Birds in a Sagebrush Sea: Managing Sagebrush Habitats for Bird Commu- Nities
BBBIIRRDDSS IINN AA SSAAGGEEBBRRUUSSHH SSEEAA MANAGING SAGEBRUSH HABITATS FOR BIRD COMMUNITIES by Christine Paige and Sharon A. Ritter Partners in Flight, Western Working Group 1999 Research and writing by: Christine Paige, Ravenworks Ecology, 612 Lolo Street, Missoula, MT 59802 Revision and editing by: Sharon A. Ritter, Idaho Partners in Flight, 142 West Hills Way, Hamilton, MT 59840 Editing and layout/design by: Pam Peterson, Nongame Program, Idaho Department of Fish and Game, P.O. Box 25, Boise, ID 83725 Project funding by: USDI Bureau of Land Management, Oregon and Idaho State Offices USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1 USDA Forest Service, Regions 1 and 4 Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Nongame Program Ravenworks Ecology Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Jack Connelly, Mike Denny, David Dobkin, Randy Hill, Mabel Jankovsky-Jones, Lou Jours, Julie Kaltenecker, Steve Knick, Ron Lambeth, Peter Lessica, Paul Makela, Robert McQuivey, Chris Merker, Bob Moseley, Mike Pellant, Tim Reynolds, Terry Rich, John Rotenberry, Steve Shelly, Michael Schroeder, Chuck Trost, Helen Ulmschneider, Matthew Vander Haegen, and Brian Woodbridge for contributing information and ideas to the development of this document. We owe a special debt to our reviewers for their insightful comments and corrections on the drafts: Loren Anderson, Al Bammann, Jon Beals, Carol Beardmore, Steve Bouffard, Kathy Cheap, Mike Denny, Kim Dickerson, Kristi Dubois, Katy Duffy, Ana Egnew, Jim Hagenbarth, Neil Hedges, Gary Herron, Randy Hill, Nancy Hoffman, Gary Ivey, Bill and Nancy LaFramboise, Ron Lambeth, Tracy Lloyd, Paul Makela, Chris Merker, Alan Peterson, Joe Petzold, Charley Rains, Tim Reynolds, Terry Rich, Bill Roney, John Rotenberry, Michael Schroeder, Dan Svingen, and Helen Ulmschneider.
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