New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’S Republic of China

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New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’S Republic of China χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹þह≻๔႓೻ጯⴒ䃳͚ᓰܧ❵䶦Ⱋ ADB-Tongji Urban Knowledge Hub Publishing Project ᰭҠ೻ጯࣾᆂᵵҸⵁ⾣㈨݄ Series of the Best Urban Development Case Studies ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ New Towns and New Districts Case Studies from the People’s Republic of China 亣ธ܎ ͨ㑃 ڝ ⢸ Editors Lan Wang and Stefan Rau i ©χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹喑ह≻๔႓ ❵ᱰ᝭ᰶ喑 Ꭱܧ❵ হప࢝ݤڞ͚ࡻϧℾ А㶕పუ⮱⿸౧হᩬゃȡڣθчᝃ⤳ڣ᱙Γ᝭㶕䓫㻯◦౴⎽λ҉㔲喑̺А㶕ह≻๔႓হχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹ᝃ χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹ࣷह≻๔႓̺Ԋ䃮᱙Γ͚Ԏᖜ⮱۳⶛ᕔহႹ᪡ᕔ喑ᄦ఍Ҭ⩕ₑΓ䕍᜽⮱䩆䄜Ƞ䖄␼ᝃᢌ๞喑ắ̺䉌䉐ȡ Ѓ⟣ᔮڣᒸᝃ∂ڣ᱙Γ͚ᠴჇᝃ᣽ࣷ➦Ⴧࡧഌᝃౝ⤳ࡧഌ喑ᝃҬ⩕ĄపąĄపუąぶㆨѩ䃺䄚ᬣ喑χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹̻ह≻๔႓Ꭳᬍᘼఫᄦ ݑ᫚ȡܧ҉ ᱙Γᠶ⚔㒟ऺ 䲋ੳ͇ᕔҬ⩕ ⺮₏⑁㏻ ᩬᏉ䬡㏱㏴喍$$#:/$/%*(0喎ᢵᱰ喑㑾౭ͧ喟IUUQDSFBUJWFDPNNPOT ღ喑А㶕ᗕहᘼ䖢Ⴕ᱙䃥ज䃮⮱᲎ȡڲ➖⮱❴ܧPSHMJDFOTFTCZODOEJHP Ҭ⩕᱙ ᱙Γ͚᝭ᰶࣾ⣝Ƞ䄍䛷হ㐀䃧䘪᭜ധλ҉㔲᣽ӈ⮱Ԏᖜȡ হప喑Ąⓠ䬕ąᠴ͚పⓠ䬕ȡڞ喟᱙Γ͚Ąąᠴ㒻ٰȡĄ͚పąᠴ͚ࡻϧℾ⧵ © Asian Development Bank and Tongji University All rights reserved. Published in 2018. Printed in the People’s Republic of China. 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Corrigenda to ADB publications may be found at ఫΓౕ❵㑃Ⱋ喍$*1喎᪝ᢛ 亣ธ܎ͨ㑃 ÿ ڝ⢸͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ㻱̻ܿࣾᆂ ̷⊤ह≻๔႓ܧ❵⹫ *4#/ ē ŗ͚ćĔ ŗ⢸ćŘ亣ćĕ ŗ೻ጯ㻱ܿ喒ⵁ ⾣喒͚పŘ೻ጯᐧ䃫喒ⵁ⾣喒͚పĖ ŗ 56 ͚ప❵᱙ఫΓ亳 $*1 ᪝ᢛᵥႄ す त ܧ৮ϧ喟ࡻ᭒㢐 䉐Ш㑃䒾喟ᱻ Ო 㘎 ⃲ 䉐Шᵎᄦ喟ᒽ᭒㣟 ᄮ䲏䃫䃎喟Ⴙ ䷃ ܧ❵ࣾ㵹 ह≻๔႓ܧ❵⹫XXXUPOHKJQSFTTDPNDO 喍̷⊤ጯఈᎠ䌜 त 䗛㑃喟 ⩢䄊喟喎 పऱౝ᫝ࡻΓᏄȠᐧまΓᏄȠ㑾㐉ΓᏄڕ ㏼ 䨭 थڙⅴ͉㏥͇ᰶ䭽ڡ࢝ ݤ ̷⊤Ⴖ ᐭ ᱙ NNfNN ࢝ ᑍ ႄ ᪝ Ꭱ ᰵす ❵ Ꭱ ᰵす ⁎࢝ݤ ⁎ ❴ Γ त *4#/ ٰ Ⴧ Ф ❵ᱰ᝭ᰶ Ӣᱰᓲ⾣ ࢝㷲䬛䷅ 䉌䉐䄰ᢏ iii Ⱋᒂ JW ఫ㶕㉏ᑂ Y 㑖⪒䄚㶕 YJJ Ꮌ̭喍χ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹喎 YJW Ꮌι喍ह≻๔႓喎 YWJ 㜡 䅏 YWJJJ 㐩 䔝 ᫝೻᫝ࡧϸ㏺ ͚ప᫝೻হ᫝ࡧ⮱㻱ܿ⤳ᔢ̻ᐭࣾ὎ᐼ ڝ ⢸ Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧ۾㉔ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ⩌≟⁔ 亣ธ܎喍4UFGBO3BV喎 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ ॡ㑇哆 ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧᵵҸ្ॷ ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ ⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏ 䗾ᓤ倅 ᱻ᫝䭠 䉧 ᬧ ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏ थ侙ᮀ ۜᮀᭌ ॡᮀ㢶 ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻ 䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏ 㾦䓽≟ ҂ᮀ⋈ 䗦 ⢶ Ϙąⵁ䃕чڞ䭱ᒂ喟Ąχ≟ᐭࣾ䨣㵹 ह≻೻ጯⴒ䃳 ii $POUFOUT W Tables and Figures Y Abbreviations YJJJ Foreword by Asian Development Bank YW Foreword by Tongji University YWJJ Acknowledgments YJY Executive Summary Introduction to New Towns and New Districts Planning Concept and Development Model of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China Lan Wang Eco-Cities in Europe: Compact, Mixed-Use, Green, Livable New Districts Stefan Rau Introduction to the Three Chinese New Town Case Studies Fulong Wu Case Studies of New Towns and New Districts in the People’s Republic of China Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area Degao Zheng, Xinyang Li, Wang He Wuxi Taihu New Town: Planning and Implementation Timeline of Taihu New Town Xiao Sima, Xiaoxing Feng, Xiaoli Wu Shanghai Jiading New Town: Adjusting a Plan toward Sustainable Development Yunzhou Zhan, Xiaotao He, Yu Zou Appendix : ADB–Tongji Urban Knowledge Sharing Seminar iii ఫ㶕㉏ᑂ Ƞ⌤व⩕䕁Ƞ㐬㞟⣜Ԋ⮱჉ᅲ᫝ࡧ۾㉔ᔮ೻ጯ喟㐀Ჱ⩌≟⁔ Ƞ㐬㞟Ƞ჉ᅲࡧ喑ᰶⱭᅧᏓ჉ϧ⮱⾧䬡̻ᐧま۾㉔ఫ ৵侙ⷔ⩌ᔮࡧ喟 ⮱䕇䖀䘪᣽ࡴγ᪡͗ࡧഌ⮱჉ᅲᕔ⩕ڞచȠⅡᇥВࣷ㵹ϧ̻㜗㵹䒓ڙ ఫ Ꭱ䘪ᒵӬݖڕఫ ৵侙ⷔ⮱䒨䒕̻䒛⍎᰺ߎ ȠᅧᏓ჉ϧȠ㵹ϧࣸສ⮱೻ࡧ۾㉔ఫ ᑄ㣞ൎͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤࡧ喟᫝ಸ㐬㞟Ƞ ఫ ᑄ㣞ൎͪ⦌㤟ᅁᓤࡧ喟᠒ᰶ㐬㞟⾧䬡Ƞ⠙⿸ѼႲࣷ⩢䒓᰺ߎ⮱㶄ࡧ ఫ ᑄ㣞ൎ↰䗓ࡧ喟㻱ܿ㐬㞟Ƞ⩌ᔮ倅᩵ȠᅧᏓ჉ϧȠ㵹ϧࣸສ⮱᫝ࡧ ϑ䕇Ƞ㜗㵹䒓̻㵹ϧڞڙ๗䭠㘪ࣾ⩢Ƞ⧵ڠఫ ᑄ㣞ൎ↰䗓ࡧ喟๗䭠㘪͸೻喑 ᐧま౴ͧ㞯㘪ᐧまڲఫ ᑄ㣞ൎ↰䗓⹫ࡧ喟᝭ᰶᅸ䶣䘪䨧䃫γ๗䭠㘪Წ喑ࡧ ఫ ఫძᵦጯ∂䄚ࡧ喟჉ᅲᄼࡧ喑䔯वₒ㵹ᝃ侾㵹⮱ᰶ䋐㶄䖀হх㒻Ꭼ౧ ͚ప᫝೻᫝ࡧ⮱ࣾᆂ ఫ ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喑͚๛ౝࡧ ఫ ଶჇ᫝೻᫝ᐧ⮱ᅲѼࡧ ఫ ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻䛺ᐧऻ⮱͚ᓰ೻ࡧ ࡄጊ᫝࣬೻喟⁍ࣾ䓫ౝࡧ࣬೻⮱जᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ䌜ᒱᣏ㉏ 㶕 㶕 ࡄጊᐧま䷻䆹ᣔݣ᝸∂ࣷㆨಸ 㶕 ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧᐧ䃫⩕ౝ䔯჉ᕔܳᲽ ㏼≻ឭᱜᠴᴴڠ㶕 ⣝ᰶᅲѼࡧⰥ 㶕 ᫲⍥ᐭࣾͨ䷅ࣷᐭࣾ䶦Ⱋᐧ䃛 ఫ ఫ ࡄጊౕఈጊⰮ⮱ࡧѺ ఫ ࡄጊౕ᜽ᓤ㐢ౝࡧ⮱ࡧѺ ఫ ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ᫝࣬೻⩕ౝጰᅭ㻱ܿఫ ఫ ▫ऻ䛺ᐧᕨҀ㻱ܿ᫝࣬೻㐬ౝ㈨㐌㻱ܿఫ ఫ ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬࣬೻೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿౌౝҬ⩕⣝⟣ఫ ఫ ࡄጊ͚ᓰ೻ࡧౌౝҬ⩕䔯჉ᕔܳᲽ ఫ ࡄጊᆞ͉ϔ͇చࡧ ᎡऱㆨЮ͇ౝ౴ϔթ ఫ ࡄጊᆞ͉ϔ͇చࡧ ᎡऱㆨЮ͇Ꭰ౴ᅞ͇ϧ᪝ ࣬ߠߕ߈ᅞ͇ᗲۢڕఫ Ꭱࡄጊ ఫ Ꭱࡄጊ᫝࣬೻ߠߕ߈ᅞ͇ᗲۢ ㈨ڠ䃖䉦Ƞღ⼜⢴Ƞ䨭ਜ਼ࢂФ͸䬡⮱ܧఫ ౌౝ ㈨ڠఫ Ꭱࡄጊ (%1 ̻ధჇ䉱ϔែ䉱͸䬡⮱ ڒఫ Ꭱࡄጊ䉏ᩬᩣ iv 5BCMFTBOE'JHVSFT &DP$JUJFTJO&VSPQF$PNQBDU .JYFE6TF (SFFO -JWBCMF/FX%JTUSJDUT Fig. 1: Hammarby Sjöstad: Compact and Green, Livable, District with Human-Scaled Spaces and Buildings /93 Fig. 2: Parks, Waterfronts