᫝೻⮱ϧ౴ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ䓫ݝγ Nȡ 䒪Ҁ喑ࣾᆂ݈ᘼϔ͇হ⩌ᔮо䬟᫲⍥喑㻱ܿᐧ䃫ͧ ใᰶᒞ৺߈⮱ᩬϔ႓ⵁ̭Ҁࡃ⹧ڲ͚喑ᅲѼ⩕ౝ IN喑ࢍ೻ጯᐧ䃫⩕ౝ⮱ ≮⮱๔႓೻⻾ឭచȠపڣ 䃫᫪⩕ౝ IN喑ࢍ 喠ጒ 㠰ࡧȠ᫲⍥Ꮣմо䬟ധౝȠᒞ㻳᪴ࡃ៺ᥱധౝ喍ఫ 喎ȡڞڙ喠 ౝ IN喑⩕וౝ IN喑ࢍ 喠Ѐ⩕͇ ࢍ 喠ᄦใϑ䕇⩕ౝ IN喑ࢍ 喠䖀䌜  ⾧䬡㐀Ჱ喟̭ᵥȠ̭ፓȠ͑చ͑ࡧ ᄷ䛺๗⎃᫝೻ӊᆞֺ⎃Ƞ㜗♣⩌ᔮ⣜ධສ⮱ܳٲౕ ⩕䃫᫪⩕ڙᎬ౧⩕ౝ IN喑ࢍ 喠ጯᩬ ౝ IN喑 ࢍ 喠 㐬 ౝ IN喑ࢍ х߬᲎У喑๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿᒏ᜽γĄ̭ᵥȠ̭ፓȠ͑చ͑ 喍ఫ 喎ȡ ࡧą⮱ᕨҀ㐀ᲱȡĄ̭ᵥąࢠ㵹ᩬ᪴ࡃࣷੳߎ䛾㲺ᵥᓰ

ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ౌౝݖ⩕㻱ܿఫ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

40 ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏


ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ߌ㘪㏱ఏ㻱ܿఫ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

䃫᫪喟ڞڙ  ፓ喑Ą͑చ͑ࡧąࢠ๗ٶ䷻ࡧ喑Ą̭ፓąࢠ⣜๗⎃ᆞⅡ ⎃ప䭲⻾ឭచȠ⻾᪆ϔ͇చࣷᵥᓰࡧ͑Ӕ⮱䙺ຄ⩌≨ࡧ  Ą㶄䖀  ⲓ䗨͚ᓰ  ധᅯ⹫ࡧą̶㏔䙺㒛 喍ఫ 喎ȡ 㻱ܿᲱᐧγĄ㶄䖀㏔  ⲓ䗨͚ᓰ㏔  ധᅯ⹫ࡧ㏔ą ͧ⁎䃫᫪᰺ߎ⮱ᅲℾ㻱὎ӊڞڙ䃫᫪Ҁ㈨喑̶㏔ڞڙ㏔̶ ͚喑㶄ڣϧȠ̴_̴ϧȠ̴_̴ϧȡ̴_̴ 䖀ज䃫㒛㶄䖀ߋθัȠ㶄䖀Ҁ㗟≨ߕ͚ᓰȠ㶄䖀᪴ࡃ≨ߕ చぶ喠ڙ㔮䮏Ƞ㶄䖀⹫ࡧڨ͚ᓰȠ㶄䖀࢘⩌᰺ߎ͚ᓰȠ㶄䖀 ⲓ䗨͚ᓰज䃫㒛⹫ࡧ᪴Ҁ≨ߕ͚ᓰȠ⹫ࡧੳ͇䃫᫪Ƞ㤉ጯ ։ڞڙࣂ᝭Ƞڞڙ䉱⎽ఋᩣ〆ࣷ⩌ں౧Ƞ䗛ᩬ⩢Ԏ䃫᫪Ƞ

⩌≨ࡧ ๗⎃⻾ឭచ 䒓౧ぶ喠ധᅯ⹫ࡧज䃫㒛ᅲℾ༁অчȠ᪴ࡃ≨ߕ〆Ƞ⹫ࡧ

㔮᰺ߎ〆Ƞᅲℾ֒䏘◦Ƞ⹫ࡧ㐬ڨࡧ ࢘⩌᰺ߎ〆Ƞ⹫ࡧᅲუ≩⩌ ࣾᆂᵥᓰࡧ ๗⎃⻾᪆చ ౝぶȡ⹫ࡧ͚ᓰᐧ䃫䓴⼸͚呀ߞ⌤वౌౝҬ⩕喍ఫ 喎ȡ

 䖀䌜ϑ䕇喟 ϑͧͨҀڙВ䒕䖀ϑ䕇হᔘ䕌ϑ䕇ͧ俕᳣Ƞ፥㻱 

๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿ䛴⩕᫦ᵩ㑾䖀䌜⮱㏱㏴ᒏᐼ喑ᠶ⚔ᔘ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿ⾧䬡㐀Ჱఫ ژઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪ 䕌䌜Ƞͨ᎟䖀Ƞ⁎᎟䖀Ƞᩜ䌜ఈ㏔䃫㒛喑ᒏ᜽Ąρὗ

41 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

㏢ą⮱ͨ᎟俕᳣䌜㑾喑䖀䌜ᕨ䪬㏓ LNȡₑใ喑㻱

䌜喎Ƞ ᲎ᔘ䕌䌜ڙ䌜喍⣜๗⎃倅䕌ڙ㶄䖀㏔䙺ຄ ܿᄳᐧ䃫  ᲎倅䕌 ̴_̴ϧ 喍倅⊗䌜Ƞ㵎⎃๔䖀Ƞࡻ⌲๔䖀喎Ƞ᲎䒕䖀ϑ䕇喍त㏬Ƞ त㏬喎Ƞ ᲎ #35 ㏬喑͟㖁᫝೻ϧऐჳ䯳ౝࡧ喑ᑂᄩ 50% ᐭࣾ὎ᐼ喍ఫ 喎ȡ

ⲓ䗨͚ᓰ䙺ຄ  ̴ _ ̴ϧ  ⩌ᔮ㐀Ჱ喟  ᒏ᜽В㐬㞟᏷䖀হ⇠䖀Ⅱ㑾ͧͨ⮱೻ጯ⩌ᔮ᱙Ꮒ

๗⎃᫝೻ӊចᆞȠ⎃Ƞ᳄Ƞ⎬ౝȠ⇠≮ぶ㞜ສ⮱ᮜ 㻯⩌ᔮ䉱⎽ധ⵭喑㻱ܿᐧ䃫Ą̶㏢̶ὗą⮱㐬ౝ㈨㐌ȡĄ̶ ധᅯ⹫ࡧ䙺ຄ చহ㵎⇠ᮜ㻯ፓ喑ڙచȠ䪬Ꭼ⏗⎬ౝڙϧ ㏢ąͧᅇ䉑⇠⎬ౝ̴_̴ Ą̶ὗąͧᶮඅ⇠⩌ᔮᮜ㻯㐬ౝȠॡ䘪䌜ᮜ㻯ፓࣷ๗⎃⎃ చ喑㐬㞟᏷䖀䬡䌊㏓ LN喑⾬᣿λ๗⎃᫝೻͸͚喑ڙ␕ 䃫᫪㏔䙺Ҁ㈨ڞڙఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪Ė໿ࢶႎ׭ม൶ದ༫ยแࡀࣄė ᣽倅γ᫝೻⮱ᢿ⅔㘪߈喍ఫ 喎ȡ




䌜ڙ ᔘ䕌䌜 ͨ᎟䌜 ⁎᎟䌜 㻱ܿ䓦⩹

ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻䖀䌜ϑ䕇㻱ܿఫ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

42 ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏


ᶮඅ⇠㐬ౝ IN  N N N

㵎⇠ᮜ㻯ፓ చ INڙ䛾࡛ IN


ᅇ䉑⇠⎬ౝ  䪬Ꭼ⏗⎬ౝ IN IN

๗⎃⎫⎬ౝ IN

ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻㐬ౝ㈨㐌㐀Ჱ⹧ᘼఫ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

᫝೻ᄦ࣌ᰶ๔ᄼ  ็᲎⇠䖀εВԊ⪆᪡⇨喑㻱ܿ 㻱ܿՎᄩౕ็⻺ߌ㘪Ⱕღ⮱೻ጯ㶄ࡧ䛴⩕⌤वጰᅭ ᒏ᜽Ąఈ㏢ఈὗąͨ᎟Ⅱ㑾ᵩᅭ喑㻱ܿ  Ꭱ⇠䖀ᕨ ⮱ౌౝᐭࣾ὎ᐼ喑呀ߞੳѼ⌤वȠੳߋ⌤व喑ᐧ䃛᫝೻ 䪬㏓ LN喑⇠㑾ჳᏓ LNLN喑Ⅱ䲏⢴ 喊ȡ ᠒ᰶ⌤वߌ㘪⮱㶄౷℁Ҹ䊲䓴 ȡ ౕԊ៑࣌ᰶ⎬ౝⅡ㈨⮱ധ⵭̷喑䔈̭ₒក䕇๗⎃ᆞⅡ̻ 㖁㈨喍ఫ 喎ȡ  ᣽倅ౌౝݖ⩕⮱䯳㏓Ꮣ⩌ڞ೻ጯ⮱ 䔯ᒀ᣽倅䒕䖀ϑ䕇⇬㏬ࣷϑ䕇᳏㏪ౝࡧ⮱ᐭࣾᑧᏓ喑 ϑ᳏㏪ক䓦⮱⩕ౝߌ㘪⌤व喑呀ߞᐧ䃫೻ጯ㐩वڙᔮᐧ䃫ゃ⪒ ᑧࡃ⩌  ϑڞڙߕ͚ᓰ㐀व≩ڞڙߕ͚ᓰ喑 ⮱≩ڞڙҀᝃ 䃫᫪⮱㐩वᕨღ⼜⢴ᣔݣౕڙ䛺В⩌ᔮ㞯㘪ͧᄩा⮱೻ጯߌ㘪⾧䬡ጰᅭ 䕇᳏㏪ᐧ䃫ȡ㻱ܿᐧ䃛ߋ⧵  喑ੳ͇䃫᫪㐩वღ⼜⢴ᣔݣౕ _ȡ_ ߕ͚ᓰౝࡧౝ≩ڞڙ呀ߞฺव⮱೻ጯߌ㘪 व⤳ᐭࣾݖ⩕ౝ̸⾧䬡喑ߍᑧ  ๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿ呀ߞᒏ᜽ϔ͇ߌ㘪ฺव็ٰ⮱೻ጯ㏱ ̸⾧䬡⮱㖁㈨ȡ䕇䓴㥒䕍व⤳⮱㶄ࡧᅧᏓ喑ᰶ᩵䭺ѻᱧ ఏȡӊច⣝ᰶ⮱᫝㘪⎽ϔ͇Ƞϔ႓ⵁᱧᲱȠо䬟ᒞ㻳⮱ ߕ䒓ܧ㵹℁Ҹȡ 㞜ສധ⵭喑ࣾᆂВੳ͇䛾㲺Ƞ⻾᪆݈ᘼȠо䬟᫲⍥ͧͨ 䃫᫪ጰᅭڞڙ⮱す̶ϔ͇喑Вࣷ *5Ƞ᫝ᱽ᫆Ƞ⻾ឭႢࡃぶѻⷠϔ͇喑  хࡃ ᰺ߎ䃫᫪⾧䬡ጰᅭ⮱౴㶎ࡃȠ᰺ߎߌڞڙ㈨喑᣽倅 ჋⣝ധ᱙ڠᐧ̻ᅲѼȠ⩕ౝ̻ϑ䕇͸䬡⮱ڙхࡃϔ͇Ƞ ज䓫ᕔȡхࡃڣ᰺ߎ䃫᫪ᐧ䃫Ꭳ᣽倅ڞڙ㕹ѼᎠ㶎ᠴ᪝喑ᐧ䃫ߌ㘪ฺव⮱೻ጯ㏱ఏȡ 㘪౴ぶࡃ喑ߍᑧ

43 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ



ఫ  ๗⎃᫝೻Ⅱ㈨㐩व᪡⇨ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

䙺ຄ䃫᫪ጰᅭ喑჋⣝  В̷ᅲℾₒ㵹 N ᜽Ⅱ⣜ධ䌜㏬Ƞ⩌ᔮҀ侹Ƞ᪴ࡃ䖄ϔȠо䬟᫲⍥Ƞᙌⴒڞڙധ᱙ ज䓫ᎩចȠ В̷ᅲℾₒ㵹 N ज䓫ᄼ႓Ƞ ೻ጯρ᲎̀䷅ᚏ㵹㏬䌜喍ఫ 喎喑䌜㑾ჳᏓ㜠ᄾ䓫ݝ 㵹喍ఫ 喎ȡ LNLNȡܧ㐬ౝ喑呀ߞ㐬㞟ڞڙᅲℾₒ㵹 N ज䓫 㜠ᄾᰶ _ ͗ᢏ΅᳏㏪হ LNڲВĄ⶛Ԋ⃼͗ࢂٰ  Ჱᐧ็ᅯ⁎⮱㐬㞟ϑ䕇㑾㐉 ⮱᰺ߎࡷᒱąͧധ᱙݆࣌喑᣽ܧ᫝೻ᚏ㵹ᢏ΅᳏㏪Ƞᚏ㵹 ݝ⹫ࡧᎣڒ⌞᰺ߎ㞯◦⮱ധ᱙ᵳ᳣ȡहᬣ喑ᄳᚏ㵹㈨㐌 ⼌㜗㵹䒓⩕ڙᐧまⰥ㐀व喑Ⴙ઱ڞڙϑҀ㈨ ̻ϑ䕇᳏㏪হ๔ಸڙ๔߈ࣾᆂ㐬㞟  㵹℁Ҹ喍ఫ 喎ȡܧϑ䘪ጯąͧ⤳ᘠ喑Ჱᐧ䒕䖀ϑ䕇Ƞ 䉮㈨㐌喑᣽倅㐬㞟ڙ๗⎃᫝೻ВĄ ϑ䕇჏䓽᰺ߎڞڙϑぶ็᫦ᐼࡼ䄰Ƞᢏ΅Ӭᢤ⮱ڙ፥㻱 ᢿͧⰛᴴ⮱䉱⎽㘪⎽㐩वݖ⩕὎ᐼۼϑ䕇Ӭᢤࡃࣷѻ㘪㕄ȡ  ᣕߕВ㞯㘪ڞڙ⣝㈨㐌喑჋ ϑ㏬䌜䃫㒛喑ౕᰶ᲎У⮱೻ጯͨ᎟䖀͑Ӕ䃫㒛ڙхࡃ ⇌हノڞ㏬䌜㑾ჳᏓ喑㜠ᄾ䓫ݝ LNLNȡ  ᐧ䃫ڞڙϑ̀⩕䖀喑ߍ๔ڙ ⤳পক᱌⮱⩌ڕϑ〆◦䃫㒛喑჋⣝ᅲℾₒ㵹 N ज䓫ȡ ๗⎃᫝೻Ռ䞡పใ⮱ᐧ䃫㏼侹喑Вڙхࡃ ह⇌⮱ᐧ䃫ȡ㻱ܿ䛴⩕᫝ಸノᱽᝃ㐩वノ⇌喑ڞᔢ喑ᣕߕ 㒛⩢㐳Ƞ⩢ԎȠ㐆Ⅱ᎟ڲह⇌喑ڞ㺳Ⰳ⮱ᚏ㵹㈨㐌 ౕ⣜ᵥᓰࡧ⇬䌜ᐧ䃫ڕᐧ䃫  ധλᄦใ䖀䌜ϑ䕇Ƞ᫝೻䒕䖀ϑ䕇ȠⅡ䭳䓽䓀ϑ ノȠ͚Ⅱノぶ喑ᕨ䪬Ꮣ㏓ LNȡ ϑ䕇Ƞ⩌ᔮധ⵭䃫᫪⮱㐩वऍߍܳᲽ喑㻱ܿᒏڞڙ䕇Ƞ

44 ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏

        N N

㐬ౝڞڙϑ〆◦  ᅲℾₒ㵹 N ज䓫ڙᅲℾₒ㵹 N 㠰డज䓫 

        N N

႓႓⩌ₒ㵹 N ज䓫ᄼ႓  Ꭹ〒ₒ㵹 N ज䓫Ꭹច᝭ڒ 

䃫᫪ज䓫ᕔڞڙఫ  ⩌ᔮ೻㻱ܿ᣽倅 ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

ឭᱜ  Ⅱ䉱⎽  Ꮜᐰ➖ั⤳ឭᱜ⩌ںजᓗ⣜Ⅱ 

䛼ࡃۼ喍喎᣽倅䲋э㐌Ⅱ䉱⎽ݖ⩕⢴ 喍喎ధҀᏌᐰ➖ᢿᩫ 㻱ܿᐧ䃛ӈⅡノ㑾ᢌ㕄⢴̺๔λ 喑᫝ᐧ䶦Ⱋ䲋 ᫝೻᣽Վ㐬㞟⊵䉦喑ᬒϧ౴⩌≨ರ౫ᢿᩫ䛼̺๔λ ᄾᐧまᏌᐰ➖ϔ⩌䛼喑㐀व᫝ᮜ㻯ۼLH喍ϧeE喎喠 ڤэ㐌Ⅱ䉱⎽ݖ⩕⢴䓫ݝ  В̷喑᫝ᐧ䶦Ⱋ㞯Ⅱக ᮛࣷ⢴䓫 喑็᫦䲏䭺ѻⅡ䉱⎽ᢌ㕄ȡ ᐧ䃫䔈㵹䉱⎽ࡃݖ⩕჋⣝ౌ᫦Ꭰ㶎喑ᐧまರ౫ᢿᩫ䛼̺ 喍喎᣽倅↎Ⅱั⤳⢴ ๔λ UINȡ ⩕㻱ܿ䛴⩕㐌̭⮱͚Ⅱఋ⩕㈨㐌喑ᄳऱ⻺ᢿⅡ㏼䓴➖ 喍喎ధҀᏌᐰ➖䉱⎽ࡃݖ ݖ⩕⮱ゃ⪒喑㺮Ⅿ᫝೻⩌≨ರںȠ➖⤳ࡃ႓ั⤳ᝃ⩌➖ั⤳䓫ݝ㻱ჇⅡ䉕㺮Ⅿ喑 㻱ܿᣕ㵹ᰭ๔ࡃᏌᐰ➖⤳ั⤳ ݖ⩕⢴̺ѻλ ȡںݖ⩕⢴̺ѻλ 喑ᐧまರ౫ںᐧ䃛͚ⅡҬ⩕㠰డព๔ݝ ȡ ౫ 喍喎჋⣝䰕Ⅱ倅⍄䔼䰣ᒞ৺ 喍喎ధҀᏌᐰ➖ܳㆨᩣ䯳ࣷᬍრࡃั⤳ ᫝೻䖀䌜ࣷᐧま䛴⩕䰕Ⅱ㐩वݖ⩕㈨㐌喑䕇䓴䔼Ⅱ 㻱ܿᐧ䃛๗⎃᫝೻ರ౫ܳㆨᩣ䯳ࣷᬍრࡃั⤳⢴䓫 䔈ឭᱜ喑ٵ⮱ڥ⦌⩕䛴ڲౝ䲏⮱Ҭ⩕෋ߍ䰕Ⅱ̸⍄喑Ԋ䃮䰕Ⅱ̸⍄䛼ౕᐭࣾݺऻ 喑Ꭳౕ͚⦋⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧ Ԋᠮ̺अ喑჋⣝䰣ᒞ৺ȡ ᐧ䃫ⱌ⾧ರ౫ᩣ䯳㈨㐌ȡ

45 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ Ҹ

Ⅱ⣜ධ̀䷅㏬䌜 ⩌ᔮҀ侹̀䷅㏬䌜 ᪴ࡃ䖄ϔ̀䷅㏬䌜 о䬟᫲⍥̀䷅㏬䌜 ᙌⴒ೻ጯ̀䷅㏬䌜 Ѓ⌤वᚏ㵹䖀ڣ Ѓ⠙⿸ᚏ㵹䖀ڣ 㻱ܿ㠰డ

ఫ  ๗⎃᫝೻ᚏ㵹㈨㐌㻱ܿ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

ఫ Ҹ 㻯ᮜо䬟᰺ߎ㞯◦ 㻯ᮜ◦᰺ߎ㠰డ RN ̭㝙ᕔ᰺ߎ㞯◦ ̭㝙㞯◦᰺ߎ㠰డ RN 㻱ܿ㠰డ

ఫ  ๗⎃᫝೻ᚏ㵹᰺ߎ㞯◦ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪Ė࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭஥ႜ঍ཚဣཥࡀࣄė

46 ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏

⪑㘪⎽ݖ⩕ᝅ⩌ں喍喎ज 㘪⎽⮱ᓗ⣜ݖ⩕喑㺮Ⅿ๗⩌ںឭᱜ 㻱ܿՎᄩ๔߈ᐭᆂज⩌ں㘪⎽㞯㘪  ܳ⢴⩕㘪⎽ݖ⩌ں喍喎᫝ᐧᐧま㞯㘪ᝅ⪒ ⎃᫝೻হ͚⦋ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧ⮱ज ⢴⩕㘪⎽ݖ⩌ں㔰㭾䪬↌̸͚⍥ౝࡧ⮱⅁Ն➦◦喑㻱ܿ㺮Ⅿᐧまጰ ݘ䓫ݝ  হ  В̷喑᫝ᐧᐧまज ᅭВࢄࡄाͧͨ喑呀ߞ㜗♣䕇䷻䃫䃎ȡ㻱ܿ๔䛼Ռ䞡㐬 䓫ݝ  В̷ȡहᬣ喑๗⎃᫝೻ᄳᣕᎬᏁ⩕ܳጰᐼ㘪 ጰᐼ㘪⎽⮱ݖ⩕㠰డȠឭܳܧ䔈ឭᱜ喑๔䛼䛴⩕䖛䭠ȠԊ⍖Ƞ䯁䴠ぶ ⎽喑ӊᢛࡧഌᐧま䉌㢤᣽ٵڠ㞟ᐧま⮱Ⱕ 㘪⩌ںᐧ ᱜᒏᐼ喑Ꭳᵦᢛ̺हᐧまᕔ䉕㺮ⅯҬ⩕̺ह⮱जڞڙԊឭᱜВ䭺ѻࢂѺᐧま㘪㕄喑Ԋ䃮᫝ᐧᅲѼহ⣜ ま㞯㘪⢴̺ѻλ ȡ ⎽㏱वᒏᐼᝃࡧഌ㘪⎽喑᣽倅㘪⎽ݖ⩕᩵⢴喍ఫ 喎ȡ

喍B喎ܳጰᐼ㘪⎽ 喍C喎⇬䌜๗䭠㘪䌜▜ᐧ䃫 喍D喎๗䭠㘪ᮜ㻯⚔ᬻ䃫᫪

⩕㘪⎽ݖ⩌ںఫ ܳጰᐼ㘪⎽䃫㒛Ƞज ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

䲏ᣕᎬ㐬㞟ᐧまڕ  Ԋ៑Ꭳᩦ઱⩌ᔮ⣜ධ 

㻱ܿͧ๗⎃᫝೻䃫Ⴧγ͒ᵩ⮱⩌ᔮ⣜ධᐧ䃫Ⱋᴴȡ ๗⎃᫝೻⮱᫝ᐧᐧま౴䰭ᠶ⚔Ȩ㐬㞟ᐧま䃱Фᴴ 㺮Ⅿ᫝೻⯾≸⾧⅁䉕䛼倅λᝃぶλι㏔ᴴ۳⮱๖᪝䓫ݝ ۳ȩȨ↌㟼Ⱞ㐬㞟ᐧま䃱Фᴴ۳ȩ䔈㵹ᐧ䃫喑㺮Ⅿ᫝ ͚喑ڣౝ㶕Ⅱ ᐧᐧま  䕇䓴㐬㞟ᐧま̭ᭌ㏔В̷䃑䃮喑ڲE Ꭱ喠ߍᑧ๗⎃⮱↎ᴀ䭟⇨ጒ҉喑Ҭ᫝೻ ධ䉕䛼̺ѻλ̶ㆨⅡ䉕ᴴ۳喠ᣕ㵹䶦Ⱋᐧ䃫⮱⣜ධᒞ  䕇䓴㐬㞟ᐧまιᭌ䃑䃮喑 䕇䓴㐬㞟ᐧま̶ᭌ⣜ ৺䃱Фጒ҉喑ζः჋⣝⣜ධ஗ฝ䓫ᴴࡧ㺳Ⰳ⢴䓫 ȡ 䃑䃮ȡ ᣕ㵹็⻺ᒏᐼȠ็ᅯ⁎⮱㐬ࡃ⣜ධᐧ䃫喑ܴ჋᣽倅 ѼႲ䶦Ⱋ͚⼜ᲮᣕᎬ๗䭠㘪Ƞౝ☚㘪⮱Ҭ⩕喑䲋э Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋᐧᱽ⮱Ҭ⩕喑㺮Ⅿ㐬ڤ⮱Ḻ᳄⢴喑㜠ᄾ 㐌Ⅱ⎽ݖ⩕হ㞯Ⅱகڲ๗⎃᫝೻⮱ⷠⅴ㘪߈ȡ᣽倅㐬ࡃ⩕ౝ 䓫ݝ 喠व⤳ጰ㒛倅๔΁᱕喑⩌ϔ䭟៑㐬ౝȠ䖀䌜 㞟⣜Ԋᱽ᫆Ҭ⩕℁Ҹ䓫ݝ 喑᱙ౝᐧᱽҬ⩕℁Ҹ๔ చ㐬ౝḺ᳄⢴ܳݘ̺ѻλ ȠȠȡ λぶλ ȡᣕᎬϔ͇ࡃѼႲহᮧ㘪ࡃ㈨㐌喑㺮Ⅿϔ͇ڙ㐬ౝȠ ⼜ᲮᣕᎬᐧま➖⮱⿸Ҁ㐬ࡃ喑᫝ᐧᐧまᠶᐧまᕔ䉕䃫㒛 ࡃѼႲ℁Ҹ̺ᄼλ 喑჋㵹㐬㞟᫪ጒ喑㐬㞟᫪ጒ℁Ҹ ̭Ⴧ⮱ᅸ䶣㐬ࡃ℁Ҹ㺮Ⅿȡ 䓫 ȡ Вϧͧ᱙喑ក䕍჉ᅲ⮱೻ጯ㶄ࡧহᐧまȡᄦᐧまጰ ᅭ䛴⩕䷻⣜ධ὎ಸ䃱ѝȠ☚ᇈ᩵Ꮑ὎᠌䃱ѝȠᬒ⚔὎᠌  ᫝೻ᐧ䃫⮱㏼≻Ƞ⹫чহ⣜ධᒞ৺ 䃱ѝぶឭᱜ὎ಸ喑ក䕍Ąѻ☚ᇈ᩵ᏁąȠ䔯჉䷻䕌⮱೻ ጯᓛ⅁Ն喑ϧ㵹ࡧ䷻䕌̺๔λ NT喑Ѽࡧᬒ⚔䓫ᴴ㺳  ᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᬣᎼ Ⴙ઱㻱ܿ喑ऻ䯳͚ᐧ䃫ą⮱݆࣌喑 ᎡٵⰃ⢴䓫ݝ 喑᫝ᐧѼࡧბใᬒᎠ౴☚ᇈᑧᏓ̺๔λ ᠶ⚔Ą Ďȡ 㻱ܿ䘕䬕Ɑ᝸ᐭᆂ๗⎃᫝೻⮱㻱ܿⵁ⾣ጒ҉喑ₑऻρᎡ

47 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

Ⴙ᜽γ๗⎃᫝೻ᕨҀ㻱ܿȠᣔݣᕔ䄓㻱হऱㆨܳڲᬣ䬡 ࡧȠ̀䶦㻱ܿ⮱ฺࣺ䃧䃮ȠฺࣺԛᩦȠฺࣺ⌞ࡃȡ  ㏼≻ᩣ⯷ܳᲽ ౝౌܧ៺ڞϔ͇ദ㗟喑ऻ೻ጯߌ㘪ą⮱݆࣌喑 Ꭱ ÿ ᎡᎡᏂ喑๗⎃᫝೻͚ࡧٵᠶ⚔Ą ᱌ड़ߕ͉㺬͑㔩ϔ͇చࡧ⮱ᐭࣾᐧ䃫喑ͧ᫝೻݈䕍ᅞ NV喑ౌౝᩣ⯷䓫  Ϭٰȡ̻ₑहᬣ喑ౌౝٵ ͇ᇄѺȠ॥ᑂϧऐຍჇധ⵭喑᝗㜠  ᎡᎡᏂ喑͉ࡧ ФթȠϔ͇ࣾᆂȠࡧഌᒞ৺߈᣽ࡴぶ䮽ᕔᩣ⯷䔽⌽ܥ᭫喑 ๗⎃⻾ឭచᐧ᜽  ̴ N ̶݈䒪Ҁ喑॥ᑂ  ҆უⵁࣾ  Ꭱ͚ࡧѼႲᎠ౴ౝФͧ  ̴ NV喑̻  Ꭱ 㞜ᕔᓗ⣜喑๔䛼ڒ侨喠㺬ࡧᆞⅡ೻ӊច๔႓೻ Ⱕ℁㔨γ͑⪗ȡ䮼Ɑ᫝೻ᐧ䃫䔽⌽ₒڒᱧᲱহ䒜У᰺ߎใ࠲Ю͇ ẩڙ᫝೻࣯̻ੳ৮ѼႲȠੳ͇㐩वҀȠߋڒх߬喑ᐧ᜽ࡄ๔ᬍ䩎ധౝȠᕿࡻ⻾ឭచȠ๔႓⩌݈͇చ ⹫ч䉱᱙䔈 ᐧ䃫႓ᵎȠࡨ䮏ぶڒ͚࠲क़ ぶᐭࣾᐧ䃫喑हᬣ䔅ᰶℾ㥒䉱᱙ែڣぶ⻾᪆ധౝ喑Ꭳ॥ᑂऱㆨ倅᫝Ю͇  ҆უ喑 ᰺ߎ䙺ຄ䃫᫪ȡڞڙ ጕϧ㑾㐉Ƞ*#.- ͚పξ䃎ツ͚ᓰহ䒜䕇ߕ߈ぶⴒऺЮ 侨ȡڒ͇ ധ⵭䃫᫪喑ऻౝ಄ᐭࣾą⮱݆࣌喑 Ꭱ  ᫝೻ᐧ䃫⮱⹫чᒞ৺ٵᠶ⚔Ą ٵ᜽⿸๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᠴᡒ䘕喑ᐭ໸ड़ߕ๔㻱὎ᐧ䃫喑仃 Ԋ䯉≩⩌ڣᐭᆂጯᩬധ⵭䃫᫪ͨ᎟㏬䌜Ƞ俕᎟⣜ධጒ⼸ᐧ䃫ВࣷԊ  ࣌ѼℾႶ㒛ࣷ ᅲѼϧ⟢⣝ڲ䯉ℾ⩌⮱Ⴖ㒛ᝬᐧ䃫喑៶ᐭ᫝೻ᐭࣾᐧ䃫⮱๔ᵳ᳣喑ह ๗⎃᫝೻ᅇ᱗ड़ߕᐧ䃫Вݺ喑䄒ࡧഌ ᱾ᝤऐͧͨȡᅲѼ⩕ౝВ㜗♣᱾⮱ۉ䮏ぶ䛺๔ߌ㘪 ऐ㏓  ̴ 喑Вޔ㵹䔯ᬣड़ߕγጯℾ͚ᓰȠࢇ㻵͚ᓰȠ๔ ᱾Ѽۉᕔ䶦Ⱋ⮱㻱ܿᐧ䃫喑ᰶݖλ೻ጯ᫝͚ᓰ⮱ᒏ䆎ᔘ䕌ᒏ᜽喑 ᒏᐼ᪐Ξܳጰ喑็᭜  ̓㏗  ᎡАԛᐧ⮱ιᅯ 喑̻ٵ䕇䓴  Ꭱ⮱ᬣ䬡喑Ą䖀䌜᜽㑾Ƞ㐬ౝ⎬ౝ᜽❴Ƞߌ㘪ᕔ Ⴒ喑ᐧま䉕䛼Ⱕᄦ䒰ສȡ೻ጯࡃᣕ䔈䓴⼸͚喑仃 䶦Ⱋ᜽ಸą⮱೻ጯ᫝͚ᓰᵳ᳣ധ᱙ᐧ᜽喑ͧᣒ̸Გ⮱⹫ ധ⵭䃫᫪Ƞ⣜ධጒ⼸हₒ喑㻱ܿᐧ䃫̭ឦ倅䉕䛼⮱Ⴖ㒛 Ѽᝬ䬛ڣчᕔ䶦ⰛᷜᏓᐧ䃫ຍჇധ⵭ȡ ᝬѼႲᄼࡧ喑⩕λᒮౝ៳䓮ϧऐᅞ䓾Ⴖ㒛喑㼐۠ ೻ጯ⹫Ԋ喑Ϙऄጯڒ䘕㏠ڕℾ̭⁎ᕔۉ喑㷘ᒮౝ⁎ڣȠѼႲȠੳ͇䶦Ⱋᠶ⚔ĄᐭࣾⰥ ䷅ȡڙ䓾͑Ꭱ喑͚ࡧߋ 䃖ܧℾᒲ䕴ȡहᬣ喑ݣჇγĄ㶄䖀⪆⩕ౝᩬゃą喑ᄳ᫝೻ ۆ〜ᄦ䯳͚喑䙺ຄ䔯Ꮣ䊲ݺą⮱ᕊ䌜ᰶᎼᣕ䔈ᐧ䃫喟倅 䔶౭喠๔㻱 ౌౝ͚䯳Ҁౌౝᕨ䛼⮱  ܿ㐆㶄䖀⩕҉⪆ᵦ䉱ϔ喑Вڲ䛾㲺ੳߎす̭㶄ࡧౕٵᝬх⩕ڙႄẩহߋ ጯℾ͚ᓰহ 䯳Ҁ㏼㥒⮱᫦ᐼͧᒀౝᅲℾፓᲒܳ㏏ᝃ㔲ᅞ͇ᱧчȡౕٵ὎⮱䯳͚ੳ͇䃫᫪হ೻ጯ㐩वҀ䶦Ⱋх ጟᐧѼႲ䶦Ⱋ⮱䭱䓾䔶౭喠ѼႲᐭࣾᐧ䃫᱙Ɑ⩞䓾ࣷ䔉 ⮱݆࣌喑ߍ๔䲍䓾㔮೻ࡧ⮱ౝ಄ܧ䃖߈Ꮣ喑ᰶᎼाࢄᣕ  ॥ᑂ᫝Ѽℾ ᰺ߎ䃫᫪䔯Ꮣ䊲ݺ䙺ຄݝѺ喑हᬣ 䮼Ɑ͉㺬͑㔩ϔ͇చࡧȠ䛾㲺ੳߎ㶄ࡧࣾᆂᬒ䊸᜽ڞڙ䔈喑⶛Ԋγ⹫ࡧ ᫝೻ᅞ͇ȡहᬣ喑᫝೻⩌ᔮ⣜ධх㞜喑ڒ⊹Ԋ䃮Ҭ⩕᩵⢴ȡ ⛌喑๔䛼ϧ᝺ ⩌≨䙺ຄᬒ䊸Ⴙ઱喑ܚՌ倅৮䉕⮱ᅲѼ⣜ධ॥ᑂ๔䛼㔮  ᫝೻ᐧ䃫⮱㏼≻ᒞ৺ ೻ࡧጯℾ䉚ᝬჇᅲȡ ᎡᎡᏂ喑๗⎃᫝೻͚ࡧੳ৮ ๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ड़ߕ䉱䛾ͨ㺮䕇䓴ౌౝ䉱⎽⮱ᐭࣾ᪡ ᝬጟᐧ᜽䨭ਜ਼䓾  ̴ N喑ౕᐧ㏓  ̴ Nȡ 㵹㣤ःᐧ䃫ड़ߕٵ㣤ः喑⩞ᩬᏉ㲺䉱Ꭰझा䨣㵹Ռ䉤⤳ ᰺ߎ䃫᫪㻱̻ܿᐧ䃫ڞڙ  䉱䛾喑♣ऻ䕇䓴ౌౝ៺ࢃᩣ⯷ᄳ䧞䔅㐆䨣㵹ȡ 䃫᫪̀䶦㻱ܿᄦ᪴᪆Ҁ࢘ぶ䙺ڞڙ᫝೻䕇䓴̭㈨݄ ᐧ䃫ែ䉱ࣷ䓽㥒㐡៑᜽᱙ ຄ䃫᫪᣽ݺ䶱⪆ᣔݣ喑ऻ᱌ᐭࣾᐧ䃫͚᱙ⱭĄ䔯Ꮣ䊲ݺ喑  ͚喑ڣ䶫᩵⢴ą⮱݆࣌ᰶᎼᑂᄩᐧ䃫ࢂѺ䔈㵹䙺ᐧȡک ധڒᎡᎡᏂ喑๗⎃᫝೻͚ࡧ  ㉜䃎ែ  䓽㥒ͨҀ䕇䓴ౌౝ⿸ڙ⩞᰺ߎ䃫᫪̭㝙ڞڙᐧ䙺ຄহႶ㒛Ѽᝬᐧ䃫⮱䉱䛾ᕨ ጯ㏔Ƞࡧ㏔ڙ⵭䃫᫪Ƞ⣜ධጒ⼸Ƞ ⹫ч䉱ڒ䉱⮱ᒏᐼᐭࣾᐧ䃫喑हᬣ⼜Ხᑂܧ䖀䌜Ƞノ㑾Ƞ⣜ධጒ⼸⮱ ܿ᠕Ƞ䉏ᩬڒ䃎䓾  Ϭٰȡ Ꭱែ ᰺ߎ䙺ຄ䃫᫪⮱ᐧ䃫ڞڙ㔮ぶڨ䓽㥒㐡៑⮱䉦⩕ᕨ䃎㏓  Ϭٰ喑Ꭳ䮼Ɑᐧ䃫䛼⮱෋䪬 ᱙喑࣯̻႓ᵎȠࡨ䮏Ƞ ᰺ߎ䃫᫪䙺ຄᅯ䲏喑ᠶ⚔Ą㶄䖀㏔Ƞڞڙ䔽Ꭱ䔿෋ȡ হ䓽㥒ȡౕ⹫ࡧ

