PAGE TWKNTY-POUR ManrlfMtfr lEit^ning l^^raUi SATUBDAY. MGEMBEB SO, 1M9 I • ' • ^ I ' Mmt Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock M anchester ville; Mrs. Haniet Lesizza, 8 Regan St., Rockville. R ockville Two Land Tranmctions Hospital Notes Also, Thomas R. Griffin, 60 Valley St.; Jeanne Orr, Cmst- Hospital Notes WE WILL BE A v s w Dally Net PTen Rmi field Convalescent Home; Mrs. M a y 's mNT On Board Agenda Jan. 6 VniTlNO HO€BS Alice Foote, Hebron; Bruno P. VlsUtng hoars a n 12:86 to 8 Intenuedlmte Care 8emi- Lenhardt, 110 Charter Oak St.; p.m. In all anas except ma­ The Manchester Board of Di­ town’s possible future plans to l> M «a ib er 8A 18M The Weather pviratet noon*t pjn., and 4 p.m. Edward J. Kasche, Ellington; ternity when they an 8 to 4 be given away. S p.m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- Mrs. Mamie H. Belalr, 718 E. and,6:80 to 8 p.m . rectors will Consider two pro­ Chxidy, windy ond cold to- y The proposed transfer includes OPEN 3 -6P.M. S p.m ., and 4 p.m .-8 p.m. Middle Tpke.; Donald E. posed real estate tranaactions on night wMh a few Uigeiing flur­ Pediatrics: Parents allowed a revertive douse. It sUpulafea 15,880 Gowdy, Woodland Rd., Coven­ Admitted Wednesday: Irving Jan. 6 — one for buying, the \ ries. Lows in 20a. Tuesday the any time escort noon-2 p.m .; Ifiat, in the event the Army and try; Mrs. Margaret Vlnlng, 79 Rau, Buff Cap Rd., Tolland; other for selUng. Both would be others, 2 p.m .-8 p.m. Navy Club transfers ownership, IfsRcIwstar— 4 Ct»y of Vittoee Charm some with high near 60. Ansaldi Rd.; William Radze- Robert Regan, E. Hartford; by ordinances: Self Service: 10 a.m .-2 p.m., wlcz. East Hartford. or, in the event the property John Powell, Gerald Dr., Ver­ It -will consider the purchase VffiL LXXXn, NO. 70 (THHtTY-TWO PAGES—-TWO SECHONS) 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Also, Philip B. Smith, 84 non; Marguerite Wheelock, Is used for any purpose other BIANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 of a 50-foot-wide strip off High­ than for the Army and Navy •) PRICE YEN CENTS Intensive Care and Ooronar>’ Florence St.; Mrs. Mabel Prospect St., Rockville; Paul SUNDAY land St., leading approodmately CluUiouse, the property would Oare: Immediate family only, Caine, WlnSt^; Mary Atme Welser, RFD No. 2, RockvlUe; 259 feet into the town-owned be returned to the town. anytime, limited to live min- Simmons, 183 Maple St.; Kath­ ^ger Desautels, Park West YOUR SHOPPING OONVEMENCE OeJc Grove Nature Preserve. Approval of tbe transfer re­ ntes. erine Adams, 19 Seaman Cir­ Dr., Rockville; Patricia PItkat, The parcel is being offered quires a miniimun of six af­ Blatemity: Fathers, 1 1 a:m.- cle; Kathleen M. Gondarow- Plllsbury HIU, RockvUle; by the Boise Cascade Cccp., the firm ative imtea. iXM p.m., and 4:M p.m .-8 ski, Hazardville; Mrs. Cecelia Sharon Davis, Cider MiU Rd., OPEN DAILY 9 AsM. to 9 P J L U.S., Russia Agree p.m.; others, 8 p.m.-4 p.m., and DeVaux, 801 Main St.; Michael ~ m 9 holding company for Case Bros. Bolton; Dennis White, Main St., Tbe purchase price is 1500. The 0:80 p jn .-8 p.m. P. Rivers, 132 Walker St.; An­ Vernon. Scott Predicts Veto Age Limits: 10 in maternity, drew N. Lamoureaux, 34 Vic­ parcri measures 18,017 square FROM NOW TILL CHRISTMAS Discharged Wednesday: Er­ feet' — approximately three- Giiidam:e Office 12 in other areas, no limit in toria Rd.; David M. Howard, raL'.J?i.'i* newsmen. "But cans joining 175 Democimte In house Theeday from 10 a.m. un- ROUTE 83 — 872-4622 — VERNON, CONN. limited. Visitors are asked to Elaine J. Wynegar, 18 Myrtle Rockville; Florence Grotta, to be considered Jan. 6 does not Umwatlwi talks In ^Henna April mlae clxrioe of both caidtols dent Nixoii’s veto threat • sdefinite." supporting the wu. Hartford; . Mary Gauvln, 16 and continue them in Helsinki eiuled a deadlock and enabled bear with the iiospital while the St.; John E. Ahem, East Hart­ John H. Gantner, executive have the approval of the TPC. tB noon in the guidance office. Monday and passed. 261 to J**® *•*"* ^ of the $i biuion Oongreoa Wlndsorvllle; Max Rothe, High Inter- the two countries to move ahead petMng problem exists. ford; Gary W. Lull, 93 Hemlock director of Hartford Neighbor­ In facti the conunlseton is re­ MHS graduates attending col­ 110 a budirat bustinir *19 7 "'•’***'*•' P*“ “«<1 I*! added to Nixon's budget Is for St. St., Rockville; Betty Kllton and hood Centers, will speak on commending that the parcel in lege and home for the holidays Tbe United States had wanted their efforts to stop the urn Nixon veto it while Cbngreo. U education p m g n ^ House Also, Mrs. Kenneth Lawson son. South St., Rockville; Gloria "The Suburbanite in the Iimer question be retained by the are Invited to attend. ------arms race In nuclear missiles. billion appropriations bill home on a holiday recess, or Democratic leaders wont t ocb- Carmody and daughter, Stafford for labor, herith and edu­ Patients Today: 2T4 and daughter, 18 Sterling PI.; City" at the Sunday Morning town. Students who have study halls A jrint communique said: hold It unUI Oongreas returns front Nixon on the issue and ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. Kenneth Wood and son, Springs; Christine McLaughlin,' Coffee House of St. Mary's Epis­ The proposal Is for transfer­ during this period will be en­ New Year's Eve “ Die preliminary exchange of cation programs. next month so K would have a hope that the Senate wtU toOow Forest St., Manchester; Mary Paul Arcato, 24 Keiuington St.; Hutchinson Rd., Andover; Mrs. copal Church tomorrow at 10 ring to the Army and Navy couraged to meet with former f o e SIC views which took place concern- Senate approval Is sUll needed chance to vote to override the suit. to send the blU to the WhUe Mrs. Leona Bendell, 842 Hilliard Aithur Belasky and son, 225 Stoetzner, Lawrence St., Rock­ a.m. In the old parish hall of Club the 140 X 156 foot plot at students. Open house w ill afford DINNER and DANCING ^ [ro s f/ alJews C- gf/O ing the Umitatloa of strafegle veto. it m vacation ttmetohU waa Spencer St. St.; Debra A. Cuscovitch, East ville; Francis Quinn, Overbrook the church. The event Is open the couthwest comer of Main counselors and students an op­ TO THE BIUSIO nor Society’s GOME TO ^ signed letter to Santa was writ­ land is too valuable to the TE!L AVIV, Israel (AP) — A reached on tbe general range of provtslon for a gradual InereoM now, 66 Maple St.; Donna American Club are: North - College, West Hartford. He program for graduates. ten by one of the 1,600 Inmates group of 39 Negroes has arri'ved questions which will be tbe sub­ to 8750 In the peraonol tnoome Hamel, Storrs; Steven F. South, James Polites and W il­ serves as vice president of the VINCENTS FOOD HAVEN CATERERS Tax Bill and You: of the Wayne County jail and in Israri inteiMhng to settle, but ject of further U.S.-Soviet ex- tax exemption. U m House ts ex­ Kochenburger, Storrs; Robert liam McDougal, and Joseph board of directors of the Con­ sent to sheriff’s deputies. It a wrangle about their religion changes.” WASHINGTON, (AP) — The pected to oot on the bU lot* LeBreus, Cedar Swamp Rd., read: Toce and Alfred LaPlant, tied necticut Social Welfare Confer­ 1876 V4».KSWA01!N AND HAVE A REAL FEAST Married oouple, no depend* Coventry. THINK SMALL SED AN kept them encamped at Lod In- ’Ihe communique, intlaled at following tables (wepared by enU« 10 per cent deducUora today. "I know It’s a little ways be­ for first; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ence, and Is a member of the Also, Mrs. Marie L. McFarlin, IM Ivsnd la Msarbistor . Hot buffet style dinner. B. Y. O. B. with set-ops Airport near ’Tel a ceremoidal closing of the pre- congressional tax speclollste 1,500 0 Senate Republicans and Dam- fore Christmas, but I felt so bad Mareelloi, third. board of directors of the Great­ 0 0 0 Ellington; Frederick G. Nasslff, Equipped with Isaitlisretite to- , Umlnary phase of SALT by Show the effect of the new tax 1,700 14 0 14 oermte already hod staged a po­ about not thanking you for last Also, Blast-West, Mrs. Dennis er Hartford Community Coun­ provided. Party favon, noisemakerB and door 100 88 Norman St.; Karen Nasgle- terlor, wtadsliield wanhw, 3- Tite Negroes claim to be Jew- chief delegates Vladimir 8. Se­ bill on various classes of taxpay­ 1,800 28 0 18 100 litical cuotody dispute over tbe year’s presents that I just had Robinson and Salvatore Conti, cil. prizes. wlcs. Rocky Hill; Edward J. q>eed ke., Rockville; a "Well, Santa, It’s past my comes here." "The main task Is, of course. YouP Christmas Store $4,000 140 0 140 100 1,600 0 a crucial resolution to keep unfl- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Craig bedtime and good Uttle boys The Negro men and women, sUll ahead of us,” SmiUi said at 84,200 170 28 142 88.1 1,700 ^QQ nonced government agenclee In Larson, 442 W. Middle Tpke.; should be asleep. final ceremony In Smolna South Vietnamese girl at the Saigon School for Blind Girls smiles and clutch­ $5,000 290 140 ISO 51.1 1,800 OQ funds uiXU Congreee takes tte a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. "Oh, yeah, one more thing. 1 to Liberia to IW . t a t ^ g to Palace. “ But we have made a es Raggedy Ann doll given to her by U.S. Coast Guardsmen. (A P Photofax) $7,500 687 514 178 20.! 8,800 lOQ vacation and returns to act on Donald Hartl, 40 Farmstead was wondering if you could send ■ / \ '- - X set up a sort of lO bbu te-c^, aret step In the right dlrecUon...... With More Values 10.000 1,114 900 209 18.1 2,800 gg 3 their appropriations. Dr., Wapplng; a daughter to eraUve fOrm—on Israeli lines, thif me another play gun right away 12,500 1,567 1,809 258 1S.I 3o'_3 As m sttere stand, that Is Uke- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Geicbes, But they say they didn’t feel Z n t 8,000 and a play hacksaw blade so I 15.000 2,062 1,810 848 11.1 13 Hathaway Lane; a son to comfortable there, and firndly 8,000 il!s ly to be the sUuaUon tor ths Do- can make a {day jailbreak. 17.000 2,598 2.880 818 8.1 2g' portmont of Health, Ediinatlon Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Ben­ A l l .III decided t6 move to Israel. ' profoundly hope Uiat in 4.000 "I seem to have mlsplaeed For Your Home and Family 20.000 8,160 8,010 100 4.1 25.5 and Wslfore, the Deportment of Action Light: Viet Truce Nears 4,200 nett, 860 Center St. the play jail key." On arrival at Lod, they were of the forthcoming told their American passports uegoUations the United States 20.000 4,412 4,240 178 S.l 5.000 14.5 Labor, and the Agency for la- SMGON — A U.S. heU- a U.S. artUlery bombardment 67 ed in the action northwest of DISCMAiROED THURSDAY: OnrA^ urna awA* _it______^ ^ _ _ Married couple, two depend- 7.000 7.1 ternoUcnal Development. TOO entitled them to remain here Soviet UiUon will be John D. Tarbox, Abby Dr., He­ Founo 4,5 The reaolution ccnthiuee RENO, Nev. (AP) — A weU- FOR HER: ® Iron wear Hosiery I Komar Sleepwear three months only. But Block- to agree upon limitations ______. . - w bron. 8,000 0 0 0 0 11,500 1,611 4.4 ependlng authority through Joa- dressed man slipped quietly In­ weU said the group had few re- on their respecUve strategic buriied a North Vietnamese ed.’sM U m re ldiM~by’^ - ~ it was ths thim tin,, m 8,500 66 0 66 100 ‘ sources and hod oountod on the arsenaU. Both of our countries, force In tbe third day of action ^ e n In so u t^ m ^ ^ ^ y - daw th e^ n ^ ^ *S l^ t 15,000 8,061 8J DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: to a national hank here and ask­ ft. 4,000 128 0 138 100 1 .5 But another factor, the *»• ^ l-'Ke have in south Vietnam’s northera- en P rovln ,ru n S S 1 S - ^th 17,500 8.6a : Randall L. Sholes, Shoddy Mill ed: "Who would like to help 4,300 147 28 lie 80.9 30,000 8,060 : 2.5 coUsd Philadelphia plan for ob- Rd., Andover; Mrs. Florence A. me?" One of tbe girl tellers Stately Lady Caper Coats ' Century Sportswear .tUng down. The JewlA Agency, much to gain from such an most province. Elaewhbre, bat- ment said. tram In ^ eShin. 5,000 845 140 however, expressed doubt about agreement. UeOeld action was light as the ft a tea^ng 105 a .e 35,000 4,184 4 2 taining more eonatrueUea jeb Donofiio, 330 Burnham St.; answered: "I will, sir.” Where­ their eiisUiiHtv «nr nmnnrt . . - M, ^® U.8. Oommand.aoid para- ‘lom mountainous jungles along 7,500 578 476 108 17.7 Single pereon,person, 10 per cent de- opportunlUe* tor block workare, Robert H. Bessette, Ellington; upon the man drew a ptstol, T ‘*** resources cease-fires ap- troopers of Um lOlst Airborne «>• border to South Vtotnom's 10,000 963 8« 114 11.8 ducUona hod mode the future of Ihe sup­ David A. Gehagan, 806 E. Cen­ handed the feminine toller a 0 Cossard Artemis Lingerie ® Berkshire Hoisery ’Ihe AMrioons tr^ ^ “ «> talenU of our two countries ambushed a North Vietnamese northern coast. InteUlgenoe ona- 12,500 1,858 1,166 114 8.4 900 0 0 0 0 plemental oppropctoUooa bill ter St.; Mrs. Frances L. Balch, paper bag and sold "Then give '*® ‘•®'^®‘®<* »»®i® to solvlngi the *«> 11>® '>**■ North Vietnamese 15,000 1,796 1,666 IIS 7.8 1,600 100 0 100 100 uncertain. ^ 087 School Rd., Bolton; Mrs. me the money." She handed out slaves brought to North Amert- problems of modern society— ^ southeast. Three of the enemy may have been heading for the 17,500 1,349 2,117 131 6.6 1,700 t I 8 0 115 too Tile Senate hod eltoched a Irene Lebtonen, 10 HolUa Rd., nearly 11,800 to the man, who M are .common to »“®y helicopter a. It waswaa land------wereu.,,.. killed ... and -- three------captured,. . . . . ------coaotol plain to------get rice from 30,000 3,760 8,610 160 5.4 rider to the suppiemsntol meas­ South Windsor; WlUlam Trafton, • Aristocrat Gowns, Pajamas ® Designer Original then quickly ran to hi* oar and ia S!***!^®*^’*!,**’ ^ technologically advanced guerrilla oontoota. 26,000 8,848 8,660 168 4.4 (le a P a ge ure prohibiting the ptoa, which High Manor Trailer Park, Rock­ drove off. Idea when the group might be n/>n. ' solablUhee quotas far blooka given approval as Immigrants. ^ . .. Airborne Division recon Preoldent Nguyen Van Thleu vialted the heodquortens of the and other mliwrlty mambere to Sweaters # Dainty Dot Hosiery # Appliances from "But we’ve waited about 400 expressed similar nalssance team. Eight Ameri- ^bv tilled on federally flnaaoed years tor this, so I guess a day „ ®ans were kUled and two wound- U.S. 20Ui Infantry Dlvlslan 20 Plane Crashes miles northwest of Saigon to construction projects. or two more won’t matter." , * ®^®‘ Union has been ed. TTie two injured men were Nixon hss threstensd to vsto , The party, most of the mar- ®®*“ *»««>“ y and unswervingly taken out safely, Into Met Slum wish the Americana a merry Routine Check of Luggage A t TIm # Oster # Sunbeam # Revere Ware # General ChrUtmaa. He told them "many the suppismsntat appropria­ TONIGHT ried men In their 20s .sat stoi- P*®moUng the peaceful coexist- U.S. Air Force B52s bombed tions, although hs sold Sunday a NHA TRANG, Vietnam (AP) troops wlU leave Vlet- cally with their wivee In the air- ®n®* of states regardless of Infiltration routes leading from final dsclslon hod not boon ^ port foyer. their social systems, along with Laos through the jungled moun- - A South Vietnamese alrkner ^ ^ to our Keeps Grenade Off Plane mods. Electric # Waring % Universal # Proctor Silex About 15 children clambered P«ace and security and general tatoa and foothills as Intelll- skidded off the end of the Nha ^1*" ^let- Oongraas la planning a roeese ond---- - — complete asimeoe disarmament," IIIWJliCIIL, o— K^nce Indicated growing UUU> ^ InfU' A 8 CUI^Trang Air IMIMLI Base AUiOWBOJ runway M/UAJ, today, 9.a.,n» ■* 41. AM aaJT wa_ x A'THENS (AP) — , A Trans thsm they plamisd to force the (See Page Tea) until Joh. iS-unlsse Nixon PARKADE the Soviet deputy foreign minis- tratlon of North Vietnamese smashing into a schoolhouae BAOOO Preri World Airlines clerk opensd a plans to Damaoeue and blow the should Invoks onoUisr of Me ter told the assembled delega- *)®rthweatern port of the coun- and a cluster of slum homes. ***“ announced will passenger's handbag In a rou- noss up after landing, warnings and summon House timu. ~ try, initial report, said 80 perron. “ tine check at the Athens airport After the arreeU, pollcs REkco Cutleor • Regina # Oneida #BroU-King legislative leaders snd Ssnste beok to "It is these high inlnciples '*'*® attached base were UUed.Mil... But o,,. the toll .... wros______ex- Saigon, legislative Sunday and found a hand gre- Marched all the li«gng» snd protested police failure to Inter- Immsdiatsly after Ctirtatmae. thot guided the U.S.S.R. delroa. *«^ ® ™ and gun post- pected to climb os rescue team . nsdc inside. checked ths 29 othsr psasangsrs TTm I’reoldanl hod Cyclamate tion St the talks. here.____ ' « « two m ile. f,om dug through the rubble of the "I couldn’t baliavs It," sold again. The Boeing 707 arrived at would coll a special Brothers Sewing Maehines ^ ximex Watches "We have been_«en aware that ^ L«oUanLaotian border and 11 mile*miles homes and small school and flieAe thron»ti ih« M.tioeiAi /.*"*^?** Fritos Svortopoulos, who was New York's Ksimsdy Airport Isas appropriations mi ^ g the s^teglc arm, race " ® nolweoy. The deUlon’- credited with foiling a plot by three hours late. A pasrongqr fur the currant fiscal year- Test Halted Vietnam D06. three Lebanese Arabs to hijack told raportsrs at Ksniisdy that which began nearly six mentbs A second U.S. helicopter was Perfumes from Arpege of the ^ e * t an^ x Z r S Z ® P®»®« “ t»*'® «ien e sMd of the the plans during a flight to one of the Arabs hod bssn quae- ago wars psssail bafora od- By VIOTOB COHN pies and all people, o f our K ?? been on has acciSUd of being p r iv ie t tlonad about ths contenU of his journment. Tile Washington Post night had origtnatsd Ut luggage bafora poosangars But Scott indteoted the White net. On this basis we riiall strive TS^^les n o S ^ ^ ^ ^ "®*tW of 7* Aviv and was dssUnsd tor bosrdsd a bus to taka, them to House was sawsflad artlh on or- at the subsequent negotlaUons K n ? **««'■ » ’« » 0«m®n.trator. In 3 !l. Houbigant #Coty towards a New York. the waiting ptoas. Tha man was rongement under which th* I’ollcs arrasted Issom DoumI- allowad to tnter tha bus, but U $19.9 btlllcn appropriotlcn In- dl. 18; Soml Aboud. 20. and a ramolnod at ths terminal, eluding the oonteoted health and government action woman, Amoul Khalil, 22. Itech "Whan Iha bus didn’t laava, education money would nmotn feed large doses of cydamales The site dispute prolonged the Vietnam ^ ce Jon.^, 1961^ were ^^m ^rte'^JT^ab^ IT In congreoatcnal cuotody duriog \ # J e a n Nate toes many as 75 prison inmates preliminary phase of the strate- •>— ------.*” Americans aboard, al- was carrying a ptrtol and one of the Arab turned white and be- \ Ihe recese. « N.T., u , . . c Nlxan ihnateMd to veto the the effects on their chromo- Ha small rouooj rotxMs the coun- • police said. aaamad scored to death.’’ hUI after the Bemle poaeod tt at somes. (See Pege Ten) try. Fifteen of them died under (Bee Page Eleven) (See Page Etevex) Police sold the three told ^ ^ ayrtem of atr $81.4 MlUcn. saytiEt » 0 Revlon Chsiges of "Immorality'’ and coolly tor an tnflattod OPEN a? “txiJusUfied expeiimentatian’’ poaoengar oontihl la Athena, a caused the posQxaiemenL ' (Bee rage neae) eSuomoeomes are little rod- (I AN # Jewelry Uke bodies bt tbe ceils that HOUSE determine future heredity. Cy- Dr. Ley Says: O' clamates, n has-been shown, & both a ft^ chromosomes and cause oanoer In some expeii- HALE I ' mental animals. For Him: On Oct. 18, Health, Ekhica- CHARGE tlon and WeUsre Secretaiy Ro­ Ladies Must Be Given Data OF NEW YORK A Gift Cerfificafe] I bert H. Finch banned use at this CHRISTMAS MINIATURES ICCOUNTI artifloiiU sareetener in generally- Always Makes Pleetway consumed foods and beverages, for fear long-term use might THE BEST BECAUSE ... oause human cancer. On Possible III Effects of T ill’ A Welcome Some Donnemora prisoners, > No Prcoervativas Added it was learned, Imve already By VKTOB OOHN mone funcOong; eye trouble; doctors to stop dtspeiMing bean fed cyolomatea for three recognition by datute of zlillvaategaa and dtoadvantegaa. * All Hand Dipped— Not Machine Made GiffI Ibe WaoUagtoa Post depieasion and suicidal urges. heavy-dooe oral oontroceptives # Interwoven Footwear # Revere days in a oertea of base-line This view represents an Im­ «)01^ catejtey." ta . toreward to Ihe boob. WASmNOTON— Dr. Herbert —21 o f 30 brands —for fear of 1 Freeh From Our N. Y. SpoUese Kitchen teats started lost October. But portant ssrltch for Ley. Only loot L. Ley Jr., until three weeks blood dote and other effects. d$^iinitivi occsssorfes for the homo tiieae tests were only prepara- October, asked srhethcr women Sportswear # BVD Underwear ago Food and Drug Administn- Also. Lay sold, his new foal­ i Shipped In Refrigerated Tracks tosy to the main study — to be sboulibi’t be given more in­ tlon Oommiasioner, sold Sunday ing "Is the cfyatelll tattoo of conducted under FDA ccntiaot formation. be sold he believed I Stored In Refrigerated Gases epectel the government must eor'older ooma thinking for a long parted to be Involved end Never to history have so 0 Jade East ^ Swank Jewelry at New York’s CUnton State Pii- Mifflclent "medlool superviolan 8 8 of time’’ about “tha whole very deeply to on aon at Donnemora by Dr. Fred- action to aee that the m il­ is exercised." * Over 35 Different Assortments DtaeSnSa lion American aromen taking category of drags to prevent this new category of drugs. I 'X «"«»*«•<» • powerful / artek Ooulston and colleagues of Ley left the Department of * Beautifully Gift Wrapped ,** 25£T" Famous Brand # Slacks # Arrow Shirts Albany Medical College. birth control pills get "much aomathtng, glvan to healthy think be need, to be InvofVdl »“»» »® »*«*• ‘»- Health, Education sad Welfare peopto" — compounds Uka to the decision on when to use « «® potenUd has- Of ( "Within the past week." FDA greater Infonnotion” on their ' Free Delivery • Mailed Anywhero ' possible in etferts. ehen he was relieved of Ma With control piUo, antt-diolce- themtham.” alternatives . ymool # Raineoats ^ Sport Coats sources dlsclnaed. the Albany Job and offered a "promotion’' clinic paUenti and many profeaanrt hove been asked to In fact, be sold In on inter­ teroi .drugw and pravanttva vac- "A great many phyddane’ oa oasMoat to Dr. Roger Ege- privste patients art quite unto- bold up further otudiea. In these, view, they should be givro murti cinca. all of which aomeUmaa are giving their padenta ad- ' ------•— ------tlM same facts doctors get, in berg. assistant secretary for have undsalrabto eftecte. equate informouen about the about the problatnz with G Sli|^rs ^ Ties and many more to between 10 and 75 prison vohai- health. teen, tntormed of the dangers, plain language— perhaps tn a "It la a taeUng,” ha htrth contral ptu, be maintain- ptU or the zlternoUvoz to Now. he sold: "Bpeaktng as wen to have been fed aome printed Insert ta every oral con- •d, "that gtvtag teuga to the ed. but “ I fe a r thoiqd> I have **** ^ sttuatton U a pdb- a private citizen and oa a con­ Please Everyone mi Your list. aeven grams (nearly a quarter troceptlTe package. healthy la a whpto dUfaront foot­ no proof that oom# may not ^ •candal." , cerned phyztciaii. I feel a ated of an ounce) of eyebunote doily TUs could mean giving sroro- ball game tram giving drags to be, and that to the reason for Much the zanM chaiqe will i g g B [//gifts cn several hundred arerds o f for greater Intormatian for the a padaat ortth acute piwumo- fo r Soar monBie. my concern.’’ be made today to an ohnounca- O K N iV B I Y information on how the piPa potlcBL Tbia la tri- gared la port ida. At the mnm— Oongrias "But now.” oold one FDA , Neit. he vohmteerad. be has ment by San. Gaylord Neloon With B wink, Z-ysaroUl G«raldiae “we know cyclomotoe sometimes cause blood ctote. by the fracas In Britain thU raccgnlzca cedy proaeriptfoo been Impreasad by aome argu- (D-Wie.) that on Jan. 14 hu Ben- wm D R U G ^"'0 STO R H m m TO f PJM. month. can cauK bladder cancer In strobes and skin iflacotorallon. Bo moau to a recant boob. "Tha ate Monopoly zubeominittea wUI E^skiino, indkiit«8 the has «v«rythiiif under control and how they may pa tnvo’rrd Thla wes a sip-prstog sn- this yenr . . . and Santa under her thumb. And she onlmole. We have much more some proacriptton **** *»«iriags to learn whether n i CHUffUAS Intormatian then we bad Oct In liver, thyroid, urinary and noimecmest by tbe Briti^ gov- dntES need to be aecompantod ^ by Barbara Seaman, and women "are betoc adeouatelv should. It isn't every Uttle fir l who v " claim to Hous: vaginal probtems; rhaagts In ernman'z Committee on Safety by mera fotormatloo 'y and Its emm tor a pnltonte’ package aoequateiy be e “oeiflhbor'* of old St. Nick, sharing with bbw (■ ■) pttutoaiy, ovarian and other hor­ of Drugs urging ptUmokers and patfont dwtoa “would require «»ptotoifig the pUl's ad- (Baa P ^ Osbl) Alaska's frozen interior. (A P Photofax) /■

(fA G E T W O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, I960 IIANCHESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1969 PAG E TH REE hasn’t satisfactorily explained that ,figure which seems to M ^ V I E AUDIENCE Coluiiibia trsMrtor-trailera. Its discounts are Rooke was releaaed fran come from thin air. Have you Arab Attack on Plane Sheinwold on Bridge Tow n Gets Bids ****a**GU | QE*s***** - the club was dispervcctlonate to tnoBths were received today price pubHaiMd tor state and by his lawyer, Atty. Wesley dict "very gratifying." He said f’Which finesse succeed?" WEST EAST in ads bidlcatss ths Hm was man’s Tavern on Spruce St. amounts to the first balcony and dos to 12 years at hard labor for proached at their recent meet­ the club’s income. tor oontparativa prices, before a Gryk, appeared in ClrcuU Court hy John Gruber he thought the Arabs might I ask. "Cubs or diamonds?** AAI932 A10 74 submittsd and approvsd under . from only two tire dealers, both Police reported that the two and N O E L seats less than 800 peofrie. The the killing of an Israeli pilot ing by H r . and Mrs. Jf Kenneth R. Rooke, 32, ot amounts to $33,600. There can't pens at the Rrst trick. Dedar- under 18 not admitted, un- He said that in betober of uled until March and-the lions trucks, and 28 per cent o t t tor or pottery. to open again. Bing is still talk­ But we haven’t got thaeduled for 16 $200,000 figure in wages alone. bonded projects, to review the mood and the atmos­ This wouldn’t reach Mr. charges, including premeditated their task. diamonds and three clubs. Oeneml Featmes Corp. In new socen splendur. and I am not the first attorney force of long range bombers and weeks. status of the 1-84 projects on the phere and most of Is it any wonder that there is Bing’s phenomenal $8,800,000 killing, causing grievous bodily Abder Rahman Toussoufi, What BUgfat Have Been H ie most magnificent to take a cirack at it. I question intercontinental ballistic mis­ Let’s review things for a mo­ basis of more current Informa­ tlieae lamps feature plenty of bitterness? Harold per eumum but it would reach harm, endangering and disturh Moroccan secretary-general of If the cards were just slight­ pictnfcoer! whether It is possible to wait 43 siles. _____ -T ment. In the first place, 14 tin- tion to be available on comple­ Klltzik who was chairman of the $2,800,000. But then as Francis Ing public air traffic and the the Arab Lawyers Union, said ly different. East might be able years before doing this." A 1964 graduate of Manches- three way sockets so ione were involved, not Just the jUMDastiaicKS- V UARGARn IMICMf tion of the full capital program orchestra’s negotiating commit­ Robinson once said to me, when lives of many persons. he saw the three. Arabs after the to Mdn the first trick with the MANCHfSTs: Lewis said the grievance is tier lUgh School, the lieutenant you can get just the pit musicians who got the most r review.” tee, had this to say in part: I suggested this idea while the The trio heard the translation verdict and they have decided ace of spades. For example, the that the Syzdeks are entitled to earned his B.A. degree in iM9 right mood for the oc­ publicity and the AGMA mem­ house was still building, "Who Firemen’s PhysIcalB 6.50 "The bitterness will last. . .They of the verdict without flinching. to appeed. seven and ace of spades might some kind of town maintenance from the Urtvenslty of Connpe- casion. “ Notice the bers who comprise chorus and wants to go to a ‘Paramount- Local firemen will undergo locked us out and gave us an They remained silent, as they Voussoufl tcdd a news confer­ be exchanged. (Ita ra .) n s tlcut where he was commission­ handsome han^ng bcUlet. All were wllllnn. The question, of course, still Rachamim smiled briefly and He said Ms delegation was last stood on the foundation and era~e. Those whose last names lead. South therefore tries the His wife, Elizabeth, is Um you choose you’re sure fle u r de Us dectHratas remains as to whom Mr. Bing nodded to acquaintances on the "stupefied" by the verdict, o S r ^ ^ i . was told that nobody could re- begin with A through H are ask-, This was not according to the T o lla n d diamond finesse. The finesse daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to w in compliments. will get for casts. As I pointed Cither aide of the bulletproof which he said was typical of the membar. Syzdek said he first ed to go to the firehouse today the ivory metal "tile.” ideas of Mr. Bing, who ruled loses, but East is out of spades. Everett P. Thomas of 4S Shady out earlier in this column, he glass partition protecting the "intellectual colonialism which — buUt alt son of opera. than the pit men, they probably during January without inter­ tricks in such a way as to keep Syzdek said the land was too TUES. DEATHridesaHORSE "101 Dalmatians’’ plus “ The Page One) B.44" .S|>ani*h Mylr vaar Mr. Bing is now loudly cry­ love him even less. est. the dangerous opponent out of wiet at that point to be buUt Germans Favor Oontiniicd from The tax collector will be at Stage Co, Tattooed Police Horoe" - 7 upon. type lamp with amartly ing that his deficit this season If Bing wants public support, the. lead. j l B I ' SsnaS Irtiata U check of luggage is made at the trimmed aliadr. :l way the Town Hall to accept pay­ Papa Ginsberg Jack Levy, a neighbor who will be about |7 million, twice the least he can do is publish Dally Question airline terminal in downtown •witch . Kale ments on the following days: lives on the old Davi^l proper­ East-West T alk the deficit of the 1608-69 season. his figures in full and under­ Scolds Poet Partner opens with one chib. Athens and another at the air­ t:.40” Mediterranean multi­ Remember I told you to take his standable form. At present, it Saturdays, Jan. 3, 10, 17, 24 and Yule Reading ty, said he would be willing to TUEBINGEN, Germany (AP) port. color table lamp with 31, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; M IAM I (A P )— Louia Gins­ share expenses for a road of statements with plenty of looks as though he Is deceiving — Seventy per cent of West Ger­ The three Arabs were charged trimmed ahade. :i-way Wednesdays, Jan. 7, 14, 21, and •witch .Sale sodium chloride? I ’ll give you public and sponsors alike. berg ptfbUcIy showed his Hanrahan Raps about 800 feet but he added that mans questioned in a public 33. 28, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Friday, Delightful with possessing explosives, some figures and you can de­ Now the Met seats 8,788 Stem - parent side Sunday he was not willing to do this opinion sampling favor talks by which could mean a death sen­ D..3H" Traditional glaaa Jan. 30, 6 to 8 p.m., and Mon­ Klohe • lamp. Amlier and Fun way to serve pi]dng when he fumed to blue-jean- if Syzdek would want t o open their Chancellor WlUy Brandt tence in Greece. cide just how much salt you^ll people. It 1s almost invariably day, Fob. 2. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. By JUNE LINTON Jury Probe Of Season's Greetings sreen slol>e« availahle ed, bearded aon. Allen, point­ tqi the road all the way wittiln Stoih, the Wickert Institute re­ hot eoups, oyster stew need to make his story palat­ sold out, as you know, if you Payments may also be made Cbdldren sat at the vary edge Another TWA jetliner was hi­ .Sala ed his finger and told him he FBOBI a few years. ported today. and clam chowders I A able. have tried to obtain tickets. at Beebe’s home on Rhodes Rd. of the strange setting. That Panther Deaths jacked to Damascus on a flight K. Manginj: chain lamp, 24" was setting a iiad example Selectmen agreed to In- But, the public opinion insti­ big tureen and eight One-half of $7 million is |8V& Let’s round it off at 8,700 to take or by mall to Box 162, Tolland. night the Hartford Stage Com­ from Rome to Tel Aviv last Au­ long with I,’)' of chain, for the younger generation. CHICAGO (A P ) — State’s veatigate the matter further be­ tute added, the same percent­ million, of course. Now Mr. care of critics, visiting firemen, After Feb. 2 all delinquent ac­ pany would present "The Farce gust. When that plane landed at •tain glaMi type iianeU. ‘'porringeni'’ are mount­ The 4S-y«Br-01d son, a poet Atty. Ejdward V. Hanrahan crit­ fore coming to any decision. age feels such talks will not Mediterranean atvling Bing hasn’t actually said that and so on. These are sold 7 counts will be charged at the of Scapin’’ as scheduled, but tor 's Restauranl Damascus, the hijackers Uew W o d H M d c iy ed on a Lazy Susan; and advocate of LSD and icized the Justice department July 401 Parade bring an improvement in rela­ .Sale this is caused by raises in pay times a week (6 evenings and rate of three-fourths of one per a half hour on Saturday after­ its nose off. 3 r highly glazed golden marijuana, had just finished for calling a special grand jury Roy Ferguson, Gunnar Olsen tions between the two peuts of to orchestra, choristers, and a matinee) for a total weekly cent per month. noon the sunny Mediterranean Aeeapting RosorvertioRS for Now Y«ar*s Eva “iTiere have been two other w n n v n iiB i e w y m w . attendance of about 26,000. a speech to 1,000 persons et to investigate the killing of and Alfred Lange, members of Giermany in the foreseeable fu­ ballet personnel, but he has only seaport setting of the 1600’s Arab attacks on airlines in Ath­ Temple Israel. two Black Panther party lead­ the local Lions Club, appeared ture. An increase of 80 cents per sported a Twentieth Century Party or Dfnnor 643-^2342 ens within a year. Last Dec. 36, M 5:30 disclosed the raises for them After he eat down, hie ers in a Dec. 4 raid by police. before the board to discuss the Pollsters questioned 990 per­ seat would raise $208,000 during Research Gift glittering Christmas tree in two Arabs shot up an El A1 jet­ Hwal PaiaUag, ala* 24" a 48” , Walasi and Inferred they were the father fooR the floor, and Al­ PIeuis for the grand jury probe sons througdtout the country the 16-week season compared to SYDNEY (A P ) — An anony­ front of its ancUnt fountain. posslbiltty of the town taking liner at the oirpoii, Idlllng an heinous offenders to cause the len couldn’t even get his at- were announced in Washington over the last three days. the $200,000 1 have previously mous donor gave the New South over the expense of the atmual Israeli passenger. Last month, startling increase. teiftlcn kmg enough to inter­ Friday by Atty. (3en. John N. been at pains to calculate for Wales Cancer Council $86,000 a FUurtb of July pafode. two young Jordanian comman­ ’There are about 100 pit musi­ you. The audience can certainly rupt. Mitchell. He said such an inves­ Hmy said that the parade Put a string of Christmas dos were charged with murder Merry Christmas cians; they got raises of $40 per year from 1900 to 1968. In 1966 twinkle lights in your Jaok-o- afford half a buck more per he Increased the gift to $78,400. The ^Ider Olnfbetg de­ tigation is necessary to douse THEATRE EAST used to coat the club about $180 after a hand grenade was week, this Is $4,000 per week seat for opera. Of course, that scribed his son as ths guru rumors surrounding the Incident. to $300 each year but now the kmtem tor a Halloween party. thrown into the El A1 office in E The council sponsors research The Jack-o-lantem will appear To One and All! for the entire orchestra, and for Is not $8,800,000 but Mr .Bing projects on cancer. of the flower generaHcn and Hanrahan said later Friday pride has risen to about $600. Athens, killing a 3-year-old reprimanded Um for urging that in using the grand jury to The Noweat 667 Hit to be winking as the lights They said the amount spent by Greek boy. Saaaaapa. ataa 34” a’48” fraoia wtib p M Iriw. legalisation of drugs. conduct the investigation, the Never Before Seen! change. An Exciting Christmas Week | "You keep tNUng them to Justice Department is bypassing Program!, smoke pot and get high on an established procedure of first 3. LAD knowing that they can questioning those involved in the get hi trouble with ihe po- case. Uce. You are aetling a bad The Cook Coimty prosecutor, ON HER MAJESTY’S This pair of book ends example for them, Allen." a former U.S. district attorney, is reminidcent of the The younger Olnsbeig had said Panther members hod re­ SECRET SERVICE” PANAVISION TLCHNICOIOR' EUu’ly American drum; C toM the congregation ‘T am fused earlier to talk with FBI turned on mure often than I agents about the raid. Bfon., Tneo., Wed. 8:66 in blue, red and gold, watch television." "It is outrageous that the De­ Friday at l:86-7-9ri5 $8. The hand cut ruby partment of Justice would aban­ Onfstmas Day at glasa table bell has a But Ids papa said, " I con 1:86-4 :ia-7N6-B;4B get high on the view of a don its established practices be­ clear glass handle and (HeraM Ftioto by Linton) beautiful moimtain stream cause of the refusal of the Black is an , Italian import, Children at performance. and on the greenness of the Panther party to tell the truth G and ies Say $10.‘ Other Italian ^ 880A BROAD STREET fields," and he dtont turn to FBI agents," Hanrahan said. h i » i r h 's at 97.60 and $10. There sat two delightful story­ around when his son lifted He added the 14 police who tellers with a wondrous tale to hie hand to get his attention. took part in the predawn raid a. ataa 14” a 4T'. Valaal ftaialMj frawa. MANCHESTER PARKADE tell. Barbara Caniso and David in which Fred Hampton, 21, O. Petersen, familiar to this leader of the Illinois Panthers, Merry Christmas exciting collection season’s Stage Company Castro Bans and Mark dark, 23, were killed, DECI'S audiences, entertained the chil­ would talk with agents. dren of subscribers with a read­ " It is amazing that the Black DAILY SPECIALS In a mosf tasteful way of extra large brush­ ing of Dylan Thomas’ classlo Humor From Panthers, who claim their civil Announcement "A Child’s Christmas in Wales." rights were violated, would re­ Hamburg, French Fries, S oda ...... 7 S e They took turns describing, fuse to support their claims by Hot Dogs with ell the Trimmings, stroke reproductions excitedly, those wise cats of the Cane Fields giving facts to the FB I," Han­ French Fries, Soda ...... 7 S e storied town, "sleek and long rahan said. Steak and Shake, 91.10 value f o r ...... SI jM as jaguars and horrible-whis­ MIABC (A P ) —Fidel Oastro He charged the Panthers "Usd Our * For Your Shopping Convonloneo kered, spSttlng qnd snarling," strode into a cane field Sunday about the conduct of our officers Gams and French F ries ...... 9 B e elegantly framed and softly, of how the white and accused them of murdering Also featuring Grinders, Lobster Sandwiches and snow "came shawling out of and warned that anyone who Candy From Norway cornea a Fred Hampton and Mark Fish Dinners. A specialty of the house— ^“Try our we w ill rooMln open the following the' ground and swam and drift­ joked about the sugar crop har­ group of ovenware d a rk .” famous Broasted Chicken.” Your Choice ed out of the arms and hands vest woulibi’t get a chance to Several Negro leaders, led by Christmas list includes: pieces that are so deco­ and bodies of the trees." tell the joke twice. Roy WiUdns, executive director Free Gandy Oanes for the children— during Christ­ rative you 8«rve from days u n til With twinkling and clear Castro, who called off Christ­ of the National AssociaUon tor mas shoppiiig. them at the tdiie. voices they told about the gifts, the Advancement of Colored the Useful Presents and the mas in Cuba because he wanted A LL A T: SALE $1488 Here’s the 8WU>ch People had urged the Justice BOXED CHOCOLATES— A sijecia] fruit and better Useless ones, and every­ everyone in the fields working skillet at ^ Cbolea ot Department to investigate the nut assortment alonfl* with a large selection PIICED v | a f t m thing about the few small aunts for a record sugar crop harvest, AFTH SALI PRICi $19.95 two deaigiMl incident. who "sat on the very edges of had five North Vietnamese, five DECI'S DRIVE-iN of dark and milk chocolates and white. Regu­ Wilkins and Arthur J. Gold­ their chairs, poised and brittle, Viet Cong ooldlera and a rash lar and fancy boxes, hi^day tins, party Il'salway* a new aeoaon when you brighten your home with berg, former Supreme Court 463 CENTER STREET, MANCHESTER, CONN. 2 IIPJW. SATURDAY afraid to break, like faded cups of Cuban oCflolals in tow when plates. colorful reprodueliont of oil painting*! Thear reproduction* justice, plan to hold a private “ A Quality Food Howe” he threatened to sssassllnate feature from sit to eight combined color* to give you more and saucers," and the uncles. inquiry into the deaths. "Ibere were always Uncles at anyone who tried to sabotage OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK HARD CANDIES — Both solid and fUled PoUce Supt. James B. Conllsk depth, and detail. Each feature* rcalitlic bruahalrokra and Christmas." the reaping, Radto Havana re­ Christinas candy in attraetivs tins. Cot lodc issued a statement Friday Same Owaem aad Same LooaUea tsr 84 Y ea n . . . lone varistiona. Each frame complimenia the aubjeci matter. 1 1 P J L MONDAY Strangely familiar were the ported. foil wrapped fruits and berries. Paper thin which said the department’s in­ Chooae from landacspea. aeaaeapea and figure aludiea up to a smells and sounds and scenes "From now on, we will assas­ ribbon candy and peanut butter ribbon candy. •weeping 23” s 48” . Come aee the whole collection today! woven into the poetry. sinate without a single thought ternal inspecUon division had in­ It was an enchanting inter­ of any kind everybody who tries vestigated the incident and said rr* meet • CANES— Alimg with our standard pepper­ 11PJN. TUESDAY lude, joyously delivered on a to sabotage the harvest," the there was no misconduct on the mint, we have 8 more colorfOl and u^que Saturday in the midst of itie. prime minister said. part of poUce. flavora — spearmint, molasass peppermint, mad-long rush of preparation "In this fight of the people to Hie men who conducted the GALA anise. tor yet another (Jhrlstmas. go ahead, to win the battle of raid. In a search for Ulegal Holiday Shows underdevriopment, we are not weapons, were Chicago poUce CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES — Colmtol foil Two special family perform­ going to move without compli­ assigned to Hanrahan’s office. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE wry psd Santas, trass and trss omamdita. ances of Moilere’s ’"nie Farce ance before the lackeys and the 3

