Environmental and Social Monitoring Report

Semi-annual Report April 2019

48484-002 : Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project

Prepared by the Ministry of Communications and Transport – Project Management Unit for the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development and the Asian Development Bank.

i Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018


1 INTRODUCTION ...... 4 1.1 Description of the Project ...... 4 2 ACTIVITIES IN THE PERIOD AND MONITORING RESULTS...... 5 2.1 Main Activities and Achievements ...... 5 2.2 Stakeholder Engagement ...... 6 2.3 Gender Action Plans ...... 6 2.3.1 Project GAP 6 2.3.2 Construction Contractor GAP 9 2.4 Implementation of Environmental Safeguards ...... 10 2.4.1 Contractor Construction Activity 10 2.4.2 HIV/AIDS Plan & Training 13 2.4.3 Environmental Management Supervision 14 2.4.4 Environmental Reporting 15 2.4.5 Grievance Redress Mechanism 15 2.5 Implementation of Social Safeguards ...... 16 2.5.1 Safeguards Specialist 16 2.5.2 Compensation 16

ii Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018


ADB Asian Develo pment Bank CEMP Construction Environmental Management Plan CCECC China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation CCP Consultation and Communications Plan (for the project) CSS Country Safeguard System DOE Department of Environment EIA Environmental Impact Assessment GOT Government of Tuvalu GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency virus / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome MCT Ministry of Communications and Transport PMU Project Management Unit (in MCT) PSMPC Project Support and Master Planning Consultant SPS Safeguards Policy Statement 2009 (of ADB)

This environmental and social report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.

iii Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018


1.1 Description of the Project

Background . The Government of Tuvalu (GOT) has agreed with Asian Development Bank (ADB) for assistance in improving its outer Island maritime facilities. The proposed Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project will: (i) rehabilitate and improve maritime infrastructure in selected outer islands of Tuvalu, some of which were damaged by tropical in March 2015; and (ii) improve safety, efficiency, and sustainability of maritime transportation between , the capital, and outer islands. The project will help Tuvalu overcome connectivity problems that constrain its economic and social development. The challenge results from Tuvalu’s dispersed geography: (i) a small country (land area of 26 km2) comprising nine islands, stretching over 680km; (ii) small and dispersed population – 10,800 as of 2012, with less than 1,600 people on each of the outer islands; and (iii) decreasing outer island population. As agreed in the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the GOT (15 May 2016) the overall project is structured as follows:

 Construction of the facilities, and minor rehabilitation (ramps) at Nanumaga and as works to be completed by the end of 2018;

 Feasibility study to relocate the harbor site at Nanumaga and Niutao with construction commencing once funding is sourced; and

 Preparation of a Master Plan

Project implementation . A Project Support and Master Planning Consultant (PSMPC) has been recruited to support the Ministry of Communication and Transport (MCT) Project Management Unit (PMU) deliver the project. The PSMPC project’s scope of works is aligned with the objectives and outputs and can be summarized as follows:

 Assist the government and the PMU with procurement, engineering, supervisory and managerial aspects of project implementation, including safeguards monitoring;

 Construction supervision services (as Engineer to the FIDIC contract) for the construction of a workboat harbor in Nukulaelae and the reconstruction of boat ramps at Nanumaga and Niutao;

 Institutional strengthening activities, including assessment and capacity enhancement, with a focus on sustainable maintenance and asset management responsibilities within relevant agencies in the GOT; and

 The preparation of a marine transport master plan for inter-island transport, to guide future decision-making in the transport sector.

4 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

Purpose of the report . This semi-annual safeguard monitoring report covers the period 01 July to 31 December 2018. It is prepared by the PMU and submitted to the GOT and ADB. The report is prepared in accordance with the safeguard monitoring and reporting requirements set out in the Project Administration Manual, Project Grant Agreement as well as the ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS).


2.1 Main Activities and Achievements

This report documents the Environmental and Social Safeguards activities. The institutional strengthening and the Transport Master planning works of the PSMPC are office based services and are not reported on further in this report.

The construction contract was awarded to China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) in 2017 and the sub-contractor Nawae Constructions is undertaking all the physical work related to the contract. The overall Project is being implemented over an extended period and ADB has nominated project completion by December 2019.

Throughout the first half of 2018 there was a series of construction programs issued whilst the contractor was pre casting the concrete units in Lae PNG and marshalling the plant and equipment together for the voyage to Tuvalu. The program showed delays in mobilization due to delays in shipping major equipment for the project. The program delays at that time were due to delays in shipping the major equipment for the project. The last version of the contractor’s construction program (Rev 10) was issued on 30th August 2018 and sets out a planned mobilization and landing onto Nukulaelae as the 9th – 11th October 2018 and demobilizing as the last activity on 31st March 2019.

However, delays in loading and clearing the barges resulted in the program slipping further behind time. The contractor’s landing craft and construction barge mobilized in early October 2018 later arrived into Funafuti on the 23rd and 24th October respectively. Both vessels moored in the lagoon and underwent customs and quarantine clearance and then finally arrived at Nukulaelae on 18th November. Construction work properly started on the island on 20th November 2018. The second barge (Maralina) arrived in Funafuti in December 2018.

Construction activities undertaken in the period up to 31 December 2018 included the landing/offloading, clearing and grubbing, and the commencement of dredging and excavation. Geotextile was placed to prevent erosion issues in the cleared areas of the foreshore zone. Dredging and excavation controls were established and silt curtains on both sides of the dredging zone were erected.

A major incident occurred on the 31st December 2018 during extremely strong winds and swell conditions. The construction barge Georgios was pulled off its mooring and waves pushed the vessel onto the reef. The barge was refloated early the next morning at the next high tide. The contractor has stated that there was no damage to the vessel, nor any discharges or spills of

5 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

fuels or any substances during the incident. An interim Incident Report was completed and submitted. Preliminary inspection of the reef flat apparently showed very little damage.

Cardno has been requesting an update of the contractor’s construction program (Rev 10) as it is substantially out of date. To date, the Contractor has not obliged with this update siting various reasons for not producing an updated program. The ongoing delays with the Nukulaelae construction works has significantly reduced Cardno’s and the Government of Tuvalu’s confidence in the contractor’s ability to complete the works within the contract period and maintain quality. Additionally, the delayed start will result in more difficult sea, wind and rain conditions for the construction which is likely to cause further delays to the completion of the works.

The latest construction program has demobilizing as the last stated program activity at Nukulaelae on 31st March 2019. This gives a 25 day float to arrive at a Practical Completion date coinciding with the contractual completion date of 26 April 2019. As of 31st December 2018 there is not a lot of confidence that the contractor will be able to complete the construction works by 26th April 2019.

2.2 Stakeholder Engagement

Despite delays to the schedule, the contractor has continued to stay in contact with the Kaupule and stakeholders and held meetings in addition to those originally scheduled to ensure the communities remain informed. CCECC and Nawae undertook the following stakeholder committee meetings in the reporting period

 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting No. 1 at Site November 2017

 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting No. 2 at site December 2018.

The minutes of these meetings are attached at Appendix A.

2.3 Gender Action Plans

In the following sections, Cardno reports on the status of progress against the approved project Gender Action Plan (GAP), as well as the contractor’s approved Construction GAP (CGAP). The majority of the project GAP activity is focused on construction activities but also forms a consideration in ongoing master planning works. We note that minor changes in scope of the master planning project mean that there are items in the GAP that are no longer applicable.

2.3.1 Project GAP Cardno’s approved OIMIP Gender Action Plan (GAP) continues to be carried out as part of its project management responsibility. The following table outlines current progress against the plan.