๗⎃᫝೻͉Ƞ͚Ƞ㺬ࡧܳᆋ̶̺͗ह㵹ᩬͨҀノ䓃喑ऄ㐌䃎ऐᒱ䭽ݣ喑᱙᪴В๗⎃͚ࡧͧᄦ䆎䔈㵹ܳᲽȡ    Ꭱ᪝ᢛȡ

48 ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏

䃖䛾⮱̀䶦ノ⤳喑ܧᩬᏉᕔ䉱䛾䓽҉ͨҀ喑䉌䉐͚ࡧౌౝ ڞڙⲓ䗨⹫ࡧ㏔Ƞധᅯ⹫ࡧ㏔ą̶㏔ᐧ䃫䛺◦喑㶄䖀㏔ 䉱᱙䛾喑ڹ⧵䉱᫦∕䉱᫝೻䯳ఏ喑෋ߍ᫝೻䯳ఏ⮱ܧͧ҉ ᰺ߎ䃫᫪̭㝙⩞㶄䖀ᩬᏉ䛴⩕ౌౝܿ᠕⮱᫦ᐼࢂ⠙ःᓄ ᰺ߎ䃫 ෋ᑧ๗⎃᫝೻͚ࡧ⮱ែ䉱ᐧ䃫㘪߈ȡڞڙౝᐭࣾᐧ䃫ᱰ喑ⲓ䗨͚ᓰ㏔Ƞധᅯ⹫ࡧ㏔⩕ ᫪݆㺮ⅯⰥᏁ⮱ѼႲᐭࣾੳౕऱ㜗ౝ಄͚Аᐧ喑Ԋ䃮⹫ ๗⎃᫝೻͚ࡧ⮱ౌౝܧ䃖䛾⩞ጯ㏔䉏ᩬថ䮑̷㑡㻱 Ꭰᕔহ౴ぶࡃȡ 䉦হᠶᩬゃ㻱Ⴧ㐌ウҬ⩕⮱䉱䛾ऻ喑䯳͚ᑿ䔅ᠴᡒ䘕ߋڙ᰺ߎ⮱ڞڙࡧ ბҬ⩕ȡ㜠  Ꭱ  ᰵ喑᫝೻䯳ఏ䛴⩕䨣㵹ՌȠڙ   㻱ܿ჋᫪ Ԏចϔ৮Ƞ㗎ᱰ㲺䉱হ㲺䉱⼌䉮ぶᒏᐼͧ᫝೻ᐧ䃫㲺䉱 䃎  Ϭٰȡڞ ᫝೻⮱჋᫪ᱧݣ ₑใ喑ӊច⩌ᔮᐧ䃫⮱᭫㦄᜽᩵喑᫝೻ζःݝγѻ  ⷠ⩌ᔮᐧ䃫ȠⅡ㈨⇨⤳ࣷ⎬ౝᐧ䃫͑᫦䲏⮱̀䶦㶒ߖ䉱 ᐧ䃫ノ⤳Ҁݣ 䛾ȡѻⷠ⩌ᔮᐧ䃫㶒ߖܳݘͧĄ↌㟼Ⱞᐧま㞯㘪হ㐬㞟   Ꭱ喑ᬍ䩎ጯ༁ጯᩬᏉ᜽⿸๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᠴᡒ ᐧま⹧㠰ࡧ㶒ߖąহĄ㐬㞟⩌ᔮ೻ࡧ⹧㠰ࡧ͚๛䉏ᩬ㶒 䘕喑⩞ጯ䪬៲Шᠴᡒ䘕ᕨᠴᡒ喑ऱ䘕䬕ͨ㺮䉌䉐ϧШ᜽ ߖąȡⅡ㈨⇨⤳᫦䲏喑๗⎃᫝೻ःᓄγĄ๗⎃≮ഌ͚๛䉏 অ喑๔߈ᣕ䔈๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿᐧ䃫ጒ҉ȡ᫝೻ᐧ䃫჋㵹 ᩬⅡ↎ᴀ䭟⇨㶒ߖ䉱䛾ąĄ๗⎃Ⅱ⣜ධ⇨⤳Ⱞ㏔̀䶦䉱 Ąጯࡧव߈㖁ߕᱧݣą喑⩞๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᠴᡒ䘕㐌̭䶳ᄩȠ 䛾ąぶ็䶦͚๛㏔ȠⰮ㏔̀䶦㶒ߖ䉱䛾喑㉜䃎㏓  Ϭٰ喑 㐌̭㻱ܿȠ㐌̭ࡼ䄰喑ܳ❴ࡧ㏱㏴჋᫪ᐧ䃫ȡ ͧ๗⎃᫝೻⮱Ⅱ㈨⇨⤳ࣷ⎬ౝᐧ䃫᣽ӈγ䛺㺮⮱䉱䛾 ͚喑͉ࡧ喍๗⎃⻾ឭచ喎হ㺬ࡧ喍ᆞⅡ೻喎⩞␕ ᩜᠮȡڣ Ҁ䉌䉐㻱ܿȠᐭࣾহᐧ䃫ȡ͚ࡧ䛴⩕ᄮ䬚䓽҉ᒏڤࡧ⎃ ბ喍В̸キ⼝Ąᠴ  ᫝೻⮱䓽㥒㐡៑ڙᐼ喑⩞๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᠴᡒ䘕̸䃫ߋ Ҁ䉌䉐㻱ܿȠᐭࣾহᐧ䃫ጒ҉喠䮑ᐧ䃫ڤბą喎ڙᡒ䘕ߋ ノ⤳ᱰใ喑㏼≻⹫чࣾᆂノ⤳Ƞ⹫чθߎহ㵹ᩬノ⤳В  䖀䌜䃫᫪⮱䓽㥒ノ⤳ ࣷ䉏ᩬ⼻ᩣノ⤳ぶϺ⩞␕⎃ࡧឬ៲喍ఫ 喎ȡ 䮼Ɑ๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫⮱ᔘ䕌ᣕ䔈喑᫝೻ऻ᱌⮱䓽㥒ノ ڒΌᬒ⯷᜽ͧ䛺◦ȡ๗⎃᫝೻͚ࡧౌౝᩣ⯷হ⼻ᩣᩣ⤳ ბহࡧ㏔ᩬᏉ喑఍ₑౕ䓽㥒䉐Ш㥪ڙែ㲺䉱Ҁݣ ܳݘᑿᆋᠴᡒ䘕ߋ  थ喑ౕᠴᡒ䘕 ჋̷Ϻႅౕ̭ჇܳₔȡᎡᰵᬍ䩎ጯᩬᏉङᐭࡼڙᬍ䩎ጯ᜽⿸๗⎃᫝೻ࣾᆂ䯳ఏᰶ䭽 䉐ШͨҀȡ๗ڠბ⮱Ⱑᣒ䶳ᄩ̸喑䉌䉐͚ࡧᐧ䃫⮱ែ㲺䉱≨ߕ喑䉱 䄰ч䃛喑ᬻ⶛γ䖀䌜ጒ⼸䓽㥒㐡៑⮱Ⱕڙߋ ᐧぶ䶦Ⱋ⮱ᐧ䃫喑 ⎃᫝೻͚ࡧ᝭ᰶ᫝ᐧ䖀䌜⩞␕⎃ࡧ೻ノᅭᣒᩣȠノ⤳喑ڙ◦ᐭࣾȠധ⵭䃫᫪Ƞ⣜ධጒ⼸হ䛺⎽ Ѓ㏼㥒ᕔ䶦Ⱋȡहᬣ喑 ጟ⩞ጯ㏔ͨノ䘕䬕ᣒノ⮱ᔘ䕌䖀Ƞͨ᎟䖀हᬣ̸ᩫȡ㏼ڣथ㜗ͨᐭࣾᐧ䃫ڙВࣷ᜽⿸ၽ Ⴧ䷊ប㵹喑ጯ㏔ጟᣒノ⮱ᔘ䕌䌜Ƞͨڨℾθ͇∂ϧ喎喑҉ͧጯ㏔ 䉦ᠶጯ㐌̭⮱ノڕ᜽⿸๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ノ⤳͚ᓰ喍

ఫ  ๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ノ⤳ҀݣᱧᲱ ઠᇸǖศᒰ๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾᆶ၌ࠅິ

49 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

㏼䉦⩞ ⮱ധ⵭喑ᒏ᜽ⰥᄦႹ઱⮱㻱ܿ㑃ݣҀ㈨喑ຯ҂ᄳ⩌ᔮ᪴ڨЃ䖀䌜ノڣ㏼䉦⩞ጯ㏔䉏ᩬᩜЅ喑ڨ᎟䖀喑ノ ბᩜЅȡ ᬻᰶ᩵㥪჋ݝ᫝೻ᐧ䃫⮱ऱ͗ᅯ䲏Ƞ䲏ा჋᫪Ⱑᣒᠴᄩڙᠴᡒ䘕ߋ ᰶ䛺㺮⮱⣝჋ᘼͶ喑ڤ᫝೻ᐧ䃫喑ᄦ᜾ప᫝ಸ೻䩴ࡃᐧ䃫  ೻ጯ㐬ౝࣷ䙺ຄ䃫᫪⮱䓽㥒ノ⤳ ๗⎃᫝೻ϻВ̸܍͗᫦䲏᣽ӈγթᓄᕊ㔰⮱Ռ䞡㏼侹ȡ ៑ڨచ㏼䓴͑Ꭱ⮱᫪ጒڙ๗⎃᫝೻͚ࡧऱั⎬ౝȠ ͚㻯ᅯ䲏᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿ⮱ឭᱜ䌜㏬ᣏ㉏  ڙბ༁ច᫝೻䯳ఏ͇̀➖͇ノ⤳ၽڙ᱌ऻ喑⩞ᠴᡒ䘕ߋ Ѓ⠙⿸ᐭᆂ⮱⩌ᔮ჋䌢喑๗⎃᫝೻ӊڣڲथ̭ ̺हλపڙ⤳ბ⃼Ꭱᠶ䶱ツ᠕Ѕ➖͇ノڙथᣒノ喑ᠴᡒ䘕ߋ  ⮱ऱㆨ䙺ຄ䃫᫪⩞䄒 ចᬏᰶႹ઱⮱э㐌㻱ܿധ⵭喑ᣏ㉏γ̭᲎Ąэ㐌㻱ܿڲచڙ㏼䉦喑⎬ౝȠ៑ڨჇ᪝䷊⮱ ⩌थ䉌䉐㐌̭᠈ੳ䓽㥒喑ᩣः⼌䛾ȡ ⩌ᔮ჎㻳  ᠴᴴҀ㈨  㻱ܿᰡ᫝ą⮱䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁڙ➖͇ ᔮ㻱ܿឭᱜ䌜㏬ȡ 䛺㺮ߌ㘪ᕔ䶦Ⱋ⮱䓽㥒ノ⤳ 䕇䓴ᄦэ㐌㻱ܿ⮱⩌ᔮ჎㻳喑ݣჇγ䔯व᱙ౝ⅁Ն  ๗⎃᫝೻͚ࡧ㜗  Ꭱ䊤䭳㐚ᐧ䃫γጯℾ͚ᓰȠ ᲎У⮱͚㻯ᅯ䲏⩌ᔮхࡃࣾᆂᝅ⪒喑ౕȨ๗⎃᫝೻⩌ᔮ 䮏ぶ䛺㺮ߌ㘪ᕔ䶦Ⱋ喑䲋㥒ݖᕔ䃫 㻱ܿ৕䄏ȩȨ͚⦋⩌ᔮ೻ᕨҀ㻱ܿȩ⮱ധ⵭̷喑ᒏ᜽γޔࢇ㻵͚ᓰȠᬍ䩎๔ Ѓᰶ̭Ⴧ⯵ݖ㘪߈⮱䶦Ⱋ᱙ Ȩᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻ÿÿపუѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧ㻱ܿᠴᴴҀڣ䉱㐡៑ノ⤳喑ܧ᫪⩞䉏ᩬ ㈨ࣷ჋᫪ᄩ݆ȩহȨᬍ䩎͚⦋ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ᐧ䃫ᠴᴴҀ㈨ ڙ⤳ⱭĄᩬᏉ㶒䉡喑ጯ౧ࡃ䓽҉ą⮱݆࣌喑ϑ⩞͇̀ノ थ䉌䉐䓽㥒ノ⤳ȡ ࣷ჋᫪ᄩ݆ȩ͑ຄᠴᴴҀ㈨᜽᳉ȡݺ㔲䦵ᄦ LN  Ꭱ喑ᬍ䩎๗⎃ప䭲ࢇ㻵͚ᓰ̭᱌ጒ⼸ᐧ᜽ែ⩕喑 ⮱๗⎃᫝೻喑ᰡᑧ䄰͚㻯ᅯ䲏⮱ᠴᴴजᣔᕔ喑ऻ㔲䦵ᄦ थÿÿᬍ䩎๗⎃ప䭲ࢇ㻵͚ᓰᰶ LN ⮱͚⦋ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻喑ᰡᑧ䄰ᓛ㻯ᅯ䲏⮱ឭᱜजڙ⤳᜽⿸͇̀чᆂᎠझノ ᕔȡ҉᧺ ڕथͧ᫝೻䯳ఏڙथ䉌䉐喑ࢇ㻵͚ᓰ⮱䓽㥒ノ⤳喑䄒ڙ䭽 थͨ ᠴᴴҀ㈨ͧ᫝೻᣽ӈγѻⷠ⩌ᔮ᫦䲏⮱⤳ᔢহⰛᴴڙथ喑䮑⃼Ꭱ㣤ᓄጯ䉏ᩬ̭Ⴧ᪝䷊㶒䉡ใ喑䄒ڙ䉱ၽ হ䬕⺕䨭ਜ਼ぶȡ ࣯㔰喑ѳ̺㘪Ⱑᣒ䓽⩕λᬒ፥⮱㻱ܿノ⤳͚喑ᐧ䃫⩌ᔮڒᲒ⎽ͧᆂѺ⼌䛾ȠᎬॷᩣڒ㺮ᩣ 䮏ᐧ᜽ែ⩕喑᜽⿸ᬍ䩎๔ ೻䔅䰭㺮ᄳ䔆ψ⩌ᔮ⤳ᔢহⰛᴴࣺ亵㥪჋ݝ∂Ⴧ⮱ᣔ㻱ޔᎡ  ᰵ喑ᬍ䩎๔  ࣷऱ̀䶦㻱͚ܿȡ๗⎃᫝೻䮼ऻႹ᜽γȨ๗⎃᫝೻ᣔݣ ڙ䮏⮱䓽㥒ノ⤳喑䄒ޔथ喑䉌䉐๔ڙ䮏Ԋݖノ⤳ᰶ䭽ޔ 䮏ノ⤳㗹ᮜ⮱͚పԊݖ䯳ఏ᪴ࡃ㞧ᱜᰶ ᕔ䄓㏳㻱ܿ⩌ᔮᠴᴴᰡ᫝ȩȨ͚⦋ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ᣔݣᕔ䄓㏳ޔथ⩞᠒ᰶ͇̀ थᠮ㗎 喑᫝೻䯳ఏᠮ㗎 喑䮑⃼Ꭱ㣤ᓄጯ 㻱ܿԛ㑃ȩ喑Ꭳ㑃ݣγ㘪⎽Ƞᚏ㵹㈨㐌Ƞጯᩬノ㏬ȠⅡ㈨ڙ䭽 ᔮ̀䶦㻱ܿȡᰭऻ喑ౕౝ಄㻱ܿᅯ䲏喑ᄳ⩌ڠධぶⰥ⣜ ޔᲒ⎽ͧ๔ڒथͨ㺮ᩣڙ⤳䉏ᩬ̭Ⴧ᪝䷊㶒䉡ใ喑䄒ノ 䃖᲎У喑Ⱑᣒᠴᄩ჋᫪ᐧ䃫喍ఫ 喎ȡܧȡ ⩌ᔮᠴᴴ҉ͧڒ䬕⺕ᩣܧ⑁䮏⮱ थ䓽㥒ᗲۢ㞜ສ喑ധ᱙ᩣᩜᎠ㶎ᝃڙ⤳В̷͑უノ 䶫ឭᱜ̻ノ⤳ᐧ⿸ज᧺҉⮱ᠴᴴҀ㈨ک  ᰶ⯵҆ȡ⪑

 㐀䃧  Ꭳ䲋Ą̭ܭܴą喑ᄩ݆͚䶱⪆䋠์ᑦᕔ ̺हλэ㐌⮱⩌ᔮ೻ጯᠴᴴҀ㈨喑ᬍ䩎⩌ᔮ೻⮱ᠴ  Ꭱపუࣾᩦ༁䄰ⵁ᪝ᢛ᭫⹧喑 ͗Ⱞч೻ጯ ᴴҀ㈨Ꭳ̺᭜キࢂ⮱Ⱋᴴᕔᠴᴴ喑Ό̺᭜Ą̭ܭܴą⮱ Ꭰ౴⃼͗೻ጯ᣽ܧᐧ䃫  ͗᫝೻喍᫝ࡧ喎⮱㻱ܿⰛᴴ喑 ᠴᴴҀ㈨喑㔹᭜ౕᄩ݆͚㐀व჋᫪⮱ज㵹ᕔ喑ᄦᠴᴴ䔈  ͗ౝ㏔೻ጯᎠ౴⃼͗೻ጯᐧ䃫  ͗᫝೻喍᫝ࡧ喎喑 㵹γ䦵ᄦᕔ⮱ܳ㼐ȡВȨ๗⎃᫝೻ÿÿపუѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ ๔㻱὎⮱᫝೻ጟ㏼᜽ͧ᜾పౝ᫦㏼≻ᐧ䃫হ೻ጯ᠀ᆂ⮱ ⹧㠰ࡧ㻱ܿᠴᴴҀ㈨ࣷ჋᫪ᄩ݆ȩͧҸ喑ᠴᴴҀ㈨͚ ᕔᠴڞ೻ᐧ䃫ͧⰛᴴ㔹ݣჇ⮱ڕ䛺㺮ᝅ⪒Ꭰझ喑⌞ݨౝᒞ৺γ᜾ప⮱೻䩴ࡃ䔈⼸ȡ ͗ᠴᴴ᭜В㘪჋⣝ᠴᄩ 䮼ⱭႼ㻯㗹ᮜ⮱䒙अ喑⩌ᔮ೻ᐧ䃫ጟ♣᜽ͧ᫝̭䒛 ᴴ喑ᄩ݆͚㐀व๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿᐧまㆨಸȠߌ㘪ჇѺぶ ᕔᠴᴴ䔈㵹ᰶ䦵ᄦᕔ⮱ܳ㼐ȡҸڞ๔䘕ܳ⩌ᔮ೻㻱ܿ㑧ͼ ఍㉍⮱ጛᐯᕔ喑ᄦڲ⮱᫝೻ᐧ䃫☚◦ȡѳ᭜喑ప ᐧま䃫䃎㞯㘪⢴̺ᄼڞڙຯ喑ᠴᴴҀ㈨͚⮱᫝ᐧᅲѼহ ⣝ڒღ㲺ڲĄ᪡Ҁą㻳㻿喑㑧ᄾᄳĄ⩌ᔮ೻ąᐧ䃫Ⱋᴴ̻ 㵹ᝃࢠᄳႹ᜽⮱㻱ܿҀ㈨͚⮱ᰶ᩵䌜ᒱ喑ᰡ็䔪Ⅿ⮱᭜ λ 喑㔰㭾̺हᐧまㆨಸ㞯㘪ᣗ᫪⮱䯫ᭀ⼸Ꮣ喑࣯⚔ ⮱倅᩵Ƞ㏼≻হѻ↎ᴀȡ ↌㟼Ⱞᐧま㞯㘪䃫䃎ᴴ۳喑ᄳ䄒ᠴᴴܳ㼐ͧ᫝ᐧᅲѼȠڲᄼ㈨㐌㠰డ γ̭Ⴧ ੳ͇Ƞ᪴ࡃཞͽ䃫᫪Ƞ႓ᵎᐧま䃫䃎㞯㘪⢴ܳݘ̺ѻλิڤᒀݺ喑๔䘕ܳ೻ጯ⮱э㐌᫝೻ᐧ䃫ጟ㏼

50 ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏

ఫ ឭᱜ䌜㏬喟э㐌㻱ܿÿ⩌ᔮ჎㻳ÿᠴᴴҀ㈨ÿ㻱ܿᰡ᫝ ઠᇸǖศᒰ๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾᆶ၌ࠅິ

ȠȠ হ 喑ᰶࡧݘౝ჋᫪㞯㘪Ⱋᴴ喑 ⵭ȡ⩌ᔮ೻ᐧ䃫ड़ߕݺ喑๗⎃ప䭲⻾ឭచȠᆞⅡ೻Ƞ͉ ᰶᒵສ⮱ڤ⶛Ԋγऻ᱌ឭᱜᣗ᫪⮱ज᧺҉ᕔȡ ࢄ๔႓ϔ႓ⵁധౝȠ᫝㘪⎽᫝ᱽ᫆ϔ͇ぶጟ ڲധ⵭喑ᒏ᜽γႹ᪡⮱ϔ͇ȠᅲѼҀ㈨ȡⰥ℁͸̸喑ప Ѓ⩌ᔮ೻๔็᭜ӊច⩌ᔮắᔢ䛺◦ࣾᆂᅲѼࣷ⩌≨䙺ڣ ឭᱜゃ⪒হノ⤳ゃ⪒Ⱕ㐀व  ͧ჋⣝ᠴᴴ喑㻱ܿ䃫䃎䰭㺮䔶Ⴧ䔯჉⮱ឭᱜᣗ᫪喑 ຄ喑೻ጯߌ㘪ࢂ̭喑́㻱ܿ⩌ᔮ೻็ͧ⠙⿸䶦Ⱋ喑হᒀ 䲏᪡Ҁ⮱㻱ڕ喑㑧ͼޟ㈨ܳڠ㔹ऻ᱌गᰶₐ⶛⮱䓽㥒ノ⤳᝸⃢᝺㘪ࣾᡒឭᱜᣗ᫪⮱㞯 ౝ೻ጯ㏼≻Ƞ⹫чȠ⣜ධ 㘪Ƞ㞯Ⅱぶ➦ᕔȡ఍ₑ喑჋᫪ᄩ݆͚∕䛺ឭᱜゃ⪒̻ノ ܿ㐌ウȡ ࡃߌ㘪㻱ܿ喑ᒏ᜽⩌ᔮȠ჉ᅲȠٰ็ิڤゃ⪒⮱㐀व喑ᠴᴴҀ㈨͚ᬏ࠲᠙ឭᱜᕔᠴᴴ喑Ό࠲᠙ ๗⎃᫝೻ጟ⤳ ⩌ᔮノ⤳ᕔᠴᴴȡҸຯ喑ͧ჋⣝ࢂѺᐧま䲏⼜㘪㕄ᠴᴴ 倅⻾ឭϔ͇Ƞ᫲⍥̻⣝А᰺ߎ⮱̭Ҁࡃ㐩वࣾᆂᵩᅭȡ 䃫ิȠ䃫䃎ܳ䶦䃎䛼㷲㒛̻ ᑧ๔⮱᫝㘪⎽ϔ͇ധ⵭ᰶߖλ᫝೻ѻⷠ⩌ᔮឭᱜ⮱ࣾᆂ喑ڙγ䔶⩕㞯㘪⩢ᷜহߋܧ᣽ ೻ጯ㘪㕄㐌䃎᪝ᢛ͚ᓰ㖁㑾ぶឭᱜᣗ᫪喑ₑใ䔅ݣ䃏γ ́ጟᒏ᜽Ю͇ȠⵁࣾȠᩬᏉȠጯ౧⮱οߕव҉ധ⵭ȡ ➦Ⴧ䃫ิ䄰䄂᫦ᵵȠ㞯㘪➖͇ノ⤳὎ᐼহ㘪㕄䭽䷊ߍФ ぶノ⤳ᣗ᫪喑Ҭ䃫䃎ⰛᴴᓄВ㥪჋ȡ  Ⱑᣒᠴᄩ᫝೻⾧䬡ᐧ䃫⮱㇫㏳ࡃ೻ጯ䃫䃎  Ꭱ喑๗⎃᫝೻ड़ߕᵥᓰࡧ೻ጯ䃫䃎喑хࡃ͚  ᱙ౝࡃ➦ᒮ⮱Ҁ⣝ ᓰࡧߌ㘪ጰᅭ喑ⵁ⾣೻ጯ๖䭲䒛᐀㏬Ƞ䛺㺮⾧䬡㞯◦Ƞ ᠴᴴҀ㈨⮱ᐧ⿸हᬣΌ㔰㭾γᬍ䩎⮱᱙ౝࡃ➦ᒮȡຯ ⩹䲏Ƞ౧᝭ȡₑऻ  Ꭱ喑Ⱕ㐔Ⴙ᜽䛺㺮ߌ㘪ࡧȠ᎟䖀͑ ᱙ౝḺ➖ᠴ᪝ȠḺ➖⻺ㆨȠ㐬ࡃ⩕ౝḺ᳄⢴Ƞ䔼Ⅱౝ䲏℁ ӔȠ␕Ⅱౝࡧぶ➦㞟⾧䬡೻ጯ䃫䃎喑 Ꭱᒏ᜽೻ጯ 㺳Ⰳȡڕ㘪⎽ࢍᕨ㘪㕄 䃫䃎⩌ںҸȠࢂѺ䲏⼜ᐧまᎡ㕄㘪Ƞ᫝ᐧౝࡧज ⾣㞟⾧䬡⮱㥒䕍喑ᄦ̺हౝࡧ⮱ⵁ➦⧵ڠ⮱℁ҸȠӈⅡノ㑾␼ᢌ⢴Ƞ೻ࡧ䷻⣜ධȠѼࡧᬒ⚔䓫ᴴ㺳 ᫝೻ᰡߍ 倅ᏓȠ๖䭲䒛᐀ぶ⧵ڠⰃ⢴ȠѼࡧბใᬒᎠ౴☚ᇈᑧᏓȠ᫝ᐧᐧま䓫ݝ㐬㞟ᐧま 䛺◦̺ह喑䛺㺮ߌ㘪ࡧ೻ጯ䃫䃎 䲏Ƞᐧま⩺⧵ڠᭌ㏔ᴴ۳ぶ喑౴̻᱙ౝ➦ᒮࣷౝ᫦ᕔ∂㻱䔈㵹γ㶁ᣒȡ ❴ࡧ⮱᪡Ҁࡼ䄰ᕔ喑᎟䖀͑Ӕ೻ጯ䃫䃎 䔭㏬ぶ㶄䖀⾧䬡ᅧᏓ喑␕Ⅱౝࡧ೻ጯ䃫䃎ᵦᢛⅡ㈨ߌ㘪 㞯◦䃫䃎Ƞ䃫᫪䙺ຄぶȡ჋᫪ᅯ䲏喑೻⧵ڠ᱙ౝϔ͇̻⩌ᔮ⣜ධ⮱㞜ສᩜᦾ ჇѺ喑ᰡߍ  䃖⮱㻱ܿ᲎У͚喑ܧ๗⎃⩌ᔮ೻⮱ᐧ䃫Ꭳ䲋ϻ䰣ᐭ໸喑๗⎃᫝೻͡䓾⣝ ጯ䃫䃎⮱䛺㺮ᠴᴴⰡᣒ㥪჋ݝౝ಄ ᰶ೻ࡧ喑᠒ᰶᑧ๔⮱೻ጯ㏼≻ᩜᦾߕ߈হ݈᫝ࣾᆂധ Ⱑᣒᠴᄩ᫝೻⮱჋䭲ᐧ䃫 ఫ ȡ

51 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ  ๗⎃᫝೻ᵥᓰࡧ೻ጯ䃫䃎хࡃ᫦ᵵ ઠᇸǖ࿮ဍ໿ࢶႎ׭ॺยኸࣩևӸࠅ๪

࣯㔰᪴⡛ थ , ᬍ䩎ጯ๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᠴ [4] ͚పᐧま⻾႓ⵁ⾣䮏 , ↌㟼Ⱞᐧ䃫ࢲ⻾ឭࣾᆂ͚ᓰ , ᬍ䩎ጯڙຒ䯲㏠ጒ⼸৕䄏喍̷⊤喎ᰶ䭽 [1] ⩌㚫ࢇᐧまጵθߎ᝭ . ᬍ䩎͚⦋ѻⷠڥ⦌ , ბ . ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻⩌ᔮ㻱ܿ৕䄏 [R]. 2010. 㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏ڙᡒ䘕ߋ .ᔮ೻ᐧ䃫ᠴᴴҀ㈨ࣷ჋᫪㏳݆ [S]. 2010 ڙ㚫ࢇᐧまጵθߎ᝭ , ᬍ䩎ጯ๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᠴᡒ䘕ߋڥ⦌ [2] ბ . ᬍ䩎͚⦋⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧ㻱ܿ [R]. 2010. [5] ѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻ጯ㻱ܿᐧ䃫ÿÿВᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻ͧҸ [C]// 㓮᳄ ᅷప䭲㐬㞟ᐧま̻ᐧま㞯㘪๔чژ͚పᐧま⻾႓ⵁ⾣䮏 , ↌㟼Ⱞᐧ䃫ࢲ⻾ឭࣾᆂ͚ᓰ , ᬍ䩎ጯ ᩼喑ᅑᔄ᪹喑ۜᮀᭌ . す [3] .थ . ᬍ䩎 䃧᪴䯳 , 2012ڙ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 , ຒ䯲㏠ጒ⼸৕䄏喍̷⊤喎ᰶ䭽 ๗⎃᫝೻ÿÿపუѻⷠ⩌ᔮ೻⹧㠰ࡧ㻱ܿᠴᴴҀ㈨ࣷ჋᫪ ㏳݆ [R]. 2010.

52 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏ 㾦䓽≟ ҂ᮀ⋈ 䗦 ⢶

53 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ᦅ㺮喟 ࡧ᫝೻⮱㻱ܿᐧ䃫ᬏ᭜Ꮑᄦ᫝ಸ೻䩴ࡃ⮱ࣾᆂ㺮Ⅿ喑ࣵ ऱ೻ጯ䬡व҉ᬒڲ᭜͚ప䛺㺮⮱㏼≻͚ᓰহ㝗䓽͚ᓰȡ̷⊤ጯ ᭜䪬̶㻿ࡧഌ̭Ҁࡃ䔈⼸ߍᔘȠࡧഌ⊤̷ 䗷ࡧ᫝೻⮱㻱ܿᐧ䃫ᬏ᭜Ꮑᄦ᫝ಸ೻䩴ࡃ⮱ࣾᆂ㺮Ⅿ喑 ⯷ჳܴ⮱ᓲ♣䔶᠖喑ᰡ᭜̷⊤ጯ݈᫝侞ߕȠ䒙ಸࣾᆂ⮱ ऱ೻ጯ䬡व 䛺㺮䒪Ҁহ䕁ᒱȡڲࣵ᭜䪬̶㻿ࡧഌ̭Ҁࡃ䔈⼸ߍᔘȠࡧഌ ҉ᬒ⯷ჳܴ⮱ᓲ♣䔶᠖喑ᰡ᭜̷⊤ጯ݈᫝侞ߕȠ䒙ಸ ࣾᆂ⮱䛺㺮䒪Ҁহ䕁ᒱȡ̷⊤⮱䗷ࡧ᫝೻ᐧ䃫㏼ࢳγ  ᫝೻ࣾᆂࢳ⼸ Ą࢘ᭌ೻ąÿĄ᫝೻ą⮱ᐧ䃫ࢳ⼸喑໸㏵ಇᠮ͚ᓰ೻ߌ ̷⊤䗷ࡧ೻䩴ᐧ䃫㏼ࢳγĄ࢘ᭌ೻ąÿĄ᫝೻ą⮱ 㘪хࡃহᰶᱧ⪼᪐݆࣌喑Ӱ䔈ᒏ᜽็͚ᓰ⮱೻ጯ⾧䬡 ᐧ䃫ࢳ⼸喍ఫ 喎喑໸㏵ಇᠮⱭхࡃ͚ᓰ೻ߌ㘪হᰶᱧ⪼ 㐀Ჱ⮱ധ᱙Ⱋᴴȡ ᪐Ƞ⇬ࡧഌᕔϑ䕇䒡㏬ദ㗟೻䩴㞯◦ȠӰ䔈ᒏ᜽็͚ᓰ ᱙᪴ϻࡧഌ⮱㻳㻿喑ౕ᪡̷͗⊤ጯ᫝೻㻱ܿᐧ䃫⮱ ⮱೻ጯ⾧䬡㐀Ჱ⮱ധ᱙Ⱋᴴȡ ๔㗹ᮜ̸喑㖇♓̷⊤ጯଶჇ᫝೻ࣾᆂࢳ⼸अ䓮Ƞ⹫ч㏼ Ꭱపߎ䮏ឦ۳⮱Ȩ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿ ᐧ䃫  ͗䗷ࡧ᫝೻喑ܳݘͧ჊ᆞȠܧȩ᣽  ࣾᆂȠϧऐᅞ͇➦◦ȠౌౝҬ⩕Ƞ⹫ч᰺ߎ䃫᫪Ƞ㐩≺ वϑ䕇ぶ᫦䲏喑䓽⩕ὗाᄦ℁হ㏢ाᄦ℁ぶܳᲽ᫦∂喑 ଶჇȠᲫ↌Ƞ䛾ᆞȠ䬢㵹Ƞ䱿⊓ȠࢄᶒȠᘍࢄȠ೻ᶒࣷ ᕨ㐀̷⊤ጯ᫝೻喑➦ݘ᭜ଶჇ᫝೻ࣾᆂ⣝⟣➦◦ȡВଶ ⾧⍜᫝೻হ⊤⍜᫝೻ぶȡ Ⴧ᫝೻ᐭࣾ჋᫪⮱す̭᝸䉱᫆ͧധ⵭喑ރᲽ㻱ܿᐧ䃫჋ ᫪⮱὎ᐼȠ݈᫝হᠾᝅȡᰭऻᕨ㐀ଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿᐧ䃫⮱ ᜽ߌ㏼侹喑᣽ܧ㠒᎟᱗ᲒଶჇ᫝೻ࣾᆂ䰭㺮䛺㻳⮱䶳ഌ ⊤হό䶨㼐۠⮱䬛䷅喑ͧଶჇ᫝೻⮱ᐭࣾᐧ䃫喑Ό̷ͧ ጯ᫝೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ᣽ӈՌ䞡ȡ

䩛䃺喟ڠ ଶჇ喑᫝೻喑㻱ܿ喑჋䌢


キ⼝Ą⇗ą喑ౝั๗Ꭰ∸㺬ᇥ喑䪬↌̶㻿≟ݺ⊤̷ ጯ፥Ѽϧऐڕ㑅喑ϑ䕇Ӭݖ喑㚦ౝᎬ䭁ȡ ᎡᎡ᱘ ㏓  ̴ϧ喑ϧ౴⩌ϔᕨթ  㒻ٰ喑Ⱕᒀ λ̓⩹͚ぶࣾ䓫పუᝃౝࡧ⮱ⅡᎠȡ̷⊤᭜͚ప䛺㺮⮱ ㏼≻͚ᓰহ㝗䓽͚ᓰ喑పუࢳट᪴ࡃऺ೻ȡ̷⊤̻↌ हᲱ᜽В̷⊤ͧ哆๡⮱͚పᰭ๔⮱೻ڞ㟼ⰮȠ⊆↌Ⱞ 䩴㓑Ą䪬̶㻿೻䩴㓑ą喍ఫ喎ȡ̷⊤ₐ䔽ₒᐧ䃫᜽ͧ⣝ Аࡃప䭲๔䘪ጯ喑ప䭲㏼≻Ƞ䛾㲺Ƞ䉥ᭀȠ㝗䓽͚ᓰȡ ͚๛Ƞపߎ䮏࢝ࣾγȨపუ᫝ಸ೻䩴ࡃڞᎡ喑͚  ఫ 䪬↌̶㻿≟ࡧഌ⾧䬡ࣾᆂ㐀Ჱఫ ప೻䩴ڕ㻱ܿ喍喎ȩ喑᭜Ϸऻ̭͗ᬣ᱌ᠴᄩ ႎገ႙݀ቛėLjظ๨ۼٷ཮ೌઠᇸǖĖᅜටྺԨLj੔ბࡀࣄLjे੺ฉ࡛ ࡃ֒Ꮴࣾᆂ⮱Ⴜ㻯ᕔȠᝅ⪒ᕔȠധ⵭ᕔ㻱ܿȡ̷⊤ጯ䗷 ฉ࡛๨ࡀࣄࢅࡔཱིጨᇸ࠶૙ਆ

54 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

 Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ

ఫ ̷⊤ጯࢳ⁎ᕨҀ㻱ܿᕨఫ ბ؜ӲมLj2008ٷጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ . თग · ഔႎĊĊฉ࡛׭๨ࡀࣄᄇ৊ . ฉ࡛ǖཞष

ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿ喑ଶჇࡧᐭᆂγࡧഌᕨҀڕĄ࡮ρą᱌䬡喑̷⊤ጯᐭᆂγĄ̭೻Ί䩴ą䄂◦喑ᣏ ₑऻ喑ӊᢛ ㉏ᣕ䔈䗷ࡧ೻䩴ߍᔘࣾᆂ喑Ӱ䔈䗷ࡧ೻䩴ࡃȠ➦㞟ࡃহ 㻱ܿ⮱㑃ݣጒ҉ȡ Ꭱឦ۳⮱ȨଶჇࡧࡧഌᕨҀ㻱 ࡃ喑ͧₑऻ̭⃢ᬣ䬡⮱䗷ࡧ೻䩴ᐧ䃫⼜㉜γ㏼侹ȡ ܿ჋᫪᫦ᵵ喍 Ꭱ喎ȩ㻱ܿଶჇ᫝೻࠲᠙ଶٰ็ Ą࡮̭ρą᱌䬡喑ᠶ⚔Ą̶͗䯳͚ą⮱㺮Ⅿ喑ᬻ⶛᣽ Ⴧ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧȠࢄ㔁হႶϚ⮱㏱व᫝೻喍ఫ 喎ȡ᱙᪴ ጯഌĄą೻Ύ㻱ܿҀ㈨喑ិ̷⊤ጯഌܳ᜽͚ᓰ೻Ƞ ऻ䲏᝭䃧䔝⮱ଶჇ᫝೻㠒⇎ᰶ➦ݘᠴᬻ౴ͧଶჇ᫝೻ͨܧ ᫝೻Ƞ᫝ጯ䩴Ƞ͚ᓰ᱾ఈ͗ᅯ䲏䔈㵹㐌ウႶᢿ喑仃⁎჋ ೻ࡧȡ 㺳Ⰳ喑⶛⿸γ̷⊤೻Ύ㻱ܿҀ㈨ᵩᅭڕጯഌ೻Ύ㻱ܿ⣝ 喍ఫ 喎ȡ  ᫝೻ჇѺ̻Ⱋᴴ

ଶჇ᫝೻ắۢ  ᫝೻ჇѺ 

ଶჇࡧѺλ̷⊤ጯ⮱㺬ࡄ䘕喑̻↌㟼Ⱞ⮱ᬳᆞጯহ ᫝೻᭜̷⊤ጯ̓ࢇऻᝅ⪒ࣾᆂ䛺◦ౝࡧȡऻ̓ࢇᬣ ๗Ѐጯᣒฑ喍ఫ 喎喑ᕨ䲏⼜㏓LN喑 Ꭱ⣝⟣ ᱌⮱̷⊤⾧䬡ᝅ⪒ᄳ㖇♓λ䗷ࡧ᫝೻ȡ᫝೻ᐧ䃫ᄳ҉ͧ ፥Ѽϧऐ  ̴ϧ喑೻䩴ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ LNȡଶჇ ̷⊤䔈̭ₒ᣽ࡴࣾᆂ㘪㏔Ƞ䄸ܿ̓ࢇऻ೻ጯࣾᆂ⮱䛺㺮 ࡧѺλ䪬↌̶㻿≟䛺㺮⮱⇗Ⴎࣾᆂ䊝᏷喑㏼≻ࣾᆂⅡᎠ ͫᣗ͸̭喑᜽̷ͧ⊤᱗Გᝅ⪒䒙ಸ⮱䛺㺮ៀ᝸ȡ ⰡѺλ̷⊤䗷ࡧݺ݄喑ጒ͇ࣾᆂВ↪䒓ϔ͇ͧ➦㞟ȡ ᫝೻᭜̷⊤ጯ㏼≻ࣾᆂ⮱䛺㺮⒉߈ౝࡧȡࣾᆂ䗷ࡧ̭  Ꭱౕ䓾᱌㻱ܿ㡶ᵵ喍ఫ 喎⮱ധ⵭̷喑 ᫝೻喑䔈̭ₒ㑖ᄼ᫝೻হ͚ᓰ೻⮱ጛ䌊喑Ӱ䔈䛺๔ധ⵭ ⩌᫝೻喑␎䋠᫝೻ᅲℾ⮱ڒጯᩬᏉឦ۳ᐧ䃫ϧऐ㻱὎  ̴ϧ⮱  ͗࢘ᭌ೻ȡ䔆 䃫᫪Ƞх䉕᪆㗟ࡨ⫄䉱⎽䔈⊤̷ ͚ ϔ⩌≨䰭Ⅿ喑̷ͧ⊤᱗Გࣾᆂ᣽ӈጕ๔⒉㘪ȡڣ࢘ᭌ೻࠲᠙䬢㵹Ƞॡ∫ȠଶჇȠႶϚহᲫ↌ȡ͗  ଶჇ喍ѺλଶჇ㔮೻喎হႶϚ  ͗࢘ᭌ೻౴ѺλଶჇࡧȡ ᫝೻᭜̷⊤ጯ჋⣝जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱ᱧ䕴ౝࡧȡ᫝೻ᐧ Ꭱ喑పߎ䮏ឦ۳⮱Ȩ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿ᫦ 䃫̷ͧ⊤ጯ䔈̭ₒࣾᆂ᣽ӈጕ๔⮱ࣾᆂ⾧䬡ȡ䔆ᬏᐣ㐚  ᱾䯳䩴 γĄ࡮ρąВᲒ̷⊤೻ጯࣾᆂ䛺ᓰϻጯࡧा䗷ࡧ䒙⼨⮱ۉᵵȩ喑ᬻ⶛γ͚ᓰ೻喒࢘ᭌ೻喒䗷࣬ᄼ೻䩴喒  ͗ᅯ⁎Ჱ᜽⮱೻䩴Ҁ㈨喍ఫ 喎ȡଶჇȠႶϚϺ♣҉ͧ 䊸߬喑Ό䔯Ꮑ᫝⮱ᝅ⪒䰭Ⅿ喑हᬣΌこवప䭲๔䘪ጯ ࢘ᭌ೻喑ࢄ㔁҉ͧ䗷ࡧᄼ೻䩴ȡ Ą೻ጯ喒ࡧഌą⮱⾧䬡ᄩाȡ ㏗  ᎡА᱘喑̷⊤ጯᐭᆂγᕨҀ㻱ܿ⮱㑃ݣ̓  ጒ҉ȡ Ꭱ㏼పߎ䮏ឦ۳⮱Ȩ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿ  ࣾᆂⰛᴴ 喍喎ȩᄳଶჇ᫝೻҉ͧ㻱ܿ⮱ ͗᫝೻͸̭喑 ݝ  Ꭱ喑᫝೻ᐧ䃫ःᓄ⾮ⵡᕔ䔈ᆂ喑ౕ䗷ࡧധ 㻱ܿϧऐ  ̴ϧȡႶϚȠࢄ㔁㻱͚ܿͧᓰ䩴喑ϧऐͧ ᱙ᒏ᜽̻͚ᓰ೻ࡧߌ㘪ο㶒Ƞࣾᆂ䩆ѺȠ㖁㈨㉔ჳ⮱᫝  ̴ϧጓठ喍ఫ 喎ȡ ೻㓑ȡ

55 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ ̷⊤ጯ೻Ύ㻱ܿҀ㈨ఫ ጨଙઠᇸǖĖฉ࡛๨׭๨ৎ೺ॺยࡀࣄDŽ2006.2010Džė

56 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

ఫ ଶჇࡧࡧѺఫ ▝㞟喟̷⊤ጯጯഌ㠰డ喠叱㞟喟̷⊤ጯক䓦す̭⩹䲏೻䩴喠㨊㞟喟̷⊤ጯক䓦すι⩹䲏೻䩴 ๨׭ၕ݀ቛࡀࣄ቟୼ჺ৯ . 2012ۼٷገ႙݀ቛđԝৠူฉ࡛ ۯႎൻظጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ .Đ

ఫ ̷⊤ࡧഌ㻱ܿ⹧ᘼ㡶ఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ఫ ̷⊤ጯ࢘ᭌ೻হ䗷ࡧ䛺◦೻䩴ܳጰ⹧ᘼఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 . ጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ . თग·ഔႎǖฉ࡛׭๨ࡀࣄᄇ৊ . ጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ . თग·ഔႎǖฉ࡛׭๨ࡀࣄᄇ৊ ბ؜ӲมLj2008ٷბ؜ӲมLj2008 ฉ࡛ǖཞषٷฉ࡛ǖཞष

57 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ ̷⊤ጯ೻䩴Ҁ㈨㻱ܿఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ጺ༹ࡀࣄDŽ1999.2020Dž

