This Design and Access Statement has been prepared for Adenbuild Construction with hgh Consulting.

The proposal consists of replacing a yard of single level storage garages with a new apartment building. The scheme is informed by planning policy and analysis of the local area to create a positive and appropriate form for the development.


Adenbuild Construction Ltd. Client Developer CONTENTS DCSK Architects hgh Consulting Planning Consultant 1.0 Context P 03 Guarda Landscape Landscape Design Heritage Information Heritage Consultant 2.0 Site Organisation P 10 i-Transport Transport 3.0 Accommodation P 20 Flo Consult Flood Risk Assessment Nicholas Pearson Assoc. Verified Views 4.0 Architectural Character P 26 Cherryfield Ecology Ecology Stinton Jones Daylight/ Sunlight 5.0 Access & Environment P 33 Stinton Jones Noise Geocon Site Investigations Contaminated Land London Fire Consultants Fire Safety


BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 3 1.1 Site Location

Project Site

Location Plan

The development site is located in Oakwood to the west of Enfield Town Centre. Belgrave Close is accessed from Bramley Road ( A110) and Prince George Avenue. Oakwood Station is the main landmark in the area, anchoring a parade of shops and several parks, sports grounds, and leisure facilities. The site is located near the Oakwood London Underground Station , adjacent to the station parking on a short cul- Aerial View From East de-sac comprised of maisonettes. The area is primarily residential with a small parade of shops.

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 4 1.2 Oakwood Character

Oakwood is a suburban area dominated by low- rise buildings and greenery. Its local character is residential with dense vegetation alongside railway infrastructure and a an open station car park. The overall character is transitional between uses, architectural styles and physical development.

This part of Enfield is well served by green spaces with Oakwood Park, , Oak Hill Park, and various golf courses and colleges within a 5 minute walk.

Oakwood Station and Interior Trent Park with its Japanese Garden

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 5 1.3 Site Assets & Access

This map demonstrates that this site has TRENT PARK a number of assets to support the site for COUNTRY CLUB development

1. Access to public transportation: This map indicates the direct 4 minute walk to TRENT PARK OAKWOOD LIBRARY the Oakwood London Underground Station. GOLF CLUB 2. Retail Amenity: A wide range of shops, services, post offices, pharmacists and community facilities are within TESCO ESSO walking distance of the site. They are located EXPRESS across three distinct shopping parades along Bramley Road. FOSTERS TERMINUS RAILWAY DEPOT 3. Lack of sensitive receptors The grain of the small garages is visible in three locations on the plan, and belongs to another OAKWOOD TUBE time. They are inert in terms of community - STATION replacement by residential provision rebalances the residential street.

Project Site

Site Map Tube Station London (TFL) WebCAT PTAL MAP, Score = 4 Site

Shopping and Other Services

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 6 1.4 Local Planning Policy

Planning Policy 3. The Historic England register indicates that there are two Listed Sites within Planning Policy 3. proximityThe Historic to England the site. register Oakwood indicates Tube that thereStation are twois listed Listed asSites a Gradewithin proximity II* property, to the site.and

1. The current Development Plan for the London Borough of Enfield comprises: 3. TheThe two Historic listed Englandsites are register located indicatesto the west that of therethe site. are Oakwood two Listed Tube Sites Station within isproximity listed as to a theGrade site. 1. The current Development Plan for the London Borough of Enfield comprises: the sign to the north of Oakwood Tube Station is listed as Grade II. The site is not II*The property, two listed and sites the signare locatedto the north to the of west Oakwood of the Tubesite. OakwoodStation is Tubelisted Stationas Grade is listed II. There as a site Grade is located within a Conservation Area. • The London Plan The (2021); London Plan (2021); notII* locatedproperty, within and athe Conservation sign to the northArea. of Oakwood Tube Station is listed as Grade II. There site is not located within a Conservation Area. • Enfield Core StrategyEnfield Core(2010); Strategy (2010); • Enfield Development Management Document (2014); and  Enfield Development Management Document (2014); and • Enfield Policies Map (2011).  Enfield Policies Map (2011). 2. There2. There are are also also other other material considerations considerations that are that relevant are relevant to this application: to this application:  National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2019); and • National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2019); and Oakwood  London Housing SPG (2016). • London Housing SPG (2016). StationOakwood (GradeStation II*) Site Designations Station Sign North (Grade II*) Site Designations ofStation Oakwood Sign North Proposed Site An extract from the LBE Policies Map is shown below: Stationof Oakwood (Grade II) Proposed Site Station (Grade II) An extract from the LBE Policies Map is shown below:

Figure 2: Historic England List Map

Figure 2: Historic England List Map

Proposed Site 4. Environmental Agency (EA) fluvial flood map indicates that the site is located in 4. Environmental Agency (EA) fluvial flood map (see figure 3) indicates that the site is located in Flood Flood Zone 1 (low flood probability). 4. ZoneEnvironmental 1 (low flood Agency probability). (EA) fluvial flood map (see figure 3) indicates that the site is located in Flood Zone 1 (low flood probability).

Figure1. The 1 LBE: LBE Policies Planning MapPolicies indicates Map that the site is considered to be ‘white land’ and 1.has The no LBEspecific Policies designation. Map indicates The that theblue site area is consideredto the north to be east ‘white represents land’ and has the no town specific centredesignation. of Oakwood. The blue area to the north east represents the town centre of Oakwood. 2. The (TFL) WebCAT tool indicates that the site has a PTAL rating of 4, which 2. Theis considered Transport to befor highly London accessible. (TFL) WebCAT tool indicates that the site has a PTAL FigureEnvironment 3: Environment Agency Agency Flood Flood Map for for Planning Planning rating of 4, which is considered to be highly accessible. Figure 3: Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 7 1.5 Site Existing Conditions E S O L 195960.000mN C 195960.000mN 9 E Private Gardens 0 V 1 A

Two Storey Brick Building Private Dwellings R 2

84.38 RL Private Asphalt Car Park 791.36 ST01 G 1 84.37 One Storey Brick Garage L 8 E 84.36 RL


84.26 Flat roof B 86.59

DP 83.25 1 84.40 83.12 Concrete DR 84.36 EL 2 88.83 83.30

83.16 82.97 Flat roof

86.27 83.26

84.18 83.00 Belgrave Close 9 83.03 Concrete - speed limit 30mph 1 3 83.03 83.88 83.03 84.21 Private garden DP 83.00 82.90 82.88 UC Flat roof 86.32 82.88 82.78 84.21 82.92 LP Flat roof 83.88 86.61 Flat roof 85.94 Concrete 82.67 83.61 83.09 One Storey Brick Garage Flat roof 82.75 86.01 82.68 One Storey Brick Garage Flat roof 82.87

k 195940.000mN 86.33 195940.000mN 83.89 82.76 DR 83.12 83.06 4 w DP Flat roof

PO 83.02 Private garden 85.63 FB

o 83.04 83.49 83.17 83.05 3 o Flat roof 83.10 86.12 Flat roof 1 d 83.18 83.17 85.56 83.21 83.09 83.54 FB

S Concrete 83.15

83.141 Flat roof DR 6 t 85.95 DP a 83.21 83.10 EL

DP 87.22

t 83.02 io 5 One Storey Brick Garage RL Two Storey Brick Building 83.17 88.61 Private Dwellings 83.28 n RL Flat roof 89.83 85.51 ST02 ( Flat roof Flat roof 85.18 L 85.48 Flat roof Flat roof 85.21 U DR 84.81 82.94 82.67 ) One Storey Brick Garage 83.11 82.932

Flat roof Concrete 85.40 82.50 IC CL 82.45 Flat roof 4 82.37 DP 85.00 82.51 DP UC One Storey Brick Garage Private Gardens 82.61 82.32 IC DP 82.56 CL 82.43 IC CL 82.43 Flat roof 195920.000mN 82.55 84.77 195920.000mN 82.31


82.55 82.26 82.32

Silver Birch 8h Private Gardens


The site is currently occupied by 35 lock-up garages, incidentally used for storage.

The property is adjacent to walled garden spaces of Belgrave Close, Oakwood Station Parking, and after a green buffer the Oakwood Station Platform. There is a 2 metre fall to the east across the length of the site.

3 4


1.6 Views of Site 135

Shelter 129 125

1 17

2 15 3








19 123 4

82.78 1 2 83.2





3 25

Shelter 6 5 TCB



3 4 Three pairs of images on this page illustrate the site in context.

From the north west- views from the station are across a large open parking area.

From the north east Belgrave Close is comprised of Two and a half storey maisonettes.

From the south west the view is from the Oakwood London Underground station platform.

5 6

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 9 2.0 Site Organisation

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 10 2.1 Opportunities and Constraints

N Constraints:

• railways noise • neighbouring residential amenity • narrow access • topography: Site falls almost 2 metres


• listed building architecture • terminus vista looking S to N along Belgrave Close • under-use of site • vegetation to south • existing turning head end of Belgrave Close • sunlight :no obstruction to receipt of light • proximity to shops, station, etc

W E Oakwood Station

Building Context


Shopping and Other Services N

Main Roads

Trent Park N


Sun Path




S 2.2 SiteROOF & FORM Massing SCORING Concept Attributes


COMBINED Plan Area (low score Architectural Fit to Plan Discrete Scale Fit to Belgrave Close Fit to Station shows erosion of floor SCORE Character space in apartments) Description

A. Anvil Additional Floor allows smaller footprint for building 3 2 2 4 4 4 mass 19 B. Bauhaus Clean horizontal building with flat roof form 22 5 2 2 5 5 3 C. Hip Second floor carved back to fit within a roof form 17 3 The3 proportion of3 the site is three3 to one, elongated2 3 with side access. A set of plan types were D. Half Crown Hybrid for narrow plan 20 4 explored3 to test houses3 or paired3 blocks. The most4 3 appropriate form on this site was three aligned Gable Defined form- set of smaller scale peaks E. 19 2 apartments4 at three3 sizes. 3 3 4

Dormer Rotation creates a pair of façade expressions F. 19 3 Early3 studies explored4 a Crown roof3 form and a 3 3 character that was subdued and similar to the G. Dormer Aligned Consistent Form 3 3 4 3 3 3 19 existing buildings on Belgrave Close. H. Crown Resolution of form and plan area 22 4 3 4 4 4 3


BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 12 2.3 Planning Engagement with Enfield Council

The design team met with planning officers in January 2021 and had an extended dialogue with Urban Design Officers regarding site heritage over design evolution.

Pre-Application Feedback from Enfield Council: The consideration of brick as a material is welcomed but further consideration The entrance is hidden under an overhanging built form which does not relate of detailing to limit plain walls is recommended. to the character of Belgrave Close, which is fronted by open landscaped amenity space Large windows are also welcomed, to allow as much natural light into the apartments as possible. The front corner of the building sticks out into the natural view line into the site, impinging the entrance and dominating that space which appears rather tight, The communal lobby and stairwell on each floor lack natural light and rely rather than taking influence from or continuing the openness created in Belgrave on artificial light 24/7. There should be opportunities for windows in as many Close. internal spaces as possible

Uncertain about the approach to the roof and further work would be The establishment of the building which has been set as a lump in one location appreciated. on the site has impacted the quality of the outside space and creates hidden areas that can be accessed around the entire perimeter of the building, resulting in non-private amenity spaces on the ground floor. This could also be considered an issue with the Secure by Deign Officer.