6 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

Table 1. Gender Action Plan Progress Summary Main Status Future Activities Proposed Activities and Responsibility Targets (Mandate)

Output 1 Small-scale harbor constructed in Nukulaelae; the boat ramps of Nanumaga and Niutao rehabilitated; and the capacity to operate and maintain harbors improved

 During design and  PMU and  All project community and public  Contractor reports implementation, all community the consultations to date have that: “Local and public consultations will consultant achieved or exceeded 20% employment has have a target of at least 20% (TOR) female participation, as commenced female participation. evidenced by attendance although works are sheets. concentrated on  Kaupule at each island are site preparation. aware of this expectation. One construction commences,  Attendance sheet of additional positions Kaupule/Stakeholder will become Committee meeting attached in available and the Appendices minimum 30% of women employed will be achieved.  Contractor to add a gender column on attendance sheets for clarity.  During construction, the  PMU and the  Included in contract documents  Cardno safeguards contractor is encouraged to contractor and CEMP and CGAP team to follow up hire women with a target of at  Contractor has set a target of with Contractor for least 10% women workers, if 30% of local (non-construction) data during ADB possible. These may include workforce and on track. Safeguards Mission administrative, maintenance, in March 2019 security, and supervision  Contractor to report compliance - works. currently lacking data.

 Ensure women-friendly design  PMU, the  Female-friendly facilities were  There is sufficient of facilities. For example, this consultant, proposed in original proposed space for the transit may include the transit shed and the designs but their inclusion in shed to have to have extra space for trading contractor final design was limited due to trading stalls stall or the jetty to have a (contract ADB budget constraints. The however the use of hand-rail or similar. provision) pedestrian structure jetty has a the terminal post- handrail on either side with two construction is height rails which are strictly the appropriate for females. The responsibility of the reintroduced passenger terminal Kaupule. also has separate male and female bathroom and space for trading stalls if desired.

7 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

Main Status Future Activities Proposed Activities and Responsibility Targets (Mandate)  The contractor and the  PMU, the  Included in contract documents  Mobilization consultant are required to consultant, and CEMP and CGAP Trainings organize awareness training and the  Contractor has engaged GoT completed on HIV/AIDS and gender contractor Gender Affairs and Tuvalu Red  Ongoing training for issues for all construction (contract Cross to carry out gender and new employees workers and nearby provision) HIV/AIDS training for  Ongoing monitoring community members (with at construction workers and least 20% women participation community members.  Cardno safeguards from each village). team to follow up  Cardno to monitor planning and with Contractor for implementation by contractor. data/records during  The HIV/AIDS report issued to ADB Safeguards Cardno is currently missing an Mission in March attendance sheet. 2019  Ensure equal pay for equal  PMU and  Included in contract documents  Safeguards staff work between female and the and CEMP and CGAP will monitor CEMP male workers. contractor  No data presented yet implementation and (contract reporting and report provision) back in next SMR.  Female CLO to be engaged in early January 2018.  Cardno safeguards team to follow up with Contractor for data during ADB Safeguards Mission in March 2019  At least one O&M training will  PMU and  The carrying out of O&M  Kaupule at each of be conducted for island the training for the island the three island communities including the consultant communities has been agreed communities with Kaupule officer-in-charge and (TOR) to be carried out jointly between works under at least 20% participation of the Contractor (CCECC/Nawae) construction under women representatives. and the Engineer/Consultant this contract will be (Cardno). When construction made aware of the commences, planning for this requirement for training and related participation female will be appropriately planned participation. for.  If the community is tasked to  PMU and the  Since the preparation of this N/A carry out any O&M of project community GAP, it has been determined that facilities as a result of any O&M related institutional institutional strengthening, at strengthening is outside the least 10% of O&M work would scope of Cardno’s contract. be carried out by women.  At least 1 safety awareness  PMU and  Not yet commenced.  To be scheduled on the use of the facilities the and arranged once conducted among women in consultant construction has the community prior to the (TOR) commenced and facility handover. completion date is clear.

8 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

Main Status Future Activities Proposed Activities and Responsibility Targets (Mandate)

Output 2 A master plan for the transport sector developed with view to promote fishery and tourism including studies for the future harbor development in outer islands*

 During feasibility study, all  PMU and the  All project community and public  This will continue to community and public consultant consultations on the masterplan be a target consultations will have a (TOR) to date have achieved or communicated to target of at least 20% female exceeded 20% female Kaupule throughout participation. participation, as evidenced by planning for attendance sheets (with gender consultations in column). future and  Kaupule at each island are monitored via aware of this expectation. attendance sheets attached to DDR.  The feasibility study will  The  Consideration of safety, include assessment and consultant especially elderly, pregnant designing for needs of local (TOR) women, children, and those with community particularly disabilities has been a elderly, pregnant women, consistent theme in children, and those with consultations and will be disabilities. discussed in the options report.  During master planning, all  PMU and the  All project community and public  This will continue to community and public consultant consultations on the masterplan be a target consultations will have a (TOR) to date have achieved or communicated to target of at least 20% female exceeded 20% female Kaupule throughout participation. participation, as evidenced by planning for attendance sheets (with gender consultations in column). future and  Kaupule at each island are monitored via aware of this expectation. attendance sheets attached to DDR.

* Note that fisheries and tourism have been removed from the remit of the master plan, with a focus on inter- island transport only.

2.3.2 Construction Contractor GAP The Contractor’s Construction Gender Action Plan (CGAP) was approved by the Engineer in the last reporting period. The contractor has found it difficult to recruit an individual with appropriate experience and availability for the role of Gender Specialist. CCECC approached Tuvalu Department of Gender Affairs (DGA) on 26 January 2018 to undertake the implementation of the GAP and fulfil the role originally planned to be carried out by an identified Gender Specialist. CCECC and DGA agreed to appoint DGA to hold the initial gender workshop and to carry out monthly monitoring site visits to ensure the commitments of the CGAP are met. Lanuola Keleta, the Acting Director of the Gender Affairs Department, will be the lead contact for this engagement, and will be responsible for gender awareness training and monthly monitoring based on the CGAP, and tools provided by the contractor. CCECC received confirmation from DGA accepting the role on the project on 30 January 2018. CCECC formally advised the Engineer on 31 January 2018 of DGA’s appointment. CCECC has advised that they are on track with identifying roles to meet their 30% female local

9 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

employee (non-construction) commitment, with a number of options being investigated and discussed with each of the islands’ Kaupule. The first official Gender Awareness Training was completed in November 2018, delivered by the Department of Gender Affairs, in coordination with the HIV/AIDS Training. A wide range of social issues are covered during the induction process for each new employee. This includes details of a code of conduct, cultural understanding, gender awareness and HIV/AIDS. Further details of the gender workshop and handouts are attached at Appendix A.

Table 2. Contractor’s Gender Action Plan Progress Summary Phase Activity Responsibility Due By Status

Pre- Submission and Project Manager As per contract, within Complete mobilization Approval of GAP 28 days of Commencement. Prior to Formal engagement of Project Manager February 2018 / Prior Complete Construction GAS to Mobilization Prior to Project Induction, Project Manager / CLO / Upon arrival of Completed upon Construction including A4 handout GAS Construction Barge arrival of the relating to GAP issues and Team. Construction barge Prior to any new and team. employee starting In progress: prior to work on site. any new employee starting work on site. During Weekly GAP CLO / GAS During construction Ongoing Construction Monitoring Duration of Monthly Safeguards Project Manager Monthly Safeguards been Contract Report – to include reported on in the reference to the GAP Contractor’s monthly reports, started November 2018. Duration of Quarterly Safeguards Project Manager Quarterly Not received prior to Contract Report – to include the production of this reference to the GAP report.