58 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏




ఫҸ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧ ଶჇ᫝೻ႶϚȠࢄ㔁㏱ఏ ᫝ጯ䩴 ͚ᓰ೻ ᅲѼ⹫ࡧ喍೻䩴ಸ喎 ᅲѼ⹫ࡧ喍ധౝಸ喎 ͚ᓰ᱾

ఫ ଶჇࡧ೻ΎҀ㈨㻱ܿఫ ጨଙઠᇸǖूۨ൶൶ᇘጺ༹ࡀࣄํแݛӄDŽ2006.2020 ౎Dž

ଶჇ᫝೻ȠᲫ↌᫝೻݊ₒ⶛⿸䪬̶㻿ౝࡧ㐩वᕔ㞯 ◦೻ጯౝѺ喑䯳㖇  ̴ _ ̴ϧऐ喠⊓͉͡⍜᫝೻Ƞ  ⹫ч㏼≻ ̷⊤ጯ᫝೻⮱㏼≻ࣾᆂ 䒰倅㘪㏔⮱೻ጯ㐩व䯳㖇 ᵦᢛ  Ꭱ⮱᪝ᢛܳᲽิڤ䱿⊓᫝೻Ƞ๶䉑ࢄᶒ᫝೻ 䒽ᄱߌ㘪喑䯳㖇  ̴ _ ̴ϧऐ喠䛾ᆞ᫝೻Ƞሴᬻ೻ ⅡᎠ䔅䒰ѻȡ̭᫦䲏̷̻⊤ϧ౴ (%1 Ⱕ℁喑䮑ଶჇ Ѓ᫝೻ڣᶒ᫝೻ᄦক䓦ౝࡧࣾᆂ⮱᰺ߎፓߕ҉⩕ᬻ᭫෋ᑧ喑䯳㖇 ᫝೻ϧ౴ (%1 䓫ݝ̷⊤ጯᎠ౴ⅡᎠ͸ใ喑  ̴ _ ̴ϧऐ喍ఫ 喎ȡ ⮱ϧ౴ (%1 ౴ѻλ̷⊤ጯᎠ౴ⅡᎠȡओ̭᫦䲏̻㉔ 䗨̷⊤⮱ক䓦䪬̶㻿೻䩴Ⱕ℁喑᫝೻ࣾᆂΌႅౕ䒰๔  ᫝೻ࣾᆂ⣝⟣➦◦ ጛ䌊ȡ㉔䗨ଶჇ⮱ᬳᆞጯহ๗Ѐጯ⮱ϧ౴ (%1 ౴䊲 䓴̷⊤᫝೻ȡ Ą࡮ρą㻱ܿВᲒ喑䗷ࡧ᫝೻ጟ᜽ͧᣕ䔈̷⊤೻䩴ࡃ ϻす̭ȠιȠ̶ϔ͇⮱ࢍ℁Გⰸ喑᫝೻ᒀݺ㏼≻㐀 ⮱ͨ㺮䒪ҀȡଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿᐧ䃫᜽᩵᭫㦄ȡ᫝㔮೻㖁ߕ ᲱВすιϔ͇ͧͨᄩ喑ധ᱙ัλĄι̶̭ąϔ͇㐀Ჱ䭣 ⪑喍ఫ 喎ȡଶჇ᫝೻すιϔ͇℁䛺ౕ  ጓठ喑⃢ ڕ⼸ᣕ䔈喑͚ᓰ೻ጯᩬധ⵭䃫᫪ᵳ᳣ധ᱙ᒏ᜽喑ᮜ㻯ጒ ߈ᣕ䔈喑⹫чθ͇হߌ㘪ᕔ䶦Ⱋ倅ᴴ۳䙺㒛喑೻ጯ᰺ߎ 倅λᬳᆞȠ๗ЀȠॡ↌Ƞଶ઱ȠᎠ⎃ぶ̷⊤ক䓦䪬̶㻿 㘪㏔ᬻ᭫᣽ࡴ喍ఫ 喎ȡϧऐ䔽⌽ा᫝೻䯳͚ȡ ೻䩴喍 嗣 喎ȡ

59 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

೻ᶒ  ̴

ଶჇ  ̴


䱿⊓ ࣷ᠀ᆂࡧ  ̴

Ძ↌  ̴ ࢄᶒ ͡⍜  ̴  ̴

䛾ᆞ  ̴

ఫ ̷⊤ጯ᫝೻ࣾᆂ㻱ܿఫ ఫ  ଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿ᜽᩵᭫㦄 ࠶૙ਆںጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ . ጨଙઠᇸǖूۨ൶ࡀࣄࢅཱི ๨׭ၕ݀ቛࡀࣄ቟୼ჺ৯ . 2012ۼٷገ႙݀ቛđԝৠူฉ࡛ ۯႎൻظĐ

᫝೻ᐧ䃫⩕ౝϔܧѻλ̷⊤ጯᎠ౴ⅡᎠহ͚ᓰ೻ࡧ 䪬⢴ϲ⪒倅λ೻ࡧ෋䪬⢴喑ϔ೻㲺वᏓ᣽倅䊸̺߬ ͚Ძ↌ᰭ ᬻ᭫ȡڣ͸䬡ႅౕⱭ䒰๔ጛ䌊喑ܧⅡᎠȡ᫝೻ౝ౴ϔ ଶჇহ䱿⊓喑೻ᶒȠࢄᶒহ͡⍜ౝࡧⰥᄦ䒰 ϻᒞ৺᫝೻॥ᑂᅲѼᘼᙬ⮱఍㉍ⰸ喑仃㺮⮱఍㉍᭜ͧ⁎ڣ倅喑 ѻ喍ఫ 喎ȡₑใ喑䕇䓴ᄦ̷⊤ጯ  ͗ጯ㏔В̷ᐭࣾ ̻ጯࡧϑ䕇㖁㈨⮱᫦Ӭ⼸Ꮣ喑䔆ࣺ᭍γ᫝೻⮱⠙⿸ᕔϺ ᭜ᅞ͇Ϻ䰭㺮Ԋᠮ̻͚ᓰ೻ᒵ倅ڣ⮱ᐭࣾ ♣̺䋠喑䃥็ߌ㘪ᅑڲࡧ⮱ౝ౴ϔթহែ䉱ᑧᏓ䔈㵹℁䒰喑᫝೻㠰డ ᭜䉚➖Ƞ⹫ϑȠ᪆㗟ぶ᫦䲏⮱ጛ䌊ȡѳ⁎ڣጯᎠ౴ⅡᎠ喍ఫ 喎ȡ ⮱㖁㈨Ꮣ喑ڕࡧΌ䔉ѻλ ᰶ⮱х߬喑ͨ㺮Ҁ⣝ౕ㜗♣⣜ධх㒻Ƞᝬ➦ڣ᫝೻Όᰶ  ϧऐࣾᆂ Фぶ⩌≨᜽᱙Ⱕᄦ䒰ѻぶ᫦䲏喍ఫ 喎ȡ  ᎡଶჇ᫝೻ᕨϧऐͧ  ̴ϧ喑̻  ϻᒞ৺᫝೻॥ᑂጒ҉ᘼᙬ⮱఍㉍ⰸ喑仃㺮఍㉍Ϻ᭜̻ ᎡଶჇ᫝೻ᕨϧऐⰥ℁喑ϧऐ෋፲䊲䓴 喑ͨ㺮ः ጯࡧϑ䕇㖁㈨⮱᫦Ӭ⼸Ꮣ喑䔆ࣺ᭍γ᫝೻⮱ᅞ͇㘪㏔হᇄ Ϻ̺ࡦ䙺喑ᅞ͇ᱧчᄾ́䔶᠖ᄾ喍ఫ 喎ȡڒλใᲒϧऐ෋䪬ȡౕ䗷ࡧ  ͗᫝೻͚䄒䊸߬ധ᱙̭ Ѻ̻ϧऐᄩ۠ 㜡喑ग᭜ౕ෋፲̷ᰶ᝭ጛᐯ喍ఫ 喎ȡଶჇ᫝೻፥Ѽ ϧऐ෋䪬⢴ౕ䗷ࡧ  ͗᫝೻͚ᢿౕす  Ѻȡ̷⊤ጯ䗷  ᅞ͇ᇄѺ ጯᇄѺܳጰ⮱ᗲۢᲒⰸ喑᫝೻ᇄѺჳڕጒ͇చࡧ፥Ѽϧऐ෋䪬⢴ധ᱙倅λ೻ࡧ喍䮑 ϻ  Ꭱڲࡧ᫝೻ ጒ͇చࡧใ⮱᫝೻ౝࡧ喎ϧऐ෋䪬⢴喑ࣺ᭍ܧऱ᫝೻ Ꮣͧ  ̴ϧ LN喑Ⱕᒀλ͚ᓰ೻⮱ 喊喑̻͚ᓰ೻ ϔ೻㲺वᏓᰶ᝭᣽倅ȡଶჇ᫝೻ጒ͇చࡧ፥Ѽϧऐ෋ ক䓦ౝࡧ  Ⱕᒀ喍ఫ喎ȡϻ㕹Ѽ℁  Გⰸ喑᫝೻ᰭ倅喑

 ᪝ᢛᑂ㜗Ȩ㐌ウ೻Ύ㻱ܿ喑хࡃႹ઱䗷ࡧ೻䩴㐀Ჱহߌ㘪ጰᅭⵁ⾣ȩȡ  ͚ᓰ೻ক䓦ౝࡧᠴ̷⊤ጯใ⣜㏬䭱䓾⮱㠒᎟㶄䖀হ䩴喑Ҹຯ࠲᠙ࢄ㔁䩴Ƞ↌ᶒ䩴Ƞ䶫᱾䩴ȠᲕ㵹䩴Ƞॡ⌋㶄䖀Ƞࣸ䄷䌜㶄䖀Ƞ倅ᶒ䩴Ƞ倅͉䩴Ƞᰦ䌜䩴Ƞ਽䩴Ƞ वᎳ䩴Ƞጊ⇆䩴ȠᏤᶒ䩴Ƞক⊓䩴Ƞ⊓↌䩴Ƞॡ∫䩴Ƞᶲ䭴䩴Ƞ侙ᶒ䩴Ƞ᫝ᶒ䩴ȠΊϚ䩴Ƞ̰჊䩴Ƞ㣅Ꮁ䩴Ƞᒽ∫䩴Ƞࡻ⑂䩴Ƞ᫝㮦㶄䖀Ƞ䷈ᶒ䩴ぶȡ  㕹Ѽ℁ᠴ᫝೻ᅞ͇ϧऐ̻ᅲѼϧऐ⮱℁թȡ

60 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏



        喍̴ٰ LNܧౝ౴ϔ    Ძ↌ ଶჇ 䱿⊓ ࢄᶒ 䛾ᆞ ͡⍜ ೻ᶒ ̷⊤ጯ  ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ Ძ↌ ଶჇ 䱿⊓ ࢄᶒ 䛾ᆞ ͡⍜ ೻ᶒ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ ᫝೻ すιϔ͇℁䛺 す̶ϔ͇℁䛺

ఫ   Ꭱ̷⊤䗷ࡧ᫝೻す̭ȠιȠ̶ϔ͇℁䛺 ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤䗷ࡧ᫝೻ౝ౴ϔܧ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ႎ׭݀ቛ቟୼ჺ৯Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ႎ׭݀ቛ቟୼ჺ৯Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ


 ౝ౴ϔթ喍̴ٰ LN


ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤  ͗ጯ㏔В̷ᐭࣾࡧౝ౴ϔթ ᪜ᢚᲑ⎼喝̶⊣ጮᐬࣽࡦ㐋䃍Ꭰ䞠

ͧ 喑倅λ͚ᓰ೻হক䓦ౝࡧ喑ᅞ͇ᇄѺ㻱὎হϧऐ  㻱὎ⰥᄦᎠ㶎ȡଶჇ᫝೻ᅞ͇ᇄѺВݣ䕍͇ͧͨȡ     ౌౝҬ⩕  ᫝೻ᐧ䃫⩕ౝҬ⩕䒰ͧ㇄ᩫ喑䗷ࡧ᫝೻ϧ౴ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ   ౴䊲䓴̷⊤ጯᎠ౴ⅡᎠȡଶჇ᫝೻ϧ౴ᐧ䃫⩕ౝౕ䗷ࡧ᫝  ೻͚ѺλすιѺ喍ఫ 喎ȡ ᎡଶჇ᫝೻䯳ᐧࡧ㠰డ ᱗Გजᐧ䃫⩕ౝ̺䊲䓴᫝೻㻱ܿᐧ䃫⩕ౝ⮱ 喊喑Ѻڲ   Ძ↌᫝೻ ଶჇ᫝೻ 䱿⊓᫝೻ ࢄᶒ᫝೻ 䛾ᆞ᫝೻ ͡⍜᫝೻ ೻ᶒ᫝೻ ݄ऱ͗᫝೻᱘Ѻ喍ఫ 喎喑ౌౝ䉱⎽㉔㏓᲌᭫㦄ȡ

ᝤㅺϧऐ෋䪬⢴ ፥Ѽϧऐ෋䪬⢴ ፥ѼใᲒϧऐ෋䪬⢴ ϻଶჇ᫝೻⮱⩕ౝ㐀ᲱᲒⰸ喑ଶჇ᫝೻䖀䌜Ꭼ౧⩕ ౝࢍ℁ռ倅喑㐬ౝࢍ℁ռѻ⩕וౝࢍ℁ռѻ喑ጒ͇Ѐ ఫ ̷⊤䗷ࡧ᫝೻ऱㆨϧऐअࡃᗲۢఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ႎ׭݀ቛ቟୼ჺ৯Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ 喍ఫ 喎ȡ

61 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ





ఫ  ᒞ৺̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻॥ᑂᅲѼᘼᙬ⮱఍㉍ܳᲽ ᪜ᢚᲑ⎼喝̶⊣ጮ೺ጮ㻰ܾ䃪䃍ⵀ⾢䮎

       喎                 ̻ጯࡧϑ䕇̺᫦Ӭ̻ጯࡧϑ䕇᫦Ӭᅞ͇ᱧчᄾᅞ͇ᱧч็䔉⻨ϟࣸᣒ䓾ϟࣸ㕹Ѻহ㫗Ⅱѻᰡສ⮱㕹Ѻহ㫗Ⅱ⹫Ԋࡨ⫄᲎Уጛ⹫Ԋࡨ⫄᲎Уສ㥪ᝤᩬゃ͒ᵩ㥪ᝤᩬゃცᲫ 

ᇄѺჳᏓ喍̴ϧ LN    ͚ᓰ೻ ͚ᓰ೻ক䓦ౝࡧ ᫝೻

ఫ ᒞ৺̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻॥ᑂጒ҉ᘼᙬ⮱఍㉍ܳᲽ ఫ   Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ͚ᓰ೻Ƞ͚ᓰ೻ক䓦ౝࡧȠ᫝೻ᇄѺჳᏓ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ႎ׭݀ቛ቟୼ჺ৯Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ႎ׭݀ቛ቟୼ჺ৯Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ

      ϧ喎          ϧ౴ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ喍N    Ძ↌᫝೻ ଶჇ᫝೻ 䱿⊓᫝೻ ࢄᶒ᫝೻ 䛾ᆞ᫝೻ ͡⍜᫝೻ ೻ᶒ᫝೻ Ძ↌᫝೻ ଶჇ᫝೻ 䱿⊓᫝೻ ࢄᶒ᫝೻ 䛾ᆞ᫝೻ ͡⍜᫝೻ ೻ᶒ᫝೻

ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻ϧ౴ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ҆䛼ࢍᕨᐧ䃫⩕ౝ℁䛺 ຕ਍ੰںຕ਍ੰ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨ཥऺ౎६Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄᇾ၄ጒᆩںຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨ཥऺ౎६Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄᇾ၄ጒᆩ

62 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

    ⹫ч᰺ߎ䃫᫪  䗷ࡧ⮱⹫ч᰺ߎ䃫᫪⮱᪝䛼হ㘪㏔Ϻ㥪ऻλ͚ᓰ೻ȡ ጯᕨ䛼⮱ 喑ڕ䗷ࡧ  ͗᫝೻᠒ᰶ  უጯ㏔ࡨ䮏喑ࢍ    ጯᕨ䛼⮱ 喍ఫ 喎ȡ䗷ڕ᠒ᰶ  უࡧ㏔ࡨ䮏喑ࢍ    ጯᕨ䛼⮱ڕጯ䛺◦͚႓  ᝭喑ࢍڕࡧ᫝೻᠒ᰶ    喍ఫ 喎ȡहᬣ喑̻℄䗨̷⊤⮱↌㟼Ⱞऱጯᄦ℁喑̷⊤ጯ  䗷ࡧౕ࣬ࡨ䮏Ƞ႓ᵎぶࡰϧᠴᴴ⮱ᄦ℁̷ѻλ㟼ࢄౝࡧ  䖀䌜Ꭼ౧ 㐬ౝ ⮱፥⛌ጯȠᬳᆞጯȠ๗Ѐጯ喑Όѻλ㟼ࡄౝࡧ⮱ࢄ䕇ጯȠ ו䃫᫪ ጒ͇Ѐڞڙ ᅲѼ⩕ౝ ⩕ౝ ⩕ౝ ⩕ౝ ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯଶჇ᫝೻⣝⟣ᐧ䃫⩕ౝ℁䛺 ड़͉ጯȠ⊤䬕ጯぶጯȡ ຕ਍ੰںຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ၄ጒᆩ



ጯ㏔ࡨ䮏 ࡧ㏔ࡨ䮏

ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯऱࡧጯ㏔Ƞࡧ㏔ࡨ䮏᪝㐌䃎ఫ ට੨೵ֱ׉ዿට੨ْୃڼྺۼຕ਍ઠᇸǖ2012 ౎ฉ࡛๨ཥऺ౎६Ljഄዐට੨एຕ



ఫ   Ꭱ̷⊤ጯऱࡧ䛺◦͚႓᪝㐌䃎ఫ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖ2012 ౎ฉ࡛๨ཥऺ౎६

63 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ϑ NȠN㺳Ⰳ⢴ϲͧڙLNLN喎喑፥㻱  㐩वϑ䕇 _喊Ƞ_喊喍͚ᓰ೻ͧ 喊 _喊喎ȡ㏬ ϑ㏬䌜䓽㥒ᬣ䬡ⴚȠࣾ䒓䬡䯁䪬喑ڙ䘕⮱ϑ䕇ܳ 䌜䛺ฺ㈨᪝倅 Ƞڲ᪝ᢛᄦጯഌȠ᫝೻ڠ䕇䓴  ᎡⰥ Ჽ喑̷⊤ጯ᫝೻喑➦ݘ᭜ଶჇ᫝೻喑㐩वϑ䕇᫦䲏ႅౕ 倅ምᬣ⃢ጯ䕇䗷㏬䌜䒰᠒ᡑȡ ܧ䘕ڲ㵹ͨᄩȡ䄰ᴒ᭫⹧᫝೻ܧ䘕ڲВ̸➦◦ȡ ଶჇ᫝೻В Ѓࡧഌ⮱℁Ҹͧ 喑㜠ڣጯഌϑ䕇䃫᫪Ⴙ઱喑೻䭲ϑ䕇䃫᫪⁍Ҡȡጯഌϑ䕇 㵹℁Ҹͧ 喑㜠䗷ࡧ  㵹℁Ҹͧܧ䌜Ƞ䒕䖀ϑ䕇Ხ๔ౝᩦ઱γ ͚ᓰ೻⮱℁Ҹͧ 喑᫝೻͸䬡⮱ڙ䌜Ƞ᎟㏬ڙ䃫᫪喑ຯ倅䕌 ଶჇ᫝೻ϑ䕇䕇䓫ᕔ喑ᰶ߈ᩜᦾγ᫝೻ࣾᆂȡВ䧮䌜჏ 喍ఫ 喎ȡ 〆ͧА㶕⮱೻䭲ϑ䕇䃫᫪᰺ߎߌ㘪䒰ጛ喑ຯႶϚࡄ〆⮱ ᚏ㵹ϑ䕇ͨᄩȠ͗Ҁᱧߕϑ䕇ࣾᆂ䓲⡈ȡᚏ㵹ܧ㵹 ℁䛺䊲䓴 喑⇗ $ ❹⚔ 㵹ᕨवܧ ࠲᠙ₒ㵹হ㜗㵹䒓 䯳᪐㈨㐌⁍Ⴙ઱喑ᬍ∂ࣾᡒࡧഌᕔ倅ᴴ۳Ƞ倅䉕䛼⮱೻ 㵹ܧࡧഌ喎ߖᣕ͗Ҁᱧߕ䒓ڲใ⣜㏬Вڒ䭲჏䓽ϑ䕇᰺ߎߌ㘪ȡଶჇ᫝೻̻͚ᓰ೻⮱㖁㈨䓴Ꮣӊ 喍ጒ҉ᬒ̺ᓄ䔈 㵹℁Ҹ̺䋠 喍ఫ 喎ȡܧϑڙ䌜ȡ ℁Ҹᮛ䕺䊲䓴 喑ڙ䊃倅䕌 㵹ⅡᎠᕨҀ̻͚ᓰ೻Ⱕᒀ喑ѳВᦖច䒓ͧܧ䘕ϑ䕇䃫᫪ⅡᎠ̺倅ȡ䌜㑾ჳᏓռѻ喍ఫ ͗Ҁᱧߕ䒓ڲ᫝೻ 喎喑ଶჇ᫝೻䖀䌜㑾ჳᏓͧ LNLN喍͚ᓰ೻ͧ ͨ喑䔉䗷ᅑͧᬻ᭫ȡ





 ჊ᆞ᫝೻ 䬢㵹᫝೻ Ძ↌᫝೻ ଶჇ᫝೻ 䱿⊓᫝೻ ࢄᶒ᫝೻ 䛾ᆞ᫝೻ ͡⍜᫝೻ ೻ᶒ᫝೻

ఫ ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻䌜㑾ჳᏓ㐌䃎ఫ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ႎ׭݀ቛ቟୼ჺ৯Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ


Ѓࡧഌ 㜠͚ᓰ೻ ᫝೻͸䬡ڣ䘕 㜠䗷ࡧڲ᫝೻

ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻ܧ㵹Ⱋ⮱ౝ㐌䃎ఫ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ႎ׭݀ቛ቟୼ჺ৯Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ


64 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

ϻ䕇ᒭଶჇ᫝೻⮱䒕䖀ϑ䕇  त㏬⮱჏≮➦ᒮ喍㶕喎  ⮱΅჏ౕ͚ᓰ೻̸䒓喑ज㻮䒕䖀ϑ䕇ͨ㺮᰺ߎλ᫝ ࡧ〆 ೻ᄦใϑ䕇ȡڕ๖̷჏䛼ͧ  ̴ϧ⁎喑ࢍڕᲒⰸ喑ౕ᫝೻⮱ ◦ᕨ䛼⮱ ȡᬖ倅ም᱌䬡  ⮱΅჏ౕଶჇࡧ̸䒓喑











ϑ䕇 ͗Ҁϑ䕇 ᚏ㵹ϑ䕇ڞڙ

ఫ  Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻ܧ㵹᫦ᐼ㐌䃎ఫ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ႎ׭݀ቛ቟୼ჺ৯Ljฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ

㶕   Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䒕䖀ϑ䕇  त㏬჏≮➦ᒮ ᑂᄩ჋䌢⮱⤳ᔢȡӊᢛଶჇࡧ↌ࢄⅡΎ⮱➦䉕喑ౕ೻ጯ

ଶჇ᫝೻〆◦ ଶჇࡧ〆◦ 䃫䃎ⵁ⾣⮱ധ⵭̷喑᣽ܧᐧ䃫Ąࡰㆠ̭⎃Ƞ⮫ㆠ̭᳄Ƞ ̸჏ࡧഌ ⇠⎃Ⱕ͟Ƞ㢤仆␎೻ą⮱⩌ᔮ჉ᅲ೻ጯ⮱㻱ܿⰛᴴȡⰛ 㻱὎ ℁䛺 㻱὎ ℁䛺 ݺ喑᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧࡧഌᣔ㻱㺳Ⰳ⢴䓫ݝ  В̷ȡĄ̭ᵥ ଶჇࡧ     ͑㔩Ƞ̶Ѻ̭ҀȠᬍ㑊ᄦᣒą⮱䯳͚䔋❴೻ጯࡃࣾᆂᵩ     ڲ⣜ڲ㺬⊓ ᅭ䔽⌽᜽ಸȡ Ꭱ喑ౕఈ๔Წ಄ጰᅭ⮱ധ⵭̷喑᣽     ⣜ใڲ㺬⊓ ܧଶჇ᫝೻̶͗㏱ఏ喑ࢠଶჇͨ೻ࡧȠႶϚȠࢄ㔁̶Ѻ Ҁ⮱㏱वᐼࣾᆂ⮱ᵥᓰ⤳ᔢȡ Ꭱ喑ౕ᫝೻ᵥᓰ̭     ڲ⣜ڲ͉⊓ ใ⣜     ࡧߍ䕌ࣾᆂ⮱ധ⵭̷喑ᕨ㐀̶๔㏱ఏ⮱ࣾᆂ⟣ۢ喑Вߍڲ͉⊓ ♓Ą㖇ܧЃౝࡧ     䕌೻ጯࡃȠӰ䔈Ą͑͗㲺वąͧᕨҀᕊ䌜喑᣽ڣ

᪜ᢚᲑ⎼喝̶⊣᫜೺ࣽᆁᝄ⪑ⵀ⾢喏̶⊣ጮ೺ጮ㻰ܾ䃪䃍ⵀ⾢䮎Ƞ ̭͗ᵥᓰȠᐣѥ͑㔩ąȡ

 ଶჇ᫝೻ᐧ䃫჋䌢  㻱ܿ჋᫪

䄫䷅㏱䄰ᴒ᭫⹧喑 ͗Ⱞч೻  ݆࣌ڠᵦᢛపუࣾᩦ༁Ⱕ 㵹Ƞఈ͗ᅞౝȠٵጯ喑Ꭰ౴⃼͗೻ጯ㺮ᐧ  ͗᫝೻᫝ࡧ喠 ͗ౝ㏔೻ ଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿ჋᫪͚ಇᠮĄఈ͗ 㵹Ƞധٵ㵹Ƞߕ䓮ٵ㵹ą᭜ᠴ㻱ܿٵጯ喑Ꭰ౴⃼͗೻ጯ㻱ܿᐧ䃫㏓  ͗᫝೻᫝ࡧȡ᫝೻ᐧ ఈ͗㦄ऺąȡĄఈ͗ 㵹ȡĄఈ͗ᅞౝą᭜ᠴϔ͇ᅞٵ⯷ᕔ䶦Ⱋڙ㵹Ƞٵ䃫᭜᜾ప೻䩴ࡃࣾᆂ⮱䛺㺮䕁ᒱȡϻᎡݝᎡ喑 ⵭䃫᫪ ℾᅞౝႶ㒛ȠࣾᆂᅞౝۉଶჇ᫝೻⮱ᐧ䃫ጟ䊷䓴  Ꭱ喑ଶჇ᫝೻ᐧ䃫჋䌢䓴⼸ ౝ᣽ࡴȠധ⵭䃫᫪ᅞౝႹ઱Ƞ ͚⼜㉜γ͝ჹ⮱㏼侹ȡ 䶱⪆ȡĄఈ͗㦄ऺąࢠ㦄ऺᐧまጵȠ㦄ऺᐭࣾੳȠ㦄ऺ᫪ ጒЮ͇ក䕍㦄ऺ䶦ⰛȡԊ䯉᫝೻ᕨҀ㐀Ჱ⮱व⤳ᕔ喑ᅲ  㻱ܿᑂ䶳 Ѽহᅞ͇⮱౴㶎ᕔ喑᫝೻ᐧ䃫⮱倅৮䉕喑ϔ೻㲺व̻ज ೻হ⾧ٺ㔰㭾ᒀౝᅲℾ⮱ݖ⯷喑䖬ܳٲଶჇ᫝೻ౕ೻ጯᐧ䃫䓴⼸͚ᅑͧ∕䛺㻱ܿᑂ䶳ȡ㻱 ᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ喑हᬣ ܿ჋᫪̷̭Ⱑಇᠮ᪴ࡃᑂ䶳ゃܿȠゃܿᑂ䶳㻱ܿȠ㻱ܿ Ą偩೻ąȡ

65 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ह㏱᜽ଶჇࡧڞ ⁎ す̶ᅯ ϑڙȠ፥㻱 す̭ᅯ⁎ 䕇 ᫲⍥ゃ⪒喑ଶٶϑ㑾㐉㈨㐌ȡ᫝೻჋᫪ѻⷠ㻯ڙ⁎᜽ᅞ ็ᅯ  ㏼䓴  Ꭱ⮱ߗ߈喑᫝೻ᐧ䃫ःᓄ䛺๔䔈ᆂȡ͚ᓰ Ⴧ᫝೻ఈ๔ᮜ㻯͚㵹ϧₒ䖀Ƞ㜗㵹䒓䖀ȠⅡ̷⍥㻵ぶᚏ হノ⤳ឭᱜȡڤ㺳ⰃȡᣕᎬҬ⩕ѻⷠϑ䕇ጒڕ⣝ࡧጯᩬധ⵭䃫᫪ᵳ᳣ധ᱙ᒏ᜽喑Ąఈ๔ᮜ㻯ą⩌ᔮ⣜ධጒ 㵹㈨㐌჋ ߈ᣕ䔈ȡ⹫чθ͇হߌ㘪ᕔ䶦Ⱋ倅ᴴ۳䙺㒛喑೻ጯ ౕଶჇ᫝೻͚ᓰࡧᐧ⿸ᮧ㘪ϑ䕇㈨㐌喑࠲᠙ϑ䕇Ԏᖜ䛴ڕ⼸ ᰺ߎ㘪㏔ᬻ᭫᣽ࡴȡ 䯳̻ࣾጰ㈨㐌Ƞϑ䕇⯾ᣔ̻Ⴖ䭟㈨㐌Ƞϑ䕇Ԏतᣔݣ㈨ ᫝೻͚ᓰࡧ䖀䌜ϑ䕇Ҁ㈨ധ᱙ᒏ᜽喑᫝೻ᵥᓰࡧ㻱 㐌হ։䒓䄞ᄩ㈨㐌ȡ ܿ䖀䌜㏓ LNȡ㜠  ᎡᎡᏂ喑᫝೻ᵥᓰࡧĄఈ㏢ ᣕߕ㞯㘪᫝ឭᱜ䓽⩕ÿÿ⩞λᣕ㵹Ą㞯㘪Ƞ㞯ౝȠ ఈὗą俕᎟䖀䌜ᵳ᳣Ҁ㈨ጟധ᱙ᒏ᜽喑ᰶ  ᲎䖀䌜ᐧ 㞯ⅡȠ㞯ᱽą⮱ᐧま㺮Ⅿ喑ଶჇ᫝೻㷘পऺ̷ͧ⊤仃 ͚ଶჇఫΓ亳䛴⩕γᰡͧ㞯ڣϑ㏬䌜䕇䓫喑 ͗ᐧま㞯㘪⹧㠰೻ࡧȡڙᰶ  ᲎ڞ᜽䕇䒓喑䕇䒓䛹⼸㏓ LN喑 䃎Ⴙ᜽ែ䉱  Ϭٰȡ 㘪⮱⛰⅁⾧䄰㈨㐌喠㻱ܿᆂ⹧亳ݖ⩕㔮ࢯᝬᩦᐧ喑䛴㉜ Ąఈ๔ᮜ㻯ąぶ⩌ᔮᮜ㻯Ҁ㈨ጟ㏼ᒏ᜽喑᝗㜠  Ꭱ ⩕ౝ⎽☚∢҉ͧ☚⎽喠⻾᪆ᆂ⹧͚ᓰहᵤݖ⩕㔮ࢯᝬ 㧱ۤȠౝ̸۝ᔮᮜ㻯ጒ⼸ጟᐧ䃫Ⴙ᜽  ̴ N喑 ᩦ䕍喑हᬣ䃫䃎㐬㞟ᅸ䶣Ƞౝ⎽☚∢Ƞ⩌ڲᎡᏂ喑᫝೻͚ᓰࡧ చڙ⎃ᄩ⚔ᬻȠ䰕Ⅱఋᩣݖ⩕ぶ㞯㘪ᣗ᫪喠䔉仆ٶᐧ⩌ᔮᮜ㻯ጒ⼸  ̴ N喠ノ㏬䙺ຄጒ⼸हₒᣕ ბౕ 䔈喑᝗㜠  ᎡᎡᏂ喑ጟᐧ䃫Ⴙ᜽⩢߈ LNȠ⛰⅁ 䛴⩕γ⩌ᔮⅡۭࡃ㈨㐌Ƞ㺳ౌᐧまȠ䔼Ⅱᱽ᫆Ƞఋᩣ LNȠ̷Ⅱ LNȠԎᖜノ㏬ LNȡ ᱽ᫆ȡ ᫝೻⇠䖀⎃⇷㐩व᪡⇨᜽᩵ᬻ᭫喑᫝೻͚ᓰࡧ㻱ܿ 喍喎⣜ධԊ៑ ⇠䖀 LN喍࠲᠙①⊓⇠Ƞὗ⇒⇠ぶ喎喑⩌ᔮᮜ㻯⎃ ଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿᐧ䃫͚∕䛺⣜ධԊ៑ȡ䛴⩕᫝㘪⎽Ƞ ⇷  ͗ȡ᝗㜠  ᎡᎡᏂ喑Ⴙ᜽⇠䖀᪡⇨ LN喑 ᫝ឭᱜ∕䛺ರ౫ั⤳喑䛴⩕⣜Ԋಸअ⩢〆ȡౕರ౫ั ⩌ᔮᮜ㻯⎃⇷  ͗喠ౕᐧ⇠䖀 LN喑ᮜ㻯⎃⇷  ͗ȡ ⤳᫦䲏ᣕ䔈ᅲℾ⩌≨ರ౫ܳㆨ䄂◦ጒ҉Ƞᣏ㉏䯳䉥ጯ 䛼䉱⎽ࡃݖ⩕Ƞᣕ䔈䩴㏔ರ౫ࢸ㑖͚䒙〆ۼ㜗᫝೻ᐧ䃫ВᲒ喑⦋䛾ࡨ䮏ࡄ䮏Ƞϑ๔䭱͚ଶჇܳ ౧ರ౫ ᵎȠࡧఫΓ亳喍᪴ࡃ亳喎Ƞࡻι݊㏔͚႓ȠࡧິᎩԊ֒䮏Ƞ ᐧ䃫ȡ ଶჇ᫝೻჋侹Ꭹ٬చȠଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿᆂ⹧亳Ƞᓤჹ䌜႓ ଶჇ᫝೻ᐧ䕍γ̷⊤⩢߈㈨㐌͚仃Ꮤ⣜ԊಸȠ㞯 Ҭ⩕喑 㘪ಸȠ᪝ႄࡃअ⩢〆ÿÿL7 ᄮক䌜अ⩢〆ȡϻᐧڒᵎȠࣹ̮䌜Ꭹ٬చぶ  ͗ߌ㘪ᕔ䶦Ⱋ【ጒᎣែ 㔰㭾γ㞯㘪⣜Ԋ⮱㺮ܳٲᐧま䲏⼜㏓  ̴ N喑㉜䃎ែ䉱䷊㏓  Ϭٰȡ ま䃫䃎Ƞ䃫ิ䔶᠖ぶ᫦䲏౴ ͚ែ䉱ౕᐧ  ͗ Ⅿ喑Ꭳ䛴⩕γౝ⎽☚∢⾧䄰Ƞ๗䭠㘪ࣾ⩢Ƞ㞯㘪ಸ⚔ᬻڣᰶ  უᐭࣾੳ喑ڞ᫝೻ᵥᓰࡧ ⚑䔈㞯㘪ឭᱜ⮱䃫ิ喑䶱䃎⃼Ꭱज㞯㏓ᴴٵ䶦Ⱋ喑ԊݖუచȠ͚Ԏ∝ჹ̭ࣵ೻Ƞ哆⎃䘓೻ȠⰅऑ๖ ぶ็⻺ప䭲 ٵڲᄾι⅔ࡃⷠᢿᩫ U喑㞯㘪䭺㕄䓫ݝపۼౝȠ㐬ౝ⻸䱋౷Ƞଶ჊㉘᣽⎫Ƞ吻⩠䷻㢤ͪᮜぶ̭ឦ倅 U喑 ৮䉕ẩⰅⰥ㐔ᐭⰅ䨭ਜ਼ȡ㜠  ᎡᎡᏂ喑ጯ౧ࡃ䶦Ⱋ 䔈ⅡᎠȡ ㉜䃎ᐭጒ䲏⼜  ็̴ N喍࠲᠙ߕ䓮䙺ຄᝬ喎喑【ጒ䲏 ⼜䓾  ̴ N喑䨭ਜ਼䲏⼜䓾  ̴ N喑ᕨែ䉱  ็  䉱䛾䓽҉὎ᐼ 䃖ᩣܧϬٰȡ Ꭱ̷ࡷᎡ喑᫝೻͚ᓰࡧ⮱ጯ౧ࡃ䶦Ⱋࣾᆂᔮ ଶჇ᫝೻ᐧ䃫䉱䛾Გ⎽ͨ㺮̶ͧ䘕ܳ喟ౌౝ Ƞ⼻ᩣȠ㲺䉱ȡڒ ߬㞜ສ喑᫝ᐭጒ䲏⼜  ̴ N喑【ጒ䲏⼜  ̴ N喑 ͚喑䨭ਜ਼䷊  Ϭٰ喑ह℁෋䪬ڣႹ᜽ែ䉱  Ϭٰ喑 ڒȡ  ౌౝᩣ ÿ Ꭱ喑ଶჇ᫝೻㉜䃎ܧ䃖ౌౝ㏓ NV喑 ͚ࡧ㏔᝭ᓄថ䮑ڒ䃖ᩣܧ䃖䛾㏓  Ϭٰ喑ౌౝܧ᫝ÿÿក䕍̓ࢇచใ೻ጯᰭҠ჋䌢ࡧ ㉜䃎݈  ᫝೻ᐧ䃫̀䶦ധ䛾喍ఫ 喎ȡڒ喍喎ѻⷠࣾᆂ ᜽᱙䘕ܳ䔈 ใڲଶჇ᫝೻ᐧ䃫ಇᠮѻⷠࣾᆂ⤳ᔢ喑Ꭼ∈Ռ䞡ప ೻ጯजᠮ㐚㻱ܿᐧ䃫⮱ᵵҸ喑㜡߈λក䕍̷⊤ጯ̓ࢇచ  ⼻ᩣ ㏓  ̴უ喑ڞЮ͇ᕨڹ⧵ใ೻ጯᰭҠ჋䌢ࡧȡ ÿ Ꭱ喑᫝೻ ᫝೻ധ䛾ڒ͚ࡧ㏔⼻ᩣ㏓  Ϭٰ䔈ڣଶჇ᫝೻๔߈ࣾᆂ㐬㞟ϑ䕇Ҁ㈨ȡࣾᆂВ͚ぶღ䛼 ⼻ᩣ㏓  Ϭٰ喑 ϑ㈨㐌喑̻䒕䖀ϑ 喍ఫ 喎ȡڙ⁎ϑͧͨҀ⮱ଶჇࡧすιᅯڙᔘ䕌

66 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏






  䲏⼜喍̴ N ẩᲬФ喍ٰ N     


ܧ䃖䲏⼜ जᐧ䲏⼜ ẩᲬФ

ఫ ࢳᎡଶჇ᫝೻㏼㥒ᕔౝ಄ܧ䃖䲏⼜㐌䃎㶕 ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ूۨႎ׭݀ቛᆶ၌ࠅິ


 喎        ᩣ喍ٰ N⼻


᫝೻⼻ᩣव䃎 ࡧ㏔⼻ᩣव䃎

ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻⼻ᩣࢳᎡ㐌䃎㶕 ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ूۨႎ׭݀ቛᆶ၌ࠅິ

㲺䉱  䶦Ⱋ჎ឦᱧݣ݈᫝喑᜽⿸ԛᐧᕔ䄓㏳㻱ܿВࣷ 

㜗Ꭱ㜠Ꭱᰵ喑ଶჇ᫝೻㲺䉱ᕨ䷊㏓ ䷻䆹ᣔݣ༁অч थౕ  Ꭱᐭᆂγᣔݣᕔ䄓㏳㻱ܿ⮱㑃ݣڙϬٰ喑䨣㵹䉤㏓  Ϭٰ喑ԎចȠ༁ចէᱰȠЮ ᫝೻  էぶ㲺䉱  Ϭٰ喍ఫ 喎ȡ ጒ҉喑ϻ೻ጯ䃫䃎ᅯ䲏喑ౕౝ಄ܿܳȠ͇ᔮȠ㞟ᒖȠใ͇ 䬡Ƞౝ಄็ᅯ倅ᅯᣔݣ㏬Ƞᐧま䷻ᵩȠ⾧ڞڙෆᱽ᫆Ƞ  ノ⤳᫦∂݈᫝ ᐧまᄼ৮Ƞᴴᔄᴴ⹧ぶ̺ह᫦䲏В೻ጯ䃫䃎ᄩ݆᫦ᐼ䔈 ଶჇ᫝೻ౕ㻱ܿᬣಇᠮĄఈ͗㦄ऺą⮱݆࣌喑䔆ͧ 㵹ᣔݣȡ䶦Ⱋ᜽⿸γ䷻䆹ᣔݣ༁অч喑ࢠ喟 ᫝೻ᐧ䃫৮䉕ຍჇγധ⵭喑ѳ㺮ⱌₐ჋⣝ᄳĄ᫝೻ᐧ䃫 喍喎ౕ᫦ᵵ្ឦݺ喑ᄦ⃼͗ౝ಄⮱ᐧま䃫䃎᫦ᵵᆂ ᐭ䃱Ⴧ喑ᄦλこव೻ጯ䃫䃎㺮Ⅿ⮱᫦ᵵ喑εВ̷្ȡ ڕ⤳ສᒏ䆎ą喑⃼͗䶦Ⱋᓲ䶨ϻ㻱ܿȠ䃫䃎Ƞ᫪ጒݝノܧ λ䔆 喍喎ౕ⿸䲏᫪ጒ䭣⃢喑ᄦᐧまᄼᵤ䔈㵹ᷭᴒȠᄮᵤ喑ڠ͚⮱ᰭ䯫◦ᅞ᭜ጯ౧ᕔ䶦Ⱋ৮䉕喑ڣ䓴⼸ノ⤳喑 ᫦䲏ଶჇ᫝೻ևγ̭ψᰶ⯷⮱ᅊ䄂ȡ ̺こव⿸䲏ᣔݣٰ㉍̺ε᫪ጒȡ

