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E:\March 2015 Edition\March 20 Naveen Shodh Sansar (An International Refereed Research Journal) ISSN 2320-8767 Jan. to March 2015, Vol. 1 1 AZwH´$_oUH$m/Index 01. AZwH´$_oUH$m /Index ............................................................................................................................................. 01 02. j{Ãr` gÂ[mXH$ _ S>b/gÂ[mXH$r` gbmhH$ma _ S>b ..........................................................................06/07 03. oZUm©`H$ _ S>b .............................................................................................................................. 08 04. ‡d∑Vm gmWr ................................................................................................................................. 10 (Science / ndkmZ) 05. A Model Of Steady Human Population By Fixed Fertility Rate (Dr. Aruna Pande)........................... 12 06. Phytoplankton Periodicity in Relation to Abiotic Factors in Kapur Tank, Near Mandu, ................... 17 District- Dhar (M.P.) (Dr. Darasingh Waskel) 07. Waterborne Diseases Associated With Microbial Agents (Dr. Laxmi Baghel ) ................................... 20 08. Observation On Nematodes In Gollus- Gallus Domesticus At Satna (M.P.)(Dr. Seema Bhola) ....... 23 09. A Comparative Study On The Mineral Compposition Of The Poultry Cestode ................................... 25 “Raillietina Tetragona” & Cerain Tissues Of Its Host(Dr. Seema Bhola) 10. Allergic Diseases Due To Pollution At Satna (Dr. Rashmi Singh) .......................................................... 27 11. Amazing Tree Sterculia Foetida Found In Dhar And Ujjain (M.P.) India ............................................... 28 (Nirbhay Singh Solanki, S.C. Mehta) 12. Agastya: A Multiferous Plant (Dr. Renu Rajesh) .................................................................................... 31 13. Calotrapis (Asclepiadaceae) Plant Used By The Tribal And Local Peoples In The ........................... 34 Administered Of Skin Disease “Leucoderma” District Shahdol Central India (Dr. Radheshyam Napit) 14. A Study Of Thermophysical And Cohesive Properties of KCl1-xIx Mixed Alkali Halide ..................... 36 (A.K. Dixit, S. D. Chaturvedi, R. C. Dixit ) (Home Science / J•h ndkmZ) 15. Social Maturity Of Adolescent Girls Of Normal And Broken Families In Rural And Urban Area .... 39 (Dr. Abha Tiwari, Krishna Choudhary) 16. ‡maßo^H$ oH$em{amdÒWm H$r ]mobH$mAm{ß H$m A[Zr [m{ÌmmH$ H{$ aIaImd H$m A‹``Z (S>m∞. Am^m oVdmar, drUm lrdmÒVd ) ...... 41 17. gVZm eha H{$ C[^m{∫$mAm{ß H$r IarXXmar _{ß ‹`mZ X{Z{ `m{Ω` Vœ`m{ß H$m A‹``Z (S>m∞. ewoMVm oVdmar, ¡`m{oV ogßh) ............... 44 18. H$m`©H$mar _ohbmAm{ß _{ß Ï`mdgmo`H$ VZmd H$m A‹``Z gVZm oOb{ H{$ g›X^© _{ß (S>m∞. ewoMVm oVdmar, emaXm Aohadma) ....... 47 19. Ka Am°a H$m`© ÒWb _| gßVwbZ gmYVr H$m_H$mOr _ohbm`| (S>m∞. gr_m H$X_) ............................................................ 50 20. gVZm oOb{ _{ß C⁄_r` Adga - _ohbmAm{ß H{$ ode{f gßX^© _{ß (amOoZoY ogßh, Ïhr. [r. ogßh) ....................................... 52 21. _nhbmAm{ß _{ß EZrn_`m H{$ ÒVa H$m _m[Z (S>m∞. gr_m H$X_).................................................................................. 