2.4 Implementation of Environmental Safeguards

2.4.1 Contractor Construction Activity There was no construction activity in the period July to September 2018. The first barge (Georgios) arrived in Funafuti in late October 2018 and then mobilized to the Nukulaelae site in mid-November 2018. The Landing Craft (Alexandros) and the tug travelled at the same time as the first barge. The second barge (Maralina) arrived in Funafuti in December 2018. The Contractor’s Environmental Management Plan - Rev 5 (CEMP) that complies with the requirements of the Particular Conditions of Contract Clause 4.18 and the Technical Specifications Clause 1.24.3 was submitted for final review on 13 June 2018 and was approved on 18 June 2018. October 2018 There was significant discussion in October 2018 around the preparation for environmental

10 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

controls on site and a visit was undertaken by Nawae to site on 17 and 18 October 2018, to discuss the extent and implementation of some of the key environmental controls, particularly for the dredging and excavation activities.

November 2018 Construction commenced in November with preliminary activities including the landing/offloading of plant and material, mooring and anchoring of the barge Georgios, and the site clearing

The CEMP and requirements to follow the specific environmental mitigation measures were explained in detail to the workers and management prior to the commencement of construction. However, regular ongoing reminders by way of tool box and prestart meetings continues to deliver this message as being paramount in the construction of the facility.

The clearing and grubbing work commenced at the start of the site preparation works. This resulted in over-clearing of vegetation along the foreshore zone which was to be retained until the sea wall was constructed. This work was in breach of the CEMP. Similarly, the requirement to establish and clearly mark equipment entry points through the foreshore zone was not carried out as required by the CEMP. This was due in a large part by the contractor not understanding or being familiar enough with the environmental conditions under which this project was to be constructed. The matter was deemed a noncompliance to the CEMP and was recorded in the Weekly Safeguards Reports. A Non Conformance Report (NCR) was completed and registered.

Three formal Instructions to Contractors (ITC), Nos ITC1, ITC2 and ITC3 were received in relation to this Non Conformance. The geofabric has proved effective with a build up of broken coral onto the material from recent wave action. It is stable and is an effective barrier to the wave action and provides a better form of foreshore protection than the coconut trees, many of which were seriously undermined and subject to wind damage and the potential to fall on plant and equipment.

The CCECC response to the NCR noted the following contributing factors;

1. A more thorough briefing should have been undertaken with heavy plant operators prior to commencement of the activity to ensure clear understanding of the controls required. Project Inductions had been completed, and all operators aware of the CEMP, but a critical control such as clearing requires additional discussion.

2. The extent of the area / site was marked out, but the foreshore buffer zone was not. Operators were also given additional directions and instructions by PMU Manager, which was not in accordance with CEMP.

3. It is noted that the area cleared is actually required to be cleared and grubbed and substantial foreshore development constructed.

The matter was resolved by:

1. A follow up Tool Box Meeting with all staff on 30 November, regarding the controls

11 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

around erosion and foreshore destabilization required, to ensure all staff have a full understanding of the requirements of the CEMP.

2. A CEMP Review Meeting, attended by Project Manager, Construction Manager, HSEO and all supervisors to discuss all CEMP controls and develop a strategy for ensuring they are implemented, monitored and reviewed.

3. Site remediation measures involved the installation of geofabrics along the shoreline to control erosion and marking of the entry/exit points to the reef.

This non-conformance is now closed out.

December 2018 Dredging and excavation works commenced and unloading of plant and equipment from the barge continued. Dredging and excavation controls were established and maintained during the start of preliminary dredging activities. This included the erection of silt curtains on both sides of the dredging zone. The excavation of parallel trenches down much of the length of the channel was carried out on the instruction of the Construction Manager but it became evident that this would impact on accessibility to the outer section of the channel and the safety of truck movements within the construction zone on the reef platform. This did not comply with the CCECC Method of Works Statement and continued for a period of time until the work was halted.

The silt curtains continue to be a challenge to effectively keep in place due to tidal and wave action. Considerable time was spent at each low tide dredging period to unfurl the curtain and reaffix it to the concrete blocks and steel posts before work could commence. These have proved less than adequate in providing any lateral control of any sediment plume that resulted during the dredging activity and would be reviewed in the following month when the Cardno safeguard specialist would review the effectiveness and practicality of the mitigation measure identified in the CEMP.

12 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

Three Environmental Incidents were reported during December. Two related to oil leaks from hydraulic hoses, of which one was on the barge-based crane and the other was on equipment based on the land. Both were immediately addressed and cleaned up without any discharge to water.

A major incident was reported the barge Georgios grounded on the reef flat just south of the construction zone. This incident occurred on 31 December 2018 during extremely strong winds and swell conditions. The barge was pulled off its mooring and waves pushed the vessel onto the reef. The barge was re-floated early the next morning at the next high tide after plant and equipment were off loaded to reduce the weight. There was no damage to the vessel, nor any discharges or spills of fuels. An interim Incident Report was completed and submitted. Preliminary inspection showed only the surface of the cemented reef platform had been scraped but it was not extensive over the length of the barge.

2.4.2 HIV/AIDS Plan & Training The final HAP was submitted in November 2018 and was approved by the Engineer, pending final acceptance and approval by the Tuvalu Red Cross. The HIV AIDS Awareness Plan by the Tuvalu Red Cross received final approval on 6 November 2018. The first HIV/AIDS Prevention (HAP) Training was completed on 12 November 2018, delivered by CCECC’s resident Doctor, supported by the Tuvalu Red Cross, Ministry of Health and the Department of Gender Affairs. The Training was delivered at the Funafuti Hospital. A copy of the Training Report has been attached as Appendix A. The contractor’s reporting as at the end of December 2018 noted that there are some indicators and key performance indicators not yet met, and these are being followed up and managed.

13 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

Table 3. Contractor’s HIV/AIDS Action Plan Progress Summary

Cardno will follow up on these items as they form part of the conditions of contract.

2.4.3 Environmental Management Supervision Contractual Requirement

The CEMP contractual requirement of the contractor is to have a full time health, safety and environment officer (HSEO) and at least a part time Environmental Officer. The HSEO is responsible to ensure that there are completed weekly compliance reports as well as monthly audits and inspections by EO. Status Clause 1.24.2 of the Technical Specifications require the contractor (CCECC) to provide an on- site Environmental Officer (EO) on a full-time basis. It was subsequently agreed with Cardno that a full-time health, safety and environment officer (HSEO) would be based on-site instead, with oversight by an EO based in Funafuti who would make monthly site visits to undertake compliance audits and inspections and to ensure reporting and monitoring activities were consistent with the requirements of the CEMP.

An HSEO was initially identified (Paul Malesa) and approved prior to mobilization however, due to unforeseen circumstances, CCECC provided a replacement full-time HSEO to undertake the day to day environmental management tasks on-site and be responsible for daily monitoring, communication with the workforce and any incident reporting. These reports were then to be provided to Cardno for review and comment ahead of submission to Department of Environment for review, as required under the contract.

14 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

The CV of Maxwell Tomseu was reviewed and while it appeared that he had the requisite expertise for the health and safety role, it was considered his construction environmental expertise may be limiting. However, with oversight by Kilifi O’Brien it was determined he would be able to undertake the role. It was regrettable that Kilifi died in a non-work related vehicle crash just before Christmas which left a void in the environmental monitoring at the commencement of construction activities. Furthermore, Cardno’s proposed safeguards specialist was unable to undertake the role due to the declining health of his wife, who subsequently died also prior to Christmas. He has now taken a permanent role with another organisation. In the interim, Mr Owen Hoar from Cardno provided cover for this role during November, with backstopping support from Mr René Weterings, at the commencement of the construction activities to provide guidance to the HSEO in the environmental monitoring and reporting activities and build some capacity in the contractor’s reporting procedure. 2.4.4 Environmental Reporting

During this reporting period, the provision of timely inspection reports to the Cardno site engineer was not always consistent or complete. Due to the late inclusion of the replacement HSEO and given the preceding events, the contractor’s reporting systems had yet to be fully put in place. Some latitude was given while the HSEO was assisted by the Cardo site engineer to ensure these monitoring reports covered accurately the environmental compliance matters as identified in the various checklists. However, it was becoming apparent that the HSEO lacked the requisite environmental commitment and expertise to deliver on the monitoring and reporting activities. This matter is to be addressed in the following SMR due at the end of June 2019.

