IN VASIVE PL ANT ANT PL VASIVE IN CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA California Invasive Council Protecting California’s wildlands from invasive Invasive Plant through research, restoration, and education. INVENTORY

nvasive plants are one of the most ENTORY V IN I serious environmental issues facing California. They disrupt ecosystems by altering physical processes, displacing native plants, and degrading wildlife habitat. The California Invasive Plant Inventory is a vital resource for those working to protect the state’s natural areas. The Inventory summarizes the impacts, potential for spread, and distri- bution of more than 200 non-native plants that invade wildlands in California. The Inventory represents the best available knowledge of the state’s invasive plant experts. It is designed to prioritize plants for control at the state and local levels, to provide key information to those working in habitat restoration, to show areas where research is needed. to aid Pampasgrass (Cortaderia selloana) displaces native plant communities in coastal habitats. those preparing or commenting on envi- (Photo by Bob Case, California Native Plant ronmental planning documents, and to Society). educate public policy makers. Detailed

assessments for each plant, with docu- Council Plant Invasive California mented sources, are available online at Front cover photo credits: Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle) left, and Eichornia crassipes (water hyacinth) bottom right, by Bob Case. Published by the Cynara cardunculus (artichoke thistle) center right, California Invasive Plant Council by Jason and Jesse Giessow, Dendra, Inc. Delairea odorata (Cape-ivy) top right, by Carolyn Martus, California Native Plant Society. PC February 2006 cil Cal-IPC Publication 2006-02, California Invasive Plant Council: Berkeley, CA. CALIFORNIA Invasive Plant INVENTORY

Published by the California Invasive Plant Council

February 2006 INVENTORY REVIEW COMMITTEE Dr. Carla Bossard Professor St. Mary’s College of California Moraga, CA The California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC) formed as a non-profit organiza- tion in 1992 to address the growing ecological and economic impacts caused by Dr. Matt Brooks invasive plants in California’s wildlands. We promote research, restoration, and Research Botanist education in pursuit of this goal. Formerly known as the California Exotic Pest US Geological Survey Plant Council, Cal-IPC is a member-driven organization with land managers, re- Henderson, NV searchers, policy makers, and concerned citizens working together to protect the state’s natural areas from invasive plants. For more information, visit our website Dr. Joseph DiTomaso at Extension Non-Crop Weed Ecologist University of California-Davis PROVIDING INPUT FOR FUTURE REVISIONS Davis, CA If you have additional information to add to a plant assessment, please submit it to [email protected]. The Inventory Review Committee will meet periodically to Dr. John Randall consider additions and modifications to the Inventory. Director, Initiative ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Nature Conservancy We gratefully acknowledge the effort of all those who volunteered their time to Davis, CA write plant assessment forms, provide comments on assessments, or add observa- Cynthia Roye tions to fill gaps in information. Too many people contributed information for us Environmental Scientist to list them individually, but each assessment contains the name of its author and California State Parks those who provided information on that species. In particular, we thank those Sacramento, CA who helped develop the criteria, including John Hall of The Nature Conservancy in Arizona, Ann Howald of Garcia and Associates, and Maria Ryan of University Jake Sigg of Nevada Cooperative Extension. We also wish to thank Kristin Dzurella of UC California Native Plant Society Davis and John Knapp of the Catalina Island Conservancy for their contributions San Francisco, CA of time and data. Alison Stanton Research Botanist RECOMMENDED CITATION BMP Ecosciences Cal-IPC. 2006. California Invasive Plant Inventory. Cal-IPC Publication 2006-02. South Lake Tahoe, CA California Invasive Plant Council: Berkeley, CA. Available:

Peter Warner WITH FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM Environmental Scientist The Center for Invasive Plant Management and the Exotic/Invasive Pests California State Parks and Diseases Research Program of the UC Statewide IPM Program and UC Mendocino, CA Riverside Center for Invasive Species Research, funded by USDA/CREES Special Research Grant Exotic Pests and Diseases (CA). General operating sup- CAL-IPC STAFF port provided by the San Francisco Foundation, the Switzer Foundation, and Dr. Elizabeth Brusati the True North Foundation. Project Manager

Doug Johnson Executive Director

Brianna Richardson

Gina Skurka Designed by Melanie Haage Copyright © 2006 by California Invasive Plant Council Contents

INTRODUCTION ...... 1 The Inventory ...... 1 Definitions ...... 1 Criteria for Listing ...... 2 Figure 1. The Criteria System ...... 2 Inventory Categories ...... 3 Reading the Tables...... 3 Figure 2. Jepson Geographic Regions ...... 4 Uses and Limitations ...... 5

TABLES Table 1. Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California ...... 6 Table 2. Species Native to Part of California, but Invasive in Other Parts of the State. . . . 20 Table 3. Species Evaluated But Not Listed ...... 21 Table 4. Species Nominated but Not Reviewed ...... 23

APPENDICES Appendix 1. Listed Species by Category ...... 24 Appendix 2. Cal-IPC Species Listed by Other Ratings Systems ...... 28 Appendix 3. Examples of Ecological Types ...... 34 Appendix 4. Species by Common Name ...... 36


nvasive plants damage ecosystems around the Iworld. They displace native species, change plant community structure, and reduce the value of habitat for wildlife.1 Invasive plants may disrupt physical ecosystem processes, such as fire regimes, sedimentation and erosion, light availability, and nu- trient cycling. In aquatic ecosystems, invasive plants clog lakes, streams, and waterways, reducing oxygen levels for fish and degrading habitat for waterbirds. The impact is especially severe in California, with its rich diversity of natural resources. The California Invasive Plant Inventory cat- egorizes non-native invasive plants that threaten the state’s wildlands. Categorization is based on an assessment of the ecological impacts of each plant. In the past 15 years, approximately $15 million has been The Inventory represents the best available knowl- spent statewide to control Arundo donax (giant reed) in California. (Photo by David Chang, Santa Barbara County edge of invasive plant experts in the state. However, Agricultural Commissioner’s office) it has no regulatory authority, and should be used with full understanding of the limitations described later in this Introduction. lar region. Conversely, a plant categorized as having California is home to 4,200 native plant species, a High cumulative impact across California may and is recognized internationally as a “biodiversity have very little impact in some regions. hotspot.” Approximately 1,800 non-native plants Members of the Inventory Review Committee, also grow in the wild in the state. A small number Cal-IPC staff, and volunteers drafted assessments of these, approximately 200, are the ones that this for each plant based on the formal criteria system Inventory considers invasive. Improved understand- described below. The committee solicited informa- ing of their impacts will help those working to proj- tion from land managers across the state to comple- ect California’s treasured biodiversity. ment the available literature. Assessments were released for public review before the committee The Inventory finalized them. All plant assessments that form the The Inventory categorizes plants as High, Moderate, basis for this summary document are available at or Limited, reflecting the level of each species’ nega- The final list includes 39 High spe- tive ecological impact in California. Other factors, cies, 65 Moderate species, and 89 Limited species. such as economic impact or difficulty of manage- Additional information, including updated observa- ment, are not included in this assessment. tions, will be added to the Cal-IPC website periodi- It is important to note that every species listed cally, with revisions tracked and dated. in Table 1 is invasive, regardless of its overall rating, and should be of concern to land managers. Although the impact of each plant varies regionally, its rating Definitions represents cumulative impacts statewide. Therefore, The Inventory categorizes “invasive non-native plants a plant whose statewide impacts are categorized as that threaten wildlands” according to the definitions Limited may have more severe impacts in a particu- below. Plants were evaluated only if they invade


Section 1. Ecological Impact 1.1 Impact on abiotic ecosystem processes (e.g. hydrology, fire, nutrient cycling) 1.2 Impact on native plant community composition, structure, and interactions 1.3 Impact on higher trophic levels, including vertebrates and invertebrates 1.4 Impact on genetic integrity of native species (i.e. potential for hybridization)

Section 2. Invasive Potential Dense mats formed by aquatic plants such as water hyacinth 2.1 Ability to establish without (Eichhornia crassipes) reduce habitat for waterfowl and fish. anthropogenic or natural disturbance (Photo by Bob Case, California Native Plant Society) 2.2 Local rate of spread with no management California wildlands with native habitat values. The 2.3 Recent trend in total area infested Inventory does not include plants found solely in ar- within state eas of human-caused disturbance such as roadsides 2.4 Innate reproductive potential (based on and cultivated agricultural fields. multiple characteristics) 2.5 Potential for human-caused dispersal • Wildlands are public and private lands that sup- 2.6 Potential for natural long-distance (>1 port native ecosystems, including some working km) dispersal landscapes such as grazed rangeland and active 2.7 Other regions invaded worldwide that timberland. are similar to California • Non-native plants are species introduced to California after European contact and as a direct Section 3. Distribution or indirect result of human activity. 3.1 Ecological amplitude (ecological types • Invasive non-native plants that threaten invaded in California) wildlands are plants that 1) are not native to, 3.2 Ecological intensity (highest extent of yet can spread into, wildland ecosystems, and infestation in any one ecological type) that also 2) displace native species, hybridize with native species, alter biological communi- Documentation Levels ties, or alter ecosystem processes. Assessed as highest level of documentation for each criterion. Criteria for Listing 4 = Reviewed scientific publications The California Invasive Plant Inventory updates 3 = Other published material (reports or other the 1999 “Exotic Pest Plants of Greatest Ecological non-peer-reviewed documents) Concern in California.”2 Cal-IPC’s Inventory Review 2 = Observational (unpublished information Committee met regularly between 2002 and 2005 confirmed by a professional in the field) to review 238 non-native species with known or sus- 1 = Anecdotal (unconfirmed information) pected impacts in California wildlands. These assess- 0 = No information ments are based on the “Criteria for Categorizing Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands”3 Complete description of criteria system which were developed in collaboration with the and detailed plant assessments available at Southwestern Vegetation Management Association in Arizona ( and the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (www.unce.unr.

2 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY edu) so that ratings could be applied across political • High – These species have severe ecological boundaries and adjusted for regional variation. The impacts on physical processes, plant and animal goals of the criteria system and the Inventory are to: communities, and vegetation structure. Their reproductive biology and other attributes are • Provide a uniform methodology for categorizing non-native invasive plants that threaten wild- conducive to moderate to high rates of dispersal lands; and establishment. Most are widely distributed ecologically. • Provide a clear explanation of the process used to evaluate and categorize plants; • Moderate – These species have substantial and • Provide flexibility so the criteria can be adapted apparent—but generally not severe—ecological to the particular needs of different regions and impacts on physical processes, plant and animal states; communities, and vegetation structure. Their reproductive biology and other attributes are • Encourage contributions of data and documen- conducive to moderate to high rates of dispersal, tation on evaluated species; though establishment is generally dependent • Educate policy makers, land managers, and the upon ecological disturbance. Ecological ampli- public about the biology, ecological impacts, and tude and distribution may range from limited to distribution of invasive non-native plants. widespread. The criteria system generates a plant’s overall rating • Limited – These species are invasive but their based on an evaluation of 13 criteria, which are divid- ecological impacts are minor on a statewide level ed into three sections assessing Ecological Impacts, or there was not enough information to justify Invasive Potential, and Ecological Distribution (Fig. a higher score. Their reproductive biology and 1). Evaluators assign a score of A (severe) to D (no im- other attributes result in low to moderate rates of pact) for each criterion, with U indicating unknown. invasiveness. Ecological amplitude and distribu- The scoring scheme is arranged in a tiered format, tion are generally limited, but these species may with individual criteria contributing to section scores be locally persistent and problematic. that in turn generate an overall rating for the plant. Detailed plant assessment forms list the ratio- Reading the Tables nale and applicable references used to arrive at each The core of the Inventory is Table 1, which lists criterion’s score. The level of documentation for each those plants we have categorized as invasive plants question is also rated, and translated into a numeri- that threaten California wildlands.. The types of in- cal score for averaging (Fig. 1). The documentation formation contained in Table 1 is described below. score presented in the tables is a numeric average of the documentation levels for all 13 criteria.