All ground floor apartments should benefit from being established in this location with entrances direct from the outside, rather than needing to go through a communal lobby.

The left over outside space should be included as part of the ground floor apartments so they can be utilised and maintained by residents, creating an increased amount of outdoor private amenity space for those residents.

There is a lack of defensible space around the perimeter of Apartment 1 which should be considered no less than 1.5m to aid in privacy and security from within the apartment.

The location of the refuse storage is considered street clutter and ways to incorporate it into the built form should be considered for ease of use for residents while improving the quality and aesthetics of the outside communal space.

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 13 2.3 Planning Engagement with Enfield Council

Key Points: The need to overhang the first floor represents an inappropriate mass and • Consider the setting of the Grade II* Listed Oakwood Station. density and should take reference from the existing context to help focus the approach. • With respect to above, simplify building form and massing to

Landscaping has minimal consideration in this scheme, and more should be reflect the art deco style of Oakwood Station building done to increase the developments urban greening factor. • Increase provision for ground floor amenity spaces. Consideration of building clutter, such as down pipes, should be considered as • Access ground floor dwellings from outside if possible. early as possible to minimise their impact on the aesthetics of the final built form. • Increase provision of three bedroom apartments.

Placement of windows in apartments should consider the usability of the space and the likely furniture that would be placed in it. Design Team Response: • Reduce parking count to provide more space for the building plan. • Open the space of access and improve internal circulation. • Increase ground floor private amenity spaces. • Replan Apartment 7 to create a 3 bed dwelling.

The plan above is an overlay that shows the plan presented to the Pre-App - and the adjustments following suggestions from the Enfield Council team. A change in parking numbers opens up the available area in the site. The building can be longer, thinner, and create a break between the volumes as a light filled circulation core.

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 14 Belgrave Close, Oakwood Heritage Statement (March 2021) Belgrave Close, Oakwood Heritage Statement (March 2021) 3.2. In 1933, the Piccadily Line was extended north to , with a new station constructed at 3.2. OakwoodIn 1933, the(called Piccadily Enfield Line West was until extended 1946). The north railway to Cockfosters, line and platform with werea new constructed station constructed within a new at cuttingOakwood which (called bisected Enfield Bramley West until Road, 1946 with). The a substantialrailway line depotand pl andatform examination were constructed and cleaning within asheds new constructedcutting which on bisected the north Bramley side. TheRoad, booking with ahall substantial and forecourt depot frontedand examination Bramley Road and cleaningbehind asheds wide forecourt.constructed Upon on theits complnorth etion,side. theThe newbooking station hall (a and landmark forecourt in modernistfronted Bramley architecture Road bybehind the architect a wide Charlesforecourt. Holden) Upon itswas compl in aetion, largely the semi new-rural station setting, (a landmark with the insurrounding modernist landarchitecture remaining by undevelopedthe architect fieldsCharles (Figures Holden) 16 was and in17). a largelyThe arrival semi of-rural the setting,station promptedwith the surroundinga spectacular land building remaining boom undeveloped in the area. fieldsSouth (FiguresLodge to 16 the and east 17). was The demolished arrival of the in station1935 and prompted the estate a spectacular was developed building by boom the builder in the area.John LaingSouth, Lodgewhilst theto the Enfield east wasWest demolished Estate surrounding in 1935 andthe thenew estate station was (including developed Belgrave by the Gardensbuilder John and LaingPrince, whilstGeorge the Avenue) Enfield Westwas developeEstate surroundingd by builder the George new station Reed. (including Different Belgravestyles of Gardenshouse wereand advertisedPrince George by Reed Avenue) (including was developeTudor, “Modern”d by builder or the George larger “circularReed. Different bay” house) styles and of thehouse merits were of nearbyadvertised shops, by Reedopen green(including spaces Tudor, and infrastructure“Modern” or thewere larger part of“circular the selling bay” point. house) By and1935, the Lakenhe meritsath of nearbyto the southshops, of open the greenrailway spaces had been and infrastructurelargely completed, were partwhilst of thePrince selling George point. Avenue By 1935, and Lakenhe Belgraveath Gardensto the south had ofbeen the laidrailway out andhad werebeen beinglargely developed completed, (Figure whilst 15). Prince The Georgefollowing Avenue year, the and view Belgrave south fromGardens the platformhad been of laid the outnew and station were had being changed developed entirel (Figurey, with 15).the rearThe followingelevations year, and thegardens view ofsouth the fromnew suburbanthe platform developments of the new stationlining the had railway changed line entirel(Figurey, with18). theThe rearsubject elevations site was and located gardens in vacantof the landnew betweensuburban the developments station and thelining newly the laidrailway out Princeline (Figure George 18). Avenue The subject (Figure site15) .was located in vacant land between2.4 theEnfield station and theCouncil newly laid Guidanceout Prince George to Avenuealign (Figureto Heritage 15). Context

Figure 15: Ordnance Survey (1935), illustrating the location of the subject site. Figure 15: Ordnance Survey (1935), illustrating the location of the subject site.

The current site, consisting of a concrete yard containing garage block, provides low archaeological architectural/historic interest and its current condition imposes a neutral to negative impact on the setting of Grade II* listed Oakwood Station and on its surroundings.

The Heritage Statement concludes that the proposal would have a neutral to positive impact on Oakwood Station, adopting the building's Art Deco character, and sitting comfortably within the 1930s townscape context. The proposal complements the listed Station rather than detracting attention from it, and therefore the scheme imposes no harm to the significance of Figure 16: The newly completed station in 1933 (London Transport Museum). any heritage assets. Figure 16: The newly completed station in 1933 (London Transport Museum). Page | 13 Page | 13

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 15 2.5 Massing and Concept




The design of the proposed building has been coursing, inset horizontal panels and a strong amended to take its cue from the prevailing 1930s parapet with a projecting cornice defining a flat roof architectural language, detailing and palette of form. The full-height glazed atrium lobby on the materials within the surrounding area in order to principal east and west elevations provides a direct establish a positive architectural relationship with architectural link with the distinctive booking hall of both the listed station and to sit comfortably within the listed station, but was also a common feature its suburban setting. on domestic architecture of the 1930s delineating stairwells and entrance lobbies The building incorporates strong horizontal elements, which are a particular feature of the Modernist Underground Station and some of the surrounding more Moderne-inspired suburban housing – including brickwork banding of soldier TYPE B

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 16 Date P05 Revison Page 17 2021/ 03/ 30 London, EC1V 0DR tel. 07730.762.745 DCSK, Studio 2, 19-20 Great Sutton Street Revision GA Coordination Pack Planning Application Issue to Consultants Rev with 6 Parking Pre-App Plans Site Boundary Date 2021 / 03 /30 2021 / 02 /26 2021 / 02 /18 2021 / 01 /25 2020 / 12 /14 P05 P04 P03 P02 P01 Rev. 0153 Belgrave Close, Enfield Client Scale @A1 Drawing Title Linea Homes Project General Notes N 1:250 A-021 Proposed Site Plan Orientation 25m

Site Provision Site Close Belgrave at 1. Entrance 2. Building Entrance 3. Bins and Recycling stands in shelter Bicycle 24 4. 5. 5 Parking Bays Area 6. Servicing and Delivery 23


21 19 0 529475








529450 12




17 15


3 10




7 4 3015 APRIL 2021 APRIL

55790 1400






125 195900

529350 Shelter 2.6 Development Proposal: Plan Site Development 2.6 2.7 Development Proposal: Landscape Site Plan by Guarda Landscape KEY DESIGN PARAMETERS LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN Application boundary

Indicative location of existing vegetation 1 Site entrance (adjacent to the southern boundary) Planting beds are proposed to the frontage of the development containing a mix of shrubs, perennials and grasses which will help soften the built form and hard Exterior cycle landscaping. The planting beds will take on a curved and sinuous form creating hoops a pleasant and attractive welcoming environment. Ornamental tree planting Proposed or existing grass frames the building creating a sense of arrival when coming into the site. Climbers LsW will be incorporated along the façade of the bin and cycle store which will asist Enclosed seating in integrating them into the landscape. The proposed planting palette will provide area for residents seasonal interest without the need for heavy maintenance. Nectar rich flowering 4 Proposed ornamental hedge (along eastern plants throughout the site provide a vital habitat and food source for local wildlife +84.30 aiding in a biodiversity net gain. back garden boundary) Lj A small seating area is to be incorporated amongst the planting which will be partially covered with the dappled shade of a multistem tree. This will provide an Extra heavy standard tree, 14-16cm attractive retreat for residents who do not have their own private garden. girth, double staked.

Bp Betula pendula +84.25 Buj Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii Cb Carpinus betulus +84.10 BELGRAVE CLOSE LsW Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Worplesdon’

Al Select standard tree, 10-12cm girth, +84.30 double staked. For example: Passing point for pedestrians Al Amelanchier lamarckii (multistem) Mix of planting will consist of species to provide year round interest and wildlife value. BpF Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata’ Lj Ligustrum japonicum Private amenity Cycle Store 2 LsW MsRS Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’ +83.10 Individual private amenity spaces are provided for each of the ground floor PxhS apartments. All the private gardens will have a paved patio with a lawn and Ms Malus sylvestris ornamental planting beds to create both a functional and attractive space. 4 +84.10 PxhS Prunus x hillieri spire 2 The garden to the west of the development is to be cut out of the existing Lj topography of the site so that it is flush with the finish floor level of the building. A +83.50 Ornamental planting beds with shrubs, retaining planting bed is to enclose the lawn and patio area, providing enclosure Bin Store BpF grasses and herbaceous perennials. 3, 5 and privacy for the occupant. The raised planter will also allow for fastigiate +83.50 &10L shrubs, perennials and grasses 3-7/ trees to be planted within the bed which will help screen views to and from the m2 with specimens planted as 10L. development and the nearby station. +83.90

+83.50 Buj The garden to the east of the development is to maintain the existing site +83.20 Living wall/ green screen opposite south topography which has a level change of 1m in comparison to the finish floor level BpF facing windows of the building. The garden will have a raised terrace with steps leading down to a spacious lawn area. Ornamental hedge and/or +83.50 ornamental planting beds to Seating area - resin bound or self-binding soften the boundary of private gravel amenity space 1 Colour - buff. MsRS

Shared surface parking court - concrete +83.50 block paving +83.50 Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey.

Main entrance Retaining wall and fastigiate trees to form an enclosure to the western garden space. Shared surface entrance drive - concrete block paving Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. 3 Living wall and/or green screen 3 +83.50 Ms

Living walls and/or green screens and ornamental planting beds along the southern Maintanance access maintenance access will provide views of planting out of south facing ground floor FFL +83.50 Parking bays - permeable concrete paving windows. The living wall will be planted up with a mix of evergreen perennials in turn blocks with block edging providing all year round interest for residents. Pattern - herringbone, Colour - charcoal.