and Pathways for Pedestrians and Cyclists Enhance the Livability of the District /94 Fig. 3: Light-rail and Ferry Service to Hammarby Sjöstad Is Convenient All Year /94 Fig. 4: Freiburg Rieselfeld: New Green, Compact, Human Scaled, Pedestrian-Friendly Urban District /96 Fig. 5; Freiburg Rieselfeld: Green Spaces, Blocks with Many Individual Buildings and Tram Service /96 Fig. 6: Freiburg Vauban: Planning the Green, Eco-Efficient, Human Scaled Pedestrian Friendly New District /97 Fig. 7: Freiburg Vauban: Solar City Focused on Producing Solar Electricity and on Public Transport, Bicycles and Pedestrians /97 Fig. 8: Freiburg Vauban: All Roofs with Solar Panels and Energy and Resources Efficient Buildings /98 Fig. 9: Tuebingen French Quarter: Livable District with Attractive Streets and Plazas Nice for Walking and Cycling /99 Introduction to the Three Chinese New Town Case Studies Fig. 1: Wuxi Taihu New Town Central Area /104 Fig. 2: New Residential Area of Jiading New Town /105 Fig. 3: Reconstructed Central Area of Beichuan New Town /106 Beichuan New Town: Sustainable Development through Post-Earthquake Reconstruction in a Remote Area Tables Table 1: Method of Controlling Architectural Style in Beichuan /115 Table 2: Suitability Analysis on Development Land in Beichuan Town /119 Table 3: Relevant Economic & Technical Indexes, Existing Residential Areas /121 Table 4: Themes of Tourism Development and Suggestions on Projects /128 Figures Fig. 1: Location of Beichuan in Sichuan Province /111 Fig. 2: Location of Beichuan in Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang District /112 Fig. 3: Layout of the New Town According to Overall Planning for the Post-Earthquake Reconstruction /114 Fig. 4: Green Area Layout of the New Town, Overall Planning for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction /116 Fig. 5: Land Use Status Quo According to Overall Planning of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County /118 Fig. 6: Suitability Analysis on Land Use in Central Urban Area of Beichuan /119 Fig. 7: The Gross Domestic Product per Land Area of Enterprises in Shandong Industrial Park of Beichuan, 2011 /120 Fig. 8: The Average Number of Employers of Enterprises in Shandong Industrial Park of Beichuan, 2011 /120 Fig. 9: The Employment Situation of Beichuan, 2011 /120 Fig. 10: The