
ACOG American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists patient information in the form of frequently asked questions is available according to categories: , gynecology, labor/delivery, postpartum select category- pregnancy Cary and Gynecology

Pregnancy Guide



PHYSICIANSPHYSICIANS Pediatricians There are a number of outstanding pediatricians in the area. We are happy to give you suggestions for offices in the geographic area. Your best reference source is friends and colleagues with newborns and toddlers.

Apex Pediatrics 919-290-1090 Care Pediatrics 919-858-0600 Cary Children’s Clinic 919-852-3456 Cary Pediatric Center 919-467-3211 Cornerstone Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine Dr.Dr. Michael Michael Anthony Anthony Dr.Dr. Anne Anne Bond Bond Bonpain Bonpain 919-460-0993 Excel Pediatrics 910-891-5437 Holly Springs Pediatrics 919-249-4700 Internal Medicine/Pediatric Associates 919-380-7531 Jeffers, Mann and Artman Pediatrics 919-786-5001 R and R Pediatrics 919-367-9833 Rex Pediatrics of Cary 919-387-3160 Shifa Pediatric Clinic 919-300-7726 Tots N Teens Pediatrics 919-362-7155 Triangle Pediatric Center 919-467-5543 Dr. Noemi Maydew Dr. Gilberto Rodrigo Dr. Noemi Maydew Dr. Gilberto Rodrigo Village Pediatrics 919-469-1989 Western Wake Pediatrics 919-859-9991

27 Dr.Dr. Elita Elita Wyckoff Wyckoff AshleyDr. Jennifer Head, Fraley NP Is vaginal bleeding in pregnancy normal? Cnralains n yr renancy han y r eer ainal leedin can e cased r nral rsin r racice ride care r y drin yr eenssiains lanain yr erilied e renancy r al is ride y and yr ay can case ainal sin ieise sin can ccr ih he es care e ill d all e can ensre yr aer eercise and inercrse de he increased renancy is hay healhy and sae his is ne he ld l he ceri s erale and iran eeriences a woman’s life. We are overjoyed that you chose us. Am I in labor? ay n n hen lar eins e recend y call he ice hen cnracins are eery ines r ne hr drain y Office Information deiniin lar is hen he cnracins are casin r ice is en nday hrh hrsday a yr ceri hin and dilae en lease ne ha and riday ann r schedled ice isis e lsin yr cs l is n an indicain lar is are cnenienly lcaed ihin a lc r he einnin s here is n need cnac he dcr i hsial aeed Cary r address is e his haens aerly lace ie Cary C ll ainens are ade in adance r ain ice hne ner is 919-467-5941. If we don’t answer or y need cnac s n he eeends r aer ice hrs lease call he anserin serice a 1-888-828- 7182 e hae eerienced sa ale ride adice drin relar ice hrs reardin yr renancy iceails le r he riae nrse are addressed ihin a hr ie drain eer r ren cncerns lar r leain lid inr he receinis drin he call

e assred ne r hysicians is ncall eery nih and ill e ale resnd any ren isses he anserin serice ill ae yr inrain and reasn r call he ncall hysician ill call y rly ai ines r a rern call ere callin he anserin serice aain hrh he nih e are delierin aies errin eerency sreries anserin hne calls and ryin e se res in