4 Building entrances - granite flag paving Retaining planting Ms Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. structure to provide privacy and enclosure as +83.50 well as accomodating OAKWOOD level change +83.50 Private patios & access routes - textured concrete flag paving STATION Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. Example of green wall and living wall treatment to form a green backdrop

4 Boundary treatment Timber bench 3 Bp Existing vegetation along the southern boundary offer a mature screen and will limit views from the adjacent Oakwood Station platform. Proposed ornamental +82.50 trees around the site will assist in breaking up the built form while also screening +83.50 Note: Number boxesP02 04.03.21 on Revisedplan to arenew redline boundary. JH CX +83.50 views towards the site from both Oakwood Station and surrounding properties. The scheduled on the next page site currently consists of a series of garages with a brick boundary wall therefore Rev Date Comments Dr Ch proposals will significantly improve the overall aesthetic of the space bothon +83.50 and off site. A proposed ornamental hedge running along the eastern edge of Cb the private amenity space will create an attractive green backdrop for residents softening the boundary as well as providing further privacy. LivingBELGRAVE wall or green wall CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 18 to provide a planted backdrop in views from N windows Staplefords Farm, Alphamstone, Bures, Essex. CO8 5DT The Record Hall, 16-16A Baldwin’s Farden, Hatton Garden , London. EC1N 7RJ Steps down to +44 (0)1206 638085 · lower private Client amenity space Linea Homes Site

EXAMPLE PLANTING PALETTE Belgrave Close, Enfield Existing garages on the site with poorly Current view from the station platform Hedges (10L) Herbaceous Perennials (2 & 3L) Drawing Title maintained boundary wall showing existing vegetation along Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, Euonymus japonicus ‘Jean Hugues’, Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ Anemone x hybrida 'Honerine Jobert', Achillea filipendula ‘Cloth of Gold’, Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby', southern boundary (to be retained) Chamaemelum nobile, Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum', Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, Landscape Masterplan Shrubs (7.5 & 10L) Galium odoratum, Geranium × johnsonii ‘Johnsons Blue’, Hemerocallis dumortieri, Helleborus x hybrida Ceratostigma willmottianum, Cistus purpureus, Cornus 'Midwinter Fire', Choisya × dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl', Daphne 'Harvington Shades of the Night', Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’, Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple', Nepeta 'Six Scale Status odora ‘Aureomarginata’, Daphne tangutica, Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’, Garrya eliptica ‘James Roof’, Hills Giant', Pelargonium crispum, Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, Ranunculus asiaticus, Rudbekia 'Goldstrum', Salvia Hebe rakaensis, Hedera helix 'Green Ripple', Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight', Lavandula angustifolia, Lavendula 'Caradonna', Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’, Thalictrum delavayi ‘Splendide White’. 1:100 @ A1 Preliminary augustifolia ‘Arctic Snow’, Philadelphus ‘Manteau d’Hermine’, Rosa ‘Gertrude Jekyll’, Rosa ‘ Queen of Sweden’, Project Drawing Number Revision Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salix caprea, Sarcococca hookeriana 'Purple Stem', Syringa vulgarius, Bulbs 2106 GUA-DR-L-001 P02 Viburnum x bodnantense, Viburnum x burkwoodii Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’, Anemone nemerosa, Galanthus nivalis, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Tulipa ‘Barcelona’ Drawn Checked Date Grasses & Ferns (3 & 5L) JH CX February 2020 Anemanthele lessoniana, Calamagrostis brachytricha, Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’, Pennisetum alopecuroides, BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD © GUARDA Ltd. 2020 Polypodium vulgare, Stipa tenuissima KEY DESIGN PARAMETERS LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN Application boundary