Employment Situation of New Beichuan Town, 2011 /120 Fig. 11: Relation between Land Transfer Fee, Plot Ratio, and Unit Sale Price /121 Fig. 12: Relation Between Local Gross Domestic Product and Fixed Assets Investment, 2004–2011 /121 Fig. 13: Financial Revenues of Beichuan from 2004 to 2011 /121 v ఫ ࡄጊ㒹᫼㜗⇨࣬࣬೻೻ጯᕨҀ㻱ܿౌౝҬ⩕㻱ܿఫ ߕ⾧䬡≩ڞڙఫ 㺬ᇥ೻ࡧ࡮ႄᒏ ఫ ᫝࣬೻ࡄ䘕᫲⍥о䬟Ꮣմ❴ࡧᕨᎠ䲏ఫ ᬍ䩎๗⎃᫝೻喟䲏ा჋᫪⮱᪡Ҁ⩌ᔮ㻱ܿᣏ㉏ 㶕 㶕 Ꭱ䪬̶㻿ऱౝጯ㐩व჋߈ᢿऺ ఫ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ࡧѺ⹧ᘼ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻๔θ䃝 ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿᕨҀᵳ᳣ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ౌౝݖ⩕㻱ܿఫ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ߌ㘪㏱ఏ㻱ܿఫ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻㻱ܿ⾧䬡㐀Ჱఫ 䃫᫪㏔䙺Ҁ㈨ڞڙఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻䖀䌜ϑ䕇㻱ܿఫ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻㐬ౝ㈨㐌㐀Ჱ⹧ᘼఫ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻Ⅱ㈨㐩व᪡⇨ 䃫᫪ज䓫ᕔڞڙఫ ⩌ᔮ೻㻱ܿ᣽倅 ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ᚏ㵹㈨㐌㻱ܿ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ᚏ㵹᰺ߎ㞯◦ ⩕㘪⎽ݖ⩌ںఫ ܳጰᐼ㘪⎽䃫㒛Ƞज ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ᐧ䃫ノ⤳ҀݣᱧᲱ ఫ ឭᱜ䌜㏬喟э㐌㻱ܿÿ⩌ᔮ჎㻳ÿᠴᴴҀ㈨ÿ㻱ܿᰡ᫝ ఫ ๗⎃᫝೻ᵥᓰࡧ೻ጯ䃫䃎хࡃ᫦ᵵ ̷⊤ଶჇ᫝೻喟䲏ाजᠮ㐚ࣾᆂ⮱㻱ܿᣏ㉏ 㶕 㶕 Ꭱ̷⊤ጯ䒕䖀ϑ䕇 त㏬჏≮➦ᒮ ఫ ఫ 䪬↌̶㻿≟ࡧഌ⾧䬡ࣾᆂ㐀Ჱఫ ఫ ̷⊤ጯࢳ⁎ᕨҀ㻱ܿᕨఫ ఫ ̷⊤ጯ೻Ύ㻱ܿҀ㈨ఫ ఫ ଶჇࡧࡧѺఫ ఫ ̷⊤ࡧഌ㻱ܿ⹧ᘼ㡶ఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ఫ ̷⊤ጯ࢘ᭌ೻হ䗷ࡧ䛺◦೻䩴ܳጰ⹧ᘼఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ఫ ̷⊤ጯ೻䩴Ҁ㈨㻱ܿఫ喍 Ꭱ喎 ఫ ଶჇࡧ೻ΎҀ㈨㻱ܿఫ ఫ ̷⊤ጯ᫝೻ࣾᆂ㻱ܿఫ vi Fig. 14: Land Use Planning Map for Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County in Overall Urban Planning /126 Fig. 15: Public Open Space on the West Bank of the River /127 Fig. 16: General Plan of the Tourist and Leisure Resort, North of the New Town /127 Wuxi Taihu New Town: Overall Framework of Taihu New Town Planning Table Table 1: Ranking of Cities’ Comprehensive Strength in Yangtze River Delta Region, 2012 /132 Figures Fig. 1: Location Map of Taihu New Town, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province /132 Fig. 2: Planning and Implementation Timeline of Taihu New Town /133 Fig. 3: Taihu New Town Planning, Overall Framework /134 Fig. 4: Taihu New Town Low-Carbon Eco-City Land Use Plan /135 Fig. 5: Three Functional Zones of Taihu New Town /135 Fig.
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