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International Numismatic Contents The President’s Note 1 Le mot du Président Announcements 2 Institutions 3 Colloquia 6 Exhibitions 8 Websites 9 New books 10 Personalia 11 International Numismatic Council (INC) INeN: Contribute & Subscribe 12 Conseil International de Numismatique (CIN) International Numismatic e-News (INeN) - No 10 - February 2011 Electronic Newsletter of the INC/CIN - ISSN 1662-120 The President’s Note / Le mot du Président Dear INC members and friends Chers membres et amis du CIN, This Newsletter has been long in Cette Newsletter électronique vous parvient avec un the making and as President I have certain retard et en tant que Président j’en assume to take responsibility for the de- pleine responsabilité: notre passage à une publication lay. Going green and environmental électronique écologique d’une INeN verte a pris plus de sustainability bring challenges and temps que prévu et nous avons réduit nos deux news- we have reduced our two newslet- letters, papier et électronique à une seule, cette Inter- ters, paper and electronic to a sole national Numismatic e-Newsletter. À l’avenir cependant one, this International Numismatic nous nous engageons à vous la transmettre deux fois e-Newsletter. From now on there will par an, en automne au début de l’année académique, two issues of the INeN yearly: one in (octobre-novembre) et au début de l’année civile (jan- the fall, at the beginning of the aca- vier-février). Le Compte rendu qui est notre rapport an- demic year (October/November), and nuel paraîtra comme d’habitude au début de l’année Dr. Carmen arnolD-Biucchi one at the beginning of the calendar avant la réunion annuelle du Bureau. Pour atteindre ce year (January/February).The Compte Rendu, which is our but toutefois nous avons besoin de votre concours et de vos annual report, will continue to appear in print in early spring nouvelles : veuillez envoyer toute annonce ou article à nos before the Committee Meeting. To accomplish our goals, rédacteurs Sylviane Estiot et Benedikt Zäch. however, your help and input are crucial: send your news Depuis le dernier numéro de la INeN le Bureau a concentré and interesting articles to our able editors Sylviane Estiot ses efforts sur une amélioration de nos moyens de commu- and Benedikt Zäch. nication avec vous, nos publications et notre site, dans les Since the last issue everyone on the Committee has been limites de notre budget. Comme vous le savez nos fonds working hard to find ways to improve our communication servent avant tout à soutenir les travaux de recherche de with you, our publications and our website within the limits jeunes numismates. of our budget, whose priority is to try to support young Il est tout aussi important d’élargir notre communauté au- scholars in our field. Our Treasurer Tuukka Talvio and I at- delà de l’Europe centrale et l’Amérique du Nord. Dans cette tended the ICOM and ICOMON Conference in Shanghai optique notre trésorier Tuukka Talvio et moi avons participé and you will read about it below. It was a wonderful ex- à l’Assemblée générale de ICOM et ICOMON à Shanghai perience and I very much hope that we shall expand our en novembre (voir l’article ci-dessous). Ce fut une expé- contacts with our Asian colleagues: China is the country of rience magnifique : la Chine est le pays de l’avenir et la the future and numismatics must be part of it. numismatique doit en faire partie. We are planning the next Survey of Numismatic Research La préparation du prochain Survey of Numismatic Research 2008-2013. The section editors have been selected and 2008-2013 a commencé : les rédacteurs des différentes we shall meet in Milan in March to discuss the details and sections ont été sélectionnés et nous allons nous réunir start our work. The Società Italiana di Numismatica and the à Milan en mars pour organiser le travail. Nous serons les Università degli studi di Milano, Dipartimento di scienze hôtes de la Società Italiana di Numismatica et de l’Univer- dell’antichità have generously offered their hospitality: sità degli studi di Milano, Dipartimento di scienze dell’an- we are grateful to our colleagues Prof. Adriano Savio and tichità. Je tiens à exprimer toute notre reconnaissance à Lucia Travaini. After that we shall go to Winterthur for our an- nos collègues Prof. Adriano Savio et Lucia Travaini. Ensuite nual Committee meeting and celebrate the 150th anniversa- nous irons à Winterthur pour la réunion annuelle du Bu- ry of the famous Coin Cabinet. Thanks to Benedikt Zäch we reau et pour célébrer les 150 ans de l’illustre Cabinet des shall be among the guests of honor of the city of Winterthur. Monnaies. Grâce à Benedikt Zäch la ville nous accueillera You shall read about it in the summer issue of the INeN. comme hôtes d’honneur. Vous pourrez lire les détails dans I look forward to our continued collaboration so please let la prochaine INeN. me hear from you ! Je compte sur votre collaboration et vos nouvelles ! I nternational N u m i s m a t i c e - N e w s — N o 1 0 — February 2011 - p . 