MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS IN IN THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN Compilation of Available DataCompilation and Information of Available Data and Information July 2019 June 2019

migration.iom.int displacement.iom.int [email protected]

IOM Italy 2018 - Informative session upon disembarkation, Sicily MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JuneJuly 20192019 Contents HIGHLIGHTS Highlights...... 4 Overview of Arrivals...... 6 Overview Maps...... 7 A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in throughTransit different Countries land -and Registered sea routes betweenIrregular January Arrivals/Apprehensions and the North of . Africa.9 . According to available data from the JunePolicy 2019, Developments 29 per cent less. than. .the . same. . period. . .last . year, . . . . Spanish. . . Ministry. . . 11 of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per centEU- less than the Statement105,884 arrivals. .registered . . . in. 2017 . . and . . . .between . . .January . . 11and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per Italycent less. . than. . the . 239,157. . . registered. . . between. . . .January . . . . .by .Guinea . . (13%),. . 11 Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Reception System in Spain...... 11 Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants BulgariaGlobal and Compact . Another on 33 Migration per cent . of. individuals...... and. . refugees . . . between .12 January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrivedCall forin Europe Regional through Disembarkation the Western Mediterranean...... the . first . .six . months. 12 of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescuedCountries and broughtof First to Arrival Italy and. Malta. . .in their. . attempt. . . to. . . .were . . registered, . . . 13 and are only a fragment of the 83,752 crossItaly the. Central. . . Mediterranean . . . . . route . . . This . indicates. . . that. . the . . . .reported . . . between . . 13 January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were WesternGreece and. the. Central. . . Mediterranean. . . . . routes. . .as .the . main . . . . of. Tunisian. . . origin,. .17 followed by those from Pakistan (15%), routeSpain taken. .by .the . migrants . . . and. refugees. . . arriving. . . to. Europe. . . . . Algeria. . . (10%), . . Iraq.19 (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also Malta...... made. . up. the. .majority .22 of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 routeCyprus in the first. . six. .months . . of. 2018,. . .making . .up . 42. per. cent...... 23 (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registeredBulgaria arrivals,. . . . . followed...... by. . the. . .Western ...... Mediterranean ...... 24 route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in Transit Countries*...... the. first. . half. .of .201926 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reportedCroatia 18,448. . new. . arrivals . . to. Greece. . ., making. . . the . Eastern...... 26 months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to Romania...... authorities, . . . . Sudan . 28 is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . centSerbia lower than. . the. . 22,899 . . registered. . . .in .the . first . .six . months...... 29 of 2018Slovenia and 73. . per . cent. . more. . than. . the. 10,679. . . reported...... Authorities . . . . in . the 31 Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registeredThe Republic arriving in Greeceof North so far Macedonia crossed into the. . country . . . . . significant. . . . increase . .33 in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a throughTurkey land .routes, . . and. .the . remaining . . . 78. per. .cent . arrived. . .by . . . total. . of. 15,549. . . and35 refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 inWestern the country Balkans by sea werein Focus of Afghan. . origin. . . Nationals. . . . from . . . . in. all . three . . countries . .39 and twenty-four times higher than the the AlbaniaSyrian Arab. . Republic. . . were. . the. .second . . most. . registered...... 649. .registered . . . between .40 January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . TerritoriesBosnia (8%), and andHerzegovina the Democratic. . Republic. . . . of . Congo . . . . .In the. . second . . half. 41 of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%)Kosovo . In addition UNCR to that, 1244DTM flow**. . monitoring. . . .data . from. . the. . . .arrivals . . were. . reported,. 43 which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrantsMontenegro (45%) who. . were . . registered . . . arriving. . . from . . Turkey . . . . .108 . registered. . . .in 44the same period of 2018 (read more here) . toCentral Greece, Mediterraneanmainly by land, were - ofOther Turkish Countries origin (read more. . . . . Pakistan,. . . Afghanistan,. . .46 Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries Libya...... in. the . region. . in. the.46 first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in SpainNiger (WMR). . between. . . January. . . and . June. . 2019, . . 26. per. .cent ...... 47 lessMissing than theMigrants: 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent moreFatalities/Missing than the 9,401 registeredin the Mediterranean in the same period and of 2017 Aegean . . .1 .The . information. . . on48 nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry About this Report...... of .Interior . .. . 49 first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government * The term transit country is used in the context of the ongoing DTMof flowMalta monitoring of movements from Middle East and Africa towards Europe. It does not imply any official accepted profiling of the countries concerned. 4 ** This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 Photo/ cover page: IOM Providing assistance 2 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. to migrants staying in open space in Trnova, Velika Kladuöa. IOM Bosnia and Herzegovina/2018 MIXED MIGRATION FLOWS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Compilation of Available Data and Information June 2019


A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

IOM Malta assisting migrants to be relocated to 4 other countries. IOM Malta/2019 3 MIXED MIGRATION FLOWS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Compilation of Available Data and Information JulyJune 2019 2019


A total of 51,982 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe Northto the ofSpanish Africa. autonomous According to enclaves available of data Ceuta from and the Melilla Spanish in through different land and sea routes between January and Ministrythe North of Interior, of Africa Morocco . According is the to most available commonly data fromdeclared the JulyJune 2019,2019, 2929 perper centcent lessless thanthan thethe samesame periodperiod last year, originSpanish country Ministry by migrants of Interior, and Morocco refugees iswho the arrived first in declaredSpain when some 73,76159,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 5860 betweenorigin country January of andmigrants June and2019 refugees (33% of who the arrivedtotal), followed in Spain per cent less than the 105,884122,384 arrivals registered in 2017 and bybetween Guinea January (13%), andMali June (13%), 2019 Côte (33% d’Ivoire of the (8%) total), and followed Senegal 8085 per cent less than the 266,450239,157 registered between January (8%)by Guinea (see more (13%), here Mali). (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and JulyJune 2016. 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 3,867 migrants Fifty-eightFifty-seven perper centcent ofof allall arrivalsarrivals werewere registered in Cyprus, andItalian refugees authorities between reported January the and arrivals July 2019. of 2,779Arrivals migrants in the Bulgaria and and Greece. Greece Another . Another 32 33per percent cent of individuals of individuals have firstand refugeesseven months between of 2019 January arrivals and have June decreased 2019 . Arrivals by 79 per in arrivedhave arrived in Europe in Europe through through the Western the Western Mediterranean Mediterranean route centthe first compared six months to the of same2019 periodhave decreased of 2018 bywhen 83 per18,546 cent leadingroute leading to Spain, to Spain,and the and remaining the remaining 10 per 10 cent per crossed cent were the arrivalscompared were to theregistered, same period and representof 2018 whenonly 16,5774 per centarrivals of Centralrescued Mediterraneanand brought to and Italy arrived and Malta by sea in in their Italy attemptand Malta. to thewere total registered, 95,213 reported and are onlyto have a fragmentarrived by of sea the between 83,752 Thiscross indicates the Central that Mediterranean the Eastern Mediterranean route . This indicates route continues that the Januaryreported and between July 2017. January Twenty-one and June 2017per cent. Twenty-one of migrants per toEastern surpass Mediterranean both the Western route andcontinues the Central to surpass Mediterranean both the registeredcent of migrants in the registeredfirst seven in themonths first ofhalf the of theyear year were were of routesWestern as andthe mainthe Central route takenMediterranean by the migrants routes and as therefugees main Tunisianof Tunisian origin, origin, followed followed by those by those from fromPakistan Pakistan (16%), (15%), Côte arrivingroute taken to Europe by the between migrants January and refugees and July arriving 2019. to Europe d’IvoireAlgeria (11%), (10%), Algeria Iraq (9%) (9%), and Iraq other (8%) Africanand other and African Southern and between January and June 2019 . SouthernAsian countries Asian countries . (read more (read heremore) . here Tunisian). Tunisian nationals nationals also The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active weremade theup themost majority frequent of amongstarrivals between arrivals betweenJanuary and January June routeThe Eastern in the Mediterraneanfirst seven monthsroute was of also2018, the making most activeup 39 and2018 June (18% 2018 of the(18% total), of the followed total), followedby migrants by migrants from Eritrea from1 perroute cent in the of firstregistered six months arrivals of 2018,(29,160), making followed up 42 perby thecent Eritrea(15%), 1Sudan (15%), (9%), Sudan Nigeria (9%), (7%), Nigeria and (7%), Côte andd’Ivoire Côte (6%) d’Ivoire . Westernof registered Mediterranean arrivals, followed route by(36%, the Western26,890) and Mediterranean the Central (6%). In addition, 1,583 migrants arrived in Malta between Mediterraneanroute (30%) and route the Central(25%, 18,809). Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in January and July 2019. This is significantly higher than the 263 the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January January and and July 2019, June Hellenic 2019, HellenicAuthorities Authorities reported migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first seven migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six 24,351reported new 18,448 arrivals new in arrivals Greece to, Greecemaking the, making country the theEastern top months of 2018. According to the available data from national months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterraneanreceiving country route in Europe the most so far active in 2019. route Arrivals for arrivals this year to authorities, Sudan is the most commonly reported nationality authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europein Greece in theare region10 per . Arrivalscent lower this thanyear thein Greece 27,112 are registered 19 per at arrival (41%), followed by Eritrea2 (11%) and Nigeria (7%). (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . centin the lower first than seven the 22,899months registeredof 2018 and in the 83 first per sixcent months more With regards to the Western Balkans, authorities in Bosnia ofthan 2018 the and13,294 73 perreported cent morein 2017. than Eighteen the 10,679 per reportedcent of Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro – have observed inall 2017migrants . Twenty-two and refugees per centregistered of all migrantsarriving inand Greece refugees so Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a a significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a registeredfar crossed arriving into the in Greececountry so through far crossed land intoroutes, the andcountry the significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a total of 20,249 and refugees as of July (read more here), This throughremaining land 82 routes, per cent and arrived the remaining by sea. 78 Thirty-nine per cent arrived per cent by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), is 43 per cent more than the 14,176 registered in 2018 in all seaof the . Forty registered per cent population of the registered that arrived population in the thatcountry arrived by This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 three countries and twenty-six times than the 783 registered insea the were country of Afghan by sea origin. were ofNationals Afghan fromorigin the. Nationals Syrian Arabfrom in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the between January and July 2017. An increase is also observed theRepublic Syrian were Arab the Republic second were most the registered second (17%),most registered followed 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244): 563 new (14%),by those followed arriving byfrom those Iraq arriving (8%), Palestinianfrom Iraq (8%),Territories Palestinian (8%), also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . arrivals were registered between January and July 2019, which Territoriesand the Democratic (8%), and Republic the Democratic of Congo Republic(8%). In addition of Congo to In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly represents a five times increase in comparison with the same (8%)that, DTM. In addition flow tomonitoring that, DTM data flow from monitoring the Evros dataregion from in the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the period of 2018. EvrosNorth region Greece in showsthe North that ofthe Greece largest showsproportion that the of migrantsmajority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of(45%) migrants who (45%)were registeredwho were arriving registered from arriving Turkey from to Greece, Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . tomainly Greece, by land, mainly were by ofland, Turkish were origin of Turkish (read originmore (readhere). more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries A total 16,600 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain in the region in the first half of 2019 . (WMR)A total ofbetween 13,263 January migrants and and July refugees 2019, 38 were per centregistered less than in theSpain 26,890 (WMR) registered between in 2018, January and and 39 Juneper cent2019, more 26 perthan cent the 11,954less than registered the 17,950 in the registered same period in 2018, of 2017. and 41Among per centthe totalmore registeredthan the 9,401migrants registered arriving in to the Spain same in period the first of 2017 seven . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based monthsAmong theof 2019,total registered80 per cent migrants (13,326) arriving arrived to Spainby sea in andthe on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior.Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea the remaining 20 per cent (3,184) arrived by land, mainly to 2 The information on nationalitynationality breakdownbreakdown providedprovided inin this this report report is is based theand theSpanish remaining autonomous 21 per centcities (2,788) of Ceuta arrived and by Melilla land, mainlyin the basedon the on nationality the nationality declared declared by migrants by migrants as reported as reported by the by Government the by the Malteseof Malta Ministry of Home Affairs and National Security.

4 MIXED MIGRATION FLOWS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Compilation of Available Data and Information June 2019


A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government Migrants and refugees land at the island of Lampedusa in of Malta the Mediterranean Sea. IOM Italy/2019

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 5 MIXED MIGRATION FLOWS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Compilation of Available Data and Information JulyJune 2019 2019


Figure 1: Arrivals in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta and Spain between January and July, 2016 -2019.

A total180,000 of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the 162,162 June160,000 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per140,000 cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal 120,000 and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . 95,213 Fifty-seven100,000 per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian93,774 authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have80,000 arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals 60,000 rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752

cross40,000 the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per 27,112 26,890

Eastern Mediterranean route24,351 continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were 18,546 16,600

20,000 13,294 Western and the Central Mediterranean11,954 routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), 6,771 4,452 3,867 3,715 1,583 1,422 1,196 1,129 960 852 28 route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and 263 other African and Southern 0 0 between0 January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also GREECE SPAIN CYPRUS* ITALY MALTA BULGARIA made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent 2016 2017 2018(15%), Sudan2019 (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean * Data for Cyprus are as of the end of May for 2017 and 2018. Cyprus data for 2016 are IOM estimates pending official government data. route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reportedFigure 2: Arrivals 18,448 between new arrivals January to andGreece December, making 2016 the –Eastern 2018. months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per 200,000 (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months 181,436

of 2018180,000 and 73 per cent more than the176,906 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a

registered160,000 arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty140,000 per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the 119,369 the Syrian120,000 Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . 100,000 Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly

(8%) . 80,000In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the

Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting65,325 of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants60,000 (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . 50,215 to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq

here) 40,000. 35,052 were the main nationality groups registered in the countries 28,707

23,370 in the region in the first half of 2019 . 17,187

A total20,000 of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in 14,558 2,562 Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent 2,533 1,445 24 20 less than0 the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent ITALY GREECE SPAIN BULGARIA MALTA more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry 2016 2017 of2018 Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

64 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019


0 y Y s 0 l 3 E a B E v i

A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla T in r N r K 0 a 0 P 5 I

l 1

through different land and sea routes between January and the North of AfricaR . According to available data from the a S Y A 3 o t U U T June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declaredG R

0 R 0 s T 2 E r P , K 5 e

when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain t Y 4 e , U C 4 m o

per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed l i K 85 per cent less1 2 than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal

and June 2016 . A (8%) (see more here) . I A a I N e R

Fifty-seven per S cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants A A

d n y G 9 a L

Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of M individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in s B 2 L

e i 1 U , y t i O r B 1 have arrived in Europe through the Western MediterraneanB the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent 2 o h R A t u

route leading to5 Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals Y A

l B a 9 n A rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752I , o i I t L D A a Y I

cross the Central Mediterranean routeK . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per N

R , a N d B e A n M R 3 9 S Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent ofa migrants registered in the first half of the year were A A

O V L I E y E


L B y S G

a C O

Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main 1 of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), B t 5

E a 5 O L N 6 3 E D 3

1 9 ,

route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria, (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern S e P R L A 4 U 4 c , 9 I r A 4 G 1 2 u A T H

between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) T . Tunisian nationals also a o 3 S L e A T 8 S C

A 5

O made up the majority of arrivals between January and June , y I O M 1 B

The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the mostR active H 1 L A C

T 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea I C route in the first six months of B 2018, making up 42 per cent R E (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . A U I . Y a L of registered arrivals, followed by the WesternT Mediterranean Z I 7 L e P 2 M C I 6 S S

S A O C 8 E I , y

route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in T y I 3 B U b R 8


A the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 c O n

Between January and June 2019, Hellenic AuthoritiesT a Y E 9 t N

migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six p E e , N V reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern c A c I months of 2018 . According to the available data from national a

A r Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to S 1 o

I t M D authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival n N N Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per e R 2 A 5 m U

(37%), followed by Eritrea (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . e L E s R cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months r T o E G d Z n T of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and e

I l a 2 i W c i S in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a f f o

y l registered arrivingE in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a p m M i


through landP routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), A U o I n I

E o

sea . Forty per cent of theG registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 R d

L O C p E E in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the a m B 1 N

R G s i

the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is h L A t

n R A o U

(14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . s F e i r E Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly a d n

N u Ó (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the o b G

A d R n Evros regionO in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than A a

s of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . e T 9 m a 1 N

to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq . 0 y l 2 n O S o

here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries A s Í y C e l C s L U o C inA the region in the first half of 2019 . u L p L N J A r

A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in L I Ó u D

O E T p N t

L A S 1

A n n A i Y Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent R o 3 C i o t

t P a a V d

n O r e - i t e n less than the 17,950 registered int 2018, and 41 per cent e

s e o S a r u t I u

l P y L u M A l o u y i I

t l 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based r C y o R B r

more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . r a I

a 0 o B L R v a f d i 6


p A

on the nationality0 declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry r I s a n 2 4 i e u G

Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the 6 a e 3 7 , A , p

A r D S L of Interior . n 2 a 6 P 3 , R a 1 S 1 3 first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea m

J s ! ! 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based ! ! i


and the remainingA 1 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government T of Malta Map 1: Arrivals in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Spain between JanuaryMap 1: Arrivals in Bulgaria, Italy, Cyprus, and July 2019. Greece,

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 7 MIXED MIGRATION FLOWS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Compilation of Available Data and Information JulyJune 2019 2019


A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta Map 2: Main countries reported of origin at arrival Italy and Spain between January in Greece, and July 2019.

84 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019


AFigure total 3: ofRegistered 40,537 irregular migrants apprehensions and refugees by arrived country inbetween Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in throughJanuary and different July, 2017-2019. land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared 16,000when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain

per cent less than14,690 the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed

14,00085 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) .

12,000Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent

10,000 9,565

route leading to Spain, and the9,253 remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752

cross8,000 the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per 6,904 Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the6,854 cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route6,000 taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also 4,342 4,172

3,753 made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The4,000 Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 3,062 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 2,550 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent 2,505

(15%), Sudan (9%),2,106 Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) .

of2,000 registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean 1,536 1,480 1,387 1,160 887 route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees878 arrived in Malta in 563 426 379 358 229 226 178 116 the first half of 2019 . This is significantly 88 higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities 0 migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448Bosnia and new arrivalsCroatia to GreeceSerbia, making the SloveniaEastern Montenegro Albania North Macedonia Kosovo (UNSCR Romania Herzegovina months of 2018 . According to the available1244) data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per2017 2018 2019 (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea Syrian refugees crossing the Serbian-Croatian border. 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and© the Francesco remaining Malavolta/IOM 21 per 2015cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 9 MIXED MIGRATION FLOWS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Compilation of Available Data and Information JulyJune 2019 2019

Map 3: Presence of migrants and asylum seekers in the region as of the end of July 2019. HIGHLIGHTS

A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 TableBetween 1: Presence January of migrants and June and 2019,asylum seekers Hellenic in the Authorities region as of the end of July, 2017-2019. migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to Country authorities, SudanJul-17 is the first reportedJul-18 nationality Jul-19at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . 3 centGreece lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months 62,407 61,692 71,804 ofBosnia 2018 and and Herzegovina 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the/ Western Balkans/ , namely Bosnia7,523 and4 inBulgaria 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, 1,605 Albania and Montenegro,842 have observed614 a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a Croatia5 566 337 2836 through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), seaCyprus . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent290 more than the 11,413394 registered in 2018214 inKosovo the country (UNSCR by sea1244/1999) were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries81 and twenty-four49 times higher than122 the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is Montenegro / / 216 (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . TerritoriesRepublic of (8%), North and Macedonia the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half91 of 2018, 80 per cent73 of the overall yearly94 (8%)Romania . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported,822 which continued395 into 2019 with341 the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than Serbia 4,835 3,062 3,202 of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . toSlovenia Greece,7 mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan,283 Syrian Arab Republic,292 Algeria and292 Iraq hereItaly) . were the 177,505main nationality8 groups160,458 registered in the 105,145countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . 34567A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent 3more Data than for Greecethe 9,401 excludes registered self-settled in migrants the same and asylum period seekers. of 2017 Data are. as of July1 28.The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based 4Among Data theare as total of July registered 28. migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . 5 Data for Slovenia and Croatia includes number of asylum seekers only. first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based 6and Datathe remainingas of July 29. 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government 7 Data for Slovenia and Croatia includes number of asylum seekers only. of Malta