V t. ■ r ■■ ' , A


be a FamUy worship service at Weather Ship Okayed South, Windsor 10:45 a.m. Genrich-Dimock W ed d in g Krause-Daniels Announce Engagements Sewer Panel For New England Coast The. Sewer Commission will BOSTON (AP) - A $1.8 mil­ School Panel meet at 8 p.m. at the Town Hall lion weather ship, designed to Devlin • Hohmann on Tuesday. roam south of the New Ehtgland » ■ $ Miss Susan Hohmann of And­ Sets Meeting coast for more accurate stonq lORM Al Manchester E^-ening Herald forecasting, has been approved over became the bride of Mat­ South Windsor correspondent thew Hurley DevUn of Lake The Board of Education will by. Congress. Carol Moidton, teL 644-8714. Placid, N.Y., Saturday after­ meet tomorrow night at 7:60 at Sen, Edward W. Brooke, R^ vMass., told newsmen at Logan noon at the Andover Congre^ the High School. Among the Airport Saturday that Congress tional Churdh. . . . WE RENT IT . . . Items on the agenda wiU be Senators Pro, Ctm CHRISTMAS consideration of Interscholastic WASHINGTON (AP) — Con­ will soon allocate funds for the The bride Is the daughter of ship and ”we will at least have Mr. and Mrs. James Tansley football for the high scho^. necticut’s two U.S. Senatot*— ALL FORMAL WEAR IN hi addition Warner wfll report adequate weather forecasting Hohmann Jr. of High A c f^ both Democrats—spUt Saturday facilities so that we will not be on late buses for Timothy Ed­ Farm, Hebron Rd. The bride­ on a motion to table and In ef­ hit again by sneak storms.” of STOCK AT ALL TIMES! wards SdxMl. groom is the son of Mrs. Bs- fect reject a $1.8 billion compro­ He said the ship, to be sta­ gene Campbell of Wilmington, Christmas Party mise foreign aid appropriation. tioned some 200 miles southeast I N.T., and the late M. Hurley South RUndsor Cub Scout Abraham Ribicoff voted for of New England between Cape Devlin. Pack 186 held a Chitstmas the motion, and Thomas J. Dodd Cod and Cape Hatteras, will be ' The Rev. Raymond H. Brad­ Party at its Dec. U pack meet­ voted against It. The motion fitted with complete meteorolog­ ley, pastor of the Andover Con­ ing held at the Avery St. passed, 39 to 29. ical equipment. PENTLAND’S^ t gregational Church, performed School. The (Xibs and tiietr the ceremony. K E N ’S SHOP fuesU sang Christmas songs, BuriaalMlaas j>tioto Miss Maureen Willox of Need- "Tbe Karvel of Main Street” accompanied on the piano by luun, Mass., weu maid of honor. Engaged 901 • 907 K ain Street Bernard jKarUn. Earie Smith Where You'll Find—’ Dr. David Rowell of Syra­ Ksnehester, Connecticut stood In for Santa Claus and cuse, N.Y., served as beet man. The engagement of Miss distributed gifra and candy to Ushers were James T. Hoh­ Pamela Covey of Mianchester to '‘SPBOIALISTS IN FORMAL WEAR RENTAIiB” the boys. * COLORFUL PLANTS eosworth photo Sylvian Oflara photo mann Jr. in of Andover, bioth- Raymond Joseph Sledjeskl of The foUowring awards were er of the bride; Michael Dev­ Columbia has been announced Mr. and Mra. Robert F. Gar- The engagement of Miss presented: Wolf badge, Patrick lin of Lake Placid, N.Y., broth­ by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Uck of Enfield have announced Mariam Davis Olmsted of Man­ Skelnar and Hugh O’Hare; bear ★ CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES er of the bridegroom; Mark CSuirlea H. Covey of 6 Frances the engagement of her daugh­ chester to Larry Joseph Lanata badge, David Schroeder, Bemie MacDonald of Fairfield, and Dr. ter, • Cristal EUingwood, to An­ of Glastonbury has been an­ Prysaezyk and Jon Kirkpatrick, drew Molloy, son of Mr. and W h ats in a name? lawMWMa C3ole Brodiick of Lake Placid. Her fiance Is the son of Mr. nounced by her parent*, Mr. and webeloB tasa, Kirkpatrick ' A reception was held at Olas- Mrs. Andrew J. Molloy of En­ and Mrs. Richard S. Obnsted of and Dennis Rose. and Mrs. Vincent A. Sledjeskl field. NO CASH AND CARRY SPECIALS! tonbury Country Club. 33 Comstock Rd. 2 8r. of Edgarton Rd., Columbia. Mias EUingwood, a senior at D avid Schroeder, Alan Mrs. Devlin Is a graduate of Miss Covey Is a gnaduate of Her fiance Is the son of Mr. NO RUN-OF-THE-MILL, LOOK-ALIKE ARRANGEMENTS! Hlnfleld High School, Is employ­ Adams, Thomas Nadeau and Vermont CoUege, Montpelier. Manchester High School and and Mrs. Stefano Lanata of ed by Smyth’s Daliy In En­ Matthew Gantick were given EACH CENTERPIECE AND ARRANGEMENT Mr. Devlin Is associated with i Glastonbury. North Shore Children’s Hospital, their one-year service stars. field, She is the granddaughter Miss Olmsted, a graduate of ARE ORIGINAL! the Ogden Food Catering Serv­ School o f Practical Nursing, Sa­ Frank See received his den- 691 MAIN ST. 649-1232 of Stewart Taggart of Manches­ Moravian Seminary In Bethle­ ice as a manager at Holiday lem, Mass. She is employed by neris stripes and Michael Fin­ ter and the late Nan Jackmone hem, Pa., and the Hartford In­ Harbor In Lake Placid. the pediatric department of Taggart. negan received his assistant For Your Complete Satisfaction Hartford Hospital. stitute of Accounting is employ­ Mr. Molloy, an Enfield High denner’s stripe. Mr. Sledjeskl, a graduate of ed at the accounting firm, School graduate, will attend Gold arrow points were It's' Pentland The Florist! Five Day Forecast Windham High Sriiool a ^ Aaron Lutin and Co., of Hart­ Manchester Community College awarded to Hugh O’Hare and WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. three-year veteran of the U.S. OPEN TO 9 P.M. ford. 2 In January. He la employed by Bemie Prysaezyk. (AP) — Temperatures In Con­ Army, is employed by the Mil­ Mr. Lanata graduated from ON DAYS CIRCLED First National Stores In En­ the Hartford Institute of Ac­ Candle Light Serrioe necticut from Tuesday through ton C. Beebe Ccmstruction Co., field. Our Savior Lutheran Church, Saturday are expected to 'sty- Storrs. counting. He Is a senior at New No date for the wedding has Hampshire CoUege In Manches­ 289 Graham Rd., wlU conduct Our Stora Is So Baautiful This-Tima erage above normal, with day­ The wedding will be held May December 1969 been annouiioed. ter, NJfL, where he ts majoring a Christmas Eve ' Family time highs between the upper 22, 1970, at St. Mery’s Episcopal Sun Mon Tue fVed T iu F r t S a l Candlelight Service wdth singing Church. in accounting. of Tha Yaar, Do Pay Us A V is it...... 30s and mid "iOs and overnight of traditional Christmas carols lows mostly In the 20s. A September wedding is plan­ • I ned. at 7 p.m. Christmas Eve. The U.S. Weather Bureau pre­ (D s 6 On Christmas day there wlU dicted today it will be season­ Findlay photo © MRS. RICHARD ALAN KRAUSE 24 BIRCH STREET, MANCHESTER ably cold through Thursday, be­ 8 12 O ld T ree coming more moderate during 7 © © *3 'Not many women are confident enough to choose Miss Sylvia Mae Daniels of of Brunswick, Maine. The bride- FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Phonas: 643-4444 4r 643-6247 FracchU photo the rest of the five-day period. a new perfume the way they choose a new dress— Brunswick, Maine, and Richard grcx>m is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Biologists estimate that a pop­ COLOR FILM MRS. WILLARD ADOLPH GENRICH JR. Precipitation should total one- Ward C. I ^ u s e of 87 Walnut © © © 20 because it does something tor them." Alan Krause of Manchester lar tree on the Willard Ingram F1A8HBULB8LBS (Ampla Parking Front and Raar of half Inch or more in water St. Miss Dalsy-marle DImock of N.Y., and Hobart College, 2 1 farm just off U.S. 460 at Bzel in D18CX>UNT JPBIOES!BIO ESt equivalent, occurring as snow were wed Saturday afternoon In The Rev. Dr. J. Manley Shaw, Bolton and Willard Adolph Oen- % 26 27 Morgan County, Ky., Is more Stora) Geneva, N.Y., where he was a the sanctuary of South United © © 25 rlch Jr. of Albany, N.Y., were and rain In the Interior and pastor of South Church, per­ than 480 years old. At Its base, ARTHUII DRUO Are you confident? united In marriage Saturday af­ member of Kappa Sigma fra­ mostly as rain along the coast Methodist Church. formed the double-ring ceremo­ 28 29 30 the tree is ai^roximately 25 feet ternoon at Center Congrega- ternity. He Is attending the Al­ on Wednesday and Wednesday The bride is the daughter of ny. Jack Grove was organist, 31 around. 'tlonal Church. bany (N.Y.) Law School. night. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Daniels Polnsettia plants were on the The bride is the daughter of altar. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clinton The bride was given in mar­ DImock Jr. of Notch Rd. The riage by WllUam Stone of Al­ bridegroom Is a son of Mr. and Philbrick-Johnson bany. She wore a gown o f Chan­ s' ^ Mrs. Willard A. Oenrlch of Sny­ tilly lace over taffeta, designed der, N.Y. wito scalloped neckline and The Rev. Clifford O. Simp­ The marriage of Mias Can­ long sleeves. Her veil of silk Il­ son, pastor of Center Congrega­ dace Havilnnd Johnson at lusion was arranged from a tional Church, performed the Bolton and Russell Phllbrick peEU-l and crystal headpiece, double-ring ceremony. Wal­ Jr. of Manchester took place and she carried a cascade bou­ The engagement of Miss ter Grzyb was organist. Bou­ Saturday evening at South Unit­ quet of roses. Unda Janicke to Philip T. quets of white gladioli accented ed Methodist Church. Mrs. Myron Wyman of Small Engaged Smith, both of South Windoor, with red carnations were on the The bride Is a daughter of Point, Maine, cousin of the has been announced by her par­ altar. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. John­ bride, was matron of honor. She Hie engagement of Miss ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. The bride was given In mar­ son of Keeney Dr. The bride­ wore a green velvet gown with Elizabeth Ann Pcnigratz of Man­ Janicke of 39 High St., South riage by her father. She wore a groom Is the son of Mr. and matching headpiece, and she Windsor. chester to John Thomas Jam- full-length sleeveless coat of Mrs. Russell Phllbrick Sr. of carried a colonial bouquet of Her fiance is the son of Mr. roga at East Hartford has been Alencon lace with train over a 361 Main St. red carnations. and Mrs. George P. Smith of announced by her mother, Mrs. E satin gown, trimmed with The Rev. Dr. Robert Macken­ Bryan Krause of New Milford 83 Ridge Rd., South Windsor. Arthur J. Pongratz of 219 Oak matching lace and fashion­ zie of West Swnnzey, N.H., per­ served as his brother's best Miss Janicke Is attending St. Mlsa Pongratz Is also the ed with high neckline, and long formed the double-ring cere­ man. Ushers were Barry Manchester Community Col­ daughter of the late Arthur J. full-sleeves cuffed In lace. Her mony. Jock Grove was organist Krause of Rockville and Wil­ lege. Her fiance, who attended Pongratz. mantilla of silk Illusion was and Robert Gordon was soloist. liam Krause of Manchester, the University of Connecticut, Her fiance Is (he son of Mr. edged with matching lace, and Bouquets of red and white car­ brothers of the bridegroom. Is serving in the U. S. Army. and Mrs. John J. Jamroga of she carried a small white Bible nations and holly were on the al­ The bridegroom’s mother No wedding date has been an­ East Hartford. with pholnenopsls orchids and tar. wore a powder blue bro­ nounced. Miss Pongratz, a graduate of holly. The bridal gown was de­ The bride wus given In mar­ cade coat-dress with a corsage signed and made by the bride’s riage by her father. She wore of pink roses. Mt. St. Joseph Academy and St. Josei^’a College In West Hart­ C mother. a full-length empire gown of vel­ A reception was held at Su­ ford, received her master’s de­ Mrs. David D. Hantman of vet with a lace collar, long sannah Wesley House on the gree from the University of Pawcatuck was matron of cuffed sleeves and an attached South Church campus. Mra. Hartford. She is employed as a honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. train. Her veil was arranged Krause was dressed in a deep remedial reading teacher at Thomas G. Rusting of Plttsford, from a headpiece of velvet pe­ purple ensemble for the wed­ W e wish you a Christmas Central School in Colchester. N.Y., and Mrs. Larry B. Long tals accented with seed peorU, ding trip. The couple will live of Belle Mead, N.J.; sisters of and she carried a cascade bou­ in Bolton. Mr. Jamroga, a graduate of that is beautiful in every way! the bridegroom; Miss Cherie quet of one red camellia, white Mrs. Krause Is a 1967 gradu­ East Hartford High School and Bdwords of Arcade, N.Y., and (xirnatlons and holly. ate of Brunswick High School Quinnlplac College In Hamden, Christmas and New Year’s Week Hours; Mrs. William A. Rohrer of served two years with the U.S. Mrs. Richard M. Johnson of and attended adult business ed­ Open Mon. to 6 P J4,— Tues. to 9 PJd. Geneva, N.Y. A nc^rage, Alaska, sister-in-law ucation classes In Manchester. Army. He is employed as a coat Junior bridesmaids were Miss of the bride, was matron of hon­ Mr. Krause, a 1965 graduate of analjrst at the Stanley Works in Wed. to 6 P.M.— Closed Thurs., Fri, Christine Jensen and Miss Mi­ or. Bridesmaids were Miss Su­ Manchester High School, served New Britain. Both W eeks chele Mlers, both of Bolton and san Johnson of Manchester, sis­ for four years with the U.S. The wedding is planned for cousins of the bride. The flower ter of the bride; Miss Terry Navy. He plans to attend col­ July 11, 1970. Open Sat to 6 P girls were Eleanor M. Rusllng Phllbrick of Waterford, sister of lege In February and major In of PUtsford, N.Y., niece and the bridegim m ; Mrs. Kenneth physical education. Both W eeks godchild of the bridegroom; and Richards of BoHcn and Miss DOLLS ~ TOYS Mary Ann Twlble of Merrimack, Vicki Cohen of New Haven. Elactrkal Goodi N.H., second cousin of the bride. The attendanllB wore Gtbepn Laoilwi Goods ^ Spell of Beauty The attendants were dressed girl gowns of red and white vel­ alike In full-length white vet trimmed with lace end ARTHUR DRUa Next To Caldors velveteen gowns, designed with large matching heedbows. They OPEN TONITE 649-2806 BurUn-etoM photo satin Peter Pan collars and oerried bouquets of red and wide satin belts, long full whKe carnations and holly. till 11:60 The engagement of Miss sleeves edged with wide cuffs, Kenneth Richards of Bolton EUsabeth M. Zimmer of Wap- Lorlnc photo TOYS . QIFTS and A-llne skirts. They wore served as best man. Ushers MRS. RUSSELL PHILBRICK JR. plng to Albert F. Canall of matching velveteen „ bonnets were Robeit MUckensle and M ANCHISTEt * --A t TIm Framingham, Mass., has been trimmed in satin. TYte honor at­ Roes Mackensle, both of Tol­ gardenia. The bridegroom’s a motor trip to Qspe Ood. For SimrLUS SALES announced by her parents, Mr. tendant carried a spray of land and coustne of the bride­ mother wore a cranberry red traveling, Ml*. PhUbrlck wore a PARKADE and Mra. Kyle Zimmer of 2854 Same Isicatlea variegated holly, and the others groom ;' Steven Stocker of Ellington Rd.. Wapping. velvet dress with a corsage of mauve crq>e drees wtth black 1 « N. Main StreM carried sprays of green holly. Springfield, Vt., and Paul Dodge red and yeBow roses. leather acceseories and a coot Comer el Mata Her fiance t* the son of Mr*. Jeffrey M. Genrlch of Snyder, Jr. of Manchester. After a rece|Aian tor 190 at trimmed wtth fox fur. After • 4 6 -n u Jooephlne CanaU of Framing­ N.Y., served os his brother's Mrs. Johnson wore a royal the MoncheAer Country dub^^ Dec. 27, the couple will live In ARP? 1C 1N! ham and the late Albert Canall. best man. Ushers were Joseph blue velvet drcee with a white Mr. and Mra. Phllbrick left tor Norfolk, Va. OF NEW YORK Miss Zimmer is a senior art W. DImock and Lance C. education major ay Southern DImock, both of Bolton, and Connecticut State College in Louis C. Dimock in of Aurora, New Haven. 111., brothers of the bride; Rich­ Mr. C^anali, a graduate of ard D. Wood of , Candy Southern (fonnecticut State Cfol- James A. MaQulre of Snyder, ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ege, teaches at Haynes Ele­ and Terrence M. Miller of Char­ mentary School, Sudabury. lottesville, Va. COOPER Hid HIGH STREETS Kitchen The wedding Is planned for Mra. DImock wore an aqua July 26, 1170. dress with aqua and gold ac­ of New York cessories and a corsage of pink INVITES YOU TO JOIN WITH THEM sweetheart roses. The bride­ ToUand groom’s mother -wore a mint ‘ ~r]t Tiltm tnn nf fiinnil io n l i green jacket dress with silver AT THEIIt CHRISTMAS SERVICES acoesaories and a corsage of Town Dump deep rod roses. • Fomom MMofoios # Fiaodi A reception for J2# was held CHILDREN'S & CONGREGATIONAL CONGREGATIONAL Qosed Thursday at Flono’s Restaurant. Bolton. SERVICE • EorricMan OSoft Cnotori For a plane trip to Nassau and SERVICE First Selectman. <3iaries TM- TUESDAY. DEC. 23 — 7:30 P.M. fault announces that the town Dleutbara In the Bahamas. Mrs. THURSDAY, DEC. 25. — 9.-00 AM. • and moch nwto • T M t s dump will be closed Christmas Genrlch wore a red and beige Day but will be <^>en Friday knit dress with matching red for the convenience of towns­ coat and black accessories. Af­ ♦ 1.95 *• ♦ 14.95 people who wish to diqMse of ter Jan. 3. the couple will live CHRISTMAS IS WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS MINUTURE8 \ holiday wrappings. The dump at 541 M3rrtle Ave., Albany, • OHrSSDtfTenat srlll be open according to N.Y. THB BEST BECAUSE... schedule Saturday and ftmday. Mrs. Genrlch is a graduate of The same schedule will be fol- Manchester High School and CHARLES W. KUHL. Pastor • AO H sad INw m I— N H M scM m M iMrim lowed the foUowlng weekaod. Keuka College, Keuka Park, The Board of Selectmen voted N.Y., when she was a member to hold their Tuesday meeting Chi B ^ Phi scientific fra­ , 74 Komiody RocnI i at G tft' for the purpose of paying bills ternity. Mr. Genrlch Is a grad­ • nHliTyLiOHN.t^ « im1 ^ t"in g checks only. uate of Nichols School, Buffalo, Monchootof. Conn. First Selectman Chartsa Thl- » ffiiH mads a statsmcBt on bs« Praular With Touritta half of the Board of Seleclmen DEjNVER (AP) — A Denver- wiablia aU the townspeople of based research tnsUtute has an­ Toiophono: 64A«1427 • F M e lM N H y Ttoiland and all departments a nounced that Oolorado is now Tsry merry Christmas sad a the sixth most popular spot for - * happy jrsar. tourists. t»AGE SIX EViSNING HEBALD, IfANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, DECEBIBER 22, 1969 BfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 PAGE SEVEN A Word For A iif^ P&rking was missing. She started driv­ IWattrl^TBtTr ing back to 'Ifirglnla Beach. ’T Folice Chief Reardon ai^icurently OnAs POW Wives Mourn, Worry wanted to be with the other only eace knocked out.” Mrs. James Mulligan, the motti- action until 1968, when a friend Talking to Pat Fellowes, you DIMay advertising closing hours ,.,.er of six sons. over our house, the way we do. FVjr Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. Parallel parking, by providing addi­ in a foreign coimtry said he saw When the Lord made us. He get a vivid picture of her hus­ HANEL For Tuesday — l p.m. Saturday. "My husband (a navy com­ tional width for Main St. traffic streams, a picture of the commander made us truly one.” band, Cmdr. John Fellows, a n.oo For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. mander o( Lawrence, Mass.) ; . CHANEL NO. S For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. among a group of prisoners. Mrs. Wilber fills her time car­ Jolly outgoing Irishman, from L ’AlnaBt • ImprsTO For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. would make it easier for cars on Main has been a prisoner four and a tboum . Gift Box of Spray Coloqna and Bath Powdsr The picture was taken by a Jap­ ing for her four youngsters and Tucson, Ariz., who, she Is con­ a EBMiawla • L*(Jrisan For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday. half years now . . . all those Four Coenwtkiam ClaARificd (leadline — o p.m. day St. to travel faster In two lanes while anese photographer. serves as choir director for the vinced, paradiuted Into North Olhtr Gifts: Psrfums, I M and IS.OO IIXO • Bhui fore DubllcaUon. 6 p.m. Friday for years of Imprlscmment. What looking for parking places that would not This picture Is Mrs. Brady’s Founder Methodist church. Vietnam chomping on a cigar. Psrfutns for ths Puna 6.00 on hand to Saturday and Monday publication. harm con be done now ?” she hope for believing her husband " I ’m a little different from " I ’Ve never had a letter," help you! Monday, December 22 only be fewer In number but harder to asked, the roar of jets thunder­ Perfums Spray 6.00 is alive. She’s never heard from the other wives," says Jane she said wistfully. "It will be ing overhead filling the roomy, Eau ds Cologne 3.50 end 6J)0 get Into. him, nor has Hanoi released his Marik. "I don’t believe he’s 40 months soon. There are times suburban home. name on any prisoner list. there. I believe he’s dead." when I question . . . actually. Sprey Cologne 6.00 "W e’ve been very quiet up un- Enchantixic Now Dismal Days At The UN It could be entirely poeslble that the "The 15 months before my Why? But time goes on. I Just live this Beth Powder 5X0 tU now,” said Mrs. Jeremiah A. CUotnoTrio amount of maneuvering and the time husband’s picture appeared and "He was shot down over the way, believing he’s there. ’nUs seosion of the Qeneral Auem bly Denton, a Southerner of cameo- the time since are two different water and the pilot was rescued. "I think If he were dead, I’d • AphroiUsia It took to accomplish this parallel park­ Uke beauty. "W e’ve gmie of the United Nations opened with Anjde worlds," she said, quietly, Our rescue planes could find no know it. I can’t see him any­ • Woodhos ing would create more slowdown and through diplomatic channels. Brooks of Liberia, assuming her office stroking her husband’s Annapo­ sign of him. Origdmilly, I was more. That is, his fa ce.; I can • TigrsaB confusion in Main St. traffic than the We’ve written letters. North lis ring on her finger. under the Impression he was visuaHze him, but I never see as President of the Assembly, making Vietnam has refused to abide by Along Country Roads With Sylvian Oflata "It’s absolutely shattering, picked up by the North Viet­ his face. I wonder why? present system does on lU busiest night. the rules for prisoners set up by an eloquent plea for the nations of the DECEMBER SCENE not to know. Is he dead, or Isn't namese. Finally, when the men Then, pulling out a handker­ FhuabM a the Geneva convention. We hope In any case, as a general proposition, he? Am I kidding myself or not? came home on the carrier, they chief, she dabbled at her eyes. earth to begin taking the United Nations now, by si>eaking out, when Then, I tell myself, how could I didn’t seem to want to talk. “I'm a weeper," she apologised. 4.00 it might be asked: What is the hurry North Vietnam sees public opin­ —the one clear hope any of them has for feel like that. I know he's alive. "I went to Washington and ion against them . ..’’ her voice survival—seiiously. on Main St., anyway? Do we want Main You see something like that . . . saw the report. That’s where I Herald trailed off. A Thought for Today that picture . . . and you feel first got the idea . . my hus­ Trickery’s Out St. to be a thoroughfare or a shopping By Rowland Evans Jr. Because this Is the Christmas I ColOfM The same Miss Brooks delivered an­ Inside Sponsored by the Manchester giddy, like floaUng, like when band was not there.” center, a place to race through or a season, a time of reckoning For Sunday Bar Sales I D astto Council of Churches Yesterdays you were young. Since then, Jane has gone other speech, the other day, as the Qen­ when one feels more poignantly place to visit and see at a reasonable "One chute opened. For 15 back to college and graduated, FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — eral Assembly closed tts 24th annual ses­ Robert D. Novak the loss of loved ones—and the 25 Year* Ago months, we didn’t know whether so that when—If—her husband Alcoholic Beverage Oontrol pace? The superhighways are being built In the sixth month the Angel hope of miracles—some hope sion. Report it was my husband’s chute or is finally declared dead, she can Commissioner Shirley Palmer- 3.00 to get people from one place to another. Qa;briel was sent by God to a The old Golf Lot tract is pur­ against h c^ their husbands wUl I not. You sit back and you live make a living for herself and Ball has assured a legislative | She made another eloquent appeal, town In Galilee called Nazareth, chased by the town for 622,000. be home by Christmas. Main St. Is one of the places to get to. WASHINGTON —On his re­ one day at a time, "rhen you get her 4-year-old son, Steve. committee that his agency no | LANVIN adds to the government orte of. a test Mr. Nixon feels he can­ to a virgin bethrothed to a man Most gave that hope up a this time for specific things, like cease­ cent trip to the NATO meeting through today, tomorrow. You Until the Navy has more In­ longer practices entrapment. i Israel’s moat outspoken voices not avoid If there Is any chance named Joseph, of the House of 10 Year* Ago Christmas or so ago. fires In Nigeria, In the Near Bast, in in Brussels, Secretary of De­ don’t look ahe^. I can’t believe formation, all "missing In ac­ One practice was tor an ABC against evacuation of the occu­ at all to convince the Arabs David; and the vUgin’s name Only five of the 27 have ever fense Melvin Laird was besedged The first major snowfaU of that next year I’ll be In the tion” wives, like the wives of agent to enter a bar on Sundaiy ■•ARPEGF’ by LANVIN Vietnam. pied territories. that tha U.S. Is in fact not "Is­ was Mary. He went in and said received letters. Yet each by Western European defense same situation." POWs, are paid 80 per cent of morning—when sale of drinks Is SPRAY Those Were The Days Furthermore, during an inten­ rael’s-attorney." In setting the to her, "Rejoice, so highly fav­ the season fal)s on the town writes her monthly letter—all Shaum, Gift Box of 8'/4 o$. DmHng Powdsr. ministers pleading for the as winter officially begins. Mrs. Brady, smartly dressed their husband’s salary. forbidden—pretend to need a There Is small chance that her apjieal sive two-and-a-half hour talk stage for that test of wills, the ored! The Lord is with you." that Is allowed by the North TTiey asked New Tork State Supreme U.S. to pressure Israel out of Its In a burgimdy blouse and tweed Jane Marik spent the first drink desperately, get served, Natural Spray Toilat Water, M/j oi. 10X0 BATH will be heard, or even picked up and with Secretary Rogers on Dec. Nixon administratian has ^ven She was deeply disturbed by Vietnamese. Even those without occupied Arab territories. culottes. Is aware of profound summer with relatives, after then cite the operator for a vio­ OthsT Gifts .-Parfuma BXO; 'A ox. I.S0| Court Justice Samuel 8. Leibowlti, he 16, Israeli foreign minister Ab­ Israel the word there will be no these words and asked herself - 1m^ . Not knowing if there Is a SET echoed by anybody else. Laird was told that every day personal changes. getting the news her husband lation. '/j o*. 15X0 of the stormy, spectacular career, first ba Eban informed the U.S. gov­ U.S. economic aid, desperately what this greeting could mean, ! husband there to receive die let- Israel remains In the lands it "I’m hot as selfish as I was." ernment that there will be no needed by Israel, and no further but the angel said to her, "Mary, ‘ ter. Or, if he Is there, whether Eau do Lanvin 2 oi. iXOftoz. 6.00 And her futile plea was only one of as lawyer for both Capone and the she says. "Everything was captured during the 1967 six- change in Israeli policy. He arms aid, either, for the foresee­ do not be afraid; you have won many contributions to what was as dark PoeVs Corner ' be will be given it. going so well for us. Each Job Esu ds Lanvin Natural Spray 2|/j ox. 6X0 Scottsboro boys and then as peppery, day war, Soviet influence rises made clear Israel wUl not even able future. God’s favor. Listen! You are to Each faithfully gleans what throughout the Middle East. he asked for, he got. He wanted Dwting Powdsr ox. B.00 and mournful an adjustment of this po­ talk about withdrawing from its In choosing this course, the conceive €ind bear a son, and What Does ChrhEmaa H eoa? ehe can the essence of her life n O R E S S ... FLAMBEAU heavy-sentencing Judge, whether he felt From his own Navy com­ to be squadron commander—he Talcum,Powdsr 3% ox. 2X0 ^ o tential world legislature as could be new lands untU the Arab states President has courageously ex­ you must name him Jesus. He ' with her children, trying to con­ 6 5 0 old. manders in the Mediterranean got it. We had an awful lot. We HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS APHRODISM.. .WOOOHUE. agree to alt across .the table posed his Adminlatration to poli­ will be great and will be called Let a child be the symbol of dense it into six lines—all that imagined. lived in the mainstream of life. NEXT CLASSES BEGIN JANUARY IS, 1970 Sea, Laird was also informed and negotiate head-to-head — tical hoati'Uty from Ui6 large and Son of the Most High. The Lord Christmas ‘ cen be sent under Hanoi’s rules. The occasion was his retirement from that Soviet steaming days—one One has to stop and think what with no Interference from the powerful pro-IsraeU bloc in both God will give him the throne I t 'twere not tor the Ouist Navy C:!apt. Denton, of MobUe,^ ★ PREPARE FOR (X)LLEGE BOARD TEST With the world visibly engaged In the bench, at the calendar ago of 76. "steaming day" equals one So­ is important aboiit life. I respect U.S. or anyone else. parties. In the broader inteneeto of his ancestor David; he will Child’s birth . Ala., a tall, handsome pUot, was' (S.A.T. Verbal) viet naval vessel at sea for one It a great deal more now than M E E i m t l T f three armed conflicts In defiance of the It was another of thoee so Intelligent, Thus, the stage Is set for a of U.S. and Western interests ki rule over the House of Jacob There would not be a Chrtatlan abet down over North Vietnam A STSTUDY SKILLS and TEST TECHNIQUES day—have soared from 760 In ever before.” purported laws and purposes of the classic test of wills between the the Mideast, that was unavoid­ forever and his reign will have rellgi<«t . July 18, 1965. ★ SPEED READING and COMPREHENSION so appropriate, so orlglnsd questions we 1963 to 16,000 BO far this year. Jean Ellison, whose husband, Nixon administration and Israel, able. Or a reason for Christmazi on Vive days later, his wife found ★ VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT United Nations, the General Assembly in the news media can think up for spe­ This burgeoning Soviet in­ no end. (Luke 1/26-33). Navy Cmdr. John Ellison, Lay- earth. . out he was a prisoner of war. fluence In the area has caused Submitted by ton, Utah, was shot down three Tliis 1. an outetandlng program in reading effictency spent much of the last day of Its session cial occasions. Old Santa’s merely a stand-in meeting tvrix:e weekly tor six weeks—late afternoon or the long-awaited switch in Rev. Vincent J. Flynn Four and a half years he has years ago, has this to live on for wrangling over Just which motto It For the wise men who faithful­ been imprisoned. Yet, Jane early evening. Taught by state certified oonsultsnta in But sometimes, from some characters, President Nixon’s Middle East St. James’ Church hope: Her husband’s name was •10 ly came ^ Denton says, "I’m one of the small groups. Testing program or private tutoring may should adopt for next year’s celebration policy from quiet pressure to once brought back by a released these routine questions get better To offer their gifts to tbe Christ lucky ones." be arranged if desired. public demands that Israel prisoner. of the 26th anniversary of the United answers than they deserve. ChUd Mrs. Denton could have been For Registratton Information, CeUt MS-6941 evacuate most of the conquer­ Quotations Does she write? Every mcntti. Nations. Today in History And Joyously baUed to Hfas a former Southern beauty ed lands as Its concession to a She’s never had a reply. Justice Lelbowlts, In Just a few words, "From now on, we vrill assas­ reign. queen, with her fair skin, gray- ACADEMIC READING CENTER settlement. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In 1946, Britain and the United "F or a long time, we didn’t Should It be, the weighty debate went, reached out and took literally mllUons sinate without a single thought In the midst of your gay cele­ FEED KAPROVE, Dlreotor Mr. Nixon is worried. He Today is Monday, Dec. 22, the States recognized the new Yugo­ blue eyes and long dark hair, 69 E. CENTER STREET BIANCHE8TEB of any kind everybody who tries brating know anything. I chose to be­ "Peace, Justice and Progress,” as the of people with him Into his private pre­ Is now far more fearful than 366th day at 1969. There are nine ‘ pulled back. Now In her 40s and Next to Cavey’e ReetamBt Chantilly by Honblgant slav republic. to sabotage the harvest.’’—Fidel Just one serious thought set lieve he was alive. Then I had Assembly voted, back In Ootober, or when he took office that con­ days left In the year. still beautiful, dark hair pep­ serve of sunlight. Ten Yearn Ago Castro, who has declared Cuba apart this word.. .’’ said Jean. tinuation of the mlni-wor along pered with gray, she devotes should It be reduced back to Just "Peace will reap a record yield of sugar That it is not the gift but the They were married 14 years Eeu de Toilette Spisy Mixt stxl Perfumed "I feel young enough,” he said, "so Israel’s expanded borders will Today’s Highlight In History President Dwight D. Elsen­ her life to their seven children, this year. giving : ranging in age from 7 to 22. Bath Powriet with a Isvizh pmk pull 6 SO and Progress,” a version for which some that it seems like It’s summer, and OH solidify Soviet Influence, In­ On this date in 1894, the hower returned to Washington Which should make you (eel "I couldn’t possibly live any- stamp sets had already been printed? crease the hatred of 100 million French army captain, Alfred from an 11 nation world tour. "I wish that you have no more Hodges Is playing first base In Bbbets good in your heart. Ihere else,” she said, pausing Arabs for the U.S., and drive a Dreyfus, was found guilty of Five Years Ago Christmases In Vietnam.”— The United Nations General Assembly Field." wedge between the U. S. and President Nguyen Van Thieu of to look out the large, paned win­ treason In a court-martial which Three anti-Castro Cubans Lorlty HcVey Europe (which depends on Arab South Vietnam In a visit to dow framing a lake with wild Heaven Sent by finally settled this Important question by Those were, Indeed, the days, for those inflamed world opinion. Dreyfus were arrested In the firing of a oil for tts economic existence). American combat trope. ducks pedling about. voting to make both versions official, was a victim of anti-senalUsm In Helena Rubenstein. Who are old enough to remember. Some of the President’s top bazooka shell at United Nations The woodland scene outside III the French army. "We demand the complete and Issue beth kinds of stamps. advisers even go so far as to headquarters in New York. and the secure, tastefully fur­ On This Date and unconditional withdrawal of The Christ ChIM say privately that time has nm One Year Ago nished home, filled with an­ In the year 69, theJ.Roman the U.S. Imperialist aggressor MINI-SET TRIO While the Assembly Itself was concern­ out and, no matter what public Eighty two crewmen of the Bethlehem’s Babe, we adore, tiques and oil portraits of chil­ Emperor Vltelllus was assassi­ and its lackeys and dogs from ed with such vital last day business. Its pressure the U.S. brings USS Pueblo were released by TTiee, dren, contrasted sharply with Truckn Hack To Speeding Again? nated. Vietnamese soil."—Self-exUed Spray mist. Perfume & Bath Oil. by Dana against Israel, the Arab states North Korea. Cradled In aweet fragrant hay. ' the picture of her husband— most powerful member was, off In a Black Panther leader Eldridge HOLIDAY The Oonncctlcut Motor Club has is­ are Irretrievably estranged In 1696, the founder of the col­ Sing Joyous tidings in gladness, from whom she has received Eau de Parfum 5.00 ^ A Y Cleaver In Algiers. news conference, giving an example of sued a disconcerting report that In­ from Washington. ony of , James Ogle­ For Jesus was bom that day. seven letters—^whlch she saw on COLOGNE a television reel about Ameri- OMbUibi how seriously It was taking the world or- dicates the problem of speeding trucks But that opinion is still In the thorpe, was bom in London. Court Packing? "Women are the one minority ( M b U b i In 1776, the Continental naval group that it is still considered ■ can prisoners. Luv Bubbles” ■.. 1.79 as. ganlxaUon It helped create. on the hlghwny Is still with us, despite minority. Thus, Mr. Nixon fin­ Bom of sweet Mary, A T^rgln, ICECREAM Tstc . S 5 or. Alter 6sth6pisen...4et. the corrective moves taken early this ally gave approval last week for fleet—consisting of two frigates, LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — fashionable to discriminate Sinless and pure, and Divine, "He looked pale, haggard and DUSTMG Spray Mist...2 ox. » « • 3R O «»w 9rt One of the things the Assembly had fall by the State Traffic Commission and S e cre tly of State William P. two brigs and three schooners Kentucky Is the only sts^e to against.”—Rep. Margaret M. Came to bring "Peace to aU Na­ drained,” she said, tugging gen­ POWDER $«. • 4 0 0 state's trucking Industry. Rogers to make his speech— In —was organised. have had three native sons serv- Heckler, R-Mass., urging ap­ tions" tly a

