The Circuit Around Korita (Falcon’S Throat)

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The Circuit Around Korita (Falcon’S Throat) On Foot to Grlo Sokolovo The Circuit around Korita (Falcon’s Throat) show you glimpses of local life, you will go through A stone town on top of a hill, a duke. The first gate between dimensions. A look down the throat of a falcon. Along a winding and picturesque road, which will Slopes and rocks as therapy for body and mind. a small place called Ubli and go down deeper into the wide spaces of the rocky Kuči region. Length: 65 km Podgorica - Medun - Ubli - Korita - Stjepovo - Podgorica Thirty-Kilometre-Long Descent Back on your road because the excitements are Medun not over yet! A beautiful, thirty-kilometre-long - descent towards Podgorica begins in Korita. The winding asphalt will lead you through the villages The circuit over Korita always draws one’s at of Deljaj and Stjepovo towards new viewpoints tention because of its beauty. It is especially The Illyrian castrumth ofrd Meteon, which existed in hours will be enough to wander off and sink between the 4 - above the Cijevna Canyon. Finally, you will go precious when your time is limited: a few this place before the medieval fortress, was built deep into the extraordinary ambience of land- across Doljani and into the capital of Montenegro. After numerous serpentines, you will reach a pla- and 3 centuries B.C. on an elon - Aside from the residents, Albanian Catholics, the teau where there were summer pastures, but today gated rocky hill. This makes it one of the oldest villages in this area are also special because of the scapes that look like they are very far from the constructions of its kind in this part of the Bal gardens and fields bordered by low stone walls.- capital city. In the language of science fiction, it is more of a weekend resort, Korita kučka (or Althoughkans. Roman it was legions built asconquered a fortress, Medun Medun in later 167 Stjepovo is a place that is possibly “the rockiest” somewhere on a narrow road through Ubli, Korita hotska). You will reach a crossroads where BC, and captured the last Illyrian king, Gentius.- of them all. Behind Stjepovo, the descent is bro Korita and Stjepanovo, there is a gate between youyour should road towards go all the Stjepovo way to theseparates centre toof thethe rightsett- ken by a climb lasting a few kilometres: from the dimensions and you will go through it twice: and doubles back – but there is a good reason why and a couple of centuries into the exotic spac- became a town, and as such it survived and devel ridge, you will again have a beautiful view over once by jumping over seven hills, seven seas es of the former Montenegro, and the second oped for two and a half millennia. the Prokletije Mountains and Podgorica. Then, lement. You should ask for direction so that you can- time by happily returning and landing into the even Lake Skadar will show you a large piece of st kingfind the across former meadows patrol path and ofthrough the border the woods,guard near the its blue mirror. the military barracks. After half an hour of easy hi everyday life of the 21 century. path will take you to a fantastic place with a fitting name: Grlo sokolovo (Falcon’s Throat). Alter Ego of Cijevna importantDuke Marko person Miljanov in Montenegrin (1833–1901) history from andKuči a was born and is buried in Medun. He was a very The Cijevna Canyon will turn into a tiny crack near Podgorica. You have seen its grandiose At the exit of the small village of Deljaj, the asphalt - wholarge described part of the the nation’s life and culture struggle and oftradition, his tribe a beginning, and if you want to see what its very touches the very edge of the canyon. The river here From the edge of this viewpoint will look straight- legendary fighter against the Turks and a writer different ending looks like (a few metres deep is still over 700 metres beneath us, so one should into... the explosion of the mighty canyon of the Ri which he was born is the most important memo- ver Cijevna, the daughter of the snows of the Prok and wide in a rocky plain), you should head in Montenegro and Albania. Today, the house in definitely stop and enjoy the new views. rial museum in Montenegro, and it should be seen letije. Through the bluish haze, the kind that covers wherefrom Podgorica one should down embark the 4-kmon a short road and towards easy, Tuzi. The