67 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ



  Ꭱ  Ꭱ  Ꭱ ÿ ᰵ

Ⱑᣒ㲺䉱 䬡ᣒ㲺䉱

䷊थࢳᎡ㲺䉱䛾ڙఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ ຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛ूۨႎ׭݀ቛᆶ၌ࠅິ

喍喎ౕ【ጒ侹ᩣ䭣⃢喑ᄦᐧまᒏᔮ䔈㵹ฺᴒ喑㠒ႅ ᫦ᵵ䃫䃎》䊈喑䃱ܧх㘉᫦ᵵᎣ⶛Ⴧ⌞ࡃࢂѺ喑㏼ԛᩦ ౕ䬛䷅݆䔈㵹䔁ጒȡ ⌞ࡃ㜠᫪ጒఫ⌞Ꮣ喑ᒏ᜽ᠯ❹ܧ䃖ጒ⼸ឭᱜ᫦ᵵȡጒ⼸ В͉ξ㶄ੳ͇ౝࡧᐭࣾͧҸ喑͉ξ㶄ऱౝ಄⮱䔽ₒ ᫦ᵵᄦノ㏬Ƞᴴ倅ȠბใᕨҀぶឭᱜ㺮◦͒ᵩᣔݣȡᠯ 䃖⮱ጒ⼸䃫䃎᫦ᵵ҉ͧ჋ܧ㥪ౝ喑䷻䆹ᣔݣ⮱᩵᳉⌲ᮝज㻮喟̶࡮უᐭࣾੳ喑䮑͗ ❹᪴У㺮Ⅿ》Νϧᠶ⚔ᰭ㏵ ౌڒथᩜЅ喑Ꭳ㏠ڙݘౝ಄ใ喑䷻ᵩധ᱙̭㜡喠᫝↌ࢄⅡΎ䷻ᵩധ᱙Ҁ⣝喠 ᫪ᐧ䃫᲎Уȡ㻱ܿ䃫䃎䉦⩕⩞᫝೻ ೻ጯᎬ౧⾧䬡εВԊ⪆ȡ ౝܧ䃖᜽᱙ȡ Ꭱ  ᰵȨଶჇ᫝೻͚ᓰࡧᕨ䘕చࡧᣔݣᕔ䄓  䶦Ⱋᣔݣឭᱜ᝸⃢݈᫝ÿÿᣕ㵹䭱ߍఫ݆ ㏳㻱ܿ෋㶒ఫ݆ࣷ䭱ߍఫ݆ȩ㣤̷⊤ጯϧℾᩬᏉ჎ឦ喑  ࢲឦ۳⮱Ȩ̷⊤ጯᣔݣᕔ ͧଶჇ᫝೻೻ጯᐧ䃫ࣵ㔨ᐭ᫝⮱̭䶢ȡڙӊᢛ̷⊤ጯϧℾᩬᏉߋ 㻱Ⴧ喑ଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿᐧ䃫ᣔڠ䄓㏳㻱ܿឭᱜ۳݆ȩ⮱Ⱕ ݣᑂᄩ䛴⩕ᣔݣᕔఫ݆হᑂᄩᕔఫ݆Ⱕ㐀व⮱᫦ᐼȡଶ  ೻ጯ㻱ܿᐧ䃫⮱ఝ䯫̻ᠾᝅ ᮛܧ㑃ݣ⮱ᣔݣᕔ䄓㏳㻱ܿ䮑γ᣽ڲჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧ㠰డ 䔯ᕔ⮱㻱ܿᣔݣ㺮Ⅿ喑ᒏ᜽ᮛ䔯ఫ݆喍ᣔݣಸఫ݆喎ใ喑  ᐧ䃫হノ⤳㖁ߕᱧݣᰶᒲႹ઱ 䭱ߍ⮱㻱ܿᣔݣ㺮Ⅿ喑 ᵦᢛ̷⊤ጯଶჇࡧϧℾᩬᏉ喍ଶᏉࣾȲȳܧ䰭㺮䕇䓴೻ጯ䃫䃎ᝃ̀䶦ⵁ⾣᣽ ➢⮱㻱ܿͨҀ喑ڲᒏ᜽䭱ߍఫ݆喍ᑂᄩᕔఫ݆喎喑ᄦ㻱ܿᐧ䃫হᐧま䃫䃎䔈 त喎喑ଶჇ᫝೻ノ༁ч᭜LN ࡧഌ Ҁܳጒ̷喑᫝೻ڤ⹫чθ͇䃫᫪㻱ܿȡౕڲₒ䔈㵹ᑂᄩ喑Ԋ䃮ᐧ䃫৮䉕ȡ ๡㑃ݣ䓃ࡧ̭ ᐧ䃫ͨҀ喑䉌䉐᫝ᐧ䩴㏔⹫чθ͇䃫᫪喑ڲथ҉ͧ䓃ࡧڙ Ȩ̷⊤ጯᣔݣᕔ䄓㏳㻱ܿឭᱜ۳݆ȩ㺮Ⅿ⮱ᣔݣౕ ᐧ䙺ຄ䉱䛾হጯ̀䶦ڙᕔᠴᴴ͸ใ喑ଶჇ᫝೻ᣔ㻱෋ߍγᣔݣᕔఫ݆⮱㠰⪡ȡ ᐧ䃫䉱䛾Გ⎽ͧ᫝೻̀䶦䉱䛾Ƞ ᐧ䙺ຄ䃫᫪ᐧ᜽ऻ喑ᵦᢛᬻ⶛ࡧノᝃ䩴ڙຯᐧま➖䉡㏬⢴ࣷ⇬㶄倅Ꮣ⮱͒ᵩᣔݣȠᏂᅯ⮱侾ẩ 㶒䉡䉱䛾ȡ㔹℁ 䔭⩹হѺ㒛Ƞ倅ᅯඁẩ⮱㇫⶛Ѻ㒛Ƞᅸ䶣㐬ࡃহಯⰡ㐬 ノ὎ᐼߋ⤳⼨ϑ喑ࡧ㏔⹫чθ͇䃫᫪䓽㥒ノ⤳̻㐡៑㐡 䉦⩕⩞ࡧ䉏ᩬឬڠऐࣷιᅯ䔋᏷⮱Ѻ㒛ぶȡ෋ߍጯ ԛ喑⩞ࡧ⹫чθ͇ͨノ䘕䬕䉌䉐喑Ⱕڒࡃ⮱䛼ࡃᣔݣȠౝ಄ 䃫᫪হౝ̸⾧䬡⮱̀䶦ᣔݣᕔᄩ݆ȡౕ೻ጯ䃫䃎 ៲ȡ䩴㏔⹫чθ͇䃫᫪䓽㥒ノ⤳̻㐡៑㐡ԛ喑⩞᫝೻ノ⩕ڙᩬ 䉦⩕⩞᫝೻ノ༁ч䉏߈喍䩴㏔䉏߈喎ឬڠ〆Ƞ⛰⅁䄰 ༁ч䉌䉐喑Ⱕڠ䭣⃢㑃ݣጯᩬ㐩व᫦ᵵ喑ᬻ⶛చࡧ⩢߈ᐭ ⤳ ᫝೻㥒䕍ᒭᒭ䛺ᐧ䃫䒨ノ ࢸ〆ぶጯᩬ䙺ຄ䃫᫪⮱Ѻ㒛হ㻱὎喑Ꭳᄳ᜽᳉㥪჋ݝᄩ ៲ȡѳౕ჋䭲᧺҉䓴⼸͚ ݆͚ȡ 䩴㏔ᰶ䭽⮱䉏߈Όᒭᒭ䕍᜽倅ⅡᎠノ⤳⮱㑧Ѻȡᐧ䃛ౕ 㔰㭾ऻܳٲ䃖ȡ⩞ ᫝೻̀䶦䉱䛾Ƞ䙺ຄ䉱䛾হ̀䶦㶒䉡䉱䛾͚ܧᐭڙ❹ₑใ喑ಇᠮĄፓጒ⼸䃫䃎᫦ᵵąᠯ ह㏱㏴䔈㵹 㐚ノ⤳⮱䰭Ⅿ喑Ⴙ઱ᐧ䃫হノ⤳㖁ߕᱧݣȡڞथڙଶჇࡧ㻱ܿহౌౝ䉱⎽ノ⤳ᅭȠ᫝೻

68 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

⩕ౝ⮱ᰡ᫝὎ᐼȡᄦጒ͇⩕ڙ⻾ឭⵁࣾ⩕ౝᝃੳ͇ߋͧ 䒰ສ⮱ࢯᝬ䔈㵹ᐧまᩦ䕍喑҉ͧ⹫ч᰺ߎ䃫᫪䔈㵹ڲऻλ೻ጯᐧ䃫 ౝ␋ڒϔ೻ᄩ  ଶჇ⮱೻ጯࡃࣾᆂ喑㺮̷ౕ⊤ࣾᆂ๔ᵩᅭ͚喑Ჱᐧ ݖ⩕喑ຯ㻱ܿᆂ⹧亳হ⻾᪆ᆂ⹧͚ᓰぶȡ 㜗䏘ᬏᰶ⩌ᔮх㒻Ƞ჉͇჉ᅲ⮱➦䉕喑ࣵᰶϔ೻㲺वࣾ ᕨ䘕㏼≻喑  ೻ጯ䷻䆹ڒᆂ⮱ᵩᅭȡଶჇ᫝೻㜡߈λϔ͇䒙ಸ喑ᑂ ॥ᑂγϙ͉Ƞ⮫ᏓȠ͉᫦䉏ჹぶ̭ឦⴒऺ⩢ੳ⮱ౝࡧᕨ ଶჇࡧВĄ⮫ㆠ̭᳄Ƞࡰㆠ̭⎃Ƞ⇠⎃Ⱕ͟Ƞ㢤仆 侨喑ѳϔ ␎೻ąͧ೻ጯ䷻䆹ൾ䕍⮱݆࣌喑Ą㨊㐬Ⱕ䬡ą⮱⩌ᔮ⣜ධڒ䘕喑̷⊤㖁वϔᱰϑᭀ᝭ぶ็͗䶦ⰛΌ⶛Ⴧ ⮱䒙ಸࣾᆂϺ♣␋ऻλᔘ䕌⮱೻ጯᐧ䃫ȡ ৮䉕ᄦ᣽ࡴ೻ጯ᪡Ҁ⣜ධ৮䉕হᄦϧ⮱॥ᑂ߈䊤ݝ㞜ສ͇ ଶჇ᫝೻㺮ⱌₐ჉ᅲ჉͇ 㖇䯳ϧ⅁ᒀᆋ䛺㺮⣜㞯ȡ ⮱Ӱ䔈҉⩕喍ఫ 喎ȡ ᫝೻ᐧ䃫㜗  Ꭱᐭ໸喑䮼Ɑ䒕䖀ϑ䕇  त㏬ᐧ᜽ ҉ͧࢳट᪴ࡃऺ೻喑ͨ೻ࡧࡄ䘕㔮೻э㐌䷻䆹Ԋ៑ 喑ౝᴴᐧま∂ࡻᄧڲ䕇䒓喑ఈ๔ᮜ㻯⮱㥪᜽喑ₐͧ᫝೻䯳㖇Ɑϧ⅁喑ѳ᭜喑 䒰ສ喑ᐧま倅Ꮣᣔݣౕ䒰ѻ⮱㠰డ ϔ͇㙞㞯Ƞੳ͇䙺ຄᐭࣾ䔈Ꮣ⮱␋ऻ喑ᄦ᫝೻ϧऐ⮱ᄩ ඁ⾧䬡➦ᒮᬻ᭫喍ఫ 喎喠ࢄ䘕᫝ࡧ೻ጯ䷻䆹ͧ⣝Аキ ӊᬔႅౕᒵ๔⮱ݣ㏓ȡౕଶჇ᫝೻⮱᱗Გᐧ䃫͚喑Ϻ ㏓喑̻ଶჇ↪䒓⮱ࣾᆂჇѺᒏ᜽㞜ສ঩Ꮑȡϻ⣝⟣೻ጯڒ ᄳಇᠮĄ჉͇჉ᅲą⮱ჇѺ喑ϻ㔹䃖Ąສϔ͇ąহĄສ ᐧ䃫Გⰸ喑᱗Გ೻ጯᄳॵ⣝↌ࢄⅡΎэ㐌হ⣝Аキ㏓䷻ ⩌≨ąⅴ㖇ଶჇȡ ᵩⰥ䒲Ⱕ᜽⮱䷻䆹➦ᒮȡ ᑧࡃͨ೻ࡧᄼᅧᏓ㶄౷➦ᒮ喑䕇䓴෋ߍᩜ䌜ჳᏓȠ 䘕䕇᏷Ƞхࡃ䖀䌜᫚䲏ᒏᐼȠ䃫䃎ₒ㵹ੳ͇ڲ喑ह䉕ࡃ》ζ͒䛺 ෋䃫㶄౷ޖੳ͇䲏⼜䓴  ≩ⰛݺଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿ䔉仆⎃ੳవহଶჇ᫝೻〆͑͗๔ 㶄ぶ᫦ᐼ喑䔈̭ₒߍᑧϧᕔࡃϑ䕇ज䓫ᕔ喑෋ᑧౝࡧ ಸੳవ喑ᰶ๔ੳ͇㶄Ƞ๔ੳ͇㐩वҀȠ͗䗨䛹͚ᓰȡ ߈喍ఫ 喎ȡ ⮫䉔Ƞٶ㻱ܿᐧ䃫Ԋݖझࡄ䷻ᗲ㶄Ƞ͚Ԏ∝ჹȠ᫝ڲࡧഌ ќ❢๖ౝȠ͉ξ㶄Ƞ㺬ξẩぶ  Ꮤ೻ጯ㐩वҀ喑  ⩌ᔮᐧ䃫ٶᬒᰵ ᕨ䃎ੳ͇䲏⼜ᄳ䊲䓴  ̴ N喑ϧ౴ੳ͇䲏⼜㏓ Nȡ ଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿ⶛ჇγĄ̭ᵥȠ̭䒡Ƞ͑⣜Ƞ็చȠ ϻ⣝䭣⃢ⰸ喑᫝೻⮱ੳ͇ౝϔ喑ጟॵ䓴Ꮣᐭࣾ喑ᅪノ䗷 ็᏷ą⮱㐬ౝ㈨㐌喍ఫ 喑ఫ 喎ȡ㻱ܿͧଶჇ᫝೻⮱ చহ㐂೻ڙ䋠⮱⩌ᔮ⣜ධ⾧䬡ȡଶࡄ䗷䛻ٲ喑 ࣾᆂ䶱⪆γޖࡧΌ㺮䒙ಸࣾᆂ⣝А᰺ߎ͇喑ѳੳߋ➖͇ጟᮛ䕺䓴 㔹ੳ͇⮱Ҁ䛼ѩͻΌ䊲ܧࡧഌ⮱⊵䉦㻱὎ȡ ḛ᳄ぶ㐬ࡃ⾧䬡ͧଶჇ᫝೻᱗Გ⮱৮䉕᣽ࡴহ⩌ᔮ⣜ධ ᐧ䃫䶱⪆γ⾧䬡ȡ  㻱ܿ჋᫪㏼侹̻ࣺᕊ 䃫᫪ᐧ䃫ڞڙ 

⅁㉘ϻଶჇ᫝೻㻱ܿ჋᫪ᗲۢᲒⰸ喑ևᓄ℁䒰ສ⮱ͨ㺮  Ꭱ  ᰵ喑䔉仆⎃̭᱌ጒ⼸ᐭᐧ喑̻Ѻλ 䃫᫪ᐧ䃫 ͉Გᮜ㻯䒡㺬〜⮱Ą̷ąႄᒏ ' 䊈䖀䖒Ⱕ঩Ꮑȡ Ꭱڞڙᰶ೻ጯḂౝᰡ᫝Ƞ೻ጯ䷻䆹হ⩌ᔮᐧ䃫Ƞ 䮏䶦Ⱋ䃫䃎᫦ᵵ喍⩞̓⩹ᐧま๔ጵޔぶ᫦䲏喑ѳౕࡧഌ̭ҀࡃȠϔ೻㲺वȠ␕Ⅱౝࡧᩦ䕍Ƞ  ᰵ喑ଶჇԊݖ๔ ڙϑ䕇ぶ᫦䲏Ϻ♣ᰶᒲ᣽ࡴȡ Ⴖ㬑ᔍ䯱៲㏟䃫䃎喎ᤚᎂȡ Ꭱ  ᰵ喑ଶჇࣸ䄷 చᐭచЗᐼౕଶჇ᫝೻ͫ㵹ȡ Ꭱ  ᰵ喑ଶჇ᫝೻  ㏼侹Ռ䞡 ೻ጯ㻱ܿᆂ⹧亳【ጒᎣᐭ亳ȡ Ꭱ  ᰵ  ᬒ̷⊤ ⹩ȡڥϑ䕇๔႓ࡨ႓䮏䭱ᆋ⦋䛾ࡨ䮏ࡄ䮏ͫ㵹ᐭጒ  ೻ጯḂౝᰡ᫝ Ꭱ  ᰵ喑̷⊤ϑ๔䭱͚ଶჇܳᵎͫ㵹γव҉ߋᵎࡼ䃛 ଶჇࡧ҉̷ͧ⊤ጯ⮱㔮ጒ͇ധౝ喑ႅౕ๔䛼ጒ͇చ ΓカႄЗᐼȡ Ꭱ  ᰵ喑䒕䖀ϑ䕇  त㏬ࡄ⃢̭ ࡧহጒ͇⩕ౝ喍ఫ 喎ȡౕଶჇ᫝೻ाࢄࣾᆂ⮱䓴⼸͚喑 ᱌䕇䒓ȡ Ꭱ  ᰵ喑ଶჇ᫝೻ఫΓ亳喍᪴ࡃ亳喎Ƞࢇ 䛴⩕̭⁎㻱ܿܳₒ჋᫪⮱ゃ⪒喑ᩦ䕍ጒ͇⩕ౝͧ᫝೻͚ ➖亳䶦Ⱋᐭጒȡ 㵹喑倅ぶ㏔⮱ٵ䃫᫪ڞڙथ҉ͧ㐌ウ㻱 ଶჇ᫝೻ᐧ䃫໸㏵ಇᠮڙᓰࣷᅲѼ⩌≨ࡧȡଶჇࡧ᜽⿸ଶჇ᫝೻ थȡᄳᵥᓰࡧ⮱ጒ͇ ᪴᪆Ҁ࢘䃫᫪Ⱕ㐔㥪ᝤ᫝೻喍ఫ 喎喑ᰶ᩵ౝᩦ઱γڙ䃖হᐧ䃫⮱పᰶᐭࣾܧȠౌౝܿ ᰺ߎ䃫᫪䙺ຄⅡᎠহ㘪㏔喑᣽倅γ᫝೻⮱॥ڞڙౝ䒙ಸ҉ͧੳ͇ȠᅲѼহ㐬ࡃぶ⩕ౝ喍ఫ 喎ȡᄦᵥ ೻ጯ⩕ ᓰࡧক䓦䒰ͧ䯳͚⮱ጒ͇⩕ౝ䛴⩕䓾᱌Ԋ⪆喑䔉᱌ᩦ䕍 ᑂ߈ȡ

69 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ


ᐧま⩕ౝ ➦₷⩕ౝڞڙ ఫ Ҹ 㕂ౝ ੳ᰺⩕ౝ ധ⵭䃫᫪⩕ౝ Ⅱഌڞڙ చౝ ጒ⴬ЀᏀ⩕ౝ Ѓ᱗ݖ⩕ౝڣ ᳄ౝ ೻䩴ѼႲ⩕ౝ ⳨Нᮜ㻯о䬟⩕ౝ ᱾ᅲℾ◦⩕ౝ ϑ䕇䓽䓀⩕ౝ ឦ⁎ӈౝۉ ౝ⩕ۉЃڣ

ఫ  ᎡଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧౌౝҬ⩕⣝⟣ఫ ຕ਍ੰںຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ၄ጒཱི

70 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

ఫ Ҹ

/ ᅲѼ⩕ౝ 䭟៑㐬ౝ Ⅱഌ

䃫᫪⩕ౝ ጯᩬ䃫᫪⩕ౝ 㻱ܿ㠰డڞڙ

ੳѼ㐩व⩕ౝ ᄦใϑ䕇⩕ౝ   N

ⵁࣾϔ͇㐩व⩕ౝ 䖀䌜Ꭼ౧⩕ౝ   ౝ⩕ۉ㐬ౝ ⩌ᔮ㐀Ჱ⩕ౝࣷڞڙ

ఫ  ᎡଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧౌౝҬ⩕⣝⟣ఫ ຕ਍ੰںຕ਍ઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ၄ጒཱི

71 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧ೻ጯ䃫䃎᩵᳉ఫ ࠶૙ਆں཮ೌઠᇸǖूۨ൶ࡀࣄࢅཱི

ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧࡄ䘕㔮೻ጋᶒᮜࡧ⣝⟣⚔❴ࣷᒞ׼ఫ ཮ں ཮ೌઠᇸǖፕኁಆฝत Google

72 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

ఫ  ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧ䖀䌜㈨㐌ܳᲽఫ̻᩵᳉ఫ ࠶૙ਆں཮ೌઠᇸǖूۨ൶ࡀࣄࢅཱི

73 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ Ҹ చڙ㐬ࡃ ๔ಸ⩌ᔮ

చڙ㐬ࡃ䕇᏷ ͨ㺮೻ጯ


ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧ㐬ౝ㈨㐌㻱ܿఫ ጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾLjूۨዷ׭൶ጺ༹ࡀࣄႪՊDŽ2012.2020Dž

 㠒᎟ᕊ㔰 ͧ哆๡喑ᑂ䶳็ᅯ⁎⮱㚦ౝ⾧䬡喑ᒏ᜽ࡧഌ⾧䬡㑾㐉 喍ఫ 喎ȡ  ࡧഌ̭Ҁࡃ ϻ๔䘪ጯࡧ㻳䛻Გⰸ喑ധλ⹫чȠ㏼≻Ƞ⣜ධऱ᫦ ぶ೻ڡᄦλ̷⊤ጯ᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂ喑➦ݘ᭜ଶჇ᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂ 䲏⮱ο䕇হ㉔ჳᒞ৺喑̷⊤̻䓾⇗⮱㟼ጋȠଶ Ꮑϻࡧഌ⮱㻳㻿䔈㵹ܳᲽȡϻ䪬̶㻿㻳䛻Გⰸ喑⩞⇗Ƞ ጯ⮱Ąह೻ࡃą᭜ᓲ♣䊸߬喑䰭㺮ᄨⅯᝅ⪒ࡼ҉⾧䬡 ↌Ƞ⊆Ƞ⯃Ą̶Ⱞ̭ጯą㏱᜽̓⩹㏔೻ጯ㓑喑̷⊤҉ 喍ఫ 喎ȡ

74 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

ଶ჊❴᳄ 㐂೻ḛ᳄

ଶჇ᫝೻ ㉘⅁͉Გ䒡 䔉仆⎃


ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧͨ㺮ᮜ㻯㞯◦⣝⟣ఫ ࠶૙ਆں཮ೌઠᇸǖूۨ൶ࡀࣄࢅཱི

䮏ޔᎩԊ֒䮏 थ∂͚ᓰ ఫΓ亳喍᪴ࡃ亳喎 Ԋݖ๔ິ

䮏ޔᎩ٬చ ᫝೻㻱ܿᆂ⹧亳 ⦋䛾ࡨ䮏ࡄ䮏 Ԋݖ๔

᰺ߎ䃫᫪⣝⟣ࣷ᩵᳉ఫڞڙఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧͨ㺮 ࠶૙ਆں཮ೌઠᇸǖूۨ൶ࡀࣄࢅཱི

75 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ 䪬̶㻿㚦ౝ㻱ܿఫ ๨׭ၕ݀ቛࡀࣄ቟୼ჺ৯ . 2012ۼٷገ႙݀ቛđԝৠူฉ࡛ ۯႎൻظጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ .Đ

ఫ ̷⊤๔䘪ጯᝅ⪒㻱ܿఫ ๨׭ၕ݀ቛࡀࣄ቟୼ჺ৯ . 2012ۼٷገ႙݀ቛđԝৠူฉ࡛ ۯႎൻظጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ .Đ

76 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

ଶჇࡧ̷ͧ⊤ጯ⮱㺬ࡄ䬕ᝤ喑Ѻλᄦᣒ↌㟼Ⱞ⮱ݺ 㔰㭾ࡧഌव  ␕Ⅱౝࡧߌ㘪᣽ࡴܳٲȡѳౕଶჇ᫝೻⮱㻱ܿᐧ䃫͚喑ᅇ᱗⇬ ㏰⹮⇠㔹ᓄऺȡଶჇ᫝೻ڲȡࡧഌϔ͇Ƞ⩕ౝጰᅭȠϑ䕇ぶ᫦䲏౴䰭䔈̭ₒ⌞ࡃ ଶჇऑ⼝㏰⹮ጯ喑఍ධ҉ ᰶ㏰⹮⇠Ƞ⹮䓮⇠Ƞὗ⇒⇠Ƞ㪝㬨⊉喍ఫ 喎ぶ็᲎ڲ 㔰㭾̻ক䓦೻䩴喑➦ݘ᭜̻ᬳᆞȠ๗Ѐ⮱㲺वࣾᆂ̻䩆 ⇬ぶ⩕ౝࢍᢛ喑וाჇѺ喍ఫ 喑ఫ 喎ȡ ⇠≮⾬䊷喑ѳ⇬⇠ౝࡧ็ͧ㷘ጒ͇Ѐ ज䓫ᕔጛ喑⼭㑧⮱␕⇠䉱⎽ᅇ᱗ᓄݝݖ⩕喍ఫ 喎ȡ⇠ ใ␕⇠Ⅱ㈨⮱ᐭࣾᰡ᫝㏼侹喑хࡃ࠲ڲϔ೻㲺व ఍ₑ䰭㺮Ռ䞡ప  ଶჇ᫝೻⣝⟣ᰶ๔䛼⮱ጒ͇⩕ౝ喑᣽ӈγ๔䛼⮱ᅞ ᠙㪝㬨⊉ぶ俕᎟Ⅱ㈨⮱ߌ㘪喑㐩व᪡⇨⇬㏬⣜ධȡ ᇄѺ喑ѳ็ͧ䒰ѻ〜⮱ݣ䕍͇ᇄѺ喑̻᫝೻⮱ࣾᆂჇ͇ ⮱倅〜ϧ᝺喑  㐩वϑ䕇хࡃڒѺ̺こȡ̻ₑहᬣ喑ᄦλ᫝೻䛺◦䰭㺮ᑂ ڙࣺ㔹ᬍ∂ౕ᱙ౝ჋⣝ⰥᏁ⮱ᅞ͇喑㕹Ѽܳ⻨ⴈⰫ͒䛺ȡ ࡧഌϑ䕇᫦䲏喑ଶჇ᫝೻ϑ䕇䓴็ӊ䲍⇗ଶ倅䕌 䌜⮱䕇䓫ᕔহ䕇㵹㘪߈ϺڙЃ᎟㏬ڣ᫝೻჋⣝ϔ೻㲺व䰭㺮䔈̭ₒ䕇䓴ϔ͇㐀Ჱ䄰᪡喑 䌜̻͚ᓰ೻㖁㈨喑 Ӱ䔈ϧऐ㐀Ჱхࡃ喑В䔯Ꮑ᫝೻ౕ䪬̶㻿ౝࡧ⮱ჇѺȡ ♣̺倅喑̻͚ᓰ೻㑾㐉ࡃ㖁㈨ᅇ᱗ᐧ᜽喍ఫ 喎ȡ


ᬳᆞ ଶჇ

ఫ ଶჇᬳᆞ๗Ѐౝࡧ㻱ܿ⩕ౝᠩवఫ ๨׭ၕ݀ቛࡀࣄ቟୼ჺ৯ . 2012ۼٷገ႙݀ቛđԝৠူฉ࡛ ۯႎൻظጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾ .Đ

77 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

ఫ Ҹ ᅲѼ⩕ౝ 䭟៑㐬ౝ Ⅱഌ

䃫᫪⩕ౝ ጯᩬ䃫᫪⩕ౝ 㻱ܿ㠰డڞڙ

ੳѼ㐩व⩕ౝ ᄦใϑ䕇⩕ౝ

ⵁࣾϔ͇㐩व⩕ౝ 䖀䌜Ꭼ౧⩕ౝ

ౝ⩕ۉ㐬ౝ ⩌ᔮ㐀Ჱ⩕ౝࣷڞڙ

ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻ͨ೻ࡧౌౝҬ⩕㻱ܿఫ ጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾLjĖूۨዷ׭൶ጺ༹ࡀࣄႪՊDŽ2012.2020DžėDŽ࿄಼ጚDž

78 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

ఫ 㪝㬨⊉⇬㏬⣝⟣⚔❴ ཮ೌઠᇸǖፕኁಆฝ

44 ⹫ч։䒓౧Ꭼ౧⩕ౝ

/ ౝ $ ᪆㗟⻾ⵁ䃫䃎⩕ౝ 5 ᄦใϑ䕇⩕ౝ % ➦₷⩕ౝ⩕ڙ᪡Ҁⵁ⾣ࡧഌ 3 ఈㆨᅲѼ⩕ౝ $ 㵹ᩬߋ ఫ 䛺◦䃫䃎㠰డ 3 ρㆨᅲѼ⩕ౝ $ ੳ͇᰺ߎ͇⩕ౝ $ ᪴ࡃऑ䔦⩕ౝ 4 䖀䌜⩕ౝ " ᒲᐧౕᐧ⩕ౝ ᱾ᐧ䃫⩕ౝۉ & ౝ 44 ⹫ч։䒓౧Ꭼ౧⩕ౝ⩕ڙ㐩व⩕ౝ $ ੳߎߋڙ⶛ჇᅲѼ⩕ౝ 34 ᪆㗟䃫᫪⩕ౝ $$ ੳ͇ߋ̺ 3 ᱾⾧ౝۉ & 䃫᫪⩕ౝڞڙ䃫᫪⩕ౝ 6 ጯᩬڞڙЃڣ $ ㆨᅲѼ⩕ౝ 3$ ⹫ࡧ᰺ߎ䃫᫪⩕ౝ $ ᪴ࡃཞͽ⩕ౝ̭ 3 㐬ౝ & Ⅱഌڞڙ ) Ҹ 3 ιㆨᅲѼ⩕ౝ 3/ ᕨᐱ⩕ౝ $ Ҁ㗟⩕ౝ . ጒ͇⩕ౝ  LN ౝ ( ⩌ϔ䭟៑㐬ౝ & 㕂ౝ⩕ו䃫᫪⩕ౝ $ ࡨ⫄࢘⩌⩕ౝ 8 ЀڞڙㆨᅲѼ⩕ౝ $ ̺⶛Ⴧ̶ 3

ఫ ଶჇࡧ㪝㬨⊉⇬㏬ౌౝҬ⩕⣝⟣ఫ ጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾLjूۨ൶㪜ሩ៞ᄂ၍੣क़၄ጒۙჺ

79 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ





Ძ↌ 䬢㵹

͡⍜ ࢄᶒ


͚ᓰ೻ ᫝೻㻱ܿ㠰డ 倅䕌䌜 ఫ ᫝೻ 䧮䌜 ͨ㺮᎟㏬ Ҹ ᫝ጯ䩴 ͨ㺮䧮䌜᳏㏪ 䧮䌜〆

㈨ܳᲽఫڠఫ ̷⊤ጯ䗷ࡧ᫝೻̻ጯഌᔘ䕌䖀䌜হ䒕䖀ϑ䕇 ጨଙઠᇸǖฉ࡛๨׭๨ࡀࣄยऺჺ৯ᇾLjႎ׭ࡀࣄॺยೠࠚ

80 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏

䒕䖀ϑ䕇  त㏬〆䌊䒰ⴚ喑〆◦䓴ჳ喑ᄩ㜡䓽㥒 թᓄ᫝೻ࣾᆂՌ䞡⮱Ḃౝᰡ᫝Ƞ೻ጯ䷻䆹Ƞ⩌ᔮ⣜ධȠ ଶჇ᫝೻Ϸܧ䃫᫪ᐧ䃫ぶ᫦䲏⮱᜽ߌ㏼侹喑हᬣᠴڞڙ 䕌ᏓⰥᄦ䒰ѻ喑䯫Вᒏ᜽ᄦ᫝೻ࣾᆂ⮱ᰶ߈ᩜᦾ喑䕍᜽ 䌜⮱፥Ꭱ᠒ൢ喑Вࣷ䕇㵹ᬣ䬡 ऻࣾᆂᏁౕࡧഌ̭ҀࡃȠ␕Ⅱౝࡧߌ㘪᣽ࡴȠϔ೻㲺वȠڙଶჇ᫝೻̻͚ᓰ೻倅䕌 ప⮱᫝೻ڕȡጹ᱈㘪์ᄦ⧵ڠ䓴䪬喑㖁㈨㪱ᑞȡ 㐩वϑ䕇хࡃぶ᫦䲏εВ ᐧ䃫᣽ӈ̭Ⴧ⮱㏼侹Ռ䞡喑Ӱ䔈᫝೻ࣾᡒ䛺๔҉⩕喑Ӱ ڣ఍ₑଶჇ᫝೻̭᫦䲏Ꮑᑧࡃ̻͚ᓰ೻⮱㖁㈨喑ᅑ ᭜хࡃᔘ䕌᎟䖀হ䒕䖀ϑ䕇⮱㖁㈨喑ओ̭᫦䲏ΌᏁߍᑧ 䔈᫝೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂȡ Ѓౝࡧহ೻ጯ࠲᠙䱿⊓ȠᲫ↌ȠᬳᆞȠ๗Ѐڣڲࡧഌ̻ ぶౝ⮱㖁㈨ȡౕ᣽ࡴᄦใϑ䕇㖁㈨⮱हᬣ喑хࡃВ᳏㏪ ࣯㔰᪴⡛ .[ϑ䕇Ҁ㈨ȡ [1] ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 . ᫝೻㻱ܿᐧ䃫䃱ѝ [Rڞڙ䘕ڲ͚ᓰ⮱᫝೻ͧ [2] ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 . ଶჇͨ೻ࡧᕨҀ㻱ܿԛ㑃 喍2012ÿ2020喎[R].  㐀䄚 [3] ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 .Ą݈᫝侞ߕ 䒙ಸࣾᆂą㗹ᮜ̸ ̷⊤๔䘪ጯ೻Ύࣾᆂ㻱ܿᝅ⪒ⵁ⾣ [R]. 2012. ߍᔘ䗷ࡧ೻䩴ࡃₒнȠᣕߕጯഌ೻Ύ̭Ҁࡃࣾᆂ᭜ [4] ̷⊤ጯ㻱ܿহపౌ䉱⎽ノ⤳ᅭ . Вϧͧ᱙喑⻾႓㻱ܿ喑ߍᔘ ᩜᠮ̷⊤᱗Გࣾᆂ⮱ᑧ๔ߕ߈ȡᣕ䔈̷⊤⮱᫝೻ᐧ䃫喑 ̷⊤๔䘪ጯ݈᫝䒙ಸࣾᆂ [R]. ⵡ㼐ࣾᆂ⨣䶵喑хࡃጯഌ೻ጯ⾧䬡ጰᅭ喑ᬏ᭜䄸̷ܿ⊤ [5] ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿノ⤳ᅭ , ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 . ̷⊤ .[ጯ೻ጯ䓾᱌ᐧ䃫㻱ܿ喍2006ÿ2010喎[R ڲऻ̓ࢇᬣ᱌೻ጯࣾᆂ⮱䛺㺮ͫᣗ喑Ό᭜ᣕߕࡧഌڒ䔈 [6] ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 . ᓗ䔦 · ड़᫝ÿÿ̷⊤೻ጯ㻱ܿ ऱ೻ጯ䬡व҉ᬒ⯷ჳܴ⮱ᓲ♣䔶᠖喑ᰡ᭜̷⊤ጯ݈᫝侞 ⑁䔈 [M]. ̷⊤喟ह≻๔႓ܧ❵⹫喑2008. ߕȠ䒙ಸࣾᆂ⮱䛺㺮䒪Ҁহ䕁ᒱȡ㏼䓴᪝࡮Ꭱ⮱ࣾᆂᐧ [7] ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 . ଶჇࡧࡧഌᕨҀ㻱ܿ჋᫪᫦ᵵ 䃫喑̷⊤ጯ᫝೻ࣾᆂःᓄγ̭Ⴧ⮱᜽㐖喑᫝೻㻱὎䔽ₒ 喍2006ÿ2020 Ꭱ喎[R]. .[ព๔喑㏼≻ࣾᆂᔘ䕌᣽ࡴ喑೻ጯ䷻䆹ᓄݝᲮ๔ᩦ઱喑␎ [8] ̷⊤ጯϧℾᩬᏉ . ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿ喍1999ÿ2020喎[R 䋠ጯℾ⮱⩌ϔ⩌≨䰭Ⅿ喑̷ͧ⊤᱗Გࣾᆂ᣽ӈጕ๔⒉㘪ȡ 2001. ̻ₑहᬣ喑᫝೻ࣾᆂΌႅౕⱭ⩕ౝ㻱὎䒰ͧ㇄ᩫ喑ϧ⅁ [9] ̷⊤ጯ೻ጯ㻱ܿ䃫䃎ⵁ⾣䮏 .Ą࡮ιρą᱌䬡̷⊤᫝೻ᝅ⪒ ⵁ⾣ [R]. 2011. ̺䋠喑ᅞ͇ᇄѺ䒰ᄾ喑⩕ౝ㐀Ჱ̺व⤳喑ϑ䕇䃫᫪̺Ⴙ [10] ᑍᢤ喑䊢ℾ . ᫝೻㻱ܿ⮱⤳䃧̻჋䌢喟⩝చ೻ጯᕊᘠ⮱̓㏗ ઱ぶ䬛䷅ȡ᱙᪴ᕨ㐀ଶჇ᫝೻ࣾᆂ⮱㏼侹হ䬛䷅喑᣽ܧ ⑁㏻ [M]. ࡄϙ喟͚పᐧまጒ͇ܧ❵⹫喑2005.