The drafting of reports including the weekly compliance reports did not always happen in this period given the issues noted above and with the death of the EO. There has been a substantial change of construction personal on the project which has resulted in an improvement of the timing and contents of the reports in 2019 (not 2018) so in effect outside this reporting period.

The dredging works has generally progressed as set out in the Dredging method statement will some alterations as set out in Section 2.4.1 of this report.

Waste management has been carried out in accordance with the CEMP except that some solid (not oil based) waste has disposed of in the local Nukulaelae Rubbish Tip. The CEMP will need to amended to set out clearly what is the exact rubbish disposal procedure.

There are other monitoring reports required as described in the CEMP and these include concreting, installing Marine AtoN’s, and flexmat installation but these activities are yet to commence and so there are none of these reports for this period.

2.4.5 Grievance Redress Mechanism The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM), as described in the Contractor’s CLP, has been developed with all accompanying tools (including forms and worksheet) prepared and has been introduced and reiterated at all the Stakeholder Committee (which will also take on the role as the Grievance Redress Committee) meetings at Nukulaelae, Niutao and Nanumaga throughout this period. The contractor considers the GRM to be active, however they report

15 Tuvalu: Outer Island Maritime Transport Infrastructure Project Semi- Annual Safeguard Monitoring Report: July to December 2018

that they have not received any grievances. A number of grievances were identified and raised with the Supervision Consultant’s Social Specialist during her site visit, and these were addressed to the satisfaction of the complainants. The content of these is noted in Appendix B within the summary of the site visit. The Contractor will be advised to formalize and record each of these through their grievance mechanism.

2.5 Implementation of Social Safeguards

2.5.1 Safeguards Specialist Teawa Toromon, National Social Safeguards Specialist undertook a site visit 22 November through early December 2018. A summary of her trip and findings is attached in Appendix B. 2.5.2 Compensation The Nukulaelae Kaupule, supervised by PMU, has paid the landowner lease payment for the construction period April 2018 through March 2019 on 15 April 2018. Tree compensation for the same construction period was paid on 8 June 2018. The next lease payment will be undertaken during the next reporting period and will be reported upon in the July 2019 SMR. No construction lease payments are required for the boat ramp installation at Niutao and Nukulaelae.


Contractor Safeguards Documentation October to December 2018 (Q4)

- Gender Awareness Training Report - HIV/AIDS Training Report - Stakeholder Committee Meeting Minutes November & December

Training Report Gender Awareness Training

Page 1 of 8 Document Details

MCT-OCB 01/2017 (TUV 48484-001) CONSTRUCTION OF MARITIME FACILITY IN Project No. NUKULAELAE AND REHABILITATION OF BOAT RAMPS IN NANUMAGA AND NIUTAO Document Title: Gender Awareness Training Report Site Details Nukulaelae Island, Nanumaga Island, Niutao Island Document Prepared for Engineer

Documentation Status and Review

Rev Prepared By Date Description Reviewed by A 15.11.2018 First draft for revision AH JK / MT 1 16.11.2018 Final for Submission AH

Distribution of Ca/›ies

Revision Electronic Paper Issued To 1 1 Project Engineer

Page 2 of 8 Contents

2. Report...... 4 1.1 Summary of Training...... 4 Appendix 2 - 4ftendonce Record...... 8

Page 3 of 8 1. Report

1.1 Summary of Training

On the 12th of November 2018, the first Gender Awareness Training session was held.

The training session was delivered by Asita Molotii, of the Department of Gender Affairs (DGA). The training was delivered under an arrangement with the DGA to support the training requirements of the Gender Awareness Plan (GAP). The DGA will be involved in future training and on-site monitoring. The training session was held at Tuvalu hospital and was attended by; • 33 of the Contractor's Staff • The Engineer’s representative • 3 of the DGA staff. The training commenced at 9.40am and lasted for a total of 1.5 hours. The topics covered under the training were; • Definition of gender • An overview of gender equality and why it matters • Gender quality issues in Tuvalu • The impact of culture on gender equality • Gender and development • Bridging the inequality gaps and what can be done • Ways forward and next steps The training was delivered in an interactive and engaging manner. The training was effective in providing cultural familiarization for the contractor's construction team and delivered an important message on gender equality and the need for meaningful inclusion of women on the project. The training course will be delivered to all employees joining the construction team, either in Funafuti, or on site, depending on availability of DGA staff. DGA staff will included in site visits in the future, as their resources allow. A photo summary of the training is provided following and an attendance record is provided in Appendix 1.

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Awareness Training

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Awareness Training

Page 6 of 8

Awareness Training

Page7of8 Appendix 1 - Attendance Record

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Training Report

HIV Awareness Training

Page 1 of 8 document Details

MCT-OCB 01/2017 (TUV 48484-001) CONSTRUCTION OF MARITIME FACILITY IN Project No. NUKULAELAE AND REHABILITATION OF BOAT RAMPS IN NANUMAGA AND NIUTAO Document Title: HIV Awareness Training Report Site Details Nukulaelae Island, Nanumaga Island, Niutao Island Document Prepared

for Engineer

Documentation Status and Review

Prepared By Reviewed by

A 15.11.2018 First draft for revision JK AH 1 16.11.2018 Final draft for submission AH

Distribution of Copies

Revision Electronic Paper Issued To 1 1 Project Engineer

Page 2 of 8 Contents

1.1 Summary of Training...... 4 Appendix I— Attendance Record...... 8

Page 3 of 8 1. Report

1.1 Summary of Training On the 12th of November 2018, the first HIV Awareness Training session was held. The training session was delivered by Milikini Failautusi, the Tuvalu red cross health co-ordinator, Doctor Christine Lifuka, the TB/HIV/STI co-ordinator of the Tuvalu hospital and Doctor Kristoffa Ninkama, the appointed onsite doctor for the contractor, CCECC, to comply with the training and awareness requirements for the project HIV Aids Awareness Program.

The training session was held at Tuvalu hospital and was attended by;

• 30 of the Contractor's Staff • The Engineer’s representative • 2 Tuvalu Red Cross staff • The TB/HIV/STI co-ordinator for the Tuvalu hospital The training commenced at 10.30am and lasted for a total of 2.5 hours.

The topics covered under the training were;

• What is an STI • How can someone get an STI • Types of STI’s • Signs and symptoms of a parasitic STI • How to prevent parasitic STI’s • Ways to prevent STI’s • What is HIV • What does HIV mean • What does AIDS mean • Who gets HIV/AIDS • Why HIV rates are not decreasing • How HIV/AIDS is spread • Ways that HIV can’t be spread • HIV Prevention measures • Details of treatment for HIV • Male/ female Condoms information and safe usage/ how to place correctly • Risky behaviours • Pre-training course written test and post training course written test This was the first course to be held on the project. Every new project employee will attend the training course, either in Funafuti or on site, depending on the stage of the works. The Tuvalu Red Cross and appropriate representatives of the Department of Health will be invited to site during monitoring visits, to assist in reviewing and delivering training.

A photo summary of the training is provided following and an attendance record is provided in Appendix 1.

