Publication List Prof. Dr. Norbert Trautmann (Aug

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Publication List Prof. Dr. Norbert Trautmann (Aug Publication List Prof. Dr. Norbert Trautmann (Aug. 2012) R. Denig, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Schnelle Extraktion durch quasi-feste Extraktionsmittel Z. Analyt. Chem. 216, 41 (1966) N. Trautmann, R. Denig, N. Kaffrell, G. Herrmann Heavy Isotopes of Protactinium Z. Naturforsch. 23a, 2127 (1968) N. Trautmann, R. Denig, G. Herrmann Wirkungsquerschnitte der (n,p)-, (n,pn)- und (n,α)-Reaktionen am Uran-238 mit 15-MeV- Neutronen und Nachweis des Thoriums-235 Radiochim. Acta 11, 168 (1969) R. Denig, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Trennung von Spaltprodukten durch Extraktionschromatographie I. Bestimmung der Verteilungskoeffizienten J. Radioanal. Chem. 5, 223 (1970) R. Denig, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Trennung von Spaltprodukten durch Extraktionschromatographie II. Trennung von Mutter-Tochter-Paaren J. Radioanal. Chem. 6, 57 (1970) R. Denig, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Trennung von Spaltprodukten durch Extraktionschromatographie III. Auftrennung eines Spaltproduktgemisches J. Radioanal. Chem. 6, 331 (1970) G. Herrmann, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, R. Denig, W. Herzog, D. Hübscher, K.-L. Kratz Some Studies on Neutron-Rich Nuclei CERN 70-30, 2, 985 (1970) International Conference on the Properties of Nuclei far from the Region of Beta-Stability, Leysin, Sept. 1970 M. Weber, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Volatilization of Fission Products from Solid Uranium Tetrafluoride Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett. 6, 73 (1971) R. Denig, N. Trautmann, N. Kaffrell, G. Herrmann Heavy Isotopes of Protactinium: Formation, Isolation, Mass Assignment and Cross Sections BMBW-FB K 71-17, 2-1 (1971) Tagungsbericht der 3. Internationalen Protaktiniumkonferenz, Schloβ Elmau bei Mittenwald, April 1969 N. Trautmann, N. Kaffrell, R. Denig, G. Herrmann Schwere Isotope des Protactiniums: Zerfall des 9.1 min 236Pa und 8.7 min 237Pa BMBW-FB K 71-17, 3-1 (1971) Tagungsbericht der 3. Internationalen Protaktiniumkonferenz, Schloβ Elmau bei Mittenwald, April 1969 N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, R. Denig, G. Herrmann Schwere Isotope des Protactiniums: Zerfall des 24 min 235Pa und 2.3 min 238Pa BMBW-FB K 71-17, 4-1 (1971) Tagungsbericht der 3. Internationalen Protaktiniumkonferenz, Schloβ Elmau bei Mittenwald, April 1969 - 2 - T. Sikkeland, N.H. Shafrir, N. Trautmann Evidence for Fission Effects in Incomplete Fusion Reactions Phys. Lett. 42B, 201 (1972) N. Kaffrell, R. Denig, G. Herrmann, N. Trautmann Study of Complex Decay Schemes by γ-γ Coincidence Measurements Using a 16 K Memory System Proc. Intern. Conference on Radioactivity in Nuclear Spectroscopy, Nashville, Aug. 1969 (Gordon and Breach, New York 1972), S.395 M. Weber, N. Trautmann, H. Menke, G. Herrmann, N. Kaffrell Rapid Release of Volatile Fission Products from Solid Uranium Tetrafluoride Inorg. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 9, 519 (1973) N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann Identification of Thorium-236 Z. Naturforsch. 