Inventory Categories Each plant in Table 1 has received an overall rating of High, Moderate or Limited based on evaluation us- ing the criteria system. The meaning of these overall ratings is described below. In addition to the over- all ratings, specific combinations of section scores that indicate significant potential for invading new ecosystems triggers an Alert designation so that land managers may watch for range expansions. Table 3 lists plants categorized as Evaluated But Not Listed because either we lack sufficient information to as- When Bromus tectorum (downy brome or cheatgrass) sign a rating or the available information indicates replaces native perennial grasses, the frequency of that the species does not have significant impacts at wildfires shortens from 60-100 years to 3-5 years. (Photo the present time. by Joe DiTomaso, UC Davis)

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 3 Figure 2. Jepson Geographic Regions


Northwest Modoc Plateau (MP) (NW) Cascade Range (CaR) CA = all of California Sierra Nevada (SN) CA-FP = California Floristic Province (NW, CaR, SN, GV, CW, SW) Eastern Sierra Nevada (SNE) GB = Great Basin Province GB (MP, SNE) D D = Desert Province Central West (DMoj, DSon) (CW) Mojave Desert (DMoj)

Great Valley (GV) Reprinted from The Jepson Manual, J. Hickman, Ed., 1993, with permission from the Jepson Herbarium. © Regents of the University of California. Southwest (SW) D CA-FP Sonoran Desert (DSon)

Table 2 contains four plants that are native to spe- or Limited) is listed next. (Because Table 1 is or- cific regions of California but have become invasive ganized alphabetically, we have included a listing in other regions of the state to which humans have organized by rating level in Appendix 1.) moved them. Table 3 lists those plant species that • Section scores are shown for Ecological Impact, were evaluated but did not meet the threshold for Invasive Potential, and Distribution. These can listing. Finally, Table 4 contains plants that were typically be interpreted as A=high, B=moderate, nominated for review but dismissed without a formal C=limited, D=none, U=unknown. assessment because either they do not invade wild- • Documentation Level presents the average level lands (except for isolated instances) or the Inventory of the references used to evaluate that species, Review Committee lacked adequate information to from 0 (no information) to 4 (all information answer the criteria questions. based on peer-reviewed scientific publications). Table 1 summarizes rating information for all • Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments plant species categorized as invasive by this Inventory. provides additional information of interest. The The columns contain the following information: classification of ecological types is adapted from • A diamond (◆) in the first column designates an a system developed by the California Department Alert status for that species. of Fish and Game.6 (Appendix 3 provides detailed • Scientific nomenclature for most species follows examples of ecological types.) The Jepson Manual.4 • Regions Invaded are based on floristic regions de- • For each species, the first common name is based scribed in The Jepson Manual4 (Fig. 2) and indi- on the Weed Science Society of America,5 followed cate heavily impacted areas. This information is by other names commonly used in California. incomplete for many species, so regions listed in (Appendix 4 provides an index of common names.) this column should be considered the minimum • The overall rating for the plant (High, Moderate, area invaded.

4 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY inventory does not attempt to suggest management needs for specific sites or regions. The criteria sys- tem was designed to be adapted at multiple scales, and local groups are encouraged to use the criteria for rating plants in their particular area.

REFERENCES 1. Bossard, C. C., J. M. Randall, and M. C. Hoshovsky. 2000. Invasive Plants of California’s Wildlands. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA. 2. Cal-EPPC. 1999. The Cal-EPPC List: Exotic Pest Plants of Greatest Ecological Concern in California. California Exotic Pest Plant Council: San Juan Capistrano, CA. Available: www. 3. Warner, P.J., C. C. Bossard, M.L. Brooks, J. M. DiTomaso, J. A. Hall, A. M. Howald, D. W. Johnson, J. M. Randall, C. L. Roye, and A. E. Stanton. 2003. Criteria for Categorizing Invasive Non-native Plants that Threaten Wildlands. California Exotic Pest Plant Council and Southwest Vegetation Management Association. Available: 4. Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California. University of California Press: Berkeley, CA. 5. WSSA. 2005. Composite List of Weeds. Weed Science Cirsium vulgare (bull thistle) is spreading at high elevations, Society of America. Available: such as in Yosemite National Park. (Photo by Bob Case, California Native Plant Society) 6. Holland, R. F. 1986. Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of California. Unpublished report. California Department of Fish and Game: Sacramento, CA.

Uses and Limitations The California Invasive Plant Inventory serves as a scientific and educational report. It is designed to prioritize plants for control, to provide information to those working on habitat restoration, to show areas where research is needed, to aid those who prepare or comment on environmental planning documents, and to educate public policy makers. Plants that lack published information may be good starting points for student research projects. The Inventory cannot address, and is not in- tended to address, the range of geographic variation in California, nor the inherently regional nature of invasive species impacts. While we have noted where each plant is invasive, only the cumulative statewide impacts of the species have been considered in the evaluation. The impact of these plants in specific geographic regions or habitats within California may be greater or lesser than their statewide rating indi- Lepidium latifolium (perennial pepperweed or tall cates. Management actions for a species should be whitetop) concentrates salt in marsh soils, threatening considered on a local and site-specific basis, as the several rare plant species. (Photo by Bob Case)

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 5 TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California CW, SW CW, SW GV, CW, SN, GV, SW SN, GV, CW, NW, CW, SW CW, NW, GB CA-FP, SN, GV CaR, CW, SW CW, SN, GV, NW, SW CW, SN, GV, NW, CA-FP D, SNE GV, SW CW, NW, SN, CW NW, CW NW, NW, CW NW, Regions Invaded - - - -

Coniferous forest, , woodland, riparian. Impacts low in most areas. Scrub, , riparian, pinyon-juniper wood land, forest. Severe impacts in other western states. Spreading in many areas of CA. , oak woodland. Spreading in NW and Central Valley. Impacts are low in most areas. distribution and impacts unknown. Riparian areas, grasslands, oak woodland. Impacts high est in riparian areas. Grassland, meadows, riparian and desert scrub, Sonoran invasive in southwestern states. thorn woodland. Very Limited distribution in CA. Coastal dunes Coastal prairie, coniferous forest. Little information available on impacts and limited ecological range. Coastal prairie. Can produce seed. Important agricul More Coastal prairie. Only propagates vegetatively. competitive than fertile form, but limited distribution. Riparian areas. Commercially grown for musical instru ment reeds, structural material, etc. tural weed in , but limited distribution in CA. tural weed in Coastal canyons, scrub, slopes. Very invasive in Coastal canyons, scrub, slopes. Very Australia, limited information and distribution in CA. pools, coastal prairie, meadows, grasslands. Vernal riparian; grown for domestic forage. Limited Wetlands, aquatic systems, including marshes Freshwater Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.7 3.2 3.6 2.8 2.4 1.9 3.0 3.2 2.9 3.2 2.7 3.6 2.8 2.8 Distribution

B B B B C C B B C B B C B A Invasiveness

C B A B C B B B B B B B B B Impacts C B A B C C B B A A B B B A Limited Moderate High Moderate Limited Limited Moderate Moderate High High Moderate Moderate Moderate High Rating black acacia, blackwood acacia Russian knapweed barb goatgrass croftonweed, eupatorium creeping bentgrass tree-of-heaven camelthorn alligatorweed European beachgrass sweet vernalgrass fertile capeweed sterile capeweed giant reed Pacific bentgrass Pacific Common Name

Acacia melanoxylon Acroptilon repens Aegilops triuncialis Ageratina adenophora Agrostis avenacea Agrostis stolonifera Ailanthus altissima Alhagi maurorum (=A. pseudalhagi) Alternanthera philoxeroides Ammophila arenaria Anthoxanthum odoratum Arctotheca calendula (fertile strains) Arctotheca calendula (sterile strains) Arundo donax

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

6 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) CW, SW CW, SW GV, except CaR and SN CA DMoj MP, CA-FP, DMoj MP, CA-FP, except NW CA CW NW, CW CA-FP D SW, SW SN, CW, NW, CA CA-FP Regions Invaded - - -

Alkaline habitats. Weed of agriculture or disturbed sites. Alkaline habitats. Weed in coast range. Impacts gener Grasslands. Widespread ness appear to be minor. ness appear to be minor. ally minor, but locally can be higher. ally minor, Riparian woodland Australia. Coastal dunes, prairie, grasslands. Invasive in High invasiveness but limited distribution in CA. Coastal grasslands, scrub, upper salt marsh. Limited distribution, but can be very invasive regionally. Coastal scrub, grasslands, oak woodland, forest. Very widespread, but impacts more severe in desert regions. Coastal scrub, chaparral, grasslands, woodland, forest. widespread, but impacts more severe in desert Very regions. Impacts minor in wildlands. Grasslands, including serpentine. Impacts and invasive Redwoods and mixed evergreen forest in Santa Cruz Mtns. Expanding range rapidly in OR, potentially very invasive. Primarily a weed of disturbed sites, but Widespread. can be locally a more significant problem in wildlands. Coastal scrub, grasslands meadows, riparian. Primarily in disturbed areas. Impacts appear to be minor or unknown in wildlands. Desert dunes, desert and coastal scrub wide Dunes, scrub, grassland, woodland, forest. Very spread, but monotypic stands uncommon. Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.6 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.2 2.7 1.9 2.5 2.0 1.8 2.3 2.3 3.3 Distribution

D C B A A B C D A B B B A Invasiveness

B A B B B C C A B B A C B Impacts B B B B B C C B B C A B B Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Limited Limited Moderate Moderate Limited High Limited Moderate Rating

fivehook bassia bridal creeper onionweed Australian saltbush slender wild oat wild oat bellardia perennial false-brome black mustard birdsrape mustard, field mustard Saharan mustard, African mustard big quakinggrass, rattlesnakegrass ripgut brome Common Name

Asparagus asparagoides Asphodelus fistulosus Atriplex semibaccata barbata Avena fatua Avena Bassia hyssopifolia Bellardia trixago sylvaticum Brassica nigra Brassica rapa Brassica tournefortii Briza maxima Bromus diandrus

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 7 TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) CA CA SN, GB, D SW CW, NW, GB CA-FP, SW CW, SW GV, SN, CW NW, CaR, SN NW, SW SN, CW, NW, SW SN, CW, NW, SW CW, NW, SW CW, NW, SN, CW NW, Regions Invaded

. . C. edulis C. draba

Grasslands, sagebrush, serpentine soils, many other widespread, but primarily in converted habitats. Very annual grasslands. Scrub, grassland, desert washes, woodlands. Impacts most significant in desert areas. Interior scrub, woodlands, grasslands. Most widely distributed invasive plant in the US. but impacts appear to be Coastal dunes. Widespread, minor. wetlands. Limited distribution in CA. Central Valley May not be as invasive Riparian areas, marshes of central coast. More severe invasive in northern CA. Grasslands and meadows. Impacts unknown but may be significant in meadows of Cascade Range. Grasslands. More invasive in other western states. Limited distribution in CA. widespread. scrub, grasslands, woodland. Very Forest, Impacts may be variable regionally. Coastal dunes, scrub, prairie. Little information on species, most inferred from Coastal habitats, especially dunes Grasslands. Expanding in coast ranges, may become more severe. Current distribution limited. Valley and foothill grasslands. Limited distribution in Valley impacts higher locally. CA, and foothill grasslands. Limited distribution. Valley Impacts appear to be minor. Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.8 3.0 3.1 3.6 3.2 2.6 2.5 3.0 3.1 2.9 2.8 1.8 3.3 2.8 Distribution

A A A B C B C C B A B A A C Invasiveness

C B B B B B B C B B C B B B Impacts B A A C B B C B B B C B A A Limited High High Limited Moderate Moderate Limited Limited Moderate Moderate Limited Moderate High Moderate Rating

soft brome red brome downy brome, cheatgrass European sea-rocket lens-podded whitetop hoary cress hairy whitetop plumeless thistle musk thistle Italian thistle thistle iceplant iceplant woolly distaff thistle sea-fig, slenderflower Hottentot-fig, Common Name ssp. chilensis chilensis

x chalepensis) ) ssp. C. edulis edulis C.

and hybrids Bromus hordeaceus Bromus madritensis rubens (=B. rubens) Bromus tectorum Cakile maritima (=C. chalepensis Cardaria draba Cardaria draba Cardaria pubescens acanthoides Carduus nutans Carduus pycnocephalus Carduus tenuiflorus chilensis Carpobrotus ( Carpobrotus edulis Carthamus lanatus

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

8 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) CA-FP CA-FP, GB CA-FP, NW, SN, GV, CW, SW CW, SN, GV, NW, CW NW, GB CA-FP, D SW, CW, CA-FP CaR, MP NW, CW, CaR, SN, GV, NW, SW CW, CW Ca-R, CW, NW, SN NW, Ca-R, CW, DMoj CA-FP, Regions Invaded -

Grasslands. Impacts regionally variable. Relatively limited distribution. but limited Grasslands. Spreading rapidly in NW CA, distribution elsewhere. Little known of impacts. Great Basin scrub, coastal prairie. Severe impacts in with other western states. Limited distribution in CA impacts higher in some locations. distributed in other western states. as Grasslands, oak woodland. Sometimes misidentified C. solstitialis. Impacts vary regionally. Grasslands, woodlands, occasionally riparian Scrub, grassland, pinyon-juniper woodland. Highly invasive in Utah and other western states. Limited distribution in CA. invasive in other western states, but Grasslands. Very currently limited distribution in CA. Coastal prairie, dunes, and scrub. Impacts generally low to moderate, but can vary regionally. Grasslands, riparian areas, forests. Severe impacts in other western states. Limited distribution in CA. Coastal dunes, scrub, grassland. Limited distribution. Impacts generally minor but can be higher locally. cally. Riparian, grasslands, wet meadows, forests. More widely More forests. meadows, wet grasslands, Riparian, can be Riparian areas, marshes, meadows. Widespread, very problematic regionally. in disturbed Riparian woodland, grassland. Widespread Abiotic impacts unknown. Impacts can vary lo areas. Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.7 2.7 3.3 3.4 2.6 3.0 2.8 3.1 2.0 2.8 3.3 2.1 2.8 Distribution

B C B B B A B B B B B C B Invasiveness

B B B B B B B B B B B B B Impacts B B B A B A B B B B B C B Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate High Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Limited Moderate Rating purple starthistle knapweed meadow diffuse knapweed spotted knapweed Malta starthistle, tocalote yellow starthistle squarrose knapweed rush skeletonweed crown daisy Canada thistle bull thistle narrowleaf iceplant poison-hemlock Common Name

C. nigra, x pratensis)

squarrosa x

Centaurea calcitrapa Centaurea debeauxii (=C. jacea C. Centaurea diffusa Centaurea maculosa (=C. bibersteinii) Centaurea melitensis Centaurea solstitialis Centaurea virgata (=C. squarrosa) Chondrilla juncea Chrysanthemum coronarium Cirsium arvense Cirsium vulgare Conicosia pugioniformis Conium maculatum var.