104 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019


EU-TURKEY STATEMENT ITALY In response to the arrival of almost one million migrants and On 2 February 2017, Italy’s Prime Minister signed refugees from the Middle East and Africa through the Eastern a memorandum of understanding with Libya´s A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Mediterranean route in the second half of 2015 and the first three National Reconciliation Government to reduce the monthsthrough ofdifferent 2016, on land 18 andMarch sea 2016, routes the between European January Union and(EU) the North number of Africa of . Accordingdepartures tofrom available Libya datato Italy. from A day the andJune Turkey 2019, agreed29 per on cent a plan less to than end theirregular same migration period lastflows year, from Spanish Ministryafter, 3 of February Interior, 2017, Morocco Members is the of firstthe European declared Turkeywhen someto the 59,446 EU. The sea document and land states arrivals that were from reported,20 March 201660 origin countryCouncil of migrants drafted theand Malta refugees Declaration who arrived at an informalin Spain perall persons cent less who than do the not 105,884 have a arrivalsright to registered international in 2017 protection and between Januarysummit and held June in 2019Malta. (33% During of the total),summit, followed 28 EU 85in Greeceper cent will less be than returned the 239,157 to Turkey, registered based onbetween the Readmission January by Guinea (13%),heads ofMali state (13%), discussed Côte thed’Ivoire external (8%) dimensions and Senegal of andAgreement June 2016 from . 2002 signed between the countries (the whole (8%) (see moremigration, here) .focusing mainly on undertaking actions document is available here). The total number of Syrian refugees to: significantly reduce migratory flows, break resettledFifty-seven from per Turkey cent ofto allEuropean arrivals countrieswere registered (European in Cyprus,Economic Italian authoritiesthe business reported model the of arrivals smugglers of 2,779and save migrants lives Area,Bulgaria EEA) and between Greece April . Another 2016 and 33 July per 2019 cent is 26,481. of individuals and refugees(Malta between Declaration January). In andaddition June to 2019 that, . Arrivalsthe Italian in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first sixGovernment months of and2019 the have EU decreasedprovided trainingsby 83 per to centthe When comparing arrival trends from the first quarter (January route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared toLibyan the sameCoast period Guard of to 2018 improve when their 16,577 capacity arrivals to – March) of 2016, a significant decrease is observed in entries to execute rescue operations. This had a significant Greece.rescued Accordingand brought to availableto Italy anddata Maltain the infirst their quarter attempt of to2016, were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 impact on the number of arrivals in Italy in 2017, therecross thewere Central 152,617 Mediterranean arrivals to Greece route .byThis land indicates and sea, that while the a reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per causing a twofold decrease in the number of arrivals drasticEastern drop Mediterranean was registered route in thecontinues second to quarter surpass of both2016 the with cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were between the second and third quarters of the year 7,498Western new and entries. the CentralThe second Mediterranean quarter of 2017routes marked as the a mainrecord of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), (59,460 in Q2 versus 21,957 in Q3). It also caused lowroute of taken6,272 bynew the entries, migrants while and 15,556 refugees arrivals arriving were toregistered Europe in Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern an overall decrease in the number of arrivals in the thebetween second January quarter and 2018 June (more 2019 than . two times those reported in Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also whole 2018, compared with the total arrivals in 2017 the same period of 2017). Arrivals between April and June 2019 made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active (e.g. 119,369 arrivals in 2017 compared to 23,370 were 10,286, 33 per cent less than the same period last year. 1 2018 (18% inof 2018).the total), The followeddecrease bycontinued migrants in fromthe first Eritrea and Trendsroute in observed the first in six the monthssecond ofquarter 2018, ofmaking 2019 up(10,286 42 per arrivals, cent (15%), Sudansecond (9%), quarter Nigeria of (7%), 2019, and when Côte authorities d’Ivoire registered(6%) . 33of registeredper cent less arrivals, than in followed the same by period the Western last year) Mediterranean seem confirmed only 524 and 2,255 arrivals in Italy respectively (-92 alsoroute for (30%) the beginning and the ofCentral the third Mediterranean quarter: arrivals route in Greece (28%) . in July A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in and -78 per cent less than Q1 and Q2 in 2018). 2019 (5,903) are still higher than those reported along the Western the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities The total arrivals for the first half of 2019 (2,779) and the Central Mediterranean routes in the same month (3,337 in migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern represent an 83 per cent decrease when compared Spain, 1,395 in Italy and Malta). months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to to the first half of 2018 (16,577) and a 97 per cent authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival EuropeFigure 4: inNumber the region of Syrian . Arrivals refugees this resettledyear in Greece from Turkey are 19to per less than the first half of 2017 (83,759). (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . centEurope lower (EEA) than between the 22,899 April 2016 registered and July in 2019.the first8 six months of 2018 and 730 per 2000 cent more4000 than6000 the 10,6798000 reported10000 Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registeredGerm arrivingany in Greece so far crossed into the8,412 country significant increaseRECEPTION in arrivals SYSTEM in 2019 IN andSPAIN have registered a France 4,411 throughNether landland sroutes, and the remaining4,136 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549In response and refugees to the increased as of June number (read moreof arrivals here in), sea . FortySwed peren cent of 1,591the registered population that arrived This is 36 perSpain cent during more 2018, than in thethe 11,413summer registered months authorities in 2018 in the countryFinland by sea were1,561 of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three openedcountries two and new twenty-four types of centres.times higher First thantype theare Untheited Syrian Kingd omArab Republic1,445 were the second most registered 649 registeredCentres between for temporary January and attention June 2017 of Migrants . An increase (CATE is Belgium 1,371 (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed– Centro in registered de Atenci entriesόn Temporal to Kosovo de Extranjeros (UNSCR) intended 1244) . Norway 1,227 for assistance provision and registration of migrants Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly Spain 660 who arrive on the Coast of Andalusia during the first (8%) . In additionItaly to376 that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the 72 hours after their rescue. By the end of the year Evros regionAustri ain the220 North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than Luxembourg 206 two centres of such kind were opened in Algeciras of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . Portugal 203 (Cadiz) and Motril (Granada). The second type to Greece,Croa mainlytia 202 by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan,are Centres Syrian for temporaryArab Republic, reception, Algeria emergency and Iraq here) . Lithuania 102 were the mainand nationalityreferral (CAED groups – Centroregistered Temporal in the de countries Acogida, Switzerland 75 in the regionEmergencia in the first y Derivacihalf of ό2019n) managed. by the Spanish A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Denmark 71 Red Cross that oversees the provision of health, Spain (WMR)Estonia between66 January and June 2019, 26 per cent psychological, social and interpretation services. At Latvia 46 less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent the end of December 2018, three of these centres Romania 43 more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Slovenia 34 were operational in Chiclana (Cadiz), Merida and Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry Malta 17 of InteriorGuadix . (Grenada) (read more here). first sixIr elmonthsand of6 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta 8 The figure includes the number of Syrian refugees assisted by IOM Turkey through the 1:1 resettlement scheme as well as other bilateral programs.

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 11 MIXED MIGRATION FLOWS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN Compilation of Available Data and Information JulyJune 2019 2019

GLOBAL COMPACT ON MIGRATION HIGHLIGHTSCALL FOR REGIONAL DISEMBARKATION In December 2018, the Intergovernmental Conference to In an effort to tackle the record rate of drownings in the Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Mediterranean Sea witnessed in 2018, IOM and UNHCR Migration was held in Marrakech, Morocco. The compact appealed to European leaders in October 2018 to confront comprises 23 objectives and was adopted by world leaders the negative political discourse regarding migrants and refugees onA total10 December of 40,537 with migrants 152 votes and refugees in favor, arrived5 against in Europeand 12 arrivingto the Spanish by boat. autonomous Over 2,299 haveenclaves died ofin theirCeuta efforts and Melilla to reach in abstentions.through different The first land ofand the sea 23 routes objectives between is to January“collect and Europethe North by sea of in Africa 2018, . Accordingand 840 so to far available in 2019. dataThe fromworkable the utilizeJune 2019, accurate 29 andper disaggregatedcent less than data the assame a basis period for evidence-last year, regionalSpanish Ministryarrangement of Interior, initiated Morocco by IOM is and the UNHCR first declared is a basedwhen policies.”some 59,446 See heresea andfor moreland arrivalsinformation. were reported, 60 comprehensiveorigin country of approach migrants to and sea refugees rescues whothat arrivedwould increasein Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and thebetween predictability January andand Juneefficiency 2019 (33% of disembarkation of the total), followed missions 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guineameans of(13%), common Mali (13%), procedures. Côte d’IvoireAlongside (8%) this and proposal, Senegal and June 2016 . both(8%) organizations(see more here encouraged) . responsibility-sharing amongst Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, EuropeanItalian authorities leaders, and reported the implementation the arrivals ofof the 2,779 agreements migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals formedand refugees in the Valetta between Political January Declaration and June and 2019 Plan . Arrivalsof Action. in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean Morethe first recently, six months IOM and of 2019UNHCR have welcomed decreased new by 83consensus per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were amongcompared European to the sameStates period on addressing of 2018 whenthe situation 16,577 arrivalsof the rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to Mediterranean,were registered, to andprevent are loss only of a life fragment on the ofMediterranean the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the Seareported and tobetween establish January a regional and Junedisembarkation 2017 . Twenty-one mechanism per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the (morecent of here migrants). registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . IOM staff ready to assist migrants in the port of first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly Valencia,on the 17 nationality June 2018 declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

124 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019



ADevelopments total of 40,537 during migrants the and reporting refugees arrivedwere in registered Europe and onlyto the a fragment Spanish autonomousof the (16%), enclaves Côte of d’IvoireCeuta and(11%), Melilla Algeria in (9%), throughperiod different land and sea routes between95,213 January reported and betweenthe North January of and Africa July . AccordingIraq (8%) andto availableother African data and from Southern the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period2017. last So year,far, arrivals inSpanish Italy this Ministry year are ofthe Interior, Asian Morocco countries. is theTunisian first nationalsdeclared were During this reporting period, authorities in when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were lowestreported, reported 60 sinceorigin 2014 country of migrants alsoand refugeesthe most who frequent arrived arrivals in Spain between Italy registered a total of 1,088 new arrivals, per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June January2019 (33% and ofJuly the 2018 total), (18% followed of the total), 11 per cent less than the 1,218 reported According to the available data shared by 10 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%),9 Mali (13%),followed Côte byd’Ivoire migrants (8%) from and SenegalEritrea (15%), in the previous month and representing 44 the Italian Ministry of Interior (MOI), most and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%) and Côte d’Ivoire per cent of all arrivals registered in 2019 so migrants and refugees that have arrived in (6%). Fifty-sevenfar (3,867). perArrivals cent in of July all 2019arrivals are were 45 perregistered 2019 in soCyprus, far are adult malesItalian (74%),authorities while the reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgariacent less andthan Greecethe 1,969 . registeredAnother in33 July per centrest being of individuals adult femalesand (9%), refugees accompanied between JanuaryMigrants and and June refugees 2019 that. Arrivals arrived in in Italy have2018 arrivedand only in Europea fragment through of the the 23,552Western Mediterraneanchildren (4%) and theunaccompanied first six months and of 2019between have Januarydecreased and by July 83 2019per cent by sea are routeregistered leading in July to 2017.Spain, and the remaining 10 perseparated cent were children (13%).compared to the same periodreported of 2018 to have when most 16,577 frequently arrivals departed rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are from only Tunisia a fragment (33%). of Other the 83,752main reported A total of 3,867 migrants and refugees Tunisia represents the first declared country cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between Januarycountries and June of2017 departure . Twenty-one are Libya per (27%) were reported to have arrived in Italy in of origin for registered migrants arriving in Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registeredand in Turkeythe first (24%), half offollowed the year by wereAlgeria and the first seven months of 2019. This is a 79 Italy in 2019, with a total of 858 migrants Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followedGreece. by those11 This from is the Pakistan first time (15%), since 2011 per cent decrease in comparison with the and refugees (22% of the total). Other route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) than and otherTunisia Africansurpasses and Libya Southern as the main same period of 2018 when 18,539 arrivals main reported nationalities are Pakistan between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read countrymore here of) .departure Tunisian ofnationals those arrivingalso in made up the majority of Italyarrivals by sea.between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent Figure 5: Monthly arrivals in Italy by sea, 2014 – 2019. (15%), Sudan (9%), NigeriaFigure (7%), 6: and Age/Sex Côte breakdownd’Ivoire (6%) of . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean registered arrivals by sea, January-July route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants2019 and refugees arrived in Malta in 30,000 the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern 13% months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to 25,000 authorities, Sudan24,031 is the first 4 reported% nationality at arrival 23,552 23,524 23,185

Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per 22,993 22,905 2 22,641

(37%),22,371 followed by Eritrea (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months 21,221 9%

of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported 19,925 Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and 20,000 in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a 16,063

15,679 74% through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), 15,000 14,599 sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 12,943 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the 11,461 the Syrian Arab Republic were the second10,853 most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017Adult Males. An increase is 9,676

10,000 9,149 (14%), followed by those8,972 arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to KosovoAdult (UNSCR Females 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent ofAccompanied the overall Children yearly 5,459 (8%) . In5,273 addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued intoUASC* 2019 with the 4,467 4,354

5,000 4,182 3,963 3,828 3,528

Evros region in the 3,335 North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than 3,171 3,147 2,283 2,171 of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same1,969 period of*Unaccompanied 2018 (read more and Separated here) . Children. 1,218 1,088 1,058 1,049 782 262 255 202 to Greece, mainly by land, were60 of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here0 ) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries January February March April May June July in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and2014 refugees2015 2016were registered2017 2018 in 2019 Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent 10 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based on the nationality more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdowndeclared providedby migrants in this as report reported is based by the Italian Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrantsMOI. as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) 9arrived IOM bydata sea is adjusted according to the official 11 Calculations based on DTM Flow Monitoring data figures provided by Italian2 TheMOI informationtwice a week. on nationality breakdownand data providedfrom Italian in this MOI. report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 13 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

02 July – The Italian Minister of the onHIGHLIGHTS 418 DTM interviews with Ivorians 31 July – The Gregoretti vessel of the Interior visited Trieste, in Friuli Venezia between 14 and 24 years done between Italian Coast Guard is authorized to dock Giulia, to sign new protocols for local 2016 and 2018 and on data from Ivorian in Augusta and disembark 115 migrants authorities to increase their action at returnees assisted by IOM in their origin rescued in the Central Mediterranean borders, to prevent the entry by land countries (here). after having received a ban from the A of total migrants of 40,537 coming migrants from andthe so-called refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomousItalian enclaves Ministry of Ceutaof the and Interior Melilla for in some 22 July – 14 European countries met throughBalkan differentroute (more land here and). sea routes between January and the North of Africa . Accordingdays. While to available the vessel data was from in thefront of in Paris to reach an agreement on June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior,Sicilian Morocco coasts iswaiting the first for adeclared safe port 15 July – The Italian Ministry of Labour disembarkation after search and rescue when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrantsof and disembarkation refugees who arrivedafter rescuingin Spain 135 and Social Policies has released the mid- operations in the Mediterranean per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and Junepersons, 2019 (33% three of theMEDEVAC total), followed operations year report on unaccompanied migrant and redistribution of migrants across 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%),have Côte been d’Ivoire carried (8%) out andfor Senegal20 of them children in Italy, with updates on sex, age Europe. Italy did not participate in the and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . with particular health issues (here). and nationalities of registered children meeting. IOM and UNHCR welcomed Fifty-sevenand the pertype cent of accommodationof all arrivals were they registered the in consensus Cyprus, over theItalian situation authorities in Libya reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgariaare granted. and GreeceThe report . Another also includes 33 per a cent ofand individuals on the need of continuingand refugees efforts between to January and June 2019 . Arrivals in haveprofile arrived of childrenin Europe and through young adultsthe Western from Mediterraneansave lives at sea (morethe here first and six here months). of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent routeCôte leading d’Ivoire, to written Spain, andby IOM the andremaining based 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Table 2: Arrivals in Italy by sea - top 10 declared nationalities, January – July 2019. Known entry points: Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followedSince by thosethe beginning from Pakistan of the (15%), year, 165 Adult Adult routeDeclared taken by nationality the migrants andTotal refugees% arriving to Europe Algeria AC (10%),UASC Iraq (9%) single and otherlanding African events and where Southern reported Males Females between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read moreby hereItalian) . Tunisianauthorities. nationals Most also recorded Total 3,867 100 2,844 336made 168up the majority519 of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active disembarkations took place in Sicily (59% 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first sixTunisia months of858 2018, making22 up 42 per630 cent 36 40 152 of the total) and particularly in Lampedusa (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals,Pakistan followed by620 the Western16 Mediterranean520 0 14 86 and Pantelleria. The remaining number of events were registered in Sardinia (Teulada, route (30%)Côte and thed’Ivoire Central Mediterranean421 11 route (28%)177 . 171A total 28 of 1,256 45 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This Sant’Antioco,is significantly Cagliari), higher than Calabria the 235(Crotone) Between JanuaryAlgeria and June 339 2019, Hellenic9 Authorities332 3 0 4 migrants reported to haveand arrived Apulia in(Leuca, Malta Otranto). in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern Iraq 310 8 190 39months 36of 2018 . According45 to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to Arrivals from Tunisia, Algeria, Turkey Bangladesh 190 5 150 authorities,0 0 Sudan40 is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per and Greece are normally the result (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than theSudan 22,899 registered188 in the5 first six 163months 2 6 17 of autonomous landings or of rescue of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Westernoperations Balkans conducted, namely Bosnia very andclose to Islamic Republic of Iran 103 3 88 6 4 5 in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania andItalian Montenegro, shores. Arrivals have observed from Libya a are more frequently the result of search and registered arrivingGuinea in Greece so 91far crossed 2into the country46 significant8 4 increase33 in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugeesrescue as of(SAR) June operations (read more in here the), Central Morocco 71 2 58 7 3 3 sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more thanMediterranean the 11,413 Sea registered than of in boats 2018 reaching in the country by seaOther were of 676Afghan origin17 . Nationals490 from 64in all three33 countries89 and autonomouslytwenty-four times the higher Italian than waters. the SAR the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between Januaryoperations and June are 2017 conducted . An increase less isand less (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registeredfrequently entries to Kosovoby the (UNSCRItalian Coast 1244) Guard, . by Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018,Italy’s 80 perand centEU’s ofnavy the and overall by NGOs’ yearly vessels. (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, whichAs continueda recent intodevelopment, 2019 with thesince June Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants2019 as of some June, smallfive woodentimes more boats than departed of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the samefrom period Tunisia of 2018 with (read non-Tunisian more here )nationals . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrianalso Arab on Republic,board, particularly Algeria and migrants Iraq from here) . were the main nationality francophonegroups registered Western in the African countries countries. in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in No official estimate on the number of Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent migrants entering Italy by land and air less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent borders is provided by Italian authorities. more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationalityNevertheless, breakdown provided according in this report to mediais based reports Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared byand migrants IOM as operations reported by the in Italianthe NorthMinistry of Italy, of Interior . there is a continuous flow of migrants and first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared byrefugees migrants asentering reported Italyby the byGovernment land in Trieste of Malta and Gorizia from Slovenia. Main reported nationalities of migrants entering Italy by land are Pakistan and Afghanistan. 144 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Figure 7: Nationality breakdown of registered FigureHIGHLIGHTS 8: Nationality breakdown of registered Relocation within Europe arrivals by sea in Italy between January and arrivals by sea in Italy between January and After the closure of the EU relocation July 2019. July 2018. mechanism, IOM supports national authorities in the procedures to relocate some of migrants and 22% 18% refugees arriving by sea to other EU countries 34% with which the Italian authorities have found A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomousan enclavesagreement. of CeutaBetween and AugustMelilla inand December 45% through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According2018, IOM to assistedavailable the data relocation from the of 142 June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry15% of Interior,migrants Morocco and is refugees the first to declaredFrance, Germany, when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals16% were reported, 60 origin country of migrants Portugaland refugees and Spain.who arrived in Spain per cent less8% than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June In2019 2019, (33% the of relocation the total), offollowed 17 asylum seekers 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea9% (13%), Mali (13%),was Côte made d’Ivoire possible (8%) andthrough Senegal bilateral ad- 11% and June 2016 . 9% 6% (8%)7% (see more here) . hoc agreements between Italian and French authorities: Tunisia Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, TunisiaItalian authorities reported • the 6 individuals arrivals of from 2,779 Senegal, migrants Guinea, Sudan Bulgaria and GreecePakistan . Another 33 per cent of individuals Eritrea*and refugees between January and and Côte June d’Ivoire 2019 in. FebruaryArrivals in 2019; have arrived in EuropeCôte d'Ivoirethrough the Western Mediterranean Sudanthe first six months of 2019 • have5 individuals decreased from by 83Sudan per andcent Chad in June route leading to Spain,Algeria and the remaining 10 per cent were Nigeriacompared to the same period of2019; 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and broughtIraq to Italy and Malta in their attempt to Côte wered'Ivoire registered, and are only• 6 aindividuals fragment from of theCôte 83,752 d’Ivoire and Mali in cross the Central OthersMediterranean route . This indicates that the Otherreported between January and JulyJune 2019. 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registeredSo in far the in first2019, halfIOM of has the also year assisted were the transfer Western and the Central Mediterranean routes* as Thethe maininformation onof nationality Tunisian origin,breakdown followed of 18 by children those from to the Pakistan United (15%),Kingdom within the provided in this report is based on the nationality route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving todeclared Europe by migrants Algeriaas reported (10%), by the Iraq Italian (9%) framework and other of African the DUBS and Southernproject; most of them 12 between January and June 2019 . Ministry of Interior. Asian countries . (read aremore fromhere) Eritrea. Tunisian while nationals the others also are from Sudan, Iraq and the Gambia. Since the beginning made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active of the project (April 2018), a total of 31 children Map 4: Main departure and landing points in Italy, July 2018 and 2019. 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent were transferred to the UK with IOM support. (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . A U S T R I A H U N G A R Y Catania of registered arrivals, followed by the Western MediterraneanR O M A N I A Augusta - J U LY I T A L Y ENNA Port A R R I V A L S T O I T A L Y F R A N C E S E R B I A Sant'Anna Port Resettlement and Humanitarian Corridors ! B U L G A R I A route (30%) and theArr ivCentralals 2019 2018 Mediterranean2018 Departure Point route (28%) . Sant'Antioco ArreAsi total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in 1,088 1,969 301 - 525 ! 2019 Departure Point T U R K E Y (Sardinia) Pozzallo IOM Italy manages a resettlement program 151 - 300 C AG LI A RI Port Portopalo di Sea Route theTeulada first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 2019 2018 61 - 150 Pachino CapoPassero Between January and June La 2019,nd Route Hellenic Authorities Port 1 - 60 financed by the Ministry of Interior, under which A L G E R I A L I B Y A migrants1 reported2 to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern B ARToI rre 400 beneficiaries have been resettled to Italy in A L B A NmonthsI A of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route forI T A arrivalsL YColimena to 2018 from Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Sudan and 1 Corigliano Otranto authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Calabro Port Port Turkey. Seventy-seven per cent of them were Europe in the region C.aglia riArrivals this year in Greece are 19 per 2 Port (37%), followed by Eritrea (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months G R E E C E Syrian nationals. 1 Crotone Sant'Antioco Port of 2018 and 73 per cent more thanTrapan i the 10,679 reported AuthoritiesPatras in the WesternBy the Balkans first, half namely of 2019, Bosnia 289 and refugees were Port Porto Roccella in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all PALEmigrantsmRMpeOdocle and refugeesIonica Herzegovina, Albania andassisted Montenegro, by IOM have in their observed resettlement a to Italy: Port Port Al Huwariyah Pozzallo Pantelleria Kalamata 85 per cent of them are Syrian nationals with registered arriving in Greece so far crossed intoPort the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a Port the rest being from Sudan, Palestinian Territories through land routes, and theK eremaininglibia Lamp e78dusa per cent 2arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), Port and Libya. Departures took place from Lebanon, sea . Forty per cent of the registeredSousse population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 Mahdia Jordan, Sudan and Libya. in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the A L G E R I A T U N I S I A the Syrian Arab Republic Sfwereax the second most registered 649 registered between JanuaryOver andthe June past 2017 three . An years,increase ais consortium of faith-based organizations (Comunità di (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Zarzis Sant’Egidio, Federazione delle Chiese Evangeliche

Territories (8%), and the DemocraticSabratah Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly Zuwara Garabulli Al-Khums in Italia and Tavola Valdese) organizes self-funded L I B Y A (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flowSorman Zawiy a monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the 0 45 90 180 humanitarian corridors in agreement with the This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM. Source Data : IOM, Italian Authorities Kilometers Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrantsItalian as of MinistryJune, five of timesForeign more Affairs than and the Italian of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . Known exit points Ventimiglia consistently remains the Ministry of Interior. A total of more than 2,300 to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq most visible transit place for migrants migrants and refugees have been admitted in Ithere is) . well reported by media and were the main nationality Italygroups since registered February in the2016, countries with beneficiaries and refugees who are trying to cross the organizations in the field including IOM that in the region in the first halfgranted of 2019 reception . and integration services by the border with France. French authorities someA total migrants of 13,263 arrived migrants by sea and or refugeesby land in were registered in promoting organizations. Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019,are 26 reportedper cent to send back migrants found Italy try to exit the country and reach other Humanitarian corridors and evacuations from less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and on 41 their per centterritory in an irregular position. European destinations. Hence, formal and Libya to Italy assisted by other UN agencies have more than the 9,401 registered in the same periodAlso, of Bardonecchia 2017 . 1(Italy/France), The information Como on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based informal transit camps are active at border also been registered during the reporting period. Among the total registered migrants arriving to(Italy/Switzerland) Spain in the and, toon a the lesser nationality extent, declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry areas with neighbouring countries (mostly of Interior . withfirst Francesix months and Switzerland).of 2019, 79 perMigrants cent (10,475) are Bolzanoarrived by(Italy/Austria), sea 2 are The informationother border on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based reportedand the remaining to be often 21 per stopped cent (2,788) or pushed arrived bycities land, where mainly transiting migrantson the nationalitygather and declared by12 migrants The information as reported on bynationality the Government breakdown provided in this of Malta back to Italy when found on streets, organize to move northwards. report is based on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian MOI. footpaths or trains close to the borders.