etween. If your uestion is not of an urent nature Frequently asked questions: lease wait until reular office hours. he office staff What should I do if I get in a car accident? all the will have etter access to your medical record doctor immediately. he accident may reuire fetal electronic rescriin system and resources to research monitorin in the hosital. your concern. Do I have to sleep on the left side? No. It’s not Office Visits recommended that you slee on your ac after ffice visits are recommended every wees until wees. he lare lood vessels etendin u the ac wees then more freuently as determined y your can e comressed y the enlarin uterus thus doctor enerally every wees until wees then decreasin the amount of lood oin to the fetus. weely until delivery. n anatomic survey of the ay owever, it doesn’t matter which side you sleep on. is done etween wees. he se of the ay may e identified at that time. o other ultrasounds are How many people are allowed in the delivery room? scheduled if the renancy roresses without he numer of eole in the delivery room deends on comlications. the tye of delivery and if it is a routine delivery. his is enerally dictated y hosital olicy. Billing aternity enefits can e confusin. ur illin staff Can I travel? es. It is safe to travel u until wees. and office manaer are availale to review insurance However, see not on ZIKA virus. coverae and answer illin uestions. Insurance When do I have to be induced? Induction tyically claims for the loal fee will e sumitted after delivery occurs if the due date has assed or there is a rolem for the ill. owever services outside the loal fee are with the maternal health or fetal health. uidelines illed at the time of service ultrasounds injections and recommend delivery efore wees. he ris to the nonstress tests. If you leave our care efore delivery ay increases sustantially after that oint. you will e chared only for your office visits laoratory tests and other services erformed. Can I have a dental exam? es. outine teeth cleanin is recommended ecause oor oral hyiene can cause rolems in the renancy.

If I had a previous csection, do I have to schedule another csection? ou have two choices a trial of laor after csection or a reeat csection

Postpartum Postpartum blues occur within the irst wees NIN ollowin deliery. omen may eel depressed, anious and tearul. ryin or no reason, diiculty sleepin and eelins o inadeuacy are also commonly eperienced. e delier all ostetrical patients at ymptoms should dissipate completely within a couple wees. aeed ary ospital oweer, postpartum depression is much more seere. he intense eelins o sadness and aniety tend to ildaire arm d impair the woman rom completin daily tass. ostpartum depression can occur up to year ater ary, N hain a ay ut typically starts within the irst wees o childirth. I you or your amily has concerns aout postpartum ll patients must prereister with the hospital prior to depression, we recommend that you consult your deliery. he prereistration orm can e ound in the doctor. edication is oten used to control postpartum hospital older. depression.

In reerence to breast feeding, drinin ample amounts o luids is essential to replace what is used or main mil. ememer atiue and dehydration may decrease the mil supply. astitis is the inection o the reast tissue resultin in reast pain, eer, ody aches and redwarm reast. his is a common inection in reast eedin women. n ealuation y your doctor is needed i the sins o mastitis appear.

Circumcision is remoal o the outer sin o the penis oresin that coers the head o the penis. It is typically done on the irst or second day ater irth. houh this procedure has minimal riss, the decision to hae it done is personal. e respect your decision reardless.

Childbirth Classes two common techniues. he doctor will ultimately aeed ary ospital oers childirth and reast decide the best route. We don’t endorse inductions for eedin classes in addition to hospital tours. lasses conenience. tend to ill up uicly so we encourae you to enroll early in your prenancy. Cesarean sections sections are maor adominal sureries. ometimes Ultrasounds they are scheduled due to the outcome o a preious enerally ultrasounds are done to evaluate the fetus deliery and other times, they are unplanned at the end and its development. Initially an ultrasound confirms o a diicult laor. I you are plannin a csection, that a pregnancy is in the uterus. During this same visit, epect deliery in the th wee. e arrane the date a due date is established. The fetal sie is measured and time o csection around the nd wee oice isit. and if it coincides with your last menstrual period, your lanned cesarean sections are scheduled onday due date is confirmed. The ultrasound done at - throuh riday. oweer, i you o into laor prior to weeks looks at the babys organ development, sie, the planned csection date, you will liely hae your and fluid. Remember the earlier the csection the day you start laor. ultrasound, the more accurate the ultrasound for dating your pregnancy. ikely your due date will not change Vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC) after the initial ultrasound. As an aside, our practice ome women that deliered ia csection with their irst offers D ultrasounds for an additional fee. prenancy are interested in attemptin a ainal deliery. his is called a trial o laor ater csection. andidates are limited to only one preious csection. nortunately we cannot uarantee a successul . here are seeral actors that can aect the potential Laboratory Tests success reason or preious csection, maternal weihtoesity, ailure to dilate ceri and need or First trimester induction. e support your desire or ut we will eeral lood tests are otained within the irst isits. e orthcomin in counselin you reardin potential he tests are done to ensure a healthy start to the success and riss associated. prenancy. ome o the tests are North arolina state law. estin includes I, epatitis, hlamydia, e adised that a serious ris o is uterine rupture, onorrhea and yphilis in addition to pap smear and althouh this occurs inreuently. iewise, uterine ultrasound. rine samples are retrieed eery isit to rupture can cause etal compromise and inury resultin test or idney unction. in permanent neuroloical damae and death.