KAGB EIGHT MANCHESTERi EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTT», CONN , M O ]^AY. DECEMBER 22, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 PAGE NINE died Saturday night in Somers aRer d long illness. Manchester Area P e o p le in F o r American POWs Carol Sings Canceled Obituary Mr. Geer wds bom Sept. 8, A r^ Schools 1922 in N ew London, son of The Carol Sings scheduled Taking Part In Albert Jabs ]^ank and Gertrude Molonson 'Tht> Nonia Texas Billionaire En Route for t«m!gbt at (he Nativtty Columbia Head-on &ash VHSRNON — Albert Jabs, T7, Geer, and had lived in Manches­ Scene in Center Park and tX U C o n n P ro g ra m o< New Britain, father of Henry ter most of his life. He was a Robertson Park in the North Storrs (AP)—A federal grant F. Jahs of Vernon, died Satur­ U.S. 'Army veteran of World Mrs. Onassis in London To Hanoi with Yule Gifts End of Manchester have Kills Willimantic Man COMPLETE LONDON (AP) — Jacqueline ^ ' \\ of $86,699 has been awarded to day at N ew Britain^ Cr«teral W ar n. been canceled because of the q,inr ' Kennedy Onassis is spending ANOBLB18 (AP) — A Perot, 8S, who owns a Dallas weather. An accident on Rt. 6 In waa chaxged with bnaeb of the University of OonnecUcut "?JKS*!Sr Hospital after a long Ulnesa. Survivors Include two staters, Christmas in London. Texas blUlonalre left by char- computer company, organised a Columbia claimed the life of a the peace after he allegedly tor a trstatag program ta "new Mrs. Emil Stavens of Vemon Funeral services were this Willimantic man early yester­ caused a dlaturtMmoe a t 117 INSURANCE Mrs. O -OBBls flew from Ath- M «« «««md leg grot® called United We Stand, science” for teachers in 81 local morning at St. Matthew’s Lu­ and Mrs. Joseph Zavesky of JOHN ens alone Sunday but said her ® *** hopes will end with which is sponsoring the flight, day morning after hta car cross­ Brooklyn St. He'was releaaed school systems. theran Church, New Britain. Bridgeport; and five brothers, East Hartford GLENN husband, Aristotle Onassis, packages fenmfrom 4^.yeaMld boy who h w ^ e r busing contractor did not Jewett City, Danielson. Colches­ west on Rt. 6, crossed over the Robert L. Brennan, 27, of loney of Manchester and the UConn Position His Agent Shops prisoners’ families — was load- ...... carry adequate insurance ne­ ter, Waterford, Brooklyn. Mans­ met his father," Perot said. He center divider and collided Kingsbury Ave. ExL, Rockville, late John Maloney, and lived in WASHINOIDN (AP) — Presl- ed aboard the Boeing 707 during ^ ^ , cording to Diggs. However, Ne- field, and Putnam. head-*“' W ® I*®*! been donat- non police Saturday and charg­ The diplomats predicted this "I hail the readiness ex­ Calvary Temple, Hartford. Army hospital In Yokohama. ®d. contributions of 60 and a passenger in her car ‘Was former Barbara Benall of Man- caused Santa Claus. Of course, ed with recklesB driving after a response would be made after pressed by you to start negotia­ Survivors, besides her hus­ Veto Seen Abota Valdas, 26 Ltaden St, Chester. The Powers have two everything ended on a happy Lamberson learned about two cents to $16. two-car accident on West St. Brandt in a speech Jan. 14 dis­ tions,” said Hetaemann in re­ band, Include two sons, the Rev. adm itted to Manchester Hospi- children and live In Storrs. nOts. weeks ago that hta son. Arm y 'D*en Local 747 of the striking Police said the Lord car col­ John J. Ooodhart Jr. of Chico­ Pfc. Thomas M. Lombeison, 20, InternaUonal Electrical Work- Manchester. They were both Raymond Gllha played Santa. On Allocation lided with one which was driv­ pee, Mass., and the Rev. Don­ Mrs. Helen-Elliott, Mrs. Quth- Elves were Alan Kaminsky, had been seriously wounded In *” cWpped In an additional en by Robert Bury of 41 White ald Ooodhart of Philadelphia, Vietnam when he detonated a 4200, bringing the pot to $750. (Continued from Page One) St. which was making a left tai and are reported in aetis- Aid for Penn Central Bradley Robbers Jaolc Netawanger, Lynn Qulta- U.S. Pa.; a brother, Arthur Peter­ dama, Nancy Fahey, Spin Zuck- booby trap while leading hta "This ta a small town and we the turn. Both cars were heavily fectcry condition today. son of New Britain; a sister platoon on a reconnal^ce ^ ®*' close," Swanner said. Scott said in hta Judgment, ^ South Windsor Police O X et er, and Phidlp HJnrne. In the damaged. Lord ta scheduled to Miss Beatrice Peterson of New Still Free With mission "Everyone has responded veto warning waa not altered Suggested hy Economist roles of the Martians were appear In Rockville Circuit John Kerrigan said the axxddent Britain; and six grandchildren. u ,1 V wholeheartedly." when House-Senate negotiators Court 12 Jan. 6. is' still under investlgaticn by of­ I S15,000-$17,000 Oathy Cone, John Lessard, Rog­ Despite tavl^ been m stiUn gald a round-trip worked out the $19.6 bllUon com- KINGSTON, R.I. (AP- — An the U.S. Department of Trans­ A - Funeral services will be to­ Emery Ward, 19, of Hartford ficer Alfred impont. er Plante, Robert Joyner, portation asrtst the Penn Cen­ morrow at 1 p.m. at Taylor and “ ‘*«'‘®* would cost $988 and that promise terms. economics professor at the Uni­ Laura Thomas, and Sue Pag- tral in three ways. Modeen Funeral Home, 238 WINDSOR LOCKS. Cfonn. *»• ***®'® *>« ®«««h ActoaUy, $1.1 blUlon of the re- versity o f Rhode Island says the (AP) — —Hiree men are at lulca Washington St., Hartford. Bur­ plant at Joneaboro, Iiainberton money for Lamberson and hta ducUon waa in approprlationa federal government shoidd as­ In an article ta the "T ra ffic ial will be in Rose Hill Memo­ large today with between $16,000 wife to make the trip. which were not to have been Ladies Must Get Data sume part of the operating costa Quarterly,” Dr. Poulsen recom­ and $17,000 taken at gtmpotnt Izadies^ Hgltfcy Savings rial Park, Rocky Hill. "M y wife and I feel It is great *P®"‘ •*‘*® F®“ “ >yhow. of (he Penn Central to give the mends that the transportation Savings Sunday night from a restaurant Friends may call at the fu­ how the people have expressed Scott said if Congress should railroad the same advantages department assume costa o f in- at Bradley International Airport. Lady Santa of China Beach On Possible Effects of ^PilV neral home tonight from 7 to 9. their concern tor Tom m y,” ■«"«* •*»* s^PttoPrtatton to the enjoyed by the airlines and c'.allation and maintenance of State police said the three The family suggests that Lamberson said. "W e wlU never *''*•**« House, It probably would trucking industries. Dr. Roy the Penn Central signal system, men, armed with guns, forced (Conttaued from Page One) years before we get the evl- those wishing to do so make Seeks Gifts for Vietnam GIs be able to repay them. We are “" ‘®*‘e a quick round trip," re- C. Poulsen, director of the URI construct and maintain passen­ an employe to open a safe In denoe.” memorial contributions to the _ ___ 80 very thankful. It was a hiv turning to the Capitol with a Research Center in Business ger and freight terminals facili­ the lower-level office of the Ter­ informed o f the pill’s known For hta pert. Dr. Ley said he Memorial Fund of Calvary By EVE 8HARBUTT ery incoming gift, she will >vrite surprise to us." Nixon veto message. and Economics, proposed that ties and acquire the railroad’s race Dining Room at about 10 hazards.’’ still stands by the September Da NANG, Vietnam (AP) — ® personal thank you note. Lamberson uid he had talked ***® Co®«*’ess sends it right of way. Temple, Hartford. p.m. and then bound him up "It appears evident," Nelson finding of an FDA advlaory com­ Somewhere In the 1st Corps on “ We sort the gifts here at (Jhl- ^ t h his son and that the youth’s •*® !•“ • wants to know in before fleeing by car. charges, "that a substantial mittee that the pill ta “safe" The federal aviation agency is Christmas morning a combat n® Beach with the help of volun- removed ear- •*"•« ■<> *>o c®n get his veto mes- Mrs. Albert C. DeVaux Police did not Identify the em ­ number are not advised of any as defined by taw, and that the responsible for "installing and soldler will open a brightly ‘e^*" soldiers visiting the U80 jy u,jg ^^ek. ®®S® “P here so wo can act on it Democrat Body Mrs. Cecilia Anderson De­ of the health hazards, or side operating aids tor air navigation ploye, who was alone at the wrapped package and smile. and employes of two other pills’ "aignificent’’ benefits out­ Vaux, 67, of 801 Main St., wife , Lamberson was draft- **®*°'^ Chritamas," Scott said. and traffic control" Poulsen S are U f t4 S ja % tU f time. Hta huddles m"iy got a laugh, USD's In this area," says Mrs. effects.’ ’ weigh their risks. Forms to Pick of Albert C. DeVnux, died yes­ ed M ay 14. Sen. M ike Mansfield, D-Mont., said, adding that the federal T h e .Sek lions ! The robberstemptled the mon­ too, from Items like a tin o f egg­ Caldwell. 'Then Vietnamese Nelson also states that: “That was a highly depend­ terday morning nt Manchester "Ho didn’t want to go," Lam­ the majority leader, sold there agency also provide air termi­ ey into sultcaaes, tied up the plant pate, or a bar of striptease employes rewrap the gifts and —The package insert which able report,” he said Sunday, Senate Choice berson said. "That makes it would be no Senate action on nal facilities. M em orial Hospital. employe, and osoaped. soap—plain white soap stenciled pack five U> a plastic bag. drug-makers must include in but “ it’s dated, as any report the embattled measure until aft­ The Penn Central has had to Mrs. DeVaux was born July Police sold they could not be with a picture that washes off In "We hope to have a” bag of ."'®'®’ *»®®®'**® *» their shipments to druggists 1s," and "w e absolutely have NEW HAVEN. Oonn. (AP) — er the recess, and Scott said he spend about $14 million annually 9, 1912 in Moncheater, daughter sure the men escaped by oar, the shower. gifts tor each of the 130,000 men ‘**‘*'* * warns of many serious adverse to look now at any new Brit­ A group of Democrats calling had agreed to that plan. for rights of w ay in New Eng­ of Carl and Augusta PomquUrt but they added that a late- This bit of holiday spirit for in 1st Corps, but of course the effects associated with the plU. ish data. Until I see hard data, itself "Alliance for ’70” an­ mr«o IS .V Some House Democrats, land and $10 million annually ^ Anderson, and had lived here model white auto with out-of- the area from the rice paddles troops In the field come first," But neither patients nor doctors however, I’m hard pressed to nounced today It has set up of­ Speaker John W. McChrmack for the signal system, Poulsen SurpMit hpi^mlh itWci«4 c«i You'll K'.uup ud *•■•«. m all of her life. state plates was seen speeding of Quant Ngal to the dusty hills she added. commonly see it. draw different conclusions. I fice here to try to pick a U.S. i uf MbNh.K'huuM ffumfiom bunSml Ihkmf m i oilwi IRS Probes among them, would Just as soon said, as o{^x>8ed to bus and coili Survivors, besides her hus­ from the airport about 10:36 More than 20,000 Individually m ay w i ^ to revise m y opinion Senatorial nominee to back next t . J t n k l f f M m tnnul (ibfKt'•bfKt/Sulie SXlh •toLWMfafh (UM loi of the demilitarized zone comes send the bill to Nixon and let — Pamphlets prepared by the ftli* furti »4 /wool pU*4« band, Include 2 dauglttors. Mrs. courtesy of the USD’s "Christ­ wrapped Items In the Chrtotmas as a private physician after I year. truck companies which use su­ lunttHi 9 li. ,4(1 RMWt. (unimt. uiiut p*UUi i|»4 0*Wi». p.m. with only Its parking lights him veto the money—seeing In manufacturers and distributed Peter Catalano of Tolland and on. The car went east toward mas In Vietnam" project, and of projMt Mrs. Caldwell heads— see the British data but not The group said its efforts will perhighways built with 90 per ‘ SijriN! Finances of that a poUtlcal campaign issue directly to patients through phy­ Mrs. Robert NaUs.> of Norfolk, Granby. thousands of Americans who now In Us fourth year—already until." \, be coordinated by Lee J. Wal­ cent federal funds. for 1970. sicians make light of the minor Va.; 16 grandchildren and a The three bandits, all whUe, wanted to do something" tor h®ve been tagged, bagged and On one point. It ta clear. Dr. lace, who headed the New Ha­ The article suggests that the L «~i. r ( ■ / A foreign sld dispute between dangers and d® not even men­ great-granddaughter. were described this way: One fighting men. transported by unit chaplains to Panther Body Ley now disagrees with the ven effort to nominate Demo­ department of transportation Senate and House flared Sattu*- tion the major dangers.” Funeral services will be Wed­ was 6-fcet tall, about 160 pounds Lucy Caldwell, a dollar-a-year ‘he men In the field. chairman of that FDA advisory cratic delegates for Sen Eugene acquire Penn Central’s right of i. CHICAGD (AP) — Two Chica- day night, dooming that appro- —"Thousands of college girls nesday at 10 a.m. at the W.P. with dark w avy hair and' wear- associate director of the China We Just don t know how peo- go newspapers say committee. Dr. Louta M. Hell- McCarthy in 1968. w ay In New England for Inclu­ are being subjected to pro-pill Qulsh Funeral Home, 226 Main Ing a suede Jacket and yellow Beach USD near Da Nang, has plo find w t about us to send tlonal Rev^ue S^-vtae ta^lrok- ***^°Senato riSw t^a*«*8*M man of the State University of ' Among others on the commit­ sion in the Interstate Highway B n propaganda" by a merely .Girls’'' St. The Rev. Keqneth L. Gusl- work booU; another wai abort been unwrapping packages, sav- packages, says Mrs. Caldwell, ing Into the finances frf th#i linn fnriimi oii« Vi’ « New York’s Downstate Medical tee are Henry Parker, a Negro System and lease the property "lukewarm warning” on ill ef­ Center ta Brooklyn. to the railroad. afeon, pastor of Calvary and heavy and waa called Ing Christmas paper and ribbon widow of former Princeton foot- Black Panther party nrimarilv^c^llL ’ who ran for the New Haven "Ray" by h’s accomplices; the .nrtlnv «>odie« for the ball coach Charlea Caldwell. . .. P""»®H>y because of House In- fects found in "a text widely Heilman writes ta the cur­ Church, will officiate. Burial and sorting goodies tor the Democratic mayoral nomina­ Railroads pay 8.6 per cent of troops since November. For ev- ‘^ ' w T ^ “ ‘tour ^**®"®®'^®b- ® »M-8"miuian°out- used by College students." rent Issue o f Fam ily Planning will be In Bast Cemetery. thlrd was not fully described. tion this yeau" and lost; Leonard rail operating revenues ta pro­ The British recommendation PeispecUves that "increasingly perty taxes, Poulsen said, as op­ W i n t e r Friends may call at ths fu­ A. Stevens of Bridgewater and ®---* - that all pills containing more In all areas o f medical esua the George Conklin of Woodbridge, posed to the one per cent of neral home tonight from 7 to 0 consumer desires and has the with publicity,"* she said. a '^roZ*JXeh*'*^ '” *® ®®“ *® *'»” *«« Retatlons than 76 micrograms o f female former McCarthy workers; Carl revenues paid by motor carriers and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and If Conf^ress Axes Funds: make a few speeches each year, months ago ®everol *« ® separate blU right" to more Information, but sex hormone or estrogen be A. Balestrocci Jr., a worker for and four tenths of one per cent 7 to 9 p.m. too, but mostly people Just pass The ^ ^ fixing foreign aid terms, reject- that: abandoned ta now being looked Robert Kermedy’s campaign in paid by airlines. the word them se^'’ ^ ^ -s a ^ **'® P'"“®’ **«»« ^•h W at closely by both the FDA and 1968, and William Weber of New Railroad property taxes will Rev. Robert E. Davis m ilitary Mothers of Mongoloids In Mrs. Caldwell’s homo town. Their "'***'®" *" ®ddlUonaJ Britain and William Jones of continue to rise as land values Swealdi*aSels The Rev. Robert E. Davis, aid to Korea. the National Institute of Health. About 800 spacecraft lutvs Princeton, JLJ • b ^ » ^ toeir newspaper, which i^lls for T action — only a recom­ been fired from the earth Into New Haven, described as mem­ increase, Poulsen said, thereby .i - M.8., member of the LoSalette packages The Senate response: 89-29 ap- 1>0 Fathers, died Saturday at New To Appeal to Foundations and ??>** .®«*. «*®P®rtedly ha. mendation because Britain has space ta the past U years. bers of the Democratic State giving additional advantage to malled to Vietnam sine* vreeklv clre^H-Si Mansfield’s motion to buses and trucks using high­ Shigland ^ p tta t Hospital. June 8. In Statesville, N.C.. city circulation of close ‘o table mvd thus kUl the compith no drug authority with foroe of Central Committee. The subcommittee, headed by taw — waa preceded by an edi­ Stevens and Balestracci are ways to which property taxes do He ta survived by a stater, By FRAN KCAREY employesayes for the second A 'h»Wn,r. t.. . * "‘*® ®PP«VrtaUon bUL Sen. Warren Q. Magnuson, D- torial ta the Important medi­ not apply. ‘ Mrs. Virginia M. Davis Rice of AP Science Writer straight yesx donated money vVaahlnvton ^ The Senate then assigned a E S V IT A ’n O N described as town chairmen in 190 Chestnut St.; and two neph­ Wnsh., s'ngalcd out the project cal Journal, Lancet, aeriotwiy their local Democratic parties. Without a "quantum change WASraNGTDN (AP) — An or­ 5 . y h... f-y « y T " ews, William P .Rice and Greg­ for special praise in its report. Christmas party. que^lonlng "th e wisdom of ad- FORBIDS The group says It has already ta the w ay the railroad industry ganisation of mothers of Mongo­ manent InvesUgaUons subc^- '****' * " “ ® •>®*®‘*®‘o". ory R. Rice, both o f Man­ But Mrs. Wyman said she mlnMeAng such compounds to FOR THE ’TRANSPORTATTON met with the Rev. Joseph Duf- ta viewed, Poulsen writes, “ It chester. loid children plans an appeal for feared for the program because ——» Pittsburwh mmee' ^'nP^iSTr rmiuier "SZmmcon ; ^ " tPP«Prt® healthy women far many years." appears doubtful that railroad Association near. tlon bill shorn of the Formosan OF SCHOOL STUDENTS fey—the only announced Demo­ SALESROOMS OPEN: MON. and TUES. artil 5:30— WED. w tfl 6 Kms htf Wtf private money if Congrees’ fis- report. Presldem Nixon plans i>a„ •« ««>.000 _ ^ ^ . The Lancet editorial etted the operations in the northeast cor­ . fist Hmy A concelebrated Mass of re­ ® and Korean items. TOWN OF VERNON, cratic challenger for the Senate fhms. diMUk, #nii9A quiem will be tomorrow at 10 cal ox cuts o ff federal funds for to veto the new appropriations nearly 1,000 pounds of gifts—but " ’ °****’ •**® SToup’s national ,rfthln the « m ik ' ***** u**®'** studies of Prof. Victor Wym. ridor will remain viable ta the Boiw «|Ui mPtcfiMf I 4 to 1 to CONNECTICUT seat now held by Thomas Dodd AVON SAYNOOK iUSt a.m. at Dur Lady of Sorrows a promtalng research program b,„. including appropriation, tor not the nec^^ry^o^LST^grt •" Berkeley, CaUf. dirseter o f the Aieocander Simp­ face of rising land and real es­ Roemu 14 TTic Town of Vemon, Con­ —and with several others whose as a MAIM ifi w. UADI ■oaroM roar b d . Church, New Pork Ave., Hart­ against Mongolism. all the National Institutes of them to the w ar ^ ®*®® f«POrte •be source indl- J^** ***”*■ ®**®“ bave tagton tast week oenferrtag with ceive sealed bids for the trans­ EUa (Smsso, Rep. Emilio Q. Park Ave., Hartford, tonight United States and la aimed at project are not provided in the Francisco. CaHf. to be mailed ®**®^ •*'®‘ •be party headquar- Ignmed in pogt apintiprta- both FDA and NIH offleUta. portation of school students at Daddorio, Mayor Richard C. determtnlng whether a stlll-ex- ultimate appropriation, said through the F I^ Offiee ***^ **®^ never filed on Income ®®** ®dded hs does not from 7 to 9. The British pronouncement’s the Office of the Superintendent Lee of New Haven, and State Ladies' Nesli Hosiery Ladies' Seamless Hose perimontal drug can Improve Mrs. Wyman, "our only altorna- ther^ ^ •** «•«">• *®®'‘ ***• •»••“ with M -E-E DELIVERY! The DUlon Funeral Home, 68 effect, be said ta an tatervleiw, of Schools ta Vemon, Connecti­ Sen. Ektward Marcus. Y0im Main St., Hartford, ta in charge the serious mental retardation tlve will be to try to oeek money "Theee drums didn’t have any Sun-Times also reported •be^HouM unttl late January. was "vlrtuaUy immediate aben- cut, until 12:00 noon on January OIM lOWtfT sw ell of Mongoloids. The group says it will meet OUO lO M IT SMCf I MM o> ft»m ilSck MWiI** of arrangements. from private foundaflons.”------postage," said a note that ac- **** **'® bas laundied an „ *** “**•* **“ • ■bouW provide dcnmeift by wtmen’’ of most of 19, 1970, at which time and 4 ORBIT STORES TO SERVE YOU Nu4ff IwO iMsgiwe Wfii The mothers’ organisation, a with other candidates later. ko*l« If loirt stIup ■ She said the experimental comanled the barrels to C3Una •"'’^■••'’^••on Into whether the *®*‘ ***• * « » * • • to coot off th e commonly used oral ocn- •sS IP* 8«ial*a lOOZ /tWR place the bids will be publicly The froup said it will try to JS H A in v o a o a o c K v i i i i sylas I of Oliun. KM* A l A E * Edgar Geer Washlngton-area group called drug -designed to duplicate a Beach. "But it was a kxig way ^•"•bers have violated federal e^nte'bsck to its aensee." Am m u 4 coIp h . ^ / traceptlvas. opened and read aloud. stem a "tack of communica- "Mothers of Young Mongo­ natural chemical deficient In 527-1U 4 •75-9243 0«> NssIsnlM 1M M Y Y Edgar (Doc) Deer, 47, of Som­ back to Pittsburgh, COD, so I •" •belr Chicago re- His atudiea, he explained, have The person, firm or corpora­ tkai’’ among Democrats, and r N*s 2tn-tm SO* loids," recently mounted a na- the brains of Mongoloids—al­ ers, formerly of Manchester, Just put each barrel In a mail- S*®'’®*. , ®fltce. ., Yule Parties for ToU shown that "almost all women” tion making such bid «h»n sub­ will w ork"to bring about open- Uoiml lettei^writtng campaign ready has resulted in definite M A N C H B n a WINDSOR protesting what It said was a bag and sent It on to you.’ ’ ^ slseable arsenal of weapons G iv e n b v E b o n v f taking the pUl zhow chemical mit it in a sealed envelope to ,l)ess, fairness, and the wlderi Improvement In muscle tone ■It waa signed by a San Fran- ®"‘* . ®«n«nunUt®n ------was seised dur- H nAKi-pvjKn A R rsS& rT**?^? changes —^ “Impairment of gfo- the Superintendent’s Office on 443-1505 4M-5283 threat to the program because coordination among.^ chil­ pomible consideration at all 1 1 cisco Post Office employe. •»»** Dec. 4 predawn raid on a gtaonv t ^ cose metabolism and blood taau- or before the hour and day stat­ Penonal Noticef of proposed cuts iiK appropria­ dren treated by Dr. Col'eman, stages on the way to the nomi­ Mens Englu»h Shoes tions for the National Institute ------. People are like that at Christ- **"*•• S***® CSilcogo apartment , *. *^*® *'*' Hn leveU " — that ta "one ta ed in paragraph one hersof, and but that "the I.Q. (Intelligence mas where men in Vietnam are Hng which Fred Hampton, R- ®f black businessmen, nation.” of Neurological Dlseosca and eeven" become eo the envelope shall be endorssd ow a«a n n n v i quoUent) results are inconchi- concerned, Mrs. Caldwell foeW '*"®*® Panther chalrmaiv and * series of five Christ- In Memoriam Blindness. they con be ooUed "chemical on its face with the name of the .iv.slve as.. yet " ..Lot, of famUles send money Work aark, Peoria Panther *»* »•«» NOTARY In Invlng memory of Okrroll Mrs. Donald G .Wyman of Al­ dtabeteo." person, firm, or corpmatlan A lATK START Pfunrier vho passed away Dec. 2X Mrs. Wyman said that, large­ for these gifts instead of Christ- were killed. Hartford childreit—black. Puer- BIEE 1987. exandria. Va., a spokesman for Doctors disagree whether or making such bid, the date of ly as a result of an Associated mas cards; veterans are e s p e ------*® Rican and edilU. E L L E T , OU o (A P ) — F or Ma 10.88 the organization of 66 mothers, not such eOSats will turn Into its presentation, aixl he entitled I Hweciiiue. i**u m sms t Sweet dreams. Auntie Oarmll. Press story Oct. 16 describing 80a> tath d ay, JOinas. Bnxn- said In an interview her organi­ dally good to donate money," g\. i i nw j ■ i ^ buslnesemen had real dtahstaa. But over a period "Transportation Bid." PliriKiai! rp ARTHUR .« the launching of the letter-writ- she says. "This year’s contrtbu- V***®* I ninkiii|{ the help of a black firemen’s boiEd> leeelved a Uwttag boll ' wtH cpuM M Un. IrjilMi wl**. ______BUen zation was encouraged earlier of yeoio, Wynn said, he 9m i s The Awarding Authority rs- ^p algn . approximately tlon* more tiwn $10,000.’’ DENVER (AP) — A itaever ®®*®®‘®‘lo«»—the Phoenix Society and accessraiiM awn chil­ aOck ••4 Womi IPM*. utn liiiliju b d Card Of Thanks this week when a Senate appro­ the oomUnatkm of thisi dieiMee servea the right to waive any dren. H e has Just taken up the loll priations' subcommittee in­ 4.000 letters were sent to M ar The lady Santa of reitM woman flgi-nni down^an^ZZ — ***** * bUlnguai claus and sUU another — raised blood informoUtlea ta bidding, to re­ We wlta to iSank all of our sport. . MlgMmrs. fiienda and reiativea for ^ DRUG STORES creased by $11.4 million funds ZlfmittJ^f*!*^* '“ **'** ®®®** P®rUcutarty wants the mobile d rtS T *b y a 15-yearK>ld ******** >*•«•»• dallaa, who dta- trigtycartde levels — wlB g ject any and sU bids or any the r a a ^ acta of Idndneaa and ~ He has one of sofon momben to • esrious Incidence of omen- port thereof, and to accept any sympathy shown us In our reoenl recommended by the Nixon ad- the program. ** SSrr«I?o)^ ™ "Z?* ***^’ *"*' ®Mt.d him to dwv. hM> «• of the of the OiwxMsthscs C9iib boro. SAU:Mll.lkrtm mlnistraUon's budget for all .. _ t®® ®"e reason or another, to her brother-in-law’s parties and wtahed the children ary heart dieease "and aflierns- bid if it be ta the public .tator- HAPTFCRD-MANCHESTt* -O- ► , , ^ I I4 A T « A spokesman for Magnuson never receive a _ gift- _ ' oouea. .... _ . . wUcIi rseonOy osigsMssri a B ifa M . orn umt MMMMT projects of the neurological in­ There she and the brother-in- "Merry CSiristmas’’ ta deratic (ortory) rtleeMi In g v est to do so. EHt •*»«*e,ur Me. i-onflrmed that a "tremendous package at C2irlstmu tlmV snorts porttalpaaoa sseUesi. A WUbev Ceos* r w keray stitute. About $60,000 had been law held the boy until peMe* ats ®t®l Ewgltah. and.” - “ ■ Town of VsitMm number" of letters had come ta, ” If we can reach mi fsaov boMisr. T. B. W m n f, fa sougtvt tor the Mongolism pro­ I^ved. The woman aakl the boy H was the second year that Board o f E ducation WnM«it The Huntty of "There la no evidencs yK that Oirae moallfa oMar (bon »u m - ject. moeUy from one part of the we’U have done a good Job WlUlsm e Oondiick. country. — — * was drtvtag her car, stolen aev- the Ebony League bad sponaored tb it this la hsfipaahig,” he rm- Decem ber 18M bonKh. tb o i tobtag aenior bca- •ral days eartlar. the patUes. phaMsed "R will lake 20 to 10 on far Iba groap "V ■

PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ MONDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1969 MANCBttai'EK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY. .DECEBfBER 22, 1969 PAGE EljBVEN closed and put trees into tlielr Vem oh cars and drive away. Hanson Says Swank Covent Plane Crashes Police Log Alioto Offers Answer Britain Cautiously Hopefiil Fire Calls Robert Lessard, 74 W. Mid­ Into Viet Slum D r. Elliot Metcalf Day dle Tpke., reports the losg of About Market Farm Poliipies 'DARCStes Town firefi^itera exUngutah- AOCIDENT8 his piu^e bicycle with the pur­ To Fee Split Charge Not Treated Rudely ed a fire in a rubbizh container Osntinaed from Page Oae) ple banana seat and white wall By FRED COLEMAN the subsidies Britain win have Set Wednesday hy Mayor George Glidden, 29, of Glas­ at (he rear of Reed’s In the poasiliiy wars three. The Hot tires, sprayed purple. The bike SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Jo- 18 per cent contingency fee. Associated P ic m Wijtor to pay under the price supports \ CHSSeniw tonbury was charged with fail­ parkade Friday at 10:48 p.m .' showed two or three. Indians, disappeared from in front of the seph L. Alioto says he will open Alioto won settlements of $16J1 LONDON (AP) Britain to­ plan agreed to at Brussels. Debra Edmondson, 17, a Wednesday has been declared of Commerc^ also passed a A fire in the engine com­ and all_ the rest were Viet­ ure to drive in the proper lane Parkade Bowl Saturday be- his files to answer aUegattons million from June 1988 to Apill day welcomed the agreement in The ministers from the six senior at Coventry H iiji Stdwol, partment of a car at 78 Center namese. ‘ Dr. Metcalf Appreciation Day resolution to the same effect. and failure to carry reglstra- tween 2:30 and 3:80 p.m. that bstore being eloOted mayor 1967 and Us fee under the Brussels on Comm<» Market Common Market nations— “T ’"' « “ “«*• «««<»• has received the DAR Good Council of Elected Officials St. was extinguished by town Twenty pereons were injured. by Mayor Frank McCoy In keep- ^ farming ixilicies because it France, West Germany, Italy, (Jitiaenship Award for this year, ^ j , mayor, It Is mentioned that Dr. tiop, Saturday, after a one-car ------of San Francisco be divided fees agreement was |2.8 million. (OTCEO), Tmte a reply Saturday in denial. firemen Friday at 3:47 p.m. Including two American soldiers bhNight her a step closer to Belgium, the Netherlands ’ and Hanson In effect denied charg- ______according to an announcement tag with a resolution passed by brought hundreds of accident on Hartford Rd., near Washington state offl- "I have not seen any of the Town firemen went to 48 Fair- who were tn a Jeep that was hit the Shady Glen, E. Middle membersh^ in the European Luxembourg-—agreed on a «jrs- es by J. Grant Swank, execuUve k. . I a • • f 6 ■ the Board of Trustees of Rock- local people into the world and ~ ^ antitrust case in news accounU,” O’Oonnell from the Anne Wood Elfierldn field St. Friday at 11:19 p.m. by the ptaiM as It slid across a -It- Main St., at 6 p.m. His car Tpke. sometime toturday night. Economic Community. tem of price supports for farm vice president of Manchester’s 5*® develojdng local vllle General Hospital. has administered to them in all which he was lawyer for the when readied Sunday at bis Caiapter of the DAR. where they extlnguiahed a fire road at fiiel northwest end of the struck a utility pole. He was Official statements were cau­ products, a system for a federal Chamber of Commerce, that °™*' S SAVINGS IAN« toTMS ciotHim EmS lAKUr PtAGul SHOES Dr. Eilliot Harrison Metcalf of types of illnesses and accidents. plalntiffB. borne in Tacoma. " I intend to Mtas Eklmondson ta the daugh­ caused by a faulty light fixture. runway. / taken to Manchester Memorial A storm door was broken at tious, however. A Foreign Office budget, and the first rest pow­ Swank’s attempts to briefly de- Swank expressed the fear that NtST NATlONAl STOti Sage A(,Un Ai.M«r 6 LA6RT S salon CAtousfi Girn Elm St. has served thfe town xhe Rockville Public Ubrary And Washington State Atty. evaluate the altuation and may ter of Mk. ^ Mrs. Ronald Ed­ TWO other soldlan In the Jeep Hospital where he was treated 823 Center St. Adam Ramonde qx>kesnian said: "W e have not ers ever given the Oowinon ' setfbe Manchester's local ef- Tegional program would try VftNON 0«UG MAMSCUt «^A ta »a t i o * Cle a n in g « A. C KTUUm fMBA tor more then 80 years. He close at 1 p.m. on Wednes- Gen. Slade Gorton says he will !>&ve a statement later. Until mondson tk Dr— atoi IL esciqied by leqping out The ve­ Sind released. His car was of 803 Center St. made the com ­ yet seen details of the agree­ Market assembly, the economic forts to combat drug ^buse b> kill M^hester’s program, W. r. aSANT OOkffANY started his practice In Rock- day but will retopen Friday and try to recover a 1708,160 fee re- I have aiisoliitely no com- hicle was smashed over and towed from the scene. Court plaint to police. ment. We will naturally be community's legislature made were met with "snide, abrupt ®^**6dy 16 months underway, Viet Truce vlUe on Sept. 8, 1888. Saturday for the usual hours. portedly pcdd the two officials ment." turned into a charred wreck by date is Jan. 8. studying the details when we up o l representatlives from the remitaks." bis treatment at this ■ The resolution passed by the School- Board the fire that foUowed. by Alioto. Alioto, udio was on a trip to see them," * parliamento o l the member na- Intaead, maintains Hanson, he was further evidence OTEN EVENINGS MONDAY A TUESDAY hospital board notes the doctor The meeting of the Board of The plane carried 88 paaeen- George Whitehouse, 28, of The case ended before Alioto wYork, issued a statement It was understood, however, tiems. merely “politely interrupted’’ “ ®**®b dforts by the CXtCXO A pproaches has served his community out­ Education scheduled, for tonight gers and a crew ot seven, ac- 13 Trotter St., charged with fol­ Cyclam ate was elected in 1967. from his San Francisco office. the British feel, the agreement The ministers agreed to raise Swank, whCse requests for state governor’s councU. standingly both in civic and has been canceled. The report (OsBtimwd tfora Paga Om ) on a common agricultural poli­ $8 billion in 1970 by direct oon- funding he'called “not germane several CRCEX) represen- oMdtng to the steward. He said business endeavors as well as on the summer science work­ lowing too closely, Saturday, af­ Gorton said he was informed documento ta- volved in the suit would be cy now leaves the way clear tor trlbutians from m em bw govern­ to the purposes o l this meet- stiv es at the meeting and all of the ctew members sur­ in the practice of medicine. shop which was to be on the ter his car struck the rear of Test Halted that the money went to his jire- against the United States to he made public when he returned the six Common Market coun­ ments, with neariy 90 per cent ing". A'tty. C oetos himself have In- vived although the pilot waa se­ It further notes he has serv­ tlgenda, will be heard at a later a car driven by Stephen Jeskl, decessor, John O’Connell. The stepped up until complete victo­ to San Francisco Wednesday. tries to prepeure their negotiat­ expected to go for farm subsi­ riously iQjured, first by a mys­ ed his country well, both by the date. 42, of East Hartford, on E. Cen­ (Conttaned from Page One) New York Times and The Oait- The meeting took place last ikat they have no In- ry- For A Very Alioto said, "All financial ing position on British entry. dies. Beginntag hi 1971,. ftmds^ terious explosion that occurred Best Withes examining of recruits and by ac- New Year’s Eve ter St., neeu* Mata St., at 10:10 land Tribune reported Sunday It . “1. ^ imanraw Wednesday in West Hartford Mention of tiylng to stifle local "No threat whatsoever can The British have been assured will come from levies on farm sbo€ud the plane and posMbly i^..4ive service overseas in World Reservations for the New p.m. Court date for Wiitehouse 18. We 1 ^ it does nc* take ^ .hared by O’ConniU’s for- when the governor’s State Drug PTograms. And Hanson insists ■hedn the Iron determination of this not take more than six products imported into the C ^ - again in the crasb. War I. Year’s Eve dance to be held at is Jan. 8. u la ^ e doses as we originally „ „ a^rfrtant, George Faler, ^ Washtag- win Adtlsory pouncU expressed in- *«rther that Swank was not our army and people. No sinis­ months. They hope it wlU take mon Market and from custmns He said the explosion appar­ In expressing gratitude for 9t. Luke’s Church Hall are terest in establishing a regional treated at last Wednes- ter and perfidious maneuver leas. The British, position re­ on imported industrial products. ently occurred in one ot the Dr. Metcalf's long and dedicat­ available at -the parish house. Robert Doyon, 24, of Coven­ d n « program in some 28 Cap- meeting. con the U.S. ImperiaUsU "On the basis o f thU, giving o ’ConneU said he n U ^ t ^ e a , After 1978, the community wfll left-side engines as the aircraft, Maple St., Ellington. try, charged with following too large amounts o£ cyclamate gtatement later. lauded handling of the mains that they are ready to Ital Region towns covered by ^ Swank’s com- from ignominious failure," Gtap ed service to the Rockville Gen­ also get a cut of sales taxes. bound from Saigon to Da Nang Dancing will be to the A1 closely Saturday after his car to human beings, with or with­ cases. The fact is that I got open talks as soon as the Six are the CRCEO os a kind of pUot P ^ ^ ‘ said in . a speech Saturday night. eral Hospital, the trustees also "If he received the money," The legislature will get power via Nba Trang, was flying near said that their prayers go out to Jarvis orchestra. A continuous struck the rear of a car driven out their consent, would be to­ eight Umes more damages from ready. project lor future drug pro- . meeting, which lasted CU cm , Vietnam (AP) — ^ Gorton said, "it belongs to the Part of the official reticence in two stages. First w U come Cam Ranh Bay, about 38 miles FROM ALL OF US AT TRI CITY FLAZA the doctor for his speedy return sideboard will be offered with a by Edgcu* Boisvert Jr., 18, of tally impr(q;>er. It cannot the major electrical manufac­ grams throughout the state. bours. was considered by President Nguyen Van Thieu of people of the state o f Washing­ waa believed due to several limited power to amende the south of Nha Triu^. to good health. buffet dinner to be served dur- Coventry, on E. Middle ’Tpke., morally Justified." turers than the districts antici­ The reglmial program would South Vietnam today made his 2 ton.’’ questions left unanswered at budget, although the last word . Hs said the pilot and a woman The Rockville Area Chamber ng the evening. near Motts, at 8 p.m. Court date Dr. Leo EYIedman, FDA {taar- pated. dctal with the problems on sev- ^ ^ '"®“‘ Informative first public comment on the al­ Gorton said he had appointed Brussels. Among them were a MTlU remain with the member passenger were injured, appar­ for Doyon is Jan. 8. “I am convinced the docu- eral . fronts Including treatment, ' ki ' leged massacre of civUtana by firm date tor opening the talks governments. But after 1978. the ently by flying metal from the wu...... - . .. g , , , .,. mentaUon will put to rest any law enforcement, and educa- ^ ^' U.S. t r o (^ at My Lai, saying 1 with Britain, and the expected assembly ciln override the gov- engine, but the pilot managed to W e 'U b t happy to make Correction ‘ Carole Chapman of 228 Hollis­ meat In January to reconsider ^ h ^ e any joubta and wlU conclusively aon dr prevenUon. any such action "ta not file poli­ enuuents by a three-fifths ma­ SwaiUi to M f. OoGtas tor keep the plane airborne. The Negro Jews ter 8t. received a written warn­ the prison project. He agreed have as a ^ price to Britain of Joining the cy of U.S. troops in Vietnam." An accident between Eugenb A tten ^ was the vice c ^ - g^^je funding of Manchester’s ]dane made a seemingly normal Common Market, particularly jority. man of the governor’s State ■> A newsman asked TUeu dur­ Lescroart Jr.,. 17, of 14 Cush­ ing for failure to yield the right that "the question of these testa went into the L w s , n — rt____ II AAA^ drug program. Mr. Swank was To be eligible for the award ing a Christmas visit to Ameri­ landing, but as (t hit the run­ CIFT man Dr. anl LJoyd Gustafson, of way yesterday, after an acci­ must now be considered very lesed te e splitting. ^ outcome stands a T i Would Settle allowed to continue his dlscus- a girl must show qualities of can troops at this base 20 miles way, the bralraa tsUed and It EXCHANGES 41, of 186 High St., happened dent between her car and a car carefully." Gorton said he would check «m milestone in the pubUc ®*®"’ '*^blch included some em- depandability, service, patri­ northwest of Saigon; "Do you hurtled off the end of the strip, Wednesday at 7:80 p.m. in the drlveh by Kenneth Trombly n, But he denied strenuously that whether the state’s code o f eth- against coUusive pricefixtag ’’ herd acU iv commls- barrasslng insinuaUons. uitUI I through otism, and leadership in school sail believe file civlHana who acroffi «be road and into ths po­ December 31 In Israel high school parking lot and not 21. of 488 Woodbridge St., on conducting them, even in the Ics, which prohibits private p a y ctorton said he began tavesU- ‘ determined that his complalnte pulated ares. 2 activities. died in My Lai were killed acci­ Continued from Page One) in the Parkade lot as previously E. Centetv near Walker St., at llght of preset knowledge, ments to public officials, was vl- gating reports of a fee ahartag of MenW Health, Hai^n, and ^gj-e out of order, not In good SNOW PLOWING Miss Edmondson is currently dentally or do you believe they The steward said he could of­ 8:10 p.m. would necessarily be Unmoral, olated. Vlola^n of the code is a three weeks ago. representaUves of the ^ imb- taste, and not germane to the about on the chairs or clung to reported. The Lescroart car vice president of the Student were killed ddiberately?" fer no further explanation of the backed into the Gustafson ve­ commrnees ol the Capitol Re- purposes of the meeUng. their mothers, all of whom wore "Cancer Is a disease usually mlsdemeaiumj', taid the penalty “ i this at the request of Council at Coventry H l^ School “rhe president lepUed: "I f the exjdoolon. Officials also wsre hicle. A written waitatag for failure caused by chronic exposure,” oan be up to o d e year in prison. Omar Parker counsel for the Residential and Commercial gl(Hi Task Force on NarcoUcs "At ithls point I politely-Inter- long, colorful dresses end and the assistant senior editor ■ o-ca ll^ I re])eat, so-called pussled by it. The DOS waa to yield the rlght.of Way was argued, "lit i* sometimes but "Our position would be this Is Qravs Harbor Utiiitv niotHet » and Dangerous Drugs. rupted him and suggested that flying off the coast when it oc­ shawls. The men, also gaily of the yearbook. She has been maaaacre, U U happened like dressed, wore turbans or skull­ Issued to Thomas L^a, 16, of rarely caused by a single dose an invalid sharing of money, h« said nddimr • Also present by invitaUon there were others still to be curred, and this made it unlike­ » were Swank and Uie president heard from . . . The dlscus- a mem’ter of the Future. Teach­ that in M y Lai, it is the offense caps and had thick black 291 Bush Hill Rd., Sattijday. af- or even a small series of doses, and the state would try to recov- utility d is W e t^ been wmitab of Just one man or two men and ly It had been hit by Viet Cong ter on accident on Ndrih St., G & H PAYING of the West Hartford Chamber slon then continued on state, re- ers of America throughout her beards. Arm s T alk "So there is a posslbUlty taat er It," Gorton said. ^ o’Connaii iwfnf.. h. that cotad happen in the army firs. near Wood Lane at 4:2^ p.m. ' of Commerce, because, says gional and local programs and tour years at CHS, and also of Blackwell said there are up to u w« took at tn. v.jr Hi, aatlttiM Mt wa. bna«ht wa«l’^ t a ’a laa aaMaIa‘ TELEPHONE 649-5233 ht any time—some attitude of n was the third Air Vietnam Involving his car and a car imv- , Hanson, of the efforts of the needs." the French Chib during her Jun­ 880,000 Negro Jews in America. one single ImUvlduaL ;fUght to crash in the country Site Found en by Audrey Jezoult, of Wa] A l H oo n ior and senior years. She also "We don’t say we’re descend­ " I reject any suggestion that this year. One of the airline’s served on the Student Council ed from one dynasty or tribe or ping. returns. Itemized deductions av-' it ta-the U.S. policy of U.S. D04s colUded with a U.S. Air Omtaiued from Page One) JSffects Of in her freshman and Junior another. We are descended from erage about 18 per cent. tn x ^ In Vietnam." BV>res Phantom Jet on approach­ years. ' the house of Israel, an that’s more than a week beyond the Thieu had ordered a Defense ing Da Nang Air Base last Sapt. Miss Eklmondson will be pre­ enough,” he told a reporter. expected conclusion. o.^r»„i”=k.‘sru: T ax B ill Ministry investigation which re­ 30 and craatted, klUlng 77 par­ "Hell, man, I Just don’t under­ The two delegations earlier to yield the right of way Sait- jeclslotl every time they ad- reuresent the nlalntlffa He luiii , Public Records sented with a pin in recognition sulted in a finding last N ov. 22 sons. On April 3, a DC6 craahed stand why there should be any urday after an accident between vise pattaqts to use cycUmates. then'he selected Alioto who wna a ** <**®cl°sed In Seattle last of her award at a tea in Febru­ accomplished tjieir main task of (Continued from Page One) Warrantee Deed that reports of the massacre on landing at Phu Bat airport. problem. How can the color of his car and a car driven by I can think of much more haz- n ^ t a x " a *nrivata ary. putting together a ^work pro­ Nellie M. Broderick to Grace were "completely inaccurate." Injuring five of the 81 persons our skins make us any different gram for the full-scale negotia­ Viator Magnuson, 87, of Vernon, ardous risks." y, yJf **“‘*®<* »200,000 to two of the MUNICIPAL BUILDING 1,780 123 0 123 100 The government contended that aboard. on Deming St., n«er Aveov at Friedman was referring here plaintiffs, the Seattle and Taco- M. Melrose, property at 68-68 from other Jews? tions, which probably will start 1,800 130 7 123 about 20 civilians were killed by 6 p.m. to the fact that Finch left a reputation as an anUtrust ma power departments, after 94.6 Garden St., conveyenace tax, Winter Debuts "W e’ll take anything, even a in April. 3,300 ■208 77 181 62.9 artillery and bombs that proced- tent in the desert. W e want to ■ large loophole in the cycUmate "^r. they learned of the fee Increase $30.80. Ths highest mountain on ths The Soviet Union Insisted that 3,600 289 122 186 62.7 ed file advunoe of American study, because wisdom is pre­ ban. He gave doctors permls- Originally, Alioto was to haVb and demanded rebates. Lease With Nor’easter island of Taiwan to Yu Shan, at A U ROADS LEAD TO TRI-CITY FLAZA • PARKING FOR OVW I M CARS these be held In Finland, whose JIames Beckwith, 29, of Heb­ 3,000 329 186 144 43.8 troops into the coastal vUlage on cious. We can find work. We’re Sion to tell patients such as received a maximum fee of $1 Gorton Is a Republican, Charles Winkler, et al; to 18,118 fast. government maintains close re­ ron, was warned about his fail­ 3,800 416 267 147 86.8 BOSTON (AP) — Winter, nev­ March 16, 1968. all skilled. One of us Is a bus ure to yield the right of way diabetics or the dangerously million, but when it became ap- O’Connell and Alioto Demo- CLOSED 4,000 600 867 143 Frances Cohen Johnson, Alex­ lations with Moscow and avoids 28.6 er an easy time o t the year In driver, ani^er a seamstress. obese that weight-reducing or parent that settlements would crats. The mayor has been men- 4,300 ander FYeedmon and Acme criticizing Soviet policy. Saturday after his car struck 634 396 139 26 New England, debuted nume lliiiiliiiiilliiiiiilliiiuiiilliiliiiiiiiilll ililiiiiliiliililiiiiiii I’m a caipenter, but I’ve played sugar-avoldlng benefits of oy- run much higher than expected, tloned as a possible contender . 8,000 / 671 Auto Supply of Manchester Rockville The Kremlin refused the first a osj driven by Joseph Tyler, 647 124 18.4 brutally than usual today by bass guitar in and rock 29. of 444 W. Middle Ipke., on climates outweight any risks In O’Connell changed the arrange- for his party’s nomination for Thursday, Dacambar 25,1959 7,800 Inc., premises at 179 W. Middle 1,168 1,031 186 11.7 bowing in on the gale-f 13,600 Hour Matinlzlng, at 1:88 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY 2,898 2,069 839 14.2 ing Feb. 1, 1970, with a five- The storm swept in during the problem is being discussed at sion of Czechoslovakia. The matter what our committee de- ______16,000 VtaUIng hours are Ittai to 8 ,. . , I iui. innl only human tests can o«i- fused to discuss the proposal. 3,164 2,702 462 14.8 year option to renew. night, moving steadily up the high level, but would give no United States then suggested cldes, a determination of this ____»_ 17,500 p.m. in an areas except laa- Sally Greer of 148 Loomis St., firm animal experiments. Ruric has declined comment. 3,999 8,442 666 18.9 Marriage UcensOs coast from the nation's midsec­ more details. Geneva as a compromise. tudy is ethics will also have AND 20,000 ternlty where thffy are 8 to 4 told police that an unidentified It could also Involve the ques­ However, one member, who 4,918 4,268 663 13.6 Russell Gordon PhUbrick Jr., o be made by a committee of tion, and first coated aouthern and 6:86 to 8 pan. csiT forced her to the side of 38,000 6,982 8,895 1,087 18.6 361 Main St., and Candace he experimenters’ peers In tions: To what extent does ask­ requested anonymity, said It Friday, Deeambar 26, 1969 sections wltto a dusting of snow. Pine St. where she struck the ing prisoners to "volunteer’ "woiild be a miracle If the re- Single person, 18 per cent de- Haviland Johnson, Bolton, Deo. Ttien the preclpHatioa turned to Admitted Thursday: Fblltp o:i'Tgui™J;'a^d .ductlons 20, South Methodist Church. ioe and sleet and finally to rain, Buckley, Kingsbury Ave., Rock­ RockvUle. The accident happen' we would demand It no matter ^ a way of glvtag them Opposition to Rusk’s api»tat- Emargtncy Tttephoiia Numbort '<’?i n900 0 0 0 0 Roger Joseph Merrlman, and the forecasters said it prob­ ville; Henry Berube, Elm St., ed Saturday at midnight. how we felt **** impression that they may nient apparently stems from 1,600 100 0 100 100 WasUngton Township, N.J., and ably would turn back to snow Rockville; Ruth Barber, War­ E DIAMOND ^ s e t future favors, even though what some state officials have Highway ...... 649-5070 1,700 ! 114 0 114 100 Ellen Dorothy Firestone, 27 again before ending tonight. ren Ave., Vernon; Nlekes Every time we have a prob- nmrioiiv termed his liberal oosture as 1,760 120 0 120 100 There was an accident on E. they are often officially assured termed his liberal posture as (Jobum Rd., Dec. 28, Temple Over northern end weat-oen- Asevedo, SprlngfMd, Maas.; lem of this kind, there are 1,800 126 7 119 94.6 Middle Tpke., near Ludlow Rd., that it wiU make no difference secretary of state. Gaibaga ...... 649-1B86 Beth Sholom. tral sections, the precipitation Jeffery Blfolck, Dslley (3r., bound to be differences of opln- ______2,300 191 77 118 59.4 Saturday at 11:06 a.m. Tlte Maddox was asked why he Russell Craig Holyfield, Staf- fell entirely as enow, end ski re­ Rockville; Jeannle Loos, Mt. SPECIALS! ion, and I can see merit In both 108 46.8 felt the Rusk appointment would 2,600 ' 286 122 drivers Involved were Nancy -jdeg There Is talk about mor- **** Z®*" Pa«>lo? Sonhory Sowar aikl W otor...... 649-9697 -ford Springs, and Linda Yvonne sort operators bubbled with ex­ Vernon Dr., RoekviUs; Lurens 8,000 286 188 101 38.4 Lambert of Bolton end David Only In 1961 the World create controversy. Gee, 118 Vernon St., Jan. 17, pectations of a near-record hcdl- PscMchottz, Mountain St., Rock­ allty, but everyone la concerned "I ’d rather not comment on 3,600 361 267 94 26 ^ Carat Oval Cut. Perfect stone. 9 A C A Henneguln, 28, of 170 Maple St. Medical Association held that SI;. Bartholomew’s Church. day turnout. ville; Deborah WasMewlcs, about unnecessary risk. it," he replied. 4,000 439 367 82 18.6 Regular price $560. Reduced to " I D w "persons retained in prison, BUUdlng Permits As much as a foot of fresh Birch Road, Rockville, and ’’Either you have to make a Davison, in an announcement 4,200 470 396 78 15.9 powder eras forecast for the Maureen Gessay, High Bt., U Carat 6 Prong Tiffany. S A A f l A truck and a c»r were in­ ,, . . j . . ... k , , j penitentiaries or reformatoriesn Donald C. Foster, alterations 'ilanket decision .that any kind ... , kJ Saturday, said he proposed the 5,000 896 647 48 8 mountainous portions of Maine, Rockville. Regular price $600. Reduced to "ffw w volved in an accident in the - study In humans I.Is immoral, captive groups, should to apartment at 48-50 Winter St., appointment effective Sept. 1, 7,600 1,031 984 47 4.6 New Hampshire, Vermont end Discharged Thursday: Mau­ C not be used as the subject of .97 Carat Diamond Dinner Ring. S A C A Stop A Shop parking lot Sat­ Read Herald Advertisements $200. ir you decide it is more Im- 1970. 10,000 1,500 1,468 72 4.7 western Massachusetts on top of reen Gessay, High St. , Rock­ urday Bbotrt 4:80 n.m. The driver experiments." Leonard Sign C o. for Ivar Reduced to ' " I D U ..loral to proceed without more 13,800 2,092 1,968 127 6.1 two-to-12-lnch covers left by pre­ ville; Arleen Bradley, Plimey We Have Many Other Fine Diamonds to Choose From! of the truck was Loomis Martin, knowledge of what happens im- Many medical and penaipenal au- 16,000 2,734 2,809 228 8.8 Brunn, trustee, sign at 1163 Tol­ vious storms. Hill Apts., Rockville; Lester 42, of 20 Westland St. and Jo- ler human exposure. We really “*°clUes disagree. They bellevo 17,800 3,460 3,094 366 10.6 land Tpke., $800. The storm produced treacher­ Waite Jr., Prospect St, Rock­ We Have A Fine Selection of Bnlova, Accutron, Cara- seph Gallzla of Hartford was the .nust consider: Do we or don’t can give a man 630 12.8 Automatic Comfort for Timo­ veUe and Longine Watches to choose from ; and Other 30,000 ‘ 4,253 3,722 ous driving oomMUons particu­ ville; Robert McLean, <)uarry driver of the car. we know enough about cycla- from an acute sense 8,140 885 14.7 thy Moriarty, replace sign at Fine Qlftal of worthlessness a chance to 38,000 / 6,025 larly in areas where the precipi­ St., Rockville; Irving Ran, Buff mates already?" 270 Hartford Rd., $2,000. prove to himself and others that The taUes tor persons with 18 tation turned to ice, but all ma­ Ci^ Road, Tolland; Jeon Mc- There was an accident be­ Finch made his decision on Open Tonite and Tuesday tlU 9 — Wed. tUI 8:86 he can be of value. per cent deductions are used to L & M Homes Inc., new jor highways were reported Molhan, H gh Bt., Rockville, and Prompt, Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing! tween two pick-up trucks Satur­ the basis of testa that showed give an approximation of the ef­ dwelling at 67 South Forma open and easily passable at Frank Roainski, Mile Hill Rd., day at 8:20 p.m. on Center St., cyclamates in massive doses— SPRINGTIME ' » fect on those who itemize their Dr., $20,000. mldnuimlng. RockviUa. near New St. The drivers in­ 80 times larger than those Jewelry volved were Joseph Bodeeu of recommended for man—caused CBS Objects 22 Lockwood St. end Roy Clapp cancer in mice. But since then \ Store of 14 Haynes St. Dr. Howard Richardson of Freshness In The Air Af Christmas BRAY'S ------FDA's pheu-macology division 787 MAIN STREET, MANOHE8TE1U-6U-8617 To Royalty Two cars collided in the has reported that of 28 rats fed \ ' Parkade lot Saturday at 2:88 much lessor doses of cy- With A Hoover Humidifier p.m. They were driven by clamates for 88 weeks, three de- Fee System Theodore Mather Jr., 20, of 64 veloped bladder cancers and NEW YORK (AP) —The Co­ Concord Rd., and Roy Olson, seven more showed pre-canoer- ous changes. lumbia Broadcasting System Modem, Console Style, 48, of Bast Hartford. has challenged the long-stand- Wood Qieln PInlih In November,’ 1968, Dr. Mar- ing practice of paying music 11- ReWI In d icato r U |M COMPLAINTS (Deluae Model) vin Legator, FDA cell biology censing organisations a percent- Larfs Capacity The car of Joan Palmer, 8 oMef showed that cyclohexyla- age of Its grose broadcasting ta- Rswrvoir i i X j I X mlne, a breakdown ..chemical of come. Tanner St., waa broken Into last 2-Spead Pan the cyclamates. cuases "slgnlfi- " iMtead. CBS said Sunday. It Thursday, as it was parked in Oratt-Froe (Deluxe Modet) Manchester the telephone company lot on cant" chromosome breaks both vriu pay the American Society AkPlow Parkade B. Center St. about 8 p.m. in the uxx test-tube and in anl- Composers, Authors and Pub- iiiiii mals. This c«Ud mean lUhers and Broadcast (Next to Kings) Missing are a $48 tweed coat, Music, Automatically cyclamate imbibers might pro­ Inc., a royalty based on the Turns On and Off dungarees, loafers and a travel­ duce defeotlve children. ing case. amount of music It plays. The prison study would at­ Robert D. Wood, president of M a n c h e tU r 1 tempt to pinpoint the nature of the CBS television network, said TWO 1 S There w«s a break and entry human chromosome damage, the present system, in effect Separate MotoiB / into the storage room of I. 2 and its extent In subjects who since 1934, was imfalr. Tierce Armstrong, 1S9B Syca­ naturally produce large or The gifts S A V I N G S more La. recently. Missing are small amounts of cyclohexy- a $38 Black and Decker drill, lamtae after they take in some a $18 Black and Decker sender, cyclamate. Maddox Sees A L O A N a 100-foot Industrial extension ..j ,,, January aeeaiMW ought that keep cord, valued at $10, a $23 light to be very Interesting,’ ’ another Dispute In Association HALLMARK CARDS brown brief case and several f d a source said. "The whole Black Hawk wrenches and subject of the cyclamates is THIS W EW screwdrivers, valued at $12. stlU very much up in the air Rusk O ffer $ C 0 . 9 5 Ji' 2 in this agency. ONLY on growing SPECIAL! HERSHEY KISSES Allied Building Systems, 360 ..d ,. Richardson’s studies pro- , Oa. (AP) — Gov. Tolland Tpke., reports a break ^uced bladder cancer with one- Lester Maddox says the pro- Xmas colors. Foil wrapped. TMs b flw OMwor fo 1 there sometime this weekend. “**^^J*iir*'v^*****..?*rt!f'******^ S ew ta ry oJ^StateDeM l ^ ^ t o la IW Ah’ Reg. 1.00 value. L b .0 # C Carpentry and wire cutting tooU Obviously ^ Ev«n •$ you or* colobroting CKriilmot th* MancKotltr Savlngi WhUe They Last are missing. ' ‘bU has to mean some new eval- ty "could create quite a contro­ A Loon $oving$ occounJt you givo aro aarning dividandi Thara _____ atlon of the decision to keep versy." cycUunate products on sale on ara no othar Chrittmat giftt just lika tham. They navar waar oul A $30 slgnwas broken by per- ^ m "And I rightfully think It Party Shop for Christmas Docorotions unknown this recommendation.’ ’ nor lota thair ^appaal. Thay kaap getting biggar and baHar ovary Hh sons should," the governor said In a P Dcofa oa Coolly Posi NNb wMi CfMiod ^ili Ihat decision could leave day, ovary waak, nrionth and yaar. So giva aaeb mambar of your end The sign la owned by 8th telephone Interview Sunday. District /Utilities, y / numy cyclamate products on "Things have been going real family a BY. Manehoitar Savinot & Loan lavingi account this RussoU Stovor ‘A ■pedal grocery shelves, where good over there at the tmlversi- Candy any one at aU oouM decide that Chrittfitai. A good way to taacn thrift! Diane Boyle of 880 E. Middle K.. .k »_ Ik. Athens and I hope nothing • Oourmet (SMeae Tpke. told police that eomeone . —happens t-t to upset the apple- C O M i m AND SS OUR CO M Itlll UNi rtoie her wallet, containing $80., *rom cyclamate use. cart." ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ e Olased Fruit Tray off of her kitchen counter Biadder cancer, experts any, ' Maddox’s remarks msrksd OP HOOVER Am iANCB 0 Imported Cookies In i Thursday between noon and 3 **bee 10 years to show up in the first officisl comment on Hie MANCHESTER’S OLDEST FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Deeorated Tina p.m. humsu betags. This Urns tag, propoaed appointment etace it OPPI EVBY WGHT TRJ. 9 ^J4. ------sources said, wiU msks the srss disdoe^ by Fred C. Davl- a Ooattaeatal Petite | 1007 MAIN STREET. NEAR MAPLE STREET - TEL 649-4588^ Mlke Patrick of Etast Hart- (tadslon about the eon. president of the untvsistty. Feora \ V ■ U ford who operates the Red and Bannemorm prisoners espedsl- Davtaon wanU Rusk to take the APPLIANCE AND COVENTRY O FFICE - ROUTE 31 • TEL^ 742-7321 a Imported A DeuMetlo ^ White (Jhrlstmaa tree stand on ^ tough—srlth the argument on Samud H. Sibley profesaorstilp 200 West Center St., reports ths band that it la Immoral of international taw. B.D. PEARL Merilpen O Oheoolate V loss of some 80 of the trees ^ s*b any human being to ex- Members of the state Board of Felled Neveltlee in the past week. One witness P®** himself to s stlU-unkna^ Regents, who must approve tac- COME IN AND IROWSI told police he has seen cars pull degree of risk to future esnetr, ulty a^xitatments in tte unlver- 649 MAIN ST. 643.2171^; ' iiiiiliilliii up at the stand after It was and the argument on the other sity system, generslly have rs*

■J . \ PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING fiESAU ), MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY. DECEMBER 22. 1969 PAGE THIRTEEN Manchester > Windsor Lockd; Mrs. Doris ly in support of Mr. Nixon. Does Credit Provide Despa/d, 824 Avery St., Wap­ Poland Okays Talks In telegrams sent Sunday to NLRB Upholds Findings the price becomes inflated be­ plng; Mrs. Anita Kehlenbach, House Speaker John W. McCor­ Tw o Churches Recognize SEC T o H alt yond all reason,” sold ths offi- PiiB Fhanmff Hospital Notes East Hartford; Harry Sostram, mack (D-Otass.) and House Ma­ ,dal, Irving M. Pollack, SBCTa I Osr. of Center O Aiaaw 14 Hawthorne St.; Raymond GLOBE jority Leader Carl Albert (D- In UAC Unfair Practices suvm director of trading and markets. Manchester OIBIgl4 Solid Finaneial Base? Gardner, 623 Adams St.; Ray Baptism Rites in Scotland Shell G am e iteW YORK (AP) — As the VraiTINa HOURS Okla.), ADA vice chairman Jo­ Travtl Service W OM Bir cans went on a borrowing spree Intermediate Care Semi- Bernstein, 22,. Coleman Rd.; With Bonn Officials HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — decade of the 1960a is left be­ seph L. Rau Jr. urged them to was discharged on Aug, 34, Daifs in the 1960s. It was a revolution­ private, noon-2 p.m., and 4 p.m. Mrs. Beatrice Green, 28 Cobum WARSAW (AP) —Poland is "The Polish government has 90S BfAIN STREET The Nbthmal Labor Relations EDINBURGH. SooUand (AP) tones. It] to a definite step for­ WASHENGTON (AP) — The (Jenturies ago the Bpaniah be- BACCHUS hind, a difference of opinion ex­ squelch the Senate, rider. 1968 from the East Hartford ary attitude, for Americans had 8 p.m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- Rd,: Mrs. Irene Barrera, 8 Tay­ ready to enter talks with West not avoided in the past and is Board has uidield a trial ex- — The Eptsoopal and Roman ward. Agreement on baptism' is government plans to order a Hevsd that ooiq;>er grew in the FOB YOUm MAM ists as to whether Americans 643-2166 plant. Wiseman was discharged C om plete a long tradition of pay as you 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. lor Rd.; Raymond Clark, 709 Germany bn all matters of mu­ not avoiding now discussions "The Philadelphia Plan offers ambler's finding that United n CatlKdic churches in Scotland a fundamental prerequisite for bait to trading in stocks o f sev­ ground. They thought if an ex­ Jan. 14, 1969 from the Man­ also left behind some good old- go. There was something hon­ Main St.: Mrs. Alice Sterry, tual interest to both countries. with other countries of all mat­ the greatest hope for minority have agreed to honor each oth­ a continued growing together of hausted copper mine was left Iptlen Bervlcs PedlatrlM: Parents allowed AnUioilMd agent In 1 Aircraft Corp. was guilty o t un­ chester plant. en firnto in a mounting Securi­ DEUVXBT fashioned ideas of thrift. orable about paying your bills in South 'Wllllngton; Reno Bouch­ Premier Jozef Cyrankiewicz ters which may serve the nor­ employment in skilled construc­ er’s baptism rite and appoint U- Un two churches." ties and Exchange Coramiaaton undiaturfaed it would becoma | any time M cept noon-2 p.m .; kdiester for all Alrllneabi fair labor inacUces In suspend­ The NLRB uj[dield the finding Chrislmas At its extreme the argument cash, on time. others, 2 p.w.-8 p.m. ard, 61 Birch St.; Richard True­ told Parliament today. malization of relations and de­ tion work,” Rauh declared. "T o Railroads and 43teainaki|»' ing a union steward and dis- tuzgtcal commissions to formu­ There are about 800.000 Ro­ crackdown on a corporate ver­ productlvs again. goes like this: That same attitude, in the man, 866 Center St.; Llhwood He said an^ affirmative reply that their dismissals were "dis­ late a common rite of baptism, Self Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., velopment of cooperation,” the dash that hope at this tim e.. .J Lines. chaiging two others. criminatory.” man CathoUca in SooUand, sion of the old shell game. —The notion of individual opinion of some economists, Rollins, 41 ^m ell St.; Mrs. to a West German proposal for premier said. spidcesmen tor the two faiths while membership of the Epis­ The 8B)C order was expected 4 p.m.-8 p.m. would heap coals P| for HiofG who hovGii^ y«t. fher* W raoptaK and to give further recognition and I think legal and Judicial For Hoiiday Gifts: Eleetrk Sdnsois, Skirt Hen- to the fact that we realize wom­ background would be needed. I it Christinas Cherries .. .S l.lD mere, Drass FfHins, Sewfag Bseketa, Starter Kits, tor the new sewer. on still a few doys l«ft en have ability," said Rep. Shir­ feel there's no reason why a Manchester Evening Herald it African VioletB ...... 9 7 t ley Chisholm, D-N.Y., the only woman couldn’t be nominated,” (4” pots) Negro congresswoman. Mrs. Reid said.! "Many of us women are fo­ ” If Ute President can find a A Sift For The Whole Family For The^Wf ole Also: Asaleaa and Cyclamea AND cusing on one woman whom wo qualified womaiiffor the court, I RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS? know well and think is extreme­ think it would 1^ great. I’d be Year SEE US FOR YOUR ly weU qualified. Mrs. Martha nil for it.” said Rep. Dwyer, TO ALL An Ideal Gift For: Mother and Dad CORDWOOD GIFT CERTIFICATES ■ K d ie p e r f e c t g i f t 120 Grandparents — College Students — AMD Your Favorite Serviceman MULCHING HAY FOR LAST MINUTE TRIMMINGS .. MERRY CHRISTMAS SUBSCRIPTION RATES PAYABLE IN ADVANCE HOLIDAY TRIMS rOB A UTETIMKI 6 to 8 A You'll never have to buy fUm MPEin . . , to cril our wondorfui M anbov Pearls, Seqaina, F k r, beoAUAe each Ume U n etta devdopo Rad $30.00 per year — $ 15.50 for 6 months — $7.80 for 3 months BLOSSOMS ♦4.89 •prtoUa your roll of Bttbk A White or Gold sad Sflver Bndds sod i others to < Ko(U«Mr fUm w« five you ABSO­ Customon and Frionds! MERRY LUTELY FIIBK. A fr e ^ roll o# fUm for your CRiuem. We replaict the Mm We Will Send A Gift Card you hRve developed, im rU freeb- ^ e d Rnd^ top quRlUy Rod Ko- CHRISTMAS OM, too. QukDc prooeielng . . rm o m •h i e o w e r t o y o u ” i t s y o c e M hour eervlce for i / M i . V black and white (Juat r a o M T H B a IHtle hit iomrer for color). ilm trlifatpr Ettptttng l^rralii Tnanre Sheipei 13 BISSELL STREET . PHONE 643-2711 WOODLAND GARDENS AT THE PARKADB . LKT JOHN. LBfHf. m e x OB PHIL BAPADKA 1 ’TOC! l e e m d r u g 404 BODDLB TTHB. ^ CA LL OR STOP IN: MON. - FRI. 8:30 - 5:00— SAT. till NOON -IM WOODLAND ST.,—OPEN DAILY I f U . I m OPEN SUNDAYS-CLOSED SATURDAYS 4444444444444444444444444444444444444)4444