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 15 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Migrants in reception centres Figure 9: Occupancy in reception centres for HIGHLIGHTS migrants and refugees in Italy at the end of According to the data provided by the Italian Ministry of Interior, migrants hosted in the year, 2013 – 2019. reception centres of various types throughout the country are 105,142 in July 2019. This is a 34 per cent decrease compared to July 2018. Five regions – Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, 200,000 Latium, Piedmont and Campania – host almost half of all migrants in reception (50%). Out 180,000 175,481 183,681 Aof totalthe total, of 40,537 25 per migrants cent of andmigrants refugees and arrivedrefugees in are Europe hosted in second-levelto the Spanish reception autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in throughcentres (SIPROIMI) different land while and the searest routes is hosted between in first-level January reception and centresthe North(hotspots, of former Africa . According160,000 to available data from the JuneCARA, 2019, CAS, 29 etc.). per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior,140,000 Morocco is the first declared 135,858 when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain The number of migrants and refugees in reception is decreasing due to the decrease in 120,000 105,142 arrivalsper cent and less to than recent the legislative105,884 arrivalschanges registered which have in 2017also affected and thebetween criteria to January be granted and June 2019 (33% of the total),103,792 followed 100,000 a85 shelter per cent in lessthe thanreception the 239,157 system. registered The number between of migrants January and refugeesby Guinea in reception (13%), Mali is (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . 80,000 decreasing at a faster pace in the regions of the south than in the rest of the country. 66,066 TheFifty-seven number per ofcent unaccompanied of all arrivals weremigrant registered children in Cyprus,in dedicated receptionItalian authorities facilities reportedis 60,000 the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in also decreasing. According to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, around 7,272 40,000 unaccompaniedhave arrived in Europemigrant through children the were Western in reception Mediterranean at the end ofthe June first 2019, six monthswhich of 2019 have decreased22,118 by 83 per cent 20,000 representsroute leading a 45 to perSpain, cent and decrease the remaining compared 10 toper June cent 2018. were Children comparedcoming from to Albania,the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only 0 a fragment of the 83,752 Egypt, Pakistan, Côte d’Ivoire and the Gambia represent 52 per cent of all those registered andcross present the Central in reception. Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were 2019 * WesternMap 5: Distribution and the Central of migrants Mediterranean in reception centresroutes inas Italythe bymain region, July of2019. Tunisian origin, followed*Data by as those of end fromof July 2019. Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern I T A L Y P R E S E N T M I G R A N T S Source: Italia MOI. Note: this data does not include CPR between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more(centres here for )forced . Tunisian repatriation). nationals also M i g r a n t P r e s e n c e 105,142 e n d o f J u l 2 0 1 9 made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 1 T R E N T I N O - A LT O A U S T R I A 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea routeS Win I theT Z EfirstR L A sixN D months AofD I G E2018, making up 42 per cent H U N G A R Y F R I U L I (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the WesternV E N E Z I A Mediterranean Figure 10: Occupancy in reception centres for G I U L I A S L O V E N I A route V(30%)A L L E and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . C R O A T I A A total of 1,256 migrantsmigrants and refugees and refugees arrived in Italy in Malta as of inthe end D ' A O S T A L O M B A R D I A V E N E T O the first half of 2019 . This ofis July,significantly comparison higher 2018 than – 2019. the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reportedP I E M O 18,448N T E new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern B O S N I A A N D E M I L I A - R O M A G N A months of 2018 . According to the180,000 available data from national Mediterranean routeL I G U R I A the most active route for arrivals to H E R Z E G O V I N A

authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality160,458 at arrival Europe in the region . ArrivalsI T thisA L Yyear in Greece are 19 per F R A N C E (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%)160,000 and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months T O S C A N A M A R C H E of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans140,000, namely Bosnia and

in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of allU MmigrantsB R I A and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro,120,000 have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered105,142 a 100,000 through land routes, and the remaining 78 perA BcentR U Z ZarrivedO by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), L A Z I O sea . Forty per cent of the registered population MthatO L I S Earrived This is 36 per cent more than the80,000 11,413 registered in 2018

in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals fromP U G L I A in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the 60,000 C A M P A N I A the Syrian ArabS A R D RepublicE G N A were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), PalestinianB A S I L I C ATA also observed in registered entries 40,000to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) .

Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per20,000 cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority C A L A B R I A reporting of 496 migrants as of June,0 five times more than Jul-18 Jul-19 of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, SyrianSource: Arab Italia Republic, MOI. Note: Algeria this data and does Iraq not include here) . were the main nationality CPRgroups (centres registered for forced inrepatriation). the countries S I C I L I A in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent

lessA L G thanE R I A the 17,950T U N I S registeredI A in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry Distribution of Migrants in Reception Centers by Region of Interior . Source Data : IOM, National Authorities, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors first< 3, 0 00six

164 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

GREECE Developments during the reporting periodHIGHLIGHTS During this reporting period (1 – 31 July 2019), Hellenic Figure 11: Arrivals in Greece each month, comparison 2016 – 2019. authorities registered 5,903 migrants and refugees who arrived in Greece by sea and land. This is 45 per cent more than the previous month, when 4,081 arrivals were 80,000

A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the67,954 Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in registered, a 40 per cent more than the 4,213 reported in 70,000 Junethrough 2018 different and 2 timesland andmore sea than routes the between2,615 reported January inand the North of Africa . According to available data from the

JuneJuly 2017. 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, 60,000 Spanish Ministry57,540 of Interior, Morocco is the first declared Betweenwhen some January 59,446 and sea andJuly land2019, arrivals 24,351 were migrants reported, and 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain 50,000 refugeesper cent lesshave than been the registered, 105,884 arrivalsthis is 10 registered per cent in less 2017 than and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85the per 27,112 cent inless 2018 than and the 83239,157 per cent registered more than between the 13,294 January 40,000 by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal andreported June 2016in 2017. . (8%) (see more here) . Eighteen per cent of all migrants and refugees registered 30,000 27,123 Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants arriving in Greece so far in 2019 crossed into the country by 20,000 landBulgaria and andthe remaining Greece .82 Anotherper cent arrived33 per by sea.cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent 10,000 7,009 5,903

Afghanistan is the most commonly reported country of 4,802 4,213 4,081 3,934 3,755 3,745 3,172 3,153 3,052 2,662 2,658 2,615 2,332 2,246 2,047 1,978 1,910 1,702 1,654 1,610 route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared1,520 to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals 1,364 origin as of July 2019, declared by 39 per cent of registered 1,185 rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to 0 were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 migrants and refugees arriving by sea to Greece. Nationals JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY ofcross the the Syrian Central Arab Mediterranean Republic represent route . the This indicatessecond largest that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per nationalityEastern Mediterranean group registered route continues(17%), followed to surpass by boththose the cent of migrants2016 registered in2017 the first half2018 of the year 2019were arrivingWestern from and theIraq Central (8%), PalestinianMediterranean Territories routes as(8%), the andmain of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), Democraticroute taken Republicby the migrants of the Congoand refugees (8%). The arriving remaining to Europe 22 Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern betweenper cent Januaryis distributed and June among 2019 other . 45 nationality groups. Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also In the same period of 2018, Syrian nationals represented Figuremade 12: Arrivals up the by majority sea and byof landarrivals in Greece between between January January and andJune July, The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active the most commonly reported country of origin (35%), 20172018 – 2019. (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent followed by those arriving from Iraq (21%), Afghanistan (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . (15%),of registered Cameroon arrivals, (4%) followed and Palestinian by the Western Territories Mediterranean (3%). 30,000 Theroute profile (30%) ofand registered the Central nationalities Mediterranean started routechanging (28%) in the. A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in 25,000the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Betweensecond half January of 2018 and when June an increase 2019, Hellenicin the presence Authorities of Afghan nationals is observed, that continued until the end 20,000migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern 16,062 of the year leading to Afghanistan being the first registered months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to 15,000 19,935 nationality group among the overall arrivals recorded in authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per 10,000 2018. In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from (37%), followed11,405 by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months 5,000 11,050 the Evros region in the North Greece shows that most of 1,889 4,416 thoseof 2018 registered and 73 arriving per cent from more Turkey than to the Greece, 10,679 mainly reported by Authorities0 in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and land,in 2017 were . Twenty-twoof Turkish origin per cent(45%), of followed all migrants by Afghanistan and refugees Herzegovina, Albania2017 and Montenegro,2018 have observed2019 a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a (25%), the Syrian Arab Republic (7%), Iraq (5%) and Pakistan Land Sea (5%).through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is Figure 13: Nationality breakdown of Figure 14: Nationality breakdown of Figure 15: Nationality breakdown of tracked registered(14%), followed arrivals by seathose in Greecearriving between from Iraq (8%),registered Palestinian arrivals by seaalso in observedGreece between in registered entriesland arrivals. to Kosovo Source: (UNSCR DTM Flow1244) Monitoring, . JanuaryTerritories and (8%),July 2019. and the Democratic RepublicJanuary of Congo and July 2018.In the second half of 2018, 80January per cent – July of 2019. the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five13% times more than 22% 22% of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of5% 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan,35% Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq 39% 5% here) . 3% were the main nationality groups registered in the countries 8% 4% in the region in the first half of 20197% . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in 45% Spain (WMR)8% between January and June 2019, 26 per cent 15% less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent 25% 8% more than the 9,401 registered17% in the same period of 2017 . 121% The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based on the nationality declared by migrantsTurkey as reported by the ItalianAfghanistan Ministry AmongAfghanistan the total registered Syrianmigrants Arab Republicarriving to Spain in the Syrian Arab Republic ofIraq Interior . Syrian Arab Republic Iraq first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea Iraq Palestinian Territories Afghanistan 2 TheCameroon information on nationality breakdownPakistan provided in this reportOther is based andDemocratic the remaining Republic of 21 Congo per centOther (2,788) arrived by land,Palestinian mainly Territories onOther the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 17 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Known entry points HIGHLIGHTS According to the available data for July 2019, Lesbos, Samos and Kos (in descending order) are the main entry points for migrants who arrived in Greece by sea, similar to the previous reporting period (1-30 June). Available data indicates the majority of those who arrived in the country by land in 2019 came from the province in Turkey to the Evros region in Greece.

MapA total 6: Main of 40,537 entry points migrants to Greece, and refugees July 2018 arrived and 2019. in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the

B U L G A R I A June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period- J U LY last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared A R R I V A L S T O G R E E C E I T A L Y Arrivals by sea 2019 ! 2019 Departure Point when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrantsG R E E C andE refugees who arrived in Spain by land 2018 By Sea By Sea Sea Route T U R K E Y 5,528 2,548 1,001 - 1,350 per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and Landbetween Route January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 251 - 1,000 85 per3 cent75 lessBy L thanand the1,6 239,15765 By registeredLand between76 - 250 January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 20162019 . 2018 1 - 75 (8%) (see more here) . FLORINA THESSALONIKI Fifty-seven perIM AcentTHIA of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria K andOZ AN I Greece . Another 33 per cent of individualsGokceada and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrivedGREBENA in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent

route leading toL ASpain,RISA and the remaining 10 per cent wereAyvacik compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals TRIK ALA

rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attemptAy vatolik were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 K ARDITSA Lesbos crossA RtheTA Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern MediterraneanFTHIOTIDA route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Foca Western and the Central Mediterranean routesO asinou stheses main of Tunisian Torigin,U R K E Y followed by those from Pakistan (15%), G R E E C E EVVOIA Cesme VOIOTIA route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Menderes Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern Chios between JanuaryACHAIA and June 2019 . SelcukAsian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also Kusadasi Samos ILEIA made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 1 Agathonisi 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea route in the firstARK A DsixIA months of 2018, making up 42 per cent Farmak(15%),onisi Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registeredME Sarrivals,SINIA followed by the Western Mediterranean Leros route (30%) and theLAK OCentralNIA Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in Kos the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities Symi migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern Rhodes Megisti months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to 0 25 50 100 This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM. authorities,Source Da taSudan : IOM, Helle nic is Co a thest Guar d firstKilom e reportedters nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . Migrantcent lower presence than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and Accordingin 2017 . Twenty-two to the latest per available cent ofdata all frommigrants Tableand refugees3: Types of facilitiesHerzegovina, in Greece and Albania occupancy and at Montenegro, the end July 2019. have observed a IOMregistered Athens arriving and national in Greece authorities so far crossed there into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a were an estimated 71,80413 migrants and Number of accommodated through land routes, and the remaining 78 per centType arrived of facilities by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), refugeessea . Forty perin centdifferent of the registeredaccommodation population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413migrants registered and in refugees 2018 facilitiesin the country on the byGreek sea mainlandwere of Afghan and islands origin . NationalsIslands from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher21,090 than the atthe the Syrian end Arabof July Republic 2019, awere slight the increase second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (4%)(14%), compared followed toby thethose 69,088 arriving reported from Iraq in (8%),Open Palestinian Accommodation also Facilities observed on in the registered mainland entries to Kosovo (UNSCR18,517 1244) . the previous reporting period (June 2019) Territories (8%), and the Democratic RepublicUNHCR of Congo Accommodation In the schemesecond halfon theof 2018,mainland 80 per cent of the overall22,009 yearly and(8%) a . In16 addition per cent to that,increase DTM compared flow monitoring to data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the 61,692Evros region registered in the at North the end of Greeceof July 2018.shows that EKKAthe majority UAC reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times3,613 more than An estimated 29 per cent of people in of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving fromReception Turkey and Identification108 registered Centers in theon thesame mainland period of 2018 (read more255 here) . officialto Greece, reception mainly byfacilities land, werein Greece of Turkish at the origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq endhere )of . July 2019 were registered in the Detention Centers onwere the themainland main nationality groups registered in the2,127 countries facilities on the islands, while the remaining in the region in the first half of 2019 . 71A totalper ofcent 13,263 were migrants registered and in refugees different were registeredHotels in thein mainland 4,193 Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent types of accommodation facilities and Total 71,804 sheltersless than on the the 17,950 mainland. registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . 13first Note six thatmonths this figure of 2019, does not79 include per centthe number (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and ofthe self-settled remaining migrants 21 per in Greece. cent (2,788)It is estimated arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government that some 20,000 individuals reside in privately of Malta arranged accommodation.

184 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

SPAIN HIGHLIGHTS Developments during the reporting period

In July 2019, a total of 3,337 migrants and Figure 16 Sea and land arrivals between January and June, comparison 2015 - 201914 refugeesA total ofarrived 40,537 in migrantsSpain by andsea and refugees land. arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in through different land and sea routes between10,000 January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the

Arrivals during this reporting period are 19 8,940 9,000 perJune cent2019, more 29 per than cent the less previous than the month same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared 8,000 when some2,798 59,446arrivals seawere and registered. land arrivals Yet, were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in7,323 Spain 7,000 per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed the arrivals in July 2019 alone are less than 6,000 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal a half of the arrivals in July 2018 (8,940), 5,000 4,612 representingand June 2016 a . decrease of 63% or 5603 (8%) (see more here) . 3,937

4,000 3,337 2,798 2,453

individuals less. 3,000 2,352 2,182 Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants 2,164

Italian 1,972 1,706 1,518 1,479 1,409 1,366

2,000 1,342 1,284 1,036 945

Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January900 and June 2019 . Arrivals in 802

For the first seven months of 2019, the 715 575 512 492 458 451 414 1,000 409 280 264 243 222 have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the44 first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent Spanish authorities have reported a total 0 ofroute 16,600 leading of tomigrants Spain, andand therefugees remaining have 10 per cent wereJANUARY FEBRUARYcompared toMARCH the same periodAPRIL of 2018MAY when 16,577JUNE arrivalsJULY reachedrescued andSpain brought by sea to andItaly landand Maltaroutes. in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 Thesecross the arrivals Central represent Mediterranean a decrease route of .38 This indicates that the reported 2015between2016 January2017 and2018 June 20172019 . Twenty-one per perEastern cent Mediterranean(10,290 individuals route less) continues compared to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were toWestern the same and period the Central in 2018, Mediterranean when a total of routes 14 as Monthlythe main breakdown forof 2015 Tunisian and 2016 origin, does not followed include land by arrivals those which from became Pakistan available (15%), only at the end of the year and were added to the yearly totals instead. 26,890route taken arrivals by werethe migrants reported and by bothrefugees land arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern andbetween sea routes. January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 Demographicroute in the first profile six months of 2018, making upFigure 42 per17: Seacent and land arrivals registered in Spain each month, 2019. (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean According to the information provided route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route5,000 (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in by the Spanish Ministry of Interior, the 10 the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 mainBetween registered January nationalities and June among 2019, arrivals Hellenic Authorities508 4,000 migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six byreported sea as of18,448 June 2019new arrivalsare: Morocco to Greece (33%),, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national non-specifiedMediterranean routenationals the from most sub-Saharan active route for arrivals to 486 3,000 authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival countriesEurope in (23%),the region Guinea . Arrivals(10%), Malithis (10%),year in Greece are 19 per 289 (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . Côtecent lower d’Ivoire than (7%) the and 22,899 others registered (18%). in the first2,000 six months4,104 632 of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and2,851 In 2018 the most popular nationalities 391 2,419 in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and1,000 refugees Herzegovina,430 Albania and Montenegro, have observed a reported were Guinea (25%), Morocco 448 1,340 registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant936 increase in arrivals1,088 in 2019 and have registered a (20%), Mali (20%), Côte d’Ivoire (11%), 588 through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived0 by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), The Gambia (10%). sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrivedJanuary ThisFebruary is 36 perMarch cent more thanApril the 11,413May registeredJune in 2018 July Basedin the countryon IOM byestimates sea were from of AfghanDTM floworigin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the Sea Land monitoringthe Syrian Arabdata, Republic81 per cent were of theall arrivalssecond most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is by(14%), sea followedare adult by males, those 12arriving per centfrom areIraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . adultTerritories females (8%), and the and remaining the Democratic 7 per cent Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly are(8%) children. . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 19 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Figure 18: Nationality breakdown of arrivals Figure 19: Nationality breakdown of sea Figure 20: Age/Sex breakdown of sea arrivals to Spain between January and July 2019. arrivalsHIGHLIGHTS to Spain between January and July between January and June 2019, estimates 2018. based on DTM flow monitoring data15

5% 33% 12% 25% 19% A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in 100% through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the 23% June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain 10% per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 201715% and between January18% and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 7% 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal82% and June 2016 . 10% (8%) (see more here) . 18% 8% 16% Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reportedAdult the Male arrivals ofAdult 2,779 Female migrantsChildren Guinea Morocco BulgariaMorocco and Greece . AnotherOther sub 33- Saharan per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrived in Europe through the Western MediterraneanMali the first sixCôte monthsd'Ivoire of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent Guinea Mali route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period15 Calculation of 2018 iswhen based 16,577on available arrivals information for Others from Sub-saharan Africa Other a total of 9,319 sea arrivals (71% of the total rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are onlyof 13,326 a fragment sea arrivals of registered the 83,752 in Spain in the cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January andreporting June 2017period). . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), Main entry points have reported to have intercepted a total July that will expand its capacities by opening route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern number of 465 embarkations, 51.7 per a new centre for temporary reception Thebetween registered January and13,326 June 2019migrants . and Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also cent less than in the same period last year, upon arrival at the port of Malaga. This refugees arriving by sea in this seven-month made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also thewhen most aactive total of 962 embarkations were type of centre is under the competence period of 2019 are showing a decrease 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making upreported 42 per (equalcent to 487 less). of the Spanish Ministry of Interior and the of 42 per cent compared to the same (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean maximum time of stay in this type of facility reporting period last year. The sea arrivals In order to secure a larger capacity of first route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrantsis andlimited refugees up to arrived72 hours. in MaltaMore information in in July 2019 alone represent a decrease of reception upon arrival, the Spanish Ministry the first half of 2019 . This canis significantly be found here higher. than the 235 64Between percent Januarycompared and to July June 2018 2019, and Hellenican of AuthoritiesInterior informed at the beginning of migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six increasereported of18,448 32 per new cent arrivals compared to Greece to July, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national 2017.Mediterranean Unlike the routeprevious the month most, during active July route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival noEurope arrivals in thewere region registered . Arrivals to this the year Canary in Greece are 19 per Figure 21: Sea arrivals in(37%), Spain followed each month, by Eritrea comparison2 (12%) 2015 and – Nigeria 2019. (8%) . Islands.cent lower In this than context, the 22,899 it is to registered be noted thatin the first six months theof 2018Spanish and Ministry 73 per of centInterior more reported than the to 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and havein 2017 reached . Twenty-two an agreement per cent with ofSenegal all migrants in and9,000 refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a orderregistered to continue arriving thein Greece cooperation so far tocrossed curb into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a thethrough irregular land migratoryroutes, and flows the remaining to the Canary 78 per cent8,000 arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), 7,855 sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 Islands (more information here). 6,926 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals7,000 from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the Based on IOM estimates and official the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is sources, the largest proportion of the 6,000 (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . rescue operations and spontaneous Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly arrivals in July took place in the areas of 5,000 (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the the Strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea. 4,104 Evros region in the North of Greece shows that 4,000the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than The largest disembarkations occurred at 3,523 of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . the ports of Almeria, Algeciras, Motril and to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin3,000 (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq 2,851 2,419

smaller proportions at the ports of Malaga, 2,352

here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries 2,164 Cadiz, Barbate, Huelva, and those of Ceuta 2,000 in the region in the first half of 2019 . 1,400 A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in 1,340 and Melilla. 1,258 1,102 1,088 1,049 936 900 867 842 Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent 835 1,000 715 588 575 535 512 492 458 This month, men, women and children 451 414 409 351 280 264 243 less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent 222 who reached Spain by sea travelled in 85 44 more than the 9,401 registered in the same period 0of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based small inflatable boats, 11 embarkations less on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain inJANUARY the FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY than those reported in June 2018. Since the of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea beginning of the year, Spanish authorities 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on2015 the nationality2016 declared by migrants2017 as reported2018 by the Government2019 of Malta