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 9 TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) CaR, SN NW, CW NW, SW CW, NW, SW CW, CW NW, CW NW, CW NW, SW CW, NW, SW CW, NW, CW NW, MP NW, SW CW, DSon SW, Regions Invaded -

climates. Many coastal and interior habitats Coastal dunes, coastal scrub, Monterey pine, riparian, grasslands, wetlands, serpentine soils. Still spreading both coastal and inland. largely unknown. Many coastal habitats, mainly a problem from SF Bay Abiotic Area north along coast. Limited distribution. impacts largely unknown. Many coastal habitats, mainly a problem from SF Bay Abiotic Area north along coast. Limited distribution. impacts largely unknown. Salt and freshwater marshes. Impacts largely unknown, but appear to be minor. Riparian habitats, woodland. Limited distribution. Impacts appear to be minor. impacts unknown. Higher invasiveness in some areas. invasive in other western states. where monotypic stands are more common. weed, but can be very invasive in desert washes. known. Limited distribution. Can have impacts in other western states. Coniferous forest. Two reports of horticultural escape Coniferous forest. Two Appears best suited to moist, cool into wildlands. Abiotic impacts Coniferous forest. Limited distribution. Abiotic Coastal scrub and prairie, north coast forests. woodland, grassland. Limited distribution. More Forest, CA southern in severe more Impacts grasslands. Coastal Common landscape Riparian scrub in southern CA. Abiotic impacts un forest, interior dunes. Woodland, Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.0 3.1 3.2 2.6 2.1 2.5 2.2 3.4 2.6 3.2 4.0 3.3 2.5 Distribution

C A B B B B B C B B B B B Invasiveness

C A A A B A C B B C B B B Impacts C A A B B B C C C B B B B Limited High High Moderate Moderate Moderate Limited Limited Limited Limited Moderate Moderate Moderate Rating giant dracaena, New Zealand- cabbage tree jubatagrass pampasgrass orange cotoneaster cotoneaster silverleaf cotoneaster brassbuttons English hawthorn montbretia common crupina, bearded creeper artichoke thistle bermudagrass houndstongue Parney’s Parney’s Common Name


Cordyline australis Cortaderia jubata Cortaderia selloana Cotoneaster franchetii Cotoneaster lacteus Cotoneaster pannosus Cotula coronopifolia Crataegus monogyna Crocosmia Crupina vulgaris Cynara cardunculus Cynodon dactylon crocosmiiflora Cynoglossum officinale

Scientific Name


◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

10 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) NW, SN, GV, CW, SW CW, SN, GV, NW, SN, CW NW, CA-FP CA-FP SW CW, CA SN CW, NW, SW CW, NW, SW GV, SN, CW, NW, SW NW, CW, SW SN, GV, SW CW, SW CW, NW, CW, SW CW, NW, Regions Invaded Limited distribution.

Coastal scrub, oak woodland, horticultural varieties may also be invasive. Coastal scrub, grasslands. Often confused with C. scoparius. Grasslands, broadleaved forest, woodlands. Common forage species. Impacts appear to be minor. Coastal, occasionally other riparian areas. Scrub, grassland, woodland. Impacts appear to be but locally more invasive in NE CA. minor, Grasslands, seep, riparian scrub. Impacts regionally variable, forms dense stands on occasion. Grasslands, seep, bogs. Impacts regionally variable, forms dense stands on occasion. may become more important in future. Lagoon. Little information on impacts. Streams, ponds, sloughs, lakes, Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Sandy soils, especially dunes. Rapidly spreading on central coast. Impacts may become more important in future. Oak woodland, grassland. Widespread, impacts vary Oak woodland, grassland. Widespread, but typically not in monotypic stands. regionally, escaped ornamental. Impacts woodland. Widely Forest, largely unknown or appear to be minor. impacts Grasslands, riparian scrub. Spreading rapidly, escaped populations near Big Sur and San Elijo Two Scrub, grasslands, woodland, forest. Spreading rapidly. Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.5 3.2 2.7 2.9 3.1 1.9 2.4 3.8 3.8 3.0 1.5 3.1 3.4 2.2 Distribution

A A B B B B B B B C B B B B Invasiveness

B B B B A B B B B A B A A B Impacts B A B C A C C B B B C A A B Moderate High Moderate Limited High Limited Limited Moderate Moderate Moderate Limited High High Moderate Rating

hedgehog dogtailgrass Scotch broom orchardgrass Cape-ivy, German-ivy tansy mustard foxglove common teasel stinkwort pride-of-Madeira Brazilian egeria purple veldtgrass erect veldtgrass Portuguese broom Portuguese flixweed, teasel fuller’s Common Name

Cynosurus echinatus Cytisus scoparius Cytisus striatus Dactylis glomerata Delairea odorata (=Senecio mikanioides) Descurainia sophia Digitalis purpurea Dipsacus fullonum Dipsacus sativus Dittrichia graveolens Echium candicans Egeria densa Ehrharta calycina Ehrharta erecta

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 11 TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) NW, CW NW, SW CW, GV, NW, SW SW SW GV, CW, SW CW, GV, DMoj CW, GV, CA SW CW, GV, NW, CaR, MP NW, CW GV, CA-FP GV SW, CW, CA-FP Regions Invaded - - - -

idly in southern CA. Impacts largely unknown. idly in southern CA. Coastal scrub. Limited distribution, but spreading rap Aquatic systems in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Interior riparian. Impacts more severe in other western states. Current distribution limited in CA. Edges of beaches, other coastal habitats. Invasive in other states and countries. Spreading rapidly in south lands. High-density populations are transient. Riparian areas, coastal grasslands, scrub. Impacts can be much higher in coastal areas. invasive in northern states. Meadows, woodlands. Limited distribution. Impacts unknown. Locally in dense stands. Coastal scrub. Limited distribution. Spreading in south Impacts unknown. ern CA. Coastal scrub, grasslands; common forage grass. abiotic impacts unknown. Widespread, unknown. Can be locally very problematic. Grasslands, scrub. ern CA. Impacts not well known. ern CA. Coastal woodland, scrub, forests. Widespread on coast, Coastal woodland, scrub, forests. Widespread but impacts low overall. May vary locally. Impacts minor in wild Many habitats. Widespread. urban areas. Impacts, invasiveness Mainly southern CA and distribution all minor. woodlands, juniper forest. More widespread Forests, Abiotic impacts Riparian woodland. Can spread rapidly. Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.8 3.2 3.3 1.6 3.2 3.1 2.2 2.8 3.5 2.0 1.7 2.9 2.6 3.0 Distribution

C C B D A A C B C B C A B A Invasiveness

B A A B B C C B A C B B A B Impacts B A B B C C C B A C B B B A Moderate High Moderate Moderate Moderate Limited Limited Moderate High Limited Moderate Moderate Moderate High Rating edible fig veldtgrass water hyacinth Russian-olive spiny emex, devil’s-thorn Australian fireweed, Australian burnweed red gum gum leafy spurge oblong spurge carnation spurge tall fescue fennel long-flowered redstem filaree blue Tasmanian Common Name

Ehrharta longiflora Eichhornia crassipes Elaeagnus angustifolia Emex spinosa Erechtites glomerata, E. minima Erodium cicutarium Eucalyptus camaldulensis Eucalyptus globulus Euphorbia esula Euphorbia oblongata Euphorbia terracina arundinacea Festuca Ficus carica Ficus vulgare Foeniculum

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

12 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) CA-FP CA-FP GV CaR, DMoj, GB CA-FP NW, CW, SW CW, NW, CW NW, DMoj, GB CA-FP, CA D SW, SN, GV, NW, CW SW, SW NW, GV, SN, CW, CA-FP CW, GV, NW, SN, SW NW, GV, CW, Regions Invaded H. - -

Species combined invades drier habitats, while . Impacts largely unknown, but may be H. marinum Glyceria

Coastal scrub, oak woodland, grasslands. Horticultural selections may also be invasive. native Scrub, grasslands, pinyon-juniper woodland. Larger Monotypic stands are rare. problem in NV. Coastal forests, riparian areas. due to genetics questions. North coastal scrub. Limited distribution. Impacts unknown, but can form dense stands. Scrub, grasslands, riparian areas. Impacts not well un Coastal grasslands, wetlands. Impacts can be more especially in wetland areas. severe locally, Grasslands. but generally murinum invades wetlands. Widespread, do not form dominant stands. merged aquatic invasive in southern states. Coastal scrub, prairie. Impacts unknown. Limited distribution. Spreading rapidly on central coast. Biological control agents have reduced overall impact. Coastal dunes, scrub, and prairie, woodland, forest. Impacts unknown or appear to be minor. Widespread. derstood, but appear to be greater in southern CA. significant in vernal pools. Numerous habitats but impacts appear minor. Numerous habitats but impacts appear minor. pools, moist grasslands. Often confused with Vernal aquatic systems. The most important sub Freshwater Abiotic impacts low. habitats. Many northern CA Impacts appear to Scrub and woodlands. Widespread. Some local variability. be minor. Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

3.2 1.7 1.9 3.0 2.7 2.0 1.9 2.9 2.8 3.2 1.2 3.7 3.1 2.2 Distribution

B A B B A C A A A C C B B A Invasiveness

A B B A A B B B B B B B B B Impacts A C B B A C B B B A B B C C High Limited Moderate Moderate High Limited Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate Moderate Limited Moderate Rating -

klamathweed cutleaf geranium waxy mannagrass halogeton Algerian ivy licoriceplant shortpod mustard, summer mustard common velvet grass Mediterranean hare barley, barley, wall barley hydrilla Canary Island smooth catsear hairy dandelion Johnswort, Johnswort, French broom French English ivy, St. common rough catsear, Common Name

Genista monspessulana Geranium dissectum Glyceria declinata Halogeton glomeratus Hedera helix, H. canariensis Helichrysum petiolare Hirschfeldia incana Holcus lanatus Hordeum marinum, H. murinum Hydrilla verticillata Hypochaeris glabra Hypochaeris radicata

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 13 TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) SN, GV, CW, SW CW, SN, GV, SW, CW, SN, GV, NW, SW CW, NW, CA-FP MP GV, NW, DMoj CA-FP, DMoj CW, NW CW, SN, MP CaR, NW, D, GB GV, CW, GB CA-FP, SN, SW NW, CW, CA-FP SW CW, NW, CA-FP Regions Invaded -

North coast forests. Expanding range south from Oregon. Great Basin scrub and grasslands, coniferous forest. More severe impacts in other western states, but can be locally very invasive in northern CA. Scrub, chaparral, grasslands. Primarily a weed of dis turbed sites. Coastal and inland marshes, riparian areas, wetlands, grasslands. Has potential to invade montane wetlands. Montane meadows, coastal grasslands, scrub. Expanding range, invasiveness varies locally. Grasslands, forest clearings. Limited distribution. More severe impacts in other western states. Coastal dune, coastal scrub, prairie, riparian. Grasslands, oak woodland, pinyon-juniper woodland; widely used for post-fire erosion control. Widespread. Impacts can vary with region. Riparian, wetland areas, especially southern CA. Riparian, wetland areas, especially southern CA. Abiotic impacts unknown. Limited distribution. aquatic systems. Clarification needed on Freshwater taxonomic identification. aquatic systems. Clarification needed on Freshwater taxonomic identification. Grasslands, wetlands, vernal pools. Widespread. Impacts unknown, but appear to be minor. marshes, riparian areas Wetlands, Rarely in Grasslands scrub, riparian areas. Widespread. dense stands. Impacts relatively minor. Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.7 2.3 3.0 3.2 3.1 2.5 2.8 2.4 2.6 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.8 2.8 Distribution

C C A B A B B B A B C B B B Invasiveness

B B B C A B B B B B B B A C Impacts B C B B A B B C B A A C A C Moderate Limited Moderate Limited High Moderate Moderate Limited Moderate High High Limited High Limited Rating -

weed, tall whitetop tall weed, English holly kochia perennial pepper oxeye daisy sweet alyssum Italian ryegrass creeping Uruguay hyssop loosestrife purple loosestrife white horehound water-primrose water-primrose yellowflag iris woad dyer’s Dalmation toadflax Common Name

ssp. ssp.

