Genetic Structure of atropunctata (: Cicadellidae) Populations Across Its Natural Range in California Reveals Isolation by Distance Author(s): E. S. Ballman, P. F. Rugman-Jones, R. Stouthamer, and M. S. Hoddle Source: Journal of Economic Entomology, 104(1):279-287. 2011. Published By: Entomological Society of America DOI: 10.1603/EC10112 URL:

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BioOne sees sustainable scholarly publishing as an inherently collaborative enterprise connecting authors, nonprofit publishers, academic institutions, research libraries, and research funders in the common goal of maximizing access to critical research. MOLECULAR ENTOMOLOGY Genetic Structure of Graphocephala atropunctata (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) Populations Across Its Natural Range in California Reveals Isolation by Distance


J. Econ. Entomol. 104(1): 279Ð287 (2011); DOI: 10.1603/EC10112 ABSTRACT The genetic structure of 23 populations of Graphocephala atropunctata (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: ), a vector of the plant pathogenic bacterium Wells et al., was investigated using ribosomal 28S and mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase I gene sequences. The 28S sequences were identical across all G. atropunctata specimens and populations, but 16 mitochondrial haplotypes were detected and signiÞcant interpopulation differences were found F in the distribution of these haplotypes. Pairwise estimates of st correlated positively with geographical distance between populations, a phenomenon known as genetic isolation by distance. Thus, despite potential for widespread movement of G. atropunctata through nursery and agricultural industries, isolated populations of G. atropunctata have remained genetically distinct, suggesting that negligible numbers of G. atropunctata are actually transported or population interbreeding rarely occurs. The phylogenetic relationship between G. atropunctata and two additional congeners, Graphocephala cythura Baker and Graphocephala flavovittata Metcalf, which have overlapping distributions with G. atropunctata, also was investigated. Although 28S sequences of G. flavovittata were strikingly similar to those of G. atropunctata, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) suggests that both species are genetically distinct from G. atropunctata.

KEY WORDS Graphocephala flavovittata, Graphocephala cythura, sharpshooters, cytochrome C oxidase I, 28S

The blue-green , Graphocephala at- 2000) with the assumption that results apply to all ropunctata (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Ci- populations found throughout California. However, cadellinae), is a xylem-feeding that vectors G. atropunctata occupies a northÐsouth latitudinal the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al., the caus- range of Ϸ1,000 km across California and has limited ative agent of PierceÕs disease in grape (Vitis spp.) natural dispersal abilities (Severin 1949). Thus, op- vines. G. atropunctata is native to the western United portunities for interbreeding to occur between highly States, with a range that extends as far south as Nic- isolated populations across this vast range may be G. at- aragua in Central America (McKamey 2007). restricted, resulting in limited gene ßow and the de- ropunctata is common throughout California, and al- velopment of signiÞcant differences in reproductive though it is found primarily on wild grape and Rubus behavior, biology, and ecology between isolated pop- blackberry ( spp.), in humid riparian areas, it ulations. also feeds on a wide variety of native and exotic plants One readily observable difference between widely (Severin 1949). Polyphagy, wide distribution, and disparate populations of G. atropunctata is their mor- transmission of X. fastidiosa combine to make G. at- phology, in particular their color, which varies dra- ropunctata a perennial threat to the California grape matically from northern to southern California (Fig. industry, especially in the Napa Valley area of north- G. atropunctata ern California, where it is the primary vector of 1). Typically, from northern California PierceÕs disease (Purcell 1976). are dark green with faint markings on the body, Much of the research conducted on G. atropunctata whereas southern California populations are bright regarding life history, disease transmission, and con- blue with pronounced markings on the head, scutel- trol strategies has focused on populations from north- lum, and wings (Severin 1949). Whether these differ- ern California (Severin 1949, Purcell 1976, Feil et al. ences in morphology are an expression of phenotypic plasticity or are indicative of genetic differences is 1 Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, currently unknown. However, this latter possibility CA 92521. could have important implications for the direction of 2 Center for Invasive Species Research, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521. current research and the tactics presently used 3 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. throughout California for control of this vineyard pest.

0022-0493/11/0279Ð0287$04.00/0 ᭧ 2011 Entomological Society of America 280 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 104, no. 1

Fig. 1. Photograph of three G. atropunctata specimens illustrating the differences in morphology among populations in California. (A) Southern California, Laguna Beach. (B) Central California, Berkeley. (C) Northern California, Redding. (Online Þgure in color.)