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Awareness Training

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HIV Awareness Training

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Fiaure 3.° H/V’ 4›voreness Training

Page 7 of 8 Appendix 1- Attendance Record

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Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting NOVEMBER 2018

181122 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Page 1 of 9 Document Details Project No. MCT-OCB 01/2017 (TUV 48484-001) Document Title: 181122 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Site Details Nukulaelae Document Prepared for Community Liaison Plan (CLP) Records

Documentation Status and Review

Rev Date Description Prepared By Reviewed by 1 5.11.17 Final report. AH

Distribution of Copies

Revision Electronic Paper Issued To 1 1 November 2017 Monthly Progress Report

181122 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Page 2 of 9 Contents

J Report...... 4 1.1 Basis of Meeting...... 4 1.2 Details of Meetings...... 4 1.3 Summary...... Error! Bookmark not defined. Appendix I-Attendance flecords...... 9

181122 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Page 3 of 9 1 Report

1.1 Basis of Meeting

On the 22 nd November 2018 a Stakeholder committee meeting was held with members of CCECC, Cardno, the Tuvalu PMU and the Nukulaelae Kaupule to coincide with the beginning of physical site works being started. At 9am, a meeting was held with the Kaupule, at the meeting room in Kaupule office block. A previous visit had been carried out in July 2018, but this visit was primarily for investigatory purposes by construction team members of CCECC and it was more introductory in nature. As such, the focus of the meeting covered by this report was to undertake further specific discussions relating to the construction program, on-site establishment by the contractor and some of the contractor's obligations in relation to community interaction during construction. This meeting gave the opportunity for the Kaupule to meet the key project members from both Cardno and CCECC and also gave the chance for both the Kaupule and the contractor, CCECC to form and answer questions around general construction work topics. A summary of the discussions can be found in Section 1.2 and an attendance record can be found in Appendix 1.

1.2 Details of Meetings

The meeting was attended by; • Tuvalu PMU - Vete Palakau Sakaio (Manager) • Cardno Alan Lobb (Resident Engineer) Teawa Toromon (Cardno Social consultant) Owen Hoar (Cardno environmental consultant) • CCECC Jerome Kimura (Project Manager) Kristoffa Ninkama (Site doctor) Filipo Alama (Contractor’s community liaison officer) • 6 representatives of the Nukulaelae Kaupule. The venue was the Kaupule office. The duration of the meeting was 61 minutes. The meeting was productive and a number of different items raised and discussed. Details of the meetings are provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Summary of community meetings

Item Description Resultant Action Items 1 Formal meeting introduction by Vete Palaukau Sikaio (VS) Nil

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2 Jerome Kimura (JK) introduced himself as the Contractor’s Nil Project Manager for the project. The rest of the meeting members took turns to introduce themselves and their specific community and project roles to the rest of the group.

3 JK carried out description of construction works to Nil meeting members.

4 JK advised that the planned construction time would be Nil around 6 months in total 5 JK talked about the contractors plan to establish a Nil temporary mooring and described location and depth of water that the mooring would be placed in after consideration of a brief discussion with Kaupule members that took place on November 1 t3 2018 upon first arrival to Nukulaelae by the contractor’s vessels. The Kaupule members had raised concern about the location of our vessels in regards to reef proximity and advised JK on Sunday the 18th that in the event of stormy conditions, our planned mooring points would be dangerous. JK advised the Kaupule that we had considered the advise given, and moved the mooring into deeper water further away from the reef as advised by the Kaupule 6 JK advised Kaupule that we had currently been successful Nil in offloading several pieces of mobile plant and that ground works would be commencing today. Kaupule also advised that CCECC had picked an area of the reef shelf close to the planned offloading point in the CEMP based on our vessel captain’s investigation of the area and finding that the original offloading area as planned would be too dangerous to use as an offloading area due to rock formations and depth.

7 JK advised the Kaupule members that CCECC would be Nil actively looking for local labour to help in certain aspects of the construction works, from cooking and cleaning, to the possibility of hiring people to be placed in the construction crews. JK also stressed that CCECC was an equal opportunity employer and they were actively seeking female members of the community to undertake employment on the project.

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Kaupule members asked by JK if they had any issues with female members of the community being engaged to carry out project works in different roles on and off the vessels. The Kaupule had no objections to this

8 JK asked vete about extra land that can be resourced on Nil southern edge of works site by PMU in order to create extra space to utilize for project works. Vete said that he would liaise with the land owner this afternoon and that both the land owner, Vete and JK will mark out land owner’s boundary. Land owner has given CCECC permission to utilize land for extra space during the project if they can clear and grub trees and vegetation on his land plot and move all construction items and plant once construction works are finished. Vete and JK made plan to liaise with land owner and marL boundary in the afternoon. Vete also mentioned that he would be looking into some land plot areas adjacent to the dumpsite that may potentially be used as extra space. Vete said that he would liaise with land owner during the day

9 JK advised Kaupule of the planned burn pit area in Nil reference to the contractor’s site plan in the CEMP. The Kaupule had no issues with the burn pit being located in that area 10 JK discussed with the Kaupule that CCECC would like to Kaupule to discuss issue and utilize the school next to the construction site in order to address CCECC with outcome in house work crews during the school end of year break. due course. Kaupule said that they would have to discuss and advise on outcome at a later date

11 Vete talked about the importance of getting as much Nil building materials and project equipment onsite as possible and in regards to the upcoming cyclone season weather that could hinder attempts at offloading. He urged the Kaupule to help as much as possible in giving land plots for laydown areas. Vete suggested that the Kaupule consider the usage of the plating field area as a possible lay down site. Filipo Alama requested that the playing field not be utilised as a laydown area as it is a important social hub for the community.

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12 JK described the noise and dust issues that would arise as CCECC to maintain regular part of the physical contract works to Kaupule. Kaupule contact with family occupying also assured that because school finishes in the next week residence next to site boundary for 2 months, that dust and noise while dredging works is about upcoming works happening would be of minimal impact to villagers. JK also asked about the one household that is currently occupied by the site boundary and if any particular considerations would need to be taken with that family. Kaupule suggested that CCECC keep regular contact with the household about planned works and they can also ask if need be, the family to relocate into the village during construction if need be.

13 Alcohol ban on island was mentioned by Kaupule and Nil Jerome made clear that alcohol consumption by CCECC employees during the project was something that would not be tolerated.

14 Doctor Kristoffa Niinkama gave a briefing to the Kaupule Nil on his position and planned activities on the project. Doctor said that he would set up free clinics to the local villagers on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

15 Possibility of night work and Sunday work queried about to Kaupule to discuss and inform Kaupule members by JK — Kaupule do not mind night work CCECC of outcome at later date so long as that CCECC liaise with the one household that lives on northern side of the site boundary about night work planned beforehand. Jerome said to Kaupule that CCECC would like to work during Sunday’s if possible and only look to carry out low impact work such as survey works and building work to the 2 existing teachers huts. Kaupule did not have a definitive answer on Sunday works

16 Kaupule members showed interest in what rate we are Kaupule and JK to discuss pay currently paying local labor. JK told them that he is rates further at a upcoming currently paying $3.50 per hour for local labor. Kaupule meeting. Meeting date yet to be members would like to discuss rate and would like to have announced another meeting to come to an agreement.