sontneous bor t the rorite esttion e Second trimester nd durin tht bor e i be tchfu for n oe of the se tests done in the first triester re deitions fro nor. f there is deition fro reeted in round ees. ddition test nor or if circustnces rise reentin the onset for dibetes in rennc is done. We discoure of bor t the rorite tie e roise to discuss tients fro etin or drinin nthin continin ht this deition is nd ht ctions if n re the sur hours rior to the test. f tient fis the sfest for ou nd our bb. hese recoendtions initi test nother ore secific nd confirtor test i be uided b sttistic roen sfe rctices is schedued. f bnor ues re resent on tht fro ericn onress of bstetricin nd test esttion dibetes is dinosed. i bood necooist nd other ieinded ornitions. sur ssessent nd n ternte diet o in in ctions or not tin rorite ctions s the crbohdrtes nd sur re then reuired. cse be counter to these recoendtions coud f note esttion dibetes ffects of ut ou nd or our bb t incresed riss for renncies. f untreted it cn ffect both other nd coictions. bb. otenti coictions incude er re bb crosoi o bood sur nd brethin Overdue difficuties in the bb. eeber tht our due dte is ust n estite. We ddition bood tests indicte if ou re ositie for h re unbe to redict hen ou i deier. t is nor fctor. Woen ho do not he it re described s h for bbies to deier beteen nd ees. netie nd reuire ediction ced rho ien eserch indictes substnti increse in stibirths t ees. his ediction ensures tht our bod fter ees. s resut our o is to deier our does not deeo n iune resonse to h ositie heth bb in the st ee t the test. ur hoe bb. is ou i o into bor on ou on. Third trimester Inductions rou tretococcus is bcteri coon oeties bor does not occur t the rorite tie found in nd round the in nd rectu. t is not to he our bb. or soe oen the due dte hs sexually transmitted disease. Women typically don’t ssed. or other oen edic conditions for the he stos but the bcteri cn cuse seere o or een the bb necessitte deier. o n iness in neborn. neuoni sesis nd eninitis induction is done hich ens bor is rtifici cn deeo in neborn eosed to . n order to strted. here re seer ethods used to strt n reent infection sb test t the in nd rectu induction. he ethod is deendent on seer fctors is done beteen ees. f is found on the incudin ceric dition nd effceent. echnic sb cuture or in the urine ou i be ien dition ith ctheter nd itocin uenttion re ntibiotics in bor.

Options for chromosomal abnormality screening Nonstress tests and biophysical profiles or patients who desire screening for chromosomal Wen additional assessment is necessary eyond abnormalities, there are both invasive and noninvasive listenin to te eart rate it a oppler a options. ne test is the measurement of nuchal test is done. t is a proloned monitorin o te etal translucency (fluid collection at the back of the fetal eart rate or a minimum duration o minutes. n neck). This ultrasound evaluation is performed een more adanced test or etal ellein is a between - weeks in conunction with blood tests iopysical proile. t is a scored etal test or from the mother. The anatomy ultrasound completed moement muscle tone reatin and amniotic luid. at - weeks is another noninvasive test looking for is test is done usin an ultrasound. ese tests are structural defects or signs of fetal abnormality. ily predictie o etal ealt. These tests have a small risk of false positive results. or this reason, some women opt for more specific Birth plans t esting. We are committed to iin you and your ay te est care. ur primary oal is to delier a ealty ay to a ealty mom. ieise most omen ae ost o te tests tat minimie dout and conirm expectations or teir irt experience. We ant to dianosis are inasie and include corionic illus mae it onderul and a oyous occasion. ome omen samplin and . orionic illus samplin coose to document teir laor desires in te orm o a consists o retriein pieces o te placenta it irt plan. is is not a reuirement. ut i you ae an ultrasound and needle eteen ees. preerences e ould lie to no. lease e adised ieise amniocentesis collects amniotic luid rom tat Waeed ary ospital as some policies tat are around te ay usin an ultrasound uided needle reuired or sae patient care. trou te adominal and uterine all. ot o te preious tests carry some ris to te prenancy and te OUR BIRTH PLAN etus. e oninasie renatal test is an n recent years it as ecome popular or many patients exception. oninasie prenatal testin is te neest to create a “birth plan” in which they detail teir opes aailale testin or some cromosomal anormalities for pregnancy and labor. We’d like to point out that ia lood. is test detects cromosomal material sometimes oeer en tese plans are ery deried rom te etus circulatin in te maternal lood. detailed patients can ecome disappointed en t can identiy a etus aected it trisomy and things don’t go exactly according to their plan. on yndrome. ere are seeral rand names Occasionally patient’s plans may include reuests or or tis test armony aterni eriy and demands or a course o action tat could increase riss anorama. or you andor your ay or een e danerous. o in our “birth plan”, we would prefer to await the onset of

