South Dakota State University Open PRAIRIE: Open Public Research Access Institutional Repository and Information Exchange SDSU Extension Fact Sheets SDSU Extension 1962 How to Make Hooked Rugs Cooperative Extension, South Dakota State University Follow this and additional works at: Historical, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. For current policies and practices, contact SDSU Extension Website: Phone: 605-688-4792 Email:
[email protected] SDSU Extension is an equal opportunity provider and em- ployer in accordance with the nondiscrimination policies of South Dakota State University, the South Dakota Board of Regents and the United States Department of Agriculture. FS 122 lt,11)\\\/lfil) ~\A\11\1~ lti11)1l)lf\l~II) ll?IU113i Ceeporatln Extellllon Service SouthDa- S- Unlnnlty U. S. Dopa- of A9rkullvN f.S, 122 The beauty of a hooked rug dcpc:nJs upon the workmanship, its siz<: and shape, the materials used, StartSimplv and Learn Well and the color and design. Making hooked rugs is a way to express your in med. Adding unrdatcd scatter rugs can ruin the ;tp dividuality. You can be creative, and at the same time pcar:mce of :1 lol'dy room. use oltl mate-rials ;mJ develop craftsmanship, Homemade or commercial designs may be used. For bc~t results dc-cide in advance where the rug is If you plan your own design, a paper pattern the size to be uscll. The size and shape must fit the space the of the rug will be helpful.