17 Kaupulae stressed importance of respect for local culture JK to liaise with Teawa Toromon on island and importance for our employees to follow on giving short briefing to crew expected customs of Nukulaelae, JK asked Kaupule if they

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could organize someone to have a brief discussion with members and plan ou t date of our crew around local customs and expected behaviour on discussion Nukulaelae so that CCECC have a better understanding of the local communities expectations in terms of general conduct while on the island. Social consultant Teawa Toromon was suggested as being someone who could conduct this briefing session about local norms and culture to the CCECC crew. Organization of briefing was suggested to be on either the 3 d or 4 h f December to fall in line with visit by Owen and Teawa and arrival of other CCECC construction crew members 18 The name of the wharf was brought up by Vete Sakaio for Kaupule to discuss ideas for the Kaupule to start considering. This issue will be further wharf name and liaise with Vete discussed by the Kaupule Sakaio

19 JK asked Kaupule members if they could assist in informing JK to consider employing local their community members that physical works are now labour for security of site being conducted and that they do all that they possibly can to ensure the safety of their community members by informing them not to enter the worksite. Kaupule suggested that the hiring of local members for security would be a good idea. JK said he would consider using local employment for this task

181122 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Page 8 of 9 Appendix 1 — Attendance Records

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Tuval OlMl - November 2018 Monthly Progress Report (Revl) Page 124 of 124


Training Report


Page 1 of 8 Document Details

MCT-OCB 01/2017 (TUV 48484-001) CONSTRUCTION OF MARITIME FACILITY IN Project No. NUKULAELAE AND REHABILITATION OF BOAT RAMPS IN NANUMAGA AND NIUTAO Document Title: HIV Awareness Training Report Site Details Nukulaelae Island, Nanumaga Island, Niutao Island Document Prepared

for Engineer

Documentation Status and Review

Rev Prepared By Date Description Reviewed by

A 15.11.2018 First draft for revision JK AH 1 16.11.2018 Final draft for submission AH

Distribution of Copies

Revision Electronic Paper Issued To 1 1 Project Engineer

Page 2 of 8



Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting DECEMBER 2018

181228 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Page 1 of 8 Document Details

Project No. MCT-OCB 01/2017 (TUV 48484-001) Document Title: 181122 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Site Details Nukulaelae

Document Prepared for community Liaison Plan (CLP) Records

Documentation Status and Review

Rev Date Description Prepared By Reviewed by 1 28.12.18 Final report. JK AH

Distribution of Copies

Revision Electronic Paper Issued To 1 1 December 2018 Monthly Progress Report

181228 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Page 2 of 8 Contents

J Report...... 4 1.1 Basis of Meeting ...... 4 1.2 Details of Meetings...... 4 Appendix I -Atteii#ence Ilecords...... 8

181228 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Page 3 of 8 1 Report

1.1 Basis of Meeting

On the 28" December 2018 a Stakeholder committee meeting was held with members of CCECC, Cardno, and the Nukulaelae Kaupule. At 10.20am, a meeting was held with the Kaupule, at the meeting room in Kaupule office block. A previous visit had been carried out in November 2018 to coincide with initial site establishment. This visit was the second of a monthly scheduled meeting since site establishment in November. The focus of the meeting covered by this report was to update the Kaupule members on progress of the construction program, on- site establishment by the contractor and future planned works. The meeting also gave the chance to all attendees to have questions answered and to bring up any current concerns and issues. A summary of the discussions can be found in Section 1.2 and an attendance record can be found in Appendix 1.

1.2 Details of Meetings

The meeting was attended by; • Cardno Alan Lobb (Resident Engineer) • CCECC Jerome Kimura (Project Manager) Kristoffa Ninkama (Site doctor) Filipo Alama (Contractor’s community liaison officer) • 6 representatives of the Nukulaelae Kaupule. The venue was the Kaupule office. The duration of the meeting was 61 minutes. The meeting was productive and a number of different items raised and discussed. Details of the meetings are provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Summary of community meetings

Item Description Resultant Action Items

1 Formal meeting introduction by Jerome Kimura (JK) Nil 2 JK carried out progress report of construction works to Nil meeting members. 3 JK opened up meeting to discussions and queries from the Nil rest of the meeting attendees 4 Kaupule members requested a monthly written report Progress report to be drafted detailing construction progress from JK. JK confirmed that prior to next Kaupule monthly he will supply written construction updates prior to meeting. Likely to be scheduled at the end of January

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Kaupule monthly meeting s and handout copies to all meeting attendees prior to meeting commencement 5 Kaupule members asked when CCECC were going to Nil replace Environmental replacement for Kilifi. Kaupule members told from JK that CCECC are currently working on finding a suitable replacement for Kilifi, Alan added that replacement needs to be ok’d by Cardnos also before new appointee will be able to take up the position. JK also added that due to the time of year (Christmas and new year holiday period), it may add to the difficulty in finding a replacement.

Kaupule members asked if there would be anymore Nil opportunities opening up for employment... JK said that

labour needs will be constantly evaluated by JK and the construction manager on an ongoing basis but CCECC open to hiring more labour if required

7 Dr Kristoffa Ninkama (KN) gave a talk to the meeting Nil attendees about the progress of his twice-weekly clinic sessions. KN mentioned that the popularity of the clinics were increasing and that local attendance of clinics were increasing in numbers. KN added that he was impressed with the professional level of the local staff members. KN said that he had also done a number of home visits for medical consultations. KN thanked JK and CCECC in the organisation of the Alexandros vessel for the medical evacuation of a local village member to Funafuti after a near drowning incident 8 Alan Lobb (AL) mentioned that sometime in the last week, Kaupule members to enquire into his scooter had been moved and the side mirror had been broken scooter side mirror. No broken while it was parked overnight. He asked the response day set officially Kaupule members to look into the matter. The Kaupule members said that they would follow up on the issue.

JK thanked members of the Kaupule on behalf of CCECC Nil staff for involving the construction team in local social

events around the festive season. JK said to the meeting members that he thought the events had a positive impact on staff moral and was very appreciative of the invitations to be able to join in on local events

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10 JK mentioned to Kaupule members that he had been given Kaupule to raise awareness in verbal reports of construction crew members going community towards set issue. No around the villages and asking for alcohol. JK stressed to date stated for follow up on issue the Kaupule members that they need to report any instances of this occurrence to JK as soon as possible so it can be followed up as soon as possible. Kaupule members said that they would raise issue in the community in order to help with this issue 11 JK asked that any requests to go on the ships returning to Nil Funafuti, go to Filipo first so that CCECC can make arrangements with vessel captain and find out the available space onboard.

12 JK asked Kaupule members if they can give us a definitive Kaupule members to organize answer for working on Sundays. JK explained to members community meeting. The week that due to weather, currents, we need to be able to ending the 6C3 IJanuary has utilize as much working time as we possibly can and to been targeted for the meeting please take this into consideration. Kaupule members said that they would need to bring the issue up during a community meeting. JK said that he was fine to wait for that outcome. KN asked if key CCECC members could be involved in the community meeting in order to help state our case for working on Sundays. Kaupule agreed to this request and said that they would try and arrange a community meeting in the coming week 13 KN raised issue of fraternisation to Kaupule members and Nil asked Kaupule members that they share any information about fraternisation to the CCECC project manager, JK. Kaupule members agreed to assist with passing on information.

14 Kaupule members asked if local workers are covered Nil under insurance. JK stated that CCECC have workers cover and this extends to all contracted employees. JK also said that medical services of the doctor are available to the local staff in the occurrence of any incidents requiring medical care or consultations.

15 Kaupule members showed drone footage of current Nil excavation hole onsite from the dredge channel works by

16 Kaupule asked if dredgefill pile material can be used to fill Nil in potholes on existing roads. JK responded and said that

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the remaining material from the dredge works that are not used during construction phase of the project, is to be left stockpiled onsite for community use and how it will be used will be the decision of the Kaupule members. 17 Kaupule members asked if they could have a picture of the Final concept sketch given to finished concept drawing for the wharf project to hang on Kaupule member Collin, after local community boards. JK said that he would supply a meeting finished. This image will picture that the Kaupule can use. One Kaupule member be used to hang up on local asked if they can share drone images from site on social noticeboards. media. JK responded and said that CCECC do not allow construction site pictures to be used for posting on social media platforms. 18 Kaupule members asked about the possibility to purchase Issue to be brought up with mobile plant after the construction works are finished. In higher management by JK. specific, 1 x mechanical wheelbarrow, 1x St loader and 1x Kaupule to receive briefing on roller. JK responded and said that this issue would be this issue during next monthly discussed with higher management, however, the St meeting in January loader will most possibly not be for sale after the finish of construction works.