Its large range, disjunct distribution, and occupation collected in Fullerton, CA, and three specimens of G. of isolated habitats, suggest that populations of G. flavovittata were collected in Uruapan, Michoaca´n, atropunctata across California may have quantiÞable Mexico (Table 1; Fig. 2). All specimens collected for population-level genetic differences. Given its status study were preserved in 95% ethanol, and kept at as a signiÞcant pest, such genetic differentiation may Ϫ20ЊC until used for DNA analyses. Voucher speci- have important ramiÞcations for the control of any mens of each Graphocephala species were deposited in given population. We examined differences among the University of CaliforniaÐRiverside Entomology G. atropunctata Californian populations of along a lat- Museum (Table 1). itudinal cline of Ϸ1,000 km, by using DNA sequence data from nuclear and mitochondrial genes to assess gene ßow between study populations. This work had three main objectives. The Þrst was to examine DNA sequences from different G. atropunctata populations for evidence of the existence of cryptic species. Sec- ond, we sought to examine molecular level differences in G. atropunctata populations across California to ascertain the likely level of interpopulation movement and gene ßow. Third, we compared G. atropunctata to two other species of Graphocephala, Graphocephala cythura Baker and Graphocephala flavovittata Metcalf (Fig. 2), to determine molecular similarity between these three species. The results of these studies are presented here.

Materials and Methods Specimen Collections. G. atropunctata were col- lected between July 2007 and January 2008 from lo- cations throughout California across a latitudinal range of Ϸ1,000 km. Adult specimens of G. atropunc- tata were collected from 23 locations across coastal and inland southern California, the central coast, the central valley, the San Francisco Bay area, Napa and Sonoma valleys, and coastal and inland northern Cal- ifornia (Table 1; Fig. 3). Sample locations were sep- Fig. 2. Photographs of G. cythura (A) and G. flavovittata arated by at least 3 km. Two additional species of (B) illustrating morphology, in particular, color and body Graphocephala were collected for DNA comparison to markings, for comparison with G. atropunctata (see Fig. 1). G. atropunctata. Two specimens of G. cythura were (Online Þgure in color.) February 2011 BALLMAN ET AL.: POPULATION GENETICS OF G. atropunctata IN CALIFORNIA 281

Table 1. Collection and voucher information for populations of Graphocephala spp. studied

