N°N°N° Nat/ts 1st round 2nd round 3rd round 1/8 1/4 1/2

111 GAU (1) Obelix 222 ROM Brutus Obelix 333 ROM Caius Preposterus Caius Preposterus 444 BEL Cauliflowa Obelix 555 GAU Tragicomix Watzit 666 IND Watzit Geriatrix's wife 777 GAU (17)Geriatrix's wife Geriatrix's wife 888 ROM Tremensdelirus Obelix 999 GAU (19)Winesanspirix Winesanspirix 101010 BEL Brawnix of Menapii Winesanspirix 111111 ROM Titus Crapulus Titus Crapulus 121212 VIK Herendethelessen Pirate Lookout 131313 ROM Nefarius Purpus Nefarius Purpus 141414 ROM Varius Flavus Pirate Lookout 151515 PIR (13)Pirate Lookout Pirate Lookout 161616 ROM Noxius Vapus

171717 GAU (9)Getafix Obelix Obelix Getafix Obelix Obelix 181818 IND Hoodunnit Getafix 191919 ROM Caïus Pusillanimus Dubbelosix 202020 GAU Dubbelosix Getafix 212121 GOT Choleric Choleric 222222 GAU Navishtrix Bacteria 232323 GAU (29)Bacteria Bacteria 242424 ROM Felix Platypus Getafix 252525 BRE (21)Anticlimax Anticlimax 262626 ROM Gaius Veriambitius Anticlimax 272727 GAU Bravura Bravura 282828 GAU Codfix Anticlimax 292929 ROM Showbusinus Showbusinus 303030 ROM Devius Surreptitus Cleopatra 313131 EGY (6)Cleopatra Cleopatra 323232 COR Salamix

©2015 Les Editions Albert-René THE TOURNAMENT OF THE INDOMITABLE 2015

N°N°N° Nat/ts 1st round 2nd round 3rd round 1/8 1/4 1/2

333333 GAU (8)Panacea Panacea 343434 GRE Spartakis Panacea 353535 GOT Rhetoric Cleverdix 363636 GAU Cleverdix Panacea 373737 ROM Dubius Status Dubius Status 383838 ROM Cesarion (Ptolemy XVI) Pegleg 393939 PIR (31)Pegleg Pegleg 404040 BRE O'veroptimistix Panacea 414141 IND (28)Orinjade Orinjade 424242 COR Chipolata Orinjade 434343 ROM Choleramorbus Caligula Minus 444444 ROM Caligula Minus Petitsuix 454545 GAU Semi-Automatix Semi-Automatix 464646 GAU Prolix Petitsuix 474747 HEL (15)Petitsuix Petitsuix 484848 ROM Insalubrius

494949 GAU (11)Cacofonix Panacea Panacea Cacofonix Panacea Panacea 505050 GAU Majestix Cacofonix 515151 ROM Magnumopus Ignoramus 525252 ROM Ignoramus Cacofonix 535353 GAU Whosemoralsarelastix Whosemoralsarel astix 545454 ROM Crismus Cactus Whosemoralsar elastix 555555 ROM (22)Julius Caesar Pugnatius 565656 ROM Pugnatius Cacofonix 575757 PIC (25)MacAroon MacAroon 585858 ROM Osseus Humerus MacAroon 595959 GAU Angina Vexatius Sinusitus 606060 ROM Vexatius Sinusitus Valueaddedtax 616161 ROM Fastandfurious Fastandfurious 626262 ROM Tortuous Convolvulus Valueaddedtax 636363 VIK (3)Huntingseassen Valueaddedtax 646464 BEL Valueaddedtax

©2015 Les Editions Albert-René THE TOURNAMENT OF THE INDOMITABLE 2015

N°N°N° Nat/ts 1st round 2nd round 3rd round 1/8 1/4 1/2

656565 r22 COR (4) Boneywasawarrior… Boneywasawarri or… 666666 GAU Cassius Ceramix Boneywasawar rior… 676767 GAU Vitriolix Vitriolix 686868 BRE Mc Anix Metallurgix 696969 GRE Philibuster Jellibabix 707070 GAU Jellibabix Metallurgix 717171 GAU (24)Metallurgix Metallurgix 727272 BEL Bonanza

737373 GRE (32)Diabetes Watziznehm Metallurgix Metallurgix 747474 IND Watziznehm Metallurgix Metallurgix Watziznehm 757575 ROM Latraviata Latraviata 767676 GRE Saintpancras Justforkix 777777 GAU Justforkix Justforkix 787878 EGY Krukhut Justforkix 797979 BEL (12)Beefix Beefix 808080 GAU Julius Drinklikafix

818181 GAU (16)Fulliautomatix Fulliautomatix 828282 GRE Phallintodeseus Vitalstatistix Vitalstatistix Fulliautomatix Vitalstatistix Vitalstatistix 838383 GAU Vanilla Psychoanalytix 848484 GAU Psychoanalytix Fulliautomatix 858585 GAU Instantmix Instantmix 868686 VIK Odiuscømpärissen Impedimenta 878787 GAU (27)Impedimenta Impedimenta 888888 TAD Toon

898989 GAU (20)Unhygienix Unhygienix Vitalstatistix Vitalstatistix 909090 HEB Samson Alius Vitalstatistix Vitalstatistix Unhygienix 919191 EGY Artifis Histrionix 929292 GAU Histrionix Vitalstatistix 939393 GAU Tapioca Gluteus Maximus 949494 ROM Gluteus Maximus Vitalstatistix 959595 GAU (7)Vitalstatistix Vitalstatistix 969696 GAU Fulliautomatix's wife

©2015 Les Editions Albert-René THE TOURNAMENT OF THE INDOMITABLE 2015

N°N°N° Nat/ts 1st round 2nd round 3rd round 1/8 1/4 1/2

979797 GAU (5)Dogmatix Dogmatix 989898 HEB Saul Ben Epishul Dogmatix 999999 ROM Squareonthehypothenus Sarsaparilla 100 GAU Sarsaparilla Dogmatix 101 GAU Homeopathix Bicarbonatofsoda 102 GAU Bicarbonatofsoda Bicarbonatofsoda 103 PIC (30)Camomilla Camomilla 104 IND Owzat Dogmatix 105 IBE (23)Pepe Influenza 106 GAU Influenza Influenza 107 RHO Neuroses Neuroses 108 ROM Crismus Bonus Geriatrix 109 GAU Orthopaedix Mykingdomforanos 110 BRE Mykingdomforanos Geriatrix 111 GAU (10)Geriatrix Geriatrix 112 GAU Postaldistrix

113 IBE (14)Huevos y Bacon Huevos y Bacon Dogmatix 114 GAU Obeliscoidix Olaf Timandahaf 115 GAU Unhealthix Olaf Timandahaf 116 NOR Olaf Timandahaf Olaf Timandahaf 117 GAU Melodrama Melodrama 118 ATL Absolutlifabulos Melodrama 119 PIR (26)Redbeard Redbeard 120 HEB Joshua Ben Zedrin 121 HEL (18)Zurix Zurix 122 EGY Mintjulep Zurix 123 PHE Ekonomikrisis Flaturtha 124 NUM Flaturtha Asterix 125 EGY Edifis Astronomix 126 GAU Astronomix Asterix 127 GAU (2)Asterix Asterix 128 GAU Chanticleerix

©2015 Les Editions Albert-René