204 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Land arrivals in Ceuta and Melilla Figure 22: Land arrivals in Ceuta and Melilla Resettlement betweenHIGHLIGHTS January and July, 2018 – 2019.16 In July 2019, a total of 486 individuals were Under the ongoing National Resettlement recorded entering through the borders Program, in the period between January and of Ceuta and Melilla, the two Spanish July 2019, IOM assisted the resettlement 2736 autonomous cities located in Northern 2,646 of 665 Syrian refugees to Spain. This AAfrica. total Of of the 40,537 total, migrants 105 border and refugeescrossings arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomousResettlement enclaves of programCeuta and is Melillathe second in one throughwere registered different in land Ceuta and (19%) sea routes and thebetween January and the North of Africa . Accordingthat the Spanishto available Government data from entrusted the Juneother 2019, 381 29(81%) per incent Melilla. less thanLand the arrivals same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior,to IOM. Morocco The isprogram the first is financed declared by the

whenthis month, some 59,446are 28 seaper andcent land higher arrivals than were reported,1223 60 origin country of migrants Spanishand refugees Ministry who of arrived Labour, in MigrationSpain and perthe previouscent less thanreporting the 105,884 period (Junearrivals 2019) registered in 2017 and between January and June Social2019 Security(33% of andthe total),the Spanish followed Ministry of 85when per 379 cent arrivals less than were the recorded 239,157 registeredand 55% between January 628 by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%),Interior. Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal less than July 2018. and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . From the beginning of the first Resettlement

Fifty-sevenThe overall per number cent of of all landarrivals arrivals were thisregistered in Cyprus,CEUTA ItalianMELILLAauthorities reportedProgram the arrivals which ofinitiated 2,779 in migrants June 2016, and Bulgariayear (3,274) and marks Greece a decrease. Another of 1733 per per cent of individuals and refugees between Januaryuntil the and end June of July 2019 2019, . IOMArrivals has assistedin havecent whenarrived compared in Europe to through the same the periodWestern Mediterranean 2018 the 2019first six months of 2019the resettlementhave decreased to bySpain 83 ofper 2,103 cent Syrian routelast year, leading when to Spain,3,959 andland thearrivals remaining were 10 per cent were compared to the same periodrefugees. of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescuedregistered. and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 16 Source: DTM Flow Monitoring Registry. cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between JanuaryFigure and 23:June Resettlements 2017 . Twenty-one to Spain, per2016 – 2019. Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were WesternMap 7: Main and departurethe Central and Mediterranean arrival points in routesSpain, inas July the 2018 main and 2019.of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern A R R I V A L S T O S P A I N - J U LY F R A N C E S P A I N L AS between January and JuneAr r2019ivals by s e. a 2019 ! 2018 Departure Point Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also PALMAS 289 7,855 by land 2018! 2019 Departure Point 2,851 By Sea 251 - 400 made up the majority of arrivals between January and June 151 - 250 Sea Route The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most activeM O R O C C O 486 By Land 1,085 36 - 150 Land Route A L G E R I A 1 1 - 35 2 2018 (18% of the total), followedResettled by migrants from Eritrea1,071 route2 0in19 the first201 8six months of 2018, making up 421 per cent 1 2 persons to (15%), Sudan C(9%),abo de Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean Palos JA ÉN MU RC I A Spain 78 route (30%) and the Central MediterraneanCÓR D OB A route (28%) . HUELVA A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in SE V I L L A AL ME RÍ A the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher665 than the 235 Matalascañas Between January and June 2019, HellenicG R AN AuthoritiesA DA (Huelva) migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern S P A I N MÁL AGA Salobreña Almermonthsía of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivalsMotril to Málaga authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per 0 500 1,000 1,500 C Á DI Z 2 Playa de (37%), followed by Eritrea (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower Cthanastilnovo the 22,899Algeciras registered in the first six months Playa de Breña Tarifa la Barrosa 2016 2017 2018 2019* of 2018 and 73B ar perbate cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and Estrecho * As of July 31. in 2017 . Twenty-twoCeu ta per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a Ceuta registered arriving in Greece(Sea) so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), M O R O C C O Islas A L G E R I A sea . Forty per cent of the registered populationAlhucemas thatBou yafarrivedar Melilla This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 Chafarinas Melilla Tensaman 0 25 50 100 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals (Sfromea) in allKilo mthreeeters countries and twenty-four times higher than the theTh is mSyrianap is for illustrat ionArab purposes onl y. NRepublicames and boundaries o n thwereis map do not imtheply officia l esecondndorsement or acce ptamostnce by IOM. S ourregisteredce Data : IOM, Spanish Auth orities, Salvamento Ma649ritimo, Esri, HregisteredERE, Garmin, © OpenStree tMbetweenap contributors January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 21 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019 MALTA Developments during the reporting periodHIGHLIGHTS During the reporting period (1 – 31 July 2019), 307 migrants disembarked in Malta. The Figure 24 Arrivals by sea in Malta, January – disembarkations were the result of at least 5 rescue operations coordinated by the Armed July 2019. Forces of Malta (AFM). Arrivals in July 2019 are almost half of the 599 reported the previous month (1 – 30 June 2019) but are more than ten times higher when compared to

Athe total 28 arrivals of 40,537 by sea migrants reported and in refugeesJuly 2018. arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in599 through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the As per data provided by the Maltese Ministry for Home Affairs and National Security June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared (MHAS), a total of 1,583 migrants arrived in Malta in the first seven months of 2019. This is when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain significantly (approximately six times) higher than the 263 migrants reported to have arrived 376 per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 17 in Malta in the first seven months of 2018. 307 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal andAccording June 2016 to available . data for 2018, the first arrivals in 2018 were reported(8%) (see in moreJune, herewith ) a . 188 group of 235 migrants disembarked in Malta from MV Lifeline. The total number of arrivals Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants in Malta in 2018 reached 1,445 by the end of the year.18 Total arrivals in Malta in 2019 so 64

Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January49 and June 2019 . Arrivals in far have exceed the yearly totals registered in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 (569, 106, have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent 24, 20 and 1,445 respectively). route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals MAY JULY rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752JUNE APRIL

cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017MARCH . Twenty-one per JANUARY

Figure 25 Arrivals in Malta, 2013 – 2019. FEBRUARY Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed Source: by thoseMHAS and from IOM. Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern 2,008 between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also

made1,583 up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 1,445 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrantsFigure and 26 refugees Arrivals arrived in Malta in by Malta nationality, in

569 the first half of 2019 . This Jan-Julis significantly 2019. higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern 106 24 20 months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to 30 Sudan authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region2013 . Arrivals2014 this2015 year in 2016Greece are2017 19 per2018 2019* Eritrea* (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . 41 cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months Nigeria

of*Monthly 2018 breakdown and 73 for per previous cent years more was than not available. the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and Morocco inSource: 2017 Government . Twenty-two of Malta per – National cent ofStatistical all migrants Office, andMHAS, refugeesIOM. Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a Somalia 5 registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a Other through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as5 of June (read more here), 7 sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered11 in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-fourSource: MHAS andtimes IOM. higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, whichAccording continued to theinto available 2019 with data the from the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrantsMinistry as of June, for fiveHome times Affairs more andthan National of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the sameSecurity, period ofin 2018the first (read seven more monthshere) . of 2019 to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, SyrianSudan Arab is Republic,the first Algeria reported and nationalityIraq at here) . were the main nationality arrivalgroups (41%), registered followed in the by countries Eritrea19 (11%) in the region in the first halfand of Nigeria 2019 . (7%). A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 19 The information on nationality breakdown 2 The information on nationality breakdownprovided provided in this report in this is report based ison based the nationality and17 the As per remaining IOM estimates. 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrantsdeclared as byreported migrants, by asthe reported Government by the Maltese 18 As per IOM estimates. of Malta authorities.

224 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019 CYPRUS Developments during the reporting HIGHLIGHTS period The Syrian Arab Republic and Cameroon of the registered arrivals are adult males In July 2019, 517 arrivals were recorded represent the most frequently reported (69%), followed by (14%) of adult females in Cyprus, which represents a 32 per country of origin of migrants arriving in and the remaining 17 per cent of children. cent decrease from the 755 registered in Cyprus since the beginning of the year Available data shows that the great theA total previous of 40,537 reporting migrants period and (1- refugees 30 June arrived(36% in and Europe 13% respectively).to the SpanishThe remaining autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in majority of irregular arrivals continue to 2019).through different land and sea routes between51 January per cent and is distributedthe North among of Africamore . According to available data from the arrive overland via the Green Line from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same periodthan last50 year, different Spanish nationality Ministry groups: of Interior, Morocco is the first declared Since the beginning of 2019 (January-July), northern part of the island. As in June, also when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were Pakistanreported, (11%), 60 Bangladeshorigin (11%),country Georgia of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain a total of 4,452 migrants and refugees are in July all new registered migrants arrived per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered(5%) in 2017 Nigeria and (4%) andbetween others (20%).January Most and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85reported per cent to lesshave than arrived the 239,157in Cyprus. registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%),overland Côte viad’Ivoire the Green (8%) andLine. Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Figure 28: Nationality breakdown of arrivals Figure 27: Arrivals in Cyprus, comparison 2017 – 2019. 20 Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reportedin Cyprus the arrivals between of January 2,779 and migrants July 2019. Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in

4,452 17% have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have31 %decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per 16% Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those5% from Pakistan (15%), 1,268 route taken by the migrants and1,078 refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern 15% 16% between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active Cameroon Syrian Arab Republic 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, ARRIVALSmaking up 42 per cent Pakistan Bangladesh (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%),Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire (6%)Others . of registered arrivals, followed by the2017 Western2018 Mediterranean2019* route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in * As of 31 July. the first half of 2019 . ThisFigure is significantly 29: Gender/Sex higher breakdown than the of arrivals235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities by land in Cyprus between January and July migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern 2019.21 months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to 7% Figure 4: Accommodation facility with information on occupancy, July 2019.authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . centC Y P lowerR U S than the 22,899 registered in the first six months P R E S E N T M I G R A N T S ofM i 2018g r a n t andP r e s 73e n c pere cent more than the 10,679 reported 214Authoritiese n d o f J inU L the2 0 1 9 Western Balkans21% , namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), 72% sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were theK EsecondRYN EI A most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is A M M O C H OS TO S Adult Male (14%), followed by those arrivingLEF KfromOS IA Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to KosovoAdult (UNSCR Female 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly C Y P R U S Children (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoringL AdataR N A K Afrom the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrantsMigrant as of June, presence five times more than Kofinou Reception Centre PAFOS of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving214 | 40 0from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . ! At the end of July 2019, 214 migrants and to Greece, mainly by land, LwereE M E S O S of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality asylumgroups registeredseekers were in the accommodated countries in in the region in the first halfthe ofKofinou 2019 . Reception Facility in Cyprus, A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in British Sovereign Base Area United Nations Buffer Zone slightly less than the 223 reported at the

Spain! Open Rece(WMR)ption Center between! Closed Rec epJanuarytion Center and! #JuneOpen Rec e2019,ption Center , T26ransit Pperoint cent# Transit Point ! Alternative Accommodation Facility end of the previous reporting period (30 Number of Present Migrants | Capacity Legend LLeeggeenndd less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent 0 5 10 20 This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM. Source Data : IOM, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors Kilometers June 2019) more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality20 breakdown Data on provided nationalities in this and report sex/age is based disaggregation and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrantsrefer to as arrivals reported by land,by the via Government the Green line. of Malta 21 See footnote 19.

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 23 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019


Developments during the reporting Figure 30: Nationality breakdown of migrants period registered at entry in Bulgaria, July 2019. In July 2019, Bulgarian authorities According to available data from the apprehendedA total of 40,537 293 migrantsirregular andmigrants, refugees 81 arrivedBulgarian in Europe Ministry of toInterior, the Spanish 26 per autonomous cent enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in 29% perthrough cent differentmore than land the and162 sea reported routes thebetween of January migrants and and refugeesthe Northregistered of Africain July . According37% to available data from the previousJune 2019, month 29 per (June cent 2019), less 11than more the thansame period2019 last on year, entry fromSpanish Turkey Ministrywere from of Interior, Morocco is the first declared thewhen 263 some reported 59,446 in seaJuly and2018 land and arrivals 11 less were Afghanistan,reported, 60 followed origin by those country from of Iraqmigrants and refugees who arrived in Spain thanper cent the 330less thanregistered the 105,884 in July 2017.arrivals registered(20%), in 2017 Turkey and (9%), betweenthe Islamic January Republic and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered betweenof Iran January (9%), the Syrianby Guinea Arab (13%), Republic Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal Of these, the number of migrants and June 2016 . (9%) and others (28%).(8%) (Nationalssee more herefrom) . 10% apprehended inside the country has Afghanistan are the biggest group also 6% increasedFifty-seven fromper cent 112 of allto arrivals211 betweenwere registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,77910 migrants% among those apprehended within the 8% JuneBulgaria and andJuly Greece2019, while . Another the number 33 per of cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in country since the beginning of the year migrantshave arrived apprehended in Europe throughon exit thefrom Western the Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreasedAfghanistan by 83 per cent (29%), followed by nationals from Turkey countryroute leading doubled to Spain,between and the the two remaining months 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 Turkeywhen 16,577 arrivals (10%), the Syrian Arab Republic (10%), fromrescued 30 andin June brought to 63 to in Italy July. and In addition,Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragmentSyrian Arab of theRepublic 83,752 China (8%), Iraq (6%) and nationals from 7cross individuals the Central were Mediterranean apprehended routeon arrival . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017China . Twenty-one per 45 other countries of origin. fromEastern Greece Mediterranean giving a total route of continues96 irregular to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the firstIraq half of the year were migrantsWestern andwho the crossed Central Greek Mediterranean – Bulgarian routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those fromOthers Pakistan (15%), borderroute taken since bythe the beginning migrants of and the refugeesyear.22 arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read moreFigure here 31 )Nationality . Tunisian breakdown nationals alsoof migrants Between January and July 2019, authorities apprehended within Bulgaria between made up the majority of arrivals between January and June registeredThe Eastern a Mediterraneantotal of 1,029 route irregularwas also the most active January and June 2019. 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 migrants.route in the The first number six months of apprehensions of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . thisof registered year is 33arrivals, per followedcent higher by thethan Western the Mediterranean 14% route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in 852 registered in the same period of 2018 34% the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Betweenand 37 per January cent lower and Junethan 2019,the 1,800 Hellenic Authorities 13% migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reportedregistered 18,448 at the endnew of arrivals July 2017. to Greece , making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival EuropeFigure 29: in Numberthe region of . irregularArrivals migrantsthis year apprehended in Greece are in Bulgaria19 per each month, comparison (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%)11% and Nigeria (8%) . cent2016 lower – 2019. than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans6% , namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have 22 observed% a 1,600

registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant1,436 increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a 1,400 1,328 1,236

through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived1,201 by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), 1,200 Syrian Arab Republic sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413Iraq registered in 2018 1,000 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-fourTurkey times higher than the 800the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most725 registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is

596 Pakistan

600(14%), followed by those arriving524 from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . 450 Afghanistan 330 318

Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of293 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly 280

400 263 Other 209 162 158 150 132 (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data129 from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the 102 99 81 72

200 65 60 55 50 Evros region48 in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than 0 Migrant presence of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, SyrianEstimated Arab Republic, 614 Algeriamigrants and and Iraq asylum here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries 2016 2017 2018 2019 seekers were accommodated in different in the region in the first halfreception of 2019 facilities. in Bulgaria at the end of A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in July, occupying around 10 per cent of the Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent overall capacity (5,940). This represents less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent a 16 per cent increase compared to the more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based 531 reported at the end of the previous Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry 22 This figure is not added to the total of arrivals to of Interior . reporting period (June 2019), and 27 per first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea avoid potential double counting considering that 2 The information on nationalitycent breakdown less than provided the in842 this reportedreport is based at the end and thesethe remainingmigrants might 21 haveper beencent already (2,788) counted arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government as arrivals in Greece. of Malta of July 2018.

244 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Table 4: Reception facilities in Bulgaria with informationHIGHLIGHTS on occupancy and capacity, as of the Figure 31 Nationality breakdown (%) of end of July 2019. migrants and asylum seekers accommodated in the premises run by the State Agency for Accommodation facility Capacity Currently Refugees and the Ministry of Interior (SAR) Accommodated

Facilities run by the State Agency for Refugees 100 3 A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in Open Reception Centre in Banya 70 7 21 through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According80 to 29 available data from the JuneOpen 2019, Reception 29 per Centrecent less in Pastrogorthan the same period last year, 320 Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared 21 Open Reception Centre in Sofia – Ovcha Kupel 860 110 when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants 60and refugees who arrived in Spain 22 perOpen cent Reception less than theCentre 105,884 in Sofia arrivals - Vrazhdebna registered in 2017 and 370 between January86 and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal Open Reception Centre in Sofia – Voenna Rampa 800 77 40 33 and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Closed Reception Centre in Harmanli 2,710 113 33 5 Fifty-sevenClosed Reception per cent Centreof all arrivals in Sofia were - Busmantsi registered in Cyprus, 60 Italian authorities4 reported20 the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals20 in Facilities run by the Ministry of Interior 13 have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 20190 have decreased by 83 per cent routeClosed leading Reception to Spain, Centre and inthe Lyubimets remaining 10 per cent were 350 compared to the same period of State2018 Agency when for 16,577 Ministry arrivals of Interior Closed Reception Centre in Busmantsi 400 Refugees rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered,217 and are only a fragment of the 83,752 Other crossClosed the ReceptionCentral Mediterranean Centre in Elhovo route (temporarily . This indicates closed that the N/A reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Syrian Arab Republic due to renovation) Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the firstAfghanistan half of the year were WesternTotal and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main 5,940 of Tunisian614 origin, followed by thoseIraq from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other Pakistan African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) .NOT Tunisian AVAILABLE nationals for JULY also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active Map 8: Accommodation facilities in Bulgaria with information on occupancy2018 and (18%capacity, of theJuly 2019.total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean B U L G A R I A P R E S E N T M I G R A N T S route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in M i g r a n t P r e s e n c e e n d o f J U L 2 0 1 9 the first half of 2019 . This6 is 1significantly4 higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern RmonthsO M A N ofI A2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months SEVEREN of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported AuthoritiesTSE N inT R theAL EWesternN Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in SarrivalsEVERO inIZT O2019CHE Nand have registered a through land routes, and the remainingS 78EV EperRO ZcentAPA arrivedDEN by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), S E R B I A sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of AfghanOvcha Koriginupel . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the Voenna Rampa 110 | 860 the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registeredBanya 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is 77 | 800 !! !! Busmantsi 7 | 70 (14%), followed by thoseVraz harrivingdebna from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . YUGOZ APA4D |E 4N60 ! Territories (8%), and 8 the6 | 3 70 Democratic Republic of CongoB U L G AInR theI A secondYUG halfOIZ ofTO 2018,CHEN 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 !migrants as of June, five times more than Harmanli of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from TurkeyYUZ HEN 108 registered113 | 2,71 in0 the same period of 2018 (read more here) . ! to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read TmoreSENT RALEN Pakistan, Afghanistan,! Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . N O R T H were the main nationality groups registered in the countries M A C E D O N I A in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in T U R K E Y Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019,G R E26E CperE cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry Among! Open Rtheecep ttotalion Ce ntregistereder ! migrantsClosed Rec earrivingption Cent etor Spain! in #theOpe n Reception Center, Transit Point # Transit Point ! Alternative Accommodation Facility of Interior . Number of Present Migrants | Capacity Legend LLeeggeenndd first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 0 20 40 80 This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptanc2e by IO TheM. Sinformationource Data : IOM on, Es rnationalityi, HERE, Garm inbreakdown, © OpenStreet Mprovidedap contribu tinor sthisKi loreportmeters is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 25 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

TRANSITHIGHLIGHTS COUNTRIES CROATIA Developments during the reporting Afghanistan is the most common origin Figure 34: Nationality breakdown of irregular A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in period country reported by 21 per cent of migrants apprehended in Croatia between through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the all registered migrants, followed by January and July 2019. JuneBased 2019, on available 29 per datacent fromless than the Croatianthe same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared Pakistan (19%), Turkey (9%), Algeria whenMinistry some of 59,446Interior, sea a and total land ofarrivals 2,100 were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain (8%) and Iraq (6%). The remaining 37 perirregular cent migrantsless than werethe 105,884 apprehended arrivals in registered July in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed per cent of intercepted migrants were 21% 852019, per whichcent less is 55 than per the cent 239,157 more registeredthan the between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%),37 Côte% d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal registered as nationals of more than 40 and1,358 June apprehended 2016 . previous month. The (8%) (see more here) . different nationality groups. Apart from a number of apprehensions in July this year Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registereddecreased in Cyprus, number ofItalian migrants authorities from the reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants is four times higher than the 510 reported Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent ofregion individuals (Kosovo UNSCRand refugees1244), a betweensimilar January and June 2019 . Arrivals in in July 2018 and more than eleven times have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterraneandistribution by countrythe offirst nationality six months was of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent more than the 189 recorded in July 2017. route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 perfound cent among were migrantscompared registered to between the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals 19% rescuedBetween and January brought and Julyto Italy2019, and authorities Malta in theirJanuary attempt and to July 2018.were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 6% crossin Croatia the Central apprehended Mediterranean a total route of 9,253 . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Based on available data, 48 per cent of 8% 9% Easternirregular Mediterranean migrants, three route times continues more than to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were migrants apprehended in July 2019 were Westernthe 3,062 and apprehended the Central in Mediterraneanthe same period routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), detected in the Primorsko-Goranska routelast year taken and by six the times migrants the 1,480 and registeredrefugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern county on the way to the Slovenian border, Afghanistan betweenat the end January of July and 2017.June 2019 Moreover, . the Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also followed by 10 per cent in the eastern Pakistan number of apprehensions this year so far is made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also thepart most of active the country, mainly on entry three times higher than the 2,479 registered 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrantsTurkey from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making upfrom 42 neighbouringper cent Serbia and Bosnia and in the whole of 2017 and already 14 per (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western MediterraneanHerzegovina. Algeria cent more of the 8,092 registered between route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrivedIraq in Malta in January and December 2018. the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities Other migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to Figure 33: Number of apprehended migrants in Croatia each month, 2017-2019.authorities, Sudan is the firstFigure reported35: Nationality nationality breakdown at ofarrival irregular Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per migrants apprehended in Croatia between (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months January and July 2018. of 2,500 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and

in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania2100 and Montenegro, have observed a registered2,000 arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a 36% 23%

through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived1,560 by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), 1,493

sea1,500 . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 361,358 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 1,279 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the1,000 Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is 732 (14%), followed by those731 arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . 542

510 13% 468

Territories (8%), and the Democratic420 Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly 395 385 500 342 254 235 228 225 187 (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported,183 which continued into 2019 with the 168 Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June,8% five times more than 11% of migrants0 (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read9% more here) . JANUARYFEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . 2017 2018 2019 were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . Afghanistan A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Turkey Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown providedIslamic in this reportRepublic is based of Iran Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . Syrian Arab Republic first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reportedOther by the Government of Malta

264 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Map 9: Apprehensions in Croatia by county between Migrant presence January and July 2019. HIGHLIGHTS By the end of July 2019, 283 asylum seekers were accommodated