Collection date Elevation California Map GPS coordinates a Species b UCRC ENT accession no. (mo/d/yr) (m) county reference 7/15/2007 33Њ 32Ј33Љ N 117Њ 47Ј07Љ W 0 Orange G. atropunctata S 223957, 223956, 223955, 015808*, 015809* 7/17/2007 33Њ 29Ј29Љ N 117Њ 15Ј09Љ W 306 Riverside G. atropunctata T 223954, 223953, 015819* 7/30/2007 37Њ 52Ј39Љ N, 122Њ 14Ј40Љ W 309 Alameda G. atropunctata J 223946, 223945, 223944, 015810*, 015811* 7/30/2007 37Њ 53Ј08Љ N, 122Њ 15Ј42Љ 146 Alameda G. atropunctata I 223943, 223942, 223941 7/30/2007 38Њ 30Ј29Љ N, 122 53Ј09Љ W 30 Sonoma G. atropunctata H 223940, 223939, 223938, 015812*, 015813* 7/30/2007 38Њ 35Ј39N, 122Њ 55Ј0Љ W 155 Sonoma G. atropunctata G 223937, 223936, 223935 7:1:2007 40Њ 40Ј60Љ N, 122Њ 39Ј00Љ W 767 Shasta G. atropunctata C 223930, 223929, 223928 7/31/2007 38Њ 53Ј48Љ N, 123Њ 12Ј46Љ W 280 Mendocino G. atropunctata F 223933 7/31/2007 39Њ 11Ј08Љ N, 123Њ 01Ј35Љ W 419 Lake G. atropunctata E 223952, 223951, 223950 8/1/2007 40Њ 42Ј53Љ N, 122Њ 38Ј04Љ W 430 Shasta G. atropunctata B 223949, 223948, 223947, 015815* 8/1/2007 40Њ 40Ј10Љ N, 122Њ 55Ј11Љ W 516 Trinity G. atropunctata D 223927, 223926, 223925 8/1/2007 40Њ 55Ј01Љ N, 122Њ 23Ј33Љ W 360 Shasta G. atropunctata A 223922, 23923, 223924, 015814* 8/11/2007 32Њ 52Ј44Љ N, 116Њ 54Ј16Љ W 197 San Diego G. atropunctata R 223932, 223931 8/13/2007 34Њ 24Ј52Љ N, 119Њ 44Ј12Љ W 42 Santa Barbara G. atropunctata O 223964, 223965, 015816* 8/15/2007 35Њ 12Ј08Љ N, 120Њ 42Ј56Љ W 31 San Luis Obispo G. atropunctata N 223961 8/22/2007 33Њ 04Ј54Љ N, 117Њ 03Ј37Љ W 123 San Diego G. atropunctata V 223934, 015818* 8/23/2007 33Њ 00Ј35Љ N, 117Њ 14Ј23Љ W 5 San Diego G. atropunctata W 223921, 223920, 223919 8/23/2007 33Њ 21Ј40Љ N, 117Њ 12Ј17Љ W 162 San Diego G. atropunctata U 223918, 223917, 015817* 8/26/2007 34Њ 02Ј15Љ N, 118Њ 44Ј59Љ W 40 Los Angeles G. atropunctata P 015820* 8/29/2007 33Њ 41Ј06Љ N, 117Њ 39Ј41Љ W 260 Orange G. atropunctata Q 223962, 223963, 9/1/2007 35Њ 15Ј10Љ N, 120Њ 52Ј30Љ W 54 San Luis Obispo G. atropunctata M 223958 8/31/2007 35Њ 28Ј28Љ N, 120Њ 51Ј01Љ W 89 San Luis Obispo G. atropunctata L 223960, 223959 10/28/2007 36Њ 00Ј36Љ N 121Њ 31Ј05Љ W 23 Monterey G. atropunctata K 223916, 223915, 223914 11/24/2007 33Њ 53Ј16Љ N, 117Њ 53Ј03Љ W 80 Orange G. cythura X 223910 1/13/2008 19Њ 28Ј18Љ N 102Њ 26Ј43Љ W 1,675 G. flavovittata 223913, 223912, 223911

An asterisk indicates that the specimen is sequenced and deposited in GenBank. a G. flavovittata was collected in Michoaca´n, Mexico. b See Fig. 3.

DNA Extraction. DNA was extracted from a single 38 cycles of 94ЊC for 30 s, 58ЊC for 50 s, 72ЊC for 90 s, tibia of individual specimens using a chelex extraction and a Þnal extension for 10 min at 72ЊC. method (Walsh et al. 1991). Single G. atropunctata A section of the cytochrome C oxidase subunit were removed from alcohol and allowed brießy to I (COI) of mitochondrial DNA also was ampliÞed air-dry. A mesothoracic tibia was dissected out, trans- for each specimen. Initially, the PCR primer pair ferred to a 0.5-␮l microcentrifuge tube containing 2 ␮l LCO 1490 (5Ј-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG- of proteinase-K, and ground up using a micropestle. 3Ј) and HCO 2198 (5Ј-TAAACTTCAGGGTGAC- Then, 100 ␮l of a 5% chelex-100 (Bio-Rad Laborato- CAAAAAATCA-3Ј (Folmer et al. 1994) was used. PCR ries, Hercules, CA) suspension (in water) was added, was performed in 25-␮l reactions containing 2Ð4 ␮lof and the tubes were incubated at 55ЊC for 1 h, and then DNA template (concentration not determined), 1ϫ for a further 10 min at 99ЊC to inactivate the protein- Thermopol PCR buffer, 200 ␮M dNTP, 0.2 ␮M of each ase-K. Tubes were then spun in a microcentrifuge at primer, and1UofTaq polymerase (New England 14,000 rpm for 4 min, pelleting the chelex and Biolabs). PCR was performed in an Eppendorf ther- debris, and the supernatant (containing the extracted mocycler programmed for 94ЊC for 2 min, three cycles DNA) was transferred to a new 0.5-␮l microcentrifuge of 94ЊC for 30 s, 45ЊC for 50 s, 72ЊC for 40 s; 35 cycles tube and stored at Ϫ20ЊC. of 94ЊC for 30 s, 51ЊC for 30 s, 72ЊC for 40 s; and a Þnal Amplification of Extracted G. atropunctata DNA. extension at 72ЊC for 2 min. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to amplify As our study progressed, the initial COI primer set a 532-bp section of the D2 region of 28S ribosomal became increasingly problematic and ampliÞcations RNA by using the PCR primers 28sF3633 (5Ј-TAC- deteriorated to the point where PCR product that CGTGAGGGAAAGTTGAAA-3Ј) and 28sR4076 (5Ј- once appeared as a “crisp” single band on an agarose AGACTCCTTGGTCCGTGTTT-3Ј) (Choudhury and gel instead became a general “smear” of approximately Werren 2006). PCR was performed in 25-␮l reactions the right size. Ordering new, replacement PCR prim- containing 2 ␮l of DNA template from extraction ers made no difference to the quality of our ampliÞ- (concentration not determined), 1ϫ Thermopol PCR cations and sequencing became impossible. We be- buffer (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA), 200 ␮M lieve this observed deterioration was an example of dNTP, 0.2 ␮M of each primer, and1UofTaq poly- “genotyping crash,” which has been reported from merase (New England Biolabs). PCR was performed laboratories that amplify DNA with the same pair of in a Mastercycler 5331 or Mastercycler ep gradient S primers over an extended period (e.g., Han et al. thermocycler (Eppendorf North America Inc., New 2006). To overcome this problem, specimens that York, NY) programmed for 94ЊC for 2 min, followed by could not be successfully ampliÞed and sequenced 282 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 104, no. 1