Indicative location of existing vegetation 1 Site entrance (adjacent to the southern boundary) Planting beds are proposed to the frontage of the development containing a mix of shrubs, perennials and grasses which will help soften the built form and hard Exterior cycle landscaping. The planting beds will take on a curved and sinuous form creating hoops a pleasant and attractive welcoming environment. Ornamental tree planting Proposed or existing grass frames the building creating a sense of arrival when coming into the site. Climbers LsW KEY will be incorporated along the façade of the bin and cycle store which will asist Enclosed seating in integrating them into the landscape. The proposed planting palette will provide area for residents Application boundary DESIGN PARAMETERS LANDSCAPEseasonal MASTERPLAN interest without the need for heavy maintenance. Nectar rich flowering 4 Proposed ornamental hedge (along eastern plants throughout the site provide a vital habitat and food source for local wildlife +84.30 aiding in a biodiversity net gain. back garden boundary) Lj Indicative location of existing vegetation A small seating area is to be incorporated amongst the planting which will be (adjacent to the southern boundary) 1 Site entrance partially covered with the dappled shade of a multistem tree. This will provide an Extra heavy standard tree, 14-16cm Planting beds are proposed to the frontage of the development containing a mix attractive retreat for residents who do not have their own private garden. girth, double staked. of shrubs, perennials and grasses which will help soften the built form and hard Exterior cycle Bp Betula pendula landscaping. The planting beds will take on a curved and sinuous form creating hoops +84.25 Proposed or existing grass a pleasant and attractive welcoming environment. Ornamental tree planting Buj Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii frames the building creating a sense of arrival when coming into the site. Climbers LsW Cb Carpinus betulus will be incorporated along the façade of the bin and cycle store which will asist Enclosed seating +84.10 BELGRAVE CLOSE in integrating them into the landscape. The proposed planting palette will provide area for residents LsW Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Worplesdon’ seasonal interest without the need for heavy maintenance. Nectar rich flowering 4 Proposed ornamental hedge (along eastern plants throughout the site provide a vital habitat and food source for local wildlife +84.30 back garden boundary) aiding in a biodiversity net gain. Al Select standard tree, 10-12cm girth, Lj +84.30 double staked. For example: A small seating area is to be incorporated amongst the planting which will be Passing point for partially covered with the dappled shade of a multistem tree. This will provide an pedestrians Extra heavy standard tree, 14-16cm Al Amelanchier lamarckii (multistem) attractive retreat for residents who do not have their own private garden. Mix of planting will consist of species to provide year round interest and wildlife value. girth, double staked. BpF Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata’ Bp Betula pendula Cycle Store Lj Ligustrum japonicum Private amenity +84.25 2 LsW Buj Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii MsRS Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’ +83.10 Individual private amenity spaces are provided for each of the ground floor KEY PxhS Cb Carpinus betulus apartments. All the private gardens will have +84.10a paved patio with a lawn and BELGRAVE CLOSE Ms Malus sylvestris ornamental planting beds to create both a functional and attractive space. 4 +84.10 LsW Application boundary DESIGN PARAMETERS LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Worplesdon’ PxhS Prunus x hillieri spire 2 The garden to the west of the development is to be cut out of the existing Lj topography of the site so that it is flush with the finish floor level of the building. A Al +83.50 Select standard tree, 10-12cm girth, Ornamental planting beds with shrubs, Indicative location of existing vegetation +84.30 retaining planting bed is to enclose the lawn and patio area, providing enclosure Bin Store BpF double staked. For example: grasses and herbaceous perennials. 3, 5 (adjacent to the southern boundary) and privacy for the occupant. The raised planter will also1 allow forSite fastigiate entrance Passing point for &10L shrubs, perennials and grasses 3-7/ trees to be planted within the bed which will help screen views to and from the +83.50 pedestrians Al Amelanchier lamarckii (multistem) m2 with specimens planted as 10L. development and the nearby station. Planting beds are proposed to the frontage of the development containing a mix +83.90 Mix of planting will consist of species to provide year round interest and wildlife value. of shrubs, perennials and grasses which will help soften the built form and hard Exterior cycle +83.50 Buj BpF Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata’ The garden to the east of the development is to maintainlandscaping. the existing The siteplanting beds will take on a curved and sinuous form creating hoops +83.20 Living wall/ green screen opposite south topography which has a level change of 1m in comparisona to pleasant the finish andfloor attractivelevel welcoming environment. Ornamental tree planting Lj Ligustrum japonicum Proposed or existing grass Private amenity Cycle Store BpF facing windows 2 LsW of the building. The garden will have a raised terrace with steps leading down to a LsW frames the building creating a sense of arrival when coming into the site. Climbers MsRS Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’ spacious lawn area. +83.10 Individual private amenity spaces are provided for each of the ground floor will be incorporated along the façade of the bin and cycle store which will asist Enclosed seating PxhS Ornamental hedge and/or apartments. All the private gardens will have a paved patio with a lawn and in integrating them into the landscape. The proposed planting palette will provide Ms Malus sylvestris +83.50 area for residents ornamental planting beds to ornamental planting beds to create both a functional and attractive space. 4 seasonal interest without the need for heavy maintenance. Nectar rich flowering 4 Seating area - resin bound or self-binding +84.10 PxhS Prunus x hillieri spire soften the boundary of private Proposed ornamental hedge (along eastern plants throughout the site provide a vital habitat and food source for local wildlife +84.30 gravel 2 1 amenity space back garden boundary) The garden to the west of the development is to be cut out of the existing Lj aiding in a biodiversity net gain. Colour - buff. Lj MsRS topography of the site so that it is flush with the finish floor level of the building. A +83.50 Ornamental planting beds with shrubs, Bin Store retaining planting bed is to enclose the lawn and patio area, providing enclosure A small seating area is to be incorporated amongst the planting which will be grasses and herbaceous perennials. 3, 5 BpF Extra heavy standard tree, 14-16cm and privacy for the occupant. The raised planter will also allow for fastigiate partially covered with the dappled shade of a multistem tree. This will provide an &10L shrubs, perennials and grasses 3-7/ Shared surface parking court - concrete +83.50 +83.50 girth, double staked. trees to be planted within the bed which will help screen views to and from the attractive retreat for residents who do not have their own private garden. m2 with specimens planted as 10L. block paving development and the nearby station. +83.90 +83.50 Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. Bp Betula pendula +83.50 Buj The garden to the east of the development is to maintain the existing site +84.25 +83.20 Living wall/ green screen opposite south topography which has a level change of 1m in comparison to the finish floor level Main entrance Buj Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii BpF facing windows Shared surface entrance drive - of the building. The garden will have a raised terrace with steps leading down to a Retaining wall and fastigiate trees to form an enclosure to the western garden space. Cb Carpinus betulus spacious lawn area. +84.10 concrete block pavingBELGRAVE CLOSE Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. Ornamental hedge and/or +83.50 LsW Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Worplesdon’ 3 Living wall and/or green screen+83.50 3 ornamental planting beds to Seating area - resin boundMs or self-binding soften the boundary of private gravel Living walls and/or green screens and ornamental planting beds along the southern Maintanance access amenity space 1 Al Colour - buff. Select standard tree, 10-12cm girth, maintenance access will provide views of planting out of south facing ground floor +84.30 FFL +83.50 Parking bays - permeable concrete paving windows. The living wall will be planted up with a mix of evergreen perennials in turn MsRS blocks with block edging double staked. For example: providing all year round interest for residents. Passing point for Pattern - herringbone, Colour - charcoal. pedestrians Al Amelanchier lamarckii (multistem) Shared surface parking court - concrete +83.50 Mix of planting will consist of species to provide year round interest and wildlife value. block paving +82.50 BpF Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata’ +83.50 Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. 4 Lj Ligustrum japonicum 2 Private amenity Cycle Store Building entrances - granite flag paving Retaining plantingLsW Ms Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. MsRS Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’ Main entrance structure to provide +83.10 Individual private amenity spaces are provided for each of the ground floor privacy and enclosure as Shared surface entrance drive - Retaining wall and fastigiate trees to form an enclosure to the western garden space. +83.50 PxhS Ms Malus sylvestris apartments. All the private gardens will have a paved patio with a lawn and well as accomodating concrete block paving ornamental planting beds to create bothOAKWOOD a functional and attractive space. 4 +84.10 level change Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. +83.50 +83.50 Private patios & access routes - textured PxhS Prunus x hillieri spire 3 Living wall and/or green screen 3 2 concrete flag paving The garden to the west of the development is to be cut out of the existing Lj Ms Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. topography of the site so that it STATIONis flush with the finish floor level of the building. A Living walls and/or green screens and ornamental planting beds along the southern Maintanance access +83.50 Ornamental planting beds with shrubs, retaining planting bed is to enclose the lawn and patio area, providing enclosure Bin Store maintenance access will provide views of planting out of south facing ground floor Example of green wall and living wall treatment to form a green backdrop FFL +83.50 BpF Parking bays - permeable concrete paving grasses and herbaceous perennials. 3, 5 windows. The living wall will be planted up with a mix of evergreen perennials in turn and privacy for the occupant. The raised planter will also allow for fastigiate +83.50 blocks with block edging &10L shrubs, perennials and grasses 3-7/ providing all year round interest for residents. trees to be planted within the bed which will help screen views to and from the Pattern - herringbone, Colour - charcoal. m2 with specimens planted as 10L. 4 Boundary treatment development and the nearby station. +83.90 Timber bench 3 +83.50 Buj Bp Existing vegetation along the southern boundary offer a matureThe garden screen toand the will east of the development is to maintain the existing site +82.50 +83.20 Living wall/ green screen opposite south limit views from the adjacent Oakwood Station platform. topographyProposed ornamental which has a level change of 1m in comparison to the finish floor level +82.50 BpF 4 +83.50 Building entrances - granite flag paving facing windows trees around the site will assist in breaking up the built formof while the building. also screening The garden will have a raised terrace with steps leading down to a P02 04.03.21 Revised to new redline boundary. JH CX views towards the site from bothRetaining Oakwood planting Station and surrounding properties. The Ms +83.50 Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. structure to provide spacious lawn area. site currently consists of a series of garages with a brick boundary wall therefore Rev Date OrnamentalComments hedge and/or Dr Ch proposals will significantlyprivacy improve and theenclosure overall as aesthetic of the space bothon +83.50 +83.50 ornamental planting beds to well as accomodating +83.50 Seating area - resin bound or self-binding OAKWOODand off site. A proposed ornamental hedge running along the eastern edge of Cb soften the boundary of private the private amenity space will createlevel changean attractive green backdrop for residents +83.50 gravel Private patios & access routes - textured amenity space softening the boundary as well as providing further privacy. 1 Colour - buff. Living wall or green wall concrete flag paving MsRS STATION to provide a planted Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. backdrop in views from Example of green wall and living wall treatment to form a green backdrop windows Staplefords Farm, Alphamstone, Bures, Essex. CO8 5DT N Shared surface parking court - concrete +83.50 The Record Hall, 16-16A Baldwin’s Farden, Hatton 2.8 Development Proposal: Landscape Palette Garden , London. EC1N 7RJ block paving +83.50 KEY +44 (0)1206 638085 · 4 Boundary treatment Timber bench Steps down to Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. lower private Client 3 Bp Application boundary Existing vegetation along the southern boundary offer a mature screen and will DESIGN PARAMETERS LANDSCAPE MASTERPLAN amenity space Main entrance Linea Homes limit views from the adjacent Oakwood Station platform. Proposed ornamental +82.50 Site Shared surface entrance drive - Retaining wall and fastigiate trees to form an enclosure to the western garden space. +83.50 P02 04.03.21 Revised to new redline boundary. JH CX trees around the site will assist in breaking up the built form while also screening concrete block paving views towards the site from both Oakwood Station and surrounding properties. The +83.50 Indicative location of existing vegetation Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. +83.50 (adjacentBelgrave to theClose, southern Enfield boundary) site currently consists of a series of garages with a brick boundary wall therefore 1 Site entrance EXAMPLE PLANTING PALETTE 3 Rev Date Comments Dr Ch proposals will significantly improve the overall aesthetic of the space bothon Existing garages on the site with poorly Current view from the3 stationLiving platform wall and/or green screen Hedges (10L) +83.50 Herbaceous Perennials (2 & 3L) MsDrawing Title and off site. A proposed ornamental hedge running along the eastern edge of Planting beds are proposed to themaintained frontage boundaryof the development wall containingshowing a mix existing vegetation along Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, Euonymus japonicus ‘Jean Hugues’, Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ Cb Anemone x hybrida 'Honerine Jobert', Achillea filipendula ‘Cloth of Gold’, Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby', the private amenity space will create an attractive green backdrop for residents of shrubs, perennials and grasses which will help soften the built form andsouthern hard boundary Living (to be walls retained) and/or green screens and ornamental planting beds along the southern Exterior cycle Maintanance access maintenance access will provide views of planting out of south facing ground floor Chamaemelum nobile, Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum', Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, softening the boundary as well as providing further privacy. landscaping. The planting beds will take on a curved and sinuous form creating hoops FFL +83.50 Landscape Masterplan Parking bays - permeable concrete paving windows. The living wall will be planted up with a mix of evergreenLiving perennials wall or green in turn wall Shrubs (7.5 & 10L) Galium odoratum, Geranium × johnsonii ‘Johnsons Blue’, Hemerocallis dumortieri, Helleborus x hybrida Proposed or existing grass blocks with block edging a pleasant and attractive welcoming environment. Ornamental tree planting to provide a planted Ceratostigma willmottianum, Cistus purpureus, Cornus 'Midwinter Fire', Choisya × dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl', Daphne 'Harvington Shades of the Night', Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’, Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple', Nepeta 'Six providing all year round interest for residents. LsW Scale Status Pattern - herringbone, Colour - charcoal. frames the building creating a sense of arrival when coming into the site. Climbers backdrop in views from odora ‘Aureomarginata’, Daphne tangutica, Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’, Garrya eliptica ‘James Roof’, Hills Giant', Pelargonium crispum, Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, Ranunculus asiaticus, Rudbekia 'Goldstrum', Salvia will be incorporated along the façade of the bin and cycle store which will asist windows Hebe rakaensis,Enclosed Hedera helix seating 'Green Ripple', Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight', Lavandula angustifolia, Lavendula 'Caradonna', Stachys byzantinaStaplefords ‘Silver Carpet’, Farm, Alphamstone, Thalictrum Bures, delavayi Essex. ‘SplendideCO8 5DT White’. 1:100 @ A1 Preliminary in integrating them into the landscape. The proposed planting palette willN provide augustifolia ‘Arcticarea Snow’, for residents Philadelphus ‘Manteau d’Hermine’, Rosa ‘Gertrude Jekyll’, Rosa ‘ Queen of Sweden’, The Record Hall, 16-16A Baldwin’s Farden, Hatton Project+82.50 Drawing Number Revision seasonal interest without the need for heavy maintenance. Nectar rich flowering 4 Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salix caprea, Sarcococca hookeriana 'Purple Stem', Syringa vulgarius, Bulbs Garden , London. EC1N 7RJ +44 (0)1206 638085 · Proposed2106 ornamentalGUA-DR-L-001 hedge (along easternP02 plants throughout the site provide a vital habitat and food source for local wildlife +84.30 Viburnum x bodnantense, Viburnum x burkwoodii Steps down to Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’, Anemone nemerosa, Galanthus nivalis, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, 4 Building entrances - granite flag paving Drawn Checked Date aiding in a biodiversity net gain. lower privateRetaining planting Tulipa ‘Barcelona’ Client back garden boundary)Ms Lj Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. Grasses & Ferns (3 & 5L) amenity structurespace to provide JH CX February 2020 Anemanthele lessoniana, Calamagrostis brachytricha, Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’, Pennisetum alopecuroides, Linea Homes A small seating area is to be incorporated amongst the planting which will be privacy and enclosure as © GUARDA Ltd. 2020 BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD +83.50 Polypodium vulgare, Stipa tenuissima partially covered with the dappled shade of a multistem tree. This will provide an well as accomodating Site Extra heavy standard tree, 14-16cm attractive retreat for residents who do not have their own private garden. OAKWOOD level change girth, double staked. Belgrave Close, Enfield +83.50 Private patios & access routes - textured EXAMPLE PLANTING PALETTE Betula pendula concrete flag paving Existing garages on the site with poorly Current view from the station platform Bp Hedges (10L) Herbaceous+84.25 Perennials (2 & 3L) Drawing Title Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. maintained boundary wall showing existing vegetation along STATION Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, Euonymus japonicus ‘Jean Hugues’, Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ Anemone x hybrida 'Honerine Jobert', Achillea filipendula ‘Cloth of Gold’, Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby', Buj Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii southern boundary (to be retained) Example of green wall and living wall treatment to form a green backdrop Chamaemelum nobile, Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum', Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, Landscape Masterplan Cb Carpinus betulus Shrubs (7.5 & 10L) +84.10 Galium odoratum, Geranium × johnsonii ‘Johnsons Blue’, Hemerocallis dumortieri, Helleborus x hybrida BELGRAVE CLOSE Ceratostigma willmottianum, Cistus purpureus, Cornus 'Midwinter Fire', Choisya × dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl', Daphne 'Harvington Shades of the Night', Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’, Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple', Nepeta 'Six LsW Scale Status Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Worplesdon’ odora ‘Aureomarginata’, Daphne4 tangutica,Boundary Euonymus treatment fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’, Garrya eliptica ‘James Roof’, Hills Giant', Pelargonium crispum, Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, Ranunculus asiaticus, Rudbekia 'Goldstrum', Salvia Timber bench 1:100 @ A1 Preliminary Hebe rakaensis, Hedera helix 'Green Ripple', Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight', Lavandula angustifolia, Lavendula 'Caradonna', Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’, Thalictrum delavayi ‘Splendide White’. 3 Bp augustifolia ‘Arctic Snow’, PhiladelphusExisting vegetation ‘Manteau along d’Hermine’, the southern Rosa ‘Gertrude boundary Jekyll’, offer Rosa a mature ‘ Queen screen of Sweden’, and will Al Project Drawing Number Revision Select standard tree, 10-12cm girth, +84.30 Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’, Rosmarinuslimit officinalis, views from Salix the caprea, adjacent Sarcococca Oakwood hookeriana Station platform. 'Purple Stem',Proposed Syringa ornamental vulgarius, Bulbs double staked. For+82.50 example: 2106 GUA-DR-L-001 P02 +83.50 Viburnum x bodnantense, Viburnumtrees around x burkwoodii the site will assist in breaking up the built form while also screening Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’, Anemone nemerosa, Galanthus nivalis, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Passing point for P02 04.03.21 Revised to new redline boundary. JH CX Drawn Checked Date views towards the site from both Oakwood Station and surrounding properties. The Tulipa ‘Barcelona’ pedestrians +83.50 Al Amelanchier lamarckii (multistem) Grasses & Ferns (3 & 5L) Mix of planting will consist of species to provide year round interest and wildlife value. site currently consists of a series of garages with a brick boundary wall therefore JH CX February 2020 Rev Date Comments Dr Ch Anemanthele lessoniana, Calamagrostis brachytricha, Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’, Pennisetum alopecuroides, BpF Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata’ BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD proposals will significantly improve the overall aesthetic of the space bothon © GUARDA Ltd. 2020 Polypodium vulgare, Stipa tenuissima +83.50 and off site. A proposed ornamental hedge running along the eastern edge of Lj Ligustrum japonicum Cb Private amenity the private amenity space will create an attractive green backdrop for residents Landscape for the development will incorporateCycle ecological Store provision for bird 2 LsW softening the boundary as well as providing further privacy. MsRS Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’ boxes, bat tubes, insect boxes, and small holes at the base of the boundary wall +83.10 Living wall or green wall Individual private amenity spaces are provided for each of the ground floor PxhS to provide a planted apartments. All the private gardens will have a paved patio with a lawn and to allow small animals such as hedgehogs a continuous corridor, linking gardens Ms Malus sylvestris backdrop in views from ornamental planting beds to create both a functional and attractive space. 4 +84.10 and green spaces. N windows PxhS Prunus x hillieri spire Staplefords Farm, Alphamstone, Bures, Essex. CO8 5DT 2 The Record Hall, 16-16A Baldwin’s Farden, Hatton The garden to the west of the development is to be cut out of the existing Lj Garden , London. EC1N 7RJ +44 (0)1206 638085 · topography of the site so that it is flush with the finish floor level of the building. A +83.50 OrnamentalSteps down planting to beds with shrubs, retaining planting bed is to enclose the lawn and patio area, providing enclosure Bin Store BpF grasseslower and private herbaceous perennials. 3, 5 Client and privacy for the occupant. The raised planter will also allow for fastigiate amenity space +83.50 &10L shrubs, perennials and grasses 3-7/ trees to be planted within the bed which will help screen views to and from the m2 with specimens planted as 10L. Linea Homes development and the nearby station. +83.90 Site