A R R I V A L S T O R E G I S T E R E D A R R I VA L S in open reception centres in Kutina and Zagreb, and the closed C R O A T I A 2,100 1 J a n - 3 1 J u l 2 0 1 9 reception centre in Ježevo, 13 per cent less than the 326 reported at the end of June 2019. Accommodated asylum seekers were A total A ofU S 40,537T R I A migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to theof SpanishSyrian, Afghani,autonomous Turkish, enclaves Algerian, of CeutaUkrainian and Pakistani Melilla in Iraqi and

through different land and sea routes betweenH JanuaryU N G A R Yand the NorthIranian oforigin. Africa . According to available data from the ME D I M U R S K A June 2019, 29 per cent less thanVA R A Z DtheI N S K A same period last year, SpanishTable Ministry 5: Reception of Interior, facilities Moroccoin Croatia iswith the information first declared on when some 59,446 sea and landKOP R IVarrivalsN I C KO - K RwereI ZE VAC Kreported,A 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain S L O V E N I A K R A P I N S KO -Z A G O R S K A occupancy and capacity as of the end of July 2019. G R A D VI ROVI T I C KO - P O D R AVS K A per cent less than the 105,884Z A GarrivalsR EB registered in 2017 and S E R B I Abetween January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed BJ ELO VA R S KO - B ILO GO R S K A 85 per cent less than the 239,157Z AG R E B AregisteredC K A between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal C R O A T I A Accommodation Capacity Number of P R I M O R S KO - G O R A N S K A O S JE C KO - B A R A N J S K A and June 2016 . P O Z ES KO -S L AV O N S K A (8%) (seefacility more here) . accommodated SISACKO - MOS L AVACK A I S TA R S K A K A RLOVAC K A migrants and asylum Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered BinROD SKCyprus,O -P OSAVS K A Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779seekers migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of V UindividualsKOVA R S KO -SR I J EM S K Aand refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in Open Reception have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent LI C KO - S E N J S K A Centre for Asylum 300 (600) 241 route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were comparedSeekers to thein Zagreb same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 B O S N I A A N D Open Reception cross the Central MediterraneanZ A DA R S K A route . ThisH indicatesE R Z E G O VthatI N A the reportedCentre between for Asylum January and June100 2017 . Twenty-one29 per Eastern Mediterranean SrouteI B E N S KO continues- K N I N S K A to surpass both the cent ofSeekers migrants in Kutinaregistered in the first half of the year were

Western and the Central MediterraneanS P L IT S KO - DA LM AT I NroutesS K A as the main of TunisianClosed origin, Reception followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe AlgeriaCentre (10%), for Iraq Foreigners (9%) and other90 African and Southern13 between January and June 2019 . Asian (Ježevo) countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made Totalup the majority of arrivals800(820) between January and283 June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active D UB ROVAC KO - N E RE T VA N S K A 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per McentO N T E N E G R O (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in I T A L Y the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities Percentage of Registered Arrivals by County migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to GreeceSource Data : IOM, ,N amakingtional Authorities, Ethesri, HERE , EasternGarmin, © OpenStr eetMap contributors No Data 2 - 150 151 - 550 551 - 15501551 - 4000 Legend LLeeggeenndd 0 25 50 10months0 of 2018 . According to the available data from national MediterraneanThis map is for illustration purpo ses routeonly. Names a nd theboundar ies moston this map do activenot imply offici al e routendorsement o r a forcceptan ce arrivalsby IOM. Kilomete rs to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per Map 10: Accommodation facilities in Croatia with information on occupancy(37%), and capacityfollowed as by of Eritrea July 2019.2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and C R O A T I A P R E S E N T M I G R A N T S in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a M i g r a n t P r e s e n c e 283 e n d o f J U L 2 0 1 9 registered arriving in GreeceA U SsoT R farI A crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), H U N G A R Y sea . Forty per cent of the registered populationVARA Z DthatIN SK A arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 S L O V E N I A Reception Centre for Asylum Seekers Zagreb in the country by sea were of Afghan origin .24 1 Nationals| 600 from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the ! ! R O M A N I A the Syrian Arab Republic were the secondDetention Cmostenter registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is for Foreigners JeževoC R O A T I A ! OSJECKO - BARAN JSK A (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq1 3(8%), | 100 Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . SISACKO-MOSLAVKAuCtKinAa Territories (8%), and theIS TA DemocraticR SK A K AR LO RepublicVAC K A of 29Congo | 100 In the! second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece showsLICKO -SEN JthatSK A the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than

of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from TurkeyB O S N I A A N D108 registered SinE RtheB I Asame period of 2018 (read more here) . Z ADAR SK A to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read HmoreE R Z E G O V I NPakistan,A Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of I13,263T A L Y migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent M O N T E N E G R O less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent K O S O V O more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information( S onC R nationality 1 2 4 4 ) breakdown provided in this report is based on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the A L B A N I A N O R T H of Interior . M A C E D O N I A first! Open Rsixecep tionmonths Center of !2019,Closed Re79cept ionper Cen tecentr (10,475)! #Open Rec earrivedption Center, Trbyansi t seaPoint # Transit Point ! Alternative Accommodation Facility Number of Present Migrants | Capacity Legend LLeeggeenn2dd The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based 0 30 60 120 andThis m athep is for i lluremainingstration purposes only. N 21ames a ndper bounda rcenties on this m(2,788)ap do not imply o ffiarrivedcial endorsement obyr acce ptland,ance by IO Mmainly. Source Data : IOM, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © onOpen SthetreetM anationalityp contributors Kil omdeclaredeters by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 27 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

ROMANIA HIGHLIGHTS Developments during the reporting period

In July 2019, Romanian authorities apprehended a total of 55 migrants and asylum seekers Figure 37: Nationality breakdown of migrants on entry and exit from the country, 45 per cent more than the previous month when 38 apprehended between January and July 2019. migrantsA total ofwere 40,537 apprehended, migrants andand refugees7 per cent arrived less than in Europe July 2018 whento the59 migrantsSpanish autonomous were enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in apprehended.through different Between land Januaryand sea and routes July 2019,between there January were 358and migrantsthe and North asylum of seekers Africa . According to available11% data from the apprehended,June 2019, 29 of per which cent 259less (72%)than the were same apprehended period last year,on exit fromSpanish the country, Ministry mainly of Interior, Morocco is the first declared 6% towardswhen some Hungary 59,446 (Arad, sea andTimis land and arrivals Satu-Mare were county)reported, and 60 the remainingorigin 99country (28%) of were migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain intercepted entering from Bulgaria (Giurgiou). per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 46% The85 per number cent less of apprehendedthan the 239,157 migrants registered so far between this year January (358) has decreasedby Guinea by 16 (13%), per cent Mali (13%), Côte9% d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal comparedand June 2016 to the . same period last year when 426 individuals were apprehended(8%) (see more on entryhere) . and exit to the country and is 69 per cent less than the estimated 1,160 apprehended in theFifty-seven same period per cent of 2017, of all sincearrivals DTM were flow registered monitoring in Cyprus, activities were Italianactivated authorities in April.23 reported the10% arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in haveFigure arrived 37: Registered in Europe irregular through migrants the Westernin Romania Mediterranean each month, 2018 – 2019.the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent 17% route leading140 to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals 128 rescued and 120brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragmentIraq of the 83,752 cross the Central100 Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and JuneSyrian 2017 Arab . Twenty-one Republic per 83 79 Eastern Mediterranean80 76 route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the firstthe Islamichalf of Republicthe year ofwere Iran 59 55 55 Turkey 49

Western and 60the Central Mediterranean routes as47 the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), 38 40 33 33 Bangladesh

route taken by the migrants and26 refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern 23 Other between January20 and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also 0 made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE 2018JULY (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent Figure 38: Age/sex breakdown of apprehended 2018 2019 (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean migrants between January and July 2019. 24 Accordingroute (30%) to and the the available Central data, Mediterranean nationals route of Iraq (28%) made . up the biggestA total group of 1,256 (46%), migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in followed by those from the Syrian Arab Republic (17%), the Islamic Republic of Iran (10%), the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 TurkeyBetween (8%), January Bangladesh and (6%) June and 2019, others Hellenic (11%). Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern Out of 358 migrants registered between January and July 2019, seventy-twomonths per of 2018cent were. According to the available14% data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to adult males, 14 per cent adult females and 15 per cent children. authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . centMap lower11: Accommodation than the 22,899 facilities registered in Romania in the with first information six months on occupancy and capacity, July 15% of2019. 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and

inR O2017M A N . ITwenty-twoA per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina,P R E S E N T M I G R A AlbaniaN T S and Montenegro, have observed a M i g r a n t P r e s e n c e 341 e n d o f J U L 2 0 1 9 registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered72% a

throughS L O V A KlandI A routes, and the remainingU K R A I N78E per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 ! BOTOSANI Somcuta Mare Radauti R E P U B L I C O F in the country by sea wereSA TofU-M AAfghanRE M3A6 R| 2A0M0 UoriginRES . Nationals51 | 150 from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the ! SUCEAVA M O L D O V A Adult females the SyrianH U NArabG A R YRepublic were the second most registered BISTRITA-NASAUD 649 registered between January and JuneChildren 2017 . An increase is SALAJ IA SI (14%), followed by thoseBIH OarrivingR from Iraq (8%), PalestinianNEAMT also observed in registered entries to AdultKosovo males (UNSCR 1244) . CLUJ Territories (8%), and the Democratic M RepublicURES of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly VASLUI Arad BACAU HARGHITA (8%) . In addition to that,10A | R2A06D DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, whichMigrant continued presence into 2019 with the ! ALB A R O M A N I A GALATI Evros region in the North of Greece showsSIBIU that theCOVA SNmajorityA reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than ! BRA SOV VRAN CE A TIMIS HU NE DOAR A Galati At the end of July, there were 341 migrants of migrants (45%) Tiwhomisoara were registered arriving from Turkey 51 | 210 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . BUZ AU ! 21 | 6C0ARAS-SEVERIN VALCEA and asylum seekers registered as residing in toC R O AGreece,T I A mainly by land, were of TurkishA RoriginGES (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq PRAHOVA BRAILA here) . GORJ TwereULCEA the main nationalitystate-run groups registered accommodation in the countries facilities, 3 per Otopeni DAMBOVITA ILFOV IALOMITA cent more than the 332 reported at the S E R B I A 28 | 132 ! in the region in the first half of 2019 . MEHEDINTI OLT ! Bucharest A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registeredCALA RinAS I B O S N I A 126 | 372 end of June 2019, and 14 per cent less than A N D DOLJ GIURGIU H E R Z E G O V I N A Giurgiu CONSTANTA Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019,TELEORMA N26! per cent 18 | 170 the 395 registered at the end of July 2018. B U L G A R I A less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent Most migrants were in the asylum centres Different accommodation facilities in Pljevlja more 15 | than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based ! Open Reception Center ! Closed Reception Center ! #Open Reception Center, Transit Point # Transit Point ! Alternative Accommodation Facility located in Bucharest (126), followed by Number of Present Migrants | Capacity Legend LLeeggeenndd on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the 0 37.5 75 150 This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM. Source Data : IOM, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contribofutor s InteriorKilometers . Radauti (51) and Galati (51). first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based 23and DTMthe remainingflow monitoring 21 peris activated cent (2,788)in Romania arrived in April by2017 land, hence mainly only cumulative data onis availablethe nationality for the declaredfirst by migrants as reported by the Government quarter of the year without the breakdown on the type of flows (incoming-entry/outgoing-exit).of Malta 24 Data on nationalities are available for 340 of the 358 registered migrants.

284 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Figure 41: Last reported transit country by HIGHLIGHTS migrants registered in Serbia in July 2019. SERBIA 5% Developments during the reporting period 10% In July 2019, a total of 1,340 new migrants and refugees were registered in reception centres in Serbia,25 32 per cent more than the previous month when 1,012 were registered Aand total 44 per of 40,537cent more migrants than the and same refugees period arrived last year in Europewhen 928 migrantsto the were Spanish registered. autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the JuneBetween 2019, January 29 per and cent July less 2019, than 6,904 the samemigrants period and lastrefugees year, were registered,Spanish Ministry which is of84 Interior, Morocco is the first declared whenper cent some more 59,446 than thesea sameand landperiod arrivals last year were when reported, 3,753 were60 registeredorigin and country almost of three migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain 85% pertimes cent more less than than the the 2,550 105,884 registered arrivals betweenregistered January in 2017 and and July 2017.between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85According per cent to less DTM than flow the 239,157 monitoring registered data for between July 2019, January estimated 85by per Guinea cent (13%),of migrants Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal Republic of North Macedonia andarrived June in 2016 Serbia . from the Republic of North Macedonia (up from 80 (8%)per cent(see inmore June), here ten) . Bulgaria per cent of migrants arrived from Bulgaria, and 5 per cent arrived from other destinations. Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivalsOther of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in haveThe increasearrived in in Europe migratory through flows the duringWestern in theMediterranean summer period isthe related first tosix improvedmonths of 2019Figure have 42: decreasedNationality bybreakdown 83 per centof routeweather leading conditions to Spain, in theand region.the remaining Operating 10 perIOM cent mobile were teams observedcompared a movementto the same periodregistered of 2018 new when arrivals 16,577 between arrivals January and rescuedof groups and of broughtmigrants to (mainly Italy and single Malta men) in fromtheir theattempt direction to of Northwere Macedonia registered, who and are July only 2019. a fragment of the 83,752 10% crossarrive thein theCentral camps Mediterranean located in the route south . Thisof Serbiaindicates only that to the stay for fewreported days while between making January and June2% 2017 . Twenty-one per Easternfurther arrangementsMediterranean for route the continuestravel. The to short-term surpass both stays the (up to 72cent hours) of migrantsin the centre registered in the3% first half of the year were Westernare regulated and thethrough Central the Mediterraneanpermission granted routes by as the the Serbian main Commissariatof Tunisian for origin,Refugees followed by those from Pakistan (15%), routeand Migrants taken by (SCRM). the migrants Migrants and eventually refugees leavearriving the to reception Europe facility andAlgeria move (10%), onwards Iraq to (9%) and other African and Southern 42% betweenthe border January with Croatia and June or 2019 Bosnia . and Herzegovina for (usually) multipleAsian attempts countries to cross. (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also 18% made up the majority of arrivals between January and June Thethe bordersEastern andMediterranean leave Serbia route(so called was “thealso game”).the most Apart active from going to the border areas, 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 routemigrants in thealso first travel six to months Belgrade of to2018, meet making with upthe 42 other per centmigrants also trying to cross the (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . ofborder registered on foot, arrivals, hiding followed in buses by or the trains. Western Mediterranean routeBetween (30%) January and theand Central July 2019, Mediterranean most arrivals route were (28%) from . Pakistan (42%)A total and of Afghanistan 1,256 migrants and refugees25% arrived in Malta in (25%), followed by arrivals from Bangladesh (18%), Iraq (3%), the Islamicthe first Republic half ofof 2019Iran . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities Pakistan migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported(2%) and 18,448other countries. new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the availableAfghanistan data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reportedBangladesh nationality at arrival EuropeFigure 40: in Arrivalsthe region in Serbia . Arrivals each month,this year 2017 in –Greece 2019. are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months Iraq of1,800 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkansthe, namely Islamic BosniaRepublic and of Iran 1,642 in1,600 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro,Other have observed a

registered1,400 arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase1340 in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a Figure 43: Age/Sex breakdown of registered through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), 1,103 1,200 1,081 arrivals in Serbia between January and July sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is1,012 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 1,000 928 2019. in the country by sea were of Afghan origin837 . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the 782 the800 Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June1% 2017 5% . An increase is 582 546

(14%),600 followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian 483 also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . 427 410 389 349 Territories400 (8%),333 and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly 260 241 224 (8%)200 . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals163 were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 75 496 migrants as of June, five times more than 0 of migrantsJANUARY (45%) whoFEBRUARY were registeredMARCH arrivingAPRIL from TurkeyMAY 108JUNE registeredJULY in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . 2017 2018 2019 were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent 96% less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent Adult Male more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Adult Female Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea Minors 25 Data on newly registered migrants in the reception centres in Serbia is used as a proxy2 estimation The information of the overall on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and arrivalsthe remaining in the country. 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 29 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Migrants presence HIGHLIGHTS As of 31 July, there are estimated 3,202 migrants and refugees residing in Serbia, according to the Serbian Commissariat for Refugees and Migration (SCRM). The total number of accommodated migrants in government facilities and border crossing zones decreased from 3,723 registered at the end of June (-14%). Seventy-nine per cent of migrants and refugees are residing in the reception centres, while the remaining 21 per cent (681) migrants and A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in refugees were observed residing outside the official reception system, mainly in the Belgrade City (293) and in unofficial camping sites in through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the the vicinity of the border with Croatia, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina (388). Available information indicates that the migrants are June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared most frequently from Afghanistan (41%), followed by those from Pakistan (17%), the Islamic Republic of Iran (15%), Bangladesh (10%), Iraq when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain (5%), Syria Arab Republic (3%), and others. Adult males make up the majority of those accommodated (69%), followed by children (22% - per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed including 9% UASC), and females (9%). 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Map 12: Accommodation facilities in Serbia with information on capacity and occupancy, July 2019. Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

304 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019


Developments during the reporting Figure 44: Apprehensions of irregular migrants entering Slovenia each month, period comparison 2017 – 2019. A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in2,000 Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in

In July 2019, authorities in Slovenia 1,767 through different land and sea routes between January1,800 and the North of Africa . According to available data from the Juneapprehended 2019, 29 per1,767 cent irregular less than migrants,the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared 1,600 whenwhich someis 60 per59,446 cent sea more and than land the arrivals 1,103 were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain 1,400

reported in the previous month and also 1,217

per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of1,176 the total), followed 1,158 1,103 seven times more than the 1,076 reported 1,200 1,076

85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali1,002 (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal

andin July June 2018. 2016 .Between January and July 1,000 (8%) (see more here) . 883 2019, 6,854 migrants were apprehended. 800

Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported573 the arrivals of 2,779 migrants This is 58 per cent more than the 4,342 600 Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in apprehended in the same period last 400 326 263 244 242 209 201

have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased 181 by 83 per cent 139

year, and eight times more than the 887 121

200 79 77 apprehendedroute leading tobetween Spain, andJanuary the remaining and July 10 per cent were compared46 to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt0 to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 2017. The following highlights are from this JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY reportingcross the Centralperiod (1Mediterranean – 31 July): route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants2017 registered2018 in 2019the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), Between January and July 2019, Pakistan remaining origin countries reported in those reported in the same period of 2018 route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern and Algeria were the most commonly the top 5 nationality groups registered. (23% and 17% respectively), followed by between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also reported countries, with 38 per cent Other countries of origin included Turkey, Afghanistan (9%), the Syrian Arab Republic made up the majority of arrivals between January and June Theof individuals Eastern Mediterranean registered (23% route and was 15% also theIraq, most the active Islamic Republic of Iran and the (8%) and the Islamic Republic of Iran (5%). 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 routerespectively). in the first Afghanistan six months (12%), of 2018,Morocco making upSyrian 42 perArab cent Republic. Pakistani and Algerian (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of(8%) registered and Bangladesharrivals, followed (7%) by were the Western the Mediterraneannationals also made up the majority of route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities 1 July - The Slovenian and Italian police 8 July – The Sloveniamigrants Prime reported Minister to have18 July arrived - The in Slovenian Malta in thegovernment first six has reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern forces started joint patrolling of the Marjan Šarec announcesmonths of 2018measures . According adopted to the a new available national data migration from national strategy Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to countries’ border today in a bid to control to increase the securityauthorities, on Slovenia’s Sudan is the(more first here reported and here nationality). at arrival Europeirregular in the migration. region .The Arrivals agreement this year signed in Greece southern are 19 border, per including with drones, (37%), followed by Eritrea202 (12%)July -and According Nigeria (8%)to .several media centby lower Slovenia than and the Italy 22,899 is expected registered to in be the in firstafter six meetingmonths with Ilirska Bistrica officials outlets (STA , RTV Slo, Dnevnik) Koper of 2018place until and 30 73 September per cent more (more than here the). 10,679and reportedcivil society representativesAuthorities in at the the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and police apprehended on Friday over 120 in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants borderand refugees with Croatia Herzegovina,(more here). Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered5 July –arriving The Slovenianin Greece Police so far continuescrossed into the country significant increase in arrivalsmigrants in in2019 the andIlirska have Bistrica registered area aclose throughto detect land routes,a rising andtrend the in remaining the number 78 perof cent17 arrivedJuly – byThe Sloveniantotal Minister of 15,549 of andthe refugeesthe southern as of June border (read with more Croatia’s here), and sea illegal. Forty crossings per cent of of the the Slovenianregistered border, population Interior that arrived Boštjan PoklukarThis is met36 per with cent the more the than western the 11,413 border registered with Italy. in 2018 Most of in thewith country the number by sea standing were of at Afghan 5,345 originin the . MinisterNationals fromof the Interiorin all threeof the countries Italian andthe twenty-four migrants, thetimes majority higher thanbeing the Afghan the firstSyrian half Arab of the Republic year or were 47.1% the moresecond than most Republic registered Matteo Salvini649 registeredon the margins between Januarynationals, and were June returned 2017 . toAn Croatia.increase is in the same period in 2018. There is an of the Informal JHA Council Meeting. (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered22 entriesJuly - toThe Kosovo Slovenian (UNSCR Armed 1244) Forces . increasing number of irregular migrants The main topic of their discussion was Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018,deployed 80 per ancent additional of the overall 35 soldiersyearly to from Pakistan, Algeria and Morocco migration (more here). (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, whichassist continuedthe police intopatrolling 2019 withthe thenational (more here). Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrantsborder as of (more June, herefive). times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 31 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Figure 45: Nationality breakdown of Figure 46: Nationality breakdown of Migrant presence registered irregular migrants between January registeredHIGHLIGHTS irregular migrants between January and July 2019. and July 2018. At the end of July 2019, there were 292 migrants and asylum seekers 23% 23% accommodated in different facilities around the country, about 21 per cent more than A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in 35% 38% the 325 accommodated in the previous through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . Accordingmonth toand available 34 per data cent from more the the 292 June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior,reported Morocco at the is end the of first July 2018. declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 15% 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%),17% Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . 7% 5% Fifty-seven per 8cent% of all 12arrivals% were registered in Cyprus, 8% Italian9 % authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in Pakistan have arrived in Europe through the Western MediterraneanPakistan the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain,Algeria and the remaining 10 per cent wereAlgeria compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and broughtAfghanistan to Italy and Malta in their attemptAfghanistan to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central MediterraneanMorocco route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Syrian Arab Republic Eastern MediterraneanBangladesh route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the mainthe Islamic Republicof Tunisian of origin, Iran followed by those from Pakistan (15%), Other route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to EuropeOther Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 Maproute 13: in Accommodationthe first six months facilities of in2018, Slovenia making with upinformation 42 per cent on occupancy and capacity, July 2019. (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean routeS L O (30%)V E N andI A the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugeesP R arrivedE S E N T in M MaltaI G R A in N T S M i g r a n t P r e s e n c e the first half of 2019 . This is significantly highere n dthan o f theJ U L235 2 0 1 9 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities 292 migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per A U S T R I A (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months #Sentlij H U N G A R Y of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western BalkansPOMU,R namelySK A Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country KOsignificantROOK A increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a Jesenice PODRAVSK A through land routes, and the remaining# 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of AfghanGO originR EN JS . KNationalsA from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 SregisteredAVINJSK A between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), PalestinianAsylum Ce ntre Ljublalsojana V observedič in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . I T A L Y Department AC Kotnikova Z A SAVSK A Territories (8%), and theGO R DemocraticIRK A Republic of 13 Congo6 | In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly 74 | 90!! (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoringOSRE DdataNJE fromSRLaOzsVe lEthejeNniS aKndA Outsarrivalside of Re cwereeption Creported,enters which continued into 2019 with the Aliens Centre Department Vrhnika! 50 | Evros region in the90 North0 of Greece shows that the majority reporting ofP O496SA VmigrantsSK ADobo vaas of June, five times more than Department AC Logatec! S L O V E N I A # of migrants (45%) who3 2were | 200 registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) .