Fig. 3. Map of collection sites in California for G. atropunctata and G. cythura. See Table 1 for map legend with corresponding collection information. with the original primers, were instead ampliÞed using Institute Core Instrumentation Facility. Sequences a set of internal primers G. atropunctata COI-F2 (5Ј- were trimmed (removing the primers), aligned man- TCGAATTGAAYTWGCWCAGC-3Ј) and G. at- ually using BioEdit version (Hall 1999), and ropunctata COI-R2 (5Ј-AGCTCCTGCYAAWACWG- deposited in GenBank (Benson et al. 2000). GTA-3Ј), under identical PCR conditions. Genetic Analyses. COI sequences were translated Cleaning and Sequencing. PCR products were vi- using the EMBOSS-Transeq website (http://www.ebi. sualized after electrophoresis on 1% agarose gels to conÞrm stained with ethidium bromide, puriÞed using the the absence of nuclear pseudogenes (Song et al. 2008), Wizard PCR Preps DNA puriÞcation system (Pro- and trimmed to match the length of those produced by mega, Madison WI), and sequenced in both directions the internal primer ampliÞcations, resulting in a matrix at the University of CaliforniaÐRiverside Genomics of 70 sequences, each 465 bp. The number of G. at- February 2011 BALLMAN ET AL.: POPULATION GENETICS OF G. atropunctata IN CALIFORNIA 283 ropunctata mitochondrial haplotypes and haplotype N) possessed six distinct haplotypes, whereas central diversity were calculated using DnaSp software, ver- and southern California (32Њ 52Ј Nto36Њ 00Ј N) pos- sion 4.10.7 (Rozas et al. 2003), and a haplotype net- sessed ten distinct haplotypes (Fig. 4). G. atropunctata work was constructed using the statistical parsimony specimens could be assigned to different populations method of Templeton et al. (1992) in the software by their state at speciÞc single nucleotide polymor- program TCS, version 1.21 (Clement 2000). COI se- phisms (Table 2). F quences of specimens from the 23 original collection Estimates of st between our geographically deÞned locations (Table 1) were arbitrarily grouped accord- populations of G. atropunctata ranged from 0.0016 to ing to collection latitude, creating six geographically 0.5990 and were signiÞcantly different from zero for 11 deÞned G. atropunctata population groups (Fig. 3). of 15 pairwise population comparisons (Table 3). Genetic differences between these population groups Those without signiÞcant differences were typically F G. atropunctata were approximated by calculating estimates of st for populations of that were relatively each pair of groups by using the program ARLEQUIN close to each other (i.e., Ͻ 200 km). Within G. at- F ropunctata, F (Schneider et al. 2000). The signiÞcance of st values the highest pairwise st difference was was evaluated by permuting the haplotypes (1,000 found between the populations that were geograph- permutations) between groups. Sequential Bonfer- ically furthest from one another (i.e., divisions 1 and roni corrections were applied. Partitioning of genetic 6; Fig. 3; Table 3). A similar pattern was evident in the variation was estimated using the analysis of molecular results of the AMOVA, with the majority of molecular variance (AMOVA) implemented in ARLEQUIN. Ge- variation (65.03%; df ϭ 64, P Ͻ 0.001) expressed within netic variation was partitioned into two levels: 1) populations but a still highly signiÞcant amount due to within populations of G. atropunctata and 2) among interpopulation differences (34.97%; df ϭ 5, P Ͻ populations of G. atropunctata. The signiÞcance of 0.001). Finally, the Mantel test revealed a strong pos- population differentiation was evaluated using the itive correlation between the genetic and geographic permutation method (1,000 permutations) invoked in distances separating the six G. atropunctata population ARLEQUIN. To test for isolation by distance, a Mantel groups across California (r ϭ 0.782, P ϭ 0.004) (Fig. 5). F Graphocephala test seeking a correlation between linearized st and Comparison with the other species the natural log of geographic distance (Rousset 1997) revealed that 28S sequences of G. flavovittata were separating the six G. atropunctata population groups very similar to those of G. atropunctata. Of the three was implemented using the ISOLDE program in Ge- G. flavovittata specimens collected in Mexico, one had nepop, version 4.0.10 on the web (http://genepop. a 28S sequence identical to that of the California G.; Raymond and Rousset 1995, atropunctata, and the other two differed by only a Rousset 2008). Number of permutations was 1,000. single nucleotide at the 252 bp (GenBank accession The relationship between G. atropunctata and the FJ890819). In contrast, G. cythura had nine nucleotide other two species, G. cythura and G. flavovitatta, was differences (Ϸ1.7% sequence divergence) in 28S com- investigated by reconstructing a maximum-likelihood pared with G. atropunctata (GenBank accession tree. 28S and COI sequences were concatenated, pro- FJ890818). COI sequences showed greater diver- ducing an aligned matrix of 19 haplotypes, each 997 bp. gence. G. flavovittata possessed two COI haplotypes No gaps were necessary in either the 28S (532 bases) (GenBank accessions FJ890837ÐFJ890838), differing or the COI (465 bases) partition and the resulting from each other by a single nucleotide, but differing matrix was deposited in TreeBASE, version 2 (Piel et from the most similar G. atropunctata haplotype at 41 al. 2009; Analysis of the parti- nucleotide positions (Ϸ9% sequence divergence). G. tioned data set was conducted using RAxML 7.0.4 cythura was represented by a single COI haplotype (Stamatakis et al. 2005) and run on the CIPRES web that differed from the most similar G. atropunctata portal ( haplotype at 65 nucleotide positions (Ϸ14% sequence with the rapid bootstrap search algorithm (RBS) (Sta- divergence) (GenBank accession FJ890836). These matakis et al. 2008), in which bootstrap analyses are patterns were reßected with strong branch support conducted Þrst with 100 repetitions, followed by fast (Ͼ90%) in the RAxML maximum-likelihood phyloge- and then slow searches on the sampled trees to Þnd the netic reconstruction (Fig. 6). best-known likelihood tree.