81 Ϙąⵁ䃕ч喑 Ꭱ  ᰵ  ᬒڞĄχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹  ह≻೻ጯⴒ䃳 ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ喟ᠾᝅ̻ᱧ䕴

Ϙⵁ䃕чȡ㐔  ᎡȠ ᎡȠ Ꭱχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹喍В̸キ⼝Ąχ㵹ą喎ह≻๔႓ࡧڞすఈᅷ೻ጯⴒ䃳 Ϙąⵁڞഌᕔ೻ጯजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂⴒ䃳͚ᓰ喍キ⼝Ą೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰą喎᜽ߌͫߋγ ᅷĄχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹  ह≻೻ጯⴒ䃳 䃕чऻ喑 Ꭱͨߋすఈᅷప䭲ⵁ䃕чȡч䃛᱌䬡ᄳϸ㏺হܳϘ䓾᱌͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ㻱ܿࣷ჋᫪⮱㏼侹喑Ꭳ჋ౝ㔰 Ϙ͚ᓰव҉ͫߋ䷅ͧĄ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ喟ᠾᝅ̻ڞᄌ̷⊤হᬍ䩎⮱ᰭҠᵵҸȡ᱙ᅷч䃛Ό̻χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹ࡧഌⴒ䃳 ᱧ䕴⮱ᒞ׼ᕊ㔰ą⮱ᥱᒞᆂȡ

す̭๖̷ࡵ䃛⼸࠲᠙ᐭᎂᐼহͨ䷅ࣾ㼭ȡᐭᎂᐼ⩞ह≻๔႓Ƞχ㵹হ̷⊤ጯ䉏ᩬᅭА㶕㜡䓋ȡͨ䷅ࣾ㼭⩞ప䭲 ೻ጯࣾᆂ̀უহ̷⊤ጯ㻱ܿᅭ䶳ᄩϸ㏺᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ㻱ܿȠ჋᫪̻ノ⤳⮱᫦∂ȡ̷ࡵ̸ࡷ౧̸ࣷࡵ͑͗̀౧⩞೻ጯࣾ ใ᫝೻᫝ࡧᵵҸ喑ᎣⱭ䛺䬽䛷ᵵҸౕ㻱ܿহ჋᫪͚⮱㏼侹হ᪆䃚ȡ⑁䃟㐀᲌ऻ䔈㵹̀უ㏱ڲᆂ̀უϸ㏺㏼ᠾ䔶⮱ప 䃕䃧হᐭᩫᐼ䯳Ҁ䃕䃧喑ᎣВₑ҉ͧ᱙⁎ч䃛⮱ᕨ㐀ȡᵦᢛⵁ䃕чэ㐌喑೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰᄳͧᰭҠᵵҸ㣤຃А㶕䶮຃ȡ

すι๖᝭ᰶ̻ч㔲΅౽ጡธ㔰ᄌす̭๖ϸ㏺⮱̷⊤হᬍ䩎͑ัᰭҠᵵҸ喟Ą̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻ąহĄᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻ąȡ ᒀౝ㻱ܿহノ⤳ϧঅ䔈㵹ϑ≮হ䃕䃧ȡ̻ܳٲчА㶕जВ̻

χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹̸ᆋ⮱͉χᅭহ̷⊤ह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏㖁वᐭࣾĄ೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰą䔆͗仃݈䶦Ⱋȡ䞡λ೻ጯ Ѓౝࡧ͸䬡೻ጯノ⤳㏼侹⮱ᰶ⯷ϑ≮ȡڣ∸ࡃ⮱Ꮛ๔㻱὎হᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ喑䄒䶦Ⱋᬕౕ⼜ᲮӰ䔈͚పহχ≟Вࣷ๗Ꭰ

82 Ϙⵁ䃕чڞ䭱ᒂ喟χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹ह≻೻ጯ

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᫝ࡧᆂ⹧ 喟䛾ጋ᫝ࡧ喍๔䔋㏼≻ឭᱜᐭࣾࡧ喎  ڹ⧵    ݅݇ࢇธ喑ह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏  ᐭᎂᐼ㜡䓋 ͨᠮϧ喟 ਽ၽᲒ᪆ᢵ喑ह≻๔႓ᐧま̻೻ጯ㻱ܿ႓䮏㻱ܿ㈨ͨШ  䯳Ҁ⚔喑$ ẩᏂẩ

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83 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ

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๔䙿Ꮔڝ⢶ძ亳ιẩ਽ი๔യ  ២䓫⮪ڝ⢶ᮇს喑⮪ 

84 Planning Concept and Development Model of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China

Introduction to New Towns and New Districts

85 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Planning Concept and Development Model of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China Lan Wang

86 Planning Concept and Development Model of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China

The development of new towns and new districts The establishment of a system of paid use of in the People's Republic of China (PRC) plays an state-owned land in 1987 liberalized the land market. important role in its recent urbanization. In the past The removal of the housing allocation policy, which 30 years, PRC's urbanization rate has increased by required the state-owned enterprises to provide 1% per year, with new towns and new districts being housing for workers, and the privatization of housing the main form to expand urban space. In 2013, the ownership in 1994 established the housing market and research group of Cities and Small Towns Reform and triggered the vigorous development of the real estate Development Center of the National Development industry. While satellite cities solely provided space to and Reform Commission conducted research on serve industries, new towns and new districts emerged 12 provinces and 156 prefecture-level cities from around the year 2000 that provided space for industrial autonomous regions. Findings include that 90% of all and residential real estate development. The new type prefecture-level cities plan to develop new towns and of real estate development became the main form of new districts and 12 provincial capital cities planned approved land leasing, making it the main source of and developed 55 new towns and/or new districts. capital for urban construction for local governments. There are three key drivers for large-scale urban The various types of newly established new development. The first is land leasing, which is the towns and new districts included (i) residential and main source of fiscal revenue for local governments in real estate development; (ii) industrial and technology the PRC. The second is the provision of ample space business cluster development; (iii) university campus for urban growth, including industrial land, housing, development; (iv) relocated government departments; and commercial real estate development. The third (v) regional transportation facilities development (i.e. key driver is the provision of space for resettlement high-speed train stations). In some cases, larger new from old cities with high population density and aging towns or new districts integrate several of the above facilities and support for redevelopment elements. Chenggong New District in Kunming in using revenue from new towns and new districts. Yunnan Province, for example, includes relocated The development, therefore, of new towns and new government offices and a new university campus. A districts plays a very significant role for the PRC's rapid university campus, commercial retail, recreation, and and massive urbanization and economic development. several residential real estate developments anchor Before the reform and opening-up policy that Shanghai Songjiang New Town. started in 1978, industrial satellite cities were the main Developing new towns started as a movement in form of new towns and new districts. The centers of the United Kingdom originating from the Garden City these cities were large, heavy industry, state-owned concept by Ebenezer Howard in his book Tomorrow: A enterprises. Proximity to raw materials primarily Peaceful Path to Real Reform. He proposed new town determined the location. Since 1978, with the shift planning and construction to consider the benefits of from a planned economy to a market economy, the both urban and rural areas in metropolitan suburbs. formulation of mechanisms and policies stimulated the A typical Garden City would have around 30,000 development of new towns and new districts. residents and commercial and public services around

87 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

a commuter railway station. Howard established a in demand and supply. It also benefits from support new town development company, carried out new and assistance by the government in planning, town construction experiments in the surroundings of development, and approval procedures. A semi-public London, and started the new town movement, which development company also has a higher level of social influenced urban development around the world. responsibility wherein developers balance public with The PRC’s new towns and new districts also drew private interests. lessons from Howard’s Garden City model — such as Typically, for each new town and new district, combining the advantages of both urban and rural a semi-public development company under the areas, functional separation of residential and industrial municipal government is responsible for planning, land, and the preservation of large-scale green land for implementation, financing, procurement, and farming and recreation — and adopted them in varying management. The government appoints a steering degrees. With a large population moving to cities, committee as a government agency to supervise and developers in the PRC sought high returns on their manage the development company and assist the investment. High-density, car-oriented developments company with communication and negotiation with are typical, influenced by Architect Le Corbusier’s various government departments to advance the Bright City. Some of the PRC’s new towns adopted planning and construction of the new town. Corbusier’s model that included car-culture and Local governments initiate projects and regulate wider roads, higher density and high-rise residential the development and, in some cases, invest in the buildings. initial planning and implementation phases. The With newly built subways extending out to city mayor establishes a management committee, suburban areas of the PRC’s megacities, the PRC which coordinates the planning and implementation adopted the concept of transit-oriented development process. The committee organizes auctions for the (TOD), which the American New Urbanism movement developers, develops the basic requirements for promoted. Key features of TODs are subway lines preliminary planning, selects the design institutes that connect suburbs and new towns to the central that participate in the urban planning and design areas of the city and comprehensive mixed use, higher competition as engineering consultants, presides density development around subway stations. Some over design competitions, and determines the final new towns that have strong anchor users such as a master plan. After urban planning and urban design key industry, government center, university or other is completed, two main entities would be responsible special facilities have their own planning features for implementation. The municipal government and layouts. For example, new towns around a high- is responsible for first-degree land development. speed train station rely on incoming traffic and capital. Various departments are in charge of land acquisition, Therefore, businesses, commercial, and residential relocation and resettlement of residents, basic road functions are closely connected around the station. In and infrastructure construction, completion of soil new towns and new districts plan for public facilities storage and leveling, main road construction, and within convenient reach of residents and workers to municipal infrastructure, for example. The government ensure a good level of service. consults with private real estate developers in second- The management and operation model com- degree development, which includes arrangements bining the new town and new district construction such as access to land use rights and real estate management committee and the development company development according to the master plan. combines good features of both government-led and The City of Shanghai pioneered the new era of market-based instruments. A semi-private development new towns and new districts construction in the PRC. company can respond quickly and flexibly to changes It presented its "One City and Nine Towns" program in

88 Planning Concept and Development Model of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China

2000 to organize the rapid urban and industrial growth. which is also due to the unpopularity of renting out After extensive redevelopment in the 1990s, Shanghai condominiums. This “ghost town phenomenon” has proposed an increase of green and open spaces and occurred in many places. This urbanization model has a decrease of development density and intensity for been called "land urbanization" in the PRC’s academic its central city. Shanghai also proposed an increase circle, as opposed to "population urbanization", which in suburban development. It provided 10 suburban builds on relocating people from rural to urban areas. towns seed capital to select sites and construct their Lessons learned from Shanghai and from the own new towns with a specific style. The district PRC’s overall experience with new towns and new governments of Shanghai appointed development and districts initiated new approaches and experiments construction management committees. It incorporated in planning and development. This book reflects development companies to take charge of planning some of these new approaches and experiments, and development, including implementing guidelines along with case studies that the ADB-Tongji Regional for an assigned specific style given by the government Knowledge Hub for Sustainable Urban Development and organizing international design competitions, in the PRC selected. The Beichuan New Town with to ensure high quality urban design. This model of overall planning and development by a single body planning and developing new towns and new districts explored how to preserve local cultural characteristics in the PRC centered on land leasing and real estate and promote economic and industrial development. development eased overcrowding of original center Wuxi Taihu New Town adopted a variety of ecological cities and improved the quality of life for residents. planning methods and techniques. Jiading New Town Meanwhile, revenues from land leasing boosted the made innovations in small-scale blocks, public space, economic development of the cities. The advantage of landscape design, development, and operation. later development with state of the art infrastructure New towns and new districts have become an and larger dwelling units and more space for cars important part of the PRC's urbanization because make new towns compared to old towns popular for of specific mechanisms, which include the planning residents and investments. system that enables swift implementation, land use In terms of planning, however, new towns and rights leasing approval system, governing rights to land new districts tend to be land use extensive with wide rent for local governments. These mechanisms ensure roads, large setbacks, large development blocks, the integrated promotion of new town and new district and car-dependent, often with low quality pedestrian construction along with their economic development. environment. While the separation of industrial and These are some of the lessons other countries residential land results in long commuting distances may learn from the PRC’s experiences to promote from home to work, the construction of public sustainable new town planning and development with transportation connecting the new towns with the their own countries’ characteristics to provide their main cities is lagging, intensifying dependence on citizens better living conditions. cars. Also, inadequate and inconvenient public service facilities, especially at the beginning of implementation, 3FGFSFODFT restricted the popularity of the new towns. [1] Xinhua Net. 90% Prefecture-level city seek to build new At the same time, investing in residential property town, how to avoid becoming "Dead City"?[N/OL]. (2014- 04-20). http://news.xinhuanet.com/ politics/2014-04/20/ in new towns and new districts has become an c_1110319687.htm. important way for private households to hedge [2] Wang Lan, Wang Can, Chen Chen, et al. Development against inflation. This investment strategy of private and planning around high-speed railway stations: Empirical households is also the reason for low occupancy analysis based on Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway[J]. rates in many of the new towns and new districts, Urban Planning Forum, 2014(4): 31-37.

89 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

[3] Wang Lan. Research framework and demonstration of high- China and India[J]. Research in Urban Sociology, 2010, 10: speed railway's influence on city space[J]. Planners, 2011, 319-345. 27(7):13-19. [6] Chen X, Wang L, Kundu R. Localizing the production of [4] Zheng Degao, Du Baodong. Seeking balance between global cities: A comparison of new town developments transportation value and city function value of the junction: around Shanghai and Kolkata[J]. City&Community, 2009, Investigate the theory and practice of high-speed railway 8(4): 433-465. station, airport and other transportation hub areas in China and [7] Wang L, Hoch C. Pragmatic rational planning: Comparing abroad[J]. Urban Planning International, 2007, 22(1):72-76. Shanghai and Chicago[J]. Planning Theory, 2013, 12(4):369- [5] Wang L, Kundu R, Chen X. Building for what and whom? 390. New town development as planned suburbanization in

90 Planning Concept and Development Model of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China

Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, Mixed-Use, Green, Livable New Districts Stefan Rau

91 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Planning and implementing new towns and new unsanitary living conditions in historic and industrial districts — as opposed to unplanned urban expansion towns, especially the early industrial cities such as and sprawling development — are an effective way to London, Liverpool, and Manchester. Birmingham and manage urban growth and provide adequate, efficient, London were the first industrial metropolises that and sustainable municipal infrastructure and services. expanded with factory and housing districts. With Ideally, new towns and new districts should follow sound the introduction of the steam-powered train, ideas sustainable development practices, ensuring compact, emerged to move residents and polluting industries mixed-use development based on public transport and away from the congested center city and separate pedestrian-friendly environments; preserving ecosystems, factories from residential neighborhoods and civic farmland, and other green space between existing and and commercial centers. These separated districts newly planned urban areas; and protecting green space would then be linked by trains and develop around and ecosystems within the new towns and new districts railway stations. Ebenezer Howard, in his book Garden that provide climate resilience and ecosystems services. Cities of Tomorrow, was motivated to improve public It is critical that public transport, such as commuter rail, health, hygiene, and overall healthy living when he first subway, light-rail, or bus , link new towns and promoted these principles. new districts to the rest of the city. In the 1940s, urban planner, Patrick Abercrombie, New towns and new districts are necessary to developed the concept of a greenbelt surrounding manage urban development and growth. Unplanned London, organizing the region in four rings: core city, and uncoordinated settlements and developments will suburban ring, greenbelt and outer country ring with otherwise lead to unsustainable structures with lack of new towns along train lines radiating out from the services and likely negative social and environmental center. These robust regional and urban planning impacts that will be hard to overcome later as concepts have recently been re-used and are now infrastructure and land parcels will be locked in for called urban growth boundary and transit oriented generations. In light of expected rapid urbanization in development. the next 20 to 30 years, Asia and the Pacific, including Sprawling suburban subdivision developments the PRC, will face massive environmental and social started in the 1950s. Based on Frank Lloyd Wright’s challenges. The development of sustainable new towns principles from his Broadacre City concept, these and new districts is an important task for all policy makers. developments were car-oriented versions of Howard’s The task is no less than sustainably accommodating an garden city. Expanding highway systems and shopping expected 2.7 billion new urban residents by 2050. malls, industrial zones, and office parks at freeway intersections later lead to what are now called edge Industrial Pollution, Garden Cities, and cities. These very unsustainable development patterns Suburban Sprawl in Europe and United States lead to land and resources inefficient and needlessly energy consumption, especially for transport due to New town planning and design evolved in the very low density and single-use development. early 20th century in response to poor, unhealthy, and

92 Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, Mixed-Use, Green, Livable New Districts

and a rating system for energy efficient buildings and Emerging Paradigm of Sustainable Urban sustainable planning principles for neighborhood Development and Eco-City Planning in Europe development. Cities like Chicago developed its green city concept with ambitious targets to reduce The 1992 United Nations Conference on greenhouse-gas emissions. The government of the PRC Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro was has been promoting low-carbon eco-city development, a turning point for mainstreaming sustainable urban and many pilots have produced remarkable results. development. The Agenda 21, the Rio Declaration In Europe, eco-city development research and on Environment and Development propelled global pilot projects identified key planning principles, awareness of the need to change toward a sustainable, often summarized as the compact city concept with nature preserving, resource-efficient mode of transit-oriented development around stations that development and human life. Local governments, integrate several modes of transport with high-density businesses and citizens in many cities around the world urban fabric, a mix of uses and pedestrian-friendly took part in developing Local Agenda 21 programs. environments, parks, and urban services. Below are Since the mid-1990s many new urban districts three best practice cases. around the world started to follow principles of eco- efficiency including land, energy, water, and general New Eco-District Best Practice Case: resources efficiency in cities, districts, neighborhoods, Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm, Sweden and buildings. This set new standards for energy and water efficient buildings. Germany’s regulations, for Hammarby in South Stockholm was an industrial example, evolved from requirements for increased area around bodies of water. It was planned to be the building insulation into laws that ensure local small- Olympic Village for Stockholm’s unsuccessful bid to scale renewable energy producers can feed into the host the Olympics in 2004. Planning to redevelop this power-grid at a guaranteed price. In the United States, polluted brownfield into a new urban district started smart growth and green growth became common, in 1990. The original plan was adjusted to make it a indicating a departure from the car-oriented land-and- comprehensive eco-city development, one of the most transport extensive urban sprawl. The New Urbanism successful worldwide, even ahead of its completion in movement promotes transit-oriented development and 2015. Hammarby was transformed into an attractive more compact and dense neighborhood development. new district with 11,000 dwelling units for 25,000 The US Green Building Council developed guidelines residents, mostly young families, jobs for 10,000

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Fig. 1 Hammarby Sjöstad: Compact and Green, Livable, District with Human-Scaled Spaces and Buildings Source: Johan Fredriksson / Arikogan

93 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

workers, and beautiful waterfronts, parks, and green to 100 square meters of gross floor area of residential courtyards. building space). Environmental protection guidelines Buildings with 4 to 8 stories advocate human- protect valuable natural areas from development. A scaled density and environment on small blocks. compensation mechanism required that development Public housing comprises 22% of the housing stock. of a previously undeveloped green area be replaced Cooperatives own 55% and individuals or firms by biotopes that ensure biodiversity in another place own 23%. Buildings are now twice as eco-efficient nearby. compared to normal standard buildings. These buildings Hammarby now enjoys fast and attractive focus on sustainable materials that are healthy, dry, and public transport service with light-rail transit, buses, environmentally sound such as glass, wood, steel, and and ferries. The ferries are free of charge and run stone. The soil was thoroughly decontaminated from daily from early morning to late night. Attractive industry pollutants before construction began. public transportation, carpooling, beautiful bicycle Planning for the open space system and parks paths, and very attractive pedestrian pathways and followed high standards requiring, for example, a small sidewalks reduced the use of private cars. The district park or courtyard with an area of 25 to 30 square government organizes a carpool, which is open to meters within 300 meters of every apartment (equivalent all residents and workers. About 10% of households

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Fig. 2 Parks, Waterfronts and Pathways for Pedestrians and Cyclists Enhance the Livability of the District Source: Arild Vågen

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Fig. 3 Light-rail and Ferry Service to Hammarby Sjöstad Is Convenient All Year Source: Arild Vågen / Ankara

94 Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, Mixed-Use, Green, Livable New Districts

joined the carpool system that has 25 to 35 gas- Freiburg Rieselfeld is home to 11,000 residents efficient cars available. As a result, the people prefer and 1,000 permanent jobs on a 70-hectare area, and public transportation, bicycles, and walking for 80% of protects a 250-hectare nature reserve next to it. The all their trips in Hammarby. development pattern follows a system of small urban While renewable sources, such as biogas, fuel blocks, scaled for walking with less than 100 meters cells, solar cells, and solar panels, supply most of between street intersections. Well-designed sidewalks Hammarby’s energy, energy efficient buildings also and paths, bicycle lanes, trails, green parks, and reduce the need for energy. A district heating and attractive public plazas also make walking pleasant. cooling system uses excess energy, a by-product, Public facilities include community centers, churches, in the form of heat and/or cold temperature from and schools for 3,000 students. wastewater from a pilot wastewater treatment plant. To avoid uniform building blocks, each block was Hammarby targets to locally produce half of the local subdivided into parcels and sold mostly to building energy demand. cooperatives. Private building cooperatives were Water supply and wastewater management formed to design and build a multi-story residential systems use innovative water and energy conserving building together, engage an architect, plan and finance technology. Hammarby has a goal to reduce water the building. There are 6 to 10 different owners, often consumption from the average 200 liters per person young families, who would then each own a unit and per day to 100 liters. So far, they’ve managed to bring live in the building they helped design and develop consumption down to 150 liters by using water efficient according to their specifications and budget. A total of appliances, low-flush toilets, and mixer taps. 150 cooperative projects were built in Rieselfeld. The city manages solid waste through an Rules were established to prohibit developers from innovative automated system of underground pipes that buying a whole block. A single developer is not allowed collects waste through suction from garbage drop-off to own and develop more than three parcels in one points near the buildings with segregating waste at the block to ensure variety. This rule created a pleasant drop-off points into combustible, domestic and food scale when walking along the streets as building waste. The wastes are discharged into underground designs change every 20 to 30 meters. All buildings tanks that are emptied by a collection vehicle that were required to comply with Germany’s low-energy sucks out the waste from the tanks using pumps. building standard. Freiburg Vauban is known as car-free, solar New Eco-District Best Practice Cases: district. It is a former military site redeveloped into a Rieselfeld and Vauban, Freiburg, Germany mixed-use, walkable, and green urban district with a total of 2,000 dwelling units, commercial and office In the city of Freiburg in southwestern Germany, space for 600 jobs, and a central market place with two new districts: Rieselfeld and Vauban were planned a community center. Planning started in 1996, and and built in the mid-1990s. Rieselfeld is a green-field construction was completed in 2006. The city’s general residential neighborhood at the western edge of the public (the future residents) and the private sector took city and next to a light-industry park. A new light-rail part in planning and implementation process. links it to the downtown. Vauban is near the city center. The “Car Free City” concept includes restricted It is a redevelopment of an abandoned military site zones for private automobile access in the whole that was returned to the city after the reunification of district while selected areas are totally free of cars. Germany. Both new districts are designed as compact, Parking structures are located at the periphery of mixed-use transit-oriented, pedestrian-friendly, green the development, and a light-rail transit streetcar urban communities. provides excellent access to the city. Around 40%

95 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 4 Freiburg Rieselfeld: New Green, Compact, Human Scaled, Pedestrian-Friendly Urban District Source: Norbert Blau Luftfahrer

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Fig. 5 Freiburg Rieselfeld: Green Spaces, Blocks with Many Individual Buildings and Tram Service Source: Andreas Schwarzkopf / Dr. Neil Clifton of households moving to the district agreed to live transport in the district are walking and bicycle riding. without their own cars, others park vehicles outside Traffic rules clearly prioritize pedestrians and bicycles in the two parking structures and/or participate in car with speed limit on main streets of 30 km/h. On side sharing and carpooling. The land use plan is arranged streets, also referred to as “communication spaces” so that no home or workplace is more than 500 meters or living streets, the maximum speed is 10 km/h. All away from public transport. The primary modes of streets are suitable for kids to play. Covered bicycle

96 Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, Mixed-Use, Green, Livable New Districts

Fig. 6 Freiburg Vauban: Planning the Green, Eco-Efficient, Human Scaled Pedestrian Friendly New District Source: Andreas Schwarzkopf (info-board display)

racks at buildings promote cycling. This holistic The “Solar City” concept includes advanced concept for non-motorized transport results in the urban and building infrastructures for water and energy lowest car ownership ratio in Freiburg with 150 cars conservation. Throughout the district, buildings are per 1,000 residents compared to 430 cars per 1,000 required to meet at least the German low-energy residents citywide. building standard, and at least 100 buildings meet the even higher German efficiency standard of “passive house”. A solar-city sub-district was implemented in which solar panels completely cover all house roofs. For individual buildings, a best practice for resource efficiency is a multi-use building with low- energy standard planned and implemented by an owner-occupier cooperative. A community self- organized a matchmaking forum for 16 families who coordinated and developed their building together. The four-story structure accommodates 16 apartments ranging from one bedroom to duplex apartment units for large families and includes 4 offices, an artist Fig. 7 Freiburg Vauban: Solar City Focused on Producing Solar Electricity studio, and communal areas. Gray water from basins and on Public Transport, Bicycles and Pedestrians Source: Mangan 02 and showers are cleaned by an on-site ventilated

97 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

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Fig. 8 Freiburg Vauban: All Roofs with Solar Panels and Energy and Resources Efficient Buildings Source: Andrewglaser / Mangan 02 sand filtration system and used for flushing. The 25 use urban community in 1993 that utilized all reusable vacuum toilets used in the building are 25% more structures on a former military site that was returned water efficient than conventional toilets. Sewage and to the city after the German reunification. Construction organic waste are collected in a tank in the building’s was completed in 2012, and it is now home for 6,500 basement and fermented into cooking gas in an residents and 1,000 jobs in 150 businesses comprising experimental biogas reactor. Solar-thermal collectors 50% services, 20% skilled trade or production, and on the roof supply 3,400 liters of hot water reservoir 10% retail. and the small combined heating and power plant unit The city prefers selling land parcels to building supplies additional electricity, heat, and hot water. Solar cooperatives over commercial developers, cells totaling 3.2 kW are installed on the roof. The heat implementing the city council’s objective of owner- and power unit and the photovoltaics combined supply occupied small-scale mixed-use buildings. Through 80% of the electricity consumed by the building and its many consultations, the city administration facilitated residents. the process of matchmaking the cooperatives and even These two new districts in Freiburg are some of managed to achieve mixed-use buildings by including Germany’s best practice examples of new district a commercial/craftsman user in the cooperatives. developments that are eco-efficient, livable, compact, Through this process, the administration promoted mixed-use, transit-oriented, pedestrian friendly, and investments in the local economy by supporting small energy efficient. The City of Freiburg has won many owner-operated light industry and retailers as part of the awards for urban sustainability and livability for its implementation strategy of small-scale decentralized overall efforts and for its new and well-integrated supply as opposed to chain supermarkets and stores. districts. This resulted in a unique local neighborhood economy that integrates small-scale light industry that does not New Eco-District Best Practice Case: disturb the residents. French Quarter, Tuebingen, Germany The traffic concept was to limit cars to promote car sharing, cycling, and walking. The city The City of Tuebingen has a 538-year-old university government facilitated car sharing, which enables and a population of 90,000, of which 26,000 are car availability on demand and is now widely used students. The French Quarter was planned as a mixed- by the local residents. The result is a low level of

98 Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, Mixed-Use, Green, Livable New Districts

Fig. 9 Tuebingen French Quarter: Livable District with Attractive Streets and Plazas Nice for Walking and Cycling Source: Ramessos car-ownership of 220 cars per 1,000 residents in disturbing light manufacturing within the urban district, the French Quarter, compared to 493 cars per 1,000 neighborhoods, and buildings. residents in the overall city. Low volumes of car traffic (iii) Transit-based: convenient public transportation make cycling and walking convenient and safe. For and eco-mobility, i.e. car-sharing, rental bikes, bicycle parking and locking a bicycle, numerous bike stands parking, delivery services, high density and mix of uses are available. The share of cycling as percentage of around transit station. all trips in the eco-district is 24%, compared to 20% (iv) Human-scaled living streets that are pedestrian, in the city and 13% in Germany overall. The district’s and bicycle friendly: fine-meshed network of beautiful compactness makes walking pleasant, short, and sidewalks and pathways, small urban blocks, efficient. pedestrian safety, shops along sidewalks, landscape, lighting and public furniture. Principles of Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, (v) Eco-efficient: land use efficient, energy efficient, Mixed-Use, Green, and Livable New Districts water efficient urban districts and lifestyles. (vi) Green open space system: green space to provide We may conclude that successful eco-city and eco- ecosystem services, public health, community amenities, efficient urban developments in Europe share some increased land value and ecological infrastructure. common key principles that may serve as lessons for (vii) Inclusive: small scale investments organized in the PRC and Asia and the Pacific. These principles private building cooperatives and prioritization of this include the following: form of ownership by city government as opposed to (i) Compact and human-scaled: small urban proposals from commercial developers. blocks, scaled streets with pedestrian-friendly (viii) Focus group and public participation during environments, and 5- to 10- minute walking distance planning. to and from home and work, to transit stations, retail (ix) Competitive: mixed use with jobs creation shops, public services, and parks. promoting high-tech small and medium-size enterprise (ii) Mixed use: urban vibrancy through a mix of spinoffs and provision of live and work space attractive culture, businesses, residential, institutions, and non- for highly skilled academics.

99 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

(x) Sustainable investments as demand-based [17] United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. inclusive development, balancing supply and World Urban Prospects. [18] United Nations. Department of Economics and Social demand. Affairs. Population Division. World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision. References [19] United Nations. Department of Economics and Social [1] Ahrens G A, Ließke F, Wittwer R, et al. Sonderauswertung Affairs. Population Division. The 2011 Revision of World zur Verkehrserhebung “Mobilität in Städten SrV 2008”– Population Prospects: Highlights[EB/OL]. http://esa.un.org/ Städtevergleich[J]. Dresden November, 2009. unpd/wpp/Documentation/publications.htm. [2] Fränne L. Hammarby Sjöstad–a unique environmental [20] United Nations. Department of Economics and Social project in Stockholm[J]. Alfaprint, GlashusEtt, Stockholm, Affairs. World Urban Prospects[EB/OL]. http://esa.un.org/ Sweden, 2007. unpd/wup/Analytical-Figures/Fig_2.htm [3] Freiburg. Rieselfeld[EB/OL]. (2015-05-04). www.freiburg.de/ rieselfeld. Sources [4] Freiburg. Vauban[EB/OL]. (2014-11-21). www.freiburg.de/ Fig. 1(a): Hammarby Sjöstad aerial view of the eco-district vauban. taken by Johan Fredriksson, available online at: https:// [5] Gaffron P, Huismans G, Skala F, et al. Ecocity. Book I[J]. commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hammarby_sj%C3%B6stad,_ Facultas Verlags und Buchhandels AG, 2005. flygfoto_2014-09-20.jpg. This work is licensed under the Creative [6] Hall P G. Cities of tomorrow : an intellectual history of urban Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view planning and design in the twentieth century[M]. Blackwell a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Publishing, 2002. by-sa/3.0/ [7] Hammarby Sjöstad Ekonomisk Förening[EB/OL]. www. Fig. 1(b): Hammarby Sjöstad view of waterfront and human- hammarbysjostad.se. scaled residential buildings. Photo taken by Arikogan, [8] Howard E. Garden Cities of Tomorrow[M]. London: Faber available online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index. and Faber, 1902. php?title=File:Hammarby_Sjöstad_Estocolmo_Suecia_rio. [9] Jessen J, Goerke P, Rau S. New Forms of Urban Mixed jpg&oldid=96533959. This file is licensed under the Creative Use Districts: A European Comparison. For the Federal Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported (https:// Government of Germany, Ministry of Construction[M]. creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en) license. Stuttgart, Germany: Stuttgart University Press, 1996. Fig. 2(a): Hammarby Sjöstad view of scaled public green spaces [10] Ledwoch, Sven. The “French District” Sustainable Urban and waterfronts. Photo taken by Arild Vågen, available online Neighborhood in Tubingen, Germany: GIZ[EB/OL]. http:// at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Sjös www.thepep.org/ClearingHouse/docfiles/French_District_ tadsparterren_April_2012_03.jpg&oldid=98422881 This file is Final_Draft_20121018.pdf licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike [11] Rau S. Eco-cities and Eco-Territories in China, An 3.0 Unported. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Opportunity Amidst the Crisis[C]//Proceedings of ACE 3 deed.en) license. Milan Symposium for Architecture and Culture, edited by Fig. 2(b): Hammarby Sjöstad view of scaled green spaces and Marco Imperadori et al. Milan, Italy, 2009. pathways. Photo taken by Arild Vågen, available online at: [12] Rau S. Eight Points to Remember - City Planning https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Sjös Principles[C]//Proceedings of ACE 1 Macau Symposium tadsparterren_June_2015.jpg&oldid=163834277 This file is for Architecture and Culture edited by Jose-Luis De Sales licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Marques, et al. Milan/Macau, 2007. International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ [13] Schulz, Brigitte. Die Tübinger Südstadt[J]. Bauwelt, 2012, deed.en) license. 1(2). Fig. 3(a): Hammarby Sjöstad light-rail service for year-round [14] Stockholms stad. Stockholm växer. Hammarby Sjöstad. convenience. Photo taken by Arild Vågen, available online at: ygg.stockholm.se/hammarbysjostad. https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Tvärbanan_ [15] Tübingen Universitätsstadt. Franz Viertel/ Loretto[EB/OL]. Luma_November_2012.jpg&oldid=161684973 This file is licensed www.tuebingen.de/franz_viertel. under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. [16] United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN- (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en) license. HABITAT). State of the World's Cities 2012/2013: Prosperity Fig. 3(b): Hammarby Sjöstad ferry service linking for attractive of Cities. New York: Routledge, 2012. and convenient links to downtown. Photo taken by Ankara,

100 Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, Mixed-Use, Green, Livable New Districts

available online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index. jpg&oldid=138838601. Category: Vauban (Freiburg im Breisgau) php?title=File:Ms_Lisen_january_2011.jpg&oldid=162904311 This This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Share Alike 3.0 Unported https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Alike 3.0 Unported. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- bysa/3.0/deed.en) license. sa/3.0/deed.en) license. Fig. 7: Freiburg Vauban solar city focused on producing solar Fig. 4: Freiburg Rieselfeld aerial view of the new green, compact, electricity and on public transport, bicycles and pedestrians. human scaled, pedestrian-friendly urban district. Photo taken Photo taken by Mangan02, available online at: https://commons. by Norbert Blau Luftfahrer, available online at: https://commons. wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Solarschiff_ Solarsiedlung_ wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Freiburg_Rieselfeld_2007. Freiburg_im_Breisgau_september_2014.jpg&oldid=135161920 This jpg&oldid=142902813 Permission is granted to copy, distribute file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Alike 4.0 International (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by- Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version sa/4.0/deed.en) license. published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Fig. 8(a): Freiburg Vauban all roofs with solar panels in the Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. solar district and all buildings are energy and resources A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU efficient buildings. Photo taken by Andrewglaser (talk), Free Documentation License. This file is licensed under the available online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported (https:// php?title=File:SoSie%2BSoSchiff_Ansicht.jpg&oldid=156661661 creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en) license. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution- Fig. 5(a): Freiburg Rieselfeld view of green spaces and residential Share Alike 3.0 Unported. (https://creativecommons.org/ blocks with many individual residential buildings. Photo taken licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en) license. Attribution: Andrewglaser at by Andreas Schwarzkopf, available online at: https://commons. English Wikipedia. wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Im_Freiburger_Stadtteil_ Fig. 8(b): Freiburg Vauban all roofs with solar panels in the Rieselfeld_mit_Neunaugenbach.jpg&oldid=154207766 This file is solar district and all buildings are energy and resources licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 efficient buildings. Photo taken by Photo taken by Mangan02, Unported (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/bysa/3.0/deed. available online at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index. en) license. php?title=File:Vauban_in_Freiburg_september_2014_03. Fig. 5(b): Freiburg Rieselfeld view of light-rail tram service to jpg&oldid=135228323 This file is licensed under the Creative the new district. Photo taken by Dr Neil Clifton (http://geo- Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International. (https:// en.hlipp.de/profile/135). Source From geo-en.hlipp.de (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en) license. geo-en.hlipp.de/photo/6218), available online also at: https:// Fig. 9: Tuebingen French Quarter view of plaza and scaled commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Rieselfeld_tram_ street and individual buildings of the livable district with terminus_-_geo.hlipp.de_-_6218.jpg&oldid=155637125; transferd attractive streets and plazas nice for walking and cycling. Photo by User: oxyman using geograph_org2commons (http:// taken by Ramessos, available online at: https://commons. toolserver.org/~magnus/geograph_org2commons.php). Creative wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:TuebingenFranzViertel1. Commons Attribution Share-alike license 2.0. jpg&oldid=158419078 Ą I, the copyright holder of this work, Fig. 6: Freiburg Vauban infoboard of planning the green, eco- release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide. efficient, human scaled pedestrian friendly new district. Photo In some countries this may not be legally possible; if so: I grant taken by Andreas Schwarzkopf, available online at: https:// anyone the right to use this work for any purpose, without any commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Infotafel_in_ conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.ą Freiburg-Vauban_an_der_Endhaltestelle_Innsbrucker_Straße_2.

101 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Introduction to the Three Chinese New Town Case Studies Fulong Wu

102 Introduction to the Three Chinese New Town Case Studies

The three case studies presented below were The new town is becoming a new city in itself, rather first presented at the ADB-Tongji Urban Knowledge than a satellite industrial town of Wuxi Municipality. A Hub Seminar in November 2013 (for program details salient feature is the development of a zoning system to see appendix). They have different development cover the new development area (Wu, 2015). With the priorities, each provides different lessons on new town input of overseas expertise from the United Kingdom development in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), based engineering firm ARUP which has planned a ranging from an industrial development approach, a number of eco-cities in the PRC and is specialized in mix of industrial and residential development, to an the integrated approach to sustainable development, approach focusing on reconstructing new residential and other consultants, the ecological codes developed communities after a natural disaster. They demonstrate for the project have been embedded into the zoning the scale and character of new town development in system. the PRC. Its demonstration project of Wuxi Sino-Swedish While the term “new town” is used loosely in the Low Carbon Eco-City is part of international policy PRC, the examples here refer to a specific category learning. While foreign expertise has strong influence of new towns, which are developed through large- over the planning process, the development and scale, state-planned development. At the same time, planning of the new town is more an outcome of PRC's these new towns use the land market as a key driver land and economic development. The eco-city will for housing development and industrial growth. These likely be implemented because the whole new town new towns are, essentially, formally-planned new is viable as a new economic territory. The ecological settlements. codes, therefore, impose some additional requirement to advance ecological sustainability rather than a Wuxi Taihu New Town stand-alone eco-development, which bear the risk of economic failure due to potential lack of economic The strength of Taihu New Town is its location in activities. the heartland of the Yangtze River Delta. The economy In terms of ecological planning, the design of Wuxi, the municipality governing the new town ranks ensures the preservation and construction of green at the top in the region measured in per-person gross corridors and the network of water bodies. This fits domestic product. Wuxi Taihu New Town is a strategic well into the characteristics of this area known for the development of Wuxi, shifting its center of gravity southern Jiangsu water landscape. In terms of the toward the south-west and closer to the Taihu Lake economy, the new town supports the development of from the city’s original core along the Shanghai- the service sector, in contrast to many other Chinese railway and the Grand Canal. The development of Wuxi new towns, which are mainly driven by manufacturing enjoys favorable support from the central government. industries. The new economy of Wuxi includes the The development of the eco-city is part of the local financial sector, creative industries, such as the government’s endeavor to capture central support. Its Wuxi Film and TV Studio, IT, leisure, and science development is characterized by plan-led approaches. and technological research. The development also

103 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

encourages higher density and a pedestrian system development was slow until the 1990s when new town for green transportation. The development of water developments became a new strategy of Shanghai. recycling and sewage treatment reflects the new By that time, the development of Jiading gained town’s emphasis on infrastructure development to regional importance in enhancing Shanghai’s economic support sustainability. As a result, the new town is competitiveness. Now, the target is to develop Jiading able to balance economic development and ecological into a new city of 800, 000 people. management. Rather than being driven by residential From the economic structure, Jiading is similar to development, the development of Taihu new town another new town of Songjiang in Shanghai (Wang et includes accommodating new economic sectors. al., 2010) and Yizhuang, where Beijing Economic and The integration of physical planning and Technological Development Zone is based (Wu and environmental indexes is the strength behind its Phelps, 2011). Industry, which accounts for 69% of planning-led approach. The ecological demonstration the total gross domestic product (GDP), dominates the zone, or the eco-city, with 2.4 square kilometers (km2), economic structure of Jiading. As a manufacturing base is part of a larger new town area of 150 km2. When for Shanghai, it has important economic functions. infrastructure of the new town is completed and The manufacturing industry is the major source of becomes more established with a growing population, employment. the development of the eco-city will be viable. Its Recent planning efforts began to promote the development thus attracts domestic and overseas development of low-carbon industrial parks and attention. introduce energy-saving technologies into the new town. Analysis shows that land leasing is an important source of revenue for new town construction. The tax income of the new town has been growing significantly, in comparison to the district of Jiading where the new town is located. Since 2011, a new direct fund-raising approach has been introduced, with CNY2.3 billion direct funds raised from trust, debt, and corporate bonds. This direct fund-raising approach aimed to reduce the heavy burden of local public finance, which heavily relies on indirect funds from land development. The development of the new town attracted commercial activities near its mass transit station. The development also emphasizes landscape management Fig. 1 Wuxi Taihu New Town Central Area Source: Photo by Fulong Wu and planning regulation. However, Jiading still faces some challenges. One important challenge is figuring Jiading New Town out how to improve the quality of life. Jiading needs to turn the new town from an industrial base to a livable Jiading New Town is in the north of Shanghai city. and is one of nine towns planned by Shanghai City. Jiading presents an impressive image of a modern Dating back to the regional plan of Shanghai, just city, with signature buildings such as Jiading Poly before 1949, Jiading was chosen as one of the new Theatre and the greenways along the main avenues. towns to develop to reduce the congestion of the city However, given the increasing competition between proper of Shanghai. In the socialist period, Jiading different cities, it still needs to consider what its new was developed as an industrial satellite town. Its role would be in Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta.