k . V ■ A-- f rA lil!; iody ob- lanterns and other butniments. a dungeon. The law still exlsU. ■ (Acre** from Fabffc Cupboard) have been received by the Plan­ that stormed the Bogside during carol sing. Parliament, was sentenced to­ taxe*, aid to non-pubUc schools, state for several covery of the lO-year-oId’s body; the law. As for singing in the streeU, but nobody seems to care. ■ Hours: Monday tiam Saturday ning and Zoning Commission The club, formed by Mrs. three-day visit marred by vi­ the August rioting, and has the voting age and annual leg- “ V*: ®- Growing narcotics prob- New Haven Mayor Richard C. Under ancient statutes caro- Lrndon’s urban regulations ------■ and filed with the State Liquor day to six months in Jail on since been disarmed. 19 AM. to 4 P Jd. ‘ Seldon Wells of Kinney Rd., al­ olent left-wing student demon­ charges of inciting people to rio­ OPEN TONIGHT Islatlve *e8alt The Puritan Parliament of Kentucky roads. X. has applied for a permit for the gell sailed early this morning. : taxes, dgaretts levies and oth­ Plaza. ^ gregational Church is nearly Catholics and Protestants in (he and Florence Nightingale dur­ completed after a fire last fall Thirteen sailors were injured Catholic Bogside area of Lon­ ing the dlsturbanoes. er taxes to raise an addiUmal Just east of the Plaza, Robert on the first day of their visit by donderry last August. $600 million in revenue during Caffazo, at the Hebron Petrole­ which damaged the roof "If a citizen believes that Uie TO I I P . student mobs hurling stones Nine other charges against the 1969-71 biennium. um center, has filed his appli­ and parts of the Interior. police are guHty of unlawful Sevjral items are required to and insults at servicemen on her were dismissed. conduct the citizen is entitled to Other major actions during cation for a permit. shore leave. She was released on ball of STILL AN EXCCLLENT SHLSCTION O F THC the five-month General Assem­ And Marjorie P. Keefe has finish up the restoration pro­ take steps for his own defense gram, among which are velvet Turkish lefUet student federa­ 1600 pending appeal. and for the defense of others in­ bly sesskm and a followup spe­ applied for a permit for direct­ tions have sworn they will con­ Miss Devlin denied at a five- QUALITY MERCHANDISE! cial session included approval ly across the street from Caf­ hangings, with rods, for the al- volved," he said. tinue to oppos^ visits to Turkish day court hearing that she had Maxicoated Mias Devlin of 1970 statewide referenda — fazo. co,^e worship center; pad­ f i g u r e ded folding chairs for the choir ports by the 6th Fleet, which incited riotous behavior. smiled as she left the court. Her SKAICS — TOROGGANS ~ SKIS — BICYCLES wheftier to lower the voting age The other two applications they describe as “the watchdog Members of the British Par­ to 18, and whether to put the were filed for permits in the area, and a light for the organ sureorters sang clvU rights 4-Slice Toaster console. of American imperialism." liament are protected by parlia­ songs and cheered as she came SNURFERS — SNO^OASTERS — TRICYCLES legislature on an annual rather new Amston shopping center be­ Some American diplomats Also, a Baptismal stand, a mentary privilege against libel down the steps to a waiting oar. than; bieniital basis. . ing erected by Alfred Goldstein have said visits should be cur­ suits stemming from what they Thev booed and Jeered police. The newspaper editors and on Rt. 86. card rack for the pews and a tailed, but the U.S. Navy appar­ say in the House of Commons. Our Rag. 27.87 colonial six-panel door for Mias Devlin had no comment. broadcast news directors par­ Sidney Fisher has applied for ently feels it Is ncessary to Btft they are subject to criminal During the hearing her lawyer A FE W G-E SHOW qnd TELL ticipating in the poll chose the a permit in the shopnlng center the exit to the Sunday School "show the flag" in the eastern proceedings arising from their Reg. 147.50. room. said the people of Bogside had Penn Oentrai takeover of the and Aldo Pesce applied for one Mediterranean at a time when actions, as any other member of built barricades against police LEFT— New Haven Railroad—and oth­ adjacent to the center. Anyone who might be in­ the Soviet Mediterranean fleet the public, outside the parlia­ because they lived in perpetual er ^ail develi^ments Including The appIlcaUons will be terested in contributing one of is making free use of bases in mentary premises. fear of attack. He said Mias the i TurboTTrato, service cuts screened by the Liquor Control these articles as a memorial Syria and Egypt. The Navy also Prosecutor Brian Hutton Devlin hdd encouraged resis­ and fare boosts—as die second Commission which will make gift is asked to contact either says it is good for the morale of charged that Miss Devlin ad­ tance, not ageression. MANCHESTCR SURPLUS SALES GO. most newsworthy story In Con­ r.harpir it ! the final decision as to who re­ Erie Devins, chairman of the American sailors to have shore dressed crowds during the Bog- She encouraged Bogsiders to UV N. MAIN ST. CO«NHI OF MAIN ST. necticut. ceives a permit. Restoration Committee, or Al- leave. side disturbances, urging them Restore ot "spot curl" lot build barricades and obtained The third choice was the Hart­ quick touch ups. 18 nylon I)elu\c (amity size with 4-H Horse Club den Warner, chaleman of the American officials here be­ to commit riotous or disorderly blankets and medical supplies dual conitols (or light and lieve the leftist students are a TMophoM 643>7111 # Mombor Moflw Chorg* Plan ford racial disorders in June rolleis in 3 sizes. Hand­ The newly formed 4-H horse trustees. behavior, threw rocks and en­ to help those affected by the and again in September. The some embossed carrying dark at the same lime olub. The Trail Blazers, will Schools CSose small minority and not repre­ couraged other rioters to attack tear gas used diutng the riots, fmii sentative of the Turkish people. long taveftlgation which led to hold a carol sing this evening The elementary schools will the police. he asserted. 35 arrests in the Waterhury or- irtartlng at 7:80 at the Western close tomorrow for Christmas Auto Store on Rt. 66. vacation with classes resuming WAVAWAW. Carolers will proceed down Jan. 8. Rt. 66 to Rt. 85, stopping at State Accidents houses along the way and will Manchester Evening Herald Qaim Six Lives conclude festivltes at Phelps Hebron Correspondent, Anne Box of 6 Christmas Candy Canes Hall where refreshments will Emt, tel. 228-8071. Special! Last Minute Over Weekend Ideal for decorating trees and stocking By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bolton Traffic accidents ta Connecti­ ^ Holid.vPriewll cut OTer the weekend took the .29 llves'^of six persons, including Stocking Stuffers At Holiday Prices! two ^ m e n fatally injured when Santa Makes a Stop the c y ta which they were rid­ Goodnufl* Mixed Nuts ing WAS struck from the rear. At Town Carol Sing Cardigan Sweaters In ^ditlon, a ForestvUle man dlod lii’a one-oar crash ta Carm­ 13 ounce can. Santa Claus visited Bolton C rochet edging in 100% el, N.Y. want the types of help offered Acrylic; nylon lining. White, last night at a community carol by FT8H may now call the A tyxo-car collision early Sun­ pastels. S-I4L. 53 Pieces, Service for 8 sing and will return tomorrow number listed for Manchester. Save M day mbmtag ta Columbia took 2 lb. Holiday Fruit Cake Hamilton Beach Hanging Table & Mirror for a visit to Bolton Elementary The Bolton number has been 3.97 the life of Patrick Challfoux, and Center Schools. discontinued. 22, ot; Lebanon. He died when For holiday entertaining and giving. Packed Quality European Dinnerware in decorative tin. Wall (ronsole Set The event last night was aixm- It is hoped that those who Ca\A®* Bulky Cardigans his car and one driven by Ed­ Holidav PricodI .89 7-Speed Blender sored by the Junior Woman’s worked with the Bolton pro­ Charge m ward Dunham of WilUmiantic 6 Club. Under a fuzzy moon, chil­ gram will volunteer their serv­ eft® Fancy cable stitches in white, ccdlided head-on on Route . Po­ Our Holldsv dren and adults listened to the ices to the larger unit, lice said the Challfoux car Holland House Coektail Mixes R*g Friosdl your blue or pink. Washable, sizes: 29.96 newly-formed community choir, FISH provides help, such as 42-46. crossed the center line. Frank Davidowski, 63 of 27.87 Ibngini (•bk 14.87 •ml iniiioi of Antique Aegean Cold transportation, baby - sitting [ Whiskey Sour, Manhattan. Daiquiri, etc., 16 24.70 led by Kenneth Woods, Joined 5.97A Exquisite pastel blue flowers on pure white Baroque Removable cutting unit with 4 surgical steel |ilades. fiimh Miiioi Of Eillihiiif (>Uu, iviiltbk in oval oi in with carols, then flocked in­ meals for invalids, on an emer­ Stratford was fatally injured ta 1 oz. bottle. shape body, large size soup howls, deep cups. Edged gency basis. 1" table side the Community Hall for a Holiday Blouses noon when struck by a car as and trimmed in platinum. visit with Santa and refresh­ In Chorale Brian Edgerton, formerly of he walked across Huntington ments. Fancy or tailored with trims; Road. The driver, Guy W. Gell- Wine Bag 1 Pint Size Invited by the Parent-Teach­ Bolton and now of Coventry is a Sweater/Bootee Sets perm anent press fabrics. atly, 17, of Stratford, was ers Organization, Santa is due member of the 61-volce Drew White and colors, sizes: 32 - charged with negligent homi­ to return by sleigh tomorrow University <3horale. Orlon^acrylic with * ^ \ 38. cide. Wine Bag 1 Qt. Size 2.59 1.99 afternoon at 1 :80. A bass, Brian participated in novelty or embroidery I R R R R 2.97 Ella Barrett, 67, of Lebanon Christmas parties will be go­ the annual Christmas concerts trims. Ragular Z97 R • was dead at the scene ta Middle- ing on at both schools during held by the group recently, and Bikini Panties town and her passenger, Car­ Shoe Saver (Waterproofs all shoes) this last day of school before will tour the northeastern states rie Roberts, 80, of Middletown, S6 in January. Drew 1s a coeduca­ At Holiday Prices! Tailored or embroidered Pkg. of 3 vacation. trims in white or colors. Elas­ died ta Middlesex Memorial Parents are invited to bring tional institution in Madison, Gift Layette Sets Hospital after the car they were „ Holiday PrieadI N.J. Banlon Collar & Crewknits tic waistband, full cut, sizes: in was struck from behind on pre-Bcboilers up to the new ele­ Assorted with bath 5-6-7. ' /* ■— J mentary School and wait be­ Bulletin Board Route 9 Saturday afternoon. Po­ Fashion collar or crewneck in colors or R J towels, washcloths, 1 . 0 0 lice charged the driver of the The Original Hot Seat neath the overhanging roof at The tax collector’s office will blankets, bibs, etc. Our jO ^ / be closed Dec. 25, 28 and 27 and stripes. S-M-L-XL other du*, Wayne Antonini,. 22, the entrance for Santa’s visit. Our Rag. 2.69 1:99 Nylon Full Slips Adds warmth when and where you need Bog Kodak Automatic Focus of Newington, with misconduct The hayride for teen-agers, Jan. 1, 2 and 8. Reg. 2,97 it most. t-8® 1.59 Kodak Dual 8 Beautiful 18K Cold sponsored by the newly form­ The Board of Finance will Boxed Gift Handkerchiefs Lace or tailored, non-cling in with a motor vehicle. Gift Diaper Sets white or colors. Sizes: 32 - In Thompson Saturday after­ Carousel Slide Projector ed Youth Activities Council, meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. In noon, Rene Durand, 25, of Movie Projector w/Zoom lacns Pierced Earrings was also reported to be a huge the Community Hall fireplace Box of 3, hand-rolled satin cords or 46, mini, short or average Permanent press gift North Grosvenor Dale was Handwarmers i-antastic value on imported IK-K gold pieiced success last night. room. box of 3 full size linens. Box of 10, perma- lengths. Perfect boxed with rattle, toy 1.97 killed when his car was struck Holiday eairings Choose liom most populai sizes Albums at Library preaed combed cords... (.99 by a self-propelled railway car. „Prl**dl Gift Bolton Public Llbrniy has Manchester Evening Herald or party shoes. New- Hem 4 mm BsU...... 3.W 1.49 Diurand was driving across the Holidav Prioail Mjom sizes. Mini, Short Half Slips, 127.87 about 80 albums of Christmas Bolton correspondent Cleme- 2.44 train tracks on Main Street when s, 99.44 6 mm BsU...... favorites available for borrow­ well Young, tel. 648-8881. Initial Tie & Hank Set the collision occurred. Exceptional ilide-ahowing ease! Auiumalic caiouiel Eurwaid. leverte and itill uprialKin. Piotecit super 8 5 mm Engraved B ullon...... 5.W ing during the holidays. Among Panty & Half Slip Sets Robert J. HamUton, 34, of New meint jam-proof operation: 80 ilide capacity Eatt or regular 8mm film safely with exceptional 7 mm Engraved Button ...... R.W the albums are music by Kate Satin Bound 119th Hole Dectric Puller r/2.8 lent, tungsten-halogen lamp. Engraved Bullon wllh Pearl...... H.99 Trimmed, nylon satinette or m Britain died in New Britain reliability mlth. Perry (>)mo, lirry Bele- Smartly embroidered tie plus 2 hanks. J . A training aid for the golfer. Returns ball € J l M tricot, shadow panels, S-M-L, I / m General Hospital after being in­ fonte, Lome Greene, ario Lan- West Hartford Crib Blanket jured ta a Saturday morning automatically. JT# ^ la, MontovanI, the Philadelphia White or pastels. A crash of his car Into two autos Orchestra, the Robert Shaw Marine Killed Tiny prints on soft parked on Farmington Avenue Chorale and the Mormon Taber­ (C.P. culproof) WEST HARTFORD, Conn. Tie & Executive Hose Set polyester blend fleece. Fashion Handbags ta Berlin. Golf Balls nacle CTiolr. There la also a M achine wash quick 0>’t of state, Kenneth Hill, 21, Christmas Epiphany Miuss and (AP) — Marine Lance <3pl. Dougins W. Young of West Hart­ New fashion width tie plus matching /\ ,R R dry. Sizes 36”x50” S houlder straps, handles, • J C P C P of ForestvlUe died Sunday ta a recording of Dickon's “Christ­ Carmel, N.Y., when his auto­ PKG. ford has been killed in action over-calf stretch hose. Gift Boxed. Our Rag, 2.69 1.99 vinyb. Special group OF 3 mas Carol." mobile struck a railroad bridge 1.29 The library will close at 6 in Vietnam, his family was in­ p.m. Christmas and New Year's formed Sunday. abutment on Route 6. Eve. Young, the son of Mr. and Gift Handkerchiefs Casual Folding Slippers Tube of Daisy BB^s KISH JiiiiM Manchester Mrs. George W. Young of 17 Condec Strike Ends FISH of Bolton has been in­ Long View Rond, wns serving Box of 3 initialed full size cords or 4 iNailhead or plain ballerinas, corporated Into FISH of Miui- with a supply unit when ho rolled hem cottons. OLD GREENWICH (AP) — Holiday Prkadl chester to effect more economic was killed. No further details ornamented fronts. Wide About 400 members of United operation. Bolton residents who were available. I range of styles. Auto Workers Local 256 were AM/FM PANASONIC’ General Electric 1.97 scheduled to return to work to­ Silver Ski Wax Transistor Driving Gloves day at t^e Condec Corp. plant Cassette Tape Recorder Boy’s Boxed Gift Sets hwe after voting "overwhelm­ PORTABLE RADIO WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRIDES Leather palm and acrylic cable or Fashion Belts ingly” over the weekend to end AM Portable Badio waffle patierns. Camel or grey, stretch A djustable leather belts. an elght-week-old strike. Holidav Pricwil Holldsv 2.99 Limited crinkle pattern vinyls Samuel Myers, president of FrMsdl Tie, tie tac and hand­ Do/ In,•.Day Out,,. and fashion vinyls. Local 27 In New York — whose 36.70 kerchief sets ^29.95 Fries EvsrI Leather Gloves 800 members had also been ^The Inherilors” Duluicln>ely styled with slide luk tuning hilo .Simplf T-Bai fun^non control, letnoie conliol nucto- Tie & Game Sets. striking Ckmdec plants in Sche­ 11.44 At Our Lowrsst Pries I by HaraU Robbiat pisone Gift packed wtlh.bailenes caaaeiie and itucio- 99« Compact peisorul size 8 tiansistbf radio svith lop conliol AC or battery operated O ur Lowaat Priea nectady County—described the phoise Italian cape, deerskins, suedes; fur Folding Umbrellas carry handle Uies 2 “D" batteries. on PRESCRIPTIONS lined, wool or sherpa lined. settlement as a "substantial vic­ 4.99 Assorted solid or print umbrel­i- tory” for the union. . . resulting in meaningful las with cases. Vinyl and Included in the contract is a Heavyweight Thermals nylon cases. 50 cent hourly pay raise, and 3 487 savings to you every day! added fringe beneftta. In the tradition of "The Dream Famous “ Sub-Zero” soft brushed ^ 3.99 Merchants" and “The Carpetbaggers" No upa and downa In your Preaoriptton Childrens’ Slippe rs -mre Hard hitimg story of the Motion ooata—no “dlaoounta’’ today, “ItegaUr c o tto n , circular knit shirts and Inhento^ Rcture Industry. prloea" tomorrow! drawers. E«. d H • ^ Knitted Aerylie Hats ' A Uirislmas | No "reduced apeclala’’—no "temporary Fleece lined vinyls in rThe Rrsl 50 Years’ reductions’’ on Preaerlptlons to lure various colors, patterns. Fake Fur Hats MEW Albums I custqmerel “Never Iron” White Shirts Sizes: 5-3. 1.97 Stereo At the eouie time, there Is never any oompromlse In service or quality! Combed cotton and polyester. Sizes: / \ . /\ .R R Fully lined Orlon^pUe hats | OSte 1666 F666 ^ 14V4-I7. 32-35 sleeves. with pom-pom string trim. A j P iO.87 Records YOU OBT OUB LOWEST POWERLOCK A beautiful book which you will trea­ E 6 M 2.94 3.44 3.941 PRICES EVERY DAY OF THE We Deliver sure for years to cone 2S6 pages m- y e a r , . . AND YOU SAVE Flannel, Broadcloth PJ/s Boxed Handkerchiefs TAKRULE ciudmg 64 in full colot and many MOra IHROUOHOUT THE Everywhere A ttractive imported Swiss black and white action photos A per­ Lhoosr Krum .All Arliala in ^ YEAR . . . ON ALL YOUR Fast Tailored with pipe trims in choice C P C P handkerchiefs, ^ ft boxed for P ^ C P C fect gift for sportsmen arid sport mind­ ed of aO ages. 2.94 3.44 PRESCRIPTION NEEDS. patterns. Sizes: A.B.C.D. M en 's giving. C P ^ (^pilols .Slar Linr-up ^ X F t x H ' - A l Toss looea Fes U n Is U a Vagi (den (ampbell Ibe telleinsan Jackie ^ Gift Slippers ((' .( Famous 3/8 Inch All Rs«k«SloacaFeaUlllMaed TRY US AND SEE Nylon Folding Umbrellas Teens’, Ladies’ Slippers • EXm LMHT-EXI1M STROM A M C ------M ------s s ------J i -----a GtcMam ItcdW^ftni t)UA>d Kutr N4C Dtep pile lined, soft and • UMB USTIM VBUM Km( Cute funk Al-M ^ i a u Umbrellas with leatherette cases either Dymo Label Gun A9 Mepdy Mset firm soles. Brown tones. Warm lined acrylics and ~R lui Albuim murt lhan 1 LP A boxed or loose AR MdtnsvsM Fes TheNoeU rnuliiply b> pfwtfv r S, Sizes. 7- 12. vinyls m many ^ ttem s and J / • npniE iLOOM UUK- ofMw*v*i ^ 2.97 colon. Siz^ 5-10 s4.99 J 9 9 * 5 CHARGE MANCHESTER tO O p e rilo re no ram checks. HARDWARE AND MANCHESTER - 1145 TOLLAND TURNPIKE MOH. Urn 3/8” Dvno Label Tape for 3 f o i 1.99 SALE: WEfi SALE: MON. thru WED. S U m Y C O . Where Holiday Shopping is MANCHESTER - 1145 TOLUND TURNPIKE Bbdi. red. green, bine - onr reg 89c ca- ' EXIT n, VnjUR CROSS PARKWAY OPEN TO JODNNICHT AT THE F DE ^ WEST MIDDU TFKi. Always a Pleasure! EXIT 93. WltBUR CROSS PARKWAY OPEN TO MIDNNIGaT a n ] F aonnv.NoiiAiNCHfCKS ■ liH Fesg.

\ i c-


Sat-.uday. Houston was a post MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 i EW tltiig MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 ° Poget 17 tO 32 Italy Survives Labor Strife president of the International Deaths In Law Association and of the Mar- it'me Xsrtene C. JubiaviUe, OeMge Basktod, Andn Baracoo, Joaaph B. Wood, WUltem O. Coolbato. tion box. One of many models for take-anywhere Automatic, power steering, poww hmfees, vinyl roof St. Germain, Chester Kosak, listening— from only $8.95 Also C. •Oiboon Hsrtlsr, Ed­ and much mors. (Only 1900 mUas) Federal Labri List FMCKI 0 0 0 V John J. Schaachl, Ralph War­ win O. Minor, Hons L. Bonn, $4442. ren. Mrs. Germaine Frank, Klee Loralne L. OUnote, Mrs. E. Wake to beautiful stereo music I Compact Frederick D. Wore, Ronald J. Florence Oetsawlch, John H model 1709— has full-feature illuminated clock; ■ S A U CASAA King. Welacb, M n. Boihora Murphy. Moqmn EInctric Chord Oroon Eiisomblo . . . marLOW wake-to-music and wake-to-alarm controls; plus Boommy 6-cyibider engbw, aidoimtlc, power stasring, ^ Also Georgs Rica, Robert H. MAGNUS S7-KEY • 1* CHORD ORGAN • KnM Voluma slumber switch, A FC for drift-free FM , two space- vtoid roof. FdasBd Label lis t $S9tt. r W C l I Control • Electric Music Light o Hardwood Legs 3-Piec9 s Screened Gold Acoents e Matching Music QQA AK separated speakers, and many more quality solid- Rack REGULAR RETAIL oWiOO state features for superb stereo listening. Without Stereo FM/AM 1$« HaHTBOO tJDOOH gBIM ir...... C A I B A LUXURY HASSOCK BENCH s Deep Foam Upholztsred clock as model 1708— only $99.96 Clock Radio s Textured Vinyl Covering M v-a, mrnmrile, power sUeriog, powm brabss, plus # 7 K 1 8 REGULAR RETAIL olG oO muriimoraFadsetelAbsILtotfSaiO. * FOUR EXTRA SONG BOOKS e Play Without M AA - I’ opefl toflite Lessons s Family Favorites REGULAR RETAIL OObUV 114“ ias$ OYOLOIIB " C l 6ir* iDOOB BABOTOP ...... CAUI rih SB Complete! Come In today. . . aalect from over 200 Automatic, Ram Air, power stosring, power bridus. g l gwto^Mmole, plus much,-much more! Fedeiel Label pg|Qg| IF RETAILED 8BP|\RATBLY EASY TERMS exciting Magnavox gift values I OJLVW She*BacweBMII)f9eeMMMea. NospicMI tttacfM Nnls. Jutt rsmove the pm sor Wthsneew irtjienmntoHtieEblch tiet site till Unph foticler. Move Mlicler up 10 9M foot And turn a knob. 19B MOBTBOO MX 9-DOOB BABDIGP t A r O O I Inrevirta 1 ' llVt OF OTHER QIFT ITEMS THREE PAYMENT PLANS Mediwn UnM, dark grswi. aQ vtoyl briastor, aBtomatIc, ^ W just received new shipment of ^ OUB OWN 8ERVICB eTAIF FREE SEWING LESSONS THROUOHOUT OUR HURE STOREI 1. SO Days Oaah whRsmlto, radio. Friltnl Lobal Ltot $8107. rW CBf AVAW M bs (indoors, outdoors, and minia­ SkMW # w e e lw leeeensen h e s H o iw e lew kii Tb oeean yea of the bset-eentleaed tures— ell colors! st I Bie wNh every werhini purchseij perSeneoaee, we bare ear ewa etoH 2. Vi Dewn. % 30-60-90 DayB 18i$ EJNCOEJI OOHniBWERE. 4DOOB SBDBIf B—I FREEDEUVERV ef state Hceaeei elietrsalBte. No iB ta r^ Vinyl roof, leathn Intorior, full power equipment plue^^K m B A a MB teB * I anpatwe In the U A A Indiidtal Am OONDimOMIlfO.Fadaml Label Ust $7469. W wrap ■ ' 3. Badcet T n iB B Arraaged FREE OFT ! ------BUY NOWON HOUR SmOER fflfcafi

FURNITURE DEPARTMENT MdriartT Brothers CREDITACC0UKL«v< ' A'' OPEN TONITE ud TUES. «ll 9:00- WED. Hll Sttt e 1N C E R Potterton’s. Inc. .BOTOMSA... ST BVEBDras MB SriS Downtown Mo'll StTMt. Manchoofr # 649<4I221 --t: i • FREE PARKING FRONT AND REAR OP STORE • 130 CENTBt ST. MANCHESTBt WDaMPB aVB„ I-ISM temai :«9G’»MBakmfrMI|b4MU PT' A ^

D- PAGE Eig h t e e n MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 MANCHESTER EViatlNG HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECE^ER 22, 1969 PAGE NINETEEN bombing of a Milan bank Dec. ElsHy Christmas mining he Rome Suspends 12 that killed 14 persons and ment. who first saw them own­ Germans: 220,0M killed, will visit one of Rome's poorest wounded 90. §T A R . GA.XElC'tC) Pope Plans ing across the fields. Butler tore wounded, missing, captured. Passport For 'Rome police on Friday -3Br CLAY K POLLAN- suburbs. He will say Maas at Bastogne StiU Builds Rebuilt now and thriving. A UMA off a portion of the white flag. charged five youths with taking y Your Doily Admfy Suid* JK the Chundi of St. Agapito bi Bastogne remembers. Traditional Prwieatlno where many workers P1,AZA DEPT. STORE ')dindfolded “the four Krauta," Leftist Chief part in simultaneous terrorist According #o Sfor*. T* Ocf. 2 1 ^ Snow falls softly on the shoul­ It live in shantytown slums. (We Have A Notton To Flsoos) as be (aUed them in Ms field bombings in Rome. A 30-year- > 1- 2-11-23 To develop messoge for Tuesday, Monuments to ‘Nuts’ ders of Gen. Anthony McAuHfte, ROME (AP)—Authorities yes­ 4- 7-2^6*- E. k tn w JB TPKE. (Next to PopUar Mkt.) phone report, and bad them tak­ old dancer, Pietro Valpreda, /37-47-48 reod words corresponding to numbers S S fo -7 4 ^ ^ Christmas 'The Pope will return to the HDCTOR'fl ■ Note — ^irenty- carrying a white flag came recaptured la bronae in toe terday ordered the suspension of o f your Zod IOC bi rth s tg a en to headquarters. DOUBLE had been diarged eariier with < TAUkUS SCOkklO Vatican to celebrate a Mass of nve yaan ago the gi«at Ger- acroea the snowy fields besrti^ square across from ths Hotel the passport of Giangiacomo 1 L»tt«n 31 Thingt 61 Todoy The whole camp was sleeping carrying out the Milan attack. OCT. Ill VATICAN cm r (AP) _ Pope high pomp and brilliancy before OPEN EVERY NIGHT maa counter attack known aa the note from Gen. Heinrich von Lebna, where be stays on his EeltrineUi, one of Italy's leading I ^ MAr » 2To 320r 62Thc the Battle of the Bulge awept In four-hour shifts. McAuUffe STAMPS All six belong to a Rome an­ 3 Ifwettigotc 33 Point 63 Tho NOT. 21 Paul VI wiU respect trsdition a crowd of tens of thousands. Luttwlts. occasional vistta te Bastogne \ publishers, os part of a crack­ bad to be awakened. archist club. 005-39-54-59 4 Ckn* 34 Don't 64 Bocfcing 13-1930-33, Then he will appear outside on acrow the onowy foreat o f Uie A mighty German counterof­ from his retirement home in down on leftists in the wake of ^M-67-99-90 $ Don't 35 T M . 65 And for tub year's Christmas c«le- UNTIL CHRISTMAS Belgian Ardennes. Twenty-two “To the U.S-A. commander EVERY The persons charged on Fri­ 49-439437' the balcony over the main en­ fensive of 250,(XM men and l.OM Washington, D.C. terrorist bombings eight days SIMINI 6 L «t 36 Buck 66 Arrange brattoos, with nooe of the dra­ dlvisionB, nearly a quarter of a of the encircled town of Baa- day included the son o f a Su­ 7 Dooli 37 Pfon 67 Thinker SASITTAaiUS trance. to St. Peter’s, to deliver Plasa wliliea AU Its Friends and Nelgfebofs tanks in 22 divisiana had s w ^ An American flag ripples in ago. MAY II 6 Thoroughly 38 Moetingt 68 Dd mllUon troope, crashed through togne,” toe note read in flhig^ WEDNESDAY! preme Court Judge, the son of a nor. » / n ma that marked bis Christmas his speech to the world and give A Merry Christmas and A Happy New ttm r out of the Schnee EifM Moun­ the breese over a lone Sherman - The ordered followed a search Pti'r'jUHl M 9 Espemet 39 Stion 69 Ttftnger the Allied Unes in a de^serale Ush, w ito an attached copy in weU-known orchestra conductor 10 Before 40Feef>ngt TOHobhief MC. 2t Eve visits to flood-devastated his annual "urU et orbl" bless­ tains and across the Ardennes tank, painted with fresh white of Peltrinelli’s Milan office on 0»43^55-5« lungaatihe key port of Antwerp. German. and the nephew of an ex-sena­ IlW h o t 41 Are . 71 Comingt 3- 910-: Florenoe In 1969 o r to a huge ing to the city of Rome and to fed a German arm y baa dowB Shattered in the siege s 24 Out 54Ah»oys 84 Right tics forced them 'to take their render of toe encircled town. If meant that they thought Eeltri- crime." He did not say what 1-29-32-38 _ 5 - 4- 9-2 added Immensely to the tourist quarter o f a centui\y ago. crim e. 25 Toking 55 Is 85 Prooosition tUca. f Only Fuel Oil Dealer stand at Bastogne, sa important this proposal ahould be rejected, nelli had anything to do with the Ul-4^1 26 Decide 56 Potience 86 Abilities 24-27-72 In the past the message was delights of this lovely little The new srtndaws wUl be mod­ Police sources earlier said in­ 27 Of 57 ^rertook 87 Answer railroad center and the bub of one German artUlery corps and VIRGO risen usually recorded and broadcast town. em art, more or leas. Ths young vestigators looked through Fel- 28 Action 58 On 88 Others main highways leading to six heavy antiaircraft battallwia 29 Agreements 59 Fovor 89 And a few days before Ctarlatmaa. Open 24 Hours A Day! The "NiAa” Museum and the curate auperriaing the work. trlnelU'a office for a copy of a 30Moy 60 Short- 90 Doer France and Luxembourg. are ready to annlhlllate toe M^Im h fiM w v y ftt/-’/ WfT. 22 HA*. 20f “ Vatican observen said the ]Nuta Fair and the Nuts Garage wisaifng a black turtlansck pamphlet found at the site of a F or five days In fog and anew U.S-A. ^14.19-26-31 34-34-51-53/' Pope aranted to give more em­ .are aa much a part of the local troops In and near Has-,.,sweaiher and beret, taugtis and bomb exploston last April 1. @ G o o d Advene Neutral and freesing winds, the bastion ^48-76«581 Ti 73-77-78 phasis thU fjear to the impor­ |aoene.aa the trout atreama hab- togne. AU the serious dvlUsn tells you ho rssiated toe tempta­ They said the pamphlet was not MOMARTY BROTHERS at Bastogne had t>Mn battered tance of <3iristmas Day Itsrif. .bling through the surrounding losses caused, by this artiUery tion to translate “nuts" Into found in the office. and besieged by an entire Pan- He therefore decided to speak to 'Ardennes Forest and the hams fire would not correspond with Latin. The minority Christian Demo­ Court Judge; another was Ehnl- F o r O v n r ser army, but srtiUerifnisn Narcotics Driving Law? the crowd in St. Peter's Square. t hanging in ahop wlndowa. toe weU-know American human­ "It is on the gun outside and crat pcuty government of Pre­ Uo BagnoU, 24, an architecture McAullffe, who took over com­ The speech is expected to be ioBiir V3 o f A I Place MacAuliffe, Bastogne’s ity. that will have to suffice. H w mier Mariano Rumor has student et the Univeietty of FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — A mand of toe divlskm while MaJ. another plea for peace. gpfwycrtlnfl oHj • main square, is named, al- "The German Commander." whole town la erasy. . . how you pledged a tough crackdown on Rome and nephew of an ex-sen­ Gen. MaxwM Taylor was ait Kentucky Crime Oommiaslan The Pope begins his Christ­ [ though m laqialled, tor Brig. McAuUffe had his acting chief say. nuts." extremists of both right and left ator. conferring in Washington, was conference of police officials mas Week activities Sunday • Gen. Anthony McAtdUfe, the ai> of staff, Lt. Col. Ned Moore, W sJdojn, who show a dispoaitlon for vio­ Another, Roberto Oaigamdli, confident he would bold out until 2 from throughout the state bos with a visit to a manger built in tiUery officer who 26 years ago read the note. D R U « C O . lence. 19, is the son of the head cashier proposed a law against motor­ CALL 643-5135 • today wrote the one-word reply, Gen. George Patton’s Srd Army St. P eter's Square. got through to the rescue. "What's it say, Ned?" One of the five duuged F'ri- at the Banca del Lavoro in ists tmder the influence of nar- On Oiristmss Eve the pontiff 301 CeWTER STRKT . ______.______M A H C i t “Nuts,’' to the Germana’ invita- Yuletide Plea day In the bombings was Emilio Arrayed around Urn were "They want tu to surrender." Rome—where a bomb exploded ooUcs—similar to drunken driv­ will celebrate Maas in the Slatine • tkm to surrender. Borghese, 19, son o f s Supreme Dec. 12 and Injured 19 persona. • Ex-C^ and other vlslton are seven battalions of guns "A w , nuU ." ing statutes. C hi^l for the dlidomattc corps. led down to the cellar, tieneath scrounged from various retreat­ The word later was made the Tied to Tree what Is now a Belgian artillery ing outfits, several Long Toms formal reply to the Germans. FWB8HLT MADE unit bcuracks, to see the hare manned by entousiastic Negro McAuUffe—Moore dialogue Is Gets Answer wooden table, still decorated troops, who began stuffing toalr reproduced in several languages HAMBURG PATTIES with a field teleidtone, where trousers into their boots para­ on toe walls of the Nuts COLUMBUS, Ctoio (A P ) — STEAK OF THE SEA OPEN 9 A M . to 11P.M. Christmas r, the doughty defender of Bas- trooper style, and Ool. WUUam Museum, and even today Ger­ When Lee OUllspie picked out a 2 • togne scribbled himself into im- Roberts' tanks from toe 10th Ar­ man tourists can’t quite dig CSiristmas tree at a shopping SWORDHSH Popular TV Toys Al I mortality. what is so funny about a gwieral mored Division. center, he found attached to tt a UJLDJL CHOICE SHOULDER On the third floor of the Nuts Ammunition was low, down to saying "Nuesse.” rolled up piece of tinfoil. Inside Our Lowest Prices Ever! t Museum the whole scene Is done 10 rounds per gun, so only tiud Gen. Hasso von Mantmif^ was this message: CLOD ROAST SALE ^ up in wax effigy, with the Oer- commander of toe 5to Panser "Dear Christmas Tree Buyer, morning McAuUffe had told a m man surrender team clad in SUOED THIN Ntw thii OhrittaMi nervoua outpost commander, Army, was furious at von Lutt- I am a l2-yearK>ld girl a little IDE.4I, /EROID their white snowsuits and Me- "If you see 400 Germans in a witx for sending the surrender handicapped with writing due to r „ AuUtfe, in crisp toUgues, smll- cerobral palsey. My sister VEAL CUTLETS I Opr OtDpIfts 100-yard area, and they have offer. He considered It a bad GS COMMANDER ACTION SET °"o'S? 4,88 S - ing a waxy smile, as If the sly writes tor me. Should I be lucky show, and besides, toe artiUery DEUaOUS SHOULDER ,SIL8-M IIVICI DIPT STORI8 M Sh8pl > ' Une had Just com e to him. their heads up, you can fire ar­ enough to get a sweater for tillery at them—init not more battalions threatening to de- CO ROCK ' "Nuts” . is inscribed on the vaste the town didn’t exls|;. Christmas, slse 14. Thank you." LAMB CHOPS ■ROAD ST.. MANCHISTDI i f frospoet Ave. and Ko i m St., W «f Uoitford <;0 rusting tanks and gun turrets than two rounds." As for the heavy antiaircraft The girt, who Included her ad­ BY MARX Our Rag. 9.99 4.88 , that prabiide from the snow But a resupply by air was dress, was Adele Perry, one of GENUINE SPRINO LAMB batteries, most of them now lay r' evorywhere in town, in a wo(y as prom ised for the 28rd o r CStrlst- buried in the German military eight children of Mr. and Mrs. , fitting a memorial to the great mas Eve at toe latest, and al­ Henry Perry, of Merigomlah, LAMB CHOPS TROPICAL nSH SPECTACULAR! BIC RAIL TRAIN SET • siege as the Impressive star- ready, despite toe two-inch fall camatety west of town, among Plctou County, Nova Sootia. 26-96 COUNT PE E U9. , shaped monument to the Battle of snow, toe 9to Air Force was toe 6,788 Germans buried there A phone osll to toe Canadian BY MARX from the battle. Our Rm. 2S.96 18 .77 ’ of the Bulge on the outakirts of sending in a lials 'This is the 38th aimiversaxy bf holes, building fires to get warm The big memorial outside how, this must have been in­ LYRETAH. MOLUES so. 49c TANK RAISED DISCUS ea ^ 9 9 MA'TTEL’S HOT WHEELS the Battle of the Bulge, and and dry their clothes, shaving Bastogne gives the statistics for tended tor us.” " Bastogne has not forgotten. and visiting nelg^ibors. the entire Battle of the Bulge Mrs. GlUlspie had a son and a MIth Ihit coupon 6 SS.OO pwrchsi* SPECIAU FANCY V* BLACK GUPHES 99e Model Motoring S'TUNT ACTION SET '' Here the legend of 'the bat- "We are parjlamentaries," along the whole 88-mlle-long daughter by a previous mar­ OLOSED ' tered bastsirda of the bastion of said toe German captain in dic­ front: riage but both died of multiple too Extra Stamps Bastogne" lives as vividly aa tionary English to Bgt. Oswald AlUed: 76,880 killed, wounded scleroais, toe daughter last Wad. BvMdng LOIN Road Race Set ' the day four German stMtera Butler o f toe 327th GUder Regl- or missing. April. WITH Vi OAL.-^AIX FIAVOES a t l P J f. HALF Lb. COMPLETE AQUARIUM SET-UPS OMrRw-23-W HOOD’S lOE OREAM AU Day tkmm. Good only at i npreme Poods Kama Day I ALL TANKS ARE GUARANTEBD LEAKPROOFI Lim it 1 E M ** _ With thif rnupon A 45.00 pufciwtt 1 5 .9 7 VLABK O-SPo EVERTTHRKI J Q Q g | 'Curved and Uraighl track, dual wheel controls, 2 cars, r * with this oospoa A tiXtO purchsto power pack over and under track with fencing. Sony no rain VdrlflxM Appit I SAUERKRAUT ^14.99 checks 100 Extra Stamps Sm uot 50 O b. J a r ' Y O U K EED 2 Q Q g | iriTH A 26-LB. BAG UJi. Ne. 1 ! 19c Ooad only nt Seetenm FlrndB WOOD GciMbMt SUopd m ONE *21.99 Tyke Plane by Playskool*] POTATOES Billfold Locker Plant and Meat Market Good only at 1 Moshroonw C Lim it X ALL OUR MEATS ARE FRESHLY CUT AND DISPLAYED>4«OT PRE^TACHAGED igaadDap.Mi 111 ^ With iMf csspsa A tsee psteksio PAOKAOEI 29 Gal. *34.99 Our Rag. Pocket Radio SwMt U f« Fruit 4| 303 FKBSH MEATS — RETAIL DGPAR1MENT CmcktaU H C m im 9w C EnjABBoe. oaso Pw iTh^l^i^en A tS.n‘p«rclMM~' M TUP DfOAlDnii A ------i ^ K P n n o r a q u a b iij m . nnn.BOTO«. i m m n a cro m TOT QOAUTT r a jx n n , o u l m w o o l , b o n k cHAnooAi.,. p l a r t io TomNo, noouio- 3 COFTEE ■ OBAVBL AND POH OAKS BOOKLXT. 8.88 11.88 too Extra Stamps SwMt Lifm YdUow d in g • Maneuvers easily on Ttbii’i First Frizt WMt S«ikid large casters and husky WITH 4-666 PKOS. OP SUopd M 308 ' 2 SI n.29 wheels ■Full Featured Zenith Quality 8 SWEET U P B mw Onad mmlf nt Sepsomp PPods Iransistot radio. A pocket (uU of PWwlMm ^ O QTC • S u e: 2S"x 13l4” x IS". pleasure wherever you go. lim it I Sorry, no rainchecks. FACIAL TISSUES Osnpwi mapd Dap. BI M ni SI PUMP ^ FILTER IS YOUl TANK Good only at Bnprems PPods Lim it I KITS * l9 9 • • .M tU n ill FROZEN FOODS P SiSnSiTTmmmlk TSSTmUSlm^ n CLOUDY? U N O EBB O d is nt 12” Velocipede • 4 HAMS Wilh dilf cespea A tSAt pwcksts Mrs. 8uUUi*m Fsinlly A A ^ KHP IT CRYSTAL by Mwny Ohio * Deluxe Fire Chief PmimpUa PUm MO b.H'IC LIQUID JO Y CHAR WITH THI Ow Rag. 1344 ^uto by Murray Ohio | IS to 100 Elb a Stamps «* 9 . Pika $8.99 WITH ANT X-LB. PEG. OP 49c Ore., Mubo 12 Os. Pkg. O A oa -7^ Ow R n -17.97 II tot. Uead anty nt Sepm DYNAFLO )\h BACON Shdstrliig Potatoes UmH 1 9.47 .BliettlSI • Adjustable handle­ Oaad only at Snmpma Psafo MOTOR FILTER bar and seat. U n ttt I Sweet Life Piesem 'Rear step-up carrier; a 14.47 PANOT PBBBSH PnOT PBIZB PANOT OCR OWN atAOB Y fU h m ball bearing drive. ' •Adjustomatic auto .. S positioal FREE WV t QM i I S o n y , no rain- " pedal argument. puBE poant MABOLA. O-tte checks. LONO M LAN D ROASnNG «ib Bis cowan A 9LM pwekagp Sorry, no rainciiecks CAPONS SAUSAGE Sweet L ife 24 Ob. t MARGARINE T O a f Lhn. DUCKUNGS CHICKENS 100 Exba Stamps P e lX 'B e g P m w 8 1 Lb. BIRD CAGE s Lb. A vg. MEAT w m ANT SU B • /« e $ 3 .8 9 V M n n Goad eniy nt i (rigantic Chrigjjipaa. - L b . 9Sc L b . 7 5 c L b . 69c L b . 98c TURKEY 2 Su|^ 8 H.O. .aU W efI .D ollSalAM vt Oaod only nt Snnrsnm Pnods UBJLA. caOKK DOMBOnO AMD (UaaltaA QaasMty) GEESE Notoring Race Set RIBROAST L-2rz!L*2f .srirjjc.!! J I 9114 cespae A iM B pwcAste R.» 1981. Ai 'i' f t . C-lBe AMD CANNED PBBBB CAUP. NEWPORT POLISH SWEDISH ; TOWELS MYNAH BABY 7.70 HAMS Broccoli * T w ba • A vwy k n t aamctmi of bM .0M doBs. • IXral dashboard qicodconlroh, for- jmI ROAST KIELBASA KORY S Sp U IA a BIRDS HAMSTERS :t(F • Fda your dmgh m . gtwii rhiM. telattve. fhaads. waid/ievcist switch, etc. Fancy Crisp Sony, .0 niiidtacka. S«ry, no lantchecki. 2 ml a Patnkaal mr a I B e k . 29c .ainmusi 6 9 ^ FRESH NATIVE-^GEEYLDGE FARM C e le ry Heewfs WwM*. P tom t' PWi Iw A l, Ik a U m I OUI! • D A IR Y • 10 90 19 lAo. SAVE AN EXTRA Large Seleelioa Of Spalding mek Oranges P e d n a g e Yes. We Have Just WINTER SPORTS B^ketbail Creoln Cheese Golden Freeh 19 i« 28 Lfao. The Pet For You!" 50% OFF W i, and Hoop 6 69c Sweet Potatoes, Oar Rcpalar Law P rirc. TURKEYS Hockey Eqelpewei Thinking About A Puppy? SM s A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year Lnrge Hnvsl ~ 3 2 * ALL CHRISTMAS Cnirttn ''' S7.88 T a k » hooM m m of onr ton qnUity A m ukai Koo ftwhty rwt. heavy foty boop. Ta A ll Our Customers and Friends 3 ! 2 9 » Sij^' (bar Low IVtrrj' OfTkial N ywom bakMbaA. Oranges Ml G «b rafistcrod poDplae vrlth a m m a y h a d * CARDS IN STOCK S«Ty, w> nWekeeka. CHRISTMAS FRANR TOROS — BNNE RAPLAM — BNNE FONTANA Ahnora or C nflyndm gnumnU*! "W e m O qnelitjr at rMaooable artoM.* IS ONLY A FEW a IRUNO AUCa ~ MCK MCKEtSON ^ SAM RUSH — HUGH ILANCHARO 10 F« 79c 8MPES P YOU URE 1NE HST GIVE US A TBT BOOKS AWAY! ^ (o l slM s). Mhdutmn Schuouiirs. Sketto^ I CHARGE Y O l’ R SI STBOr RIAR OF ICE PLANT ' ^ I Ucotish Tonkn and Chinnaa Pngs. MnmoeonB Ofh rant OP«H TH n PJA. MON. and TUI P l ’ R C H A S E S aO«OW».GRJiL FICNTY OF FREE PARKMG SPACE 4 ' : . ■ PAGE TWENTY MANCHE^^Ek e v e n in g HERALD. MAN(3IESTER. CONN., MONDAY, DECEBfBER 1969 MANCSIESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. (X)NN.. MONDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1969 PAGE TWENTY^NE