+83.50 Buj The garden to the east of the development is to maintain the existing site +83.20 Living wall/ green screen opposite south topography which has a level change of 1m in comparison to the finish floor level EXAMPLE PLANTING PALETTE Belgrave Close, Enfield BpF facing windows of the building. The garden will have a raised terrace with steps leading down to a Existing garages on the site with poorly Current view from the station platform Hedges (10L) Herbaceous Perennials (2 & 3L) Drawing Title spacious lawn area. maintained boundary wall showing existing vegetation along Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, Euonymus japonicus ‘Jean Hugues’, Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ Anemone x hybrida 'Honerine Jobert', Achillea filipendula ‘Cloth of Gold’, Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby', southern boundary (to be retained) Ornamental hedge and/or Chamaemelum nobile, Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum', Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, +83.50 ornamental planting beds to Landscape Masterplan Shrubs (7.5 & 10L) Galium odoratum, Geranium × johnsonii ‘Johnsons Blue’, HemerocallisSeating area dumortieri,- resin bound Helleborus or self-binding x hybrida soften the boundary of private Ceratostigma willmottianum, Cistus purpureus, Cornus 'Midwinter Fire', Choisya × dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl', Daphne 'Harvington Shades of the Night', Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’,gravel Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple', Nepeta 'Six amenity space Scale Status odora ‘Aureomarginata’, Daphne1 tangutica, Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’, Garrya eliptica ‘James Roof’, Hills Giant', Pelargonium crispum, Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, RanunculusColour -asiaticus, buff. Rudbekia 'Goldstrum', Salvia Hebe rakaensis, Hedera helix 'Green Ripple', Hydrangea paniculataMsRS 'Limelight', Lavandula angustifolia, Lavendula 'Caradonna', Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’, Thalictrum delavayi ‘Splendide White’. 1:100 @ A1 Preliminary augustifolia ‘Arctic Snow’, Philadelphus ‘Manteau d’Hermine’, Rosa ‘Gertrude Jekyll’, Rosa ‘ Queen of Sweden’, Project Drawing Number Revision Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salix caprea, Sarcococca hookeriana 'Purple Stem', Syringa vulgarius, Bulbs Shared surface parking court - concrete 2106 GUA-DR-L-001 P02 +83.50 Viburnum x bodnantense, Viburnum x burkwoodii Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’, Anemone nemerosa, Galanthus nivalis, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Tulipa ‘Barcelona’ block paving Drawn Checked Date +83.50 Grasses & Ferns (3 & 5L) Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. JH CX February 2020 Anemanthele lessoniana, Calamagrostis brachytricha, Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’, Pennisetum alopecuroides, BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD © GUARDA Ltd. 2020 Polypodium vulgare, Stipa tenuissima Main entrance Retaining wall and fastigiate trees to form an enclosure to the western garden space. Shared surface entrance drive - concrete block paving Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. 3 Living wall and/or green screen 3 +83.50 Ms

Living walls and/or green screens and ornamental planting beds along the southern Maintanance access

maintenance access will provide views of planting out of south facing ground floor FFL +83.50 Parking bays - permeable concrete paving windows. The living wall will be planted up with a mix of evergreen perennials in turn blocks with block edging providing all year round interest for residents. Pattern - herringbone, Colour - charcoal. BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 19 +82.50

4 Building entrances - granite flag paving Retaining planting Ms Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. structure to provide privacy and enclosure as +83.50 well as accomodating OAKWOOD level change +83.50 Private patios & access routes - textured concrete flag paving STATION Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. Example of green wall and living wall treatment to form a green backdrop

4 Boundary treatment Timber bench 3 Bp Existing vegetation along the southern boundary offer a mature screen and will limit views from the adjacent Oakwood Station platform. Proposed ornamental +82.50 trees around the site will assist in breaking up the built form while also screening +83.50 P02 04.03.21 Revised to new redline boundary. JH CX views towards the site from both Oakwood Station and surrounding properties. The +83.50 site currently consists of a series of garages with a brick boundary wall therefore Rev Date Comments Dr Ch proposals will significantly improve the overall aesthetic of the space bothon +83.50 and off site. A proposed ornamental hedge running along the eastern edge of Cb the private amenity space will create an attractive green backdrop for residents softening the boundary as well as providing further privacy. Living wall or green wall to provide a planted backdrop in views from N windows Staplefords Farm, Alphamstone, Bures, Essex. CO8 5DT The Record Hall, 16-16A Baldwin’s Farden, Hatton Garden , London. EC1N 7RJ Steps down to +44 (0)1206 638085 · lower private Client amenity space Linea Homes Site

EXAMPLE PLANTING PALETTE Belgrave Close, Enfield Existing garages on the site with poorly Current view from the station platform Hedges (10L) Herbaceous Perennials (2 & 3L) Drawing Title maintained boundary wall showing existing vegetation along Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, Euonymus japonicus ‘Jean Hugues’, Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ Anemone x hybrida 'Honerine Jobert', Achillea filipendula ‘Cloth of Gold’, Bergenia 'Bressingham Ruby', southern boundary (to be retained) Chamaemelum nobile, Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum', Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, Landscape Masterplan Shrubs (7.5 & 10L) Galium odoratum, Geranium × johnsonii ‘Johnsons Blue’, Hemerocallis dumortieri, Helleborus x hybrida Ceratostigma willmottianum, Cistus purpureus, Cornus 'Midwinter Fire', Choisya × dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl', Daphne 'Harvington Shades of the Night', Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’, Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple', Nepeta 'Six Scale Status odora ‘Aureomarginata’, Daphne tangutica, Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’, Garrya eliptica ‘James Roof’, Hills Giant', Pelargonium crispum, Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, Ranunculus asiaticus, Rudbekia 'Goldstrum', Salvia Hebe rakaensis, Hedera helix 'Green Ripple', Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight', Lavandula angustifolia, Lavendula 'Caradonna', Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’, Thalictrum delavayi ‘Splendide White’. 1:100 @ A1 Preliminary augustifolia ‘Arctic Snow’, Philadelphus ‘Manteau d’Hermine’, Rosa ‘Gertrude Jekyll’, Rosa ‘ Queen of Sweden’, Project Drawing Number Revision Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salix caprea, Sarcococca hookeriana 'Purple Stem', Syringa vulgarius, Bulbs 2106 GUA-DR-L-001 P02 Viburnum x bodnantense, Viburnum x burkwoodii Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’, Anemone nemerosa, Galanthus nivalis, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Tulipa ‘Barcelona’ Drawn Checked Date Grasses & Ferns (3 & 5L) JH CX February 2020 Anemanthele lessoniana, Calamagrostis brachytricha, Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’, Pennisetum alopecuroides, BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD © GUARDA Ltd. 2020 Polypodium vulgare, Stipa tenuissima 3.0 Accommodation

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 20 3.1 Ground Floor Plan

Orientation 9 N

10 General Notes 7 BELGRAVE CLOSE 2 Electric Vehicle Charging Point

8 P_5




Bicycle and P_1 Bin Store

Accessible Parking Bay

Private Amenity Space Apartment 1 Ø1500



7.5m² 3

KITCHEN BEDROOM 1 Private 11.5m² Amenity Space

Apartment 2 6

BEDROOM 1 Ø1500 5 12.3m²





13.6m² Ø1500


Private See A-104 & A-105 for apartment areas Amenity Space and internal dimensions Apartment 3 See 2106-GUA-DR-001 for Illustrative Landscape Masterplan

P05 2021 / 03 /30 Planning Application P04 2021 / 02 /26 Issue to Consultants P03 2021 / 02 /18 GA Coordination Pack P02 2021 / 01 /25 Rev with 6 Parking P01 2020 / 12 /14 Pre-App Plans

Rev. Date Revision

DCSK, Studio 2, 19-20 Great Sutton Street London, EC1V 0DR tel. 07730.762.745

Client Linea Homes

Project 0153 Belgrave Close, Enfield

Drawing Title Revison A-100 Ground Floor Plan P05

Scale @A1 Date 2021/ 03/ 30 0 2m 10m 1:100


General Notes 2


4 3




3.2 First and Second Floor Plans General Notes NOTE: See A-104 & A-105 for apartment areas

and internal dimensions

6 5



Planning Application Issue to Consultants GA Coordination Pack Rev with 6 Parking Pre-App Plans

2 2021 / 03 /30 2021 / 02 /26 Revision P05 2021 / 02 /18 P04 2021 / 01 /25 P03 2020 / 12 /14 P02 Date DCSK,London, Studio EC1V 2, 19-20 0DR Great tel. Sutton07730.762.745 Street P01 Rev. Revison P05

Date Client Linea Homes

Project 2021/ 03/ 30 0153 Belgrave Close, Enfield

Drawing Title A-101 First Floor Plan

Scale @A1 1:100



Apt 5 1B2P Ø1500

2m Apt 4 Ø1500

2B4P Apt 6 0

Ø1500 2B4P


4 3

9 Ø1500



NOTE: See A-104 & A-105 for apartment areas

and internal dimensions

6 5



Planning Application Issue to Consultants GA Coordination Pack Rev with 6 Parking Pre-App Plans 2021 / 03 /30 2021 / 02 /26 Revision P05 2021 / 02 /18 P04 2021 / 01 /25 P03 2020 / 12 /14 P02 Date DCSK,London, Studio EC1V 2, 19-20 0DR Great tel. Sutton07730.762.745 Street P01 Rev. Revison P05

Date Client Linea Homes

Project 2021/ 03/ 30 0153 Belgrave Close, Enfield

Drawing Title A-102 Second Floor Plan BEDROOM 1 12.3m²

Scale @A1 BEDROOM 2 OAKWOOD STATION (LU) 11.7m² 1:100


BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 2 Apt 8 13.1m² 11.5m² 7.7m² 7.7m² 1B2P KITCHEN