to Greece, mainly by land, were of TurkishPRIMOR SKoriginO-NOTR A(readNJSK A more Pakistan, Afghanistan, SyrianC R O AArabT I A Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . JUGOV ZHOwereDNA the main nationality groups registered in the countries SLOVENIinJA the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants!D eandbeli Rrefugeestič Asylum Cwereenter registered in Spain (WMR) between January120 and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registeredOB ALNO- KRAO K inA 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry ! Open Reception Center ! Closed Reception Center ! #Open Reception Centofer , InteriorTransit P . oint # Transit Point ! Alternative Accommodation Facility first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea Number of Present Migrants | Capacity Legend 2 The informationLL oneeg nationalitygeenndd breakdown provided in this report is based 0 10 20 40 andThis mtheap is foremainingr illustration purp o21ses o nperly. Na mcentes and b(2,788)oundaries on tarrivedhis map do n obyt im pland,ly officia l emainlyndorsemen t or acceptance by IOonM. theSour cnationalitye Data : IOM, E sdeclaredri, HERE, G arbymin ,migrants © OpenStr easetM reportedap contributo rbys theKilom eGovernmentters of Malta

324 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA HIGHLIGHTS Developments during the reporting By the end of July 2019, total of 878 assisted 429 persons; this number excludes period migrants have been registered arriving the Transit Reception Centre Tabanovce. to the country. This number represents During this reporting period (1 July – 31 Since the beginning of the year, Red a decrease when compared to the same July 2019) 153 new arrivals were registered Cross assisted a total of 11,094 migrants period in 2018 when 1,536 arrivals were inA North total of Macedonia, 40,537 migrants around and 10 refugeesper cent arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomousand enclaves refugees of inCeuta the southand Melilla of the in country, reported, but are three times more than decreasethrough differentwhen compared land and to sea the routes previous between January and the North of Africa . Accordingmore than totwo available times more data than from the the 4,833 those reported between January and July reportingJune 2019, period 29 per (June cent less2019) than when the same167 period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior,registered Morocco in the is thesame first period declared last year. The 2017. arrivalswhen some were 59,446 reported. sea Arrivalsand land in arrivalsJuly this were reported, 60 origin country of migrants dataand refugeesfrom the who Red arrived Cross inteams Spain indicates yearper cent are 65less per than cent the less105,884 than arrivalsin the same registered Additionally, in 2017 and the Red betweenCross teams January present and June that2019 a (33%higher of thenumber total), offollowed migrants and period85 per centin 2018 less thanwhen the 438 239,157 arrivals registered were betweennear theJanuary southern borderby Guinea with (13%), Greece Mali (13%),refugees Côte transitedd’Ivoire (8%) through and Senegalthe country so reported,and June 2016 43 per . cent more than the 107 (Gevgelija) reported(8%) assisting (see more 1,937here) . far than what has been reported officially. Fifty-sevenreported in per 2017, cent but of allrepresent arrivals wereabsolute registered persons in Cyprus, according toItalian the Julyauthorities report. The reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgariaincrease andcompared Greece to . June Another 2016 33when per centRed Crossof individuals mobile teamand refugeespresent betweenin the January and June 2019 . Arrivals in Figure 48: Nationality breakdown of registered haveonly 12arrived arrivals in Europewere reported. through the Western Mediterraneanclose vicinity of the thenorther first bordersix months with of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent irregular migrants between January and July route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 perSerbia cent (Lojane,were Vaksince,compared Lipkovo) to the alsosame period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals 2019. rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 172017% . Twenty-one per EasternFigure 47: Mediterranean Apprehensions route of irregular continues migrants to surpassentering bothNorth the Macedonia cent each of month, migrants registered in the first half of the year were 31% Westerncomparison and 2017 the –Central 2019. Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and7 % other African and Southern between500 January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also 438 made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The400 Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed8% by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent 325 300 (15%),276 Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean 10% route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route 199 (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in 167

200 153 27% 137 133 122

115 the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 107 94 94 Between January90 and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities 71

100 56 migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern 45 Afghanistan 14 5 2 0 months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to Pakistan 0 authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe inJANUARY the regionFEBRUARY . Arrivals thisMARCH year in GreeceAPRIL are 19MAY per JUNE JULY (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) andthe Nigeria Islamic (8%) Republic . of Iran cent lower than the 22,899 registered2017 in the first2018 six months 2019 Algeria of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the , namely Bosnia and Western BalkansIraq inMigrants 2017 .from Twenty-two Afghanistan per arecent the of most all migrantsfrequent and of those refugees registered Herzegovina,between January Albania and and Montenegro, have observed a registeredJuly 2019 (31%),arriving followed in Greece by sothose far fromcrossed Pakistan into the(27%), country the Islamic Republicsignificant of Iran increase (10%), in arrivalsFigure in 49: 2019 Nationality and have breakdown registered of migrantsa throughAlgeria (8%),land routes, Iraq (6%) and theand remainingothers (17%). 78 per According cent arrived to theby availabletotal data of for 15,549 the same and refugeesregistered as of between June (read January more and here July ),2018. seaperiod . Forty last peryear, cent the ofIslamic the registered Republic ofpopulation Iran was that the arrivedmost commonly This declared is 36 per country cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 inof the origin country (41%), by followed sea were by of Afghanistan Afghan origin (14%), . PakistanNationals (12%),from Iraq in(8%), all threeLibya countries(6%) and and twenty-four19 %times higher than the others (19%). the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is41 % (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) .

FigureTerritories 50: Age/sex (8%), breakdown and the Democraticof intercepted Republic irregular migrants of Congo between JanuaryIn the andsecond July 2019.half of 2018, 806 %per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece8% shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than 8% of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey UASC*,108 43% registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq 12% here) . 75% 17% were the main nationality groups registered in the countries 14% in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in the Islamic Republic of Iran Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent Accompanied Afghanistan less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per centChildren, 57% more than the 9,401 registeredMale in theFemale same periodChildren of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdownPakistan provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrantsIraq as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea *Unaccompanied and Separated2 Children. The information on nationality breakdownLibya provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta Other

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 33 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Migrant presence TableHIGHLIGHTS 6: Accommodation facilities (with occupancy/capacity) at the end of July 2019. The available data shows that as of the Accommodation Facility Capacity* Occupancy Nationalities, Sex/Age end of July 2019, there were 94 migrants and asylum seekers accommodated in “Vinojug” Transit 1,100- 48 27 Afghanistan, 10 Syria, reception centres around the Republic of Centre—Gevgelija (North 1,200 5 Iraq, 5 Pakistan and NorthA total Macedonia, of 40,537 which migrants is about and refugees 10 per arrivedMacedonia in Europe – Greeceto the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta1 Algeria; and 28 Melilla males, in 3 centthrough less thandifferent in the land previous and seamonth routes when between Border)January and the North of Africa . According to availablefemales data and from 17 children the 104June individuals2019, 29 perwere cent accommodated less than the same in periodTabanovce last year, Transit CentreSpanish Ministry1,100 of Interior, Morocco6 is2 thePakistan, first 1 Afghanistan,declared thewhen reception some 59,446 centres. sea andAccommodated land arrivals were reported,(North Macedonia 60 –origin Serbia country of migrants and refugees who1 Somalia, arrived 1 in Iraq Spain and 1 migrantsper cent lessand thanasylum the seekers105,884 werearrivals most registered inBorder) 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of Syria;the total), 6 males followed frequently85 per cent nationalsless than thefrom 239,157 Afghanistan, registered betweenVizbegovo January – Receptionby Guinea (13%),150 Mali (13%), Côte34 d’Ivoiren.a. (8%) and Senegal followedand June by2016 those . from Pakistan, Syria, Iraq center for Asylum Seekers(8%) (see more here) . and others. Most of the accommodated Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants individuals were adult males, followed by Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent ofGazi individuals Baba – Receptionand refugees between120 January6 and June4 Pakistani, 2019 . Arrivals 1 Afghan in and adult women and children.26 have arrived in Europe through the Western MediterraneanCenter for Foreigners the first six months of 2019 have decreased1 Egyptian; by 83 6per males cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their Vlaeattempt – Safe to House were registered,25-30 and are only0 a fragment/ of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per 26Eastern SADD Mediterranean not available for Gaziroute Baba continues – Reception to surpassTOTAL both the cent of migrants2,495- registered in 94the first half of the year were WesternCentre andfor theForeigners. Central Nationality Mediterranean data not routes as the main of Tunisian origin,2,600 followed by those from Pakistan (15%), available for Vizbegovo – Reception Centre for routeAsylum taken Seekers by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 Maproute 14: in Accommodationthe first six months facilities of in2018, the Republicmaking ofup North42 per Macedonia cent with information on occupancy and capacity, July 2019. (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . ofN registeredO R T H arrivals, M A C followedE D O Nby ItheA Western Mediterranean P R E S E N T M I G R A N T S route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in M i g r a n t P r e s e n c e 94 e n d o f J U L 2 0 1 9 the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern S E R B I A months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most activeK O S routeO V O for arrivals to ( S C R 1 2 4 4 ) authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19T peraban ovce ! # 2 6 | app. 1,100 (37%), followed by Eritrea (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months NORTHEAST of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western BalkansB, U namelyL G A R BosniaI A and ! Vlae in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees! ! Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a Vizbegovo 0 | app. 25 SKOPJE EA ST registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the34 | 1country50 significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remainingPO 78LO perG cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This Nis 36O perR T centH more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from Min Aall CthreeE D countriesO N I A and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is VARDAR (14%), followedA L B A byN thoseI A arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, whichSOUT HcontinuedEA ST into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of GreeceSOUTH showsWEST that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than

of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from TurkeyPELAG ONIA 108 registered in theTra nsamesit Ce nperiodtre Vino juofg 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan,48 | Syrianapp. 1,1 0Arab0 Republic, Algeria and Iraq ! # here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in G R E E C E Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry !AmongOpen R ethecept iototaln Cen teregisteredr ! migrantsClosed Rec eparrivingtion Cent erto Spain! in# Othepen Reception Center, Transit Point # Transit Point ! Alternative Accommodation Facility Number of Present Migrants | Capacity Legend of Interior . LLeeggeenndd first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 0 10 20 40 This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptanc2e by IOTheM. S informationource Data : IOM on, Esr inationality, HERE, Garmi nbreakdown, © OpenStreet Mprovidedap contribu tinors thisKi loreportmeters is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

344 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

TURKEY Background and Latest Figures HIGHLIGHTSAccording to the latest available figures from the Turkish Directorate Asylum Seekers & Refugees 7% General of Migration Management (DGMM), there are currently over 4 million foreign nationals present in Turkish territory seeking international Residence Permit Holders 21% protection. Most are Syrians (3,639,284* individuals) who are granted temporary protection status. In addition, asylum-seekers and refugees A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe from tocountries the Spanish including autonomous Afghanistan, enclaves the of Islamic Ceuta Republicand Melilla of in Iran, Iraq Syrians under TP 70% and Somalia constitute another significant group of foreign nationals. through differentoutside land and campssea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, AccordingSpanish to UNHCR, Ministry of as Interior,of end of Morocco February is 2019, the first there aredeclared 368,230** asylum-seekers and refugees present in Turkey. The number of foreign when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain Syrians in nationals has increased by 104,656 in comparison to July 2018 (3.9 per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed Camps million foreign nationals), with most of the increase recorded among 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January Syrianby nationals Guinea (13%),(97,034). Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . %2 (8%) (see more here) . In addition, there are 1,036,789* foreign nationals present in Turkey Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, holdingItalian residencyauthorities permits, reported including the arrivalshumanitarian of 2,779 residency migrants holders. Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals Comparedand refugees to July 2018, between this January is an increase and June of 2019318,492 . Arrivalsindividuals. in The have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean exact thenumber first sixof monthshumanitarian of 2019 residency have decreased holders by is83 unknown, per cent but it route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were is estimatedcompared that to therethe same are periodmore ofthan 2018 several when thousand 16,577 arrivals humanitarian rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to residencywere permit registered, holders. and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per *Data source DGMM, 25.07.2019 Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first**Data half source of the UNHCR, year were 28.02.2019 1 WesternSyrians andunder the TemporaryCentral Mediterranean Protection routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern Turkey’s temporary protection regime between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also grants the 3,639,284* Syrian nationals Monthly Population Chart of Persons Under Temporary Protection made up the majority of arrivals between January and June Thethe Easternright to Mediterranean legally stay in route Turkey was as also well the most3,500,000 active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 routeas some in the level first of six access months to ofbasic 2018, services. making up 42 per cent 3,000,000 (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) .

The vast majority - 3,552,004* individuals 3,552,004 3,514,016 3,501,266 3,497,854 3,497,690

of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean 3,466,103 route- lives (30%) outside and ofthe formal Central camps, Mediterranean known as route (28%)2,500,000 . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in temporary accommodation centers, thus the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Betweenprimarily residing January across and Junethe Turkish 2019, border Hellenic Authorities2,000,000 migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reportedprovinces 18,448 of Şanlıurfa, new arrivals , to Greece Hatay,, making the Eastern 1,500,000 months of 2018 . According to the available data from national MediterraneanAdana and . route As the such, most only active 87,280* route for arrivals to 1,000,000 authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival EuropeSyrians in live the in region formal . camps,Arrivals thisthe yearmajority in Greece are 19 per of which are located close to the Syrian (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six500,000 months 141,851 140,078 136,985 112,708 108,732 ofborder. 2018 andCompared 73 per to cent July more 2018 than when the 19 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and 87,280 temporary accommodation centers were 0 in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Feb 2019 Herzegovina,Mar 2019 AlbaniaApr 2019 and Montenegro,May 2019 haveJune 2019 observedJuly 2019 a hosting migrants in Turkey, only 11 remain registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increaseUrban Caseload in arrivalsResidents in Camps 2019 and have registered a operational with eight no longer in service. throughAs a result, land 119,123routes, and fewer the Syriansremaining currently 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), seareside . Forty in the per centers. cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab*Data Republic source were DGMM, the 25.07.2019second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%),Asylum followed Seekers by those and Refugeesarriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%)Another . In additionsignificant to that, group DTM of flowforeign monitoring nationals data in fromTurkey the are thearrivals 368,230* were reported,asylum- which continued into 2019 with the seekers and refugees consisting of different nationalities, but mainly originating in Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants asNationality of June, five times Percentage#more than Afghanistan and Iraq. An increase of 5,287 individuals has been recorded in this of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . category in comparison to June 2018. Afghanistan 46% to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq *Data Source UNHCR, 28.02.20191 Iraq 39% hereResidence) . Permit Holders were the main nationality groups registered in the countries Islamic Republic of in the region in the first half of 2019 . 11% AForeigners total of 13,263 who wish migrants to stay and in refugeesTurkey beyond were registered the duration in of a visa or visa exemption Iran Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent -i.e. longer than 90 days, must obtain a residence permit. According to DGMM, Somalia 2% lessthere than are the 1,036,789 17,950 registeredresidence inpermit 2018, holders and 41 in per Turkey cent with various categories of morethe residencethan the 9,401 permit, registered including in the“other”. same Theperiod latter of 2017 category . includes1 The informationhumanitarian on nationality breakdownOthers provided in this report3% is based Amongresidence the permittotal registered holders, migrantsand while arriving the exact to Spain number in the is unknown, iton is the believed nationality that declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry the vast majority of foreign nationals in this category are Iraqis. of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government 1 UNHCR ended registeration process in Turkey on 10 September 2018. the registrationof process Malta will continue with the procedure carried out by the Turkish authorities.

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 35 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Apprehended/Rescued Persons on Sea* The Turkish Coast Guard (TCG) recorded 5,409HIGHLIGHTS irregular migrants and no fatalities in July 2019. Comparing to July 2018, there is an increase of 2,976 apprehended individuals, when 2,433 irregular migrants were recorded. These figures only include those apprehended and rescued by the TCG, while the actual number of migrants and refugees departing Turkey by sea may be higher. Apprehensions at the so-called ‘hotspots’ on the Aegean Sea are shown in the map (left).

A P P R E H E N S I O N S O F F T H E T U R K I S H C O A S T R U S S I A N R O M A N I A A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla inF E D E R A T I O N 1 J a n u a r y - 3 0 J u l y 2 0 1 9 through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to availableB U dataL G A R I A from the Enez TEK I R DAG DU ZCE June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last Eyear,D I R N E Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco isK O theC AE LI first T UdeclaredR K E Y SAK ARYA when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 Geliboluorigin country of migrants18 and,YA refugeesLO2VA 87 who arrived in Spain TOTA L I R A Q per cent GlessR E thanE C E the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followedBO LU A P P R E H E N D E D L I B Y A 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered betweenGokc Januaryeada by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) andE G SenegalY P T A N K A R A and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . B I L ECAI Kpprehended Migrants C AN A K K A L E BU R S A 1801 - 2800 Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus,Ayva cik Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779376 - 1 8 migrants00 176 - 375 Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugeesB AL I KE betweenSI R January and June 2019 . ArrivalsES K I S inE H I R 21 - 175 have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent Gomec Sea Route route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were Dikicomparedli to the same period of 2018KUTAH whenYA 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of theLan d 83,752Route cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the Ayvalikreported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the Foca cent of migrants registeredT inU theR KfirstE Yhalf of the year were MANI SA Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from PakistanAF YO N (15%), U SAK route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Urla Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern Seferihisar between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also Menderes madeİZ M I Rup the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most activeCes me 1 Selc2018uk (18% of the total), followed by migrants from EritreaISPARTA route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent Soke Kusadasi DE NI ZL I (15%), SudanAYD (9%),IN Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean Didim route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrivedBU R D U R in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities Bodrum migrants reported toMU G haveL A arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern ANTALYA months of 2018 . AccordingMarmaris to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to Datca authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality0 3at0 arrival60 120 Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per Kilometers (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) andFeth iyNigeriae (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM. Source Data : IOM, National Authorities, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a Apprehensions/Rescues by Turkish Coast Guard Statistics for 2019 registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country(1 January - 31significant July 2019) increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), Time Number of Number of sea . Forty per cent of the registeredNumber ofpopulation cases that arrived This is 36 per centNumber more ofthan deaths the 11,413 registered in 2018 period irregular migrants organizers in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab RepublicAegean were the secondAll Seas most registeredAegean All649 Seas registeredAegean between JanuaryAll Seasand June 2017Aegean . An increaseAll is Seas (14%), Januaryfollowed by those arriving27 from Iraq27 (8%), Palestinian1,092 also1,092 observed in registered1 entries1 to Kosovo (UNSCR1 1244) 1. Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly February 36 36 1,428 1,428 - - 6 6 (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros regionMarch in the North of56 Greece shows56 that the majority1,796 reporting1,796 of 496 4migrants as of4 June, five times2 more than2 of migrantsApril (45%) who were80 registered arriving81 from Turkey2,765 1082,773 registered in 1the same period1 of 2018 (read5 more here) 6 . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq May 80 82 2,560 2,604 10 10 2 4 here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries June 98 99 3,258 in3,262 the region in the12 first half of12 2019 . 6 6 A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in July 160 161 5,388 5,409 - - 8 8 Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less thanTotal the 17,950 registered537 in 2018,542 and 41 per18,287 cent 18,364 28 28 30 33 more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based AmongUpon identification the total registered of the migrantsapprehended arriving persons, to Spain the in latter the are referredon tothe removalnationality declaredcenters by bymigrants the Turkishas reported Gendarmerie by the Italian Ministry or are issued a deportation letter, unless they claim asylum. However, apprehendedof individuals Interior . have the right to claim asylum after being referred first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea to a removal center or issued deportation letters. The top ten nationalities2 The information of apprehended/rescued on nationality breakdown migrants provided in are this reportAfghan, is based Palestinian, and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government Syrian, Iraqi, Congolese, Iranian, Central African, Somalian, Yemeni, andof Egyptian.Malta *Data source TCG, 31.07.2019 364 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Apprehended Persons on Land* HIGHLIGHTSAccording to the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) daily figures, 25,458 Apprehensions by Turkish Land Forces irregular migrants were apprehended during July 2019 at Turkey’s (1 - 31 July 2019) borders with the Syrian Arab Republic, Greece, the Islamic Republic Entry Exit of Iran, Iraq, Georgia and Bulgaria. Irregular exits were higher at Turkey’s western borders (with Europe), and borders with the Syrian Arab A total of 40,537 migrants16,606 and refugeesGreece arrived in Europe3,832 Syrianto the SpanishArab Republic autonomous and Greece enclaves are of theCeuta main and entry Melilla points in into throughRepublic different land and sea routes between January and Turkey.the North In comparison, of Africa . theAccording total number to available of apprehended data from persons the on land was higher in July 2018, when 27,068 persons were June 2019,Greece 29 per cent4,387 less than the sameBulgaria period last year,148 Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 apprehended.origin country ofMeanwhile, migrants and the refugees number who of arrivedapprehended in Spain persons Islamic Republic Islamic Republic during attempted exit out of Turkey were highest at the border per cent less than the 105,884370 arrivals registered in 2017 and77 between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed of Iran of Iran with Greece. The entry and exit figures breakdown are shown in 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January theby Guinea table (left). (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . Syrian Arab (8%) (see more here) . Iraq 7 24 Republic During July 2019, the highest number of irregular crossings at Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, entryItalian andauthorities exit took reported place at the the arrivals border of 2,779with the migrants Syrian Arab BulgariaGeorgia and Greece . 4Another 33 Iraqper cent of individuals3 Republic,and refugees with betweena total number January of and 16,630 June apprehended 2019 . Arrivals persons. in In have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean comparisonthe first six tomonths previous of 2019 month have there decreased is a decrease by 83 perin the cent irregular route leadingTotal to Spain,21,374 and the remainingTotal 10 per cent were4,084 bordercompared entries to the from same Syrian period Arab of 2018 Republic when to16,577 Turkey arrivals (15,001). In rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to Junewere 2019, registered, 31,607 and irregular are only entries a fragment of individuals of the were 83,752 recorded cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the atreported this border. between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were *Data Source TAF, 31.07.2019, no data available on July 6th. Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly *This map is for illustration purposes only. The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names, and related data shown on maps and included in this report are not warranted to be free of error nor do (8%)they imply . judgmentIn addition on the tolegal that, status ofDTM any territory, flow or anymonitoring endorsement data or acceptancefrom the of such boundariesarrivals by IOM.were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than Knownof migrants Entry (45%) whoand were Exit registered Points arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq The following are known entry points by land: Hatay, Kilis, Şanlıurfa (from the Syrian Arab Republic), , Çukurca (from Iraq), Şemdinli,here) . Yüksekova, Başkale, Ağrı, Doğubeyazıt (from Islamic Republicwere theof Iran) main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Known entry points by air: , İstanbul Sabiha Gökçen, Antalya, Esenboğa (from third countries) Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent Knownless than exit the points 17,950 by registered sea: Çeşme, in 2018, Ayvalık, and Didim, 41 per Bodrum, cent Küçükkuyu (Locations close to Lesbos, Samos, Chios, Symi, Kos and Rodos)more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry Known exit points by land: Edirne (to Greece and Bulgaria), Kırklareli (toof Interior Bulgaria) . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Knownand the remainingexit points 21 by per air: cent İstanbul, (2,788) İstanbul arrived Sabiha by land, Gökçen mainly (to certain onEU the MS) nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 37 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Readmitted Migrants and HIGHLIGHTS Refugees to Turkey On 18 March 2016, EU and Turkey agreed on the readmission of migrants arriving from Greece to Turkey after 20 AMarch total 2016. of 40,537 In this migrants regard, andaccording refugees to arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in throughDGMM differentreports, land1,891* and migrantssea routes and between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the refugees have been readmitted to Turkey June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared from Greece between 4 April 2016 whenand 31 some July 59,4462019. Mainsea and points land of arrivals return were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain perfrom cent Greece less than include the 105,884Lesbos, arrivalsChios, registeredKos migrants in 2017 andis shown inbetween the graphic January above. and June Tunisia,2019 (33% Côte of d’Ivoire, the total), Haiti, followed Lebanon, Mali, 85and per Samos, cent less while than the the main 239,157 readmission registered betweenThe top January nine nationalitiesby Guinea are included(13%), Mali in (13%),Dominica, Côte d’Ivoire India, (8%) Sierra and Leone,Senegal Yemen, andpoints June to 2016 Turkey . include Dikili, Çeşme, the graph, while the(8%) “others” (see more category here) . Congo, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Comoros, Bodrum and (point of entry is includes migrants from Nigeria, Sri Niger, Sudan, Jordan, Uzbekistan and Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants through airport). Lanka, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zimbabwe. Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent ofCameroon, individuals Nepal, andMyanmar, refugees Guinea, between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in havePer nationality arrived in Europebreakdown through of readmitted the Western MediterraneanPalestinian Territories, the firstSenegal, six Ghana,months of 2019*Data have source decreased DGMM, 31.07.2019by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 crossResettlement the Central Mediterranean of Syrians route From . This Turkey indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were The 18 March 2016 EU-Turkey statement aims to replace disorganized and irregular migratory flows by facilitating organized and Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), safe pathways to European countries. Specifically, the statement stipulates that for every Syrian returned to Turkey from the Greek routeislands, taken another by the Syrian migrants will beand resettled refugees directlyarriving toto Europe from Turkey.Algeria According (10%), Iraq to (9%)DGMM and data other released African on and 25 SouthernJuly 2019, there betweenare 22,729* January persons and Junethat 2019have .been resettled under this instrument,Asian with countries primary . resettlement (read more heredestinations) . Tunisian being nationals Germany, also France, made up the majority of arrivals between January and June Thethe NetherlandsEastern Mediterranean and Finland. route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte*Data d’Ivoire Source DGMM,(6%) . 25.07.2019 of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), PalestinianResettlements also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo byIn the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the Countryarrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry [email protected] of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

