Winlock Woman Bearcats Prevail is the Keeper of W.F. West Victorious Over Black Hills / Sports 5 the Chickens / Life $1 Early Week Edition Tuesday, Reaching 110,000 Readers in Print and Online — Sept. 22, 2015 Cowlitz Celebration ARTrails Continues Hundreds Attend the 16th Annual Tribal There’s Still One More Weekend to See More Pow Wow at Toledo High School / Main 4 Than 50 Local Artists in Action / Main 3 Commissioners Prosecutor: Vader Couple Broke Fund Announces Plea Deals, Lied in Statements Reelection State to Seek Increased Sentences for Pair Accused of Killing Boy, 3 Bid; Schulte Will Wait DECISIONS: Commissioners Reflect on County Successes By Dameon Pesanti
[email protected] The terms of Lewis Coun- ty Commissioners Edna Fund and Bill Schulte are set to ex- pire at the end of next year, and both say their accom- plishments in office and the county’s recent progress are enough to seek re-election. Fund formally announced her candidacy over the week- end. In a speech to friends and family, she said flood mitiga- tion and jobs will be the top priorities of her next term. please see WAIT, page Main 11 Bargaining Pete Caster /
[email protected] Defense attorneys Todd Pascoe, left, who is representing Danny Wing, and John Crowley, who is representing Brenda Wing, converse away from their clients prior to on Centralia the start of separate arraignment hearings in Lewis County Superior Court in December 2014 at the Lewis County Law and Justice Center in Chehalis. The Wings are scheduled to be sentenced Friday.