Results Discussion Sequences of 28S rDNA were identical for all 70 G. The blue-green sharpshooter is a major vector of atropunctata individuals sampled across the 23 Cali- PierceÕs disease in grape vines and occupies a frag- fornia collections (GenBank accession FJ890817). Six- mented range throughout California. This study re- teen different mitochondrial haplotypes (GenBank vealed the existence of 16 mitochondrial haplotypes in accessions FJ890820ÐFJ890835) were found among specimens of G. atropunctata across California. COI the 70 specimens (Fig. 4). Thirty-three specimens sequence data for 70 specimens seems to indicate a shared the most common haplotype that is only clear geographic signal with unique single nucleotide present in central and northern California, and no polymorphisms characterizing populations from south other G. atropunctata haplotype differed from that by central coast, central to northern California, and Ͼ4bp(Ͻ1%). Northern California (37Њ52Ј Nto40Њ55Ј southern California (Table 2). 284 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 104, no. 1

Fig. 4. Haplotype network for the COI sequences of G. atropunctata sampled across California. Each haplotype is represented by a rectangle or oval. The rectangular haplotype is that assigned the highest outgroup probability. Size of each haplotype is indicative of the number of specimens sharing that haplotype; also given inside each haplotype. Also included within each haplotype are the collection sites where that haplotype was detected (see Table 1 and Fig. 3 for explanation of alpha codes and geographic locations). Small circles represent hypothetical haplotypes not detected in our sample and lines between haplotypes represent a mutation in a single base pair.