Lythrum hyssopifolium Lythrum salicaria Lythrum Ilex aquifolium Iris pseudacorus Isatis tinctoria Kochia scoparia Lepidium latifolium Leucanthemum vulgare Linaria genistifolia dalmatica (=L. dalmatica) Lobularia maritima Ludwigia peploides montevidensis Ludwigia hexapetala (= L. uruguayensis) Marrubium vulgare multiflorum

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

14 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) CW, GV, NW, SW NW, GV, CW, SW NW, CW, SW CaR, CW, NW, CW SN, GV, MP CA-FP, CW, SW CW, CA-FP CW SW CA-FP D SW, SN, GV, NW, SW NW, GV, CW, SW NW, CW, SW CW, NW, NW, CaR, SN, CW, CaR, SN, CW, NW, Regions Invaded - - - -

bution. Locally problematic, especially in southern CA. ern coast. Abiotic impacts unknown. ern coast. turbed areas. Impacts in wildlands minor. Coastal bluffs, dunes, scrubs, grasslands. Limited distri Coastal habitats, riparian areas. Mostly along the south Coniferous forest, riparian. Little information on impacts. stands. concern due to the possibility of spread from planted groves. Grasslands, oak woodland. Highly invasive but impacts unknown. Nearly eradicated. Coastal dunes, scrub, oak woodland. Impacts in coastal areas may prove more severe in time. Coastal prairie, grassland, and dunes. Impacts un Present at low levels in numerous wildland habitats. Impacts unknown. Common turf weed. known, but can be locally significant. Grasslands. Widespread weed of agriculture and dis Grasslands. Widespread to livestock. pools, wetlands. Poisonous Vernal Impacts largely unknown. Spreading rapidly. aquatic systems Freshwater aquatic systems Freshwater Abiotic Coastal scrub, grasslands, riparian woodland. Rarely in dense impacts unknown. Impacts vary locally. but is a Australia. Rarely escapes in CA A problem in meadows, sage brush, riparian areas Wet Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.8 2.7 3.7 2.6 2.2 2.8 2.8 2.5 2.5 2.2 2.9 2.9 2.5 2.3 Distribution

A A C B B C B B B C B B B B Invasiveness

C A B B B B A B B B B B B C Impacts C C B B C A A B C C A B C C Limited Moderate Moderate Moderate Limited High High Moderate Limited Limited High Moderate Limited Limited Rating -

California burclover pennyroyal crystalline iceplant myoporum common forget-me-not parrotfeather Eurasian watermilfoil tree tobacco olive foxtail restharrow Scotch thistle buttercup oxalis, Bermuda butter cup, yellow oxalis yellow glandweed, sticky parentu- cellia kikuyugrass Common Name

Medicago polymorpha Mentha pulegium Mesembryanthemum crystallinum Myoporum laetum Myosotis latifolia Myriophyllum aquaticum Myriophyllum spicatum Nicotiana glauca Olea europaea Ononis alopecuroides Oxalis pes-caprae Pennisetum clandestinum Pennisetum Parentucellia viscosa Parentucellia

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 15 TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) CA-FP SW, CW, GV, NW, NW, CW NW, CW, SW CW, CW CW DMoj SW CW, NW, SN, SW NW, CW, SN, SW NW, CW, SW CW, GV, CA-FP CA CaR, SN, GV, NW, CaR, SN, GV, NW, CA SW CW, NW, CaR, SN, CW, NW, CA-FP Regions Invaded - -

bution. Abiotic impacts unknown. bution. tion in southern CA. Impacts can be higher locally. tion in southern CA. Coastal dunes and scrub, chaparral, grasslands. Some invasive in Hawaii. horticultural cultivars sterile. Very Coastal sites, especially moist soils. Limited distribution. Can be highly invasive locally. Desert washes; agricultural crop plant. Limited distribu Coastal dunes, scrub, riparian, grassland. Expanding range. Impacts largely unknown. impact in wildlands. Abiotic impacts unknown. Riparian areas, wetlands, forest edges. More severe impacts in NW wetlands. Distribution limited CA. Riparian areas. More severe impacts in NW wetlands. Distribution limited in CA. Margins of ponds and streams, seasonally wet places, Impacts appear to edge of coastal dunes. Widespread. be minor. Riparian habitats, chaparral, woodland. Limited distri Coastal scrub and prairie, riparian areas. Horticultural escape. Impacts unknown or minor. Riparian areas, coniferous forest. Impacts appear to be minor to negligible in most areas. in disturbed sites. Coastal prairie, scrub, riparian woodland. Widespread Coastal prairie, scrub, riparian woodland. Widespread Abiotic impacts unknown. locally. Low density and weed primarily. Many habitats. Turf turf plant. Grasslands scrub, riparian areas. Widespread locally. invasive very be Can systems. aquatic Freshwater Present at low levels in numerous habitats. Widespread Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.9 2.6 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.7 2.7 2.5 2.3 3.2 1.8 2.8 2.9 2.5 Distribution

B B D B B B B D D B B B B B B Invasiveness

B B B B B C B B A C B B B C C Impacts B B C C C C C B B C B C C C C Moderate Moderate Limited Limited Limited Limited Limited Moderate Moderate Limited Moderate Limited Limited Limited Limited Rating

crimson fountaingrass hardinggrass Canary Island date palm bristly oxtongue smilograss buckhorn plantain, English plantain Kentucky bluegrass Japanese knotweed Sakhalin knotweed rabbitfoot , rabbitgoot grass curlyleaf pondweed cherry plum, wild plum pyracantha, firethorn creeping buttercup radish Common Name

Pennisetum setaceum Pennisetum Phalaris aquatica Phoenix canariensis Picris echioides Piptatherum miliaceum Plantago lanceolata cuspidatum Polygonum japonica) (=Fallopia sachalinense Polygonum and subspp. Prunus cerasifera Pyracantha angustifolia, coccinea crenulata, P. P. Ranunculus repens Raphanus sativus Polypogon monspeliensis Polypogon pratensis Poa crispus Potamogeton

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

16 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) GV, CW, SW CW, GV, CA-FP DSon CW, SW MP GV SW CA-FP, GB CA-FP, CA-FP CA SNE, DMoj SW, CA GB SW, CW, GV, NW, SW SN, CW, GV, Regions Invaded -

trolled. Limited distribution in CA. Coastal scrub. Can spread rapidly but largely if uncon Riparian areas, canyons. Severe impacts in southern states. Impacts minor in CA. Riparian areas, marshes, oak woodlands Grasslands, vernal pool, meadows, riparian. Impacts appear to be minor. Widespread. Desert and Great Basin scrub. Limited distribution. Impacts in desert appear to be minor. Impacts minor in wildlands. Riparian areas. Impacts severe in southeast US. Limited distribution, but spreading rapidly regionally. Riparian scrub and woodland. Impacts unknown or but appear to be locally variable. minor, Riparian. Limited distribution. Impacts largely unknown in CA. Coastal scrub and prairie, riparian areas. Widespread in Coastal scrub and prairie, riparian areas. Widespread Impacts locally variable. southern CA. Widespread. wetlands. forest, areas, riparian habitats, Many locally. vary can Impacts unknown. impacts Abiotic Desert dunes and scrub, alkali playa. Widespread. bunchgrass. Limited distribution. Sagebrush, juniper, Impacts minor but can be locally higher. aquatic systems Freshwater Abiotic impacts invasive in tropics. Riparian. Very unknown, but appear significant locally. Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

1.8 2.5 2.8 3.0 2.3 2.7 2.9 2.8 2.5 2.9 3.2 2.5 2.5 2.6 Distribution

C B B A A A C B B C C C B C Invasiveness

B B B A B C C B B A B B B B Impacts B C C A B C C C C A B C C C Moderate Limited Limited High Moderate Limited Limited Limited Limited High Moderate Limited Limited Limited Rating

bridal broom castorbean black locust Himalaya blackberry red sorrel, sorrel curly dock barbwire Russian-thistle Russian-thistle Mediterranean sage giant salvinia Chinese tallowtree bouncingbet peppertree Brazilian peppertree Peruvian Peruvian Common Name )

Retama monosperma Ricinus communis Robinia pseudoacacia Rubus armeniacus (= R. discolor) Rumex acetosella Rumex crispus Salsola paulsenii Salsola (=S. kali) Salvia aethiopis Salvinia molesta Sapium sebiferum sebifera (= Triadica Schinus molle Schinus terebinthifolius Saponaria officinalis

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 17 TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) GV, CW, SW, D SW, CW, GV, CA-FP SW GV, CW NW, SW CW, NW, GV CW CW CW DSon NW, GV, CW, SW CW, GV, NW, CA-FP SW SN, GV, CaR, NW, Regions Invaded S. foliosa.

Riparian areas areas. Impacts can be higher locally Grasslands. Primarily in disturbed sites. Impacts minor or unknown in wildlands. Hybridizes with native other countries. Grasslands, scrub, woodland Scrub, thorn woodland. Widespread in deserts. Impacts Scrub, thorn woodland. Widespread can be more important locally. Can be Grasslands, riparian. Impacts generally minor. locally important in NW CA. primarily in disturbed Grasslands, riparian. Widespread, Primarily in disturbed Scrub, grasslands. Widespread. sites. Impacts vary locally. Bay salt marshes and mudflats. San Francisco severe impact in Bay salt marshes. Very San Francisco other countries. Limited distribution in CA. and Humboldt Bay salt marshes San Francisco limited Bay salt marshes. Very San Francisco but high in distribution. Impacts currently minor in CA, forests woodland, oak wetlands, grasslands, scrub, Coastal 1995. Limited Desert scrub. First recorded in CA deserts. distribution, but spreading rapidly in CA Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

2.3 2.8 3.2 3.5 2.9 1.9 3.5 3.4 3.3 2.9 3.2 1.9 3.4 Distribution

A B C A C A C D C D B D A Invasiveness

C B B C C B A B B C B B A Impacts B C A C C B A B A C A B A Limited Limited High Limited Limited Moderate High Moderate High Limited High Moderate High Rating mediterranean- grass tansy ragwort red sesbania, scarlet wisteria blessed milkthistle wild mustard, charlock London rocket smooth cordgrass Atlantic & hybrids, cordgrass common cordgrass cordgrass saltmeadow cordgrass Spanish broom Mediterranean steppegrass, twisted-awned speargrass medusahead dense-flowered Common Name

x ) hybrids

and S. alterniflora Schismus arabicus, S. barbatus Senecio jacobaea Sesbania punicea Silybum marianum Sinapis arvensis Sisymbrium irio Spartina alterniflora ( foliosa Spartina anglica Spartina densiflora Spartina patens Spartium junceum Stipa capensis caput-medusae Taeniatherum Taeniatherum

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

18 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY TABLE 1: Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in California (continued) CW, SW CW, SNE NW SW NW SW CW, NW, GV, SW, D SW, GV, Dmoj CW, GV, NW, D, SW, CW, SN, GV, CaR, NW, especially CW, CA-FP, CA-FP CaR, SN, CW NW, SN, GV CaR, SW, D CA-FP, NW, CaR, SN NW, Regions Invaded - - -

tries and local impacts may be high in CA. Desert washes, riparian areas. Limited distribution. but can be locally higher. Impacts minor, Riparian areas, desert washes, coastal scrub Desert washes, riparian areas, seeps and springs Riparian areas, forest. Limited distribution. Severe problem in other western states. logical impacts. Impacts relatively minor in most areas. Scrub, woodland, forest, coastal grassland Meadows, riparian, sagebrush, pinyon-juniper wood Riparian, oak woodlands, coastal scrub. Distribution currently limited but spreading in riparian areas. Impacts can be higher locally. monotypic stands, but locally problematic. Desert washes. Limited distribution but spreading in Impacts can be higher locally. southern CA. unknown, but may be locally dense. Coastal prairie, wetlands. Impacts high in other coun lands. Widespread. Impacts minor. lands. Widespread. Expanding range. Appears to have only moderate eco Expanding range. planted in CA. Grasslands, oak woodland. Widely in 2000. Algae of estuaries. First recorded in CA Impacts unknown, but do not appear to be significant Rarely forms Coastal sage scrub, chaparral. Widespread. Abiotic impacts Coastal prairie, coniferous forest. Ecological Types Invaded and Other Comments Types Ecological Doc. Level Doc.