WE’D LIKE TO KNOW… For additional questions regarding screening tests, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor. or patients that choose eaking fluid from the agina inasie tests or amniocentesis, we refer to aginal bleeding like a period Obstetrical specialists for those procedures. welling of the face ision changes eere and continuous headache hest pain ersistent omiting eer oer . ainful urination ecreased or no fetal moement terine contraction more than in one hour if less than weeks ersistent abdominal pain nable to tolerate foodliuids for hours

Kick Counts etal actiity is a good indicator of fetal wellbeing. s a result, you can monitor your own baby’s movement starting at 28 weeks. We recommend ‘kick counts’. irst identify a time of day when the baby is most active. Count the baby’s movements for a one hour We recommend you discuss all prescription medicines at your first isit. erbal remedies are not recommended in duration. f the baby moes times, the baby is doing pregnancy so discontinue them immediately. well. emember to remoe all distractions phone, teleision during the fetal assessment. f you do not edications afe for regnancy reach moements in the allotted time, eat a snack or aoid during first trimester drink a beerage before repeating the assessment. all Remember, no medications have been approved by the FDA the doctor if still unable to reach moements. as safe for use in pregnancy.

T N Shortness of breath is common during regnancy. t llergies seasonal antihistamine loratidine Claritin causes a sensation of erceived inability to take a dee and acute nasal feofenadine llegra dri breath. his is caused by elevation of the diahragm cetiriine yrtec dihenhydramine enadryl due to the enlarging uterus. owever, ersistent Cold sores antiviral ocosanol breva shortness of breath without relief should be evaluated lysine Constiation stool softener docusate Colace, urfak by your doctor.

bulking agent bran any ran Cereals syllium husk etamucil Swelling of the legs and feet is relatively normal in methylcellulose Citrucel regnancy. t is tyically caused by changes in fluid

osmotic laative olyethylene glycol ira distribution in the body. he swelling may be uncomfortable but is not concerning unless it is severe stimulant laative bisacodyl oralsu. ulcola andor changes in a short eriod of time. Consult your

Cough eectorant guaifenesin ucine, obitussin doctor if this is resent in conunction with headache, cough suressant detromethorhan n many cold vision changes, hand or face swelling and nausea. rearations cough dros iarrhea antidiarrheal oermide modium ylicon, as, as loating antifoaming imethicone hayme astric eflu antihistamine ranitidine antac famotidine ecid cimetidine agamet

rotonum omeraole rilosec inhibitor lansoraole revacid esomeraole eium raberaole cie analgesic eadacheFever cetaminohen ylenol antiyretic calcium carbonate ums, olaids, aluminum aalo tabs aalo eartburn antacid magnesium liquid, ylanta simethicone

anesthetic rearation emorrhoids ointmentsray ucks ermalast ylenol analgesic doulamine nsomnia nisom antihistamine dihenhydramine enadryl cean ist asal Congestion saline saline sray n many cold decongestant henylehrine rearations vasoconstrictor seudoehedrine udafed aginal east antifungal iconaole onistat