28a, 541 (1973) N. Trautmann, N. Kaffrell, H.W. Behlich, H. Folger, G. Herrmann, D. Hübscher, H. Ahrens Identification of Short-Lived Isotopes of Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, and Technetium in Fission by Rapid Solvent Extraction Techniques Radiochim. Acta 18, 86 (1972) K. Chayawattanangkur, G. Herrmann, N. Trautmann Heavy Isotopes of Actinium: 229Ac, 230Ac, 231Ac and 232Ac J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 35, 3061 (1973) N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann, H. Ahrens Levels in the Transitional Nuclei 106Ru and 108Ru Phys. Rev. C8, 320 (1973) M. Weber, N. Trautmann, H. Menke, G. Herrmann, N. Kaffrell Verflüchtigung von Spaltprodukten aus festem Uran(IV)-fluorid und anderen Fluoriden Radiochim. Acta 19, 106 (1973) N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann, H. Ahrens Some Studies on Short-Lived Fission Products in the Mass Region A = 98-108 Proc. 5th Summer School on Nuclear Physics, Rudziska, Poland, Vol. 2, 307 (1973) N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, R. Denig The Decay of 8.7 min 237Pa Z. Phys. 266, 21 (1974) K. Sümmerer, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann The Decay of 105Tc to Levels in 105Ru Z. Phys. A273, 77 (1975) G. Klein, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Identification of 96Y in Fission by a Rapid Chemical Separation Procedure Inorg. Nucl. Chem. Lett. 11, 511 (1975) H. Menke, N. Trautmann, W.-J. Krebs Zur Bestrahlung mit Reaktorimpulsen Kerntechnik 17, 281 (1975) - 3 - N. Trautmann, P.O. Aronsson, T. Björnstad, N. Kaffrell, E. Kvåle, M. Skarestad, G. Skarnemark, E. Stender The Combination of the Gas Jet Recoil Technique with the Fast Chemical On-Line Separation System SISAK Inorg. Nucl. Chem Lett. 11, 729 (1975) N. Trautmann, N. Kaffrell, H. Ahrens, P.F. Dittner Identification of 109Tc and 110Tc in Fission of 249Cf Phys. Rev. C13, 872 (1976) W. Herzog, N. Trautmann, R. Denig, G. Herrmann The Decay of 31 sec 98Zr, 2.9 sec 98Nb and 51 min 98Nb Z. Phys. A276, 393 (1976) W. Brüchle, G. Tittel, N. Trautmann, M. Zendel A Proposed Group Separation Procedure for Superheavy Elements by Using Di-ethyl- dithiophosphoric Acid Proc. 4th Int. Transplutonium Element Sympos., Baden-Baden, Sept. 1975, p.29 H. Ahrens, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Decay Properties of Neutron-Rich Niobium Isotopes Phys. Rev. C14, 211 (1976) N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Rapid Chemical Separation Procedures J. Radioanal. Chem 32, 533 (1976) N. Trautmann Rapid Chemical Separations CERN 76-13, 30 (1976) 3rd International Conference on Nuclei far from Stability, Cargese, Corsica, May 1976 N. Kaffrell, G. Franz, G. Klein, K. Sümmerer, G. Tittel, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann, H. Ahrens Decay Properties of Neutron-Rich Nuclei in the Mass Region A ≈ 100 CERN 76-13, 483 (1976) 3rd International Conference on Nuclei far from Stability, Cargese, Corsica, May 1976 W. Kurcewicz, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, A. Plochocki, J. Zylicz, K. Stryczniewicz, I. Yutlandov Collective States Fed by Weak α-Transitions in the 230U Chain Nucl. Phys. A270, 175 (1976) G. Skarnemark, E. Stender, N. Trautmann, P.O. Aronsson, T. Björnstad, N. Kaffrell, E. Kvåle, M. Skarestad Decay Properties of Some Neutron-Rich Praseodymium Isotopes Radiochim. Acta 23, 98 (1976) T. Björnstad, E. Kvåle, G. Skarnemark, P.O. Aronsson, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, E. Stender Decay Properties of 143La J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 39, 1107 (1977) G. Skarnemark, P.O. Aronsson, T. Björnstad, E. Kvåle, N. Kaffrell, E. Stender, N. Trautmann Decay Properties of 144-146La J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 39, 1487 (1977) - 4 - W. Kurcewicz, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, A. Plochocki, J. Zylicz, M. Matul, K. Stryczniewicz Collective States Fed by Weak α-Transitions in the 232U Chain Nucl. Phys. A289, 1 (1977) W. Kurcewicz, E. Ruchowska, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann Precise Energies of Gamma Rays from the 230 Th and 228Th