3.5 3.1 3.3 2.3 2.3 2.8 2.9 3.3 3.8 2.8 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.1 Distribution

B B A B A B B C B B A C C C Invasiveness

B A A B B B B B B B B B B B Impacts C A A B C C A C C B B B C C Limited High High Moderate Moderate Moderate High Limited Limited Moderate Moderate Moderate Limited Limited Rating smallflower tamarisk saltcedar, athel tamarisk tamarisk common tansy hedgeparsley rose clover gorse wakame common mullein, woolly mullein big periwinkle rattail fescue Mexican fan palm bulbil watsonia calla lily Common Name

Verbascum thapsus Verbascum Tamarix aphylla Tamarix Ulex europaeus robusta Washingtonia Zantesdeschia aethiopica Tanacetum vulgare Tanacetum hirtum Trifolium meriana Watsonia Tamarix parviflora Tamarix ramosissima Tamarix arvensis Torilis Undaria pinnatifida myuros Vinca major Vinca

Scientific Name


◆ ◆ . For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (www.wssa. “Composite List of Weeds” America’s Science Society of each species, the first common name is based on Weed Manual . For Scientific names based on The Jepson A = Severe, B Moderate, C Limited, D None, U Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based net), followed by other names used in California. Scores: on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at www

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 19 TABLE 2: Species Native to Part of California, but Invasive in Other Parts of the State

A few native species have become invasive in regions outside their natural range. This table lists those species that cause negative impacts in their introduced range. No overall rating is provided, since impacts are not statewide, but the section scores for each of the three plants assessed would result in Moderate ratings for the areas in which they are invasive.

Scientific Common Ecological Types Invaded Native Invasive Name Name and Other Comments Range Range Impacts Invasiveness Distribution Level Doc. Cupressus Monterey cypress B B B 2.3 Native to Monterey area. Invades coastal CW NW macrocarpa prairie, desert scrub, riparian areas.

Lupinus arboreus yellow bush lupine B B B 3.5 Native south of Point Reyes. Invasive in SW, CW NW north coast dunes. Bay Area Phragmites common reed Unable to Genetic issues make it unclear which strains Uncertain australis score. are native to CA.

Pinus radiata Monterey pine B B B 2.6 Five populations native to CA. Invades CW NW cultivars coastal scrub, prairie, and chaparral.

Scientific names based on The Jepson Manual. For each species, the first common name is based on the Weed Science Society of America’s “Composite List of Weeds” (, followed by other names used in California. Scores: A = Severe, B = Moderate, C = Limited, D = None, U = Unknown. Documentation level averaged. Regions invaded based on Jepson geographic regions. Plant assessment forms, literature citations, and full rating criteria available at

20 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY TABLE 3: Species Evaluated But Not Listed In general, this designation is for species for which information is currently inadequate to respond with cer- tainty to the minimum number of criteria questions (i.e., too many “U” responses), or for which the sum effects of Ecological Impacts, Invasive Potential, and Ecological Amplitude and Distribution fall below the threshold for ranking (i.e. the overall score falls below Limited). Many such species are widespread but are not known to have substantial ecological impacts (though such evidence may appear in the future). All species receiving a D score for Ecological Impacts, regardless of other section scores, are by default placed into this category.

Scientific Name Common Name Comments Impacts Invasiveness Distribution Level Doc. Acacia paradoxa kangaroothorn D C C 2.5 Does not spread in wildlands. Aeschynomene rudis rough jointvetch D C D 3.2 Serious agricultural weed, but not known to have impacts in wildlands. Aira caryophyllea silver hairgrass D C A 2.6 Widespread in grasslands, but impacts appear negligible. Aira praecox European hairgrass D C C 2.8 Appears to be spreading locally, but impacts unknown. Albizia lophantha plume acacia U B C 1.5 Present in Golden Gate National Recreation Area. Need more information Allium triquetrum three-cornered leak U C C 1.6 Impacts unknown. Anthemis cotula mayweed chamomile, D B B 2.4 Abiotic and wildife impacts unknown dog fennel Bellis perennis English daisy D C C 2.8 Present along trails, not known to spread into undisturbed areas. Berberis darwinii Darwin barberry U B D 2.1 Impacts unknown. Buddleja davidii butterflybush D B D 2.5 Not known to be invasive in CA, although it is a problem in Oregon. Cestrum parqui willow jessamine U B C 2.0 Impacts unknown. Chorispora tenella blue mustard U C C 1.5 Impacts unknown. Cistus ladanifer gum rockrose D C C 3.3 Negligible known impacts in wildlands. Convolvulus field bindweed D B B 3.5 Only known as agricultural weed. arvensis Daucus carota wild carrot, D C B 2.7 Very widespread, but primarily in disturbed sites, particularly Queen Anne’s lace roadsides. Dimorphotheca African daisy D C B 1.8 Impacts to abiotic processes and plant communities unknown. sinuata Erigeron Mexican daisy U B C 1.9 Impacts unknown, but appears to be expanding. May become karvinskianus more problematic in future. Erodium botrys broadleaf filaree D C A 2.8 Present in wildlands but known impacts are negligible. Often transient. Erodium short-fruited filaree D C A 2.6 Present in wildlands but known impacts are negligible. Often brachycarpum transient. Erodium whitestem filaree D C A 2.7 Primarily an agricultural weed, little impact in wildlands. moschatum Euphorbia lathyris caper spurge D C B 2.2 Abiotic impacts unknown. Fumaria officinalis fumitory D C D 2.3 Abiotic impacts unknown. Geranium molle dovefoot geranium D B A 1.7 Present in wildlands, but known impacts are negligible.

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 21 TABLE 3: Species Evaluated But Not Listed (continued)

Scientific Name Common Name Comments Impacts Invasiveness Distribution Level Doc. Geranium retrorsum New Zealand geranium D B B 1.9 Present in wildlands, but known impacts are negligible. Geranium herb-robert, Robert D B C 2.8 Present in wildlands, but known impacts are negligible. robertianum geranium Gleditsia triacanthos honey locust D B C 3.3 Very limited distribution. Lactuca serriola prickly lettuce D C B 3.1 Primarily an agricultural and roadside weed. Leptospermum Australian tea tree D C D 2.2 Very limited distribution. laevigatum Ligustrum lucidum glossy privet D B C 3.1 May prove problematic in riparian areas. Lotus corniculatus birdsfoot trefoil D B B 2.8 Primarily a turf or agricultural weed in CA. Malephora crocea coppery mesembryan- D C C 2.0 A problem on southern CA islands, but statewide impacts are themum limited. Maytenus boaria mayten D C D 2.4 Infestation on Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. Melilotus officinalis yellow sweetclover D C C 3.3 Present in human-disturbed habitats only. Nerium oleander oleander D B D 2.6 Not known to be invasive, although reported from riparian areas in Central Valley and San Bernardino Mtns. Nothoscordum false garlic D B D 2.1 Mainly an urban garden weed. gracile Nymphaea odorata fragrant waterlily D B C 2.3 Present only at one site. Oxalis corniculata creeping woodsorrel D C C 2.2 Primarily a turf weed in CA. Parkinsonia Mexican palo-verde D B D 2.2 Has not escaped into wildlands enough to cause impacts. aculeata Pistachia chinensis Chinese pistache U C D 0.9 Impacts unknown. Pittosporum Victorian box D C D 2.7 Infestations in CA are small. More problematic on north coast. undulatum Plantago coronopus cutleaf plaintain U C B 1.7 Impacts unknown. Common on north coast. Solanum silverleaf nightshade D B B 2.8 Primarily an agricultural weed, but escaping to wildlands in elaeagnifolium other countries. May prove to be more important in future. Sonchus asper spiny sowthistle D B B 3.1 Primarily an agricultural weed. Taraxacum officinale common dandelion D B B 2.8 Primarily a turf weed in CA. Tragopogon dubius yellow salsify D C B 3.2 Generally a minor component of disturbed areas. Tropaeolum majus garden nasturtium D C C 1.4 Impacts on abiotic processes and native plants unknown. Ulmus pumila Siberian elm D B B 2.5 Impacts unknown. Verbena bonariensis, tall vervain, seashore D B C 2.1 Often in disturbed areas of irrigation canals. V. litoralis vervain Vicia villosa hairy vetch D C B 2.8 Primarily an agricultural weed. Widespread but impacts minor in wildlands. Vulpia bromoides squirreltail fescue D C B 2.9 Less common than V. myuros.

22 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY TABLE 4: Species Nominated but Not Reviewed The following species were nominated for review, but not evaluated because either they are not known to escape into wildlands or we lacked sufficient information to complete an assessment.

Scientific Name Common Name Comments Aptenia cordifolia baby sun rose, heartleaf Occasional ornamental escape. iceplant Araujia sericifera bladderflower Need more information. Brassica oleracea cabbage Disturbed areas along north and central coast. Catalpa bignonioides southern catalpa Reported from Sacramento/San Joaquin Valley riparian corridors. Need more information. Chrysanthemum segetum corn daisy Disturbed areas only. Coprosma repens creeping mirrorplant 1999 Cal-EPPC list indicated no evidence of wildland threat. Crepis capillaris smooth hawksbeard Primarily in and roadsides in coastal areas of northwest CA. Erica lusitanica Spanish heath Reported from Humboldt and Del Norte Cos. Need more information. Eriogonum fasciculatum California buckwheat Invades along roadsides and other areas of human disturbance. Not known to threaten wildlands. Gazania linearis gazania Reported to invade in San Francisco Bay Area. Need more information. Grindelia squarrosa curlycup gumweed, Mainly along roadsides. More a problem in Nevada. gumplant Kniphofia uvaria redhot poker Primarily along roadsides. Lathyrus latifolius perennial sweetpea Reported from the north coast. Need more information. Lathyrus tingitanus Tangier pea Along roadsides. Need more information. Limonium ramosissimum ssp. sea-lavender Present in salt marshes. Need more information. provinciale Melilotus indicus Indian sweetclover Reported from disturbed sites. Need more information. Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum slenderleaf iceplant Common in San Diego area along coast. Need more information on impacts. Osteospermum fruticosum shrubby daisybush Occasional ornamental escape in southern CA. Does not appear to be invasive. Passiflora caerulea blue passionflower Not known to invade wildlands. Phalaris arundinacea reed canarygrass Jepson Manual lists it as native in CA. Acts like a native in most areas of the state. A problem in NW states. Phoenix dactylifera date palm Reported from southern CA deserts. Need more information. Phytolacca americana pokeweed Reported invading riparian areas in northern Sacramento Valley. Need more information. Salsola soda glasswort Reported from San Francisco Bay shorelines and creek mouths. Need more information. Ulmus parvifolia Chinese elm Present in disturbed areas or old homesites only. Watsonia borbonica watsonia May be confused with W. meriana, which is invasive in Mendocino Co. Zoysia spp. zoysiagrass Does not appear to have escaped from turf.