104 Introduction to the Three Chinese New Town Case Studies

Shanghai’s overall new town strategy requires Jiading to consider how to play its role in regional development and cooperation, in particular a triangular cooperation relationship between Shanghai, , and Jiaxing, two cities respectively in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, next to Shanghai. Jiading, like many other Chinese new towns, needs to pay attention to residential development along with industrial development and promote “town and industry integration”. Historically, the development of new towns was oriented toward industry needs, often leading to long distance commuting and Fig. 2 New Residential Area of Jiading New Town Source: Photo by Fulong Wu underdeveloped residential areas. The separation between residential and industrial areas becomes a incorporated into Beichuan reconstruction because the major obstacle toward an integrated livable city. The new town is an entirely planned new development. new town now strives to improve the quality of its built The development of the new town was completed environment and the public transport system. The in 2011, covering an area of 4.59 km2. To some ecological improvement is also a major issue for the extent, new Beichuan can be regarded as a mega new town to attract residents, because Jiading still urban project. Support from the central government has an image of industrial new town. The ecological and other provinces in the coastal region made this quality of the built environment is important for the new viable. For example, Shandong Province supported town to become an ideal place to live in addition to its the development of an industrial park in Beichuan. economic functions. Nevertheless, the development of Beichuan is very different from other new towns in the coastal region Beichuan New Town such as Jiading New Town in Shanghai, Taihu New Town in Wuxi, and Huaqiao New Town in Kunshan, Beichuan is an administrative center of Beichuan which are driven by manufacturing industries and Qiang ethnic autonomous county. It is not a “new economic development. Although there are some town” within a municipality but a newly built county industrial enterprises in new Beichuan, this new town. Post-earthquake reconstruction drives its town development is centered on the reconstruction development. The earthquake destroyed its old town of a town seat after an earthquake. Consequently, seat, leading to its relocation to another administrative job provision becomes a major challenge. Although area of Yongchang Town. The development of planning guidance emphasizes higher density and Beichuan shows the role of state and city planning in compact development, the residential density is still the process of reconstruction. The town was planned quite low compared to other Chinese cities. A sudden according to a set of principles such as compact influx of capital investment was financed by post- development, more open and green spaces, narrower earthquake reconstruction but investment has since streets to show its residential and commercial function declined. This raises a serious issue about how to (rather than a grid system of superblocks used in many sustain its development. new industrial areas), the balance between residence Much can be learned from post-earthquake and industrial development, preservation of local reconstruction. The decision to relocate was inevitable culture and characteristics, and prioritization of non- and appropriate, given the disastrous effect of the motorized transport. These features have been better quake on the life of the people of Beichuan. The spatial

105 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

plan considers the need to preserve local heritage and provide space for industrial development (via the industrial parks through joint development). The functional division between tourism, industry, and living areas has been achieved through land use zoning and design. The development shows that in this particular circumstance planning could immediately create an orderly-built environment. Despite these achievements, it would take a much longer time for Beichuan to become resilient, as economic development has to drive long-term development after the reconstruction of living space. Without a prosperous economy, the Fig. 3 Reconstructed Central Area of Beichuan New Town Source: Photo by Fulong Wu sustainability of Beichuan would become a problem. Further, because this is an ecologically fragile and but substantial construction took place after 2007. sensitive area, it is not suitable for large-scale industrial Accordingly, Wuxi Taihu New Town represents the development. In other words, the natural environment development of the service sector, creative industries, constraint means that it is difficult to replicate the and the experiment of low-carbon and eco-cities, such trajectory of growth in coastal regions. Beichuan as the experiment to integrate land use control and faces high financial pressures as investment falls after ecological indexes. The new development managed to initial reconstruction. Beichuan is trying to find new attract central government support with various new growth impetus by using cultural heritage to develop titles. The new town’s growth is extremely ambitious tourist industries and upgrading its industrial park, for with a target population of one million by 2020. Despite examples. In new Beichuan town, a large tourist resort many new ecological features, the impact on regional has been planned to take advantage of rich natural land use, from a macroscopic perspective, would resources and local cultural landscape. still be significant. Further, because this rural area The three case studies present different models was densely populated, the development of the new of new town developments in the PRC, which provide town involves demolition of rural villages, relocation important lessons for urban planning (Wu, 2015). of rural farmers, and their adaptation to urban living. Jiading represents the development of a new town in The new economic sectors of software, digital image the large metropolitan region of Shanghai, which is and film studio, research and development are not the driven by industrial growth. Infrastructure development source of jobs for its original residents. The challenge is centered on industrial areas and industrial in developing the eco-city, therefore, is to realize its development. Moreover, industrial development needs ecological vision while meeting the social needs of a to consider technological innovations. The economy diverse population. of Jiading new town is now under pressure to be Beichuan New Town is not a new town in a upgraded through innovations. New technological traditional sense. It represents a unique case of state parks have been set up to achieve the objective. intervention in the aftermath of an earthquake. Strong Integrating a livable new residential area and industrial state support and the partnership between Beichuan production has been a challenge. The significance of and the province in the coastal region led to swift post- the new town is its transformation from a satellite town earthquake reconstruction. Due to rapid development, to a new city in the Shanghai city-region. planning played a significant role in determining the Wuxi Taihu New Town is a new generation layout of land uses and the characteristics of the built new town. Its planning proposal started in 2002, environment. The involvement of local community is

106 Introduction to the Three Chinese New Town Case Studies

inadequate, and public participation is lagging. The The case of Beichuan demonstrates the capacities planning of Beichuan incorporates good planning of the state in response to disaster. Residents have principles, such as compact development, preservation been relocated into new town. But the case also reveals of local cultures, and environmental qualities. However, the need for social participation and endogenous state-led planning, which was inevitable in the context economic development in the long term of post- of urgent post-disaster reconstruction, meets the long- disaster resilience. term challenge of resilience. As shown in Wuxi Taihu New Town, the These three new towns are presented here as development of a new town as a regional subcenter case studies rather than model developments that of business and creative industries might bear some could be replicated in other places (Chen et al., 2009). similarities to the post-suburbia in the development They are developed in the specific local contexts: of new economies, where the suburban areas are no industrialization of suburban economies, economic longer residential spaces but rather a mix of offices, restructuring and the expansion of new business commercial, and residential uses. Yet, at the same subcenters outside the central location, and post- time, Wuxi Taihu New Town reflects a process of disaster reconstruction. They reflect the diverse urbanization, as thousands of rural farmers become relationship between the state and market and the new urban residents, their villages become new urban intervention of city planning. They are valuable cases residential areas. Thus, the development of new towns for comparison and cross-country learning, especially in the PRC is a process of relocation of local farmers, in Asia and the Pacific. rural to urban migration, and the out-movement of The cases presented here are more about the residents from the central city. These case studies planning aspects of new town developments. There provide a rich source for further research on the are a lot of questions on the underlying process of dynamics of urbanization in the PRC and lessons from development, such as the politics of growth, economic planning new towns in this context. restructuring, consumption, and housing development. The dual mechanisms of generating revenue through References new real estate development and fulfilling the need of [1] Wu F. Planning for growth: Urban and Regional Planning in a rising middle class drives the development of new China[M]. London: Routledge, 2015. [2] Wang L, Kundu R, Chen X. Building for what and whom? towns as urban decentralization, suburbanization, and New town development as planned suburbanization in China residential relocation. and India[J]. Research in Urban Sociology, 2010, 10: 319-345. In the case of Jiading, we see the introduction [3] Wu F, Phelps N A. (Post) suburban development and state of direct financing through bonds and debts to fund entrepreneurialism in Beijing's outer suburbs[J]. Environment urban development. In the past, land development was and Planning A, 2011, 43(2): 410-430. largely associated with the need for indirect financing [4] Chen X, Wang L, Kundu R. Localizing the production of global cities: a comparison of new town developments through land development. With this new mechanism, it around Shanghai and Kolkata[J]. City & Community, 2009, remains to be seen whether the dynamics of new town development will change.


Case Studies of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area Degao Zheng, Xingyang Li, Wang He

110 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

Located in the northwest of Sichuan Basin, from Qushan Town to the former Huangtu Town of An Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town is 42 kilometers (km) Town, presently Yongchang Town. away from Mianyang, the nearest big city, and 160 km Now there are 8 towns, 14 villages, and 1 ethnic away from Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province village under the jurisdiction of Beichuan Town. Its (Figs. 1 and 2). The Great Wenchuan Earthquake of 12 gross domestic product (GDP) was CNY3.17 billion May 2008 destroyed the old town of Beichuan, which was ($508.8 million) in 2012, and GDP per capita was on the fault line near the epicenter. It was the only Qiang CNY15,835 ($2,542) with a ratio of 25ń42ń33 for autonomous town in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors contributing Due to the limited available land, it was decided, through respectively. By the end of 2012, it had a population comparison of various options and public participation, of 241,000, of which 78,000 were non-agricultural, that the new town would be relocated 30 km to the south accounting for about 32.4% of the total.

Fig. 1 Location of Beichuan in Sichuan Province Source: Drawn by the authors with the base map from Urban System Plan of Sichuan Province, China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

111 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 2 Location of Beichuan in Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang District Source: Drawn by the authors with the base map from Master Plan of Regional Cooperation in Chengdu, Deyang and Mianyang District, China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

112 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

Since 2008, Beichuan New Town went through people. The medium-term goal is to cover 7 km2 of two rounds of overall planning. In November 2008, the development land and accommodate 70,000 people executive meeting of the State Council approved the by 2020. relocation and officially initiated the overall planning for The new town adheres to the concept of reconstruction. In March 2009, the Sichuan provincial concentrated, compact city with a system of public government (SPG) approved the post-earthquake green open spaces, human-scaled, comparatively reconstruction overall plan of Beichuan Qiang narrow streets, jobs-housing balance, landscapes Autonomous Town. In June 2011, the comprehensive using traditional features of the Qiang people, and master plan for 2011–2030 started; the SPG approved buildings and urban infrastructure technology that are it in July 2012 as the statutory guideline for Beichuan's environment-friendly, low-carbon, and eco-efficient. urban development for the next 20 years. In line with both the vision of PRC’s former Premier, Wen Jiabao, of a safe, livable, prosperous, distinctive, 1 Overall Planning for Post-Earthquake civilized, and harmonious city and the policy of people- Reconstruction: A Relocated New Town oriented and scientific reconstruction, new Beichuan town was built as a model for urban re-construction Due to geographic and topographic reasons, projects with seismic-proof technology, rich with the construction of Beichuan Town since 2008 cultural heritage (Fig. 3). concentrated in valleys between the old Huangshan Town and the new Yongchang Town. These key areas 1.1 Planning Principle 1: Concentrated and involved 368 projects and a total investment of CNY8 Compact Layout billion ($1.17 billion). The economy of this area recently Strict limits on development land enforce the changed from agricultural commodity before the concept of a concentrated and compact layout. earthquake to manufacturing and light industry with According to the Code for Classification of Urban Land distinct activities, including local agricultural product Use and Planning Standards of Development Land, processing, cultural tourism products manufacturing, urban development land per capita in ethnic minority materials, machinery manufacturing, electronic areas can be increased to 150 square meters (m2) per products manufacturing, and cultural tourism featuring person, but the number is under 105 m2 per person in earthquake remains in the old town and modern Beichuan. cultural features in the new town. In 2007, the total Compact urban layout enables short trips from population was 115,000 accounting for about 49% home to work, shops, services and recreation within of the population in Beichuan County. In 2009 it walking distance of most residents, and optimize was 118,000, making up 50% of Beichuan County’s efficiency of public facilities and infrastructure. For residents. 35% of the residents, community centers are within 5 According to the overall plan for post-earthquake minutes' walking distance, 10 minutes for 91%, and 15 reconstruction of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town, minutes for 97%. Public green spaces and city parks Beichuan New Town is the political, economic, and are also within a 5-minute walk for almost all residents. cultural center of Beichuan County. It is also a tourism This layout promotes high foot traffic, which benefits base for western Sichuan, an industrial base for commercial development. western Mianyang, the city of modern Qiang culture, In addition to the above advantages, compact and an ecological garden city. The short-term goal urban layout also protects local environment has been to construct the east bank of Anchang River and landscape, significantly easing the urban before 2015, which will cover 4 square kilometers infrastructure construction, and shortening the (km2) of development land and accommodate 35,000 construction period.

113 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

500 m N

200 m 100 m 0 500 m

Fig. 3 Layout of the New Town According to Overall Planning for the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Source: Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town Overall Planning for the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction (20082020), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

114 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

public service functions including corporate offices, 1.2 Planning Principle 2: Public Green Open manufacturing, administrative offices, concentrated Space System open green space, cultural facilities, and educational In line with the development’s goal to effectively institutions are located along Qilu Road, forming a use public space, promote a sense of community semicircular service zone. Along Xinchuan Road, one among residents, and develop more compactly, the of the first roads built with assistance from the Zibo new town has a riverfront park along the Yongchang City government, are commercial facilities catering River. It is a major public green space that runs north to the daily needs of residents. They also include to south through the town. Historical sites, earthquake travel agencies, forming another semicircular zone of remains, outdoor activities, and recreation are commercial services. The thousands of jobs generated organically connected to the riverside green space, by commercial streets and the industrial park nearby forming a connected open space system (Fig. 4). will significantly lower commuting costs for residents.

1.3 Planning Principle 3: Comparatively Narrow 1.5 Planning Principle 5: Landscapes Using Streets Traditional Features of the Qiang People

Rather than following the development pattern of The new Beichuan town’s architectural design new towns and new districts in large cities with large and landscape adheres to the principle of preserving blocks and wide roads, the new Beichuan town adopts cultural heritage and ethnic characteristics. Architectural a road network pattern with short distances between guidelines for private building construction respond intersections and narrow streets that are friendly to the city to the Qiang people’s request to highlight their culture pedestrians and bicycles. Road boundary lines are often by following the traditional and modern Qiang styles 20 meters (m) wide. In the core area, the distance between in building architecture. The guidelines ensure that two roads is no more than 200 m. Outside the core area, construction uses traditional Qiang structures, materials, the distance is typically 300 m. Without increasing the land and proportions: public construction outweigh residential area used by roads, the density of the road network is buildings; corners and edges outweigh the interior; roofs greatly increased and the traffic system is more accessible. and foundations outweigh the middle portions of building, The comparatively narrow streets provide residents with and oddments outweigh constructions. This lends the pleasantly scaled urban spaces to meet and interact. town a unified urban landscape and architectural style that is uniquely Qiang (Table 1). 1.4 Planning Principle 4: Jobs-Housing Balance

The principle of “people-orientation” focuses on 1.6 Planning Principle 6: Environment-Friendly, livelihoods and social inclusion. A 1.2 km2 industrial Low-Carbon and Eco-Efficient Technology park is under construction at the southeast of the town, The plans for the new town follows the national which will generate 20,000 jobs. Currently, major urban energy saving and emission reduction policy

Table 1 Method of Controlling Architectural Style in Beichuan






115 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

500 m N

200 m 100 m

0 500 m

Fig. 4 Green Area Layout of the New Town, Overall Planning for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction Source: Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town Overall Planning for the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction (20082020), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

116 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

throughout conceptual design, master planning, and Town covers an area of 4.6 km2 and accommodates a building construction. This remains evident through population of 26,000 (Fig. 5). control plans and monitoring with structural and non- Unfortunately, new development and a change in structural engineering measures and new technologies. socioeconomic and environmental developments will The urban layout increases green space and benefits affect the development and spatial layout of Beichuan from ecosystem services such as reduced urban heat New Town directly and indirectly. Due to the special island effect with cooler temperatures in hot summers circumstances at the time, the original overall master in parks. Rainwater filters through permeable paving plan can no longer provide adequate guidance for and green space, enhancing groundwater recharge, the continued sustainable development of Beichuan. benefiting from the new town’s high green ratio. Beichuan now faces a deficit of residential population Strict thresholds implement energy savings and and the inability to attract a sufficient number of jobs emissions reduction in industries, commercial, and and improve its strategic advantage, possibly due to its domestic buildings. Non-motorized traffic, pedestrians, remote location. and bicycles are also a priority. The town’s environment- friendly walkway network saves energy and reduces 2.1 Planning Evaluation 1: Contemporary Cultural emissions by reducing the need for private vehicles. Heritage A smart power grid and technology that merges three Since the earthquake, the relief and post- networks increase efficiencies and avoid redundant earthquake reconstruction of Beichuan have fully construction. The town uses energy-saving LED embodied the national spirit of patriotism and triggered lamps in 70% of its streetlights and strictly enforces a spirit of reform and renovation. As the only Qiang national standards for green building. As a result, the autonomous town in the People’s Republic of China, town uses clean energy more efficiently, improves Beichuan has inherited and carried into the future the energy savings — by using energy saving appliances, Qiang culture, which also reflects socialist core values for example — and reduces emissions in building with Chinese characteristics. construction and operation. On 16 November 2008, during his visit to Beichuan, former Premier Wen Jiabao pointed out that the new 2 Post-Earthquake Reconstruction town should be built as "a symbol of urban construction Planning Evaluation projects, earthquake relief, and cultural heritage". With the completion of the east bank development, residents The overall post-earthquake planning guided the have started to move in. Thanks to the cooperation resettlement of affected people, implementation of of domestic experts, the east bank, with its high level aid funded construction projects, and fast restoration planning, new design concept, and excellent quality, of urban functions. The planning was comprehensive has become a model for urban construction projects. and included advanced concepts, implementation Due to the vast scope of mobilization, great investment, measures, master planning, project level construction and high efficiency of overall planning, it has also planning, sector planning, engineering construction become a model of earthquake relief and response. planning control, and construction management. With strong ethnic characteristics, local features, and The plan layout and urban design also reflect the unified architectural landscape, it has become a model government decision-making process and the will of of reviving cultural heritage. the people through an intensive participation process. Based on the above features, as well as the After 2 years' planning and construction, Beichuan request of former Premier Wen Jiabao, Beichuan New Town officially opened to the public on 1 February New Town should make full use of its cultural value, 2011. Currently, the occupied land of Beichuan New take contemporary cultural heritage as the guideline,

117 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China


Fig. 5 Land Use Status Quo According to Overall Planning of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

118 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

and balance both cultural protection and future Park, six of the eight non-local enterprises started development in the years to come. operations. Most of these enterprises are involved in machinery manufacturing. However, they all face 2.2 Planning Evaluation 2: A “Cold Beauty” problems of low productivity as measured by gross While the construction of Beichuan new town domestic product (GDP) per land area. A survey shows achieved the standard proposed by former Premier that the output of enterprises is just over CNY130,000 Wen Jiabao of a safe, livable, prosperous, distinctive, (just over $20,000) per Chinese mu, or 666 m2. civilized, and harmonious city, Beichuan needs to In contrast, local enterprises using local resources further develop its economy and raise its urbanization and markets are developing well. Some are consumer level. The overall economic strength of Beichuan is far from sustainable, its industrial development is not yet competitive, and the urban-rural development and income gap is significant. The population of the newly constructed urban area on the east bank is hardly growing and needs more residents. Without sufficient population, it will become a cold beauty. Beichuan needs economic growth accelerants, investments, employment, housing, sustainable finance, and, above all, people to transform it into a prosperous and sustainable new town.

2.2.1 Land Use and Ecological Conditions Insufficient to Support Large-scale Industrial Development

According to the main functional zone planning of Sichuan Province, Beichuan is located in a national key ecological protection region, which is not suitable for the development of polluting industries. Meanwhile, a comprehensive analysis on slope and geological disasters shows that only 10.9 km2 of the 22 km2 area of Yongchang Town is available for development; 5.6 km2 of this has already been used, leaving 5.3 km2 Fig. 6 Suitability Analysis on Land Use in Central Urban Area of Beichuan Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town to be developed (Fig. 6 and Table 2). With so little land (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design to spare, it is not suitable for large-scale industry that demands a large amount of land. Table 2 Suitability Analysis on Development Land in Beichuan Town

2.2.2 Local Industrial Enterprises with Great Growth ;POF5ZQFT "SFB IN 1SPQPSUJPO

Potential 4VJUBCMF[POF   

Non-local enterprises play an important role in 3FTUSJDUFE[POF   the post-earthquake reconstruction and industrial 1SPIJCJUFE[POF   revitalization of Beichuan. However, judging from 8BUFSBSFB   enterprises in the Shandong Industrial Park, local 5PUBM    industrial enterprises have greater long-term growth 4PVSDF6SCBO0WFSBMM1MBOOJOHGPS#FJDIVBO2JBOH"VUPOPNPVT5PXO potential. Of the 33 enterprises in Shandong Industrial  $IJOB"DBEFNZPG6SCBO1MBOOJOH%FTJHO

119 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

electronics manufacturers that cooperate with big People working in the non-agricultural sectors enterprises in the region, like Changhong. There are of Beichuan county are mainly employed outside of 12 enterprises using local resources and four of them Beichuan, which accounts for 35.7% of the whole have started operations. Most of these enterprises are county's labor force and 77.3% of the whole town's in the food or pharmaceutical sectors. There are six labor force. People working outside of Beichuan enterprises that produce for local markets and three of County but still in Sichuan Province represent the them have started operation. Most of these enterprises majority. Beichuan needs to develop industry and are materials manufacturers. Local enterprises using tourism and create more jobs to build up a solid jobs local resources are the most labor-intensive, which is and population base. beneficial for residents and urban growth. With a higher gross domestic product per land area, enterprises 2.2.4 Low Density Residential Development based on local markets have been an important pillar Developed residential land on both sides of the to promote intensive industrial development. river covers 87.6 hectares (hm2), including 7.8 hm2 for primary schools and kindergartens. On the east bank of 2.2.3 Lack of Jobs Anchang River, 43.8% of the planned residential land The development of the industrial park and the has multistory buildings, with an established height construction of commercial space failed to absorb limit and a maximum plot ratio of 1.5 (Table 3). Of the the surplus labor to boost urbanization. Shandong 10.8 km2 of land available for development in the Industrial Park only employed 1,408 people in 2011. downtown area, 25%–30% is for residential use that can The average number of employees was only 12. house 50,000 to 85,000 residents at a plot ratio of 1.5.

 Engaged in primary industry   Labor export  Employed by enterprises or  government  Self-employed and flexible employed  Public welfare jobs  5IF(%11FS-BOE"SFB UFOUIPVTBOE$/:NV   Unemployed Mechanical Electronic Food and drug Material

Fig. 7 The Gross Domestic Product per Land Area of Enterprise, Shandong Fig. 9 The Employment Situation of Beichuan, 2011 Industrial Park, Beichuan, 2011 (CNY ten thousand) Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

 Employed by enterprises  Public welfare jobs  Self-employed and flexible  employed  Labor export (In Sichuan  Province)  Labor export (Outside of  Sichuan Province)  Labor export (Overseas) PG&OUFSQSJTFT QFSTPO   Labor export (In Beichuan)  Unemployed 5IF"WFSBHF/VNCFSPG&NQMPZFST Mechanical Electronic Food and drug Material

Fig. 8 The Average Number of Employees of Enterprises in Shandong Fig. 10 The Employment Situation of New Beichuan Town, 2011 Industrial Park of Beichuan, 2011 Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

120 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

As the town’s influence grows and urban   development progresses, more people will migrate from rural villages to Beichuan’s downtown area.   The town, therefore, must anticipate the challenge   of supporting rapid population growth with limited residential land reserve. Currently, the low-density   residential development directly affects the local Amount (Billion) government’s financial revenues, due to lower land   leases, limiting financial capacity.   Table 3 Relevant Economic & Technical Indexes, Existing Residential Areas          #VJMEJOH "SFB IN 1MPUSBUJP EFOTJUZ GDP(Billion) Fixed Assets Investment(Billion)

Relation Between Local GDP and #BJZBOHQJOH"SFB    Fixed Assets Investment

)POHRJ"SFB    Fig. 12 Relation Between Local GDP and Fixed Assets Investment from 2004 to 2011 )PUTQSJOH"SFB1IBTF    Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design )PUTQSJOH"SFB1IBTF   

4PVSDF6SCBO0WFSBMM1MBOOJOHGPS#FJDIVBO2JBOH"VUPOPNPVT5PXO 2.2.5 Financial Constraints  $IJOB"DBEFNZPG6SCBO1MBOOJOH%FTJHO Driven by investment, post-earthquake reconstruction

  of Beichuan stimulated short-term economic growth, but

  post-reconstruction investment is slowly decelerating. Before the earthquake, fixed assets investment   Plot Ratio1.8 accounted for 50%–70% of local GDP. In 2009, it   Plot Ratio2.2 became five times the local GDP in 2009, 4.5 times Plot Ratio2.6   in 2010, and 1.5 times in 2011. Estimates expect the figures to keep dropping from 2012 onwards.   6OJU4BMF1SJDF $/:TRVBSFNFUFS       In the meantime, the debt burden to banks is more Land Transferring Fee (10 thousands/mu) than $1.5 billion, compared to revenues of Beichuan of Fig. 11 Relation between Land Transfer Fee, Plot Ratio, and Unit Sale Price about $47.8 million in 2010 and $67.9 million in 2011. Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design This is a challenge to financial sustainability.

According to land economics, when unit price   million is fixed, the lower plot ratio results in lower land  transfer fees. In Anxian Town, Beichuan’s neighboring   city, unit price is CNY3,300 to CNY3,400 per square   – 2 meter[($509 $525)/m ] and land transfer fee reaches  up to CNY2 million per mu (about $309,000 per 666 m2).   In Beichuan, it is only about CNY1 million per mu 

($154,000 per mu). Therefore, it is necessary for 'JOBODJBM3FWFOVFT $/:         Beichuan to raise the proportion of residential land and Fig. 13 Financial Revenues of Beichuan, 2004–2011 (CNY hundred million) Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town increase development intensity in undeveloped areas. (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

121 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

According to the valley effect, the investment (iii) industrial base in Western Mianyang; and (iv) efficiency coefficient of fixed assets investment is low, political, economic and cultural center of Beichuan measured as increase of GDP divided by fixed assets, County. and follow-up investment after large infrastructure investments (money spent in the following 5 years) is 3.1.1 Contemporary Cultural Heritage and a Town of small. The loan repayment period is long and coincides Qiang Culture with the valley effect. To cope with this, the efficiency Beichuan New Town is a relocation town. Its of the investments and other benefits should be design represents a combination of traditional Qiang optimized. culture and modern culture. It deeply embodies the As the post-reconstruction development of concept of a modern city of Qiang culture and achieves Beichuan New Town reaches normal speeds and as the the goal of a symbol of urban construction engineering, number of construction aid projects from Shandong the spirit of earthquake relief, and cultural heritage. Its Province decreases, the stimulus of investment in construction, which has high cultural value, is a model economic growth will weaken. Beichuan needs to find of cooperation between planners and architects in a new momentum to generate sustainable economic the planning and construction of contemporary small development. towns (Xiaojiang Li, 2011). Considering Beichuan New Town together with the old Beichuan County, which is 3 Post-Reconstruction Overall Planning now an Earthquake Relief Memorial Museum, Beichuan can expand its role as a showcase for contemporary In light of the opportunities and challenges of cultural heritage. Beichuan, the new overall master plan should focus on Beichuan’s regional economic positioning. It 3.1.2 Tourism Base in Sichuan Province should lay out a sustainable development trajectory There are obvious location and resource and framework that aims for sustainable prosperity, advantages for promoting the development of tourism breakthroughs in regional industry development, in Beichuan. It is and will be an important gateway and and initiates various policies to develop the different node leading to the mountain area in western Sichuan. economic sectors. Beichuan New Town is located at the conjunction of three classic tourism routes, the Jiuzhaigou North 3.1 Beichuan’s Positioning Loop Route, Qiang Culture Route, and Wenchuan According to the overall plan for post-earthquake Earthquake Memorial Route. In the future, along with reconstruction of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous the route change of the Ninth Loop Route to Guixi- Town, Beichuan New Town is defined as the political, Qushan-Yongchang, the location advantages of economic, and cultural center of Beichuan County, the Beichuan will increase. Beichuan New Town and its tourism base in western Sichuan, an industrial base in surroundings possess a diverse and multi-layered western Mianyang, the city of modern Qiang culture, set of tourism resources including traditional Qiang and an ecological garden city. However, along with and Dayu culture, ecological and landscape scenery, the increasing attention Beichuan received after the and current earthquake relief culture. There is also earthquake, it is no longer an ordinary town, and it has further potential for urban development. Its tourism enjoyed attention from all over the PRC and even the will no longer be limited to ordinary travel services as whole world. Therefore, there is a need to reconsider described above. Instead, Beichuan itself will become the potential positioning of Beichuan, which mainly a new tourism destination. Hence, tourism should be focuses on (i) the contemporary cultural heritage and one of the key drivers for the future development of Qiang culture; (ii) tourism base in Sichuan Province; Beichuan. Transforming tourism in the central urban

122 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

area to include sightseeing, educational, commercial, conference industries based on principles of urban and nature based recreational tourism would boost the prosperity, resilient development of tourism, and country’s awareness of Sichuan Province and uplift its cluster development for selected industries. Beichuan status. should be known as Contemporary Cultural Heritage, a Town of Qiang Culture, Travel Service Base in Sichuan 3.1.3 Industrial Base in Western Mianyang Province, Industrial Base in Western Mianyang, and the Beichuan New Town’s macro location makes it a Political, Economic and Cultural Center of Beichuan key node in the development corridor connecting the County Area. western Mianyang and the northern town of Mian’an. Beichuan has the opportunity and responsibility 3.2 Development Path to transform from a resource-based “mountain There are two types of urban economies: local economy” to a combined resources and industry economy, serving local markets, and regional economy based “mountain-plain economy” and to promote and industry. Restricted by its peripheral location, local industrialization and urbanization. Currently, the economy including industry, housing, and general contradiction between a local economy and economy services, attracts a limited number of workers and dominated by outside investments challenges the residential population. To increase the population and industrial development in Beichuan. While outside improve sustainable development, Beichuan New Town enterprises typically possess advanced technologies, needs to find a breakthrough in the local industries. their links to local industries and resources tend Therefore, sustainable development of cultural and to be weak, resulting in limited impact on the local recreational tourism, conference and exhibition, and economy. Local entrepreneurs, markets, and resources education-based regional industries should serve as are the base for local enterprises, which are now the foundation for post-reconstruction plans. Potentials the main driving force for economic development. for further development may include tourism with Therefore, Beichuan should focus on promoting local small impact on the environment as it may offer a enterprises and improve the enabling environment development path for counties in less developed areas for industrial investments and jobs. The town would with good natural environment and cultural endowment. also benefit much from stronger interaction between industrialization and urbanization. In the short term, 3.2.1 Conference and Exhibitions Industries industrial development should focus on population Conference and exhibition-based industries do not aggregation. Sustainable urbanization, while promoting occupy much land and it can promote the development industrialization, should be a key objective and of hospitality, catering, cultural, educational, and emphasis for the long term. recreational tourism and other industries in its surroundings. Seasons do not affect conference and 3.1.4 Political, Economic and Cultural Center of exhibition-based industries. They can bring a steady Beichuan County flow of people to the city and benefit its development. As the only Qiang Autonomous County in the PRC, Therefore, they have become one of the prime choices the central urban area will be an important political, as an industry type for small and medium-sized cities in economic, and cultural center of Beichuan County and scenic areas. for the whole Qiang ethnic minority inhabited area in The Boao Forum for Asia on Hainan Island for western Sichuan. example has generated a high-end exhibition economy The future development of Beichuan should, promoting tourism and other industries. Through the therefore, highlight the role of contemporary cultural construction of a series of infrastructure and facilities heritage and emphasize the key role of tourism and such as hotels, golf courses, wellness, airports, and

123 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

the provision of a full range of related services such as learners in a bottom-up way. From January to April in conferences, catering, and sightseeing tours, Boao is 2014, Jinggangshan received 2.2 million tourists and becoming an ideal place for commercial conferences earned CNY1.5 billion (about $242 million) in tourism and vacations. Currently, Boao has over 40 family inns, revenue, which is 15 times the revenue of the local 3 five-star hotels, 5 four-star hotels, 2 golf courses, and people. an airport. It holds nearly 400 conferences every year. The Publicity Department of the Communist In 2010, Boao received 2.8 million tourists with 7,500 Party of the PRC (CPC) central committee identified guests per day on average from within the PRC and Beichuan as the city of "Three Bases One Window". abroad. It recognizes Beichuan as a "Patriotic Education Along with improvements in the living environment Base, Base of Socialist Core Value System, Publicity and the increasing popularity of Beichuan New Town, Educational Base of National Unity and Progress, the number of regional conferences held is growing. a window for displaying the development model, To adapt to this new trend and to improve its regional development idea and development path of the PRC". function, Beichuan plans to build a regional conference Beichuan should actively implement the relevant center at the southern urban area on the west bank of policies and measures to become an education base to the new town and support facilities like high-end hotels systematically publicize red tourism routes and develop and fitness and wellness centers. It covers an area of the "Three Bases One Window". Beichuan New Town 27.7 hm2 and is located at the southern entrance of should become a base for learning and training on the new town. It will help to create a pleasant gateway constructing a systematic demonstration town and as landscape and drive the development of the southern an educational base for national culture tourism and west bank area. As it is not located on the main axis, intangible cultural heritage. flexibility for facility designs is possible. 3.2.3 Recreation Sector

3.2.2 Education Along with the improvement of people’s living The development of an education sector may standards, there are plans to develop the leisure take advantage of the unique culture and history of industry rapidly. For small and medium sized towns in Beichuan, its space development practice, and the less-developed regions, their unique cultural resources, advanced planning and construction concept of the and outstanding ecological environment will benefit new town. Through top-down organized learning or them in fully exploiting their advantages the in post- bottom-up voluntary learning, the cultivation of an industrial era. Leisure industry will drive its sustainable education sector may deliver a flow of people several development. times the local population and boost the development Napier in New Zealand, for example, is a city that of related industries. resembles Beichuan. It was also a small town revitalized As one of the One Hundred Demonstration through post-disaster reconstruction. In 1931, a 7.8 Bases of Patriotic Education and the PRC’s Top Ten magnitude earthquake struck Napier and destroyed Outstanding Social Education Bases, Jinggangshan most of the commercial buildings. Reconstruction in Jiangxi Province with a population of 148,000 may made it become the newest city in the country with serve as an example for Beichuan. Its education sector a concentration of 1930s style architecture, the only achieved growth in two ways. First, Jinggangshan contiguous Art Décor urban area in the world. Napier Cadre Institute of the PRC holds training courses for relied on its urban area and its natural coastal scenic party and government cadres, business managers, resources to establish diverse festival activities and professional and technical personnel, and military colorful commercial activities, including an Art Décor cadres in a top-down way. Then, it attracts voluntary Weekend and Mission Concert Weekend to attract

124 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

people from its surroundings. In turn the glamorous characteristics or blocking visual corridors are strictly urban life, the brand and image of the city, helped to forbidden. improve the secondary industry. (ii) Upgrading the Industrial Park The goal for Beichuan New Town is to become a While 33 enterprises have located in the Beichuan tourism destination that features leisure and vacation. economic development zone, most of them have The recreation sector may center on the scenic areas not started operation. Enterprises that now occupy of Kaimao Reservoir and the surroundings of Shunyi River scarce land resources in the east bank have low output for the development of leisure and vacation tourism. production. The plan systematically upgrades Shandong 3.3 Spatial Development Framework Industrial Park. Enterprises on the east side of South The spatial development framework features four Yunpan Road will reposition to form a three-line- functional areas downtown: shaped layout. There are also plans to build an office (i) the east bank area, which focuses on the protection zone along Yongchang Road. Replacing the current and development of contemporary cultural heritage and industrial architecture style with modern Qiang upgrading of the industrial park; architecture style will improve the appearance along (ii) a new residential area on the west bank; Yongchang River. In the meantime, there are plans for (iii) the Kaimao Tourism Resort area in the north; and a production, exhibition, and experience zone along (iv) the new part of the economic development zone Yunpan River, and the current secondary industry will on the west side. be replaced with “industry 2.5” to promote industrial upgrades in Beichuan downtown. Along Jiangjia River 3.3.1 East Bank will be a recreational and tourist zone to boost the (i) Protect and Develop the Contemporary Cultural tourism development of Beichuan. Heritage According to the master plan, two zones form the 3.3.2 West Bank: A New Livable District east bank: a core protection area and a construction In the urban area around the west bank of the river, control area. Covering 2.6 km2, the core area includes there are plans to develop an area of 289 hm2 with the developed area on the east bank (except the 5,500 residents into a new livable urban district. Beichuan Shandong Industrial Park). In this zone, The landscape axis on the east bank will extend there is a landscape ring, an ecological corridor, the into the west bank district. There will be commercial recreation belt, the growth ridge, a public facilities areas on both sides of the central greenbelt of the bracelet, and a landscape axis. Most structures here west bank. Construction heights may increase by 30% are protected, such as the urban fabric, which is neat compared to the basic height limit to emphasize the in detail and orderly — the Qiang architecture, several axis. Land on both sides of the axis will be a mix of corridors, and the road network. commercial and residential uses. At the end of the axis The construction control area covers 11.2 km2 will be high-end tourism facilities. and includes undeveloped areas in the east and On the west of Xizongsan Road, plans for a west banks as well as the Kaimao Tourism Resort. green park along the Guihua River will complete the In this area, mountain and water landscapes are open space network. East of Xizongsan Road will be protected and maintenance is required. Vegetation and commercial facilities, including travel services, to serve ecological environment of the surrounding mountains local residents. There will be a riverside commercial are also protected. New construction has to follow street on Xizongsan Road, which will intersect with the existing typologies, architectural appearance, and axis of the green park, linking it to the public space on height requirements. Damages to original Qiang the west bank of the river.

125 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 14 Land Use Planning Map for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County in Overall Urban Planning Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

126 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

The four residential areas allow 6 to 12-story buildings and plot ratios from 1.8 to 2.5. Its plot ratios are properly increased based on 1.8 in the overall plan for post-earthquake reconstruction to ensure the new town is a compact city. In addition, there will be a low-density residential area along Xishaner Road with a middle school, a primary school, and a hospital built nearby.

3.3.3 Kaimao Tourist Resort

In Beichuan New Town 192.4 hm2 of land is set aside for tourism; 145.7 hm2 of it is on eastern side, primarily in the Kaimao Tourism Resort north of the new town. There is no implementation schedule at this time. An expert consultation process will be established to control the development and layout of tourism and promote a flexible development. Major roads separate Fig. 15 Public Open Space on the West Bank of the River mountains and divide the land into 8 development units. Source: Urban Overall Planning for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town 2 (20112030), China Academy of Urban Planning & Design The development land for each unit is from 10 to 20 hm .

Fig. 16 General Plan of the Tourist and Leisure Resort on the North of the New Town Source: Urban Design for the Tourist and Leisure Resort on the North of the New Town, China Academy of Urban Planning & Design

127 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Taking advantage of the natural setting and cultural characteristics in combination with landscape resources such as the reservoir and hot spring, tourism beauty (Table 4). themes are carefully chosen to build on the Qiang

Table 4 Themes of Tourism Development and Suggestions on Projects







area planned at the post-earthquake reconstruction 3.3.4 The West Area of Economic Development Zone: planning stage. The 0.25 km2 land transfer in 2011 Phased Construction and Featured Development earned CNY300 million (about $49.6 million) in land During the gradual upgrade of Beichuan Shandong lease for the Beichuan government. The achieved Industrial Park, construction of the Beichuan, Sichuan unit price for land is significantly higher than in the economic development zone will begin. The urban surrounding counties, which demonstrates the good development land is 570 hm2, of which the east area living environment in Beichuan and its positive impact covers 114 hm2 and the west, 456 hm2. The industrial on local finance. land is 359 hm2. In the meantime, according to the requirement Construction of the new part of economic and guidance of overall planning for post-earthquake development zone will be in phases, and separate reconstruction, Beichuan actively develops potential development prohibited. In the short term, construction tourism resources such as Kaimao Reservoir. So far, of the industrial zone in Changle south of west bank it received interest from many tourism and leisure will start. In the medium term, industrial clusters on developers for the area surrounding the reservoir. the southwest will be developed, and in the long term, As the only relocation county after the Great industries will be developed in the northwest. With Wenchuan Earthquake, Beichuan New Town took an regard to access to the economic development zone, investment and supply driven approach and benefited industries that suit local markets and resources will be from high-speed urban development. However, as developed, including farm product processing, cultural Beichuan New Town enters a slower pace and state and tourist product processing, tourism, etc. Industries of development, as a less-developed small town that cover a large area of land, consume a large amount that resembles many others of the same kind, a key of energy, and affect the environment are forbidden. question is how Beichuan New Town can attract continuous attention, jobs and people, and lead a 4 Conclusion sustainable future development? Through the two overall planning practices By the end of 2013, Beichuan New Town reached a since 2008 and the current development reality of permanent resident population of 31,000. Construction Beichuan, we find that exploration and exploitation land increased in 2011 from 4.6 km2 to 4.8 km2. The of local resources can provide a basis for sustainable scale of land for construction exceeded the short-term development. The establishment of a city brand

128 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area

and image may become a key to its sustainable The development of locally based industries should development. The development of locally based build on local resources and rely on creative planning industries is one of the main ways to promote the and careful implementation. By developing local sustainable development of similar cities successfully. industries, limited space can attract a large population Cities in less-developed regions need to build that creates a lively atmosphere and promotes the on their special features. Feature development needs development of related industries. This would improve a deep understanding and sustainable use of local the process of further urbanization and industrialization, resources. Beichuan actively develops a sustainable leading to sustainable economic development. tourism industry taking full advantage of its location, local cultural, natural resources and materials, and its 3FGFSFODFT manufacturing industry. Beichuan aims to be a tourism [1] China Academy of Urban Planning and Design. The Overall base and destination and a featured industry base. Planning for After-Earthquake Reconstruction of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town[Z]. 2009. The establishment of a city brand and image [2] China Academy of Urban Planning and Design. The Overall involves an advanced marketing strategy emphasizing Planning of the Town of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous Town its resources, its location, culture, nature, and (2011–2030)[Z]. 2012. industries. Marketing will take advantage of the [3] Sun Tong, Yin Huiliang, Zhu Ziyu. Practice and experience advanced planning concept, compact and reasonable of the work model of the overall planning of new Beichuan layout, clear space structure, distinctive spatial town[J]. Urban Planning, 2011, 35(Z2): 17-36. [4] Li Xiaojiang. A Role Model of the Cooperation Between style, and environment-friendly low-carbon eco- Planners and Architects[M]. China Academy of Urban efficient building and infrastructure technology. The Planning and Design, China Academy of Architecture establishment of a distinct city brand and image will Design, Construction of Beichuan New Town. Beijing: China improve the overall value of the city, enhance the Architecture and Building Press, 2011. awareness of the good living environment for local [5] Zheng Degao, et al. Thoughts on theĄ post-reconstructioną residents, and attract surrounding population and high- development path of Beichuan[J]. Urban Planning, 2011, 35(Z2): 110-114. end industries.