POPULAR COUPON POPULAR COUPON ~ — T 1 TV-Radio Tonight POPULAR COUPON POPULAR COUPON Casserole Debacle CHASE & SANBORN MAXWELL HOUSE GOLD MEDAL Has Happy Ending Television \ By JEFFEUBT D. AUJEBMAN the cement and tired. Perfect, I Girt Talk 6:05 (40) Rawkide 20* OFF NEW YORK (AP) — Tho where my wMe would be lure to 4f) You’re Putting Me nolds (C) 10 oz. KEs’s SALAD m s s m e On (C> (18) Dick Van Dyke had otten said It was one oC hsr package, (8-M) Let’s Make a Deal rgonzola iarorlta weddlag pcaasnts both "What have you got In the (S> Love I n a Many Splendored (22-30) Huntley - Brinkley Re­ 5 » o 2 9 ' (or sentimantal aad dooorattve package, Thing (C> port (C) 9 9 * I a s k ^ - Days of Our Lives 6:46 (20) Local News W ITH TH IS COUPON & PURCHASE OF S5.00QR MORE reaadha. Th* glrta in bar oCOe* boimjtt a new..." ahe (8-M) Newlywed Game 7:00 (3) After Dinner Movie had all chipped la to buy i t (3) Guiding Light (C) (20) Huntley - Brinkley Re­ WITH THIS COUPON ONLY W ITH TH IS COUPON O N LY ? Excluding Beer, Wine & Tobacco a. ‘T bobought A new... er. (2«-23-3d) The Doctors (C) port (C) Coupon expires Wednesday, Dec. 24,1969 W* srar* mairiad ta Daptam* ah,.’..dreas." ( 3 ^ 1 Dating G am e * Sports and Feature (C) building aom* giiMYaa In Dm ttie aalA putting the package In (3) Gomer Pyle — I’SMC (Cl 7:30 (£0 23-30> My Worid aad Weh. <2A-2i-St) Bright Promise (C> come to It (C) kUchaa aa$ put tlia casaarol* on hall cloaet. "Later, (3-M) One Life to Live 8:15 (8-40) The New People (C) I alao moved a tamp out of the lovlngly- <4t) Dark Shadows (C) 9:00 (3) Mayberry RFD (C) way. Reconetnictlng the dlsas- -Dgrilng. you replaced the (18) Tempo 18 (C) (26-22-60) Movies (IB) Sewing (C) (8-40) The Survivors (C> tor later, I figured that the lamp casaeiole dleh for me !’• (18) Della Reese (C) (3) Hasel (C) 9:30 (3) Doris Day Show (C) oord got wedged under a lag of "Well. 1 didn't I starl­ (18) P.D.Q. 10:00 (3) Carol Burnett Show (C) th* and table. When I went to ed. (38) My Little Margie (8 40) Love American Style raplao* the lamp—CRABHI (22) Mike Douglas Show (C) (18) Ten O’clock Report (C) "What a Bweatheart," she (38^) Fllntstones (C) 10:30 (18) Alfred Hitchcock I felt the tug o( the oord and glowed. " I didn't expect you to (3) Perry Mason 11:00 (3-8-22-3640) News — Weatker turned Just In time to tee that (18) Romper Room and Sports (C> run right out and buy another." (20) Klim (18) Movie sacred dish fall—hut not tn time By this time Joanne was at (SO) M onsters (20) Sea Hunt to do anything about I t (40) GUligan’s Island 11:30 (8) Merv Griffin Show (C) the riMlf admiring the thing. (40) Weather (26-22-SO) Tonlgkt Show Jo h n ­ My wife had left (or work. "Don't pick H up, the (8) Stump the Stars (C) ny Carson (C) Should I Mde It and hope oh* (18) I'nderdog (8-40) Joey Bishop Show (C) popular glue's...” (20) Scope 1:00 (3) Movie wouldn’t notice? No, ahe'd be My cry came too late. The (30- ) Gllligan’s Illgai Island (8) Newsrope sure to misa It 2 caaaeroi* wsui, as be(ore, tn (40) Truth or Consequences (30) News and Sign Off Maybe I could wedge all th* 0:00 (3-8) Weather — Sports and (40) News Headlines — C8AF ' d i i i k pleoea on the flow. The only News (C) Religious FUm and Sign Off p4*o*s back togethar, than th* dKferenc* was that the pieces (18) My Favorite Martian 2:46 (3) News and Weather — Mo­ next time ah* picked It up, ah* (20) Rat Masterson ment of Meditation and Sign were sticky and thibbllng on the (22) Highlights (C) O ff would think ttM had broken It rug. No, I'd never get away with At lirst site thought she had SEE SATUBDAY’S TV WEEK FOB COMPLETE USTINOS that I'd Just have to face up to broken a second caoserolCL but We reserve the it. Radio IT pickedtunhed up th* Die pieces,oXaeoa lattUm ae unoontrSlably. *"<3 *>nr*n right to.llmlt POPULAR MKTS. W IU BE OPEN note tolHng har what happened (Till* UstifiK include* only those news broadossts of 10 or IS Tou see. In that paekago In quantities and want to work myaalL minute lenf[th. Some stations carry other short newscasts.) th* hall ohwel. waa a brand-new 1 aakad a (allow arorkar, wtth m c B — s it 6 2 0 Phil Burgiress MON. & TUES. EVENINGS DEC caaserola, purchased on S'.oo HsrUonl Hlchllsiiu 7:00 The Woni------id Tonight m ore tim e and g ra d * tai th* 7:00 New* Joaniw’s lunch hour. 2 7:20 Frank Gifford marriage ranks than I, artMllMr 8:00 Oaallght 7:46 L m e ll Tho:)m te POPULAR COUPON anything like the casserole deb­ U :00 Quiet Hours 8:00 BpSpcs^ Up on»n S|K>rte 22 & 23 ’TIL 9d)0 P.M. W PO P— 1410 9:00 NcrWB acle had ever happened to 6:00 Dick Heatherton 9:10 SrM-ak Up SAVE 8:00 Steve O ’Brien 12:16 8 l« n o n SAVE SAVE him . He chuckled, amoothad OiiHur Resigns 1:00 Gary Otrard W TIC lis t CLOSED WED. NIGHT, back his gray hair and oaM: i m f r —i s » I Afternoon Edltloi "Once—back In '42, I think It 6:00 Newt > Msrket Rep^ 6 < 41< M oroccan Post 6:10 Uncle Jay I Wesiher 2 6 < - I was— I dropped my wifa'a beat 6:00 News I Strictly Sports OFF DEC 24th AT MO PJN. RABAT, Morocco (AP) — crock. A million pteoes. Hap- 6:10 Walter Cronklte > Afternoon Edition POPULAR i Ski Report HALF GALLON— ANY PLAVOt DEL MONTE ° so our employees may enjoy Christmas |i*n*d right altor wa war* mar- Morocco's oontroveralsl Interior I Accent 'Sft C R I S C O BARTLETT Eve. at home with their families riad. WUa wouldn't apeak to m* minister, Oen. Mohamad Ouf- I Ednrln Newman Reporte klr, 1s Ukely to be replaced ear­ I Now* of the World I ^E#%blE9l j (or thra* weak* aitd ttaitad to RANGE I Joe Oaratflols SEALTEST ly In IDTO, quaUflad aourcaa re­ > Pop Concert poison me slowly by putting I NlftitbeM SHORTENING small doses of arsenic in my or- port. — I News, Weather PEARS SWEET PEAS ang* Julee." His withdrawal from th* OaM- > Sports Flnsl FUEL OIL ) Other Side of th* Day I ICE CREAM I Immedtataly wislied that I net wilt close a hitter quarrel betwoen Franc* and .Morocco Coupon Oood at all Popular Markets LB. 28 OZJ 1-LB. hadn't told him. He told every' GASOLINE on* in th* offtc*, of courae, and over llw kldrurptiig of Ow Mor- Mon.-Tues. Wed. Only, Dec. ZZ-2S-2*, CAN CANS CANS all day marriage veterans were oooan Isftlst leadsr Mahdi Ben DRUa I offering ikdvloe. Daika. LIQ Q En I entered our apartmertt that Ben Barks diaappeared tn BANTLY OIL PARKADI m'i night with heed bowed. My wtf* Paris Oot. n . 19M, arid eup- OPRN waa In th* kitchen. poaedly Is dead. ONE 1 4 ' / i o i . PLANTERS IS'/ioi. 12 to 14 lb. avwadt whole :45 A.M. lo 10 P.M. Cons "Borry about the csosarol* Morocco end Fraiio* an­ Pumpkin or Squash PIE Mixed Nuts SALTED Can dish, n i...” nounced this week their Immi­ "Don't aay luwther thing." nent resumption of full dlpto- M: Joenit* Interrupted. "It could matlc relatlona wtth an ex­ 'SHANK have been me Just as well as change of ambaaaadors. The JO 4 W h o le M f . you. Ws'U have to rsptao* H, of government of cawirtea d* 8!4oz. HALF m m m ’ oouras." OauU* In I M secuaed Oufklr of Jello Gelatin 1 0 ^i<°9s-9 9 ^ Dry Roasted Peanuts PLANTERS Jar "Of ooun*L" I said. Immense­ masterminding Ben Barka'a ab- lb. iwft ly rsllsvod. '"nranks for being duoUon and ptobabU murder ao ntos.” D* Oautt* mad* Oufklr* remo­ Ws than had a omall quarrel val fn>m the Oahlaet a oondttton W u t I ...... ' ------about why I thought she was for reeumpUon of full relation* MEATOWN W* rsssrv* th* going to b* anything but idea The PYenob have an InUfna- 1215>/] SILVBB LANE—EAST HARTFORD about it. ttonal arraol warrant (or tb* 41- right to limit yeaivotd, much-daeoratad hero quantiti** .• Skiuluw The next day she had to work and It was my day off. Still foal­ of ifreneh army aarvic* In "WHERE QUALITY ALWAYS « ShowHuus Worid War U and Vlataam. But E ing guilty, I daelded that mayb* EXCEEDS THE PRICEI" ~ • Sugar Cun 1 could salvag* th* dish by this has been igiMred by the gluing It tagelhsr. lo I got out Weal European countries Oufklr SAVE Sa v e SAVE has vtotted privately In tbe past HOLIDAY STORE HOURS: SAVE four years. OPEN MONDAY till 6:00 P.M. 20< i o < A tough Bsrbsr artatootwt OPEN TUESDAY till 9:00 P.M. 4B< 2 B < GRADE^^A” W A N n O from th* lahara fringe*. Oufklr OPEN WEDNESDAY till 6:30 P.M. has a widosprsad toUowtng PARADISE (3d m . L ttiD lM tl "NORTHSEA B & B among Moroeeo's aseurlty STUFFED KAL KAN *Nim Swng, Zf*' U S ID C A R S fores*. This has mad* him Uis WHOLE, 14 to 16 LB. AVERAGE CHOPPED OVEN strongman of King Haaaan'a re- C TDUPrkDsMd glms. H* repsatsdiy offarsd In IN I CRABMEAT MUSHROOMS IWr AUMiriMir Ready To Eat OLIVES tHUNK BEEFj A l to rsatgn to clear th* sray lor a 7 OZ. BcAimii cNivtouni rsooncUlatlon wtth Franca, but 7 1/2 OZ. READY CObb m c . the king refUead to pan wtth ICE BOX 3 OZ.I him. Ilaosan rejoetod Da CAN 24 1/2 OZ. 2 0 t o 2 2 Ibe G v g . l i M i i it e a OauU*'* demands (or OufklTa JAR CANS Ur U n n n tii e A f extradlUon end Ignored oonUn- CANS hlm. ~1 HAMS PLUMP OVEN-^READY " 7 ; — — p i « . CORONET FLORAL JIFFY PAPER NAPKINS 3 K * 1 PIE CRUST 2 i WAYBEST TURKEYS 0^-A.eHOKI CONNECnCUT SALVAGE CO., INC. HHiur m HIUIAAO n . (**,. A4**a| NESTLE DIAM OND Rsd Label W ay best... the finest MANCMISTIA. CONN. onac Fkee* *4f.n n CHOCOLATE BITS WALNUT MEATS tasting at any price HI, NEIGHBOR! m POPULAR LINDSEY SELEa RIPE 18 to 24 lib. average WaU. I ouppoM tt Ittd to W) CANNED SODA ■ppon aemeUma—W ale ga- OLIVES "pT I," " 3 : 10 to Mg to ttiattar aO tradttloa PFEIFFER d upaot our gtortoue and REALEMON 17 lb. lottal Metoty of • ttng LEAN. FRESH SHIIBS 32oi. Avg. aadM by opsnNM UMito and SALAD DRESSINGS LEMON JUICE bottio totoORnwr Htta (reoa ■ to t. "nM pra t Mi was UPTON JIFOAM Just too grout — uet Burry Fantasies Box of MRS. FILBERT’S REG. from mr triuMly ou» PORK BUTTS I3es. box 89d TEA BAGS 100 ISHot. OVEN GLEANER aorosol SEALTEST FRENCH None Such Mince Meat-Condensed 33C can l< BIRD'S E Y E BIRD'S E Y E 2 wH* m m m fm sr* usod ttw moaay and oMqr ta ha None Such Mince Meat 28ei.Jar DGd M AR G AR IN E >• 9ot. 49C Glazed Carrots MICRIN ORAL ANTISEPTIC 3 Cool Whip orauB and cnsnniswAal Juat Utti o m * l WaU, M eaa* you'd Underwood Deviled Ham 2 47( CCX5PER SLICED ARMOUR CUBED ROMAN CHEESE BIRD'S EYE SWEET . Uba to spsnd a UbU* money with u*. hare's wIm A w * have Chtckun- Ouvilud Horn to psddto ter thsuo 4s*o nttao t Underwood Spreads Cornud Buuf DIAL ANTI-PERSPIRANT DEODORANT 45C Sharp Cheese B S C i i . . Sharp Cheddar p k g . 4 9 C Pizza 10o'pVi: 89C Potatoes w L ..... 39C 1) A new loud of aarpat ramnaiUa M a vartaty « f aetasu Underwood Liverwurst 4h ot. csn 25d PRISTEEN KRAFT SLICED RAW aad ataas ak prtMa wsky balew whut tk* b% madatu stors* fst. Ehler’s Pure Black Pepper 4es. con ^0^ Jane's Asst. Pizza Rolls Shcisig e B « r h * 4 « * 4 B * * f V i 59C Swiss Cheese X 4 9 C Jumln Slrrimp * 1 . 8 9 ib . HENDRIB CONTINENTAL t ) Ano«ti*r rsfilganator stock ef eewvswttensl and ttds-hy- Ehler’s Minced Onion IMot. king gloss 37li aid* models with alight dsnta way-aff prtaad. A « aald RICH'S SAU SEA SHRIMP Ehler's Ground Cinnainon IWoi. eon 39d LARGi SOI CALIFORNIA SKOLESS fl^K Bavarian T*rt* • Se*m*ni srtth (uB t-yaar sarvtos. t-yaar maiwfactursr war- Chac. • DlafaanJt ^ Ehler’s Ground Nutmeg IHox. csn SSl! Whip Toppini 'Iv 39C Cocktail 3 i;v 8 9 C Ehler’s Poultry Seasoning 7''8oi. con 25d t> A Marttarrsnaan dtaiMg room sat la fruttwoods. TaM * 1* hand hdetd. rkaks padded aad sdekarad. brsahfreiU W ell Have A Conploto Lino of: Froth Bell’s Stuffing 59d has loadad istoilusn aad tt UF**d- Mad* to aaU ter ORINGES 5 |t,4M. Watt UB you aa* oxw paltry pstos. Frienfis Brick Oven Baked Pea Beans4,” V p ... sj Turkeys, Buttorhall Turkeys, Capons, nXMUnA—«ASY TO PBSL 41 Lots of Isaay hM oagsa' w ' atanda—tor your wita Fresh Hams, Oven Rih Roasts, Bone­ Hills Dog Food 4 ' ; r ; $1 TNIMERIIIES your eat or your deg. SWEET POTATOES Gravy Train 5 7 « CAUFOBNIA FREElonnl Ail Msslenilooes Phia iBMdMdB of Haae* I havsat th* tkaa or apae* less Oven Roasts, etc. Ws W ill Cut ^ IdHos, »iel«rrIi^Se*tT»eeKN^EaAa^S^^LAAix'lA5t^fi[^KrKsAAalIlxsl to kat — (rom Itaya to TVk. Ooas* vlatt us aad wiks tha Alpo Beef Chunk Dog Food »1 PNSCU. OELERY piBoa look May. Aad tha top ef th* hothhur aaasen to you Steak to Order—Any Thickness You DELHHOUS APPLES aad youiu Sevegny’s lihbon Candy 12 01. box 7 9 d MW Desire . . . cAur. 99 nHioaoMWPMHra ^ PrincMIa Yams ^ 5 "" SI m x E B N u n ' e. _ Sis PITTEI DATES C o r JiJiy Merry Christmas To All Our Crosse 6 Blackwell Mince Meat 2« . n L sei: aacimakioriSNMia Cousin Rich Crosse & BlackweN nun Pudding 14 ex. con 3 0 d Friends and CustomersI Rameobar our Ja Sex. jar 00^ O F U M W j ^ i m POTATOES w $ 1 0 . BAO OF FLORIDA R F F U F iff Crosse A Blackwell Hard Saice ormoreoni (ram t to t. Hot Crosse I Blackwel Dale N it Loaf le x . can 2 9 4 SWEm beM tifui PAGE TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVEOTNG HKIALD, MANCHESTER, CONNj MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 MAMCHESTTEB EVENING HERALD. M A N C ^TER . CONN.. MONDAY. DECEMBER 22, 1969 PAGE TWENTY-THREE

The old oewer and olilewalk tion authorises the transfers. H e ^ csito discounts and aaldSSI.&OOi urban renewal, $368,500, Vernon a^easments due the forme:t cMy said If it Is not feasible for the this to being done In most cases and sewers, $4,696,600. of Rockville should be turned board to act as requlrsd, then perhaps wMh the exception of Interest on bonds and notes TAU CEDARS Of LEiANON over to the town counsel tor col­ the matter of a change in the the school activity aioount. during the last fiscal year was Town Auditors Criticize lection, the audit report sug­ charter rtiould be presented to The report again suggested' $283,069.89 compared to $237,- USO/I GRAND UNION BEEF gested. the Charter Revlaian Oommto- that the town make a complete 565.68 for the previous year, WEARS BOTH THEBE SEALS - Estimated Tax Collection Luts said the tax department aion for conslderatloa of a fue of all town-owned prc^rty. Luts said that Interest pay- g u a r a n t e e s y o u Q U A L IT V I records were'' well kept during change. In connection with the town's ments wUl climb due to the In- | CHOICE \ MPAtTMlNT o r / V ACaKUitMC A practice which the Board be pcdd In two Installmenta. A the year and had Imimoved in The audit report has over the borrowing capacity, the auditor creased Eunount of borrowing, of Representatives has 4een 10-month period ebdsta between etficlency.')Bk))wever, he said years oonstotently recommend- said it to in good position for During the past fiscal year, fo 'lo w ^ since consoUdaUon, more mechanical mefiiods ed that mi»e automation be additional borrowing for all $227,274.08 was derived from BINGO the time of asaessment and pay­ that ' of estimaiUng p n ^ tiy ment of the first installmoit and rtKMjld be used In the work to used to keeping town records, types of issues. the Investment of Idle funds, EXTRA CASH PRIZES THIS WEEK ONLY taxca at 100 per cent c<^eoUon, 16 months before the second in- allow more time tor collection and this time It was noted that The maximum limit of tadebt- This Is money received ] U.8.D.A. CHOICE should be discouraged, accord­ stiUlment la due. of back taxes. a greeter emphasia Is now be- edness for Vernon under state bond Issues and not yet expand­ ORAfiaE HALL IVERY TUESGA7 ing to the report filed Friday The luiditor suggests that Referring to the town charter, ing directed toward this to pro- law Is $32,346,000. The present ed. This amount was $159,274.- afternoon by auditors Lutz and legal action be taken in the case Luts noted that it calls tor all cesstog the financial irons- indebtedness ts $12,167,600. This 68 over the estimate, Luts said, | Sirloin Steak Keller. real estate taxes which have transfers in budget accounts to actions of the town. leaves $20,178,500 for further and he commended treasurer F IR ST CUT Each year a/t budget time, not been paid for several years. be approved by the Board of Anothmr point emphastoed to bonding. Robert DeiAlng for his ‘‘con- when the tax rate Is sA, the He recommends that fore­ Representatives although pres­ past audit reports hiul to do The present indebtedness is tinned efforts to the Investment board has used the 100 per cent closure procedlnga be initiated. ently the director of administra­ with the town taking advantage divided as follows: Schools, $7.- of Idle funds.” Read Jerald Advertisements Chock Steak Grand Union has the largest selection o) collection figure to determine Turkeys in town ... choose the size you want! what the rate will be. Although FRESH LEAN board members have not been ummlmous in agreement on us­ ing this method, it has been Grnnnd Chock lb. practiced nevertheless. LEAN M EATY The auditors note that the actual collection of current taxes for the audit year end­ Short Ribs of Beet lb. d m i B r l H E ing June 30, 1969 was 97.06 per 20 LBS. AND UP 1 6 t o 2 0 cent and for taxes due In prior BONE IN years, 98.41 per cent ccrflectlon. The auditors termed an esti­ mate based oh 100 per cent col­ Chech Roast lb. lections as ‘‘highly improbable.” BONELESS To date, the 100 per cent es- FRO^ ALL OF US AT GRAND UNION . timate has not caused the town Enast to run into a deficit as other Cress Rib Roast lb. receipts have been higher than 2 estimated or expenditures lower wravuim D D U C O T _ OAOJLCIMCI sometimes. CHUCK STEAKS „ ‘ CALIF. ROAST As in pfurt audit rq>orts, Luts 59 lb. OVEN READY— IS TO 24 LBS. agEdn recommended stringent ■ObnaSMTTON U A a n t r tax M^ectlon policies be ad<^- 4 5 ed In the case of old property ROUND ROAST FLANKENRIBS T I lb. im A U A H ■ ^ NHIIEII taxes, particularly in the case G rade 'K Tnrkess of oU personal property taxes, GROUND ROUND STEWING BEEF QUARTERED PORK LOIN SLICED many of which Involve motor 2 lb. ■onius ■onusi vehicle taxes where the taxpay­ PORK LOIN SALE ers have moved out of town and CHUCK ROAST „ 89‘ SHOULDER STEAK>b * P e rk Chops cannot be located. n m n iT C A K 99 RIB PORTION M O IT C O T a a EARLY M ORN As a better method tor col­ RIB PORTERHOUSE lection of these motor vdilcle RIB STEAK ,b 99* taxes, the auditor suggested HALF jib Slice that they be paid in one install­ B-THRIFTY SKINLESS Bacon ment. As the law now stands, c Franhferters U. the tax runs over ISO, it miky LOIN HALF Mb GENUINE FRYER FBI Nabs Man )|b Said One of Ten Chicken Users lb. FIBIUU N.EPOO DEL M ONTE ^Most Wanted’ SWIFTS U.S. Gradt A Swift's Butttrbail SAUSAGE ROLL lb SLICED BOLOGNA 53e GREENWICH, Conn. (AP) — PEBBl Police early Monday morning Canned Hams HOTORtWIlT An. were holding a man they aay TURKEYS TURKEYS LINK SAUSAGE nW IT CSCNTUI. is 41-yeM-old Francis Leroy lb. ITALIAN SAUSAGE lb 85‘^ Vtaaa Tmm Vmaa Neat Veeaf Tmsi Yeaaa Tmn Ywat Heet Hohlmer, one of the FBI‘s 10. 20 te 22 bt It to 20 b< 10 le 14 bt most wanted fugitives. k c«i It to 22 bi 10 to M bt ^ Limit He was expected to be ar­ 31 3 ,3 9 We Have a Fal Variety aa AN % pteasB raigned today in federal court 49«b 51^b 57fb In New Haven,' but federal offi­ CaaaaN Ham ami Sbat 3 9 L r:’ cials and police said they were not sure when he would be TETLEY turned over to federal authori- GRAND UNION tlss. Greenwich police end FBI |REGULAR agents from Stamford sureeted SAVE UP T O 10>. file man they say Is Hohlmer OR DRIP O PE N LATE OR AAORE O N late Saturday night at a restau­ of 100 _ ^ MON., TUES., rant he hod been operatli^ with his wife under the niuntie John & FRI. NIGHTS F a m ily Size P a cki P. Reynolds. • .' .13,13 l*S OR MOREl Mb. WEDNESDAY TIL 6 P.M. He was wiuited for intentste W ICOHONICAl ICOHOMCAl ^ — flight to avoid prosecution in can CLOSED THURSDAY E 0 ^ PLATE Pi.ATr ppppBEEF „ 35 the alleged gunpoint robbery of c b CHRISTMAS DAY a Denver philanthropist. Tem­ rRONPOII __ ple Buell, two years ago. SPARERIBS „,b ' ! According to deputy poUce 85 chief ‘HiomM Burke, Hohlmer TOMATO auies came to Greenwich with hla wife W: Seafood Features Delicatessen emd a baby daughter in Sep­ FLORIDA TAN0EL08 AND tember, purchased the franchise C O C K TillL of the International House of ; COLUQE - f Pancakes In the Cos Cob sec­ c le M fn R iM B S a s s a iii „ »' tion, and had been operating IS«c. WR • EASY TO 6 S n i i S I 19 ntUUTCOOUD the restaurant with his wife. btl. PREPARE Hie FBI, according to Burke, GULF SHRIMP ib 1 Barbecued Chickens ib 69* had traced Hohlmer from the CHICKEN NOODLE Midwest through Jobs as a bar­ < DfreBTCf tender and chef In New York, ^ ■ * * Frozen Foods and on Connecticut. GRAND UNION I Honeydcw Melons 6 9 ^ Upton Seep M ix Four more of Hohlmei^s dill- 4 t ‘ 1 ®® dren are living with his mother PINEAPPLE QRAPiEFRUIT in the Midwest,to Burke sold. MUSHROOMS ‘The FBI says that Hohlmer BranoeJnice and an associate robbed Buell GREEN QIANT BROCCOLI OR Bel Monle Brinh of about 167,000 in Jewelry, carti MMRICilBn and money orders on Aug. 17, . . ■■ FANCY WiSTERNi:m>?:^^^ :l 1967. le Suenr Peas Buell is an architect-builder who gave $25 million to a school g r a n d u n io n Gold Medal Fleer 5 -4 9 cidled Cok>ra Women‘s Col­ AMjoe rajmsi ikOADCAST - Hunwf-mjm lege and saw the school re­ « named Temple Buell College af­ Frnien Wattles ' *' CORNED BEEF A U ra iP O B BROWNIE MIX ter him. FREEZER QUEEN-QRAVY WITH TURKEY OR SMimow On Sept. 8, 1967, Hohtmer was WESSON OIL 49* SPRY SSSL 2lbs. arrested at AHon, 111., for pos­ ^ ~ |® ® LAODaMT-MRmiUT M 2 10-01. session of burglary toots and Il­ Gravy with Beef 4 ■ran jonoi legal posseaslon of firearms. He ^AVOCADOS •D. < BEEF CHUNKS c^r was released In December. 1967, MlilBMh 3 85 BABY FOODS lor on $28,000 bond, according to sliiwPOTAms i ; : ' Irntmois X » «» SWEET OR BUTTERMILK the FBI. 2 69 3 1 PINEAPPLES «D. About two months later, he CALIFORNIA was rfiorged In Denver with In­ STRAWBERRIES ; 49' SARA U E 89' terstate flight to avoid prosecu­ PilfaAiiryBiscnits tion for robbery. tosTM u T ries 6 69' PUwluN PIE ir 49' M i m i i i i y l i PLAIN OR IODIZED ^ iWorton's Salt Well Preeerved Sweet Potatoes 2 S;: 69' STomo1PomMs”3 '»^ * 1®“ 1 LAFAYETTE, Ook). (AP) — Tom F. Jones. 41-yearold paper FAST RELIEF FRESHBAKE SANDWICH 2 salesman, said 30 photos from a Huuwiwee 36-shot roll of camera film White Bread turned out well. He considered A lh a S e ttle r ^s.79 * WALNUTS S ^ S S * this very good, since the film JUST WONDERFUL OR BU B I T TOPtW M n m i n u i i n came from a camera that had t'lb. REDDIWHIP lain in a mountain wUdamesa ' BABY FOODS "Ir 10* more than two years, ever since An n a Met m i h s p r a y Jones was hurt in a fall in Roos­ '^s.' tvW evelt NaUooal Foreat while hik­ N o o n w A ta m S I l T M R n HO CRACKERS 39* '^ « ing. He found the camera about S ICE CREAM m WHITE BREAD SmMARZSSE 45 30 feet from where he had fall­ 2 COLGATE Sr ' VASELINE pnwu ^ RiriNiBBJ Al Flavors SsHkist 100 79 79 CREMES * en. Bftty ^ 0 49 CAT FOOD ^ 6 WM Mb cMgM aH ptodtoM H SS ar M r N s v il VaB4 TIm $aM*y. B iiiM ir 27, N M AHm ' ^ ' ^ r e ’iw m 5 Stsffiil Bt m 4 Mm 2 J V ■ Grapefruh 6»49^ SOFF in i u BONUS BUIE UTBA BONUS BLUE jromr wM iMs coM^ mi MtrtiMM tmUphmme ■( H b . CM R i |. m El. P trii Yellow OlHons 3J:29< wMiiMt CM|M MB pwtb FREE S UNDO'LAKES •I «M 7<«i. pb|. fraiw i t mm li-s/4«i. bH. >4 ORANGE JUICE SMfMB. tbriiiip m Fraikt FiiiBst Dates ‘ "«i*t29‘ lEBTOUC DELIVERY ■ •rtaslIUTia M RO E MM Mb M gw arf ttSSmmm FiNBSt NVR R ED iw ein s CMMaiMAtfefa VAi 11m SmaAf. Diimbw 27, IM « Chestnuts ^29< FrtZM Sat., Bac.: a. 27tk S - ' f * LIMIT ONI COUPON I Fireplace Logs 79< SWhup Csdttafl a HR CVATOMli -<4 pmcis m cnvi t h r u s a t » ^ i f i k . w i h s m v i i w b k h t v o UM^uZimnST**" W s ld o iv L W M A B « » w . pnas p im A0 ofiaiVE moil, tk s ., w d „ ofc 22-23.24,

■«4 \»><$n»a

' "i i i '■‘i k ^ ' f i

From Florida.. .LARGE SIZE Genuine Danish Yummy topper for your Danish! Western Bose A Christmas beauty that is Stop&Shop ideal for your home or for Tangerines gifting. Juicy zipper World famous pastry...freshly baked . . . the sweet fruit packed by Mother Nature for easy eating. Sat'sfying, yet one tan­ For easy salads and in Copenhagen and flown in by jet gerine contains Just 35 tempting desserts. calories. Perfect for your Ideal for your fruit Holiday fruit bowl . . . the bowl, a favorite for any Ice Cream youngsters will love them, overnight to Stop & Shop. and they’re good for them, meal. As a dessert tool serve chilled with 4 in package Half Gallon cheese. 57 layers of rich pastry make Large Puerto Rican Imported these so flaky, they almost melt Vanilla, chocolate, harlequin, strawberry, in your mouth! Individual Danish vanilla-fudge, coffee, chocolate chip, flavor Assorted colors . . . foiled in ried or green! if Pineapples Greek Figs of the month. Plop a big, creamy scoop of Walnut Meats generously flavored with fruit. 2 Moko o tosttvo plno- vanilla ice cream on our new Danish pastry 6 inch Perfect for botdne . , An excellent con­ raspberry, 2 apricot in each pack­ $049 brow nies, cokes C opplo boot flllod fectionery at the for a dessert that’s the ultimate! erltb ctwnkt of plno- age. 6 oz pkg M t A and cookies. Great ^ o p p 10 ond moro. lowest price this Mum P lant In puddngs, too. tctilno cherries on year! 2 9 ° k colerod toothpIciB. 2 S JA e& f Chtfstma§ & % ppy* (^ni-pdbing 2

Wt rtftrvt ttie Hgtil to limit quintitios

Stop & Shop Fancy Grade A Bright-tastinff fruit flavors! Stock up for the holidays! Small Peas r ------—I I V W ^ I - M A N ' MliATS !

Half Gallon OPEN MON. & TUES. Choice of orange, or­ ange-raspberry-pine- oz ’TIL 9 P.M. apple or orange-lem- 28 CLOSED WED. at 6 P.M. on-lime. At this low bottles To allow maxi-men to spend Christmas Eve mini-price, a pint (no return) I with their families. costs less than 1^1 P e rn ’s Sausage Meat Our best quality! Strained Your holiday appetizer! P u r* Pork Thert’l r>olMA0 bwttw* the amMl •! E Stop & Shop Fancy Grade A and aggt In nmH^ thw mwrninq. Orwol for •fumnOo 9m < Stop & Shop Del M onte U.S. Grade A fresh turkeys in all sizes . . . also Armour's When it comes to meat, like anything else, there's no substi­ Sliced Carrots Golden Star self-basting turkeys, stuffed turkeys. And U.S. tute for quality. At Stop & Shop, we never compromise quality Another mini-priced money- Grade A capons, ducks, geese and Cornish hens for the ven­ for price. If flavor and tenderness are important to you, you'll saver! You couldn't pick a love our USDA Choice Grade beef. □ Butternut Squash rond 4b pkB^ W 7 turesome. All mini-priced. Cranberry Sauce I Fruit Cocktail better time to refill your pantry shelves. '□ Birds Eye 'cSr* French Fries 4^15'1 Five colorful fruits in heavy C a i £ A £ J L £ C S o (^itckeic □ Sara lee Croissant Rolls ’pk” 4 9 * syrup. Chill and 4 4 A T9 WHITE GEMS n Pepperldge Farm Tumov.r. 2 89* serve in your Swiss Steak Barbecue or Roasted prettiest dessert Festive garnish! Lindsay select U l U U w H 22-2?P?undi d is h e s with a □ Sau Sea Shrimp Cocktail W 8 9 * Plump, perfect turkeys to crown your holiday feast. (Center Cut Bottom) topper of Stop & Supemiy moist white meat and rich flavored dark Full, rich, hearty flavor In a tender, juicy roast. Shop sherbet. meat. These are grade "A”. Chickens □ Churney Baby Edam Cheese *pk” 5 9 * Ripe Olives An outstanding value . . . because our maxl^men trim every cut of all excess fat. Mom, here's a reel work sever: n Maybud Baby Gouda Cheese 'p k " 5 9 * More color and flavor for "A" or White Ge« Turkeys, 16-22 lbs 39*» serve your family Caterer’s your relish tray ... for holi­ Kitchen barbecue or roasted chickens. □ Caterer's Kitchen Dips 95* day buffets and parties. 7 % "A" or White Gen Turkeys, 10-14 lbs 43*ia oz. drained weight. □ Scott PIpcemats S^pkS"''! □ Marasctjlno Cherries 49* .Save on this big can ! Here’s another thrifty buy! □ S tuffed’ Olives ' MonfontMa ioV 4 9 * Flavorful Stop & Shop B utterball Top Sirloin □ Boiled Onions 3 'AS 89* D el M onte Pure vegetable oil mixture added deep inside Beef eaters really go for roasts. And particular where hand bastiM “ "’f reach. Keeps mo'st, □ Dry Roasted Peanuts "'"To.’i!?'* 39* cooks go for maxl-man rossts. They know th:t for Try our own delicious Mayonnaise juicy and, tender nb matter how you cook it! quality, there’s Just none better. And they're mini- □ River Queen Mixed Nuts 65* priced for valuel Kernel Com Quart Jar Swift Butterball Young Tons, 16-22 lbs 51*» □ Lincoln Breakfast Drinks 4 i;r *1 Cole Slaw 2 lb can Quality mayonnaise at a low Swift Butterball Young Hens, 10-14 lbs 57*» mini.price to save you mone^ At this festive season, DeUc-ous cola slaw you do more entertain­ ‘;omat in a retisible ing. And, naturally, you p'astic container. A Redeem These use more coffee. Mini- Refular, oriced to save you pricing® comes to your Drip or Saves you time! Stop & Shop Club Rib Roast rescue with this flavor­ Self-Basting Electric Perk Valuable Coupons ful buy! Maxi-man roasts are renowned for excellence In Yeung Ten Tnrkeys, 18-22 lbs quality and appettte appeal. USDA Choice from With Only One $5 Purchase Instant Potato Pure com oil basting juices bubble up through the federally inspected plants, skilifuMy cut •nd Just heat and serve 2 meat and skin to brown it beautifully. Your turkey trimmed. , Fluffy-light mashed potatoes in stays moist and tender. Stop & Shop Brand. - . ininutes without messy peeling, Stop & Shop Finish your feast with a flourish! washing. Makes 20 half-cup serv­ Step tShep Yeung Hen Tnrkeys, 11-14 lbs 5 5 *. ings. 13 oz. pkg. Bake at Nome Rolls , Stop & Shop Pie Sale esf w ti o-vKsoe #w w 'om, i| M. <> Stop ft Shop Turkey Bread •arty rwu roi<- >t Back Rump Roast o«. oea or * #"<«» ApplOgSqnasb or Nmpkln one * nnoet rono. » Traditional desserts fresh from our own ovens or. or ors yronss 2 . . . made with' finest ingredients. 1 lb 6 oz h*s cooked! Stop & Shop ,«H. K M apple. 1 lb 7 oz pumpkin or squash. Frozen Squash Stop&Shop Mince Pie ^''GS So quick and easy all you do is heat and frm m fhk Btptrtmnl serve. Use it in your re­ cipe for holiday squa^ U a»pcShooia'M'W W ' 5-lb Armour Star Zip-Top 5-lb Colonial Canned Ham W=» Made tcith extra heavy cream! Great snack anytime! WMhim White To top your desserts!' start your meal with 4- ib Swift's Hostess Canned Hams 3-lb Colonial Canned Ham a shrimp cocktail, a With This Coupon and a $5 Purchase Stop & Shop Egg Nog wonderful treat end Stop&Shop Pears It's mint-priced, tool Quart Carton H>CEO or HALVES Rich'sWhipTopping 5- lb Rath Hickory Smoked ‘h:;;:^ 3-lb Rath's Barbecue Glazed ' Ourkee Spices V OR EXTRACTS Fill the family punch bowl with Great topped with A luscious topping to crown your ' this extra rich treat. Add a sprin­ whip topping for squash and pumpkin pies wHh J M M C Crab M eat Coupon good thru Sat., Dec. 27 only. Limit 3 kle of nutmeg and some good, old- dessert. sweetness. Keeps weeks in your rdr 3-lb UnoK Im ported Holland 2-lb Unox Imported Canned Hams pkgs. per coupon per custorher. fashioned holiday spirit! 3 > 85' frigerator. 10 o< can \ -1- f ' Cooked Shrimp

Stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons t a MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST. MANCHESTER. CONN. Stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHESTER. CONN. /

PAGE TWENTY-SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 PAGE TWENTY-SEVEN Chiefs’ Head Man Non-Committali Kentucky Rules Top Scholastic Schedule •fV . About Strategy for AFL^ Again in Own Event Hea vy Before Break

NEW YORK (AP) __ «o the questioner tried a the CSileto battered and bruised that was supposed to make Bell “ in whldi ui^ reviver lines up NEW YORK (AP) — Dame, No. 4, got by Indiana 89- fenae and by hitting '66 per c«at ly Coventry entertains the Chaney Tech, also winless. Not even a half hour had ***W«rent approach, askinK if Jets quarterback Joe Namath, commit himself while Namath to camouflage ntt.-nnovemmta By DEAN YOST Kentuedty mis^t be the No. 88, No. 7 North Carolina pasted of our shots to their 87 per Alumni. hosts Grsnby. Ksh Larrlmon, alnnaoH o fta r 'R’anaos P itv ’ B Stram might not open up with a kept him from putting across a rolled right and hit Matt Snell between the guard atUl^ tMUe. Tulane 96-87, Tennessee, No. 8, cent.” Menefee said. BUI Chat- Santa Ulails is coming to mighty Esgles of >bootor on Coadi John n lov n ff w ietnw -fVio •n®’’* diversified attack. and left him feeling with a flare pass. rather than in a normal skit 1 (College basketball team trimmed LaSaUe 86-47 and un- mon led the 6-2 Bears with 88 KMs’ team, needs mors balp p ia y o ii viCTOiy enaea xne ,, ..mte j was in a gang fight all "BeU was supposed to go for mation between the taclde and town, so you had better be Csthouc recovered from an in the country. but _ the___ defeated Ohio U., beat BaU potato on 12 of 18 from the field. from his tesmmstos In order to N ew York Jets hopes of once more. by myself.” the fake to Mathis.” Namath ox- . good. Santa, the white- «**“ ® >*®*®®t ^ p > Wildcats fall short as far *<>*■ six in a row. a free throw by Steve BUsky gain their first vtetocy. returning to the Super But it’s really not. it's only The gang he was fighting was plained in the Jets dressing The same play had produced • . 1 j i_ i As for scoring. Pistol Pete gave Penn a 53-62 led and the haired old man with the " South Windsor’s Bobcats Bowl when the first bit of that stram is not about to dl- the Chiefs, who made the two room. “ But he didn’t. He didn’t a touchdown the only <^er time The locals may find the going of Loulaiana State is Quakers held on for their vlcto- Christmas spirit, may bring tough once again when st. tasted the agony of defsat IM- psychologpcsl warfare cer- vulge his plan. At the same big plays that coimted in the go for the fake. He was out the Ctiiefs used It-^lp an earlier wudeato treated their making it no contest. Maravlch ry. Notre Dame got 80 potato day night against Windsor tain to surround the Amer- he’s not about to admit fourth quarter—diagnosing a there with Snell, and he had no 34-16 victory over the Jets, guera rudely tor the 12th time tossed in 49 potato in leading his each from CoUls Jones and Aua-' a few present with hbn to Paul’s oI Bristol, also undeleat- ican Football Leamie cham- earlier loss to the Raid- Jets iSay to keep them from right being ttiere.” Taylor came off the left side the schoolboy baaketball scene ed in rix outings, clash at Bast. ta n winning the Ken- mates to an 111-103 victory over tin (3arr with Jones’ basket with ^ > thU week. Bast mentor Stan Ogrodnlk highly with thalr tour nionsbin

...I t'


BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE H o i m Iio M S a r v ie M n w p vvwNiVQ^^vViOT u 41 O ffM w d 1 3 ^ 27 3S £50 VOU HAVE SOME TASK VA CM WASH TH' ...AN' WASH TH A T ^ ON SECOND THOUGHT, PEDIGREED Dachshunds, gen­ e s A P . MOW f o r t u n a t e 1 CAM PERFORM IN WINDOWS, MOP PILE O' Diprry dishes COULD YOU LEND ME UGHT trucking — Lawns, cd- MORTOAOBS — 1 st and 2nd. MAID wantad Intarstata Motor tle, affectionate, used to chil­ VABEX BUS FARE TO THE , THAT I HAPPENED CLASSIFIED dren, 9 w««ka ty In iierson, ^ Jbu R E S O 48 Heroic corrected by “ make good” inaertian $800-11,000 per month In­ Must be over 18. Apply In per- Howard Johnson Restaurant, POODUES — AKC registered PISHT, MATOB* 26 Verb suffix 19 It exists LEON CiessynsU builder—new come handling finest C. J.'s, 273 Broad St. 27 Direction (contr.) 35 Small food 50 Atten d son. Alcar Auto Parts. 236 994 'Tolland 'Tpke. white males. Six-weeks old. homes custom buUt, remodeF vending route In your 31 Intention 22 Jewish ascetic fish 51M i«W cst IRockv/Ue. Ton Free) COOK wanted full-time, days or Spruce St. ------Shots Included. Reedy for 32 Hired Ing, additions, rec rooms, ga­ area. Prefer part-time r W nights. Apply In person only. Christmas, 646-9483, 643-1646, l a - R A * KP w w«« w TM t „ WI » murderers 1” 2 3 4 5 6 r “ 8 rages, kitchens remodeled, start at beginning to see i); 643-2711 Howard Johnson Restaurant, S 4il«sni«n W ant«d 36-A ask for Mr, Blanchard 34 Contenders by 1_____ 875-3136 bath tUe, cement work, steps if you Uke this type ot ed and rapidly growing Hart­ II i5“ 13" 14 394 Tolland Tpke. grappling dormers.' Residential or eom- business. Mature man or ford wholesaler has attractive CUTE toy poodles, ready fjot 36 Pacific TEXAS Oil Company has open­ ilF 17 merlcal. CaU 649-4291. woman equaUy suMatde. SALESGIRL wanted for full­ Christmas for someone who OUT OUR WAY BY J. B. WILLIAMS turmeric 15 opportunity tn local area. Bs- ing In Mencheater area. No ex­ time days. Apply Youth Centre tabUahed accounts will be turn­ . . can afford to buy reasonable, 37 Antitoxic 1 It 19 Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? NEWTON H. SMITH and Son- Never any selling or so- perlence necessary. Age not *40.5450 f l t ^ Remodeling, repairing, addi­ soliciting Involved! Car Manchester Parkade. ed over. Reply box O, Man- 38 Girl’a name Important. Good character a ______|______a-a% 2T 22 cheater Herald. WELL, I'M OLAP VOU'RE ON THE F s o D O I-- 39 Soothsayer 24-Hour Answering Service tions, rec rooms, garages, is necessary. Six to ten CLERK-TYPIST to handle se­ must. We train. Airmail, D. aKC registered miniature MEND AND FEELINO BETTER/ 'CAUSE JT w 28 ST porches and roofing. No job hours required each BUT I TOLD you MOT TO CLIMB y o u AIN'T 40 Italian city m " 26 M counts payable and general of- MECHANIC — for fleet work, P- DIckeraon, Prea., South- poodles, sUver, male and fe­ ^Guided ■ too smaU. CaU 649-3144. week. male. Ready for Christmas or TREES-‘ I'VE WARNED VOU TIME CHANGED 32 Free to Herald Readers fice work. Diversified le- six -day week. Must be avail- western Petroleum Oorp., Ft. 2 D A V Y JONES 5T BY LEFT and McWILLIAMS AND AGAIN VOU MIGHT FALL A BIT/ 43 Stage whisper sponsiblUtles. Local dMributor xble for out of town work. For Worth, ’Taxaa. will hold. 648-7061. OUT AND GET HURT/ 1 WISH 46 Give DORMERS, garages, Twndies. $1,000 to $2,000 capital 34" S" VOU'D LISTENED TO ME. 49 December Warn tnloimathm on ’jne ot our rlaaalfled advertraenieatar rec rooms, room additions, starta you with all nec­ of NaUonal corporation In new appointment call 646-3976, 649- ' " ------( DON'T ANSWER HELLO WHO IS IT? WRONG MORE LIKELY THE WRONG a □ I No answer at the telephone Ustedf Simply cal) the Industrial park In East Hart- 4315, 'v IT^ARCO t : NOMBEg.;>[ ANSWERER.'HB'LL ONLY holiday 37~ H" » kitchens, add-a-lev«ls, rocflng. essary equipment and FREE — puppies, 7 weeks old, 52 Race course ■ ford. Nine paid hoUdaya, 1 ------h - r / k g - TALK TO M B. siding, genera] repairs. QiiaUty supplies to service H«lpW«W o n f v d — ready for Christmas. 644-8060. circuit 40 41 Days, Evenings or weeks paid vacation, after firat BlEOrW Cl^ ^ —joim y n ^ 53 Malay title □ EDWARDS workmanship. Financing avail­ and experienced helper. Top M o w o r 37 Week-Ends) A route of year. For Interview contact T, ‘ ' ' NEWLY built dog houses, large of re fle c t 44“ 46 M ♦ r ST able. Economy BuUdera, Inc.. wages with banaflts. CaU ba- established locations. Fi­ PauU at Weetlnghouse, 389- GENERAL light cleaning, part- or small, also one large enough 54 Chide ANSWERING SERVICE 613-6159. 872-0647 evenings tween 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Rob­ 55BibUcal 48~ 90 k " nancing avaUaUe to ex­ 6M1. Equal opportunity em­ time. Apply In person. Holi­ for Saint Bernard. 64A0648. SAVE MONEY! Fast aervice. ployer. ert's Electric Co, 644-9431. character 54 panding operator after day Lanes, 89 Spencer 8t., 56 Golfing gadget 549^1500 875-2519 Dormers, room addlttona, gi^ InRlol investment. ROUTE salesman — Bvanlay Manchester. k - ' 'M. 5712 months ArtklM For Solo 45 55“ 67” 5T and lea v. yoar message. You'D bear trom our aoverbM r hi rages, porches, roofing »and week, WiU train. Apply WlUard TTr; 2 58 Algonquian _ a FYovide sufficient ref­ n yg time without spending aU evening at the telephone. aiding. Compare prices. Add- STOCKING STUFFERS Linen, 325 Broad St., Manches­ Indian Pharmacist wanted for grow­ FISH aquarium, $16. Good con­ A-Level Dormer Coro., 289- erences and phone num­ ter. (Htutpoptt faterpn'ie Asia.) ber If you wish an Inter­ ing pharmacy tn community. dition. Call 64S-6888. 0449 CANDY CANBJ8 are sweet Motorcycles— view. Only reliable per­ Salary open. CaU 6484083. and If you have a personal­ EXPERIENCED auto mechanic, WES ROBBINS Carpentry re- son wiU be considered. SKI BOOTS, alae 6H, men's. Bkycks ity to match we have per­ fiill-Ume. CaU after 6 p.m., 11 modeUng speciaUst. Additions, Rlecker, double Uoed, emel- CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER fect secretarial spot for you. 649-2884. HERALD BICYCLES—New and used. Re­ rec rooms, dormers, porches, Manchester Eve- lent condition, used one sea­ Call Director experience PRODUenON WORKERS pairs on all makes. Open daily cablnets, formica, bullt-ins, BOOKKEEPER through gener­ son. CaU 338-8146. helpful. $100. Fee paid. DOX LETTERS 9-5:30. Manchester Cycle Shop. bathrooms, kitchens. 649-9446. ______al ledger, and trail balance, al­ FIRST AND THIRD WAYOUT BY KEN MU8E so payroll taxes. AU benefits. DARK RICH atone free loam, ^ 8 West Middle Tpke., 649- 5 iR P E N r i^ - A reliable five yards, $18. Sand, gravel, F mt Your THIS IS NOT VBNDmO JACK-IN-THE-BOX surpris­ Dean Machine Products, 103 SHIFTS stone, fill, manure, pool and '______handyman for repairs, installa­ es are in store for you and Colonial Rd., Manchester. lltX Infoniiation patio sand. CaU 648-1804. ii - n tions, home improvements. SPORTSMEN you'll really be happy aU MulU-CIrrult extends an In­ THE WORRy WART * ' »Witmtta.haTaifcsBt»,sOw WE ARB LOOKma for an in- THE HER.\LD wlD not Business ScrvicRS CaU Ted, 9 to 6 p.m., 247-7836 day. Diversification is the vitation to visit our plant to ALUMINUM sheets used as The nation's largest franchise spector and a helper to our k L l L . disclose the Identity of or Evenings 649-0784. key word. Typing required. dlacuss job opportunities In prlnUng plates, .006 Udok, 38x any advert Iser using box O f f o r t d 1 3 ___ organization has a limited num- shipping and racalvlng clerk $80. Fee paid. the foUowlng areas. 96". 16 cents each or 5 for 81. MrNgiight SjrmiiMU, tnr. letters. Readers answer­ CARPENTRY— concrete steps, ber of now opportunities for the In our idasma department. SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL YOU ARE A-1. Truck Is A-1. 649-2TU. © ing blind boot ads who floors, hatchways, remodeling sportsminded man or woman to Please ap^y In peraon at the desire to protect thalr Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ Do your career sho{^lng at: porches, garages, cloaeU, cell- get Into the field that they en- Klock Co., 1866 Tolland Tpke., SILK SCREENING FROM wall to wall, no aoU at Identity can foUow ‘ his ways sealed and small truck­ Ings, attics _ finlriied, rec ;oy the most, Manchester. all, on carpats claansd with procedure; ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ PHOTOGRAPHY Blua Lustre. Rant slaotrlo mano Trucking Service toll- er related work. No job too We need an ambitious individual EXPERIENCED first and s ^ Enclose your reply to i| free. 742-9487. RITA GIRL Apply St our personnel depart­ ahampooer $1 . 'His Shanvtn- small. Dan Moran, Builder, who would Uke to reap the re- ond men and dependable the box in an envelope — ;| 800 SILVER LANE ment between 9-4, weekdays. Williams Oo. address to the Classified SHARPENING Service — Saws, Evenlngs, 649-8880. wards of the ever-increasing drivers for shade tobacco ______recreation explosion—a person M anager, Haiichaster knives, axes, shears, skates, t TTm______EAST HARTFORD farms. Attractive houses avail­ BRACE yourself for a thrill the Carpenter who is asplrl^ to extremely Evening Herald, together rotary blades. Quick service. able. Write Box "D D ", Man­ first time you uaa Blua Lustra contractor. Additions, remodel- high earnings. MULTI-CIRCUITS INC. with a memo Usting the Capitol Equipment Co., 38 5 2 8 . . 9 4 1 6 chester Herald. to clean rugs. Rent alactrlo Ing and repairs. CaU anytime companies you do NOT Main St., Manchester. Hours BO Harrison St., Manchester ahampooer $1. Oloott Variety want to see your letter. for free esUmates. 875-1642. ^he most amaz- GAS STATION attendant and BUZZ SAWYER BT ROY CRANE daily 7:30-5, Thursday, 7:30-9, ______Ing, but fun businesses you’ll Htora. Your letter will be de­ TRAVEUNO type? BxceUent lubrication man, full or part- Saturday, 7:30-4. 643-7968. ------ever have an opportunity to stroyed if the adverUser opportunity for responsible girl SPOTS before your ayaa— on DRUNK, DISORDSRLY, MV Rt5IST1N6 WHV'P \ 1 WAS AFRAID THEY MISHT Is one you’ve mentioned. R o o f i n g — S i d in g 1 o look into. aCHoST BFM driver, want.l ADDCCr I «CAA 110/ --- 0. YOU 1 UNKAAE WITH-THAT STOLEN >nOW Plowing—S id ew a lk$5 s ______with out-folng personality and Middle Tpke Waat. Man- Exparlanc. not nacai»ary, W . your new carpet—remove them If not It wlU be bandied with Blua Lustra. Rant electric 6NE A CAR. H Cy, WHAT IF THEY in the usual manner per house, driveways extra. b i d WELL Home Improvement You do need at least $1,647.60 general knowledge of office chaster, ______will train during Chrlstma. ahampooer $1. Paul's Paint A PHONV /CATCH a o PEPPER DRWIN6 872-6669. Co. Expert instaUatlon of to $3,647.60 cash to start, procedures. Field reprasen^ MECHANICS - Full and part vacation. CaU 646-09M NAME?/ ITf OH,WATTA LAUCH/ 8»fMA,HTMIs»UlNieH. aluminum siding, gutters a n d ...... Uvas of top company, good machlnaa Wallpaper Supply. SNOW Plowing — Private or trim. Roofing InstaUaOon and Phone number, to: salary plus bonus and VjUw;HA»y,HAw/ iM t and Found 1 busine s, 24-hour service. CaU WIU train. Apply In parson repair,. 6494495, 875-9109. SEASONS mileage. Company paya Holiday Lanes, 96 Spsncar St., 3 7 649-9617. CaU APS, 629-6376. Holp W ontod M b Io o r LO^^Palr of bifocal glasses rOOFING and roof repair. ______Manchester. in rell velvet case. Reward. SNOW PLOWING — Side­ SPORTING GOODS OO. E Coughlin Roofing Co., Inc. 643- BECRETARIEa '^lsla-(Tam - glXPERIENCED u i^ t inak- walks, driveways. Reasonably P. O. Box 666 Dept. 197 CaU 6W-26ee. 7707. porary) work In your own ^ ^ priced. CaU 649-0638. Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 areas, top ratas, tree parking, LOST—Female gray cal'co c a t . ------MALE & FEMALE Immediate openings. Call Son- ______]______Vicinity of Hebnm Rd. and FLOOR cleaning and waxing. Roofing and e hr NIA. UcTMIef.UA Hi OR Green HUl D r.,\ Bolton. 647- Janitor service. CaU Suburban ya, 6224463. COED tampomty p a RT-IWE janitorial, 4 hours Mschine Operators— Auxiliary Helpera. service, 100 Constitution Plata, 9703. , Floor Maintenance Service. Ciiimnoyt 16-A per nIgM, 6 nights, Manches­ Machine Cleaners— Watchman—Sweepers *1 can't come ouf to have fun today, Jimmy . . . not ------!------X------Free estimates. Fully Insured. Fomolo 3 5 Suite 900, Hartford. ter. 6496994 after 4 p.m. this ciose to Christmas!" FOUND—Chubby, old, spayed 6496229. ttuusiwu Specializing re- We have openings on aU three shifts. Good wagee, tnolud- pairing roofs of all kinds, new BOOKKEEPER through gen- PRODUCTION mUlIng and female mongrel dog. Mostly Ing oompiste Company paid bensftt program. We are MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD WOMAN to Iron, once a weak. lathe hands needed. Llbaral black. Tan underneath. Site’s EXCAVATING Trenching — roofs, gutter work, chimneys era! ledger, cuid trial balance, located on the bus line. Bob Cat machine, snow plow­ cleaned and repaired. 90 years' also payroll taxes. AU bene- C^ll 6497694, after 6 p.m. benefits. 69hour week. Apply C looking for you. CaU 643-7731.\ NOPE] IN FACT, HE . -AND A L L HIS STUFF WAS WELL-NOW I WOULD HA! I'VE KNOWN ing driveways and parking experience. Free esUmates. fits. Dean Machine Products, In peraon, Metronlos Inc., 640 Apply Cheney Brothers, Inc. NEVER EVEN TOLD/ME GONE' NOTELLIN' HOW EARLY SUGGEST THAT VOU GO OLIE PLOUGH FOR STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIPP Call Howiey 643-5361, 644- 102 Colonial Rd., Manchester. Hilliard St., Manchester. GOODBY/ AFTER I HAD HE LEFT— HE EVEN COULD’VE TO CHIEF PLOUGH IN FOUND —Small black kitten ibte, tree removal. Reason­ H d p 3 5 $1 Cooper Hill Street DID JEP PARDIE LEAVE . OVER 2 0 YEARS' 8333. A FORWARDING /MV BREAKFAST, I WENT PULLED OUT DURIN' TH' NIGHT, SHADESVILLE-AND HB.COULDtTTBVBfi with white markings, on Len­ a b le rates. 643-6159, 872-0647. DISHWASHER wanted days. Mancheeler, Connecticut PR. HORNER, THE TIEWANTVro^ OTHER PARTIES DONt CARE ABOUT WHAT THE X-RAYS MANAGEMENT Trainee over ADDRESS? UPSTAIRS— AND I SAW TELL HIM WHAT VOU CATCH A COLD ON, ox St., owner call 6492262. CAPABLE person to work in In­ Apply tlavey's Reataurant, 46 Our offlee Is open dally R OO A.M. to 6 :00 P.M. THAT HIS DOOR WAS OPEN TOLD US! A STORMY NHSHTj BRAIN A/IAN,HAPPENED^ LOOK A T THE SAY, BUT ARE MUCH INTERESTED IN WHAT STEVE HAS SNOW ^Iq^ng, residential and 31 to $12,000 with (^portunlty and on Saturday by appotntment. ventory control posUng and E. O nter St. 6U-U18. TO BE IN THE HOSPITAL PADENT ANP TO RELATE.,. commerribL Also trucking. MilHfiory, to branch Into own business. WHEN THIS ACCIDENT THE X-RAV5 P o n o n e d s pricing for Industrial supply Reasonable F^tes. 6491974. CaU R. Stevenson, 2797770. TESTS ARE 6REAT.' Drossmoking 19 firm. Modem East Hartford lo­ FULL-TIME salesclerk, apply RIDE wanted from Charter Oak Pine Pharmacy, 664 Center -BEST PROTECTION FOR DRY WALL — PRESS — Dressmaking cation. Salary and fringe bene- „ ~ i iari r w a n t^ to THE OIL PEP05IT5 vicinity to St. Francis Hospital, fits. Call 2898291 for appoint- R^^JABLE m an-w anted 81., Manchester or call 649 paint, repair, or 'iw la ce cell and alterations, expert work­ work at South WIndaor Auto ALASKA'S NORTH Hartford. Hours 8-4:30. Call .9R14. ings and walls, ^asonable ment. Parta. Inquire In person, SYSTEMS ANALYST SLOPE.. 6499601 after 6 p.m. manship. 55 E. Center St., 649 V. —.1 .1 ------rates. CaU 6495764. 8038. Schanck Rd., South WIndaor. FOREIGN car mechanics full- Minimum of 3 ysars saperlsnca Some Programing back­ tlme. Apply in person. Gorin's ground dsalrabte. Work In a i ^ of Teleproceastog, BUI of AutomobDos For Solo 4 SNOW PLOWING — reside PLUMBERS and plumber's Sports (hir Center, Route M. MaterlaiMate AppUcatlons, Shop Floor Reporiing and 1 a- d business, very reasonabl' , Moving— Tnicking helpers, experience necessary. furUier dnvtJopmsnt o f an InfacTnattcn SyMem. 1966 PLYMOUTH, 4-door ATTENTION Tolland Tp2e-. TaloottvIUe. 6'91829. ^ Storago 20 New work and apartment sedan, automaUc, V-8, radio. HOUSEWIVES work. 646-4639. i t Rapidly expanding company with an eaoellent power steering. Good running SNOW plowing wanted— Man' reputation in the manufacture o f tnaulated Dellvery-Ught condition, $900. 649-2880. chester-Bolton areas. Call 649 iRIDOEPORT operator, ex­ AEROSPACE . . . ELBOTRONICa . . . TELE­ MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY trucklilg: and package deUvery. 9622. Would you Uke to work perienced. H * B Tool and •TATK or cokitBcnci'T , PHONE WriRB and CA BLE Refrigenttors, washers and r : NEED CAR? Credit very bad? while your children are In Engineering Co., 168 Forest CIRCUIT COURT T W t L m i CIR- WHATfe THE ^ 1 THINK HE WANTS SHAAAE ON ■>OU, CUOOLESj stove movlhg, specialty. Fold­ CUIT. iwcenitwr 17. l i s t i t Good starting salary and broad bssiofM program. Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ CALL HANDYMAN. Snow school? We have openings St., kCanchsster. JA M K a A C K TO •( al »•. A t-B K R T TROUBLE, AAONTY? US ID FOLLOW HIM TOO KIVOW TH AT DOESn Y ing chairs foK w t. 649-0752. 1 est Douglas accepts lowest shoveling and sanding. Rea­ In our store's accounUng ('AVBR AND A1.HKRT CAVKR JR Submit resume or apply at our Bmploymssit Offlee—Open BELONG TO YOU jlcT ioR E ^ O pera ton i — First, NutICf Ui Albert Carer end Al- WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU down, smallest payments, any­ sonable rates. Call 6495306 department for experienced for your oonvenience Monday through Friday ■ am. to n /W O O F / where. Not small loan finance comptometer operators to second end third shift. Laths upon thr compUlni al ib* ptainlUf iJ o o p ! y anytime. Fainting— Ro^griiig 21 Noon and 1:16 pm . to 5.16 p.m.—Saturday 6 am . to 1 p.m. DIOK. company plan. Douglas Mo­ work part-UnM from 9 a.m.- operators, secondecofid shin. VertI- ^ ihr ah»v* 'nililfd a^lon^rarlw ^ - WOOF! WHAT WOULD VOU I'D MOVE TVIE t r e e SERVICE (Soucler) — for reeeone IhereU for <3»ALU 6 HE SU RE KNOWS tors, 946 Main. B. H. MAGOWAN JR. 2:90 p.m. Wages commensu- cal turret lathe operators, sec- damasee. relumabie before WOOF! - ^ 5 0 0 F I W E R E CWTEOFC3UR HOWTOSHAKE Trees cut. building lots clear­ interior and exterior inie with abtlUy, free park­ ond shift. Call LsMl Corpora- the Cirroli Ooun wUbln end lor AMERICAN ENKA CORPORATION TO H IT veau WITH WEDOINSUP A G LW LyP/ 1966 DODGE staUon wagon ed. trees topped. Got a tree , I u e oeeo Twelfih CTIreuH lo be held al Man- \\l paper hanging. Ililrty ye ing, subsidized cafeteria. tion. ets-zsez. Chealer tm Ibe aaoond Tuaadar of ))^ T H I© SNOWSALLv TO \ Q 7Z . $850. 1968 Dodge Sedan, $1 ,609. problem! WeU worth phone BRAND-REX DIVISION experience, four genermtloaa'> Ap^y employment office. ------January. A D IRTO, and upMi aa a|r CINDY? 1964 Chevrolet Corvette. 1986 call. 742-8252. f u l l t i m e oU truck driver, piirallon to asld artloa f o r ^ order Ft m estimates, ftUly Insured. WUllmanttn, Oosmeetieut Chevrolet cMiverUble, $909. Apply In person. Zlb Broad 'd niAlce. H appearlns lo and belns (ft found by the aubvnmns ' aulborlly Aa Equal Opportunity Euipluyes ,0-23L Call or st«v at Savings ’BankS UGHT trucking, ^ d \77RST NATIONAL Bt. ■hal Ibe aald defendania are gone ICanchester, 6491700. moving “ PP**^*^**- x ^ R E S INC. to Iiarle unknown, and tbal notice )) Ing barrels deUvered. $4. 644- PAINTING — Interior and ex­ of Ibe inelllulloa of IhU aetkai rooei terior, very reasonable, free likely In come lo Ibeir allwilloo la - c x 1966 VOUeSWAOEN sedan ihai berelnaRer ordered. H la 1776 estimates. Call Richard Mar­ PARX & OAKLAND MACHINISTS WANTED : * orvr 1986Aoxra Karmannc\Atrii$a$ui \jriua,Ghia, it»x;\-ss-mech------ORDRRKD Tbal iba notlra of tin. 6499386, 6494411. ----- AVENUES Ibe Inatllullon of anld action ba PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER anlcally guaranteed. Must sell DICK'S Service 8"°’*' P ^ ^ ' Siren Ibe defendani by .aome firoMr EXPERIENCED DIE one. STO^IBB. 1<>^. ' «Wveway9 sidewalks. CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex- EAST HARTFORD, TURRET LATHE OPERA­ offirer or tndiffereni perwon. caaahm ^(gUICK, RUN AND TELL H E S A i D ______apartments, stores. Also sand- _ a Irue and allettad copy of IBla urdar Lt h a n k s f o r T H E J CONN. TOR ooUce lo be puUlined In Ibe Man. PRISCILLA CARLYLE 1' 1969 CHEVY Nova H. blue. 9,000 m - done. Reasonable rales. Urior palnUng, P^j^' rheeler Herald, a newapaper rtrew- SET UP MAN II U N D E R T M E W A R N \ N < S .' - G r miles. 8 cylinder, $2,900. Going Sfu 6490002. wallpaper. CaU lated In Maaicbealer. ooca a weak /VI 1ST U E L W. TM tif Ul St OM. ENGINE LATHE OPERA­ for Iwo eurreeeire weeka, two llmaa let Ohbss aet Up I abroad. CaU 6499743. ------649Whs. ronaecullveiy, rotnmenclae on or ODD JOBS, light trucklilg. TOR II....^le » INSIDE__outside palnUng. Spe- FULL or part-time, days, before Dec M. A .D IlSt. and Ibsl return id euch aervica be made lo CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER Ibe abore nam ed Cnwrl vou^^.. » » » si,snrp.5 s : - s . " . 3 i K (Hef/RflK (lORMY. Clerk of Ibe APPLY best offer. 6490668. ______low prices. 649721«.______^ BiimauS^ given. 6497Sn. •796660. Cliru4 Court for T’wetflh Circuit r lP»PTNHPA NMH PnCEP COULD THfV HAVt DOT WIHP HB WW , LAW/BR TOPMTTLB 09V»U» cw cownacrj At MARINO Services (former------— ------— ' Rapidly growing Industry 49 IO N A Monufoefuring NO>Ntr*i IP Hi i £ m . m iL TTV/RB PROTSGTTNGf, MUSTANG 1965, one owner, ex- ly M A M Rubbtah) Attics, cel- ^ v m ef Ossesel a t ^ Ceep^-Eegeel aL. M hlJ l6 ’" " ‘ Y a w ceUent oondlUon. CaU 6491847. garages, old bams clean- ^ i f o r ^ In te M . P i ^ r p*y |,„ insurance, bos ed out Light trucking, appU- hangl^. Ceilings, etc. InMired- ______pttallzaUon. Holidays, vacation. PtCKBlSa BUICK 1667 Skylark, power furaiture. 6492615. 649KW9. WOMEN for bousecleenbig. and etc. Apply to steering, economical V-6 , ______' — .— ------caring of children, dally, five Usfings e iw H Nu, a*. buckets, polyglasa fires and s n o w PLOWING — p t^W IS Paint- daya Call 646 6664. CONTROMATICS CORP. ’ ii*aJtLI2-2L new snows, winterised. $1,500 clal snd resldenfial. Call *79 J M K m P ^ lJ C m a o r beat offer 647-1900. 6748 anytime. ____ Ing and papertianglng. 6490144. ERvl^on of Litton Industries Needed!

ROBIN MALONE BY BOB l.lTBRRRa 1667 CHEVEILE, 327, 9speed. NEED trucking or moving AVON CALLING 300 West Main St W« need them for oar 4 kCiekey Thompeon mags, done? Call Fran's Trucklilg. Eloctrical Sonrlew 22 RockvlUe, Conn over incressiiur list NOTHwe wrong with SOCK/ 'K3U WASTBP /SMES wAiTiMS oorwpe^ AsUngl $1,700. Plixie 6499614 or heavy duty moving, ir, jy u pRW?AL C a d r a c t ^ IL Don't just t)Unk about bring I WHY PONT'TeXJTTLU Or CaU Personnel Manager clientele. Singes, twol SCOTT/GerMOCWIP TOUR VALUABLK TIjMS. Also garages and cellars clon ­ scare WURCOCKPlfj^^^P pur AW WIrtS HAG L HSK1HSGCXX>N6W5?TPNeWSE^ after 6:60 p.m. Restdeatlal, commercial, in­ a Representative—Be one— families and multiple| ed. 6496169. 649614$. r79S$17 ' I CONES — I ^— r va ss‘ LApy? WILD IMAGIUATIGN.' 1660 COMET, needs some work. dustrial. No job too smaU. Free Act now -C all 2*6-4932 dtreUmp needed . . THKQUSH A Beet price over $40. CaU 649 gjtO W plowing, parking lota and esfimates given. AU work Oar 22 yeara bayir_ HIS oveg c U O f i guaranteed. Frank Creeenri, / TX- 7984. homes. CaU 6496708. 64 Hours a p p l i a n c e SERVICE Tecb- and acUinf real eetatH CHCCK-UP H0L£U! LITTLE SPORTS 649U17. a s s is t a n t bookkeeper, PU- BY ROUSON • ' - aervice. nlcUUis. ei^rleneed to work b jroar goarantee ofl WITH a / / ' — grim kfiUa Is opening another >c/«a In greater Hartford ares, top FLYING 2 4 fabric storv. We aeqd a sharp E u lta! I >: COLOPS pay, medlcsl benefits, paid gal to assist the bookkeeper siefc di^ys, psM vaoatRm. pro­ 1646 FORD pick-up H ton body 13-A FLOOR SAKDOfO and reflnlab- with payroU and accounts pay fit sharing, taktohome arrvlee esn 7496U2, after 6 J0 p.m. ----- l i « (speclaltativ in older able. Please caU 6494423. vehicle, permanent posifimi. m REWEAVntO of FETEmUN Ooofs). I n ^ P**?“ * * SPEED typist who thrives oo .All apnUesUons strictly coo- BEAL EaTATB AOCNCTl botes. Bppen lepslrad. WIa - *** ^ ** sBBsn, haeptnsss tai ' fldsntlal. A s squat o p p ^ is d ty 11 Johik VerfaUle, 6496760. _____ RoekvlOe is le s oOlee. Tran- empioysr. 'OaU Mr. PauU at ^ m» hf >*