55 Naveen Shodh Sansar (An International Refereed Research Journal) ISSN 2320-8767 Jan. to March 2015, Vol. 1 2 (Commerce & Management / dmoU¡` Edß ‡]ßY) 22. Trends And Patterns Of FDI In Different Sector : Paradigm Study (Antima Shekhawat Bhatia) ..... 58 23. Emerging Issues Of Indian Tourism Industry (Dr. R. K. Gautam, Swati Chouhan) ............................ 62 24. Balancing Work-Life And Family Challenges In India ............................................................................ 66 (Dr. Arun Kumar Gautam, Vandana Singh ) 25. Evolution of Industrial Economies and a Short Assessment of Indian Industrial Sector .................. 69 Development - Using Anecdotal and Statistical Evidence (Dr. Tapesh Chandra Gupta, Dr. Navin Singh) 26. Financial Market – Its Mechanism & Roles in Industry (Dr. Deepak Nema, Dr. A. K. Gautam) ......... 72 27. Professional Motivation in News Paper (Special Reference to Chhattisgarh State) ......................... 75 (Dr. Tapesh Chandra Gupta) 28. Collective Bargaining (Praneeta Ojha) ...................................................................................................... 78 29. Ωdmob`a-Mß]b gß^mJ H{$ [`©Q>Z C⁄m{J H$m dmoUo¡`H$ odõ{fU (S>m∞. ‡drU Am{Pm)................................................. 80 30. ^maV _| ]¢oHß$J Am°a odŒmr` gßÒWmE± (S>m∞. [Îbdr o_lm, S>m∞. odd{H$ [Q{>b) .............................................................. 83 31. ^maV gaH$ma H$r Ï`m[ma ZroV (Am`mV Edß oZ`m©V) _{ß [nadV©Z - AmdÌ`H$Vm, H$oR>ZmB™`m d gwPmd (S>m∞. Ama. H{$. Z{_m ) ...... 87 32. ^maVr` [`©Q>Z H{$ j{à _|$ C[^m{∫$m gßajU AoYoZ`_ H$r ‡^mderbVm (S>m∞. AOw©Z ogßh ]K{b).................................... 89 33. Yma oOb{ H$r Am°⁄m{oJH$ oÒWoV, oZd{e Edß ‡m· am{OJma H$m A‹``Z (S>m∞. ‡roV emh ) ............................................... 92 34. oZ_m∂S> AßMb _{ß Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg H$r gß^mdZm`{ß (‡m{. ‡Vm[ amd H$X_) ................................................................. 94 35. ^maV _| Am°⁄m{oJH$ Í$ΩUVm EH$ MwZm°Vr (S>m∞. JU{e ‡gmX Xmda{ ).......................................................................... 97 36. oObm ghH$mar H{$›–r` ]¢H$ _`m©oXV, IaJm{Z H$r ghH$mar go_oV`m{ß H$r Aße[yßOr H$m odd{MZmÀ_H$ odÌb{fU....................... 99 (S>m∞. Eg. Eg. Om_m{X) 37. N>ŒmrgJ∂T> am¡` H{$ bKw C⁄m{Jm{ß _{ß [y±Or odoZ`m{OZ Edß am{OJma C[b„YVm H$r oÒWoV............................................... 101 (S>m∞. EM. Eg. ^moQ>`m, gÀ`X{d oÃ[mR>r) 38. [`m©daU gßajU Edß AmdÌ`H$Vm (S>m∞. am`Hy$ O_am) ...................................................................................... 103 39. _mZd gßgmYZ ‡]ßYZ-C⁄_r` AmdÌ`H$VmAm|$ H{$ AZwÍ$[ ]XbVm [oad{e (S>m∞. Eg. Eg. Om_m{X ).............................. 105 40. [`©Q>Z H$m amÓQ≠>r` AW©Ï`dÒWm _{ß `m{JXmZ (S>m∞. am`Hy$ O_am)............................................................................ 107 (Economics / AW©emÒÃ) 41. Globalization And Its Impact On India Agriculture ................................................................................ 109 (Dr. Pavan Kumar Srivastava, Nisar Ahmad Wani, Ajaz Ahmad Dass ) 42. Overview Of India’s Foreign Direct Investment Policy Measures ................................................. 