◆ = Alert

High Rubus armeniacus (=R. discolor) (Himalaya blackberry, Armenian blackberry) Aegilops triuncialis (barb goatgrass) ◆ Salvinia molesta (giant salvinia) ◆ Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligatorweed) ◆ Sesbania punicea (red sesbania, scarlet wisteria) Ammophila arenaria (European beachgrass) ◆ Spartina alterniflora hybrids (smooth cordgrass, Arundo donax (giant reed) Atlantic cordgrass) Brassica tournefortii (Saharan mustard, African ◆ Spartina densiflora (dense-flowered cordgrass) mustard) Spartium junceum (Spanish broom) Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens (=B. rubens) (red brome) Taeniatherum caput-medusae (medusahead) Bromus tectorum (downy brome, cheatgrass) Tamarix parviflora (smallflower tamarisk) Carpobrotus edulis (Hottentot-fig, iceplant) Tamarix ramosissima (saltcedar, tamarisk) Centaurea maculosa (=C. bibersteinii) (spotted Ulex europaeus (gorse) knapweed) Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle) Moderate Cortaderia jubata (jubatagrass) Ageratina adenophora (croftonweed, eupatorium) Cortaderia selloana (pampasgrass) Ailanthus altissima (tree-of-heaven) Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom) Alhagi maurorum (=A. pseudalhagi) (camelthorn) Delairea odorata (=Senecio mikanioides) (Cape-ivy, Anthoxanthum odoratum (sweet vernalgrass) German-ivy) ◆ Arctotheca calendula (fertile) (fertile capeweed) Egeria densa (Brazilian egeria) Arctotheca calendula (sterile) (sterile capeweed) Ehrharta calycina (purple veldtgrass) ◆ Asparagus asparagoides (bridal creeper, smilax ◆ Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) asparagus) ◆ Euphorbia esula (leafy spurge) ◆ Asphodelus fistulosus (onionweed) Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) Atriplex semibaccata (Australian saltbush) Genista monspessulana (French broom) Avena barbata (slender wild oat) Hedera helix, H. canariensis (English ivy, Algerian ivy) Avena fatua (wild oat) ◆ Hydrilla verticillata (hydrilla) ◆ (perennial false-brome) Lepidium latifolium (perennial pepperweed, tall Brassica nigra (black mustard) whitetop) Bromus diandrus (ripgut brome) ◆ Ludwigia hexapetala (=L. uruguayensis) (Uruguay water-primrose) ◆ Cardaria chalepensis (=C. draba ssp. chalepensis) (lens-podded whitetop) Ludwigia peploides ssp. montevidensis (creeping water-primrose) Cardaria draba (hoary cress) Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife) Carduus nutans (musk thistle) ◆ Myriophyllum aquaticum (parrotfeather) Carduus pycnocephalus (Italian thistle) Myriophyllum spicatum (Eurasian watermilfoil) Carpobrotus chilensis (sea-fig, iceplant) Onopordum acanthium (Scotch thistle) ◆ Carthamus lanatus (woolly distaff thistle)

24 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY APPENDIX 1: Species Listed by Category (continued)

Moderate (continued) Hordeum marinum, H. murinum (Mediterranean barley, hare barley, wall barley) Centaurea calcitrapa (purple starthistle) ◆ Hypericum canariense (Canary Island hypericum) ◆ Centaurea debeauxii (=C. x pratensis) (meadow Hypericum perforatum (common St. Johnswort, knapweed) klamathweed) Centaurea melitensis (Malta starthistle, tocalote) Hypochaeris radicata (rough catsear, hairy dandelion) Centaurea virgata ssp. squarrosa (=C. squarrosa) ◆ Ilex aquifolium (English holly) (squarrose knapweed) Isatis tinctoria (dyer’s woad) Chondrilla juncea (rush skeletonweed) Kochia scoparia (kochia) Chrysanthemum coronarium (crown daisy) Leucanthemum vulgare (oxeye daisy) Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle) Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica (=L. dalmatica) Cirsium vulgare (bull thistle) (Dalmation toadflax) Conium maculatum (poison-hemlock) Lolium multiflorum (Italian ryegrass) Cotoneaster franchetii (orange cotoneaster) Lythrum hyssopifolium (hyssop loosestrife) Cotoneaster lacteus (Parney’s cotoneaster) Mentha pulegium (pennyroyal) Cotoneaster pannosus (silverleaf cotoneaster) ◆ Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (crystalline iceplant) Cynara cardunculus (artichoke thistle) Myoporum laetum (myoporum) Cynodon dactylon (bermudagrass) Nicotiana glauca (tree tobacco) Cynoglossum officinale (houndstongue) Oxalis pes-caprae (buttercup oxalis, yellow oxalis, Cynosurus echinatus (hedgehog dogtailgrass) Bermuda buttercup) Cytisus striatus (Portuguese broom, striated broom) Pennisetum setaceum (crimson fountaingrass) Dipsacus fullonum (wild teasel) Phalaris aquatica (hardinggrass) Dipsacus sativus (fuller’s teasel) ◆ Polygonum cuspidatum (=Fallopia japonica) ◆ Dittrichia graveolens (stinkwort) (Japanese knotweed) Ehrharta erecta (erect veldtgrass) ◆ Polygonum sachalinense (Sakhalin knotweed, giant knotweed) ◆ Ehrharta longiflora (long-flowered veldtgrass) Potamogeton crispus (curlyleaf pondweed) Elaeagnus angustifolia (Russian-olive) ◆ Retama monosperma (bridal broom) ◆ Emex spinosa (spiny emex, devil’s thorn) Rumex acetosella (red sorrel, sheep sorrel) Erechtites glomerata, E. minima (Australian fireweed, ◆ Sapium sebiferum (Chinese tallowtree) Australian burnweed) Sisymbrium irio (London rocket) Eucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian blue gum) ◆ Spartina anglica (common cordgrass) ◆ Euphorbia terracina (carnation spurge) ◆ Stipa capensis (Mediterranean steppegrass, Festuca arundinacea (tall fescue) twisted-awned speargrass) Ficus carica (edible fig) Tanacetum vulgare (common tansy) Geranium dissectum (cutleaf geranium) Torilis arvensis (hedgeparsley) Glyceria declinata (waxy mannagrass) Trifolium hirtum (rose clover) Halogeton glomeratus (halogeton) Vinca major (big periwinkle) Hirschfeldia incana (shortpod mustard, summer Vulpia myuros (rattail fescue) mustard) ◆ Washingtonia robusta (Mexican fan palm, Holcus lanatus (common velvetgrass) Washington palm)

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 25 APPENDIX 1: Species Listed by Category (continued)


Acacia melanoxylon (black acacia, blackwood acacia) Parentucellia viscosa (yellow glandweed, sticky Agrostis avenacea (Pacific bentgrass) parentucellia) Agrostis stolonifera (creeping bentgrass) Pennisetum clandestinum (kikuyugrass) Bassia hyssopifolia (fivehook bassia) Phoenix canariensis (Canary Island date palm) Bellardia trixago (bellardia) Picris echioides (bristly oxtongue) Brassica rapa (birdsrape mustard, field mustard) Piptatherum miliaceum (smilograss) Briza maxima (big quackinggrass, rattlesnakegrass) Plantago lanceolata (buckhorn plantain, English plantain) Bromus hordeaceus (soft brome) Poa pratensis (Kentucky bluegrass) Cakile maritima (European sea-rocket) Polypogon monspeliensis and subspp. (rabbitfoot Cardaria pubescens (hairy whitetop) polypogon, annual beardgrass, rabbitfoot grass) Carduus acanthoides (plumeless thistle) Prunus cerasifera (cherry plum, wild plum) Carduus tenuifolius (slenderflower thistle) Pyracantha angustifolia, P. crenulata, P. coccinea, etc. Conicosia pugioniformis (narrowleaf iceplant) (pyracantha, firethorn) Cordyline australis (giant dracaena, New Zealand- Ranunculus repens (creeping buttercup) cabbage tree) Raphanus sativus (radish) Cotula coronopifolia (brassbuttons) Ricinus communis (castorbean) Crataegus monogyna (English hawthorn) Robinia pseudoacacia (black locust) Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora (montbretia) Rumex crispus (curly dock) Crupina vulgaris (common crupina, bearded creeper) Salsola paulsenii (barbwire Russian-thistle) Dactylis glomerata (orchardgrass) Salsola tragus (Russian-thistle) Descurainia sophia (flixweed, tansy mustard) Salvia aethiopis (Mediterranean sage) Digitalis purpurea (foxglove) Saponaria officinalis (bouncingbet) Echium candicans (pride-of-Madeira) Schinus molle (Peruvian peppertree) Erodium cicutarium (redstem filaree) Schinus terebinthifolius (Brazilian peppertree) Eucalyptus camaldulensis (red gum) Schismus arabicus, S. barbatus (mediterraneangrass) Euphorbia oblongata (oblong spurge) Senecio jacobaea (tansy ragwort) Helichrysum petiolare (licoriceplant) Silybum marianum (blessed milkthistle) Hypochaeris glabra (smooth catsear) Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard, charlock) Iris pseudacorus (yellowflag iris) Spartina patens (saltmeadow cordgrass) Lobularia maritima (sweet alyssum) Tamarix aphylla (athel tamarisk) Marrubium vulgare (white horehound) Undaria pinnatifida (wakame) Medicago polymorpha (California burclover) Verbascum thapsus (common mullein, woolly mullein) Myosotis latifolia (common forget-me-not) Watsonia meriana (bulbil watsonia) Olea europaea (olive) Zantesdeschia aethiopica (calla lily) Ononis alopecuroides (foxtail restharrow)

26 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY APPENDIX 2. Cal-IPC Species Listed by Other Ratings Systems

This table is provided so that those familiar with other commonly-used ratings systems may compare those lists to the 2006 Cal-IPC ratings. See the cited websites for explanations of rating systems. Species not included in this appendix do not appear on any of these lists.

Cal-EPPC 1999 – Cal-EPPC. 1999. The Cal-EPPC List: Exotic Pest Plants of Greatest Ecological Concern in California. California Exotic Pest Plant Council: San Juan Capistrano, CA. Available:

CDFA – CDFA. 2005. EncycloWeedia: Notes on Identification, Biology, and Management of Plants Defined as Noxious Weeds by California Law. California Department of Food and Agriculture: Sacramento, CA. Available:

USDA – Plant Protection and Quarantine. 2002. Federal Noxious Weed List. USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. US Department of Agriculture: Washington, D.C. Available:

AZ – Arizona Invasive Plant Working Group. 2005. Invasive Non-native Plants that Threaten Wildlands in Arizona. Southwest Vegetation Management Association. Available:

NatureServe – NatureServe. 2005. Invasive Species Impact Ranks for the United States: Summary of Results as of January 10, 2005. NatureServe: Arlington, VA. Available:

Scientific Name Cal-EPPC 1999 CDFA USDA Arizona NatureServe Acacia melanoxylon Need More Info Medium/Insignificant Acacia paradoxa B Acroptilon repens B High High/Medium Aegilops triuncialis Annual Grasses B Aeschynomene rudis Need More Info A Ageratina adenophora B ✔ Agrostis avenacea Need More Info Ailanthus altissima A-2 * Medium/Low Aira caryophyllea Medium/Insignificant Albizia lophantha Considered, not listed Alhagi maurorum (=A. pseudalhagi) Red Alert A Medium Medium/Low Alternanthera philoxeroides A Medium Ammophila arenaria A-1 High/Medium Anthemis cotula Medium/Insignificant Anthoxanthum odoratum Considered, not listed Aptenia cordifolia Need More Info Araujia sericifera B Arctotheca calendula (fertile strains) Red Alert A

27 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY APPENDIX 2: Cal-IPC Species Listed by Other Rating Systems (continued)

Scientific Name Cal-EPPC 1999 CDFA USDA Arizona NatureServe Arundo donax A-1 * High High Asparagus asparagoides Low/Insignificant Asphodelus fistulosus Need More Info ✔ Low Atriplex semibaccata A-2 High/Low Avena barbata Annual Grasses Avena fatua Annual Grasses Medium High/Low Bassia hyssopifolia B Low/Insignificant Bellardia trixago B Medium/Insignificant Brachypodium sylvaticum High/Low Brassica nigra B Brassica tournefortii A-2 Medium High/Low Bromus diandrus Annual Grasses Medium-Alert Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens (=B. rubens) A-2 High Bromus tectorum A-1 High High Buddleja davidii High/Low Cardaria chalepensis (=C. draba ssp. chalepensis) B B Medium-Alert Cardaria draba A-2 B Medium-Alert Cardaria pubescens B Medium-Alert Carduus acanthoides Need More Info A Medium/Low Carduus nutans A Medium High/Low Carduus pycnocephalus B C Medium Carduus tenuifolius C Unknown Carpobrotus chilensis Considered, not listed Medium Carpobrotus edulis A-1 High Carthamus lanatus B Centaurea debeauxii (=C. x pratensis) A Centaurea diffusa A Medium Centaurea maculosa (=C. bibersteinii) Red Alert A Medium Centaurea melitensis B C Medium Medium/Low Centaurea solstitialis A-1 C High High/Medium Centaurea virgata ssp. squarrosa (=C. squarrosa) A Chondrilla juncea A Medium-Alert Medium/Insignificant Chorispora tenella B Insignificant Cirsium arvense B B Medium Cirsium vulgare B * Low Cistus ladanifer Need More Info Conicosia pugioniformis A-2