Comparison of six geographically deÞned popula- dispersal rates across a large geographic range. The tion groups revealed signiÞcant differences in the dis- small size and relatively weak ßying abilities of G. tribution of the 16 mitochondrial haplotypes; 11 of 15 atropunctata, coupled with a lack of contiguous hab- F pairwise st estimates were signiÞcantly different from itat, may promote a similar pattern of isolation by zero, indicating limited gene ßow between the pop- distance. In our study, the four pairwise population F ulations (Table 3). Estimates of st also were strongly comparisons where signiÞcant gene ßow was evident correlated with geographic distance (Fig. 5), suggest- represented near neighboring population groups ing that one major factor limiting gene ßow between (separated by Ͻ200 km): divisions 1 and 2, divisions 2 populations is the distance separating them. In Mac- and 4, divisions 3 and 4, and divisions 5 and 6 (Fig. 3). rosteles fascifrons (Stål) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), a Contrary to what we might expect under isolation by leafhopper that has a similar extended range across the distance, gene ßow also seemed to be restricted be- west coast of the United States, Beirne (1956) noted tween two pairs of neighboring population groups that different populations were biologically isolated (divisions 2 and 3, divisions 4 and 5; Fig. 3), both with from one another as a result of their low relative a minimum separation distance of only 90 km. This suggests that other barriers may play a role in limiting gene ßow between these populations, such as differ- Table 2. Specific combinations of single nucleotide polymor- phisms in the COI sequence correlate with the geographic location in California where G. atropunctata specimens were collected Table 3. Pairwise estimates of Fst between six geographically defined G. atropunctata population groups (see Fig. 3) Position in COI sequence Popa 239 395 440 12345 Southern California 1 A G C 2 0.0016 Southern California 2 A A C 3 0.4312** 0.2510* South central coast A G T 4 0.2604** 0.0876 0.0313 Central to northern California G G C 5 0.5731** 0.4318** 0.2131** 0.2485** 6 0.5990** 0.4690** 0.2639** 0.2993** 0.0111 a For population designations, see Fig. 4, the haplotype diversity network. *, P Ͻ 0.05; **, P Ͻ 0.001. February 2011 BALLMAN ET AL.: POPULATION GENETICS OF G. atropunctata IN CALIFORNIA 285

ences in terrain, habitat availability, mating behavior, and weather patterns (especially wind). Regardless, the distribution of COI haplotypes suggests that gene ßow between geographically isolated populations of G. atropunctata is limited. Such a lack of gene ßow may provide the conditions necessary for genetic diver- gence and the evolution of reproductive incompati- bility between G. atropunctata populations. This pos- sibility deserves investigation. Caution should be exercised when considering the apparent genetic structuring of G. atropunctata as sug- gested by our data. One important weakness is that inferences about population structure rely on a single mtDNA marker. The genealogy of any single gene may be different from the true history of the species and Fig. 5. Correlation between genetic differences and geo- graphical distance between populations of G. atropunctata in this is compounded for mtDNA because, due to their California. There is a highly signiÞcant relationship between uniparental mode of inheritance, mitochondria are geographic distance between populations and genetic dif- not subject to recombination (Ballard and Whitlock ferences in G. atropunctata (r ϭ 0.782, P ϭ 0.004). 2004, Rubinoff et al. 2006). As such, the distribution of mitochondrial haplotypes may be inßuenced by fac-