384 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019


A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent* Thelower designation than the is to 22,899 highlight registeredthe most active in routesthe first detected six in monthsthe Western Balkans at the moment. of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea Photo: Migrants walking from Velika Kladuöa to the border 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based andwith the Croatia. remaining IOM Bosnia 21 per and cent Herzegovina/2018 (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 39 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

ALBANIA FigureHIGHLIGHTS 50: Registered irregular migrants on entry in Albania each month, 2016 – 2019.

Developments during the reporting 400 372 period 350 293

During this reporting period (1 – 300 273 A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in 31 July 2019), there were 103 new 243 250 apprehensionsthrough different on landentry andinto sea the routes country, between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the 10June per 2019, cent 29 more per centthan lessthe than94 reportedthe same period200 last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain in the previous month and 17 per cent 147 127 126 per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in150 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 125 114

less than the 125 reported in July 2018. 108 103 94

85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire 86 (8%) and Senegal These arrivals indicate irregular entries in 100 69

and June 2016 . 55 (8%) (see more here) . 51 47

the Gjirokaster region. Additionally, 74 42 37 32

50 21 19 16 15

individuals were apprehended on exit 11 Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals8 of 2,779 migrants 3 1 Bulgariain their attempt and Greece to enter . Another Montenegro 33 perfrom cent of individuals0 and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in thehave Shkoder arrived region,in Europe 18 throughper cent the less Western than MediterraneanJANUARY FEBRUARYthe first six MARCHmonths of 2019APRIL have decreasedMAY byJUNE 83 per centJULY theroute 90 leading registered to Spain, in the and previous the remaining month 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals (Junerescued 2019) and andbrought 51 per to centItaly lessand thanMalta the in their attempt to 2016 were registered,2017 and are only a 2018 fragment of the 83,7522019 150 registered in July 2018. cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicatesFigure that51: Apprehensionsthe reported on exit andbetween entry inJanuary Albania, and January June –2017 July 2019.. Twenty-one per BetweenEastern Mediterranean January and route July continues 2019, toa surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as400 the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), total of 1,387 new irregular migrants 358 wereroute takenregistered by the on migrants entry andto andrefugees exit arriving 350to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also from the country. This is 34 per cent 300 made up the majority of arrivals between January and June 244 lessThe thanEastern the Mediterranean 2,106 reported route on was entry also the most active 243 250 2018 (18% of the total), followed219 by migrants from Eritrea1 androute exit in thein firstthe sixsame months period of 2018,of 2018, making up 42 per cent 184 200 (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . 177 ofeight registered times morearrivals, than followed the 178 by thereported Western Mediterranean 158 146

150 126 onroute entry (30%) in and2017 the and Central four Mediterraneantimes higher route (28%) . A total of 1,256115 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in 103 95 94 93 90 86

than the 370 reported between January 100 the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 74 59

Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities 51

and July 2016. 38 migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the50 Eastern21 months of 2018 . According to the available data from national TheMediterranean majority routeof registered the most activemigrants route for arrivals0 to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival betweenEurope in January the region and . JulyArrivals 2019 this were year Iraqi in Greece are 19 JANUARYper FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . nationalscent lower (34%), than thefollowed 22,899 by registered those from in the first six months Apprehensions on Entry Apprehensions on Exit Total theof 2018Syrian and Arab 73 Republic per cent (25%), more thanPakistan the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and (14%),in 2017 Algeria . Twenty-two (7%) andper Moroccocent of all (7%). migrants Figureand refugees 52: Nationality breakdownHerzegovina, of Albania andFigure Montenegro, 53: Nationality have breakdown observed of a Availableregistered data arriving for the in Greecesame period so far of crossed 2018, intoregistered the country irregular migrantssignificant between increase January in arrivalsregistered in 2019 irregular and migrantshave registered between aJanuary indicatesthrough landa relative routes, decrease and the in remaining the presence 78 per centand arrived July 2019. by total of 15,549 and refugeesand July as of2018. June (read more here), ofsea Syrian . Forty nationals per cent (55% of the in 2018registered vs. 25% population in that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 13% 2019).in the Ascountry in 2019, by thesea breakdownwere of Afghan between origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four16% times higher than the Januarythe Syrian and Arab July Republic 2018 alsowere consists the second of most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is 7% Pakistan(14%), followed (10%), byIraq those (8%), arriving Algeria from (6%) Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed34 %in registered entries5% to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . andTerritories Morocco (8%), (5%) and as the the most Democratic frequently Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly 7% reported(8%) . In addition countries to ofthat, origin. DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which6 %continued into 2019 with the 55% Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period8% of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read14% more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were25 the% main nationality groups registered10% in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Iraq Syrian Arab Republic Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent Syrian Arab Republic Pakistan more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . Pakistan1 The information on nationality breakdown providedIraq in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry Algeria of Interior . Algeria first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea Morocco2 The information on nationality breakdown providedMorocco in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government Other of Malta Other

404 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019


Developments during the reporting Figure 55: Registered irregular migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina between January and period July 2019.

4,000 ADuring total this of 40,537reporting migrants period and(1 – refugees 31 July) arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in 3,649 3,500 throughBosnian differentauthorities land reported and sea 3,649 routes new between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the irregular migrants, a 74 per cent increase 3,000

June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco2,631 is the first declared 2,603 compared to the previous month when 2,557

when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported,2,500 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived2,286 in Spain 2,096

2,096 arrivals were reported, and 40 per 1,989 per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered2,000 in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85cent per more cent than less thanthe 2,603the 239,157 reported registered in July between January by Guinea (13%), Mali1,721 (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal 2018. The average number of migrants 1,500 1,419 and June 2016 . (8%) (see1,117 more here) .

arriving each week since the beginning of 1,000 873 Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities666 reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants the year is 490, ranging from 141 in the 411 500 237 77 69 63 56 Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January51 and June 2019 . Arrivals in 37 first week of January to 1,016 in the first 26 have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean0 the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent week of July 2019. JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescuedBetween and January brought and to July Italy 2019, and Malta14,690 in their attempt to were registered,2017 and are2018 only2019 a fragment of the 83,752 new arrivals have been reported. This is cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicatesFigure 56:that Irregular the entriesreported to Bosnia between and Herzegovina, January and weekly June arrivals2017 in. Twenty-one 2019. per Eastern54 per cent Mediterranean more than theroute 9,565 continues reported to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were in the same period last year and thirty- 1016 Western and the Central Mediterranean routes 1000as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), nine times more than the 379 reported 915 route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern859 859 between January and July 2017. between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here784) . Tunisian nationals also 800 According to the available data, Pakistan made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 1 617 628 is the most commonly reported country 2018 (18% of the total), followed by598 migrants from603 Eritrea route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent 587 593 600 545 (15%), Sudan517 (9%), Nigeria514 (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of origin between January and July (41%), 495 501 of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean 473 followed by Afghanistan (10%), Bangladesh 447 route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256409 migrants and 418 refugees arrived in Malta in (9%), Iraq (8%) and Syrian Arab Republic 400 341 the314 first half322 of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 (6%).Between When January compared and Juneto the 2019, countries Hellenic Authorities 276 207 migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern183 186 of origin reported between January and 179 163 200 141 months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to July 2018, Pakistani nationals were also the authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per most frequent (33%), followed by Syrians (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) .


cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months Jul Jul Jul (16%), migrants from the Islamic Republic Jul Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jun - - - Apr Feb Feb Feb Jun Jun Jun - Apr Apr Apr Apr Feb ------Mar Mar Mar Mar - May May May May ------7 ------6 9 7 14 21 28 27 13 20 31 24 17 10 16 23 30 14 21 28 30 of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities28 in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and 10 17 24 31 of Iran (12%), Afghanistan (11%) and Iraq 12 19 26 31 (9%).in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed intoFigure the country57: Nationality breakdownsignificant of increase migrants in arrivalsFigure in 58: 2019 Nationality and have breakdown registered of migrantsa through land routes, and the remaining 78 per centregistered arrived in by Bosnia andtotal Herzegovina of 15,549 and refugeesregistered as of in June Bosnia (read and moreHerzegovina here), in July sea . Forty per cent of the registered populationbetween that arrived January and JulyThis 2019. is 36 per cent more than2018. the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the 19% the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered20% 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is 30% (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly33 % (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which 9continued% into 2019 with the 9% Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . 11% to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan,17% Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq 11% here) . were the main nationality groups registered12% in the countries16% 13% in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent Pakistan Pakistan less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent Syrian Arab Republic Syrian Arab Republic more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based the Arab Republic of Iran Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in theAfghanistan on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . Islamic Republic of Iran Afghanistan first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainlyIraq on the nationality declared by migrants as reportedIraq by the Government of Malta Other Other

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 41 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Migrants presence HIGHLIGHTS According to the data received from IOM were recorded. An estimated 74 per cent present in the country were of Pakistani and partner agencies working in the field of individuals were adult males, 7 per cent origin, followed by Afghani (14%), Iraqi in Bosnia and Herzegovina, there were adult females and 18 per cent are children, (13%), Iranian (9%) and Syrian (8%) 7,523 migrants and refugees residing in the among which, 238 were registered nationals. as unaccompanied and separated. Acountry total ofat the 40,537 end of migrants July 2019, and 5 refugeesper cent arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta23% and Melilla in 33% Thirty-three per cent of the migrants throughmore than different the previous land monthand sea when routes 7,145 between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared Figure 59: Nationality breakdown of accommodated Figure 60: Age/Sex breakdown of accommodated 8% migrantswhen some and refugees59,446 seaat the and end land of Julyarrivals 2019. were reported, 60 origin countrymigrants ofand migrants refugees and at therefugees end of who July 2019.arrived in Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%)9% and Senegal 23% 14% and June 2016 . 7% (8%) (see more here) . 33% 13% Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, 6% Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779Pakistan migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in 8% Afghanistan have arrived in Europe through 18the% Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent Iraq 74route% leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals 12% the Islamic Republic of Iran rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered,9% and are only a fragment of the 83,752 14% Syrian Arab Republic cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per 13% Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half ofOther the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin,Pakistan followed by those from Pakistan (15%), Adult Males Adult Females UASC AC route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%),Afghanistan Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countriesIraq . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active the Islamic Republic of Iran 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent Syrian Arab Republic Map 15: Accommodation facilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with information(15%), on Sudan occupancy (9%), and Nigeria capacity, (7%), July and 2019. Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean Other routeB O (30%)S N I Aand A theN CentralD H E MediterraneanR Z E G O V IrouteN A (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugeesP R arrivedE S E N T in M MaltaI G R A in N T S the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 BetweenM i g r a n Januaryt P r e ands e n Junec e 2019, Hellenic Authorities 7,523 e n d o f J U L 2 0 1 9 migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern R O M A N I A Miral (TRC) Temporary months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route theE m mostergen c activey Site route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals533 | 7this00 # year in Greece are 19 per Hotel Sedra (TRC) Temporary Reception(37%), Center followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899Ze nregisterede sa Une 27 2in | 3the80 first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more11 | 2 than6 ! the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and # BR Č KO ! REPUBLIK A DI ST R IC T B IH #! Borići (TRC) Temporary Emergency Site in 2017 . Twenty-twoBira ( TperRC) Tcentempo rofary all migrants and refugeesSR PSK A Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a 254 | 430 registered arriving in RGreeceeception soCe nfarter crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the1,49 1remaining | 1800 78 perB centO S arrivedN I A by A N Dtotal of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered populationH E R thatZ E arrivedG O V I N AThis is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registeredS E R B I Ain 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is C R O A T I A Ušivak (TRC) Temporary Reception Center Lukavica FEDERATION OF (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed791 | 800 Iinmm registeredigration Cen entriester to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . BOSNIA AND Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second!!! 4half9 | 1 0of5 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly HER ZEGOVINA (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivalsHouse oweref All reported,!Delijaš A swhichylum C econtinuednter (AC) into 2019 with the 56 | 90 Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 4962 4migrants | 154 as of June, five times more than ! of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey S108alako vregisteredac Refugee/A insyl uthem C sameenter period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more 1Pakistan,42 | 213 Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in M O N T E N E G R O Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent K O S O V O less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent ( S C R 1 2 4 4 ) more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the A L B A N I A I T A L Y of Interior . first! Op esixn R ecemonthsption Ce ntofer 2019, 79! Cperlose dcent Rece p(10,475)tion Center arrived! by# Oseapen Reception Center, Transit Point # Transit Point ! Alternative Accommodation Facility Number of Present Migrants | Capacity Legend 2 The informationLL onee gnationalitygeenndd breakdown provided in this report is based on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government0 20 40 80 andThis mtheap is fremainingor illustration pur p21oses opernly. Na mcentes and b(2,788)oundaries on arrivedthis map do n obyt im pland,ly officia l mainlyendorseme nt or acceptance by IOM. Source Data : IOM, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors Kilometers of Malta

424 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Figure 62: Nationality breakdown of KOSOVO HIGHLIGHTS registered migrants and asylum seekers As in previous years, most of the migrants 27 between January and July 2019. have entered the country at the green (UNSCR 1244) 14% border with Albania. 6% Developments during the reporting 37% period Thirty-seven per cent of registered A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrivedpersons in Europe that have submittedto the Spanish an asylumautonomous enclaves6% of Ceuta and Melilla in Duringthrough thisdifferent reporting land periodand sea (1- routes 31 Julybetween application January andbetween the January North ofand Africa July . According to available data from the 13% 2019)June 2019, authorities 29 per centin Kosovoless than (UNSCRthe same period2019 last are year, from the SyrianSpanish Arab Ministry Republic. of Interior, Morocco is the first declared 1244/1999)when some 59,446have seareported and land 67 arrivals new were Iraqreported, is the 60 second mostorigin reported country oforigin migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain 24% irregularper cent lessentries than thein the105,884 country, arrivals which registered country in 2017 declared and by 24between per cent January of asylum and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed represent85 per cent a lessmarked than thedecrease 239,157 compared registered betweenseekers January this year, followedby Guinea by Algeria (13%), (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’IvoireSyrian (8%)Arab Republicand Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Iraq to the previous months when 125 new Morocco (6%) and Palestinian Territories Algeria Fifty-sevenirregular entries per cent were of reported,all arrivals butwere eight registered (6%). in Cyprus,In contrast, ItalianTurkishauthorities nationals reported the arrivalsMorocco of 2,779 migrants Bulgariatimes more and than Greece the same . Another period last 33 year per centwere ofthe individuals most frequentand refugeesasylum seekers between January and JunePalestinian 2019 Territories . Arrivals in Other havewhen arrived 8 irregular in Europe entries through were thereported. Western Mediterraneanbetween January andthe July first 2018 six months(35%), of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent routeMost ofleading the newto Spain, arrivals and in the July remaining are from 10 perfollowed cent were by individualscompared coming tofrom the samethe periodFigure of 63: 2018 Nationality when 16,577 breakdown arrivals of rescuedIraq, followed and brought by Syrian to Arab Italy Republicand Malta and in theirSyrian attempt Arab to Republic were (16%), registered, Libya (11%), and are registered only a fragmentmigrants and of asylum the 83,752 seekers crossother thecountries Central of Mediterranean origin. route . This indicatesPalestinian that theTerritories reported(9%) and betweenIraq (9%). January between and June January 2017 and . Twenty-one July 2018. per SinceEastern the Mediterranean beginning of the route year, 563continues irregular to surpassAccording both the to the availablecent dataof migrants as shared registered by in the first20% half of the year were entriesWestern were and reportedthe Central in total.Mediterranean This is five routes the as Ministrythe main of Internalof Affairs, Tunisian 84 origin, per cent followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern35% times higher compared to 116 registered in of the total registered asylum seekers as of 9% thebetween same Januaryperiod andlast year,June 2019six times . higher July 2019 are males, whileAsian 16 countries per cent .are (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June Thethan Easternthe 88 Mediterraneanregistered in 2017 route and was four also thefemales. most active Out of the total, 14 per cent are 9% 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 routetimes higherin the firstthan thesix 135months registered of 2018, in themaking upaccompanied 42 per cent children and an additional 2 (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte11% d’Ivoire16% (6%) . ofsame registered period arrivals,of 2016. followed by the Western Mediterraneanper cent are unaccompanied children. route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugeesTurkey arrived in Malta in Figure 61: Arrivals of irregular migrants registered each month, 2016 – 2019.the first half of 2019 . This is significantlySyrian Arabhigher Republic than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities Libya migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six 140 reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern Palestinian Territories

months 125 of 2018 . According to the availableIraq data from national Mediterranean route the most active120 route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reportedOther nationality at arrival

120 110 Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2Figure (12%) 64: and Sex Nigeria breakdown (8%) of. registered cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months 100 asylum seekers in 2019. of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported 84 Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and 16% 80 in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a 67 registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a 60

through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,54944 and refugees as of June (read more here), 37

sea . Forty per cent of the34 registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 40 31 31 27 23 21 20 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all 20 three countries and twenty-four times higher than the 18 16 15 15 20 14 9 the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between8 January and June 2017 . An84 increase% is 4 3 3 2 1 (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also0 observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . 0 Male Female TerritoriesJANUARY (8%),FEBRUARY and the DemocraticMARCH RepublicAPRIL of CongoMAY InJUNE the second JULYhalf of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the 2016 2017 2018 2019 Figure 65: Age breakdown of registered Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than asylum seekers in 2019. of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . Presence of migrants and asylum Kosovo, only 12 persons have entered the to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, 2Algeria% and Iraq seekers country irregularly during 2019 while the 14% here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries majority have entered regularly (citizens of As of 31 July 2019, 122 asylum seekers in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees wereTurkey, registered North in Macedonia and Serbia). All were present in Kosovo: 106 of them were Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019,registered 26 per cent migrants and asylum seekers are citizens of Turkey, while others were from less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, andaccommodated 41 per cent at the Asylum Center in Turkmenistan, North Macedonia, Iraq, more than the 9,401 registered in the same periodMagure-Lipjan. of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Palestinian territories and Serbia. Out of the Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian84% Ministry total number of asylum seekers currently in of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdownAdults providedChildren in thiswith report family is basedUMC* and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government 27 This designation is without prejudice to positions of Malta on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence. 4 BACK TO CONTENTS 43 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

than the same period of 2017 when 226 in various centres of the country at the MONTENEGRO migrantsHIGHLIGHTS were registered. end of July. Also, twenty-nine per cent of migrants registered in Montenegro as of Developments during the reporting With the expansion of IOM´s presence July 2019 were from Syrian Arab Republic, period in the field, Montenegro DTM team followed by those from Morocco (18%), established a new flow monitoring point in During this reporting period (1 – 31 July), Algeria (16%), Iraq (13%) and Pakistan A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrivedPljevlja in Europe to track movementsto the in Spanish the northern autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in authorities in Montenegro registered (5%). When compared to data from the through different land and sea routes betweenpart January of the and country (betweenthe North Montenegro of Africa . According to available data from the 672 new migrants and refugees, 14 per same period last year, Syrian nationals June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same periodand lastBosnia year, and Herzegovina)Spanish Ministryat the end of Interior, Morocco is the first declared cent more than the 588 reported in the were also the majority reported (42%), when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were ofreported, the first 60 quarterorigin of 2019. country Based of migrants on and refugees who arrived in Spain previous reporting period (1 – 30 June). followed by migrants from Pakistan (18%), per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registeredavailable in 2017 data, and 29 individualsbetween were January first timeand June 2019 (33% of the total), followed The number of registered migrants this Algeria (11%), Iraq (8%) and Morocco 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered betweenregistered January in Pljevlja by(and Guinea are (13%),therefore Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal month is 35 per cent higher than in July (6%). Further on, migrants and refugees and June 2016 . included in the total (8%)new (seearrivals more above) here) . 2018 (499), seventeen times more than the from Syrian Arab Republic were the first and 31 individuals were registered in the 39Fifty-seven registered per in centJuly 2017of all andarrivals significantly were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reportednationality the arrivals group of throughout 2,779 migrants 2018, a trend same location in their attempt to exit the higherBulgaria than and the Greece 9 reported . Another in July 332016. per cent of individuals and refugees between Januarythat continued and June in 2019 2019, . Arrivals but is in different country and continue their journey. Sincehave arrivedthe beginning in Europe of the through year, authorities the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019from have 2017 decreased when arrivals by 83 toper Montenegrocent inroute Montenegro leading to Spain,registered and thea remainingtotal of 10 perAt centthe end were of July therecompared were 15 to migrants the same periodwere of predominantly 2018 when 16,577 composed arrivals of Algerian 3,970migrants,rescued and brought 58 per to cent Italy higherand Malta than in theirand attempt refugees to in variouswere reception registered, facilities and in are (51%) only aand fragment Moroccan of (14%) the 83,752 nationals. thecross same the Central period Mediterranean in 2018 when route 2,505 . This indicatesPljevlja. that Overall, the 216 migrantsreported and between refugees January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per wereEastern reported Mediterranean and eighteen route timescontinues more to surpasswere both reported the to centbe ofaccommodated migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), routeFigure taken66: Arrivals by the to migrantsMontenegro and registered refugees eacharriving month, to Europe2016 – 2019. Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also 800 made up the majority of arrivals between January and June 711 The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 1 2018 (18% of the total), followed672 by migrants from Eritrea route700 in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent 622 (15%),618 Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . 588 of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean 583 600 558

route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean503 route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in 499 500 469 the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported400 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern

320 months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to

300 256 authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent200 lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and 81

100 61 41 39 39 36 34

in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina,23 Albania and Montenegro, have observed a 15 15 14 9 9 6 3 2 registered0 arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through landJANUARY routes, andFEBRUARY the remainingMARCH 78 per cent arrivedAPRIL by MAYtotal of 15,549JUNE and refugeesJULY as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea2016 were of Afghan origin2017 . Nationals from 2018 in all three countries2019 and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

444 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

Figure 67: Nationality breakdown of registered migrants Figure 68: Nationality breakdown of registered between January and July 2019. HIGHLIGHTSmigrants between January and July 2018.