Decay Nucl. Instr. Meth. 146, 613 (1977) G. Tittel, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Direct Identification of 103-107Mo by a Rapid Chemical Separation Procedure J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 39, 2115 (1977) R.J. Silva, N. Trautmann, M. Zendel, P.F. Dittner, E. Stender, H. Ahrens A Gas-Jet Recoil-Transport System for Fission Products and its Application to a Continuous Chemical Separation Procedure in the Gas Phase Nucl. Instr. Meth. 147, 371 (1977) M. Schädel, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Fast Separation of Lanthanides by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography Radiochim. Acta 24, 27 (1977) H. Gäggeler, W. Brüchle, H. Ahrens, H. Folger, G. Franz, J.V. Kratz, M. Schädel, I. Warnecke, G. Wirth, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann, N. Kaffrell, P. Peuser, G. Tittel, M. Weber, M. Zendel Search for Long-Lived Superheavy Elements in the Reaction of 136Xe with 238U Z. Phys. A286, 419 (1978) M. Zendel, E. Stender, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Chemical Reactions in a Gas-Jet Recoil-Transport System: Continuous Separation Procedure for Selenium and Tellurium from Fission Products Nucl. Instr. Meth. 153, 149 (1978) M. Schädel, J.V. Kratz, H. Ahrens, W. Brüchle, G. Franz, H. Gäggeler, I. Warnecke, G. Wirth, G. Herrmann, N. Trautmann, M. Weis Isotope Distributions in the Reaction of 238U with 238U Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 469 (1978) K. Sümmerer, N. Kaffrell, H. Otto, P. Peuser, N. Trautmann Levels in 104Ru Populated by the β--Decay of 104Tc Z. Phys. A287, 287 (1978) W. Kurcewicz, E. Ruchowska, J. Zylicz, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann Search for the Kπ = 0+ Excited States in 226Ra Fed in the α-Decay of 230Th Nucl. Phys. A304, 77 (1978) K. Sümmerer, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann Angular Correlations of γ-Ray Transitions in 104Ru Nucl. Phys. A308, 1 (1978) M. Schädel, W. Brüchle, B. Haefner, J.V. Kratz, W. Schorstein, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Chemical Separations of Actinide Elements from Heavy-Ion Irradiated Uranium Targets Radiochim. Acta 25, 111 (1978) - 5 - J.V. Kratz, H. Ahrens, W. Brüchle, H. Gäggeler, M. Schädel, I. Warnecke, G. Wirth, G. Herrmann, N. Trautmann, M. Weis Evidence for Strong Correlations between Proton and Neutron-Exchanges in Damped Collisions of 129,132,136Xe + Au and 238U + 238U South African J. Physics 1, 154 (1978) J. Stachel, N. Kaffrell, E. Stender, K. Sümmerer, N. Trautmann, K. Brodèn, G. Skarnemark, T. Björnstad, I. Haldorsen The Decay of 107Tc to Levels in 107Ru Radiochim. Acta 26, 127 (1979) E. Stender, N. Trautmann, G. Herrmann Use of Alkali Halide Clusters in a Gas-Jet Recoil-Transport System Radiochem. Radioanal. Lett. 42, 291 (1980) P. De Gelder, D. De Frenne, E. Jacobs, H. Thierens, A. de Clercq, P. D'Hondt, K. Heyde, A.J. Deruytter, G. Tittel, N. Kaffrell, N. Trautmann, F. Schussler The β--Decay of 102Mo Nucl. Phys. A337, 285 (1980) K. Sümmerer, N. Kaffrell, E. Stender, N. Trautmann, K. Brodèn, G. Skarnemark, T. Björnstad, I. Haldorsen, J.A. Maruhn Levels in 106Ru and 108Ru Nucl. Phys. A339, 74 (1980) G. Skarnemark, P.O. Aronsson, K. Brodèn, J. Rydberg, T. Björnstad, N. Kaffrell, E. Stender, N. Trautmann An Improved System for Fast, Continuous Chemical Separations ("SISAK 2") in Nuclear Spectroscopic Studies Nucl. Instr. Meth. 171, 323 (1980) N. Kaffrell, E. Stender, K. Sümmerer, N. Trautmann, K. Brodèn, G. Skarnemark, T. Björnstad, I. Haldorsen, J.A. Maruhn Levels in 104,106,108Ru Proc. Workshop on Nuclear Spectroscopy of Fission Products, Inst.
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