19 AL mentioned to Kaupule members that the crane truck Cardno to ask PMU whether that was to be gifted to the community was on the official handover ceremony Marilena barge and he asked if there needed to be an needs to be conducted for official handing over ceremony for the vehicle. AL also said handover of crane truck. that there would need to be a check over of the vehicle conducted by the Kaupule, Cardno and CCECC and an agreement made on the condition of the vehicle before official handover was completed. Kaupule agreed to this also

20 JK asked Kaupule members if they would allow CCECC to CCECC construction crew to add add a backboard and shooting ring to the existing backboard and hoop to 2x basketball supports that are currently missing the basketball hoop supports. No backboards and shooting rings. Kaupule was very happy delivery time specified for item with this idea and agreed to allow CCECC to do these works.

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Vcct‹ng J9nme t¢apulaa monthly meetine

181228 Nukulaelae Stakeholder Committee Meeting (revl) Page 8 of 8 APPENDIX B

Supervision Consultant Safeguards Site Visit Summary October to December 2018 (Q4) TUV Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project, Nukulaelae Site


I. INTRODUCTION 1. During the period 21 November through to 6 December 2018, local Social Safeguards Specialist Teawa Toromon spent time with the Environment Safeguards Specialist on site. Some informal discussions were documented, and some community meetings were held.

II. PURPOSE OF VISIT 2. The purpose of this visit was to ensure social safeguards were being met during the commencement of construction, and that the Contractor was responsive to the needs of the community and issues raised.

III. LOG OF DAILY ISSUES 21/11/18 Introduction 3. A brief introduction of Mr Owen by myself to the member of the Kaupule on arrival (21/11/18) – Mr Collins Sualiki the Kaupule Secretary and the two members of the Kaupule Mr Saosaoa Tinilau and Mr Kelisiano

22/11/18 School Visit 4. Teawa Toromon visited the Primary school after the meeting to request for a time to brief about the project to the children especially informing of the dangerous of the machineries and other related issues but the Head teacher Ms Leoleana Falani informed that they have already informed the children but of their curiosity always want to go out of the gate. Fully support the idea of me giving a small talk to the children. 22/11/18 5. TT questioned Alan (RE) about the safety sign board that should be up? He advised everything is still on the barge they are working on it 23/11/18 6. Received a verbal worker’s complaint of their lunch always coming in late from the barge, the latest has been 3pm. Teawa spoke with Maxwell, who advised he will look in to this issue.

7. Heard that two local boys almost injured after the dinghy they were in went under the staircase because of big swell. Maxwell explained about the accident but the boys managed to save themselves from the staircase but the contractors diver jumped in water to help as well but no one get hurt at the end. Cross checking this incident was reported. 26/11/18 8. Rumours in the village that the PNG workers are not happy with the New Zealand Manager (referring to Jerome)

9. A villager informed me that during church last Sunday (25/11/18) a “white man” was “passed out” outside the chapel while the service was on. Teawa shared this to Maxwell and I request him to inform the rest of the workers that on Sunday to stay far from the Chapel and to use the first road on their right when they get off at the ramp and to keep to that road until 12.00 noon.

10. The problem of having late lunches hasn’t been solved. Maxwell said he will look up to this issues

30/11/18 11. Teawa received a question raised by a Kaupule member about the rate of the local workers after hearing from Vete during the meeting (22/11/18) that the rate will be the same to PWD - $3.50/ hour, the concern here is what the community over-heard from Vete’s conversation with locals during his previous visit that the rate is $7/ hour so they just want to know the truth this time. (Vete’s last trip was with the two ministers –Home Affairs Mr Namoliki Sualiki and MTC Mr Monise Lafai)

12. The Kaupule also questioned when will Mr Julius send the copy of the worker’s rate as he mentioned during the meeting with the Kaupule members? Teawa asked the CLO to have a time with Jerome and to ask him about what Mr Julius told the Kaupule and the others that he will send a copy of worker’s rate and that people will be paid according to their experience. .

04/12/18 13. Community have expressed concerns about how the project recruits local labour. When Teawa approached Mr Alan Lobb (Resident Engineer) and Mr Jerome (Contractor PM), Jerome said that he believes that is part of the CLO’s role, who was selected by the Kaupule, and that he will identify staff if there is a need for extra hand but Jerome expressed a preference to not get involved in the selection of the local workers as he believe the CLO knows the people better. Teawa suggested that due to the concerns about selection processes, it might be best to see the Kaupule about potential staff.

14. Teawa received about five complaints from the community that the CLO is picking his friend to work. Teawa spoke with the CLO, he said he is looking for people he trusts that can do the job or responsible people he knows for these current and immediate (few) jobs as requested by Jerome. When the main work start he will seek the Kaupule’s advice and to pick randomly from family whom they know does not have working people in their family.

15. Teawa was asked if the workers can have a warning if they misbehave for the first time before firing? When asking the CLO about the matter (firing one of the boat’s man), he explained that he did talk to these boys that drinking during working hours is not allowed and it has been enforced by the Contractor Representative during his last visit which applies to his workers as well. He stressed that locals should not to provide or sell alcohol to the workers. From the CLO, firing a person is a way of teaching a lesson to all other workers that he mean what he told them and he does not want to hold on to peoples who cannot follow instruction and a reminder to all local workers to take their work seriously.

16. On this date, Maxwell managed to solve the problem of late lunch by requesting the Chef to set up a temporary kitchen at one of the building they are using on site. Boys are very happy having their lunch today at 12 noon.

End of Daily Record TUV Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project, Nukulaelae Site

MEETING MINUTES MEETING WITH KAUPULE & SUPERVISION CONSULTANT SAFEGUARDS TEAM Date: 22/11/18 Time: 9am Venue: Kaupule Meeting room. Present: Vete, Jerome, Kristoffa, Allan, Owen, Teawa, Filipo Falani, Saosaoa, Noataga, Tempesi, Collins Chair: Mr Falani Valoa, the Acting Pule Kaupule.