15% 19% 29% Syrian Arab Republic 42% Syrian Arab Republic 6% A 5 total% of 40,537 migrants and refugeesMorocco arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of CeutaPakistan and Melilla in Algeria through different land and sea routes betweenAlgeria January and the8 % North of Africa . According to available data from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the sameIraq period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco isIraq the first declared when13% some 59,446 sea and land arrivalsPakistan were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees whoMorocco arrived in Spain 11% per cent less than the 105,88418% arrivals registeredOther in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of Otherthe total), followed 85 per cent16 less% than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%),18 Mali% (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in haveMigrant arrived presence in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals At the end of July 2019, there were 216 migrants and asylum seekers accommodated in the reception facilities around the country, a 29 rescued and brought to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 per cent increase from the 169 accommodated at the end of the previous reporting period (1 – 30 June 2019). cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were WesternMap 16: Accommodationand the Central facilities Mediterranean in Montenegro routes with as informationthe main on occupancyof Tunisian and capacity,origin, followed July 2019. by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern betweenM O N JanuaryT E N EandG RJuneO 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) .P TunisianR E S E N Tnationals M I G R AalsoN T S M i g r a n t P r e s e n c e made up the majority of arrivals21 between6 Januarye n d o andf J U JuneL 2 0 1 9 The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the Western Mediterranean Different accommodation facilities in Pljevlja route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants andS E R refugeesB I A arrived in Malta in 15 | !the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities B O S N I A A N D migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reportedC R O A T I A 18,448 new arrivalsH E R ZtoE GreeceG O V I N, makingA the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per NO(37%),RTHER Nfollowed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and MrefugeesO N T E NHerzegovina,E G R O Albania and Montenegro, have observed a registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a K O S O V O through land routes, and the remaining 78 per centS parriveduz Dete nbytio n total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), CENTRAL Spuz Asylum Center ( S C R sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrivedCenter 72 | 80This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 COASTAL ! 1 2 4 4 ) in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals1 7from | 40 in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the ! the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered Konik649 Alte rregisterednative between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian Accoalsommo dobservedation Facilit yin registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . 112 | 100 Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals wereA L Breported,A N I A which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than N O R T H of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (readM A moreC E D hereO N)I . A to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries

! Open Reception Center ! Closed Reception Center ! #Open Reception inCe ntheter, Tregionransit Poi nint the first# Trhalfansi t Pofo int2019 . ! Alternative Accommodation Facility A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Number of Present Migrants | Capacity Legend LLeeggeenndd 0 12.5 25 50 SpainThis map (WMR)is for illustratio nbetween purposes only. NJanuaryames and bou nanddaries oJunen this m a2019,p do not i m26ply o ffpericial en dcentorseme nt or acceptance by IOM. Source Data : IOM, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors Kilometers less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 45 4,576 rescued, 161 dead/missing, 68 rescue operations in 2019

MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019

CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN HIGHLIGHTS LIBYA Developments during the reporting Figure 68: Rescue operations by the Libyan Coast Guard between period January and July, 2017 – 2019.

A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in 8,000 Europe to the Spanish autonomous enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla in

Between January and July 2019, 68 incidents 7,361 through different land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According to available data from the were reported by the Libyan Coast 7,000 6,835 GuardJune 2019, in which 29 per a totalcent ofless 4,576 than migrantsthe same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared werewhen returnedsome 59,446 to Libya; sea and161 landmigrants arrivals are were reported,6,000 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed

estimated to have died or gone missing 5,000 4,576 during85 per thecent same less thanreporting the 239,157 period. registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . 4,000 (8%) (see more here) . Available data for 2019 indicate a 35 per 3,000 centFifty-seven decrease per incent the of number all arrivals of reportedwere registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants operationsBulgaria and this Greece year compared . Another to 33the persame cent of individuals2,000 and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in

periodhave arrived in 2018, in Europewhen 105 through operations the Western were Mediterranean the first950 six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent1,000 were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals 168 161 68 55 reported and a 24 per cent decrease when 53 comparedrescued and to brought 90 operations to Italy and reported Malta in their attempt0 to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 2017 2018 2019 atcross the the end Central of July Mediterranean 2017. The number route . This of indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were returned migrants as of July 2019 (4,576) is Operations Returned to Libya Dead and Missing 64Western per cent and less the than Central the 12,725Mediterranean returned routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), inroute the takensame byperiod the migrants last year, and and refugees 56 per arriving and to than Europe the 1,175 reportedAlgeria (10%),to have Iraqgone (9%) A and more other complete African estimation and Southern of the relative centbetween less thanJanuary the and10,435 June returned 2019 . to Libya missing in the same periodAsian of countries 2017. . (read morerisk hereof those) . Tunisian departing nationals from also Libya to between January and July 2017. made up the majority of reacharrivals Europe between in terms January of deadand June and missing The Eastern Mediterranean route was also theNevertheless, most active the relative number of those 1 2018 (18% of the total), followedmigrants shouldby migrants also take from into Eritrea consideration Theroute estimated in the first number six months of dead of and 2018, missing making upreported 42 per centto have died in the first seven (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeriathe (7%), reported and Côte arrivals d’Ivoire in Italy (6%) and . Malta and migrantsof registered between arrivals, January followed and by Julythe Western2019 Mediterraneanmonths of 2019 calculated as a share of the dead and missing migrants reported (161)route (30%)is significantly and the Central lower Mediterraneanthan the 571 routethose (28%) returned . overA totalthe same of 1,256 period migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This alongis significantly the whole higher Central than theMediterranean 235 Betweenestimated to January have died and in June front 2019,of Libyan Hellenic (3.5%) Authorities is higher than the share calculated migrants reported to haveroute. arrived in Malta in the first six reportedshores between 18,448 newJanuary arrivals and to JulyGreece 2018,, making for the the Eastern same period of 2018 (2.5 %). months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival MapEurope 17: in Incidents the region off . theArrivals Libyan this coast year and in Greecenumber areof returned 19 per migrants, January – July 2019. (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months I N C I D E N T S O F F T H E L I B Y A N C O A S T of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and 1 J a n u a r y - 3 1 J u l y 2 0 1 9 in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a L I B Y A registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a A L G E R I A

through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugeesN I G E R C H asA D of June (read more here), S U D A N sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four4,576 times higher than the Zuwara the Syrian Arab Republic were the secondT rimostpoli registered 649 registered between January TandOT AJuneL 2017 . An increase is 143 318 R E T U R N E D (14%), followed by those arrivingAbu sfromitta Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%),Sa b andrtha the Democratic1293 Republic of CongoTadjoura h In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly 24 89 Alkhums (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoringTRI POdataLI from the arrivals were221 4reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrantsZWARA (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian ArabM Republic,israta Algeria and Iraq ALJFARA 411 here) . A Z Z AWYA were the main nationality groups registered in the countries ALMARGEB in the region in the first half of 2019 . A Rtotaleturned Mofigra n13,263ts migrants and refugees were registered in L I B Y A Spain451 - 2 25(WMR)0 between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less15 1 - than 450 the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent 91 - 150 more than the 9,401A Lregistered JABAL in the same period of 2017 . 1 The informationMISRATA on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based 24 - 90 AL GHARBI Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first Ssixea Ro utemonths of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea Land Route 2 The information on nationality0 breakdown10 20 provided40 in this report is based Kilometers and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government This map is for illustration purposes only. Names and boundaries on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by IOM. Source Datofa : I OMaltaM, National Authorities, Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors

464 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019


During July 2019, a total of 58,002 Many of these movements were observed in Arlit (36%), Magaria (22%) and Dan Issa (16%). individuals were observed transiting In particular, the majority of internal movements were observed in Arlit and Dan Barto, through the 7 active Flow Monitoring most of incoming flows were observed in Magaria and Dan Issa and outcoming flows were APoints total (FMPs) of 40,537 in Niger, migrants a 13 per and cent refugees more arrivedmostly in Europe observed in Arlotto the and Spanish Séguédine/Madama. autonomous enclavesOn a daily of average,Ceuta and 614 Melilla individuals in were throughcompared different to the 52,199 land and reported sea routes in June. between leaving January the andcountry whilethe 563 North individuals of Africa were . enteringAccording Niger. to available data from the AnJune average2019, 29 of per1,871 cent individuals less than theper sameday periodRead last more year, here . Spanish Ministry of Interior, Morocco is the first declared werewhen recordedsome 59,446 passing sea throughand land the arrivals active were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain FMPsper cent during less thanthis month.the 105,884 Out arrivalsof the totalregistered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33% of the total), followed Figure 69: Flows observed in Niger, July 2019. Figure 70 Profile of migrants interviewed in individuals85 per cent observed,less than the 72 239,157 per cent registered were between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal Niger, July 2019. adultand June male, 2016 19 per. cent were adult females (8%) (see more here) . and the remaining 9 per cent were children. Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants BulgariaThe main and reasons Greece cited . Anotherfor movement 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in haveare economic arrived in migration,Europe through short termthe Western local Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent routemovement, leading seasonal to Spain, migration and the and remaining tourism 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued(in descending and brought order). to Italy and Malta in their attempt to were registered, and are only a fragment of the 83,752 Mostcross theof theCentral observed Mediterranean flows (62%) route .were This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per crossEastern border: Mediterranean 37 per cent route of continues them were to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were observedWestern andbetween the Central Niger Mediterranean and Nigeria, routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), whileroute taken14 per by centthe migrantswere between and refugees Niger arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern andbetween Algeria January and and11 perJune cent2019 with . Libya. Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June TheMore Eastern specifically, Mediterranean during July route 2019, was 17,442 also the most active 2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 routeindividuals in the were first observedsix months entering of 2018, Niger making up 42 per cent (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . ofand registered 19,025 arrivals,individuals followed were by tracked the Western as Mediterranean routeoutgoing (30%) flows and fromthe Central the country. Mediterranean These route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in flows are higher than those observed the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities during the previous month (June): 15,444 migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the first six reported 18,448 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern incoming individuals, 15,761 outgoing months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to individuals. The remaining 21,525 individuals authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival observedEurope in thewere region moving . Arrivalsinternally, this yearwhich in Greece are 19 per (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . representscent lower than37 perthe 22,899cent of registered all observed in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and movements during the month of July 2019. Map 18 DTM Flow Monitoring presence in Niger in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a

registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a through land routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by total of 15,549 and refugees as of June (read more here), sea . Forty per cent of the registered population that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the country by sea were of Afghan origin . Nationals from in all three countries and twenty-four times higher than the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the Democratic Republic of Congo In the second half of 2018, 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . to Greece, mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq here) . were the main nationality groups registered in the countries in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263 migrants and refugees were registered in Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent less than the 17,950 registered in 2018, and 41 per cent more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry of Interior . first six months of 2019, 79 per cent (10,475) arrived by sea 2 The information on nationality breakdown provided in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Government of Malta

4 BACK TO CONTENTS 47 MIXEDMIXED MIGRATIONMIGRATION FLOWSFLOWS ININ THETHE MEDITERRANEANMEDITERRANEAN CompilationCompilation ofof AvailableAvailable DataData andand InformationInformation JulyJune 2019 2019


   A total of 40,537 migrants and refugees arrived in Europe to the Spanish autonomous 238enclaves dead/missing of Ceuta and Melilla in through different     land and sea routes between January and the North of Africa . According1 to to available 31 July data 2019 from the June 2019, 29 per cent less than the same period last year, Spanish Ministry of Interior,840 Morocco dead/missing is the first declared when some 59,446 sea and land arrivals were reported, 60 origin country of migrants and refugees who arrived in Spain per cent less than the 105,884 arrivals registered in 2017 and between January and June 2019 (33%Jan of to the July total), 2019 followed 85 per cent less than the 239,157 registered between January by Guinea (13%), Mali (13%), Côte d’Ivoire (8%) and Senegal and June 2016 . (8%) (see more here) . Fifty-seven per cent of all arrivals were registered in Cyprus, Italian authorities reported the arrivals of 2,779 migrants Bulgaria and Greece . Another 33 per cent of individuals and refugees between January and June 2019 . Arrivals in 1 have arrived in Europe through the Western Mediterranean the first six months of 2019 have decreased by 83 per cent route leading to Spain, and the remaining 10 per cent were compared to the same period of 2018 when 16,577 arrivals rescued and brought207 to Italy and4 Malta in their attempt to 233were registered, and are only a fragment57 of the 83,752 cross the Central Mediterranean route . This indicates that the reported between January and June 2017 . Twenty-one per 576 Eastern Mediterranean route continues to surpass both the cent of migrants registered in the first half of the year were Western and the Central Mediterranean routes as the main of Tunisian origin, followed by those from Pakistan (15%), route taken by the migrants and refugees arriving to Europe Algeria (10%), Iraq (9%) and other African and Southern between January and June 2019 . Asian countries . (read more here) . Tunisian nationals also made up the majority of arrivals between January and June The Eastern Mediterranean route was also the most active  2018 (18% of the total), followed by migrants from Eritrea1 route in the first six months of 2018, making up 42 per cent  (15%), Sudan (9%), Nigeria (7%), and Côte d’Ivoire (6%) . of registered arrivals, followed by the WesternMediterranean Mediterranean fatalities 2017 - 2019 route (30%) and the Central Mediterranean route (28%) . A total of 1,256 migrants and refugees arrived in Malta in the first half of 2019 . This is significantly higher than the 235 Between January and June 2019, Hellenic Authorities migrants reported to have arrived in Malta in the  first six reported 18,4482017 new arrivals to Greece, making the Eastern months of 2018 . According to the available data from national Mediterranean route the most active route for arrivals to 2018 authorities, Sudan is the first reported nationality at arrival Europe in the region . Arrivals this year in Greece are 19 per 2019 (37%), followed by Eritrea2 (12%) and Nigeria (8%) . cent lower than the 22,899 registered in the first six months of 2018 and 73 per cent more than the 10,679 reported Authorities in the Western Balkans, namely Bosnia and  in 2017 . Twenty-two per cent of all migrants and refugees Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro, have observed a

registered arriving in Greece so far crossed into the country  significant increase in arrivals in 2019 and have registered a  through land   routes, and the remaining 78 per cent arrived by  total of 15,549  and refugees as of June (read more here),              sea . Forty per cent of the registered population  that arrived This is 36 per cent more than the 11,413 registered in 2018 in the countryJan by seaFeb were ofMar Afghan Aprorigin . NationalsMay fromJun Jul in allAug three countriesSept andOct twenty-fourNov timesDec higher*up to 31 thanJuly 2019 the the Syrian Arab Republic were the second most registered 649 registered between January and June 2017 . An increase is (14%), followed by those arriving from Iraq (8%), Palestinian also observed in registered entries to Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) . Territories (8%), and the DemocraticChild fatalities Republic of in Congo the MediterraneanIn the second half2017 of 2018, - 2019 80 per cent of the overall yearly (8%) . In addition to that, DTM flow monitoring data from the arrivals were reported, which continued into 2019 with the 100 2017 Evros region in the North of Greece shows that the majority reporting of 496 migrants as of June, five times more than 2018 of migrants (45%) who were registered arriving from Turkey 108 registered in the same period of 2018 (read more here) . 2019 to Greece,50 mainly by land, were of Turkish origin (read more Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syrian Arab Republic, Algeria and Iraq 18 here) . were the main nationality14 groups registered in the countries 1 1 5 9 3 2 1 3 5 6 5 5 3 1 7 1 1 4 6 1 Eastern Mediterranean 0 in the region in the first half of 2019 . A total of 13,263Jan migrantsFeb andMar refugeesApr were MayregisteredJune in July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Spain (WMR) between January and June 2019, 26 per cent Central Mediterranean less than the3 | 17,95010 | 3 4 | registered 2 | 1 2 | 1 in 2018,6 | 2 and 18 41 | 2 per3 | cent6 | 1 7 | 12 | 1 1 | 20 4 - 2017 | 2018 | 2019 2 | 1 | 4 - | 6 | 1 1 1 - | 1 1 - - - | 1 - | 3 4 | 1 1 | 4 Western Mediterranean more than the 9,401 registered in the same period of 2017 . 1 The information on nationality breakdown provided20 in17 this | 20 report18 | 201 is9 based Among the total registered migrants arriving to Spain in the on the nationality declared by migrants as reported by the Italian Ministry *Data for child fatalities data on the Central Mediterranean route is incomplete as most bodiesof Interior are never . recovered. The true number is not known. first six monthsMap is for of illustrative 2019, purpose.79 per Boundariescent (10,475) and names arrived used and by designations sea shown2 do Thenot implyinformation official endorsement on nationality or breakdownacceptance byprovided IOM. in this report is based and the remaining 21 per cent (2,788) arrived by land, mainly on the nationality declared by migrantswww.MissingMigrants.iom.int as reported by the Government of Malta


ABOUTThe Displacement THIS REPORT TrackingMIXED Matrix MIGRATION (DTM) is FLOWSa system IN to THE track MEDITERRANEAN and monitor displacement and population mobility. It is designed to regularly Compilation of Available Data and Information and systematically capture,MayJuly process 2019 2019 and disseminate information to provide a better understanding of the movements and evolving needs of IOM’sdisplaced Displacement populations, Tracking whether Matrix on site (DTM) or en isroute. a suite Flow of tools Monitoring* and methodologies is one of DTM designed components to track developed and analyze to human collect mobilitydata on inpopulation different displacementmovements at contexts points strategicallyin a continuous selected manner. inside To a gather country, and a disseminateregion or across information different about regions. the migrant The objectives populations of themoving Flow through Monitoring the Mediterranean,exercise are to improveup the Western understanding Balkan Route of profiles, and through migration the Northern routes and Route migration into Europe, drivers ofin Septemberpopulation 2015on the DTM move, established expand relevant a Flow Monitoringactors´ awareness System. ofThe immediate Flow Monitoring and medium System term includes needs ofa monthlypopulation flows on the compilation move, to thenreports, inform quarterly humanitarian regional and overview resilience and programs dataset, whichand to provideinform possiblean overview reintegration of migration and developmentflows in countries strategies of firstand activitiesarrival and in the other communities countries alongof origin the orroute in other in Europe, areas. and an analysis of trends across the region. The data on registered arrivals is collated by IOM through consultations with ministries of interior, coast guards,Regular policeupdates forces on populationand other relevant movements national to Europeauthorities. across Data the on Mediterranean, arrivals is displayed migrants and regularlypresence updated in Western (twice Balkans a week) and on publishedthe Flow Monitoringinformation Europeproducts Geoportal can be found. at Flow Monitoring Europe Geoportal. *The Flow Monitoring activities do not aim at providing total numbers of migration stocks nor flows in each country or region.

Flow Monitoring Surveys Mixed Migration Flows in the Mediterranean ArrivalsEurope –to Mixed Europe Migration – Q1 2019 Flows Dataset to Europe – JuneApril 20192019 – Quarterly Overview (April - June 2019) The DTM system also includes flow monitoring surveys to capture additional and moremore in-depthin-depth data data on on the the people people on theon move,the move, including including age, sex, age, areas sex, of origin,areas levelsof origin, of education,levels of education,key transit keypoints transit on theirpoints route, on motivestheir route, and intentions.motives Theand questionnaireintentions. The also questionnaire has a module also with has a set a ofmodule questions with ona set vulnerabilities, of questions exploitative on human practicestrafficking, and exploitative abuse, including practices two and indicatorsabuse, including on sexual two and indicators physical on violence. sexual Thisand physicaldata has violence. been captured This data by IOMhas been field staffcaptured in by Greece, IOM field the staff Republic in Greece, of the North Macedonia,Republic of Serbia,North Macedonia, Hungary, Croatia,Serbia, Italy,Hungary, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Kosovo Montenegro, (UNSCR 1244),Kosovo Albania,(UNSCR Bosnia 1244), and Albania, Herzegovina, Spain, Romania,Bulgaria and Spain, Slovenia Bulgaria in different and Slovenia periods in differentsince October periods 2015.since OctoberThe analysis 2015. Theof analysisdata collected of data collectedbetween between 2015 2015and and2018 2018 is available is available on theon theIOM IOM portal portal for Turkey –— Migrant Quarterly Presence Migration Monitoring Report – forMediterranean Mediterranean. . Situation(April - June Report 2019) (May 2019)

About Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Displacement Tracking matrixMatrix is a system to track and monitor displacement and population mobility, provide critical information to decision-makers and responders during crises, and contribute to better understanding of population flows. DTM waswas first first conceptualized conceptualized in in 2004 to monitor internal displacement in Iraq and has since been adapted for implementation in over 70 countries, including in contexts of conflict, naturalnatural disaster, complex emergencies and protracted crises. More information about DTM and Methodological Framework used in DTM operations can be found on the global displacement.iom.int.

Information contained in this document has been Data collection activities in Turkey Data collection activities received from a variety of sources including: national supported by: supported by: authorities, national and international organizations as well as media reports. Specific sources are not named in the report. The information collected has been triangulated through various sources in efforts to ensure accuracy of the content, and where information has not been confirmed, this has been noted in the report.