Scientific Name Cal-EPPC 1999 CDFA USDA Arizona NatureServe Conium maculatum B Medium-Alert Medium/Low Convolvulus arvensis Considered, not listed C Medium Medium/Low Coprosma repens Considered, not listed Cordyline australis Need More Info Cortaderia jubata A-1 * Medium Cortaderia selloana A-1 Medium Medium/Low Cotoneaster franchetii Need More Info Cotoneaster lacteus A-2 Cotoneaster pannosus A-2 Medium Crataegus monogyna B Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora Considered, not listed Crupina vulgaris Red Alert A ✔ Medium/Low Cupressus macrocarpa Need More Info Cynara cardunculus A-1 B Medium Cynodon dactylon C Medium Medium/Low Cynoglossum officinale Low Medium/Low Cytisus scoparius A-1 C High/Medium Cytisus striatus A-2 Dactylis glomerata Medium/Insig Daucus carota Low Delairea odorata A-1 * Medium Descurainia sophia Need More Info Medium/Low Digitalis purpurea Considered, not listed Medium/Insignificant Dimorphotheca sinuata Need More Info Dipsacus fullonum Considered, not listed High/Low Dipsacus sativus Considered, not listed Echium candicans Need More Info Egeria densa A-2 C High/Medium Ehrharta calycina A-2 Medium/Low Ehrharta erecta B Medium/Insignificant Ehrharta longiflora Need More Info Eichhornia crassipes A-2 High-Alert High Elaeagnus angustifolia A-2 High High Emex spinosa ✔ Insignificant Erechtites glomerata, E. minima B Medium/Insignificant Erica lusitanica Need More Info Erodium brachycarpum Insignificant

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 29 APPENDIX 2: Cal-IPC Species Listed by Other Rating Systems (continued)

Scientific Name Cal-EPPC 1999 CDFA USDA Arizona NatureServe Erodium cicutarium Medium Medium/Low Eucalyptus globulus A-1 Medium Euphorbia esula A-2 A High-Alert High/Medium Euphorbia lathyris Need More Info Euphorbia oblongata B Festuca arundinacea B Ficus carica A-2 Medium Foeniculum vulgare A-1 Medium/Low Fumaria officinalis Considered, not listed Gazania linearis Need More Info Genista monspessulana A-1 C Medium Glyceria declinata Need More Info Halogeton glomeratus Red Alert A High/Medium Hedera helix B High/Medium Hedera canariensis Need More Info Helichrysum petiolare Red Alert Hirschfeldia incana Need More Info High/Low Holcus lanatus B Hordeum marinum, H. murinum Medium High/Low Hydrilla verticillata Red Alert A ✔ Not listed High/Medium Hypericum canariense Need More Info Low Hypericum perforatum B C High/Medium Hypochaeris radicata Need More Info High/Low Ilex aquifolium B High/Low Iris pseudacorus B Isatis tinctoria Need More Info B High/Low Lactuca serriola Low/Insignificant Lepidium latifolium A-1 B High-Alert High Leucanthemum vulgare B Low Medium/Low Ligustrum lucidum Need More Info Limonium ramosissimum ssp. provincale Need More Info Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica (=L. dalmatica) A Medium-Alert Lolium multiflorum Annual Grasses Lotus corniculatus Medium/Low Ludwigia hexapetala (=L. uruguayensis) Need More Info Lupinus arboreus A-2 Lythrum salicaria Red Alert B

30 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY APPENDIX 2: Cal-IPC Species Listed by Other Rating Systems (continued)

Scientific Name Cal-EPPC 1999 CDFA USDA Arizona NatureServe Malephora crocea Need More Info Marrubium vulgare Medium/Low Maytenus boaria Need More Info Medicago polymorpha Considered, not listed Melilotus officinalis Considered, not listed Medium Medium/Low Mentha pulegium A-2 Mesembryanthemum crystallinum B Low Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum Need More Info Medium-Alert Myoporum laetum A-2 Myriophyllum aquaticum B High-Alert High/Medium Myriophyllum spicatum A-1 High-Alert High Nerium oleander Considered, not listed Low/Insignificant Nicotiana glauca Need More Info High/Low Olea europaea B Ononis alopecuroides Red Alert Q Onopordum acanthium A Low Oxalis pes-caprae Need More Info Parentucellia viscosa Need More Info Passiflora caerulea Need More Info Pennisetum clandestinum Need More Info C ✔ Pennisetum setaceum A-1 High High/Medium Phalaris aquatica B Picris echioides Considered, not listed Pinus radiata cultivars Need More Info Piptatherum miliaceum Need More Info Pistachia chinensis Need More Info Pittosporum undulatum High/Low Plantago lanceolata High/Low Polygonum cuspidatum (=Fallopia japonica) B Polygonum sachalinense High/Medium Polypogon monspeliensis and subspp. High/Low Potamogeton crispus B Medium Prunus cerasifera Need More Info Medium/Insignificant Pyracantha angustifolia, crenulata, coccinea, etc. Need More Info Hi/Low, Low/Insig Ranunculus repens High/Medium Retama monosperma Red Alert Ricinus communis B

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 31 APPENDIX 2: Cal-IPC Species Listed by Other Rating Systems (continued)

Scientific Name Cal-EPPC 1999 CDFA USDA Arizona NatureServe Robinia pseudoacacia B Rubus armeniacus (=R. discolor) A-1 Medium-Alert Medium/Insignificant Salsola paulsenii C Medium Low Salsola soda Need More Info Salsola tragus (=S. kali) Need More Info C Medium Salvia aethiopis Need More Info B Low Salvinia molesta Red Alert ✔ High-Alert Medium Sapium sebiferum Red Alert Saponaria officinalis A-2 Low/Insignificant Schinus molle B Medium/Low Schinus terebinthifolius B Schismus arabicus, S. barbatus Annual Grasses Medium Medium, Hi/Medium Senecio jacobaea B B Low Sesbania punicea Red Alert Silybum marianum Considered, not listed Medium/Low Sisymbrium irio Medium/Insignificant Solanum elaeagnifolium B Sonchus asper Medium Spartina alterniflora hybrids A-2 Spartina anglica Red Alert Spartina densiflora Red Alert High/Medium Spartina patens Red Alert Spartium junceum B * Stipa capensis Need More Info Taeniatherum caput-medusae A-1 C High Tamarix aphylla Need More Info Low Tamarix parviflora A-1 * Tamarix ramosissima A-1 * High High Tanacetum vulgare Need More Info Low Ulex europaeus A-1 B Ulmus pumila Medium Medium/Low Verbascum thapsus B Not listed Medium Verbena bonariensis, V. litoralis Need More Info Vinca major B Medium-Alert Zantesdeschia aethiopica Considered, not listed Medium/Low Zoysia spp. Considered, not listed *Under consideration. Not yet rated.


These ecological types were used to score the Distribution section of plant assessment forms. Adapted from “Preliminary Descriptions of the Terrestrial Natural Communities of California” drafted by R. F. Holland for the California Department of Fish and Game (1986). Communities within minor ecotypes include all those listed in Holland (1986). Additional information from Sawyer, J. O., and T. Keeler-Wolf. 1995. A Manual of California Vegetation. California Native Plant Society: Sacramento, CA.

Major Minor Ecological Types Ecological Types Communities within Minor Ecotypes Marine Systems marine systems kelp and other macroalgae lakes, ponds, reservoirs submergent and emergent vegetation in standing water Freshwater and Estuarine Aquatic rivers, streams, canals submergent and emergent vegetation in moving ephemeral, intermittent or Systems perennial water estuaries submergent vegetation in estuaries (seagrass beds) coastal foredunes, dune scrub Dunes desert desert dunes and sand fields interior interior and relictual dunes, primarily in the Great Valley coastal bluff scrub northern and southern coastal bluff scrub coastal scrub coyote bush, salal, silk-tassel, coastal sage, maritime succulent, Diegan coastal, Diablan, and Riversidian sage scrubs Sonoran desert scrub Sonoran creosote bush, Sonoran mixed woody and succulent scrubs Mojavean desert scrub Mojave creosote bush, blackbush, Mojave mixed woody, Mojave mixed , and Mojave wash scrubs; Joshua tree woodland Scrub and Great Basin scrub big sagebrush and rabbitbrush scrubs; sagebrush steppe Chaparral chenopod scrub desert saltbush, desert sink, desert greasewood, shadscale, valley sink, and valley saltbush scrubs montane dwarf scrub low sagebrush series Upper Sonoran subshrub scrub bladderpod-California ephedra-narrowleaf goldenbush series

chaparral mixed, redshank, semi-desert, and montane (mixed, ceanothus, manzanita) ; chamise coastal prairie coastal terrace and bald hills prairies valley and foothill grassland valley needlegrass, valley sacaton, serpentine bunchgrass, valley wildrye and, pine bluegrass grasslands Grasslands, Great Basin grassland open, steppe-like vegetation of perennial bunchgrasses Vernal Pools, vernal pool hardpan, claypan, basalt flow, and San Diego mesa vernal pools Meadows, and other Herb meadow and seep wet or dry montane meadows; wet or dry subalpine or alpine meadows; Communities alkali meadows and seeps; freshwater seep alkali playa low, grayish, microphyllous, and succulent shrubs primarily in transmontane deserts pebble plain dense clay soils with quartzite pebbles

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 33 APPENDIX 3: Examples of Ecological Types (continued)

Major Minor Ecological Types Ecological Types Communities within Minor Ecotypes bog and fen sphagnum bog, Darlingtonia bog, fen Bog and Marsh marsh and swamp salt, brackish, freshwater, transmontane alkali, and vernal marshes; freshwater swamp riparian forest cottonwood, cottonwood-sycamore, red alder, white alder, aspen, willow, live oak, valley oak, Mojave, and mixed riparian forests; mesquite bosque Riparian and riparian woodland sycamore, sycamore-alder, desert dry wash, and fan palm oasis woodlands Bottomland riparian scrub riparian, mulefat, willow, mesquite, and buttonbush, desert wash, tamarisk and arrowweed scrubs; elderberry ; desert washes

cismontane blue oak, coast live oak, interior live oak, valley oak, island oak, California walnut, and foothill pine woodlands Woodland piñon and juniper juniper woodland and scrub, pinon woodland

Sonoran thorn crucifixion thorn and Arizona woodlands

broadleaved upland mixed evergreen, California bay, coast live oak, black oak, tan oak, red alder, and aspen forests North Coast coniferous redwood , Sitka spruce-grand fir, western hemlock, Douglas-fir, and Port Orford Cedar forests closed cone coniferous beach pine, bishop pine, Monterey pine, Torrey pine, Monterey cypress, pygmy cypress, interior cypress, knobcone pine forests Forest lower montane coniferous Coast Range coniferous, Klamath coniferous, ponderosa pine, Coulter pine, white pine, white fir, and big tree forests upper montane coniferous Jeffrey pine, upper montane mixed coniferous, upper montane fir, and Klamath enriched coniferous forests subalpine coniferous lodgepole pine, whitebark pine, foxtail pine, bristlecone pine, and limber pine forests alpine boulder and fell-field, talus and scree slope, snow margin Alpine Habitats rock field

alpine dwarf scrub shrub dominated communities above the treeline


Includes Species from Tables 1, 2, 3 and 4. camelthorn Alhagi maurorum (=A. pseudalhagi) acacia, blackwood Acacia melanoxylon canarygrass, reed Phalaris arundinacea acacia, plume Albizia lophantha Cape-ivy Delairea odorata alligatorweed Alternanthera philoxeroides (=Senecio mikanioides) alyssum, sweet Lobularia maritima capeweed, fertile Arctotheca calendula (fertile) asparagus, smilax Asparagus asparagoides capeweed, sterile Arctotheca calendula (sterile) barberry, Darwin Berberis darwinii carrot, wild Daucus carota barbwire Russian-thistle Salsola paulsenii castorbean Ricinus communis barley, Mediterranean Hordeum marinum, catalpa, southern Catalpa bignonioides barley, wall Hordeum murinum catsear, rough Hypochaeris radicata beachgrass, European Ammophila arenaria catsear, smooth Hypochaeris glabra beardgrass, annual Polypogon monspeliensis chamomile, mayweed Anthemis cotula and subspp. charlock Sinapis arvensis bellardia Bellardia trixago cheatgrass Bromus tectorum bentgrass, creeping Agrostis stolonifera cherry plum Prunus cerasifera bentgrass, Pacific Agrostis avenacea Chinese tallowtree Sapium sebiferum bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon clover, California bur Medicago polymorpha bindweed, field Convolvulus arvensis clover, rose Trifolium hirtum birdsfoot trefoil Lotus corniculatus cordgrass, Atlantic Spartina alterniflora blackberry, Armenian Rubus armeniacus cordgrass, common Spartina anglica (=R. discolor) cordgrass, dense-flowered Spartina densiflora blackberry, Himalaya Rubus armeniacus cordgrass, saltmeadow Spartina patens (=R. discolor) cordgrass, smooth Spartina alterniflora hybrids bladderflower Araujia sericifera cotoneaster, orange Cotoneaster franchetii bluegrass, Kentucky Poa pratensis cotoneaster, Parney’s Cotoneaster lacteus blue gum, Tasmanian Eucalyptus globulus cotoneaster, silverleaf Cotoneaster pannosus bouncingbet Saponaria officinalis creeper, Australian bluebell Sollya heterophylla brassbuttons Cotula coronopifolia creeper, bearded Crupina vulgaris brome, downy Bromus tectorum creeper, bridal Asparagus asparagoides brome, red Bromus madritensis ssp. cress, hoary Cardaria draba rubens (=B. rubens) croftonweed Ageratina adenophora brome, ripgut Bromus diandrus crupina, common Crupina vulgaris brome, soft Bromus hordeaceus cypress, Monterey Cupressus macrocarpa broom, bridal Retama monosperma daisy, African Dimorphotheca sinuata broom, French Genista monspessulana daisy, corn Chrysanthemum segetum broom, Portuguese Cytisus striatus daisy, crown Chrysanthemum coronarium broom, Scotch Cytisus scoparius daisy, English Bellis perennis broom, Spanish Spartium junceum daisy, Mexican Erigeron karvinskianus broom, striated Cytisus striatus daisy, oxeye Leucanthemum vulgare buckwheat, California Eriogonum fasciculatum daisybush, shrubby Osteospermum fruticosum burclover, California Medicago polymorpha dandelion, common Taraxacum officinale burnweed, Australian Erechtites glomerata, E. minima dandelion, hairy Hypochaeris radicata buttercup, Bermuda Oxalis pes-caprae devil’s thorn Emex spinosa buttercup, creeping Ranunculus repens dock, curly Rumex crispus butterflybush Buddleja davidii dogtailgrass, hedgehog Cynosurus echinatus cabbage Brassica oleracea dracaena, giant Cordyline australis cabbage tree, New Zealand Cordyline australis dyer’s woad Isatis tinctoria calla lily Zantesdeschia aethiopica egeria, Brazilian Egeria densa