I. PURPOSE OF MEETING Update on the progress of the project Introduction of the project team to the Kaupule members, position, roles and responsibilities in connection to the project. II. PROCEEDINGS Falani welcomed everybody on to their island and willing to work in collaborate with the team in what so ever the team need from their side as the Kaupule body or even the Community as a whole (Vete translated) Jerome: Update on the work and what is expecting to be done at the earliest like- - breakwater working on - road works - Temporary ways - moving of items from barge on land - installation of the Desalination Plant - Clearing of the compound - employing locals workers - including females to work as part of the “Gender Balance Initiative” other initials works in preparation of the site. He informed the Kaupule that he is working on a good day to visit the barge as requested. Vete: Explained that after negotiating with landowner Ms Vaiga, one of the short term lease, she has agree to the cutting down of her trees for the contractor to use. Jerome: Requested the Kaupule accommodations for workers to stay on land in order for the work to roll because in time of bad weather workers will have a hard time coming on land which will disturb the work. Ask the Kaupule looking for house to rent or even allowing the boys to use the 1 or 2 classrooms. They will make sure to keep the machineries away from people’s home, will work and keep monitoring on the air and noise pollution the same time. Noataga –Kaupule member Reply to the request to use classroom for accommodation that they have to take this request to the Fale Kaupule than will inform Mr Jerome and the CLO. Vete: Asked the Kaupule if it is alright to use the playfield for parking of the contractor’s machineries? He also informed that negotiation with the SWAT was done on Funafuti for the contractor to use the SWAT lease land for parking as well, SWAT have gave permission. Noataga: Replying for the contractor to stick to the SWAT lease land but not the playground as it will be in much need for Christmas activities especially the games. Jerome: Update that their survey team are working on the boundaries now, so the gate will be up very soon. Noataga: Would like to know from the contractor if there is a concern to the work referring to the family that stay up close to the project boundaries. Jerome: So far as he concern no complaint ever raised now CLO Mr Filipo: Remind both the Kaupule and the Project team that alcohol is not allowed and to inform their respective members. Even the provision of any kind of alcohol, local or import, to the constructions workers likewise the contractor’s to the villagers This will prevent accidents from happening and one way the project will run smoothly and stress the important of cooperation between the two members, local community and the construction workers. Jerome: Introduce the company’s Doctor. Dr Kristoffa: Elaborated on his roles and responsibilities and informed the Kaupule of his availability if needed arise from his expertise. He also informed everyone that he will be in the Community Clinics on Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm if peoples would like to be seen are all welcome Jerome: No big noisy work on Sunday that will disturb the community except small work maybe doing maintenance Noataga: 1 Advised the contractor to hurry up with the transferring of their machineries before they are caught up by bad weather. 2 Question the contractor about the rate for the local workers, to pay peoples fairness like paying the workers here $3.50 / hour but when you move to other island might pay higher. Vete: Replied that it will be the same with the PWD rate of $3.50 / hour will apply to all other outer island as well. Jerome: Replied that he will keep the fairness in wages unless some qualified or position a person have like a foreman than it will be just a slightly added to the rate mentioned. Noataga Request Jerome to advise his men that staying on the island one need to follow - a) customs and culture of the island b) know to behave in the main settlement c) other things they know as they are Pacific peoples as well Jerome: Agreed with the issue and he suggest it will be good if the Kaupule prepare a presentation concerning the customs, culture, behaviour and other matters they want to inform the boys and get someone to present it during the HIV and AIDs Awareness Training to all the locals and our workers as well or maybe the Local Social Consultant – Ms Teawa can help with that.(expected first week of December when the rest of the workers arrived). Teawa: Agreed to present what the Kaupule will prepare concerning the matter discussed – Abide by the Culture and Customs of the island. Vete: Remind the Kaupule to finalised the name for the facility with the Fale Kaupule because once it complete they need to put up the name before any other big function, the need for the name is kind of urgent so they will have enough time to prepare the sign board. Jerome: Remind again everyone to work together especially the safety of everyone mostly the children for the machineries are too high and the chance of the driver to see the children behind is so limited. Allan: Stress out that “SAFETY” is everyone’s responsibility, Collins- Kaupule Secretary Thanks everyone and informed the team that both the Kaupule and the Fale Kaupule will indeed continue to work side by side for the benefits of all contractors, local community and everyone. MEETING END AT 10.10AM TUV Outer Island Maritime Infrastructure Project, Nukulaelae Site

MEETING MINUTES MEETING WITH LOCAL WORKERS & SUPERVISION CONSULTANT SAFEGUARDS TEAM Date: 06/12/18 Time: 8.30 pm Venue: Kaupule Meeting Room Present: Apisai, Kitiona, Teakapua, Iasona, Lakasi and Taukiei Contractor CLO – Filipo, Local Social Consultant- Teawa.

I. PURPOSE OF MEETING The meeting was undertaken to provide local workers an avenue to express any concerns and to raise any questions they may have during the construction work. The Supervision Consultant has a responsibility to ensure the contractor is meeting the CEMP and EMP, especially from the perspective of social safeguards including labour standards.

II. PROCEEDINGS Filipo open our meeting with and introduction of both of us, encourage the workers of their responsibilities as they are the first one on board and to keep up. Teawa Introduce myself and my involvement with the project, my responsibility and roles as well. I remind them of their responsible on their respective working areas, encourage the important of the “time”, certainly reminding them to be on time to work. Inform them of all the procedure if they need to raise any concern or complaint about the work or the working environment by seeing the CLO than the CLO will seek the responsible person the concern should voice to, but to minimized the normal attitude of talking to anyone in the community if they have concern or issues about the work or working area, because the longer the chain the more added lines to the original verse which can cause a lot of damaged to the project at the end. If they hear anything or if there is anything happen within the work or working environment to keep it to themselves and to inform the right people in their working area or the CLO but not to share it to anyone that can change the original one to something totally different. The provision of alcohol to the workers (PNG) is not allowed, and no alcohol during working hours as you all aware of. Filipo: Also encourage the boys to reframe from using alcohol while working for their own safety side because the work they assign to is not easy they need to have a full cleared mind every time they work to avoid injury or accident. If they have concern to see him for discussion. Round the table AOBs Apisai: Nothing really concern him this time but not sure in the coming days, but he feels sorry for the boys who work on boats staying wet all days they need a bonus for that. Kitioana: How about if the PNG workers approached them for alcohol? Teawa replied by encouraging them to tell them that they are not allowed because once they are caught they will be sack, and she will try and talk to Maxwell about this issues. Teakapua: Request if they can be given a “wet allowance” for being working wet daily as they been dragging the boat with passengers on during low tide against the strong current, which is a very tough job to them every day now. Concerned about the safety of their boat while dragging the passenger if the company will responsible for any damaged. Filipo: Replied that he approached Jerome about this request but he said that no such thing he is aware of as this “wet allowance” so there is no allowance for it. For the boat it is the owner of the boat’s responsibility to look after the safety of the boat and the company has nothing to do with it. Iasona: As the boat owner and that what the reply to our concern how about, 1 we will work only when its high tide 2 once the boat passed the passage and reached sallow water in low tides for passengers to walk on to land 3 boat not to work after 5pm 4 will be good if Jerome set a running rooster for the boat a week to sort out the miss understanding of our time card, as I’ve heard Jerome complaint about our time card. Without a time card we always hang around the ramp or the barge stand by to their calls but with the rooster everybody knows where to be on that particular time. 5 For Sunday run, it will be best to have one trip in the morning and one trip in the afternoon for returning of workers. Lekasi: As one of the boats man, agree with all what Teakapua and Iasona have shared but just want to stress on the wet allowance or work only during high tides and stops all run at 5pm. Teakapua: Suggest to advised the workers to wear their Gum-boots when is low tides in avoiding the last incidents by wetting their safety- boots to walk ashore when cannot dragged the boat any further. Iasona: It’s been 3 solid weeks working but still haven’t received any confirmation about our payment when we were told we will be fortnightly pay, we don’t even have an idea of how much is our rate. Can you help us on that please? Boat condition- can we have a proper sign agreement between the owner and the contractor about the use of our boat? Or another step we will take? Teawa: Informed them that all issues will be taken seriously and will informed my superior for a proper solution and might seek advice as well from the marine about this wet allowance which refers as “weather allowance” which is a practice to all the Tuvalu boat For the boat safety I will informed my supervisor as well and will try and get solution or answers to all their issues raised to share with them on my next visit. Thanks each and every one for making their time to attend the meeting which is for their benefits, hope that on my next trip I will be able to provide them with solution or explanation on the issues raised. Filipo Also thanks the boys for attending the meeting and he will try and help too in what way he can NP/ Would like to clarify on what the boys refer as the “call up” which they said it’s a normal practice on any ship that a call up is always record as you’ve work for 2 hours, just want some advice on this matter. CONCLUSION An immediate advice is needed for Mr Jerome after knowing now that both local and constructions workers from Papua New Guinea are not happy with him. In relate to the way he respond to their raised matter or issues. To take serious about the request from the boys who work on the boats to receive “weather allowances” as they’ve played a vital part in transporting the workers from their barge to the main land and especially having to drag the boat with passengers on, in low tide as the current is normally strong at that time. The prompt the attempt to solve these problems the smoother the work will be and the lesser the time needed to complete the project