BUSHI Testing Procedures and Requirements

The following pages contain the testing requirements for all BUSHI students for ranks up to and including Nidan (2nd degree black belt). These descriptions are minimum requirements, and as such we expect our students to exceed what is written when they test for rank. BUSHI has always been more strict than other dojos with our requirements and as such our students progress through the ranks slower than students at other schools. This can be frustrating at times, however when a BUSHI student compares his/her abilities with those of other students from other schools they understand why we ask so much. A BUSHI student is better educated than other students, and as such more ready to face the challenges that lie ahead in life. Our standards may be high, but they are designed to make our students the best that they can be. It is important to note that while we try to give objective requirements, some things in the cannot be measured. is an art, and as such much of it is subjective. Elements like fluidity and intensity cannot be put into terms that we can list among the requirements. These elements will be explained to students in the training environment so that they can better understand and utilize them. We have often been forced to tell students that while their movements are correct, they are not quite ready to test for their next rank. This subjectivity can be a source of frustration for students, but we do it with the intention of helping them reach their full potential.

The ultimate aim of the art of karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the characters of its participants ‐Master (Founder of Karate)

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

Testing Procedures When a date for belt examination/testing is announced a sign‐up sheet will be made available weeks prior to the testing date. Signing up for testing is merely an expression of desire to test, not a confirmation. Prior to the testing date the sign‐up sheet will close, and no further entries will be accepted. Prior to the testing, the testing list will be displayed with all approved students listed. In order to advance in rank a BUSHI student must display his/her skills in front of a board of judges consisting of BUSHI instructors and yudansha (black belts). Advanced belts who are not yet black belts are occasionally allowed to sit with the judges for the purpose of educating themselves on testing requirements. The senior instructors will ask the testing students to display their skills in a manner similar to that of a regular class environment. The test will include a section for: (basic technique), , Self Defense, and (6kyu and up)

When testing for a new rank there are three possible outcomes: 1. Pass ‐ The student meets all requirements to the satisfaction of the judges and receives his/her new rank immediately 2. 30‐day probation – The student does not satisfactorily meet all of the requirements to advance in rank, however a new test is not deemed necessary. The student then has 30 days to prove to the senior instructors that he/she deserves the new rank, at which time he/she will be promoted. If at the end of 30 days the student has not met the necessary requirements, he/she may test again at the next belt examination at no additional cost. 3. Fail ‐ The student fails to meet the necessary requirements for advancement, and it is determined by the senior instructors that a new test is warranted. The student may then re‐test at the next belt examination at no additional cost.

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

8 kyu (yellow belt) Requirements Physical Requirements

Kihon: A yellow belt is expected to demonstrate proficiency in the basic techniques used in our every day classes. Emphasis will be placed on execution of the movements with proper form and attention to the fundamentals. The techniques to be tested include:  Stances: , Side Stance, Back Stance  Blocks: Rising Block, Down Block, Inside Middle Block, Outside Middle Block, Knife Hand Block.  Strikes/Punches: Front , Reverse Punch, Backfist : Front , Round Kick, Side Thrust Kick, Side Snap Kick

Kata: A yellow belt is expected to perform Heian Shodan with proper technique, timing, and intensity.

One‐Step: A yellow belt is expected to perform 10 moves of one step with proper form, distance, and application of technique.

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

7 kyu (green stripe) Requirements

Kihon: A green stripe is expected to have continued improvement in the basic techniques tested previously. In addition, he/she is expected to have gained proficiency in block‐and‐counter combinations, and kick‐ and‐punch combinations. New techniques to be tested include: back kick, hammer fist strike, and spear hand strike.

Kata: A green stripe is expected to perform with proper technique, timing, and intensity:  Heian Shodan  Heian Nidan

One‐Step: A green stripe is expected to perform 20 moves of one step with proper form, distance, and application of technique. More advanced movements such as angles, kicks, and combinations are expected during demonstration of one‐step by a person testing for this rank.

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

6 kyu (green belt) Requirements

Kihon: A green belt is expected to have continued improvement in the basic techniques tested previously. In addition, power and intensity are imperative in the application of technique. It is not enough for a green belt to perform a move correctly; techniques must be done in such a way that they would be effective in real life application. Kata: A green belt is expected to perform with proper technique, timing, and intensity:  Heian Shodan  Heian Nidan  Heian Sandan Self‐Defense: A green belt is expected to perform 30 moves of one step with proper form, distance, and application of technique. More advanced movements such as joint locks and take‐downs are expected during demonstration of one‐step by a person testing for this rank. In addition, a basic understanding of club‐attack and grabs defense is expected of an aspiring green belt. Spirit: A green belt is expected to have the spirit of a BUSHI Warrior. A BUSHI green belt is someone who we can point to as an example of what new students should aspire to be in and outside the dojo. This is the first major milestone on the journey toward the BUSHI Black Belt. Kumite: A green belt will be asked to demonstrate some proficiency in kumite. While a mastery of kumite concepts and techniques is not expected of green belt, an understanding of distance and timing is required.