tissue or clots from the . ee in mind, some women don’t have any signs of the pregnancy ending. iscarriages cannot be revented. I early flu shots are an effective and safe method to Headaches in regnancy esecially in the first and early rotect you and your baby from the flu and other second trimester are common. ncreased water intake, serious comlication from the flu. regnant women get restful slee and ylenol can hel. he frequency of much sicker from the flu than nonregnant women. headaches will decrease usually before 2 weeks. ewborn babies younger than months are at risk for emember to avoid iburofen. infection as well. he vaccination rovides immune rotection via antibodies for mom and baby. he inactivated influena vaccine is recommended for all ome women eerience a shar, stabbing sensation regnant women and can be given in any trimester. along the lower abdomen and groin. his is called regnant women should not receive the vaccine via round ligament pain. t is usually resent on one side. nasal sray. owever, a small number of immunied t occurs with standing, rolling over in bed, changing women will acquire influena. o, if you develo flu like osition and any maneuver that alters stress on symtoms fever, body aches and resiratory changes, abdominal wall connective tissue. contact the office immediately. f confirmed, an antiviral medication called amiflu may be given to Dizziness in regnancy is caused by a sudden dro in abate the infection. blood ressure. ehydration, low blood sugar and standing for long eriods of time are factors that T D increase and worsen the diiness. Feeling faint and T clammy are accomanying symtoms. ncrease your water intake immediately to feel better and avoid Pertussis whooing cough is a contagious resiratory recurrence. tract infection. ymtoms include severe cough, runny nose and fever. s the cough rogresses, a whooing T sound develos when breathing between coughs. n a Vaginal discharge tends to increase substantially during newborn, this infection can be life threatening. regnancy. his is due to the increased estrogen levels. ince this is normal, anticiate this change. owever, if Tetanus is an infection transmitted through a break in your discharge changes to a green color or has a foul skin. t causes ainful muscle sasms and can even odor, an eam is warranted. revent swallowing.


Diphtheria say starts ith a sore throat and o grade fever. eing in the throat can ead to difficty reathing. Nausea and vomiting is often referred to as orning e to a significant reeergence of hooping cogh in sicness. oever it is not iited to the orning the nited tates incding orth aroina the dap hors. his say peas in the th ee of pregnancy vaccination is recoended dring every pregnancy. and typicay resoves copetey y the th ee. t is or the ay and o to receive optia enefits it hepf to eat saer eassnacs and avoid foods shod e adinistered eteen ees. ie high in fat and foods ith strong odors. eartrn and ith other vaccinations the antiodies deveoped in gastric ref can orsen the nasea and voiting so o are passed to the fets. avoid foods that stiate heartrn i.e. spicy foods. ver the conter sggestions to reieve nasea incde N sea ands vitain natra inger prodcts tea oen ith nora eight efore pregnancy ches and hard candy ie preggie pops. rescription ony need etra caories in pregnancy and the edications are very hepf hen nasea and voiting eight gain shodshould not eceedexceed 30lbss for the entire is severe and persists. apes incde henergan pregnancy. aanced diet has vegetaes frits ofran and icegis. eep in ind that nasea ay hoe grains dairy and ean proteins. or those starting contine despite edications. the pregnancy ith an eevated eight gain shod not eceed s. rin at east onces of Vaginal bleeding is ite coon. t is not an ater daiy. rtificia seeteners are fine in iediate indication of the pregnancy ending. oderation. e recoend daiy prenata nfortnatey there is itte that can e done hen tivitains. ost prenata vitains are very siiar eeding occrs. ypicay trasond evaation is done so we don’t prefer a particular brand. oe incde to confir the heath of the pregnancy aby’s heart oega fatty acids hich ay e eneficia for feta rate and ocation of the ay if yo are at east ees rain deveopent. tra iron and foic acid are aso pregnant. essentia dring pregnancy and postpart period. n adeate aont of foic acid is cg daiy. aci f there is a proe in pregnancy iscarriage can g shod e incorporated in yor diet as e. occr. iscarriage can happen at any point in the pregnancy t is ost coon in the first ees Fish first triester. ifteen to tenty percent of a regnant oen are aoed p to eas a ee end in this fashion. he fooing are soe onces of fish andor shefish o in ercry. or coon signs of iscarriage vagina eeding ie a period persistent craping in the pevis and passage of