bridge over the Cijevna is a place makedepths up and the widths, other sideyou ofwill the catch world; a view in this over place the - tragic time, and learn about life in this place dur- endless raw walls and bows of the Prokletije. They in order toth revisit an interesting, though at times although disproportionately attractive, explo where the power of nature gives way only to two ration of this new “personality” of the canyon. ing the 19 century. sides of the world: the one where you are and the one where you are not. The Climb You will start your journey in Podgorica, at the intersection in front of the Hotel Keto. The long The Road from Korita theSkopska 4-kilometre Street will mark, lead the you climb north-east, becomes and more you is Special will start to climb once you leave the city. From crossroadsintense – you from are which entering you the will hills continue of Kuči. straight therapeutic effect, and it can be recommended Near the 8-kilometre mark, you will arrive at a This long descent from sky to the earth has a The remains of a medieval fortress are another on, towards Medun. On the right, there is a road Into everyonethis place, who it would wants be to a feelshame really to goawake fast site that can be visited in Medun, and there is also towards Fundina – this is the direction from which is worth taking a walk there and stepping on origi- and enjoywaste life. those You precious should fully moments, enjoy the images ride! you will return at the end of this tour. a necropolis north of the upper part of the town. It Very quickly, you will arrive at the remains of the These restaurants and accommodation facilities are recommended by the author of the text. ancient fortified town of Medun. Nowadays, only nal Illyrian steps. Also, Medun offers a great view and feelings. about hundred people live within its walls. over Podgorica and the entire surrounding area. GPS Types of vehicles - Montenegrin attractive roads are of ten very narrow, winding and with- significant slopes. In order to specify the road conditions for different ve hicles, we have defined the following categories:1. Motorcycles (m) 2. Cars (c) 3. Small camping vehicles (S) 3 Serbia Length up to 5.60 m Width up to 2.30 m Height up to 2.70 m 4. Medium-sized camping vehicles (M) Length up to 7.00 m Width up to 2.30 m Height up to 3.50 m 5. Large camping vehicles (L) Bosnia and HERzegovina Length 7.00 m and more In all towns in Width 2.30 m and more Montenegro Height 3.50 m and more there are Note: local tourist 1 organisation At this point the routes are not recommended for info centres where you can large camping vehicles (L) and drivers with no get additional experience. information and Different seasons entail a variety of challenges. For more information and important information to driving and routes, visit the site: explanations. Kosovo 1 3 2 2 6 Croatia PANORAMIC 1 ROADS AROUND 6 Albania Food, Drinks and Souvenirs MONTENEGRO Montenegro is rich with sources of fresh, healthy - 4 noticewater. signsTo the for taste paths of springof wine, water cheese add and the honey, supe butrior besides taste of thesethe local also cuisine. do not missOn the the roads opportunity you will Paysages naturels: - 5 to buy food from the hosts. Also try their brandy, mead and of course – great wines. Authentic sou A 1. Biogradska Gora National Park venirs made from wool and wood will be not only dri 2. Prokletije National Park memories, but also very useful items. at 3. Durmitor National Park i 4. Lovćen National Park c Se 5. Lake Skadar National Park e 6. Cijevna Just one Canyon part of the natural and cultural heritage of Montenegro along the panoramic roads. Cultural Resources: Panoramic Roads around Montenegro 1. Fortress of Medun Publisher: 2. Kruševac Court Complex Montenegro; The project team: 3. Duklja - Doclea Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Dušanka Pavićević, Anka Kujović, BranimirAuthor of Raičević, the text: Jovan Eraković, KirsiPhotographs: Hyvaerinen, Dr. Thomas Wöhrstein, Milica Vušurović, Gojko Cimbaljević, Karsten Schöpfer; THE CIRCUIT Jovan Eraković; Translation: Jovan Eraković,Re- Miodragviewers: Bogdanović, Marianne van Twillert,Design Mobil Total,and Prepress: National Tourist OrganisationPrinting (NTO) by: Archive; Copies:Porta Aperta; AROUND KORITA Sonja Živaljevć, Vesna Vukadinović; Ivanka Haverić; Studio MOUSE; 1000.
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