A Guide to Genealogy and How to Find Where You Have Come from in Any Country

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A Guide to Genealogy and How to Find Where You Have Come from in Any Country A Guide to Genealogy and How to Find Where You have Come From In Any Country Kyle J. Joustra Page 3 Author: K.J.Joustra Ferntree Gully, Vic, 3156, Australia 1st Edition, March 2012 Addendum April 2012, Addendum February 2017 Copyright © Kyle Joustra 2017 Copyright remains vested with the author Kyle Joustra. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, or stored in a database or retrieval system, or transmitted or distributed in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the copyright owner apart from any dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act. Enquiries should be made to the author. ISBN: 978-0-646-57467-7 Page 4 To Paige & Chloe Page 5 Contents Contents Contents ............................................................................................................... 6 List of Illustrations ................................................................................... 8 Acknowledgements ................................................................................. 10 Preface ................................................................................................................ 11 Introduction ................................................................................................... 13 Chapter 1 Who am I, and Why am I here? .................. 14 Immigration & Moving ............................................................................................ 14 History in the making ............................................................................................... 15 Genes & Genealogy ................................................................................................. 16 Significance of names .............................................................................................. 16 Chapter 2 First names and surnames- The History ................................................................................................................. 17 Origins of the Surname ............................................................................................ 17 Patronymics .............................................................................................................. 20 Occupations .............................................................................................................. 20 Using localities ......................................................................................................... 21 Definition of JOUSTRA .................................................................................... 21 Physicalcharacteristics, nicknames and personality traits ....................................... 22 Emblems & Icons ..................................................................................................... 22 The Moving Surname .............................................................................................. 23 Chapter 3 Starting your Tree ...................................................... 24 Where do I start? ...................................................................................................... 24 First names and Surnames ....................................................................................... 25 Family Folklore vs. Actual ...................................................................................... 27 First Contact ............................................................................................................. 27 Dead Ends ................................................................................................................ 28 Chapter 4 Sourcing Information in Different Countries........................................................................................................... 31 Learn the background of the country ....................................................................... 31 What works for one country might not work for the next ....................................... 32 Finding your best source of information .................................................................. 32 Language & Cultural barriers .................................................................................. 32 Chapter 5 Storing & Gathering Information ............ 34 Glory Boxes and Hidden Treasures ......................................................................... 34 Library resources ..................................................................................................... 35 Societies, clubs and other organisations .................................................................. 35 Page 6 Computers, a tool not the master ............................................................................. 36 The internet its pros and cons .................................................................................. 36 Preserving your past ................................................................................................. 40 Chapter 6 Putting it all together .............................................. 41 Putting pen-to-paper or bytes-to-computer .............................................................. 41 The Detective ........................................................................................................... 43 Fact or Fiction .......................................................................................................... 44 Presentation .............................................................................................................. 45 Chapter 7 Personal Reflections ................................................ 46 How I researched the Joustra family ........................................................................ 46 The Barbers of Sri-ville ........................................................................................... 48 My new Family ........................................................................................................ 50 So my Uncle is Jewish ............................................................................................. 50 Whose Island, My Ireland ....................................................................................... 52 Hungary for a new search ........................................................................................ 54 Chapter 8 Kinship ................................................................................... 58 Simply a reflection of relations ................................................................................ 58 Common threads of a well worn story ..................................................................... 59 Re-kinderling makes relative sense ......................................................................... 60 Attracting your relatives .......................................................................................... 60 Chapter 9 Outcome ................................................................................ 61 The Unexpected Journey .......................................................................................... 61 My Father’s Side ...................................................................................................... 62 Great-Grandfather (Fredrick Douwe Joustra) Bridging the Gap ......................... 62 Oma (Elizabeth Wilhelmina Johanna Joustra) A Story of struggle ..................... 63 My Father (Rudolf Anthony Joustra) The Gentle Giant ...................................... 70 Self (Kyle Joustra) Hard Times/ Forging a New Vision ...................................... 72 My Mother’s Side .................................................................................................... 76 2nd Great Grandfather (James Henry Barber) a Shrewd Businessman. ............... 76 Great Grandfather (William Edward Barber) a fair and just person - a true Gentleman. ........................................................................................................... 80 Grandfather (Kevin Harold Walsh) The Grandfather I never knew .................... 81 Memories ................................................................................................................. 83 Appendix A Joustra Tree....................................................................................... 86 Appendix B Parbe/Barber Tree ........................................................................... 92 Appendix C Bloodlines ....................................................................................... 121 Appendix D Kinship ............................................................................................. 188 Appendix E Letters to Stella Agnes Barber ................................................... 196 Appendix F Scrapbook ........................................................................................ 200 Appendix G Weddings ......................................................................................... 207 Bibliography ................................................................................................ 209 Index .................................................................................................................... 211 Page 7 Contents List of Illustrations Documents, Cuttings, Photos & Places Fig. 1 The ‘Register’ of 1811 ....................................................................................... 18 Fig. 2 The name
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