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 35 APPENDIX 4: Species by Common Name (continued) elm, Chinese Ulmus parvifolia houndstongue Cynoglossum officinale elm, Siberian Ulmus pumila hydrilla Hydrilla verticillata emex, spiny Emex spinosa hypericum, Canary Island Hypericum canariense eupatorium Ageratina adenophora iceplant Carpobrotus chilensis false-brome, perennial Brachypodium sylvaticum iceplant Carpobrotus edulis fennel Foeniculum vulgare iceplant, crystalline Mesembryanthemum fennel, dog Anthemis cotula crystallinum fescue, rattail Vulpia myuros iceplant, heartleaf Aptenia cordifolia fescue, squirreltail Vulpia bromoides iceplant, narrowleaf Conicosia pugioniformis fescue, tall Festuca arundinacea iceplant, slenderleaf Mesembryanthemum nodiflorum fig, edible Ficus carica iris, yellowflag Iris pseudacorus filaree, broadleaf Erodium botrys ivy, Algerian Hedera canariensis filaree, redstem Erodium cicutarium ivy, English Hedera helix filaree, shortfruited Erodium brachycarpum jessamine, willow Cestrum parqui filaree, whitestem Erodium moschatum jointvetch, rough Aeschynomene rudis firethorn Pyracantha spp. jubatagrass Cortaderia jubata fireweed, Australian Erechtites glomerata, E. minima kangaroothorn Acacia paradoxa fivehook bassia Bassia hyssopifolia kikuyugrass Pennisetum clandestinum flixweed Descurainia sophia klamathweed Hypericum perforatum forget-me-not, common Myosotis latifolia knapweed, diffuse Centaurea diffusa fountaingrass, crimson Pennisetum setaceum knapweed, meadow Centaurea debeauxii foxglove Digitalis purpurea (=C. x pratensis) foxtail restharrow Ononis alopecuroides knapweed, Russian Acroptilon repens fumitory Fumaria officinalis knapweed, spotted Centaurea maculosa garlic, false Nothoscordum gracile (=C. bibersteinii) gazania Gazania linearis knapweed, squarrose Centaurea virgata ssp. squarrosa geranium, cutleaf Geranium dissectum (=C. squarrosa) geranium, dovefoot Geranium molle knotweed, Japanese Polygonum cuspidatum geranium, New Zealand Geranium retrorsum (=Fallopia japonica) geranium, Robert Geranium robertianum knotweed, Sakhalin Polygonum sachalinense German-ivy Delairea odorata kochia Kochia scoparia glandweed, yellow Parentucellia viscosa leek, three-cornered Allium triquetrum glasswort Salsola soda lettuce, prickly Lactuca serriola goatgrass, barb Aegilops triuncialis licoriceplant Helichrysum petiolare gorse Ulex europaeus locust, black Robinia pseudoacacia grass, rabbitfoot Polypogon monspeliensis locust, honey Gleditsia triacanthos gumweed, curlycup Grindelia squarrosa London rocket Sisymbrium irio hairgrass, European Aira praecox loosestrife, hyssop Lythrum hyssopifolium hairgrass, silver Aira caryophyllea loosestrife, purple Lythrum salicaria halogeton Halogeton glomeratus lupine, yellow bush Lupinus arboreus hardinggrass Phalaris aquatica mannagrass, waxy Glyceria declinata hawksbeard, smooth Crepis capillaris mayten Maytenus boaria hawthorn, English Crataegus monogyna Mediterraneangrass Schismus arabicus, S. barbatus heath, Spanish Erica lusitanica Mediterranean sage Salvia aethiopis hedgeparsley Torilis arvensis medusahead Taeniatherum caput- medusae herb-robert Geranium robertianum mesembryanthemum, holly, English Ilex aquifolium coppery Malephora crocea horehound, white Marrubium vulgare milkthistle, blessed Silybum marianum Hottentot-fig Carpobrotus edulis mirrorplant, creeping Coprosma repens

36 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY APPENDIX 4: Species by Common Name (continued) montbretia Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora polypogon, rabbitfoot Polypogon monspeliensis mullein, common Verbascum thapsus and subspp. mullein, woolly Verbascum thapsus pondweed, curlyleaf Potamogeton crispus mustard, birdsrape Brassica rapa pride-of-Madeira Echium candicans mustard, black Brassica nigra privet, glossy Ligustrum lucidum mustard, blue Chorispora tenella pyracantha Pyracantha spp. mustard, field Brassica rapa quackinggrass, big Briza maxima mustard, Saharan Brassica tournefortii Queen Anne’s lace Daucus carota mustard, shortpod Hirschfeldia incana radish Raphanus sativus mustard, summer Hirschfeldia incana ragwort, tansy Senecio jacobaea mustard, tansy Descurainia sophia rattlesnakegrass Briza maxima mustard, wild Sinapis arvensis red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis myoporum Myoporum laetum redhot poker Kniphofia uvaria nasturtium, garden Tropaeolum majus reed, common Phragmites australis nightshade, silverleaf Solanum elaeagnifolium reed, giant Arundo donax oat, slender wild Avena barbata rockrose, gum Cistus ladanifer oat, wild Avena fatua rose, baby sun Aptenia cordifolia oleander Nerium oleander Russian-thistle Salsola tragus olive, Russian- Elaeagnus angustifolia ryegrass, Italian Lolium multiflorum olive Olea europaea salsify, yellow Tragopogon dubius onionweed Asphodelus fistulosus saltbush, Australian Atriplex semibaccata orchardgrass Dactylis glomerata saltcedar Tamarix ramosissima oxalis, buttercup Oxalis pes-caprae salvinia, giant Salvinia molesta oxalis, yellow Oxalis pes-caprae sea-fig Carpobrotus chilensis oxtongue, bristly Picris echioides sea-lavender Limonium ramoissimum palm, Canary Island date Phoenix canariensis ssp. provincale palm, date Phoenix dactylifera sea-rocket, European Cakile maritima palm, Mexican fan Washingtonia robusta sesbania, red Sesbania punicea palm, Washington Washingtonia robusta skeletonweed, rush Chondrilla juncea paloverde, Mexican Parkinsonia aculeata smilograss Piptatherum miliaceum pampasgrass Cortaderia selloana sorrel, red Rumex acetosella parentucellia, sticky Parentucellia viscosa sorrel, sheep Rumex acetosella parrotfeather Myriophyllum aquaticum sowthistle, spiny Sonchus asper passionflower, blue Passiflora caerulea speargrass, twisted-awned Stipa capensis pea, perennial sweet Lathyrus latifolius spiny emex Emex spinosa pea, Tangier Lathyrus tingitanus spurge, caper Euphorbia lathyris pennyroyal Mentha pulegium spurge, carnation Euphorbia terracina peppertree, Brazilian Schinus terebinthifolius spurge, leafy Euphorbia esula peppertree, Peruvian Schinus molle spurge, oblong Euphorbia oblongata pepperweed, perennial Lepidium latifolium St. Johnswort, common Hypericum perforatum periwinkle, big Vinca major starthistle, Malta Centaurea melitensis pine, Monterey Pinus radiata cultivars starthistle, purple Centaurea calcitrapa pistache, Chinese Pistachia chinensis starthistle, yellow Centaurea solstitialis plantain, buckhorn Plantago lanceolata steppegrass, Mediterranean Stipa capensis plantain, cutleaf Plantago coronopus stinkwort Dittrichia graveolens plantain, English Plantago lanceolata sweetclover, Indian Melilotus indicus plum, wild Prunus cerasifera sweetclover, yellow Melilotus officinalis poison-hemlock Conium maculatum sweetpea, perennial Lathyrus latifolius pokeweed Phytolacca americana tallowtree, Chinese Sapium sebiferum

CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY | 37 APPENDIX 4: Species by Common Name (continued) tamarisk Tamarix ramosissima velvetgrass, common Holcus lanatus tamarisk, athel Tamarix aphylla vernalgrass, sweet Anthoxanthum odoratum tamarisk, smallflower Tamarix parviflora vervain, seashore Verbena litoralis tansy, common Tanacetum vulgare vervain, tall Verbena bonariensis tea tree, Australian Leptospermum laevigatum vetch, hairy Vicia villosa teasel, fuller’s Dipsacus sativus Victorian box Pittosporum undulatum teasel, wild Dipsacus fullonum wakame Undaria pinnatifida thistle, artichoke Cynara cardunculus water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes thistle, bull Cirsium vulgare waterlily, fragrant Nymphaea odorata thistle, Canada Cirsium arvense watermilfoil, Eurasian Myriophyllum spicatum thistle, Italian Carduus pycnocephalus water-primrose, creeping Ludwigia peploides ssp. thistle, musk Carduus nutans montevidensis thistle, plumeless Carduus acanthoides water-primrose, Uruguay Ludwigia hexapetala thistle, Scotch Onopordum acanthium (=L. uruguayensis) thistle, slenderflower Carduus tenuifolius watsonia Watsonia borbonica thistle, woolly distaff Carthamus lanatus watsonia, bulbil Watsonia meriana toadflax, Dalmatian Linaria genistifolia ssp. whitetop, hairy Cardaria pubescens dalmatica (=L. dalmatica) whitetop, lens-podded Cardaria chalepensis tobacco, tree Nicotiana glauca (=C. draba ssp. chalepensis) tocalote Centaurea melitensis whitetop, tall Lepidium latifolium tree-of-heaven Ailanthus altissima wisteria, scarlet Sesbania punicea veldtgrass, erect Ehrharta erecta woodsorrel, creeping Oxalis corniculata veldtgrass, long-flowered Ehrharta longiflora zoysiagrass Zoysia spp. veldtgrass, purple Ehrharta calycina

The Nation Park Service’s Exotic Plant Management Team removes satellite infestations of Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle) to prevent the plant’s spread. (Photo by Bobbi Simpson, Point Reyes National Seashore)

38 | CALIFORNIA INVASIVE PLANT INVENTORY California Invasive Plant Council 2006 Board of Directors

Dan Gluesenkamp, President David Chang Audubon Canyon Ranch Santa Barbara Agricultural Commissioner’s office Mark Newhouser, Vice President Chris Christofferson Sonoma Ecology Center U.S. Forest Service, Plumas National Forest Jennifer Erskine Ogden, Treasurer Joanna Clines University of California-Davis U.S. Forest Service, Sierra National Forest Wendy West, Secretary Jennifer Drewitz University of California Cooperative Extension, Yolo County Resource Conservation District El Dorado County Jason Giessow Steve Schoenig, Past President Santa Margarita/San Luis Rey Weed Management Area California Department of Food & Agriculture John Knapp Christy Brigham Catalina Island Conservancy National Park Service, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area Marla Knight U.S. Forest Service, Klamath National Forest Bob Case California Native Plant Society Brianna Richardson Montgomery Law Group, LLP

(Affiliations for identification purposes only)

Circular clones of Spartina alterniflora x foliosa (smooth cordgrass hybrid) spread in San Francisco Bay. (Photo by Stephen Joseph, Invasive Spartina Project)