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

5 kyu (1st brown stripe) Requirements

Kihon: A 5kyu is expected to have continued improvement in the techniques and concepts tested previously. Kata: A green belt is expected to perform with proper technique, timing, and intensity:  Heian Shodan  Heian Sandan  Heian Nidan  Heian Yondan Self‐Defense: A 5kyu is expected to perform one step with proper form, distance, and application of technique. More advanced movements such as joint locks and take‐downs are expected during demonstration of one‐step by a person testing for this rank. In addition, a basic understanding of club‐attack and grabs defense is expected of an aspiring 5kyu. Spirit: The progression of the spirit displayed at 6kyu is required for someone testing for 5kyu. In addition, we expect students at this level to begin teaching students of lower rank during available class times. Kumite: Continued development of kumite techniques and concepts is expected of someone testing for 5kyu.

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

4 kyu (2nd brown stripe) Requirements

Kihon: A 4kyu is expected to have continued improvement in the techniques and concepts tested previously. Kata: A 4kyu is expected to perform with proper technique, timing, and intensity:  Heian Shodan  Heian Yondan  Heian Nidan  Heian Godan  Heain Sandan Self‐Defense: A 4kyu is expected to perform one step with proper form, distance, and application of technique. More advanced movements such as joint locks and take‐downs are expected during demonstration of one‐step by a person testing for this rank. In addition, a basic understanding of club‐attack and grabs defense is expected of an aspiring 4kyu. Spirit: The continued progression of the spirit displayed at earlier tests is required of someone testing for 4kyu Kumite: Continued development of kumite techniques and concepts is expected of someone testing for 4kyu.

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

3 kyu (brown belt) Requirements Kihon: A brown belt is expected to have continued improvement in the techniques and concepts tested previously. In addition, advanced concepts such as spinning, jump‐kicking, and multi‐directional movement will be tested. Kata: A brown belt is expected to perform with proper technique, timing, and intensity:  Heian Shodan  Heian Yondan  Heian Nidan  Heian Godan  Heain Sandan  Tekki Shodan Self‐Defense: A brown belt is expected to perform one step with proper form, distance, and application of technique. More advanced movements such as joint locks and take‐downs are expected during demonstration of one‐step by a person testing for this rank. In addition, a fluid, confident demonstration of club & knife‐attack and grabs defense is expected of an aspiring brown belt. Spirit: The continued progression of the spirit displayed at earlier tests is required of someone testing for brown belt. A BUSHI brown belt is someone who we can point to as an example of what intermediate students should aspire to be in and outside the dojo. This is the first real step in becoming an upper rank / senpai on the journey toward the BUSHI Black Belt. Kumite: Continued development of kumite techniques and concepts is expected of someone testing for brown belt. Teaching: A brown belt is someone who can be trusted to teach other students in a more formal setting. A brown belt may be asked to teach lower belts a new kata, or to help with/teach the beginner class. It is through this teaching that one develops a much deeper level of understanding and it is a part of the process of upper belts giving back.

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

2 kyu (1st black stripe) Requirements

Kihon: A 2kyu is expected to have continued improvement in all of the techniques and concepts tested previously. Kata: A 2kyu is expected to perform with proper technique, timing, and intensity:  Heian Shodan  Heian Godan  Heian Nidan  Tekki Shodan  Heain Sandan  Optional Black Belt Kata: 1*  Heian Yondan Self‐Defense: A 2kyu is expected to perform one step with proper form, distance, and application of technique. More advanced movements such as joint locks and take‐downs are expected during demonstration of one‐step by a person testing for this rank. In addition, a fluid, confident demonstration of club & knife‐attack and grabs defense is expected of an aspiring 2kyu. Spirit: The continued progression of the spirit displayed at earlier tests is required of someone testing for 2kyu. Kumite: Continued development of kumite techniques and concepts is expected of someone testing for 2kyu. Teaching: Continued teaching and enthusiasm is required of an aspiring 2kyu. In addition, improved teaching technique and demeanor is expected of students testing for this rank. * Should be chosen from the below list of optional : (derived from the original 15 Shotokan Katas)  Bassai Dai, Jion, , Kanku Dai

