The FederalRedistribution 2008 Tasmania PublicComment on ObjectionNumber 6 BrianMitchell I Page(s) > Objectionby BrianMitchell to the Reportof the RedistributionCommil "Mitchell,Brian (D. Kerr, To <
[email protected]> MP)" <
[email protected] cc bcc 03/10/200812:24 PM Objectionby BrianMitchell to the Reportof the DuoJeclo..L:^^. Relistrioutioncommittee DearSir/Madam Pleasefind attachedmy Objectionto the Reportof the RedistributionCommittee (2008 Proposed Redistributionof Tasmaniainto Electoral Divisions). Thisemailwas sent at approximately12.30pm on FridayOctober 3, 2008. I wouldappreciate it if you couldreply to confirmreceipt. Thankyou. BrianMitchell 0434 160539 <<Denison Redistribution objection.dss>> DenisonRedistribrnion objection.doc nrcfivrn 3 - OcTz$88 ii ':)lcALlAN iLiCr;;;1- C3t'lt"tSS: " > Objectionby BrianMitchell to the Reportof the RedistributionCommil I Redistribution Committee for Tasmania 2ndFloor AMP Buildins 86 Collins Street HOBART TAS TOOO i stributiontr)aec. sov. au Dear CommitteeMembers I object to the Redistribution Committee's recommendationthat the electorateof Denisonnot be re-namedInglis Clark. The case for this changeof name is overwhelming and fully meets all criteria laid down by the 1995Inquiry of the Joint StandingCommittee on ElectoralMatters. Rather than re-state the case in detail I draw your attention to the excellent submissionsof Bob Holderness-Roddamand the AustralianLabor Partv. I would also like to deal with a seriouserror of lact containedin the Report of the RedistributionCommittee