Apt 7 Ø1500 Apt 9 0 3B4P 2B4P





General Notes 2


4 3



3.3 Roof Plan and Accommodation Schedule

6 5



Planning Application Issue to Consultants GA Coordination Pack Rev with 6 Parking Pre-App Plans 2021 / 03 /30 2021 / 02 /26 Revision P05 2021 / 02 /18 P04 2021 / 01 /25 P03 2020 / 12 /14 P02 Date DCSK,London, Studio EC1V 2, 19-20 0DR Great tel. Sutton07730.762.745 Street P01 Rev. Revison P05

Date Client Linea Homes

Project 2021/ 03/ 30 0153 Belgrave Close, Enfield

Drawing Title A-103 Roof Plan

Scale @A1 1:100


Photovoltaic Solar Panels at Roof




Adenbuild Contruction: Oakwood

APT # AREA 1 Bed 2 P 2 Bed 4 P 3 Bed 4 P Units NIA (sq ft) NIA PER FLOOR(sqm) 9 73 786 SECOND 8 50 538 7 76 818 199 6 73 786 OAKWOOD STATION (LU)FIRST 5 50 538 4 76 818 199 3 73 786 GROUND 2 50 538 1 76 818 199 Unit Count 3 4 2 9 6,426 597

Accommodation Schedule

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 23 3.4 Unit Types A & B

6670 Orientation N

General Notes 6000 BEDROOM 1 13.6m² BEDROOM 1 11.5m² 6300

BEDROOM 1 8000 12.3m² 4560

TYPE A2 7840




3140 3720 KITCHEN

7370 8120 TYPE A2 TYPE B2 1 BED 2 PERSON, 50 m2 2 BED 4 PERSON, 73 m2 6670

TYPE B1 BEDROOM 2 11.5m² BEDROOM 1 6000 13.6m²

BEDROOM 1 6300 12.3m² 8000 4560 7840 P05 2021 / 03 /30 Planning Application P04 2021 / 02 /26 Issue to Consultants P03 2021 / 02 /18 GA Coordination Pack P02 2021 / 01 /25 Rev with 6 Parking P01 2020 / 12 /14 Pre-App Plans

Rev. Date Revision


Ø1500 DCSK, Studio 2, 19-20 Great Sutton Street Ø1500 3800 3720 London, EC1V 0DR tel. 07730.762.745

3140 KITCHEN Client

KITCHEN Linea Homes Ø1500 Project 0153 Belgrave Close, Enfield

Drawing Title Revison TYPE 8120 A-104 Unit Types P05 7370 A TYPE Scale @A1 Date 2021/ 03/ 30 TYPE A1 TYPE B1 0 1m 5m 1:50 TYPE C B 1 BED 2 PERSON, 50 m2 2 BED 4 PERSON, 73 m2 Part M4(3) compliant

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 24 3.5 Unit Types C



12315 General Notes

BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 1 7.5m² 7.5m² 11.5m² Ø1500 4750 7100



TYPE C1 3 BED 6 PERSON, 76 m2

12315 12315

BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 3 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 2 11.5m² 11.5m² 11.5m² 7.7m² 7.7m² 4750 5536 7100 Ø1500 7100



P05 2021 / 03 /30 Planning Application 4550 P04 2021 / 02 /26 Issue to Consultants P03 2021 / 02 /18 GA Coordination Pack TYPE C1 P02 2021 / 01 /25 Rev with 6 Parking KITCHEN P01 2020 / 12 /14 Pre-App Plans Rev. Date Revision

DCSK, Studio 2, 19-20 Great Sutton Street 7660 7660 London, EC1V 0DR tel. 07730.762.745 Client Linea Homes

Project TYPE C2 TYPE C3 0153 Belgrave Close, Enfield TYPE 2 BED 4 PERSON, 76 m2 3 BED 6 PERSON, 76 m2 Drawing Title Revison A-105 Unit Types P05 A TYPE

Scale @A1 Date TYPE C B 2021/ 03/ 30 0 1m 5m 1:50

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 25 4.0 Architectural Character

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 26 4.2 BuildingElevations B C A ELEVATION LOOKINGSOUTH-EAST ELEVATION LOOKINGSOUTH-WEST ELEVATION LOOKINGNORTH-EAST G-01 G-01 G-01 3700 4700 BR-01 BR-01 BR-01 C-01 C-01 C-01 BR-01 BR-01 C-01 C-01 2700 7450 6250 BR-01 BR-01 BR-01 7950 1900

2850 2850 2850 FIRST FLR + 83.50 + 86.35 + 89.20 +92.58 GROUND FLR SECOND FLR TOP OFROOF 3000 G-02 4700 BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD G-01 G-01 G-01 4700 3000 G-02 D 1900 ELEVATION LOOKINGNORTH-WEST 7950 2300 6250 BR-01 BR-01 BR-01 C-01 C-01 C-01 APRIL 2021 8350 G-01 G-01 G-01 G-01 G-01 G-01 2700

2850 2850 2850 FIRST FLR + 83.50 GROUND FLR + 86.35 + 89.20 SECOND FLR +92.58 TOP OFROOF BR-01 BR-01 BR-01 C-01 C-01 3700 1550

2850 2850 2850 FIRST FLR + 83.50 GROUND FLR + 86.35 + 89.20 +92.58 SECOND FLR TOP OFROOF

2850 2850 2850 FIRST FLR + 83.50 GROUND FLR + 86.35 + 89.20 +92.58 SECOND FLR TOP OFROOF 0 2m


PL-01 BR-03 BR-01 RA-01 BR-02 G-03 G-02 G-01 C-01 ST-01 Key

A 84.4 B Orientation A-201 Elevations 1:100 N 84.2 General Notes Drawing Title Project Linea Homes Scale @A1 Client 0153 BelgraveClose,Enfield P04 P01 P02 P03 P05 Rev. 84.4 Fair-Faced Concrete Landscape Planter Brick CladdingFinish03-SoldierCourse Brick CladdingFinish01-Red/Orange Balustrade &Screen Brick CladdingFinish02-Red Reference Staircase Skylight glazing Window -ClearFixedGlass Window- ClearGlasswithOpeningPane

C 84.3 84.2 2021 /02/26 2020 /12/14 2021 /01/25 2021 /02/18 2021 /03/30 Date 83.5 83.9 83.5 83.6 92.58 86.10 Issue toConsultants Pre-App Plans Rev with6Parking Planning Application GA CoordinationPack Revision DCSK, Studio2,19-20GreatSuttonStreet 83.5 London, EC1V0DRtel.07730.762.745 D 83.5 83.2

83.3 C 83.50 83.2 83.25 83.1 83.2 83.2 82.5 82.78 82.7 2021/ 03/30 83.2 82.5 Page 27



82.3 Revison B P05 D Date 4.3 BuildingSections LONG SECTIONAA LONG SECTIONBB SHORT SECTIONCC 4700 BR-01 BR-01 C-01 C-01 7950 7950 G-01 G-01 G-01 G-01 G-01 G-01 7450 4700 4700 3000 3000 G-02 G-02 1900 1900

2850 2850 2850 BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD FIRST FLR + 83.50 GROUND FLR + 86.35 + 89.20 +92.58 SECOND FLR TOP OFROOF 6250 6250 SHORT SECTIONDD 2300 2700 2700 3700 3700 8350 APRIL 2021

2850 2850 2850 2850 2850 2850 FIRST FLR + 83.50 GROUND FLR + 86.35 + 89.20 +92.58 SECOND FLR TOP OFROOF FIRST FLR + 83.50 + 86.35 + 89.20 +92.58 GROUND FLR SECOND FLR TOP OFROOF 1550 BR-01 BR-01 BR-01

2850 2850 2850 FIRST FLR + 83.50 GROUND FLR + 86.35 + 89.20 SECOND FLR +92.58 TOP OFROOF 0


B 10m A PL-01 RA-01 BR-02 BR-03 BR-01 G-03 G-02 G-01 ST-01 C-01 Key 84.4 Orientation A-202 Sections 1:100 N 84.2 General Notes Drawing Title Project Linea Homes Scale @A1 Client 0153 BelgraveClose,Enfield P04 P01 P02 P03 P05 Rev. 84.4 Landscape Planter Balustrade &Screen Brick CladdingFinish02-Red Brick CladdingFinish03-SoldierCourse Brick CladdingFinish01-Red/Orange Fair-Faced Concrete Reference Staircase Skylight glazing Window -ClearFixedGlass Window- ClearGlasswithopeningpane 84.3 84.2 2021 /02/26 2020 /12/14 2021 /01/25 2021 /02/18 2021 /03/30 Date C 83.5

D 83.9 83.5 83.6 92.58 86.10 Issue toConsultants Pre-App Plans Rev with6Parking Planning Application GA CoordinationPack Revision DCSK, Studio2,19-20GreatSuttonStreet 83.5 London, EC1V0DRtel.07730.762.745 83.5 83.2 83.3 83.50 83.2 83.25

83.1 C

83.2 B D 83.2 82.5

82.78 82.7

2021/ 03/30 83.2 82.5 Page 28 A 82.76 82.3 Revison P05 Date 4.4 Rendered Elevations

Belgrave Close Elevation

South Elevation ( boundary wall omitted from drawing )

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 29 4.5 Massing Views

Belgrave Close View View from Parking Area

Isometric View

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 30 4.7 Rendered Bay Study

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 31 4.8 Architectural & Material Concepts

The body of the building will be detailed to smooth horizontal fields.

An updated take on the glazed finish will highlight the entrance, with additional texture adding life to the enhanced detail.


Indicative location of existing vegetation 1 Site entrance (adjacent to the southern boundary) Planting beds are proposed to the frontage of the development containing a mix of shrubs, perennials and grasses which will help soften the built form and hard Exterior cycle landscaping. The planting beds will take on a curved and sinuous form creating hoops a pleasant and attractive welcoming environment. Ornamental tree planting Proposed or existing grass frames the building creating a sense of arrival when coming into the site. Climbers LsW will be incorporated along the façade of the bin and cycle store which will asist Enclosed seating in integrating them into the landscape. The proposed planting palette will provide area for residents seasonal interest without the need for heavy maintenance. Nectar rich flowering 4 Proposed ornamental hedge (along eastern plants throughout the site provide a vital habitat and food source for local wildlife +84.30 aiding in a biodiversity net gain. back garden boundary) Lj A small seating area is to be incorporated amongst the planting which will be partially covered with the dappled shade of a multistem tree. This will provide an Extra heavy standard tree, 14-16cm attractive retreat for residents who do not have their own private garden. girth, double staked.