1 Announcements American Numismatic Society – New York (USA) 57th Annual Eric P. Newman Graduate Summer Seminar in Numismatics June 6 through July 29, 2011 For over half a century, The American Numismatic Society has offered select graduate students and junior faculty the opportu- nity to work hands-on with one of the world’s preeminent numismatic collections. With over three-quarters of a million objects, the collection is particularly strong in Greek, Roman, Islamic, and Far Eastern coinages, as well as Medallic Art. The rigorous eight-week course, taught by ANS staff, guest lecturers, and a Visiting Scholar, introduces students to the methods, theories, and history of the discipline. In addition to the lecture program, students will select a numismatic research topic and, utilizing ANS resources, write a paper during the Seminar. The Seminar is intended to provide students of History, Art History, Textual Studies, and Archeology who have little or no numismatic background with a working knowledge of a body of evidence that is often overlooked and poorly understood. Successful applicants are typically doctoral candidates or junior faculty in a related discipline, but MA candidates are admitted as well. This year’s Visiting Scholar will be Dr. David Wigg-Wolf, Researcher at the Römisch-Germanische Kommission of the German Archeological Institute. Dr. Wigg-Wolf is well known for his research and publications on the Iron Age and Roman coinages of Northern Europe. Applications are due no later than February 11, 2011. A limited number of stipends of up to $4000 are available to US citizens, and non-US citizens studying at US institutions under J-1 visas. For application forms and further information, please see the Summer Seminar page of our website: or contact the Seminar Co-Director, Richard Witschonke, at [email protected] Dumbarton Oaks, Washington DC, USA Dumbarton Oaks fourth summer program on Byzantine numismatics and sigillography July 5–29, 2011 The program will be under the direction of Dr. Cécile Morrisson, Advisor for Byzantine Numismatics, Dr Eric McGeer, Advisor for Byzantine Sigillography and Dr. Vivien Prigent (CNRS). Admission requirements Applicants must be a doctoral student or junior faculty member in some area of Byzantine Studies. Candidates should have a reading knowledge of French and German and have completed two years of college level Classical Greek (or its equivalent). Course offerings in numismatics and sigillography Several seminar meetings and workshops will cover the basics of the two disciplines, reading, dating and cataloging of seals and coins and the use of coins and seals as evidence for Byzantine literary, political, economic and art history. In separate workshop sessions students will be instructed how to read Byzantine coins, date them and write a catalog entry. Students will present to the group a pre-determined research topic or a group of coins or seals which they will have transcribed and dated by their own efforts. Special topics, such as digital imagery, construction of maps, statistical treatment and databases will also be examined. Accommodation and expenses Successful candidates will receive free housing and breakfast, in addition to lunch on weekdays. They are, however, res- ponsible for their own transportation costs. Application procedure Applicants must send a letter by January 15, 2011, to Margaret Mullett, Director of Byzantine Studies at Dumbarton Oaks (1703 32nd St., NW, Washington, DC 20007), describing their academic background and listing specific reasons for wishing to be included in the summer program. All applicants should include a curriculum vitae; doctoral candidates should arrange for the sending of a transcript of their graduate school record. Two letters of recommendation should be sent separately, at least one of them from a faculty member who has instructed the candidate in an area of Byzantine studies. Selection criteria will include a demonstrated need for the seminar and the candidates’ present and future research projects. For further information, write Margaret Mullett [email protected] or Cécile Morrisson [email protected]. See also (Byzantine Studies). I nternational N u m i s m a t i c e - N e w s — N o 1 0 — February 2011 - p . 2 Institutions Numismatische Professur in Wien neu besetzt Im Jahr 2010 erreichte Professor Dr. Wolfgang Hahn am Institut für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte der Universität Wien das Pensionsalter ; mit Ende September 2010, zum Ende des Sommersemesters, wurde er deshalb in den Ruhestand versetzt. Fast genau 20 Jahre hat Wolfgang Hahn die Geschicke des Instituts bestimmt, über mehrere neue Universitätsgesetze hinweg und durch andere Reformen hindurch, die die Möglichkeiten numismatischer Studien in Wien manchmal ernsthaft in Frage stellten.