Malcolm Turnbull live tweets public transport trip to Geelong Communications minister offers a step-by-step guide to taking trams and a train from in wake of ’s $5,000 helicopter flight

Malcolm Turnbull has revealed the trip can be done in about 90 minutes by tram and train. Photograph: David Gray/Reuters Bridie Jabour Wednesday 29 July 2015 10.12 AESTLast modified on Wednesday 29 July 201510.15 AEST

Malcolm Turnbull has helpfully provided a step-by-step guide on how to get from Melbourne to Geelong using public transport, showing that travel by land can be just as fun as taking a helicopter.

While it is not unusual for the multimillionaire communications minister to inform everyone regularly that he catches public transport – as if it is not a grim morning and afternoon reality for the rest of us – this trip is particularly pertinent for Bronwyn Bishop.

The Speaker has been under pressure after it emerged she did not get the memo about the end of entitlement.

Bishop is refusing to provide documentation to justify her travel claim after attending the former Liberal MP Sophie Mirabella’s wedding in 2006.

She first came under pressure for hailing a $5,000 helicopter to a Liberal party function last year and then handing taxpayers the bill for a trip from Melbourne to Geelong – which would usually take about an hour by road.

Turnbull has now revealed that the trip can be done in about 90 minutes by catching trams and then a train.

In case you had any doubts about whether such a trip was thrilling enough to warrant live tweeting:

He even posted footage on his Instagram page: