Practical Common Lisp
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Computer Science : Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters Seibel, Peter Practical Common Lisp Lisp is often thought of as an academic language, but it need not be. This is the first book that introduces Lisp as a language for the real world. Practical Common Lisp presents a thorough introduction to Common Lisp, providing you with an overall understanding of the language features and how they work. Over a third of the book is devoted to practical examples, such as the core of a spam filter and a web application for browsing MP3s and streaming them via the Shoutcast protocol to any standard MP3 client software (e.g., iTunes, XMMS, or WinAmp). In other "practical" chapters, author Peter Seibel demonstrates how to build a simple but flexible in-memory database, how to parse binary files, and how to build a unit test framework in 26 lines of code. Order online at Apress Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH 1st ed., XXV, 501 p. Customer Service 1st Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 edition 69121 Heidelberg Germany T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 Printed book [email protected] Hardcover Printed book Hardcover ISBN 978-1-59059-239-7 £ 59,99 | CHF 82,50 | 69,99 € | 76,99 € (A) | 74,89 € (D) Available Discount group Standard (0) Product category Professional book Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-1-4302-1161-7 Prices and other details are subject to change without notice. All errors and omissions excepted. Americas: Tax will be added where applicable. Canadian residents please add PST, QST or GST. Please add $5.00 for shipping one book and $ 1.00 for each additional book. Outside the US and Canada add $ 10.00 for first book, $5.00 for each additional book. If an order cannot be fulfilled within 90 days, payment will be refunded upon request. Prices are payable in US currency or its equivalent. ISBN 978-1-59059-239-7 / BIC: UMX / SPRINGER NATURE: SCI14037 Part of .