Bp Betula pendula +84.25 Buj Betula utilis subsp. jacquemontii Cb Carpinus betulus +84.10 BELGRAVE CLOSE LsW Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Worplesdon’

Al Select standard tree, 10-12cm girth, +84.30 double staked. For example: Passing point for pedestrians Al Amelanchier lamarckii (multistem) Mix of planting will consist of species to provide year round interest and wildlife value. BpF Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata’ 5.0 Lj Ligustrum japonicum Private amenity Cycle Store 2 LsW MsRS Magnolia stellata ‘Royal Star’ +83.10 Individual private amenity spaces are provided for each of the ground floor PxhS apartments. All the private gardens will have a paved patio with a lawn and Ms Malus sylvestris ornamental planting beds to create both a functional and attractive space. 4 +84.10 PxhS Prunus x hillieri spire 2 The garden to the west of the development is to be cut out of the existing Lj topography of the site so that it is flush with the finish floor level of the building. A +83.50 Ornamental planting beds with shrubs, retaining planting bed is to enclose the lawn and patio area, providing enclosure Bin Store BpF grasses and herbaceous perennials. 3, 5 and privacy for the occupant. The raised planter will also allow for fastigiate +83.50 &10L shrubs, perennials and grasses 3-7/ trees to be planted within the bed which will help screen views to and from the m2 with specimens planted as 10L. development and the nearby station. +83.90

+83.50 Buj The garden to the east of the development is to maintain the existing site Access & +83.20 Living wall/ green screen opposite south topography which has a level change of 1m in comparison to the finish floor level BpF facing windows of the building. The garden will have a raised terrace with steps leading down to a spacious lawn area. Ornamental hedge and/or +83.50 ornamental planting beds to Seating area - resin bound or self-binding soften the boundary of private gravel amenity space 1 Colour - buff. MsRS

Shared surface parking court - concrete +83.50 block paving +83.50 EnvironmentPattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. Main entrance Retaining wall and fastigiate trees to form an enclosure to the western garden space. Shared surface entrance drive - concrete block paving Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. 3 Living wall and/or green screen 3 +83.50 Ms

Living walls and/or green screens and ornamental planting beds along the southern Maintanance access maintenance access will provide views of planting out of south facing ground floor FFL +83.50 Parking bays - permeable concrete paving windows. The living wall will be planted up with a mix of evergreen perennials in turn blocks with block edging providing all year round interest for residents. Pattern - herringbone, Colour - charcoal.


4 Building entrances - granite flag paving Retaining planting Ms Pattern - stretcher, Colour - grey. structure to provide privacy and enclosure as +83.50 well as accomodating OAKWOOD level change +83.50 Private patios & access routes - textured concrete flag paving STATION Pattern - stretcher, Colour - buff. Example of green wall and living wall treatment to form a green backdrop

4 Boundary treatment Timber bench 3 Bp Existing vegetation along the southern boundary offer a mature screen and will limit views from the adjacent Oakwood Station platform. Proposed ornamental +82.50 trees around the site will assist in breaking up the built form while also screening +83.50 P02 04.03.21 Revised to new redline boundary. JH CX views towards the site from both Oakwood Station and surrounding properties. The +83.50 site currently consists of a series of garages with a brick boundary wall therefore Rev Date Comments Dr Ch proposals will significantly improve the overall aesthetic of the space bothon +83.50 and off site. A proposed ornamental hedge running along the eastern edge of Cb the private amenity space will create an attractive green backdrop for residents softening the boundary as well as providing further privacy. Living wall or green wall to provide a planted backdrop in views from N windows Staplefords Farm, Alphamstone, Bures, Essex. CO8 5DT The Record Hall, 16-16A Baldwin’s Farden, Hatton Garden , London. EC1N 7RJ Steps down to +44 (0)1206 638085 · lower private Client amenity space Linea Homes Site

EXAMPLE PLANTING PALETTE Belgrave Close, Enfield Existing garages on the site with poorly Current view from the station platform Hedges (10L) Herbaceous Perennials (2 & 3L) Drawing Title maintained boundary wall showing existing vegetation along Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’, Euonymus japonicus ‘Jean Hugues’, Prunus laurocerasus ‘Otto Luyken’ BELGRAVEAnemone x hybrida 'Honerine CLOSE, Jobert', Achillea filipendula ENFIELD ‘Cloth of Gold’, BergeniaAPRIL 'Bressingham 2021 Ruby', southern boundary (to be retained) Page 33 Chamaemelum nobile, Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum', Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, Landscape Masterplan Shrubs (7.5 & 10L) Galium odoratum, Geranium × johnsonii ‘Johnsons Blue’, Hemerocallis dumortieri, Helleborus x hybrida Ceratostigma willmottianum, Cistus purpureus, Cornus 'Midwinter Fire', Choisya × dewitteana 'Aztec Pearl', Daphne 'Harvington Shades of the Night', Heuchera ‘Plum Pudding’, Liriope muscari 'Royal Purple', Nepeta 'Six Scale Status odora ‘Aureomarginata’, Daphne tangutica, Euonymus fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’, Garrya eliptica ‘James Roof’, Hills Giant', Pelargonium crispum, Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’, Ranunculus asiaticus, Rudbekia 'Goldstrum', Salvia Hebe rakaensis, Hedera helix 'Green Ripple', Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight', Lavandula angustifolia, Lavendula 'Caradonna', Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’, Thalictrum delavayi ‘Splendide White’. 1:100 @ A1 Preliminary augustifolia ‘Arctic Snow’, Philadelphus ‘Manteau d’Hermine’, Rosa ‘Gertrude Jekyll’, Rosa ‘ Queen of Sweden’, Project Drawing Number Revision Rosa rugosa ‘Rubra’, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salix caprea, Sarcococca hookeriana 'Purple Stem', Syringa vulgarius, Bulbs 2106 GUA-DR-L-001 P02 Viburnum x bodnantense, Viburnum x burkwoodii Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’, Anemone nemerosa, Galanthus nivalis, Narcissus pseudonarcissus, Tulipa ‘Barcelona’ Drawn Checked Date Grasses & Ferns (3 & 5L) JH CX February 2020 Anemanthele lessoniana, Calamagrostis brachytricha, Carex morrowii ‘Ice Dance’, Pennisetum alopecuroides, BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD © GUARDA Ltd. 2020 Polypodium vulgare, Stipa tenuissima 5.1 Transport & Access

A Transport Statement Scoping Note (ITL16455-001 TN) was prepared and Site Access submitted to London Borough of Enfield in December 2020. Via engagement with LBE transport the access strategy has been developed. Related info found Vehicular access to the site will be via a retention of the existing access to in the submitted Transport Statement. Belgrave Close. This would be shared between all site users (pedestrians, cyclists, and car drivers). No alterations are required other than resurfacing of Key points are as follows: the carriageway to the same standard as that to be provided within the site.

The access road is very short (7m of restricted width compared to the current Bus No. & Route 12m) and its straight alignment would allow clear views between vehicles approaching from Belgrave Close. Given the infrequency of expected vehicular 121 – Enfield – Southgate-Wood Green – Turnpike Lane Station movements to and from the site, pedestrians would be able to use the access 299 Cockfosters – Southgate – Bounds Green – Muswell Hill freely for most of the time. There will be occasions where conflicts could occur 307 – Enfield – Oakwood – Barnet – Barnet Hospital but the nature of the access (with the approach angles within the site) would 377 Oakwood – Lonsdale Drive – Enfield – Lincoln Road – be such that vehicles will be moving slowly and drivers will be aware that they are within a residential environment. A shared surface is proposed and this London Underground would reduce drivers’ perception of any priority. A degree of caution would be necessary by all users of the accessway and shared surface beyond but that is LUL services can be accessed from Oakwood station, located 250m north from not an unreasonable expectation in a busy suburban environment. the centre of the site. This is on the , providing direct and frequent services to central London.

Local Facilities

Within 250m of the site, Bramley Road provides a range of everyday facilities, including a Tesco Express, a number of small restaurants and takeaways, and a library. Further cafés and restaurants are located in the vicinity of Oakwood Station, with retail offerings continuing along Bramley Road to the west including a pharmacy.

Primary education is available at Eversley Primary School 1.5km to the southeast, and Wolfson Hillel 1.5km to the south. Southgate Secondary School is 800m to the west. Oakwood Park is 750m to the south, and Oakwood medical centre is 750m to the west.

It is clear that a good range of everyday services and facilities will be accessible to future residents of the site, on foot or by bicycle.

BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 34 5.1 Transport & Access

Car Parking Servicing The proposal is to provide five spaces, in line with the adopted London Plan 3.5t PANEL VAN ENTRY MANOEUVRE 3.5t PANEL VAN EXIT MANOEUVRE Standards. This is sufficient given the close proximity to a number of bus routes Deliveries 11 11 and Oakwood Underground Station. Due to the width of the site access, only private cars will be permitted to enter the site. Vehicles 12 larger than this (such as delivery vans) cannot access the parking area. Signage12 and a height Cycle Parking restriction bar (at 2.2m) will be placed at the site access to ensure this restriction is maintained. Secured and covered cycle parking store is provided. There are 24 cycle spaces Such servicing activity, which will be limited for such a small-flatted scheme, will occur on the which are provided in the form of 12 Sheffield stands, which is in accordance highway in Belgrave Close as occurs at present for the existing occupiers of the road. with the London Plan. The servicing survey results demonstrate there is available capacity on Belgrave Close to

195960.000mN 529420.000mE 529440.000mE 195960.000mN accommodate any increase529420.000mE from deliveries to the proposed development.529440.000mE Notwithstanding the 9 above, any increase from the development is likely9 to be minimal.

10 10 Fire Access A fire tender will not access the site, but again remain on the adjacent highway of Belgrave 7RL 7RL

ST01 Close. The flats will be served by a dry riser, and therefore a fire appliance onlyST01 needs to gain

8 access within 18m of the dry riser inlet. The 8inlet will be located at the building entrance, circa Wall 2h Wall 2h RL 12m from the highway. RL

83.25 83.25 83.12 83.12 EL EL 88.83 88.83 83.30 83.16 Refuse Collection 83.30 83.16

83.15 83.00 LBE’s Waste and Recycling Storage Planning Guidance (March 2020)83.15 83.00 establishes the following: 83.03 83.03 83.03 The walking distance from where the bin is sited on a property and83.03 the nearest practicable

82.90 82.88 82.90 82.88 83.0282.88 position that the refuse collection vehicle can stop must not exceed 10 83.02metres.82.88 LP Bins must be stored on a hard surface or in a storage cupboard distance LPfrom where the bin is Wall 0.5h Wall 0.5h 82.67 82.67 82.68 sited on a property. 82.68 195940.000mN Wall 0.5h 195940.000mN Wall 0.5h 82.76 82.76

Footpaths between the container housing and the nearest vehicular access should be free from steps or kerbs, have a solid foundation, have a smooth solid surface, be level and have a gradient no more than 1:12 and a minimum width of 2 meters. The proposal includes a refuse store on a hard flat surface within the site beyond the access, located less than 10m from the highway. The route between the bins and the highway will be resurfaced, has no steps or kerbs, has a gradient of less than 1:12 (at circa 1:25) and a width greater than 2m. It therefore meets the requirements of the guidance. The LBE refuse vehicle already enters Belgrave Close (as demonstrated by the on-street surveys) to collect from the eight existing flats.


85 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7NQ Tel: 020 3705 9215 L:\ADMIN\CAD Related\Templates\iT- DRAWING.DWG


5. Probability of Flooding

5.1. Fluvial Flooding

The fluvial flood zone map (Risk of Flooding from Rivers and Sea) on the EA website (see Figure 1 below) identifies that the all the site lies within Flood Zone 1, which has a low probability of flooding (less than 1 in 1000 annual probability of river flooding in any year).

5.2 Flood Risk 5.3 Arboriculture & Tree Report Figure 1 – EA Fluvial Flood Zone Map

The fluvial flood probability map on the EA website (see Figure 2 below) identifies that the all the site to have a better than very low probability of fluvial flooding.

The site is located within Flood Zone, meaning it has a low probability of A Tree Survey was carried out by arboricultural consultants in February 2021 that indicated flooding, with less than 1 in 1000 annual probability of river flooding and low potential structural integrities imposed on existing neighbouring trees by the site boundary probability of surface flooding. There is no known history of ground water wall. Protection measures will be put in place to safeguard the retained trees during flooding and there are not canals or artificial water sources near the site. construction and the proposed new planting will enhance the canopy cover, increasing biodiversity and amenity value.