129 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City Xiao Sima, Xiaoxing Feng, Xiaoli Wu

130 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

6 km south of the historic urban center. About 1 The Making of Taihu New Town 400,000 residents currently enjoy its beautiful natural environment and convenient access to 1.1 Wuxi: “Pearl of Taihu Lake” Built on History, transportation. The suggestion to build this new Culture, and Prosperity town was first proposed in 2002 as part of Wuxi’s Wuxi City in Jiangsu Province is famous for its new general plan. The goal was to provide a history and its culture. As the “little Shanghai” and framework for urban and economic development by “City of Abundance” of the People’s Republic of China constructing a new city center. It would also further (PRC), it is also the birthplace of modern industry in promote the city’s strategy of urban development the country. Wuxi is known for innovation, creativity, toward the south. Taihu New Town was part of Internet of Things (IoT) industrial development, a strategy to turn Wuxi from a city by the Grand environmental governance, and ecological Canal to a city by Taihu Lake. rehabilitation of Taihu Lake. Wuxi is 128 kilometers (km) Against the background of national and west of Shanghai and 183 km east of Nanjing. It international advocacy and policies to reduce is bordered by the Yangtze River to the north and carbon emissions and promote eco-efficient Taihu Lake to the south. Wuxi has more than 6 developments, former Premier Wen Jiabao million permanent residents. Three million of these noted during his 2009 visit in Wuxi “the focus of residents live in urban districts that take up 1,659 governing Taihu Lake and its transformation should square kilometers (km2) of Wuxi’s total land area of be on developing Wuxi as a livable city based 4,788 km2. on environmental sustainability, ecological and As one of the key cities in the Yangtze River cultural tourism, modern service, and high-tech Delta Region, Wuxi enjoys advantageous natural industries". In the process of rapid urbanization, surroundings, excellent human resources, a dynamic Wuxi’s development faces increasing challenges, market, and an advanced, diversified economy. In such as competition among cities in the Yangtze 2012, Wuxi’s gross domestic product (GDP) ranked River Delta Region, urban sprawl, excessive fourth; its per capita GDP first; its total industrial output occupation of cultivated land, and management value, third, and its fiscal revenue, sixth among the and environmental protection issues of Taihu Lake cities in the Yangtze River Delta Region. Its aggregate Basin. On 3 July 2010, the Ministry of Housing, economic and industrial output value ranked among Urban and Rural Development, and the Wuxi the top 10 in the PRC. Municipal Peoples Government signed the National Low-Carbon and Eco-City Demonstration Area- 1.2 Taihu New Town: A National Level Low- Taihu New Town cooperation framework agreement, Carbon Eco-City Demonstration Project which names Taihu New Town as a National Level Wuxi Taihu New Town covers an area of 150 km2. Low-Carbon Eco-City Demonstration Area. The It is at the shore of Taihu Lake, only 1 km west goal was to develop a land use, resource, energy of the Sunan Shuofang International Airport and efficient urban development pattern.

131 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Table 1 Ranking of Cities’ Comprehensive Strength in Yangtze River Delta Region, 2012














5BJ[IPV ∝ጋ           




5BJ[IPV झጋ           


Fig. 1 Location Map of Taihu New Town, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province Source: Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen

pattern of the time in the PRC, but shifted to 1.3 Planning the Transformation of the Taihu New a new and more integrated approach, with a Town Low-Carbon Eco-City program and guidelines from the Ministry of Planning and construction of Taihu New Housing, Urban, and Rural Development, to build Town first followed the conventional development a low-carbon eco-city.

132 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

The Wuxi Planning Department first organized enhance planning and to make sure plans would be an international planning competition for Taihu New implemented in the best way to achieve the goal of Town. It carried out research on land development and an advanced low-carbon eco-city. The Sino-Swedish functional layout for the core area of the new town. Low-Carbon Eco-City Demonstration Area covers Then, it integrated the key results into the Zoning Plan 2.4 square kilometers (km2). It promotes bilateral of Taihu New Town, which was completed in 2003. cooperation with Swedish partners on green economy In 2004, the conceptual planning for the core development, low-carbon technology, and successful area and lakefront of Taihu New Town began. A implementation of eco-city planning and construction comprehensive land use plan for the core area was by learning from advanced Swedish ideas. ARUP envisioned, and ideas for the lakefront area were and Tengbom worked collaboratively with the local developed. The result was a plan for a compact, government to develop the Planning Indicator System high-density, mixed-use urban center with attractive and Implementation Guideline of the National Low- pedestrian areas and waterfronts. Carbon Eco-City Demonstration Area in Wuxi Taihu In 2005, the conceptual master plan for Taihu New Town, 2010–2020 and Indicator System and New Town was completed. In 2005–2007, detailed Implementation Guideline of Wuxi Sino-Swedish Low- municipal engineering, landscape, and detailed Carbon Eco-City, 2010–2020. These two key planning urban design plans for areas along key urban documents guided the development and construction corridors and waterfronts were developed and of Taihu New Town. optimized. By 2007, all regulatory and detailed Since 2011 the establishment and management of plans for the entire Taihu New Town were complete. Wuxi Taihu New Town plans have included (i) energy The headquarters for construction supervision was efficiency, non-motorized transport, and environmentally then arranged on site, marking the official launch of sustainable landscape; and (ii) 10 detailed control plans. construction. The detailed control plans gave clear direction for a In 2010 the engineering and planning firms, more sustainable development of the new town. They ARUP and Tengbom were engaged for the ecological were adjusted, with guidance from the two consulting planning of Taihu New Town and Sino-Swedish firms and the developed indicator systems, to allow Low-Carbon Eco-City Demonstration Area, to key ecological performance indicators to be measured,

Fig. 2 Timeline of Planning and Implementation of Taihu New Town Source: Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen

133 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 3 Overall Framework of Taihu New Town Planning Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi New Town Construction which became a key condition for leasing contracts with accounting for 67% of the total land area of Wuxi land developers. New Town. The remaining 50 km2 are for roads, open Eco-city planning focused on establishing space, and other land uses. Per capita construction key performance indicators and merged with the land for Taihu New Town will be about 100 square conventional planning system that followed the PRC’s meters (m2). planning model and regulations, such as general About 2,544 hm2, or 25% of the urban construction planning, urban design, and detailed control plan. The land is for residential; about 2,415 hm2, or 24%, for resulting framework became the foundation for the public facilities; and 568 hm2, or 6%, for industrial transformation and upgrading of the new town. use. Warehouse and logistics get 24 hm2, or 0.2% of the urban construction land; 8 hm2, or 0.1%, for 2 Spatial Planning external transport; 2,079 hm2, or 21%, for roads and open spaces; 202 hm2, or 2%, for municipal public 2.1 Vision: Establish a New Central Area as Low- facilities; and, finally, 2,141 hm2, or 21%, for green Carbon Eco-City for Wuxi open space. The new Wuxi General Master Plan positions Taihu New Town as the new city center that will be 2.2 Urban Structure: Clear Functions of Three Zones home to many vital urban functions, including the Bounded by Huayi Road and Lihu Avenue, Taihu city administration and business center, research, New Town is divided into three distinct zones with science and education, recreation and residential clear functions from east to west. areas and it will be a new modern city based on The eastern zone occupies about 23 km2. Its ecological planning. According to the general master main feature is Taihu International Science Park, plan, the estimated population of Taihu New Town including the National Sensing Information Center in 2020 will be about 1 million and the estimated and high-tech research and development, University number of jobs will be about 500,000. The total Science, software, digital design, and the creative urban construction land area is about 100 km2, industry parks.

134 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City


 N  N  N

Fig. 4 Land Use Plan of Taihu New Town Low-Carbon Eco-City Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction


 N  N  N


Fig. 5 Three Functional Zones of Taihu New Town Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction

135 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

The central zone, the heart of Taihu New Town, covers about 55 km2 and focuses on the financial and business center, administrative center, cultural center, and high density livable residential communities. The western zone covers about 72 km2 with Shanshui City Scenic Resort and the Science and Education Industry Park as the main features. Plans for this zone include creative industries, ecological and recreational tourism, a national first-class university science park, a demonstration area integrating administration, production, study and research, and a base for tourism, leisure, and the movie and television Fig. 7 Supporting System on the Public Facility Level of Taihu New Town industry, all of which attract domestic and international Source: Supporting Facility Plan for Taihu New Town Community, Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction interest.

2.4 Public Facilities: A Three-Tier System of Street, Neighborhood Center, and Grassroots Community

A three-tier public facility system comprising the streets, neighborhood centers, and grassroots communities, was established. The public facilities serve a population of 50,000 to 100,000 at the street tier; 30,000 to 50,000 at the neighborhood center tier; and 10,000 to 15,000 at the grassroots community tier. The street tier includes public facilities such as the administrative offices, sports activity center, cultural activity center, health Fig. 6 Spatial Structure Diagram for Taihu New Town Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction service center, nursing home, and community park. The neighborhood center tier includes the community recreational activity center, community 2.3 Spatial Structure: One Core, One Belt, Two business facilities, produce market, postal Parks, and Two Zones telecommunications facilities, renewable resources Taihu New Town is nestled under a mountain recycling, public toilets, and public parking lots. and near a lake. It established an overall structure of The third tier grassroots community includes one core, one belt, two parks, and two zones to take facilities such as the residential committee, cultural advantage of its lush and green natural environment. activity station, community health service station, The core refers to the administration, culture, and community home endowment service station, business financial area. The belt refers to the Taihu resident fitness center, and community green space. Lakefront landscape scenery. The two parks refer to The construction of public facilities should carry out Taihu International Science Park and the Science and the concept of intensive and optimal land use. The Education Industry Park, while the two zones refer to community centers are encouraged to follow the the residential communities planned on both sides of mixed land use model. the core area.

136 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

Fig. 8 Planning Map for Road Traffic of Taihu New Town Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction

to public transport service from all residential 2.5 Sustainable Road and Urban Transport System: areas, commercial areas, workplaces, and Metro-Rail-Transit, Bus Rapid Transit, and recreational areas. Bus Service

The road network of Wuxi Taihu New Town is 2.6 Open Space and Ecosystem Structure: Green laid out as a grid of trunk roads comprising five Parks, Corridors, Lakefront and Riverway Network main east-west, eight main north-south roads, Wuxi Taihu New Town is endowed by a scenic and smaller local roads. There are four levels natural setting with a mountain, lake, forest, of roads: expressways, trunk roads, secondary wetland, and river. The plan focuses on making trunk roads, and branch streets, with a total a green city with an abundance of green open length of 300 kilometers (km). The road network spaces. The green space system comprises three density is 6 km per km2. A highway (Circum-Taihu major east-west and three major north-south green Lake Highway) and three expressways (Gaolang corridors. The three main north-south greenbelts are Road, Yihu Avenue, and Huaqing Avenue) provide the Shangxian River Wetland Park, Changguangxi rapid road access. Public transport linking Taihu Wetland Park, and Lihe River Landscape Belt. The New Town with other parts of Wuxi includes three main east-west open spaces are the Liangtang two rail transit lines (Lines 1 and 4) and 6 bus River Ecological Landscape Green Space, Wudu rapid transit lines to enable transit-oriented Road Landscape Belt, and Taihu Lakeside Park. The development (TOD) easy and convenient access green corridors are about 4 km apart, spreading

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 N  N  N


Fig. 9 Green Space System of Taihu New Town Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction



Fig. 10 Comprehensive Improvement for River System of Taihu New Town Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction

138 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

across the entire Taihu New Town. They offer many buildings. It also suggests that the ratio of mixed-use well-distributed ecosystem services to the new blocks to residential and other uses in the new town development such as improved air quality, pollutant exceed 50%. absorption, microclimate, water filtration, and storm water management, and other ecosystems services 3.1.2 Land Use Intensity and Efficiency that green space provide. The development intensity and the mix of The new town will preserve and rehabilitate land uses surrounding the metro stations and more than 300 rivers and creeks and their transportation hubs will increase. The construction environments by 2020 in the form of a 200 km of high-density, mixed-use development complexes primary water network comprising four east- with public activity centers is advocated, with 80% west and four north-south rivers. The network of these centers connected to public transportation will have drainage density of 1.9 km/km2 and a hubs. Mixed-use developments must be high water surface ratio of 4.3%. A key goal is to link density with a total comprehensive plot ratio the Taihu Lake Wetland and open space system between 2.5 and 6.0 for office facilities and between closely to the new town. 3.5 and 6.5 for commercial facilities. In addition, underground space will be developed to connect 3 Eco-City Development and Construction buildings. The transit-oriented, mixed-use, and Strategy high-density development around public transport stations and reasonable block sizes promote 3.1 Eco-Efficient and Energy Saving Urban Spatial Layout walking and cycling, and will reduce the number of private vehicles used. 3.1.1 A Vibrant Mix of Uses: Diverse and Complex Urban Functions 3.1.3 Optimize Public Facility Layout

Wuxi Taihu New Town will be a compact city The locations of basic public service facilities are with complex and diverse residential, commercial, distributed to make sure all residents and workers in industrial, and recreational functions. It will the new town have equal and convenient access. To build on and expand the energy, film and movie, encourage non-motorized transport, public facilities recreation, and tourism industries. Industries are near residents to enable 97% of residents to walk and universities will organize the expansion of to childcare within 500 meters, over 80% to walk to research and development. The town’s focus on primary schools within 500 meters, and all residents to business finance, leisure tourism, information and walk to public green spaces within 500 meters. Hence, communication technology (ICT) development, new green transport is advocated. materials research and development, technology incubation centers, science and education in 3.2 Establish a Multi-Tier Sustainable Public the arts and creative industries, and low-carbon Transport Network industry development promotes the services sector. Transportation links and the close relationships 3.2.1 Develop Green Public Transportation System between industries, public services, and residential Wuxi Taihu Low-Carbon Eco-City New Town aims land will create favorable jobs and housing balance, to build a sustainable urban transport and eco-mobility resulting in a compact city with short distances from system, focusing on public transport service with home to work and leisure. convenient multimodal transfer stations that integrate Within urban blocks, the plan advocates mixed railway transit with local and city-buses to realize a land use with residential, commercial, and office convenient and low-carbon transport system.

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Fig. 11 Eco-City Planning Improves the Accessibility of Public Facilities Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction

The optimized bus route alignments and exclusive of service radius, combined with the high-density bus lanes on both sides of the trunk roads increase mixed-use developments around transit stations speed and density of the bus route network that will and distributed public facilities, ensure a sound and reach at least 3 km per km2 of urban area. Throughout convenient framework for pedestrian and bicycle the Taihu New Town, bus stops are within convenient circulation. A convenient public bicycle leasing system walking distance of only 500 meters, which equals will encourage green trips, further reducing the need for about a 6-minute walk. private vehicles. In addition, there will be convenient and attractive 3.2.2 A Pedestrian and Bicycle Friendly New Town pedestrian and bicycle pathways in the five green Focused on Non-Motorized Transport corridors that offer pleasant leisure and recreation Throughout Taihu New Town, blocks that are routes with various themes: a water environment route, not too large, through-block connections, and wide an ecological experience route, a cultural heritage sidewalks and bicycle lanes create a convenient route, a leisure tourism route, and an urban experience pedestrian and bicycle path network. At least one to route. Pathway network density reaches at least a two public transport transfer stations for every 2 km 3.7 km of pathway per km2.

140 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

Fig. 12 Non-Motorized Transport System of Taihu New Town Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction

Fig. 13 Convenient Bus Stops and Traffic Service Node for Non-Motorized Transport of Taihu New Town Source: Slow Traffic System Plan for Wuxi Taihu New Town Plan, Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction

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3.3 Eco-Efficient and Integrated Utilities for 3.3.3 Integrated Solid Waste Management Energy Savings and Emissions Reduction (i) Solid Waste Generation Reduction Wuxi Taihu New Town advocates green lifestyles 3.3.1 Common Utility Trenches and reduced consumption with no more than 0.8 kg of Common utility trenches with ducts for various solid waste per capita daily. It also aims for no more services in Taihu New Town follow international best than 450 tons per hectare of construction waste through practices. New pipes and a comprehensive utility resource recovery and utilization, and landscape trench is used along the road around the core area construction balancing cut and fill earthwork. including electricity cable, telecommunications, a water (ii) Solid Waste Recycling, Resource Recovery, and supply main pipe, and a reclaimed water pipe with a Utilization total length of about 16.4 km. The solid waste management system maximizes solid waste recycling. It requires that at least 95% of 3.3.2 Water Use Efficiency, Wastewater Treatment, domestic waste and at least 75% of construction waste and Water Reuse is recycled. (i) Improve Efficiency and Use of Unconventional (iii) Separate Collection and Harmless Treatment of Water Resources Solid Waste Taihu New Town has an ambitious target of no Solid waste is segregated at the source and more than 5% non-revenue water lost from leaky pipes. collected in separate units. The non-hazardous solid It aims to utilize more than 40% of unconventional waste treatment rate reaches 100% in Taihu New Town. water resources, i.e., treated wastewater. The use of In the Sino-Swedish Eco-City Demonstration Area, water-saving appliances in private households and a vacuum waste collection system is being installed commercial, industrial, and public buildings should be introducing advanced technology from Sweden as at 100%. These key measures will maximize water use used in Hammarby Sjöstad. efficiency and decrease loss of water resources. (ii) Improve the Wastewater Treatment Ratio 3.3.4 Energy Saving and Regeneration Technology Wuxi Taihu New Town has full coverage of (i) Energy Efficiency for New Buildings wastewater collection and treatment. When completed, Given the hot summer and moderate winter the unified wastewater treatment and reclaimed water climate zone in the middle and lower Yangtze River recycling system will make sure that the effluent quality Region, the planning code requires north-south building meets PRC standards and water quality requirements orientation, with main rooms in dwelling units facing after physical, chemical, and biological treatment. The south, encouraging passive solar gains in the winter town aims to use reclaimed water for 30% of all water and natural ventilation. The buildings follow advanced its water needs. green building technology by adopting environmental (iii) High Infiltration and Zero Impact of Rainwater protection technologies such as external sun shading, Drainage heat preservation, and thermal insulation to reduce In Taihu New Town, roads and buildings adopt a the energy demand and consumption, and ensure that comprehensive rainwater filtration system to maximize the energy savings rate of new residential and public rainwater infiltration and groundwater recharge through buildings are at least 65% compared to conventional permeable ground. This ensures that land absorbs buildings in the PRC. the same amount of rainwater even after urban New public buildings must achieve the standard development, achieving zero impact on groundwater for public building energy efficiency. Energy- recharge. saving measures of green buildings are in the form

142 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

B %JTUSJCVUFEFOFSHZ C $POTUSVDUJPOPGTPMBSTUSFFUMBNQBMPOHUIFSPBE D 4PMBSMBOETDBQFMJHIUJOHGBDJMJUZ Fig. 14 Distributed and Renewable Energy Production Compact Combined Heat Power and Photovoltaic Cells Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction of thermal insulation of walls, roofs, raised floor, and low-E double pane glass windows for good 3.4 Protect and Improve the Ecological Environment thermal performance of the building envelope. While Targets for environmental quality targets include controlling the building shape coefficient, window monitored air quality with better or equal to secondary to wall ratio, and building orientation, the shading standard 350 days per year. Water pollution prevention facilities are applied according to code requirements. and control of Taihu Lake is strengthened, making For roof insulation, 120 millimeters (mm) of foam the quality of the surface water environment in Taihu glass is used; in some cases, green roofs are also New Town no worse than class IV, including surface adopted. For outer walls with 50 mm thick rock wool water source from second-level protected areas, fish insulation boards, 200 mm thick shale hollow bricks and shrimp wintering grounds and migration routes, are used. Elevated floors use 30 mm thick mineral aquaculture areas, and other fishing waters and wool insulation board. Insulated aluminum alloy with swimming area. For all projects, a construction and low emission is used in glass curtain wall facades. environmental impact assessment is required, with an Long-term efficiency gains compensate for increased aim to reach 100% coverage of up-to-standard, noise- investment costs. control zones. (ii) Strategy of Distributed and Renewable Energy The protection and development of significant Supply public green open space improves the capacity Wuxi Taihu New Town has a system that distributes of ecosystem services related to microclimate energy supply from renewable sources, such as improvements, air quality improvements through photovoltaic cells. The renewable energy production oxygen production, pollutant absorption, and carbon rate of Taihu New Town will reach at least 8% and the sequestration. The forestation rate in afforesting land Sino-Swedish Low-Carbon Eco-City Demonstration will be increased to at least 45%. The forestation rate of Area, a minimum of 20%. New buildings will reach at production and protective green space, roadside green least 15% by 2020. Taihu New Town also uses facilities space, park green open space should be respectively for distributed energy generation using different no lower than 80%, 70%, 60% and 40%. Building technologies of combined forms of renewable energy owners will implement the requirement under the with energy from the grid to improve the efficiency of town master plan to follow a certain proportion when energy utilization. greening building roofs.

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The town’s livable urban blocks and buildings detailed control plan, various sector plans, and sub- are people-oriented. In terms of architectural layout, area plans. wind environment model, heat island effect simulation, In line with the theory that urban development sunlight simulation, and other technical models were follows industrial development and jobs, the eastern used to optimize urban microclimate in the architectural and western industrial parks were developed early layout, which minimizes urban heat island effect and in 2005, establishing a foundation to create jobs and promotes natural urban ventilation with suitable wind attract people to the new town. By the end of 2009, speeds. In pedestrian areas, building arrangements in the 700,000 m2 eastern Taihu Science Park — reduce wind speed to no more than 5 meters per the technology innovation, startup, and creativity second. In residential areas, the standard sunshine center — was built. It attracted over 60 research coverage rate should reach 100%. In new residential and development institutions and software service areas, the daily average outdoor heat difference should outsourcing enterprises. In Shanshui City in the west be no more than 1.5 degrees. area, taking advantage of its proximity to the university town, the Wuxi branch of Peking University, Henghua 3.5 Promote Green Building Technology Park, Business Incubator for new graduates, In Taihu New Town, new buildings are constructed and other science and education bases were built. This according to the Evaluation Standard for Green attracted more than 70 high-tech enterprises, including Building and Evaluation Standard for Green Building Giant Interactive Group, IBM – PRC Cloud Computing in Jiangsu Province. Under these evaluations, all Center, iSoftStone, and other reputable firms. buildings are required to be certified with at least a In line with the strategy to construct infrastructure 1-star rating, 20% with a 2-star rating, and 10% with first before developing plots, the construction a 3-star rating. headquarters for Taihu New Town was established in In residential projects, solar and geothermal energy, 2007 and large-scale construction started. As a primary unconventional sources of water supply, water-saving framework for the development of the new town, the appliances, and environment-friendly construction first construction was the trunk lines of municipal materials are used and actively promoted. The use ratio infrastructures, key environmental engineering projects, of green material is required to reach 100% and that of and resettlement housing to guarantee people's living the local building materials is required to reach 70% or space. Meanwhile, the planning and construction of more. Construction adopts industrialized prefabricated the Civic Center, Expo Center, Grand Theater, and elements for residential buildings using intelligent other key projects were launched to create an image of systems and green construction at 100%. completeness for the new city center instantly. It took only 3 years to build the basic framework of the new 4 Economic, Social, and Environmental city center, including the road network, greenbelt and Impacts of Taihu New Town wetland, and key development projects. During the past 2 years, the construction of office, 4.1 Timeline of Taihu New Town Construction residential, and commercial projects moved forward Based on the principle of advanced planning, in line with the idea of a centralized development and followed by coordinated construction, the planning moderately developed support functions in the center. department started research on the planning of Taihu High-end office buildings and office occupancy are New Town in 2002. The master plan was completed in prioritized for centrally located sites. The large-scale 2007 after constant improvements of the general plan, central business district facilities and urban complex


144 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

projects were prioritized near the Civic Center; in this was invested in the development and construction of location, residential projects were also constructed first. housing, commercial buildings, and office buildings. A development principle was to focus on developing Private capital is also invested in the construction of the center first followed by periphery. Residential schools, hospitals, and other public service facilities development and construction followed a sequence arranged in public-private partnerships. of orderly southward development with land leases allowing the funding and development of public service 4.3 Social Impact of New Town Construction facilities. 4.3.1 Native Resident Resettlement and Livelihood Security

4.2 Financing Mechanism of the New Town Construction Prior to the construction of Taihu New Town, The start-up capital for construction of Taihu New there were about 195,000 residents in the area, most Town is mainly obtained through the development of whom have rural household registration. The and consolidation of land resources and land leases residential land was scattered in the form of natural to developers. The government used commercial villages with mainly two-story rural residences built bank loans to obtain the start-up capital for advance in the 1980s with relatively good construction quality. construction of infrastructure and key public structures. During the urbanization process, in line with the pace Land auctions were held, and the revenue was used to of infrastructure construction and environmental repay the commercial bank loans. engineering, high-quality residential communities were built to accommodate affected people whose lands 4.2.1 Construction Investment and Operation, and and homes were expropriated and demolished. All Maintenance Cost landless farmers were included in the urban social From 2007 to the end of 2012, the cumulative insurance system for a lifetime and enjoy the same investment in infrastructure, civil and environmental benefits as urban residents. Furthermore, the policy engineering projects, public facilities, and resettlement on land reserved for sub districts was adopted, under housing in the center of Taihu New Town1 was about which 10% of the total collectively owned land within CNY50 billion (about $8 billion). The operation and the Taihu New Town’s leased land is reserved as assets maintenance (O&M) cost for road, pipe network, and and managed collectively to bring dividends and job environmental infrastructure about CNY150 million opportunities to locals. (about $24 million) in 2011. The O&M cost will increase with the continued development of the new town. 4.3.2 Attract New Residents As the development of the eastern and western 4.2.2 Economic Benefit Analysis industrial parks and financial business district matured, From 2007 to the end of 2012, a land area of 4,500 a large number of qualified and talented people flocked Chinese mu (1 mu = 666 m2) in the center of Taihu into the new town. Meanwhile, the attractive natural New Town was auctioned off, and the revenue was environment of the lakefront, excellent living conditions, CNY14 billion (about $2.2 billion). Economic benefits, and high quality housing and public facilities attracted including land value increase, industrial development, many old town citizens to buy apartments and settle and job creation are very significant. The average down. By the end of 2012, about 4 million m2 in the center price of residential land in the center was CNY8 million of Taihu New Town made up the market-rate housing. (about $1.3 million) per mu in 2012, four times the amount compared to the price in 2004. Along with 4.3.3 Planning and Construction of Public Service Facilities the successful development and construction, a large Through a number of special plans, land for public amount of private capital flowed into the new town and facilities, culture, education, sports and health facilities,

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and other community support facilities was reserved. planning, coordination, and organized implementation. These public facilities provided services on time while Construction was delegated to sub district construction allowing some consideration for efficiency. Public management offices by dividing Taihu New Town into service facilities in cities and districts were developed by different areas. the public agencies operating the facilities. Meanwhile, The Binhu District administration was responsible it actively introduces social capital to promote public- for planning, development, and construction of the private partnerships in the construction and operation of east area of the Taihu Science Park and the west area public service facilities such as schools, hospitals, and of the Landscape Park. The office of construction nursing homes. The three-tiered public facilities service headquarters was responsible for the central area. coverage system consists of the street, neighborhood Apart from construction management, the Binhu center, and grassroots community tiers. The public District also undertook work on economic and social service facilities in sub districts are generally developed development, social affairs and administration, and on land separately obtained by the sub district financial management. government. The corresponding housing developers construct public service facilities at the neighborhood 5.1.2 Investment and Financing System center and grassroots community levels on their parcels The construction headquarters established the to make sure that everyone has equal access to and Taihu New Town Development Group. This company is adequate provision of public services. responsible for investment and financing in the central area and construction of projects, such as resource 5 Planning and Implementation development, infrastructure, environmental engineering, and key public buildings. It also developed other 5.1 Implementation Mechanism of New Town operations by setting up subsidiaries. The Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction Management Center, a legal 5.1.1 Construction Management System entity as state-owned enterprise, was incorporated on The Wuxi municipal government set up the the municipal level and put in charge of land-leasing construction headquarters in 2007, with direct management in the central area. Its capital injection oversight by the mayor and the department heads as into the group as a stakeholder increased the registered board members. The construction headquarters was capital of the group and strengthened abilities to invest in charge of the overall guidance and management, and construct.

Fig. 15 Construction Management System and Institutional Arrangements of Taihu New Town Source: Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen

146 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

After deducting charges by the municipal finance bears expenditures for expressways and trunk roads bureau and funds applied for coordination according under its management while the new town office of to policies and regulations, the remaining land-leasing construction headquarters bears expenditures for all revenues from the center are given back to the office other roads. of the construction headquarters. Taihu New Town Development Group financed construction with up to 5.2.2 Operation and Maintenance of Urban Green CNY46 billion (about $7.5 billion) by way of bank loans, Space and Supporting Facilities trust products, equity financing, and finance lease until After 2 years of O&M, the Office of Construction September 2013. Headquarters entrusted the property management In consideration of the achievements in ecological subsidiary of Taihu New Town Development Group to design, Wuxi Taihu New Town received special state take over the wetlands and parks in the central area and province subsidies for low-carbon ecological and allocated funds for O&M based on budget and construction, water-system management, and wetland cost. This property management subsidiary collects construction. These subsidies include a subsidy for an rent on supporting facilities of wetlands and parks by energy-efficiency and green buildings demonstration area inviting investments. by Jiangsu Province and a central government subsidy for an eco-city demonstration area. For the wastewater 5.2.3 Operation and Maintenance of Important management system, subsidies from the central and Functional Projects provincial governments included CNY200 million Since 2007, several important facilities such as the (about $32.7 million) as part of the central government Civic Center, Taihu International Exposition Center, and subsidy for water pollution control in Taihu Lake Basin Wuxi Grand Theater have opened. The government and special provincial capital for water environment funds the operation and management of these non- management in Taihu Lake Basin. Other special funds profit facilities by private management companies provided important financial support for water and identified through bidding. Apart from getting a certain wastewater management, and wetland construction. amount of government subsidies from finance every year, their income mainly comes from ticket sales. 5.2 Operation and Maintenance of Wuxi Taihu In 2010, operations began after Phase 1 of the New Town Taihu International Expo Center was completed. The Taihu International EXPO Center Limited Company, a 5.2.1 Operation and Maintenance of Roads professional expo platform management company, is a As the profit from land lease and tax revenue subsidiary owned by the Taihu New Town Development in Taihu New Town went separately to the office of Group. It was established to operate and manage construction headquarters and the district government, the Expo Center. In May 2012, Wuxi Grand Theater differences remained in claiming O&M responsibility. was completed and put into operation. Wuxi Grand The Wuxi municipal government held a coordination Theater Poly Management Limited was incorporated meeting in February 2010 to define which entity to operate and maintain the theater. The Culture and should be responsible for O&M of the roads. The Arts Company of the PRC Poly Group Corporation, Binhu District took over all new roads in the central with a professional theater management background, area. Lower level agencies are now responsible for holds 60% of the company, while Taihu New Town expressways and main streets that were previously Development Group holds the remaining 40%. The under municipal departments. The expenditure for above two management companies are managed management and O&M was charged according to soundly and achieve a balance of expenditure and municipal stipulations. The municipal finance bureau payment or even produce a small surplus.

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on every level of new urban development and urban 6 Conclusions management while guiding the implementation of eco- cities remains a key challenge. Taihu New Town offers According to the survey data of the National some lessons learned. Development and Reform Commission in 2012, each of the 12 provincial cities plans to construct an average 6.1 Comprehensive Eco-City Planning of 4.6 new towns and/or new districts and each of the Taihu New Town builds on an improved traditional 144 prefecture level cities plans for an average of 1.5. master plan. It integrates comprehensive eco-city Large-scale new town developments have become planning principles, including sound traditional planning an important and strategic element for the PRC's principles, incorporation of eco-efficiency principles, economic and urban development. the development and adoption of a key performance With the change of economic conditions, reduced indicator system, updated master plan, and a growth rates, and importance given to the development monitoring mechanism to report environmental quality of an ecological civilization, low-carbon eco-city standards set in the key performance indicators. construction has become a government priority, From an ecological perspective on the traditional stimulating a new round of construction of new towns. planning, an optimized sustainable development However, many domestic eco-cities fail to consider a strategy for local climate conditions was established. comprehensive approach and ineffectively integrate The local government, together with consulting comprehensive eco-efficiency objectives with the firms, ARUP and Tengbom, developed two sets of current planning regulatory system. Many projects key environmental and eco-efficiency performance pursue high efficiency, economic development, and indicator systems: (i) Planning Indicator System and lower pollution within a confined area and system. Implementation Guideline of the National Low-Carbon For new urbanization in the PRC, including the Eco-City Demonstration Area in Wuxi Taihu New various aspects of ecological civilization effectively Town and (ii) Indicator System and Implementation

Fig. 16 Technical Route: Traditional Planning, Ecologic Survey, Indicator System, planning update Source: Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen

148 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

Guideline of Wuxi Sino-Swedish Low-Carbon Eco- the planning indicator system as an example, 62 City. The planning indicator system, as a basis for the common indicators are designed to guide the general strategy, focused on indicator control on a less detailed planning and construction of Taihu New Town. In the level, while the indicator system and implementation guideline, the key performance indicators are targeted guideline focused on the Sino-Swedish Low-Carbon and decomposed to address specific requirements, Eco-City and emphasized on the technical and i.e., building types, functional position of the Taihu operations aspects on a detailed level. New Town planning. For example, a key performance The key performance indicator system provides indicator on energy efficiency requires that energy- Taihu New Town with an objective reference on low- savings rate of newly built residential and public carbon ecological efficiency, but it cannot be directly buildings 65% or more compared to standard buildings applied to daily planning and management. In terms in the PRC. Considering the complexity of energy- of eco-city construction, it is still necessary to monitor saving measures for different buildings and referring and provide performance feedback of the eco-city to the energy saving design standards of buildings objectives, and monitor indicator performance and in Jiangsu Province, the index is decomposed and all aspects of the planning and operations. Taihu operable. According to the decomposed index, the New Town planners completed the Detailed Control design and energy saving rate of new residential, Planning and Ecological Index Update of Taihu New commercial, cultural and entertainment facilities, and Town and Editing and Revision of Detailed Control school buildings should be 65% or more. Adjusting the Planning of Sino-Swedish Low-Carbon Eco-City. They implementation of the energy-saving targets makes developed many specialized sector and area-specific sure that technical measures are possible. eco-city plans on energy, sustainable urban transport, municipal pipeline, water and wastewater management, 6.2.2 Combination of Technical and Management environmental management, and other relevant Strategy specialized ecological plans. Finally, at the parcel Technical measures must be chosen carefully planning level, as terms and conditions for the leasing during planning and design to achieve the targets. contracts, the eco-efficient key performance indicators After construction, only operation and management provided direct guidance for the implementation and (O&M) means are relevant such as energy-savings construction of resources, water, and energy efficient and water-savings during operation. Therefore, the buildings and site planning. guideline emphasizes on the combination of the technical aspects during planning and construction of a 6.2 Key Performance Indicator Systems for management strategy for operation. Hence, indicators Planning and Operations for both technical and eco-efficient operations to manage the new town are included. 6.2.1 No "Sweeping Approach", Enough Flexibility Is For example, to achieve the energy-consumption in the Guideline target of buildings per unit area, the planning indicator Compared to the traditional indicator system proposes to technical measures such as energy- of eco-cities, the system of Taihu low-carbon eco- efficient architectural design, including natural lighting city is not a simple objective system that can be and ventilation, building insulation, energy-efficient applied to all eco-city developments. Rather, it is a heating and cooling systems, energy-saving elevators, system in which a targeted decomposition for the key and office equipment and smart metering devices performance indicators are (i) considered according connected with urban energy data center providing to their feasibility of implementation and (ii) presented real-time consumption. In addition, there are operation in the planning and implementation guideline. Taking indicators that consider management measures,

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Fig. 17 Optimization Plan for Urban Design in the Core Area of Taihu New Town Source: Office of Headquarter for Wuxi Taihu New Town Construction such as special plans for equipment debugging, energy-saving property management, and energy 6.3 Favorable Support from Local Industry and consumption quota pricing, to carry out the eco- Ecological Environment efficiency objective. The construction of Taihu Low-Carbon Eco-City built on the existing urban area where there are strong 6.2.3 Consideration of the Local Conditions linkages, urban economic support, and innovative The following local characteristics were connected development foundation. Before the launch of the eco- to local regulations during the establishment of the city construction, Taihu International Science Park, indicator system: climate, precipitation, native plant Shanshui City, the production-teaching-research base species, forestation rate in afforesting land, proportion of Southeast University, new energy and new material of permeable ground, annual energy consumption of industries laid a favorable foundation and formed a buildings per unit area, the proportion of the renewable complete industry adjacent to the new town project. energy accounting for total energy consumption in Many other domestic eco-cities prioritize eco-efficiency newly built area, water supply pipeline leakage rate, concepts without integrating urban context and mixing coverage rate of urban wind environment, coverage urban land uses. In addition, many eco-city projects rate of standard sunshine in residential area, the daily are separate from the local urban economy and social average outdoor heat island intensity in residential area, and environmental context, which leads to a lack of and new green buildings with star ratings. comprehensive and overall planning.

150 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Building a Low-Carbon Eco-City

Taihu New Town includes a mix of uses that nodes and supporting facilities. On the implementation integrate ecological, residential, high-tech industry, level, the important index of urban design is directly tourism and modern service, and links them to the measured in the planning terms and conditions of the urban context. Its powerful new energy industry base parcel leasing contracts to guide the building design supports the development of low-carbon ecological and construction of the new town. technology. It set the stage for cooperation between government, enterprises, research and development, References and the market. [1] ARUP Engineering Consulting (Shanghai) and the Construction Headquarter Office of Wuxi Taihu New City. 6.4 Urban Design Guiding the Spatial Wuxi Taihu New City Eco-Planning Consultation[R]. 2010. Development of Taihu New Town [2] Tengbom and the Construction Headquarter Office of Wuxi Taihu New City. The Demonstration Area Planning of Wuxi In 2005, the urban design stage for the Wuxi Taihu Sino-Sweden Low-Carbon Eco-City[R]. 2010. New Town core area started. Its aim was to optimize [3] China Academy of Building Research, Science, and the functional layout of the central area, and to research Technology Development Center, Construction Department on urban skylines, important spatial nodes, interfaces, of Jiangsu Province, Wuxi Academy of Planning and Design, and ARUP Engineering Consulting (Shanghai). The Planning and sites. In the following 3 years, it successively Indicator System and Implementation Guidelines for the completed the urban space design covering the entire National Low-Carbon Eco-City Demonstration Area of Wuxi new town by 2007. Taihu New City[R]. 2010. The new town features spaces each with its own [4] China Academy of Building Research, Science and research emphasis. Urban design in important function Technology Development Center of Construction areas focuses on the overall harmony of building height, Department of Jiangsu Province, Wuxi Academy of Planning and Design, and Tengbom. The Construction Indicator skyline, building masses, building types, materials, and System of and Implementation Guidelines for Wuxi Sino- public space design in the area. On both sides of the Sweden Low-Carbon Eco-City[S]. 2010. trunk roads, there are guidelines on building-public [5] Feng Xiaoxing, Wong Linmin, You Zhibin. Planning and space interface, building setback lines, and other street Construction of Low-Carbon Eco-City: A Case Study spatial design aspects. In Binshui District, according to of Wuxi Taihu New City[C]// The Eighth International the drainage function, it focuses more on the design of Conference on Green and Energy-Efficient Building, 2012.

151 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development Yunzhou Zhan, Xiaotao He, Yu Zou

152 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

1 Background and Overview in the Yangtze River Delta form the PRC's largest agglomeration region. Shanghai has become a modern Shanghai, or Hu, is at the central coast of the first tier global megacity with key functions in global People’s Republic of China (PRC). It is in the Pacific economy and finance, production, trade, land, water Ocean’s Yellow Sea Region at the head of the Yangtze and air transportation. In 2014, the Communist Party River Delta. It has convenient transportation, vast of China’s Central Committee and the State Council fertile and productive hinterland. At the end of 2013, issued the New Type Urbanization Plan for the PRC, the Shanghai Municipality had a permanent residential 2014–2020. The plan is a blueprint for strategic and population of about 24.2 million and a gross domestic general planning to guide the next stage of the PRC’s product (GDP) per capita of $14,547. It reached a urbanization in a sustainable and inclusive way. level of moderately developed countries and regions The new towns in Shanghai meet the development in the world. Shanghai is a key economic center objectives of the urbanization plan. It facilitates and transportation hub, and a nationally significant sustainable growth, integration, and cooperation in the historic and cultural city in the PRC. The Jiangsu and Yangtze River Delta. Zhejiang Provinces and the City and Town Cluster 1.1 Development History of New Towns in Shanghai

The towns in the suburban area of Shanghai underwent a transformation from “satellite city” to “new town”. In this process the location of functions among central city and decentralized locations were optimized and urban nodes were promoted outside the central city and along the regional transport corridors, aiming at a polycentric urban spatial structure. In 2001, the State Council approved the Comprehensive Urban Plan of Shanghai, 1999–2020. It proposed the construction of 11 new towns and new districts in the suburban areas, including the new towns of Baoshan, Chengqiao, Haigang, Huinan, Jiading, Konggang, Jinshan, Minhang, Nanqiao, Qingpu, and Songjiang. To advance new town development and promote diversity of new towns, pilot projects of the “one city and nine towns” concept were planned during the period of the 10th Five-Year Plan, 2001–2005. During the 11th Five-Year Plan, 2006–2010, according to the requirements of “three centralizations”, the “1-9- Fig. 1 Spatial Development Structure of Yangtze River Delta Region Source: Shanghai Municipal Planning, Land and Resources Administration 66” Urban-Rural Planning System of the administrative

153 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China


Fig. 2 History of Comprehensive Master Development Plans of Shanghai from 1949 to 1999 Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute region of Shanghai was enacted. The “1-9-66” stood In the late 1990s, Shanghai started to develop a for an overall plan of Shanghai at four levels of the comprehensive master plan. In the Comprehensive central city (“1”), new satellite cities and new towns Urban Plan of Shanghai (1999–2020), Jiading was (“9”), and central villages (“66”). It is the first attempt declared one of the 11 new towns with a planned to include both urban and rural areas in one city population of 250,000. and Nanxiang were plan, establishing the basic framework of urban-rural categorized as central towns with a population of planning in Shanghai. 100,000. After that, the development of the regional 1.2 Overview of Jiading New Town comprehensive development plan began in Jiading Jiading District is in northwest Shanghai, at the District. Approved in 2007, the Implementation border to Kunshan and Taicang of Jiangsu Province. It Plan of Regional Overall Planning in Jiading covers an area of 463 square kilometers (km2) with 221 District (2006–2020) stipulated that the new town be km2 of developable land and a population of 1.5 million composed of Anting Town, Nanxiang Town, and the in 2011. Jiading is located along the Shanghai-Nanjing core area of Jiading New Town. Unless otherwise Development Corridor and is characterized by its specified, “Jiading New Town” in this report refers to automobile industry. It currently leads economic growth the core area. among the suburban districts of Shanghai. Already, in the 1956–1967 short-term city 1.3 Positioning and Development Goals of Jiading development plan, the Shanghai municipal government New Town approved the construction of five satellite towns —Anting, Jiading, Minhang, Songjiang, and Wujing — each with 1.3.1 Positioning of Jiading New Town a population of 200,000. Among them, Jiading (in the Jiading New Town is a key area for development historic Jiading Town) and Anting are in Jiading District. following the 2010 World Exposition in Shanghai. The The 1986 State Council approved the Urban development strategy of Shanghai focused on new Comprehensive Plan of Shanghai. It defined a four-level towns in suburban areas following the exposition. New urban structure comprised of the central city, satellite town construction will be one of the most important cities, suburban towns, and rural market towns. Jiading measures to promote advanced development and and Anting continued as satellite towns and Nanxiang prepare for Shanghai's further growth. It will become a as a small suburban town. strategic tool for future urban transformation.