112 (Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Dr. R.P. Saharia) 43. J´m_rU j{Ãm|$ g{ OZgߪ`m H{$ [bm`Z H{$ H$maU - EH$ A‹``Z (S>m∞. Ama.Eg. _ S>bm{B© ) .......................................... 116 44. [ßMm`Vr amO Ï`dÒWm H$m _yÎ`mßH$Z - J´m_rU odH$mg H{$ ode{f gßX^© _{ß (S>m∞. oZem o_lm )......................................... 119 Naveen Shodh Sansar (An International Refereed Research Journal) ISSN 2320-8767 Jan. to March 2015, Vol. 1 3 45. [`m©daU VWm odH$mg (gr_m ZmJa).......................................................................................................... 122 (Political Seience / amOZroV odkmZ) 46. Criminalization of Politics in India (Dr. Sulekha Mishra, Firdose Ahmad Wani) ............................. 124 47. Terrorism And Its Impact On Kashmir Tourism (Parvaiz Ahmad Qureshi) ......................................... 127 48. Principle Of Political Realism (Dr. P. C. Ghritlahre, Dr. R. K. Tandan) .............................................. 130 49. Constitutionalization Of Panchayti Raj In India (Ishfaq Ahmad Wani ) ............................................. 133 50. India’s policy Towards Afghanistan post 9/11 (Dr. Ranjana Mishra, Irshad Ahmad Mir) ................. 136 51. Women Empowerment In The State Of Jammu And Kashmir ........................................................... 139 (Dr. Poornima Sharma, Arsheed Aziz Khanday) 52. _‹`‡X{e [ßMm`VramO Edß _ohbm geo∫$H$aU (S>m∞. am_ÒdÍ$[ _{ham, S>m∞. lrH$mßV Xw]{) ............................................ 142 53. ‡mMrZ ^maVr` X S> Ï`dÒWm H$r C[`m{oJVm dV©_mZ gß›X^© _| (S>m∞. O{. H{$. $gßV) ................................................... 144 54. _mZdmoYH$ma H$m CÎbßKZ Am°a [wobg Ao^ajm (S>m∞. Yra{›– ogßh, oeÎ[m amO[yV)................................................. 146 55. cm{H$Vßà Edß _mZd AoYH$ma (‡m{. harogßh Hw$edmh, ‡m{. ^mdZm Hw$edmh )............................................................. 148 56. ‡OmVßà _| _ohbmAm| H$r ^yo_H$m (AZmo_H$m lrdmÒVd) .................................................................................. 150 57. ]°Jm OZOmoV Edß CZH$r oÒWoV`m±> (¡`m{oV odÌdmg, S>m∞. dmB©.]r. H$gd{ ) ............................................................. 152 (Sociology / g_mOemÛ) 58. Commercial Banks and SHG’s Linkages (Dr. Anil Kumar ) ................................................................... 154 59. Addiction Of Drugs, Alcohol And Smoking In youth - Curse On Innocence And Society ............... 156 (Dr. R.C. Pantel) 60. _‹`‡X{e H$r H$Î`mUH$mar `m{OZmE| - EH$ A‹``Z (S>m∞. Afim oVH$u ) ................................................................ 158 61. _mZd AoYH$ma Edß ^maVr` _ohbmE| (S>m∞. ]gßV ZmJ ) ................................................................................... 162 62. H$m_H$mOr _ohbmAm| _| ^yo_H$m-gßKf© ï EH$ g_mOemÛr` odÌb{fU (amH{$e oeßX{ ) ................................................ 165 63. gm_moOH$ Ï`dÒWm Edß o]J∂S>Vm obßJmZw[mV (H$›`m ^y´U hÀ`m H{$ gßX^© _|$) (S>m∞. _ßOy Jm`H$dm∂S> ) ................................. 167 (Psychology / _Zm{odkmZ) 64. Reduction In Depression And Enhancement Of Immediate Memory Span (Visual) ........................ 168 Of Women Convicts Through Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (Smita Jain ) 65. Thinking And Reasoning
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