Rooms Wiriiont Board 59 Land For Sen land. Hutchins 0946. MANUHEFTER — 9room Rais­ and fireplaces in living room BREAK! and Deadltnp lor Saturday and Monday la 4:80 p.m. FrMa.' Agency Realtco’. 649-6824^ EAST HARTTORD, {nime area ed Ranch, four to five bed­ B & W and famUy room, two full Apartmnnt» 8 rooms, aluminum sided ALL BRICK tour family, four rooms. buUt-ins dishwasher, baths, two-car garage, three- I Tnnnmnnts '63 '0 MANCHESTER — Mbdem, Im- raised Ranch, built-ins, fire- rooms each. Price reduced, caipeting, rec RMm, wooded BARROWS_ and WALLACE Co. zone heat, wooded lot. PhU­ VOITR COOPERATION WDX Manchester Parkade tue& nite till BE APPRECIATED niaculate Garrison Colonial. place, family room, 8% assum- secondary financing avafiahle. lot. High 20’s. Hayes Agency. brick Agency, Realtors, 649 DIAL 643-2711 PRESIDENTIAL VUlage — We m baths, family room, fire­ able mortgage, 880,900. Meyer Ely appointment. Wolverton 649018L Manchester 6495306 4200. Ik have rented over half of our place, 2-car garage, central Agency, Realtor. 6490609. Agency, Realtors. 64938U. beautiful apartments. Come MANCHESTER — Two-family SOUTH Windsor—Large 7-room location. Quick occupancy. B e l ______Ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, Wonted— Reol Estate 77 Conrinuod Prom Pmeedinq Pogr visit our model one and two- Air Real Estate, Vincent A. MANCHESTER Six - room ALTON ST. -Vacant home flat, 6 down 4 up, downstairs bedroom apartments. Conser­ Bogglnl, Realtor, 6499832. Colonial overlooking Center that owners want sold. Blight has been completely remodel- recreation room, garage, large LAND-SITES-FARHS — Acre- 4; Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 vative living at it’s best. Com­ lomns in ell, 1 ^ baths,lalum- lot. $25,900. Phllbrlck Agency, age. Large, unzoned parcels, Park. 1% baths, two-car ’ i ed, fine residential area. Both Realtors, 646-4200. pletely carpeted. Complete GE f SPEND your free time skiing, garage, large rooms. Inunedl- Inum aiding, two-car garage, apartments vacant upon sale. aU areas. Louis Dlmock Real­ FOR SALE — Snow plow, 6' 4EWINO MACHINES — singe: this clean new home needs lit­ ty, Realtors, 6499623. 'md i t a t kitchen, two air-condlUoners, ate occupancy. Hayes . Agen­ overalsed lot, etc. etc. TUa T.J. Crockett. Realtor, 643- MARLBOROUGH—$17,600 lake- with hydraulic lift and attach­ autoniktlc zig-zag, excelleni baths In two-bedroom tle care. Three - bedroom home is loaded with extras. ments. Call anytime, 628-7055. condition Makes buttonholes cy, 64C0181. lon. vlew, 4H room Ranch. Flre- ABLE, ACTIVE buyers waiting apartments. Master TV anten­ Ranch, large treed yard, built- Drive by 78 Alton and see the placed living room, automatic aems. i-morolders. etc. Orlg na. Coin-operated laundry in in kitchen, large living room. MANCHESTER Suburbs — 7- outside, then call and let us MANCHESTER —9room Gape for single and mulU-famUy nally over 8800., 6 monthly Call today. Keith Agency, 649 room Split, tip-top condition, heat, modern cabineted kitch­ homes. Immediate service. Horists— Nurseries 49 basement. Large storage area. show you through. -Chance to on the west side. Built by An- en, two bedrooms, sun-room, payments of 88.60 each or pay- Schools, shopping a n d 4126, 6491923. fireplace, Family room, gar­ make a tremendous buy. T.J. saldl, IH baths, full shed Warren E. Howland, Realtor, LxViii i.>hristiiiEls Trees. Cut cash 522-0981 dealer huge screened porch, % acre 6491108. churches convenient to Pres­ age acre plus lot. Mid 20’s. Crockett, Realtor, 6491077. dormer, rear porch, and nice wooded lot. Warren B. How­ FALKNOR DRIVE — Six-room „ . lot with trees. Sensibly priced your own. 464 Woodland St., n q r g e automatic washer, two- idential Village. On bus line. Cape. New n»f, siding, fire- ______Se”cy^______^_____ FOURFAHILT — consisting of land, Realtors, 6491108. ALL CASH for your property high school. Upper VERNON Large four-room, first floor apartment, wall to wall car­ room, that can be made into trl-level on Wooded acre lot, 2 TURKEYS days after December 13th by SYLVANIA black and white apartment. Modem kitch­ peting, stove, refrigerator and ETRST Offering—Excellent 9 20’s. Owner. 6490640. NEW COLONIALS MANCHESTER — One-bed­ small study or anything you baths, first-floor family room, “Super-Right” Quality A&P's Own I m f._iA 2 room Colonial, tile bath, plas­ appointment. 742-6438. "No” console TV' for sale. 643-7116. en and bath, garage. $110 dishwasher, $146 monthly. 879 please. BTreidaced living room, 2-car grarage, privacy, top lo­ TO SETTLE Estate—^Manches­ Ready for occupancy now. I J 4 io oM I 7 O W . m Oh in Olu. Tagging!” ------room Garden type apartment. 6979, 876-6782. tered walls, full Insulation, 4 'bedrooms, first floor fam­ Available now. Heat, and ap­ monthly. Adults only. Hayes upstairs attractively finish­ cation. Hig^h SO’s. Hayes Agen­ ter attracltve four-room home. Aral 1*1 3 3 3 1 ; C I f i ^ ------GENERAL Electric 40” stove, Agency, 646-0181. ed In knotty pine. B’ull base­ fireplace, hot water oU heat, ily room with corner fire­ a L* J ^ J n n 1 kv J ml" M r im CHRISTMAS TREE time 6t good baker, excellent condi­ pliances included. $146 and HEBRON two-bedroom cy, 646-0181. Separate garage, double lot, place, oven, range, dish­ ment. Excellent area. Con- ___ attached garage, city utilities, anchor fence, full cellar, fur­ SELF Hickory Ridge Farm. Take a tion, 886. 644-8060. $160 per month. Paul W. Dou- COZY 4 rooms, first floor avail- apartment with wall to wall near bus line, shopping and washer and disposal. City GRADE A drive to Coventry and choose venient to schools and shop- NEW RAISED Ranch, 6 rooms, nished. Residential area. Rea­ gan. Realtor, 6494636. able, $120. monthly. Call 649 carpeting, GE appliances, ping. Immediate occupancy. plus giarage and large lot. $26,- school. Owner anxious to sell. utilities, 2-car garage. Nice from a variety of freshly cut REMODELING Kitchen 1919 between 11 a.m.—1 p.m. heat and hot water. Quiet lo­ sonable! Call 1-666-4904, owner. treed lots. Priced at $34,400. trees — Colorado, Norway, metal cabinets, pine-paneled MANCHESTER — Two - room Good buy at $38,900. Call Paul 000. For full details call the Charles Lesperance, 6497620. Ideal for young couple or re­ cation. Call 2299800. W. Dougan Realtor, 649-4685. CaU Jim Florence, 649-6306, TURKEYS BASTING White, Serbian and Black Hill Island. GE dishwasher, sink efficiency. Excellent location. SECOND four - room ^ n Agency, Realtors^ 649 OXFORD Street - Seven-room tired persons.. 876-6611. Spruce, Douglas Fir, Fraser with disposal, GE range, food- Walk to stores and bus. 8136 apartment with large attic. ELLINGTON — Plnney Brook >o onn n n v m «hi. imma.. ‘______Colonial In choice area. Older I,.,- __I ITinnlhlvmonthly InnlllHInirIncluding avai-uf>iln,reverything. ___ ._.____. XT__1____ j-,____ LHJWIi Duys UUS immac- Sizes — Sizes Flr and Scotch Pine. Planta- orama, copper hanging light, Stove, regrigerator, heat, hot Apartments. New large deluxe ulate six-room Cape on West- home completely rebuilt. tion is located on South River small items, portable TV, un- Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649 water, garage. Elderly couple 3^-room unit In brick one- Lois For Sate 73 B &L W 22 lbs. C 18 lbs. 4636. side. Carpeting, fireplace, eat- UQVOB FEBUT Three rooms down, three up Rd., off Route 81 by new used carpets, drapes, gold-a- preferred. Call 648-1738. story garden apartment build­ in kitdien, partial rec room NOTICE OF APPUCATION plus finished attic. Two full CENTBIR of Town.. .approxi­ BARROWS and WALLACE Co. £( Under & Under bridge construction. Robert way vibrating couch with bi­ ing, total electric, built-in oven with beat, aluminum windows. mately 2H acres, all in "B” Manchester Parkade VIsny, 742-8864. cycle attachment, sandbag, MANCHESTER Two - bed- FIVE rooms, near Parkade and and range, refrigerator, dis­ DORIS M. ■ DAYTON, of BFD 3 *>6ths, modem kitchen. Only Manchester 6495308 24 lbs. 22 lbs. a room deluxe Garden type bus line, garage. Jan. 1st. oc­ Low 20's. Won’t last. Wolver­ TalcottvUIe ... Rd., Vernoa, Conn., $27,600. T. J. Crockett, Real- zme. All uUUtles on the site. A m L r / V etc., tones muscles the easy posal, alr-conditloner. Interior ton Agency, Realtors, 6492818. have filed an application dated Dec. a,. Ideal for multiple dwellings. A A M u way. 876-2272. apartment. Available now. cupancy. Call 6492781 for ap­ brick wall, formal dining area. 9. 1969 with the Liquor Control Com- 645-1677. -VERNON — Two - famUy, 4 up Swift Butterball t, Fresh TurKcfS also available.. . Priced Higher im Heat, appliances, carpets in­ T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 648- F I and Food 49>A pointment. Basement laundry and storage. MANCHESTER^-Grove St., off mlt for the BeaT^SSoiioSc^Hqm^ MANCHESTER —- Six - room and 6 down, 2-car garage, $16,- cluded. $186 monthly. Paul W. UW7. 000. 646-2620. rutruiruirciiruirui'NiriM FIREPLACE wood — Cut and Musical Insmimants S3 Dougan, Realtor, 6494536. $186 per month. Adults only. Summit, newer two-family du- ’ Ranch. Fireplace, family Bpjlt to customers desire. Call ______Furnlshod no pets. Call James J. Ges- plex, $36,000. M90296. The business will be owned by room, walk - out basement. CHOICE of several buUdlng lots sey at 876-0184. ------DORIS M. LAYTON of RFD 3, Tair Trees Cltv utilities Near bus with city utiUties. Ranging in 649-8818. Leonard M. Olgllo, SEKOVA Beetle bass guitar, FIVE-ROOM duplex, three bed Apartmonts 63>A _ 1 ______SUMMIT ST. -Ten-room sin- coUvllIe Rd.. Vernon, Conn., and V * Legal Notice $9j. and amplifier, $85. rooms. $176 per month. Rental HWRRriN Wall Ht rinse to vie reeTme Heum en/1 fmn- ivill be Conducted by DORlk M. BChool, Low 20 8. Hayes Agen- price from $6,000 and up. PhU­ HEBRON — wall Ht., Close to g-ie, six rooms down and four layton of rfd 3, TalcottvlUe Rd.. cv 646-0131 brick Agency, Realtors, 649 DECREE ON LIMITATION like new. Call 648-6918, agreement, security deposit. FURNISHED or unfurnished, 8- shoppingnhAnnlniF nnHand Rp.n/v’tlfischools, A>i*AATn4-room im ~ ——*~ V6mon, Conn« AB psnnlttCG * * * OF CLAIMS MERRY CHRISTMAS anil Earle Everett Real Estate, up. 2H baths. Needs redecor­ 4200. room apartment In private apartment, first floor, 2 bed­ ating. Immediate occupancy. AT A COURT OF PROBATE, Household Goods 51 SLINQERLAND Drums, blue 019-8538. home. Pleasant, convenient D?t“ ^ 1969 MANCHEJSTER - ExceMent 9 holden at Coventry, within and for sparkle, 18”, 21” cymbala, two rooms, stove and refrigerator, Fine residential area. Sensibly room Ranch, enclosed pordi, the District of Coventry, on the 17th S E A S O N ’ S G R E E T I N G S T O A L L CLEAN, USED refrigerators, location. Working adults, 648- wall to wall carpeting, heat priced at $36,900. T.J.Crockett, O u t o f Town day of December, A.D. 169. toms, bass, special snare, Hl- FOUR ROOM flat, $188 month­ 2880. large tile hath, 8 large bed­ Present, Hon. David C. Rappe, ranges, automatic washcra Hat, stool. $800 firm. Call 644- ly. Rental agreement, security and hot water, parking, cellar Realtor, 6491B77. rooms, hot wnter oil heat, For Sate 75 Esq.. Judge. with guarantees. See them at storage, $180. monthly. Call On motion of Francis and Mary from all of ns at A & P 0166, after 4 p.m. deposit. Earle Everett Real TWO-ROOM furnished apart­ NOTICE fireplace, attached garage, PerrottI, executors: Route 44A. B.D. ' Pearl’a Appliances. 649 ■ E :tnte, 649-8638. ment. Heat, hot water, stove, 6490882, 6492871. Available Im­ HURRY — Bowers School, low combinations, city utilities, well COVHINTRY — Financing ar­ RFD 3, Coventry, on the estate of 820's, for this six-room Colo­ J. Richard Nicola, late of Coventry, Main St. Call 648-2171. refrigerator. Apply Marlow’s, mediately. PUBUC HEARING landscaped, very nice condi* ranged, $2,000 down on four- within said district, deceased. ig Apparal— 4V4 ROOMS, free heat, hot 867 Main St., Manchester. nial. IH baths, garage, fam­ PURCHASE OF tion, $24,800. Charles Lesper­ room Ranch. $166. monthly This Court doth decree that three SINGER automatln zig­ water, parking. Manchester VERNON—Spacious 3V4 room ily styled kitchen, possible pays aU. $12,900. Owner, 628- months be allowed and limited for Fun 57 REAL ESTA’TE ance, 6497620. the creditors of said estate to ex­ zag, with cabinet, converts In­ Garden Apt. 16 Forest St. garden apartment, one bed­ fourth bedroom, formal dining BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0686. room, living room, kitchen, hibit their claims against the same to portable, button holea. mNK COAT, fulLIen^, $4M; UJOKING for anything in real BusIimu Locations room, clean. .Immediate pos­ tow n o f MANCHESTER, EXCEPTIONAL 19room Coloni­ to the executors, and directs that monograms, hems, etc. dinette, stove, refrigerator, session. Wolverton Agency, al, center of town, 4 large bed­ COVENTRY—Four - room year public noUce be given of thla order black coat, mink collar, size esute rentals — apartments For Rant 64 CONNECTICUT by advertising In a newspaper hav­ Originally over $800. Full price 22, like new, $80; cocoa, lace dishwasher, disposal, heat and Realtors, 6493818. PROPOSED ORDINANCE rooms, full bath, completely round Ranch. Treed lot. ing a circulation In said district, and now $62. cash or monthly pay­ nomes,les, multiple dwellings, iio DDnii>ir.ooTTxxT»i------r,— hot water furnished, swimming paneled Uvlng room, dining $12,000. Keith Agency, 646- by posting a copy thereof on the tulle, cocktail dress, size 20>/i, fees. CaU J D. Rsa! BsUtf PROFESSIONAL or executive pool, tennis court, club house, CHOICE sU-room Ranch three Notice is hereby given that public sign poet In said Town of ments. 622-0476. $20. Call 619-2724, B a.m. to 4 Inc. 648-8129 office suite on fine Center St,, the Board of Directors, Town room and study. Modern 4138, 6491922. Coventry, nearest the place where Associates $167 monthly. 876-8982. "bedrooms, ’ 'bullt-lns, ' carpeting, kitchen, H bath, 3 paneled the deceased last dwelt. p.m. location, Approximately 600 sq. garage, beautifully treed .and Manchester, Connecticut, will Certified from Record •xmMUikr aiNitT E Model Home Furniture VEllNON — 5H-room Ranch, CENTRALLY located 2H ft. comprising 4 separate of- ROCKVILLE — 64 Prospect St., rooms in basement, H bath, DAVID C. RAPPE, Judge. 8 ROOM HOUSEFUL private lot. Inspect now. Mid hold a Public Hearing In the oversized 2-car gsurage, large heated rec room, treed lot, GroumlBoef NAVEL rooms, heat, hot water, stove flees all air-conditioned. Extra 3-room, first-floor apartment. 20’s. Wolverton Agency, Real- Hearing Room at the Municipal twalk-out baaement, excellent DECBEE ON LIMITATION 19 PIECES Wantud—^To Buy 58 and refrigerator, tile bath and storage space of approximate­ tors, 6492818. pal Building, 41 Center Street, lot. $39,600. CaU 6499704. OF CLAIMS M l warn m u t Stove and refrigerator Includ­ locaUcm. Only $21,500. Hayes AT A COURT OF PROBATE, $297 WANTEDt-' - AimQUES, used shower. Lease and security de­ ly 1600 sq. ft. off street park- ed. $90. Four rooms, second ______Manchester, Connecticut, Tues- Agency, 646-0181. holden at Coventn, within and for ORANGES Interior Designer wants reliable posit required. Adults only. .Ing facilities. Rental $200. floor apartment, stove and re- MANCHESTER — 9room Cape, January 6, 1970, at 8:00 L E G A L the District of Coventry, on the Tgilcoy Breasts CALIFORNIA LARGE SIZE furniture, partial nr complete 4th day of December. A.D. 1969. $ t u u $ U I - I m NIn ( Im aoktaib family or newlyweds to accept istatos. Call 683-2300 days. 64h $85. Call 649-1869 between 97 monthly. Will be available (rlgerator included. $100. Call garage, treed lot, central loca- pm . to consider and act on the SIX-ROOM Cape, located ot Present. David C. Rappe, Esq., FfiLiO A delivery of complete Model Dis­ 0004 after 7 p.m. p.m. early In January. Call 649-0238 James J. Gessay at 8790184. Qulpk occupancy. Bel Air fQjjoviring: NOTICE two acres of land. Ideal loca­ Judge. Cookod Shrimp DEVIINEO play of Quality Furniture Just or 643-1565 between 9 a.m. - 4 Real Estate, Vincent A. Bog- ^.^e purchase of real estate tion for pony or horse. Only On motion of Evelyn Makulis, ad­ FIVE ROOMS, second floor, TOWN OF MANCHESTER ministratrix; Case Road, Coventry, n n NNr8 removed to warehouse for Pub­ iOU8EHOLL> lots - AnUquu p.m. weekdays only tor inspec­ Wanttd To Ront 68 glnl. Realtor, 6499882. of a 60 foot strip The Planning and Zoning $17,900. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ on the estate of Eugenie Trueman, 'Jrio-a-brac. clocks, frames apartment with garage. Two tion appointment. late of Coventry, within said dis­ ! lic Sale. Modern 3 complete MANCHESTER 7 room Colonial of land from Highland Commission wUl hold pubUc tor, 649-4635. trict, deceased. Shrimp Cocktail 31.19 10 69 adults only, no pets. Refer­ C glassware. We buy estates. VU rooms with the $t,000 look. 8 WANTED utility or small 2% baths, 2 car garage, 2 fire­ Street to rear of the Lutz hearings on January 5, 1970 at This Court doth decree that three pc. Convertible Living lage Peddler. Auotloneei 42( ences and security deposit re- CENTRAL downtown' location, apartment by January 1st. Nature Park property from HEBRON — 6%-room Ranch months be allowed and limited (or Lake Si.. Bolton. 6498247 qulred. $126. Call 649-0694. Ideal tor upholstering shop, TV places, buUt-lns, city utiUties. 7:30 p.m. In the Municipal on heavUy wooded lot, (uU the creditors of said estate to ex­ Room, 0 pc. bedroom, 6 pc. Maximum rent $100. CaU 649 ExceUent location, immediate Boise Cascade Corporation Building to hear and consider hibit their claims against the same Dinette. $10 down, you may repair and sale shop, factory 6322. basement, rear porch, many to the administratrix, and directs WANTED - Antique lurnlu.rf »0 WEST Middle Tpke outlet, discount store, etc. 8,- occupancy. Clmrles Lesper- for the sum of $500.00. the foUowlng petitiims: extras included In the sale that public notice be given of thla ^ ORAIORAOE A—WHOLI RiRRY er JIU IID purchase any room Indi­ room duplex. Heat, hot water, A copy of the proposed Ordi­ DAVID & ANN BARTLETT— order by advertising In a news­ vidually. Immediate deliv­ glass pewter. o*l painting.s to 6(X) square feet. Two levels. ——r------=r------ance, 6497620. price. Fine residential area. paper having a circulation In said other antl^iir Item. Any electric stove, refrigerator, ga­ Will renovate. Parking at the Businou Proporty ------nance may be seen In the ZONE CHANGE- T.J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- district, and by posting a copy there­ ery or free storage. rage. Available Immediately. Pm- 7 0 MANCHESTER, 8 bedroom Co- Town Clerk’s office during MAIN STREET of on the public sign poet In said CAP A OCP Charge Plans iu;ir'tlty. The Harrlron's. B4r door. Keith Real Estate, 649 1677. Town of Coventry, nearest the place ^ i A«P Cranberry Sauce 4709. 195 Oakland Street Call 649-2866 before 6 p.m. , 1922 or 646-4126. lonial, formal dining room, business hours, ITEM 1 To change the zoning where the deceased last dwelL Also, our own Instant Credit BUSINESS zone —Stone build­ kitchen with walnut stain cabi- Dated at Manchester, Con- from Residence A to Resi­ Certified from Record PILLSIURY RIPRIGRRATID Plan ______FIVE-POOM suite of (ront Main ing consisting of tour unit nets, water and sewers, as- nectlcut, this 16th day of De- dence C for the rear land at DAVID C. RAPPE, Judge. DISCOUNT FURNITURE Wirhout Board 59 JAN. 1ST. St. offices, 1(X) per cent Ipea- apartments. Three house traU- Burnable FHA mortgage, own- cember 1969. 116 Main Street. The front tion near banks, alr-condltion- er parking lots. EbcceUent In­ er transferred. Immediate oc­ James F. Farr, WAREHOUSE MOTEL rooms, weekly rates — portion of said lot Is zoned Buttermilk Biscuits NOW 2 BIO LOCATIONS ed, automatic (Ire sprinkler. come. Phllbrlck Agency, Real­ cupancy, $36,900. Owner, 643. Secretary Residence C to a depth of ap­ Tailored Braided tSS ARP IRAND maid service, restaurant ad­ OCCUPANCY Apply Marlow's, 867 Main St. tors, 646-4200 9261. Board of Directors 3660 Main St. Hartford jacent. CaU 648-1667. proximately 120 feet. Manchester, Conn. JARVIS ENTERPRISES, INC.— 622-7249 41,4 room Town House apiJ^t- STORE near 100 per MANCHESTER —Center—Pos- MANCHESTER — Handyman’s (former Fuller Brush bldg.) THE THOMPSON House—Cot- ment, 2 baths, alr-condt- cent Main Street location. Ap­ slble office and residence com­ delight!! $12,900. Six rooms, ZONE CHANGE— Sharp Cheddar Cheese 176 Pine St. Manchester tage St. centrally located, t on ing, stove, refrigerator, ply Marlow’s. 867 Main Street. bination. Six-room Colonial, 3- basement, two stories, 88x236’ McKEE STREET & 646-2832 large pleasantly furnished lot. Warren E. Howland, Real­ WEST CENTER STREET (former Norman’s Furn.) disposal, patio with sliding car garage. Bus line. $24,900. NOTICE rooms, parking. Call 649-3368 glass doors. Beautiful, beau­ Hayes Agency, 646-0181. tors, 643-1108. ITEM 2 To change the zoning Warehouse (or overnight and permanent tiful, beautiful. Coll FOR RENT PUBLIC HEARING from Residence A to Business at comer of Pine & Forest Sts. guest rates. REST HOME—This is the first REDUCED — Owner Jranafer- SALE OF REAL ESTATE n for a parcel at the north­ Mon.-Fri. 9-9. Sat. 9-6 Prime, front office room, tlme this well established busi­ red, Colonial brick Cape, 4 .BOARD OF DIRECTORS east corner of McKee Street ------ROOM (or rent, gentleman only, carpeted, , heat, alr-condl- ness has been offered for sale. bedrooms, 2 baths, porch, 2- TOWN OF MANCHESTER, and West Center Street Inter­ SEWING machines — brand central location, free parking, 649-6651 649-2179 tionlng Included. Lease re­ Always 100 per cent full with car garage. P rln clp ^ only. CXJNNEtmCHT section with frontages of ap­ new 1969 aulomnllc zig-zag, un- references required. 643-2693, quired. Stop In or call. back log of applicants. Present 643-8446. f PROPOSED ORDINANCE proximately 254 feet on Mc­ claimed layaway. (Makes but- 6498160. Notice is hereby given that MU3f A -m z n MANCHESTER — New five- Kee Street and 149 feet on MILD A MILLOW tonholcs, monograms, hems, ------nancing to a responsible party. CHMT.R btlV. CP.. the Board of Directors, Town of West Cehter Street. A B F O range Juice 5 JANi PARKER Sw eet G reen Peas 4 etc. Full price now $49.60, easy NICE bedroom for gentlemon, room apartment In two-fam- JOHN H. LAPPEN INC. new k itten , r ^ t, patot, Itte Mj^chester, CtonnecUcut, wUl Family Sue 9 " Holidoy Piet w tu n terms. Call 622-0931. A-1 Sew- Koot* references, private home, For. further details call the ALEXANDER JARVIS— minwi m 186*18 lly home. Three bedrooms. 1 5 4 g Center St. 649-5261 PhUbrick Agency, Realtors. new condlUi^ fenced hold a PubUc Hearing In the ZONE CHANGE— EIGHT O'CLOCK Ing Center, 24 Park St.. Hart- ne:>r center, 21 Churt:h Available Immediately. Range, garage, $32,900. Hayes Agency jjgj^.jjvg Room at the Municipal Tem oto Juice ford. St. 6494966. disposal, carpeting throughout. ______6494300. CEINTER STREET A I O n e P ie rillin g A ppleorM in ceiri^ 3 ***'^^**’ ______^ BuUding, 41 Center Street. ADAMS STREET r> xo-r.H MJtia 6 M)a*6n -a6*t6 * Garage. $190 monthly plus n b WLY remodeled office, part- MANCHESTER — 20,000 square MANCHESTER — Just Ustod, Manchester, Connecticut, Tues- xi-shl 3 To change, the zoning utilities. Paul W. Dougan, ly furnished on Main St., heat foot masonry Industrial build­ Pumpkin 7 II 1 $/ COFFEE A G P Straw berries v— ’.h 45* Realtor, 6494636. 6H room Ranrii. Deep treed daj^, January 6, 1970, at 8:00 from Residence AA'to Reel' A B P Sw eet Petotees Included. $90. CaU 043-9678. ing, 1^ acres, central location, lot.. Central location. FtiU p.m. to consider and act on the dence A for a parcel at the M6 TIM MUM all utilities. Many possibUities, M m me. |FOUR ROOMS, one-bedroom. WAREHOUSE or storage space, basement, aluminum storms following: northwest corner of O nter Your D inner N opkint 2 FUEL OIL DRIVER Heat, hot water, centrally lo­ Including commercial use. Salte d M ix e d N uts. can 'also be used as workshop. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. and screens. Only $18,600. Act The sale from the Town of Street and Adams Street In­ Choice ;; 69‘ cated. Adults only. 643.3171 CaU 643-9678. today. Keith Agency, 6494126, Manchester to The Army * tersection with frontages of lExpelienced driver, familiar with the Manchester-1 days. $4^.1982. Navy Club, Incorporated, or approximately 180 feet on [Rockviilo area wanted for full-time employment. | OFFICE suite tor rent. Ebccel- InvUm ut Fropfty ______t£ ^ Mrtaln piece or parcel of O nter Strert aitd 186 feet on I MANCHESTER — Northwood lent Center St. location. Suit­ For SateM b 76~A ------land located on the westerly Adams Street. Apply in person only Apartments. AvaUable Imme­ able tor doctor, attorney, real uauoB ruMiT >*•*" Street. In the Town ALEXANDER JARVIS— i U VMMTIO diately, one and two-bedroom esUte office. Ground floor. All PEARL ST.—We are ottering NOTICE OF AFPUCAnON__of Manchester, bounded and de- ZONE CHANGE- BANTLY OIL CO.. Inc. split level apartments, central uUllUes, parking. CaU 6491680. for Immediate sale a 14-room Thls la to five notice that I. AUX) fnllown- WEST (TENTER STREET J e l l -0 G e l o t i n 4 » * » • 43‘ H e at’N Serve B e lls 1 2 , ; 35* air-cohdltlontng, IH baths, car­ or 6493649. Duplex dwelling, currently be- NORTHERLY by (Interior land) UM MMU 881 Main St., Manchester port, private basement, balco­ Ing operated aa rooming bouae______tion____ dated______Mi December, . IM with one Hundrod Fifty- with annual ___ __ r a n ta l tW 'he Uquor Cbntrol Oammlial^ for ITEM 4 To change the aoning ny and other luxury features. wiui annual gross rental os ^ packase store permit for the sale Six (166) Feet; from Residence B to Business SULTANA BRAND ABP«^Tepping ^ 49* Staffin g B re od „ r 39* J.D. Real Elatate Associates kfODERN STORE, 20’xTO’ 640 nearly $7,0(W. You could oc- of alcoholic Uquor oo the premises EUISTERLT By Main Street, MM M6 6 U Inc., 64S-6139. Haln St. Call 623-8114. n for a parcel of 33,600 WONDERFOIL cupy half of the house and stUl Street, One Hundred Forty square feet as shown on a enjoy a groas rental of $$,6m. The buslaew wUI be omed hr MEAT DINNERS Pandee Coke 99* FOUR — ROOM apartment sec­ (140) Feet: plan entlUed "Property of Ann Page Tkin M ints X 59* Aluminum Wrap Howot For Root 65 IE(B courseMuiwa metha roomingmnmlnw luuiaaBOUM ABIUO Bolton, R. SANTOS, OmnecUcut. of Ttnker and PoodDen- SOUTHERLY by other land ond floor, with heat, adults, no Alexander Jarvis West Cen­ QUICK FROZCN ARP’f OWN HIAVT DUTY use could be eliminated and nU a. Keefe. Church JB net. of the Town of Manchester, ter Street—Manchester Conn. pets, call after 8:30, 6499004. ATTRA<3TIVE E7ve-room Cape 4hla Irfaallv innaiwl hnn.. Htbroo. COnnectte^ J* ^ DLL VARIfTlES ARE YOU THE MAN? S Cod. with electric range, froat- «us laeauy located borne conducted by AL.DO PSSCB of He- One Hundred Fifty-Six (186) Scale 1 Inch equals 100 tfeet MANCHESTBR — 6 rooms, sec­ free refrigerator, washer, alr- WOUk) p ro v id e fine living facU-' bran Road. Bolton. Connecticut, ne Feet: Nov. 36. 1969 Griswold Engi­ To Join our fast growing restaurant maaagenMiit team. ^ ond floor, stove and refriger­ condltloner, big lot and garage. lUea for 8 famUles. Robert J. pen»m«e- ^ pjggcB ^^^jaTERLY by a drive­ neering Inc.” This land con­ We wUl teach you aU about thla exclnng "people" G ator, Adults only, no pets, se­ References and security, $235 Smith Inc. 96$ Main S t 649 DaM December IMt. 1966 way and other land of the stitutes rear lands of a parcel btislneas, Good salary while leomlag. ^ 8341. curity deposit. 643-7796. monthly. CaU 876-6486. TPwn of Manchester, One having approxlmatety 337 feet This easy-wear dress Use a machine-washable; 13 1.00 One Hundred F«»ty (140) sports an attractively THREE ROOMS, heat. hot frontage on the south side of yarn to braid this bright TOP COMPANY BENEFITS J FggI* West O nter Street, 160 feet rounded eojdar and a rujc in thret* of your fe- water, stove, refrigerator, O^ot of Toira softly tied sash. No. 13il vorite color* to add in­ OPPORTUNITY FOB ADVANCEMENT J Adults. Center St. near Main FULL-TIME MOLD MAKER for the sum of One ($1.00) DOL- west of Cooper Street and 130 with PHOTO-GUIDE is lu 1 >R and other good aa^ valu­ feet eest of Bremen Road. terest to the room. No. St.. 649-4743. For Root 66 DEPARTMENT 1st dRBB aaoli BssksT. New Sizes 12-18. bust .■>432 has full directions. bsamdists opaoli^ able consideration. Copies of these petitkxu have 34-40. Sizes 12. 34 bust kitervlewB held doUy at ttie store, 601 Middle Tplce., BDGBRTON Gardens — Near ROCKVILLE’S finert — Rock MANAGER A copy of the proposed Otdl- xbwn Oerk’s UM W MfM* WwepM. Rood baawftta,' . . . 2H yards of 45-inch. West, Bfonohester, between the hours of 911 a.niM V hospital. Deluxe one-bedroom land Terrace Apartments, ARM nance may be seen In the TV/*in office and may be Inspected X-A p.m., 7-9 p.m. a Highland Ave. IH Urge rooms FO R T O Y S w sfis g ro w tk palm apartments. Wall to wall car­ 1 Maf Clerk’t office during buetoees during normal office boors. <■ - Hm ■aniin weereimw peting, appliances and uUUtlea with plenty of doset space, N . ExpartaKo* NwaM uy hours. Dated this 22nd day of De- etc.. $1698160. J.D. Real Ea- heat, hot water, refrigerator, M m x Dated at Manchester, Coo- cember 1969. tate Associates, 64S-6139. range, hood, dlspooal. dlsh- Wa Win TniK nectlcut. this I6lb day of De- Znning Oaminlaelan BURGER CASTLE wasiier, waU to waU carpeting. K N u m o a Sw J 504 today for the cember 1966. piannlag and sa .w jsr-’a.” new ’69 Fall an^ Winter NOW Renting — Three and five Private terrace and swrtmmlng V ets at CiMMWI Jemes F. Farr, gf. Adlor Dobktn, Have yon a eopy of Urn SYSTEMS. biCe room large luxurtoua apart­ pool. Immediate occupancy. ■sm lO aep. ■69 Fall A Winter Basic ALBUM! W .T . GRANT Secretary ___ ntmtmmtt MM PMCt amin . . . mrm ments with h'ltt. etc. Charles Only $166 monthly 876-3776, Bbrnehenhea FmtknAn ■ a c ^ a a t. ^ Board of Directors Oaranoa W. WMtt. FASHION? Only 504 • Lesperance. 6497630. 8797466. TVwn of MancheOer Secretary copy. — IM * V ■ . V

PAGE THIRTY-TWO MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1969 f - ^ ^ iUanrl|EBt?r !|(raUi -Avetace M br Nbt PrM Run The Weather. ’Ihe Salvation Army Brass * ' DaeMBker t i, UM Snow beginning late in even­ A bout Tow n Ensemble will present a pro­ Retired Group ing continuing into tomorrow gram at a meeting of the Ki- wMh lows in 20e. Wedneeday wanls Club o f Manchester to- Has Yule Party Herald Cookbook Delayed 15,880 dianoe o t flurries. High In tqsper John R. Torzsa, son of Mr. DISCOUNT SOs. ajtd Mrs. George Torzsa of 19 m o ^ w noon at the Manches­ MUSIC-MAKING Connecticut Northeast Chap­ The Herald's traditional Christinas present to its Nmmekmtier— 4 City o f ViBmte Chmnm Ehrie 9t., has earned Cum Laude ter Country Club. Members may ter of the Amercan Aseociotion subscribeiis, the cookbook— “ From Your Neigrhbor’s honors lor the first quarter at bring their children to this pro­ VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 71 of Retired Persons held its first Kitchen''-^will be delivered a little late this year. PRICES! (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1969 AdwrUkMg «■ Wiga U ) Laurelcrest Preparatory School gram. PRICE TEN CENTS Christmas party Friday at - A, in Brlsbcd. He was outstanding GIFTS South United Methodist Church. Difficulties in printing: and binding: have delayed this year as a running back E .Z o f the sities." An economics major, he cently completed a motor United States, has rejected U.S. handiwork of 1969, the giant tax is a dean’s list student and a vehicle operator’s course at Junior warden; William R. international picture vdiich he CHRISTMAS STARTS at found Improved despite some proposals for a Middle Bast cut and reform bill, already la member of the track and foot­ Motor ’Transport School, Camp Hewitt, treasurer; Malcolm Ro­ disappointments. peace agreement, calling them on Its w ay to the UM te House Senator Raps ball teams. Lejeune, N.C. bertson, secretaiy; Malcolm and a top Senate Repubtloan " I think on the whole the "iq^ieasement of the Arabs" President can be proud of his vdiich "seriously prejudice pros­ said there la no doubt Preoldwit MANCHESTER’S pects for peaee.” Nixon wtU sign it Into law. A Atombtrol leaderridp in the foreign affairs Late Oosing 3 field," Rogen said. . On the battlefield, IsraeU At the White Houoe, prees eec- Most Complete But one Important area where commandos struck into Egypt rotary Ronald U Uegler aald admittedly little progress has aggin Monday night to mortar flatly today what had become elei;tiiii!!ii: .iiieue lllfCAN an Egyptian naval base on the Of Loophole fNBUSTRIIi been made is In efforts to settle apparent—that PreatdwU Nixon Red Sea coast, the IsraeU com­ will not call Oongreos Into a ope- INC. TV CENTER die Amh-Israeli dlqiute — end WASHINGTON (AP) — In n Waahlngton’a new pn^Kssals mand said. It was the second olal post-Chrtotmaa issoton. raid on an Egyptian mUltary in­ closing blast at the tax raform aim ed at finding a peaceful so- Seeking to speed action, the bUI. Sen. John J. WlUlanw soya stallation in five dajrs. luUon have been rebuffed by Preoldant had said he would call Oongreos has moved too sloarty Relations between Israel and both eldee. Montagnard irregulars search through the smol­ in the background skidded o ff the Nha Trang run­ Congreas back on Dec. 28 unleos In closing a loophola available the United States, home of the The IsraeU cabinet Monday is­ dering ruins of slum homes and a schoolhouse way and burst into flames. (A P Photofax) all appropriation bUla were to prominent public mclals, no­ magiiiriccnt |\/|d ^ S Jewish nation's chief finsnclal sued a statement which reflected which were set ablaze when the A ir Vietnam DC-6 passed before adjournment. tably former preatdento. backers, were at their lowest deteriorating U.S.-Israeli rela- Basing the preoaure, Nixon The Delaware Republican, point in years. tioas because of the U.S. effort. accepted an Invitation to lunch ranking GOP member of tbe A communique issued after a The Israelis denounced the with Democratic and Republi­ Senate Finance Committee, special sessioa Monday of Pre­ American pn^xisals as “ap­ can leaders of Congreas In the complained Monday about the mier Golda Melr’s Cabinet said peasement of the orbs" which dining room of House Speaker provlalon In the tax raform bill the American proposals for All To Be Quiet on Viet Battlefield GIFTS r "seriously prejudice prospects John W. McCormack. D-Mosa. ending the right to deduct dona­ oe between Israel and Jor- for peace." Traditionally, the leadera tola- tion of private papers as a char- and between Israel and In reply, Rogen said the C SAIGON (AP) — Battlefield mile of the border and about 70 two more American helicopters The battle for the border out­ phone the Preoldent prior to act­ Itoble contrlbutton. Iasiinu pleasure! Egypt contain nothing obliging action In Vietnam remained at a miles northwest of Saigon. COLOR TV American proposeis were fair, Monday. A gunship waa downed posts at Duo Lap and Bu Prang ing on a sine die adjournment " I underatand there’a about the Arabs to end hostiUties and eompfehenslve end consistent low level but U.S. BB2 bombers along the Cambodian border 87 Is over, and U.S. mUltary kna- reeolutlon. Ziegler eald Nixon 620 mlllkMi Involved," he aald. would encourage Arab hostility. The strikes were concentrated with the resohiUon the U.N. Se­ made heavy ralde along the miles northeast of Saigon while lysis see It as a qualified vlatory was receiving the mesaage per- When WlUiama called atten­ The statement said Israel In the "Fish Hook" region, a curity OouncU voted after the Cambodian border today as the on a reconnaissance mlaeion for South Vietnamese foroee. ' aonally rather than by tele­ tion to the toophole eartter this "views with concern the dis­ major North Vietnamese stag­ five-day Jtme 1967 war, calling start of the annual Christmas They have reservations about phone. year there was Immedlato spec­ quieting Initiatives of the United ing area and Mfiltratlon oorri- near the Bu Dop Special Forces for a solution to the i»oblem . truce neared. the victory, not because of poor The tax bill ewept through the States at the four power talks’’ dor where the common border camp, and two crewmen were ulation he wanted to prsvsnl A three-day Viet Cong cease­ pertormancs by the government Senate Monday, 71-6, after Appeasement Is “ an unfortu­ on the Middle East which the of T ay Ninh and Binh Long killed. The second heUooptsr former Preotdent Lyndon B. fire was scheduled to begin troops, but because the 10,000 clearing the Houee MI-2. Ulti­ Johnson from taking advantage nate word,’’- Rogers continued, United States, the Soviet Union, provinces touches Cambodia. went down 20 miles aoutiiwast of first, at 1 a.m. Wednesday, North VIetmuneee soldiers com­ mately, It will provide 16.1 bil­ of It. PERFECT PLAYMATE FOR YOUR that the Arabs ore enemies of Britain and France have been Assessing the situation from Shlgon, wounding four Amari- which Is noon BIST Tuesday. For mitted to the action never lion tn tax cuts, offset by 16.6 A t Wllhama’ urging the Sen- Superb Console - the United States and somehow holding In New York and Wash­ Saigon north to the border, an cana. , the allies, the South Vietnamese launched a m ajor thrust. Thus billion In revenue to be ralsod STEREO SYSTEM — SO N Y’S 252-D we are ai^ieasing them," he ington. The Cabinet said Israel official source said: "The low afe aat the oloetng data for fasS government proclaimed only a The U.S. Command said there by the reform provWons. Jan. I. The House made It Dec. said. ‘”Ihat Isn’t true." wUl not be the victim of power level of enemy activity suggests the anticipated test of South 21-hour truce period begtainlng were 17 enemy rocket and mor­ But a leaser measure, a nor­ TAPE DECK RECORDER. The U.S^ position, R o g e n poUtlca and wiU reject any at­ that most of the enemy xinlts Vletiiameae units never really 29 this year, but the Senate- with Automatic Fine Tuning.. at 6 p.m. Christmas Eve, or 6 tar attacka between 8 a-m. Mon­ mally routine 6278 mUlkm ap­ said, is that It hopes the Mideast tempt to impose a settlement on have completed the December developed. Houee conference committee a.m. BST. day and 8 a.m. today. Three of propriation bill for an asoort- changed It to next July IB. rivals can ,begin negotiating a It. atlon period and are returning However, Ool. Vo Van Canh the attacks caused casualties or ment of federal aganclae, pro­ Whan Johnson left offloa lost settlement under the U.N, reso­ Mrs. Meir, in an interview U.S. sources said they antici­ to a refitting phase In prepara­ aald tbera Is no qussUon In his always brings you perfectly- damage. Including one Ameri­ duced a olvU righto eontrovarsy Jan. 10, he trucked mllUana of lution. As a Security Council with the Mew York Times after pate "Isolated Incidenta" during tion for the next action period." mind that his men whipped the can klUed and three wounded. which kept the SensAe arorldiig member, the UnHed States bas the cabinet session, said the the cease-fire. Another source said that pris­ enemy. Canh, commander of private papers to Taaaa and late Monday amid maneuver a right to put forward suggea- U.S. government was asking Is­ "However," said one oource, oners captured in the area UU South Vietnamese headquar­ the iSrd Infantry Division and said they were for the Universi­ tuned pictures... instantly oitd controveray. tkma on getting the parties to­ "we feel that most of the enemy their Interrogators that there Is ters said five civilians were In over-all command during the ty of Texas. E rael "to start all over again, as At Issue was oongreaalonal gether to work out a solution, he though it were 1948.” She also units wiU probably Intensify a widespread shortage of equip­ killed and 18 wounded In a rock­ six-week batUe, claimed his Juot how cloalng the luophols clearance of the admlnlstra- oald. said IsraeU Foreign Minister their resupply efforts during the ment and personnel and that al­ et attack on a populated area troope kUled eight North Viet­ would affect Johnson was not- and automatically! Uon’a PMIadelfBila plan de- The U.S. proposals for a long Abba Ebon was not UUd of the week under the rtlaUve safety lied operations are causing seri­ near the Due Lap Special namese aoldlerB for every man cisar because It Is not known signed to promote employment IsraeU-Jordanian proposal dur­ of the allied standdown.” ous problems. FVirces camp, 136 miles north­ they loet. when or even If he actually of Negroea on fedarally-flnonoad turned over his papers to the ing his visit to Washington last In the biggest action reporied. Enemy gunners brought down east of Saigon. He said at least 1,800 enemy oonstructlcxi projects. university. week although be conferred South Vietnamese headquarters solders arene killed, compared VISIT ANY A Seturte amendment tacked Although the July 28 date with Secretary of State WUUam to m government troops. Twen­ Most Manchester Stores said 1,000 government troops, on to the catch-all appropriation P. Rogers only 30 hours before ty two Americans also lost their would not prevent him from eome of them riding In armored bill would have barred continua­ OF OUR 3 open until 9 o’clock the idan was submitted to the personnel carriers, clashed with Viet Plane Death Toll at 50 Kvae. Moot were artUlerymen tion of that program ; Nixon (See Page BigM) t o n i^ i for Big Four in New York. enemy troops along the Cambo­ firing in support of the South C |S0 LOCATIONS Qiristmas shopping. " I don’t think It’s Washlng- dian border In the Mekong DeHa SAIGON (AP) —The official children and eight crew mem­ Vietnameaa, but three ware ad- 109 miles west of Saigon. death tMI In Monday’s crash of bers, a total of 79—wsre aboard visera to government units. (See Page Nine) BURR SHOPPING A spokesman said the govern­ a Sputti Vietnamese airliner at the D06B when It Slammed Into A m ajor factor In the battle t O O Q S O <="< ment force killed 68 of the ene­ Nha Trang rose to BO today. An­ a row of slum houses and a kin- waa heavy fire support from B Optional my. He said government casual­ other 88 persona were Injured, dergarten aftsr its brakes failed U.S. artillery,, armed haUoop- ^Cold W aP Has ISetc Look PUZA ties were three men killed and 16 of them cMldren. during an emergency landing. tara, fighter-bombers and BBls. Ntil to CeMor*i is men wounded. The figures were not final and A Burvtvliv crew member This support proliably broke S O N Y U.S. forces reported killing 29 several persons were not ac­ spld the plane carried 68 pas­ North Vietnamese efforie to As Issues Link East-West MANCHESTER Two Slain in Texas enemy In three fights Monday. counted for. A government sengers and seven crew mem­ organise e major attack against ern conflict, and that event Is You never heard it so good. Eight Americans were wound­ spokesman said It was not bers, eight persons less than the either Due Lap or Bu Prang- If The slobal political strusfle I* 647-9968 ed. known yet how many of the government apokesman report­ that was Uielr tnUnt. as allied seeumlng a new look for the likely to color much of erhnt Some SB BS2s made heavy happofis in the next decade. Prior to Kidnaping dead and Injured were aboard ed. It appeared possible tbe gov- IrXelllgence officers say. •70s. 110 ConnoolicHt BWdi raids during the night on Norih the plane and how many were Of the 1,600 enemy reported The dootrine cm sovereignty ernment’a total was based on Once the cold war was a rela­ lAM HARIFORD SHERMAN, Tex.(AP) — A and the young couple with the Vietnamese base camps along on the ground In the area of the the menlfest rather than the ac­ slain. Canh says BOO ware killed served notice on the West font tively simple affair: Bast was poUoe officer and a filling sta­ child were forced into the Rob­ the Cambodian border. The big crash. tual number aboard. by Ms ground troops and the re Kostern Burope Is Mooooar's 289.8238 bombers dropped more than A government spokesman Kael and Wsst was West, each 50 Cart tion attendant were shot to inson cor. The men ordered the private backyard and that the death today and rixirtiy tiere- 1,0(X) tons of explosives within a said 66 adult passengers—four (Bm Page Nlae) (See Page Bight) with Its own set of goals. system Moscow Inotallsd Ihsra SONY 540 101 Park ku. '^Optional Robinsons to let them out of th3 Now soma of the disputants sfter a ootqile Uvlng neaiiliy Was car after they arrived In south­ Is Invtolata. ImpilciUy, tbs aUmr ILOOMFIHD kldniqied to Dallas with their vakMS are changing Hostility side of ths coin Is that Wsotorn Music Lover's Dreom east Dallas, 7B mUes south of rsmains, but the two sides have 243-1793 baby, police said. Sherman. Burope to In tha Atlantic spbara Police bsoodcagt a lookout for common goals as well. of the United Itotoe and must The Robinsons and the shoot­ $ ' 190 two men in oonnecUon with both Tlia major dongsra are ob­ be equally free from vioUMon, ing victims are white. EXCLUSIVE tatcidents. vious: Vietnam, Asia, China- and Moscow has been so re­ QUADRAOIAL M r. and Mrs. Joseph Robtai- And in Lake Charles, La., RuaeU, the Middle Boat. Bu- minded a tavern operator and his rope and Germany, and so on. Complete with soB told Dallas police that they ■oriel pokey entora on the SPEAKER SYSTEM wife were ehot and killed by But In the long run there are far Mobile Cart and their 2-year-old son. Brad­ "security" arrangement thema, shotgun blasts in their home bigger problems How to end FOR A SOLID ley, were awakened at 6:80 a.m. flret tor Burope and Ihen. par- at their Sherman residence by here early today and a son who (ha nuclear arms race, how to .1 haps, for Asia. Thors Is % WALL OF STEREO two men who forced the famUy was home on leave from the avert a ratasirophic world can- S4S 8” A. Convenient Swivel Console model 6810— lets you enjoy Army slugged the assailant be­ wiggeatinn In this that both flirt, how to deal with papula­ SOUND to drive them to Dallas. Sides must learn to ihra edth The men oedered the ear fore he got away. tion explosion, competition for huge 295 sq. in. brilliant-color pictures from any angle! It current reaUUaa wtth regmrd lo stopped at a street comer and PoUce were bolding two men living spare, rompetltlon for pr sssM divtsiona of tha world. has Chromatone, Quick-On, Color Purifier, Keyed A G C and, fled. — one of them booked with sus- tVade and raw ma(^r1sJa, world­ Anf so |snmsfoing lika a now Why pay more for less? Dallas Pfcolor pictures service station on normally toms. This Inaptreo hops that Pricod For Only found nearby In tbe living room Ini (he aray of solving problems viewing— whh a magnificent Magnavox I busy UJB. a about B a-m. to find the race might ba acaJad down with Color Purifier and Keyed A G C . of their two-story, frame home wWch can mean Hfe o r’ death. his sergeant, Don Arnold, 42, on or evan sndod la tha l6TOo, but near dosmtosm Lake Charles. Burope has been, and still Is the floor, shot six times. the obstacloa ara birmlibibla y The ooupie’a three other cMI- basically st the core of ths eold Iso The officer found the attend­ dren — Elaine, 18; Cheryl, 16. The aovtot press lariMa that arar, and what happans there W ant, Rock caiambers, B4, bound and Rhonda. 9 — were asleep In tha ' Unitad diatoa "mistt ast likely to have a decisive effect. SIMUUTED TV RECEPTION in a iwst room and shot five their rooms when an ssesllsnt strive for miliary superiority" Deoptto the ominous look at Ihs times. Chambers was a former broke Into tbe bouse ahortiy aft­ In any lalka. R Is iqtislly laalfo Middle Bast, ths conUjailng arar er 2 a.m. teat upon the ’’rsahtlea" im- deputy sheriff and Arnold fre- In Vietnam and (he poeetbthty at Randall Pomler, who re­ poaed on Burope at foe eud of I quenUy went to the service ris- othe^ conflict In Asia, a m ajor BEHIND THE GOUNTER OR BEHIND THE TUBE, NORMAITS HAS THE EXPERTS! world War n. ' SONY tion la the quiet morning hours turned home Thufoday from Ft. riiaro of fiovlat attentkm Is rtv- Gordon. Oa. for the Christmas For Moscow, those reahttaa to chat with his friend. etod upon foe Piiropean eouti- AMEf^lCA'S FIRST CHOICE IN TAPE RECORDERS BUY NOW FOR OHRISTMAS DELIVERY - FAYMENTS TAILORED TO MEET YOUR BUMET! holiday, said about IS mlnutca Include the Soriet dnmtnaMiniy ^ Laudetdsie said the Rofatn- nenl. baton the shooting he eras Bast Burope and the dtriaton of soM told this story: One of the most Important asmkened, by Ma father and an­ Burope by tbs postwar bordoia. RoUnaoD s supermarket events at (he 1960a was tha 1666 other, man srbo srere talking Today. West Germany to devel­ I A bottler, WSJ awakened by a ■ovtet tnvaslosi of Ciarhoalova- dosmitalri. He said he looked oping a piood at resignation to knock at the door and opened It Ida and ths i cohcomlUM Mos­ Service is outside and saw a parked car tboiw reahttos, aRhebgk titoy wide, u»itiirti»g it was k huntinc cow declaration of a doetrin# of sritii a aecood man. A M m t time mean no hope of rsunification or eompankw Umttod oovereignty. R dotnou- later, the car left wtth two men of ending foe dhflrioa of Bsrifo. our One of the men grabbed a o(ratod,thal Europe Is at tha taside. young Pomler said. Cast G erm i^ to aa Importasd wrist sad placed a p i ^ to his Oily Bird center of lo v ie t ealeufastlaiif. OpM Evtry Evening to 9 P.M. A man was knockin' or kick­ ^ , lo the Sovtot pattern for tha fit- A Western Grebe, almost completely covered with to see. Many birds were fateliy soeked by oil slick, The oufloeatton at the C9ach» INC. Best Product bead, saying. "YooTe 'going to ing on the door and ssoke me lure as to Want Oanhapty to the driye me to Dallas.” oil from contaminated waters at (^tfom ia lieach, (See Story Page II.) (AP Photofex) ilovak liberal m ovem eA erenf 445 HARTTOMD ID. DAILY TILL 9 — SATUBOAY TMJ. Mrs. Robinson was asrakcaed (See