The Elemental Poodle
The Elemental Poodle January, 2009 Volume 6 Issue #1 Copyright © UPBA, 2009 Objective d) to promote careful, informed From the President’s Pen breeding of healthy, sound, genetically diverse By Sally Eller Poodles and Standard Poodles with breed- specific good temperament. In July of 2009, UPBA will be FIVE Many thanks to our own Health years old! This calls for lots of activity and Committee, led by Teri Carter, for keeping us events, as well as our biennial election of well-informed on poodle health issues through officers. her excellent articles in our Poodle Elements. How about planning now to attend our Fall Let’s celebrate our 5th year as a poodle club by Show and Annual Meeting in mid-September in making it the healthiest year ever for poodles! Hickory, NC? We have been having our show In light of the current economic stress, on Friday in conjunction with the 3-day the Board of UPBA has agreed to extend the weekend of AHTA shows. This year we hope membership renewal deadline to March 15th. to offer RallyO trials and at least one Obedience We hope this will give each of you time to trial. Sue Dearholt has already volunteered to be budget for your dues and get them to our the Obedience/Rally chair, and Gloria Odgahl Treasurer, Ann Addison. You can find the will be the secretary for our show and trials. membership renewal form and instructions for THANK YOU ten-times-over to each of you payment at our web site. for taking on these very important jobs for our There has been some club! discussion of changing our Bylaws to move the Going to our Fall Show and Trials membership renewals to a summer month, but would be just one thing you could do for the Board has not yet discussed this.
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