T ore inforation on arious types of fish you can eat urin prenancy trael is allowed een oerseas. e see the food safety website or the website. hae seeral recoendations in the eent you trael while prenant o not eat rin plenty of water har arry your own snacs wordfish al around eery hours in acerel Don’t miss prenatal visits ilefish hec to see if there are any iuniations oon fish hih in ercury necessary rappie ae a copy of edical records atfish now your blood type and other iportant rouper edical history oon fish low in ercury e stronly discourae trael after wees. hrip About the ZIKA Virus rab About the ZIKA Virus obster Recently there has been quite a bit of publicity surrounding the Zika virus and its effects on pregnancy. Infection with Zika can cause callops serious birth defects including microcephaly (small head) and other alon brain defects. These defects can lead to lifelong problems including lounder seizures, learning disabilities, problems feeding, hearing and vision anned liht tuna loss. There is no vaccine available at this time. The Zika virus is spread in three ways, an infected mosquito bites oods hih in ron you, engaging in sex with an infected individual and, finally, the eats e yols dried beans or peas reen leafy mother transfers it to your unborn child in pregnancy. Travel to high- eetables dried fruits nutspeanut butter rains risk areas is not recommended. This includes South America and Mexico as well as parts of Africa, India and in the Caribbean. The oods hih in alciu CDC is frequently updating geographic regions that are at high risk. il yourt cottae cheese broccoli This information is found on their website at

The symptoms of Zika virus are generally mild and can easily be con- fused with the flu or a number of other viral infections. An infected person may have fatigue, low-grade fever, rash, joint pain or red affeine consuption is safe in oderation. e and itchy eyes. It is important to remember that all the symptoms recoend less than ounces of coffee per day. or none of the symptoms may be present. Consult the CDC website obacco use is not recoended. t can sinificantly before you travel as these high-risk areas are updated on a daily affect fetal rowth and deelopent specifically lun basis. Please contact us to discuss testing for Zika virus if either you deelopent and fetal birth weiht. o aount of or your partner I have traveled to such areas or if either you or your partner had symptoms of the infection. alool onsmption is sae or te ets n alool E rn te prenant patient oes iretl to te a erise in prenan is reat an enorae o an an ase serios ealt prolems etal alool impat eerise lie alin an simmin are te est spetrm isorers inlin etal alool snrome oever i o i not eerise relarl prior to preterm irt lo irt eit an learnin isailities prenan alin is an ativit e reommen t is are st a e possile otomes ver important to sta rate an avoi overeatin

I erises to avoi oo orne illness is more ommon it ertain oos ontat sports ememer an inetion otaine rin te prenan orsea riin siin an lin an e passe to te ets amples o tese oos a ivin inle ra meats npasterie mil eese an in lat on a en reater tan ees ies a an nerooe meats an animal prots s as ee ien is poltr an es Unsafe activities during pregnancy sol e avoie rin prenan aser air removal Listeriosis loo onation is is an inetion ase a ateria non ettin a tattoo as isteria t an ase misarriae prematre eliver sin ane meiine ontainin retinoi ai an inetion o te neorn t an e present in a ivin ertain oos speiiall sot npasterie eeses se o irearms an mil lso e reommen avoi eatin ot os sin a tannin e an lneoneli meats nless eate to steamin e satin roller lain siin orsea riin lleal rs an alool se Toxoplasmosis ot ts sana an steam room is is an inetion ase a parasite on in soil an ra meat in aition to at ees t an Safe activities during pregnancy ase etal inetion tat ltimatel ens in etal eat n orer to protet orsel an or norn il oo anire peire meats torol an as or ans ater anlin Dental or ra meat voi anin at litter an maniplatin air permerelae or olore in a ventilate room te litter o ain a at immin ravelin tro airport serit