Paudash Lake Belmont Lake-Crowe Lake Marmora Baptiste
•M EDGEWATER MOTEL Mississagagon and Mazinaw Lakes BAPTISTE - L'AMABLE Highway 28, 10 miles southeast of Bancroft, on the shore of Paudash Lake. Fishing, swimming and boat- Bass - Pickerel - Pike - Trout ing. Modern motel, 3 piece private bathrooms. Res- LIMERICK LAKES - BANCROFT taurants nearby. May 1st to Oct. 15th. D.A.A. Rec- Bass - Pickerel - Pike - Lake and Brook Trout ommended. Address: John G. Rutledge, 46 Sheppard Salmon Ave. W., Willowdale, Ont. Summer: R.R. 3, Bancroft, Ont. Beautiful lakes along the route of No. 62 Highway from Belleville. Exquisitely lovely in their rugged but graceful shorelines. There is good fishing, thrills and excitement await- ing those who visit the fine resorts at these lakes. Each lake is significant with its sand beaches and natural environment. BIRCH CLIFF LODGE Baptiste Lake, 9 miles west from Bancroft, turn left off Highway 62 at Bird's Creek. Excellent loca- tion for family vacation - Accommodation for 75 ARAGAIN LODGE guests • 14 sleeping cottages all with 3 piece bath - Kashwakamak Lake, Harlowe, Ontario. Aragain Lodge Modern dining room and lounge - Large recreation is the most modern resort in the Land-0-Lakes Dis- hall - Dancing and many in and outdoor games - trict and is an ideal place for a restful vacation. Fishing - Water sports and hiking - Golf and riding Noted for excellent food, good fishing, sandy beach, nearby. Folders on request - Phone Bancroft 827 R 13. WHITE PINE LODGE AND MOTEL recreation room, snack bar, Peterborough Boats. Arthur W. Nicoll, Baptiste, Ont. Modern sleeping cabins and motel. Folder and rates In Haliburton's Lake and Woodland Playground.
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