6 Belgrave Close, Oakwood, London, N14 4TN

Figure 2 – EA Fluvial Flood Probability Map . Tree Impact Plan

5.2. Pluvial / Surface Water Flooding Plan below not to scale as PDF. Please refer to original drawing for scaling.

The pluvial flood map on the EA website (see Figure 3 below) identifies that all of the development site has a very low probability of pluvial flooding.

FigurePluvial/ 3 – Surface EA Puvial Water / Surface Flooding Water Flood Probaility Map

The pluvial flood map on the EA website identifies that all of the development site has a very low probability of pluvial flooding.



BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 36 5.4 Daylight & Sunlight 5.5 Ecology

The BRE Guide to daylight and sunlight is used as a benchmark for the An Ecological Appraisal (EA) undertaken by Cherryfield Ecology in February 2021 evaluation of the sunlight and daylight for this development. The guide is found the current site habitat to provide negligible potential for badger GCN, extensively cited in the London Supplementary Planning Guidance Housing reptiles, roosting bats and its bordering trees only provide low potential for (2016) to which Appendix 4 of the Enfield Development Management Document breeding birds. Adopted November 2014 refers. Landscape for the development will incorporate ecological provision for bird Daylight and sunlight to nearby buildings and gardens will not be reduced below boxes, bat tubes, insect boxes, and small holes at the base of the boundary wall the criteria in the BRE Guide. to allow small animals such as hedgehogs a continuous corridor, linking gardens and green spaces. For daylight and sunlight to rooms within development the extension room passes the BRE tests for average daylight factor, room depth and sunlight.

83.9 84.2 82.78 83.2

5 m

p a

m 7

4 s 83.6 p m a m a re 7 83.5 8 a d y n 3 m it a 83.1 p a n m 9 e ,4 82.76 m 1 m A ts 2 a a p 0 fl m 1 m 1pm 11a A 12 m 2, e 83.2 5 ni 83.5 a ty nd ar 8 ea 83.3 s fla ts

83.5 83.2

Position of sun from 2pm

83.5 Position of sun up to 9 am #8 Wall 86.32 remains W8/1 W8/2 82.7 #5 Wall 85.21 remains W5/1 W5/2

#7 82.5 W7/1 W7/2 s 83.2t la #6 83.2 f s a re a W6/1 W6/2 y 7 to 10 Belgrave Close it 9 n d e 82.5n m a A 7 82.3 , 3 3 to 6 Belgrave Close

Figure 6 Sun to Balconies



7 to 10 Belgrave Close 3 to 6 Belgrave Close 88.83 87.22

W8/2 W5/1 Existing wall remains 85.21

North West Part of Proposed Bulding W7/2 W6/1 cl windows 85.405 cl windows 84.345

Section through 7 to 10 Belgrave Close Section through 3to 6 Belgrave Close

Figure 2 Locations of BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD WAPRILindows 2021in Belgrave Close Page 37 1:200 at A4 5.6 Noise 5.7 Fire Safety Strategy

The predominant noise is the railway line about 11 metres from the south east The proposal satisfies the requirements of London Plan Policy D12A. The design boundary. The flats have been designed to minimise exposure to noise on code(s)/ standards of this proposal have been designed to, but not limited to that elevation. The trains are light duty underground electric type and do not the following: have a high noise output. There are no heavy or fast trains passing through the station at any time. The peak noise levels arise when trains enter and depart the • BS9991 – selected as deals with explicitly open plan layouts station. This noise is not sufficient to interrupt speech. • BS9997 – for ongoing Fire Safety Management of the building

The level does however exceed the recommendations of the British Standard These measures are to be included in the development: recommendations in some instances. The bedrooms are all at the rear where they will be shaded from the rail noise to a large extent. There will be no need • Automatic Water Suppression System in all Flats for any special acoustic windows or ventilation to those rooms. The living rooms • 120 min protection of Stairwell of the flats 2, 5 and 8 are also shaded and will require no special windows or • Flat front doors will be provided with FD60S doorset ventilation. • Fitting of an Evacuation Alert System which has facilities for additional devices to be fitted for use by residents who may require additional methods To comply with the recommendations of the BS, the living rooms of flats at of being alerted the ends of the block should be provided with some form of ventilation that • Provision of Premises Information Box can enable the windows to be kept closed in summer. It is preferred that the • Wayfinding Signage and for AWSS valve access windows are still openable as the noise level from the trains is not great and • A designated storage will be provided for storage of prams and pushchairs occupants may prefer to open them occasionally. Redevelopmentthus reducing the at Garages,risk of them Belgrave being storedClose, London,in the common N14 4TN areas.

The balconies at the north west and south east elevations would benefit by a glass screen 1.5 metres high on the short side facing the tracks. There is no need for any acoustic screening on the long sides of the Assembly Area clear balconies. of Firefighting Operations

Area provided for charging electric mobility scooters and storage of prams/pushchairs

120 min Protected Escape Stairwell

Evacuation Lift

Fire Strategy and Evacuation Plan

1.5 Paragraph 3.12.9 of Policy D12 explains that Fire Statements should be BELGRAVE CLOSE, ENFIELD APRIL 2021 Page 38 produced by someone who is:

“third-party independent and suitably-qualified”

Simon Tudor BSc (Hons) Tech IOSH FSIDip MIFSM Tech IOSH Director of London Fire Consultants Ltd

Simon is the Director of London Fire Consultants Ltd and specialises in Small Residential Fire Safety, regularly undertaking Fire Risk Assessments of residential properties across London. Commencing his fire safety training while working at sea, he trained in Fire Safety at the Fire Service College and FPA. He has also completed the FPA’s C08 course in Fire Safety Management in Residential Properties, the BRE course in DSEAR assessment, NCRQ Level 6 in Applied Health & Safety, Diploma in Fire Stopping Inspection, Fire Door Inspection, IOSH Evac Chair Training and P402 Asbestos Surveyor.

London Fire Consultants Ltd hold BAFE SP205 for Life Safety Fire Risk Assessment, for which Simon is the appointed Validator.

Simon is currently completing his IFE Level 5 in Fire Engineering Design.

London Fire Consultants 6

Energy and Sustainability Statement

5.8 Energy & Sustainability Strategy

CARBON EMISSION RESULTS SUMMARY An assessment of Belgrave House's sustainability credential and carbon Following the energy hierarchy process, the applicant has opted for an individual low- Table 10: Technical Input details for the domestic CO2 calculations emission was carried out by Love Design Studio, in which the scheme was Item Comment NOx gas boiler solution for spaceshown heating to follow and the domestic aspirations hotset out water. by the ACode communal for Sustainable system Homes, General with CO2 emissions and water efficiency levels meeting at least the equivalent Proposed demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide 9 for such a small scheme was considered unfeasible and local heat networks too far Description Code Level 4. residential units (Class C3) from the site to consider connection to a wider district heat network. The building Calculation method FSAP2012 & Approved Document Part L1A (converted to SAP10) Technical Information fabric and heat recovery elementsAs providepart of the aLondon large Plan's reduction 'Be Lean, atBe theClean ‘ Beand LeanBe Green'’ stage energy with Building Fabric Input Unit Comment on-site PV panels providing on-siterequirements, generation the scheme of electricity uses Low-NOx to meet gas boilers, the mechanical35% CO2 ventilation Including wall to unheated corridor External Wall U-value 0.16 W/m2K reduction. improved building fabric and will use photovoltaic solar panels for electricity spaces generation. A passive measure has been adopted as a first approach prior Roof U-value 0.12 W/m2K Including roof to terraces 2 to active methods and zero-carbon technologies to reduce active healing Ground Floor U-value 0.12 W/m K - 20.0 Carbon Dioxide Emissions for domestic buildings 2 and cooling, with window reveals and internal blinds used where possible Windows U-value 1.3 W/m K Not including frame (Tonnes CO2 per annum) Regulated Windows g-value 0.63 - - 18.0 to minimise active cooling. Cross-ventilation techniques to dissipate heat Carbon Dioxide Emissions for domestic buildings Window Frame-Factor 0.8 - - 16.0 effectively,(Tonnes CO2 but per mechanical annum) Unregulatedventilation may be supplied when windows are Thermal Mass Parameter Medium TMP Default value 5.3 14.0 closed. Thermal Bridging Y-value <0.10 - Thermal Bridging calculations TBD 5.3 5.3 Mechanical ventilation heat recovery, 12.0 Ventilation Method Titon HRV1.75 Q Plus Eco - The Energy and Sustainability Statement shows the scheme5.3 to meet an on-site Approved Inspector System Assumptions ~0.60 W/l/s three-wet rooms including kitchen 10.0 10.8 cumulative CO2 reduction of 35%. @50Pa A low air permeability required to Air permeability 3.0 8.0 9.1 9.1 (m.h3/m2) improve mech vent efficiency 6.0 7.1 Be Lean Stage Space Heating System Individual combi-gas boiler 89.5% efficiency 4.0 Heating Emitter Radiator/Underfloor heating - 2.0 Domestic Hot Water System Same as space heating - Storage Yes (apt 1,3,4,6,7 and 9 only) 180 litres, 80mm factory insulation 0.0 Space Cooling System no - Baseline: Part L 2013 of the After energy demand After heat network / CHP After renewable energy Be Clean Stage Building Regulations reduction Space Heating System Individual combi-gas boiler 89.5% efficiency Compliant Development Heating Emitter Radiator/Underfloor heating - Domestic Hot Water System Same as space heating - Figure 5: Carbon Dioxide Emissions for domestic buildings (SAP10) Storage Yes (apt 1,3,4,6,7 and 9 only) 180 litres, 80mm factory insulation Space Cooling System no - Be Green Stage Table 8: Carbon Dioxide Emissions after each stage of the Energy Hierarchy for domestic buildings (SAP10) Space Heating System Low NOx Individual gas-boilers >89.5% efficiency Carbon Dioxide Emissions for domestic buildings Heating Emitter Radiator/Underfloor heating - (Tonnes CO2 per annum) Domestic Hot Water System Same as space heating - Regulated Unregulated Storage Yes (apt 1,3,4,6,7 and 9 only) 180 litres, 80mm factory insulation Baseline: Part L 2013 of the Building Regulations 10.8 5.3 Space Cooling System no - Compliant Development Low/Zero Carbon Technologies used Photovoltaic solar panels ~65 sqm panels, MCS certified After energy demand reduction 9.1 5.3 After heat network / CHP 9.1 5.3 After renewable energy 7.1 5.3 Table 11: Area weighted Fabric Energy Efficiency ratings for the domestic portion of the development Target Fabric Energy Dwelling Fabric Energy Improvement (%) Efficiency (kWh/m²) Efficiency (kWh/m²) Table 9: Regulated Carbon Dioxide savings from each stage of the Energy Hierarchy for domestic buildings (SAP10) Development total 56.6 47.0 17% Regulated domestic carbon dioxide savings

(Tonnes CO2 per annum) (%) Savings from energy demand reduction 1.8 16% Savings from heat network / CHP 0.0 0% Savings from renewable energy 2.0 18% Cumulative on-site savings 3.8 35% Remaining annual savings required to meet zero-carbon 7.1 -