THESPIS THINKS _______________ a play in two acts by Tom Eubanks Tom Eubanks 8823 N. Ventura Avenue Ventura, CA 93001 805-701-7576
[email protected] Cast of Characters Davis Cotton: Coastline Theater Company (CTC) Artistic Director; an even- tempered southerner and widower of 40-50; and a man on the verge of dropping the safe life. Hillary Hampshire: CTC Associate Artistic Director; a complacently single and attractive woman of 40-45; unable to fit her work into decent companionship with the opposite sex. Miranda Warner: CTC Board member and Marketing Director; New York transplant; rowdy, rough-around-the edges woman of 40-50. Nona Waugh: CTC production assistant; a modest, good-natured and slightly over- weight woman of 35-45; her need to be loved is subordinate to her willingness to love. Ron: CTC Master Carpenter; an old-guard theater craftsman in his 50s, with an old-fashioned view of the world. Thespis of Icaria: The historical first Greek actor of the ancient Athens stage; an authoritative and opinionative risk-taker, he fully acknowledges his anachronistic presence. The play’s narrator and pathfinder. Jerry Slaate: CTC Board member; an unscrupulous businessman and opportunistic lover in his 40s; he is often the smartest, if not the least liked, man in the room. Karen Smith: Nemesis Theater Company (NTC) Board member; a well-liked, plain-spoken woman in her 40s; her feelings of inadequacy in her work have affected her ethical judgment. Brock Navarro: President of Theater Matters, an arts marketing firm, a wheeler- dealer lobbyist of 35-40; manipulative and conspiratorial, he wears his ego on his sleeve like solid-gold cufflinks and hides his purpose under a garment of deceit like dirty underwear.