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

1 kyu (2nd black stripe) Requirements

Kihon: A 1kyu is expected to have continued improvement in all of the techniques and concepts tested previously. Kata: : A 1kyu is expected to perform with proper technique, timing, and intensity:  Heian Shodan  Heian Godan  Heian Nidan  Tekki Shodan  Heain Sandan  Optional Black Belt Kata: 1*  Heian Yondan  Optional Black Belt Kata: 2* Self‐Defense: A 1kyu is expected to perform one step with proper form, distance, and application of technique. More advanced movements such as joint locks and take‐downs are expected during demonstration of one‐step by a person testing for this rank. In addition, a fluid, confident demonstration of club & knife‐attack and grabs defense is expected of an aspiring 1kyu. Spirit: The continued progression of the spirit displayed at earlier tests is required of someone testing for 1kyu. Kumite: Continued development of kumite techniques and concepts is expected of someone testing for 1kyu. Teaching: Continued teaching and enthusiasm is required of an aspiring 1kyu. In addition, improved teaching technique and demeanor is expected of students testing for this rank. * Should be chosen from the below list of optional Katas: (derived from the original 15 Shotokan Katas)  Bassai Dai, Jion, Enpi, Kanku Dai

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

Shodan (1st degree black belt) Requirements

Kihon: A Shodan is expected to have a complete understanding of all basic techniques and concepts. In addition, all advanced concepts trained in the regular class environment must be performed with both intensity and fluidity.

Kata: A Shodan must have a working knowledge of the “Core 10” kata trained at BUSHI. In addition he/she is expected to perform with proper technique, timing, and intensity:  Heian Shodan‐Godan  Optional Black Belt Kata: 2*  Tekki Shodan  Optional Black Belt Kata: 3*  Optional Black Belt Kata: 1* Self‐Defense: A BUSHI Shodan must be able to utilize both karate and jujitsu techniques in the application of self‐defense. One‐step, club / knife attack, grabs, and multiple attackers will all be tested. It is expected that a BUSHI Shodan will be able to handle any manner of self‐defense asked of him/her.

Spirit: A Shodan must embody the warrior spirit fostered at BUSHI. He/she must be the type of person that other students look to for inspiration and leadership in and outside the dojo. The BUSHI Black Belt once achieving Shodan, realizes that this is truly the first step in many more years of learning.

Kumite: A BUSHI Shodan is expected to display a high level of proficiency in kumite. Advanced techniques and concepts should be utilized; proper speed, timing, distance, and control are expected of new black belts.

Teaching: A BUSHI Shodan is expected to be able to teach an entire class by him/herself. A BUSHI Shodan is someone who can take a new student and teach him/her to be a true martial artist. A BUSHI Shodan is someone who could be a head instructor in most other dojos.

* Should be chosen from the below list of optional Katas (derived from the original 15 Shotokan Katas):  Bassai Dai, Jion, Enpi, , Jitte, Gankaku, and must include Kanku Dai  “Core 10” = Heian Shodan – Godan, Tekki Shodan, Bassai Dai, Jion, Enpi & Kanku Dai

The BUSHI Group, Inc.

Nidan (2nd degree black belt) Requirements

Kihon: A Nidan is expected to have continued his/her progression with kihon from Shodan. Speed, power, intensity, and fluidity are of utmost importance.

Kata: A Nidan must have a working knowledge of the original 15 kata of Shotokan Karate. In addition he/she is expected to perform with proper technique, timing, and intensity:  Heian Shodan‐Godan  Optional Black Belt Kata: 2*  Tekki Shodan  Optional Black Belt Kata: 3*  Optional Black Belt Kata: 1*  Optional Black Belt Kata: 4 Self‐Defense: A BUSHI Nidan must be able to utilize both karate and jujitsu techniques in the application of self‐defense. One‐step, club attack, grabs, and multiple attackers will all be tested. It is expected that a BUSHI Nidan will be able to handle any manner of self‐defense asked of him/her.

Spirit: A Nidan must display a spirit that is unique even among the BUSHI black belts. In the 40+ year history of BUSHI only 10 people have earned the rank of Nidan.

Kumite: A BUSHI Nidan is expected to display the highest level of proficiency in kumite. Advanced techniques and concepts should be utilized; proper speed, timing, distance, and control are expected of Nidans.

Teaching: A Nidan is someone who can be trusted with teaching any student of any rank. A Nidan should be able to develop a student from beginner to black belt. * Should be chosen from the original 15 Shotokan Katas, with the Optional Black Belt Kata: 4 able to be chosen from any of the 26 Shotokan katas.

 “Original 15 Shotokan Katas” = Heian Shodan – Godan, Tekki Shodan ‐ Sandan, Bassai Dai, Jion, Enpi, Kanku Dai, Hangetsu, Jitte & Gankaku.

The BUSHI Group, Inc.