Fig. 6. Best-known likelihood tree based on a partitioned nucleotide model for concatenated 28S and COI sequences depicting the relationship between the 16 G. atropunctata haplotypes and two additional species, G. flavovittata and G. cythura (study accession, Bootstrap support (expressed as a percent- age) is given above the three main branches only. 286 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 104, no. 1 tors such as differences in dispersal (or incidental and 2). The nymphs also look remarkably similar in movement) between the sexes. In many species, males both body type and color (Oman 1949). However, the disperse in search of mating opportunities, but females degree of divergence detected between the COI se- are more sedentary. If this were the case mtDNA quences of the two species (Ϸ9%) was much higher might show evidence of strong population isolation than that detected among the California G. atropunc- where in fact none is present (i.e., the mixing of nu- tata haplotypes (Ͻ1%) and much higher than the 3% clear genes is common). However, both sexes of G. level suggested as a species boundary by proponents atropunctata are weak dispersers (Severin 1949), and of DNA barcoding (Hebert et al. 2003). Unfortunately, it seems unlikely that males of this species are more we were only able to obtain a very small number of G. likely to be transported than females. One solution to flavovitta specimens, and those were collected in Mex- the problems associated with using mtDNA would be ico. The possibility remains that the observed levels of to include a variable nuclear marker. If a similar pat- mtDNA divergence are actually intraspeciÞc and sim- tern of population structure was revealed, this would ply an extension of isolation by distance in G. at- add strong support to our inferences from mtDNA ropunctata. A larger sample of G. flavovittata speci- (Rubinoff and Holland 2005, Rugman-Jones et al. mens, and from areas where G. atropunctata and G. 2010). We examined sequences of a section of 28S flavovittata occur in sympatry, coupled with recipro- rDNA, but this proved to be conserved across all our cal crossing experiments will be needed to conÞrm populations. A more variable region such as the in- whether G. atropunctata and G. flavovittata are truly ternal transcribed spacers of rDNA may have been a different species. better choice for these analyses. The existence of genetically distinct populations of A further problem with our study arises from the G. atropunctata could have important management small numbers (just two or three) of individuals sam- consequences for grape producing regions outside of pled from each population. These low numbers re- northern California where control strategies have ßected low relative abundance and subsequent difÞ- been developed for this pest (Severin 1949, Purcell F culty of capture at collection sites. st is an estimate of 1976, Feil et al. 2000). For example, it is possible that the proportion of genetic diversity due to differences regionalized populations of G. atropunctata may differ in the frequency of alleles (or in this case haplotypes) in their transmission efÞciency of X. fastidosa, thus among populations. Therefore, as a result of sampling affecting their status as a grape pest in different areas. error, the smaller a population sample is, the less likely In addition, the reproductive behavior, population it is that the sample haplotype frequencies will truly phenology, host plant preferences, and natural enemy reßect the underlying frequencies of haplotypes in the complexes associated with G. atropunctata could vary, population. We have attempted to minimize this prob- which also may inßuence pest status and affect the lem by grouping populations according to collection efÞcacy of control programs. latitude. In the context of our study, we believe this is In summary, this work had three main objectives: 1) justiÞed because grouping neighboring populations is to determine whether isolated G. atropunctata popu- more likely to obscure, rather than reveal, larger scale lations in California distributed over an Ϸ1,000-km population structure. However, even after consolida- latitudinal cline are the same species; 2) to examine tion, the best sampled latitudinal division (Fig. 3) was genetic variation in G. atropunctata populations as a still populated by sequence data from only 17 indi- measure of population movement across California; viduals. Of the 16 mtDNA haplotypes detected in our and 3) to compare G. atropunctata to two other species G. atropunctata specimens, 12 were apparently unique of Graphocephala to determine the speciÞc status of to a particular division. This undoubtedly contributed these three species. Based on DNA sequences, it seems to some very high intraspeciÞc pairwise estimates of that across California, G. atropunctata is probably a F st (Table 3), and these should be regarded with some single species. However, mtDNA sequences suggest caution. More comprehensive sampling within G. at- that gene ßow between distant populations is limited. ropunctata populations across California may have This may indicate low levels of dispersal, mixing or shown at least some of these “unique” haplotypes to interbreeding between populations which could pro- have been distributed across other divisions. mote speciation. In addition, based on COI sequences, Despite clear morphological differences between G. atropunctata exhibited large differences from the G. atropunctata specimens from different areas in Cal- other Graphocephala species. However, 28S se- ifornia (Fig. 1), the 28S sequences of all G. atropunc- quences of G. atropunctata and G. flavovittata were tata were identical. It was however, surprising to Þnd almost identical and further research is needed to that the 28S sequences of G. flavovittata specimens verify the possibility of a species complex involving were nearly identical to G. atropunctata with one of these two species. three specimens matching exactly, and the other two having only a single nucleotide substitution. The sim- ilarity of their 28S sequences may suggest that these Acknowledgments two species have diverged relatively recently, may We thank those who assisted with Þeld collections, in- potentially interbreed, or, may in fact be synonymous. cluding Christina Wistrom, Betsy Boyd, Justin Nay, Christina The two species have partial overlapping geographic Hoddle, Aaron Ballman, and Alexander Purcell, as well as all ranges in Mexico, and morphologically, adult G. fla- landowners for allowing collecting on their property. 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