154 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development


Fig. 3 Shanghai Urban-Rural Planning System of 2006 Source: Shanghai Municipal Urban Planning Administration Bureau & Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

155 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 4 Location of Jiading District Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Gray: Shanghai Domain; Yellow: Cities belong to the 1st interface surrounding Shanghai; Blue: Cities belong to the 2nd interface surrounding Shanghai

Fig. 5 Draft Shanghai Region Development Plan, 1959 Fig. 6 Distribution of Satellite City and Suburban Key Town in Shanghai, 1985 Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

156 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

Fig. 7 Planning of Town System of Shanghai, 2001 Source: Shanghai Municipal Government

157 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China


      N    Huating

Xuhang Zhuqiao

The Main Area of Jiading Waigang

Nanxiang Anting


Fig. 8 Urban-Rural System Plan of Jiading District, 2006-2020 Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

Jiading New Town has potential for strong economic Jiading New Town is full of opportunities for growth in the near future based on expanding industries, sustainable development and significantly contributes mainly the automotive industry and its supply chain. The to Shanghai’s overall development. It will provide construction of new towns will reduce the socioeconomic sufficient space for industrial and urban development and infrastructure service divide between the central and continue Shanghai's shift of focus from central city and the suburban areas. The new town will improve urban areas to suburban areas following the 11th Five- the livelihoods of local people by major investments in Year Plan. The move delivers the new strategic needs infrastructure, education, and health care facilities. This will of the agglomeration region and follows principles and stimulate and enable the future sustainable development patterns of other megacities in the world. of Shanghai and its surrounding areas such as Jiading.

158 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

promote integrated development with their surrounding 1.3.2 Development Goals of Jiading New Town areas, each accumulating a population of 200,000 to According to the comprehensive development 400,000. plan, by 2020, Jiading New Town will have achieved its major development goals. One of its goals is to 2 Jiading New Town's Current Development transform into a suburban new town cluster that is well connected to and complements functions of downtown Since the 10th Five-Year Plan, new towns Shanghai. This would significantly contribute to its have been a main vehicle to promote balanced and overall development, with industrial production and distributed urbanization in Shanghai. Remarkable research and development focused on automotive achievements were made in the planning and industries, science, and education, while providing construction of Jiading New Town, including the pleasant residential communities and enabling harmonious restoration and revitalization of its harmonious social development. historic town center and the development of a Jiading and Songjiang New Towns were modern new town. The municipal infrastructure established with the objectives of becoming key and services of the central new town is complete. urban nodal points in the Yangtze River Delta, each Landscape and open space projects were designed accommodating a population of 800,000 to 1 million. and constructed. Public social facilities and Fengxian Nanqiao, Lingang, and Qingpu programs were implemented at very high standards. are to become new towns with high levels of urban, The level of services provided by Jiading New integrating, clustering, and radiating functions, each Town has significantly improved, attracting a accommodating a population of 600,000 to 800,000. large population to live in the central new town Jinshan and Chongming would be new towns that area.

Fig. 9 New Town Development Planning of Shanghai Fig. 10 The Planning Achievements of Jiading New Town with Pleasant and Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Green Environment Source: Jiading District Planning and Land Administration Bureau

159 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

both far ahead of Shanghai's new towns in terms of per 2.1 Economy capita GDP. According to 2010 statistics, the level of economic Secondary sector industries dominate the current development in Shanghai's new towns is low. economic structure of the new towns, like in the case of Compared to the per capita GDP of Shanghai’s city Jiading’s car and supply manufacturing. Manufacturing center, the level in the new towns is below average, in Jiading New Town accounts for about 65% of except for Jiading New Town, which reached the total GDP. This is slightly higher than the number of average level of Shanghai. There remains a wide neighboring towns within the Yangtze River Delta, such development gap between Jiading and neighboring as Jiashan, Kunshan, Pinghu, Taicang, and Wujiang, where towns like Kunshan and Taicang. The latter two are the second sector accounts for 60%-65% of GDP.

78.84   68.85  65.00 63.88

 56.00 55.05 49.13  42.05 

 Proportion of primary industry  Proportion of secondary industry  Proportion of tertiary industry  Songjiang Jiading Qingpu Nanqiao Jinshan Lingang Chengqiao Shanghai

Fig. 11 Primary-secondary-tertiary Industrial Structure of Shanghai New Town by percentage of GDP, 2010 Source: Strategy Research on Shanghai New Town's Development; Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

The productivity per developed land area of Jiading different in rate numbers. The 2000 to 2010 growth New Town is below average compared to Shanghai rate of the permanent population in Jiading New Town and its core area. There are also significant variations ranked 4th among seven Shanghai new towns. The among the new towns in Shanghai, with the highest per growth rate of permanent population in the industrial area output in Songjiang, followed by Jiading, Qingpu, park is generally higher than that in the urban area. Chengqiao, Nanqiao and Lingang, the latter being relatively low. Comparisons are also made to quantify the )

2   49,686 average output value of land and investment intensity of 46,481   31 development zones in Shanghai. Productivity levels of 40,599 development zones in the new towns are far below the   27,974 average of Shanghai for these two indicators.  

  15,153 13,303 2.2 Population   6,312

In 2010, the total population of Jiading New Town Output (CNY10 thousand/km Average  was 474,000. The population growth rate from 2000 to Songjiang Jiading Qingpu Nanqiao Jinshan Lingang Chengqiao

2010 was 70% in Jiading New Town, which depended Fig. 12 Average Output of Built-up Land of Shanghai Suburban New Town, 2010 mostly on migrants.1 The growth trend resembles that Source: Strategy Research on Shanghai New Town's Development; Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute of the other six new towns in Shanghai, only slightly

 5IJTEBUBJTGSPNA Study on Integrating Urban-Rural Development and Optimizing the Structure and Functional Layout of Cities and Towns in Suburbs

160 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development


  ) 2



  Average Output Value Average (CNY10 thousand/hm


 Shanghai Western Suburbs Economic Development Zone Jinqiao Export Processing Zone Minhang Economic and Technology Development Zone Shanghai Pudong Industrial Park Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park Shanghai Songjiang Industrial Park Shanghai Zhujing Industrial Park Shanghai Zizhu Hi-Tech Industrial Park Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone Shanghai Xinzhuang Industrial Park Shanghai North Hi-Tech Park Shanghai Jiading Industrial Park Shanghai Pudong Heqing Industrial Park Shanghai Songjiang Economic Development Zone Shanghai Fengxian Economic Development Zone Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park Shanghai Jiading Automobile Industrial Park Shanghai Xinghuo Industrial Park Shanghai Future Island Hi-Tech Park Shanghai Pudong Konggang Industrial Park Shanghai Western Suburbs Economic Development Zone Shanghai Industrial Park Shanghai Xinyang Industrial Park Shanghai Zhujing Industrial Park Shanghai Baoshan Industrial Park Shanghai Yueyang Industrial Park Shanghai Fengcheng Industrial Park Shanghai Jinshan Industrial Park Shanghai Nanhui Industrial Park Shanghai Chongming Industrial Park Shanghai Fusheng Industrial Park

Fig. 13 Average Output Value of Land of 31 Development Zones Above Municipal Level in Shanghai Source: Shanghai Development Zone Statistics Yearbook

However, the level of integration between the city  center and the industrial zone is not obvious.   Convenient public transportation with easy access  to the city center plays an important role in attracting  new residents in a new town. Many service functions,   especially jobs, are concentrated in the city center, as  are many other functions including commerce, health   care, education, culture, and social interaction. Besides, Songjiang Jiading Qingpu Nanqiao Jinshan Lingang Chengqiao the new town has its own advantages, such as more Registered population growth rate green space in a beautiful environment, lower housing Permernant population growth rate prices, and a generally lower cost of living. Migrant population growth rate

Among the factors that attract people to move to the Fig. 14 Population Change of New Town in Suburban Shanghai, 2000-2010 new town, convenient public transport access to the city Source: Strategy Research on Shanghai New Town's Development; Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute center ranks at the top. There is a job-housing mismatch that indicates that the number of jobs and job diversity are to 29% of that in central Shanghai and similar to the insufficient to serve the residents of the new town. surrounding areas of the city center.1 Judging from the job-housing ratio, Jiading New Town ranks first with 2.3 Employment 0.52, even higher than that of the cental area and its Judging from the distribution of jobs in the whole surrouding area.2 Jobs and population are thus in a city, the employment density of Jiading New Town rational balance. However, most jobs in Jiading New is 2,600 persons per square kilometer (km2), equal Town are manufacturing jobs.


161 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China




              Poor access to the central city Easy access to the central city Poor access to the shopping mall Easy access to the shopping mall Far away from relatives Close to relatives Unfavorable education facility for kids Favorable education facility for kids Insufficient entertainment facility Sufficient entertainment facility Poor social security and medical condition Good social security and medical condition Poor natual environment Beautiful natual environment High housing price Low housing price Small appreciation potential for housing Great appreciation potential for housing Strict settling policy Easy settling policy

Fig. 15 Factor Analysis of Appeal of New Town for Residents in Suburban Shanghai Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute )

 2                      (10 thousand persons/km  Poor access to central city Easy access to central city Less job opportunities More job opportunities Far away from relatives Close to relatives Lower position and salary Higher position and salary Poor social security and medical condition Good social security and medical condition Strict settling policy Easy settling policy   

+PC%FOTJUZ  Central city Surrounding areas New Town of central city

Fig. 16 Factor Analysis of Appeal of New Town for Job Opportunity in Fig. 17 Job Density of Central City, Surroundings of Central City and New Suburban Shanghai Town, Shanghai, 2010 Source: Strategy Research on Shanghai New Town's Development; Shanghai Source: Strategy Research on Shanghai New Town's Development; Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

From the perspective of land use structure in 2.4 Land Use Jiading New Town, the proportion of land used for Construction land in Jiading New Town is roads, public squares, and public green space is low, extensive and the per capita construction land in the while that for industries is high. suburbs is above the Shanghai average. The per capita construction land in Jiading New Town ranks second. 2.5 Social Services and Infrastructure The urban land left for future development within the In terms of the number and level of social service intensive development area is no more than 15% of the facilities and infrastructure, the suburbs lag behind planned land for construction in Jiading New Town, the the center city of Shanghai. Seven new towns in the lowest among the new towns. Land resource is quite suburbs have two municipal hospitals, accounting for limited. only 3% of that of the whole municipality; 21 district level hospital, accounting for 20%; and 14 key middle

162 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development


Songjiang Jiading Qingpu Nanqiao Jinshan Lingang Chengqiao 3BUJPPG3FNBJOJOH$POTUSVDUJPO-BOE Songjiang Jiading Qingpu Nanqiao Jinshan Lingang Chengqiao

Fig. 18 Per Capita Construction Land of New Town in Suburban Shanghai, Fig. 19 Ratio of Remaining Construction Land to Total Construction Land of 2010 New Towns in Suburban Shanghai, 2010 Source: Shanghai Statistics Yearbook; Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Source: Shanghai Statistics Yearbook; Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Research Institute

schools, accounting for 17.7%. Compared with cities   in Jiangsu Province next to Shanghai, suburban new  towns in Shanghai do poorly in health services, with  one hospital per thousand persons and one school per    thousand persons. Shanghai’s new towns fall behind   cities in southern and northern Jiangsu like Haimen,   Kunshan, , Taicang, Qidong, and Shangshu.  

 2.6 Comprehensive Transportation Residential land Land used for Land used Land used Green space public facility for industrial for roads and The main findings from the transport system storage square analysis of Shanghai and the central area of new towns Fig. 20 Proportion of Current Construction Land of New Town in Suburban Shanghai, 2010 in 2010 are as follows. Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute Current Situation of Land Use Database

 Hospital Number 

 Huangpu district Jingan district Putuo district district Baoshan district Pudong New district Songjiang new town Jiading new town Lingang new town Nanqiao new town Qingpu new town Jinshan new town Chengqiao new town

Municipal hospital District hospital

Fig. 21 Number of Municipal and District-Level Hospital in Different District of Shanghai, 2011 Source: Shanghai Statistics Yearbook, 2012 Note: Population base statistics are the resident population from the Sixth Population Census.

163 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China


 Huangpu District Luwan District Xuhui District Changning District Jingan District Putuo District Zhabei District Hongkou District Yangpu District Minhang District Baoshan District Pudong New District Songjiang New Town Jiading New Town Lingang New Town Nanqiao New Town Qingpu New Town Jinshan New Town Chengqiao New Town

Fig. 22 Number of Key Secondary School in Different Districts of Shanghai, 2011 Source: Shanghai Statistics Yearbook, 2012

The transportation infrastructure and facilities operation time of bus lines is short, the interval time at the municipal level are sound while the intercity between buses is long, and roads from the central city transportation lags behind. The transportation to suburbs are congested during rush hours. infrastructure and facilities in municipalities, The road and transport network focus on needs expressways, trunk roads, and rail transport, for within Jiading. Statistics show that the internal transport example, have greatly improved the accessbility of Jiading New Town accounts for 79% of all trips, 11% of Jiading New Town, which has supported its for trips between suburbs, 9% for trips to the central development. The service provided by intercity city, and 0.8% for trips between new towns. transportation and facilities, i.e. by the train station, Non-motorized transport dominates while private is poor. For instance, the distribution control system car ownership and use grows very rapidly. is insufficient to provide high standard and high level More than 60% of local communters choose intercity transportation service. The commute between non-motorized transport modes of walking and Jiading and the central area relied heavily on vehicles cycling. The “Hu C” license is exclusively issued for and buses on the expressway. vehicles in suburban areas while entry into the center Transport infrastructure and facilities in the Jiading city within the outer ring road on working days is New Town need to be improved. The density of road forbidden. The number of license increased and the networks is low at 1.29 km per km2 in Jiading New use of private vehicles as a mode of transportation Town and 1.7 km road per km2 in the central city. In surpassed 20% while the transportation by bus is Jiading New Town, coverage of bus stops within a 300 less than 10%. In Jiading New Town, private vehicle meter (m) radius is 12% to 36% and within a 500 meter use for trips is equivelant to that of the center city, radius, 26% to 65%. In the central city, it is 68% within but most people in peripheral locations choose a 300 m radius and 86% within a 500 m radius. The motorbikes, which is more obvious in more remote coefficient of repetition of lines and roads is high,1 the suburbs.


164 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development



  喎      喍LNLN  

  %FOTJUZPG3PBE/FUXPSLJO/FX5PXOT4VCVSCT  Baoshan Minhang Songjiang Jiading Qingpu Nanqiao Jinshan Lingang Chengqiao New Town New Town New Town New Town New Town New Town New Town New Town New Town

Fig. 23 Density of Road Networks of New Town, Suburban Shanghai Source: Strategy Research on Shanghai New Town's Development; Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute


Inside the new town To other areas in suburbs To central city Between new towns

Fig. 24 Travelling Destination of New Town in Suburban Shanghai, 2010 Source: Strategy Research on Shanghai New Town's Development; Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

Chengqiao New Town

Jinshan New Town

Qingpu New Town

Nanqiao New Town

Lingang New Town

Jiading New Town

Songjiang New Town

Central City



Public transport Individual transport Non-motorized transport

Fig. 25 Modes of Travel in New Towns, Suburban Shanghai, 2010 Source: Strategy Research on Shanghai New Town's Development; Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

165 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Metro Line 11 transports more than 34,700 District; 19% of the passengers exit in Jiading District and passengers from Jiading New Town to the center city every 69% in the center city. Therefore, the rail transit serves day, accounting for 57% of all passengers from Jiading mainly out-going commute of the new town ( Table 1).

Table 1 Passenger Flow of Metro Line 11, 2011









3 Implementation of the Jiading New Town the concept was adapted to focus on the main area Master Plan and extend the two wings toward the main area to accelerate development and promote the linkage of New city and new town construction has become manufacturing and services industries in the district. an important instrument for urbanization in the PRC. From 2004 to 2014, Jiading New Town has been under 3.2 Implementation of the Plan construction and gathered much practical experience. 3.2.1 Principle

3.1 Planning Guidance In implementing the plan of Jiading New Town, the The implementation of the plan is based on the principles of four priorities, four local preferences, and principle that the design should be guided by culture, four prominent projects have been applied. Priority is design, and sound planning. Jiading is in the Jiangnan given to (i) planning, (ii) resettlement, (iii) infrastructure, area south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and (iv) functional projects. Local preferences include with an abundance of lakes, rivers, and canals. This (i) the promotion of industrial upgrading using local geographical feature was translated into urban design conditions, (ii) improvement of local infrastructure, (iii) local for a livable and green city featuring one lake per km, resettlement of farmers, and (iv) reserved adequate space a forest per hectometer, with interwoven water bodies, for future development. Four prominent projects should and the fragrance of lotus flowers in the air. Currently, be developed by renowned architects, developers, the detailed control plan for the main urban area of and famous contractors. The rational development Jiading New Town covers more than 95% of the total layout, the balance between housing and jobs, and land area. The development layout is organized in high quality construction of the new town was to be three areas with one core area and two "wings". A ensured. The affordability of housing for local residents key concept introduced in 2004 is the City Cluster of should be considered to avoid high vacancies and Jiading, composed of the main urban area of Jiading keep the new town from turning into a “ghost town”, District, Anting New Town, and Nanxiang New Town, with investments by out-of-towners. This would make based on the previous pattern of four subdistricts. sure that industrial and residential development is In 2009, in light of rapid growth of the main area, sustainable and integrated.

166 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

With this momentum, another 808,000 m2 was newly 3.2.2 Implementation progress constructed in the first half of 2013, with 193,000 m2 After 10 years of development, Jiading New completed and a total investment CNY2.0 billion (about Town construction has made great progress. The $321.0 million). Meanwhile, sales increased by 50% framework of municipal infrastructure in the main area yearly to CNY2.8 billion (about $454.3 million). was constructed. Social facilities are completed and equipped with high standards that elevate level of 3.2.3 Innovation-Aiming for Urban Best Practice Area urban services. The road network in the main area of outside the Exposition Park the new town is completed, including 31 roads with (i) Low-Carbon Development a total length of 60 km and 18 bus lines, with a total Jiading New Town applies lessons learned from investment of CNY1.8 billion (about $290 million). low-carbon development from the PRC and abroad, The ecological landscape system comprised of aiming at becoming a best practice outside the four parks was established and, by the end of 2012, a Shanghai Expo Park. The new town invested in a green 2-km2 green ecological parkland in the main area of the transportation system with a multi-tier, multi-modal new town was completed, with another 779,000 square transport system focusing on public and non-motorized meters (m2) under construction. transports. The public transit system is comprised of By the end of 2012, the town had 48 km of cables metro rail transit as the first layer, medium capacity for the transmission of power, 54 km of pipes for gas, bus rapid transit as second layer, and regular bus 58 km of pipes for water, and 60 km of cables for service as the third layer. The new town adopts a low- communications. Comprehensive improvement of carbon sightseeing tour strategy. The non-motorized waterways and lakes was completed. According to the system includes pedestrian pathways, bicycle paths, plan, there are about 30 km of waterways (including and water excursion in the four landscape parks. Low- Zhangpu River and Hengli River) and 18 lakes in carbon transport management is applied in the form of the main area. By the end of 2012, 18.5 km of the an intelligent transport and traffic management system waterways and 13 lakes were completed, with another in the main area, including traffic information collection 2.4 km and one lake under construction. and release system, monitoring and security system, A total of 14 public service facilities were built and centralized traffic signal control system, and parking put into use since the start of the new town project, guiding system. including Shanghai Ruijin Hospital North, Shanghai New energy-saving and resource efficient Jiaotong University High School (Jiading Campus), technology is promoted in the new town. By fulfilling Jiading Library, Shanghai Hua Er Middle School, the construction standards of an energy, land, water, Jiading Maternity and Infant Health Hospital, Jiading and material efficient district, Jiading New Town was Urban Planning Exhibition Hall, Jiading Defulu School awarded the title of first demonstration area for building and Shuangdinglu Kindergarden, with a construction energy-efficiency in Shanghai. Energy-saving gas area of 450,000 m2 and an investment of CNY2.5 billion air-conditioning operates in the Jiading Library and (about $401.3 million). old factories were renovated and transformed to an In the new town main area, 31 developers invested urban planning exhibition hall with geothermal pumps in 38 ongoing projects, with upscale residential as heat source. The Jiading Science and Education properties put on the market sequentially. By the end Center, formerly an old factory building, has energy- of 2012, the housing construction area reached 4.6 saving and water resource recovery technologies in million m2, including resettlement houses, with 2.5 place such as green roofs, geothermal heat-pump, ice million m2 completed and 1.9 million m2 sold, with a storage system, underground lighting guide devices, total investment of CNY20.0 billion (about $3.2 billion). and rainwater collection and reutilization systems.

167 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Yuanxiang Lake Park introduces an ecological water (ii) Tax Revenue treatment system, earth-covering structures, pervious The corporate tax revenue in the new town area material, and recycled material in its construction. from 2006 to 2012 amounted to about CNY2 billion (ii) Environmental Management Infrastructure (about $321 million); around 180,000 enterprises Environmental infrastructure and management in registered in Jiading New Town and about CNY1 billion Jiading New Town is vital. Renewable energy sources (about $161 million) from districts were allocated to the and technology are introduced. Solid waste treatment special fund for the new town construction. includes waste classification and segregation in pilot (iii) Loans, Bonds, and Trust Funds communities, waste reduction and recycling in market Since 2011, a total of about CNY10.0 billion (about fairs is under research, and waste transfer stations are $1.6 billion) has been raised for the Jiading New Town under construction. Project, with CNY8.2 billion (about $1.3 billion) from The 110kV Transformer Substation in Fengzhou commercial bank loans and CNY2.3 billion (about Road is the first digital substation used in Shanghai. $365.1 million) from trust funds, entrusted debt, and Energy efficient design and facility technologies were corporate bonds. applied such as geothermal air-conditioning and solar powered lighting that are estimated to save 41.2 t of 3.4 Innovations in Management standard coal units and reduce CO2 emissions by 79 t, Selecting renowned architects, developers, and an advanced level in the PRC. contractors for the projects guarantees the quality of the construction in Jiading New Town. However, to 3.3 Funding and Operations Model build a better image of new Jiading, the whole process The funding for the planning and construction of every project, from planning, design, construction to of Jiading New Town includes land transfer fees, tax management, must be monitored to control the quality revenues, loans, bonds, and trust funds. of market housing and office building. The following (i) Land Revenue attempts were made in Jiading. About 6,000 mu (1 Chinese mu = 666 m2) of land has been leased in Jiading New Town since 2003, with 3.4.1 Innovation in Approval Mechanism of Projects: a total transfer revenue of about CNY25 billion (about Developing Regulatory Plan and Establishing $3.9 billion). All land lease revenue from districts will go Landscape Control Committee into the construction special funds for the new town In 2006, the New Town Development Company after the cost is deducted. started to develop the regulatory plan as an urban




Transferring area (10,000 m2)          

Buildable area (10,000 m2)          

Floor price (CNY/m2)                   

Fig. 26 Statistics of Assigned Area of Operational Land in Jiading New Town over the Years Source: Shanghai Jiading New Town Development Company

168 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development




"OOVBM5BY3FWFOVF $/:N                     Total tax revenue of new town Total tax revenue of district

Fig. 27 Annual Tax Revenue of Jiading New Town over the Year Source: Shanghai Jiading New Town Development Company



Indirect financing   

Direct financing ÿ  


Fig. 28 Financing Amount of Companies in Jiading New Town over the Years Source: Shanghai Jiading New Town Development Company design guideline to regulate the development of the typical feature of watertowns in the Jiangnan area, parcels, commercial and office buildings, colors, southern Yangtze River Delta, was showcased, and a exterior materials, public space design, height limit flexible space for the city square was reserved. of high-rises and multi-storey buildings, architectural style, and street furniture and signage. A Landscape 3.4.2 Innovation in Technical Tools for Project Committee was established to (i) evaluate the design Regulation: Implementing Additional Plans projects of every parcel and submit qualified approvals; According to Shanghai Technical Guidelines on (ii) examine and seal samples of architecture for Detailed Control Planning approved by Shanghai construction of facades and stop construction of Municipal Government Office, the control and guide in elements that do not complying with the guidelines; and Jiading New Town’s planning and construction adhere (iii) review the architectural form during the construction to a combination of regulatory and guiding plans. The period and upon completion and request remedies and detailed control plan developed in the scope of the changes as needed. main town area of Jiading New Town provides not only In Dongyun Street, for example, each parcel of the the regulatory plans but also the urban design guideline street has been implemented, and the effect of lanscape plans with added requirements. It further guides the control gradually became visible. With few exceptions, planning and construction of architectural design and the 30 developers cooperated to keep a unified style, ensures the quality of construction.

169 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

In addition to the regulatory index required by the public utilities. The New Town Development Company Shanghai Technical Guidelines on Detailed Control handles the construction of the area, including public Planning, the scope of the regulatory plan for Jiading utilities, with special funds for new town development, New Town is extended, which includes minimal funds for public facilities, and special subsidy from the setbacks, building lines, and building heights along municipality. After the public facilities are constructed, the street, location of ground-level arcades, position management, and operation and maintenance (O&M) of high-rise buildings, quantitative controls for rooftop of the district facilities will be transferred to the district and vertical greening, and the position of entrance public service departments from the district budget and stairs to second floor. Regulatory plans for public office. The New Town Administrative Committee will utility and underground space was also expanded. carry out management, operation, and maintenance A comprehensive plan was formulated during the of the town facilities with the funds coming from the urban design phase to define the position and size of town budget. But in actual operation, the construction municipal facilities like substations and gas regulating of Jiading New Town often prefers construction to stations. management, and limited township financial resources Public bids to prepare an engineering and often cause the absence of high-level management. design plan was launched. The Jiading District Urban It is recommended to fully consider (i) the needs of Planning and Land Administration Bureau and the follow-up management in special funds for the new New Town Development Company cooperated to town, matching funds, and special allowance funds and organize competitions for design plans and decided (ii) improve the linkage mechanism of construction and the winning schemes, which were the basis for detailed management. construction design. In the end, the final engineering and technical program and design was to be publicly 3.5.2 Industry and City Integration Lags Behind auctioned. The program strictly regulates the technical Urban Construction elements like pipelines, elevation, and outdoors Jiading’s urbanization should have its own projects. The bidding documents require the buyers to character in the broader context of Shanghai’s carry out construction in strict accordance with the final development. It should build itself a beautiful plan. The New Town Development Company will bear environment for residents and workers while ensuring the planning and design expenditures as a part of the a development pattern that integrates industries and cost of land transfer. towns. The new town has succeeded in industrial In May 2013, the Shanghai municipal government transformation by introducing headquarters economy approved the Supplementary and Additional Plans in the past 2 years. It has attracted a number of of the Detailed Control Plans of Headquarter Park in headquarters for e-business enterprises like Jingdong, Jiading New Town, marking a new chapter for the new Baidu, and Eastmoney as well as Shanghai United town construction. Assets and Equity Exchange. However, to create a livable and business-friendly place, it is important 3.5 Challenges to attract more residents and gather consumption activities in the area. Since construction of Jiading New 3.5.1 Mechanism Linking Construction and Town started in 2004, Metro Line 11 and four major Management Needing Improvement landscape parks have been built, which attract people According to the Document Published by the to the new town. However, more people need to move District Government of Jiading[2012] NO.15, the to Jiading, which is constrained by a slow development Jiading New Town Administrative Committee takes of industries and commercial facilities. Jiading New charge of the planning for the 64-km2 area and its Town will continue to work on a “livable and business-

170 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

friendly” environment to integrate good industries and planning, land transfer management, and construction. a good life. The industrial land in the main area is redeveloped as commercial, residential, and green land. The 3.5.3 Commercial Areas Become Excessive and industrial land concentrated around the main area is Competition among Similar Kinds Is Fierce planned as reserve land in the near future. It will be The current commercial areas planned in Jiading later redeveloped as a science and research park, and New Town include two business centers in Yuanxiang commercial and office center in the long term. The Lake and Jiading New Town Station, comprised of well-preserved factories in the industrial areas will be three commercial streets, four commercial mixed-use converted into public social service facilities, such as developments, and seven neighborhood centers. There the Planning Exhibition Center and the Science and are plans for 21 commercial mixed-use developments Research Center. within the new town with a total gross floor area of more than 700,000 square meters (m2), about 6 m2 4.1.2 Urban Design per resident. However, given the current situation, the The goal of the plan is to build a livable city with business property has been excessively developed green open spaces and ecological water environments although industries in the suburban areas are still with one lake per kilometer, a forest per hectometer, transforming into modern service industries. It seems interwoven water bodies, and the fragrance of lotus that most business properties are redundant and the flowers in the air, making it attractive for residents and business volume seems to still exceed the capacity of workers. consumption in the area. The famous historic and cultural city center of Jiading in the northern district has been well preserved, 4 Evaluation of the Implementation of the Plan restored, and revitalized, with low buildings to contrast with the Fahua Pagoda, the local historic landmark. After the plan was implemented, achievements The new area in the south represents a simple modern were made in the redevelopment of brownfields, style, fitting with its industrial orientation as a motor urban landscape and ecological park development, town with automotive industries. Based on current and public facilities. However, further improvement urban construction, the whole district will later show is needed in regional integration, harmonization of an integrated and contracted style with both watertown urban development with industrial development, traditions in the Jiangnan style, the style in the southern rehabilitation of water ecology and riverside areas, as Yangtze River Delta, and morden intepretation of that well as improvement to the transport system. theme with simple architectural expression. In the next phase of construction, the small-scale 4.1 Lessons Learned neighborhoods in the central district will be improved and rehabilitated with a more flexible and accessible 4.1.1 Redevelopment of Brownfields road system. There will be more bypasses, corridors As an old industrial base in Shanghai, Jiading within neighborhoods, and improved cross-sections of accommodates land for industrial use. In its roads and pedestrian streets to improve access to the southwards development, Jiading New Town adopts a area. strategy of phased building construction to redevelop industrial land and adapt it to uses for the main area 4.1.3 Public Green Open Space System and and residential uses. Jiading New Town Company Ecological Projects was created in Jiading District. As a state-owned The Jiading New Town Master Plan specifies a development company, it is in charge of the overall green space system made up of one core park, one

171 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 29 Land Use of the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town, 1996 Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute; Current Situation of Land Use Database

172 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

Fig. 30 Land Use of the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town, 2010 Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute; Current Situation of Land Use Database

173 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 31 Urban Design of the Main Urban Area of Jiading New Town Source: Jiading Planning and Land Resource Administration Bureau

Fig. 32 Photos and Satellite Image of Zhouqiao. Restored and Revitalized Historic Jiading of Jiading New Town Source: Photos by the Writers and Satellite Image from Google Maps

174 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

Fig. 33 Analysis and Effect of the Road System, Main Urban Area, Jiading New Town Source: Jiading District Planning and Land Administration Bureau

green axis, two green rings, and multiple parks and green corridors. More space was reserved for ecological 4.1.4 Public Service Facilities rehabilitation projects in the future. The Jiaoye Park Public facilities were prioritized in the construction in Northern Jiading and the suburban forest rings will of Jiading New Town. General service improved in the contribute to ecosystems services and park amenities new town and resulted in attracting more residents in Jiading New Town and improve the livability for all with the completion of many facilities, including people. cultural, education, sports, and health facilities.

175 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 34 Planning of the Greenfield System, Main Urban Area, Jiading New Town Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, Revision of the Overall Plan for Main Urban Area in Jiading, 20122020

In November 2008, Phase 1 construction of In August 2009, Jiading New Town Urban Planning Yuanxiang Lake started, echoing the Shang-shaped Exhibition Hall was completed and opened to the Formula One race track on the west landscape axis public. On December 24, Shanghai Ruijin Hospital of Ziqidonglai Park. In January 2009, the Jiading Poly North, an affiliation to the School of Medicine of Theater opened (design by Japanese architect Tadao Shanghai Jiaotong University started its operation. In Ando). In April 2009, Jiading Friendship Park opened. November 2009, the signing ceremony of Shanghai

176 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

Jiabao Forest Raocheng Forest

Jiading New Town Ziqidonglai Axis Yuanxiang Lake

Lvzhu Lake

Fig. 35 Present Main Scene Node, Main Urban Area, Jiading New Town Source: Jiading Planning and Land Resource Administration Bureau

Maternity and Infant Health Hospital Justice Center Library (Culture Center) Poly Theatre

Kindergarten New Town Planning Pavilion Ruijin Hospital North Poly Theatre

Fig. 36 Present Situation and Effect of the Main Public Service Facilities, Main Urban Area, Jiading New Town Source: Jiading Planning and Land Resource Administration Bureau

177 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Jiaotong University High School, Jiading Campus was but regional cooperation is not fully considered in its held. In December 2009, the first section of the north planning. Improvements should be made in intergrated end of Line 11 was completed and put into use. In planning and development of industries, land use, and January 2010, the construction of the new library and transportation in coordination with adjacent towns and museum started. cities, especially with Kunshan and Taicang.

4.2 Reflection 4.2.2 Integration of Town and Industry There are large areas of industrial land and 4.2.1 Regional Integration companies in the new town with a large number of The development of new towns in Shanghai, jobs. Currently most jobs are in low-end manufacturing, especially Jiading New Town, needs to be looked which does not align with the development strategy at from a regional development perspective. The for Jiading New Town. Qualified talents cannot role of Jiading New Town should be understood find adequate employment here, which causes an in the context of the Yangtze River Delta Mega- imbalance between jobs and housing. However, the Agglomeration, a world-class city cluster within strong manufacturing base and the large number of Shanghai Municipality and the provinces of Anhui, jobs is one of the key strengths of Jiading New Town. Jiangsu, and Zhejiang. The industrial structure of Jiading New Town Jiading New Town and its role also needs to be should be further improved. Industries should be understood from the Shanghai Megacity perspective, upgraded to enhance the function and balance the based on interactions in terms of society, economy, and high quality housing supply with adequate, qualified environment, and the relationships of co-urbanization jobs, which would contribute to a better population between Shanghai, Suzhou, and Jiaxing. distribution in the Yangtze River Delta Agglomeration As the northwestern gateway to Shanghai, Region. Jiading New Town is the frontier to Jiangsu Province,

Fig. 37 Planning of the Hinterland of Yangtze River Delta Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

178 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

Fig. 38 Strategic Planning of Shanghai as a Metropolis Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

complete transport network to the central city has yet 4.2.3 Upgrading the Waterfront Areas to be built. Historically known as Lianqi, Jiading was named While Metro Line 11 is convenient, it has many after its main river within its territory, the Lianqi stations close to each other, which reduces its speed River. There are four main rivers flowing throught and increases the trip duration between Jiading New the district: the Hengli, Lianqi, Qiqian, and Yunzao Town and Shanghai’s center city. Traffic congestion on rivers. Currently, areas along the river banks are the expressway frustrate the commuters. Therefore, mostly used for industries and warehousing with poor improved links with the center city and other suburban accessibility. The potential of riverfront development towns like Qingpu and Songjiang districts, Kunshan, has not been utilized. Hence, lessons learned from and Taicang in the region are needed. Shanghai needs successful international and domestic cases of renewal to introduce a rapid commuter rail system as regional of waterways, ecological rehabilitation of rivers and rail networks linking the center city with the new towns riparian landscapes, river greenways, and waterfront and the suburban areas with high-speed, high volume developments should be applied in the next phase of rail service. This missing intermediary system between Jiading New Town development. citywide metro systems and intercity high-speed rail network is also missing in other agglomeration regions 4.2.4 Optimization of Comprehensive Transportation in the PRC and needs urgent attention, planning, and Currently, commuters rely heavily on the investments. Meanwhile, it also needs to optimize the Shanghai-Jiading Expressway because of limited internal transportation system within the new town accessiblity and capacity of public transport. A more area.

179 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 39 Land Use of Jiading, Kunshan, and Taicang Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

180 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

Fig. 40 Land Use Planning, Main Urban Area, Jiading New Town Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, Revision of the Overall Plan for Main Urban Area in Jiading, 2012–2020 (Unapproved)

181 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

Fig. 41 Present Situation Along Wenzaobang Source: Author



Fig. 42 Present Land Use Situation Along Wenzaobang Street, Jiading District Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, Report on Current Space Situation alongside the Wenzaobang Street in Jiading District

182 Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan Toward Sustainable Development

Fig. 43 Analysis of the Relationship between Expressway and Rail Transit in New Towns in Suburb Shanghai and in the Central City Source: Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute

183 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China

high-volume, high-speed suburb-city and suburb- 5 Conclusion suburb commuter rails; and improve green networks, waterfront parks, environmental protection, ecological Ten years of rapidly developing new towns restoration, and environmental management. surrounding the center city and promoting urban-rural integration in Shanghai has been very successful in References managing a balanced and orderly urbanization in the [1] Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute. heart of the Yangtze River Delta Mega-Agglomeration Evaluation of Planning and Construction of New Towns[R]. [2] Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute. Region. A further improved development of new Revised General Planning of the Main Urban Area of Jiading, towns will continue to contribute greatly to the future 2012–2020[R]. sustainable development of Shanghai. Advancing new [3] Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute. town construction in Shanghai, reducing the strain on Strategic Research on Urban-Rural Development Planning the center city, and optimizing the distribution of urban for Shanghai as a Metropolis in the Context of "Innovation- development are important measures for the future of driven and transformational Development"[R]. 2012. [4] Shanghai Municipal Planning, Land and Resources Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta Region. Closer Administration. Scientific Planning Oriented Toward People cooperation among cities in the region and innovation- to Accelerate the Innovative and Transformative Development driven transformative economic development of of Shanghai as a Metropolis[R]. Shanghai and the region is crucial. [5] Shanghai Municipal Urban Planning Administration Bureau New towns grow rapidly, their economies & Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute. develop fast, the cityscapes improve, and the needs Recent Urban Construction and Planning of Shanghai, 2006–2010[R]. of residents and industries are served increasingly [6] Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute. well. Many challenges such as extensive land use, Inspiration by Tracing History – Evolution of Urban Planning lack of resident population and jobs, inadequate of Shanghai[M]. Shanghai: Tongji University Press, 2008. land use structures, and lack of adequate transport [7] Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute infrastructure remain. Implementation of the General Planning of Regions in Successful experience of brownfield redevelopment, Jiading District, 2006–2020[R]. [8] Shanghai Municipal Government(1999–2020). Urban General ecological infrastructure and green space integration, Planning of Shanghai[R]. 2001. urban design, and public facilities can be used as [9] Shanghai Urban Planning and Design Research Institute. reference for other new towns. Strategic Research on Shanghai New Town During the However, Jiading New Town urgently needs to Twelfth Five Year Plan[R]. 2011. improve development. It needs to improve industrial [10] Zhangjie, Zhaomin. Theory and Practice of New Town development; upgrade job levels; improve integration Planning: A Century Interpretation of Garden City Idea[M]. Beijing: PRC Architecture and Building Press, 2005. of industrial transformation with research and development; improve transport systems, including

184 www.tongji-adb-ukh.org

ADB-Tongji Urban Knowledge Sharing Seminar, Shanghai, 12-13 November 2013 New Towns and New Districts in China-Challenges and Opportunities

This book is the result of the hub’s activities that culminated in the workshop in 2013.

The Urban Knowledge Hub is a pioneering initiative made possible through partnership between the East Asia Department of the Asian Development Bank and the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University in Shanghai. Given the enormous scale and continuing nature of urbanization, the goal is to nurture productive knowledge exchanges in urban management which can be applied within the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and elsewhere in Asia and the Pacific.

The Workshop program has been as follows:

Fourth Seminar. Following three successful Urban Knowledge Sharing Seminars in 2010, 2011 and 2012, the Asian Development Bank (ADB)-Tongji University Regional Knowledge Hub for Sustainable Urban Development is organizing the fourth seminar in 2013 to disseminate best practices in sustainable urban development in the People’s Republic of China. The topic of this year’s seminar will be New Towns and New Districts in China – Challenges and Opportunities. Best practices case studies of recently planned and implemented New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China will be presented and lessons learned will be discussed followed by field visits to some of the examples in and near Shanghai. This year’s seminar is organized in cooperation with ADB’s Regional Knowledge Sharing Initiative.

Day 1. The morning session on Day 1 will include ADB, Tongji University and Shanghai Municipal Government welcoming addresses and presentations by international resource persons who will introduce the topic and share state of the art approaches to planning, implementation and administration of New Town and New District developments. Later in the morning the exhibition on New Towns will be opened. The last morning session and the first three afternoon sessions of Day 1 will include portraits and case study presentations emphasizing lessons learned from the process and from the life in and operations of the New Towns and New Districts. These presentations will be followed by a panel and plenary discussion. The afternoon sessions conclude with a panel and plenary discussion. Following the tradition, on Day 1 in the evening, the Urban Knowledge Hub Good Practices Award will be presented to representatives of the respective award winning projects.

Day 2. Participants will be taken on a site visit to those good practices cases of New Towns and New Districts presented on Day 1 which are within reach of Shanghai via bus: Shanghai Jiading New District and Wuxi Taihu New Town. Participants will be able to ask and discuss with planners and administrators involved in the preparation and administration of the New Town and New District projects.

185 New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China








186 Appendix: ADB-Tongji Urban Knowledge Sharing Seminar