Loans Community Action Plan 2014 - 2019

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Loans Community Action Plan 2014 - 2019 Loans Community Action Plan 2014 - 2019 Welcome to Loans Community Action Plan This Community Action Plan lays out the community’s priorities for the development of Loans over the next 5 years. These priorities have been established through a process of local community engagement and consultation carried out during 2013. Loans Community Action Plan 2014—2019 This Community Action Plan is for people who live or work in Loans and who want to plan for its future. The contents provide the results, conclusions and recommendations from the survey which took place in Loans during the summer of 2013. The Action Plan is a statement about the type of place the community wants Loans to be, and what needs to be done. The Action Plan provides: An outline of our community profile A summary of our community‘s views A vision for the future; where the issues that matter most are priorities for action to be taken. The Action Plan will be our guide for what we as a community want to try to make hap- pen over the next five years, laying the foundations for change over the longer term. Equalities This plan contains: During the course of the consultation and en- gagement with this community, the consultants Community Profile Strengths and Weaknesses and other partners have been mindful to consider Who's Who and What's going on all equality issues and carry out all of the activities Community Vision inclusively to ensure that throughout the commu- Themes and Actions nity, all ages, genders and themes have been How to stay informed and in- considered and represented in a positive manner. volved Loans Community & the Ayrshire 21 Project Our Community has worked with the Ayrshire 21 team, to undertake community consul- tations that has gathered the views and interests of local people about their community. The consultation work has used a variety of methods including a householder survey to find out the opinions of local people about a range of topics. Various meetings have also taken place with community groups in Loans to ascertain their wants and needs. This process has fed into the action plan to clearly identify our needs and wants, things that need to be improved or changed, and our aspirations for the future of Loans. The result of this work is an Action Plan with a list of recommendations for the future of the area. This project has been part-financed by the Scottish Government and by the European Community Ayrshire LEADER 2007-2013 Programme, along with volunteer work within the community. Representatives from our Community have guided the consultation process and the de- velopment of this final report and action plan. Without the help and support of members of the community in responding to the consultation process, this report and action plan would not have been possible. Page 2 Householder information: A sample of Loans households returned 34 questionnaires about living in Loans. It was apparent from the responses that Loans is a quiet place to live. Many activities for people to do are carried out in the outlying areas and those who have to use public transport to and from these areas, have difficulty in participating as there is a very irregular, infrequent public transport service. There is evidence through the responses that there is a lack of volunteers to sustain present and possible future projects within the village. “ Quiet commuter village, “Loans need more volunteers especially since the A78 to make things happen, this access, bypass route”. needs to be nurtured”. Householder Survey comments: Village Hall underused and under supported Dog fouling and litter issues, especially in public places Poor transport service More volunteers required to make things happen Village Hall at risk of closing Little to do for all ages and lack of information Poor information on notice boards Page 3 Where we came from: Loans is a village in South Ayrshire near Troon, located in the Dundonald Parish. The name of the village derived from the green loans, which can simply refer to a ‘lane’ and as such is a com- mon place name element. It is particularly appropriate to Loans, which is at a crossroads. Rob- ertloan House, originally a dwelling in the medieval clachan of Loans in the centre of the vil- lage ,and Hillhouse within the village, were seats of the local lairds during feudal times. Fairs used to be held here twice a year in June and October. In 1806 five small steadings comprised the settlement of Loans and a school was established in 1877 in the village. Today pupils go to Muirhead or Troon Primary Schools. Some of the old houses were like smugglers vaults having double walls and many cargoes from the Isle of Man and Ireland ended up hidden in the village. All around Loans, especially in the sandy hills, were “brandy holes” which were used for storing brandy casks. There was once two Toll Bars which were leased out sepa- rately or as one entity and the village tolls increased their income by selling ale and whisky. The village smithy was once situated on the main street as was the post office. An old cheese press stone was used as a mounting block and is still located outside the old post office. The Old Loans Inn once was a coaching inn and now brings visitors from far and wide for good food. Leprosy: In the 14th century Robert the Bruce is thought to have suffered from leprosy, psoriasis or some other skin ailment and is reputed to have drunk from a brook at Prestwick's "Bruce's Well". The apparent healing effects of the waters caused him to establish a lazar house, or hospi- tal for lepers. The king endowed the establish- ment with the income from the lands of Loans, ensuring its survival. The villagers of Loans were required to support eight lepers, each of whom was to have, annual- ly, "eight bolls of meal and eight merks". The meal for the lepers was ground at the nearby Sculloch Mill. Early Map of Loans Page 4 The Village Hall—A Brief History Loans Village Hall opened in 1926 with funds raised by villagers. The Hall was originally run by volunteers from the village as well as Trustees. Since 1969, the local authority has main- tained and managed the hall. However, South Ayrshire Council now wants many of its local communities to take on responsibility for their halls. Currently, Loans Village Hall makes an annual loss. However, a 2010 study indicated that the Hall could be made viable if run by the community, for the community. At this point, eve- ryone in Loans was invited to an Open Day and other events to give their views. The results were presented at a meeting in August 2010 with recommendations including setting up a local company to commission detailed architectural plans to redevelop the hall and establish a community management model. Four new trustees were nominated to Loans Village Hall Trust, which established ownership of the hall on behalf of the village. A limited company with charitable status was then set up as Loans Community Centre Ltd (LCCL) with the aim to modernise and upgrade the Hall. The same four trustees became its initial Directors and in 2012, ownership of the hall was transferred from the Trust to LCCL. Currently, LCCL has 3 directors and around 40 members. Membership is open to everyone in Loans and the surrounding area. Loans village has changed and expanded significantly in the last 30 or so years, particularly since construction of the A78 by-pass. Many new houses have been built and new residents have come from further afield. But there are still a good number who were born and raised here. Page 5 Strengths: ‘Life In Loans’ Committee Weaknesses: Strong Community Council Kyle Rural Forum Lack of volunteers within the community Skills requirements for Committees Limited Amenities Physical State of roads / pavements Parking Issues on Main street “The village Hall could close unless we get more help” Opportunities: Growth of community volunteers Heritage trails Development of Hall Threats: Funding Research Possible closure of village hall Community Transport Economic downturn Community Empowerment Bill Poor public transport service Pelican Crossing Lack of local amenities Moving of Bus stop New Housing Estates Community Transport Turbines Page 6 Some Quick Hits: Clean up Dog Fouling & Litter Provide more activities for all age ranges Implement a drive for more volunteers Provide training for volunteers Improve communication links, leaflets, what’s on Where we want to go to. We want to build on: People Skills Community Spirit Good Transport Links Improving roads and pavements Encouraging general maintenance of properties Good local amenities Communication Page 7 Local Planning: Loans Listed below are the most recent planning applications for Loans. Ref: 13/00758/APP—Proposed wind turbine U105, Application refused. There is a new draft local development plan which South Ayrshire Council has submitted to government for approval. This is expected to be approved and adopted this year, which will mean all of the individual ones that are currently being used will no longer be used. Link— Tourism and Loans Loans has a great deal of history and heritage to add to its attraction both to locals and visitors alike. The Bruce Trail South Ayrshire Loans is one of 17 local communities across South Ayrshire that identified its link with King Robert the Bruce: Lazar House, or Hospital, for lepers. The Smugglers Trail The Smugglers' Trail leads from South Beach, Troon, along the Wrack Road across Royal Troon Golf Club, past Crosbie Kirk and through Fullarton Woods.
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